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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1022 KB, 1117x735, Ar-no-Surge-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14115777 No.14115777 [Reply] [Original]

Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™:

Contains torrents for the games along with the emulator installer and bios. Plugins are automatically included. Thanks to Anonymous for this.

Note: Newer emulator downloads than what is in the lazy pack can be found here: http://pcsx2.net/downloads.php
Note2: If you encounter sprite glitches, try a Version >= r5101 from http://pcsx2.net/svn.php

AT2 Raki bug patch - http://www.mediafire.com/?bp8ydy03ml7r5xa
You shouldn't need this if you're using a new version (0.9.7+) of PCSX2. Thanks to anonymous for uploading this!

Latest Technical Data Compilation Room Issue:

Latest Toukousphere Translation can be found on the top of this page:
April Fools TKS:

Ar tonelico 2 Relocalization Project. Beta patch already out:
http://w11.zetaboards.com/Revatail_Hymmne/topic/10690289/1/ (You need to register to access the subforum)

EXA_PICO Music Collection

>> No.14115830

Since EXA_PICO music is done, I'll probably move to Yoru no nai Kuni music next.

Also, since that FLAC anon is already doing Atelier Music Collection, I will not touch it.

>> No.14115840

>Also, since that FLAC anon is already doing Atelier Music Collection, I will not touch it.
Yes but a mp3 version would be nice unless he's willing to do it too.

>> No.14115857

Well, if there will be a demand for it, I'll certainly see, what I can do.

Eventually, I hope to compile the entire complete, if possible, GUST Sound Collection.

>> No.14115879

Shameless newfag here. I've only played AT1 and am in the middle of 2. What else is good if I enjoyed AT? I think I played Atelier on either PSP or DS and I only played an hour before not picking it up again.

>> No.14115896

Atelier on the PSP is Mana Khemia, and the PSP version is a shitty port. Atelier on the DS is Annie, which is considered not very good.
Ar tonelico is dating sims but still focuses on being a JRPG and saving the world. Atelier isn't about that, it's cute girls doing cute things with in-depth gameplay supporting it. Except for Iris which is being a JRPG and saving the world, but nobody likes Iris.

>> No.14115903

>Nobody likes Iris

I fucking love it. Favourite game in the series.

>> No.14115910

Yeah that was the gist of what I thought Atelier series to be. I enjoyed AT for the huge world and lore and music mostly, and the RPG/Sim part helped exploring all of it very well. Didn't get that feel from what I've seen looking at various things Atelier though. Maybe I'll try a console game sometime just to give it another chance.

>> No.14115918

The Dusk Atelier series is more story-focused than the Arland ones. If you want more story out of the game then Ayesha is a good place to start.

>> No.14115921
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Will Ar Nosurge ever come to computer?

>> No.14115974
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Which one?

>> No.14115983

The first one. I think the second was the weakest, while the third was pretty good.

In fact, after I'm done with AT1, I'm going to replay the first Iris.

>> No.14115986

The Vita got hacked recently so there is finally hope for an emulator and a fan translation of Ciel at the very least.

>> No.14115988
File: 13 KB, 200x200, Veola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Best girl right there. Shame the heroine was that other bitch.

>> No.14116036
File: 125 KB, 640x480, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually prefer the second one. The story was long and reasonably fun and I liked the tomboy heroine. The first one felt kinda empty and desolate to me, but Veola made up for that. The third I dropped after like an hour because I didn't like anything about it, maybe I should try it again.

>> No.14116043


>but nobody likes Iris.

Man was I confused when that was the first Atelier game I played, and then went into Totori expecting something similar.

>> No.14116055


Too far, considering how Veola acts first. I like both girls.

Try it, maybe you'll reconsider. While I actually might try the second one again.

>> No.14116067

Even if Ciel does get translated it's still pointless without any way to transfer the save to AnS.

>> No.14116077

Quit spouting bullshit. If someone was to translate Ciel it would obviously be the Offline version.

>> No.14116082


No, he means the english version of AnS has no way to import a saved game.

>> No.14116090


>> No.14116413

As far as I know, the Vita "hack" is nowhere near that level of hack. Rejuvenate allows you to play homebrew when the stars align just right, not to dump, patch, and play unsigned native Vita games.

>> No.14117174

This is my exact reaction to the three games.

>> No.14117189

I started Iris and enjoyed what I played but I never finished it. I should go back.

That scene with the ESRB warning issue with the catgirl cracked me up, though.

>> No.14118295

Iris 2 still my favorite until now. That moment when MC and heroine lost contact, that was the best part.

>> No.14118793

I'm currently at Phase 2 in Ar Nosurge Plus and started to wonder if Diving affects the endings. I know there's Normal and True endings, but does diving deep enough in one girl lock me out of some endings or is there some other decision affecting them at the end?

Tried to look info about this, but it felt too hard not to get spoiled at something.

>> No.14118824

Adding to this, I honestly just want to know can I dive all I want without fearing locking some endings out with it. I've always loved to do everything I can in Ar Tonelico games too, like synthesizing, before moving forward with story.

I'm sad this game doesn't have New Game+

>> No.14118851

I'm running AT1 in PCSX2 in a higher resolution and it's always showing those lines in the character portraits, even if I enable the two HW hacks that say they are intended for that problem with AT.
These hacks don't seem to change anything. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

>> No.14118892

Use software rendering.

>> No.14118893


you can try this patch, or just not run it at a higher resolution


>> No.14118984

I would either try to find a version of PCSX2 that works with that dll or try to compile it myself which I don't think is possible for me.

Seems like the only option. It doesn't run as smoothly though.

>> No.14119629

The endings of Ar Nosurge depend on who you choose to fight the final battle, whether you synthesize the final item, and on your answers to a few questions. You should feel free to dive all you want -- they won't lock you out.

>> No.14119717
File: 131 KB, 900x900, 1442619649751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for answering kind anon. I've left save spots in various spots just in case and keep doing it, but at least I can keep diving now without this bothering my mind.

>> No.14119891

There are four main endings depending on who you choose for the final battle and whether you made the final item, and one bad ending.

The bad ending should be very obvious so you shouldn't need any extra saves for endings.

If you're still worried, the bad ending is shurelia NTR end

>> No.14119995

lucky farts

>> No.14120126

>"Whelp, just gonna steal someone else's guy. I'm sure this won't become a habit. Yeah"

>> No.14120780
File: 102 KB, 537x573, 1414088788947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird, when Ciel details were being leaked at the very beginning I thought Ion was some sort of plant person or at least some sort of nonhuman offshoot because of her hair accessories and diaphanous petal-like clothing

And then it turns out she's the most human character in the whole series

>> No.14121595
File: 362 KB, 821x1200, 1442620324591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ion is the cutest.

>> No.14124218

I'm running the latest PCSX2 from orphis buildbot and setting Round Sprite hack to "Half" while leaving everything else on defaults solves the problem for me @ 4x Native res upscaling. Radeon HD6950 with whatever-was-the-last-for-winxp driver version here.

Somebody reputable over at wololo was able to dump the content of game cart to Vita memcard and run the game from memcard albeit with original cart inserted. The method hasn't been made public yet, but it looks very promising for our purposes. Especially with an official confirmation that Ciel will forever stay as Japanese exclusive. Speaking of which, unit03.net/ciel should be in the OP (or whatever left of it).

>> No.14124248 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 564x720, thisworks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P.S. Make sure "Enable HW Hacks" option is on, just configuring them is not enough.

>> No.14124337
File: 71 KB, 564x720, thisworks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P.S. Make sure "Enable HW Hacks" option is on, just configuring them is not enough.

No, but YoruKuni might, now that the localization has been confirmed. And since the West won't be getting PS3 version and might not even get it on Vita, chances are we'll get PS4 port instead of the last gen one. Although with the official "PS4>PC" stance of TK's it will most likely be Toukiden levels of horrible port, I'm fairly certain we'll get it. And as long as this "zero efforts in porting" policy stays, none of already existing nosurge title will officially come to PC ever. Wait for PS3 emulator to happen and/or the next nosurge title for PS4.

