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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 310 KB, 704x714, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14015494 No.14015494 [Reply] [Original]

Comiket 88 music discussion.

Old thread: >>13993043
Upload spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fuoDlITwjaPEAhZtBAus1_GMe2pHgsaZYveC-hyDRG0

>> No.14015549

タイムマシーン, from picoroni-notes is probably the greatest song from this comike, so far.

Seriously, it's amazing. How does miko do it?

>> No.14015556
File: 1.79 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20150828_174705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This album's pretty cool, it comes with a bunch of extra content (2gb+ of stuff, it has the original song project files and music videos and stuff).

>> No.14015573

has the extra content been shared yet? because that's awesome

>> No.14015585

I don't think so, you can buy the digital version on Bandcamp for pretty cheap and it comes with the extra content too, https://bitplane.bandcamp.com/album/magical-idol-strangelove-the-original-motion-picture-soundtrack (you can also buy the CD on there).

>> No.14015612 [DELETED] 

Friendly reminder to NOT thank
and don't ironically thank this comment either

>> No.14015634 [DELETED] 

no thanks

>> No.14015645

Should I upload something?

>> No.14015651

no thanks

>> No.14015692 [DELETED] 


>and don't ironically thank this comment either


>> No.14015800

Let's try again MIKANZIL C88, pretty please?

>> No.14015840

Why is the doujin music scene declining so much?
Or is it just western interest that's declining and I don't realize how much discussion and shitposting does for my enjoyment?

>> No.14015845

Kancolles killing it man.

>> No.14015854

Depends about what genre you're talking about. I personally feel like hardcore has gotten better and keeps getting better excluding Hardcore Tano*c, they used to be way better.

>> No.14016478
File: 772 KB, 1200x1200, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff was nice
Hoping FLACs get released sometime.

>> No.14016500 [DELETED] 

no thanks

>> No.14016549

there's lots of great stuff out there still, just takes more commitment than before to find~ (especially with guys like Newer less active than they used to be)

>> No.14016595

f u c k n e w e r

>> No.14016727

Who's Newer?

>> No.14016776

it's always yuing in dekasi

>> No.14016782


the big BT guy you don't know

>> No.14017377

Best song of event is either Wither or Zytokine's A.Q.U.A

fight me

>> No.14017388

>Zytokine's A.Q.U.A

But that's not even the best song of the album. The best is clearly breakable girlz.

>> No.14017392

not that guy but A.Q.U.A > euclase > breakable girlz

>> No.14017625

Any sign of a working link for From 2 Planets anywhere? Or is it still dead links and fakes?

>> No.14017645


>> No.14017961 [DELETED] 

Is there a chance you'll upload it?

>> No.14017967 [DELETED] 

My favorite was borderline girlz, really catchy.

>> No.14017976

Personally, my favorite is borderline girlz, really catchy.

>> No.14017984

So is there a chance you'll upload it?

>> No.14018018

so what's the deal with the fake one? Did Taishi upload it as a joke, or is it just a bunch of other songs renamed and released for reasons relating to stupid internet narcissism?

>> No.14018103

"The Similar World" ends abruptly for me in this version. Anyone else with the same problem?

>> No.14018115

It was ripped by newer, since he's an egotistical autist, he probably edited the audio file so he could tell if his rip got leaked by comparing them.
Just check the log file in the FLAC upload, the first 2 tracks are different lengths than the log files says.

>> No.14018153

I don't know, he made it really easy to buy his stuff even from overseas (including physical media), I would feel kind of shitty to leak it.
Even the CD version from bandcamp isn't that expensive considering it's shipping from Japan, and the album itself is really nice (the album case is 180x180mm and it comes with a 12 page booklet).

>> No.14018155

how long is it?

>> No.14018203

3:44.607 (9 905 156 samples)

>> No.14018225

looks fine to me, the song on it's own ends abruptly, but it is supposed to lead into the next track

>> No.14018239

indeed, but in this version the transition isn't smooth.

>> No.14018258

mind the gap

>> No.14018266

This version seems to be different than the FLAC rip posted in the other thread (the one from ASTOST).
Which one is real?
I know there was a completely fake FLAC rip earlier (with completely different songs), but in this the songs are kind of the same, but still different.

>> No.14018340

Does anyone have Tatsh's new album? It's not in the sheet yet.

>> No.14018505

the one posted before was a fake, just some random Taishi tracks :/ Newer's rip is legit though

>> No.14018509

If newer's rip is legit, then what is >>14017645
It's the same songs but they're different from newer's rip.

>> No.14018519

besides, newer's rip has a transition issue between tracks 2 and 3 so...

