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File: 18 KB, 247x163, put him in the ground.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15625114 No.15625114 [Reply] [Original]

Check the pastebins for more information.
Read first, questions later!

>New Player Guide/FAQ:


>> No.15625134

Previous Elona Thread: >>15579324

>> No.15625159

Just wanted to thank anon that explained how to get curse scrolls to work through exorcism prayers.

Finally managed to curse my scroll of flying and make Diablo usable

>> No.15625188

How do you use the one tile sprites in the pastebin?

>> No.15625197

nevermind, found it.

>> No.15625291

No biggie.

Did someone report these?


>> No.15625410

No idea. Maybe there's a certain format the OP needs to be in? Like the mfw part might not have been needed. OP might need only contain relevant links and short intro.

>> No.15625503

Go back to /v/ with your retard greentext mfw epic xD reaction

>> No.15625522

Man, it's crazy how strong you can get once you find Twin Edge. 134 MA. Empty hands can get me 5 extra attacks. With Sabre + Claw the highest I've seen is 3 extra attacks. Empty hands have more extra attacks on average than Sabre + Claw. It's normal to be getting 2-3 extra attacks while empty handed but its only 1-2 for Sabre + Claw. It's a shame that at 134 MA and 143 tactics the fully enchanted Sabre+Claw still does twice as much damage per hit.

Twin Edge proc rate blows drake rod out of the water. With both items combined I'm getting 75~ extra attacks total for every 100 normal attacks with empty hands. While getting 55~ extra attacks for every 100 with Sabre + Claw.

TL;DR Get Twin Edge.

>> No.15625810

Does equipping only claws reduce the chance of multiattacking compared to leaving hand slots empty?

>> No.15625875

One of my pets is a Juere Warrior with 4 hands. He has 4 swords that invoke time stop and it's great fun watching him zip around shadow stepping everywhere and stopping time.

My question is: Are there negative effects to the 4-handedness that would make jsut plain dual wielding be better? I understand there are hit chance penalties to each added weapon (-20%, -40%, etc), but are there any other negative effects? Is there anything stopping me from giving him 8 hands (besides mutation limits), or would that just 8 chances to invoke and 8 separate chances t hit without damage penalties?

>> No.15626003

I fucked up my first post. I actually didn't see it till now. I meant Tonfa + Claw earlier.

I just tried a few more rounds of testing with Claw + Claw. From what I've seen the total extra attacks is about the same average as Tonfa + Claw.

>> No.15626217

I have 1,008 in MA with my character Kai that only has two hands. Have Mighty Arms and Cestus of Meteors providing additional chance for extra melee attack. With two tonfas max hits I've managed to get seems to cap out at 4. With hand slots empty I can get up to 8.

Kai also has 160 in longswords mainly due to traveling skill leveling it as I certainly haven't actively trained the skill or put points into it. With one lightsaber equipped in one hand slot and the other hand slot empty I've gotten up to 4 hits with it. With 2 lightsabers equipped, one in each hand, I've gotten up to 7 hits but wouldn't be surprised if the cap is 8.

No damage penalties but as you've mentioned just hit chance penalties. Although if you work on your eye of mind skill and can score criticals you don't have to worry too much about misses.

Having 8 hands might be harder to get good resists for at the beginning of the game. Most resists are on armor related slots instead of hands. However, later on you can get living weapons and put resists on them and use artifact fusion later for resists. Not sure if your pet can cast attribution shield but that would its resists.

My only question is how does extra chance of melee attacks work on more than two handed creatures? If one hand can get 4 attacks through those enchants, will 8 hands equal 32 attacks assuming you can get the necessary gear?

From a powergaming perspective that's awesome but before anyone asks why not everyone is doing it I would imagine it's hard to get the necessary gear for the above and not everyone is comfortable with the visual of hands sprouting out everywhere from the body. At least from what I gather from what I've seen in prior threads.

>> No.15626684

Is there a way to get Eye of Mind for my pet? I'll wish it for my PCC

>> No.15626738

Should be able to. Not sure what monster carries the skill that you'll have to use for gene engineering though. Try the Derphy slave trader first and if you can't find one to give you that skill then head into dungeons and dominate monsters for the skill.

>> No.15627019

The Smash Tonfa a godsend too.

>> No.15628046
File: 24 KB, 392x502, ee87b8db6d[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make a PCC using the skeleton base avalible to mimic Momonga from Overlord, how am I doing?

Only at the first sprite right now so far.

>> No.15628068

Looks good so far.

>> No.15628100

I think it's very nice!

>> No.15628878

My necromancy minions for some reason don't have health bars (which the wiki says should be on by default), but they do have skill gauges. Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be? Regular pets do show health bars normally.

>> No.15630110
File: 506 KB, 1440x800, interface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your interface.bmp needs to have the green bar on the right side (example shows in the Little Sister UI mod in the pastebin).

>> No.15630170

Thanks, that fixed it. Looks like the little sister UI I was using was a relic of the past.

>> No.15630488

I might be able to figure this out with time and trial and error, but does anyone know what the dimensions for the sprites in shit like bodies are?

I'm having issues where parts from the sprites are getting cut off/appearing above other sprites and I can solve it with trial and error but it'd go faster if I just knew what the dimensions were.

>> No.15630519
File: 259 KB, 812x576, sprites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

48 x 48 for NPCs in character.bmp.
32 x 48 for PCs in pcc_body_xxx.bmp.

Use an image editing software such as GIMP that allows the use of a grid so you can align your sprites correctly.

>> No.15630529

I use paint.net so I can get the grid, I just never knew the real bounderies and would just force it till it worked.

>> No.15630577
File: 37 KB, 640x980, ainz elona body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the issues are sorted, I've finished the Momonga body sheet. The pic here is just enlarged for viewing, the link to the real one is here: https://a.pomf.cat/qkrqdd.bmp

Lemme know what you think and if there are any issues.

>> No.15630623
File: 125 KB, 508x426, 5a65c55a50[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, as soon as it's uploaded I noticed an issue with the sheet.

Fixed it: https://a.pomf.cat/betkws.bmp

>> No.15630635

Which image editing program exactly are you people using that "no grid" is a common problem? Cause it sure can't be MSpaint.

>> No.15630654

It's not the issue of not having a grid specifically, it was the issue of not knowing where the boundaries were on the sprites to keep them from cutting into eachother.

I hope that clears it up.

>> No.15631581

Awesome. You going to upload it to the uploader?

>> No.15631682

Hadn't even thought of that but I guess I could.

>> No.15631748

Does anyone have a the old RPG music pack?
The dl link in the pastebin is expired/broken.

>> No.15631817
File: 303 KB, 807x625, food memes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15631826

Why are you eating them raw instead of cooking them?

>> No.15631838

>people have working herb farms with hundreds of herbs
>i have 5 plants which keep vanishing when I gather from them

No wonder my pets are so fragile.

>> No.15631897

I can barely feed myself with fancy food let alone pets. Herbing rare herbs is a far away dream.

>> No.15631972

>working herb farms
Do they use their storage/houses for this? The farm deed has so few actual farming tiles, and I don't really want to just buy and build 5 farms. I almost want to switch it with the Harvest Time map.

>> No.15632020
File: 441 KB, 802x602, KaiFarms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the guy you're asking but I guess I fall under the people with working herb farms. No, I don't use storage houses for my farms. Only have one storage place to store gear that might be useful for pets in the future and as a place to store stuff when my shop is full. My dungeon serves the same purpose but will be for when that storage unit becomes full.

Have 13 farms but will expand soon now that I have 10 Kumiromi Statues and 10 of his gemstones. Don't think there is a way to edit a farm or a piece of land like you're describing. Think someone tested awhile back that even if you do edit the farm to have more soil tiles for plants they don't count when you plant the seeds. Due to this you're kinda stuck having to make more farms if you're interested in attaining herbs through farming.

>> No.15632122

Belated happy 10th anniversary!

>> No.15632368
File: 59 KB, 299x275, 1454135779837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in god's name do you accrue enough herb seeds to have 13 farms?

>> No.15632395

Can someone help me?
Every time I get done with making a character, as soon as confirm the name, the game closes and brings up an error.
Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.15632421

Have any mods like the monster girl spritesheet?

>> No.15632452

None, just regular

>> No.15632465

Weird. Most recent version? It's 1.60fix. If so, re download it.

>> No.15632478

Thanks, I'll try

>> No.15632482

Well a couple of them aren't herb farms but yeah a lot of them are . Multiple copies of statues of Kumiromi to produce herb seeds and multiple copies of the gemstones to revive withered herb plants allowed me to make multiple herb farms. Even with a few statues you should be able to get a nice stack of seeds. The cooldown for the statues are 5 days and the gemstones 3 days. I placed my house up north by the truce grounds to take advantage of the snow. If it's snowing I can hop into my shelter and rest in there making the days go by really fast thus refreshing my statues and gemstones. So every three days I can revive 10 withered plants and every 5 days I can have up to 10 herb seeds waiting for me. Alternatively I can just hop on my snail and walk around on my farm tiles to speed up time with the added benefit that eventually it will snow. Do the above for some time and you'll have enough seeds for multiple farms.