>> No.14124438

Sucks i updated my both my Vita's to 3.52 a while ago because i didn't know about this hack.
On the other hand until they figure out how to decrypt games we wont be getting fan translations any time soon.

>> No.14124534

>Sucks i updated my both my Vita's to 3.52
It isn't related to Rejuvenate afaik. Rejuvenate is limited to homebrew and 333MHz CPU(or 444MHz if you're on 3.3x-3.51. 333 is PSP CPU's frequency by the way) with no access to memcard other than its own (PSM DevAssistant) directory.
What matters is that game assets most certainly are not checked for legitimacy, so the base is already there. That guy published decrypted Welcome Park files long ago by the way, and I'm pretty sure there's been some progress since then which general public doesn't know about. I'm relatively optimistic about 2016, at least undubs look real to me.
Also, since you're on 3.52 already, keep an eye for upcoming PSP mode bubbles exploit. It's not much, but it's still better than that nothing offered by OFW.

>> No.14124615

So its a glorified VHBL since its stuck on 333hmz? I thought rejuvenate was something on the same level as ninjahax for 3DS (which in turn led to Gateway working on FWs beyond 4.5).

At least its progress though. Being able to play Dragon Crown, Conception 2 and Lost Dimension without the shitty english dub Atlus loves to force down our throats would be nice indeed.

>> No.14124779

To be honest, at first I wanted hacked Vita for free games, but now my biggest priority is playing Jap and US games without having to reformat every time.

>> No.14124878
File: 215 KB, 500x494, 1442859803211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the Luca-Cloche edit of this?

>> No.14125763
File: 78 KB, 893x638, gsdx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Round Sprite
Why does mine look so differently? Should be the latest version.

>> No.14125818

Solved it, thanks.
I didn't have the latest build after all. I didn't know the official ones you get from their website are this old. Recent build with those hacks enables works fine.

>> No.14130689 [DELETED] 

I hope so.

>> No.14132499

I started playing it.
It's okay. Feels like it's going to get really complicated fast though.

>> No.14133158


Yoru no nai kuni got 32 on Famitsu. Too bad that doesn't tell us anything.

>> No.14134226

So I just started playing Ar nosurge and I keep getting B's for battles.

I'm not sure what I should be doing to get A's.

>> No.14134571
File: 177 KB, 960x544, 10b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday the energy counter reached 10 billion.
Although that might just be the offline version. Do the other Ciel versions have their own counter?

>> No.14134637
File: 110 KB, 600x744, CPnDkHiWoAEDjYh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoru no Nai Kuni DLC will be about the protagonist past.

>> No.14134639
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>> No.14134644
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>> No.14134650
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>> No.14134956

Better scan: >>>/v/310940502

>> No.14135108

Atelier Sophie Opening: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8WDhOb5AIs

>> No.14135109

But without music under the jackboot of TOTAL COMMAND-kun I can't get excite

>> No.14135189

When I was playing, the counter was overflowed. Negative nine million something.

>day 1 gameplay DLC

The rating isn't very important. You'll be able to get S's once you progress further in the game and get better equipment, unlock all your attacks.

>> No.14135868

The main voice is just not doing it for me. Something about it is off.

>> No.14136804
File: 152 KB, 861x738, CPr_bPQWoAAhvti.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Atelier Sophie, it seems that Pamela is back

>> No.14137572
File: 100 KB, 1000x580, ae-hagel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pamela is back? I'm glad.
Punis and Pamela, now we just need Hagel.

(picture from Elkrone)

>> No.14140780

dead thread

>> No.14144633

I hate Lyner so fucking much.
So fucking much.

>> No.14144639

Can you explain why?

>> No.14144722

I only hate the whore songbird and the bitch songbird. Worst characters.

>> No.14149278
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>> No.14149282
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>> No.14149286
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>> No.14150866
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>> No.14150877
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>> No.14150970

Arland trilogy for PC when?

>> No.14151349

Seeing how KT care about the PC market, if that were to happen they will probably port the vanilla version instead of the "Plus" version.

>> No.14153921

How do I get this?

Book girl is like an enhanced hips Tyria.

>> No.14153934

FLAC when? My autism is triggered by listening to MP3 recordings.

>> No.14154160

It seems Yoru no Nai Kuni is out as there's some stream on twitch.

>> No.14154212

I wonder if that is a review copy, or somebody has broken the official release date of Oct 1.

>> No.14154372

What stores offer these pre-order posters?

>> No.14154819


>> No.14154954

>Constant freezes here and there.

That's why I will never buy PS4. Other than that, horrible video quality spoiled the fun.

The game seems quite good, I like character models and action-oriented combat as well.

Deal with it, I suppose. Some things, like gamerip and compilation disks can't be found in FLAC, anyway.

So, your only shot is upscale, which, obviously, is not something you actually want,

>> No.14155462 [DELETED] 

Actually, I think I have almost all the FLACs, although I'm not finished organizing and tagging all the music yet. The only one I know I'm missing is Ciel Concert Vol 3 and of course the krut hymneth button thingy.

>> No.14155477 [DELETED] 
File: 2.08 MB, 2728x695, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And even though I can't really tell the difference aurally, I'm pretty sure all of mine are "real" FLACs, not mp3 reencodes, pic related.

>> No.14155524 [DELETED] 

Actually, I think I have almost all the FLACs, although I'm not finished organizing and tagging all the music yet. The only one I know I'm missing is Ciel Concert Vol 3 and of course the krut hymneth button thingy.

And even though I can't really tell the difference aurally, I'm pretty sure all of mine are "real" FLACs, not mp3 reencodes, pic related.

I'm trying to insinuate not so subtly that it would be great if someone uploaded a FLAC rip of Vol 3

>> No.14155530
File: 2.08 MB, 2728x695, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I think I have almost all the FLACs, although I'm not finished organizing and tagging all the music yet. The only one I know I'm missing is Ciel Concert Vol 3 and of course the krut hymneth button thingy.

And even though I can't really tell the difference aurally, I'm pretty sure all of mine are "real" FLACs, not mp3 reencodes, pic related.

I'm trying to insinuate not so subtly that it would be great if someone uploaded a FLAC rip of Vol 3

>> No.14155791

Seems good but very easy.

>> No.14156590

Can someone please post a picture of Misha's install port?

I can't find a high definition version of it.

>> No.14156944

All of them are in the archive somewhere, but it's done right now (at least for me).

>> No.14156980


>> No.14157494
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>> No.14157579

/jp/ is supposed to be a SFW board.

>> No.14157604
File: 179 KB, 1442x1794, Mir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm posting Reyvatiel porn and no one can stop me!

Poor Mir and her extremely lewd install point

>> No.14158106
File: 122 KB, 1829x1624, Shurelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

archive.moe is back up. I went and found all of the PORN.

>> No.14158167

What extravagant design.

>> No.14158176

As expected of a loli someone spent many a sleepless night toiling over

>> No.14158190
File: 265 KB, 1609x1828, Frelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare to this.

GUST should really make a one-off short OVA animating EXEC_VISIONDANCE_PLUGINs/. Frelia is severely underrepresented.

>> No.14158195

Frelia a shit

All the origins are shit

Except Tiria, who was made to appear less shit due to the other shit girls around her.

>> No.14158197

Well, if I had to guess the Reyvateil from their installation port, this would be the only one obvious enough to allow me to make the connection to Frelia.

>> No.14158207
File: 124 KB, 1741x1530, Tyria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually you should be able to identify all of them since TOTAL COMMAND obviously put a lot of thought into them.

For example, the first generations >>14158190
have straight lines in the center ring, but the second generation beta-types >>14157604
have wavy, "deformed" rings.

>> No.14158211
File: 249 KB, 1877x1950, Aurica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And third are FUCKED

>> No.14158273

Finnel please!

