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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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139627 No.139627 [Reply] [Original]

If the birthrate in Japan went up, and there more families with multiple kids, would Japan lose its fascination with incest?

Or is that, writers and artists are naturally drawn to the taboo, and that the incest taboo is the particular taboo that fascinates creative types in Japan?

Could it be a deeper problem than just a lack of siblings? Could it be a problem with a lack of emotional intimacy among families in Japan, with fathers always working long nights, and the desire for more emotional intimacy manifests itself perversely in the incest fascination?

TL;DR discuss why Japan is obsessed with incest.

>> No.139632

It's fuckhot, that's why.

>> No.139659

Thread ended here. We (Westerners) come from places with higher populations and number of siblings and we all still think incest is hot (as long as it's someone else's family. There are exceptions, of course).

There is nothing more to discuss.

>> No.139667
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There's not as much incest porn here as there is in Japan though.

>> No.139672

we don't have so much porn, period. It's mostly the same tried and tired stuff, than can't compare to Japans sheer diversity.
The Long Tail for the win

>> No.139700

I dont they are any more obsessed with it than in the west, look at any ASSTR story collection and the 3 biggest things will be Rape, Pedo and Incest.

>> No.139717

the incest thing could even increase, hah, but its really not something thats spoken about, cousins (2nd removed and over) seems almost universally acceptable. but immediate family isn't something people would talk about, even if conducting it...

i wonder if abuse or loving gently is more likely to get you caught

>> No.139789

If you think about it, incest would solve so many of society's biggest problems today. How many of them are because people want more sex?

Too many people get in bad relationships because of sex. Too many teens don't have an outlet and have unsafe sex with strangers.

Incest could solve all these problems. Imagine a society where it is not just accepted, but common practice, for those who enter puberty to begin having sexual relations within their family. Mothers and fathers could teach their teen children safe sex, and provide an outlet for the sexual feelings they begin to have. Teens would no longer have a reason to have casual sex with strangers.

People would still get married, but it would be something driven by genuine friendship, not sex, since no one would be desperate for sex any more. Divorce rates would plummet.

Incest. Right for the family. Right for America.

>> No.139807

Imagine widespread mutations.
America, Fuck yeah!

>> No.139814

Birth control would be mandatory, of course.

>> No.139831
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no. just no.

>> No.139846


No thanks.

Widespread deformity and retardation, DO NOT WANT.

>> No.139847

If you can't see the logical benefits of such a society, it's not my problem. People just assume the society they grow up in is the norm, but that's no reason to keep the same flawed social structure.

>> No.139859

But what if you had a really fat, ugly family?

>> No.139866

Do it in the dark.

Besides, in that case, you're probably ugly too. You won't be able to do any better.

>> No.139882


But what if you're the black sheep of the family and are good-looking, or at least attractive in some sort of sense?

And in the dark doesn't work, especially if they are exceptionally fat and don't wash.

>> No.139901

Do it in the shower. They get clean and you get sex.

>> No.139899

Incest can be hard on a couple though, I mean- I like my cousin but I'm too afraid of ridicule, rejection, and family pressure to do anything. She always treats me well, doesn't care what I'm doing, and just wants to spend time with me to get to know me.

God has cursed me, the only woman I like is the woman I can't have.

>> No.139988

If it gets approve it by society then... wheres the freaking fun?

>> No.140103
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>> No.140133


It's disgusting even when it's somebody else's family.


>> No.140152


I bet your cousin has sensed your feelings and continues to pretend to get closer to you only because it's some kind of sick game to her.

Women are fucking evil.

>> No.140160

ITT: People without siblings.

>> No.140170

As one of the only persons in this thread who actually seems to have a sister. Let me tell you idiots: You are not sexually attracted to your own sister. So stop talking about it being hawt or whatnot. It isn't.

>> No.140180

As someone with not one, but two sisters: it bloody well is.

>> No.140184


I have several sisters. I want to do one of them.

>> No.140197

But it I am.

>> No.140195

ITT: people without siblings and issues

>> No.140576

Depends how hot/cute your sister is. If my sister was anything like my neice. Actually that's still incest right? My neice is about 9 I think. I have wet dreams about her.

>> No.140609

ITT: [people [without [siblings and issues]]]
ITT: [people [without siblings] [with issues]]]

please advise.

>> No.140629

Incest is wrong in any country, society, or time.

It is wrong in 1D, 2D, 3D, and 4D.

>> No.140644

Haha, you're so funny.

>> No.140655


3/10. you need to take a level in troll, mere tripfaggotry and sentiments going against the local norm is not enough around these parts.

>> No.140667

I`ve got a sister that`s not related to me by blood and we`re childhood friends. That`s fucking 3 fetishes in one. And tell ya what, it doesn`t turn me on even a bit. It`s not that she`s fugly or anything, but as someone wise said:

>The only people who have a sister complex are people who don`t have sisters.

And he was right.

>> No.140669

np, he wasnt.

>> No.140706

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Japanese creation myth involve brother-sister incest?
Perhaps it's an atavistic thing.

>> No.140726

i'd guess incest that happens irl is more.. animalistic, its not like some lovely-dovey thing, or a h-game. its pretty much two confused teenagers let their hormones get the better of them when they are in an enclosed environment together, experimentation, etc.

>> No.140745

>>Anonymous of Alabama !.p44NyTsCo


>> No.140746


That`s why I wrote that my sister doesn`t turn me on one bit. Even though she`s my sister, isn`t blood related to me and is my childhood friend. Come on, that`d be a perfect girl for a perverted weeaboo, and belive me, I am one.

>> No.140999

Describe her.

>> No.141013

Sadly, I am.

Too lazy.

We don't have pigs in cities. You might be thinking of another southern state.

