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File: 168 KB, 395x498, juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14073403 No.14073403 [Reply] [Original]

Where does this newhu fall on the power level scale?

>> No.14073436

Vague/10. Wait until a Symposium-style book comes out. Lunarian god is pretty high by default though.

>> No.14073460

A more important question:
Where does she fall on the CUTE scale?

>> No.14073495
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>> No.14073546

Meh. At least 100.

>> No.14073598

I wish to defile the divine spirit of purity

>> No.14073603

She falls right on my dick if you know what I'm saying.

>> No.14073899

On my dick.

>> No.14073903

>>14073436 She's not a Lunarian god, >>14073598 and she's not a "divine spirit of purity". Where do you secondaries get your shit from?

>> No.14073923
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Lunarians demoted to "Literally holocausted by one fairy" level forever.

Watatsukis probably died trying to save the children.

>> No.14073926

Probably the same meme wiki that lists Shinmyoumaru as an "inchling".

>> No.14073946

>Wanting to stuck your dick in a canon non-virgin.

>> No.14074467
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>> No.14074522

>one fairy
there were tons of them, filling the sea of tranquility with activity


>> No.14075036
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>there were tons of them
Yet not a single Lunarian could take a single fairy down.

>> No.14075075

the fuck happened to SSiB now

>> No.14075098

To be fair, a purified hell fairy is said to be stronger than a kishin.

>> No.14075102

That's ridiculous.

>> No.14075111

Well, I don't believe it as well, considering CP said it in her dialogue against Reisen. I think it's just her acting tough.

>> No.14075132

Oh, it's just her word? Of course it's not true then.
Whole moon situation is still ridiculous, though. Having a very hard time believing that the Watatsuki's couldn't do a thing against the invading hell folk. One's got hundreds of gods at her command and the other a fan that purifies shit at the molecular level. And neither of them could do a thing? Impossible.

>> No.14075141
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CP is the best, so it's not all lies.

>> No.14075144

>the other a fan that purifies shit at the molecular level.
All the fairies in the Sea of Tranquility already had the shit purified out of them, and if Sagume herself, who is one of the Lunarian's gods, couldn't do shit to them, it's likely none of the others could either.

I can't imagine gods in any polytheistic religion ever working together in natural harmony; there's always disorder and competition and whatnot among heavenly beings.

>> No.14075156
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Holy fuck.

Either Hell is really that powerful, the Watatsukis are lazy asses who can't save their people, or SSiB doesn't exist anymore along with its exclusive cast.


>> No.14075162

>All the fairies in the Sea of Tranquility already had the shit purified out of them
These are different things. The fan that "purifies" and the rover that "purifies" remove kegare/impurity by eradicating life. Junko's ability "purified" the fairies in the sense that it took the existing concept of "fairies are embodiments of nature etc" and cranked it up to 11, so the fairies turned into little kegare supergenerators. In a terrible clashing of terminology, Junko "purifying" the fairies made them extremely impure (i.e. full of kegare).

>> No.14075288

Wait until Chang'e and Lord Tsukuyomi come out of hiding and make everyone cry.

>> No.14075339

I always saw it as a political issue- though even just one of the sisters could have dealt with the problem, the act of getting their hands dirty would probably make them unfit the remain in charge of the armed forces in the eyes of the higher ups. Remember that Yorihime was suspected of treason
just for the events of SSiB.

>> No.14075403

0 out of 10 what?

>> No.14075456

Reisen the super moon soldier rabbit still beats her.

Lunarian stronk!!!

>> No.14075692
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>> No.14075699
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>> No.14075733
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>> No.14075737

Junko is junk.

>> No.14075798

Just do what the wiki does and refer to Junko's ability as "refinement" because that's what she actually does, she refines shit.

Junko refined the ever-living shit out of the goddamn life-force/impurity of those fucking fairies.

>> No.14075804
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>> No.14075810
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>> No.14075823
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>> No.14075839
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>> No.14075873
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Loli Junk and MILF Junk

>> No.14075985
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MILF, please

>> No.14076798
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>> No.14077538

I do. I was using purify twice to explain the difference.