>> No.14158296

Also notice the cross on top.

>> No.14158472

This looks like a lower back tattoo.

>> No.14158584

Seems more like something that would decorate the shoulder blades to me.

>> No.14160459
File: 237 KB, 1135x1852, Finnel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finnel is also a beta type, which is why she's having life expectancy issues. I wonder what those three smaller circles represent...? Wait, no, there's also a fourth circle that's even smaller...

>> No.14161606

The center part looking like an eye is a neat touch.

>> No.14161679

And what you gonna do with it ?

>> No.14161886

Oh wow, I didn't actually think someone would upload it. Now I feel obligated to do something.

Is anyone working on a FLAC collection?

>> No.14162114

There was an anon (maybe it was you) who wanted to do a FLAC collection while another did the mp3 collection.
The mp3 collection is done but we're still waiting on the FLAC collection.
Also Atelier Musical Collection when?

>> No.14162266

Here's what I have tagged so far:

Here's what I have left to tag:

These are anally, autistically tagged like you won't believe:

TITLE=調和 ~風来の調べ~
LABEL=avex trax
ARTISTSORT=Shikata, Akiko

One way or another I'm going to complete my EXA_PICO FLAC collection. If FLAC
anon disappeared, I wouldn't mind making the collection. I'm poor right now
though, so I can only use torrents and such.

>> No.14162496

Just received a payment request for my Yoru no Nai Kuni Premium Box.


>> No.14162642

I'm doing Atelier + Ar tonelico, got everything, nothing tagged as of yet.

also, new Sophie BGM out:

>> No.14162666

Also, to avoid confusion: I'm >>14162642 and shall be called FLACFag

Maybe we could somehow pool our effors by:
a) Creating a torrent with everything clearly associated with Ar tonelico (I mean no Shikata albums, I love her but trying to tag everything is going to kill me)
b) Splitting the work

How about it?

>> No.14162772

Well, never mind. The list seems to be here.

Pre-ordered at Fammys'.

>> No.14162863

Not >>14162266 here, but I'd like to see tonelico+nosurge FLAC torrent fully tagged as shown above. It looks like the definitive, final and ultimate torrent I'd seed until the end of times.

>> No.14162901

>splitting the work
I appreciate the thought, but I'm going to go full autistic and (re)tag everything myself anyway.
>Creating a torrent with everything clearly associated with Ar tonelico (I mean no Shikata albums, I love her but trying to tag everything is going to kill me)
I agree if you change that to EXA_PICO like >>14162863 says

Since you have everything, I'd appreciate if you could upload anything that I'm missing:

I know I'm also missing Ciel OST sec 2, and the cocona musical? Not the cocoa mini album, but the actual musical.

>> No.14163251

Some spoiler for Yoru no Nai Kuni are out:

>> No.14163294

No offence anons, but let me clarify something.

I highly doubt this FLAC collection will have stuff like Gamerips and Unreleased tracks, compilation discs, some doujinshi albums and what not.

While I can agree to some extent that Shikata's albums have vague connection to EXA_PICO (aside from obvious ones), these ones can relate to it in full extent,

That's why my completionist nature wouldn't allow me to call it THE Ultimate Collection, since It's missing stuff.

Hell, I even can't name even MY MP3 collection Ultimate, since I couldn't find Hymmnos Concert Cherry Album, while compiling it.

This is one of the reasons I chose MP3 format. It's easy, it's popular and it's highest quality is practically the same as FLAC to the listener in most cases.

That aside, I'm certainly looking forward to FLAC collections on both occasions.

>> No.14163468

Going EXA_PICO was my intention as well since they are connected.
As for tagging: I don't actually mind adopting the same schema as you did. That said I have no idea where are you looking for all that information so you'd have to tell me.

I do realise that finding everything in FLAC is nigh impossible for one person, if everything fails I will be going to Japan myself next year anyway so I might as well but the missing things and ripping them. It's all about the effort you're willing to put.

>> No.14163496

If anything: we should compile a list of things that are not available on the internet in ANY format at all like Hymmnos Concert Cherry Album anon mentioned. Please keep it closely related (like stuff made in part by original staff) since I don't want to look for EVERY goddamn possible thing

>> No.14164564

Well now that's unnecessary.

>> No.14164865

Why not? It's lossless, takes a second to strip, and only affects you if you turn it on in your player. Replaygain actually takes a lot of time to calculate, especially for this much music.

>> No.14165864
File: 111 KB, 960x544, 2015-09-08-144035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I finished Ar nosurge.

This shit shouldn't be legal. I cried for two hours before getting a hold of myself.

>> No.14166220

>Hymmnos Concert Cherry Album
Uh, that's not an official album, is it?
Let's aim for a complete collection of official music first and then we can start adding fan stuff.

>> No.14167179
File: 343 KB, 1615x787, names.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

アーナス = 'Anders'

I can't deal with this. That's not even close to the sound.

>> No.14167182

Post more pic of the extras

>> No.14167210

esty dee

>> No.14168199

What does Yoru no nai Kuni on PS3 look like?

>> No.14168292

Because an Anas is a duck

>> No.14168351

No one know because everyone either bought the Ps4 or the Vita version.

>> No.14168372

I made the mistake of waiting until I finished AT2 before ordering my copy of AT3.
What do I do with myself for a week?

>> No.14168426 [DELETED] 

I stumbled here, what is this thread about? Hacking altalier games?

>> No.14168438

You can talk about any game made by Gust, mainly the Atelier serie,the EXA_PICO serie (Ar Tonelico and Ar nosurge) and the very recent Yoru no Nai Kuni game.

>> No.14168535
File: 92 KB, 576x1024, CQQmuGBUEAAvIii.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is warming my heart.

>> No.14168666

Now time to wait to see if it's actually good.

>> No.14168961

Anybody know anything about Noir Yeux Noire -Cielgris Fantasm? It's on the Japanese PSN. I liked the music from it that showed up as alternative music in Atelier Shallie.

>> No.14169483
File: 197 KB, 1944x1940, Cloche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping more lewd. Does anyone know anything about Cocona's install port? Purely for research purposes, of course.

>> No.14169597


>> No.14169762
File: 434 KB, 1137x805, shopzoom01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14169786

Considering GUST's lack of experience with action games, I prefer that to the alternative. Relatively simple and possibly janky and easy can still be fun if various aspects of the game appeal to you on a personal level, the same game but difficult is just a pain in the ass to play.

>> No.14169802

Oh, the things I would do to that book. I would read her all night long, if you know what I mean.

>> No.14169850
File: 83 KB, 450x337, 1419530823886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14170543

I just cleared it too.

The fourth wall thing makes the ending ridiculously good. It's not just a credits then game over, there's an almost unreal sense of closure.

>> No.14170642

I'm probably getting a PS3 version off the psnstore, personally I'd be happy with a solid 30fps on a 720p.

>> No.14170703

What's with the picture on the right? It's just a stack of books.

>> No.14170794

I like the new artist for Atelier Sophie. Art is both cute and lewd, kind of like Arland's. The fammys' pre-order version will be my first tapestry goods.

Books don't turn you on?

>> No.14171467

That's interesting.

>> No.14171615
File: 117 KB, 300x900, maxsweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vagina dentata

>> No.14172646
File: 2.19 MB, 854x480, 1426173364846.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14173068

Playing Ar no Surge right now. Are there many endings? Or I can dive as much as I want?

>> No.14173094

There's a true ending which requires you to make every item possible in the shops. Otherwise, the endings only matter from a couple choices you make at the last couple bosses so do as many genometrics as you want.

>> No.14173160

Fuck really? Shit I might have missed some material already...I love this game but I hate the changes they made from Ciel no Surge like Cosal being able to go physical for no reason, also Kanon and Cosal are somehow alive. Also Kanon is fucking useless now and believes in some demon hearts. I really liked Kanon in previous game better. Everything else is good though. I can;t believe how steadily this game is going towards a catastrophically bad end. They captured Nelo at least 3 times and still didn't kill her.

