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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15380885 No.15380885 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>15344533

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.15381003

Koikake stutters every time it tries to load UI elements (submenu, options, even the tooltips). Is this a common problem or just something on my end?

>> No.15381050


I had no such issues when I was playing it.

>> No.15381057

Some games have trouble vsyncing, try disabling the compositor if you have it enabled or enabling it if you have it disabled (Aero in Windows 7, or whatever it's called in Win 8+)

>> No.15381192

I messed around with both the sync option and the compositor but it didn't work. After reinstalling the game the system menu still have stutters (in particular, when changing the Right-click behavior, the previous tick box takes a while to disappear, and the audio sliders have a very obvious delay to them), but loads are faster and the submenu no longer makes the game halt, so it's playable now

>> No.15381955

So what are the chances of Baldr Heart and Sen no Hatou getting delayed?

2016 seems to be the year of delays, after all.

>> No.15381980

Got the 俺たちに翼はない soundtrack from baidu.
It was a bitch to get because you had to constantly fill in captcha even with jdownloader.

Since it's pretty much impossible to get from torrents and saw people here wanting it a few time I though I'd share it.


Format is weird. Had to get a tak plugin for foobar to get it to play.

>> No.15381985

Every single year is the year of delays.

>> No.15382008

Sen no hatou will probably make it for september.
Baldr heart on the other hand is definitely getting delayed though, I have no doubt.

>> No.15382025


I'll laugh if all high profile games of july get delayed and the month becomes completely void of interesting new eroge.

>> No.15382031

Yeah, Sen no Hatou was announced long ago and August let people wait long enough.

>> No.15382045

What games does july have anyway?

>> No.15382113


The biggest are probably:
Baldr Heart (Giga)
Floral Flowlove (Saga Planets)
Amatsutsumi (Purple)
Senren Banka (Yuzusoft)

Then maybe Chuuni Hime no Teikoku, which is by a new company, but seems to have the right staff to do something good enough. Seems to be a decent amount of people from Pulltop, including two of the writers. (another one did France Shoujo)

So yeah, mostly moege month. Though the purple title is probably a little different and Baldr is obviously.. Baldr.

>> No.15382120

>the purple title is probably a little different
It seems to be a somewhat porn-heavy moege with some excuse of a plot to make up for chrono clock from what I read.
I could be wrong though.

>> No.15382149

What do you even base this on?
They almost completely reused the system from Sky, which probably made the development time shorter. They also seem to have the release date set in stone and advertised everywhere.

>> No.15382192


>> No.15382217

>(another one did France Shoujo)

Wait, it has Marutani? He also did one half of Kanishino.

>> No.15382228


Look into it further, or rather look into it for real, it's more of a scenarioge. 言霊 is an important theme for it, that's Japanese mythology. Seems like now is the year of Japanese mythology (and overall 和風) with SenMomo, Amatsutsumi, Senren Banka, Haruru Minamo ni...

>> No.15382241

>They also seem to have the release date set in stone and advertised everywhere.

That means little. Before Liber_7 was delayed 5 months, I could see several ads over Akihabara proclaiming its May release date. Normally such ads have "発売予定" on them, and then perhaps they get plastered with マスターアップ sticker when it's done.

>> No.15382248


It's right there on the site. Three authors according to vndb, but yes, Marutani is definitely part of it, based on the official site.

>> No.15382713

i don't trust purplesoft in terms of story/plot. they have probably the most deceiving trial games, ever.

>> No.15383024

Sometimes I wonder how some eroge companies manage to stay afloat.

>> No.15383145

Because they masterpieces like Kamidori :^)

>> No.15383627

Do you play new game from AlCot Honey Comb? Hatsugamai. How are you with this game? Is it okay? Or not worth the time?

>> No.15383681
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Still no release date for あきくる. Probably intentional delay because lol Autumn.

>> No.15383742


Flowers didn't do that. If they can just delay the game by half a year because "lol autumn".. well. Then again. Who knows. Maybe the delay is all meta and part of the narrative.. kurukurukuru...

>> No.15384245

>Meguru's VA voiced the Nene-lookalike instead of Murasame
I didn't ask for this Yuzusoft

Amatsutsumi doesn't seem to be a hard moege but going by the trial it surely has pointless porn

>> No.15384855

>reading Sakura no Uta
>starting to get used to the verbose style and Sca-ji's rambling about the name of every muscle in the human body
>suddenly sex scene
>she's holding a 30 minute monologue in front of my dick
God I just want to skip through the porn but I'm worried I'd miss some character development.

>> No.15385198
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>curling waifus is english never ever

>> No.15385233

why are you quoting your image name

>> No.15385350

How much do you read in a day?

What was your longest marathon?

>> No.15385402

Usually about 8-10 hours, but I save pretty much all my reading for my days off.
Longest was probably about 20.

>> No.15385590

Two hours on average. I have other hobbies too.

I played Sakura no Uta for 18 hours straight one day.

>> No.15385631

Depends on how interesting the title is, anywhere from 1 hour to 16 hours a day.
Longest marathon was probably around 30 hours

>> No.15385994

Will Saga Planets ever make anything as good as HS ever again? Just read the Floral Flowlove synopsis and was thoroughly disappointed by how it sounded, but I suppose you can't judge a book by it's cover.

>> No.15386111
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At least it looks like they changed the main scenario writer to Touta.
But the funny thing is, he is also doing some scenario work for Senren Banka.

>> No.15386239

Why are there barely any VNs with adult characters? Nukige don't count.

I don't care about some faggot 15 year old and his harem.

>> No.15386249
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Because reading about old geezers is boring.

>> No.15386252

Because at that point you either try to come up with a good reason a bunch of 20-something OLs have never been in a relationship before, or cut out that huge chunk of the market who only wants to deal with pure virgins.

>> No.15386259

Japanese adult life is spent working 14 hours a day

>> No.15386268

Productive adult life everywhere is like that

>> No.15386269

It's not just VNs, you know.
It's the same with ranobe, anime and almost all other akiba-kei stuff.

Eroges are pretty much made for folks who somehow fucked up their life and want to relive their adolescence.

>> No.15386287

Adult characters don't sell for the price of a full-price eroge. That's it.

>> No.15386347

Play Damekoi if you haven't already. Or Kanishino if you're okay with a teacher protagonist. I can sort of understand why there's not many pure love eroge starring salarymen, but yeah, it's weird how even university student protagonists are pretty rare despite the core audience most likely being at least that old. My uneducated guess is that the industry is just too afraid to let go of the tried and true high school setting rather than the target audience outright demanding it, because it's not like you can't have pure or younger heroines despite the protagonist himself being an adult.

>> No.15386370

Except they're not productive and just stay late to look good

>> No.15386397

Teacher protagonists are not that rare if you look for it.
And there are quite a lot of university student or even older protagonists in lolige.

The main thing is that high-school setting usually makes you feel nostalgically along the lines of こんな青春送りたかった・・・.
With university students it doesn't work like that and a lot of regular eroge tropes would just feel completely out of place.

>> No.15386888

I want to play something with a thoughtful, down-to-earth, well-written romance. Not so much focused on silly comedy like moege tend to be, nor a total soap opera like WA2 or Key games (some comedy and some drama is fine of course), and little to no magic/fantasy/action stuff. Mainly just a touching romance story with strong character development for the couple(s).

Pretty vague, I know, but does anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.15387000

I'm reading koi de ha naku because of the last few threads, I'd definitely recommend it if you are looking for that.

>> No.15387007
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人生通行止め's next purepure girl NTR'd by a ヤリチン fapgame looks like it's going to be pretty top-tier. Probably the best amatuer group doing nukige today, though their last title was a bit disappointing.

>> No.15387056

The reviews I read of that make it sound really drama-heavy which isn't exactly what I'm looking for. I appreciate the suggestion, though.

>> No.15387434

What are some of your favorite very short (2-10 hour) visual novels?

>> No.15387469

have you watched CLANNAD (+AS) or played the true route?

>> No.15388322

Just watch Korean Dramas for that shit, not like any of those are "well-written romances" either, but sounds like what you want.

>> No.15388612

Lovely Cation 2 brah, fits what you want down to a T

>> No.15388646

how long did it take you guys to reach a level of proficiency in reading japanese where you could enjoy untranslated VN's?

>> No.15388655

Most things - 2 years, no texthooker, just cruizin
Everything - i'll tell you when i get there

>> No.15388714

It took me around 3 years to be able to enjoy reading without any texthooker.
But complete fluency is entirely a different thing. I still need to google something new regularly even after more than 5 years of studying and reading.

