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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13997752 No.13997752[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello, and welcome to Begin Japanology, I'm Peter Barakan...

>> No.13997756


>> No.13998212

I enjoy Begin Japanology. I'm a bit jealous on his job, especially when it's an episode about food.

>> No.13998530

Guy's very chill. Will drink with.

>> No.13998549 [DELETED] 


>> No.13998553
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>> No.13998562 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13998573

I'd try it. Probably just tastes like any old sashimi.

Also, what's your favorite episode? I liked the eel and soy sauce ones.

>> No.13998586

Only somewhat related but does anyone know if there is still a place to watch "Why Did You Come To Japan?" online? Seems like any youtube channel that attempts to post them now gets banned within a week and I can't find anywhere else to download or watch them. It's a shame because the show was really fun to watch sometimes.

>> No.13998594


Christ almighty

Why can't they kill it first?

>> No.13998598

I'm pretty sure after like the 6 second mark it doesn't have a heart anymore. I don't think it's alive, but what do I know.

>> No.13998604

Because japanese people do not have a soul

>> No.13998610 [DELETED] 

Are you implying that there's a dichotomy that consists of the soul and the physical body?

>> No.13998618
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>> No.13998636 [DELETED] 

I share your belief, then.

>> No.13998643

Believing in mind-body dualism in 2015? How embarrassing...

>> No.13998696 [DELETED] 

It is likely to be dead.
And it's muscles just firing randomly.
There was a thread about this on /an/.

Not to the other forms of ikizukuri aren't probably alive when eaten (fish, octopus, lobster etc). It's a bit weird desire to want to see that. The frog dish at least is eaten as a dare and is not common.

>> No.13998704

It is likely to be dead.
And it's muscles just firing randomly.
There was a thread about this on /an/.

Not that the other forms of ikizukuri aren't likely alive when eaten (fish, octopus, lobster etc). It's a bit weird desire to want to see that. The frog dish at least is eaten as a dare and is not common.

>> No.13998724

Could be worse. At least they're not swallowing live whole octopus.

>> No.13998751
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Asians come pretty close sometimes

I'm gonna all the old-fashioned fuckers when they all die

>> No.13998804

I'd prefer ikizukuri banned altogether. Show some respect to your food.

We do have some practices in the west too that should be thought about, like catch-and-release fishing and boiling lobsters alive.

In the grand scheme of things it is of course small time compared to problems the meat industry in general has about giving a decent life to slaughter animals.

>> No.13998933

Rice Cooker ep > *

>> No.13999105

How would you write Barakan in kanji?
腹感 ?

>> No.13999111
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I love these videos, they're so relaxing.

>> No.13999139
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>mfw watching Bento ep


>> No.13999155

i'm not very good at this

>> No.13999166

Why would you? He's English.

>> No.13999250

It just occurred to me that "barakan" looks oddly like a Japanese word. So basically, for fun.

I looked it up and apparently バラ冠 is a type of rooster's comb.

>> No.13999256

He looks weirdly part Japanese to me.

>> No.13999262

Just looked it up. He's part Burmese. That explains why he has some Asian features.

>> No.13999291

Does it say how big his dick is?

>> No.13999314

No, but you can ask him on Twitter.

>> No.13999325

>Peter Barakan is a Japanese-British DJ and broadcaster
Huh, I always assumed he was just a chill older guy doing public access TV

>> No.13999345

It doesn't say in the English wiki for whatever reason, but he's also a music critic.

>> No.13999346

I heard he got maced

>> No.13999431 [DELETED] 


>> No.13999449
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>> No.14000819

I need a Somewhere Street archive.

>> No.14000948
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>> No.14001113

By who? Where did you hear that from?

>> No.14001234


>> No.14001371
File: 158 KB, 1067x600, 2015-08-26_15h35_45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, and welcome to Begin Japanology, I'm Peter Barakan
Today we will be looking at something mundane which will make you think "how on earth did they make a 40 minute programme about this?"
But after learning its history and talking to some experts you'll actually discover it is somewhat interesting

>> No.14001471

Fucking weeaboo.

>> No.14001558
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>go for Culture Studies for kek
>Japanese Culture class
>Professor clicks play on a laptop
>"Hello, and welcome to Begin Japanology, I'm Peter Barakan..."
>this shit on loop for like half of semester
Yes, I dropped.