>> No.14173185

I'm playing Ar Nosurge as well and have a question. Most of the battles are easy but just now I met 5 (!) monsters in one "block" of the wave and HOLY FUCK. On their turn each of them attacked twice and completely annihilated me. My question is: Is there a way to defend more than 3 times? Because that was ridiculous and since this game doesn't have autosave I lost at least 2 hours of playing since I forgot to save.

>> No.14173274

You break them, later in the game items give you extra defense shield.

>> No.14173281

Ah I almost never use items...maybe I should start using them. That's a fair point anon.

>> No.14173285

Early boss are pretty hard in veteran without items to support your ass.

>> No.14173317

>Cosal being able to go physical for no reason
What do you mean "no reason"? The entire point of the first third of the game (yal fii-ne noh-iar) was to summon Cosal into a physical form.

In case you haven't noticed, Ar nosurge is one of those games where you actually have to pay attention to everything.

>> No.14173323

Wait a second, that song also did that? I thought the point of the song was to make a signal for all Sharl to start attacking humans and creation of the flask sea. I guess I missed it somewhere and I try to pay attention to everything...thanks anon. It still doesn't explain how they survive though. CIel no Surge made sure to confirm a few times that Cosal and Kanon are dead for sure. How did they even get on the ship?

>> No.14173362

There were two effects: http://artonelico.wikia.com/wiki/Yal_fii-ne_noh-iar

The second was more like Zill's "trap card".

My memory is a bit fuzzy about Ciel. At the end, of course Kanon would be on the Soreil, she's one of the Seven Pillars, that's like super VIP status. When she was shot she was rescued by PLASMA. I can't remember the second time, but it was probably a combination of luck and having Cosal, the strongest Genom and practically a god, with her.

>> No.14173365

Also ironically, for a character who kept dying and getting rescued, her singer on the other hand... ;_;

>> No.14173403

Holy fuck Nosurge end is so annoying. I got somehow one shot by second boss and now i need to repeat all this bullshit again. I also read i need to see all of the million shop scenes to unlock true end. Man, I just want to be done with this.

>> No.14173433 [DELETED] 

Are you on Normal? Veteran is supposed to be hard/grindy, so you only have yourself to blame there.

>I also read i need to see all of the million shop scenes to unlock true end
The chat scenes should be enjoyable. If you don't like them, Ar probably wasn't a good game for you.

>> No.14173444

Are you on Normal? Veteran is supposed to be hard/grindy, so you only have yourself to blame there.

>I also read i need to see all of the million shop scenes to unlock true end
The chat scenes should be enjoyable. If you don't like them, Ar probably wasn't a good game for you.

You only need to craft all the items for True End, so you only need to see half of all the shop scenes.

>> No.14173569

Well Cosal probably got on the ride like every other Genom on the Soreil, aka the micro quasar.

Speaking of which, I still don't understand how aren't the Genoms on a vengeful genocide war against these space niggers who basically raped them, then their planet and finally their souls so they could escape to fuck up Ar Ciel next.
You'd think they would be more than willing to use humans to create another planet just for poetic justice, but they actually had to be cheated by Zill.
I really don't get it.

>> No.14173592

I played on normal and beat it already. Dunno why it killed me there i was like lvl 60. I liked the game story, genometrics and songs. But the shop scenes were stupid as hell. And the combat really ended up being annoying cause there was no challenge or difficulty.

I will probably see the other endings on yt, i hate grind and bosses with million hp.

Also Nelo was cutest.

>> No.14173846

>Speaking of which, I still don't understand how aren't the Genoms on a vengeful genocide war against these space niggers who basically raped them
The Genom aren't human. They have a shared consciousness, like a hivemind. They don't "die". They see the humans as a cute, primitive race they need to bring salvation to. Their ruler Cosal is basically God. Also, the Genom/Sharl just don't give a fuck. Remember when you craft the Chunpi doll and the Sharls are like "How cute! It's that demon that bombed all of my friends!" It's just a case of http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BlueAndOrangeMorality

>> No.14174201

I just started Ciel nosurge.
I don't really understand what's going on.
First, Ion was getting bullied, then suddenly I was in waifu sim mode.
So is there actually a plot, or is it waifu sim mode all the way now?

>> No.14174742

There's a plot, but it's all in Ion's memories. You waifu Ion until you're able to reconstruct her memories and then you watch more about what happened to her

>> No.14175227

So they're basically idiots.
That would explain much actually.

>> No.14175533

It looks like I'm getting it the moment it hits Usenet. Check Nyaa for the torrent when it appears on indexers such as http://rom-news.org/ps3

>> No.14175583

Do people really post JRPGs to Usenet? That's oddly comforting. Is AT on there too?

>> No.14175830
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, Alluka_laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Delta and Cass get armor to protect from cosmic waves
>Cass's "armor" is a dress with huge open parts
Please. It's super cute though.

>> No.14175837

There are occasional reposts now and then, but I don't think there's a specific newsgroup for them, so they end up in a general alt.binaries.games or (at best) in a console-specific group such as alt.binaries.console.ps3 among many other games.
You can probably get AT from there too, assuming that your provider's retention allows it.

I wouldn't recommend spending money on Usenet just for JRPGs though, and it isn't even about paying to pirate. Almost everything can be found for free elsewhere, and fresh new releases such as YoruKuni end up shared via DDL/P2P within days (if not hours), assuming that they did originate from Usenet in the first place (which is an especially big "if" in case of Japanese content).

>> No.14176574


>> No.14177492

Amazon US is currently selling Ar nosurge for $20 and ArNo+ is available on US PSN for $28 for PS+ subscribers.
Being European Gust fan is significantly more expensive.

>> No.14178380

What's the general timeline of the whole franchise?
Ciel nosurge -> Ar nosurge -> (long-ass time) -> Ar Tonelico?

>> No.14178542 [SPOILER] 
File: 13 KB, 417x1175, 1443939971685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roughly like this (not to scale)

>> No.14178946

So, uh, I tried making a roughly to scale timeline.

It... doesn't fit.

If you want to see it: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=00074334772889898485

Download it and open in web browser. Yes it's a 1.5 MB HTML file.

>> No.14179116

You could just cut out all of those periods where nothing happens.

>> No.14179127

Looking at the trailers for Yoru ni Nai Kuni, I feel so hype.
I can't wait to go to Japan at the end of the year and buy it.

>> No.14179141

Hoooooly shit I didn't know Ar Tonelico and Ar Nosurge are connected. Cass and Delta just arrived in Sol Ciel in front of Shurelia, it's funny to see her so young.

>> No.14179179

I plan on making a full EXA_PICO timeline eventually. Incidentally, I spent a few hours writing a timeline program specifically for >>14178380
and the super timeline project.

>> No.14179190


Interesting. But wasn't it 5000 years between the destruction of Ra Ciela (at the end of the memories in Ciel Nosurge) and the events of Ar Nosurge? You only have 2000.

>> No.14179225

It's even funnier if you decide to ruin Cass' and Delta's relationship for a trophy.

>> No.14179238

What? How can you do that? I'm doing last genometrics for Cass atm, it took forever to collect 90000 points and holy shit it was just "a girl on station" scene, what a huge waste of points.

>> No.14179251
File: 140 KB, 956x542, VGk5dul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That ending is really obvious, you can't miss it.

>it took forever to collect 90000 points
You might be doing something wrong, I never had to grind and I ended up with lots of extra points after finishing all Genometrics.

>it was just "a girl on station" scene, what a huge waste of points
Did you miss Nero route? She's such a cute little loli.

>> No.14179266

No no I mean, I know who is she and I completed all of Ion's genometrics too. But for 90000 points I expected at least some reward instead of a 10 second scene. I don't know what ending you are talking about, but please don't spoil me, I still haven't finished the game.