>> No.14018550

Song length matches up with CDDB tho

>> No.14018583

the thing is, this release:
from the old thread doesn't have this issue, so at this point I don't know why this is happening. Maybe what >>14018115 says is true.

>> No.14018606

I'm sticking with newers rip thankyou, don't care if I'm missing a few frames ( ̄┰ ̄*)

>> No.14018621

Still no Cafe de Touhou?

>> No.14018656

From DS:

FLAC: https://mega.nz/#!RFUzSBhC!37v-O_-3I8XelffsmqZHqaPmSt2Yo6UHDOxyNVbj7OY

>> No.14018662

I should've checked them before asking.

>> No.14018680


ok, they got me. Imma have to check this out.

>> No.14018683

Even the producer, UtsuP uses assholewii as his another name.

>> No.14018684
File: 26 KB, 150x126, 1419812620328.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>foxtail-grass is up

>> No.14018794 [DELETED] 


>> No.14018975

Any links for Butaotome yet? Or just in general, any albums done any tracks for the ULiL themes yet?

>> No.14018983

No one likes Butaotome. You should have seen her trying to sell her album. She was on the verge of tears because there wasn't a line for her. She was.

>> No.14019024

Should have taken a picture.

>> No.14019037


Seriously? That's so sad. I've been listening to butaotome a lot lately, I downloaded all their albums.
I'm pretty bummed out now...

>> No.14019040

that sad as fuck anon

>> No.14019052

>Which one is real?
Maybe they're both real? This one >>14017645 sounds more like the preview on the site though.

>> No.14019082

Well, you can only listen so many songs before getting tired of Ranko's voice.

>> No.14019092
File: 101 KB, 246x269, dejection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop it.... stop saying such things. Poor ranko.... why....

>> No.14019100

lol sure, ZUN was tearing up too because no one was buying LoLK. I was there, I swear

>> No.14019112

poor ZUN

>> No.14019125

There were literally no lines for touhou music albums, Kancolle albums had the longest lines in history. Every 2hu doujin circle went home crying.

>> No.14019129

Nuh-uh, my dad is Touhou and said they're kicking Cankole's ass.

>> No.14019133


Thank you. How could I have been so blind. It's those kancolle subhumans again slandering glorious touhou.

So pathetic, they're that jealous of touhou that they have to go around spreading lies on the internet

>> No.14019137

c88 = CanKolle88 you dumb fucks

>> No.14019253 [DELETED] 

Ahem, no thanking PLEASE.

>> No.14019257

Thank you for the reminder.

>> No.14019286

wanted to register on DS so I could post some stuff but forum's down again FML

>> No.14019289

It's up for me

>> No.14019334

oh it's working now, but I still can't register because it says I'm a bot

>> No.14019350

Maybe try a different browser?

>> No.14019483

>Paradigm shift only has one good song
>stellatram doesn't make anything for C88

Suffering, Sol=Akata is pure shit and sung in fucking English, I guess I'd have to settle for Citla Re:verse.

>> No.14019502
File: 381 KB, 448x448, twirl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can someone verify this the same rip as the one from before or not? Someone posted it in irc channel, it's an unsplit rip

>> No.14019571
File: 103 KB, 338x338, tumblr_nm2kfzmqFu1slitoto5_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is MEGA slow for anyone else atm? getting 130kpbs here, the fuck is happening to mega?

>> No.14019575

people moved on with their lives

>> No.14019585

Baidu master race

>> No.14019588

Mega has limits now and throttles IPs who download too much from it. Unless you have a premium account that is.

>> No.14019592

literally my first download of several days

>> No.14019593

should be for

>> No.14019602

Baidu is literally slower though.
Why not GDRIVE?

>> No.14019604

I'm getting 4mb/s for MEGA right now, so probably something on your end.

>> No.14019612

>literally installing a virus on ur pc

>> No.14019658

track lengths match CTDB, looks like a legit rip

>> No.14019695

I think newer's rip was fake. This is the legit rip, and this is where the correct v0 was sourced from.

>> No.14019708

which v0?

>> No.14019712

This >>14017645

>> No.14019727

oh yeah probs

>> No.14019834

The track lengths don't match CTDB though, and even if you correct them by adding frames they don't verify.

I think this is 1 person uploading a bunch of bad rips to troll people. There's no way there's this maybe shitty rips of this one album, and they all just happen to end up on /jp/.

>> No.14019868


lol wut

they're obviously different rips from different sources, use your head lol

>> No.14019874

I think one guy at DS mentioned he had ordered F2P and that he would rip it when he gets it. So maybe there's hope for a proper FLAC.

>> No.14019878

they're literally different albums, the songs are different.
Neither newer's rip and the rip from baidu verify on CTDB, and they are also both edited (their lengths don't match the CD TOC).

