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14077845 No.14077845 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>14069823 (OP)

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Recent Updates:

KanColle STAFF Twitter:

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/4Wk2hy0B

Air Superiority Calculator: http://aircalc.net

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs:

Equipment upgrade values:

Voices, Sprites, Furnitures Preview: http://www51.atpages.jp/kancollev

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN): https://github.com/KCV-Localisation/KanColleViewer/releases
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/FreyYa/KanColleViewer
Sanaechan Logbook: https://github.com/silfumus/logbook-EN/releases

PS Vita Game was delayed to 26 November 2015: http://kancolle-vita.com
Dengeki Online article about the KanColle Kai trailer: http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/964/964096

-New quests have been added.
-9 shipgirls have received a Yukata CG update.
-45 shipgirls have been updated with new autumn voicelines.
-New Autumn furniture and BGM have been added.
-Shoukaku K2 slated for release this month.
-New Foreign Large Ship will be implemented in the future.
-Another Prototype Flight Deck Catapult can be obtained through a quest that is still unreleased.
-Fall Event will be relatively short and easy.

>> No.14077851

And I screwed up

>> No.14077983

It's okay.

>> No.14078358

At least you tried.

>> No.14078396

But back to serious matters, how the fuck do I clear 6-1? The subs get fucked immediately.

>> No.14078425

Get better subs.

>> No.14078427

Where do I get AA fods fast? I need to feed my fuckbucky. Thanks!

>> No.14078435
File: 572 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150910-22212971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a disaster, but that Taigei ass is great.

>> No.14078440

What's the fastest way to level an AV to 30?

I need to do expedition 36.

>> No.14078444

The flagship doesn't have to be the AV right

>> No.14078446

Set someone else as flagship then?

>> No.14078447

Just set some other sufficiently leveled ship as flag?

>> No.14078449

God I'm so fucking stupid. Thank you jaypee.

>> No.14078452

Pretty much anywhere after world 3. I get a lot from 5-4.

>> No.14078476

Do people actually do quests? Many of them seem inconvenient for lackluster rewards, forcing you to do maps the hard way for no reason.

>> No.14078480

Well, you can eventually get unique rewards like an extra quest slot (6 instead of 5 at a time), special torpedo bombers, etc.

>> No.14078488

I get tired of daily/weekly/monthly, but I try to do the one time ones since they disappear.

>> No.14078489


>> No.14078492

Even lv150 subs are really shit against anything not in line ahead.

>> No.14078506

If you're talking about the one-time quests, it's better to do those since you eventually get the Type 1 AP shell and prototype guns, furniture fairies and stuff. The only problem is keeping the girls since you may or may not like, they just take up space. Then there are the ones that give screws, you can never have enough of them.

>> No.14078515

I just like making my quest list shorter and shorter.

>> No.14078537

You do the quests and then scrap the fubushit and kagerous

>> No.14078564

Some of the one-time quests can be fun and give decent rewards, then there's bullshit like 5-1 with 3 DDs under air denial and 20% chance of being sent to the boss.

>> No.14078565

Trying to clear 3-4 is suffering

>> No.14078577
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Subcheese it just like you're supposed to.

>> No.14078586

Nigga I don't have six subs

>> No.14078596

Nothing but heavy fleet spam and random compass, and the maps get even more cancerous.

>> No.14078603

Are you the retard who posted on reddit asking for tips?

>> No.14078611

What? No. I'm not so mentally challenged as to use non kaied CLT's

>> No.14078621
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Happy 9/11!

>> No.14078636

I shouldn't have laughed.

>> No.14078644

>non kaied CLT's

>> No.14078647

>Hopefully Kuma but it's probably gonna be Tama
They'll become CLTs and you know it.

>forgetting the top 2 yasen attack DDs
>boosting luck of Yukikaze/Shigure/Hatsushimo

Kongou and Hiei Kai 2 started the whole monkey ears schtick. And Sakawa was also affected.

>> No.14078653

>Using Reppuu against Twin Towers
The fuck are you doing? Everyone knows that Reppuu can't do damage to installation bosses.

>> No.14078681

What are YocC's rules this time?

>> No.14078699
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I hate this fucking map.

>> No.14078701
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>mfw S rank

>> No.14078707

Is that 4-3 leveling? How do you fuck up that bad?

>> No.14078725
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Maybe it will help to know that you aren't alone.

>> No.14078726

Just load 'em up with ASW equipment and you can slaughter even the lvl99 subs with no problem.

>> No.14078743

Well no shit she's unremodelled.

>> No.14078744

1 sword every time she's hit
2 swords every time she goes into Chuuha
No FCF if Taiha
Remove swords only when repaired

>> No.14078746

Not modernized, either. She'll be sending me home quite a bit until her level gets up.

>> No.14078751

Is 6-1 monthly hard? I just unlocked 6-1 and I don't know if I should bother or not.

>> No.14078752

Try it. It's FUN.

>> No.14078753

It's not that hard but the reward is worthless.

>> No.14078755

Yes, it's fucking shit. It would be worth it if it rewarded Mamiya instead of Irako.

>> No.14078760

Is this the guy who chose his Spring final map fleet from Weiss Schwarz booster packs?

>> No.14078768

Yes, the same guy who used LSC only ships for last year's summer event as well.

>> No.14078809

Nagato kai ni when?
She will have an FCF kai that sends a random girl of the same class to replace the damaged one.

>> No.14078831

>DD gets sent home
>Mutsuki comes and replaces her

>> No.14078836

This will be an absolute nightmare on fleet locking maps.

>> No.14078851

I did it once since it was implemented.
Sure it might be easier with ABKM and upgraded plane right now but shit is still tough.
I think the absolute best formation right now is ABKM, KTKTM, 3orel slaves and 1CV.

>> No.14078856

>tfw nothing to use for these 32 medals

>> No.14078859

Make 2 more ABKM for expedition.

>> No.14078861

Maybe if she gives me quints

>> No.14078862


Remodel a bunch of chokekai so you can get a type 22 kai 4 to max.

>> No.14078864

I nearly cleared my quest list once, but then I stopped playing proactively and just did exps and now I have like 20 more to do so i got overwhelmed

>> No.14078868

Radars are useless in events.

>> No.14078875

Sometimes it feels like random routing isn't random at all and you just get fucked in the ass.

>> No.14078876

Support fleet, anon.

>> No.14078880


>> No.14078881

Support fleet isn't worth the expense. It's better to have two normal runs than one run with support.

>> No.14078883
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Fumo add firepower m8

>> No.14078885

Another Bismarck drei.
Save to farm Ise-class Kai 2.
1 more Ryuuhou.

One more is enough.

>> No.14078888

Jesus christ why does 3-2A have to be so damn tedious? The only way I can keep my sanity and level my ships is on 4-3, even if it costs more.

>> No.14078893

Air radar penalty.

>> No.14078894

I'd rather live in 3-2A then live in LSC hell

>> No.14078896

Sounds like your autism level is too low.

>> No.14078901

I don't live in LSC hell either, all I need is Taihou and Maruyus.

>implying that's a bad thing

>> No.14078907

What a waste of dubs.

>> No.14078909

Quads don't lie nigga.

>> No.14078945

Is the whole rubbing the cursor on the screen to speed the game up thing supposed to be legit? It looks like an exploit that could get you banned.

>> No.14078946

It's more like an autism indicator.

>> No.14078948

But it actually works.

>> No.14078949


>> No.14078950

Stop spreading false information. Chinks that use cheat engine to speed up the game move the cursor around to distract you from their cheating.

>> No.14078951

Wait, I just tried it. I don't know if I'm going crazy, but I think it does speed up the game. I occasionally noticed it but never payed attention to it.

>> No.14078952

It's legit, but not worth it

>> No.14078956

You're fucking retarded. All it takes for you to verify it is to try it yourself. Go ahead I'll wait for you to dogeza yourself in shame.

>> No.14078960


Not that guy, but I just tried it and it seems like it really does make the game run faster.

You'd absolutely destroy your wrist if you did it a lot though.

>> No.14078965

I only use it to speed up the airstrike part since for some reason it speeds up more than any other part of combat.

>> No.14078969

so thats why the game sometimes would speed up for me...

>> No.14078974

What's the reason behind the game speeding up?

I mean, is that a bug or what?

>> No.14078976

Tried it, didn't notice any effect on the main screen nor the battle sequence. The confetti after the battle sped up though, but still useless.

>> No.14078977

I just tried it and it actually does the opposite and slows it down instead.

>> No.14078982

The fairies, they know some crazy magic.

>> No.14079001

I think you can get the fast forward to stick, but it resets once you get the results screen because you have to more the cursor again.

>> No.14079018
File: 1.85 MB, 9625x5350, LSC log.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my Post-mortem sufferings.

>> No.14079022


>successfully crafted Taihou

fuck off

>> No.14079027

Why do people do this and how is it suffering if you only did it 20 times?

>> No.14079032

You didn't pray Iona.

>> No.14079038


And why are you still here if you already quit the game? Stockholm syndrome?

>> No.14079042

>Spring 2015 Event RNG was too much to handle.

Was that a typo?

>> No.14079046

>Spring 2015 RNG Event was too much to handle
You did your girls a favor by quitting.

>> No.14079048


>> No.14079049

>48 LSC in 15 months
It seems he didn't really play the game.

>> No.14079065

I've been playing this game since July 2013 and I've done like 20 LSCs (a third of them being Yahagi-size).

All I want to do is raise my destroyers in peace but they keep making more and more of them drop from hard maps. It's terrible.

>> No.14079067

How do you guys budget your furniture fairies? One per event is not enough to buy all of the nifty things that come out, and there's no way I could justify spending 300 yen on something that's blocked by either my secretary or the menu most of the time.

>> No.14079070

You have to be joking. Spring was too easy to the point where I think the devs purposely decreased Abyss accuracy.

>> No.14079071

Then don't buy them.

>> No.14079075

One more scrub quit the game and nothing was lost.

>> No.14079078

>prepped with all capped resources and buckets
Gee, I wonder how your actual equipment looked like. Resources do not win battles.

>> No.14079084

You mean you don't have 2 Taihous?

>> No.14079085

You're such a scrub that you probably clean the entire room just by walking in.

>> No.14079089
File: 2 KB, 423x19, ss+(2015-09-11+at+01.34.24).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but I sank a Taihou and it took me 9 months to get my 2nd one.
2 guns from Taihou 1 from Ooyodo

>> No.14079090

Most of it doesn't really look good. I only bought the window with the glass of beer.

>> No.14079091

>19th May 2015
Actually missing out on the best event since IBS Fall 2013? Oh wow, what a kuso TTK. You are even worse than kusofags doing kuso mode.

>> No.14079093

You have enough free furniture fairy to actually buy everything except the banners.
There isn't even need to budget it. I still have like 4free fairy left.

>> No.14079094

Oh. Fuck off.

>> No.14079105

>I sank a Taiho
Scuttle yourself

>> No.14079107

Why is 3-5 such a bitch? I'm on last dance and Hoppou won't let me pass and I can't go past first node by south route. ;_;

>> No.14079115

What were the times you almost quit playing this game? For me, it was Winter Event E-5 and the last fucking event. Winter E-5 forced me to use either Akashi, Katori or a SS. Bruteforcing didn't work because of evasion penalty so I chose the latter, much harder method, but I did it within 2 tries. Got stuck on E-7 last dance because of another bruteforce and STF method, then switched to 1 CV 2 CVL and cleared it in my fourth try. I learned my lesson, I must follow the branching rule even if I hate this unjustifiable restrictions.

>> No.14079116

Sparkle south route.

>> No.14079118

>doubting Akashi route
>using STF when the devs buff carriers

Why are you such a hipster and contrarian?

>> No.14079119

Last event because I failed getting Kazagumo.

>> No.14079126


My ego won't let me use Akashi because I thought she's much more of a deadweight and chose Tone over her, and I have to blame the anon who posted a youtube video about a guy who cleared it with STF. My fleet was identical to him, but the RNG was too much for me to handle. Every night battle, Antizuki taiha Yukikaze or Prinz Eugen, and even if they're critical condtion with repair goddess, NOBODY FUCKING TARGETED THEM. It's fucking bullshit.

>> No.14079131

Not him but if I had not used STF for E7 hard I would not have beaten last dance.

Hint: DON'T bother with Akitsu Maru.

>> No.14079132

>and even if they're critical condtion with repair goddess, NOBODY FUCKING TARGETED THEM.
They wouldn't have aimed at the boss anyway.

>> No.14079133

Winter almost made me quit too, though it was my first event and I started playing the day after Christmas. Not even being a super NEET was enough to get past E-3. Didn't save Yuu, but Katori was the one I wanted the most. I still got her on Spring, though I didn't really want her.

>> No.14079134

I didnt manage to save Isokaze back in Midway event, and I didnt get a single fucking drop last event.

>> No.14079137

Winter was actually the most fun event for me because I was new then. I started in Jan so I just muddled my way through, doing stupid shit like killing E3 with lv40 yuudachi torp CI and blowing all my quest mamiya/irako to last minute clear E-5. Last event was a pain, blew all my resources on E3 and E6 before kusoing out on E7, clearing it with 5k fuel to spare. Would have been pretty fucking mad if I failed too, but not really ragequit levels of mad.

>> No.14079142

50useless hotel attempts between December(post arpeggio) to February (pre spring 2014).
LSC is still worst mechanic ever introduced by the devs. Fuck LSC

>> No.14079146

Probably in between events, there was a point where I wasn't even doing dailies. I think I'm too much of a masochist towards the abyss to not enjoy doing events.

>> No.14079154

Please post the fleet you used. I find this too hilarious to be true.

>> No.14079166

Even if the dude could use 12 hotels, there are chances that he would fail too. I never ever liked this "you are shit if you let rng treat you like shit" argument.

>> No.14079178

When I failed to save Isokaze last summer. Took me 2 months to recover from that, and I went into autumn completely unprepared. Fortunately it was easy enough for me to breeze through it; I spent less than 50 buckets for the entire event.

>> No.14079204

But Spring E-7 was a fucking joke. There's only one CV Hime, plus you have suijou butai so you can easily clear the trash before your escort fleet gets hit. You also get to use CLTs.

>> No.14079231

>Sparkle south route.
I did it and cleared it on the first try. Fuck whoever says sparkling is a placebo.

>> No.14079233

By only buying the best furniture. A lot of it isn't that great, and you don't need to build a big warehouse for furniture lockouts. I've still got 7 free fairies.

Never because I'm not a weeping pussy.

>> No.14079238

What would be a good fleet to clear 50 transports weekly at 2-2? 3CLT 3SS?

>> No.14079245

Welcome to the church of kira kira.

>> No.14079249

Nobody's going to believe you if you tell them you won the lottery three times and every ticket was destroyed by meteors that crashed precisely into the safe you were storing them in. Nobody's going to believe you if you say you failed Spring 15 because of RNG alone, either.

>> No.14079299
File: 119 KB, 461x441, Laughingkuso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failed Spring 2015
>blame it to RNG
Newfag at it finest

>> No.14079314

4SS 2 CLT,
4SS 1CLT +Abukuma,

Feel free to pick your favorite setup. I refuse to use more than 1CLT because they're expensive.

>> No.14079321


>> No.14079348

6SS is viable, but risky due to possible echelon and line abreast patterns. One or two surface ships significantly reduce the risk of getting wrecked before reaching a transport node.

>> No.14079392

I just send a bunch of ships I want to level. 2-2 is easy peasy anyway so there's no issue unless you're sending lv1 unmodernised ships.

>> No.14079432

Trying to rank up 24 hotel planes is no joke. I'm not even halfway done.