Now that I have the scissors of Kumiromi it's even easier since all I have to worry about is wither since I can't fail my replants.

Might be a mod or spritesheet conflict. Did you change any of the files?

>> No.15632520

I haven't downloaded any mods. As far as changing files goes, I put the game in fullscreen

>> No.15632532

Guess I should add that you can get multiple copies of Kumiromi statues and his gemstones through the little sister quest which is repeatable. Can get multiple copies of precious stuff this way.

>> No.15632542

So you're just using Elona+ 1.60fix or do you have Custom along with it?

>> No.15632550

Just 1.60fix. I'll try downloading it again in a bit.

>> No.15632566

I see. I think I have 3 Statues so i'll have to try that shelter trick.

>> No.15632681

Just make sure you don't drag your statues into the shelter with you and access them when you're speeding up time. I had my game crash a couple of times doing that so there might be a bug with that but I'm not sure. Instead, leave your statues above ground in your home and not in your shelter. Trick works just fine for me doing that and I've been doing it for a long time with my previous character and now this one. Been able to populate 10 of the 13 farms with herb seeds doing that trick but I also use the trick to refresh Kai's vendors inventories he has at his home

>> No.15632722

Works fine now.

>> No.15633144

Is there any good method of killing Meshera Alpha's last 10% of HP without spending 1k AP on Charge?

>> No.15633157

Time Stop and a bit of luck.

>> No.15633227

I had neither. Oh well, no biggie.

>> No.15634739

Huh, the E+ Custom keeps crashing (Error 1) whenever I try to create a character (Vanilla E+ works).
Is this a windows 10 thing, or just a general bug?

>> No.15634777

Do you have any extra addition like map packs or sprite sheets? If not, try to redownload latest Elona+ without Custom and see if you get the same error.

>> No.15634803

Try setting compatibility mode with win7.

>> No.15634913

Huh, that did the trick, I guess it's a windows 10 thing.

>> No.15635132

How does one invest in large increments? The wiki says you can pay more at once for a greater boost in rank, but I'm not seeing the option.

Also, is there a list of what npcs are most likely to give the armor and weapon making skills to your pets with gene engineering? I already have cooking for my little girl to fix breakfast.

>> No.15635538

Ugh... Why does something keep stealing my money/sucking my blood every 20 turns?
I maxed out the luck trait, so shouldn't that stop it?

>> No.15635544

Check your equipment. Cursed stuff will do that to you.

>> No.15635554

Oh, yeah, I have ~3 cursed parts.
Thanks for the info.

>> No.15635562

You can only invest by 1 or 50. To invest in 50, you need to have enough money on hand for 50 investments at once.

>> No.15636994
File: 15 KB, 131x106, 0d9cbc6f3f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's slow going, staring a new game, but it's progressing well.

>> No.15637313

So, as a beginner, I assume decapitation doesn't play off in the late game right?

>> No.15637323

It absolutely does. There are many enemies that will use powerful healing spells at low health or are just very durable / evasive in general so that they regenerate constantly.
Including the final boss of Act I. Decapitation is the most reliable way to finish it.
Capturing a gold bell and giving it a sniper rifle is the easiest way to win Act 1.

>> No.15637332
File: 50 KB, 1110x47, decapitation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kills anybody as long as they have less than 10% of health
It's nice finisher at least.

>> No.15637469
File: 568 KB, 802x602, Whatthe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was having a chat with the magic vendor after buying something from her store. She eventually started talking about economics and this came up. Here I thought I was helping out people by clearing out dangerous monsters from dungeons but apparently for every dungeon I clear I'm slowly destroying the economies of nations and making everyone go poor. I just wanted to help people...

>> No.15637497

>Capturing a gold bell and giving it a sniper rifle is the easiest way to win Act 1.
>tfw people say it's cheating so you don't want to do it

>> No.15637520

><Zeome> casts Chaos Ball
>gold bell is consumed in chaotic vortex
It's not cheating in any way, but:
1. You'll need to train it and get slots\full rubynus gear to not make it die;
2. You may want to take it easy and train yourself before facing <Zeome>.

>> No.15637987 [DELETED] 

Out of the blue my return spell can now take me to any major city and most landmarks. What was this triggered by?

>> No.15637996

You're probably in wizard mode. Alias will show up as debug if that's the case.

>> No.15638006

Yep, that was it. Went in wizard mode to try something, tabbed and forgot I did and just kinda kept playing. Thank god I didn't exit and save anywhere.

>> No.15638064

>does the nuke thing
>Larnneire survives twice
>Lomias respawns

>> No.15638091

After all the players killing them for their gear through nukes they've wised up and got some fire resist.

>> No.15638109

I thought they changed it so you couldn't do that anymore. Try it in regular Elona then update save to plus after?

>> No.15638114

Ah, did they? I've never even tried it before, so I had no idea.

>> No.15638418

No one actually plays it with the monster girls sprites right? They feel so harmless while I'm using it that it sort of bothers me.

>> No.15639550

I switch some of them because they were too cute. Just the humanoid monsters is enough for me.

>> No.15640103

Hm... Were wizards nerfed since .54?
I remember being able to instakill most things with just the basic magic dart spell, now I'm just getting killed left and right...

>> No.15640131

Yep. Spells were nerfed somewhat. What level are you?

>> No.15640141

Just reached level 6, the early game questing is killing me...

>> No.15640185

Early game you'll probably want to avoid any quest that wants you to kill things for a little while. Just stick with escort and delivery quests(and Harvest Time if you have Gardening and Weight Lifting skills) until you have enough money to buy some gear. Can just be any crappy old gear, just need some basic protection.

>> No.15640202

Yeah, that was my original plan, but the RNG keeps filling the board with combat and faraway escort quests...
Oh well, I can do basic hunting quests thanks to my pet...

>> No.15640288

It does get better pretty quickly, keep spamming that Magic Dart for spell levels and sleep whenever you can to keep it's potential high.

>> No.15640300

Ah, that's good to hear.
Thanks for the info anon!

>> No.15640686

What does the "I want on behalf of the town management." option the village elder has do?
I mean, the wiki says that it's not fully developed yet, but does it do at least something?

>> No.15640779

How do you know whether an item is good or not? So far, I can only gauge it by the rarity and stats, but those don't seem to be mutual. What do you look for then? Rings for example are sometimes super expensive but have like nothing on them except a status resist.

>> No.15640824

The cost is mostly dependent on material, so you can get cheap paper ring made of awesome or expensive diamond ring of crappiness.

I just check every single artifact I come across. Bad ones go in shop, good ones stay on me or my pets.

As to what you should look for: resists, unique attributes. Skill\stat buffs are nice early-game, but stop being important once you've trained enough.

>> No.15640840

It's a feature that's still being worked on.

You need to discern stuff for yourself. Things with resists are good so look at your own resists and see if it fills something you don't have. Status resists are very important to have so having as many as possible is always a good thing. Can always look under your feats and traits section of your character sheet to see if it's a status resist you don't have. You'll know if you have it under that section as it will say equipment negates so and so. Lastly, you might want to consider the material of the item. Depending on the material, it may give lots of PV or DV among other bonuses such as Rubyness provides bonuses to life. Could put equipment in the search of the Elona wiki for more information on material types if you want to know more about materials. Weapons are rather straight forward. The more dice and features on a weapon the better.

>> No.15642180

How do i get rid of anorexia? I've had it almost a year now

>> No.15642210

The simplest way is to die, either on a quest, in a arena, or just somewhere.
You can also avoid eating whenever possible, buy a juice maker and replace your diet with potions and juice.

>> No.15643658
File: 130 KB, 626x394, Chaotic Claws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its use as a finisher that wire cutter skill happens to decap if they have low hp and pets can get it as a skill.

>> No.15643824
File: 90 KB, 633x274, the spaghetti blender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ton of hits in one turn

dual wield skill in the 900+ and using the Twin Edge

>> No.15643851

Makes me wonder what kind of ridiculous damage a mutant with 5+ hands could do with a bunch of +extra attack stuff.

>> No.15644624

Just crashed with this error. Do you guys know what it means?

HspError 13 WinError 2 Ver 2810 Mode 0
efId 1104 efP 100 Area 15/1
ci 65#928 ti -1#173 cc 0#0 tc 2#12 rc 54#41
3. turn_end:pc ct:0
2. main_init:Begin ct:245
1. main_init:End ct:0
0. pc_turn_init ct:0

>> No.15644749

Is there anything I should look out for if I wanna have a good character? I feel like I'm missing the point of the gme by just doing sub quests all the time. Like, how to get actually decent gear?

>> No.15644758

Disregard that I suck cocks, there's a beginners help page on the wiki

>> No.15644768

Potentials! Mainly attribute potentials, but skill potentials are also very important. The stat difference between my first character where I didn't know too much and my newer one with a little more knowledge at the same level is pretty vast. Invest in magic vendors ASAP in places you frequent for a chance for potions of potential to show up and buy every one you come across. I think I did Vernis, Palmia and Lumiest.

>> No.15644781

Last time that happened to me I had to restore a backup. What was the last thing you were doing before this crash?