I understand chinks are horrible at ripping CDs, but they can't be THIS bad. There's something more going on here.

>> No.14019890

lmfao that's some conspiracy theory level shit

>> No.14019895

It's probably the western rippers from ASTOST fucking with everyone because they're mad we leak shit from their secret club.

>> No.14019898
File: 11 KB, 124x82, (7]}EERJ~WM@S6}{[Z``YE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you even bother to check the logs?

>> No.14019905

Yes, both albums are the "same" log wise (the TOCs match, the CRCs don't), but both rips are completely different audio wise.

The log means nothing if the audio doesn't verify against it, and neither do (the audio CRC is different from the log, which again proves that both audio files are edited).

>> No.14019927

I don't get it, there were some fakes before, what's that got to do with this?

>> No.14019933

also nice chink emote dude, get that from ASTOST? :^)

They're all fakes so far as far as I'm concerned. All the lossless rips so far have been edited from their original form and can't be verified to be accurate, so whose to say just how much they've actually been edited?

>> No.14019936


lol 2 much drama

>> No.14019939

lol 2 many astost shills. It's getting obvious at this point who's posting.

>> No.14019978

Anyone got the new Kicks For Liberation CD?

>> No.14019995

it's in the spreadsheet, 320k only though.

>> No.14020013

no lossless yet?

>> No.14020031

I download from mega all the time and have dl speed 2.4/mb right now. Maybe they just put restriction hours like nicovideo.

>> No.14020038

Also have only two Pizuya's Cell albums got ripped?

>> No.14020045

Not that I know of, I think at least one person on DS bought it thought, so you could go ask for lossless there.

>> No.14020119

what's an astost?

>> No.14020126

a form of cancer

>> No.14020129

ast-original sound track
Usually sucks.

>> No.14020131
File: 19 KB, 300x110, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are the future :^)

>> No.14020170

chink gated community

>> No.14020180

ass toast?

>> No.14020183

Can someone leak submariner from astost please? It'll piss them off.

>> No.14020191

For the fifth it is here

>> No.14020197


>> No.14020203

So... Sorry (-.-)

>> No.14020207

you should be :p

>> No.14020238

Underground Makina Connectionz Vol.19 [BCCOMP019]

>> No.14020261

Stop fucking giving links to 9Tenjew and Hikari no Jew,

>> No.14020277

Is 9T that is so bad?

>> No.14020288

Anything that uses adf.ly is jew-tier garbage.

>> No.14020293

adfly links fucking everywhere

what's up with hikari no jew? i've never used it and don't intend on using it

>> No.14020301
File: 27 KB, 120x121, 20140126084540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14020321

Like 9jews uses adf.ly and other sites to make money, fuck the fact that it's annoying, they hadn't even bought those CDs by themselves, everything is ripped from chinks.

>> No.14020338

ah, i see. that's pretty fucking awful.

>> No.14020529


Best doujin community out there, Niggers just hate Chinks, because to be able to download from astost regularly you need to also upload shit. You can upload stuff from the internet to get currency, but only self rips give you the real level ups, because some uploads are gated inside certain stuff

>> No.14021014


>> No.14021024


I know there is the meme out there that "DO NOT FUCKING THANK ME", but thanks for the upload, I really like the CD and overall love MAKINA

>> No.14021036

You can't just acknowledge that and then thank like that. Stop spamming your personal blog.

>> No.14021037 [DELETED] 

No thanking!

>> No.14021051

this, tbh no one cares what you >>14021024 think since you're Anonymous. maybe if you had a tripcode. but yeah stop spamming

>> No.14021118


I just thanked him for the upload as these don't get uploaded often, so go fuck yourself. Talk about spam 3 guys had useless reply to me.

>> No.14021129

>I know we're not supposed to say thank you
>thank you anyway

Just discuss the quality of songs on the CD instead, it's much more productive.

>> No.14021143


Your comment isn't helping in that part either.

To contribute man the 8th Track of BCR UMC18, is awesome good old "harder" style makina, which reminds me of the tracks Conquistador usually makes. I am happy that this CD was very good overall. Quality CD 8/10

>> No.14021229
File: 42 KB, 941x655, 1439636150868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the last two RD-sounds' albums are too boring?

>> No.14021352

RD-sounds is overrated. Merami is everywhere nowadays too.

>> No.14021515

>tfw Taishi's f2p will never be properly ripped because autism

>> No.14021517

Do it yourself if you care so much.

>> No.14021561

Where THE FUCK is Esquaria.

>> No.14021578

Oh well. There's one v0 out there that's decent enough sounding.

>> No.14021671

Did you mean this? >>14017645

>> No.14021704
File: 149 KB, 328x398, Screen Shot 2015-08-29 at 4.17.07 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have c88 toromi ?