>> No.15388745

Almost 2 years reading at my own pace, I don't really have any desire to reach complete fluency just being able to read eroge unimpeded is enough for me.

>> No.15388754
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Oh man this is great, been a while since I've enjoyed a VN this much.

>> No.15388785

Minored in Japanese, 6 semesters of nip at a decent uni with a competent language program is honestly the best way to get fluent quickly in every aspect of the language, though the workload's a bitch and good professors are few and far between.

a year or two of self study, an hour or so everyday, would be more than enough to be able to read with a good texthooker. It's only when you want to speak or write that mastering the grammar becomes a kick in the ass.

Regardless if you study at a uni or by yourself, Kanji is always gonna be a bitch, my god its ridiculous.

>> No.15388838

I've read Clannad, yeah. After Story is the sort of thing I'm looking for, except without the over-the-top ~suffering~.

No thank you.

Thanks. That's been in my backlog for a while, I guess I'll try it out.

>> No.15388951

Wait till you get to her sex scenes and he starts reusing that ノリ.

>> No.15389396

Isn't the cation series nukige cum moege? I thought they had like 10 H scenes per route

>> No.15389412

Every moege has a ton of h scenes per route. LxC (2, at least) has pretty good writing and a lot of focus on developing romance naturally as well as conversations on a variety of non-sex topics. Not really nukige cum moege, since sex while present isn't the "point", or otherwise only worthwhile aspect, of the game.

>> No.15389585

Except there's still an H scene every 15 minutes after the first one.

>> No.15389606

I found the H to be pretty well paced in the relationship. There's a line between no fucking and fucking nonstop, and that line is the line of "normal couple fucking" which is what LxC2 hits well.

Not to mention, if you don't like the H you can just skip it. Won't impact the story. That's something you'll just have to get used to doing if you don't like a lot of H scenes in moe games.

>> No.15389617

A major problem is when those H scenes are taking the place of other content, including hogging the majority of the art assets. If the writer is relying on the H scenes to strengthen the relationship, then the relationship will feel pretty weak if you don't give a shit about the H scenes.

>> No.15389623

You could say the same of every moe game... I honestly don't think there's a moe game you can't say that about.

>> No.15389624 [DELETED] 

What the fuck would you know about 'normal couple fucking,' weeb? Don't talk about shit outside of your grasp.

>> No.15389635

Welp, this is the first time a heroine begged to stop sex because its too hurt.

>> No.15389636 [DELETED] 

I'm a former normie who fell from grace, sue me.

>> No.15389640 [DELETED] 


>> No.15389650

in vanilla scene*

>> No.15389657

I noticed some of the Unison Shift titles I've played so far had a pretty good balance. Maybe too much on the light side H-wise for some.

>> No.15389672

That's certainly true, I read Leyline and it was certainly light on HCGs, but you could still say that the h scenes hogged art assets and progressed relationships through them.

>> No.15389700

Not nearly to the extent that the sort of ones that have 8-10~ H scenes per route, though. If there's stuff progressing the relationship outside of the H scenes, then I don't mind it too much, it's more the fact that most of the CGs are H CGs as a result that annoys me.

>> No.15389767

Sure, but it's still a problem just like in any moe eroge. I just mean to say there's not a lot of point in bringing it up considering it's just a fact of life.

>> No.15389777

It's only a problem if you hate sex. The fact they do it probably means most people like it, right?

>> No.15389801

Well, it's a "problem" in the sense that the abundance of H-scenes in eroge prettttty much never actually improve the narrative, and therefore one focusing on the narrative of an eroge (in this case the romantic narrative) will easily take issue with said narrative being weakened by excessive sex. I think it's a truth, perhaps sad perhaps not, that indeed most people play these EROge for the ERO and not the narrative, indeed the narrative is just a framework to deliver ero, so the narrative being weakened by excessive sex would not be a "problem" but rather "something fine and necessary", if it's even noticed at all in between the fap session.

In short: too much sex is a problem for >>15386888 because he wants "a thoughtful, down-to-earth, well-written romance" not a romance with a lot of sex".

>> No.15389853

I think you're creating a false dichotomy between people who play for ero and for narrative. Most people play for both, and will be disappointed by games with either a low number of sex scenes, or with poorly written, thoughtless writing. Hence the writers try and do both well.

>> No.15389869

Sanoba Witch.
You and me, /jp/, we may play for both. But Japaneses buyers, by and large, don't. They want ero. Just look at sales figures. Just look at there being far more ero centric games than narrative centric games. The attitude I always see prevalent bbspink is pleasant surprise towards a nice plot, but never a serious look at it, it's all about the ero.

>> No.15389912

For a recentish examples I liked how Wizard's Complex and World Election (one of the few things I actually liked about that actually) had only three or so H-scenes in the actual routes spaced out by about an hour or so, with more as unlockable after story type things once you actually finished the route.
Instead of cramming all the H-scenes in a 2 hour block and then a block of drama for to finish up the route as is more usual, it felt like a much better progression.

>> No.15389915

That would be true if most of their top VN listings are eroge which they don't and look up the sales for scenarioge and nukige and you'll see a huge gap in numbers in favor of the former. You're selling the Japanese audience short on this one.

>> No.15389920

>That would be true if most of their top VN listings are eroge

I meant nukige.

>> No.15389939

I consider the narrative of these games to be just as shitty as nukige, and additionally, the games selling better likely has to do with the girls looking better and the sex being better, and nothing else.

It's the Japanese audience that has created the current state of affairs and that state is of every game being jammed with ero and most games having pathetic narratives. Can't really sell them short, here.

>> No.15389948

>baww my gaijin superior taste isn't acknowledged and dirty jap otaku can't recognize true creme de la creme unless it has smut.

This is you.

>> No.15389964

I don't have gaijin superior taste, I'm playing the same games they do.

>> No.15389969

Your distorted opinions say otherwise.

>> No.15389975

Even if I personally enjoy something, if from an objective viewpoint some parts are poorly done, I will evaluate them as poorly done, and if, as the result of a full evaluation encompassing those parts, that work is "poorly done" or "a failed work" from an objective point of view, I feel no reluctance about admitting it to be such. However, even if it's "poorly done" or "a failed work", it doesn't change the fact that I like what I like. In short, I distinguish between "objective" and "subjective".

>> No.15389983

Jesus, you must love the sound of your keyboard while typing all that pretentious shit.

>> No.15390022

Give some examples of games you like then.

>inb4 In discussions like these, which I partake in often, I avoid shifting the topic to myself. Listing what I consider to be the best written eroge would not add anything to the discussion and instead would just lead to bickering about particular choices or ad hominen attacks rather than anything meaningful.

>> No.15390033

Lovely x Cation 2 for starters. Would a pretentious individual convinced of having superior gaijin taste play a game purely about dating and fucking high school girls? I don't think so.

>> No.15390073

But I play games purely about dating and fucking high school girls, and my taste is superior to everyone's.

>> No.15390374

>not MILFs

>> No.15390396

those are babby's first faps though

>> No.15390685
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>> No.15390697

>>15386888 here. I don't mind a lot of sex as long as the relationship is well-developed. There's nothing preventing you from having great characterization in between (or even during) the fucking; Maruto, for example, pulls that off very well.

>> No.15390713

Best girl

>> No.15390880

>Wizard's Complex and World Election
How were these by the way? I wanted to check out World Election because the setting seemed pretty cool.

>> No.15390915

I can't believe I never knew that Romeo wrote Humanity has Declined.

>> No.15390941

I can't believe you're using the translated title.

>> No.15390952

For whatever reason there's a select few works where I always use the translated title, and 人類は衰退しました is one of them. Couldn't tell you why.

>> No.15390977

Who else could write it?

>> No.15391005

Itaike na kanojo, which is probably around 10 hours if I remember correctly, maybe slightly shorter. It's actually very well-written with some good character development.

>> No.15391022

Never bothered with it, but if it's Romeo, then it's guaranteed kamige.

>> No.15391030

That was one of the very first games I played in Japanese. Some people might find it hard to read (due to the subject matter, not the language), but I have fond memories of it. I should reread it now that my Japanese isn't shit and see if it's as good as I remember it being.

>> No.15391038

Do you by any chance imply that Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya o Mezasu is a kamige?

>> No.15391045

Found Romeo's name, so yes.

>> No.15391052

Try it then. It's boring shit.

>> No.15391055

I hope you're not blaspheming against our Lord and Savior Romeo-heika-dono-sama by suggesting it isn't.