>> No.14077541

Junko is not junk

>> No.14077705
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Sagume should have been the stage 6 boss instead of Junko. Everything proceeds as normal except that stage 4 boss is someone that makes sense to be a stage 4 boss. You get to stage 6 to see the leader of the invasion force against Gensokyo. A beating and cup of tea later reveals that she never wished to invade a dirty place like Gensokyo but because of her odd power and a slip of the tongue, they had to. She said "We are going to lose" as to reverse the situation and win. However, Junko's goal is to kill the lunarians and the way for them to win is to live thus invading Gensokyo to hide. Sagume then uses her powers on Reimu as a last gambit to beat up Junko. Junko is the extra stage boss while Hecatia is the midstage boss.

>> No.14078569

>Meme wiki.

>> No.14079305
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I believe are too bureaucratic to be effective about invading hell fairies

the fairies wild chaotic ways were too much for the squeaky cleans lunarians to handle

>> No.14079309

Faries became nature forces after the purification
It was like fighting little gods.

>> No.14079312

for once milf is more appealing

>> No.14079316

with the scale of things we could have another phantom stage being a previous character.

I seriously believed the extra stage was going to be a previous character purified like Alice.

>> No.14079425

If a fairy is from hell does that mean you need to go to Hell to finish it off once and for all? Or will they just stop respawning at some point.

>> No.14080120
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>> No.14080562

does Junko have fluffy tails?

>> No.14081881
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>> No.14083811

What the fuck did you do to her eyes

>> No.14083879

Junko is unko

>> No.14084985

Junko is most likely weaker than Kanako, who is a divine spirit goddess, and not simply a divine spirit human.
What interests me is how strong Hecastia and Sagume are... Way stronger than Junko, I assume.

>> No.14085035
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Junko is a pure FOX

>> No.14085073

This is my new favorite FOX

>> No.14085800

Both are Divine Spirits, there's nothing like "muh divine spirit god". And Kanako falls right away in the power level by being an Divine Spirit from Earth.

>> No.14089827

I meant that Kanako is a Divine Spirit and a God, because well... as you said, there's no "divine spirit god".
And Junko is not a divine spirit from the moon. Hecatia says that they'll be going back to Earth because they're not people of the moon (in Sanae's Extra ending).

>> No.14090079
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>> No.14090086
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>> No.14091464

Is Th15 the hardest Touhou out there?

>> No.14091924

From the dialogue it seems like the impurities from the fairies are like kryptonite to Lunarians, whereas somebody from the Earth won't be affected. So powerlevels are pretty irrelevant in this case.

>> No.14091932

By far. But that doesn't affect powerlevels.

>> No.14091958

It has some of the hardest patterns. But it gives so many resources. Something like 18 lives, and 3 bombs per life iirc.

>> No.14091998

That's only if you actually know how to graze in Lunatic or if you abuse bombs to graze in normal.
A Marisa run on normal gives you little resources since there are not as many bullets as in lunatic and because master spark doesn't allows you to graze at all.

>> No.14091999

What about the entire cast of LoLK? Assuming they're all working together regardless of friend or foe, how would they stack up against previous 2hu casts say UFO or TD?

>> No.14092007
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That would mean that Cirno could absolutely wreck the Lunarians. Being the "Strongest" fairy, and arguably the most "fairy" fairy

It's absolutely ludicrous that Cirno could best the beings that defeated both Reimu and Yukari
I love it

>> No.14092009

Nah, Cirno not purified like CP. Still, lunarians are probably too pussy to touch her anyway.

>> No.14092016
File: 1.89 MB, 4000x1057, jp makes its way to gensokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that fairies can just die and respawn must be absolutely terrifying to Lunarians and their concept of "Pure Undeath"

Sending in wave after wave of fairies would do more damage to the Lunarian Capital than Yukari and her Youkai goons ever could.

>> No.14092627
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>> No.14092632
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>> No.14092637
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>> No.14092643

Everyone is Yukari's goon though, you just don't know it yet.

>> No.14092684

Weaker than Yukari

>> No.14094770
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I doubt that.

>> No.14097929

Yukari is the strongest!
