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File: 297 KB, 1050x1500, UtsuroNoHako_vol1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15365079 No.15365079 [Reply] [Original]

How does Re:Zero compare with Utsuro no Hako?

>> No.15365080

re zero is meh as fuck, and I don't know the other one

>> No.15365081

Beats me, still not a hero's journey.

>> No.15365082

Like complete trash.

>> No.15365083

Re Zero is shit, at least Hakomari is enjoyable.

>> No.15365084

Hakomari is far better

>> No.15365085

Writing? Maybe? You're wearing nostalgia glasses.

>> No.15365086

Hakomari only has time-loops on the first novel, and it's also better overall.

>> No.15365087

Yuuri best girl.

>> No.15365088

>World building
> Hero's journey
> Time reset.
> A flawed character that is the mc and even fans recognize it.
> Psychological to a degree on the protagonist and have him fall and rise as a hero.
> Relies on the power of avoiding and struggling to survive while dealing with the mistakes the mc have with himself.
> Hakomari
>Not really world building but rather reality.
>Not really a hero's journey.
> Relies on mental psychology to make characters go crazy.
> Time resets.
> Relies on the power of feelings most of the time to break out of loops and reality.

>> No.15365089

For starters, I actually give a fuck about the characters in Hakomari. Also has far better scenarios.

>> No.15365090

Haven't read the first one. But just finished the 1st volume of hakomari and it changed my life.

>> No.15365091

> All these people saying that Hakomari is better.
Wait a minute, has anyone read both sources at least before coming to a conclusion?

>> No.15365092

It's pretty shit, especially the dialogue and characters. Everything else is well done but so unoriginal that I can't bring myself to care.

Hakomari 1000x

>> No.15365093

> Characters.
I don't know about you, but aside from the dialogue, have you ACTUALLY read Re:Zero?

>> No.15365094

Only I've seen of Re:Zero is the anime, but I can't imagine the LN being a lot better, especially since most of the problems in Re:Zero come from the fact that most characters are either really unlikable or moe shit.

>> No.15365095

> Relies on mental psychology to make characters go crazy.
Yeah, I can see you're an idiot.

>> No.15365096
File: 2.23 MB, 875x1600, Shinigami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys realize the REAL series that comes out on top?

>> No.15365097

The reality and situation is what I meant as mental psychology that made them go crazy.

>> No.15365098

I've watched it, and everyone is claiming it's a fantastic adaptation.

>> No.15365099

Hakomari is superior. Is this even a question? Besides the point, it didn't just have loop gimmicks in its story so I don't see the need for comparison.

>> No.15365100

Eh, you're kinda seeing it from a different set of glasses I suppose. You are not really able to read it, that's why.

>> No.15365101

> Watched
There's the problem.

>> No.15365102

> Didn't just have loop gimmicks
Neither did Re:Zero. Seriously, how are we to compare if we haven't read the both sources?

>> No.15365103

Does it really need to be said? Re:Zero is garbage in comparison.

>> No.15365104
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, brain problems - tuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>power of feelings
yeah, this was pretty bullshit. typical japs yelling and being hot blooded to solve problems. I like Re:Zero more on this point for the psychological aspect of the hero's journey through terrible circumstances.

>mental psychology
pic related, anon

>> No.15365105

How do you know? We are only on the second arc.

>> No.15365106

You do realize the anime is an adaptation of a light novel that's on its 8th volume with a couple of side content correct?

>> No.15365107

Repeating loop 400 000 times, I doubt Subaru does that so many.

>> No.15365108

Where do they sell "impresionable teenager" glasses?

>> No.15365109

Everyone had brain problems. Aya had multiple personalities, Mogi went insane from loops, Kazuki went yandere, I don't remember some details about Daiya so I can't say much, and Kokone was desperate.

>> No.15365110

Pure fucking shit.

>> No.15365111

Hakomari characters >>>>>> Re zero

>> No.15365112

And you can't seem to understand subtlety of a personality unless you read or get spoonfed by it.

>> No.15365113

From what I've seen of Re:Zero, Hakomari is better. Of course my opinion is going to be biased as Hakomari as it's actually finished and Re:Zero isn't. Although I don't need to have to finish something in order to deem whether it's good or not, so I think I'll stick to my opinion of Hakomari being better than Re:Zero. I really liked the progression of Kazuki and I doubt Subaru will actually go full yandere, so that's a key reason.

