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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 674 KB, 1181x1748, 804998d3122c8024449bc3ea99cc7eab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15604409 No.15604409 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread reached reply limit >>15555535

General info, essentials and download links in the Miku Monday copypasta:

Crossfades google drive:

If you're looking for a specific song or album, try searching on vocadb.net (for reference) or mikudb.moe (for downloads)

>> No.15604796
File: 595 KB, 1820x1300, 小暑の候 by okingjo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15604821
File: 457 KB, 790x988, 1463370620687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luka is the cutest!

>> No.15605696
File: 334 KB, 650x919, 58149894_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna hop in boy?

>> No.15605710
File: 2.35 MB, 1414x1000, 58148352_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15605799
File: 553 KB, 1000x707, 89048d1e10ba445c17f9567359769166.jpg?1456128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in loser, we're going utauing.

>> No.15605823 [DELETED] 

Fucking gross, delete this.

>> No.15605825

You're missing the Project Diva FT guide in the OP
I mainly bring this up since there might be someone who hasn't bought it yet.

>> No.15605882
File: 178 KB, 1600x1200, A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is that supposed to be?

>> No.15605904


>> No.15605946
File: 575 KB, 1000x853, 49078537_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending to be retarded
I thought this trend already died

>> No.15606007
File: 372 KB, 564x699, miki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wasn't trying to troll

it looks sorta like luka but with miki coloured hair. i thought it might be a utatu i wasn't familiar with.

>> No.15606069
File: 214 KB, 771x799, ss (2014-04-26 at 03.05.21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree!

>> No.15606070
File: 296 KB, 753x1386, 28926461_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Luka indeed. This artist sometimes likes to portray Luka with different shades of pink/red/orange. Same with miki (pic related).

>> No.15606073
File: 369 KB, 1017x740, 54975420_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would the artist draw Miki with huge boobs, no upright ahoge, and pink hair?
This is what Luka looks like, the art is by the same artist in >>15605696

>> No.15606078
File: 627 KB, 1000x1000, きらきら_tomaaato_201607031450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is Miki
Key things to look for: chest size, ahoge, hair colors, and overall design. Miki is very rarely drawn in something other than her default outfit.

>> No.15606105

Uh, here's a strange video, anons.

>> No.15606114

To note as well : Luka has blue eyes, while miki's are orange.

>> No.15606122

There was once a time in history where Animasa MMD models were the only ones used in videos.

Glad we're out of the dark ages.

>> No.15606974

is this gonna become a recurring thing every thread?

>> No.15607008

Man where's shin Akuma when you need him?

>> No.15608584
File: 28 KB, 330x446, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is missing best girl

>> No.15608607

Whats strange about it?

>> No.15608618
File: 159 KB, 600x847, 1468548416641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Miku nice in person?

>> No.15608622

Is that scene from a movie?
It seems familiar

>> No.15608921
File: 634 KB, 800x1357, 1449468239405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd expect Miku to be an ongoing person, the kind of person that's friendly with everyone because she'd find goodness in each of us.

Nothing wrong with that of course but I don't necessarily befriend people like that. Having her as a girlfriend would be the worst if you're ever slightly a jealous/possessive person.

>> No.15608940
File: 308 KB, 600x600, 1445390903835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't call her a diva for nothing m8

>> No.15609450

I saw Miku at a grocery store in Sapporo yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.

She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but She kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I Heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out She doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Mam, you need to pay for those first.” At first She kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, She stopped her and told her to scan Shem each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, She kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.15610176
File: 2.11 MB, 3200x2400, IMG_20160728_114129~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of my order arrived. Not pictured is a new copy of the best of otetsu. All used discs in good shape except HMO turned out to be a rental. Disc surface still impeccable for a rental. The page in the booklet where you can see pantsu was stuck together a bit. I'll rebuy it new some day for sure.

>> No.15610324

That's a nice selection! There's some good stuff in there.

I don't really "get" rental CDs. I mean I guess it's just like renting a DVD, but I feel like CDs are easier to copy? Although they probably have the same protections on them. I dunno, the concept of renting music just seems weird to me.

>> No.15610368

It's from Berserk (at least the final episode)

>> No.15611356

Great taste anon.

>> No.15611385
File: 162 KB, 348x480, yuzuki smugari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods are asleep, post smug loids.

>> No.15611714

I like to think she acts nice on front of crowds and stuff but she's actually pretty rude and snobby because she knows she's a big deal. Sometimes you wonder why you put up with her but something about her makes you stay.

>> No.15611889

Yes until you ask for lewd things
Then you get a nice solid kick in the crotch along with security laughing while they drag you away. Miku is quite nice until you test her patience.

>> No.15611907

I hate this song. Even more than Ghost Rule.

>> No.15612007

Why? Both are good songs. Is it just because both became really popular and are always in the rankings?

Anyway, you have to admit that the Yukari illutrations are pretty good.

>> No.15612067

You're not supposed to like popular things here.

>> No.15612933
File: 96 KB, 799x1200, CoGNXqyUMAExuwC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about that prototype of that 1/4 scale of best girl?

>> No.15613646


>> No.15614319
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x2560, 58186090_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15614548

Is it right to say that Miku popularity alone surpasses vocaloid popularity in general?

If yes, is she popular enough to a thing such as Miku singing in the 2020 Olympic be considered by the nips?

>> No.15614587


>> No.15614684

I'd say there was more chance for Miku to appear in one way or another to a giant even such as the Olympics when her popularity was at its highest point (i.e. x years ago) than right now.

Don't get your "hopes" up for 2020, it definitely won't happen, and I personally wouldn't even want that to happen anyway. I don't even like the idea of Olympics being hosted in Japan, it'll just be a shitshow with disgusting foreigners shitting in Tokyo's streets for a few weeks.

>> No.15614889

Depending on how Rio goes there might not be a Olympics 2020

>> No.15615031
File: 531 KB, 1454x909, 43619579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is CV04 officially canceled? I know they wanted to update current VB and do english Miku and whatever other Miku it was before doing cv04 but it seems that and If are buried underwater and they're doing another Miku, but it's understandable because Miku is very popular and brings the money, something that new meat may or may not.

>> No.15615102
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, 1394383152468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can confirm she is the nicest girl on the world.
We are together for over 3 years already!

>> No.15615104

I don't see how it'd be related, Japan is one of the world powers and is super clean, they know how to handle a lot of people. No way they'd snatch it away from them because Brazil fucked up.

>> No.15615410

Yes and yes
The only thing really stopping her is if they want to make her sing in clear english so everyone understand. Otherwise, there's a pretty good chance for it to happen.

Friendly reminder that Miku will be 10 years old next August and has yet to disappear or fade into obscurity.

>> No.15615866

This PV has some really strange choreography

>> No.15615942

4 years is along time, especially considering vocaloid has been dying for the past 3 years.

>> No.15616166
File: 462 KB, 667x1000, Sugar1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the sound of the sugar voicebank but hate the sound of spice.

>> No.15616243

You'll just have to wait, anon.

>> No.15616299

Isn't 04 supposed to be a shota anyway? Who cares. Luka already deaded, we don't need more.

>> No.15616373
File: 49 KB, 409x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's supposed to be male I think, but I never heard anything about a shota. Especially since they already have Len as the perfect shota poster boy, it wouldn't make sense to make another one. I agree that another vocaloid is unecessary at this point though, I'd much rather Crypton improve the existing vocaloids like Luka instead.