>> No.15391073

I hope Minato Soft will somehow survive this blow from the legendary ブランドクラッシャーロミオ.

>> No.15391132

Honoka is so sweet and adorable. It's hard not to fall in love with her. And the good end when the music starts to play... very good memories. I couldn't read the evil route, though.

>> No.15391145

I tried to go for the good end but I couldn't resist a few of the teasing choices so I got this shitty 中途半端 sort-of-good-but-not-really ending. I regret everything.

>> No.15391299

I remember this

.. and the fact that I promptly decided on protag-kun's name because I A M U N O T O N I I C H A N

>> No.15391344

Just like Kouya right

>> No.15391375

I'm thinking about giving ひぐらしのなく頃に粋 (Vita) a try, but I've already played 絆 (DS) years ago. The new content for me would be the higher resolution + 盥回し編、憑落し編、澪尽し編, which were exclusive to 祭。Has anyone played these?

>> No.15391594

Emulate 祭 instead?

>> No.15391610

The resolution is pretty low by today's standards, and I'd prefer if I could play it during my commute.

>> No.15391696

Anyone has a link to ps2 ver of Phantom?

>> No.15391817


Fuck me, I spent 10 years pretending to studying it and almost 1 year really studying it.
I am loterally an idiot and I still have troubles with は, word order and subclauses.

>> No.15391904

Don't be. I'm on your shoes right now. It's good you realize your mistake.

>> No.15391935
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Wizard's Complex was decent enough. Decent pacing, good amount of flirting throughout. Some of the drama was pretty dumb though and it might just be me but the protagonist felt way too useless for the type of game it was and his "power" felt too inconsistent.

I couldn't really stand World Election. Despite having most of my favorite VAs as heroines whose archetype and designs I liked something about the writing just made it just not enoyable whatsoever. I had to force myself through the common route and the one route I finished. I'm also generally not a fan of Whirlpool though so.

>> No.15391963

>I couldn't really stand World Election.
100% the same
Downloaded to enjoy a generic moege, got a total pile of shit. Posterchild for the importance of good writing even in moege in my opinion, the writing is just that shitty.

>> No.15392205

I'm thinking about trying a trap game for the first time. Are there any good ones besides Tsuriotsu?

>> No.15392212

Tincle Twinkle Festival got some hype. Didn't play it myself

>> No.15392232

>Tincle Twinkle Festival
I remember that, "Your sister is a borderline abusive mary sue" the game. Its funny when it's not focusing on the stupid drama or the terrible girls.

>> No.15392260

it's not out yet but here's a trap game for you http://qualia.clearrave.co.jp/

>> No.15392270

The page design is so cute.

>> No.15392275

MC-kun is

.. well.

>> No.15392293

Cute. Too bad he doesn't get fucked.

>> No.15392305

check out the specials, they let you listen to trials

>> No.15392402

He gets fucked?

>> No.15392404

he masturbates

>> No.15392406

You got my hopes up for nothing.

>> No.15392516

In someone else's bed
Ahh anon-kun, life is more than just about trap MC-kuns getting into femdom relationships

>> No.15392912

Who is your favorite Hoshiori girl if you've played it?

>> No.15392924

Best girl, best route, best everything, really.

>> No.15392932
File: 3.74 MB, 1911x1574, do it for her (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rikka is a close second

>> No.15393164

Is this the only place you guys talk about eroge?

>> No.15393220

I sometimes go to bbspink to see what they're saying about a particular game but the format of discussion (i.e. unique threads for different companies/gamies) is too obnoxious for me to spend a regular amount time there.

>> No.15393318

Tried 2ch but it's honestly worse than discussing eroge on /v/.

>> No.15393427

Depends on taste but Rikka was the best route for me. Granted I only did Marika, Natsuki and Rikka routes.

>> No.15393582

I havent gotten too far into the game yet but I like Yukimura so far so ill probably pick her.

I do hope her route will be fun.

>> No.15394013

Marika's dad.

>> No.15394261
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>100 ways to get NTR'd: the game
Anyone played this yet? The opening and synopsis got my morbid curiosity.

>> No.15394534

Downloaded it for the same reasons as you (and because I like corruption/NTR) but got busy with other stuff and forgot about it.

Would be nice to know how long it is at least.

>> No.15394997


>> No.15395297
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>> No.15395299
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>> No.15395318

Why is twintails and kyonyuu always the best combination?

>> No.15395325

It's not.

>> No.15395374


>> No.15395385


If kyonyuu would be like that, I'd actually like it. Unfortunately.. it's not.

>> No.15395401
File: 169 KB, 1278x722, kimiboku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha liking the game so far

>> No.15395450

Oh, isn't it that one that had big red warning about being disturbing storywise right on the web page?

>> No.15395463


>> No.15395475

Pretty much what >>15395385 said. That seems to be more average/reasonably sized compared to even the cowtits you get in a lot of moege. Probably a good example of what my upper limit is before it starts becoming unattractive.

>> No.15395496

>all ages

>> No.15395522
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>> No.15395569

muh pixels

>> No.15395612

Thinking of picking up この大空に、翼をひろげて. Are the non-Konno Asta routes worth playing at all?

>> No.15395619
File: 104 KB, 1200x675, HIK_12L_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cowtits are fine too every now and then.

>> No.15395631

Not if it fucks with the dress like that
One major problem with cowtits is that it's always accompanied with pants-on-head retarded clothing designs since nobody would notice they're there otherwise.

>> No.15395638

Yeah, exceptions do pop up, but I'd say 95% of the time it's a turnoff and makes the H scenes less fappable to me, and that picture in the other post is a good point where "any larger than that and it'll start to become unattractive in general for me".

>> No.15395703

The new art is just really off putting to me.

>> No.15395716

I haven't played Yuno yet but even I find the new art bad. Why is the original more detailed?

>> No.15395726

When consuming gay material do you insert as one of the girls?

>> No.15395729

In gay material, everybody is a boy. Yaoi is not otome.

>> No.15395756

Yuri exist you know

>> No.15395769

I figured he was mistakenly talking about otome because then it would make sense to ask if one inserts as the female protagonists.

>> No.15395961

I'm not a faggot, so I prefer to insert into the female.

>> No.15396156

I was trying to say that otome isn't "gay". They're aimed for women so it's still het. Though, in the end, it seems he wasn't talking about otome anyway,

>> No.15396313

Marika=Rikka>Misa>the rest

>> No.15396415

Best girl

>> No.15396688
File: 443 KB, 640x480, A_EV02_A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15396733

If they wanted to make a slut they should have went all the way with her.

>> No.15396884

Just look at those noses.
No one deserves to be harassed by Jewish salarymen, no matter what they've done.

>> No.15397441

How's the NTR?

>> No.15397542

Looks like someone just cropped her in there

>> No.15397559

So what were the big titles of 2015?
Currently grabbing Maggots.

>> No.15397606

SnU, obviously.

>> No.15397664

Houkago 3

>> No.15397799

Ye I was talking about yuri

>> No.15397848


>> No.15397889


>> No.15397939


So it's actually true.

>> No.15398111


>> No.15398466

What extra scenarios is it supposed to have? Madoka route finally?

>> No.15398471

proper gay route with CG of course

>> No.15398481

But how can he ever decide between Yuuki and Yuusuke?!

>> No.15398514
File: 282 KB, 317x549, 5524-765080310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show that cold bitch what a tiny penis can do.

>> No.15398526

Shrivel up in shame when she takes one look and laughs?

>> No.15398574

>look and laughs

Maria isn't capable of having such emotions, silly.

>> No.15398937

Regarding 大図書館, one of the plot points seem to be about holding a performance or something on a stage or some-such at a festival thing, though along the way I sort of spaced-out while reading and now I'm not sure what it is they're doing and why it's important, anyone mind telling me what's going on?

>> No.15398948

Shit anon, how did you miss something of that importance? More than spacing out, were you even reading at all?

>> No.15398963

Shit man I don't know, I thought the part about keeping their club room (and Kodatchi's future reading / tits) was the bigger deal, so the whole staging thing feels like it came outta nowhere, though I do get the gist of it I guess.

>> No.15399027

That's what you get for reading with machine assistance. Your own understanding isn't catching up.

>> No.15399083

Does anyone here use chink windows tablet to play eroge?
How do I take screenshot without keyboard?

>> No.15399146

virtual keyboard

>> No.15399168
File: 85 KB, 1349x877, 下級生2 lovers なでしこやまとレビュー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is none. It's from 下級生2 アナザーストーリー 【柴門たまき・lovers(ラバーズ)】

>> No.15399169

Snipping Tool?