>> No.15365114
File: 1.21 MB, 662x943, Aruiwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, how? Also, read this if you want to understand REAL characters.

>> No.15365115

Nice backpedaling, you thought I was judging the anime only but I read ahead since I wanted to give it a chance after even staunched readers dropped it by the fourth arc.

>> No.15365116

>Forth arc
Are you talking about the forth volume?

>> No.15365117

> Yandere
> Being the key reason.

>> No.15365118

>moe shit
Oxymoron. They're just shit and boring, not moe at all.

>> No.15365119

> Impresionable
And that is why you are blind.

>> No.15365120

One is getting an adaptation; the other one never will

>> No.15365121

> Shit and boring.
Subjective to your eyes.

>> No.15365122

Fair point, I should've said that they are trying to make them moe, but fail.

>> No.15365123
File: 91 KB, 599x852, Tanya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was pretty much in one of those back section books that people barely look, I suppose. I don't know about this series though.

>> No.15365124

Well I meant I like them more, not that they're "deeper" or anything.

>> No.15365125

Hold on, all you guys want are some gimmick to a personality without looking at the depth.

>> No.15365126

>you missed an s, therefore your point automatically invalid.

>> No.15365127

What come off to you readers as to why you all like the characters is due to some weird quirk that stands out or something bombastic; when in reality, you people don't seem to look at other characters that have depth but no particular distinction by your eyes.

>> No.15365128

I only proved my point as to why you are blind.

>> No.15365129

> Fourth arc.
They gave up because they pussied out.

>> No.15365130

He's kinda almost there, he's within a insufferable reality of the choices he's made. Even in the most painful way.

>> No.15365131

Well we've only got 1/4 of the main characters so far, unless you've read ahead them disregard this.

>> No.15365132

Rather, the way Kazuki developed into a yandere was interesting to me.

>> No.15365133

Hakomari is simply better in every way.

>> No.15365134
File: 209 KB, 417x472, 1462695605346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Hero's journey
>have him fall and rise as a hero.

I'm not so sure about that.

>> No.15365135

Its fourth volume, not fourth arc.

>> No.15365136

LN? Not really, as it was WN.

>> No.15365137

Re:Zero fanboys in full force I see.

>> No.15365138

You criticize the series obviously were going to argue against it. Unless your original goal was to have a circle jerk of nay sayers.

>> No.15365139

With one giant autist about eyes and lens in every thread that mentions it.

>> No.15365140

The fourth arc isn't even out on LN yet, the LN has only ever caught up to the third arc.

>> No.15365141
File: 962 KB, 1280x720, kyoukai_mitsuki_swimsuit_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re zero is kinda meh.

In hakamori that loop shit was basically only relevant and used in the first and last volume.

We had shit like having your body share another soul with someone in specific times of the day to that kingdom royale danganronpa shit to Daiya and Kazuki mind games for 2 volumes.

Basically had more different things going for it while Re Zero we all know it's just Subaru getting stuck in a loop in each arc and getting fucked over by either the witch or people around him all until he dies enough to escape it for a while.

>> No.15365142

>Poor mans All you need is kill getting shilled on /a/ this much

>> No.15365143

Kill yourself.

>> No.15365144

I don't think so.

>> No.15365145

>use capitalize on greentext

I agree though, Re:Zero is poor man's All You Need is Kill.

>> No.15365146

All you need is kill never gave out a clearer idea about the time travel.

>> No.15365147

Its sad really.

>> No.15365148

No, it is their own series. The only thing that is similar is the idea of return by death but All You Need is Killed never bothered to explore further.

>> No.15365149

More ways than one.

>> No.15365150

Well, that's why you're a moron.

>> No.15365151

Well, I see that you are incorrect. Every way? No.

>> No.15365152


This should have been a VN or a short manga like AYNIK, you can't keep dragging the timeloop shit for several volumes.

>> No.15365153

Shilled? More like shitted on. There is ever only one thread in the catalouge that isn't shitting on this show.

>> No.15365154

I don't believe it is a poor man's All You Need is Kill. The only idea you are connecting is return by death. Fundamentally, the setting, story, characters, as well as the system of the loops are different by a long shot. Don't make this out to be a degraded version of another.

