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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 19 KB, 800x255, 2ch^^ cute!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14129874 No.14129874 [Reply] [Original]

all hail hiroyuki!

>> No.14129882

>I (want) to go your home.
God damnit, Japan.

>> No.14129892

Shift-JIS when?

    ∧,,∧  ∧,,∧
 ∧ (´・ω・) (・ω・`) ∧∧
( ´・ω) U) ( つと ノ(ω・` )
| U (  ´・) (・`  ) と ノ
 u-u (l    ) (   ノu-u
     `u-u'. `u-u'

>> No.14129895
File: 572 KB, 360x363, wwww1330650213384.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i want it ^^

>> No.14129912

No wonder Hirohito writes so badly.

>> No.14129914

Sushi baby

>> No.14129951

Below is Hiroyuki's earliest symbol.
( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリッ
Just call him Tarako-kuchibiru (= pouty lips, literally cod roe lips)

>> No.14130024


ok ^^

>> No.14130031

His first major act is to make /pol/ defensive and spam every board with shitposting and muh-free-speech. Shit admin.

>> No.14130035
File: 100 KB, 436x348, no 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hiroyuki is not a shit admin!

>> No.14130044

Here's how it turns out. /pol/ doesn't get deleted and they feel vindicated and unified and spread their "free speech" everywhere without fear of repercussion, or /pol/ gets deleted and every board gets shitted up anyways for a year until they all move to stormfront.

Well, I guess at least there's a chance to remove the cancer even if the treatment is pure suffering.

>> No.14130048 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 419x296, 1399494499335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kuso thread.

>> No.14130052

Who those /pol/ kiddos must mean serious business!

Raiding other for a YEAR? Oh noes!

>> No.14130053

wwww like all of /jp/ with ona threads and ona videos wwww

yeah still they should fester somewhere else

>> No.14130054

>Raiding other for a YEAR? Oh noes!
Is that a lot? A little? We've had longer.

>> No.14130070

Oh my! That's very scary! It's not like they will look like edgy retards or anything!

>> No.14130077

>It's not like they will look like edgy retards or anything!
That's never actually stopped anyone from making a nuisance of themselves for years.

>> No.14130094

They won't move to stormfront.
No one want to post on a site that makes you login. Why do you think anyone still posts on any board?

>> No.14130101

Whoa, you must be such an adult! Only kids care about what others think about them amirite?

And it's not like you can just go somewhere else to post.

>> No.14130104

do you guys think hiro likes NEET threads?

>> No.14130110

>Whoa, you must be such an adult! Only kids care about what others think about them amirite?
I have no idea what you're on about anymore.

>And it's not like you can just go somewhere else to post.
Yes, you can in fact leave /jp/ if it becomes shitty. It doesn't mean people won't try to avoid it.

>> No.14130120

Maybe they'll just move to eight chan. It looks like one is already trying to invade this thread.

Vote delete /pol/ >>>/qa/194356

>> No.14130134

Why does it matter if others try to avoid it or not?

By the way, you don't need to quote everything you respond to, you just look like a retarded crossie. I know you are not familiar with /jp/ customs but still.

>> No.14130136 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 676x676, 1385880885055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm okay with this chink guy, dudesters.

He's fuckin' clueless about everything.

I'm gonna shitpost like there's no tomorrow from here on in and it's gonna be freakin' naice.

You kuso shitlords need to, like, adapt or seriously consider killing urselves.

>> No.14130139

The mods and jannies are still here, greaseball. You really think it's the admins who check every post and see if it's good or not?

>> No.14130140

>Why does it matter if others try to avoid it or not?
People don't want /jp/ to fill up with retarded /pol/ refugees. Is this controversial? I have had no idea what the fuck you are trying to say for the last three posts or so.

>By the way, you don't need to quote everything you respond to, you just look like a retarded crossie. I know you are not familiar with /jp/ customs but still.
I've been posting this way in /jp/ since long before the first retarded child imported the word "crossie" to /jp/.