>> No.15399174

I dunno, being an arrogant condescending bitch is kind of her thing.

>> No.15399296

I haven't tried it yet but the most convenient way is probably creating some custom touchscreen gestures and binding them to the PrintScreen button. There are various software products which allow such things like GestureSign and TouchMe Gesture.

>> No.15399311

She is being groped by some ugly drunk men and she isn't bothered by the situation one bit. She even looks like she is enjoying the damn thing. What a fucking slut she is. She should just die already.

>> No.15399403

Couldn't find GestureSign but TouchMe Gesture seems nice. Thanks!

>> No.15399517

It's on github: https://transposony.github.io/GestureSign/

>> No.15399667


>> No.15399773

Do people seriously fap to the boring ero scenes in moege? Why?

>> No.15399806

I usually don't, which is a bit inconvenient when I consider CGs to be a pretty important part of the experience and over 80% of them are porn CGs

>> No.15399833

I can only do so if it's high tier artwork with at least passable writing.

>> No.15399922

Some of them are pretty hot like Amakano series.

>> No.15399952

Why read moege in the first place then?
I do it for the romantic experience, and sex is an important part of that.

>> No.15399965

I'd probably like it more if they only explicitly showed it once or twice. Sure it's an important part, but not enough that I want to see it 5-10 times per girl over actual character or relationship stuff or really even just more of the comedy and interactions I got during the common route.

>> No.15399992

As opposed to exciting(?) ero scenes in

>> No.15400005


You can only write so much random shit before things get boring, so I don't mind a few more ero-scenes. I can skip through the ones I don't like. Having a few more means the likelihood of a "good one" being there rises as well.

I mean eroge in general have the issue of being drawn out to fill some shitty writing quota, but moege are usually hit especially hard. So as much as people complain about the huge amount of ero-scenes in Purely Cation after the confession.. honestly? The other stuff after the confession was also too much. It was just the same thing again and again and again. There was no plotline to connect events anymore, nothing really you would go towards. Got a girlfriend and every scene was just talking. Talking. Talking. Everything else was skipped. It got pretty boring after a while, but still continued and continued until it just randomly decided that the writing quota is now filled, so it played the credits and was done.

Sure there are moege where I'd also want more "dates" or whatever, but those are usually the ones who fill their routes with random other crap and completely forget that MAYBE the reader wants a little of romance. But that's route/story design. Less ero wouldn't change that, as "PLOT" doesn't allow anything in those routes anyway. At least in the stuff I read which had that issue.
So I dunno. I don't see the ero being problematic. Eroge got longer on average anyway, but it's not like they have more to tell. In fact, with moege it's usually LESS to tell than stuff had in the past.

>> No.15400032

I fap to sexy teachers' sprites because they rarely get a route.

>> No.15400034

The writers being so bad at writing that they can't even make characters interesting enough to at least have a basic goal to strive for or a few conflicts to struggle through together in their routes isn't really a good justification for shoving it full of porn. You could argue that the H scenes are extremely repetitive too, so that isn't really something unique to out-of-H route stuff. Sure you can just skip them, but when the writers rely on stuff like that in place of other stuff, it's harder to actually give a fuck or like the characters at all if you don't care about the porn or don't feel more attached to the characters through it compared to other stuff. Then there's the issue of it creating a massive imbalance in CGs the more H heavy the game is among other problems.

If you like it, great, but I personally hate it and wish there were at least a way to tell how H heavy a game was before going into it without having to "spoil" myself by looking up CG sets and guessing.

>> No.15400041

I want cute girls. I don't need them getting fucked to be cute.

>> No.15400083

They removed the thicc

Why would you ever remove thicc

>> No.15400302

Because in this games sex is manifestation of feelings of love. Love can't be boring.
On the other hand, if your feeling are dead, you seek only desires of flesh. This kind of stimuli quickly dulls if repeated the same way, so you have to find something new constantly. This is called pervert. There are nukige for perverts.

>> No.15400373

>Love can't be boring.
Yes it can. Think of action, violence, death, etc. Surely those "can't" be boring... yet so many stories featuring them are dull as fuck. Likewise, poorly written generic love is pretty boring. A kyonyuu moeblob repeating ダイスク ダイスク isn't some mystical transcendent love that's always compelling. It can get boring too. This isn't "feeling dead", it's just being bored from something boring.

>> No.15400389

I honestly don't think any studio/producer on the planet has ever seriously considered an eroge heroine who has 0 H scenes, now that that's popped into my head
-I said eroge for a reason-

The fact that 'love' is equated to 'lust' is disturbing, really

.. then again, there are people who worship heroines because they aren't real, people who choose to worship things and distancing themselves from those things etc
also people who like School Days, like, who don't find any faults with it at all

>> No.15400399

>The fact that 'love' is equated to 'lust' is disturbing, really
It's a fact, though?
They're not the same but they're thoroughly connected.
Do you think an ugly, but pure, moege heroine would be popular?
No. No one wants to love someone ugly. It's just unfortunate human biology. It's in our brains.

>> No.15400419
File: 71 KB, 1029x687, oI3ESwR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't say love is equated to lust all the while, I just said that it was. Sorry about the wording, I meant to say that 'it's a fact that people do equate it as such'

Also densha otoko shows a little about this, having someone pure of heart that you can relate to as a main character is something possible for writers, even if they're not the best looking around
Also if you come to exert your will that way, yes, yes you can love ugly things

>> No.15400444
File: 26 KB, 550x309, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Densha Otoko. The girls in that story were top-tier, and the reader isn't falling in love with the main dude so why would it matter what he looked like?

Silvia is a PISS poor example of an "ugly" character. She's beautiful with some scarring. Who gives a hoot about scarring, aka slight discoloration? Fuggin nobody. She's still beautiful. Heck, her original character design had one of her hands be a brutal disfigured mess. That was pretty nasty, but he cleaned it up for the final release.

Take a look at pic related. This character is simply not one people will fall in love with.

>> No.15400453

Some companies usually launch streams on NicoNico. And I usually late. Are they don't make a records for streams? Tried to watch last AlCot stream about this summer plans. Meh... Or nothing interesting in this events?

>> No.15400601

You can watch past Kyararas on Youtube for some time.

But the guests are usually the same few makers alternating.

>> No.15400614

If you're a premium member then http://com.nicovideo.jp/live_archives/co1210023

I think if you reserve an archive in advance then you can watch it without premium for a stream that has its information up before it's live. For example if you click on タイムシフト予約 at http://ch.nicovideo.jp/gasenchannel for the stream on June 23.

Niconico is pretty bad.

>> No.15400625
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>> No.15400644
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>> No.15400653

Why does Japan care about the west's shitty memes?

>> No.15400669

Skyrim was popular in nippon as well and the line appeared there too.
Since the meme was born from NPCs repeating the same line of dialogue over and over it's no surprise it popped up in both places.

>> No.15400702

Looseboy games are memes in itself.

>> No.15400752

scarring in real life is not the same as scarring as it was made out here, yes

my point wasn't to use Sylvie as an example, it's to say that people can and do love ugly things, much like how people can and do equate love to lust

(I do realise that the character is a poor example; it's design is heavily moe-ified, huge eyes, little to no nose, heavy lashes etc, with, yes, scarring that's not a representation of what it's really like irl.)

>> No.15400758

The people in IRL who love ugly things are outliers. A joke is that there's at least someone out there who has a fetish for something. So yeah, you can point to an extremely small part of the 3D population and show that they love ugly things that they aren't attracted to. But those are outliers. They're not worth talking about as per humanity as a hole.

>> No.15400770

I take it that you mean to say that humanity chooses to follow outer beauty over inner beauty?
That eroge players choose good art over good characterisation?

>> No.15400788

Rather, that outer beauty is important for love in both humanity and eroge. Inner beauty and characterization are very important, but a lack of outer beauty would ruin it. An extremely ugly, but well-characterized girl, is a character someone likes, but doesn't love, much like an extremely ugly, but kind and gentle, human is treated as a friend not a lover. Eroge players don't choose good art *over* good characterization, they, like all humans, require good-looking art to compliment good characterization when it comes to falling in love.

Honestly, just look at the eroge market. You won't find a SINGLE moege company making games with ugly girls. Because people don't want to love ugly girls. Because love and lust are thoroughly connect. The only eroge companies making ugly girls are those that fetishize it (which I explained earlier as being irrelevant), and a couple "rape revenge", "guro" games which don't even try to have "love" whatsoever.