>> No.15365155

No no no, you are asking to leave out world building of a world as well as psychological pacing (AYNIK did this badly with its psychological aspect). You have a hero's journey that starts from zero and you build yourself up while failing and to keep trying. You are fundamentally making it seem like it should be shorter to leave out its development.

>> No.15365156

That was the series that came to mind after seeing this show. Gonna have to agree.

>> No.15365157

You mean disagree. See this >>15365154.

>> No.15365158

No, I mean agree, fuck off.

>> No.15365159
File: 13 KB, 229x350, 1462479050416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It pains me how much this is true. It's either a thread that tries to rile up other anons into a devolved shitflinging contest or a thread where people can actually discuss that gets ruined by that damn memeboy poster and those bait copy-pastas. People are extremely dedicated to hating on this series for some reason.

>> No.15365160

Even the dedicated fans say to fuck off to the generalizing of the threads.

>> No.15365161

And I see that you are wrong, fuck off.

>> No.15365162

No wonder threads of this show get shit on when they're overrun by retards like you.

>> No.15365163

He is a rare case let it be.

>> No.15365164
File: 133 KB, 728x636, The fool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should say the same about you. And no wonder the threads of shitposting gets shit on when they're overrun by retards like you. And you people make more of them than us. Just look at the stalker threads. And the recent shitpost of "comparing to SAO thread" when it is a hell lot better.

>> No.15365165

Dude, calm down. For fuck sakes you're the reason why people think we are so cancerous.

>> No.15365166

I loved hakomari far more, so I was excited when the anime for re:zero came out.
I dropped re:zero by the fourth episode.

>> No.15365167

That's a mistake. Arcs 1 & 2 is just the prologue. The real story starts when arc 3 hits. Even then episode 7 got quite alot of attention.

Why did you drop it on episode 4 in the first place?

>> No.15365168

What happens in arc 3? The prologue just bored me to death.

>> No.15365169

>You have a hero's journey that starts from zero and you build yourself up while failing and to keep trying.

And yeah this will get boring several arcs later when he keeps doing the same shit with the time loops to fix his problems.

The only thing that could keep it interesting is if he had some set limit before facing a penalty of some kind.

>> No.15365170

Well depends, do you want the spoiler or non-spoiler version?

>> No.15365171

Go ahead, spoiler me. I might pick it up if it's that interesting.

>> No.15365172

The shitposting base is even more cancerous. You suddenly accuse us of being the cancerous ones when we have no say in the idiot that spams the Photoshop of Subaru and copypastas. We constantly have to ward off the idiots that constantly shit on the series. You have any idea how many threads were made AGAINST Re:Zero? And you call us the stigma. That is called being a hypocrite.

>> No.15365173

There's always a penalty to his death if you haven't noticed, and that is not just the pain of death. And the penalty to his power can sometimes work to his advantage.

>> No.15365174

For his sake, I hope he's just false flagging.

>> No.15365175

Should we link him the arc 3 details (I'm pretty sure it is the web novel version though)?>>15365171

>> No.15365176


We have had people like you come across our thread multiple times so we basically made a pastebin for this kind of situation at this point, forgive the bad grammar.
We also omitted alot of things such as chracter development/dialogue etc. etc. as we tried to summarize the entirety of the third arc which is 90 chapters worth of content to a couple of pages.

>> No.15365177

Unless he can read moon we really can't show him the WN.

>> No.15365178

I think that's the web novel so alot of that may be ommitted.

>> No.15365179

No it's the arc 3 details.

>> No.15365180

This is why watching anime when it's airing is never good.

All you get is shitposting.

>> No.15365181

Also a disclaimer that if you read the pastebin you are basically spoiling yourself 14 episodes.

>> No.15365182

No, I mean that the web novel and light novel differences. I'm pretty that is the web novel.

>> No.15365183

Nah, this one is the LN version.

>> No.15365184

You sure? Have you read the physical book itself instead of the web?

>> No.15365185


Compared to this one what Subaru did in the WN was much harsher, he is quite the wrathful person.

>> No.15365186

Just read it all.
I probably won't pick the anime back up, but I guess I'll look for future spoilers for the LN.

>> No.15365187

Sure. At least you took time to consider.

>> No.15365188

That's a massive time-skip when does this all start exactly?

>> No.15365189

2 weeks. If you have been following it.

