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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1548716 No.1548716 [Reply] [Original]

How does /jp/ feel about stalking?

(Lets pretend for the conversation's sake that you leave the house sometimes)

>> No.1548721

i wish i was stalked ;__;

>> No.1548722

I wish i had someone to stalk ;_;

>> No.1548726


/jp/ in a nutshell, most ronery faggots on the whole internet

>> No.1548727

I wish she stalked me ;___;

>> No.1548736

I know I'd be a stalker if I become interested in a member of the opposite sex.
I also know stalkers are creepy and make you feel in danger.
That's why I'm doing everyone a favor by isolating myself.

>> No.1548739


If she stalked me I would tell her she can stop doing it and come home with me to cuddle if she wants ;_;

>> No.1548741

I wish I had something good to contribute to this thread ;__;

>> No.1548744

she doesn't

Oh, and, >>1548726-kun, thanks for summarizing. This is exactly what we needed in our nice thread.

>> No.1548752

Well, I think that jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

>> No.1548757

I had a stalker once, same gender, it was fucking creepy.

>> No.1548761
File: 95 KB, 1454x812, 1225634137278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is always on my desktop, watching me.

>> No.1548763

This. Either one is fine.

>> No.1548770

the last time i met someone new i was interested in i found out her internet handle and looked up all the websites she ever posted in.

youd be surprised at what you can find without leaving the house.

>> No.1548785

Aye, I've been working on cleaning out my entries from Google. You can't find anything compromising by searching on my name anymore.

>> No.1548788

You disgust me. You should be happy someone was interested enough in you to stalk you. Unless they were fat, that's just gross.

>> No.1548790

Fuck! I found a picture of me cutting up a pig when I googled my name.

>> No.1548791


>> No.1548795

goddamn, searching on my name brings up RAGE, some jewelers, and some weird stuff, and a few entries with me.

>> No.1548808

My name only yields a letter I wrote to free pascal developers about a bug in compiler

>> No.1548812

I stalk the regulars of this site:


>> No.1548813

Now I'm gonna reverse-engineer stalk you by reading all the Pascal mailing lists.

>> No.1548851

searching for my real name yielded nothing related to me. i am way too paranoid to expose myself online.

searching for the nickname i normally used had quite a bunch of other people using the same name, the site i stole it from way back when i was a stupid teenager and some random sites about cats

>> No.1548852
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>> No.1548859

I was stalked by in the day, not great since most stalkers are ugly.

>> No.1548867

googling my name brings up two entries about the results of math tests I did 10 years ago in high school, then a whole bunch of German webpages

>> No.1548879

My name brought up a blog about a family who had a child with the same name as me, and nothing else.

>> No.1548888

Did he have a better life?

>> No.1548897

What does it feel like looking at someone with the same name as you and knowing they are better than you in every way?

>> No.1548919


>> No.1548928


>> No.1548945

Tempting, but ultimately a terrible idea.
I know a girl... who makes jokes about being a stalker herself. I don't stalk her (or anyone...) but her friend is a shutterbug so I end up with more pics of her from time to time that I look at far too often. :|

But I'm not taking the pathetic route of just staring from "the shadows" - I'm doing what I can to get closer - at a glacier's pace.

That's my only advice... make SOME progress or stalkers would just be beating themselves up inside. Take it slow if needed (probably a lot more tactful) but take it somewhere.

>> No.1548986

At one point, googling my name revealed that I'd signed a petition at Downing Street's site, protesting against the prohibition of violent porn. Thank you, very much.

>> No.1549021

Nothing about me when I google my name, as I never gave out my name on the Internet.

TONS of shit from when I was a young moron if I google my old usernames, though. So ashamed...

>> No.1549084

>Take it slow
Then she leaves for another country and you never see her again in your life.
True story.

>> No.1549092

Jaded anon has a point. Better to have raped and lost than never to have raped at all.

>> No.1549139

The kind of girl who would stalk you and enter your name into a search engine would probably just be more excited by that.

>> No.1549263

It's a pretty good game.

>> No.1549296


>> No.1549328

Haha, I did this the other day and found a bunch of facepalm-worthy things I said when I was 15. Oh man. None of it is Youtube-quality, but I sure sounded like a little bitch back then.

>> No.1549437

I stalked a girl in school when I was 15. I had a crush on her so I just wanted to be near her and look at her, so I followed after her in the hallways etc. I never said anything to her. She dropped out eventually (not because of me, I don't think she ever noticed me).

>> No.1549453

lol, my name gets me 2200 hits on google, all about some guy in the Netherlands :S

I guess that's for the best.

>> No.1549456

Thankfully all of my past (and current) usernames either register nothing on google or have 100,000+ results to them, with my real name registering zilch. People I knew used their real name when making a facebook so I just stalk their public profile (new picture? Score!) and friend network.

About 5 years back I found an old email in outlook express which had been sent off to the guy behind a Diablo 2 mod. His new version had turned most of my items into duds and well... lets just say I'm fucking glad none of the posts I would've made on boards back then can be traced back to me now.

>> No.1549466

I don't agree wuth it, as I'm a victim of it from a certain someone of the opposite gender on the internet.

>> No.1549481

Fair game. Information is power. But I don't believe the "following them around" bullshit, it's just stupid.

Watch unseen. Follow their trail. Record their habits.

Do it right.

>> No.1549508

Good /jp/, you're looking pretty All Tomorrow's Parties!

>> No.1549518

And then what?

Stalkers don't just seek knowledge for its own sake. Or so the stories go.

