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14072039 No.14072039 [Reply] [Original]

Why fairies have names in english? Do they speak english? English exist in Gensokyo?

The only two fairies that don't have burger names are Cirno and Daiyousei. But Daiyousei is more a nickname than a proper name and Cirno may not be english but sure isn't japanese.

>> No.14072047
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Burger Fairies.

>> No.14072055
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Fairies are cute
Americans are cute
Thus, Fairies should be American and speak American

Cirno's behavior seems rather American to me

>> No.14072081
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Remilia is known for knowing English.
The 99,9% of Gensokyo probably doesn't though.

Also fairies are more closer to European folklore than anything so that's probably the why of their names.

>> No.14072222 [DELETED] 

I laughed.

>> No.14072237
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This Youkai would fit right in. It even has a silly hat.

>> No.14072247 [DELETED] 


>> No.14072279

Cirno(chiruno) comes from the word chill technically

>> No.14072331

As soon as anyone enters Gensokyo, they forget their native languages and learn Japanese instantly because of magic.

Fairies must have entered Gensokyo at some point because the premise of the land is that mystical entities go there as soon as they are no longer believed to exist or forgotten.

You also can't wonder how such magic works because that's the same level of question as "how do they ignore the laws of physics and float midair" or "how do they produce those projectiles." You have to infer the conclusion I gave you based on 3 observations: 1) They have English names: 2) They must have entered Gensokyo; 3) They now speak Japanese exclusively.

>> No.14076833

I think part of it is not because they actually know English, but because they think English is cool.
All the fairies seem to name most of their spellcards in English. They probably named themselves too, as they are born as manifestations of nature without anyone else to name them.

As to how they know about English, I'm pretty sure it's the same reason why other youkai know about it: the knowledge seeped in from the outside world, and it eventually became common knowledge in Gensokyo. Their perception of English probably mirrors that of the Japanese in the outside world: there is awareness of it, and some things are more fashionably expressed in English, but they can't speak, read, or write it without a dictionary.

>> No.14079159

That's because Fairies are from Avalon, Elphyne, Álfheimr, Arcadia and Tír na nÓg

there is also other mystical places like Fortunate Isles, Buyan, Kitezh, Mag Mell, Emain Ablach, Atlantis, Ys, El Dorado, Shambhala, Shinsi, Seven Cities of Gold, Agartha, Cloud cuckoo land, Mahoroba, and The Peach Blossom Spring

>> No.14079162

By your logic, wouldn't McDonaldland characters start to enter Gensokyo?

>> No.14079382

>Do they speak english?
Clownpiece actually did speak in English.

>> No.14079408

Hobgoblins shipped direct from the UK seemed to understand Japanese so there's probably something up.

>> No.14079588

She should be called Chiriesu, because yes, she's chill!

>> No.14079648


> does MIGHTY ENGLISH exist in The Soak?

Judging by the names of some Spell Cards, maybe?
At least some of the residents should be familiar with it.

>> No.14079679
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You know how elves and stuff have really exotic names in our literature.
Fairies think themselves to be posh, and give themselves exotic sounding names, and what's more exotic than a foreign language from outside the border, no outside Japan entirely.
"Oh my name is Star Sapphire, the [Star] in my name is the stars in the skies, but can also be read as a person who gets the attention of others and then [Sapphire]..."
"O-oh yeah?! Well, my name is Sunny... er... Milk, yeah that's right."

Fucking fairies.

>> No.14079687

>Why fairies have names in english? Do they speak english? English exist in Gensokyo?
>Why fairies have names in english?
Dunno but they're better at it than you.

>> No.14079760

milk's good

>> No.14079779

Cirno is a real name though.

>> No.14079811
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>> No.14079911

How the FUCK am I supposed to beat those 3 red fairies in Clownpiece's stage? This is bullshit.

>> No.14080794
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>> No.14081553

zun is an ameriboo

>> No.14081630