>> No.15616715

>he actually believes the vocaloid is dying meme

whew lad

>> No.15616725
File: 114 KB, 1600x1200, 543d9a7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gonna have to post this every thread?

>> No.15616730

No no, it's true, Vocaloid has been dying at least since the fall of Rome.

>> No.15616740

Depends on what you consider "dying". It's definitely losing popularity.

>> No.15616817

NND dying =/= vocaloid dying

People are switching over to YouTube and soundcloud to upload their stuff for free. Why should the nips stay on a video site that charges them monthly to upload something and with a video player that hasn't updated since the early 2000's?


It's not dying, it's comfortably reclining. But even then, it's not a drastic decline where it's going to die next year. Just like touhou, vocaloid is practically eternal since there's so many subfandoms you can get into with vocaloid (utaite, MMD, cover artists, etc.)
Vocaloid is not going to die. It's not as a popular as it used to be, but it's silly to think it's dying as a whole.

>> No.15617069

I'd be all for a VB based on Aniki though

>> No.15617125
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, miku clockwork 55714199_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vocaloid has gotten past the point where it can completely die out. However, it's not really losing popularity so much as plateauing. It won't make waves, but you'll still have people constantly discovering and buying vocaloid stuff. An interesting statistic would be how many albums producers are selling and how that has changed. Maybe some producer with a decent following would be willing to at least give a general answer if we tweet them.

I hope she at least makes an appearance in the opening ceremony, though I doubt she would be given a full song. She's a pop culture figure very iconic of Japan so I can see them referencing her. Any attention would be good for drawing new fans.

>> No.15617126

I wouldn't be surprised if there was an utau bank for him already

>> No.15618310
File: 249 KB, 1200x1200, 1453378700565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone still care about Gakupo?
It's his birthday.

>> No.15618428

Why is Kaito purple?

>> No.15618440
File: 96 KB, 1067x948, 4c093a9159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's definitely losing popularity.

>> No.15618495

Yup, that would be a negative trend. It's even more noticeable if you include other similar terms like 初音ミク or Vocaloid.

>> No.15619177

Why is Vocaloid so popular in Eurasia and South America? Always wondered why.

>> No.15619408

The japanese phenome mimicks spanish fairly well. They say spanish speakers learning japanese tend to have good pronunciation and vice versa. Same goes for vocaloid. I assume Eurasia because of social similarities with Japan, so more people tend to like anime and other gateway hobbies that lead to vocaloid.

>> No.15620037

I remember some of you were talking about Luka V4X in the last thread. Just wanted to share what I think is one of the best uses of her.

Super psyched.

>> No.15620061

The Spanish comparison is interesting, it might be that people are more attracted to something that sounds similar to their native language indeed.

I know some of our French bands used to be very popular in South America for some reason too.

>> No.15620263

Popularity is just popularity.
But what the hell is a negative trend?

>> No.15620334

I thought trends were pretty common knowledge.
There's a positive trend from from 2008-2012, meaning the data points continually go up. A positive trend in popularity is good because it means you're getting more popular and getting more attention every year.
From 2013-2016, there's a negative trend, where the data points continually go down. A negative trend in popularity is bad because it means you are getting less attention every year, any new fans you get are outweighed by a greater number of existing fans leaving. We call this in colloquial terms "dying"

>> No.15620389

Dying implies the end of the genre as a whole, which is a logical jump from negative trend. The rate of change of the trend is important as the negative trend can decrease over time and stabilize. And stats can tell whatever story you want, sure 2013-2016 is slightly negative, but include the previous 2 years and it looks stable. You might say recent data is more important, but more data points is less standard error, it's hard to say which is more correct.

>> No.15620420

>the data points continually go down.
Except it doesn't.

>> No.15620436

>that orgasmic cry at 3:31

>> No.15620504
File: 91 KB, 1202x500, 1470053232975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a negative trend continues to trend negatively, dying turns into death.

Yeah except it does though.

>> No.15620570

Yes but that's the difference, dying implies the continuous trend. A "negative trend" doesnt. You might say microsoft stocks have a negative trend recently, but you wouldn't say it's dying. Connotation matters.

>> No.15620613

If it's going down and only keeps going down, I don't know what else you could extrapolate from that except death. It's not like this is housing or gold where periods of fluctuation are common and expected as bear and bull markets come and go. This is a 9 year old product that has spent the past 4 consecutive years in decline. That's bad. Obviously no one in this thread, myself included, wants to see it happen, but denying it accomplishes nothing.

>> No.15620807

Vocaloid SCENE has been in decline, yes, you could also say dying, sure.

Vocaloid music dying? I don't see it dying any time soon, if ever. Just look at how many albums or music is getting produced all over the place constantly. I'm still constantly finding a lot of good stuff and I couldn't care less about nico ranking I anyway wouldn't even watch a few years ago or if some of you otakus aren't getting as much merch as before, seriously.

>> No.15620808
File: 56 KB, 1357x561, meme_busted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I'm curious as well, I plotted a trendline. Using peaks is a terrible way to interpret data trends. Turns out it's positive whether I start from 2012 or 2014.
Data from here: https://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=Hatsune%20Miku

>> No.15620825

If that's how "vocaloid dying" looks like, then we are safe and will see Miku for next 20 years and she won't even lose half of her popularity as she is now.

>> No.15620888
File: 241 KB, 720x1280, rps20160801_181526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15621605

Nice. Get math'd, doomsayers.

>> No.15621628

Dat letterman bump

>> No.15621694

We'll see you this time next year when the graph is going even further down but somehow it doesn't count as dying yet.

>> No.15621719

>using liner regression for this
This pretty much says nothing. There is more accurate statistical tools for perform this kind of analysis (I may do it later).
Also it is kind of retard use only Miku trends, because, as was already said, Miku popularity alone surpasses vocaloid popularity in general.

>> No.15622142
File: 1.78 MB, 1058x1200, 57932315_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more defeatist attitudes and circular arguments that go nowhere and produce nothing. Only actual vocaloid things now.

Would anyone be interested in translated album lyrics? Like translating a whole album's songs instead of just the ones that get released on nicodou or whatever. I've considered it, but it'd be a lot of work for something I'm not sure people actually want or care about. A few certain albums have already gotten this treatment (Jin's work comes to mind) but what about the average vocarock CD?

>> No.15623528

For some albums it's probably worth it. Ok, maybe not the *average* vocarock album, but songs from artists such as Neru, Wowaka, Kemu, and the like, I think it's worth it.

>> No.15623544

I've translated a few albums of some of my favorite artists in the past. Never posted anything online though, it was for my own sake.

By now I don't need to do this anymore considering my level of Japanese (i.e. translations just get in the way) but I would totally recommend you to do it as a way to learn if it's something that motivates you.

>> No.15624031

I tried translating a song once but then I remembered I don't know Japanese so that made it a lot harder.

>> No.15624082
File: 162 KB, 1004x1417, mikucuteasabutton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15624104

post more oversized sleeves

>> No.15624115
File: 91 KB, 500x702, mikuv4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw they killed big happy sleeves forever

>> No.15624142 [DELETED] 


>> No.15624481

I don't need to do it for myself. I was wondering if other people who don't speak moon would like to know what the album-specific songs are saying. That's why I asked what I asked.