>> No.14002015


He is Burmese and Polish-Jew. No joke.
He kind of has the David Duchovny weasel face going on.

>> No.14002029

Mmm, that's really nice actually. While I'm enjoying this, next we're going to take a look at how this thing has developed in Japan.

>> No.14003045

tastes better if it's alive
stolen from france obviously

>> No.14003513

Ethnically, yes. But he was born and raised by a British father (of Polish descent) and an Anglo-Burmese mother.

>> No.14005714
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Hello, I'm Matt Alt and I'm here to ruin this entire episode!

>> No.14005771

His over-the-top peppiness smashes through the chill, comfy atmosphere that Barakan has so carefully prepared.

He is Gojira.

>> No.14005805

Who honestly thought this guy was a good idea?

>> No.14005903

he looks like the weeb version of brian cox

>> No.14005908

I was wondering what he reminded me of. Thats exactly it.

>> No.14007082

I see Japanology from time to time on TV and have never seen this guy. Am I just lucky?

>> No.14007105
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I really liked the Wagyu episode.
One day I wish to try some myself.

>> No.14007106

He's on Japanology Plus episodes I think.

>> No.14007285

Use your mind to grow your fingernails an extra inch today.

>> No.14009657

If there's something related to COOL JAPAN, Matt Alt is bound to be there.

>> No.14009799


>> No.14009816 [DELETED] 

I don't understand how people can watch 40 minutes of a boring subject such as curry.

>> No.14009875

If I can watch hours of slice of life anime, I can watch this.

>> No.14013898
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Sort of. Cold blooded animals brains have lower metabolism than warm blooded ones so they can survive longer without oxygen.

That said the body will still move even without a brain and the head will still move even without a body. Just like when you decapitate a snake and the body still moves and the head still bites. so it is hard to determine just by a video how much the brain is actually controlling the movements and how much is just the nervous system is firing randomly. Even chickens can "live" long without a head.

This chicken lived for 18 months without a head until it died due to an accident.

>> No.14014624
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Can't be worse than

>> No.14014743
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Did anyone see the NHK documentary about that dude that goes around the world to find trees to transplant? So lucky, I wish I could have that kind of job.

>> No.14016249



>> No.14016382
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Oh my god don't... Don't watch the dog episode if you're expecting a very informative type deal. I just wanted to learn more about Japanese breeds not watch a poor old dog suffer and die.

>> No.14017464

That's just nerves firing it's dead

>> No.14018575

Japanorama was great. Bit cheesy like most tv shows from the 2000s era, but great nonetheless.

It was one of the few things that made me realise there's nothing inherently wrong with weeaboism/otakuism, and that anti-weeaboism is a sentiment shared only by a minority on the internet, and is usually limited to their own echo chambers, e.g, 4chan.

After all, the current craze for anime/manga seems similar to how the population grew infatuated with sushi and ninja back in the 80s/90s. They're just symptoms, the roots of the problem lie elsewhere, assuming it's a "problem" at all.

Recently I saw Jonathan Ross on one of those Gordon Ramsay's shows. He was raving about Japanese pancakes iirc. In him I saw a man, brought up during the great japanese boom, being passionate about his interest. But had he dressed in a more casual attire instead of blazer and french cuffs, some /v/irgins would have condescendingly called him a weeb neckbeard.

>> No.14019107

Been watching this >>13998553
while listening to this >>13997756
for the past 15 minutes laughing my head off
pun intended

>> No.14019278

>this kills the pepe.webm

>> No.14019282

Why do chinks do this...

>> No.14019300

Bakaran is half of polish and thailand.
I personally have thought he is a gay.

>> No.14019393
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>> No.14021466

delicious :3

>> No.14021641
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RIP Kuta

>> No.14021647
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>> No.14021675

That's not how I saw that scene. Never pictured any long pause like that.

>> No.14025428

he is the nermal of Begin Japanology

>> No.14025488

I fUCKING love Peter Barakan and Begin Japanology.

But fuck the new series that dont have Peter Barakan as much.

>> No.14025656

Hes just a bit meek. Kind of makes sense why he fits well into Japanese culture though.

>> No.14025858

/jp/ - japan

I see /v/'s still here.

>> No.14026147

Where do you guys even watch this shit?

>> No.14026237

Most of it is on youtube I think.

>> No.14026421

Theres a channel with nothing but this. No one seems to have all the episodes in one place though.