>> No.15365190

Episode 12

>> No.15365191

I like Hakomari way more.
I like Re:Zero but it drags on too much and repeats too much of the same information over and over again.
Hakomari had a logical progression and even when it came to the time loops it never felt repetitive.

>> No.15365192

Re:Zero is great, but Zero Maria is on another level entirely, shit's great.

>> No.15365193


>> No.15365194

So basically Re:Zero but replace Maria with Emilia? Sounds good, will check it out.

>> No.15365195

A lot more whining tho.

>> No.15365196

So? I will look at it with a different lens and let it open my eyes with its own unique take.

>> No.15365197

>itt people spouting opinions without having read both or explaining their reasoning
what's the point

>> No.15365198

Who cares.
The best one is still Mushoku Tensei and those who think otherwise are either subhuman trash or have shit taste. Now fuck off :^)

>> No.15365199


>> No.15365200
File: 367 KB, 1000x1414, Kairin wo idaita shoujo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Mushoku Tensei
>Not works by Nanasawa.

>> No.15365201

Really, I actually like the subtle progress and having to retrace steps in Re zero. I find that to be a logical approach.

>> No.15365202


>> No.15365203

HakoMari is 10x better

>> No.15365204

Time to learn the language anon-kun. Its for reading all that juicy japanese fanfiction after all.

>> No.15365205

> Says (You) and a bunch of circlejerks in this thread.

>> No.15365206
File: 20 KB, 194x366, 1461887221778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your butthurt is astounding.

>> No.15365207
File: 2.65 MB, 1600x865, 1464846706282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And your ignorance is astounding. You think Hakomari is the best? Think again after reading this. And I recognize it as better than both Hakomari and Re Zero.

>> No.15365208

That's pretty fucked. Edgy but fucked.

>> No.15365209

Not even that anon, but you're clearly annoyed since you keep replying to anyone that thinks Hakomari is better.

>> No.15365210

Re Zero is better, Hakomari is too repetetive

>> No.15365211

My, how wrong can someone be.

>> No.15365212

Because either they have not read BOTH of the series or are just blind by their circlejerking to realize that they are circlejerking.

>> No.15365213

Or maybe they prefer one story over the other, I know its quite the shocking revelation.

>> No.15365214

Yet another wrong opinion.

>> No.15365215

I have no idea what edgy means anymore. It has no value other than being used as a buzzword used by "reviewers" who do not understand the meaning and use it out of not knowing the series; or are just looking down on a series, blinded by their own sin of pride.

>> No.15365216

I agree, so many fools that don't understand the value of their own words so they come across as ignorant, never realizing their mistakes.

>> No.15365217

And yet another subjective opinion.
Or they suddenly declare that it is objective that one series is actually better, when in reality, it is subjective.

>> No.15365218


The game volumes also were just a disguised loop and 2 volumes was toouch for a single box that wasn't all that different

>> No.15365219

>Relies on the power of feelings most of the time to break out of loops and reality.
And I nearly picked it up until I saw that line.

>> No.15365220
File: 19 KB, 155x240, 1463512903917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, you need to calm down.

>> No.15365221


*too much

>> No.15365222

>a bunch of squiggly lines

>> No.15365223

>claiming it's a fantastic adaption
Trusting MAL is a bad idea anon, the show has barely covered much anyway

>> No.15365224
File: 1.31 MB, 1600x864, Or so we thought....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that is why you are a filthy casual that likes only pretty colors without seeing the artistic value and style of the story it portrays.

>> No.15365225
File: 12 KB, 500x500, 1460987665272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watched it
>everyone is claiming it's a fantastic adaptation

I mean sure, its a pretty good adaptation but its lacking in alot of fronts for the sake of pacing. I mean, there is an entire chapter committed to Subaru's internal monologue before going into Beako's room about him reflecting his deaths and a bit of his home life. But nobody wants to have 10 minutes of Subaru thinking and talking to himself every episode. Nor do we want paragraph long dialogues explaining his reasoning.

>> No.15365226

My man

>> No.15365227

>Expecting plebs to be able to read JPnese

>> No.15365228

Actually pretty cool writing Im impressed

>> No.15365229
File: 421 KB, 2560x1399, Schera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pursuit of happiness, food, and demons for the fucking win.

>> No.15365230


>> No.15365231
File: 2.72 MB, 1600x861, Yuusha bakemono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, not man, but BROTHER. We need to hunt for DEMONS.