>> No.14130161

>People don't want /jp/ to fill up with retarded /pol/ refugees. Is this controversial? I have had no idea what the fuck you are trying to say for the last three posts or so.
If /jp/ was to be invaded by /pol/, people would just go somewhere else to post. Is it really that hard to understand? I never said whether or not people don't want /jp/ to fill up with retarded /pol/ refugees. I'm just saying that if it happens, we would go somewhere else.

>I've been posting this way in /jp/ since long before the first retarded child imported the word "crossie" to /jp/.

>> No.14130166


>> No.14130170

fucking cirno?

>> No.14130172

>I'm just saying that if it happens, we would go somewhere else.
If that's the point you were trying to make when you posted that random "Raiding other for a YEAR? Oh noes!" shit you certainly picked a roundabout way of doing it.

I can explain it for you but you'll have to tell me what part of that very straightforward sentence you didn't understand.

>> No.14130177
File: 639 KB, 2560x1920, cirno worship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14130180


>> No.14130185

>>I'm just saying that if it happens, we would go somewhere else.
>If that's the point you were trying to make when you posted that random "Raiding other for a YEAR? Oh noes!" shit you certainly picked a roundabout way of doing it.
I don't understand what you're trying to say.

>> No.14130201

>I don't understand what you're trying to say.
What I'm saying is that I have no idea why the fuck you made the "Who those /pol/ kiddos must mean serious business! Raiding other for a YEAR? Oh noes!" post.

If it was just to explain that it's entirely possible to leave /jp/ for a year you picked a roundabout and retarded way of making your point.

And that's assuming you can get an orderly migration of /jp/sies anywhere, which is a stupid assumption to begin with.

>> No.14130206

I expected our Japanese overlord to have just slightly better taste, as in another other memehu, and fucking IOSYS to boot.

>> No.14130207

Nope, I still don't get it.

>> No.14130209

Our new overlord is a true meme master, why would he choose anything else?

>> No.14130212 [DELETED] 
File: 326 KB, 669x1001, 1429550663355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I literally don't give a fuck, retard.

I bet you suck janny cock all day and night.

Yeah, boy... suck that janitard dick like the dipshit you are.

>> No.14130213

I can explain it for you but you'll have to tell me what part of those very straightforward sentences you didn't understand.

Either that or you're just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.14130217

new shitposter or returning shitposter?

mysteries like this are the lifeblood of a board

>> No.14130218
File: 235 KB, 1082x758, 1428786421323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the memes flow like water - Hiroyuki 2015.

>> No.14130224

More like retro meme master.

All his memes are stale as fuck.

>> No.14130225

At least I don't suck refugee cock, retard.

Yeah, boy... suck that muslim dick like the dipshit you are.

>> No.14130226

>>14130207 is just engaging in damage control, it's ok to ignore.

>> No.14130235

Just like /jp/!

>> No.14130238

whether it's true or not pointing it out never actually helps

you can't possibly not know the answer

>> No.14130252

Can someone please explain to me how Jim Watkins stole 2ch from Hiroyuki? Is it even true that it was stolen or is Hiroyuki just using it to cover up his legal issues in Japan. Hiroyuki has been using the fact that 2ch is hosted on American servers to avoid legal issues. It's not a stretch to assume he would take it a step further and claim that the domain belongs to an American. I am so confused. Hiroyuki has a lot of baggage. Accusations of tax evasion, stolen user data, DDoSing his own website he founded, being payed by politicians to delete post. So much drama.

>> No.14130253

The only shitposter I see is you.

>> No.14130257

That was sarcasm. I was showing that raiding isn't the worst thing ever as you and all those autists think.