On another hand, I heard that you can get special scenes if you max someone's sadism or masochism. Is it true?

>> No.14179282

Oh gosh that's cute.
Can't wait till I get to that point.

>> No.14179283

Is anyone here running pcsx2 on Linux? Do you also have sound issues with AT 1 and 2? I can emulate them perfectly on Windows but not on Linux.

>> No.14179299

That scene's in the DLC, isn't it?

>> No.14179371

Make sure you have the latest git version and chose "Async Mix" in the sound plugin.
If that doesn't help then get rid of pulseaudio, which is not possible in a gtk3 desktop environment.
Pulseaudio gets in my way of emulating almost everything, just use plain alsa.

>> No.14179398
File: 168 KB, 960x544, シェルノサージュ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The transition art in Ciel is really cute.

>> No.14179794
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come event CGs in ar nosurge are so bad? I don't remember previous games having this quality.

>> No.14179822

Basic business logic. Decreasing funds required to create game while increasing gains once game is sold.

>> No.14179880

>I don't remember previous games having this quality.
Ar tonelicos have a different artist.


>> No.14179904
File: 627 KB, 1280x720, STILL13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, that CG looks like this when converted directly from the original data files. I'm not sure where the artifacts on your JPG come from, but that really isn't an accurate representation of the image in question.

>> No.14179949

I used google for that image as an example. I'm more talking about the proportions and lack of shading as a whole. It wouldn't be so bad if they were only used in comedy bits but they are used in serious events too. Which kind of ruins the moment imo. Oh well it's not like the game fires them constantly at me but they still stick out like a sore thumb in presence of all the other solid artwork in the game.

>> No.14179960

Apparently, it's from YouTube.

I quickly got used to this style. Sure, it doesn't look as good as Nagi's CGs, but I wouldn't call it bad.

>> No.14180024

>which is an especially big "if" in case of Japanese content
Meanwhile in China...

>> No.14180390 [DELETED] 

Speaking of CG rips. Spoiler-free YoruKuni set:

(it was spoiler-free from the start, not that I censored anything. Not even tutorial.)

>> No.14180398
File: 3.14 MB, 1920x1080, PIC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of CG rips. Spoiler-free YoruKuni set:

(it was spoiler-free from the start, not that I censored anything. Not even tutorial.)

>> No.14180440

Nice. Is the PS4 version just 720p?
Also where did you get the 1080p version of that picture?

>> No.14180461

>Is the PS4 version just 720p?
No idea, it hasn't been ripped yet afaik. And I'm not really interested in that version, not owning (neither planning to get) a PS4 myself.

>Also where did you get the 1080p version of that picture?
>>14180024 as it is. Still waiting for a proper scene rip by the way.
For the record, every PS3 game rip has its title image as a normal PNG, no exceptions. Authored by Sony themselves.

>> No.14180499
File: 671 KB, 1920x1080, top_special01_zoom06a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also where did you get the 1080p version of that picture?
Not the exact same but the official website has some wallpaper: http://social.gust.co.jp/yorukuni/

>> No.14181629

Anyone playing Yoru no nai Kuni yet? Reviews I've seen so far seem pretty mixed.

>> No.14182154

Here is the Yoru No Nai Kuni OST.

>> No.14182301

wait, that's it? These are all the cgs in the game? There's barely anything

>> No.14182848

It's also available on nyaa.

>> No.14182871

Is it good?

>> No.14183055

>Gust game
>asking is the soundtrack is good

>> No.14183192

Speaking of CG rips - Is there some kind of download for nosurge-rips? I haven't found anything at all.

>> No.14183564
File: 16 KB, 640x480, how2at3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patch v1.01 added some more pics, though not that many either:

Apparently, the story is told via engine-based cutscenes rather than CGs, since there are just 3 video files in the whole game. Can't tell for sure because I haven't played it yet.

Only for PS3 games (Vita assets can be dumped but can't be decrypted yet):
Get PKG(s) from PSN, extract it and convert the assets (in Ipu dir for the most part) yourself.

Game PKG (~8 GB):
Game update PKGs (which may or may not contain more pics):

Extractors: PkgView v1.3 or PSNPKGDecryptor&Extractor


Also, pic related settings will let you play extracted .at3 audio files (BGM, voices etc.) using foobar2000 with command-line decoder wrapper plugin. Note that at3tool has 2 incompatible versions, one for PSP AT3s and another for PS3 AT3. You'll want PS3 version obviously. Still, I've attached both to YoruKuni v1.01 7z addon linked above.

>> No.14183590

Alright I'll try that thank you very much.

>> No.14183847

Unf. I can't wait till the end of the year when I go to Japan and buy the game.

>> No.14183948

So basically the folks from Surge Concerto got a new planet after leaving their old one, and fucked it up again (Grathnode Inferia) in Ar Tonelico?

At any rate, we got a prequel, let's hope we have a sequel now - set in the far future, after the events of Ar Tonelico.

Come on Akira TOTAL COMMAND Tsuchiya, you know you want to.

>> No.14183970

Gust is over, they'll never produce anything that isn't blatant money grubbing with the least possible effort for tiny otaku niche markets.

>> No.14184076

Maybe a story about the trip that Ion and Nelo took to reach the exa pico ?
Something like Star Ocean, but with worse combat, better soundtrack and a crapton of fanservice.
Plus you can resume the 4th wall shenanigans from Ar Nosurge and give better closure to the poor bastards who didn't play Ciel.

>> No.14184471

So is Cass continuous use of final song responsible for Ar Ciel end?

>> No.14184587
File: 95 KB, 1024x614, CQk8-dOUAAAlArE.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the content for the collector edition of Yoru no Nai Kuni.

>> No.14184682

Call me jelly as fuck.

>> No.14184962

>So basically the folks from Surge Concerto got a new planet after leaving their old one, and fucked it up again (Grathnode Inferia) in Ar Tonelico?
No, Ra Ciel and Ar Ciel aren't the same planet. The folks Cass and Delta visited fucked up their own planet shortly after the Soreilians fixed their planet, ironically.

>> No.14185249

To complicate things, the Teru are descended from migrants from Ra Ciel.

>> No.14185273

They did speed up development of Ar Ciel, but it seems like whenever a Ra Cielan go problem follow suit.

>> No.14185603

Currently trying to download AT1. Not sure if nobody's seeding, or if my dorm is blocking torrents again.

>> No.14185771

Anon, once IT starts blocking torrents, they usually don't stop blocking torrents.

>> No.14185796

It's most likely dead regardless of your ISP. Get this one instead (obviously not an untouched ISO but works either way):

>> No.14185904

Currently downloading from one American and one Korean at under 1kbps.

Thanks, anon.

>> No.14185915

Oh shit, seeders are picking up.

Thanks anons!

>> No.14186385

So will there be yuri with these two? I'm really hoping Sophie doesn't disappoint.

>> No.14186416

>finish ciel nosurge a long time ago
>finish ar nosurge recently
>got an email about Ion voicemails
>go check
>all these voicemails of Ion being cute
My heart...

>> No.14186663

>beat Ar nosurge
>Go back to Ciel nosurge and sync
So much fucking content, I don't think there's any other console game that has as much content as this.

>> No.14186924

OK how the fuck do i complete Ions first Genometrics?

I already completed Kanons and Nays Genometrics but that little shit keeps calling me a cheater at Ions 3rd test and i only score 50 points at the Judgement part and get kicked out. And yes im in Phase 2.

>> No.14187036

Did you complete Kanon's and Nay's Genometrics from Earthes & Ion's side, or just from Delta's and Casty's side?

>> No.14187500

I got that scene and never bought a single DLC...I'm playing on Vita and it was in Shirotaka's genometrics

>> No.14187503

What what what what? How do you get those? Is it available on youtube?

>> No.14187516

On the PS3 release, Shirotaka's genometrics was in DLC. I guess they put most of the PS3 DLC into the Vita version.

