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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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14188553 No.14188553 [Reply] [Original]

I wanna to explain something about me and LOLI

I already noticed that have a BIG number of people in here that hate me. Talking todays with some friends of /bun/ forum ( I am much more active in tohno-chan and /bun/ forum than in /jp/ ) These friends explained that have a BIG number of people that have a negative feeling towards me because I wrote messages against LOLI in these foruns ( I not make it anymore in /jp/ becasue I already received some "sage points" because of this, and I am not a idiot to keep doing it. I value my membership in /jp/, I not wanna to be banned.

I hope I not receive BAD rep points because of this and more "sage points" . I just wanna to share some thoughts with my friends in /jp/.

I have some few friends in /jp/ that I value very much, then, If I started this discussion in /bun/, is unfair not bring it to my friends "of /jp/.

In the past, I worked like someone that fix PC at home of clients that call me by telefone ( nowadays I quit this job because it is so dangerous )

I liked VERY MUCH of lolicon. Very much, I was addicted to LOLI images and games.

However, I am a weak man, with a weak mind and a weak soul. Because of this, I almost fell in a "pedophilia temptation".

For some unknow reason, kids love me. Someday, I was woking several days at a house of a client fixing his PC. Everydays I was forced to go to that home. in that home was a VERY CUTE little girl of just 8 years. This girl liked me SO MUCH that she be all the time kissing me in the cheek , hugging me and sitting in my lap and her parents NOT CARE about it, they agree with this ( their have a high trust towards me )

>> No.14188558

rip hongfire

>> No.14188559

Somedays, I was sit in the chair in front of the PC trying to recover the data of the damaged HD and the girl run at me, sat at my lap and begin to hug me and kissing me in the cheek like always...

automatically I begin to touch and to caress her ass, for 01 secounds, for below of her clothes. When I noticed that I was doing, I jumped from the chair ! This just happended for 01 second, but, I become SO DISTURBED that I say to her NEVER to to this kind of thing again and I never again returned to that house. And I quit that job and I never again worked at house of clients.

This happened, maybe, 4 or 5 years ago,I not remember very well, and since than I never touched other kid and I never had any other contact with any kind of LOLI related thing. I deleted all my LOLI data and destroyed all my DVDs backups with this kind of content.

If you are a strong minded man, you can enjoy LOLI things without worry, but, If you is like me, a weak minded man, that bring to the real life the things that you do in a game, is better for your own sake to be FAR AWAY form these things that can bring temptation to you.

I am a sick damn bastard, because of this I hate LOLI, because it bring out my worse side. I have so much fear of LOLI things that you cannot imagine.

Then, for people like me, LOLI IS REALLY VERY DANGEROUS !

I am sorry to disappoint so much my friends at /jp/, I know that before you know it, maybe, some of my friends at /jp/ will be not my friends anymore.

The things that I wrote is not a lie. unfortunately is true

I will delete this text imediately If I notice If some people begin to offend me in a "exaggerated way".

>> No.14188589

You are not a bad man, and I'm sorry you had that experience. It seems to be for the best though. Have you tried counseling? This may be the best option going forward to help you stay away from pedophillia. Please don't delete this thread.

What is /bun/?

>> No.14188601

Anon, I would have hated you if you continued to touch the kid. You did the right thing and what you did requires strong will even if you say you're a weak man.

Just stay the fuck away from your temptations, never touch the 3D.

>> No.14188669

>and since than I never touched other kid
What are you? Gay?

Actually, yeah, you are. I don't know why I asked.

>> No.14188673

Maybe its just me, but I have a feeling that I had read this story somewhere in the past...

>> No.14188706
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>I am a weak man so I had a pedophilia temptation
That's not being weak. In fact, since you knew where to stop that's being strong.

I also had a little girl that loved to "play" with me, which meant considering me her boyfriend at the time, and doing some really explicit things like going on top on me when I was lying on the sofa and rubbing her thing against mine.
They're little girls, but they still are girls that can actually want to do lewd things with you and if "morale" didn't exist I'm pretty sure we would have more pregnant little girls than you think. In fact it still happens in shit countries.

You as a person are the only one who can decide where to draw the line.

>> No.14188798

Fuck off, nobody cares.