Hm, okay. Thanks for answering.

>> No.15624488

what the fuck is wrong with teto's torso

>> No.15624533

I dunno, what's wrong with Teto's torso?

Also this joke better be good.

>> No.15624698

How about some semi-obscure literally whUTAU?

Any of you listened to Shione Lt (Shione Ruto)? Sounds freaking ace with some elbow grease. The producer responsible for some of the best Meiji covers has been pumping out some great stuff with her lately.

Personal fav: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E8JV6DqVKg

other highlights:

>> No.15624729


bretty good.

>> No.15624747

How do your organize your Vocaloid collection? I've been doing %album% for various artists albums and %artist% - %album% to group original album artists together in my Vocaloid folder. Problem is sometimes the artist name is romanized in the tags, and if I don't fix it they don't get grouped alphabetically. I'd prefer if the Vocaloid was in the comment field rather than feat. inside the artist field, but this is too much work to fix for every album. In fact everything I do (cover.jpg in every folder, fixing original album artist folder names, fixing tags) is a load of work considering I'm rebuilding my lost collection from the grave. ~822 fixed, 2,265 to go.

Also the amount of broken/untagged/romanied files you get from MikuDB that need to be fixed is disgusting.

>> No.15624758
File: 60 KB, 612x417, good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great. love it.

>> No.15624861

I like her. Have you heard the counterpart Shione Sal? They both sound lovely.

>> No.15624925

I use iTunes (I know, I know) because I have an iPhone, so I just group everything under a "Vocaloid" album artist (with the "group by album artist" option enabled), since I listen to other music too and any other way just messes everything up with a million of random producers when you sort by artist.

Only producer's name in artist field, name of the vocaloid(s) in comment, album name and song name in its original form. This way it's organized, looks nice and satisfies my autism.

>> No.15624933
File: 336 KB, 1948x1820, Vocaloid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Top pic is inside my main Vocaloid folder. Folders named "- [name of Vocaloid/UTAU]" are for random songs from artists I do not need a specific folder for, etc. [date] [name] are compilation albums featuring multiple artists. All the other folders are discographies.

*Bottom left pic is inside an artist's discography. "- something" are for stuff, [date] [name] are albums, etc, then the songs are songs not featured on albums (or songs whose PV versions are different from their album counterparts, even if slightly) I ripped from their NND/Youtube.

*Bottom right is a pic inside a compilation album.

I never use Romaji, everything is in Japanese. As you can probably notice not everything is perfectly organized yet, a lot of compilations aren't properly renamed etc yet and many artists still do not have their discography as updated as the one I showed as an example. This is always a work in progress more or less, it's really time consuming after all, and as I find new artists to listen to regularly I don't really expect to ever have it completely clean, but it's fine. Won't screenshot but I also use Foobar which is also neatly organized.

>> No.15624966

>>15624933 (me)
752 folders and 7663 files in total for anyone wondering. "Only" 60go total as I cut all the .flac I've had aside from a few of my favorite artists / albums because reasons.

Not trying to dick wave though as I'm sure there are a couple of people in this general who have more than me.

>> No.15625034
File: 29 KB, 377x487, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having only what you like the most is just as respectful as autistihuge 'all-the-music' collections.

I have everything shared on MikuDB, just not all organized yet. Not planning to keep all of it, some of it is shit. Also I still need to grab some artists I found on bandcamp and re-collect some singles not on albums.

I had an autistihuge collection before I lost it because I'd been collecting it for so long and just wanted to hear as much music in a variety of styles as possible. I get into different moods and want to curate that moment with just the right sound. My tastes change a lot too, so I don't want to throw away an album I may finally "get" and fall in love with someday. ex: kinkyuyuruport

Unfortunately this isn't even my computer and I don't have very much free time to be collecting anymore, but hopefully my depressing adult life will balance out soon so I can get back into it again.

>> No.15625061

Yeah, having a big collection doesn't mean anything. Anyone could download the MikuDB torrent and go "look i've got 1600 albums" but what's respectable is being able to cultivate your own taste and being familiar with your library and the artists in it.

>> No.15625122

I use iTunes and put the vocaloid in the artist field and the producer in the composer field (with the box "show composer in all views" checked)
For single songs not in albums, I put them in an album of their own with the album name being the same as the song name
I suck at genres, but I put some music genres understood only by me in the genre field anyways, and I put "vocaloid" or "utau" in the grouping field
Any other tags like "cover", "remix", etc. I put in the comments
It's a pretty efficient system for me, at least

>> No.15625204
File: 10 KB, 237x310, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top folder has the name of the artist in english
Inside, I have a folder that has the name of artist - name of album in english
Inside that album folder, I have the untranslated files.
My music player lets me search for both the names of my folders I created and also the actual contents of those folders. This way, I can search for the english names of albums/artists without messing with any japanese.

>> No.15625221
File: 17 KB, 427x391, Sans titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with the sentiment, I can say for sure I've listened to everything from my Vocaloid folder at least once or twice and like everything showed in the screenshot.
I never download albums en masse, and when I do download something I usually don't put it in there first, I let it on my desktop until I've listened to it and only if it has received my seal of approval it can go in there with the others.

Also useless info I forgot to add : Vocaloid specific compilation albums (such as the "IA THE WORLD" series for IA or the "月の歌" series for Yukari) are also organized in their respective Vocaloid folder rather than with all the other compilations for clarity's sake.

>> No.15625230

Who's Gackpo?

>> No.15625378

Ruto, Meiji, Ritsu, Akesato, Renri, etc are not literally whUTAU. They're not Teto tier but regularly get videos with 10k+ views and anyone who follows UTAU would know who they are.

>> No.15625594
File: 100 KB, 610x610, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated the essential crossfades folder with two albums. monaca:factory's 10p-tation and Miku-Ro Adventure. I feel like I should add something by ぽわぽわP just because, and anything requested here, just feel free to name drop in a response.

I'll be back in a limited capacity in the future to update the crossfades just to keep things fresh and exciting.

>> No.15625661

>if I pretend to be retarded maybe people will think I'm funny

>> No.15625895

To be fair, it's a pretty legitimate question.

>> No.15626044

What did Miku do to piss off that Panda?

>> No.15626459

Can I PLEASE have



>Hatsune Miku Orchestra

In FLAC please please pretty please

>> No.15626465

If you're still in the thread of course..

>> No.15626473


Does anyone have

生きる (初回生産限定盤) by siinamota/powapowaP, in lossless?

The regular edition is also fine

>> No.15626609

>I have everything shared on MikuDB
Just currently or in the past as well? I've been looking for a couple albums that were on mikuDB before but are long gone now. You wouldn't happen to have kiichi's kumoribi would you?

Which ulldull albums? Do you happen to have hakuchumu?

>> No.15626635

dude uh kumoribi can be found in 5 seconds with a google search

same with ulldull

support ulldull tho please i love the artist and he has bandcamp so fuck off

>> No.15626662

Although I gotta say you got some top tier shoegaze vocaloid taste

>> No.15626667

I own hakuchumu, I just don't feel like opening and ripping it. It's pure laziness my friend.

Also seriously? I've been looking for kumoribi forever. Every download I find is broken. I'll look again though.