>> No.1549522

I don't have to give details, but stalking really is only the beginning.

I'm on the run from the party van though.

>> No.1549532

Do tell

>> No.1549534



>> No.1549543

Tell me so I can rate your admirer. Most are weak, emotionally scarred pussies, but a few may actually be dangerous.

Like me.

>> No.1549544

What the hell.

You can't just leave us hanging like that, you might well have no posted at all.

>> No.1549553


It's someone on 4chan, it's not serious. But it's just unnerving a little bit. I had a nightmare about it once.

>> No.1549555


Then nothing to worry about then. Most of 'em are harmless.

>> No.1549558

Ok, tell me about your stalking then. Who have you stalked?

>> No.1549566

>It's someone on 4chan, it's not serious.
Some clues then, tripfag, namefag or Anonymous?

>> No.1549563


>> No.1549568

Is it that woman you're always pointing out who posts in your threads? You seem to always be happy when she's there.

>> No.1549573

Just an old fling from my younger days at college. It started simple, and watching was enough, at first. Slowly, but surely, I was able to collect more information about her through my contacts, her close friends, and even the girl herself.

In a few weeks, I had a pretty complete portfolio of the girl. But something unexpected happened.

>> No.1549577

So it's just some guy trolling you, in other words.

>> No.1549575


Sounds interesting, what did you find out and what happened?

>> No.1549580

I'm in first year of college and I kinda stalked this shy chinese girl whos in my last class for like an hour in the library. Felt kinda weird afterwards.

>> No.1549579

it's not trolling, I know that much.

Anyway enough about that.

>> No.1549584

One of my friends let it slip that I was collecting information on her. Needless to say, she never spoke to me again. She did, however, start dating my friend.

>> No.1549587

Collect more information. You'd be surprised how often you'll be disappointed.

>> No.1549595

Watching a girl for one hour in one location, where the presence of both of you is quite justified, does not count as stalking.

>> No.1549599

You're all terrible people, or you would be if you weren't all just blowing smoke on the internet. Try to put yourself into the victim's shoes.

>> No.1549600

Fuck athens, are you insane? There's no one stalking you, just people who recognizes your name.

>> No.1549604

Stalking is just a derogatory term for pure love.

>> No.1549606

People recognize her name?

>> No.1549613


I mean that after class I followed her to the library and stalked her for an entire hour AFTER class.

>> No.1549622

I wish I had someone to stalk. ;_;

>> No.1549623



>> No.1549647

You tripfags all look alike.

>> No.1549650

I'd be hilarious if I or most of /jp/ had a stalker.

I'm not sure how they would find our lives interesting.

>> No.1549663

As a stalker myself, I'd say that you learn a lot about those you follow. Sadly, most of those chases are abandoned once we discover who they really are.

Real-life fantasies don't exist - trust me on that one. Why do you think I hang around here?

>> No.1549667


>> No.1549682

I stalk a /jp/sie, everyday I wake up expecting something interesting to happen but they just stay in their room all day.

>> No.1549941

Thanks to the internet search method I found out what the girl I liked had in common with me and had a good way of starting a conversation with her.
We ended up dating for a while and even though it didn't work out we have been good friends for 2 years now.

Following someone around is a lot of work, I don't think I would ever bother (unless I get obsessed, then things can get a little crazy...)

>> No.1549973

I wish someone would stalk me. Sadly, all they would end up doing is sitting outside my house as I never do anything.

>> No.1549982

I wonder how many anons waved to their window after doing that.

>> No.1549985

None. Windows take up valuable poster space.

>> No.1549987

I wonder how many anons waved to their window after reading that.

>> No.1549991

Oh god, I bet someone who stalked me would be so fucking bored. I don't even move in my room and the monitor isn't facing the window.

>> No.1549994

Aw gee. No ninja edits on 4chan :(

>> No.1550004

It's pretty clear from your writing style you are female or have a very feminine manner. Considering your constant derision of women, it's more likely you actually are female.

>> No.1550012

I would be extremely surprised if athens was female.

>> No.1550025

I would be extremely surprised if athens was really being stalked.

>> No.1550033

Next thing you'll say you'd be surprised to find out that people on /jp/ are virgins.

>> No.1550034

i wouldn't be surprised if he was being constantly harassed by the same troll but i seriously doubt it's female.

>> No.1550062

It's that Athens is mai husbandu tripfag?

>> No.1550070


>> No.1550092

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>> No.1550116

We could be friends, you and I.

Have threesomes with athens, yes.

>> No.1550155
File: 72 KB, 495x331, 1225655462206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threesomes with Athens? Athens is a guy. Ewww.

>> No.1550162

He could just watch, in that case.

>> No.1550185
File: 83 KB, 926x337, 1225655875403.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if.

>> No.1550188 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 450x379, 1225655898465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its not gay as long as your balls arent touching.

>> No.1550190

You are so tsun-tsun, Remi my dear~

>> No.1550200

>Athens is a guy.
Do you really believe this?

>> No.1550202

it's a tripfag festival

>> No.1550207

I'm new to their faggotry but from what I have seen there is no way he is a girl.

>> No.1550208
File: 173 KB, 800x1122, 1225656148431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Free beer, too!

>> No.1550224

Yeah, you're pretty new and stupid.

>> No.1550229


>> No.1550257

Will stalk for food.

>> No.1550260

Maybe, but I'm 100% sure I know more about girls than you.

This was such a nice thread too...
can you find another one to fag up instead? :/