>> No.15645836

Good gear doesn't come by random luck. 95% of the best equipment comes from completing parts of the main quest and killing specific NPCs - the job board, meanwhile, is for platinum and miscellaneous items like herb seeds and tickets, not high quality wearable gear.

Also understand gear really isn't the top priority in Elona, skills, stats, and potentials are. If you want to have fun, just do what you want and take it all at your own pace, but if you want to be a scummy powergamer, it takes some thoughtless but efficient grinding through herb farming, vendor visiting, and spell casting.

>> No.15645903

> how to get actually decent gear?
That's a good question, actually.
>quest rewards - usually spawn <good> quality, but every item have a 1/2 chance to be <great> and then further 1/12 chance to be <miracle> quality.
>treasure balls will spawn <great> quality item most of the time, rare treasure balls will spawn <miracle>
>bejeweled chests, like ones after you kill dungeon bosses, have 1/3 chance to have <miracle> item
>performance rewards have improved quality too!
>as do salary rewards, taking perks to increase salary nets better quality too
>if you wake up in the morning with pet who has tailoring\carpentry, they'll make <miracle> quality item with a (relationship points * 2 + luck) out of 5000 chance to make <godly> quality item instead
>last, but not least, any generated item has a luck\5000 chance to be one quality level higher. there're also a random rolls to adjust quality, but they are fixed and skewered towards decreasing quality

Of course, there are also static (<special>) artifacts, they have fixed attributes with a chance for 1-3 minor random attributes. And like others said, you should focus on skills\attributes first.

>> No.15646251

what are odds for items lying in dungeons and items dropped by regular mobs ?

>> No.15646278

<bad>-<good> quality mostly, bosses sometimes have <great> gear. Random chance may grace you and give artifact, but don't rely on it, it's extremely rare.

>> No.15646611

>[It came out the by werewolf. Voters should be executed vote for suspicious person]
The fuck

>> No.15646628

Somebody got murdered by werewolf. And there is a vote on who should be executed for that.

>> No.15646629

There's a werewolf event that can be a bit buggy and needs better translation later. Basically someone in the town is killing people and is suspected of being a werewolf. Voters including you need to vote who they think is werewolf which will kill the suspected person.

>> No.15646645

I found a guy with werewolf in his name, it's not that easy, is it?

>> No.15646659

Instal elonaC, some sprites and music

>> No.15646681

It's a pretty roughly made event. I used it to kill Loyter, which was fun once, but now Loyter's vote count is up to like 15, whereas the actual werewolf is only at 8, and of course you only get one vote per murder. At least they all respawn.

>> No.15646686

How sandboxy is that game?

>> No.15646728

Elona? It's very sandboxy if you want it to be that way. There's a main story but you're free to do whatever you want and complete it at your own pace.

>> No.15646748

Don't think the werewolf event is fully fleshed out yet and yeah it's buggy and some things need to be fixed like what other anon said. I remember one time someone found the werewolf except that it was the werewolf investigator. What a cheeky werewolf.

>> No.15646772

It was the sprites. Open them up in Paint and re-save as .bmp.

>> No.15646884

>tfw inventory can actually get full
Is there an actual number somewhere? I thought it was limited by weight.

>> No.15646896

200 items\stacks.
21 on No Future mode.

>> No.15647138

How do you know whether or not you can pickpocket a person? It seems to always fail, so I assume you need the skill to be pretty high.

>> No.15647163

You can pickpocket anyone. The hard part is actually stealing something. The heavier the object/bigger the harder it is. Also, you have a better chance of stealing stuff if your skill is high, nobody sees you, and if the target is unaware such as sleeping etc.

There are also certain things you can't steal. I think one of the patches made it that you can't steal ammo or something. Anyhow, stealing can be hard depending on what you're stealing.

>> No.15647182


The higher the perception the harder it is to steal. You can roughly deduce perception from unit level. There is no check if the npc is sleeping.
Just steal light shit, and wait for good opportunity for heavy stuff.
There is a 50% malus during the day and other stuff.

>> No.15647254

>unit level
What about shopkeepers?

>> No.15647596


>> No.15647930


>> No.15648116

I accidentally started a fire in Lumiest and it's not stopping despite water. What do I do?

>> No.15648124

Leave and come back later.

>> No.15648128

Does that also repair it?

>> No.15648130

Any areas with town boards return to normal after some time passes.

>> No.15648143

Buy potions and throw them at the fire.

>> No.15648338

The knockout feat is great for this. Hit them once, lure them away from people, knock them out and pick them clean. Only take the initial karma penalty and no friendship loss.

>> No.15648706

What's with these random people attacking me within the city? They break walls just to get to me and are pretty strong, so I have some trouble dealing with them. My karma is maxed, so I don't know what else could explain their appearance. They're not monsters either.

>> No.15648777

Have you attacked, killed any/or pickpocketed from any adventurers? They attack you on sight if your relationship is low enough with them.

>> No.15648782

You know. It's possible. So, this is where I have to use disguise/incognito and gift them things to better our relationship?

>> No.15648920

Kill them.

>> No.15649027

>decide to try game out
>download it and start reading the beginner's guide
>launch the game to check it out
>get something in eyes.

>> No.15649058


>> No.15649067

Music in main menu, it's pretty.

>> No.15649070

He hasn't vacuumed his room in a few months.

>> No.15649547

Am i supposed to hit some kinda difficulty wall around level 14? Just hit it and dungeon levels have spiked crazily. They went from around level 2-5 to 16-25. Fame is 1206

>> No.15649633

Dungeon levels depend on your max cleared, not your fame, or your level.

>> No.15649643

Nah, what happened was the world map's dungeons refreshed recently. The new levels take into account the highest level of dungeon you cleared. Don't worry, you'll be catching up on combat skills pre-level 20. At least I was since I always spend my early game on getting all the non guild skills first.

>> No.15649655

>decide to try clearing out the basement of putits
>slimes wreck my shit thrice
I will come later, you little bastards.

>do my first hunting mission
>get platinium coin
>glass robe that grants knowledge of alchemy, is fireproof, adds 12 PV and 4 speed
>over 2400 gold
Pretty nice.

>> No.15649723

Yeah, it's really nice.

>> No.15649745

Get some form of reliable range damage (magic dart with high cast %, or some strong range weapon), get feather or equipment with "It floats you", and stand in the choke point tunnel to kill the slimes. Get more DV / PV to survive.
Also leave Little Girl in town since she's going to rambo in and get murdered.

>> No.15649765

I just hit them and let them sit in their acid. It worked when I did that quest with myself and melee.

>> No.15649788

Talking about strong range weapons, are ballistas worth using? They seem to have heavy penalties to hit, but have a high die value.

>> No.15649850

They're ridiculously heavy. Trying to use one yourself in the early-game means you're gonna be struggling to carry anything without being overweight.

>> No.15649959

Managed to kill them, using a putit as barrier turned out to be a great idea.

>Little Girl
Well, you shot well, I took little girl(she hits pretty hard with her hammer, about 20 for sure), my character is a girl herself because fuck the police.
Minor quests go along nicely, bought a rifle. I'm at 4 level. Learned cooking skill, gotta get some decent attribute-raising food.

What scroll of name does?
And where I can get the leash? She gets everywhere she wasn't supposed to be, including the acid.

>> No.15649976

Leash is found in the general store or sometimes in dungeons. But it just keeps them closer to you and in your view. Your pet will still step in acid if they use melee and are on the offensive.

>> No.15650684

Scroll of name lets you rename your artifact weapons/armor. Ex: The noble spear {Killer Red}. You can change the Killer Red part. Renaming is purely cosmetic in Elona+.

>> No.15650696

vanilla looks bad, so I use a custom combination of bobblehead and monster girls based on what I think looks best

>> No.15650707

Is there a way to know whether or not a material is light, medium or heavy? The wiki doesn't seem to have an article on it.

>> No.15650744

The armor weight (light, medium, heavy) is the combination of ALL your equipment, it's not related to the material type directly.
Light is 15s worth of equipment equipped
Medium is between 15s and 35s
Heavy is over 35s
For actual material info it's probably better to look at the "Equipment" page

>> No.15650775

Like equipment material? Type equipment into the wiki and on that page scroll down to material types. There will be a chart and on the chart there is weight modifier column. You may have to scroll the chart to the right to see it. Use that column to make judgements on what materials will do to the weapons and armor you use them on as far as weight goes.

>> No.15650852
File: 8 KB, 182x196, lookatthosehugeprotoplasms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your character male or female? Inquiring minds like to know.


>> No.15651478

>find moongate
>read about it (didn't know how to enter) turns out it's player-made houses, mostly japs'
>go in
>seems like nice farming village
>some fuck two-shots me few turns later
>was already at 6 level so lose some magic and gold

Welp, never again.

>> No.15651482

How unlucky, a majority of the time, they don't even attack you.

>> No.15651592

It's possible to lose your chill box?
I'm not sure if I lost it or dropped it somewhere, couldn't find it on cave.

>> No.15651688

Do moongates have a random drop?

I remember killing a hungry ghost in one and getting a treasure map.

>> No.15651691

Hell if I knew, I'm new to the game.

>> No.15651697

I've heard of people losing their cooler box. I personally have never used the cooler box but if you really need one you can do the little sister quest to get another one.