>> No.15400831

Both are mandatory.

>> No.15401061

>You won't find a SINGLE moege company making games with ugly girls

Maybe not too much these days but I'd consider the sprites in say, old Key games pretty ugly. Not intentionally so, perhaps, but that shit was popular as all hell nevertheless. And heroines fall in love with ugly/loser MCs all the time so if you don't believe it's possible I'd imagine that'd take away from the experience somewhat. Of course it's all just wish fulfillment and I'm not saying unattractive heroines in eroge would work on any level, people fall in love with unattractive people IRL all the time. How else would ugly, poor people get married? Not the guy you're responding to, for the record.

>> No.15401092

Well, people certainly disagree with you in regards to old key art, while it does look excessively uguu the girls are generally not considered "ugly" at all. Though the art doesn't accurately capture their beauty, they are still beautiful. Looking at the art now, it's more "neutral" than ugly anyway.

People falling in love with unattractive people is extremely rare. It doesn't happen "all the time". Usually you'll find that they're actually attracted to them, even if not to their faces, to their bodies and sex. I common thing I see is people looking at poor african tribes and saying how ugly the girls are, but the people of the tribe themselves consider the girls beautiful, it's just different standards and cultures.

>> No.15401127

Any other good doujin eroge like Himawari? Himawari had this sort of charm to it that you don't really get from most commercial eroge.

>> No.15401131

It's not the 90s anymore grandpa.
You're going to take your thin unattractive thighs, nonexistent hips and boyish asses and you're going to like it.

>> No.15401151

To be honest I've seen stick limbs, non-existent hips and boyish asses in way more 90s and 00s arts than the recent years. Not talking about the remake btw.

>> No.15401164

Has anyone read Asuseka here? I'm getting to be really conflicted. I'm knee deep in Aoba's route, which I think will probably be the most interesting of them all considering the surprising depth to her character, and yet I'm really bored. I looked it up in the /jp/ archive and someone said (back in 2012):
>I can't count the number of times I've heard that someone dropped asuseka because it was "boring". Seems like a lot of people go into the vn with misplaced expectations or something.
>misplaced expectations
However, my expectations weren't misplaced. I went in expecting SOL and a slow paced story, and not expecting an action-packed Armageddon-esque experience. Yet, I am still bored. It all comes down to the writing and the protagonist. The beginning of the game and the introduction are wonderful. Great, cozy SOL. Relaxed environment. Heart-wrenching drama. Very interesting stuff that I enjoyed reading. But, then this character route started and everything went to shit. Every event is accompanied with incredibly melodramatic narration courtesy of the MC. Things which should take a small amount of time take a very long amount of time because the MC spends so much time pussyfooting and contemplating. It's just boring. I don't have a problem with a slow pace or SOL or anything. But I really, really can't stand all the MC's excessive narration and how long it takes simple things to get resolved.

Maybe it's just a very good representation of "real" human relationships. Simple things turn into big things and there's a lot of tedious explanation, contemplation, etc required to figure out things. But it's just so boring to read when drawn out "realistically" like this. The characters have genuine depth and the romance has real meaning, but it take so friggin long to slowly drawl out what happens next it makes my head hurt. If it focused on SOL I'd be fine. If the story were just slow paced I'd be fine. But it's neither of that. The writing's *verbose* and the MC's dense at the convenience of the plot. It's excessively wordy, it takes far too long to say what it's trying to say as the MC lethargically wraps his teenage brain around the world. It's just boring.

Does anyone else agree? Am I going crazy? Takehaya is praised as a god everywhere I look. The most I see is people on /jp/ saying the common route is good and the character routes are shit, which so far I agree with but none of them are mentioning the problem being plain boring, long-winded writing.

>> No.15401191

Moogy said it's shit, that's all you need to know.

>> No.15401204
File: 18 KB, 516x80, the moog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He apparently liked it enough to want to give it another try.

>> No.15401210

>one person

I think you're best off looking at a writer's history to grasp what his/her style is like, instead of only depending on an individual to be the say-all-end-all

>> No.15401220


>> No.15401228

>I think you're best off looking at a writer's history to grasp what his/her style is like
I've read Rakuen no Shugosha by the same author, and that was actually a pretty good novel. Very succinct and moving, albeit cliche. It is the polar opposite of Asuseka in terms of pacing, honestly. I finished Rakuen no Shugosha the day I started it and was very satisfied.

>> No.15401258

Writing/editing time is pretty much constrained in the production process of some studios, so I dunno
Writers can change over time, too, y'know anon?

>> No.15401269

Sure. I'm just saying I have read from the author before. Not that he's unchanged or anything.

>> No.15401285

r u i n e d

>> No.15401455

I got bored after reading quite a bit of Yuuhi's route. I also thought myself a sucker for this sort of heavy drama, but the game was still too slow-paced to my liking. If what you're saying regarding the protagonist is true then I'm not really sure if I have the patience to replay through his personal drama in every single heroine route as he already was pretty damn annoying in this one.

Is there a preferred order for アルカディアの灯火? Seems there's two different games by different authors.

>> No.15401472

Both stories are completely unrelated so you can read either one first. I did Rakuen first because the concept was infinitely more interesting to me (even if it ended up being different from what I thought it was) and there wasn't a hint of Marybell the whole time.

>> No.15401695 [DELETED] 

What's that obtuse website people use when Nyaa and animesharing fails? I want an obscure game and it seems I'll need to go to far lengths to get it (暗い部屋).

>> No.15401841

Yes, it's the reason why I learned Japanese.

>> No.15401846

>Low test
Welcome to modern japan

>> No.15401849

>x test meme
/v/ is over there

>> No.15401863

And reddit is over there ->

>> No.15402025
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She looks like the younger version of ボクの彼女はガテン系's heroine.

>> No.15402031

it's the aim

>> No.15402182
File: 182 KB, 1253x703, pica pica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys told me it would be boring
but I didn't expect it to be this boring

>> No.15402357

Some of them are fun, minori had the seiyuu get drunk on camera for the tsuminohi launch.

>> No.15402574

>Patto do verru
>Pate de vell?
>Pâte de verre, oh right
I know the japanese translation is just below but damn it was difficult to get the French expression from those katakana alone

>> No.15402845

I just can't get interested in games that advertise themselves as NTR, when you already know that it's going to be NTR it isn't devastating at all.

>> No.15403121

How do you get interested in a game with NTR for the NTR without knowing that there's NTR in it?

>> No.15403536

In my case I like NTR for the corruption. I have zero empathy towards the dumbass being cucked. You could just as easily take them out of the game entirely (with the heroine only mentioning that she's in a relationship) and it wouldn't affect my enjoyment at all. So NTR isn't always about jealousy or feeling like shit.

>> No.15403550

>You could just as easily take them out of the game entirely (with the heroine only mentioning that she's in a relationship) and it wouldn't affect my enjoyment at all.
That would be just adultery, many nukige have that.

>> No.15403579

People read NTR stories because they get aroused by humiliating or getting humiliated by other dude sexually. If one of the male party barely involved it would just be adultery just like what >>15403550 said.

>> No.15403584

The difference would be with "NTR" the woman has some resistance at first, thus the corruption aspect. Just saying "adultery" doesn't cover that.

>> No.15403630

Pretty much. It's not really the same if she's a slut from the beginning and willingly cheats (though that can be ok too from time to time). There has to be that progression first.

Personally I prefer netorase (the guy consenting to it) or swinging but there's barely any games that do that. With nukige it's usually only vanilla/harem or full on rape. Not much middle-ground, so I go for the latter.

>> No.15404809

Not really sure if this is the right place to ask, but does Tokyo have a eroge community that does オフ会? I'm moving there next week, but I'd like to try mingling with local erogamers but I'm not really sure where to start.


>> No.15404839

Well I mean, there are eroge-related events happening in Akiba all the time.

>> No.15404845

Unless you're ethnic nip, might be a bit tough to get accepted

>> No.15404849

I mean, I've been to Comiket and stuff, but you're not really there to make friends since everyone is so caught in in the event itself/buying shit.
I'm an ethnic nip (nip-'merikan), so I guess I have a chance?

>> No.15404866

That's a myth in my experience. If anything being foreign makes it easier to make friends, as long as you can speak passable Japanese. Maybe if you're Korean/Chinese you'd have a harder time.

Try going to some of the smaller events.