>> No.15626670

Anyone have a rapidgator premium acc to dl this for me?


I'll give you uhh ... a nice thank you

>> No.15626697

Shit you were right, mikuDB fixed the download. Thanks friend.

For the record I own kumoribi too.

>> No.15626710

In.... in PHYSICAL?


>> No.15626766
File: 941 KB, 2560x1920, CAM00588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never underestimate the power of laziness and not wanting to take CDs out of the plastic.

>> No.15626772


just wow

do you know how much I would pay for that? How much I would pay for even just a lossless rip of kumoribi?


>> No.15626814

Oh... dude. I know you.

Tell you what, if I ever do take it out of the plastic, I'll send you that flac rip you asked for.

>> No.15626837

Ya yer probably the dude I messaged on vocadb

Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed! I like to take care of my CD's as well, but I'm not averse to taking them out of the plastic for scanning and checking them out.

I'll try messaging Kiichi on twitter first to see if he wouldnt mind re-printing his old albums. I doubt he'll answer tho, he's kinda mopey.

>> No.15626890
File: 732 KB, 900x931, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a casual reminder than X HD comes out in about 3 weeks, and Playasia has the controller available for preorder, with shipping to USA

>> No.15626901

wish I had a ps4 desu

>> No.15626914

I'm actually gonna ask kiichi if he can re-print his entire discography

baphoment, yamashite unite, the three EP's, kumoribi, smile knight EP

god I hope he says yes, but he's been bizarre the few times we tweeted at each other

>> No.15627005

then buy one, duh

>> No.15627010

I'm too poor because I buy lots of vocaloid/indie JP albums..

>> No.15627021

It's only like $750 for a PS4, FT, X HD, and the controller.

>> No.15627027
File: 219 KB, 525x388, nowhere to go fast to.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes thank you anon for the price check its very much appreciated

>> No.15627057

I'm just saying that's a lot of bang for not a lot of buck.

>> No.15627059

Yeah I can do that unfortunately I don't own a computer so I'd have to rip them at my parents' house tomorrow.

>> No.15627067

How big is still Miku in japan?

Is she losing steam?

>> No.15627076
File: 18 KB, 275x325, kaz_hirai_headshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Kaz Hirai

Take your time my man.

I really want EXIT TUNES PRESENTS THE COMPLETE BEST OF ラマーズP above all else, but I can wait as long as it takes you to scan it, I dont even care about image scans, just music files. That album alone is a literal goldmine of pure classic niconico legendary vocaloid videos. It has triple baka on it for gods sake. It's a very good find that you managed to get it, kinda jealous desu.

>> No.15627087

If you could scroll up to about here
>>15614548 , you'll find we've already met the "vocaloid is dying" discussion quota for this thread.

>> No.15627102

it was like five bucks on amazon lol

>> No.15627110

Bah doesnt matter good albums can be cheap

I myself own that "Hatsune Miku Sings Halmens" album that you got, I nabbed it used for 450yen on an auction site, and goddamn, 90% of the songs on it are really really good tracks from lots of 2007-2009 famous niconico vocaloid producers, really great album as well.

>> No.15627122

I keep buying her stuff GSC keeps releasing.

>> No.15627154

I have so many albums that when scrolling down the albums list in my music player it crashes


>> No.15627230

Foobar fag detected.

Not using the superior classic winamp.

>> No.15627257

I do, also have the kiichi album, but you seem to have them now.

>> No.15627268

having them in mp3 or vbr v0 is no biggie

having them in FLAC or equivalent lossless is beyond unimaginable.

>> No.15627271
File: 496 KB, 1601x956, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just currently or in the past as well?
I did have everything that wasn't utaite or a single from back when mikudb was a blog. But I'm rebuilding from catastrophic loss so I'm probably missing some stuff. That includes 初音ミクにゲームをやらせてみた 2 and Instrumentaloid Rin Scarlatti Sonatas Volume 2 which I put in the crossfades folder as a joke and I really want those back.

winamp can't do this
and about a hundred thousand other things I need it to do, like automated crossfade webm generation.

>> No.15627341


warning library crashed multiple times so I dont have the same song for each file

6703 albums, a few doubles, but they were removed after recording this

part 1 : https://my.mixtape.moe/lqagwp.mp4

part 2 : https://my.mixtape.moe/nphzpt.mp4

part 3 : https://my.mixtape.moe/dwrojs.mp4

part 4 : https://my.mixtape.moe/dlfhpo.mp4

part 5 : https://my.mixtape.moe/tfpsem.mp4

there are a few unedited parts but idk sony vegas doesnt import mp4 fuck

>> No.15627668

Me too, I can't fucking stop someone please help me

>> No.15627670

Yeah, that's why I said "semi-obscure". Well known with people that follow UTAU, but not as much by more fair-weather Vocaloid fans, who only know Teto and maaaybe Ritsu. I just couldn't resist the dumb wordplay.

Sal is cool too! Though I haven't found anything quite on the level of Konuko's Ruto works. Got any recommendations for him?

>> No.15627690

I used to be just like you. I once owned every Miku scale, except for the Cheerful Japan one. I even had Calne, and money set aside for a DD. You just gotta ask yourself if stockpiling painted pieces of plastic really makes you happy or not. Do the 4 glass display cases and closet full of boxes make your life better or is it just a temporary distraction? If it does, then that's great. Figure collecting is a really cool hobby if you do it properly, but man is it expensive.

>> No.15628917

Thanks mate, this helped I think. I only have one display cabinet so far, but I still have a lot of shit in boxes. One of my closets is filled entirely with boxes though, which is kind of annoying. I believe they make me happy, I really enjoy looking at them and assembling and posing them even if I'm not very good at it.

I have so much more clutter in my room because of it though, mainly because I'm too lazy to clean it every day after work since I'm tired. And good lord is it expensive, shit eats through my bank account.

>> No.15629557

>automated crossfade webm generation.
Holy shit how?

>> No.15629566

Anyone know the name of that album that was basically instrumental Jazz versions of popular loid songs?

>> No.15629590
File: 25 KB, 250x250, 1450227080309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15629682


>> No.15629756


>> No.15630163

Check out the links on the database page. http://vocadb.net/Ar/34116

>> No.15630201
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x1810, Yuzuki_Yukari_V4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you own any Vocaloids?

I wanted to pick up Kaito v3, Luka v4, RinLen v4, IA, Gakupo and Oliver.

Though I've heard mixed things about Luka, there's also the fact I've never used one before or can into music. But I want to support the ones I like.

I like Yukari too, how is she overall?

>> No.15630497

She's great. IA is too.

Luka V4 is eh, you probably want to wait to see if they even patch her or something.

No opinion on the others.

>> No.15630585


A remake of PTSD, looks like he uses Rin V4x in one of the songs.

At least it's getting easier to buy albums.

>> No.15630647

Oh nice. I need more utsuP stuff.

>> No.15630674
File: 308 KB, 1500x1500, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EXIT TUNES PRESENTS ザ! コンプリートベスト OF ラマーズP feat. 初音ミク [FLAC].rar (713MB)

600dpi Scans + CUE + LOG + M3U8 + NFO included because I have autism. I don't think I've ever gotten a 100% accurate rip from a used CD. Sasuga Japan.