>> No.14079456

>24 hotel planes
For what purpose? When are you even going to use more than 5-6?

>> No.14079459
File: 302 KB, 800x480, Top Kuso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14079471

Truly a connoisseur.

>> No.14079477

Of kuso taste.

>> No.14079483

I want to fuck Kisaragi while Akebono fucks me.

>> No.14079486

>0 medals

>> No.14079491

>nobody cares

>> No.14079507

Stop projecting.

>> No.14079549

What exactly is the point of type 2 recon plane? I've never seen anyone suggest using it.

>> No.14079558

I use it everytime I can afford to, but the plane isn't something you really need to use. It's just something nice to have if you have the space for it, which is much easier nowadays thanks to the plane buff.

>> No.14079565

But how does it help though? Wiki page says it increases chance of contact but don't you always get contact anyway once you reach AS?

>> No.14079566

If it's the plane that triggers contact it gives a slightly higher damage bonus than others.

>> No.14079567

Increased contact chance without removal of red T, which is beneficial in some cases.

>> No.14079569

You use it when you want to give a larger chance to get a boost to someones air strike, i.e. Murata on Kaga 46 slot. Or Taihou full of blues.

>> No.14079570

I quit playing several times. I started playing in autumn 2013 but missed Midway, spring 2015 event, and almost missed the last one. Every timee it was because of some crappy LSC utterly ruining my resources with no good payoff. After over a hundred tries is still have no Taiho or Bismark

>> No.14079601

Well, very few people care.

>> No.14079605
File: 74 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150911-20300897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 sorties, 8 buckets. Never expected things to go this well

Now off to 5-5

>> No.14079608

I've basically already quit this game if you consider that I haven't finished an event since Arpeggio. I do start a lot of them. This time around I tried to do the event on the last day and got roasted by E-3 medium last dance.

Basically the whole thing just feels like a fucking chore so all I really ever do is PvP and 5-2 grinding a couple times a week.

>> No.14079659

Yes in the last major API change something weird happened, most interactive stages get sped up

>> No.14079666

Did you go through night battle node?

>> No.14079673
File: 67 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150911-20253715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14079675

I always use one for kidoubutai, a little damage buff for 4 CVs is pretty good and you have enouh small slots to fit them.

>> No.14079700

I find it dumb I actually have to try to craft drum canisters.

Shouldn't naval bases have these things lying around, I need 9 more.

>> No.14079705

The are japanese drums, with steel folded over a 1000 times.

Do your goddamn weeklies.

>> No.14079714
File: 17 KB, 346x165, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they'd stop showing up.

>> No.14079719

Give it a few month and you'll be drowing in them

>> No.14079721

Craft radars my man, you need to +10 these 32s.

>> No.14079730

Try crafting something else. ASW stuff, 10cm high angle guns for 10cm+FD upgrading, whatever. These things will flood your base before you craft 10 desired items.

>> No.14079732

Are 20.3cm(2) the best CA guns?

>> No.14079736

14cm are.

>> No.14079740

20.3cm(3) guns. Accuracy is a placebo.

>> No.14079746

How hard is 3-4? I'm a two month old player, should I even bother?

>> No.14079747

Hello guys. I'm just wondering, is Kancolle community have equivalent to [http://voile.gensokyo.org/] where they upload RAW Kancolle non-H doujinshi and then they try to translate them?

>> No.14079754

Is there a reason you want to clear it? You could just enjoy leveling at 3-2 first and clear it when your BB/CV are kai and modernised.

>> No.14079758

I cleared it on my 3rd week. Why wouldn't you do it? You're missing out on 3-5 which is one of the easier EOs.

>> No.14079759


>> No.14079762



>> No.14079763

I want to do 3-5 for the medal. If I don't, at this rate I'll only have 2 BPs by next event.

>> No.14079766

It's just 100% compass trolling, nothing else.

>> No.14079771

>artillery spotting
>planes with ace pilot
It has never been this easy.

>> No.14079778

Well you better be prepared for flag Ru and Wo all over the place. I subcheesed it because I didn't want to deal with the repair costs.

>> No.14079792
File: 70 KB, 608x401, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to strangle people like this guy.

>> No.14079793

20.3(3) are much better, they get super sekret massive accuracy bonus in yasen

>> No.14079801

>Bismarck Drei 79
Literally what the fuck. How long did he sit around jacking off in 3-2?

>> No.14079806

Hahaha all these losers without Tenzan Murata
I like how the devs remove the quest after the event. Serve them right for not keeping Shoukaku.

>> No.14079812

>Serve them right for not keeping Shoukaku
Who the fuck scraps CVs, you need at least 7 to run a suijou butai combined fleet with full support. Probably just plebs who haven't even crafted her yet.

>> No.14079813

Okay I'm at boss node with all green, but went through north route so I have no ammo. Have mercy on me RNG.

>> No.14079816

Use CVL for support.

>> No.14079818

Did you put radars all over the place to avoid getting fucked too hard by maelstrom? If you have 0 ammo everything will be scratch.

>> No.14079827

Guess you can mix CVs and CVLs. Not a good idea tho, since you need your strongest ships for events.

>> No.14079830
File: 576 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150911-10251606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had one radar.

It was way easier than expected. On the wikia and himeuta guides, they made 3-4 out to be harder than event maps, so who knows what they were going on about.

>> No.14079832

Maybe he couldnt even clear E4
It is hard to find someone without Shoukaku but has a Bisko.

>> No.14079833


>> No.14079834

It's because they think the star ratings actually mean anything.

>> No.14079836

>they made 3-4 out to be harder than event maps
You have Haruna k2 and Junyou k2 without clearing 3-4? Seriously? Obviously it's going to be piss easy. The wiki was written for people who were going to try clearing it at the earliest possible opportunity.

>> No.14079845

I already have Tone and Yamashiro. Would it be wise to spend my two BP on Bismarck, or should I prioritize someone else?

>> No.14079851

Definitely Bismarck.

>> No.14079853

Bismarck gives you 38cm kai, best FBB gun. She's also the best escort fleet BB unless you want to fuck around with cutins then you use Haruna. There isn't much competition here.

>> No.14079855

Abukuma is the most versatile BP ship.

>> No.14079859

>She's also the best escort fleet BB unless you want to fuck around with cutins then you use Haruna.
But gun cut-ins are utter shit and nobody sane uses them.

>> No.14079861

Never saw the point in clearing past 3-2 because I was prepping for the event.

>> No.14079862

2. Bismarck
3. who give a shit, they dont matter

>> No.14079863

Just do Bismarck, you can upgrade the squeeky bear next month.

>> No.14079867


>> No.14079870

Who need blueprints? They are placebo.

>> No.14079874

Alright, thanks. Bismarck then Abukuma next, got it.

>> No.14079884


Winter 2015 and February. Yeah, I didn't even remember when I stopped.

And it ain't stockholm. I just rediscovered that laying around from February and said, fuck it.

>> No.14079900

What's this Air radar penalty you speak of? Could you elaborate a little more about this?

>> No.14079922
File: 345 KB, 1285x1068, 1441905093296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys wanna see how bad crossboarder scrubs can be?
Here's an /a/non who made an ass of himself not just on /a/, but even got reposted to chink imageboards.

>> No.14079930

Started in mid-July, too early to clear 3-5, and in August was preoccupied with the event. Chose the event's limited time rewards over medals, which are always available.

>> No.14079932

You could have blueprinted 4 ships by now if you didn't make excuses like that

>> No.14079933

You could have gotten laid by now if you didn't waste your time on this shit

>> No.14079939

stop being delusional. It wouldn't have made any difference.

>> No.14079944

Did you at least get catapults during the event?

>> No.14079971


>> No.14079980

Yes, but no Teruzuki.

>> No.14080002

>Taihou, 4 Akitsu Maru and 6 Maruyu in 48 attempts
Lucky fucker. In 55 attempts I had Yamato and two Maruyu.

>> No.14080033
File: 397 KB, 478x800, Nagara_Autumn2015_dmg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why she can't stay like this?

I'm using her for all the weeklies.

>> No.14080070
File: 337 KB, 654x348, 2015-09-11_18-04-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh. This is a common sight recently.

>> No.14080084

Yeah, for some reason I don't seem to meet people with medals often.

>> No.14080089

Random compass is an objectively dog shit gameplay mechanic.

>> No.14080090

Teruzuki is overrated and not as cute as she's supposed to be. Fucking VA ruined her.

>> No.14080101

The devs noticed too, that's why they have been adding LoS checks and nodes that let you pick where to go. Unfortunately, route RNG is part of kancolle and it's here to stay.

>> No.14080104

Do your EOs.

>> No.14080113
File: 151 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150903-19533943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People with no medal usually will meet with other kuso TTKs with no medal.

I can't even remember the last time I saw a troll lvl1 fleet.

>> No.14080117

I'm currently doing them.

>> No.14080129

That's bullshit, I have only one medal and I fight people with two-three medals on a daily basis.

>> No.14080135

She's got a nice belly.

>> No.14080136

It's okay, he has to make himself feel good about his medals.

>> No.14080143

My server is too new for many people to have more than 2 medals, even having 1 is scarce. I think I've only seen 2 triple medalists on my server total.

>> No.14080150
File: 1.55 MB, 512x288, 1415356038342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kusofags still salty

>> No.14080151

What bothers me are people with HQ >100 with no medals.
Did they use them?

>> No.14080154

Rankfags gotta rank while other people are getting their medal.
Literally scum and the only way that they can cheese the ranking.

>> No.14080163
File: 257 KB, 383x334, KanColle-150821-05332462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. More to do in this game than stockpiling and waiting for events, like maruyu farm/ranking.

>> No.14080168

Is 5-4 viable for training ships/experience? I have 2 more runs of 5-3 to go, but I'm using subs. Just wondering if I should rush or take it slow and stick to 4-3.

>> No.14080176

It depends on the ship you want to level up. If it's a DD or CL, 4-3 is superior. If you want to train a CV(L), BB or CA, 5-4 is great.

>> No.14080177

It's the best place to level your ships. Only really viable on fast ships though. and rank at the same time. With proper setup it doesn't use any fuel either. 4-3 is quite tedious.

>> No.14080183

Hey, anon. Do you have any trick in LSCing?
I use 4/6/6/2 devmat.20 For Hoteru and Sushi but KongouDESS and Kuso keep appearing. Now my resource dried up as well as my optimism.

>> No.14080184

I've got a bunch of CAs to do, and I haven't leveled my pastas yet at all. Which route/comp should I be using?

>> No.14080186

Keep trying. I got rewarded at 42nd and 49th BB attempts.

>> No.14080187

Nice memes there matey.

There is no trick, you just have to get lucky.

>> No.14080194

Fuck 4-2 weekly. Fuck 4-2 monthly. Fuck 4-2. Fuck random routing. This is the fifth time in a row I'm sent south

>> No.14080195

Why aren't doing your transport weekly together with 4-2?

>> No.14080203

I complete my transport weekly from just a day or two of Orel cruising

>> No.14080206

Okay then. I'll stockpile my resources once more. Just one more question, does flagship type affect LSC?

>> No.14080207

>840 buckets used in Spring 2015 (659 E7)
>1146 buckets used in Summer 2015 (691 E8)
I didn't really notice until I started tabling my records but now I'm definitely certain.
The true hell lies not in clearing the maps.

>> No.14080208

Jesus christ nigga where have you been? Of course it does.

>> No.14080213

Only for Bismarck.

>> No.14080216
File: 63 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150912-01521995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's sixth time in a row. Help me /jp/ complaining magic

>> No.14080217

How does 5-3 compare to this last event on kuso mode?

>> No.14080218

Easier. Infinitely easier yet more RNG dependent if you use all subs.

>> No.14080220

I doubt it matters for anything other than Bismarck. I crafted my Yamato and Taihou both with random DDs I was leveling as flagship.

>> No.14080223

Brutal, but you can take it easy with 6 subs and enough time.

>> No.14080228

Yes, Prinz Eugen can craft Hotels.

>> No.14080234

I unfortunately only have 5 subs, but I might give it a shot if I get all my EOs done early this month.

Speaking of which, I'm not sure who to use other prints on. I have one now for Abukuma once I get her to 75, and I'll use this month's on Bismark Drei since I got her to Zwei before the event. Choukai is tempting, since I already have Fusou and Tone. Mainly tempting to do Choukai since she's cute as fuck though.

>> No.14080236

Thank you. I hope RNGesus bless you all.

>> No.14080240

I know shes new and all, but who else thinks Libeccio is the best?

>> No.14080251

use 4 subs + 2 lv1 DDs

>> No.14080252

It's doable with 4-5 subs, no worries. 6SS makes it easier, though.

>> No.14080253

Only you.

>> No.14080260

Would Maruyu work or would I need 401 for a "real" sub?

>> No.14080263


>> No.14080265

Why would you even consider bringing Maruyu? She'd be a hindrance.

>> No.14080269

It'd be cheaper/easier than throwing my resources at LSC for a 401.
I figured it wouldn't work but thought it was worth asking at least.

>> No.14080294

Is farming bauxite at 6-3 viable?

>> No.14080298

At the cost of buckets.

>> No.14080314

Go to 2-2 instead

>> No.14080326

Run 2DD in your fleet so you don't get routed north ever.

>> No.14080349
File: 68 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150912-02510916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's 3 Amatsukaze over the past 20 3-5 runs. Wasn't she supposed to be rare?

>> No.14080352

But going north increases the chance of reaching the boss.

>> No.14080360

When people mention leveling ships at 5-4, do they mean doing 5-4-A or full runs? Also, with what kind of fleet comp?

I'm kind of sick of 3-2-A.

>> No.14080370

Full runs. 3X+3CV(L)

>> No.14080383

You know what to do.

>> No.14080386

There are many possibilities. I like DD+CA+CAV+fBB+2CV the most. DD has three drums and CAV has one. You can also use CAV or Ooyodo as full drum mule to use normal equips on other girls.

>> No.14080395

Flag + BB + Ooyodo + Yuubari + 2 CV. Yuubari is the drum mule and Ooyodo carries 2 red 1 plane 1 drum.

>> No.14080401

>Yuubari is the drum mule and Ooyodo carries 2 red 1 plane 1 drum.
This is retarded. You only need four drums.

>> No.14080412

Each extra drum is 15 fuel more

>> No.14080421

Yeah but Yuubari is made out of paper. I would rather use DD + two CAVs.

>> No.14080442

Does anyone actually waste their resources on the world 4 weeklies for a mere two screws?

>> No.14080445

fucking 2-3 moron

4-2 is good for training girls.

>> No.14080447

Every week. The quests give tons of baux as well

>> No.14080462

use subs :^)

>> No.14080469

I don't do 3-3 (except along with monthly), 4-2, and 5-2 weeklies because I buy screws.

>> No.14080476

I wish I lived in first world country.

>> No.14080478

Fuck these hard ass fleets in PVP, the event is over give it a rest.

>> No.14080482

People are doing EOs.

>> No.14080483

What shithole can people not afford $6?

>> No.14080510

Indonesia I guess

>> No.14080512

It's not about affording $6 you fucking moron. Screws aren't the only thing to buy. Slots and rings have much higher priority. Plus, it's not that I can't earn $6 but that I would have to sacrifice something else. Maybe you don't understand because you're just a pathetic leech but people have different situations.

>> No.14080516

If I were to compare it to my earnings, ¥700 would be more like $25

>> No.14080519

How do poorfags even live? Life is already hard enough as is without being poor.

>> No.14080526

>Slots and rings have much higher priority

I can understand not doing the 6-8-9 chain each week, but skipping 5 7 and 10 is stupid.