>> No.15404893

So, is サクラノモリ†ドリーマーズ actually any good? I'm considering something darker for my next read, so it's either that or さよならを教えて

>> No.15404908

>I've been to Comiket
did any of the other people there really look like human beings you'd wanna hang out with? i don't know why you wanna do this but i'd suggest just using 2chan/some local BBS/LINE to talk to people and go from there

>If anything being foreign makes it easier to make friends
depends mostly on the age group you're trying to talk to. from what i hear nips will generally avoid the shit out of you but if you can manage to strike up a convo you can make friends just like anywhere else. for me, online, most will avoid you if you come out and say you're gaijin right away or flaunt it like a retard but if you manage to talk to them for a bit first they generally won't care once they find out

but honestly as an ethnic nip that got stuck outside of jp you'll probably have an easy enough time making friends

>> No.15404953

>did any of the other people there really look like human beings you'd wanna hang out with?
Comiket is attended by pretty much every type of person you can imagine, most of them quite normal and well-adjusted. It's not like foreign anime conventions which are exclusively gross nerds with no social skills.
>from what i hear nips will generally avoid the shit out of you
lol, I get people randomly walking up to me to strike up a conversation just because I'm white. I've actually made some good friends that way. Don't base your impression of Japanese people on 2ch posters, please.

>> No.15404980

>i don't know why you wanna do this
I'm basically like 大野 from Genshiken, man. I'm just hungry for human interaction with people that share my hobby. And people at comiket seemed fine. I went drinking with a bunch of /jp/ers and 2channers once, and it was a blast. But it was a just one night.

>> No.15404982

A note about Nijuuei 二重影, maybe it'll help someone one day through archive.

If the game crashes no matter what in after few scenes in the prologue, that's because movies should play at those point and can't.

I don't have a fix, but I suspect some fucker around codecs might help.

>> No.15405018 [DELETED] 

what i mentioned is second hand info from friends who went there which includes students, english teachers, US soldiers, etc. like i said age matters too and younger people are more likely to befriend you but there's always oddballs out there

you've been reading too much manga dude, drinking and partying is oen thing but talking about shit in this thread face to face is usually gay and awkward and if you happen to be the amerinip i know with a little sis from new england please end yourself

>> No.15405023

what i mentioned is second hand info from friends who went there which includes students, english teachers, US soldiers, etc. like i said age matters too and younger people are more likely to befriend you but there's always oddballs out there

you've been reading too much manga dude, drinking and partying is one thing but talking about shit in this thread face to face is usually gay and awkward and if you happen to be the amerinip i know with a little sis from new england please end yourself

>> No.15405034

>talking about shit in this thread face to face is usually gay and awkward
Maybe, but I'd like to try it once anyway.
Also, I don't have a little sister, but I wish I did...

>> No.15405042

Using the executable in Nijyuei_101.exe fixed it for me.

>> No.15405049

>talking about shit in this thread face to face is usually gay and awkward
I'm a moogydrone who reads a lot of VNs for the writing, not the porn, so I wouldn' thave a gay/awkward time. I mean, yeah, I fap to a LOT of nukige, but at the same time I read a lot of stuff I could easily discuss with a straight face.

>> No.15405064

>talking about shit in this thread face to face is usually gay and awkward
Not really that different from talking to people online about it, to be honest.

>> No.15405087

Hmm, I'm using that too, but it didn't help on Windows XP mode where I'm playing the game.

>> No.15405090
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, 1439695871339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wouldn' thave a gay/awkward time
yea, you wouldn't, but i feel sorry for whoever gets stuck talking to you

>> No.15405101

Pals perhaps we can make a minimal meetup after this summer's Denkigai Matsuri.

>> No.15405105

Eh? I mean, obviously, I wouldn't talk about it if the other party is awkward. I mean, talking to people who really like VNs, just like me. If they like VNs (but not just for porn and waifus) they will have a good time talking about it too.

>> No.15405117

Then that might have something to do with it since I'm on a physical Windows XP installation.

>> No.15405124
File: 211 KB, 1023x811, 1466024854061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.15405295

Their problem was just using phones in the first place. If you intend to talk then getting on your phone is absolutely unacceptable, if blocks you out and isolates you. They should have started a conversation and gotten into it. Which is easy to with VNs. "Who's your favourite author?" "What's your favourite novel, if you have one?" etc will begin real good conversations.

>> No.15405380

>What's your favourite novel, if you have one?
and then someone says "The Maiden Rape Assault - Violent Semen Inferno" loud enough for people around to hear

>> No.15405401

Again, talking about ""literary"" VNs not porn VNs.

>> No.15405470
File: 34 KB, 518x392, semen inferno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me too i even own the figure

>> No.15405533

There's a difference?

>> No.15405562

Yeah. There's VNs you read just because you want to experience the writing and whatnot. Who reads SayoOshi to fap?

>> No.15405632

さよならを教えて is denpa stuff, サクラノモリ†ドリーマーズ is more like an attempt at horror in comparison (judging from what I've heard so far), so they're not really comparable
You don't really have to read those two in order to read 'darker' stuff, it can be depressing like Swan Song or even Muramasa

>> No.15405641

Yeah, I'm aware of that much. I wasn't really trying to compare them, it was more of a passing remark than anything else.

I was going to read both of them eventually, so really just trying to decide what to do now and what to do later.

>> No.15405654

flip a coin, that helps, I guess

also I honestly don't know about Kure, his work seem to be.. different in the past couple of years. He was heavily involved in Nostalgia so if you liked that, you may like Dreamers, I guess?

>> No.15405656

>I honestly don't know about Kure, his work seem to be
>He was heavily involved in Nostalgia so if you liked that
No one did

>> No.15405659

That's what I'd heard about Nostalgia, which was also the main reason I was asking about Dreamers. Is Kure still garbage?

>> No.15405664

Hadler said Kure was better in Dreamers than he's been for awhile, so probably not garbage anymore.

>> No.15405706


Not really that surprising, since both Gatenkei and Kakyuusei are made by elf. I wonder if anyone would pick up their old IP now that they've gone out of business. Not that there's still a market for a Doukyuusei-style dating sim in today's age anyway.

>> No.15408003
File: 284 KB, 1282x745, BGI_2016-06-15_22-24-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tamamo > Kana > Ureshino > Senri > Takigawa > Kodachi > Shirasaki > Serizawa > Mochizuki

>> No.15408442

Why are you hating Mocchi?

>> No.15408471
File: 282 KB, 1280x720, 1445503768797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the Houjou route in 戦国†恋姫X, was it ever explained how Oboro and Sakuya were cursed? I feel like I missed over something with the way the route ended.

>> No.15408577

I believe it was stated but I don't exactly remember how it happened

>> No.15408588
File: 1.73 MB, 1282x745, BGI_2016-06-14_20-40-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not my fault she's worst girl.
At least her route was short and had plenty of Takigawa in it.

>> No.15408635

Got wounded in battle I believe? Something about being surrounded by a bunch of Oni.

>> No.15408698

Does anyone have the .apk file for Senren Banka's alarm clock app? It was called Senren Tokei, I think.

I need it. For reasons.

Also, because the Android version link on Yuzusoft's website leads to some Amazon cloud sharing whatever website and nothing's there. FML.

>> No.15408744

Aoi is a cutie, but so is Mocchi.

>> No.15408749
File: 541 KB, 1016x669, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15408752

The amazon link should work.
But since I shared it with a friend and I uploaded it to my Mega and I'm in a good mood here you go.

>> No.15408855

Thank goodness all the characters and their tachie are unlocked just by downloading it this time around.
Sunnovawatch was such a piece of crap because of having to unlock things by buying the character song CDs etc.

>> No.15408895

They released the fully unlocked version a few days ago if you haven't seen it yet.

>> No.15408934

I bought the game so the code that came with it unlocked everything I'm pretty sure but it was still annoying.

>> No.15408944
File: 302 KB, 436x328, BGI_2016-06-03_22-13-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your ratings of the girls then

>> No.15409212

Kana first, then Aoi, Mocchi, Sayumi and Senri as the second grade, then who cares.

>> No.15409224

Why are you hating Tamamo?

>> No.15409230

Cause she's generic "I have to do my best and never rest" girl. I admit, she has some cute scenes, but I'm just not that into her.

>> No.15409237

Wasn't it one of the dogs? Pretty sure Sakuya was fucking around tho and wasn't actually cursed

>> No.15409252

She was cursed, it's just that her bloodline prevents it from doing anything negative to her. If anything the curse just allowed her to communicate with the Oni and rule over them because she's stronger than them 1v1.