>> No.14021767

buy it yourself then

>> No.14022219

How can a man be this based? How can he put out 2 masterpiece albums in a single event?


>> No.14022275

You're joking, right? Why is Ranko in so many albums and participates in Sally, RD Sounds, etc then?

>> No.14022291
File: 35 KB, 800x600, 1440900530060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14022484

Got taken over by the RIAA, what's new.

>> No.14022823

We could group buy all the albums we want through a forwarding service. The fees will not be so bad if we buy a lot. I'm tired of waiting for ESQUARIA and Code-49.

>> No.14022948

Does anyone have [forest306] caffè pioggia? You can't buy it on Toranoana/Melonbooks/etc. If it's in the top secret chink area on astost let me know so I can start working towards getting there.

>> No.14023106

Team Grimoire's track is literally the only good track on Updraft 01. The entire album is total generic shit.

>> No.14023227

I would have no problems pitching in a few bucks, but I don't want to deal with the associated bullshit of remailing. I also don't want to accidentally be part of a secret walled garden club, or to give money to someone with no guarantee. I don't think those should be insurmountable obstacles. Surely decent online escrow services exist these days.

>> No.14023263

You can buy code-49 from Alice-books, which actually does ship internationally

>> No.14023938

Whoever orders can post screenshots of the order confirmation and the tracking number.

For the forwarding service, I've heard good things about Noppin.

What albums do we want?

I don't care about having physical CDs as long as I get a perfect lossless rip.

>> No.14023978

I want ESQUARIA, pastyle, and DDBY's Synth de Touhou 2.

>> No.14024130

OK. What country do you live in?

And is anyone else interested?

>> No.14024144

I'm interested.

>> No.14024165

I live in U.S. of Burg, but I don't particularly want the physical CDs - just the lossless rip. What I'd like to do is pledge $X for the rips, pay half when I see a tracking number, then pay the rest when I get the files.

>> No.14024172

OK, do you want to add anything to the list?

Do you want CDs, or just FLAC uploads? And if you want CDs, what country do you live in?

>> No.14024174

Gimme the details and I'll see. U.S. as well. I just want the Demetori CD.

>> No.14024179

That sounds good. I also live in the US.

>> No.14024194

I'm interested, but would need a little time to get together a list (mostly classical, folk, jazz etc). Are you only looking to get C88 stuff? Where are you planning on buying from?

Like the other anons, I'm not interested in physical media, just lossless rips. It would be nice if whoever does the rips has a scanner, but it's not essential.

>> No.14024223

Still waiting for LiLa'c records, ESQUARIA, Amateras records, Hachimitsu Lemon, C-CLAYS, CROW'S CLAW
What's wrong? Does nobody like them or what?

>> No.14024294

OK then, just to confirm, the order is:

Esquaria - Platonic Soul
CODE-49 - Reboot
DBBY - Synth de Touhou 2
PAstyle - Prismatic Aquarium
Demetori - Evil People as the True Object of Salvation

The plan so far is to order these from melonbooks through noppin, they'll be shipped to me. Then I'll ship the Demetori album to the one who wants it.

I'll pay for everything upfront. We're buying 5 albums, so we'll split the final cost (including markups and shipping to my house) into fifths like this:

2/5 for me, who wants ESQUARIA and CODE-49
2/5 for anon who wants PAstyle and DBBY
1/5 for anon who wants Demetori.

Then I upload everything except Demetori, with EAC-logs of course, and the anon who wants demetori will pay for shipping that to his house.

I am not strapped for cash, so you guys can just pay your part when I post a photo of the goods.

Does all this sound agreeable?

>> No.14024298


>> No.14024319

anything on melonbooks is fine, it doesn't have to be c88. I do have a shitty scanner.

>> No.14024325

Do you have an estimate on the final cost right now? (Even a ballpark would be fine.)

>> No.14024328

Neuropolis 2.

Also Prismatic Aquarium and PLATONIC SOUL as the other anon already mentioned.

I don't need the CDs.

>> No.14024364

This, Amateras fucking where

>> No.14024376

Were you going to make the order right now? I was about to go out and do some errands, so I wouldn't have time to get back to you until later today.

>> No.14024399

no, I'm not in such a hurry. I would like to make the order within the next day or two.

>> No.14024422

Paypal exchange fee: 2.5%
Noppin shopping service fee: 1,000 yen plus 10% per order
shipping for a 5-10 CDs: about $20 I guess

2 charges from noppin: price quote and international shipping. After charge 2, I will know the final total.
more information: http://www.noppin.com/portal_pages/our_fees_for_shopping_service

avg cd price about 1300 yen or $11 USD

So we are looking at about $100 for 5 CDs.