>> No.14080532

Plus, it's not even about the screws, they're a pretext to sortie in normal maps and train your kanmusu.

>> No.14080545
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>> No.14080557

>no BBV
>unremodeled 75% of fleet
You asked for it.

>> No.14080566

>unremodeled 75% of fleet
What? They're remodeled.

>> No.14080578

Not fully.

>> No.14080589

>Not Verniy
>Not Ayanami Kai Ni
>Not ABKM Kai Ni
Yeah, unremodeled.

>> No.14080617

Oh, you meant fully remodeled. I'm biased because the only Kai 2 I'd consider using on 1-5 is Fusou/Yamashiro.

>> No.14080625

That sub is worse than Hitler.

>> No.14080638

>the only Kai 2 I'd consider using on 1-5 is Fusou/Yamashiro
Why? It's not like the K2 versions are any better than K in 1-5

>> No.14080642

Sometimes I can't use my Hyuuga/Ise (repairs, fatigue) and I don't keep dupes.

>> No.14080764
File: 745 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150911-21490083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay, fifth OTO.

>> No.14080855
File: 169 KB, 218x537, super_slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on her knees
>wiping cum off her face

Why is she such a slut?

>> No.14080868

Not to mention her flower is falling apart.

>> No.14080883

Yeah, DEEP symbolism.

>> No.14080886

Just like her.

>> No.14080902

Just like her throat, you mean.

>> No.14080906

Mutsuki K2 a cute.

>> No.14080916
File: 487 KB, 862x1000, 749843431b07ccb1e6cdd86405276476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not lewd Mutsuki. She works hard to pay for Yamato's resource bill.

>> No.14080935

Lewding her (moderately) and taking care about Yamato's resource bill sounds fair, don't you think?

>> No.14080941

Why do Hiryuu and Souryuu require level 78

>> No.14080949

Because they want to be special.

>> No.14080979
File: 652 KB, 1080x1920, 50936648_p23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're delicious

>> No.14080986

Their planes are too good and have moderate rarity.

>> No.14080987

Hiryuu needs 77

>> No.14080993

Is the Kaga model the only furniture piece that comes with the new music?

>> No.14081006
File: 758 KB, 750x1028, b916caff2dd0b9180a028f8fa94184ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw still one Kantaidex down because this bitch doesn't want to come to me

Life is hard.

>> No.14081011
File: 182 KB, 449x371, Screen Shot 2015-09-11 at 3.57.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this trigger anyones autism as much as it triggers mine? I have to Kai them all so the Kai Nis will be together.

>> No.14081016


The most forgettable kanmusu.

>> No.14081019

It hurts that the only place she drops is fucking 4-5. So close, yet so, so far.

>> No.14081020

Which ship should I have as flag when trying to make Yamato planes? I've been trying to build one for a month with both CV and BBV but I still haven't built a single one

>> No.14081023

I'm still so fucking mad that devs made her undroppable during Spring. I can't force myself to farm for her on 4-5.

>> No.14081027
File: 3.50 MB, 397x223, 1422645671020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were the casualties of Summer 2015 ever posted?

>> No.14081033

I like her attack lines. She's #3 best Yuugumo.

>> No.14081034


>> No.14081042

I could farm for her on 4-5, but I have to many backlogs at the moment. Farm more quints, grind ships, make more 46cm, get more maruyu, etc. She can wait for as long as she wants, I don't need her yet.

>> No.14081054

>sent back at node J 5 out of the last 6 times

Is this a trial from the game for me to prove my love to my waifu by getting her to 99 through this shit?

>> No.14081061

I got like 4 o 5 of them crafting radars. Craft radars, these 32s ain't going to upgrade themselves.

>> No.14081062

Node J is easy, be grateful for bonus exp.

>> No.14081065

>mindlessly grinding
You don't love her. I feel sorry for that girl.

>> No.14081074

He's just force-feeding her with LOVE, nothing wrong with that.

>> No.14081079

He just wants to attention whore by ringing her and showing off.

Real Admiral would sortie his favorite kanmusu everywhere he can, to deepen the bond and she would reach level 99 naturally.

>> No.14081087

Is it actually true that some people don't find ABKM's voice cute?

>> No.14081089

Because otherwise you'd be paying with a blueprint. Same shit for Jun'you.

>> No.14081090
File: 20 KB, 385x52, After over a year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after playing for about a year now we are finally here.
Now what? Do you wait for special occasions to get wedded or just go ahead with it?

>> No.14081094

It is. Surprising, right.

>> No.14081096 [DELETED] 

New thread


>> No.14081097

You can wait for a seasonal sprite, which is not guaranteed, or just ring one or both and enjoy the wedding.

>> No.14081099

Weddings on special occasions are retarded unless the girl you want to marry happens to hit level 99 on a special occasion.

>> No.14081103
File: 653 KB, 849x1200, 52453418_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14081108

Are you >>14081054? If yes, I take back >>14081074 and call you a scum of the worst kind.

>> No.14081113

What did you expect? Most of Hamakazefags are like that. Poor girl.

>> No.14081117

Do you like Nenohis voice too?

>> No.14081119

>wanting to marry her with a phallic object in her mouth

>> No.14081120

No. Nenohi is fucking annoying. Just like Libeccio. But ABKM is actually cute, especially her tottemo ok desu line

>> No.14081122
File: 659 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150214-08565048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ideal time to ring Hamakaze has come and gone.

>> No.14081123
File: 932 KB, 1200x1600, 49903212_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like everything about her.

>> No.14081124

Probably neither of them will get seasonal sprites ever. I was so hopeful when I saw Jintsuu and Urakaze too.

Well I really wanted to get wedded as soon as we won the hard medal from the event awhile ago but she was still at level 97 when she finished off antizuki.

That was perfect but naturally I lost all tension and motivation as soon as that happened and just lazed around until the event was nearly over.

Maybe I'll just pretend this is an 'after war' victory occasion.

>> No.14081131

I can understand being impatient and rushing to lv. 99 and taking it easy on the way to lv. 150, but doing this because of a fucking seasonal sprite is just outrageous.

>> No.14081132

The voice actually fits Nenohi unlike Abookmark.

>> No.14081136

Make the wedding your special day, not the other way around.

>> No.14081139

>tfw you don't want to level Teru because she reminds you too much of Kamo

If I only had an Akiducky...

>> No.14081146
File: 169 KB, 688x143, Screenshot 2015-09-12 00.08.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's similar between Teruteru and Kamo?
And now you made her all lonely without her onee

>> No.14081153

>Sortie to 3-5
>Cleared it
>Didn't know I have to put a CV as a flag


>> No.14081154
File: 110 KB, 341x276, 1424199578318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14081156


>not even reading the quest description

typical memer

>> No.14081157
File: 32 KB, 192x98, taitei-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got something against kamo?

>> No.14081161

I can understand wanting to marry someone when seasonal sprite is active but you can bet you ass that guy's "waifu" isn't even lv90. Probably closer to 60. Such grind would be "excused" in my eyes if she was already lv95+.

>> No.14081165

After E-5 I cannot unhear every fucking kamo Teru speaks and it triggers me for some reason that I can't explain. And it's probably because they have the same VA.

>> No.14081174

I'm reaching the point where I have to make decisions and buy a ton of rings. Because there are too many 99s around right now and some deserve more.

>> No.14081184

You should have started earlier to distribute the expense.

>> No.14081188

I hope that's not how you afk.
I can see a full carrier fleet worth of planes getting obliterated

>> No.14081191

You should only marry 1 girl per class to assert dominance.

>> No.14081200

Marry every non-dupe girl who reaches level 99.

>> No.14081204


>1 girl per class

I could never decide between Maya and Myoukou if it came down to it.

>> No.14081215

How many buckets do you usually use?

>> No.14081226

If flag is capable of carrying 4 drums, flag + 5CV. If not, flag + drum carrier + 4 CV

>> No.14081227

Except subs

>> No.14081229

0-3. Usually it's ~1 bucket per sortie though three sorties without spending a bucket aren't rare by any means, especially if everyone starts with full HP.

I will never understand this mindset. I'm married to one heavy cruiser and I'm going to give the rings to two more.

>> No.14081232

Especially subs.

>> No.14081238

ffs just marry your favorites ya damn TTKs

>> No.14081241

This make sense thanks. I think I might even get a cake for this.

>> No.14081242
File: 12 KB, 211x724, ring club.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all deserve more. Except subs.

This guy gets it.

>> No.14081245

I could only understand if it was your true shipfu's class.

>> No.14081255

>Kagerou collection
>140 Katori
I don't understand, especially Katori. How is she higher than everyone else when she's not good at combat?

>> No.14081262

He obviously brings her to PVP as flagship always.

>> No.14081263

PVP gains.

>> No.14081264

Yamashiro OG shipfu.

Kagerou Collection because best class.

Katori because PvP flagship all day every day.

>> No.14081273

Yamashiro is the best shipfu, faggot.

>> No.14081284

Yeah, Fusous are the best.

t. Tyrannosaur

>> No.14081300
File: 181 KB, 960x551, fusou_kai_san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She can't wait to marry you.

>> No.14081305

Now I wonder how many people marry whole classes, sets and pairs instead of a random assortment of girls they like.

>> No.14081327

I'll eventually marry all the BBs. That's a long way down the line however.

>> No.14081328

>don't have Samidare for the quest

Well shit.

>> No.14081337


>> No.14081340

The most forgettable Shiratsuyu.

>> No.14081351
File: 54 KB, 450x450, 1436188262665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one with the funny face.

>> No.14081356

Not compared to her twin and the name ship.

>> No.14081365

She'll get an amazing Kai Ni one day. You'll see.

>> No.14081366
File: 565 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150911-19030249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nagato PLEASE. You've been jobbing since Spring ended and Mutsu has had to pick up the slack.

>> No.14081374

Marry her.

>> No.14081378

Use FCF.

>> No.14081384
File: 269 KB, 850x1198, sample-4401625ea98ca9928a736d8ea71009aa[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who, Mutsu? I just might. She's too cute.

>> No.14081391

No, Nagato.

>> No.14081403

But I like her sister better.

>> No.14081408

Nagato loves you more, she's trying to get your attention. If you marry her she will bring you victory.

>> No.14081422

Why not both?

>> No.14081423

Yamato is cuter and stronger.

>> No.14081425

Good joke, you almost had me.

>> No.14081428

Hiei and Kirishima are cuter.

>> No.14081432

She's too nasally.

>> No.14081433

Kiririn is shit.

>> No.14081440

Ships don't need marriage to not job. If she's still afflicted by RNG's whims then I'm putting her on sick leave.

I'm still a bachelor TTK. I have no idea who I want to give me first ring to.

>> No.14081449

What was your loadout for the new Mikawa quest? Having air parity makes it seem impossible.

>> No.14081452
File: 478 KB, 800x1917, akatsuki 5-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use support

>> No.14081459

Your best upgraded CA guns, 32 surface radar and torpedo bulge, but make sure they are at least level 80 to offset the evasion penalty.

>> No.14081460

Why is SBPR so shit? I thought Unity's whole meme was that it was optimized.

>> No.14081464

You still needed to go to yasen when 4 ships were taken out from just the support shelling?

>> No.14081471

I forgot boss and route support sparkled for max activation and your main fleet 100 sparkle because they will need it, also use Yuubari with full ASW equipment.

>> No.14081476


All of my CA except Choukai are level 70. Will this do or settle for sanshiki?

>> No.14081492

That's easy.

Maya is the mistress. She is the girl you want to have hard lustful fucking.
Myoukou is the loving wife, the girl you can spend your everyday with. Ring Myoukou.

>> No.14081499

Then you have to sparkle them. The double attacks are pretty harsh.

>> No.14081503

Both is always the right answer.

>> No.14081507

Polygamiy is morally wrong.

>> No.14081508

Red T m8 and those monkeys are useless without APCI.

>> No.14081515

Polygamy (temp) isn't.

>> No.14081522
File: 67 KB, 678x960, 603864_358831474314729_6182540163946767320_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it when Maya-sama disables Hoppou with an AACI. Completing the weekly world 3 quests has never been easier.

>> No.14081533

But Hoppou doesn't attack with planes.

>> No.14081543

Yeah but unlike Fortresses she can't attack in day battle without planes. Experienced it just now too.

>> No.14081549

Are you sure? I think she just stops attacking when she's at chuuha.

>> No.14081554

It's real. Hoppou was at 90% for me and didn't attack for the entire day battle.

>> No.14081556

As I said, I experienced it just now. Her plane disappeared in air strike and in first round of shelling she never attacked despite only being shouha.

>> No.14081563

I see, good to know then.

>> No.14081565

>Maya with 2x +9 90mm
>Teruzuki and Akizuki with T13 Radar Kai, 2x +9 10cm+HA

Should I aim for this idea?

>> No.14081567
File: 649 KB, 800x480, Bismarck is a lie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's Bismarck attempt #48. Why do I even fucking bother?

>> No.14081569

At least you got a 41cm gun as a consolation prize.

>> No.14081572

That extra 90mm wont do anything, give her a main gun instead.

>> No.14081575

You need upgraded radars too or else you don't make enough of a difference. Plus you only need 1 ducky.

>> No.14081576



>> No.14081577

The small bit of hope I get from seeing a 5 hour timer being crushed cancels that out.

>> No.14081583

It's for combined fleet.

>> No.14081585

It increases AA a lot. Main gun won't make much difference, she'll be doing a single attack anyway.

>> No.14081588

Not half as forgettable as Shikinami

>> No.14081591

That's even worse, they are pretty bad at night battle with their very terrible torpedo stat. Maya and 1 ducky is more than enough.

>> No.14081594

Stop making up ship names.

>> No.14081603


>implying I could ever forget Shikinami

She drops all the fucking time

>> No.14081612

>The most forgettable kanmusu
Kazagumo doesn't exist anyway.

>> No.14081616

You're a kuso for not fishing her.

>> No.14081621

Everyone is kuso for one reason or another, so it matters not.

>> No.14081627

She was the only one I was missing but then the last event happened and now I need 3.

>> No.14081631

Please don't forget her


>> No.14081632

Umikaze is forgettable, but it's not her fault for having Shigure's face.

>> No.14081635

Do people have Sazanami?

>> No.14081637
File: 58 KB, 486x105, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just caught me sparkling her.

>> No.14081638

So cute. Kai Ni when?

>> No.14081641

After Kasumi kai 2.

>> No.14081642


>> No.14081645

>Lvl 75
Sounds like pain ithe ass to level.

>> No.14081646

I had her.

>> No.14081651

I have never focused on leveling her, all you see is from 1-1 sparkling runs and expeditions.

>> No.14081657

She' ready for her lvl70 kai2.

>> No.14081673
File: 32 KB, 189x100, number one expedition slut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expedition flagships get a lot of xp over time.

>> No.14081711

Ready for Kai ni, though i'm taking my time to marry her.

>> No.14081832
File: 327 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150911-21083054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone arrest this admiral.

>> No.14081843
File: 819 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150911-21105194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally first try. 6/7/7/2/20

>> No.14081848

I don't understand why some players don't remodel.

>> No.14081850

Yuu-chan doesn't need to be some beach slut, she's fine the way she is.

>> No.14081853

He must really really like the non-kai sprite.

>> No.14081854
File: 314 KB, 698x3691, boatsluts powerrank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14081855

>Doing 2-5, get by Yasen node with 1 chuuha
>Error Cat

>> No.14081862


Ooi is the best CLT.

>> No.14081865

Sorry anon, but she's a slut at heart. Her remodel only reveals her true colors.

