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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14591685 No.14591685 [Reply] [Original]

Becky in hot water over rumored affair


>> No.14591704
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>> No.14591719
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>> No.14591791

What a shit culture.

>> No.14591836

Who cares about some white slut

>> No.14591850

Literally who? Also nice source. Probably less credible than Kotaku, which is quite saying something.

>> No.14591862

Wait, this is just stupid. Kawatani is the one who is married, so he, not Becky, is the one "having an affair". Why is she the one taking heat over this?

Oh, right, because she is a girl and he is a guy and this is the Japanese entertainment industry we are talking about. Got it.

>> No.14591873

She is taking heat because she willingly and knowingly went out with a married man. Both of them are equally trash though. Enon was planning to divorce his wife and marry Becky.

>> No.14591876

You quoted that from that horrible site as bait, right? Fuck you.

>> No.14591880


>> No.14591885

Poor japanese waifu getting NTR by another trashy white slut.

>> No.14591925


So many cameras and reporters. The fuck.

And the shutters from the cameras so loud you can barely hear her.

>> No.14591929

Didn't know /jp/ knew who Becky was

>> No.14591933


Who wants to play a drinking game?

Take a shot everytime she bows her head.

>> No.14591946

literally who?

>> No.14591966
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shes a regular on a lot of family/elderly-viewed shows. she could get dropped from those as well as future shows and commericals due to this. she also has a popular character she made up named "kibesan" that everyone liked but this may change peoples views of that character also (and affect the sales of that kibesan book).

>> No.14592193

Why is she in the wrong? It was the guy who hid his marriage, shes single.

>> No.14592221

Women are always looked down upon in japanese society.

>> No.14592224

I've seen her in shows before but I didn't know her name because I don't pay attention to actresses.

They have the word "homewrecker" for situations like these.

It is kind of a bullshit term though.

>> No.14592251
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>> No.14592264

maybe not in the wrong but if you look back at what happens when a scandal happens in japan, most disappear from mass media. think shes trying to protect herself from suddenly losing all that shes built up.

>> No.14592271

People were talking about this at work today, no one even mentioned the latest Kim Jong Un antics though

>> No.14592410
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her JAV debut seems much more like a real possibility now.

>> No.14592422

Because Japan is hypocritical and misogynistic as fuck.

FFS having affairs is the fucking norm in "marriage" in Japan, its basically expected the man will have a mistress on the side, its why Love hotels have big curtains over the car park.

But its the "woman" who wrecks the home, not the guy, the guy was just tempted by a vixen or so it goes.

>> No.14592429

The more famous one gets all the shit regardless of what country they're in

>> No.14592442
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has she shaved her head and made a public apology yet?

>> No.14592447

She could have just not apologized and held her ground like a real man

But no she gave into pressure

>> No.14592450

>its basically expected the man will have a mistress on the side

The average $35k income salaryman does not have a mistress on the side

The average person is having sex a few times a year probably

>> No.14592451

I dont understand Japan.
Arent affairs and divorce really common over there?
If is, why the big reaction whenever something like this happens?

>> No.14592455

Because celebrities have to make tons of fuss and become the center of attention

move along

>> No.14592530

This totally contradicts the public persona Becky worked so hard to build. Ariyoshi hit the nail on the head when he gave her the nickname 元気の押し売り. Bitch is fake as fuck.

>> No.14592532

Becky isn't an idol. She's allowed to date people unlike AKB idols.

>> No.14592536


Which apology? She actually DENIED what the article said, which is actually the smartest move since silent is consent.
Can you actually understand what she said in her speech or do you want to be one of those armchar experts who get their panties in a bunch over things they can't comprehend?

>> No.14592556
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>Eloping with a married man is socially acceptable and won't make you bad at all in any modern society, Western and Westernized ones included

Go be a poliamorous genderfluid "mad body mah rules" faggot somewhere else.
The problem with asswipes like you is that you have to apply a reductio ad absurdum to make your side look right. "What's wrong with dating :DDD" is not the problem here. Incidentally, there are idols who got away with adultery much more easily, basically scott-free, than tarentos like Yaguchi or Bekky. How funny.

>> No.14592565

dude calm down

>> No.14592581

All I'm saying is that she doesn't have to, dickwad. She'd obviously be a real bitch if she didn't apologize, but it's not like she broke some contract she signed like Minegishi. No tarento would shave their head over a scandal like some dumb idol. They usually just go into hiding, let grass grow over it and make a comeback a couple years later.

>> No.14592593

Can't stand her usually, but I'll miss the Kibe stuff if she gets dropped, it's pretty funny.

>> No.14592613

Everyone forgot about Yaguchi already, no TV station to this day is willing to give her back any of the jobs she lost due to fucking a married man in his wife's bed. Meanwhile Minegishi (I was not talking about her btw) is still there on TV and managed to turn the whole apology video into a parody "neta" for her own benefit (not hard since she had always been a comedy girl).
What sort of infos trickle on the other sde of the language barrier?
Who's dumb and lacking a B plan to counter cases like this because they think of themselves as safe from tabloids? I see tarentos come across as much more unprepared to it.

>> No.14592632

Yaguchi is a special case because she fucked up twice. Minegishi's case isn't as severe because the only disappointed ones were her wota fans. Most other people don't really care if she dated some guy as an idol or not. They just think she's funny.

Almost every famous tarento has had their scandals, and most of them that matter are still in business.

>> No.14592726

Becky in hot water

>> No.14593137

She looks pretty qt.

>> No.14593141

Oh, wow, and it's with the singer from Gesu/Kiwame.

>> No.14593154
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>> No.14593808

Becky? Her sister Jessica is a lot cuter

>> No.14593877

I don't get it. The dude is ugly as fuck.

