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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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15299046 No.15299046 [Reply] [Original]

How long does it take to learn Japanese ? I've been studying it for quite a while now and I still know next to nothing about that language.

>> No.15299067

Define quite a while?
Three hours? A week? a month? a year?
It all depends on why you are studying.. for fun? to translate manga? to read idols twitter posts? to program the next ground breaking OS? Just to survive in Japan?
Eitherway, If you study every single day and have a damn good study plan, then you can be speaking basic Japanese that you'd need to get through your day in a few months. In one year you should be able to chit-chat bullshit about your day and plans. If you focus your Japanese studies on learning things you'll actually use and not crap like terms for the existence of fish in each state of death and cuts? then three years you'll be "Advanced Japanese" if not higher, no worries. Ignore all that JLPT bullshit levels, that is just a rank of how much you can study. The rest is up to you and how/why you use it.

TL;DR? Study everyday and stop trying to work out your level.

>> No.15299073

That would depend on how long you have been studying.
If you've been going at it for a year and can't read all the hiragana, katakana and at the very least a single read of 200 kanji? then you've fucked up, start again.
Also your picture is wrong.

>> No.15299079

4 or 5 hours, tops.

>> No.15299081

>Ignore all that JLPT bullshit levels, that is just a rank of how much you can study.
I can contest to this. I've had friends who have passed JLPT 1. But if you spoke to them in Japanese longer than two sentences, then they'd break down and cry. I've just recently got back my results for JLPT 3 and I'm aiming for finishing 2 by the end of the year when I visit Japan and it really is just studied Japanese.

>> No.15299089

>4 or 5 hours, tops
lol, I hope you are adding in breaks or something? Cus that is too long. I was fluent by the time I got off my flight to Japan.

>> No.15299107

JLPT only goes up to middle schooler level Japanese anyway.

>> No.15299109

That's why I said "tops", as in that's if you're a lazy and retarded. Most people who put some work into it should only take 2 or 3. Figure 90 minutes if you're good with languages.

>> No.15299119

As someone who works with Japanese middle schoolers on a regular basis, I can attest that they're quite bad at Japanese.

>> No.15299229
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>> No.15299297

Yep, this right here.

>> No.15299328

You don't "learn" languages
You expose yourself to them

>> No.15299340

>I've been studying it for quite a while now and I still know next to nothing about that language.

I can tell.

>> No.15299423
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>> No.15299466
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>> No.15299480

If you have to ask you aren't gonna make it.

>> No.15299496


JLPT only tests passive knowledge (reading, text comprehension, grammar and vocabulary knowledge and listening), so it's well within the realm of possibility someone has absolutely no confidence in their speaking skill and yet passed N1. (Of course it's extremely pathetic, unless they specifically only needed and wanted passive Japanese.)

Also JLPT results are used when you apply for Japanese universities and work, so there's a point in taking the test for many people.

Of course it's likely OP is just some weeaboo fuck that wants to massage his dick while looking at naked anime girls, so he has no use for JLPT, but you should have told him the details, not just act smart. (Especially this fag >>15299081 just sounds salty someone else already has a better paper than him.)

>> No.15299727

>I completely agree.
>But you are a faggot for making me agree.
That is you.

>> No.15299772

Says the faggot that wanted to seem smart by omitting literally every relevant detail.

>> No.15299789

Do you guys think it's worth it to take college courses, or is self-learning sufficiently effective?

>> No.15299875

Most schools give like a two week period of trying out a class before you can drop it and get a full refund.
Try it and let us know how it went.

>> No.15299906
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There's no answer to that question. It could take anywhere between 2 and 10 years depending on how much you study, if you're just doing it on the side or full-time, etc.