>> No.15409329
File: 237 KB, 1282x747, BGI_2016-06-03_16-06-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is she generic? Mochizuki, now she's a generic 眉目秀麗 品行方正 senpai character who's normally super confident but actually all shy and clumsy when with MC. You see them in every second game.

But Tamamo? Name another character like her. With her hard-working spirit and dedication to her friends, with her fluid and charming sense of humour, with her quiet passion towards her interests and her slightly clumsy clashing of personalities with others.

>> No.15409421

Fair enough, I can't easily name a completely matching character, but the very idea of 頑張り屋 girl feels generic.

Granted, the idea of a perfect 生徒会長 that melts before the MC is feels pretty generic too.

Then it just comes to personal preferences.

>> No.15409508

Where do you read about game-related news, stuff like upcoming releases? Just visiting individual sites of companies?

>> No.15409562
File: 56 KB, 615x392, v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baldr Heart 本編体験版

>> No.15409960

On here:http://products.web-giga.com/baldrheart/download.html
The 体験版 just downloads the checker which is the combat only part.

Is there anything I'm missing? Where can I get the actual trial?

>> No.15409971

Never mind refreshed now and I can see the 本編体験版. Wasn't here like 5 minutes ago though.

>> No.15410277
File: 10 KB, 328x177, ChaosFox220110724-22047-1c7g5sz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me a good VN where bad things happen to good people, dreams get broken, evil/chaos wins, no "happy ends" etc. Something in vein of Muramasa, Swan Song, Urobuchi's stuff etc.

>> No.15410300

Sounds more like you want a bad VN to me.

>> No.15410313

go play SMT games

>> No.15410476


>> No.15410515

Is it good? Euphoria was below average and Maggot Baits looks like complete shit.

>> No.15410539

I don't know. I didn't play it for the edgyness so I can't really help you if its "good" in that aspect.

>> No.15410551

Just look up utsuge games

>> No.15411083
File: 674 KB, 850x902, 564568778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it's summer

What's the go-to summer VNs?

>> No.15411096


>> No.15411131
File: 202 KB, 1189x667, 1466186074474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15411188

I wonder at the context

>> No.15411198

Natsuiro Kokoro Log

>> No.15411199

Played up until the OP which is enough to know I'll buy it on release. This and August's new game are probably the most interesting eroge coming out this year.

>> No.15411224



Also Koirizo, for a relaxed stay on a tropical island. With nice art, and rather solid (vanilla) ero on top. Gives this "damn it's hot" feeling.

Honestly, looking back at it, a tropical island resort of sorts is a pretty sweet setting if not used in a completely stupid way and if the art can capture the beautiful nature and stuff. The latter is usually the problem though. Too many eroge companies don't want to spend on backgrounds. And then you play this semi sexromp (Kanojo no Seiiki) and you see detailed backgrounds of akiba with tons of random people on screen. One of those costs probably more than all backgrounds made for one VN with shitty 3d software. It's weird.

>> No.15411229


>> No.15411396

If anyone has the crack for えろぐっず! And can XDCC it or seed it or anything at all, I'll be forever grateful, my ISP and antivirus are shitting themselves when I've been trying to downloading. I'M SUFFERING.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.15411428

I'm tired of incest romance.
Any recommendations for games with abusive relationships, preferably (not mandatory though) sister games. Nukige allowed as long as it isn't too cheap.

>> No.15411523


2djgame's crack often trigger AVs.

>> No.15412144

Mochi is lovely, more so in her own route. Sato Rina was the worst girl by far and for some reason I really can't fap to her voice.

How many VNs have you played /jp/? I just set up an EGS account for the first time and I could think of 150. Seems both surprisingly few and a lot of time wasted.

>> No.15412161

I've been reading for about 3 years and I've only read 30 or so. So not that many. 150 seems a huge amount to me.

I'm totally not interested in the generic moege so I guess that's a reason.

>> No.15412179

Over a hundred if you count nukige. More like 20-30 for just moe / plot games. Been reading for 1.15 years.

>> No.15412355
File: 30 KB, 282x400, hachiroku(maitetsu).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5400 yen
Why is it so expensive?! I just want a little Hachiroku doll.

>> No.15412479

Anyone got a download or know where I can find 書淫、或いは失われた夢の物語?

>> No.15412507

Time to make your own.

>> No.15412529

I wish I was that talented anon.

>> No.15412563


>> No.15412591

Because it's made in small production runs and they care about quality to some extent.

>> No.15412678

Thanks anon

>> No.15412750

Does anyone have a crack for oniuta?
I'd be thankful, considering most the links I find are dead or trigger my antivirus badly.

>> No.15412810
File: 671 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_20150130_225745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was honestly thinking of getting into plush making because I collect them too.
I honestly don't know where to start though, even though I've got an old sewing machine somewhere in the storeroom.

>> No.15412833 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.08 MB, 1280x1440, 1466207768462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sengoku Koihime X's Ending CG.

Man after spending so much money on X version, why did they have to be stingy at the very end? Where the hell is Aoi, Kuu, Kaoru, Yuugiri? I'm not sure why the hell they decided to use the exactly same ending scene as all ages version, but they should redraw and add those characters to CG at least.

>> No.15412847


This is some other game but the readme mentions the one you want, maybe it's an universal one

>> No.15412871

>Sato Rina
I was really confused who you meant for a while, do people really refer to characters by their seiyuus?

>> No.15412881

I really liked Mochi from what little ive played of daito before putting it on my backlog. Is Mochi's route a side route in the base game? How do you access it?

>> No.15413060

Sorry it took this long, but thanks for the correction guys.

I swear it wasn't working yesterday morning.

>> No.15413089

Is the protagonist voiced?
If it's good I'll probably play it either way but if the protag is voiced even in the real world I'll probly play even if it isn't that good.

>> No.15413431

It's also on A-S, a working Depositfiles link. Just if you didn't want to bother with Baidu.

>> No.15413436

You go to Tsugumi's route and inside it is a fork to Mocchi's subroute.

>> No.15413521

Why pulltop always managed to make a むかつく red haired Moka Choko heroine

>> No.15413536
File: 270 KB, 1280x720, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it recently and used this to crack it. Works on Oniuta and the Onimari http://www.anime-sharing.com/forum/attachments/torrents-47/2012d1341041145-5-%5B120629%5D-%5Btone-works%5D-%E5%88%9D%E6%81%8B1%EF%BC%8F1%EF%BC%88%E3%81%84%E3%81%A1%E3%81%B6%E3%82%93%E3%81%AE%E3%81%84%E3%81%A1%EF%BC%89-%5Bh-game%5D-cracker-build20120627.rar

>> No.15413874

Well that's not really the final CG in the X version, Hojo's one is/

>> No.15414154 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.01 MB, 1290x768, 1466223239363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished one route of 恋ではなく, seriously very disappointing. everything is good, production is good, but the plot and twist is so meh, I don't know how to describe it in details but it felt like a huge waste of time and character development. kind of weird when I like the kouhai/oneesan so much more than the main heroine, made me numb seeing MC and heroine ichaicha the whole day near the end. also the eroscene is so trash, I have no idea how someone can fap to this, I don't even get to see MC cum... dafuq?

>> No.15414604

Well thats true but still I'm kinda annoyed by it. They definitely should have change the CG, or at least add some voice lines to those characters so we'd know that they are there even if we dont see at the CG. I'm not sure why didn't they just redraw a fucking cg after spending so much money on the X version, it shouldn't be something hard for sure.

>> No.15414643

In the demo he's only voiced in the intro/action scenes, though presumably the full game will have him voiced in every scene which is why I'm just going to wait until then.

Basically it feels like Baldr Sky in HD and with moe AI fairy things.

>> No.15414651

Said CG is also inconsistent with the ranking system Yuina and Futaba set up.

>> No.15414740

Why? I mean as I said some of them are missing, but I'm not sure how is it inconsistent.

>> No.15414773

From what I remember:
Only the first rank are actually wives, the second rank are noble concubines, the 3rd rank are basically mistresses excluding Sakuya who is breaking the ranks and takes the role of a sex friend. I would think that you would only marry the people in the first rank in said setup, I mean you don't generally marry concubines and mistresses and if you do don't they cease to be both?

>> No.15414822

Well probably you wouldn't marry with a concubines in a normal situation, but Kensuke had to marry noble concubines as well because they are too important persons to ignore like being Kubou's sister or Asai's head etc, it would be disrespectful for their noble family and Kensuke-tai got specially rewarded for all of their's hardwork in the game. I guess no one complained because they pretty much saved every country from collapsing. In short they're noble concubines in that picture as well.