>> No.14594335


I guess Jessica is the hot one and Becky is the ugly but funny one.


>> No.14594634

She's just as wrong as the guy is

>> No.14594892

He married someone in August and cheated on his wife with Bekkii basically 3 months later.

She knew and even called his divorce papers a "graduation thesis"

Hell yeah this is a fucking scandal

>> No.14594907

I hope this doesn't mean monitoring will be canceled. That show is great.

>> No.14594915

I hope this means Gesu no Kiwami Otome will stay together. I like their music.
I'm not really familiar with Becky, though.

>> No.14595534

Is this what happened with Rui-chan?
>Contract terminated on Christmas Eve 2015

Now her blog is gone and I've got no idea what happened.

>> No.14595635

ベッキーの出演CM (商品名)

(1) 太田胃散 (A錠剤)
→ 緊急役員会議でCM打ち切りを決定。契約は3月まで残っているが「ベッキーの再起用は厳しい」

(2) スズキ (アルト エコ)
→ CM放送を継続

(3) 花王 (「バブ」シリーズ)
→ 今月末でCM契約終了。更新は行わない方針。

(4) ローソン
→ 「記者会見の内容などを判断して、きのう8日付でCM放送を取りやめ」

(5) ケイ・オプティコム (mineo)
→ 「対応を検討中」

(6) 損保ジャパン日本興亜ひまわり生命保険
→ 「イメージキャラクターの変更を検討中」

(7) ナガセ (全国統一高校生テストなど)
→ 昨年11月で契約終了

(8) NTT都市開発 (ミソノミラクルワールド)
→ 今月末でCM契約終了。更新は行わない方針。

(9) スタジオアリス
→ 「店頭のベッキー関連の広告物の撤去を決定」

(10) ソースネクスト
→ 「今回の不倫報道を受け対応を検討中」 契約解除も示唆

>> No.14595843
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>> No.14595865


Hmm, she's still in the bottom left

>> No.14596042

ベッキーTwitterでゲス好き好き好きアピール 半裸のような格好で番組ライブ見学&出待ち


10月21日 渋谷で行われたFC限定イベントをきっかけに連絡を取り合うようになる

11月12日 札幌のライブに駆けつけ打ち上げに朝まで参加
11月26日 二人だけの初デート ←←←この26日に既婚と告白(上戸彩さんの夫HIROさんがオーナーを務める中目黒の鶏鍋店で)
11月29日 二人で密会

12月18日 川谷が本妻と離婚の話し合いをし、
川「卒論書くから待っててほしいな」 ベ「待ってる だからけんちゃんも待ってあげて」
12月19日 大阪にて、にじいろジーン前泊のホテルでお泊りデート
12月24日 クリスマスイブにディズニーシーへ行きそのままホテルに宿泊
12月26日 横浜のホテルにお泊まり
12月28日 幕張のカウントダウンジャパンフェス初日の川谷の楽屋にベッキー同行

元旦~ ふたりで長崎の川谷実家へ行く その際川谷・父を伴い長崎観光もする
1月4日 実家から出てきた所を週刊文春に凸取材され6日発売の文春でLINE全部クリスマスデート両親挨拶すべて晒される


>> No.14596734

Heh, he talked shit about miwa on Twitter complaining about her singing. I listened to his singing and he sucks shits too. wwwwwwww

>> No.14596812

Translate please.

>> No.14596825


>blue eyes

is she even asian? probably a hapa

>> No.14596846
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miichan was a cutie. it's unfortunate that she was a whore


>> No.14596848

Read her wikipedia article.

>> No.14596856



>> No.14596937
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>miichan was a cutie
still is. and still a whore.

>> No.14596969


So cringeful.


So not cute. No idea how she became an idol.

>> No.14597000


She looks super awkward there desu, like it's completely forced and she knows it.

>> No.14597147

Wow, triggered as fuck. And who are you quoting?


>> No.14598184

They are already giving Bekki the cold shoulders, actually


>> No.14600212


>> No.14600285

Granny is badass though

>> No.14600429

Becky knew he wasn't single. It is really clear because of her LINE dialogs.

>> No.14600434


>> No.14600442

Take a shot for every 100 photographs taken.

>> No.14600461
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becky a kawaii

>> No.14600469

I got the feeling many didn't like Becky before because of the stupid shit she has said in the past this will solidify that shitty rep. That being said the man should be strung up by his balls in the court of public opinion rather than hiding like a coward

>> No.14600472

So that's who is in the alto commercials, I thought that annoying bitch was familiar

>> No.14600504


>> No.14600614

That is literally impossible to count though.

>> No.14600782

now that shes lost all those cm contracts ((and probably any future ones and pretty sure she won't be appearing in any further tv shows) she might as well keep pushing kawatani to divorce his wife who he married in aug 2015 and marry him.

12月18日 川谷が本妻と離婚の話し合いをし、ベッキーは離婚を促す (the two talk about kawatani getting divorced from his new wife with becky encouraging him to do that)

>> No.14600877
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>> No.14600883
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>> No.14600946

wow just found out that kawatani married because he got the girl thats his wife pregnant and he hid that from everyone including his parents. theres talk going around that it was his wife the leaked the line conversation. looks like she gonna get a lot of money from those two if it goes to the courts.

>> No.14601238

That's why being a "talent" sucks ass.

>> No.14601304

If you considering bringing in alot of money as a "talent" to "suck ass"

>> No.14601547

You stole that from a site's comment. That's fucking weird to me.

>> No.14601552


>> No.14601781

Even though this guy is obviously wrong, the Line conversation doesn't make her look very good. Looks like she knows he's married and she is encouraging him to divorce his wife. His parents seemed cool about it, since she met his parents while he was married. But I wonder who leaked the Line conversation. His wife?