>> No.15365232




「敵わないと思うなら、ついていけないと思うなら、もっと鍛錬を積めば良いんです。私は絶対についていきます。歯を食いしばって、しがみついてでもです! 一人より二人、仲間がいれば何かあった時にお互いに助け合う事が出来ます。……これは勇者さんの受け売りですけれど」
「とにかく、私は絶対に強くなって、勇者さんを助けられるようになってみせます! 絶対です!」
"What a truly captivating fighting-style. Like this, she'd be fine alone, and wouldn't need something as trivial as a comrade to fight together with. She can manipulate magic and even command the healing arts after all. It seems we'll only be holding her back."

Hearing Edel's words, Matari couldn't hold back that which surged up in her.

"You... are mistaken!"
"If you think you aren't a match, if you think you can't keep up, then you should just train more. I will definitely follow her. Even if I have to grit my teeth and cling to her! Two heads are better than one; if you have a comrade, you'll be able to help each other out when something comes up, together.
......Though I only heard this from Hero-san."
"H, hey Matari-"
"Anyway! I will definitely become strong, strong enough to help out Hero-san just watch me! Absolutely!"

Brother! United we stand!

>> No.15365233
File: 470 KB, 2560x1393, The calvary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15365234

So most of us agree Hakomari is the far better work?

>> No.15365235

> Believing "democracy" is what decides the objectivity.
It does not make anything correct. It only means the majority but not the whole.

>> No.15365236

Re:Zero is marginally better. Ignore the contrarians.

>> No.15365237

Based on what? You're opinion?

If you're not able to explain how it's better, your view is utterly worthless.

>> No.15365238






"So my hunch was correct. So, just where is Mister Lion intending to go I wonder, leaving his own son and subordinated behind."

The female general put her scythe on her shoulder and scoffed as she looked down on him. Fynn responded while looking for an opening. He wouldn't give up until for sure it was over.
Prolong the conversation, and somehow think of a plan to break through.

"......How, do you know of this secret passage. Only an extremely few number of people know of it."

"Because I was there in that fortress 30 years ago. But, no one had used it. Everyone died. There was not one man who escaped. Everyone... died there."

It was still midday, yet the visibility grew worse. Something like fog began setting in. The crusaders made a din wondering what was happening, but the black cavalry made not a quiver.

>> No.15365239

Somehow I agree with this when I was the one arguing with all the Hakomari circlejerking.

>> No.15365240

The wrong opinion here is thinking that any LN/WN is good.

>> No.15365241




「……? ま、待て、お、お前は」


"Your story doesn't fit. You don't look that old yet. Who'd you here that story from?"

"I saw it. That the wretches of the 'Liberation Army' burned down, those ruins, where only the bones of my soldiers and the ashes of my potatoes lay scattered. Just thinking about it makes me so angry. I will for sure kill you, that's why."

The female officer smiled with a malicious look, her killing intent laid bare. It seemed her fangs would assail him at this very moment.

"......? W, wait, y, you're"

Hearing her words just now, Fynn felt a sense of deja vu. He tried remembering something that had been engraved into him.
The old scars carved into both both shoulders coursed with heat and ached.

>> No.15365242

Not an argument.


>> No.15365243

Not an argument.

Even more a retard.

>> No.15365244

Assmad, but no argument.


>> No.15365245
File: 1.40 MB, 1500x9900, hkmp1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a real story.

>> No.15365246
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>> No.15365247

Seeing things that don't exist.


>> No.15365248
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>> No.15365249
File: 1.99 MB, 1600x865, illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the wrong opinion is to think that.

>> No.15365250
File: 67 KB, 599x685, Youjo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop the text, it's too blurry and too long. And stop circlejerking to Hakomari. That is not making a case. You want a REAL story, read this phone book.

>> No.15365251

Both are shit.
Muh normal looking MC, muh special snowflake MC

>> No.15365252

>And the wrong opinion is to think that.

Is what someone would say, if they don't read proper literature. Sci-fi drivel and high fantasy don't count.

There has never, ever been an LN with good writing, and there never will be.

>> No.15365253
File: 101 KB, 351x398, dokuro-chan_laugh8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phone book

>> No.15365254
File: 49 KB, 726x1024, So magical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Re:Zero, pretty much everyone is a special snowflake.

>> No.15365255

Is this supposed to be good dialogue and good character interactions?