>> No.14187523

It's different for the Vita but Shirotaka's Genometrics are a DLC for the PS3 version.

Ion's voice mails are delivered to the terminal on Gust's website. For the Ciel Offline version that is http://social.gust.co.jp/pc/ciel/specials/?format=offline

>> No.14187579

I completed them on both sides.

>> No.14187593

It's not as fun as I thought it would be, and the PS3 version has some clear performance issues. Even in the tutorial where there is not much going on on screen, every few seconds it pauses for a couple frames before resuming. I'm still not very far, but even the places I've reached with a decent amount of stuff happening, there are FPS drops.

Unfortunately the OST is not my cup of tea either, but I won't say its bad or anything, just not what the style of music I enjoy.

I really like the character designs though, and the summons are a pleasant surprise because they are more like little companions with personalities of their own and fun dialogue than just generic monsters to summon and die for you.

And I still really like the visual style of the game, even if it does take a hit on the PS3.

>> No.14187599

Do the characters look as low res as in the vita version?

>> No.14187766

The character models are great, at least, if you can ignore the lack of anti aliasing. Visually I think the game is fine, its just the performance of it. The FPS is pretty bad a lot of the time.

>> No.14187991

Gust always puts effort into the fairies/summons/pets.

I hope the Vita version fares better, I'm going to buy it soon.

>> No.14188427

Vita resolution is nothing to be excited about but the frame rate is smooth. Only time it chokes if there's a shitton of item dropping at once when there's a number of enemies alive.

>> No.14188729

Playing Ar Nosurge. I need two items! Can't find them in google at all and there is no drop guide. Where do I find Quanturv Fabric and Passion Pulp? At least Passion Pulp is important, I need it to save Felie. Does anyone know? Please, I gotta save her!

>> No.14188737

Nevermind I found them. Passion Pulp can be found in Tenryosara general shop and Quanturv fabric is in Felion general shop.

>> No.14189170



>> No.14190284
File: 177 KB, 565x800, 1407701940246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather not have them do an Atelier musou. I would love to see more of the two best girls in the Atelier series though.

>> No.14190763

Is the game running at 1080p or 720p ?
If the first did you try to force it to run at 720p ? It might fix some of the performance issues.

>> No.14192478

PS4 version seems to run really well. Better than expected at least. There are some minor frame drops (nothing major that Ive seen) when theres a lot of enemies and projectiles on screen at once though.

>> No.14192494

So, how's the gameplay/story?

>> No.14192563

Gameplay is fun if not feeling relatively generic, as theres not too much innovation you really can do in action rpg. But its got its fun. Like transforming into a demon. Thats a lot of fun. And chaining attacks is easy thanks to familars attacks also counting towards it, and you can activate bursts to really get high chain combos and more blood which you need for actualizing (creating) familiars, transforming, and leveling up. Doing Colosseum tasks is a fun timewaster too actually.

Story is pretty good but its a little odd, then again when does GUST not make something like that. Though thats my own opinion, as I play ARPG more for gameplay rather than story. So I dont think my opinion on the story really matters that much. But the soundtrack really fits to the mood of it and it all synergizes well.

>> No.14192740

So it's actually a competent ARPG? I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing with KT mentioning atelier musou...

>> No.14192788

Yeah, Id say its competent. Its only real downfall is probably being a bit on the easy side. Then again, in my experience once you understand the mechanics of any ARPG game, it becomes relatively easier. I dont know, maybe Ive been playing ARPGs that are too easy.

>> No.14193169

As long as it's better than that nightmare inducing crap that was AT3 I'll be happy.

>> No.14193209

this isn't the place for you to be angry

>> No.14193220

Finished Yoru no nai Kuni yesterday, also did the two extra bosses.

Didn't care for the story and characters at all. Pretty boring stuff, also didn't help that the ending I got was anti-climactic. Most of the game's sub-systems aren't thought out very well, like the timer means nothing, the way you earn skill-points is stupid and money is completely useless.

The basic moment to moment gameplay is competent enough and the arena can be interesting and sometimes even difficult, they are more like puzzles than simple destroy all enemies -challenges.

So, as a first ARPG effort it's ok, but I still regret spending money on this. Lots of good side-boob though.

>> No.14193345

How long did it take you, hours-wise

>> No.14193377

The game is short, can easily be finished in a weekend.

>> No.14193474

Do you understand Japanese? Not being rude, but there seems to be a lot of gamers/reviewers who review Jap games and don't even know Jap, it's frustrating.

>> No.14193554

Uh, yeah? I don't play games I wouldn't understand. I'm also not reviewing anything.

>> No.14193889

You could say the timer is there more for story reasons. It is relevant to the daytime activities though.

>> No.14194196

ArNo+ is on sale in EU PSN with 50% discount until October 21st.

I'm taking back >>14177492.
Being European Gust fan is NOT significantly more expensive. Being European Gust fan is significantly more expensive most of the time.

>> No.14194833 [DELETED] 

>also Kanon and Cosal are somehow alive
Okay, I can finally answer this question.

Kanon actually died in Ciel like expected, along with Cosal. But they didn't "die", their souls were still a part of the micro quasar. In Ar, Zill prepared a body (remember the Kanon body you see early on in Ar?) and extracted Kanon and Cosal's soul from the quasar.

All of the sharls are also genom souls that were extracted from the quasar and put into sharl bodies. The song for doing so is Class::CIEL_NOSURGE, in other words, the Ciel nosurge game you were playing was Zill's plan for making sharls.

By the way, Ar nosurge? That's the song Class::AR_NOSURGE used for connecting the Interdimend you use to control Delta and Earthes.

>> No.14194839

>also Kanon and Cosal are somehow alive
Okay, I can finally answer this question.

Kanon actually died in Ciel like expected, along with Cosal. But they didn't "die", their souls were still a part of the micro quasar. In Ar, Zill prepared a body (remember the Kanon body you see early on in Ar?) and extracted Kanon and Cosal's soul from the quasar.

All of the sharls are also genom souls that were extracted from the quasar and put into sharl bodies. The song for doing so is Class::CIEL_NOSURGE, in other words, the Ciel nosurge game you were playing was Zill's plan for making sharls.

When Zill sings/makes Ion sing Class::CIEL_NOSURGE; in Ar nosurge, that's the beginning of the timeskip in Ar nosurge and also the beginning of Ciel nosurge. The title screen of Ciel nosurge sounds similar to Class::CIEL_NOSURGE; Meanwhile, the end of Ciel nosurge, you again hear Class::CIEL_NOSURGE; as Ion turns off the terminal, the timeskip in Ar nosurge ends and you gain control of Earthes.

By the way, Ar nosurge? That's the song Class::AR_NOSURGE used for connecting the Interdimend you use to control Delta and Earthes.

>> No.14194853

The soul extraction song is em-pyei-n vari-fen jang. Remember how Kanon has to sing it again to tear the souls out of mecha-Zill?

I'm just wondering if it took her singing with Cosal to remove souls from the quasar who sang to remove her soul? Did Zill have enough strength to do that herself?

>> No.14194867

New Atelier Sophie trailers:
Sophie a cute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkMBsOljtP8

Combat gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zomNIrZYYUk

Alchemy gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgcSMv8Wpfg

>> No.14194869

em-pyei-n was for splitting souls from the overseer.

I rechecked some things. Class::CIEL_NOSURGE is for sending energy from our dimension to EXA_PICO. I'm not sure what Zill used to resurrect Kanon and Cosal, but she did do something. That was part of her plan so that Kanon could sing yal-fii-ne noh-iar;

She probably used a modified TX_CLUSTERS (territory exchange), the same as when Nay and Ion switched bodies or Nero and Ion switched bodies.

>> No.14194894

>em-pyei-n was for splitting souls from the overseer.
The reason they knew it would work is because that's how the split souls from the microquaser. There was this whole thing about "oh how are we going to extract individuals from the combined mass?" and then "Well how did you get souls out of the basketball-sized dead planet?"