>> No.14081884

I understand it if the sprite changes but then there's those guys that don't even Kai their ships just because they can.

>> No.14081889

Where did you get this?

>> No.14081906
File: 542 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150909-22231308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This quest is painful.

>> No.14081925

Starters are easy to level early on, and then it just...they just get the exp, you know?

>> No.14081926

You can still clear the quest.

>> No.14081988
File: 691 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150707-15454669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a walk in the park, this one is painful.

>> No.14081997

Can't wait for what bullshit quest they'll come up next.

>> No.14082007

>2-2 80%
>Compass sends me to NE every fucking time


>> No.14082013

Fairies don't care about percentages, they send you were you least want to.

>> No.14082031
File: 361 KB, 974x689, d0e0b7edbaab75edc9abd4c73acf2423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't go believing devs forgot about 5-3 and everyone's favorite fleet, the Mikawa fleet. They are holding it off for Aoba kai 2, complete with a low chance to reach the boss.

>> No.14082050

First node is random at 50%, you filthy crossie.

>> No.14082056

>Finally prepare myself for Mikawa quest
>Two support fleet on
>Ta missed twice
>Compass sent me to east

Wow, what a great start.

>> No.14082075


At least the Mikawa fleet is full of qts. The Akatsuki 5-1 fleet is just shit all around.

>> No.14082078

It's painfully obvious I'm talking about NE and E random routing to the boss node. You're the fiitlhy crossie here, you fucking retard.

>> No.14082092

>full of qts
I suppose that 4 out of 7 isn't bad.

>> No.14082097

I went east and then south. I knew I had it in the bag at that point when I got red T at preboss.

>> No.14082108


Wow rude. Melon, Tenryuu, and Chokekai have their charms too.

>> No.14082116

They are all cute except Tenryuu, Yuubari gets a pass because Konishi cannot stop drawing eyes that are so far apart.

>> No.14082117

That's E and SE, you fucking mongoloid. Also 70-30, you double retard.

>> No.14082118

No, you're the filthy crossie.

>> No.14082123

The only non-qt in that fleet is Kirishima.

>> No.14082133

About to do 3-5 for the first time, what to expect?

>> No.14082135

EZ mode for scrubs thanks to veteran planes and ABKM.

>> No.14082138

Pain and suffering.

>> No.14082139


To use a lot of buckets.

>> No.14082141


>> No.14082143

10 buckets for 4 kills.

>> No.14082147
File: 376 KB, 1029x914, satori puke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nagara is cuter than all of the Mikawa fleet combined.
Raiden is super cute too.

>expedition sluts

>> No.14082158

I wish. Last month took 40 buckets, but it's probably because I don't sparkle.

>> No.14082160

A medal and 150 ranking points.

>> No.14082162


You get blown up if you sparkle too, it's a waste of time.

>> No.14082163


Not a fucking chance its only that.

>> No.14082164

I didn't sparkle either and that's how much I used this month. Stop using buckets for 2hp just because you don't want to wait half an hour.

>> No.14082165

How do you survive the boss node?
I end up with at least 5ships at chuuha and taiha everytime. Those fucking transports are strong as fuck.

>> No.14082169


The boss node is pretty easy.

>> No.14082170


>Sparkle shit
>Go the wrong way, get shit on every time

>Don't sparkle
>clear things just fine

Sparkling just makes the RNG work harder to fuck you over

>> No.14082174
File: 1.41 MB, 1249x1266, 0ababbbf2f32f068b9173ea4b3957735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liking Mikawa fleet is an acquired taste. You just don't suddenly like them.

>> No.14082189

Your favorite CL and your 5 favorite DDs.

>> No.14082192

North route is trivial with Maya. It might even be trivial without her, the real boss becomes Hoppo but you can S-rank on the way if your BB aims properly. Bucket usage for me was moderate--about even with E6.

>> No.14082197
File: 66 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150910-21074586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it is easy but you end up bucketing like crazy after the boss node. You do not escape the boss node with your fleet in good health.

>> No.14082204

I've never had more than 2 ships to bucket after the boss fight. The rest go into the docks for 30 mins ~1 hour.

>> No.14082207

I just replace her with other DD/CL.

>> No.14082208

That's why you get 1 month to clear it.

>> No.14082213

That, too. Really Tone and ABKM are the only ones who need to stay.

>> No.14082225

Will shigure forgive me if I married poi, souryuu and unryuu?

>> No.14082241

She'll be disappointed in you and them.

>> No.14082243
File: 81 KB, 258x412, 1427771666733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically, yes.

>> No.14082244

I need 5kills in 3-4days every week.

>> No.14082247

Why is she always so disappointed in night battles? That's her time to shine.

>> No.14082251


She's saying that it's too bad for you.

>> No.14082252

She sees flashbacks of Surigao.

>> No.14082254

Because she always gets taiha before she even begins.

>> No.14082263

Your small dick couldn't satisfy her during night battle.

>> No.14082284

Has there already been an Event based on the Battle of Leyte Gulf?

>> No.14082290
File: 588 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150902-04023940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only rough for last kill.

>> No.14082294

No, and we're still waiting for it and Marianas. Since Marianas didn't happen this year it might happen next summer so we'll have to wait 2 years for Leyte.

>> No.14082305
File: 2.07 MB, 500x300, Nishimura.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14082306

If you have hayasui Kai, you can bring her, a CL (Abukuma K2?) and 4 DDs. The few times I did this I went straight south to the boss and the bombers really do help. Did this even in last kill, the loss of plane experience doesn't matter if you nail the boss (and are not using your best planes)

>> No.14082310

With the planes buff I only go south during the last kill and the rest of month for the weekly.
Happy Hoppou can be bullied easily for Maruyu.

>> No.14082311

Oh, so that's why the Fusous are taiha magnets.

>> No.14082313

Shigure, you fucking coward, get back there and win this war.

>> No.14082316

Hara wouldn't let her.

>> No.14082318
File: 645 KB, 480x720, COgNBfCUAAEPWDe.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we arent getting operation tengo next

>> No.14082326

Ten-Go wasn't even big, you can do it in a small or medium size event if you feel like pushing it.

>> No.14082332

And Leyte is too big for the current system. It won't happen until 8 map events and enemy combined fleet happen.

>> No.14082337

Tengo will be probably just be an EO.

>Sortie Yamato, Yahagi, Asashimo, Isokaze, Hamakaze and Kasumi to World 6-5 and obtain an S-rank at the boss.

>> No.14082339

>It won't happen until 8 map events and enemy combined fleet happen.
Last year was the first 6 map event, this year it was the first 7 map event. An 8 map event wouldn't be anything surprising anymore.

>> No.14082342

2nd run
>Furutaka and Kako were both chuuha'd
>third node and the CVL airstrike raped Kako
3rd run
>sub from first node and Ru on the second node tagteamed Aoba

I'm losing my sanity here as well as my resources. Fuck you, devs.

>> No.14082348

It wont be 6-5. The world is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

>> No.14082366

It is going to be an E8 base defense counterattack map.
No carrier allowed.
Single fleet.
Against a combined fleet filled with black wo shooters with just a useless hotel and a bunch of destroyers.

>> No.14082370
File: 65 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150911-21052869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Support fleet didn't show up and got sent to E after this. I'm getting nauseous.

>> No.14082392

Don't forget: rewards Shinano upon clear.

>> No.14082439

You forgot Hatsushimo. She'll be in charge of defending the fleet from enemy airstrikes.

>> No.14082445
File: 189 KB, 911x645, 1429487690278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do it!

>> No.14082455

No survivors allowed.

>> No.14082457

I'm sparkling right now, I'll try with italian bulge next.

>> No.14082489

So I'm wondering is 3-2A cv/l slaving my best choice for powerleveling CAs and CVs? Resources isn't a problem I just want the quickest way for doing this. I figured I can level a CA plus at least 1 cv/cvl at the same time.

>> No.14082492

You can level "anything but a DD or SS" + 4 leechers, dude.

>> No.14082526

Just spam x+5CV(L)
You can fatigue grind it until they are at 0morale.

>> No.14082533

Do you hate the MVP in the ship you want to level?

>> No.14082537

You can do that or 5-4 if resources are no problem, but I like 5-4 more since you don't have to swap subs every time.

>> No.14082548

5-4, or 5-2 are both viable for xp grinding and are faster than 3-2A if resources are no problem.

>> No.14082552

You can only use medium torpedo bulges on CAs. I don't think Choukai needs it, she has enough defense.

>> No.14082573
File: 1.96 MB, 852x480, 【艦これ】ゲームモードの復元歷史 真珠湾~終戦 (480p).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>useless hotel

>> No.14082580


That's for Pearl Harbor you slant-eyed jap cunt

>> No.14082587

these always make me sad

>> No.14082630
File: 563 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150911-23140207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want the fucking quint already. She's not even Ta, fuck.

>> No.14082676


I feel your pain, I'm getting blown up by the fucking Ris at J, not even Ta.

>> No.14082694
File: 111 KB, 496x498, b9a8a6bd807707a5d2298ec5f6f51e0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with her and rocket Jews?

>> No.14082708

Does anyone know when the Vita game is scheduled to come out?

>> No.14082712


>> No.14082714

Cool, thanks man.

>> No.14082719

Then it will be delayed again to include Fall event girls.

>> No.14082729

So if someone buys the Vita game to play it, they would have less content then the web-browser version?

>> No.14082734


Never, it's just going to be endlessly delayed until the servers shut down.

>> No.14082741

They are trying to release it as updated as possible, but I think this is the 3rd time it's been delayed.

>> No.14082750

Couldn't they just do game updates to match with new events for the Vita game instead of trying to keep it up to pace with more stuff in the game's hardware from the get go?

>> No.14082765
File: 67 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150911-22432742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally.

>> No.14082768

>tfw upgrading 22 Radar K4 because I can't craft a single damn T32
kill me

>> No.14082776 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 273x184, 1442033258368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need, you are already dead on the inside

>> No.14082778

Wow, you even got the easy composition.

>> No.14082782

And I also got C to H routing.

>> No.14082788

Stop reminding me about 5-1, I hope that disgusting Akatsuki quest is never needed to unlock another.

>> No.14082790


>> No.14082794

So if I bought the Vita game would I not be able to participate in latter events? I was kind of thinking of importing it once it was released to play this game.

>> No.14082809

Probably yes, that's why they try to release it after the events. But it goes on sale on November and that's probably the month we get the Fall event, so you get to play the event on release and the most likely the reason it will be an "easy" event.

>> No.14082818

I think the Abyssal look cute, but I hear they are the enemy units and that to play the game I need to jump through a bunch of hoops including a proxy to fake nationality.
Should I bother?

>> No.14082822


>not enjoying an 80% chance to not go to the boss while trying to drag 3 DDs through multiple BBs

Are you even a masochist?

>> No.14082831

What kind of masochist sends little girls to get wrecked?

>> No.14082837

Proxy is a one time thing for registration. After that you can just play with cookies or API link.

>> No.14082841


What if you're a sadomasochist?

>> No.14082845
File: 13 KB, 200x227, Ozawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14082847


You don't even need a proxy to register, I did it with cookies.

>> No.14082848
File: 84 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150912-13573513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe it

>> No.14082852

I hope you have enough blueprints in stock. She better be drei by the time the weekend is over.

>> No.14082861

She'll be 75 within 2 days but I don't have a second blueprint until next month. I looked at her stats and it seems I don't even want to use any blueprints until she's 75 for better fuel consumption.

>> No.14082868

>I think the Abyssal look cute
They stop being cute once they make you mad, you can try if you want, the lottery isn't done anymore.

>> No.14082869

How come Bismarck has 3 remodels? Was that planned from the start?

>> No.14082874

>Wondering why hasn't 5-1 torture quest showed up
>I actually have to clear 4-2, 4-4, and 5-2 weekly quest

Fuck this shit.

>> No.14082875

No, you don't remodel her until she hits 75. That's when you throw all the blueprints on her.
Zwei iirc was given to her to give her a reason for use stat wise, compared to her cost. It actually didn't do shit and they eventually made her Tirpitz.

>> No.14082876
File: 219 KB, 1000x845, 1436238890481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>only having 3 remodels

Fucking casuals, get on my level

>> No.14082878

Probably, but she was way underpowered before drei.

>> No.14082882

I still think Wo is cute even though she's done terrible things to me.

>> No.14082883

And she's still worse than Hiyou with one.

>> No.14082884

Will the Bongos get a third remodel?

>> No.14082887


>slow speed

literal shit tier, not even worth owning

>> No.14082890

I don't think the wiki accurately answered a question I have so I'll just ask here. How important is luck for non-carriers? I know Haruna and Nagato have high luck, so what role does it play?

More like to do a double attack?

>> No.14082891

Good joke.

>> No.14082904

Speculated to give more accuracy, though very little and more cut-in rate activation. Since Haruna and Nagato don't have a torpedo stat, they can only do gun cut-in. It's not important in regular maps, but it is on events where you have to sink the boss in night battle and getting through their stupid high armor requires it. Nagato is a slow ship, so she can't be in the escort fleet of a combined fleet, so it's kinda useless on her, though Haruna can.

>> No.14082906


The wiki answers that question perfectly, but since I'm a nice guy I'll spoonfeed you.

The only thing luck does is increase cut-in chance. So if you're using a cut-in setup (torpedo, triple gun, etc) it'll increase the chance up by 1% per luck up to 50% after which point it gets huge diminishing returns. Since carriers can't cut in it does nothing for them at all.

>> No.14082907

Luck doesn't matter until you get to Events.

>> No.14082910


>bring slow fleet
>get shit routing


>> No.14082911

Yes, you need luck for your CVs to cut-in in night battle.

>> No.14082915

When was the last time that happened?

>> No.14082917

5-4 and to a certain extent 5-5.

>> No.14082922

Spring E-3, I think it took you through 2 Ru flagship.

>> No.14082923


>they actually bothered to change Mizuho's speed

6-4 or the next event will have split routing with one route for fast fleets and one for slow fleets that takes huge LoS instead.

>> No.14082929

Bringing CVL here instead of CV is retarded.

Bringing CVL and two CV already nullifies that.

That was random, not a slow fleet thing.

That's speculation.

>> No.14082931

That makes sense since Akitsushima is slow too, but gives a ton of LoS with 3 Taitei-chan and Mizuho also has a lot of LoS at higher levels.

>> No.14082934


You're better off not bringing a CVL to 5-5 at all, just dump the hotels and use pastas/bisko instead.

>> No.14082935

About how many hours does it take for me to clear 4-2 weekly with subs?

>> No.14082937


Just use a real fleet unless you're hurting for resources, the exp is pretty good.

>> No.14082938

The only time I did it was with hotels, Bisko, 2CV and Junyou and it went somewhat smooth.

>> No.14082939

168 hours

>> No.14082942


The only time I did it Junyou kept getting blown up thanks to her shit HP/armor so I switched to 3FBB 3CV and it worked better.

>> No.14082943

Is it a bad idea to attempt the mikawa quest without furutaka and kako both at kai ni?

Getting them to 65 is really a chore.

>> No.14082945

Nigga it takes like a day for both to be kai 2.

>> No.14082947

You can for the first one at 2-5, it's significantly harder for 5-1.

>> No.14082948

I only got sent back home once because Yamato ate a fullHP->taiha opening torp from Re elite in preboss, Re doesn't seem to give a shit about armor.

>> No.14082949

>a day

where the fuck are you grinding?

>> No.14082951


>> No.14082952

If you send fully sparkled route support and flagship sparkled boss support you're good to go with just kai + fully modernized.