1. /pol/ raids
2. No big deal
3. I post somewhere else


>> No.14130415
File: 872 KB, 698x725, Q&A report card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://strawpoll.me/5558939 (embed) (embed)

Questions written in Japanese so that he can read them himself. It's not google translated (JLPT N1)

1. Hiroyuki did not answer our questions
2. Hiroyuki answered our questions well
3. Hiroyuki is avoiding answering our questions
4. Hiroyuki answered our questions directly
5. Hiroyuki is carrying on moot's spirit
6. Hiroyuki is going in a way different direction than moot
7. As a result of this Q&A my impression of Hiroyuki is better
8. As a result of this Q&A my impression of Hiroyuki hasn't changed (in a bad sense)
9. As a result of this Q&A my impression of Hiroyuki hasn't changed (in a good sense)
10. As a result of this Q&A my impression of Hiroyuki is worse

>> No.14130425

>I post somewhere else

That's all cool if all you want is to post, but in that case you should just start a blog. People who want to talk with other people are screwed.

>> No.14130454


>> No.14130475

Nope, the に being excluded is correct.

>> No.14130543

/pol/ detected

>> No.14130555


>> No.14130558

crossie detected

>> No.14130582

> I'm laze guy. so I sometimes disappear from my job.
> . Always my life first....
n-nishimura senpai... (blush)

>> No.14130596


>> No.14130749

pls go back to /pol/ no one outside of /pol/ likes you

>> No.14130890


>> No.14130927
File: 701 KB, 850x911, The Bitch and Hen live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good song.

>> No.14130931 [DELETED] 
File: 274 KB, 1300x1157, mook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking gay...

>> No.14130937

That's adorable.

I'm going to fap to it now.

>> No.14130969

5 hours in and Mootwo is only just starting to reach the second minute of questions..

>> No.14130982

Hiroyuki please don't sell my information to the Japanese government like you did on 2ch

>> No.14130988

Seriously, he's straight-up answering every question in the thread, even repeats. How did 2ch last more than a month?

>> No.14130992

oh my god


on 4chan?


kid you're a fucking idiot for taking 4chan seriously

>> No.14130995

Is that sparky4? I use to shit up his IRC chat like five years ago. time flies when you're wasting life.

>> No.14131013

pls go /pol/

>> No.14131014
File: 16 KB, 320x371, triggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ has been shit not worth "defending" for years and faggots like yourself who likely came from post split /a/ are part of the reason. I've made tons of posts on it and if it wasn't 2 in the morning here I'd dig one up kopipe it and call you a faggot who takes the internet too seriously.

>> No.14131028

Coming from someone who has triggered.jpg saved on their computer as a reaction image? Who do you think you're fooling crossie?

>> No.14131038

Macro image replies are against the global rules outside /b/.

>> No.14131053
File: 20 KB, 236x250, ayumu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually looked that shit up moments before posting it here, I even saved it in my super special "shitposting" folder.
>Macro image replies
That's not even a "macro image", something like this would be.

>> No.14131058
File: 22 KB, 369x497, triggered jpg .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super special "shitposting" folder.
Snap, forgot to post that.

>> No.14131275

>which touhou would you fug?
>math class youtube
Baka intensifies

>> No.14131279

It really is like its still 2009

>> No.14131861

>retards asking him to delete /pol/, /vp/, /mlp/ etc
Is the concept of a containment board that hard to grasp?

>> No.14131878

I hated that Q&A, it basically showed he doesn't know jack shit about 4chan.
To make it worse he tried to spam shit memes from time to time to look "in", like those stupid commercials and videogames made by old people that include memes a gogo thinking they will look cool to the Internet.

>> No.14131887

Probably new retards trying to fit in, boards like /mlp/ are a blessing, the horse spam was unbearable before that thing got made.

>> No.14132409


Coincidence or same guy?


I see Rances and funny posts.

>> No.14132413

English is too good to be him.

>> No.14132449

Can't be, it has an image attached.

>> No.14133923

wwtd >>14122319
It's been one day and the on-site archive is already being censored.