I mean the song is heard the first time you go to the Flask Sea as Cas and Delta, which is before the timeskip even. Having it sung there at that time but saying the only reason the song existed was to counter the soul robot (seriously why did it turn her into a mecha when the prototypes were horrors?) doesn't make sense

>> No.14194899

Oh shit I see. Thanks anon, this makes sense now.

>> No.14194903 [DELETED] 

>The reason they knew it would work is because that's how the split souls from the microquaser. There was this whole thing about "oh how are we going to extract individuals from the combined mass?" and then "Well how did you get souls out of the basketball-sized dead planet?"
Right, it's all coming back to my peanut brain now.

The main point was, how are Kanon and Cosal alive, well, they did die, kind of. Hell, Ion died too. And Prim.

>> No.14194909

>The reason they knew it would work is because that's how the split souls from the microquaser. There was this whole thing about "oh how are we going to extract individuals from the combined mass?" and then "Well how did you get souls out of the basketball-sized dead planet?"
Right, it's all coming back to my peanut brain now. That's not how Kanon was revived though, since em-pyei-n is Kanon's song. I'm guessing Zill did it roughly the same way Ion was brought back.

The main point was, how are Kanon and Cosal alive, well, they did die, kind of. Hell, Ion died too. And Prim.

>> No.14194934

Ion died but they literally went back in time to undo it with the six-axis shift

>> No.14194952 [DELETED] 

No, they brought her back to her body using the cielnotron as a focus. They went back in time to fix Bezel dying/exploding on them due to Nero.

I'm pretty sure this is what happened, though it's been a while.

>> No.14194963

They put Ion's soul into a cielnotron, which is how they figured out they needed to time skip in the first place. If they had a replacement body, they could have put Ion's soul into that too. It's not even Nei's body in the first place, so she's technically a loose soul during the entire series.

>> No.14195012

Technically neither Ion or Nelo can really "die", if their body fails their souls just end up floating around aimlessly.
This means that as long as you can provide them hosts for them to inhabit they are pretty much immortal.

>> No.14195083

>Combat gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zomNIrZYYUk
Animation degraded to arland tier. Looks like people who made animation for dusk series were too bussy with yoru no nai kuni.

>> No.14195391

I hear the Online version actually showed Ion going from one action to the next one, instead of getting these eyecatch-like thingies. Which are cute, sure.

>> No.14195399

Not him, but I have been playing Ciel nosurge for about a month, I synced account and everything, but I didn't get any voice mail yet. Do they arrive after you pass a certain point in Ciel, or what?

>> No.14195426

No mail for gaikokujin.

>> No.14195543

It may take some time. I was somewhere in chapter 3 before I got my first one.

>> No.14196290
File: 521 KB, 1280x678, sophie_butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fine to me. The tone and feel of the game in general looks a lot closer to Arland though.

>> No.14196331
File: 357 KB, 1280x857, 1443395454-atelier-sophie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14196816

Could anybody tell me what's the total storage required for Ar nosurge Plus? Download version, I mean.

>> No.14196846

There's a clock and day count. Please let there be a time limit.

>> No.14197159

Sophie is a new arc/series, right? I might get it; It looks more fun than Yoru no nai kuni.

>> No.14197227

Yeah, this is a new series. I haven't really been feeling Yoru either.

>> No.14197244

[EAC][20151001]PS4ゲーム (Yoru no Nai Kuni Official Soundtrack)「よるのないくに」オフィシャルサウンドトラック (2flac+cue+log)

>> No.14197289

3055 MB

>> No.14197326

Welp. There go my hopes of getting Ar nosurge without buying a new memory card.
Thank you, Anon.

>> No.14199156

Why is Totori game so bland compared to Rorona? Im almost at year 3 and there is no objective or direction. The crafting sucks without filters and traits explanations, visiting 1 or 2 areas can take weeks. Also I feel like random events stopped after first year.

>> No.14201676


Sofie giving a book a lewd body

>> No.14203108
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Ar Nosurge. I really loved it. Prim saying "are you trying to get 100% as well" made me feel a bit bad since I am really trying to get 100%. AT2 still remains my favorite game in the series though.

Just a few questions. If I made the miracle item I get the best ending right? Or were there any other things that affected it? And the second question is, during the crafting process I made an item called "Ar Nosurge tube LE". I have never used this item to craft anything and it was never used in the game. Did I miss something?

They totally fucked in picrelated, right?

>> No.14203126

>"I want to... be with you" "Please?"
Yes. There's little room for doubt.

>> No.14203133

>Ar Nosurge tube LE
I guess you were playing the PS3 version. The tube was supposed to be used to unlock the extra boss. KT removed that in the English version though because they hate us.

>> No.14203585

Come on Delta isn't Shirou despite looking similiar, he totally installed in her port.

>> No.14205695

Just in case you aren't checking, Offline doesn't send you emails about voicemails, you'll have to check your console manually.


>> No.14206098

Yes, I know.
>最終更新日時 2015-09-21 07:59:41

>> No.14206194

is there a picture of the sophie blanket anywhere yet?

>> No.14206413

What blanket?

>> No.14206638

i'm led to believe one of the limited editions of atelier sophie includes a blanket

>> No.14206815
File: 388 KB, 1920x1080, aso_special_02_03a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've looked at the Gust Shop pages, and at the web site for the game itself, and can't even find a real description of the blanket. It appears in four of the combo sets (well, twelve or so if you include the variation between platform), but there are no pictures.

>> No.14207864

I don't know why I bought one of those random straps from the store against my better judgement. Hopefully I at least get Arnas or Sophie.

>> No.14207874

New Atelier Sophie trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKBqNg-cXnI

>> No.14207877

Fuck me, I didn't see it was already posted here >>14201676

>> No.14208021
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, Atelier Totori The Adventurer of Arland_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breaking news! Atelier Sophie taking place in Arland.

>> No.14208220
File: 852 KB, 1280x873, aso_atelier032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you joking, or do you have a source?

>> No.14208283

he's implying that npc is sophie.

>> No.14212408

The joking option, then.

>> No.14213380
File: 76 KB, 1024x576, CRIa6iQWUAALR7B.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think time limit is back in Atelier Sophie.

>> No.14213498
File: 10 KB, 739x37, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, offline actually does send you mail!

>> No.14213565
File: 56 KB, 473x473, atelier-sophie-fushigi-na-hon-no-renkin-jutsushi-premium-box-417231.12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've got day and night cycles too. It doesn't look like enemies can damage your LP either.

>> No.14213783

>Atelier Sophie Premium Box - $74.96
Jesus. What does the limited edition include?

>> No.14213787

Wait no, there's a separate LE box that's $227. Being a GUST fan is suffering sometimes.

>> No.14214004

But that's the Miracle Combo Set, including the soundtrack, the vocal album, sheet music, the blanket, the paperweight, the key holder, the visual book, the sound archive, the poster, and the game itself.

>> No.14216806
File: 231 KB, 1280x720, 1444724508-atelier-sophie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully Corneria will turn out good.

>> No.14217285

Only Meido can defeat her?

>> No.14218039

I'm really conflicted if I should play atelier games with a guide. They aren't that hard to finish, but getting the true endings it's pretty impossible without it.

>> No.14218195
File: 66 KB, 491x491, atelier-sophie-fushigi-na-hon-no-renkin-jutsushi-417223.13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. Just look up the ending requirements and you'll be fine. They made it really easy in the Dusk games and I think Meruru too. You don't need to follow a guide step-by-step if that's what you're thinking.

I usually just play them normally and look up the specific requirements towards the end of the game.

>> No.14218212

Shallie doesn't require much of a guide, since it only has five endings, which can be seen with two playthroughs, and saving just before you lose control on returning home after the final boss.

There are a few other things a guide might be useful for in Shallie, besides endings, however.

>> No.14218249

I only played Rorona and Totori for now, but you need all those characters and other endings too for true end.

