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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1548082 No.1548082 [Reply] [Original]

I met a girl recently /jp/

She recently broke up with her boyfriend (I met her through him), she's a mid-level otaku AND attractive.
We spent the afternoon swapping touhou and vocaloid youtube video links.

Do I have a shot with her /jp/? It's been over two years since I last spoke with a woman in a non-academic/work environment. Should I keep just yakking on about anime/games and avoid acting interested in hopes she becomes interested in me?

I don't know what to do anymore ;_;

>> No.1548090

Kill yourself, normalfag.

>> No.1548099

as long as you keep it non-awkward you're good to go. go buy some manga together or hell do something normal like see a movie, get a coffee, etc

>> No.1548095

You're gonna have to make a choice, Anonymous. Either her or us.

>> No.1548107

Wait, did you meet her in real life or online?

If you actually fell in love online, then my suggestion is to kill yourself.

>> No.1548111

Why can't he have both?

>> No.1548116

OP here.

We met at a college club meeting.

>> No.1548121

Don't be dumb.

>> No.1548133

Don't worry Anonymous. When you suffer inevtiable rejection and soul crushing despair, and crawl back here to seek solace in the 2D world, I'll welcome you back with open arms.

>> No.1548125

Tell her you are lonely and ask for a hug.

>> No.1548127

Her ahhhduuu /jp/ can rot in hell

>> No.1548129

Because it hurts our feelings when he cannot remain faithful to us.

>> No.1548131
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>> No.1548141


Remember where you are, dearest OP. None of us have a single idea what to do in a situation like this.

You're on your own with this one. Hope it all works out and you bang her, though.

>> No.1548148

What would actually happen if you asked someone this?

>> No.1548152

Then leave! At once! We never want to see you again! ;_;

>> No.1548156


She'd probably think you were joking and then give you one of those fake hugs where she still holds your body away from you with the pretense that she doesn't want to mess up her clothes but obviously because she doesn't want to touch you any more than necessary.

>> No.1548158

depends on how well you know that "someone"

>> No.1548162

Yeah, that sounds about right.

>> No.1548164

You can do it anonymous! How do you truly feel about her?

Yeah I've been watching too much Densha Otoko.

But seriously, if you do things right, and can manage to not be awkward (which is where we all fail right off the bat) and also manage to raise her powerlevel in the process to the point where you can be on equal terms, it just might work out. For how long? THAT ALL DEPENDS ON YOUR SKILL.

Do realize that in order for the relationship to work, you'll have to finely balance the amount of normal-faggotry that makes relationships work, as well as how to tie in the weaboo interests. That's where it gets hard because these two things completely contradict each other.

Good luck bro.

>> No.1548168


I really hate those hugs, too. You don't get to feel her warmth and it's kind of insulting. Like, why bother?

>> No.1548170

Two weaboos dating? This fucking disgusts me. Look retard, if your going to pull this shit accept the responsibility of a life of loneliness. Stop being a pathetic fuck and half-assing it. Can't you see how pathetic you look OP?

>> No.1548173

Act like you deserve her, because you do.

Remember, Anonymous - the mentality of a woman is that you should be all that she wants and that she chooses you. Many of us are intelligent, nerdy, philosophical, etc. but you cannot, REPEAT cannot expect a woman to like you for these things. She needs to be put in her place because in her opinion its about who is in control. It doesn't even matter how much money you make or if you are a male model (fag), it's about how you handle her bullshit. Just think: in a burning house, how many men would run back in and die trying to save their wife v.s. how many women would jump out the back window and hide in the backyard. Women have no qualms about switching to another man if the opportunity cost of switching is less than the new benefits (A dildo is fine too). They claim to feel attachment but never so much that they would stand by a man that they feel isn't meeting ALL of their needs. With that said...

Talk to every fucking person you encounter.

>> No.1548185


Hello athens.

>> No.1548187

No U theinterbutismylifenoymous

>> No.1548188

I made a girl fall in love with me once by hugging her really tightly out of the blue.

I think this has only a 5% chance of working though and probably only when you're still like sixteen. I wouldn't fucking try it again, I don't know what possessed me to do it in the first place.