As I said Aoi should be a legal wife and Kaoru, Yuugiri, Kuu, Makoto and Ichi should be noble concubines too though, still dunno why didn't they add them.

Also are you sure about the Sakuya? I didnt read the Hojo part yet but I'm pretty sure she marries at the end with Kensuke, I have seen that cg so many times where she says "Danna-sama" with her daughters.

>> No.15414832

Read Hojo first, Sakuya clearly states her intentions in it and it's contradictory with said final CG.

>> No.15414852

Fair point, although what Sakuya says and what happens in the final CG don't exactly line up. Although if we take what you just said into consideration she might have been somewhat forced into marrying him due to thier social positions

>> No.15414860

Sakuya isn't the type of person who'd allow herself to be forced into that but I guess it doesn't really matter much in the end.

>> No.15415007 [DELETED] 

Wasn't that only at the first night though? She clearly showed some interest in Kensuke as they spend more time together , shows some jealousy and she even says that she'd like to be with Kensuke joins the Kensuke-tai so I think it was just a matter of the time. Yeah that ending CG / scene come out of nowhere but its not like she refused to be Kensuke's wife no matter what or anything like that. Its just their relationship started from sex friend into married couple, I didn't find it weird at all.

>> No.15415050

Wasn't that only at the first night though? She clearly showed some interest in Kensuke as they spend more time together & showed some jealousy and she even said that she'd like to be with Kensuke / joins the Kensuke-tai (though there were some other reasons as well) so I think it was just a matter of the time. Yeah that ending CG / scene come out of nowhere but its not like she refused to be Kensuke's wife no matter what or anything like that. Its just their relationship started from sex friend into married couple, I didn't find it weird at all.

>> No.15415436

Thanks, didn't work in the end for some reason but downloaded another that kinda did, despite my av.

>> No.15415915
File: 1.97 MB, 1282x752, BALDR HEART 本編体験版_2016-06-18_18-37-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shades of black probably take up the entire color spectrum.

>> No.15415949

Anything from dark purple/blue is black.
Somehow, you rarely read stuff like
>she had a beautiful pink/green hair
despite being kinda common.

>> No.15417294

Are you forced to level up shit weapons to unlock the better ones in Baldr Heart like in Sky?

>> No.15417367

I still suggest you finish the second route.

You're set up for disappointment if you don't give the main heroine a chance though.

>> No.15417647
File: 135 KB, 400x335, 1424712285862.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s not love,but so where near

>> No.15417658

Why would you think it as contradictory? I mean yeah they started as sex friend but its not like she had any problem with becoming mc's wife or had any reason to refuse either, also she clearly shows that she is interested in mc other than his dick as well. Its just their relationship started as sex friends instead of the pure love thing like everyone else, which is pretty normal since Sakuya is a mature character with 7 children, to be honest it was exactly how I imagined. The marriage part was too rushed though, one more chapter for setting the scene would be better but considering how long the game was, I think I can overlook that much.

>> No.15417669

>mature character with 7 children
Counted 4
Kensuke have some work to do

>> No.15417689

There's only 4 of them in the game, but she herself says that "This body gave birth to 7 children but still it wont lose the young ones" or something like that, also she / he has 7 children in the real history as well if I'm not wrong.

I guess they tried to match with real history, but it was pretty weird since you would wonder where the hell are other three while all those shits happening. Dead maybe?

>> No.15417719

>The marriage part was too rushed though
Too rushed? That's a understatement if there was ever one. Sakuya clearly showed interest in him past their first sex scene but she didn't want to be bound by the rules of the wive ranking system as it would prevent her from having sex with Kensuke whenever she wants. Getting married despite this is what I'm saying is contradictory as she will be bound by the said system by getting married to him.

Eldest died prior to the story and the other 2 go unmentioned for some reason so they are probably with other parts of the family or in other countries like Natsuki.

>> No.15417740

> she didn't want to be bound by the rules of the wive ranking system as it would prevent her from having sex with Kensuke whenever she wants

She only said she wouldn't join the Kensuke-tai because she would have to wait her turn with all other members, and kensuke persuaded her with promising she could do whatever she wants since everyone pretty much does whatever they wants.

Ranking system doesn't affect the sex thing at all man, its not like Yuina is saying "kensuke you have to fuck X girl now you didnt fuck her for 15 days" or anything like that.

>> No.15417749

>She only said she wouldn't join~~~
Really? I withdraw my argument then.

>Ranking system doesn't affect the sex thing at all man
I'm pretty sure I remember Yuina stating he has to give priority to the first ranked wives when it comes to sex but It wouldn't be the first time If I'm remembering something incorrectly.

>> No.15417817 [DELETED] 

> Yuina stating he has to give priority to the first ranked wives when it comes to sex
I dont remember it but I remember her "You have to take care of everyone and show equal love for everyone, Definitely dont ignore one or dont show way more affection fore more than others" saying.

Then again I dont think Sakuya would have any problems with this since she didn't have any problem sharing mc with his daughters / sister, I'm sure she understands that much.

>> No.15417831

> Yuina stating he has to give priority to the first ranked wives when it comes to sex
I dont remember it but I remember her "You have to take care of everyone and show equal love for everyone, Definitely dont ignore one or dont show way more affection for one more than others" saying.

Then again I dont think Sakuya would have any problems with this since she didn't have any problem sharing mc with his daughters / sister and knew kensuke's situation since the beginning, I'm sure she understands that much.

>> No.15418349

Thank God I'm ESL faggot so I'm not bothered one bit by this somewhat broken English.

>> No.15419925

Talent doesn't exist on this level. Anyone who has the brains and the willpower to learn jp should be able to become a semi-decent artist.

>> No.15421443
File: 470 KB, 1280x720, 学園退魔!ホーリー×モーリー_プロローグ-2016-06-02_12-40-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you nukige connoisseurs in particular, those of us reading a god awful amount of cartoon porn, - how do you guys deal with long-form nukige? As in, those nukige that are very long winded and give themselves a thoroughly uninteresting, yet nevertheless present and relevant story? On the one hand, the porn is pretty good, so I want to read through the game and not just CTRL F to get H-cgs or what have you. On the other hand, it's really hard for me to justify spending upwards of 20-30 hours on reading the longwinded plot and narration of a porn game when there's so many more engaging works out there.

The important context for this is that there's an infinite amount of hentai, and a lot of it is far more concise and better paced than these long-form nukige. If you download an HRPG from DLsite for example, you can go from start to finish in 1-2 hours and have just as good of a fap as you would from a 20-30 hour game. Or, you can download a "moege" or "charage" and have a *well-written* 20-30 hour game that has less sex, but engaging/worthwhile writing to go along with it. (I hate to say it but of the many long-form nukige I've read, engaging/worthwhile writing outside of the porn is extremely rare).

How do you all deal with this conundrum? Avoid long-form nukige and stick to more concise nukige? Do you skip the story? Do you read the dull story anyway even as time slips through your fingers? Or just get your faps from other genres?

>> No.15421521

Well, yeah. You are not going to level up strong weapons to unlock shit ones. But shit ones are usually viable too at max level.

>> No.15421640
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x720, 冥刻学園受胎編_2016-06-18_22-37-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mood is important for me.
Sometimes I just want to read something nice with lewd at times, I might skip over an eroscene while trying not to "spoil" myself of it and come back to it later if I feel I need to rub it out to something.

Savefiles are not hard to put to a game you don't feel like playing either, no need to CTRL through a whole route. As you said I don't only consume eroge for the ero, both commercial and doujin eroanime fulfill any immediate itch (rarely AV but it makes me feel dirty).

One interesting case was Lune's game with ButchaU (Meikoku Gakuen Jutaihen) where I went in because I love me some ButchaU, but the story itself was surprisingly nice with characters I could buhi to, and most surprisingly, has an option in the Options menu to 100% or clear the gallery with the click of two buttons. I don't remember any other game with this deliberate option.

So I deal with it by doing all of the above. I avoid them when I don't feel like reading. I get a savefile when I want to get to the ero. I read the story when I'm interested. I get faps from other places as well too.

>> No.15421732

I see. In short, deriving from "I read the story when I'm interested.", if you were to open a long-form nukige and the story is dull, you wouldn't read it. That makes sense. I think I'm a bit too cautious to skip the story for these games, though, just in case it adds to the porn significantly...

>> No.15421759
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 1512917i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adds to porn

>> No.15421774

If it didn't they wouldn't have it.

>> No.15421841

Sometimes it does, but it's usually not worth it if it doesn't pique your interest after giving it that first chance.

>> No.15422643