>> No.14082960

Lucky fuck. I'm on my 13th run without reaching the boss node now.
8 runs went east-east
The rest either 2nd or 3rd node taiha
I want to strangle whoever thought this quest is in any way fair.

>> No.14082977

I'm not even done yet, and I'm on my journey finishing Akatsuki 5-1 quest tomorrow or next week. Sparkling and having route support on made me think it's an event map or some shit. Fuck devs.

>> No.14082980
File: 598 KB, 800x800, 1436628955108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people always bitch about Mikawa 5-1 when Akatsuki 5-1 is the real bullshit?

>> No.14082983

People want to pretend that quest doesn't actually exist and is just a bad dream.

>> No.14082991

Most people don't like Mikawa fleet besides maybe Choukai and Yuubari.

>> No.14082994

I think Akatsuki quest is a bit more frustrating because of the compass trolling, but going there isn't as bullshit as Mikawa quest where you just need to deal with Ru on the second node while the routing in Mikawa has worse RNG with Ta and Ru.

>> No.14083000
File: 599 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150911-22592747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either Kasumi is a camper or Armored Carrier Hime is really fucking shit.

>> No.14083001


The second one.

>> No.14083005

She's pretty shit at aiming, but she hits hard when it actually hits.

>> No.14083036

>that retarded line up order
first time 500-?
nice 0s btw

>> No.14083039

Everything dies during the day so it doesn't matter. Even when not everything dies at the boss node, the flag can't do more than like 4 damage with her cut-in.

>> No.14083051
File: 705 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150912-16270649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after 16 attempts of various 4/6/6/2/20 recipes with different flags, i decided to try Mutsu with 4/7/7/2/20 for the first time.

>> No.14083056

sushi is bretty gud

>> No.14083057

What's up with Rabaul?

I'm getting catbombs like it's the first day of the event again.

>> No.14083059
File: 812 KB, 799x480, 4-6-7-2-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw your post and tried my daily LSC.
Thanks /jp/ magic.

>> No.14083062
File: 210 KB, 878x1399, e141a8fb4a708d7546e41129e3feb81e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14083064

My Bismarck is already lvl121, she's the only LSC I had prior to this

>> No.14083065


I just tried to craft Yamato after seeing these and got another army dog, not bad.

>> No.14083070

Quick, give me a Hoteru recipe.

>> No.14083071
File: 34 KB, 598x358, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14083072

Poor chompy.

>> No.14083074

Sweet fucking christ what a hit.

>> No.14083076
File: 73 KB, 563x600, 1436936302897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14083088

Rabaul's unstable and the devs are offering players there a chance to transfer out to another server.

Check twitter.

>> No.14083104

Just saw your post and tried my daily LSC.

Got jack shit, fuck you. Gonna shove this Kongou up your ass you fuck.

>> No.14083109

You're half an hour too late.

>> No.14083128 [DELETED] 

>>> NEW THREAD <<<

>>> >>14083125 <<<
>>> >>14083125 <<<
>>> >>14083125 <<<

>>> NEW THREAD <<<

>>> >>14083125 <<<
>>> >>14083125 <<<
>>> >>14083125 <<<

>> No.14083131

Who are you quoting?

>> No.14083141

Both of them are as bad. Tanaka please stop making quests in 5-1, that map is shit.

>> No.14083143 [DELETED] 

>>> NEW THREAD <<<

>>> 14083125 <<<
>>> 14083125 <<<
>>> 14083125 <<<

>>> GET IN HER <<<

>> No.14083150


But 5-1 is the optimal choice for weird composition quests:

>5-2 is too constricted by its historical routing
>5-3 is too hard and won't be used for anything but the ultra troll Mikawa quest
>5-4 has really weird routing if you don't bring 4 drums
>any earlier maps are too easy
>world 6 is just weird

>> No.14083154 [DELETED] 

>>> GET <<<


>>> IN <<<


>>> HERE <<<

>> No.14083155

Yeah, instead he should make a Mutsuki 6-3 quest.

>> No.14083161

Why not 5-5, almost anything can reach the boss if you try hard enough.

>> No.14083169

I want a Yuugumo quest already. They are just sitting there waiting to be used and the Abukuma 3-2 quest was just a start.

>> No.14083170

World 6 would have been easier if you can use support. That world is cancer.

>> No.14083192

Wait for world 7 to be complete, 2017 at the earliest.

>> No.14083199

I wonder what retarded shit they're going to pull for 6-5.

>> No.14083208
File: 3 KB, 400x62, ss (2015-09-12 at 04.38.42).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me

im out of baux

I just want Taihou

>> No.14083209


Auxiliary ships only, boss is Flagship Re.

>> No.14083213
File: 7 KB, 145x56, taiwho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taihou is overrated.

>> No.14083221

All nodes before boss will be easy, but boss node has Ritou, Ru kai, Ri kai, Wo kai and two late model elite Nis which for last kill turns into Ritou's final form, two Ru kais, Wo kai with red takoyakis and two elite Nes.

>> No.14083228

We're still lucky we haven't gotten flagship So in pre-boss.

>> No.14083230

I think I'd take that over a CV hime.

>> No.14083242 [DELETED] 


>> No.14083247

The next time we meet I'm going to bring Maya, Akizuki, and Teruzuki to cripple her.

>> No.14083257



>> No.14083258

Get wrecked /kcg/fag.

>> No.14083266 [DELETED] 


>> No.14083284

>not marrying dupes
>not marrying subs
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.14083287

Show your married dupes.

>> No.14083304

Last map won't ever be single fleet again.

>> No.14083307

The first ever non-event combined fleet map.

>> No.14083311

What if I don't?

>> No.14083312

I'd get off my lazy ass and clear 6-1 if a combined fleet map was added in world 6.

>> No.14083316

Yeah, I don't see much of a point in clearing anything past 5-4/5 right now.

>> No.14083317

They won't ever add such thing because if they do so the combined fleet mechanic would have to be on all the time and that is annoying.

>> No.14083318
File: 42 KB, 1141x289, married subs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14083319

for what purpose?

>> No.14083320

But why.

>> No.14083321

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.14083322

I'd rather have that around than some god awful RNG fest worse than Summer E-7 and 5-5 combined. That's what 6-5 would probably be without combined fleet.

>> No.14083323

That's maximum slavery right there.

>> No.14083325

>Akatsuki 5-1 quest
Is that a new quest?

>> No.14083326

I thought only one ship can AACI at a time in a battle.

>> No.14083327

Fucking H A R A M

>> No.14083329

Deal with people calling it that, nerd.

>> No.14083331

Fuck off Gook.

>> No.14083336
File: 182 KB, 900x1113, 52457224_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hamakaze's dick sucking line

sweet jesus

>> No.14083338
File: 67 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150609-22051883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Akatsuki quest is hard.
The map is easy as shit since you can bring support, the problem is the 20% compass trolling with the Akatsuki composition. Mikawa fleet doesn't have this kind of retarded compass trolling.

>> No.14083340

She's just eating food you pervert.

>> No.14083342

This is just too rich. People accused her of being walking tits and the new line just makes it worse for her.

>> No.14083350
File: 224 KB, 805x945, laughing dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 Ro

>> No.14083351

I wonder if there's some bonus for having all maxed equipment like there is for 4 double chevrons on carriers.

>> No.14083353

This is my way of dealing with that.


>> No.14083355

Four maxed big guns give one extra firepower compared to four +9 big guns, that's about it.

>> No.14083356


>People accused her of being walking tits

That's was only /kcg/fag though.

>> No.14083357

You tried.

>> No.14083359

No, there are diminishing returns.

>> No.14083364

Subs are love, subs are life.

Not gook.

Post your married Ros, then.

>> No.14083367
File: 355 KB, 462x368, Shioi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to focus the love instead of dividing it in two.

>> No.14083374

He only loves Bucky.

>> No.14083376

I thought the bucky loving scumbag gook didn't even play the game much, much less have a married bucky.

>> No.14083378

But he said he isn't gook.

>> No.14083388

IIRC the gook Fubukifag only actually started playing a few days into last event because he had problems getting to play on a Mac.

>> No.14083391

No, that's the new gook tler who isn't a buckyfag. I'm the one who helped him get the shit running on a mac.

>> No.14083392


>> No.14083397

Oh right, the other gook. Damn it's hard to keep track.

>> No.14083402

>keep track.
Why would you do this in the first place?

>> No.14083409

So I don't confuse one translator of one language for another. I'm already struggling to tell Chinkfag apart from Towyen.

>> No.14083410

>I'm already struggling to tell Chinkfag apart from Towyen.
But towyen doesn't translate as far as I know, he only typesets.

>> No.14083413

That's easy. Is the person shilling Nagara? It's chinkfag. Is he shilling Nagato? It's towyen.

>> No.14083414

Damn I'm worse than I thought.

See, that's why I need to keep track.

>> No.14083418

It's fairly easy, really.

Nagara - chinkfag TL
Nagato - towyen TS
Bucky - old gook TL
Yamashiro - 4koma TS
RJ/RO - refrain TL
No shilling but tling gook - the new gook TL

I forgot what /a/nonymous shills about. The rest use trips or names.

>> No.14083443

Nagara actually has fans? What the fucking fuck?
Also can anyone post towyen mediafire folder? Gotta catch up with boatsluts doujinshi.

>> No.14083446

Nagara would be so much better if it wasn't for the huge alien forehead.

>> No.14083447

I'm pretty sure she gained fans with the new CG.

>> No.14083448

Yes, at long last I have my scamp. Now to sacrifice two lepus for another 601.

>> No.14083449

>The map is easy as shit since you can bring support
>having to bring support
Yeah, Summer E4 and E7 were easy too.

>> No.14083450

>needing support for E4

>> No.14083451

I regretted scrapping the Reppuu when I only had 3 at the time. I had to use the poverty Shiden kai 2 for a while.

>> No.14083452

If an event was around the corner I'd wait but I can just build more this month before I start stockpiling.

>> No.14083454

>I cleared it in easy mode

>> No.14083458

>needing support for E4 for any difficulty
Double kek

Hard mode here, m8.

>> No.14083477


Yeah, keep your delusions to yourself since nobody would believe in you. Airfield final form had high contact and hit rate, so you need at least a support for that.

>> No.14083482

Not him, but I don't even remember E-4 final form since I cleared it in one try. Used support for farming though.

>> No.14083483

>Needing support for any event map outside of E7
You only needed to survive double yasen for E4 which support does nothing for

>> No.14083488

E6 hard was super easy with support, it is like doing 5-2 and 5-4.
E4 and E7 hard were still hard even with support.

>> No.14083492

You need support for north route you idiot. Plus trying for S rank without boss support is very risky. You getting lucky on last kill is fucking irrelevant. We're talking about difficulty, not your shitty anecdotal evidence. God, how can people like you not forget to breathe?

>> No.14083496

No, you don't need it.

>> No.14083504

If she got a permanent upgraded art like Hiyou she'd get more fans.

>> No.14083506

The bad art must be to balance out her stats, just like Natori and Kuma.

>> No.14083508

Kuma doesn't look bad.

>> No.14083517
File: 1.78 MB, 1701x1205, e-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14083520

Crossie from /a/, reddit, wikia, himebuta, twitch
/kcg/fag spamming
kusofag apologist
That it. /jp/kancollec is dead
Dead game
Dead thread

>> No.14083525

Rifuren is also into fast suck, yoghurt, poi and decchi.

>> No.14083529

I hope the debuff shit isn't here to stay.

>> No.14083532

I spent like half an hour looking through the archive before I remembered I had it bookmarked, here you go.

>> No.14083536

This might be stupid but, can Bismarck construct herself in large scale construction?

>> No.14083538

Prepare 100k for first maps, 100k for final map and you will be able to farm 4 new drop only ships with remaining 100k. You want Maruyu? You have nat regen for that!

>> No.14083539

Any German ship should work, really.

>> No.14083540

Maybe, but why wouldn't you just use Z1 if everyone knows she can do it?

>> No.14083555
File: 80 KB, 432x585, 1419291897221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Construct herself
This is my fetish

>> No.14083557

Why can't German ships develop German equips?

>> No.14083558

I crafted her on my first attempt with z3

>> No.14083559

No superior Number One in the World GERMAN STEEL available.

>> No.14083562

Any thoughts on using Shimakaze as the designated escort ship in a combined fleet?

With an evasion of 99, it's extremely likely she'll take enough damage to put her in the yellow, so she'll always be available to escort on the preboss node.

>> No.14083567

Evasion is a lie.

>> No.14083568

Boost her luck first.

>> No.14083569
File: 264 KB, 354x774, 218_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her voice is great, she's a sporty girl and has a nice ass. She also has great stats for a CL, if only her art was better I think she would have a lot of fans.

>> No.14083571

You don't use a ship with FCF in mind.

>> No.14083572
File: 610 KB, 817x720, Cum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With an evasion of 99, it's extremely likely she'll take enough damage to put her in the yellow

>> No.14083574

Boost her luck, give her two torpedoes and the +13 engine

>> No.14083575
File: 457 KB, 1649x1692, 1441968909402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight from ourselves in /wows/

>> No.14083577

>nice ass
Why do people always say this whenever a sprite shows an ass.

>> No.14083579

Silly anon, everyone knows that SUPERIOR JAPANESE STEEL is better than GERMAN STEEL, the problem is you can't build German equipment with Nip steel because it's too high quality for them.

>> No.14083582

Because it's true? Why would an artist draw a sprite showing a bad looking ass?

>> No.14083583

Ireland pls

>> No.14083584

Typical wows baBBie. I'm glad quitting it since close beta

>> No.14083585
File: 2.24 MB, 400x225, 1441034887936.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14083587

To draw out this reaction since ass fanservice is rare.

>> No.14083590

Anyone else having problems connecting to DMM and/or having super long loading times in the game?

>> No.14083596
File: 1.00 MB, 310x191, guaranteed_replies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14083599

That faggot doesn't know how to swing a katana, he must be swift like a humming bird and do it at the perfect angle.

>> No.14083600

So with the new plane system, is 1-2BB 4-5CV a viable comp for 5-5 with both support?

>> No.14083601

That's just a fake katana bought at conplace.

>> No.14083603

Davido-kun, pls

>> No.14083607

Yes, but it's still risky since carriers are made of paper.

>> No.14083613

>getting sent NE in 3-1 8 times in a row
What do I do?

>> No.14083614

Sink Nenohi.

>> No.14083615

Take a break and wait for favorable results from RNG.

>> No.14083617

3-5 isn't easy at all, I'm spending 2-4 buckets every run and go home 30-40% of the time.

>> No.14083622

Use Abukuma (gun, gun, type A) and DD waifus (gun, gun, radar). No need to sparkle.
Don't use elites unless they're married.

>> No.14083624

I'm bullying Hoppou though.

>> No.14083625

Seems more like she's the one bullying you.

>> No.14083632
File: 662 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150912-19032828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha fuck

>> No.14083634

Actually, Wo are much more scary. Hoppou sent me home twice but both were because someone got chuuha'd earlier, either by Ta (the one time she survived air strike) or Wo Kai. Maya AACI isn't working as intended.

>> No.14083658

That is how I do it, and why I wait with rings.

>> No.14083679

Yeah, Hoppou is weak shit these days. It's 4-5 with those asshole Ta class that's the real pain in the ass.

I'm not mentioning 5-5, because nightmare mode isn't worth bringing up.

>> No.14083684

Not anymore.

>> No.14083715

>these days
She was never a big issue compared to Wo, at least for me. Hell, in the past Wo Kai and Wo tako were even worse.