>> No.15365256

You're right, it's a dictionary. They get bigger.

>> No.15365257

Sorry, I'm not stupid enough to read your trash.

>> No.15365258

This kid >>15365252 was neglected by his parents during potty training and is now fixated in the anal stage according to Freud. Please forgive him for deriving pleasure from excreting all over his keyboard and pressing enter.

>> No.15365259

> Never will be
And that is where you are always wrong. You are making a stereotype without looking hard enough.

>> No.15365260
File: 141 KB, 450x685, Step.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you say you sniveling dog?

>> No.15365261
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>> No.15365262
File: 928 KB, 1600x1149, Tanya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two Tanyas?

>> No.15365263

You're quite pathetic.

>> No.15365264

What? This is just me>>15365260

>> No.15365265

>this many people taking the bait
>this many fags lying about reading Hakomari

Jesus christ, it's so obvious, why are you shilling a seasonal show so bad

>> No.15365266

How do they even compare? I haven't watched Re:Zero but it looks like a completely different show.

I've read Hakomari, and i have to say it was quite enjoyable. Most people didn't like either the 1st or 2nd arcs, but i was hooked from the start.

And now that it's finished, you guys won't have to wait years for the author to put out the last volume.

What other LN's are good? I've only read this, Gekkou and Toradora.

>> No.15365267
File: 104 KB, 500x710, Shinigami wo tabeta shoujo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinigami wo Tabeta Shoujo.

>> No.15365268

>Shinigami wo Tabeta Shoujo.
>Tags: Dark, Gluttony, Ruthless

Not sure about this senpai..

>> No.15365269

It's just one idiot trying to shill that LN. He can't stand the fact that nobody else gives a shit.

>> No.15365270

It is revolved around hypocrisy and staying true to one's desire that is not good nor it is evil.

>> No.15365271

There's more people, like this dude>>15365232.

>> No.15365272

That's you, idiot.

>> No.15365273

I can't read or speak nip. I'm a different anon.

>> No.15365274

Hakomari is a way better. Re:zero characters are shit compared to Kazuki,Yuuri, Kokone, Maria and Daiya.

>> No.15365275

Do you even know ALL of the characters? If not, don't say shit.

>> No.15365276

> is a way better
> is a

>> No.15365277

Would you became a killing machine for your waifu?

>> No.15365278
File: 101 KB, 540x675, 1440120716107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15365279

> Became
Illiterate plebeians.

>> No.15365280


>> No.15365281

If it can't introduce interesting characters at the start to pull the viewer in, it's a waste of time, idiot.

>> No.15365282

Trust you memer idiots to ruin a great story.

>> No.15365283

> If you can't have a character with a quirk or some shit at the start like any pretty colors or visuals without any regards to actual writing and development (which is much more important in the end), then it is surely going to be better in the long run. I just like to look at it from the outside. Otherwise it is nothing more than shit (like my ass).
I disagree, idiot.

>> No.15365284

>If you can't have a character with a quirk
Nobody said anything about quirks, moron. It's abundantly clear from that post that you have no understanding of what makes characters interesting.

>> No.15365285
File: 36 KB, 200x200, 2504050-111613153521_zps3f92f5ec.gif~c200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that greentext bitching
What a loser.

>> No.15365286

> Quirks
The point I made is something about you saying that characters should be interesting. And I said quirks to make a reference to traits that make a character interesting in your eyes at the start. And you don't seem to understand the idea from your own supposed glasses about what is considered interesting and what is consider good. Instead, I know for a fact that you have not read Re:Zero at all. So stop your bullshit of a statement to call something not interesting, and realize how full of shit your claim is from the moment you said "not interesting from the start" to find out the rest of the characters.

>> No.15365287

> Loser
No one says that anymore. Say faggot, faggot.

>> No.15365288

Sorry, I'm not going to waste my time reading posts made by someone who's already proven himself a dumbfuck. Backpedal all you like, Hakomari is still the far superior story with the far far far superior characters.

>> No.15365289

The trips confirm it.

>> No.15365290

He wasn't saying anything about re:zero, he was challenging your laughable retort where you said "Do you even know ALL of the characters?".

If you can't hook the audience in, it's shit.

>> No.15365291

Sorry dude, the trips confirmed>>15365283.
And it's a jackpot.