>> No.15651704

If you meet a monster or hostile NPC in one of them they can drop stuff like they do in any other dungeon

>> No.15651705

I thought I had lost mine, before I remembered I had put in a big daddy corpse and shoved it onto a pet.

>> No.15653587
File: 1.15 MB, 1600x602, mxskl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capped my first skill at 275 hours in. Don't need to cap casting as most spells cast just fine with much less however now that I've capped casting I shouldn't have to worry about my wish cast chance dropping anytime soon if ever. Not exactly sure at where the difficulty of wish caps out at but I'm at lv 154 for my wish spell and it's been stuck at 92% chance to cast successfully. Pretty good. What's cool too is that since my wish spell is actually getting higher level the stock I use to cast it has gone down. It used to cost me like 72 or so stock but now it's around 46 stock. I get four wishes every time I get a single instance of wish stock from a wonder scroll. Hopefully as my wish spell level raises the cast percentage will stay at 92% and the stock consumption continues to lower.

Oracle spam is what I did to raise my casting skill. You can take that all the way to 2000. That's what I did for my character as soon as I could and I was kinda doing that on my previous character but much later in the game. By reading oracle spellbooks, reserved from the mage guild, I trained memorization, which raises learning, and a bit of literacy for awhile. Raising your casting skill through casting oracle raises your magic. Even after capping casting at 2000 you can technically still train the skill however you won't go past 2000. Interestingly even though you can't go past 2000 all that training still can level the magic attribute so I can continue to spam oracle for more magic attribute gains.

I now have both my tactics and martial arts in the 1000 range and I think I'll go destroy the gods very soon. Only thing left for me is to get my speed to 2000. It's going to be rough for me to transition away from using my gold medals for growth scrolls since I used blessed growth scrolls and platinum to keep my skill potentials high but I really need to start funneling the gold medals into hermes potions.

Another interesting thing I found while training tactics to 1000 is that skillbook gains tank once you get around 900 skill. Sad, I was using my tactics skillbook when it snowed to help train it and was hoping to be able to keep using it. Oh well. Enemies in the void seem to be raising both MA and tactics just fine for me and I still have AP and level up bonus points to fall back on.

>> No.15653872

Have people tried playing the game solo with no pets? How was it?

>> No.15653900

Very insightful info, thanks. Does Literacy skill have anything to do with how much skill books train the skill?

>> No.15653924

Most of my runs are solo aside from a little girl I keep around, but I don't bring her into dungeons because i'm bad at managing pets and they just die. So she's basically a cute housemaid.

I've never really used pets so I can't make a good comparison, but I haven't had any excess troubles that weren't solved by breath spells or careful item usage.

>> No.15653930

I'm level 76 and I haven't used them sincsound like level 30. I had a cute fairy and an apprentice angel and while they decent damage they just died too quickly. It felt like I was babysitting instead having allies since I was constantly worried about them wandering off and dying or having to put them away when something tough was around. I still call them out every time I sleep for breakfast and gear.

>> No.15654148

Think literacy only affects spell books and ancient books. Keeping your skill potential high when you use the skill book is important though. At around 800 skill level you really want your potential to be 300+ to have the book increase your skill by a decent amount. As you approach 900 it really slows down and now I'm not sure if I can increase my skill anymore with the skill book. At 400 potential I didn't see an increase the last time I read my tactics book while it snowed. That or the gain was incredibly small.

My character I just posted >>15653587 has run the game solo up to this point. I do have an upcoming pet I plan to use at a future date, probably after I kill the gods, but for now all I've done with her is just feed her and bring her out before I head to bed in the hopes she makes stuff for me.

The game is a bit tougher in the beginning without a pet but definitely doable. I kinda decided I would go solo right from the start due to my choice of the kokou feat and the fact that I just wanted to worry about gearing for myself as the start of the game is already rough in that department. Also didn't want to split kills/exp/loot either.

Pets have a tendency of outpacing the player in attributes and skills and I didn't want to run into the problem of depending too much on my pets to kill things for me while I walled up and prayed nothing broke down those walls and the AI of my pets were sufficient to not get themselves killed. By being a late pet user I guess I've managed to avoid that. Having said that, having pets is a force multiplier and will make your game easier though. As long as you know how to raise one that is. I plan on adding pets later on just to help me out in the void.

>> No.15655105
File: 21 KB, 343x131, dc87593e32[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 treasure maps in one sleep

Is every part of my gear going to get doomed next time I sleep or something? This level of luck makes me way too uneasy.

>> No.15655179

What do you get from treasure maps anyways? I have about 10 in my inventory.

>> No.15655205

Holy shit, 10 of them?

Dig the spots and you get money, platinum, medals, and most importantly, rare items.

You've got quite a bit of treasure waiting for you my man.

>> No.15655365

>Next time I slept 2 of my itmes got cursed

Oh come on.

>> No.15655411

That's not a bad trade at all though

Chance for miracle and godly items. Bruv, whats wrong with you? Dig em up.

>> No.15656001


dig them up on lucky days for higher chance for miracle and godly items.

>> No.15656005

I got 2 bad mutations in one sleep.

>> No.15656015

Get a fairy hat by either finding one in a dungeon or having your pet eventually make one. Put the hat on before you go to bed and it should help prevent mutations. Other gear can also have an enchant on it that prevents mutation so that could work as well if you manage to find one. Before getting such gear cure mutation is always there.

>> No.15656301
File: 473 KB, 645x449, Do you feel it now Mr krabs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back into the void to train him more.Not even level 500+ arena monster fights do much.

>> No.15656331

That is one deadly crab. It looks so tasty but I fear he'd be the one eating me instead.

>> No.15656416

You're a big crab.

>> No.15656660

>332760 turns
>714 hours

>> No.15656692

Some people idle. Like they'll leave the game running while doing something else.

>> No.15656698

I'm guilty of this. My main character has 400+ hours but I've probably done only 300+.

I sometimes forget to even shut the game off and leave it on all night and day while I'm at work.

>> No.15656699

Could be an inheritance character/new game+. Think time carries over to the new character and doesn't reset if that's the case.

>> No.15656741 [DELETED] 

Could be an inheritance character. Think time doesn't reset if it's newgame+

>> No.15656811
File: 67 KB, 638x197, Experimental SV-001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


inheritance character.

that and leave the game running some times

>> No.15657175

Are these cargo charts on the wiki up to date?

>> No.15657253

Are there any more plans to add more spells?

I'd love for the magic to get a whole update to itself to add a ton of new spells. I get that spell levels make it so any spell is useful if you train it, but having more different kinds of attack spells would be nice.

I mainly want spells to enhance my party however, party wide buffs/heals would be great.

Basically I just crave more.

>> No.15657273

Please no. There's already too many spells for me to level and at this rate I'm just going to be a weak wizard that can cast all sorts of spells but have no real power.

>> No.15657279

Don't know but there's a couple of things on the wiki that need to be updated. If the cargo charts are wrong then they're wrong. Maybe you or someone that can change stuff on the wiki can update it if that's the case.

>> No.15657287

Just pick your favorite attack spells and go from there, no point in leveling spells you won't use.

Right now the magic systems feel neat, but there needs to be more expanded onto it.

>> No.15657312

I know you're right that I should probably just pick some spells to level and ignore the rest but for some reason my hoarder instincts have mutated into a weird obsession to level everything. I guess it doesn't help that I find spellbooks lying around and feel guilty if I don't level up what I get stock for. Elona why do you prey on my weaknesses!

>> No.15657338

Well...it's always possible new spells can be added in the future. I mean those water elemental spells are a fairly new thing to the game so maybe we'll see more spells later. On the hand, I'm kinda scared when new spells get introduced. Mainly because if I can cast these new spells monsters can probably cast them too.

>> No.15657344

All of this just makes me wonder if Elona will ever hit a point of being "complete". It could just keep growing with updates like we've been getting until it gets dropped or maybe someday it'll reach a "finished" state.

With the chance of whatever a new Elona is coming to steam as early access a lot of questions have popped up lately.

>> No.15657462
File: 243 KB, 576x782, 1467532553121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you get one?

>> No.15657472

Look into magic practices. You can pay wizards platinum and they'll train all the spells in a category plus your Magic/Willpower attributes.

>> No.15657487



Train form tiny hermit crab

>> No.15657674

king hearts sure do suck

>> No.15657766

Getting one? Just gotta hope the bosses that drop them show up in the Void if you've already used the originals.

>> No.15658954

Somebody knows how to deal with werewolves and assasinations?

>> No.15659287

How many levels over your current will a monster heart let you dominate? I am level 21 and planning on capturing a werewolf which are 35.

Also does monster heart effect monster balls or just domination spells/rods?

>> No.15659323
File: 766 KB, 812x624, Hacking Too Much Time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15659468

Find the werewolf, it's usually a regular citizen with "the Werewolf" in it's name. Either call them out for being a werewolf and kill them, or vote for them to be executed.

>> No.15659492

Been a long time since I played.

Any significant sprite mods recently?