I'm ripping HMO now and it's going to take about an hour since I'm using AccurateRip. It may not pass 100% for every track because the disc has some very light surface marks, but it shouldn't skip or anything. No scans will be included obviously because it's scuffed badly and covered in rental stickers. I recall someone scanned and translated all the 4koma in the booklet already so you might be able to find those somewhere.

>> No.15630723

thank you~

>> No.15631093
File: 365 KB, 1656x1480, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HMO a.k.a PAw Lab. - Hatsune Miku Orchestra [FLAC].rar (454MB)

>> No.15631281

Actually I had a question for you.
You say that you used to be like me, trying to get every Miku fig. You also mention 4 display cabinets, sounds like you speak from experience.

What changed? Did something happen?
Did you get a 3D girlfriend?

>> No.15631515

Seconding; IA and Yukari are great, not so bad to use. Gakupo V4 is also really nice. Rin and Len V4 aren't super great; I prefer their append versions.

>> No.15631590


>> No.15631647

Has anybody translated this?

>> No.15631648

Just try moving. After you spend an entire day repackaging some 60 or so figures back into their boxes, you'll wonder if you'd rather spend that much time again reunpackaging them, or would you rather have a cool extra ~4G in the bank.
There are surely some buyfag purists who would say that the blood, sweat, and eating nothing but rice everyday are valiant sacrifices to make for one's waifu, but just try to remember that the real Miku lives in your heart, and those effigies are nothing more than the physical manifestation of consumerism, mass produced in a factory by suicidal Chinese slaves, and marketed by a ditzy Japanese girl who's probably going to end up in jail when she gets caught looking up young girls' skirts on an escalator.

>> No.15631689

Thank you for the rips.
I can also testify to this as well except swap out figures with rubber straps, kuji prizes, and almost anything that's small. It got very stressful for me to complete a collection and to find room for everything.

In the end, I sold a few things on eBay, used the profit to buy the last trinkets I've forever wanted and basically have quit for the last 2 months. Once you realize that trinkets are nothing more than trinkets, it gets easier to slow down on spending.

>> No.15631777

Ah okay, I think I see now. I actually moved twice right when I started collecting, although I really didn't have much stuff yet, and most of them weren't "real" figures, mainly amiibo at the time.
I had maybe like 1 figma, a few plushies, 20 or so amiibo, and a cosplay.
It wasn't too crazy, but with all of the stuff I have now, I can see how it can be a major pain in the ass.
And Miku does live in my heart man, I think about her like all the time. It's weird really, I only just got into Vocaloid but it really pulls you in.
>Japanese girl who's probably going to look up young girls' skirts on an escalator.
Whoa, do girls actually do this in Nippon?

I think I'm slowing down a bit already.
I used to buy a figure almost every other day, now it's about once a week, or every other week.
I still have a lot of preorders to pay for though.

>> No.15631872

Normal girls don't but Mikatan isn't a normal girl.

>> No.15632161
File: 2.51 MB, 3200x2400, IMG_20160803_223750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come home to this enormous package and I'm thinking "I didn't order any vinyl" but it turns out it's Greatest Idol. What the hell where am I supposed to store this? It's thicker than a frickin double LP. I'll also need a sleeve for it I guess. I might end up framing it.

Oh and Impacts & Memories turned out to be rentals too. Pretty bad shape but I'm not surprised.

>> No.15632177

Why is it so big?

>> No.15632179
File: 2.67 MB, 3200x2400, IMG_20160803_223831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really know. Was not expecting this.

>> No.15632210

Mitchie M puts his amazing product quality into literally everything he does, so I don't understand why you are so surprised.

>> No.15632217

Damn that's a nice case

>> No.15632233

I didn't notice it was the limited edition version but I expected a regular jewel case so this was a nice surprise. I do like the large format.

Booklet is just a bunch of screen grabs from his videos and lyrics so if you're interested in seeing what's inside just go watch his videos.

>> No.15632324
File: 1.79 MB, 2000x1139, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_drawn_by_saggitary__1cc69b9c8764261f6da2f2609983b672-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Migu so edgy?

>> No.15632331

so which westerner-made vocaloid song is this image for

>> No.15632352

It's just Nevada-tan cosplay.

>> No.15632373

I Kek'd

>> No.15632375

Okay /jp/ people who can write in Japanese.

I've been talking with kiichi a bit on twitter, and he's willing to sell me all of his older CDs. However, I want to ask him a critically important question, and I'm having trouble translating it properly.

What I want to ask, is as the CD's are older ; are the masters for the audio files on said CD's fully lossless? As in the spectrals go above 22khz rather than cut off around 15-20khz. I can't find a cohesive way to get around the language barrier to ask him this.

>> No.15632433

X HD up for digital preorders, preordering gets you a dynamic theme, Sharing the World, Hand in Hand, "Snow Miku 2010-2015 pack" and "CA Style A / 39"
That price tag, though

>> No.15632494

Yea that price is a little too high for me. Will I miss out on anything if I don't preorder? Is the theme an exclusive thing?

>> No.15632528

I guess the only thing you'd miss is the theme, those two songs and a couple modules, unless the songs and modules will be part of DLC at some point. Themes are definitely preorder exclusives.

>> No.15632954
File: 39 KB, 544x626, 12806008_950545121666571_162676885122012871_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which English Vocaloids do you guys consider the best? Voice wise and/or design wise?

>> No.15632960

none really

maybe luka

>> No.15633003

Cybae Diva

>> No.15633010

shes not and engloid but i say gumi talk has so far been the best

>> No.15633057

Well I'm getting all of kiichis albums (except for hakyu wayside EP 1) but that aside, I'm really afraid that I'm wasting my money for what might be potentially lossy master encodes on the CD's. I already own all the songs from Otototy and karenT so it would blow to get nothing out of this.

>> No.15633251
File: 101 KB, 800x800, wowaka unhappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder this is the best album anyone has ever put out. Truly, it's Miku's "White Album".

>> No.15633266
File: 12 KB, 684x487, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wowaka is literally the Radiohead of Vocaloid

Overrated snoozefest vocarock.

>> No.15633348

>white album
/mu/ pls go

>> No.15633914

Luka V2. I can't think of any English Vocaloid songs I like that weren't by Luka.

>> No.15633919

How new are you for still clinging to such a popular album after so long.

Let me guess you still listen to Love is War and The World is Mine on a daily basis?

>> No.15633928

>Love is War
>World is Mine
>In Unhappy Refrain

I'm not even that anon, but did you fall on your head recently? Unhappy Refrain is much better than other popular shit like supercell.

>> No.15633964

I wonder if we could go one thread without "popular stuff is shit" elitists shitting all over the place.
I'll extend an olive branch. Let's say music is subjective and your opinion is the one correct one, old gods like wowaka and ryo still deserve respect, if not for making music, at least for helping to spread vocaloid all over the world. Had it not been for their and others early widespread success, odds are pretty good your favorite noname indie album wouldn't exist if vocaloid had been a commercial failure and fizzled out in 2008.

>> No.15633965

ryo a shit

>> No.15633976
File: 150 KB, 511x286, mikuwink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the irony in this post. I hope it was intentional.

>> No.15634310

That anon was just saying they were all 'popular' things, and as we all know anything popular is bad. That's why people in this thread consider Miku the worst vocaloid.

