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14986984 No.14986984 [Reply] [Original]

Prettiest danmaku in each windows game:

EoSD: China > Patchouli > Remilia > Flan > Cirno > Rumia > Sakuya
PCB: Yuyuko > Ran = Yukari > Alice > Youmu > Prismriver Sisters > Chen > Letty
IN: Eirin > Marisa > Reimu > Kaguya > Wriggle > Mokou >Keine > Mystia > Reisen
PoFV: Yuuka > Medicine > the others are too simple and boring
MoF: Kanako > Suwako > Sanae > Nitori > Aki Sisters > Hina > Aya
SA: Parsee > Koishi > Utsuho > Yuugi > Rin Yamame
UFO: Byakuren > Shou > Nue > Murasa > Ichirin > Kogasa > Nazrin
TD: Miko > Seiga > Yuyuko > Soga > Mamizou > Futo > Kyouko > Yoshika
DDC: Sukuna > Raiko > Tsukumo sisters > Sekibanki > Wakasa > Kagerou > Seija
LoLK: Doremi > Ringo > Hecatia > Sagume > Seiran > Clownpiece > Junko

Characters with one (like Satori) or none (some midbosses) spellcards are excluded.

>> No.14987037

Opinion discarded.

>> No.14987039

Opinion discarded.

>> No.14987042

Opinion discarded.

>> No.14987048

This is pretty much impeccably accurate.
I probably would give the exact placements you did if I were doing this without even looking at your post.

>> No.14987052

You got a problem with pretty flower rainbows, cool anchors with watery stuff, and pretty rainbow patterns with lots of knives? Get outta here.

>> No.14987100

Actually, Meiling is TOP 3 danmaku in the entire franchise. EoSD is old, but still she surpasses the whole cast of LoLK.

>> No.14987141
File: 338 KB, 469x514, rage_china.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heard someone talking shit about china

if you believe Wind Chime of Colorful Rainbow isn't one of the prettiest spellcards, please offer better examples

>> No.14987233

You're the problem, not the patterns.

>> No.14987431

>PoFV: Yuuka > Medicine > the others are too simple and boring
Medicine's patterns are either her shooting a wall of bullets, or her making an explosion of bullets. She's about as simple as you can get. Yuuka isn't much better.

>> No.14987442
File: 1.30 MB, 320x320, soldaerokker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Danmaku coming through.

>> No.14987773

dont do that

>> No.14988285

OP's picture clearly depicts Reimu supergrazing Meiling's first spell. Really nice touch, brought a smile to my face as someone that is into EoSD scoring, albeit Lunatic instead of normal (on Lunatic this particular supergraze isn't possible).


Touhou is such a pretty game.

>> No.14988325

China's spells are really nice to look at. Probably the best stage 3 character in the whole franchise.

But Youmu is clearly number 1 for PCB. Components of Konpaku blows anything by Yuyuko out of the water.

>> No.14991463
File: 3.74 MB, 3600x1800, 1426975921183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. What is the problem with these names? I really don't know the new epic 2hou memes 2016.

>> No.14991522
File: 222 KB, 850x1226, 1452453975346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very pretty indeed, but Yuyuko has a better aesthetic as a whole.
Anyway, it's a subjective matter.

Nice score, anon!
Yeah, I really miss these special treats that Zun gave to the patterns...

>> No.14991529

their names are hong meiling, minamitsu and shinmyoumaru.

>> No.14992240

It's actually Murasa, as she herself even prefers to be called as such.

>> No.14992246

that's her last name
she wants to be called captian murasa
that's like if reimu wanted to be called captain hakurei
that doesn't make her name hakurei

>> No.14992265

That somehow doesn't change the fact that the character herself prefers to be called Murasa.
If Reimu prefer to be called Hakurei, then so be it. Saying it's wrong to call her that when she outright says it's okay, and everyone else even calls her that is nothing short of being willfully stupid or a tryhard.

>> No.14992276

it's kinda hard to remember every single conversation in the games and i don't remember anything about her other than the fact that she has the worst theme in the game

>> No.14992296

so it was actual ignorance

>> No.14992397

i guess, but not willful

>> No.14993621



I think she's got the most boring danmaku in IN. All her spell cards are either familiars, pill shaped bullets, or the big balls (the ones that are way smaller than they look) and that's it

>> No.14994943
File: 39 KB, 384x448, Th13SC098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14997105

>worst theme
>not Shou

>> No.14997533
File: 227 KB, 927x767, 1b6e7f50233bab0625c875f76b09484d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The symmetrical structure of her SC exalts in my eyes.

>> No.14997582

>worst theme
>not ichirin

no taste desu

>> No.14998640

I'm not even exaggerating my reaction to this. I literally cannot comprehend how anyone could feel that Shou's theme is bad, let alone the worst in the series. It fits the fight and the character perfectly, sounds badass as hell, and is one of the more unique songs in all of Touhou. I always get pumped when I hear it, and it has some really nice arranges. Do you honestly believe it's the worst in the series when completely forgettable ones like Wakasagihime's exist?

>> No.14998647

Not a real fan of Eirin's compared to Marisa and Reimu's, and would argue Mokou's fire/phoenix aesthetic is much better than you give it credit for

>> No.14999119


Different anon, I agree it's not bad. Personally I think the melody is a bit too repetitive though (but that's a problem with a lot of the themes from UFO imo, not just Shou's)

This >>14997582 is the real worst theme. Not even fan remixes can save this from being boring af

Pic isn't even really Eirin's spellcard (since it's actually Kaguya jumping into stop Eirin from being rekt by the playable characters)

>> No.14999244

I just meant in UFO.

>> No.15000112

>metal slug
You what now?

>> No.15000289



>> No.15007264


>> No.15016673

You haven't played it, right? Try to 1cc that shit.

>> No.15016679

There are like three danmaku-esque sections in the whole game and only one of them is hard.

>> No.15017855

the yellow one was the worst, shit got me so many times

>> No.15019807

Not that guy but I can 1cc most metal slug games and I'm pretty shit at most Touhou games.