>> No.14083719

I'd like it if the next event started substituting older CV bosses for Wo's. Wo powercreep is too fucking strong. It's unreal she has 8 forms.

>> No.14083732

>8 forms

I count 10, she still has her ancient elite and standard form.

>> No.14083747

It needs to stop. I know they don't want to add another carrier class unless they absolutely have to, but I can't even identify how bullshit overpowered she is by the small icon anymore.

Just give her one more godlike form as the final boss of the last event map, and new terrifying art showing her completely filling the sky with bombers.

Then leave it at that. No more Wo.

>> No.14083750

Devs know who is mascot of game

>> No.14083752

Akagi and that Abyss DD

>> No.14083757

Ni > Wo
Devs are faggots, this little guy with extra limbs has unlimited potential. Waiting warmly for Ni-class DD Late Model Flagship Kai.

>> No.14083761

Who's the first one?

>> No.14083767

Which composition should I bring to do the new 3-5 quest?

>> No.14083769

>3 classes of SS even though they're just a shitty roadblock
>infinite DD classes
>only 2 BBs
>only 1 CV
>only 1 CVL
Why are they wasting names on all those useless pieces of shit. Just paint them red.

>> No.14083773

Shimakaze is actually the mascot on most advertising.

>> No.14083775

Having some sort of Queen Wo with an actual new a sprite for once and voice lines would be sweet

That is until the devs have her join CV Hime on preboss nodes.

>> No.14083795

ABKM-SAMA, Hayasui, Mizuho, Maya Kai Ni, Kaga, filler.

>> No.14083798

CV Hime would be an escort of Wo Joou.

>> No.14083803

What we need is a battleship Wo.

>> No.14083806
File: 737 KB, 803x482, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just can't
I'm so happy

You have compulsed me to try.
God bless you.

>> No.14083808

Everyone's getting Bismarck today. Congrats. How many tries was it for you? 7 here.

>> No.14083809

Get rid of the cane, have her riding on a throne made of Ni-class carriers which are all spitting out hundreds of Hellcats. She's gesturing forwards with a smug grin on her face.

Voiced lines would be nothing but condescending laughter. Sunk line is insane laughter.

>> No.14083813

>Ni-class carriers

How horrifying.

>> No.14083816

Lost count.
I have 2k ammo now, after seeing his post I checked, and said might as well.

>> No.14083818

Whoops, meant Nu

>> No.14083819

I think he meant Nu.
We really need a Flag Ni-class DD with 4 slots (HA+FD, torp, air radar, sonar) and at least 60 luck, though.

>> No.14083824

I'm more worried about Chi II Flagship

>> No.14083829

>2 BBs

You forgot the devil trapped in the basement known as 5-5.

>> No.14083831

BBV m8

>> No.14083837

Just got my ABKM k2 prepped up, do I put quints or OTOs on her?

>> No.14083839

They should start giving her Flagship IV forms as well.

>> No.14083841

OTOs unless you're fighting something with 170+ armor

>> No.14083842


>> No.14083843

Why don't the devs fix the bug where resupply/scrapping en masse only counts as 1 towards quests?

How hard could it be to fix?

>> No.14083846

Since you only click the button once it's one of those feature things.

>> No.14083855

It's not a bug. It's supposed to waste a little bit of your time every day, adding up to a colossal time sink over the course of a couple years.

>> No.14083890

How does that make sense?
This game could be improved in so many ways.

Fleet/Equipment presets, ability to disable animation for faster grinding, preset formation choice (convenient for Orel or grinding runs), etc.

>> No.14083911

>I am lazy, and spoiled by western games
You'd probably script if you knew how, just git gud.

>> No.14083926

This is just me but without those little time wasters that give the girls a chance to say their lines, and without all of the manual interaction required from the player, I wouldn't care about this game or any of my girls as much as I do.

>> No.14083931

Might as well play this game from a command prompt window.

>> No.14083938

You actually derive pleasure from pointlessly wasting your time doing repetitive actions?

>> No.14083942

Not him, but it's possible. I used to play a shitty Korean MMO grindfest for 5 years. I think I've lost my soul after first 12 months. At the very beginning it's fun because there's always something new to explore. Then it becomes a habit. This habit turns into an addiction and ultimately obsession. In the end you either stick with it or drop it because you find another shitty grindfest.

>> No.14083946

I also want an option to scrape multiple girls.

>> No.14083975
File: 753 KB, 800x481, longwaves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the times RNGsus has been kind, just when I was thinking I needed her for the ABKM quest too.

>> No.14083978

10cm HA+FD aside, are the 12.7cm type B kai 2 guns worth upgrading? Or should I just stick to using 12.7cm HA late models instead?

>> No.14083982

This tbh. I bought another 80 slots, and it's a real pain clearing out the trash to make room for decent modernization fodder.

>> No.14083987

Not really. if you don't have enough 10cm+HA for your destroyers consider upgrading your fire directors into them;

>> No.14083990

Why would you spend gorillion screws on DD guns when you use torpedos when it actually matters anyways?

>> No.14084011

Akiduki guns are worth an upgrade, since you'll always have them equipped on event maps and any map that forces you to take mostly DDs

>> No.14084018

Is the range increase on the SCAMP helpful in any way?

I want to say it is, because it allows CAVs to attack before CVs in the first shelling phase, which will hopefully clear the trashy ships and let you land a bomb right on the deck of a Ru or a Wo before they can get a second attack off.

>> No.14084019

You use it on CAVs anyways because +10 firepower.

>> No.14084023

CAV would attack before CV anyway.

>> No.14084026

I just wish I had a second SCAMP so both Wagahai's could get it

>> No.14084028

Having the same priority as a BB isn't bad, considering every battle begins with my flagship blasting the enemy destroyer at the bottom of the list.

>> No.14084030

It also reduces the slight probability of one of your BB disabling the other BB before it gets its chance to attack.

>> No.14084032

Sometimes, when you're afraid of your CV getting wrecked before its turn. Otherwise, >>14084019

>> No.14084130

Is something wrong with the game today? It takes 5 minutes to resupply and send expeditions. Just doing one battle at Orel takes like 15 minutes of loading. I've tried various browsers, KCV, API link and it's all the same loading hell. Everything else internet related works just fine

>> No.14084240

It could be the server you're on.

>> No.14084245

Shake your cursor across the screen to accelerate the game.

>> No.14084260


>> No.14084263


This is the first time I'm experiencing this and I haven't seen anyone else from here complaining anywhere

>> No.14084280
File: 170 KB, 713x1000, 38408740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, so I can send sparkled Abukuma with 3 daihatsu to do expedition 21 all day, right?

Why I didn't thought about this before?

>> No.14084287

Because you're an idiot and you can still send an AV with 3 Daihatsu and use Abukuma for expedition 38.

>> No.14084290

Because you couldn't believe such a broken ship exists.

>> No.14084297

How many Daihatsus are needed for optimal expedition grinding again? 9?

>> No.14084301

Guess technically you could send ABKM, army dog, and both chichis to expedition 5, that's 12.

>> No.14084305

Just keep 12 to be on the safe side.

Cap for bonus is 20%, or 4 daihatsus' worth.

>> No.14084308

I should have stayed in E5-G instead of farming for Roma, bah. Not a single akitsumaru for me yet.

>> No.14084315

Guess a 60% bonus was too good to be real.

>> No.14084333

What do you with your dupes after you remodel them and steal their equipment?

Do you give them an honorable discharge (dismantlement) or assign them to train another ship (modernization fodder)?

>> No.14084342

Feed them to some level 1 DD because scrapping multiple ships takes too long.

>> No.14084345

Modernization isn't training, it's ripping off their guns and giving it to someone else.

>> No.14084352

I keep them for events, unless it's a DD.

>> No.14084353

This game isn't guro.

>> No.14084359

All those Mikumas will sure come in handy.

>> No.14084368

You don't even need dupes to clear events.

But I can understand wanting to use dupes if you're one of the forerunners, breaking into new maps while routing information is non-existent.

>> No.14084381

I might have had the same problem when I was on my school's internet. Where every time the game needs to "load" such as what you mentioned, resupply, send expeditions, along with going to quests menu/clicking on a quests etc. while browsing the web works completely fine.
There was no fix as far as I know other than wait few hours (the longest I ever gotten was like 10+ hours). Though oddly enough, when I tried it on my desktop which was also on the school's internet, the issue wasn't there (due note, I was using wireless on laptop, then switched to desktop with cable).

>> No.14084407

Is it more worthwhile to upgrade quads or DD guns when you have nothing to upgrade and want to save screws?

>> No.14084410

Quad oxys unless it's Akizuki guns, then Akizuki guns.

>> No.14084413

Quads unless you have like 10 quints already.

>> No.14084421
File: 65 KB, 392x173, ayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farm KTKMs/Oois for quints. I know I will (and should've done so earlier).

>> No.14084442

90mm AA pastagun.

>> No.14084451
File: 514 KB, 800x480, 5-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5-5 is so easy now, I promised to never enter this map again when it was added but now cleared it in 7 sorties with 9k/each res and 25 buckets spent.
Is there any point in hoarding medals though?

>> No.14084465
File: 603 KB, 879x524, pff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the subcheese doesn't work guys

>> No.14084469

You can trade 1 medal for 4 screws and you can never have enough screws.

Unless you buy them.

>> No.14084470

Just do 2FBB2CA2DD and be done with it in 30 minutes

>> No.14084512

So why the fuck did the devs decide to give the first sub at 1-5 10x accuracy?

>> No.14084518

Line ahead magic.

>> No.14084520

I only did subs at last dance because it was hell.

>> No.14084533

How many quints are ideal to have?

>> No.14084539

You can never have enough quints anon

>> No.14084544

It does, but not always. Subs are great because sortie costs are virtually nonexistent.

>> No.14084564


>> No.14084586

Surely it's 15? You need room for yasen equipment.

>> No.14084594

anything over 15 is excessive.

You will almost never need more than 12

>> No.14084596

You only need 1 scout and flashlight or starshell, since they don't stack. CAs have 4 slots.

>> No.14084600

Still need a slot for skilled lookouts.

>> No.14084604

They are totally useless though.

>> No.14084605

But doesn't flashlight and starshell also decrease the enemy's chance of cutting in? Anecdotal evidence suggests that this effect stacks.

>CA have 4 slots
Oh right. Forgot about that.

>> No.14084609

ABKM: Minisub + 2 quints
2 DD: 3 quints ea
2 CA: 3 quints ea + yasen gear

>> No.14084613

How long do you think it'll be before we get K2 for every member of the 6th Des Div?

2 years?

>> No.14084630

On any good CA that matters you can substitute one of the quints with a 20.3 no.3 and still hit the yasen cap.

>> No.14084636

3 quints are a waste on CA, your daytime shelling goes to shit accuracy without at least one gun on them, and a 20.3(3) gives only 2 less yasen power while greatly increasing accuracy.

>> No.14084643

>2 DD: 3 quints ea
2 and some star shells. You want your fleet to be as strong as possible in day battles, otherwise you won't reach the boss.

>> No.14084646

Maybe your comp was downloading alll 6 gigs of $Windows.~BT on the sly like everyone else at that time.

>> No.14084649
File: 145 KB, 800x480, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just crafted Akitsu maru while trying to get a hotel.

What is she used for? Is she any good?

What should I be feeling /jp/?

>> No.14084650

1. Event routing and Reppuu mule, in a pinch can equip WG42
2. Daihatsus for expeditions

Far more important than you really think.

>> No.14084652

Useless army dog only good for her boat and her silly planes and routing.

>> No.14084659

>I just crafted Akitsu maru while trying to get a hotel.
isn't she on the carrier crafting table?

>> No.14084668

For some reason she seems to get a damage bonus against installations anyway, since she frequently hits them for 50+ damage despite having shit all firepower. I suppose it's intentional due to her status as a landing ship.

Maybe WGs would be a decent choice, but it's easier to stick her in flag with 2 reppuu and the FCF.

>> No.14084680

It's scratch damage. You'll also notice the even the shittiest destroyers at taiha can do 50ish damage to a 400 hp installation boss.

>> No.14084698

At the end of the day, she's more useful than the useless hotel.

>> No.14084716

Hotels are nowhere near useless.

>> No.14084734

I don't know I just tried a 4/6/6/2 20 and got her.

>> No.14084745
File: 751 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150912-11440268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw your posts and tried my daily LSC too.

Thanks /jp/ magic, I will never doubt again.

>> No.14084754

>5-5 last kill

>> No.14084772

In a span of 20 minutes, I lost a total of 10 buckets and 4k steel trying to do the last dance for 4-5 with a fully sparkled 4BB 2CV fleet.

Fuck this game.

>> No.14084776

>4BB 2CV
You even have AS+ on boss and pre-boss node.

>> No.14084778


>> No.14084800

>In a span of 20 minutes
>fully sparkled
Found your problems.

>> No.14084814

That's not much.

>> No.14084839

Currently at the boss node in 5-1, doing Mikawa quest. Should I use double line or line ahead?

>> No.14084867
File: 445 KB, 627x885, 52272800_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14084868

Double line, you want to kill the sub if she shows up. You cannot risk line ahead unless you get lucky and get green T.

>> No.14084895

Went double line, but thankfully got the transport flagship composition.
Fuck the Akatsuki quest though. I'll do that shit maybe next year.

>> No.14084953

What formation did you use for 3-2 quest?

>> No.14084971
File: 9 KB, 508x258, 2015-09-13_05-04-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't bismarck

>> No.14084977

Anyone else getting catbombed? I can't even log back in.

>> No.14084983

I always did line ahead.

>> No.14084987

Sukumo seems fine.

>> No.14085026

4-5 this month took 8 total sorties of a fully sparkled fleet. That was pretty bad, considering it took 6 runs last month without playing Sparkcolle at all.

>> No.14085052

Are you really complaining about clearing 4-5 in only 8 runs?

>> No.14085054

6 runs from fresh to finish that is.

>> No.14085061

No, I'm not complaining about clearing 4-5 in only 8 runs. I'm complaining about clearing last dance in 8 runs when it took a single attempt using 2BBV 1 CA 2CAV 1CV last month.

>> No.14085070

If you're doing mid route of course you're going to need a lot of attempts since it requires luck

>> No.14085085

I took 15 last month and 1 this month. It's all RNG, you wont get the same results every time no matter how good you think you are.

>> No.14085097

is it worth farming second Akashi from 2-5?

>> No.14085113
File: 396 KB, 627x885, e8d70131c1d6a62495843e10a89d3eda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>second Akashi
Sorry, you are going to have to visit Hoppou. It's worth it during events if you didn't buy the extra docks.

>> No.14085114

Akashi only drops once from 2-5, and that is if you don't already have her.

>> No.14085115

Sure, go ahead!

>> No.14085118

If you scrap your first Akashi, sure.

>> No.14085119

She drops again as many times as you want if you scrap the previous ones

>> No.14085120

Who doesn't buy extra docks?

>> No.14085129

It's worth it even if you do get extra docks.

>> No.14085139

Nobody is cruel enough to scrap Akashi.

>> No.14085142

She's relatively easy to farm in 2-5, but you need to scrap the one you have.

Since now Hoppou is more easy, maybe it doesn't worth it.

>> No.14085144

For 3-5 monthly do you use 2 or 3 CVs?Given the ridiculously high AS+ number, you go for the AS,right?

>> No.14085145

Isn't Hoppa drop rate pretty shitty though?

>> No.14085148

Tell me about it. I got my 2nd Akashi from Hoppou and I can't bring myself to scrap her.

>> No.14085158

If you take 3, you can sneak in a few torpedo bombers.