>> No.14024529

I don't know how it compares to noppin, but http://biginjap.com/ has a 500yen flat service fee, then you just pay international shipping.
That's for forwarding though, so you would have to buy the albums yourself on the Japanese website.

>> No.14024530

Excellent, thanks for the breakdown.

As the anon who wants Prismatic Aquarium and Synth de Touhou 2, this seems reasonable.

If you wouldn't mind, could you send an email to the email at the pastebin PYKsxCHg (damn spam filter) when you have an order confirmation, and when you provide the upload (in case I miss the thread)?

>> No.14024545

Wow, I just noticed that the email field doesn't exist anymore.

>> No.14024567

Demetori guy here. So you'll post a pay request on here or another C88 thread?

>> No.14024592


Everyone who is interested, contact me at the email address in

pastebin dot com slash f1BzYsFk

Please include your paypal address and the albums you want. No money will be exchanged until the CDs are at my door.

I will make the order on Tuesday.

>> No.14024664

Demetori guy, I will send pay requests over email if you are fine with that.

>> No.14024771

Paypal is fine. I just wanted to confirm the instructions. Sending email now.

>> No.14024781

Also, when do we give shipping address?

>> No.14024840

It doesn't matter really, if you want a CD I just need your address by the time I receive the order. Might as well take care of it early though.

>> No.14024855

anon, I received your email but I'm not sure if my reply went through. I received an error message from your domain.

>> No.14024986

this guy is the cheapest


>> No.14025010

That's odd. I got one reply from you (I've replied back by this point). If there's a situation where you really think you can't get in touch with me through that, you should be able to use the account which I've given as linked to paypal (but that's actually my employer, so please don't send futa doujinshi scans or something).

>> No.14025014

What's wrong with futa doujinshi :O

>> No.14025032

They'll want me to hook them up with the supplier!

>> No.14025055

Good to hear it got through. Your order is finalized ^_^

I haven't recieved emails from Demetori guy or anyone else yet.

>> No.14025137

I have received the email from Demetori guy.

>> No.14025928
File: 18 KB, 628x189, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should leak Demetori and DDBY.

>> No.14025992
File: 388 KB, 1299x822, haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living in Japan. I'd really like to help but the police might catch me if I upload.

>> No.14026009

I'll suck your dick for the TAMUSIC one. It's the only album I'm still waiting on uploads for.

>> No.14026032

Why would the Japanese police care about you uploading doujin music? Even the big music corporations have to bribe them to get anything done, and even that is just 1 or 2 busts on random people using Share a year.

>> No.14026046
File: 374 KB, 498x480, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this stuff's good

>> No.14026309

Cajiva when?

I'll cry if I don't get it.

>> No.14026369

Did anyone pick up Iron Attack? I find their style growing on me.

>> No.14026371

They've only been busting people who upload on torrent sites or P2P networks though, right? And as >>14026032 said they'd likely only care about stuff owned by major corps anyway. If you're really paranoid about that kind of thing you could get a VPN too.

>> No.14026439

If you put them on Mega I doubt they'll care.

>> No.14026466


Use TOR or get a VPN.

>> No.14026475

How about get some rank and just enjoy what the Chinks put, Astost would be so much better if people didn't leak.

>> No.14026488

Anon, please this is the only way anyone will see a whitechno album ripped in forever

>> No.14026845

Are you >>13931029? Unprepared Orchestra's still not uploaded, and it's not being sold online.

>> No.14026922

How do I living in Japan

>> No.14027008

People seriously encouraging the legit usage of jewish chinese services. What has /jp/ become.

>> No.14027054

Oh boohoo. I'm not giving chinks internet points on some forum so that makes me a horrible person, right?

>> No.14027181

It's more like give and take rather than about points. Here it's only give and never get back.


>> No.14027365


>muh chink piracy points

>> No.14027414
File: 191 KB, 600x600, 7lGe0ve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you guys are so impatient

>> No.14027432
File: 58 KB, 190x195, 1440973463301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a dl link for 東方幻奏響UROBOROS肆 ~dEATHtINYoVERdRIVE~?
I can't find it

>> No.14027436

Yiss, finally.

>> No.14027454

Please stop uploading this cancer called Touhou and get the fuck out of here, seriously

>> No.14027456
File: 164 KB, 619x297, 1239261128183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14027546
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>> No.14027686
File: 326 KB, 500x500, whtc0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, you guys convinced me.

Yeah, that's me. I'll have it a bit later.


I'm not good at ripping things.

>> No.14027691
File: 38 KB, 362x346, 1420831747034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-NEETs where
Accord on Codes where
Cajiva where
Melodic Taste where

>> No.14027781
File: 77 KB, 600x801, 1436365753576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14027803

Who is this man?