>> No.15659494

Werewolves are dealt with through talking with the werewolf investigator and telling them who the werewolf is. You'll need to talk to NPCs to see who the werewolf is. From what I've heard, werewolves don't like to get wet and will react to a dog whistle. If the NPC is found to be a werewolf it will come up in their name. Assassinations usually occur because someone is wearing doomed equipment. A stronger version of cursed equipment. Got to get rid of the equipment for that stuff to stop.

Did you use statues inside a shelter or some place where time moves differently? There's a bug where if you do that the game will either crash or your time will corrupt like what you have. To avoid the bug, use the statues once you've left the shelter or area where time flows differently. Not sure there is a cap to time. I've seen people with 1000+ hours and their displays are normal.

>> No.15659509

I don't even know when it was I even got the bug. I just looked at my time one day and it was in the negatives.

>> No.15659550

Only applies to domination spell and rods and just increases success chance by a little bit. If you are are failing to capture using dominate you need to either level your spell or magic device more.

>> No.15659603

Interesting. Wonder if there's a bug dealing with using cooldowns in certain areas or if the bug is something else all together.

>> No.15660080

Is there a life without being a redneck farmer?

>> No.15660088


>> No.15660113

Herbs rule everything, so no.

>> No.15660148


Boost you get herbs hard to pass up

>> No.15660161

You can always choose to become an adventurer however their lives are usually cut short and end horrifically unless you have a talent for it. There's also the life a traveling merchant. They usually buy their wares straight from the merchants getting off the boats in Port Kapul and travel the land as far as Noyel to sell their cargo. A less dangerous career path than the adventurer but you still have to worry about pirates, brigands, and monsters infest the wilderness.

If you were to come upon some money or were just born rich you can open up your own shop and sell stuff you find or make. I know of a couple of people who chose the life of a performer and can make some gold from that. Be careful though, the people around here are some of the harshest critics around. It's not uncommon for people to stone a performer to death because they didn't like their performance.

All and all be glad with your lot in life as a farmer. It could be worse, you could be a whore in Derphy. It almost goes without saying but you kinda have to look pretty to make a lot of gold. While they can make a lot of gold in a short period of time is it really worth it? Society will look down on you for your lack of self respect and you're always at risk of contracting AIDS or any other STD.

>> No.15660171
File: 364 KB, 1250x898, 1470773828428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What skill is this? Running Elona+ and Custom for 1.6.0

>> No.15660199

Chose it and find out.
>it's a parody of MMORPGS
Good ol' /rlg/ still at it.

>> No.15660203
File: 823 KB, 804x626, moonspeak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the start of the spell tab. Obviously a new adventurer has no spells, though.

>> No.15660250

Do enemies that are scaled up in levels also increase their speed?

>> No.15660290

When a pet evolves, does their base INI change too?

>> No.15660293


>> No.15660327
File: 980 KB, 1600x602, scaleenemy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Used an insight lens to look at monster character sheets. You can find them off of invested general vendors I think and sometimes can find them on dungeon floors as well which is where I got mine. Stronger creatures scale better of course but even weaker enemies have some scaling. Picture shows an angel I met at void level 508 and a rat at void level 508. Angel definitely has good attributes but even the rat has interesting attributes at this level.

A rat with 865 speed and 16k HP. Definitely not a rat anyone wants to meet when they begin the game.

>> No.15660350

But is there any alternative?
Except fishing of course.

>> No.15660366

Skill grind gets you attributes but it's better if you do both. Eat herbs and skill grind. Almost everything I imagine is better with a good diet so I don't see why anyone would cut it out if it was available to them.

>> No.15660528


>> No.15660550
File: 703 KB, 806x625, Super Vehicle 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Skill grind and a good diet helps with attributes.

You need this as the PC pets get attributes at the speed of light.

>> No.15660728

>go to lesimas
>decide to clear it in one run
>get yourself killed at the 40+ floor
>last save floor 21

>> No.15660975

Quoting from the diary of the little girl.
>My stupid guardian, Quanshi, was a thief that came to Vernis to start a new life but his old habbits got the best of him.

>He stole everything he saw that wasn't bolted to the ground and tried to pickpocket everything he saw. He'd sometimes succeed but more often failed and make everyone angry with him.

>The most wretched thing he kept doing was picking fights with adventurers for their equipment and falsely accusing them for crimes they didn't commit when he didn't get his way.

>Now everytime we step into a city there's an angry adventurer just waiting to run us out of town or kill us. The townsfolk glare and hate us. I sometimes see Quanshi crying that he just wanted to make it in the world. What a pathetic guardian I have.

I really should just redo my game. I kinda was a dick to everyone and now everyone wants to kill me or won't deal with me because I'm a criminal.

>> No.15661009

That's a disgusting life style you have there.

>> No.15661130

I'd say stick it out. You can always mend relations with an incognito spell or a disguise kit.

>> No.15661146

This, become a good man. Change and make your little girl proud.

>> No.15661192

Thanks but I already redid my file. Going to try to be nice to people this time around and try to make the little girl proud. I'll keep the disguise kit and incognito stuff in mind though if I dig myself another hole but hoping this time around that doesn't happen. At least I'll be smart about what I steal and how I do it this time around and won't be picking fights with adventurers.

>> No.15661214

>tfw didn't even pick fights with adventurers, but a fire killed them and therefore they're your enemy
Yeah, don't be me either.

>> No.15661576


lets give that little girl the best day of her life, that kind of day shell never forget, you know, just rape her

>> No.15661578

It looks Great!

>> No.15661590

i hate fountains

>> No.15661595

Wait, is Elona still alive? I played it about a year and a half/two years ago, it seemed to be dead in the water. Great game and all that, but have there been new races/classes/skills/etc added?

>> No.15661599

No, no, no!!! I don't need anymore lv 123 little girls showing up in dungeons as bosses reverse raping me as she cuts off or bludgeons pieces of my body because some sicko fucked up her mind, body, and soul!

Anon would probably trip the bad/dead end flag if he did what you say. Little girl didn't seem to really like him to begin with and it's possible to drop the relationship score to the point where the little girl becomes hostile and just beats the shit out of him.

>> No.15661607

Oh boy...where to start with you. Elona is dead but Elona+ continued where Elona left off and continues to have more content or changes added to the game. Familiarize yourself with the pastebins and the Elona+ wiki. You might even want to checkout the changelogs eventually but you'll be in for a very long read by the sound of it.

>> No.15661647

Neat, I'll get onto that. Sorry if my question was stupid...Thanks!

>> No.15661658

Oh your question wasn't stupid or anything. Sorry if I came off as rude but my mind kind of exploded in how I'd explain the changes that has occurred with the game. Elona+ has a lot of new stuff and differences compared to regular Elona.

>> No.15661689

It's certainly not dead but the best thing to do if you wanted to know what has changed is just to play Elona+ and experience it for yourself. Then if you have any questions about something in particular that comes up ask them here.

All you got to know to start is that you'll need a copy of the most recent version of Elona+ at the bare minimum. From there you may want to add Elona Custom's files into the Elona+ folder overwriting stuff when necessary. Elona Custom gives better English translations to the game and adds tweaks and adds back in other cool stuff that was exclusive to playing the Japanese version.

>> No.15661738
File: 338 KB, 667x1200, 1470249725536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get In >>>http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:23028

I'm not the OP of that thread but, considering how dead the wiki is, wanted to bring it up here. Also I don't know which of you, besides Kai & Shortbread count as experienced players.

>> No.15662134

Neat. Too bad I can't consider myself an experienced player.

>> No.15662311

If you catch ( ) or { } enemies, do they retain their bonuses?

>> No.15662454
File: 2 KB, 45x45, Valkyrie 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time making a sprite. I figure I'm going to have to give it a few goes until I can settle down on a new sprite for the valkyrie pet.
Fampai, help me out please, what do you use to make your sprite?

>> No.15662478

My drawing looks so blurry compared to the one in the character.bmp

I'm just making it pixel by pixel in a 45x45 canvas in photoshop right now. Am I suppose to make it large first and then shrink it to the small size? Is there a good program to use for pixel drawings?

>> No.15662482

Aren't character sprites 48x48?

>> No.15663155

I started drinking from those and I got two wishes from two-three fountains in puppy cave (got two blessed evolution pots and 50k of gold). Got a dye for case of aliums, I don't even want to have anything with them.


>tfw meeting baptists in wilderness
Fuck those guys, but turns out debuff pots really help here.

Other thing, I fucking love variable breathing at rogue boss' bandits, easy kills.

>> No.15663192

Fountains are amazing. I always get my pets to drink them till they run out. It doesn't always end with a death, when it does it's always Isca the FALLEN Angel for some reason. Still worth it for the random wishes.

>> No.15663266

you can either displace them so they don't die or just make them float

>> No.15663417
File: 1.58 MB, 1366x768, Ainz_040[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used paint.net my man. It's what I've always used for anything sprite related, and I think it works better for that than photoshop.

If you need any other tips, please ask. I will help however I can.

>> No.15663495
File: 522 KB, 691x391, my char.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to get some chest or something?
I'm don't have space on farm.
Plus my attribute potential is getting shitty.
And I cannot capture a putit to save my life, maybe I should try with stronger ones?

>> No.15663532

Bigger houses have more space for storage. You can also opt to either get a storage house which is just for storing things, or a shop which will let you sell your junk for better prices than in town. You're going to need potions of potential for attribute potential and soon. Invest in some magic vendors with any spare money you have.