Guess I will use guide when I replay it someday. Sucks seeing characters reference endings I haven't seen though.

>> No.14219521

I guess it depends on you but I always use a guide and don't feel like it harms the experience

>> No.14221088

Sounds pretty good but still spending 227$ at once is... well I wish I could spend that much money easily. Plus I'm in Europpor and we regulary get fucked with the conversion and the shipping cost.

>> No.14222052

Just finished Ar Tonelico 2.
Boy, the actual Metafallica was really just as good as it was built up throughout the game.
Wish the land itself was actually shown, though.
And even if I didn't actually like Mir that much, the song in the ending might have been even better, if only for the rare male vocals. Plus, the ending overall was great
Can't wait to play AT3. Just hope it's not as bad as everybody says it is.

>> No.14222064

I thought he was pretty cool, if really cliché.
Croix was a lot worse. Others I don't know yet.

>> No.14222129

I have Pulseaudio, and it works fine.
The only thing that glitched like mad in AT2 was the World Map.

>> No.14222174
File: 2.12 MB, 1920x1080, Ar tonelico Qoga Knell of Ar C1iel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aoto difenently the best MC in the series.

>> No.14222194

Agreed. Everyone seems to love Croix, but Aoto worked much better for me as a main character.

Then again Finnel is my favorite heroine after Jakuri, so maybe I just have shitty taste.

>> No.14222206

>Everyone seems to love Croix
Really? Why?
He seemed pretty flat and kinda dumb to me.
The only enjoyable thing about him was his snark in Synthesis conversations and his one song, as far as I'm concerned. Well, maybe also his chemistry with Jakuri.
I can't really understand what might be appealing about him.

>> No.14222274

>Really? Why?
I dunno, but I think that was the general consensus when I used to be a regular of these threads.

... Which was back around the English release of AT3, now that I think of it, so I might be misremembering things.

>> No.14222561

Prepare for a clunky, annoying, completely unplayable battle system. Expect the worst, almost E.T.-tier gameplay sections. I did so and my overall impression was like
>Well, this is really bad, but not even remotely as bad as I thought
and I even enjoyed some battles.

Story? It's extremely chaotic at the beginning, but it gets better. Kinda silly, too. Good continuation, good conclusion. If you want a decent closure for this great trilogy, you should be satisfied.
Characters? Ask 10 anons, you'll get 10 different opinions. They'll probably agree that Saki is the worst or retarded, or both, but that's all.
Cosmospheres/talk topics/crafting + synthesis dialogues? On par with AT1 and AT2, but MUCH lewder. No, really. Gust went overboard with this.

The combat system is really bad, though. Don't forget that.

>> No.14222597

>combat system is bad
Like I play these for the combat. I did think AT2 system was pretty cool, though, and I enjoyed the simplistic one of AT1 a bit too much for some reason, too. But, well, I've played a lot of games, and probably seen worse.
>Story and characters good
Sure hope so. Cosmospheres and the lore are the two most enjoyable aspects of the series.
Most people enjoyed Jakuri Cosmosphere because of her inner conflict. For me, the most enjoyable moment was literally an optional classroom on the second layer, where Frelia does a massive lore dump on Exa Pico and D-Waves. It helped that I made a point of not going to wiki before I finish all the games in the series, so it was A Big Thing for me.
>everything lewd
I think it's kinda adorable when it goes lewd. Always enjoyed all the ecchi. It's just so overboard you can't help but enjoy it.
Also, I hope Synthesis is on par with Grathmelding from the first one and not Synthesis from the first one. For some reason I enjoyed Grathmelding a lot more. Probably because it was linked with everything and really useful, you could do it anywhere, and it just gave off a bit of a "mad scientist creating something for the sake of it" feel for me. The second seemed to simplify it a lot, due to the fact you didn't get recipes yourself and that it wasn't as easy and flowing to do, even if shopkeepers were pretty cool.
Well, hope I will like it too anon.

>> No.14222660

Since this thread reached auto-saging I must ask: should we bother with a new thread? It doesn't seems the next thread will last as there's very few post each day in the current one.

>> No.14222843

Reminder that Croix didn't put up with Luca's shit
Reminder that Croix learned Hymmnos and sung an improvised song for Jakuri.

>> No.14222851

>They'll probably agree that Saki is the worst or retarded, or both, but that's all.
That's because she's a Will. She's on a completely different wavelength. I mean, she turns people into cake, which is both very cute and very disturbing.

>> No.14222988

There's not much to discuss at the moment. Unless people start getting incredibly excited for Atelier Sophie.

>> No.14223087

He was also the least important protagonist, as far as I remember even TOTAL COMMAND mentioned this.

>> No.14223259

He wasn't the protagonist, he is the narrative/perspective character.

Cloche and Luca are the protagonists. It's pounded into you at almost every single point in the game, so if you missed this, it's probably best to go back and review some AT2 stuff.

Just some of the hints off the top of my head:

- The subtitle of the game (in original Japanese) is The Girls' Metafalica that Echoes to the World. Note "Girls" plural; AT2 is the only game where it's plural, and of course the "Girls" are Cloche and Luca.
- Cloche and Luca are the Maidens of Mio and Homura; water and fire
- The Infelsphere and Deathlandia is ALL about building the relationship between Cloche and Luca. Saying it again, 1/3 of the game is solely devoted to Cloche and Luca's past and current relationship
- The girls talks, which is the only game in AT or SC with talk topics between two girls.
- The bathing (DUALstall), Croix doesn't participate in the reyvateil powerup process, unlike AT (Grathnodes) or AT3 (stripping).
- The ending has a long epilogue devoted to Cloche and Luca, no matter whose ending you go for.
- AT2 is the only game where you get to use two reyvateils in battle.

>> No.14223477

I had a dream last night that Gust announced that they'd teamed up with Telltale Games for noSurge 3, and it was called Ion noSurge.

Never have I felt more disappointed waking up from a dream.

>> No.14223505
File: 111 KB, 960x544, 1437454470604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make offhand pervy joke as is usual for Earthes
>"Ion will remember that..."
Well that'd be an 'oh shit' moment if there ever was one

>> No.14223697

I'm incredibly excited for it. I guess there's not much to talk about until it's released though.

>> No.14223759

So I guess Yoru no Nai Kuni is a miss?

>> No.14223764

So, just finished AnS+ and well, did one of Nelo's purification chats just go and retcon Lyner, Croix and Aoto to be under the control of some kind of Interdimend?

There's that too, but it's a new IP, so it's going to have less hype than Atelier which already has fans

>> No.14223789

It's plausible enough. I mean Shurelia has about 700 years to improve it to remove the side-effects, and then Mir could take it with her to the Second Tower, and then Cocona take it with her to Tyria's Tower.

>> No.14223815

It's just not for me. I'm a huge yuri fan though.

>> No.14223851

>Like I play these for the combat.
It get real fucking annoying real fast

>> No.14224348

I think you underestimate Tsuchiya Akira.

Here's the opening lines for Singing Hills ~Harmonics EOLIA~, the opening song for AT1:

Rrha ki ra tie yor ini en nha
Come here
(Restraining you, I'll initialize your summoning to this world)

Wee ki ra parge yor ar ciel
Wee ki ra parge yor ar ciel
Strip off everything
(I'll detach you from this only world)

From Harmonics FRELIA, the opening for AT2:

ar foul ciel
ar foul ciel
A mysterious world

Haaa tie yor ini en nha parge yor ar foul ciel
Haaa tie yor ini en nha parge yor ar foul ciel
Passionately, I'll restrain you to initialize your summoning here, and detach you from this mysterious world.

>> No.14224470

new thread

my copy is still shipping
Might as well make a new thread, if it dies thats ok but this thread kept going.

>> No.14224915

Gust confirmed that Luca and Cloche are the protags in the udon AT art book. They even considered not having Croix at all at some point.

>> No.14225533

This is one of the most interesting things I've heard in a while.