>> No.1548194

>Talk to every fucking person you encounter.

Like an RPG? Do I have to talk to them twice?

>> No.1548195

Urge to rape, probably.

>> No.1548196

irls are attracted to funny AND arrogant men. Not funny or arrogant men. that's all you need, find a funny line that boasts yourself as arrogant that they will laugh at, get their number and the rest is easy. Afterwards do your best to give them an orgasm. Once you've given them their first orgasm, they will never leave you if you treat them right.

This is truth. Many very popular womanizers are both cocky and a little bit on the self loving side. It sounds stupid, but it's the truth- no matter how kind you are, women are not going to fawn on you unless you have a little bit of an edge to you.

This is why "good guys always lose". Good guys, also known as your typical kiss ass, always work hard to please the woman and make her feel special in a slightly facetious way. This is wrong for two reasons- one, it's obviously a ploy to get into their pants, and they know it. But the second and by far most important reason is that it sends a message to girls: I have this guy. I can use him as I like. I don't have to work for him., NOT "Oh, what a sweetie".

Take, for example, film hero James Bond, especially the version played by Sean Connery. James Bond did not go "You're beautiful baby, I love you so much I wrote a poem for you". Hell, James Bond slapped women on the ass, told them what to do, and generally just manipulated them. And you know what? Onscreen and offscreen, that works. Believe it or not, there is a little vein of submissiveness in most women, generally equating to the desire to be controlled. It comes from nature. While this is by far not a license for you to put a collar on her and call her "Doggie", it does mean that you need to display some balls before she's going to want to see them, hold them, suck them, and fuck them.

>> No.1548206


I prefer Barons, but whatever floats your moat.

>> No.1548207

One thing that commonly kills men is that they allow themselves to be trapped(Bridget?) into letting the woman believe that they are something wanted and that you are working for them. This gives them the reins to the relationship, and will easily allow her to dictate what you do, when you do it, and how hard.

Let's take a theoretical situation- calling for a date. Your average "good guy" loser kind of character would pull something like this:

* Guy: Hey, would you mind going on a date?
* Girl: Well, I don't know.
* Guy: I'll take you out to so-and-so's.
* Girl: Well... all right...

And then our Casanova- James Bond meets Sylvester Stallone or something.

* Guy: Hey, how does a date sound tomorrow night?
* Girl: Well, I don't know.
* Guy: Come on. Don't tell me clipping your toenails is more important!
* Girl: Not at all! I'll be glad to go.

>> No.1548209

Please tell me more about how that turned out. I love that kind of romance.

>> No.1548211

What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.1548212

I bet you love J-drama and trash like that too.

>> No.1548213

I don't think I want a girl fucking my balls. That seems very unpleasant.

>> No.1548216

You don't agree that two people obsessing over Japan together is disgusting?

>she's a mid-level otaku
>spent the afternoon swapping touhou and vocaloid youtube video links

I almost threw up in my mouth. but I'm mostly a /co/mrade anyways so whatever. Enjoy your weaboo relationship. I'm sure it will be just fucking dandy

>> No.1548218


You know what else commonly kills men? Yanderes.

>> No.1548219

A great way to use this principle so vividly illustrated here would be the use of the word should. You can use it for everything that you want them to do, because its a socially acceptable way to command people. After swapping numbers... "can I call you sometime??" = pussy "You should call me" and "You should let me buy you dinner" Appeal not only to her sense of submission to authority but also she feels as though it would be good for her. (Literally - what she SHOULD do)

Try getting good at what is referred to to as misinterpretation. Respond to her as if she is trying to pick you up and ask you out. For example when she says, "You seem like a really down-to-earth guy," you could respond with "Wow, you sure are forward, aren't you?" It is important that the misrepresentation is delivered with confidence and humor, otherwise you seem like a creep. Remember, she is always coming on to you.

>> No.1548224


Men who have never been with a woman giving advice on how to get with women to men who have no chance of getting with a woman.