>> No.15663534

I just dropped my stuff in a designated room in my house. That or get a storage house deed, pretty cheap.

Raise those potentials with sleep mang. Try and marry a pet soon and gene engineer cooking into them (one of the pets from the slave master has this, can't remember which) to get them to make breakfest for you, it boosts your att potentials a bunch.

How are you trying to catch it? Knockout perk is pretty helpful for that because it brings them to 1 without killing them.

>> No.15663550

So I have to get storage house? Welp, so no chest functionality here, that explains why it does exist in first place. I have to get this because most of the time I'm at least burdened.

>How are you trying to catch it?
Tried shurikens - splat, tried poisons/dyes - health doesn't show up, tried hands - splat.

If knockout bring them to 1, then I will take it as soon as possible, thanks.

>> No.15663554

Burden is good though. It trains Weight Lifting skill.

>> No.15663582

Unless when I want to gather plants or loot dungeons, rods and potions alone are quite heavy due to how many of those I have, then comes equipment, just had to put heavy armor on my pet because it was too heavy for me for everyday work.
Gotta spam platiniums for lifting training, I guess.

And I need decent cooking furniture for farm, because the portable cooking device is shitty.
Hell, not to mention that escorting became hard due to fame, level and NPC's tendency to try fighting monsters, damn it.

>> No.15663586
File: 200 KB, 780x573, dungeons-and-lazers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/, /tg/ here. I want to into Elona, but it's tough for me to migrate to it from other roguelikes. I'm most familiar with NetHack, if that's relevant.

Are there any good keybindings for hjklyubn/vi-keys? Muscle memory is a bitch.

>> No.15663632
File: 25 KB, 1028x708, keybinds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keybinds are all stored in config.txt, so you can remap them however you'd like. The only issue I've ever heard relates to Numlock.

>> No.15663669

this looks great desu

>> No.15663677

Is there more fan art than just from harusame_(rueken)? It's pretty funny to see how absurd game can get.

>> No.15663700
File: 446 KB, 540x2300, finger licking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From /rlg/

>> No.15663725
File: 83 KB, 500x768, elona francesca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another one.

>> No.15663749

Noice, gotta check the board out.
when the finger-licking happens?

>> No.15663783
File: 40 KB, 846x180, town child.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During the rape.

>> No.15663821

The fuck did I just read?

>> No.15663852
File: 250 KB, 550x700, 1417501415282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


B-B-Blue board!

>> No.15663904

So you just need to be sleepy and squeeze an NPC while you're on a bed?

>> No.15663918
File: 45 KB, 240x240, 1470375976284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Without knowing apparent reason, Kizsiel the town child was the prostrate earnestly
>Because Kizsiel the town child rage, you were turning stroked it from hold Kizsiel the town child down.

>> No.15663939
File: 35 KB, 358x339, romantic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. IIRC, you should be stronger than the NPC.

Love doesn't need no grammar, anon.

>> No.15663948

Hasn't she been through enough already?

>> No.15663984

ElonaC crashes when I try to rename my pet. I just started a new game in Elona 1.60, made my character, and then installed Custom 1.60.1c.

What do?

>> No.15663989

Is there a good way to grind Performer up?

>> No.15664005

Performing for all the clones at the little sister house has good results, unless things have changed significantly in recent versions.

>> No.15664046
File: 45 KB, 363x470, stock-photo-heavy-woman-watching-television-while-eating-53995120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out Elona Custom crashes anytime a text entry box comes up. What did I do wrong?

>> No.15664058

>try to duel girl the werewolf I found in Yowyn
>the moment I throw the glove, she wrecks my shit in single hit
>I was 13 level at that time


>> No.15664300

No problems in changing pet names while running 1.60fix and Elona Custom here. Try just reinstalling Elona 1.60fix and renaming a pet. If everything works fine then try installing Elona Custom and try renaming your pet. Try to isolate the problem for us and get back to us.

>> No.15664344

Do I need multiple putits for the ranch or one is good enough?

>> No.15664353
File: 15 KB, 480x480, Valyrie 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it boys, I think I'm looking at a near final Valkyrie! I made the Valkyrie look liked it would fit in the monster girl character sprite.

I made this in paint.net. Definitely have to get used to the shortcuts but it's not a bad program at all. Thanks fampai for recommending it

10xBoobs version.

>> No.15664377

Grind character levels, train performer potential to 400%, invest skill points until you get ensemble (30?). Otherwise, little sisters mansion, don't burn the house down.

>> No.15664388

You just need one. It will eventually breed somehow and more will appear on your ranch after some time has passed. I imagine the putit just sneaks out while I'm away and manages to bring back its mate where it stays on your ranch along with its kids and the kids eventually go out and the cycle repeats itself.

>> No.15664419

My favorite feature is being able to set which tool to switch to after picking up a color with the eye dropper, it's handy as hell.

Sprite isn't bad, but the torso seems too large for the legs, or the legs are too small for the torso?

>> No.15664455

Yeah, I'll work on it some more tomorrow morning. She does look top heavy. I'm thinking I could make her skirt and waist larger to make it look proportional

>> No.15664460
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one of the light sabers i bet need to stick some gems on it for better stats

>> No.15664462


Another question. how does Rapid [Attribute] Growth works? Do I need to train it while buff is active to raise it?

>> No.15664493

You need to train a skill keyed to the attribute the rapid growth is for. For instance, if you get a rapid growth for learning you would want to train a skill associated with raising learning like literacy. Probably would read hard to read spell books if that was the case since that trains literacy.

When rapid growth is indicated it just means you'll gain more exp than normal for that attribute in the hopes of leveling it in that span of time.

>> No.15664497
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yes rapid growth makes it easier to get points for that attribute.

>> No.15664521

Thanks, thought so, now gotta to find skills I can start training before buff runs out.

>> No.15664526

PS. How to skill speed?

>> No.15664532

Traveling, swimming.

>> No.15664551

Eat raw shoes or items that give +speed. Otherwise, spend AP talking to Leold in South Tyris

>> No.15664557

>Eat raw shoes or items that give +speed
More like mantain speed, as I noticed.


>> No.15664593

Maintain speed is just rapid growth for speed. It doesn't actually train your speed by itself. The item needs the + speed or it won't train it.

>> No.15664676

Oh, ok, thanks.

>> No.15664819

Yeah I saw this too on the wiki. I'll see about writing some sort of response but it will be where he originally posted. He was recommend to post on wiki from someone's suggestion and to me I kinda understood why he made that suggestion as maybe annabannana or one of the vetteran players that maintained the wiki and had probably played vanilla Elona would be able to comment

>> No.15666089

What's a good method of leveling up pets? I tried simply gene engineering the slaves from derphy, but I can't get slaves thag are higher than 14 for my level 15 and up pets.

>> No.15666253

You can get slaves much higher than lv 14 however it requires you to level up your character before you start seeing them. I currently can get slaves up to lv 130. Gene engineering levels only goes so far in the end. The best and only way to level up pets is simply to have them kill high level monsters.

>> No.15666262

I currently made a draft for >>15661738 in the attached pastebin link. I'm tweaking vanilla Elona's lore, chara making, and features. I'm still working on the story, which follows Larneire and her party. Would someone kindly flesh out Elona+'s development and features for me? I'm not too familiar with its history (living under a rock, etc.) I'm also open to suggestions because I have horrible prose and I tend to ramble.


>> No.15666270

Well let me correct myself. The best and only way to level up pets after gene engineering is to kill high level monsters*

*Assuming you don't want to use blessed descent potions on them because they're hard to farm as is and should be used for the player.

>> No.15666298

Elona+ came about when Noa stopped development and decided to release the source code for a limited amount of time. Various people got a hold of the source code and some Elona forks emerged. One of them was Elona+, developed by Ano, and that became popular. According to roguebasin, Elona was heavily influenced by the roguelike ADOM and players of that game have noted that the puppy caves and the herb names are exactly the same.

As for Elona+ features that's a tall order to list however the Elona+ wiki front page lists some of the changes from Elona to Elona+ and could serve as a starting place. I feel bad that if someone were to really do an exhaustive list of all the changes and additions they'd have to comb through all the changelogs and write down every note.

>> No.15666305

>puppy caves and the herb names are exactly the same
Well, the puppy caves were lifted from ADOM and yeah the herb names should be the same.

>> No.15666710

>meet travelling merchant
>"oh, so you're the famous person who found the best way to cook human flesh"
>nobody gives a shit about that I eat humans

Elona is a crazy game.

>> No.15666998

sounds more lazy than crazy

>> No.15667008

How do I kill Cacy the cat tamer void lord? Her gauge builds up so fast I'm afraid of getting one shotted just because she is overcharged AF.

>> No.15667208 [DELETED] 

More than 3 times my speed even when I am under speed buff. 10-20 turns in the fight and she has green gauge bar.

>> No.15667213 [DELETED] 
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Forgot pic

>> No.15667229
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She has more than 3 times my speed + speed buff(556). She literally fills up her guage bar in 3 turns, just running away from me. She goes full green so fast that I have no hope of outsustaining her with mana scrolls/rods and a 21d87+285 heal.