>absolutely no confidence in their speaking skill and yet passed N1
Guilty as charged. Been studying by myself for 4 years, passed N1 last winter JLPT. I can read any native material with ease and writing is also no problem. Speaking is a completely different story, though. Don't make that mistake. Sign up for language exchange platforms like lang-8 and look for conversation partners on Skype. It's gonna take some work, because most Japanese are really shy.
I've got two Japanese guys now who are interested in learning German, so each weekend we meet to talk about current events and anime for an hour in German and an hour in Japanese. It really helps build confidence, but you should try to look for something regular like this maybe after passing N3.

>> No.15299930

Having a good teacher does help, especially for illustrating the more complicated grammar points. Also, having a regular class helps keep most people motivated. But remember that only doing the bare minimum for the class will get you nowhere. You have to look for vocabulary decks (anki) by yourself and also grind vocab/kanji each day or you're never going to make it.

Also set yourself goals. Like, try to pass one JLPT level each year (or two each year up to N3, you could also skip N5 if it's too easy). Without clear goals, it's really easy to lose motivation, which happens to most people who are just starting out with Japanese.

>> No.15300112

Thanks for the advice. I can basically add a Japanese course to my schedule for free next semester because of my school's bracketed tuition rates, but the rest of my courseload is all STEM (lol stereotype) and I don't know if I could handle the work. It doesn't fill any degree requirements either.
In my experience the first two weeks of any course are a poor indicator of how the rest will go, but I might give this a shot.

>> No.15300145

At what point would it be right to start speaking with natives?

I just started, and only know very basic grammar and my kana. I know the kana sets super well, though. I'm debating learning the most common kanji sets before actually studying sentence structure and communication.

>> No.15300150

It's good to do it on the side, but be sure to aim for about an hour or study time each day for steady progress. Good luck mate, and try to enjoy it.
Also, and this is very important, steer clear of weebs. At least 80% of your class WILL be weebs and believe me, you do not want to be friends with them. If they ask: you don't watch anime. After the first 1-2 semesters, they'll be gone either way.

>> No.15300165

I'd say it depends. At the very least you should have a basic grasp on the language and be able to form simple sentences. Other than that, there's no downside to starting early in my opinion, that is if you don't mind really awkward conversations.

>> No.15300195

I want to start early. But I don't know how to make it useful, because I feel like I'd just hit a wall conversationally no less than twenty seconds in. How would one even start to bridge the gap?

>> No.15300198

Don't tell me you're thinking about being a quitter

>> No.15300239

Can't help you with that, mate. You'll suck at first, but you'll get better. That's how it is with any language. Just don't get discouraged because it's hard at first. 頑張ってください。

>> No.15300249
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By the way, that's when most people quit like >>15300198 said, because it's really frustrating and feels shitty. Don't be one of them!

>> No.15300298

Nah, not even close! I just need to know how to find an opening in communicative learning. Or just know when the right time to start would be.

In this kind fellow's post, all I can make out is
"tte kudasai"
Which means they're asking something of me politely. How much kanji would I need to know before verbally communicating?

>> No.15300343

You don't need Kanji to communicate, you need vocab. I can't really say how many words you'd need before being able to have a decent conversation, but I'd guess about 5000 at least? Maybe try asking the guys at japanese.stackexchange.com, they're usually really helpful. I'd say it it's right now the best place for asking any question about the language.

For vocab, I highly recommend getting the Core 6k/10k Japanese decks for anki. The ones with the sound and pictures are really nice. Don't overdo it with the new words at the beginning, it gets overwhelming real fast if you don't pace yourself right.

>> No.15300660

I started last month and I learnt hiragana/katakanas, some kanjis, salutations...
Studying is alright but you need to be focused, I still don't know very much so I must study it more.

>> No.15300786

Thanks a ton. I'm giving it a go now.

>> No.15300973

I'm not even those guys, lol, you mad?

>> No.15301061
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there now you know japanese

>> No.15301085

how the fuck do you supposed to learn anything with anki? you only look at a word once and then it goes on to other words and then it stops. after 10 words then it stops and then you have to wait a day. i don't see how one learns anything doing this. i think memrise is more affective desu

>> No.15301348

>you only look at a word once
If you don't recognize the kanji, remember the reading and the meaning you click again, never hard/good/easy. Click again the card will pop up again in the same session. You can also do as many new cards as you want a day.
In addition it gets pretty useful when you start mining words from LNs/VNs/whatever it is you want to read.