>> No.1548226

Ah, PUAs, how I love to laugh at them, yet despise them because they still get way more tail than me :(

>> No.1548228

I had a girlfriend once

>> No.1548229

By the way, if she's a mid level otaku and attractive as you've said, unless you've got something better going on for you than half the other nerds chasing her, you better find other interests not related to Japan that she's got. Could you imagine having the roving horde of mouth breathing neckbeards thinking they've got a chance with you just because you like anime?

>> No.1548230

>>she is always coming on to you.

Ya but if this girl is watching touhou videos on youtube, are you should she isn't just bored/lonely? Doesn't mean she actually wants OP for anything aside from "blah blah".

>> No.1548231

OP, you're probably already doomed the moment you started treating her like a friend instead of a woman. No woman wants to go out with a /jp/ anon, even female /jp/ anons. You should have suppressed your power level and talked about something manly, like sports. Even if you don't know anything about sports, pretend you do. Pretend you have manly hobbies. Fake it until you make it. See yourself as an alpha male and it'll become true eventually. Feminism put women on the same standards as men, but anyone who believes women are as responsible or logical as men is an idiot. This is why confident, exciting guys usually have their own harem, where as boring losers like you spend their lives being lonely, and when they do get a girl, she usually leaves with half your things after a few years of marriage. Don't "be yourself" or any of that PC bullshit. Be what a man should be, and she'll be begging for your cock.

>> No.1548232

Never heard of that. What's the J stand for? Jelly?

>> No.1548235

Was it your sister? Did you fuck her? Do you want to fuck your sister? How dare you let your sister have a boyfriend! You are her rightful owner. Go call her now.

>> No.1548252

Way to kill the thread asshole

>> No.1548253

A woman has a close male friend. This means that he is probably interested in her, which is why he hangs around so much. She sees him strictly as a friend. This always starts out with, you're a great guy, but I don't like you in that way. This is roughly the equivalent for the guy of going to a job interview and the company saying, You have a great resume, you have all the qualifications we are looking for, but we're not going to hire you. We will, however, use your resume as the basis for comparison for all other applicants. But, we're going to hire somebody who is far less qualified and is probably an alcoholic. And if he doesn't work out, we'll hire somebody else, but still not you. In fact, we will never hire you. But we will call you from time to time to complain about the person that we hired.

Let's say you are a straight male and you have a male friend. The two of you are friends for awhile, you have fun hanging out. Then one day that male friend says he's always had a crush on you and asks you out. How would you feel? You never saw him as a potential date, only as a friend.

This is the same way it is for females with male friends. If you aren't put into the potential date category pretty quickly after meeting them, you probably never will be or will have a hard time getting into that category which will only result in a short relationship. If a girl views you as a friend, you are the same as a female friend to her and therefore NOT a potential date, and finding out you are attracted to her will just make her feel awkward (and maybe sad, because she realizes you are a person with feelings but may be sad she can not return your feelings) towards you.

Thinking becoming friends with women first will get you lots of dates is a mistake many men make. DON'T do it, it only leads to heartache and blueballs. Get to know a woman before officially proclaiming yourselves boyfriend & girlfriend, yes, but do that through things like 1-on-1 dates, NOT friendship.

>> No.1548256

just get out. GET OUT

>> No.1548263


Sorry, I just find that one anon who always says things like that amusing.

Also, I'm bored. So bored.

>> No.1548274

Saying sorry? Acting like we care?

Are you sure you didn't mean to click /c/?

>> No.1548279

Are you quoting your jelly drama now?

Sorry, I have no interest in your strange fetishes.

>> No.1548282
File: 92.00 MB, 1200x1600, 1225620364230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't we just turn this into a Tenshi thread already?

>> No.1548289

I would, but does Tenshi hijack picture exist?

>> No.1548290

We moved to different sides of the country. At first talked to each other every night on the phone, eventually that slowly shifted into like an email once a month. Haven't talked to her in a year now.

>> No.1548294

someone make one now

>> No.1548305

Pic related for how to deal with women, even the non-masochist ones

>> No.1548311


>> No.1548313

>AND attractive.
>It's been over two years since I last spoke with a woman in a non-academic/work environment.


Anyways, was her ex an otaku as well?

>> No.1548315


Words speak louder.