>> No.15667241
File: 1.06 MB, 1282x795, 2016-07-16 16_01_46-ElonaPlus Custom 1.59.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you're just not strong enough yet. Kill stuff, increase your speed, increase HP so you won't die from one release, get healing sources\contingency, etc. etc.

>> No.15667274

One of her release does ~2k of my 4.8k hp. Barrier doesn't last long since I only have 1.8k mp. I'm thinking I should complete Act 3 so I can get the 800 speed cap from Leold.

The void lords before this couldn't even do 500 damage to me before dying. Now I'm stuck at void 75 coz of Cacy. Can I dodge releases? If I can maybe I'll train it for a while.

>> No.15667301

Can you explain to me how a monster builds up gauge? I'm at a loss how she is able to fill up her gauge bar just by running away.

>> No.15667316
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>monster uses gauge skill
>it summons 30 monsters in the room all with full gauge
>immediately die
I couldn't even teleport out.

>> No.15668406

I've read on the wiki that herbed food gives 800 xp for all atributes but when i tested it at 50 potential it only gave 100 so it only gives 800 at 400 potential or i just messed up something?

>> No.15668441

Pets get 20 times as much xp as you do, so they'll have way more stat gain.

>> No.15668504

Well, considering you can breed little girls and marry cosmic horrors, cannibalism doesn't look bad.
But game needs polishing, that's true, especially when it comes to graphics - monster tile style vary too much.

>> No.15668550

If I wanted to use a Dominate spell on a level 100 monster, do I need the spell level to be around 100?

>> No.15668576

I know all the weird things you can do, but those things didn't make it into the game because someone thought it was a good idea specifically, they made it into the game because someone thought it would be a good idea in general to have such things but never bothered putting in exceptions for the odd cases.

>> No.15668614

Could say I can agree.
On other hand, it makes it quite unique and people got used to game's craziness, so why not?

>> No.15668727

Does Elona custom fix the translation errors for leveling up a living weapon? The wiki says the resistance and damage options are reversed, but I tried the damage option on my first ever living weapon and that just gave me fire damage.

>> No.15668741

Yeah you're going to need more speed. You don't even have 800 yet and you're going after something that has 1,940 speed? She's getting a lot more turns than you are.

>> No.15668756

My question wasn't really related to the picture. I just thought that you might know since you had a lot of herbed food.

>> No.15668792

Finally got the Gene machine. What do i do with it and how can i make a Exile into even more of a monster?

>> No.15668818

Elona was influenced by many things. One of them is from the anime Claymore. There's a whole class dedicated to the anime's claymores in the game. In Claymore the society's gods/devils, awakened ones, all started out as humans but got to the point in power they stopped seeing themselves as humans but as a different life form completely. When they ate other humans they didn't care and for some reason in that world when these awakened ones ate powerful humans they would gain even more power. So in the anime the humans either revered or were terrified of these awakened ones and the ones that revered them kinda just turned a blind eye to their awakened one's dietary habits.

Parallels could be made for the Elona world. Your character can get bonuses to stuff when they eat certain creatures especially if they're powerful like some of bosses or named NPCs in the game. Normally you can't eat others of your own kind without consequence until you get the mutation where you just stop caring anymore. I like to think this pays homage to the Claymore idea of becoming an awakened one. I'm still not sure why some of Leold's things show up as awake instead of just feat so again, maybe another homage to the claymore idea that your character is becoming this awakened one. If powerful creatures and gods in Elona are eating humans and some of these gods are seen as benevolent then maybe the people in the game have just learned to tolerate it and not care.

Anyhow, just a theory I cooked up during one of my grind sessions.

>> No.15668875

You can use the machine to fuse monsters into your Exile to level it, add skills, and maybe parts as some creatures can cause your Exile to sprout more limbs. Monsters need to be dominated/part of your party to be used for gene engineering. So either buy monsters off of the slave trader in Derphy, go out and catch them with monsterballs, or dominate them using the spell or rod version.

>> No.15668884

Also i haven't claimed the 1st god reward yet, should i stick with the mage guy or go with another god? Elona+ btw so i cannot get the rewards from every god.

And how do i find out which skills are possessed by what in order to give them to a pet?

>> No.15668897

Adding parts to Exile is a Bad Idea; since they already have full set of parts as Servant race, adding more will result in Speed penalty.

You can get rewards from every god AFAIK. Get to 4th reward, change the god, rinse, repeat until you have all rewards, then select the god you want.

>And how do i find out which skills are possessed by what in order to give them to a pet?
Wiki has entries for every monster. Check them for skills your pet doesn't have.

>> No.15668911

I thought it was 10 times?

>> No.15668926

I thought it was only on vanilla Elona that you could get every reward

>> No.15668937

I think I found a way to beat her, assuming my guesses are correct. From what I can tell, her AI prioritizes Summon Cats special action which has 15 SP cost over a gauge release. Cacy should have 250 Stamina, allowing her to summon 16 times. Once she doesn't have the stamina anymore she uses gauge release, nothing but gauge release.

My shining wave should do 2k per hit. So I need 28 waves to kill her. Which means I need at minimum 4 blue pills and my 176 stamina to keep up with the SP cost. Luckily she doesn't summon every turn but it will still be a race. Now I just gotta find some rogue boss ambush for pills to get this plan in action.

>> No.15668941


Not sure I understand why you feel you can't get all the rewards. Aside from roleplay purposes, there really isn't anything stopping a player from switching gods and getting all the rewards. If you're worried about the hex/punishment that comes from changing gods that hex isn't permanent. It lasts for awhile but it will eventually go away.

As for god choices Itzpalt is good if you're a mage but the choice for which you want to stay with permanently is up to you. Just pick a god that you feel helps you out a lot. I've seen some people pick Itzpalt to help their MP and spells, others Kumiromi for stamina regen, and others Lulwy for her speed buff. I personally may go with Jure for her heal special ability.

When you use your gene machine it will show you what skills you're inheriting. If you're inheriting a skill it indicates your pet doesn't have the skill and will gain it through gene engineering. What pets inherit exactly has some generalities so check the wiki gene engineering page for some examples of the skills carried by certain monsters. In general though, it's best just to go through the whole inventory of the slavemaster and get all the skills you can from those creatures and then go to a dungeon and pick up anything you're missing. If you're afraid of getting limbs you don't want just check if said monster will give one and close out of gene engineering if it's something you don't want.

For a complete list of what your pet knows you can always check their character sheet by going to the Informer NPC.

>> No.15668953

Reading the "Powergamer guide" in the english wiki says that if you get the rewards from a god and convert the new god's reward will be potions of cure corruption and treasure maps.

Don't know if this has been reverted or what.

>> No.15668972

That is case if you convert to the god you already got rewards from. No two gemstones of, say, Lulwy without little sisters.

>> No.15668975

K then

>> No.15668996

Hehe, sorry I'm not laughing at you but just laughing at how outdated some of the information on the wiki is or some of the outright wrong information on it, especially in the comment sections. Disregard what that guide is saying. Some of it is wrong like what you just posted.

The wiki can be a great resource and a lot of the pages do contain correct information and has been updated. Unfortunately, not all however.

You'll be fine switching gods and you can get all god rewards. I've done it for one character and am almost done doing it for a second character.

>> No.15669819

If i accidentally used a house board to overwrite some of the compost/field tiles on my farm, is there an easy way to get them back?

>> No.15669899

What tobacco related items is needed for?

>> No.15669922

Nothing other than buying a new farm unfortunately.

>> No.15670010

Future feature under development. Tobacco leaves will be used for pipes and other items so you can make a character that smokes if you want to. From what I can tell smoking is just for roleplaying and has no harmful or beneficial effects in the game.

>> No.15670320

Is it possible to remove limbs from my pets? I can use a cheat engine if I have to. Back when I was a noob I put an extra leg on my little girl and it annoys me but I'm too attached to her to let her go.

>> No.15670332

Icole in Port Kapul can revert limbs to normal at the cost of life.

>> No.15670351

Alright, thanks. She went from 110 to 109 life which isn't a big deal. It's going to bother my autism more than than anything else because it's an odd number.

>> No.15670357
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Give her some Hero Cheese until her life is back at a nice number.

>> No.15670475

My pets won't eat. I've tried to feed them on 3 different occasions and they just pocket the food. I thought sending them away with call allies was the problem, but then I kept them around for a day and neither of them will eat.

>> No.15670560

Use a stethoscope on the pet to see its HP bar. The HP bar also comes in two colors. Red indicates the pet doesn't need food while blue indicates that the pet is hungry and will probably eat. When a pet's bar is blue drop food on the ground and walk away from the food. The pet will eventually come by to feed on the food you dropped. I think Elona Custom allows you to to give them food which they'll eat but I haven't tested this myself. Supposedly If they have food in their inventory they'll eat it on their own when they're hungry. Can always test by looking at their inventory to see if their food stock is going down.

>> No.15671030

Big help, thank you. And on the subject of eating, why do I sometimes vomit and lose weight when I drink blessed potions? I notice it most with potions of potential.

>> No.15671068

Are you drinking potions when your character is full such as when you're at bloated status? If you drink stuff while full you'll vomit and sometimes lose weight. Potions can also satiate hunger but to a very minor extent. Nevertheless, if you drink too much in one go you'll throw up.