>> No.15301680

Use Memrise instead, it is by far the better option.

>> No.15301848


>> No.15301888

literally moon rune

>> No.15301899

>How long does it take to learn Japanese? I've been studying it for quite a while now

Just keep at it. Best way, I've found, is to translate something. Manga, song lyrics, anything. Go as literal and as concise as possible. In order to learn a language, you have to expose yourself to stuff in that language.

You just have to build up your vocabulary, learn the grammar rules, and just keep at it. What you might lack is actual practical use in everyday life which means having a friend who speaks Japanese better than you to flex your mental muscle with.

Don't give up, but do find ways to learn. It will take a while, but eventually it will register in your head just like reading English. For me, I can pick up something and even though it's in Japanese, I can sometimes read it and understand it directly in English. Odd, but that's how some people's brains work.

>> No.15301914


>> No.15303449

is this true?

>> No.15303760

>tfw no Japanese duolingo

>> No.15303801

He's real moon person.

>> No.15303816

>believing in UG
Chomsky is a good man, but sometimes he was wrong.

>> No.15303918

Good job OP, I'm triggered to no end.

>> No.15303923

>it's likely OP is just some weeaboo fuck
Aren't we all?

>> No.15304031

So this is /jp/.

>> No.15305142

what was the point of this post

>> No.15307378
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>> No.15307391
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>> No.15308275


>> No.15308290


>> No.15308342

If you're lazy it will take you a very, very long time. I've been on /jp/ since 2008 and I probably only know 200 kanji at the absolute most.

I don't really give a shit though, I can read manga with the aid of a dictionary.

>> No.15308382

To be fair that doesn't look like を nor ち either

>> No.15308491

shit thread but I'll bite

-a few months/years for conversational fluency and baseline reading/writing skills
-few years of concerted effort for basic reading including manga, LNs websites etc

after which you'll probably have to look stuff up occasionally to a greater or lesser extent, e.g. politics, newspapers, novels, keigo, net-speak etc

>> No.15308640

I kind of like this attitude of telling people they won't make it and should quit.
It reminds me of STEM subjects. "oh you want to study computer science? Don't do it. Calculus has a 50% failure rate because the kids that just want to make games can't do math".
And here it's "you want to learn Japanese? Don't even try. The weebs who want to watch raw anime all drop out once they realize it's actually difficult to learn a whole new language during adulthood".

Meanwhile /fit/ has the attitude "we're all gonna make it".

>> No.15308660

>"you want to learn Japanese? Don't even try. The weebs who want to watch raw anime all drop out once they realize it's actually difficult to learn a whole new language during adulthood".

This is true for most of them though. I could observe it often during my studies.

I'm not saying you shouldn't try, but it's definetly true most weebs will drop it fast.

>> No.15309230

Now entering my 4th year, the people i've noticed that have stayed the longest are generally the biggest weebs (like, got obsessed with dbz/sailor moon as little kids, and just...kept finding more weeb shit to latch onto). They just tend to be a lot better at hiding their power level than the people who *just* realized they like japanese stuff. Every person i thought looked at me like i was weeb scum runs a secret arashi erotica blog with 40,000 followers or something.

Which isn't to say you're wrong or anything, just what i've noticed at my school.

>> No.15309575

Duolingo would never work with a language that uses a different alphabet

>> No.15309585

>Meanwhile /fit/ has the attitude "we're all gonna make it".
And because of this the fitness levels, age, knowlege, posting quality, physique and strength of the average /fit/ poster have been in a permanent steady decline for years.
I gave up on that board when the fanboys of a crossdressing tripfag started accusing anyone who disagrees with their favourite tripfag of baiting