>> No.1548317



>> No.1548321
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>> No.1548323
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>> No.1548326
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>> No.1548330
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>> No.1548331
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God made the man, then he made the woman to serve the man and to comfort him. No matter how evil you may perceive the man to be, the woman is always in subordination to him. God made the man to rule over the woman. There is no other way no matter what you think. You do not lose your headship, nor responsibilities because you sin. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. When it comes to sinning, women have you beat hands down. When it comes to guile, women have you beat hands down. When you sin, recognize that you have sinned and repent of that sin and go there no more. You do not have to make excuses to the moron who tries to interrogate you.

So men, you are the ruler and when you stand with the Lord's word and keep holiness and purity of the Lord's word for yourselves no evil woman filled with guile will ever be able to confuse you or deceive you. You are the head, not the woman and you always will be. Stand up in God's word and let no other doctrine of anyone come ahead of God's word and live your life according to God and HIS holy word.

When the men let the women rule, society degenerates as it did in the garden of Eden and now it does in the USA. Eve started taking the initiative, She was aggressive. She didn't believe God. She went to Satan for a second opinion. She believed Satan and did all he told her. Then she took Satan's lies to Adam and had Adam eat the fruit she had gotten from the forbidden tree. From there they degenerated into wickedness. Their own second son Cain killed Able out of jealousy. It continued to Get worse from there. One sin brings on more sin. Repent of your sins and go there no more.

Men, do not listen to the women. When they start getting aggressive, shut them down. When they start crying, walk away. Do not listen to women and their perverse emotions in any way shape or form. Women do not know right from wrong. God made the man to guide the woman and to rule over her.

>> No.1548335
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>> No.1548342

I can make it, but what's it supposed to look like? I don't know Tenshi beyond BDSM... and that's too complicated to portray in a proper hijack image.

>> No.1548346
File: 119 KB, 774x600, 1225621786658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just like this

>> No.1548352

Gimme 5 minutes.

>> No.1548368

lol /jp/ giving girl advice.

>> No.1548373
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>> No.1548377
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>> No.1548382
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>> No.1548383
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Its been more than 5 minutes, where is my hijack picture?

>> No.1548384


That image always makes me hard.

>> No.1548385
File: 14 KB, 774x600, 1225622768204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm. Shall this suffice? I feel it is missing something.

>> No.1548386
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>> No.1548388

Sorry, went OCD on myself.

>> No.1548389
File: 376 KB, 709x1021, 1225622840156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I wish there was more like that

>> No.1548390
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>> No.1548393


There needs to be more quality spanking.

>> No.1549670
File: 61 KB, 800x600, 1225649029341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SO FUCKIN' TRUE in 99% of cases

listen to this man

>> No.1549680
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>> No.1549762

Was this at Tigercon I wonder?

>> No.1549773

Do this. Good advice is good.

>> No.1549783

What is this shit?

>> No.1549795

Start watching romance anime.
Or Maison Ikkoku.
She'll get the idea.
Just make sure to try spending as much time together.
Tell her that you feel so much at ease with her.
and that it would be a good idea that you date or something. Plan on going to an anime convention as a couple. ask her if she feels the same way or might think you're a better fit with her interests.

>> No.1549812

Girls who go to cons are a little bit... welll.... slutty to be fair though.

>> No.1549831

You're late to the party.


>> No.1549843

And that is bad because...

>> No.1549899

Dear OP, why not just have her as a friend?

>> No.1549924

Of course not! When you find her in your bed with another guy after leaving for a few hours, you can just call it a "pleasant surprise."

>> No.1549937

>Tenshi Hinanai's Growing-up Dairy

She's being raised on milk and cheese? What does this scene have to do with that?

>> No.1549965

If you want her to fuck and nothing more, I'd call it "mission accomplished"

>> No.1549993
File: 50 KB, 261x265, 1225653679457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh u.

>> No.1550003

athens! you're generalizing again!

>> No.1550006

relax, show your real self, be nice, gifts etc

>> No.1550013

Raping another girl with a friend would seem like a very brotherly bonding activity.

>> No.1550019

Raping a girl with a friend would seem like a very brotherly bonding activity.

>> No.1550024

Raping a girl with a friend would seem like a very brotherly bonding activity.

>> No.1550112