So, when you drink potions it's best to drink them when you're not full and to space out your drinking if you're drinking in bulk. It's possible to throw up at satisfied I think but it's a bit rarer than at bloated. So to be extra safe, drink when your character is at hungry or when there is no status at all in regards to satiation.

>> No.15671476

I've wished for a secret experience of kumiromi (the one that gives you feats) and invested that and another feat point into Cheer and Shadow step, none of them are showing up in the menu, help?

>> No.15671683

Shadow Step is a special action you get at 30 stealth and level up. I don't recall it being acquired through a feat. You might be confusing it with dimensional move which is a feat that acts similar to the short teleport spell.

Anyhow, both cheer and dimensional move can be accessed by pressing 'a' on your keyboard and tabbing to wide skill. Both should be under the wide skill list.

>> No.15671852

>Supposedly If they have food in their inventory they'll eat it on their own when they're hungry.
They every time when you give them food, but only once, so giving them more food than one will just make them stockpile it.
Feed them one unit of food per giving.

>> No.15671873

Yeah, found it later after pressing "W" by mistake.

Also, where do i get more monster balls?

>> No.15671941

General vendors seem to sell them sometimes.
Guess you gotta invest quite a bit, first.

>> No.15672689
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Huh, I didn't think I'd get one so soon...

>> No.15673025

Lucky! I found a lIving machine gun on an adventurer in my 30s I believe, that was my first and last.

>> No.15673133

Eh, are they really that rare?
I've been having more trouble getting a bookshelf...

>> No.15673143

They are. I've only got two living weapons (halberd and a sock) over the course of my game.

>> No.15673225

Super rare apparently. I was advised to max it out with artifact fusion before leveling it up so that's the plan.

>> No.15673242

Oh, shucks, I was all excited about taking it to battle...

>> No.15673950

Is absolute piercing works if I use ranged weapon but absolute piercing item is in melee slot?

>> No.15674444

An interesting observation, I wouldn't be surprised if at least part of Elona lore was based on Claymore.

>> No.15674520

Um... How do I get enemy hp low enough for them to be catchable? Do I just have to hope for the best?

>> No.15674541

Bleeding if you're not splatting them in one hit or knockout feat.

>> No.15674562

Hope for the best is an option. It works much better when the thing you're catching doesn't exactly die in one hit but as you get stronger this kinda stops working and shuts certain creatures out of being captureable. If you are adamant in using monster balls then you might want to look into the knockout feat which damages enemies but doesn't kill them. You can use that special ability until a monster has like a sliver of life.

I should point out though that dominate, the spell or rod version, doesn't require weakening of enemies.

>> No.15675975

Silver bells and quicklings have superb magic resist. Would a potion of weaken resistance be effective enough to capture one with a rod of domination with ~20 Magic Device skill, or would it require more in the range of ~200 to get a decent chance? I can't really afford to waste domination charges.

>> No.15676032

20 magic device seems really low. Not sure you'd want to waste charges that low. Silver bells are only level 3 so you might be better served just using a monster ball after bleeding it with a shuriken or something.

>> No.15676091

It's so much easier to just point and cast the rod compared to getting their HP to a sliver without killing them. Well, if they resist it's pointless, so I'll try out the monster ball. Thanks.

>> No.15676206
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Turns out April 20th is a good day to hunt hermit crabs and gather necklaces that let you hear voices in your head.

>> No.15677147 [DELETED] 

My Soul Mate pet knows the cooking skill but has never once made breakfast no matter the time I wake up at, what's with this?

>> No.15677291

Pretty sure the pet has to be your waifu

>> No.15677354
File: 480 KB, 1286x797, doesn&#039;t know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I doing wrong?

I feel dumb. I just want to make use of her 150 mana and decent casting skill.

Is there another way to teach spells?

>> No.15677389

>distance 5+
Whoa, trainer, isn't it a bit too far?

As for training, you just have to wait. An untrained ability\spell only procs 1% of the time, and even then, there's only 25% chance to increase progress.

>> No.15677464 [DELETED] 

>I think you don't understand how greater-than signs work anon.

You have it set to only cast magic dart while at or under 10% MP.

>> No.15677469

I think you don't understand how greater-than signs work anon.

You have it set to only cast magic dart while at or under 10% MP.

>> No.15677503
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>An untrained ability\spell only procs 1% of the time, and even then, there's only 25% chance to increase progress.
I guess this is why I thought it was broken. Thanks, now it's up to 9%.

Yeah, I figured that out. I was messing with it a lot and not understanding why it kept spamming unable to understand, when it turned out it says that anyway when the pet is training the spell/skill.

>> No.15677572

Maybe I should try it. Tired of not getting a single one in forever.

>> No.15677864

I got my god-telephone on farmland task as well.

>> No.15677870

Is it possible to bring save from normal Elona+ to custom? AI configuration looks neat.

>> No.15677882

Elona Custom USES E+ saves, plus a few files to store AI information. These files are ignored by vanilla E+, so you can both use E+ save in ECustom and vice versa.

>> No.15677894

Nice, thanks.

>> No.15677916
File: 316 KB, 795x599, A problem..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to fix it?

>> No.15677928

I have the same problem too. Transitioning from that screen to another, such as exiting town etc, will get rid of it.

>> No.15677929

Set larger resolution for game window.

>> No.15677947

It worked, thanks.

>> No.15679395

How do i get multiple gem stones of rejuvenation from kumiromi? I heard it was possible but I get a potion of cure corruption if i pray for the second reward from kumiromi again. Do I have to stash my first one somewhere specific or something

>> No.15679502

You can get duplicates by turning in little sisters to the lady in the Cyber Dome.

>> No.15679855
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I'm not getting much luck with mutations.
Not shown: heavy carapace disease

>> No.15679862

Didn't mean to quote

>> No.15679901

Awakened Dungeons are no joke. I've never had to cheese anything this badly. Is there anyway to influence what kind of core drops?

>> No.15679918
File: 616 KB, 1282x795, 2016-08-13 20_27_46-ElonaPlus Custom 1.60.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look for potions of evolution, they help immensely.

Not really. Just hope for the best.

>> No.15679930

As long as something doesn't instakill me because it takes 10 turns for every one of mine

>> No.15679946

>speed 32
Oh boy. Find some glass equipment. Or just a simple speed ring. Gather medals for a hermes blood, unburden yourself, and maybe start learning the speed spell.

>> No.15679958

You can fix those with potions of evolution later on. I think it's worth it to keep drinking because of wishes and potential gains.

>> No.15679984

Where do i find the potions of evolution? Just invest in a magic shop and hope for the best?

>> No.15680056

The same as other potions: magic shop and dungeons.

>> No.15680214

Got a wish and cured the carapace, lucky me.

Also, my relationship with shopkeepers/innkeepers is rapidly dropping due to low charisma, if it goes too low will they attack me? How can i raise it?

>> No.15680546

If your relationship with NPCs get too low it's possible for them to become hostile. You can raise charisma through using skills that raise it. Investing in vendors is an easy way to raise charisma especially if you do it in bulk like when you invest 50(some gold amount). The performer skill can also raise charisma. A temporary fix though can be just to find and equip gear that raises charisma.

>> No.15680636

There's a difference between "impress" and "attract"

If impress goes too low things will be hostile to you, but "talking while ugly" only really lowers the attract bar so you're not in trouble.

>> No.15680661

I've had impress lower simply due to interaction with them with low charisma. Merely trying to just sell goods and not talking to the vendor has had their impress levels lower. Had a charisma of 5.

>> No.15680685

I-I'm n-not ugly! I just have problems talking with people! They just don't understand! Only Nia understands! I know her troubles she speaks of.

>> No.15681062

Why can't i gain AP?

>> No.15681282

fug i seem to have sealed some of my abilities, how can i recover them?

>> No.15681287

Is there a way to leave current breeder as normal cattle(thus removing them from party) on ranch and choose better one as breeder? So far all I can do is kicking them out or selling them to slaver.

>> No.15681346

i presume you're at the cap.

>> No.15681359
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>> No.15681391

It takes a while for you to find monsters that give AP. You'll probably start finding some near the end of the first chapter.

>> No.15681722
File: 782 KB, 800x602, apovercap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of the AP cap, it looks like the wiki needs updating regarding that. I've managed to go past 80,000 and I'm still gaining AP. Wonder what the new cap is if there is one.

>> No.15681853

>hear that blessed mutation potions grant good mutations
>drink one
>lose ice and sound resistance + cannot eat human flesh anymore
Could have seen this coming.

>> No.15681915

I debated recommending that exact option earlier, but I wasn't sure that I wasn't just lucky so I refrained.
Investing in a magic shop to rank 110 costs about 220k, but I've never seen a Potion of Evolution from it, just a few mutations. And the next 50 increment costs about 1.2 mil, so I wouldn't really recommend that either. Wishing is probably the best way to get them, early game.

>> No.15681929

Hell, I meant blessed cure mutation potions.

>> No.15681961

Yes, somehow didn't come to my mind that cure mutation potion won't give me good mutations no matter how much it was blessed.