>> No.14134007



>> No.14134029 [DELETED] 

What I expected >>/jp/thread/S14122319#p14122319

>> No.14134031
File: 430 KB, 1259x918, what I got.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I expected. >>/jp/thread/S14122319#p14122319

>> No.14134044

oh thats gone? oh www >>/jp/thread/S14122319#p14122407

>> No.14134045
File: 61 KB, 1435x776, weird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucked up.

>> No.14134047



it's ok as long as it gets fixed

i love hiroyuki

and i am not being hurt now!! <3 yay i am so happy!

>> No.14134090

you retards would suck the dick of anything remotely japanese

enjoy getting datamined

>> No.14134524

Butthurt American confirmed

>> No.14134557

Just to let you guys know, those check marks mean that he got the answers wrong. I made that mistake and put check marks on my Japanese students papers and they nearly shit themselves thinking they got all the problems wrong. I actually had one girl cry because of it. I'm glad I don't live there any more, bunch of cheeky cunts.

>> No.14134730

How does /jp/ feel about the new mascot basically being a Tewi clone?

>> No.14134780 [DELETED] 






>> No.14134783

suck my cock dude

>> No.14134800

Enjoy getting sold out!

>> No.14134817
File: 193 KB, 768x1024, 1412133934703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14134946

http://pastebin.com/8bfsk6jP (written by 2ch's lead dev, CodeMonkeyZ)
>How Hiroyuki will sell 4chan data:
>Step 1: Brazil Future Search will make a real-time search engine for 4chan text data only.

>one of my idea is adding a search engine in 4chan.

He was upgrading the software, hence the servers going down at times, but he feigned ignorance like he usually does.

Fucking wow.

I don't trust Jim much more either, anyway.

>> No.14135300

So I've been wondering, what does /jp/ want changed? I've noticed that there isn't much response from here. For example, to what extent do you agree with >>>/qa/232707?

Also there's been talk of merging /jp/ back with /a/, what are your thoughts on that?

>> No.14135305

If he thinks I have data worth mining, joke's on him.

>> No.14135315


The only thing that retard said I agree with is bringing back the NEET threads.

>> No.14135324

They should reinstate the old board

>> No.14135329

You people are fucking retarded if you think you've had any privacy up to this point posting on a website that the FBI is very interested in that don't accept encrypted connections.

>> No.14135338

yes correct wwww

>> No.14135382

I want /e/ deleted and nude(but not pornographic) anime screencaps to be allowed to be posted in /a/, and everything else to go to the associated porn board, and this to be used to set a precedent to allow the posting of nude but not pornographic 2d(VN, eroge, etc) images in /jp/.

I want a 2d/random board where porn games can be discussed with porn images, and where any sort of blogging about NEET/hikki/normalfags is hit with a hard ban and is otherwise just 2d/random and not just a 2d porn dump. (i.e. you can post about anything but NEET blogging and real people)

I want an /idl/ board for all those people who want to talk about celebrities in Japan, the west, korea, etc, and to see some arrests when they inevitably use it to plan stalking and group rape excursions.

I want /l/ to definitively never be created, but instead the rules relaxed to allow it in /h/, /u/, etc without separating it, so those desperate pedos who want some group to try to fit in with and the fake pedos who would want the board shut down won't be able to gain a solid foothold.

I also want the monstergirl general broken up and all anime/manga followers forced to /a/, all game followers forced to /v/ and /vg/, and the people who want to discuss them in general shipped to /d/ or /c/. or 2d/random. Whatever. You can even send em' to /tg/ and make /tg/ also about fantasy/sci fi in general. It could use some new topics.

I want a sticky telling people to go to /int/ and /trv/ for their real Japan needs.

Figs, dolls, onaholes, weeb music, vocalshit, kancer, touhou, shitty phone "games", doujin games, and the like can stay in /jp/. Anime style MMOs too. Maybe an overall tolerance of group activities on boards like there used to be on 4chan before. I also dislike cons but there's no reason convention discussion shouldn't remain either. This board should really move to be truly "otaku culture" and not "vaguely weeb shit."