Wait, that's not true? Hold on, then could it be that anon's full of shit?

>> No.15634916

Anyone know the name of those horror anime shorts that Migu sang the ED for?

>> No.15635078

Yami Shibai, I think.

>> No.15635112

gumi talk has english?

>> No.15635214
File: 37 KB, 800x1200, CohFn0yUEAASS0u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cabin Attendant style looks pretty hot.

>> No.15635820

Is there any vocaloid composer that got famous?

Seems to me all of them are failures who got lucky and managed to do one decent song.

>> No.15635871

Ryo has done some stuff. Hachi/Yonezu Kenshi too. Lots of Ps have 'crossed over' into music with human vocals, but how popular they are is up for debate. There's been at least a couple that have gotten veritably famous though.

>> No.15635891

Any vocaloid single that reached the oricon top chart?

>> No.15635898

Vocaloid stuff most often isn't released as singles, so I'd wager that'd be a no.

Or do you mean anything by a vocaloid producer?

>> No.15635917

So, are vocaloid producers capable to make more than one or two songs?

>> No.15635924

Lots of producers have mylists a mile long. I don't even wanna think about how many songs mayuko has made by now. And deco somehow has been steadily producing popular songs since ye olde days (aside from that break he took after Paloverel World).

Oh god, and lamazeP. It seems like he's releasing a new song every week.

>> No.15636251
File: 1.68 MB, 1300x1900, 57897699_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miku is God. Replace Miku with any Vocaloid you like. The statement is still true.

>> No.15636307

>Replace Miku with any Vocaloid you like. The statement is still true.
مشرك ! There is no God but Miku (pbuh)

>> No.15636311

File seems to be unavailable according to a link generator. Too bad, I wanted it as well.

>> No.15636373

How about you learn how to read.

>> No.15636388

Wowaka is now (in) a band named Hitorie.

>> No.15636398

While the "old stuff are shit" extreme is indeed ridiculous, the other extreme, "THIS [insert super popular album/song] IS THE BEST" is as stupid and tiring. Fuck casuals.

>> No.15636409

Arbitrarily shitting on people is way more annoying than arbitrarily promoting things, which is what started this little shitfest.

>> No.15636516

>Daily reminder this is the best album anyone has ever put out. Truly, it's Miku's "White Album".
This kind of post (which was a bait by the way) deserved the hate it received.

SJW out. Your place is not here.

>> No.15636661 [DELETED] 

>This kind of post (which was a bait by the way)
Not everything is a bait. Sometimes they're jokes, or overstatements.

>SJW out. Your place is not here.
My bad, I didn't realize this thread was an unrestricted shitposting zone.

>> No.15636687

>This kind of post (which was a bait by the way)
Not everything is a bait. Sometimes they're jokes, or overstatements.

>SJW out. Your place is not here.
Yeah, the genuine 4chan is all about unliimted vitriol and endless shitposting wars. You got me.

>> No.15637780
File: 575 KB, 800x1132, pop_cat-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miku Bling

>> No.15637831

these are fugly

>> No.15637838

The only thing good there is the cube-hairpeice-ring thing.

And it's certainly not worth the price.

>> No.15637993

I would absolutely sport that varsity ring if it weren't like $160.

>> No.15638346

How does he do it?

>> No.15638745

Depends on how easy it is to score coke in nipland

>> No.15639300
File: 244 KB, 850x1000, 1468111360838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the /spook/ loid?

>> No.15639893
File: 13 KB, 207x100, vy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of these two?

>> No.15640198

EZFG is probably the only known producer who uses them.

>> No.15640591

Yuki Miku modules will be free to download

>> No.15640603

VY1 is pretty good. VY2 is ok. I like how they were released without anime designs, guess it was an attempt to make vocaloids more focused on voices instead of merchandise. It's a shame it didn't work.

>> No.15640776

Love them. I wish they'd hurry up and make VY2V4; it would sound amazing with growl.

>> No.15640848

What are some good growl examples? I've only heard VY1V4's cover of Shoohey's cover of Fairytale, . It sounds really cool in that song, but I think it's only because I heard the Shoohey version first.

>> No.15640990

Well, I'm glad you asked, anon.
https://youtu.be/IIK55iBClSQ Normally I don't like World is Mine covers because that song should be reserved for Miku but this sounds pretty cool.
https://youtu.be/Hp23aeN0H1w Same deal with this one. It adds a different flavor to a classic.
https://youtu.be/VRv1JKpvXms Best growl at 1:32.
https://youtu.be/mNOtFqHq3Pw I posted this one earlier in the thread, but I'll post it again because the growl is all over the song and sounds great.
https://youtu.be/Hb9qg1KHgvA I'm not a big fan of Len V4X but this is pretty good. I think that it's also cool to sort of sprinkle tiny amounts of growl throughout songs like this.

It seems easy to use but it's really quite hard to master and make it sound great, but I think that with the right users it can be amazing.

>> No.15641260


>> No.15641358

I'm glad he made a return to the scene. GHOST seems like it's going to be a pretty impressive album.

>> No.15641980
File: 513 KB, 992x1403, 57919475_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone mentioned that Vocaloid has reached past the test of time. That fifty years from now we will still have Vocaloid artists. I agree, to say Vocaloid is dying is silly. At the least it's popularity could drop back to a 'niche' market. But that will never happen depending on how many die hard fans exist. If we truly are crazy about vocaloid, and we are the content creators and distributors and endorsers, then we have all the control over Miku's fate. So as long as we don't lose interest Vocaloid will never lost interest.

I'm rambling but I just have no fear that until the day I die there will always be Vocaloid with me.

>> No.15641993

Vocaloid Renaissance when

>> No.15642001

>Hatsune Miku Orchestra
>not actually an orchestra album
I feel rused.

>> No.15642007

It's a cover album of "Yellow Magic Orchestra" so that's where it gets it's name. It's still a masterpiece, give it a whole listen.

>> No.15642030

Speaking of Len V4X, this also uses his growl pretty well: https://youtube.com/watch?v=CrmG_R2yxs8

>> No.15642033

there's a translation to spanish

>> No.15642040

Oh yeah it's still bretty good

>> No.15642296

Who is currently the most human sounding vocaloid? It seems like there's been little improvement over the years.

>> No.15642301

Why would you want a vocaloid to sound human?

>> No.15642305

Wow this is great!
Vocaloid? Probably VY1V4. Synthesizers, in general? I'm a big fan of CeVIO voices.

>> No.15642312

Damn, better than Ia even.

>> No.15642445

I think VY1V4 can potentially be the best sounding vocaloid, but it just comes down to a talented producer to do the tuning, like cillia

>> No.15642486

>little improvement over the years.

Dear god was I wrong.

>> No.15644651
File: 209 KB, 600x600, Wave Motion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the new SCX album cover so lewd

>> No.15644745

sex sells

>> No.15644794

V4 is looking good senpai

The outfit is still shit.

>> No.15645245

aw, I think it's cute

>> No.15645275

>no baggy sleeves and anorexic twin tails.
It's not shit but they could've done better.

>> No.15645281

Miku has a youtube?
Is she sentient now?