>> No.14027807

It's Christopher Poole

>> No.14027903

Whoa, that's actually pretty good. Why the hell didn't people rip other albums?

>> No.14027926

I will love you forever if you upload the sound sepher album.

>> No.14028076

What happened to the v0 download of the Zytokine albums? I was really looking forward to listening to them on the go.

>> No.14028127

Redalice released two albums this Comiket, one was solo and named 'EMPEROR' and the other was a collaboration with someone, what was that called?

>> No.14028188
File: 473 KB, 450x450, c88jacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.


I'll upload in some other time. Already reached my net limit.

And I'm thinking of buying other albums that hasn't appeared in the webs yet.

>> No.14028346

did anyone get the new mafumafu album? i think its on itunes as well though.

>> No.14028438


>> No.14028440

shit taste, ofc

Your forgot to use accuraterip, otherwise an excellent job, sir

>> No.14028812
File: 37 KB, 379x376, 1426645468581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you lucky son of a bitch how is it?

>> No.14028854

Now Bandcamp has most of my money and it's all my fault. It's not just you guys doing Touhou mixes, there are a bunch of other artists I like and when I give everyone 5 bux it adds up to more than gas and groceries.

On that note I wonder if anyone had done Touhou arranges on pitch bendy Amigas...

>> No.14028875

What'd you buy?

>> No.14028920

>Your forgot to use accuraterip

That seems to be the only part I can't get EAC to work. Don't know if it's me, my external DVD drive, or my computer. Just probably me, I guess.

If you're already familiar with him, then you know what to expect. Though half the tracks are new, and the other half is from 異臭幻想狂. Also, MasamiT's a cool guy.

Also spent money on two Touhou albums in bandcamp. I hope I don't find anymore as I might buy them too.

>> No.14028927
File: 374 KB, 500x500, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repost from the denpa thread:I have ripped and uploaded the new odenpa*studio single like I promised. There you go.


>> No.14029096

LolistyleGabberS - 2015 Summer
I have no idea what track 5 is supposed to be, it's a 20minutes long weird noise but it was legitmately on the CD I bought and there was a name for it on the CD so I uploaded it anyway


>> No.14029152

Will Esquaria ever top Emotional Chaos?

>> No.14029158

Both Xeno Blaze and Recollection are better

>> No.14029166

I beg to differ.

>> No.14029173

emotional chaos was good but recollection is still their best album

>> No.14029228

Please do logical emotion!

>> No.14029277

Did anyone here get omake CD for new 暁Records? I was already out of money to get their album.

>> No.14029289 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming...

>> No.14029297

Oh wait that's not the T word, nevermind.

>> No.14029303


>> No.14029409

Visited osaka's melonbooks today and didn't really know what to get, so I just got that new usao and undead corporation (flashback) albums.

Shit was expensive yo. Ran out of spending cash, maybe I'll get some more from Tokyo later in a week or so.

>> No.14030041

Have you decided yet?

>> No.14030073

Just sent an email.

>> No.14030410

Mail received, thanks

>> No.14030423
File: 11 KB, 228x223, 10570501_606409666144492_7324386261622656976_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no demetori cue+tta rip

>> No.14030424

My favorite is Reproduction.

>> No.14030458

I will create a virtual machine and give you a remote access to it. You upload the stuff there, and I will do the rest. How about that?

>> No.14030461
File: 634 KB, 500x500, lolproject009_jacket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that a good FLAC rip is available, I won't be ordering this CD. Instead, I will get at least one other album that hasn't been uploaded: lol project 009: divine providence

Does anyone else have suggestions? Something with a really good XFD but no rip available.

>> No.14030510

Can you ensure you won't be t-worded?

>> No.14030844

Whoever asked about the touhou "noise art," here it is:


>> No.14031103

This is absolute dogshit

>> No.14031160

Only hipsters like Rinnosuke enjoy it.

>> No.14031261

Wtf is even going on.

>> No.14031278

Thank you for that lovely migrane headache.

>> No.14031336

The Code-49 album has appeared in FLAC as well. I still want to buy at least two CDs. What should I get?

>> No.14031426



>> No.14031447

I'll consider that, but remember diverse system's "diverse direct" web shop will ship internationally and does not require a forwarding service.

>> No.14031459



>> No.14031482
File: 152 KB, 600x600, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, they do ship internationally and there are no flac rips for AD:HOUSE yet, might buy it and rip it. No idea how long shipping's going to take.

>> No.14031530

If they use EMS it's between 3-5 days (I've always got stuff in 3 days from EMS), if it's SAL it'll take about 2 weeks.
It probably says somewhere on their site.

>> No.14031538

It's RSAL but the packages are pretty small so they don't sit around too long. My order took about a week.