>> No.14085165

Dunno, I farmed my 2 Akashies from 2-5.

I was around 3 weeks without her tho, thats like 25 screws.

>> No.14085177


>> No.14085188

Immediately after implementation of traditional Brazilian fishing boats.

>> No.14085194

Yes, something like 6560 months.

>> No.14085203

But the devs said all starters will get their kai ni Soon™.

>> No.14085216

Not Samidare, but Sazanami has a high chance.

>> No.14085253
File: 40 KB, 731x428, WhoMeDare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is gonna be happy either way

>> No.14085260
File: 113 KB, 800x480, 8cm_of_frustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this shit even craftable, why is it polluting the crafting pool? All I need is a second 10cm HA gun for fuck's sake.

>> No.14085266

Level up a destroyer from 1-1.

>> No.14085277

Cute gun.

>> No.14085283

New thread

>> No.14085288

Because you needed Agano class, Ooyodo or Taihou to get an HA gun for Maya to use and newfags don't have 90mm.

>> No.14085294
File: 66 KB, 445x360, res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'm too lazy and 10/10/30/10 is cheap enough to spam. I just needed a little bit of /jp/ magic.

>> No.14085309

Craft AP shells. I sometimes get a 10 cm HA or two.

>> No.14085322
File: 189 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150912-23155425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder to feed your waifu.

>> No.14085328

Disgusting bandwagon faggot.

>> No.14085330

Jesus fucking christ I can't decide which damn map to grind on.
3-2 is slow and tedious and my CA only gets MVP half the time
4-3 is a little faster, but the damage is frustrating as hell
The only thing standing between me and 5-4 is a single 5-3 kill, should I go do it for my sanity's sake?

>> No.14085335

>Daily reminder to feed your waifu.
I can't feed her anymore, what am I supposed to do now?

>> No.14085336

5-4 is just 4-3 with less trolling.

>> No.14085341
File: 298 KB, 489x385, Waifu is full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14085346

>4-3 with less trolling
That sounds pretty good actually. What parts of 4-3 is it like though?

>> No.14085351

I'm leveling a Maruyu right now for my Haguro, I feel like getting her all the way to 70 luck would be a waste though.

>> No.14085355

>What parts of 4-3 is it like though?

>> No.14085357

Then what is it like?

>> No.14085358

You need specific set-ups to get the good routing. 4 drums are needed, so you either take a CAV or Yuubari/Ooyodo with 4 or a DD with 3 and CL with 1. You also need 2CV for routing and a BB for second shelling.

>> No.14085365

You don't fully love her.

>> No.14085367

You get to do 3 nodes and have minimum bucket usage.

>> No.14085371

So if I take something like Yuubari/Bisko/2CV I have 2 free slots? Would Nagato send me the wrong way?

>> No.14085375

It's not like it does anything at night.

>> No.14085386

No, but it's unnecessarily costly for an easy map.

>> No.14085402

It's not about power you disgusting statfag. It's all about love (autism) and dedication (obsession).

>> No.14085411

Eh, I guess I'll judge once I get there. What nodes should I be going through?

>> No.14085412

Why do you assume everyone is as autistic as you are?

>> No.14085414

Take 4 drums and 2CV, the route is fixed.

>> No.14085416

Where do you think we are?

>> No.14085420

Because luck modernizing is as autistic as it gets.

>> No.14085423
File: 85 KB, 355x377, max luck max love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she's full.

>> No.14085436

She's only full when her womb is in use. Where are your babies, anon?

>> No.14085437

You can't open mod menu with maxed luck. I'll give you C-, at least you tried.

>> No.14085441

Beastiality is a sin anon.

>> No.14085443

Luck modernizing your waifu even if she doesn't need it? Of course. There's nothing wrong with luck modernizing night battle specialists, though.

>> No.14085459
File: 108 KB, 468x367, summer event taiha magnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the screencap in same modernization session that I maxed her out. What now?

>> No.14085471

Because you use DD guns all the time outside of the hardest maps and they save you a lot of resources and buckets in the long run?
You must be a huge faggot to not care about daily wellbeing of your girls.

>> No.14085475

Still C. The luck is not highlighted in green.

>> No.14085481

She's only 125, has vanilla quints and has a 33 instead of a modernised 22 kai surface radar.

I'll give you a B plus.

>> No.14085486

On a second thought, F even. How desperate for e-peen you must be to photoshop you love for your waifu?

>> No.14085498


>> No.14085526

Mostly MVP control in PvP when facing one or two ships.

Mod fodder.

>> No.14085531

I wish I could craft Maruyu, I keep getting Mutsu or Ise.

>> No.14085537

How do you train Maruyu to Kai? On 3-2-A it takes 55 sorties, that's a lot.

>> No.14085542

Dupe torp sluts and Taihou can never hurt though.

>> No.14085544

5-3 is pretty nice since if you get lucky you can do like 3 nodes there, if you dont care about your sortie ratio, of course.

>> No.14085546

>55 sorties, that's a lot.
This guy

>> No.14085547


>> No.14085564

In that time I could have run 4-2 or 5-4 15 times and train real girls at normal sorties.

>> No.14085576

Dont underestimate Super Maruyu Sama, she could crit the dd from 1-1 to death if she tries hard enough, also she's really cute.

>> No.14085588

>she could crit the dd from 1-1 to death if she tries hard enough
Poor Chompy. Bullied even by Maruyu.

>> No.14085594

Her battlecry is the cutest

>> No.14085648

She was already the cutest CL before her kai2.
On the other hand, nobody care about the sendai trio until they got theirs.

>> No.14085657

Beating an event map is the last time I remember feeling happiness.

>> No.14085688

Before her Kai 2 she was uglier than Kiso.

>> No.14085739
File: 253 KB, 551x500, fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will never be the same again though.

>> No.14085743

You need subs to tank 3-2.

So you get anywhere between 5-30 Maruyu, and you switch them as soon as they take damage and they all level up quickly enough

>> No.14085762

Olel daily
4-2 weekly

>> No.14085763

People liked Sendai and Naka even before kai 2. Jintsuu is the only one who gained fans because she got the best update and became very strong.

>> No.14085777

Who gets stuck on E-6?

>> No.14085790

Which E-6? There were 3 of them.

>> No.14085816
File: 154 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150913-07270668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time based RNG at its finest

>> No.14085835
File: 259 KB, 551x500, fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better now? It was made for Midway originally iirc.

>> No.14085843

What was the lowest attempt count on E-7 hard last dance? 5? 10?

>> No.14085865
File: 118 KB, 551x500, before discovering X &amp; Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed that for you.

Well I did cleared last dance hard in 4 attempts.

>> No.14085867

When will Katsuragi be farmable?
I need more Ryuusei.

>> No.14085886


>> No.14085898

You guys lied to me. I unlocked 5-4 just for Uzuki and she still doesn't want to drop. Uzuki is a fucking lie. ;_;

>> No.14085900
File: 61 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150912-17475971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14085904

She's not needed for a quest, so maybe half a year.

>> No.14085905

There was on anon clearing it on first attempt

>> No.14085915

There were a lot people getting last dance on their first attempt, myself included.

>> No.14085917

2x CA(V) my friend

>> No.14085924

I personally got by in 3 attempts after 4 hours of Sparkcolle that is.

>> No.14085925

Its raining KTKM in 4-3.

>> No.14085933

>Akatsuki 5-1 quest

>> No.14085934

Grind them for quints.

>> No.14085935
File: 269 KB, 800x959, beaver did it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting in.

>> No.14085938

The Souryuu 4-3 quest is still number one for the most bullshit quest ever.

>> No.14085942

Soryuu is easy modo.
You don't even need support for that.

>> No.14085951

It must have taken between 20 - 50 attempts before I cleared Souryuu's quest. Meanwhile the Mikawa and Akatsuki quests took maybe 10 attempts total (combined).

And support isn't even an option for world 4.

>> No.14085962

I just got her, based /jp/ magic.

>> No.14085968

For Souryuu it is just
50% from D->G
33% from G->I

5-1 is fucking 20% to boss with tough as fuck pre boss nodes where you need support or go home.

>> No.14085969

What's the 5-4 comp now (not sub route)?

>> No.14085973

1 CAV 5 CV

>> No.14085974

Fucking statfags.

>> No.14085977

CL/CAV 4drums

>> No.14085986

Sounds good, thanks

>> No.14085988
File: 315 KB, 567x800, 52240649_p7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her voice, is really sweet.

Kai ni when?

>> No.14086004

Yes I know the pathing for 4-3. I got sent from B -> D > E more times than I can count and on the rare instance that I actually made it to the boss node, my DDs would be instantly taiha'd and I would have no chance of S ranking the boss.

And unlike fucking world 5, I can't use support to make it easier.

>> No.14086081

Took me 5 tries with 3 boss attempts.

>> No.14086094
File: 498 KB, 845x1200, !Inbox 6841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14086103


>> No.14086109
File: 86 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150912-18381241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finally free in my fourth try. Abukuma quest can wait for another three months because I don't have Samidare.

>> No.14086118

Letterzuki. I used to just send her in expeditions with Blondetsuki and Longtsuki, but her voice grew on me.

>> No.14086125


>> No.14086126

Look at that power.

>> No.14086128

Her name is July.

>> No.14086155

After I get my Mikazuki kai ni.

>> No.14086159

I added her to my fleet recently. She's level 14 and getting buckets right now.

>> No.14086187

After my Mochizuki kai 2.

>> No.14086198

After Maruyu Drei

>> No.14086209

Fully Sparkles does nothing in Re-class infested 5-5.

>> No.14086214
File: 678 KB, 906x1200, 1ba5ed6c8383e1105eb8ed69152de145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, a quick question: am I the only TTK kuso enough to not have paid a single dime to DMM for playing this game? I still have two repair docks and two construction docks.

>> No.14086217


>> No.14086218

Nobody gives a shit, fuck off.

>> No.14086220

>not having several wives

>> No.14086224

Maya never triggered AACI with 20.2(2), 2x90mm, and Fumo. Is it just my luck?

>> No.14086229

Why haven't you Kai 2'd your Maya?

>> No.14086230

There is a legion of SEA monkeys like you.

>> No.14086232

No, where the fuck is her 25mm?

>> No.14086234

90mm is equivalent to 12.7HA, what are you talking about?

>> No.14086239

So you haven't Kai 2'd your Maya.

>> No.14086240

He's talking about Conc Deployment. Where is it?

>> No.14086242

Why the fuck do I need it when 90mm should serve its purpose/

>> No.14086243

You're right but I said 25mm not 12.7HA.

>> No.14086247

Are you stupid? You need it to activate the strongest possible AACI. You might as well use Izusu if you're not going to use it.

>> No.14086248

Jesus Christ, read the wiki.

>> No.14086254

He can't read English properly, he's a SEA monkey. He requires the half-baked, half-understood superstitious Facebook "advice" posts of his SEA monkey peers.

>> No.14086257

Guys, just ignore this /kcg/fag. You literally lose if you reply with anything other than to tell people not to reply.

>> No.14086260
File: 726 KB, 1131x1600, i-015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comptiq oct issue 15 kancolle section download. It contains info about the summer event, higher res sprites of the new girls and NegaDuki, arcade, Vita, and some figs. And of course who could ever forget based bob.


>> No.14086261

>strongest possible AACI
25mm may the strongest, but 90mm has more efficient stats when you upgrade it, and 25mm doesn't have an upgrade yet.

>> No.14086266

I highly doubt he plays the game and just saves images.

>> No.14086269

I still haven't given anything to Tanaka yet, although I'm on the verge of buying extra slots. Last event was rough, each time a new girl arrives, someone has to go in exchange.

>> No.14086272

Maya is useless for anything else if you are there for her AACI

>> No.14086273

Yeah but who's gonna translate the info about the summer event and vita?

>> No.14086276

You anon. You will.

>> No.14086277
File: 478 KB, 978x978, 49177428_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based bob
Is he a first class admiral?

>> No.14086279

AACI is dependent more on the comp type + ship activator and less of the overall AA stat. 90mm is for backup AACIs in combined fleet when Maya doesn't activate, or just use Ducky on DDs.

>> No.14086281

No, he kuso'd out.

>> No.14086282

2rings and 40slots here.
Thank god I bought 3000yen back in summer last year. Too bad they didn't have a sale this year, if not I would probably buy another 3k.

>> No.14086289

Yeah, I'm doing quests right now so I can get rid of the quest ships when I'm done to make more room for others.

>> No.14086290

Of all the high profile artists, he is the only one confirmed to be a kuso.
konishi, ugume and 4koma artists all cleared hard more.

>> No.14086299
File: 594 KB, 1131x1600, i-027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't bully bob.

>> No.14086310

Only when Haguro stops crying.

>> No.14086312

Only actual retards would do that.

>> No.14086324

I don't know if it's just me, but I like how he tries to remind people that Myoukou has a bun and not short hair.

>> No.14086328


>> No.14086331


>> No.14086333

But I only have one catapult. Fuck you Tanaka.

>> No.14086336
File: 13 KB, 500x383, COvyEXdUkAEIj6r[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14086338

>But I am retarded. Fuck you Tanaka.

>> No.14086339

>Turkey comes last, cumslut goes first


Here comes the planefag waifubandwagon

>> No.14086340

What is it saying? The pleasure of kuso inside?

>> No.14086343
File: 793 KB, 805x945, laughing dragons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14086345

Saving the best for last.

>> No.14086349
File: 135 KB, 708x1000, 39744319_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, Myoukou and Ashigara are my absolute favourites, I was a bobfag since the start, fuck the newfags.

>> No.14086351
File: 241 KB, 1280x720, b147f40cb3dc578154f259880ee6bf4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turkeyfags B T F O
the older sister comes first fuck yeah

>> No.14086353

Indeed, you are retarded.

As expected of crossies.

>> No.14086359

This is old news though. I can wait.

>> No.14086360

I just hope cranes would have 30/30/30/6 plane allocation, so I don't have to use dragons and Kaga anymore.

>> No.14086364
File: 98 KB, 907x1200, 5d51cd2bfeaa747b84bb1f4212058c55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, did I strike a nerve? Did you spend 1万円 and still not complete the event?

>> No.14086367

Actually, they are less BTFO since Turkey will come later.

>> No.14086369

I just want an alternative to Taihou because I don't like her.

>> No.14086370

Turkey kai 2 not coming any time soon isn't old news.

>> No.14086374

What if its 30/30/30/10? 46 keeps her 46 and everyone's happy.

>> No.14086382

I'm glad I don't like either of the two.

>> No.14086385

I just want Zuikaku to get her Kai 2 already. She's level 91 and I want to reward her for all her hard work.

>> No.14086386

Why do you use her if you don't like her? Fuck off and your shit taste.

>> No.14086389


>Dominating full-fledged large aircraft carrier as the core of Japan task force, shōkaku-class aircraft carrier. Its most ship further renovated of the (f refurbished) is an implementation plan during this month. Subsequently, the second ship of the sister ship also is an implementation plan by the end of this year. Everyone of Admiral, which is actively managed the fifth aviation squadron, by all means stay tuned!
>#ship this
She's been roasted. You're all out of planes now, turkey basters. She'll be getting about as much action as she did at Midway.

>> No.14086392
File: 709 KB, 1131x1600, i-032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akashi confirmed for nopan?

>> No.14086397

Was there any doubt before?

>> No.14086399

Pls no, what if its a skirt underwear kinda like the jean bikini meme?

>> No.14086401

I thought she wore the same kind of panties as the Tone class.

>> No.14086402

I don't use her, but someone being useful that I don't like hurts.

