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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14871711 No.14871711[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you have "weeb" friends?

Do you discuss Japanese culture together? Touhou? Doujinshi? Plan trips to Nippon?

Tell me everything.

>> No.14871734

Why should I tell you everything?
Are you my weeb friend?

>> No.14871754


>> No.14871774

/jp/ is my friend.

>> No.14871847

Most of my friends are just casual to anime and sometimes read manga, touhou is just too weird for them, let's no talk about things like doujinshi or anything else besides anime and official manga

>> No.14871850

I have no friends.

>> No.14871866
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I did for a little while. Then I messed up

>> No.14871868

what happened?

>> No.14871876

i shat meself

>> No.14871887

Why did you make this thread on /a/ and /jp/?

>> No.14871906

I have an acquaintance at school that I talk about anime with sometimes. We saw kizumonogatari together, otherwise we like completely different anime.
Had another friend that we would always talk about the latest moetrash, but now we're in different majors, so I don't see him anymore.

That's about it. 4chan fulfills my weeb needs. Not sure I could ever talk about sadpanda to someone in real life.

>> No.14871948

The only close thing to weeb friend is a co-worker whose more of a gamer who plays shit like Fallout 4. He's also a brony but knows what anime is when i talk about it.

I don't have any weeb friends anymore because they used to belong to the cosplay community which is full of drama.

>> No.14871963

Some guys can be pretty territorial when you take the only "decent" girl in the group. It really was a bad idea in hindsight.

>> No.14871970

I used to be a Chad in high school but that got way too annoying, so now I don't have any friends outside of the internet. It becomes much easier to take it easy this way.

>> No.14871971

Your coworker lives a sad life.

>> No.14871974

>Not sure I could ever talk about sadpanda to someone in real life.
I think I lost a weeb acquaintance for doing this, but he was a hardcore Redditor so it's all right.

>> No.14871975

I don't get involved with him at all outside of work. He's a cool guy to talk to at work since everyone else is fucking normal.

>> No.14871978

Friends are for losers.

>> No.14871979

sad panda is best panda

>> No.14871990

is sadpanda really that bad? my only close friend is literally a chad and we talk about that shit all the time. he's a huge closet weeb.

>> No.14871994

My best friend I guess. We used to play RO and got into Touhou and Type Moon together.

>> No.14871995

I can't imagine how that comes up in conversation. "See any good lolidom lately?"

>> No.14872008

It was more like, "I'm looking forward to the doujinshi for [insert airing show we were both watching]".

>> No.14872056
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It's easy to make connections like that if you're just open about being a lewd slutty beech tree to people.

If you take the first step by introducing yourself to people as a sex craved manic it's easy for them to open up to you.

>> No.14872080

Um, we should fuck.

>> No.14872083

When i got to high school me and my best friend had to go to different ones, mine was pretty boring so let's not talk about it.

His school however had clubs, and club presidents were exempt of some activities, so he made an "Otaku" club just to gather a bunch of weebs he could make fun of and to be exempt of those activities, needless to say, he had a good laugh at them.

Funnily enough he was also the only one who actually the only one who did anything else other than watch mainstream anime.

>> No.14872190


>> No.14872199

It's their fault for not being quick enough.

>> No.14872259

My current closest friends (ie: the ones i hang out with multiple times a week every week) are all weebs to some degree. Mostly it's just with popular anime and games. We're really comfy though. We're all really autistic about something nerdy and I have ended up being the designated yellow-fever weeb over the past decade for better or worse. So if they ask I do explain stuff about [my understanding of] Japanese culture or extreme weeb stuff they might not get.

As for the other parts, no, they don't care about Touhou or Doujinshi really, they all want to visit Japan but who knows who'll bother saving the money to do so.

I'm really going to miss them when I ship off to glorious nippon next year.