>> No.14135385
File: 25 KB, 293x272, 1443058124502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14135398
File: 20 KB, 290x212, 1443058027533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's actually right.

>> No.14135456

Should Touken Ranbu threads go back to /jp/, then?

>> No.14135486
File: 30 KB, 500x278, 1402300552800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14135490

/jp/ was original envisioned to be a containment board for touhou and other japanese multimedia for which /v/ users saw no clear boundary between /v/ and /a/. If there were an actual board doing that job, it would be fucking great. The mistake was calling it /jp/ and calling it "otaku culture".

>> No.14135494

No merging with /a/
Leave /jp/ as is, I assume by default any possible change made to /jp/ would just make things worse

>> No.14135497

>Touken Ranbu
I don't know what that is.

>> No.14135511

What boards aren't containment boards?

>> No.14135523

Containment board isn't a slur.

>> No.14135535

I didn't say it was. I asked what boards weren't created as containment boards, besides /b/ of course. Just say it was 'envisioned to be a board for', not 'a containment board for'.

>> No.14135542

Well, I only said containment board because /v/ users were upset about touhou raids etc. That was a reasonable part of the logic behind making it. However, that logic behind making it was part of the reasons for this board's gradual downfall into board culture shitposting.

>> No.14135792

We know anon, we know.


>teaching English

>> No.14135907

How the fuck one suposed to know this is goldfish if the painting is black and white?

>> No.14135914

Meant to quote >>14135398

>> No.14135962

all this delusion

>> No.14136295

I've seen a whole lot of lists of what to do with 4chan, but this is the first long list that I find myself in solid agreement with.

>> No.14136311

>Figs, dolls, onaholes, weeb music, vocalshit, kancer, touhou, shitty phone "games", doujin games, and the like can stay in /jp/. Anime style MMOs too.
Huh, I was under the impression that most people here aren't accepting of anything that isn't 2hu.

>> No.14136319

Same here.

>> No.14136327

The only thing that Touhou fans actually bash on that list is Kancolle and even then half the time it's just someone stirring shit for fun.

The rest of the stuff is bashed usually not because it's "not Touhou" but because the people bashing them think general threads are universally awful.

>> No.14136521

Honestly, the VN generals are fucking terrible.
I was going to say something else about other generals, but it occurred to me that generals seen to only be truly terrible when some sort of game is the topic.

>> No.14137045
File: 605 KB, 2363x1866, 1443121057604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this. I mean it's cute, but god damn it's embarrassing.

Also it looks like Tewi.

>> No.14137157

Kill yourself retard

>> No.14137219

All Hiroyuki cocksuckers need to get the hell out of /jp/.

>> No.14137667

Well wouldn't that codemonkey guy be working for Jim?

>> No.14137794
File: 607 KB, 1088x1443, 1376801840170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vote delete a containment board and the only politics board on 4chan

>> No.14138037

Deleting /pol/ is a bad idea, but it's a lesser evil than letting them shit up the rest of the site. Of course, if mods were actually doing their job of keeping /pol/ shit in /pol/, there wouldn't be a problem to begin with, but this takes too much effort apparently. So I say axe them.

>> No.14138121
File: 29 KB, 700x875, 1348870571066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Point me to 5 /pol/ threads here in /jp/ besides this "meta thread" that is basically /b/ not /pol/.

>> No.14138142

>5 /pol/ threads
5 /pol/ posts is too much already. Fuck off.

>> No.14138364
File: 235 KB, 720x856, Chen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using sage because this thread isn't related to /jp/ I don't know about you.

And I'm using nazi touhou just because you don't take it easy and I find that funny.

>> No.14140269

You don't need to explain why you're using sage, crossboarder.

>> No.14142975


>> No.14143005





>> No.14143093

off-topic, I see nothing of japanese culture here

>> No.14151355

called you out and now you are so mad.

I explain whatever I want, turbonerd lol !