>> No.14031907

The FLAC for AD:HOUSE 4 has been up on ASTOST for a long time now.

>> No.14032218

Still no better rip of From 2 Planet?

>> No.14032229

Don't have an account there and it seems more like a police state than nazi what.cd is.

>> No.14032634

still suffering...

>> No.14032645

From previous thread:
FLAC: https://mega.nz/#!m0olEaSQ!qEA8aNSPMXATVoyMzRTAM_tAP6uhpre55WWwxq9hizs
pass: Electro_Muster

>> No.14032717

This one is fake too. The playback speed is like 0.8x

>> No.14032799

Sorry, looks like you're right... The v0 release someone posted seems to have correct playback speed though:


>> No.14032817

at least it isnt invite-only, unlike jpopsuki and sows

>> No.14032885

I have like 8 invites on jpopsuki so if anyone's up just say so.

>> No.14032888

Can someone confirm it? I have FLAC rip from astost but looks like chinks screwed it up.

>> No.14032904

I could use one if you'd be kind enough


>> No.14032913


>> No.14032916



Pretty please

>> No.14032917

Hello there~ Send me too pls


>> No.14032933

Stay on the green ratio or die.

>> No.14032943


I could use an invite, I promise to stay green.

>> No.14032954

It's not even hard for jpopsuki, with the crazy bonus system that's in place.

>> No.14032956

True, I just invited someone a long time ago and all they did was leeching with no seeding. I'll better be safe than sorry this time.

>> No.14032990

doubleuletter@gmail.com What's the quality of uploads? I've been on AB before, and I've come across malware there.

>> No.14032999
File: 27 KB, 225x366, bebe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's entirely virus free. Most uploads are in WMV, FLAC & mp3.

>> No.14033003

I meant WAV, not WMV.

>> No.14033034

Yes, please.

>> No.14033066

If you still have any left, please invite!

>> No.14033079


>> No.14033176

No more invites, last three send.

>> No.14033195

You sure? faveryextra hasn't received.

>> No.14033225
File: 77 KB, 713x182, mails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14033231

Delete jpanon17's invite, he's 17 years old and won't seed.

>> No.14033238

You're only saying that cause you want in.

>> No.14033247

That's weird. I'll check my inbox again later to see if it came.

>> No.14033252

Maybe check the spam box? If it won't come in the next 4 hours I'll delete this invite and send it on your other mail.
I have my account registered on @hotmail.com and confirmation email took a day to come iirc.

>> No.14033509

The invite to jpanon17 didn't arrive either...

>> No.14033514

Reminds me of the time that Outlook (or was it hotmail) would automatically block all emails from Steam, not even sending them to spam.

Give it some time, it'll probably (maybe) show up in like 24 hours.

>> No.14033524

You're not getting it you underaged underager.

>> No.14033949

Aren't you a bitter old man. I'm getting 2 invites per month, wait for your turn.

>> No.14033980

Why would you risk your account for inviting neckbeard anon-kuns? I get you can get most of the stuff elsewhere, but it comes handy once in a while to use that site.

>> No.14034026

Why not? Someone risked their account for me and jpopsuki will have free registration enabled Soon™.

>> No.14034044

I wouldn't mind inviting every stranger on the internet if mod would tell me whatever they do it will not concern me nor affect me.

>> No.14034061

I don't think you got the point of private trackers, friend.

>> No.14034066

Good. I mind that it can affect my account but I trust random anons they will stay green. Call me naive, I don't care.

>> No.14034073

I know this doesn't have anything to do with music but does anyone have access to the cracked c88 games on 7yzone.com and if they have, could they make a mirror?

>> No.14034107

You're an idiot. I am on multiple private trackers even some "elite" ones. I lost one really rare account, because I invited a fucking idiot. Never gonna do same mistake again.

Of course low tier private trackers don't care who you invite, but I guess you have been only into those, but I still won't risk jpopsuki even if it's more likely that nothing happens when idiot anons cannot grasp the point of ratio.

>> No.14034163

Don't fight, jaypee-kun.

>> No.14034253

ok :(

>> No.14034549

No links to the new Tamaonsen album and EP in the spreadsheet? Anyone have them?

>> No.14034663

Last time someone on DS leaked games from 7yzone all the chinks got mad and started a thread about them. I think some of the uploaded stopped posting there after that too.

>> No.14034716


I can relate to the Chinks, when someone leaked my shit I stopped also.

>> No.14034723

I can relate too, when someone t-worded me last thread and it turned to shit. I stopped also.

>> No.14034750

I agree.

>> No.14035162


>> No.14035190
File: 356 KB, 933x930, IMG0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy to say that this is miles better than Electro Cute 2. It's very different from Electro Cute 1 but it is a worthy successor, just as awesome.