>> No.15645324

She was always sentient

>> No.15645344
File: 242 KB, 622x1168, kagv4x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can never replace the classic designs, but I like the clean, modern design language they made for v4. The kags look especially fresh

>> No.15645358

Flat sleeves and unnecessary sock belts make it look ugly. It's okay but it could have been much better.
Luka V4x has the best redesign from ixima.

>> No.15645453

I'm fine with the twins except for Rin's shorts. They need to be black. All white is just unacceptable.
There was nothing wrong with her black shorts and belt.

>> No.15645486

Look at all of us complaining about redesigns. Can't you see we're all old school? In a couple years, people will be referring to 'retro' Vocaloid music and you'll be the Dad rocks of Vocaloid. Not saying you won't appreciate the new music, just you'll always look back and say "X from 2009 was the best!"

>> No.15645487

all white looks super cute, but I do wish it matched Len better

>> No.15645558

All white is fine as a costume or something but not the default look. Their whole theme is left and right, black and white, yin and yang, balance, symmetry, reflection, shit like that. I feel like making her almost entirely white was an oversight.

>> No.15645616

We already have a few dad rocks, see the whole "vocaloid is dying" spiel that comes up every thread.

"Rock is dead! Vocaloid is dead! I'm so angry and afraid!"

>> No.15645677

I am pretty confident that in a couple years we will see the previous style come back. It's fun to mix things up but the large sleeves (among other features) were iconic and wont be gone long.

It's been said a lot in these threads, so it's certainly not my idea: these outfits are perfect for cosplay. Even if the character designs take a few 'backwards' steps in a couple years, the V4 outfits are always going to be out there and will likely be the go-to cosplay choice for casual cosplayers.

Miku sounds great

>> No.15645737

I do like these a lot, but I think they changed Rin too much and Len too little. They should have both been white if that's the direction they wanted to go, although I still think Rin is better with the black shorts.

>> No.15645754

I still say the outfits are worse for cosplay. The most difficult components remain unchanged, namely the thigh high boots and necessary wig, and now the outfits are far more complex, what with all the little ports and futurey accessories. The wig won't weigh as much now, I guess, but it'll still be just as long, or rather, everyone will just continue to use existing Miku wigs instead. The detached sleeves are still there, but now they're skin tight, which means one size fits all outfits won't be possible anymore, or again, people will keep using their existing sleeves.
I would love to hear a proven, experienced cosplayer explain why this is better than the simple, basic cv01 design.
And even if the cosplay audience unanimously agrees that it's better for them, that's still an incredibly stupid premise to base the redesign on. Cosplayers make up an unimaginably insignificant portion of the consumer base. We're talking hundreds of people here, maybe. Hundreds of people whose cosplaying supports CFM exactly 0%.

>> No.15646444

lewd yukari is best yukari

>> No.15646449
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I like the outfit, better than v3 and append at least. It des seem to deviate a bit too much for an official design though.

You better take responsibility for showing me that image, anon.

>> No.15646535

There's nothing wrong with v3

>> No.15646573

I dont care for the see-through sleeves, but yeah I retract that statement. It's solid.

>> No.15646637
File: 248 KB, 1100x1340, mikuv3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they're not my favorite part either.
Append is a trainwreck, I don't know what they were thinking.

>> No.15646660

append was made for lewd

>> No.15646684

>I don't know what they were thinking.

>> No.15646709

but miku isnt for sexualizing

>> No.15646738

It's not sexualizing if we can make a buck off of it.

>> No.15646747

Too bad Append flopped horribly.

>> No.15646777


new niki song is good

>> No.15646782

Not everyday you find great vocaloid pop/electronica artists


>> No.15646870

Crypton shill pls go

>> No.15647017

I love these sorts of videos. I wish I went to the "lets draw" thing :(


>> No.15647037

>tfw my dad had a heart attack on the day this happened, so I spent my time at the hospital instead of coloring a cute Miku.

Just end me, especially since I lived in the same city this happened in.

>> No.15647073

Nice joke! See, I can tell it's a joke because you said the opposite of what happened. Haha!

>> No.15647114

Isn't that the reason why the original TDA append Miku MMD model was suddenly available for free instead of paying for it on melon books?

>> No.15647132

The Miku Append add-on for the Vocaloid2 engine underperformed significantly, and was Miku's weakest package, which is why it had to be merged into Miku V3, because no one wants to buy Miku and then buy Append. Now, there's just "Miku V3" and "Miku V4" with Append voicebanks included.

>> No.15647170

It's hard for me to believe append failed. Like, if you wanna compare its sales to regular miku, who is the top ranking selling crypton product of all time forever and always, then I guess it would look bad in comparison, sure. But did append on its own actually 'fail'? What are the sales numbers?

>> No.15647240

Why do vocaloid character designs use arrows so much?

>> No.15647264

New AVtechno release



>> No.15647515

liams bedroom pop n roll album is pretty good. Check out other artists in the out wave cluster circle if you like him

>> No.15647581
File: 129 KB, 800x800, nayutan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How has no one ripped this album yet? God dammit I don't wanna have to take it out of the plastic.

>> No.15647653

You mean Crypton character designers.

>> No.15647726

You must be the one. Rip it for the leeches. Your destiny is calling you.

Also buy two next time.

>> No.15647773

Despite the amount of money I dump into CDs, I'm not actually made of money.

>> No.15647817

Well it's easier when you decide whether you're a collector or a listener. I'd rather enjoy what I buy so I'm more of a listener than a collector, but at times I'm interested in owning very collectible things such as this https://www.discogs.com/sell/item/61216794 which I wouldn't want to open. But a regular CD printed this millennium? I'd debate how much you'd get for it a decade from now mint.

>> No.15647860
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fuji in 50 minutes. time for miku car to redeem herself from her last performance.

i am sure your dad was very grateful for what you did. you are a good son, anon-kun. miku would be proud of you.

>> No.15647862
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forgot link for fuji stream:

>> No.15648212

Will Miku ever get past 6th?

Didn't she start in 5th?

>> No.15648357
File: 70 KB, 500x500, disappointedmiku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea... started in 5th and spent 90 percent of the race in 7th :(

you aren't sending miku enough love

>> No.15648404

Is there an IA car? I remember seeing some kind of promotion with 1st Place and racing.

>> No.15648431
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not that I know of, in super gt. the two weeb cars i am familar with are the miku car and the evangelion car.

>> No.15648905

Man I tried to stay up and watch it, I just couldn't hack it, especially when I have work in half an hour. How'd we do? Finished 7th?

>> No.15648968

Made it up to fifth place and finished something like 0.006 seconds after fourth. So she started in fifth, spent most of the time in sixth and seventh, then made it back to fifth and fought for fourth the last few laps.

Despite not finishing on the podium, the Miku car got a lot of screen time by being constantly competitive. Much more enjoyable than the last race.

Right now for the entire 300GT series, she is in fourth place overall.

>> No.15652090
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>> No.15652588
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What's your favorite meme song?

>> No.15652634
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>> No.15652815
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>> No.15652943

Anyone else just get gut punched while listening to samfree or siina mota or is that just me.

I'm just jammin' to Luka Luka Night Fever and then it hits me all over again. Just, god damn.

>> No.15652991

I finally stopped being punched a few months ago. You have to let it go, even if it seems that you'll never grieving for either of them.

>> No.15652999

I took a break from vocaloid around when samfree died and just recently came back to it, so both are still kinda fresh to me. I think I can finally listen to siina mota without choking up now though.