>> No.14188803

All these newfriends ITT...

>> No.14188806 [DELETED] 
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Holy, nobody told me we had normies over for dinner.

>> No.14188816


>> No.14188842

>he doesn't know how to check for samefags
Guess >>14188803 and >>14188806 are right.

>> No.14188852
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you made the right decision mah nigga

>> No.14188857
File: 98 KB, 572x960, 11062054_693073820796611_1217626506035261574_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I care anon

>> No.14188882 [DELETED] 

That's literally a facebook filename.

>> No.14188951
File: 42 KB, 400x400, 1399767066981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off retards

>> No.14188978


>> No.14189095

are really that autistic?

>> No.14189101 [DELETED] 

I care anon

>> No.14189799
File: 179 KB, 1062x1062, todd scowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the real question is, have you preordered Fallout 4??

>> No.14189809


>> No.14189901

Will it let me molest little anime girls?

>> No.14189961

get out zuul

>> No.14189972

I miss FHC.

>> No.14190781

Hongfire suddenly brought back their download section for some reason. It's still a ghost town though.

ja ne

>> No.14195962

>archive.moe is dead
Great, now we'll never know.

>> No.14196959

With modding, it's likely.

>> No.14197870

It's pasta you fucking idiots

>> No.14202269


still a shit blog anon

>> No.14207476

good thread

>> No.14207543

You. DON'T. SAY!

>> No.14207773

I wanted a fap story. Sage.

>> No.14209808


>> No.14210004

Why the fuck should you care about 3DPDs?
Isn't the /jp/ rule to get your trumpet and play really loud so the little 3DPD goes away?

>> No.14210404

>get your trumpet and play really loud
That sounds kinda lewd, anon.

>> No.14210426


I'll play YOUR trumpet really loud, if you know what I mean.

>> No.14210439

>I also had a little girl that loved to "play" with me, which meant considering me her boyfriend at the time.

Aside from the lewd portions, that sounds pretty endearing and extremely stress reliving. In a crumbling, dying world ruined by feminism, I imagine that kind of interaction is ridiculously rare.

>> No.14215645

oh look its a talking fedora

>> No.14216785

Anon, that's a trilby.

>> No.14216986

>I imagine that kind of interaction is ridiculously rare.
Actually when it comes to little girls, not really. From what I've seen they're kind of clingy and grow attached real fast.
Assuming that the mother isn't a dirty feminist that decided to corrupt her mind early on.

>> No.14218148


I don't get the reference. Is that some kind of insult thrown at red pill MGTOW folks?


On my way home today, I thought of how nice it would be to just regress to being a kid for a while, and just play. I'm so fucking tired of the daily grind of being a responsible adult. I need a break.

If my niece and nephew weren't on the other side of the country, I'd occasionally live vicariously through them. Hell even stupid shit like hide-and-seek would be fun.

>> No.14218606

I just spent the last twenty minutes rubbing a twelve year old girl's bare chest.

"How?" you ask. Well apparently there are a select few contexts within which such an action is acceptable. For instance, if your niece has a hacking cough and your sister asks you to "put some of this on her" while she calls the doctor.

"Putting some of this on hear" meant using my bare hands to rub this vapor ointment shit all over her BARE NAKED CHEST. My heartbeat is still all erratic from it. I had a boner the size of manhattan the entire time. She's sleeping now and I guess she feels better because she stopped coughing.

Details: She's about 5 feet tall, has long brown hair, a cute face, a thin waist and long skinny legs. She's in jammies I think because although I'm pretty shaken up right now I know I unbuttoned something before I went at it.

God I feel so great. I just rubbed my hands all over her FUCKING TITS, you guys. Well the puffy parts of her chest anyway. Her nipples got hard. I just about wept tears of joy.

I didn't do anything else because I'm a coward and rubbing was enough. Plus it was legal and I didn't technically do anything wrong, so I'm in the clear.

I'd write more but I seriously have to go fap while the memory is fresh in my head.

>> No.14218706

Dunno about him, I just wanted to say "trilby".

Good job, anon.

>> No.14218715

It's just fantasy or >>14218606 made up things.

Real little girls aren't that amazing.

>> No.14223680


Riker agrees, don't bother him about it.