>> No.15365292

And that is where things are subjective by your view. And you are proven wrong by the post here >>15365274 and here >>15365281. He technically talked about it.

>> No.15365293

You're so desperate to prove what a masterpiece re:zero is you resort to samefagging with getposting your trips?

I haven't read or watched re:zero, but I certainly won't now, knowing that someone as stupid as yourself thinks it's good.

>> No.15365294

>He technically
You, idiot. Also, I'm only the second post.

Also even though you say it's subjective, which goes without saying, you're sperging out for some reason. Again, you're just a really desperate dumbshit.

>> No.15365295
File: 31 KB, 600x450, Stop posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Calls me a dumbfuck
> far superior story
> far far far
> Saying "far" four times in a single sentence.
And you're calling me a dumbfuck?

>> No.15365296

> He
I thought all people on /a/ are males. You confirm it by showing boobs with a time card otherwise we assume you're male. Isn't that the established rule?

>> No.15365297

Trust me.
Re zero threads would be good if the manga adaptation doesn't exist

>> No.15365298

> I haven't watched or read Re:Zero
>Re:zero characters are shit compared to Kazuki,Yuuri, Kokone, Maria and Daiya.
> Has not even touched the story or characters and makes that statement.

>> No.15365299

I read the first 2 volumes recently and i think it really isn't that great, The first one was decent but the second one bored the shit out of me.
I think i will never get into LNs, They just don't compare to normal books at all.

>> No.15365300

>Re:zero characters are shit compared to Kazuki,Yuuri, Kokone, Maria and Daiya
I literally never said that, idiot.

Whoever did is probably right though, considering someone as stupid as yourself begs to differ.

>> No.15365301

Yeah i just finished reading the second volume and i don't get the hype. The translation lacks any kind of prose and is just bland in general.
Does anyone know if it gets any better in the later volumes?

>> No.15365302

> Whoever did is probably right.
> I'm just assuming out of my own ass out of a story based on some guy that didn't hit right with me.
I don't think so, idiot. Unless there's proof and none of that edit with (You).

>> No.15365303
File: 51 KB, 542x466, Kidding me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Re zero
>Not reptetive

Call me when an arc isn't resolved with Subaru dying enough times in a loop to fix his problems.

>> No.15365304

>Thread revolved around shitposting and circlejerking.
> All because a dumbass OP decided to create a thread to have a comparison under the idea of a time loop.

>> No.15365305

Please tell me that Daiya's motivations are not anymore pretentious than it already is? Or anymore power of feelings bullshit has still occurred in the story?

>> No.15365306

Re:Zero's terrible, Hakomari's a masterpiece.

>> No.15365307

>re:zero fags forcing a comparison with one of the few decent light novels out there
Stop trying yo compare your shit to everything, it's really obnoxious.

>> No.15365308

> Suddenly blaming Re:Zero fags.
> When in reality, it was all a shitposting attempt against Re:Zero and circlejerk around Hakomari.

>> No.15365309

> Masterpiece.
> The power of FEELINGS.

>> No.15365431

I think it's rather hilarious how fickle EOPs are. Some random LN or web novel gets badly translated by some random schmuck and suddenly it's the best thing ever for few months.

I guess Alderamin is next, once the anime starts. Except Alderamin is actually good, at least in first few volumes.

>> No.15367540

I can't believe there are people who liked Daiya and Kokone.

>> No.15368412

I think it's sad how dumb you are but you don't see me pointing it out now do you?

>> No.15374456

Schera really likes eating things.

>> No.15382374


>> No.15382521

Welcome to 4chan! As you can see, often timea folks will post opinions or so-called 'shitposts'. This is a common occurrence and by no means anything to be alarmed by.

>> No.15382529

If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

>> No.15384120

>All you need is kill
Which is a poor version of higurashi, right?

Jesus fucking christ, I'd like to say that the level of discourse in this board has gone to shit, but that would imply that it was good once.

>> No.15386352 [DELETED] 

It's MUCH better.

>> No.15386363

Hakomari is much better.
For starters, Maria isn't as dumb as Subar and she's also not annoying.

>> No.15386848

No. You're expecting novel quality from Japanese LNs.

The series are pretty different. I don't know why people are comparing them, just because the MCs are obsessed with a girl?
If so then Kazu is way crazier than Subaru, but Hakomari is written to be way more fucked up than Re:zero is. All the people in it are beyond fucked up.