>> No.14086403

As a matter of fact, I didn't, smart guy. I spent 0.9万円

>> No.14086409

She's wearing them properly, they even made a note for it.

>> No.14086412
File: 774 KB, 784x888, 1432144430142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to ring Akashi.

>> No.14086417

Japanese Carrier Task force's active core Large Sized Carrier was Shoukaku-class Aircraft Carrier. The first ship of that class will be receiving a Remodel (if Remodel) this month. The second ship of that class will also be receiving it this year. Admirals who actively use the 5th Carrier Division, enjoy!

>> No.14086419

That's about as reliable as the 18+ disclaimer on loli eroge.

If he didn't draw it, then it doesn't exist.

>> No.14086420

>(if Remodel)
I can smell even a blueprint requirement despite the crane item.

>> No.14086423

How is Haguro so strong in battle but so shy on the naval base?

>> No.14086426
File: 1.61 MB, 2059x2645, 89f68c2e16d7696bb5a28d180fdacd20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14086427

She's psychotic.

>> No.14086430

Shounen MC syndrome.

>> No.14086431
File: 85 KB, 640x861, no catapult zuikaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I only have one catapult
Kusofags BTFO

>> No.14086433
File: 362 KB, 627x885, !Inbox 6840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just touching her too much, TTK

>> No.14086434

Yeah, there is definitely going to be a blueprint required. I have one tucked away for her.

>> No.14086435

Feed to Poi, Shimakaze or Abukuma.

>> No.14086436

Well I guess this means I can safely spend one of my remaining two blueprints on Choukai.

>> No.14086437

Isn't like I can trade the 3 hard medals for a second one.

>> No.14086438

She also has them on kai, just not there at regular Akashi.

>> No.14086439

I'm pretty sure we will get a big trade-ins for e-peen medals. Like that catapult or super yamato or whatever.

>> No.14086443

>tfw it is actually this.

>> No.14086445

Doubt it, the point of e-peen medals is show them.

>> No.14086446

Did you forget that we're getting the 2nd one from a quest?

>> No.14086454

Are you missing the joke?

>> No.14086455
File: 509 KB, 798x480, Re-chan, please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sent east right after

>> No.14086457

Or you can trade that for an OP girl.

>> No.14086458

That's not how it works. E-peen is just there for bragging purpose.

>> No.14086459

Then you need to left her in the first flee 24/7.

>> No.14086461

Super-yamato in exchange for 5 medals not enough e-peen for you?

>> No.14086463

Says who

>> No.14086466

But the cranes are 1st CarDiv now.

>> No.14086467

Okay, thread would be archived in just a few hours
What should I add at the new thread?

>> No.14086469

Common sense.

>> No.14086470

And married. What good are medals if you can't even use them? It's basically a number.

>> No.14086472

Over the 1st (and 2nd) division's dead bodies.

>> No.14086476

>Like that catapult
Those medals are even more out of reach than the catapult and trading in hard rewards for a medium+ reward is just poor value.

>> No.14086477

I hope they call themselves in their kai ni lines like that.

>> No.14086478

Medals are for show, thats the point of them. See: real medals.

>> No.14086483

Their 2nd remodels are based on the assumption that they survived Marianas and Leyte, respectively, long after old 1st and 2nd CarDiv was sunk and they took over. So yes, literally over their dead bodies.

>> No.14086488

The only times I pass preboss relatively unscathed is the only times I get sent east. Fucking compass.

>> No.14086492

If you explain the joke then it's not funny anymore.

>> No.14086494

I think catapult is not limited to Shoukaku-class only, so you can remodel the rest of your CVs with it.

>> No.14086497

That's kind of what makes them worthless right now, no practical use. They are too rare to be useless. Even regular medals can be exchanged for a blueprint.

>> No.14086499

I rarely do 5-5 but I've never been sent east. Is it really a 25% chance?

>> No.14086501

Or they could just absorb the cranes into 1stDiv and dissolve 5th.

>> No.14086504

As useful as an Olympic gold. That's they point.

>> No.14086521

But this is a game, it can be used for other things unlike real life.

>> No.14086526

Convert it into resources.

>> No.14086531

An Olympic gold medal will give you privileges and sponsorship in life, which is pretty much all it's good for.

>> No.14086542

You can pawn it in if you are a nigger. Same in KanColle.

>> No.14086552

Or you could auction it for $1.5 million

>> No.14086557
File: 110 KB, 752x502, c6a5cee2a271a50e4978a0f93f2598c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has the steps for the cookie method changed at all? I had to clear mine out and redid the steps but I seem to not get access to any of the games due to wrong region. I didn't step into kancolle yet so none of that banned shenanigans.

>> No.14086559

If you would sell your account, how much would it be?

>> No.14086561

Thats an extreme and you must be really famous, others sold really low, like 20k.

>> No.14086562

Cookie method still works, you just need to use this link instead http://www.dmm.com/en/netgame/social/-/gadgets/=/app_id=854854/

>> No.14086563

two fiddy

>> No.14086568

equal to how much i spent of course

>> No.14086569

As much as it costed to build and modernize Fusou-class.

>> No.14086571

Only FIFA World Cup medals go for that much IIRC

>> No.14086575


You can tell he wanted to highlight the bun in her Kai Ni damaged art.

I hate how so many people ignore or can't tell that her charm point is her long hair getting let down in her off time.

>> No.14086576

Account with all ships but no rank rewards item
How much would it be? It has 3memedals though and 53cm hull.

>> No.14086582

I need Suisei for Souryuu bomber and they won't craft, help.

>> No.14086583

A dollar.

>> No.14086586

It works, thanks. I guess Shiropro is doing something.

>> No.14086589
File: 512 KB, 800x480, ak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sent this fleet to PVP against a lone level 46 Akashi. And yes, Akitsushima was already orange before. So this is the power of 3 double chevron Taitei-chans.

>> No.14086593

Happens all the time.

>> No.14086597

Yeah right, Kamo.

>> No.14086599

Elite Re-class preboss node is cancer. Oh god, why. Every single time I get by unscathed, I get sent east.

>> No.14086601

Why are you clearing it?

>> No.14086603

That's why you use 3SS.

>> No.14086604

Why would anyone do anything besides easy on all the maps except for E-6 and E-7?

>> No.14086608

You waste sparkles even faster than E-7.

>> No.14086612

E-6 was babby mode, what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.14086615

>Comically missing the point.

>> No.14086616

Use damecon.

>> No.14086624

You can't damecon the compass.

>> No.14086634

But you can use damecon for yourself out of frustration.

>> No.14086641

I only got sent east once yesterday while clearing 5-5.

>> No.14086644

Did you sparkle at all though?

>> No.14086649

Only before I started. By the time I finally settled on 3 BB 3 CV with the 3 CV carrying damecon the CVs had all lost their sparkles and the BBs were basically sparkling themselves.

>> No.14086664

Do people who go for ranking bother clearing 5-5?

>> No.14086686

It's funny how 5-5 is pretty much one of the only maps that features Elite Ta-chan instead of FS Ta-chan.

>> No.14086691

What other 2 ships should I use for Souryuu 4-3 quest?

>> No.14086698
File: 646 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150913-11333947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red T is a lie.

>> No.14086704

Doesn't matter, you won't reach the boss anyway.

>> No.14086706

If they've already cleared 5-4, yes. Otherwise, no.


>> No.14086709

They stealth patched Red T with the carrier update.

Now you get fucked in every formation.

>> No.14086713

People farm 5-4 to rank.

>> No.14086720

5-5 boss node isn't even difficult, the pre-boss node is absolute cancer though.

>> No.14086728

Yes, and?

>> No.14086732

Nobody really complains about the boss node though.

>> No.14086750
File: 770 KB, 842x738, Re_e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone call?

>> No.14086759

Where the hell does she even launch those planes and torpedoes from anyways?

>> No.14086760

Don't focus on the cute girl, that's a distraction. Focus on the real body in the back.

>> No.14086772
File: 63 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150912-22521324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reached the boss but forgot to bring sonars. What a fucking waste.

>> No.14086784

I know that the tail is the main body, but all ships are female, so yeah. But where do the planes and topedoes come from?

>> No.14086786

If the anime is anything to go by, it comes from the mouth of the monster.

>> No.14086790

Imagine if you need the epeen medals to get allied ships or Shinano. Can you imagine the bitch tears that would be shed by those who purposely went kuso when it finally dawns on them that they've made a huge mistake?

>> No.14086792
File: 120 KB, 633x900, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She shits it out from that mouth thing on her tail

>> No.14086796

The tail has a torpedo jutting out below its mouth, and it most likely vomits planes as well.

>> No.14086804

There wont be enough water in the oceans for all that salt. Sadly, isn't going to happen.

>> No.14086805

They can just do future events on hard.

>> No.14086811

But all I see on the tail is a scarf

>> No.14086820

Abyssal magic.

>> No.14086832
File: 571 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150912-23354626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe in your subs. >>14084465

>> No.14086835

I'm getting real tired of this 5-5 getting sent east bullshit.

>> No.14086848

>Perfect pre-boss node, gets sent to east
>Get rid of Elite Re-class before shelling phase, gets sent to east
>No sparkle, half damaged fleet, gets sent to East

>> No.14086854

Re-chan is an equal opportunist, it doesn't matter who it is, BB, CV, CVL, subs, everybody gets fucked equally

>> No.14086860

I could've sworn 3-2 preboss had 3 BBs? Why's there only one now?

>> No.14086865

I got 2.

>> No.14086869

It can have up to two.

>> No.14086914

What are you working on, TTKs?

>> No.14086920

Getting sent East after 5-5 preboss node.

>> No.14086922

2-5 EO and Abubear 3-2 quests. After that is 3-5.

>> No.14086925

Not getting Maruyus.

>> No.14086929

trying to escape this game by doing nothing

>> No.14086930

I want more Maruyu, but ran out of fuel.

>> No.14086935

Quint farming and luck maxing

>> No.14086941

Clearing 5-3, thinking about 4-5, grinding levels. Chikuma Kai Ni then Mega-ABKM-sama. Also Kai'ing my new trophy DDs.

>> No.14086947
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>> No.14086956

leveling my cute DDs

>> No.14086958

Poking Haguro all day long.

>> No.14086966

This >>14086925

>> No.14086967

>>Attempt to get Maruyus by Bismarck recipe
>>BBVs, BBVs all day


>> No.14086968

I hope you have your equipment maxed and luck modernized because that is retarded.

>> No.14086971

Getting Fubuki to 150, equipment upgrades such as 51cm and maxing quints, LSC and Maruyus, and sex with boats.

>> No.14086974

I'm a filthy casual so I don't need to

>> No.14086975

Going by last event, stockpilers are retards that can't clear maps without spending at least 200k in resources.

>> No.14086977
File: 127 KB, 433x180, KanColle-150912-23420710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just one more Maruyu.

>> No.14086980

Sorry, but farming requires resources.

>> No.14086992
File: 48 KB, 800x480, temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck'n chinese

>> No.14087004

ChokeKai 2.

>> No.14087011

Grinding Second Sendai to kai ni, the new ships, and Crane Sisters above 75.

>> No.14087012

What a dick.

>> No.14087016

The devs really should change the EXP gained to be based on the 2 ships with the highest levels, rather than the first 2 ships.

>> No.14087025

Leveling 14 maruyus to 20 from 1.

>> No.14087039

Grinding ABKM to Kai2, casually LSC'ing, being a scrub.

You know. The usual.

>> No.14087042

Ran out of bauxite for 5-5 and 5-4, stockpiling back up. RIP dreams of ranking this month

>> No.14087046

>7000/7000/7000/2000 with 100 Dev Mats

>> No.14087057

100 devmats is a complete waste. It's like the joke option some people put in polls.

>> No.14087059

>100 Dev Mats
You asked for it.

>> No.14087066

Aside from the chip damage, 5-4A is SO much better than 3-2A.

>> No.14087067

I'm really not looking forward to this phase of TTK. Can CLT even get MVP that regularly on 3-2A? Getting ABKM was a 70% or so rate.

>> No.14087068

Repairing for another hour and then finishing 3-5.

>> No.14087069

Well it's not like I was using the mats for anything else.

>> No.14087073

Buy screws and mass upgrade.

>> No.14087079

Try CLT/fast BB/Ooyodo/Yuubari/2 CV at 5-4. I find that it's the fastest. Or you can replace one of the CLs with a CAV if you want.

>> No.14087083

4-3 is better since you can passive level the other girls too. PvP also jump starts the leveling even if they can't get MVP.

>> No.14087085

How many quints should I even get, besides the original 3 from each CLT?

>> No.14087086

Comp/route, please? 5-3 fucking sucks.

>> No.14087088

Crying, because my 49th failed Bismarck attempt emptied out my devmats.

>> No.14087089


>> No.14087093

You can never have too many.

>> No.14087096

The only ship I've wanted since starting, Yamato.

Maybe also Shioi

And getting Team Italy up to 80+

>> No.14087097

4-3 also has that troll node that loves to punch holes in ships with paper armour. I have plenty of CA and subs so I just rotate a lot (and watch something and level in the background).

I might try that. Only just unlocked 5-4 and I need a few drops from the boss anyway.

>> No.14087100

At least 6 now I would say. Some people might suggest 8 or 10
>2 each for Shigure/Beaver/Poi/Ayanami
>2 for Myoukou/Prinz/Choukai
>optional 2 for ABKM
>optional 2 for another Myoukou/Prinz/Choukai

>> No.14087106


Need to have more girls at K2 for the next event. I at least need Maya, Souryuu, and ABKM.

>> No.14087107

Well shit, I don't have Ro. Thanks.


>> No.14087109

9 is a good number, but you also want 6 triple oxygen torpedoes for CA cut-ins in case CLT is not allowed again.

>> No.14087112

Damn having Libeccio's damaged sprite in my 'office' makes me feel like a pedophile

>> No.14087115
File: 120 KB, 300x416, ygu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you are.

>> No.14087117

Good, that means the game is working.

>> No.14087119

>9 torp sluts
>even 6 or 7
Fucking hell, I hate farming duplicates with a passion.

>6 triple oxygen torpedoes for CA cut-ins
Are quints no good for that? I have 3.

>> No.14087121

I wish she didn't have such low health. Pasta ships are turning out to be glass cannons.

>> No.14087123

Libeccio is a glass peashooter.

>> No.14087124

You want triple oxygens because CAs can easily hit cap with quints, so there's no point in bringing more damage when you can be bringing defensive stats like armor and evasion to help them survive

>> No.14087125

At least she's cute

>> No.14087129

Got it. Glad I kept them then.

>> No.14087131
File: 758 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150912-23372640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have to go fluffier.

>> No.14087133

Enjoy your scamp and 601. Don't forget to scrap her afterwards.

>> No.14087140

Only Jews scrap ships that aren't duplicates.

>> No.14087142

No, not even jews. Only kusofags do that.

>> No.14087148

Think you should scuttle yourself instead.

>> No.14087149

All you need is Amagi.

>> No.14087157

Amusingly Amagi is the only one I'm missing.

>> No.14087161

Yeah, same here. I'd just started a few days before the winter event this year and just barely managed to clear E-4.

>> No.14087163

My Katsuragi is still level 10.

>> No.14087162

New thread after this gets archived

>> No.14087165

How do I level Mizuho?

>> No.14087174

PvP every time.

>> No.14087176

What's a good way to farm Bauxite other than endless Expedition 6?

>> No.14087179


>> No.14087185

Do your world 2 weekly in 2-2.

>> No.14087191

I obviously meant to say daily.

>> No.14087194

Long expeditions that also gives bauxite.