>> No.15653093

This will probably sound really callous so try not to get offended, because it's not my intention, but in samfree's case, it really couldn't have bothered me less. I didn't know anything about the person who called himself "samfree"; I liked the songs he made and that was it. And he had already started to become very inactive like so many other artists, so as a vocaloid producer, he was kind of already dead. PowapowaP was a little rougher because he was still active, but composing, producing, and publishing your suicide note song and then killing yourself is pretty fucking metal, so I was actually pretty proud of him.

>> No.15653129

Wait, was it confirmed he suicided? I thought that was a theory that no one could verify because they wouldn't release details of his death.

>> No.15653150

I mean, he wrote a song comparing his life to an exam full of red marks that's worth 0 points, made a tweet saying "After becoming an adult, the appeal is gone. Maybe I shouldn't have become an adult" and then was found dead alone in his apartment.
It looks a lot like suicide from wherever you look at it.

>> No.15653214

Well yeah, I mean that's why the theory came about. I just don't feel comfortable assuming it's fact when we don't have all the details.

That piano mash at the end of Red Pen is really chilling though.

>> No.15654915


>> No.15654942


>> No.15655428
File: 1.04 MB, 1249x1000, 57901374_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man tries to create paradise. He builds monuments, churches, temples and gardens. Man seeks to always be happy. But one who creates paradise within himself will take it where ever he goes.

That is love of Vocaloid

>> No.15655531

I updated the Project Diva pastebin to include information about X HD now.
We should be due for a new thread before the game comes out.

>> No.15656250

Nice one, anon. Looks good. We all appreciate your effort :D

>> No.15657307

Take this and go /wooooo/

>> No.15657610

Holy shit this is amazing.

>> No.15658488
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r8 the album senpai

>> No.15658792
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I imagine that, even though she wouldn't physically tire the way a human does, she would still be very cautious about wearing out her components when not performing, so she'd actually be somewhat reserved offstage. She'd also be incredibly conscious about not being a "real girl" and afraid that people will look down on her as an "artificial celebrity", especially by human celebrities who might fear competition from a mechanically perfect idol.

>> No.15659222

People who got X for vita, how high of a priority do you think the game is really going to be worth? I've got money set aside but since I'm not done with future tone not including inevitable dlc, on top of not being too impressed with the demo, I'm considering holding out for a while. Is there any part of the game that you think is good enough to justify not waiting?

>> No.15659402
File: 178 KB, 384x512, 81616626-8cce-4d35-974c-7ca4e0a8ca61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait. As much as I like the game I can't really vouch for it and say there's anything you should rush to buy it for.

>> No.15659512

6 out of 10. Fine.

The Magical Mirai albums never really stand out to me as being exceptional compilation albums.

>> No.15659793

I'd say, if you know you're going to buy it anyway, then you may as well preorder it even if you know you won't get around to it for a while. Even though the preorder bonuses aren't particularly to die for, I think I'd end up regretting not having them knowing I had the chance.
I'm assuming if you're waiting, then you'd be waiting for a price-drop but who knows how long that might be or how much it might be. Let's say in like, 6 months they drop the price 1k or 1.5k, it'd be cheaper but you'd miss out on the theme and the modules. The website says Sharing the World and Hand in Hand are free for PS4 and I don't see anything about it having a free download period like the Snow Miku modules do, so they might be free forever. If, however, they do become not free after a time, then buying them would nullify the price-drop.

It is pretty disappointing that it's the same price as a title that came out 2 months before it that has like 200 more songs, but when X came out on the Vita it was 7k, so really it's more incredible that FT was so cheap moreso than X being just expensive.
some things to take into consideration when deliberating are
1) all the charts and PVs are new, and will all play and look fantastic, as in, no awkward/boring PSP/DS ported charts with stiffly animated, copy-pasted dance move PVs on plain white backgrounds.
2) higher level of customization including changing stages and
3) well... it's not much but the live editor mode is a thing. I haven't seen any confirmation but I'm praying to Hiroshi that they bring back custom charts and MP3s in the PS4 version, because there was a small but very angry backlash when they got rid of that. Either way, Live Editor is something for your money, if you like spending an hour navigating the clunky video editor interface to build your own unique PV.
Make a playlist and spend a week listening to nothing but songs from X and see which ones really stick to you. I think the list is really solid. FT has a lot of songs but half of them are complete fluff, and being a music game, the songs are really going to be the biggest thing to consider.

>> No.15660569

English demos added to the store today.
and here's the Vita demo, just in case Greg Miller is lurking: https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/cid=UP0177-PCSE00886_00-PJDX393PRPRTRIAL

>> No.15660900

...I'd read that manga

>> No.15661063

4/10 I don't really like compilation albums in general though. It's like a sampler pack, how can you take it seriously as a body of work?

>> No.15661067

Because some times it's the only way to get a high quality rip of a song you like.

>> No.15661111

Get your /mu/tant-ass out of here, son. Vocaloid is not an "art form". There's few, if any, concept albums or anything actually meaningful by Vocaloid producers. They're just fun happy poppy songs with cute bubblegum lyrics that make you feel good. Some of them are more aggressive high energy rock songs or slower love ballads or whatever but they're still tepid and surface level at best.
I'm not saying "This album is good and you're wrong for not liking it" but that you're critiquing it for not being something that it isn't supposed to be to begin with. Like saying a sports car is bad because it only has two seats.
Think of it this way. You say it can't be taken seriously because it's a compilation album. What if it was just a regular album, all composed by the same artist? Would your opinion of it change?

>> No.15661172

I'm not looking for concept albums. If I listen to an album, I want an album full of happy poppy songs by the same artist or an album full of high energy rock songs by the same artist. I'm find with circles to, because they tend to stay in the same genre. I want to get a feel for the artist's style when I listen to an album, that's all. You can't do that with just singles. If you like analogies, it's like getting a bunch of demos instead of one whole game.

If it had been by the same artist, I would give it 1-2 more points. He'd be pretty talented to produce so many different styles successfully. Most of the deduction is from the fact that, for an album of singles, it's not as heavy hitting as previous years. It's slightly worse than average, not even a terrible score.

>> No.15661180

>Get your /mu/tant-ass out of here, son. Vocaloid is not an "art form". There's few, if any, concept albums or anything actually meaningful by Vocaloid producers. They're just fun happy poppy songs with cute bubblegum lyrics that make you feel good. Some of them are more aggressive high energy rock songs or slower love ballads or whatever but they're still tepid and surface level at best.
That's some entry level opinions you have here.

>> No.15661181

It's not that I'd be waiting for a price drop but that I'd use the money on something else I kind of want instead. The biggest allure for me is that the setlist is actually new songs.

Guess I've got time to think about it though so I won't scratch it off just yet,

>> No.15661197

Then yeah, not preordering wouldn't be the end of the world. Another thing to think about is how much you support supporting the industry. Not only would you be putting $70 in miku's pocket, but preorder numbers are very important

>> No.15661422


anybody got this 2009 album in lossless?

>> No.15662218

I hate /mu/ but your post was kinda shit.

>> No.15662269

Who the FUCK bought this?


Im serious you jaegs, it was for sale and available and NOW ITS GONE.

>> No.15662651

new thread