>> No.14035273

I submitted the group order to noppin, it may be ~24 hours before I get a quote and then a bit more for international shipping.

I've ordered everything requested, plus Jerico's Supernatural Operation. lol project 009 is out of stock, but I found a used copy at a store that will ship internationally. All going well so far.

>> No.14035292
File: 118 KB, 500x500, artworks-000125637812-e30iy8-t500x500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What about this? I have no idea what is in it but the one Shibayan song which is all I want, really.

>> No.14035349


On the right side.

>> No.14035373

Well, I already submitted the order, but I am also interested in a new shibayan song.

You can buy this album at DLSite: http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ160644.html

It's MP3 though. I wish DLsite required lossless sources like Bandcamp. Some artists, like Eternal Melody, do sell lossless there.

>> No.14035401

I would have asked you to get Submariner for me before, but I'm broke and Paypal doesn't want to work for me anymore. Guess I'll just have to wait until next time.

>> No.14035875
File: 16 KB, 373x164, proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're still up, can you send the invite over to faveryextra@gmail.com?

>> No.14036404
File: 3 KB, 376x144, jpanon17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end it never arrived. Could you send it to jpanon17@yandex.com instead?

>> No.14036555

his complextro is so fucking good
album was way better than anything i expected from amane at this point

>> No.14036595

it was surprisingly good

>> No.14037777

Send. Stay on the fucking green people.

>> No.14038653

Get in the ring hit the fucking spot with their new album, jesus christ. Also Buta-otome's new album's up on touhounosekai, it's pretty good.

>> No.14038734
File: 332 KB, 1100x1086, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[豚乙女] 少女煉獄 第三巻

>> No.14040512

I bought my first ever touhou CD from c88 I have to say it's quite fucking good.


>> No.14040539

That's just the buyer remorse talking. It'll fade into you realizing it's not good.

>> No.14040565

In 24 hours, the WAV for Eternal Melody ' s new album (Persona and Animus) will be taken down from DLsite. Buy it now of you want to support them without the hassle of international shipping.

There is a flac version if it in the last thread. Not as good as Unfinished, but still quite enjoyable.

>> No.14040570

I could never really get into 13.c.gilbert.

I prefer moro's style to his for some reason.

Speaking of moro, has Sol Negro been uploaded?

>> No.14040590


I really like Moro VS Quil CD, but other than that I never got into him..I have always loved gilbert.

Also sol Negro is in astost or bandcamp

pick your poison!


Don't worry I hate touhou shit other than that CD and I'll never buy more of that shit called touhou, same goes for kancolle.

>> No.14040591

Kancolle is better though because the music wasn't made by someone drunk by killing their liver...

>> No.14040631

But Kancolle music is made by some no life corporate slave that is only doing what he's told to do. Arguably worse.

>> No.14040673

Since when we needed to care how something is made, if touhou and kancolle both suck, then they suck. Simple as that, before any one claims that they are great , "They Truly Do Suck".

>> No.14040679

>Simple as that, before any one claims that they are great , "They Truly Do Suck".

Nevertheless, both of them combined can not hope to suck as much cocks as you do.

>> No.14040705

Yeah I sucked your gay father last night while your momma was sucking me.

>> No.14040721

But why were they chosen to produce the music in Kancolle? Because they're the best out of everyone else. Competition. They wouldn't pay the shittiest person to make music when there's someone better.

>> No.14040742

How would you know they knew they were going to hit gold with this game? They could have hired any shitty composer looking for a job like any other card game.

>> No.14042002

But the music is objectively shit compared to touhou's music, anyone with an ear can hear that.

>> No.14042261

I hate to keep asking but could you resend the link to jpanon17@yandex.com?

>> No.14042346

They're both shit, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.14042374

This Taishi album is pretty good. FLAC rip when?

>> No.14043231

After Demetori, which means never.

>> No.14043247

In due time, kids. In due time.

>> No.14043257

Maybe doujin music isn't for me, but from the 10 or so albums I listened to from the spreadsheet linked above, none struck me as above average. The only one I really enjoyed was TAM, and I already was a fan before.

>> No.14043265

>he enjoyed the instrumental music over the vocals
Such shit taste.

>> No.14043282

get akatsuki records

get zytokine

get East new sound

>> No.14043284

doujin isn't a genre, bloglord.

>> No.14043667

What type/genre of music do you like/did you expect? If you want something that's not Touhou remixes (everything in blue on the spreadsheet), I'd personally recommend Asterythm, sasakure.UK's album (his stuff is pretty unique) and AD:HOUSE 4.

>> No.14044134

There has been a weak lineup this time.

Sakuzyo's fairythm (from a prior event) might interest you.