>> No.141020

Hit the nail on the head. I would never even consider touching my sister.

>> No.141021

What, Arkansas?

>> No.141036

Arkansas is most likely more accurate.

>> No.141054

My ex used to scream like that and tell me it was an "gen-u-wine 'bama hog call". I also see the joke coming here, but she was a skinny little thing.

>> No.141079

>Anonymous of Alabama !.p44NyTsCo

>> No.141080

All Alabama women are healthy (not necessarily fat, though a lot are).

Although your ex might have been a cocaine addict, which would explain why she would try to call you like a pig.

Also, if you were fat like a pig.

>> No.141087

I can't imagine anyone speaking like that that doesn't look like the rednecks from Deliverance.

>> No.141092

dur hur, life is like a box of chocolates.

Srsly, if you think Forrest Gump is an accurate representation of the modern day South, you're incorrect.

>> No.141107
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Southern belles .... WANT.

>>Also, if you were fat like a pig.

>> No.141134

Well, Southern women used to be decent, but then the national feminist movement decided that equal opportunity isn't as important as being a total asshole to anything without a vagina.

All women, even in the South, now fall into the self-fulfilling, lying, scheming feminist bitches, now. And it's still the man's fault.

>> No.141155

Good Ol' Boy dectected.
Only, I happen to agree with you. It's the same shit everywhere really. It's always, always the mans fault. I guess that's why we're here though?

>> No.141153

I dunno about the rest of the south, but girls in Texas are all sluts.

>> No.141177

I'm not a Good Ol' Boy. I don't have a pick up truck, any guns (though I somehow own a gun rack), confederate paraphenalia, or rows of jack daniel bottles (I end up tossing mine into a neighbor's yard).

Women are just shit everywhere.

>> No.141179

Because THE MAN is keeping you down?

>> No.141182

I'd be more inclined to blame superficiality than feminism. If jackasses will accept you no matter how much of a bitch you are just because you're pretty, it's hard to learn much else.

>> No.141201
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>>141177 I don't have any guns (although I somehow own a gun rack)

>> No.141207

So you do not, in fact, own at least one white suit with vomit on the dress-shoes? Gotten away with speeding/underage drinking/pot because you're, y'know, onn-a us'?

>> No.141231


You mean THAT MAN?

>> No.141929

I don't own a white tux, my dress shoes are about 4 sizes too small after many years, and where I live the cops go about 30 miles over the speed limit at all times, so it's hard for them to get an accurate measure of just how fast you're going.

They also confiscate your pot and then ask for directions to your dealer. So they can buy some more cheap.

>> No.141947

Everyone's genes are more or less the same.
The mutation and retardation argument sorta gets wrecked by the fact that in the end, it's not that we're all special little gumdrops that are different and beautiful. We're all the same fucking thing, and we all came from the same fucking something or another.

>> No.141957

It's estimated that at least 27 thousand or so genetically different humans would need to survive in order to repopulate the planet without creating genetic disorders.

We're not all the same. Some of us are very very different, which keeps us from becoming very very weird when those little genes activate.

>> No.141961

I'm 100% for sibling incest. But inter-generational incest = shitsux.

An older yandere sister guiding you through the ropes of sexual maturity. Imagine how awesome that would be.

>> No.141984

Beautiful. You best believe I'm greencarding my ass over there. I assume there is always a need for good people in the journalism/advertising-business, no?

Also, you live in like Mobile or Montgomery, right?

>> No.141988


Yeah you`re right there. IMAGINE. If you had a sister, it wouldn`t appear so tempting or attractive. Only sister-cons are people without sisters.

>> No.142001


What about the few people on the old /a/ who DID have sex with their sisters, or on the old /b/ too?

>> No.142008
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That is not how incest works. As long as you don't "keep it in the family" for a long time there is still very little chance for retardation/deformity. Assuming you're not underage you should understand why there would be an increased chance of retardation/deformity, but if two siblings who don't have negative recessive traits up the ass have a kid there really is most likely not going to be any significantly higher chance of "malfunctions" than if they weren't siblings.

>> No.142010


Most propably didn`t happen. Come on, what percent of copy-pastas or stories is real?

>> No.142014


If you were there for several of them, you'd know that a few DID actually happen (swincest-kun for example) as well as a couple of others.

>> No.142024

Depends on the sister, really.

I hate my older sister with reckless abandon, but I love my twin sister dearly.

I'd never do anything to he, since she's essentially a female version of me (in personality, not appearence, fraternal twins), but she's one of the few bright lights of my life.

>> No.142031


She must have had a boyfriend by now though.

What did that feel like?

>> No.142032


Yeah, so you were there, watching them having sex. Yeah. Smartass.

>> No.142040


Well, it's easy to be as cynical as you want, but if you read his threads you could tell he was being serious.

>> No.142059

On Sunday, October 22nd, 2006, there will be seven "dirty" explosive
devices detonated in seven different U.S. cities; Miami, New York City,
Atlanta, Seattle, Houston, Oakland and Cleveland. The death toll will
approach 100,000 from the initial blasts and countless other fatalities
will later occur as result from radioactive fallout.

The bombs themselves will be delivered via trucks. These trucks will
pull up to stadiums hosting NFL games in each respective city. All
stadiums to be targeted are open air arenas, excluding Atlanta's
Georgia Dome, the only enclosed stadium to be hit. Due to the open air,
the radiological fallout will destroy those not killed in the initial
explosion. The explosions will be near simultaneous, with the cities
specifically chosen in different time zones to allow for multiple

>> No.142062

little jealous, but mostly I fear that she'll get some jerk.

She does have a rather neat guy now.
He's pretty nice, but I think she could do better.

>> No.142065


Is it really so hard to believe someone, somewhere has fucked their sister?

>> No.142066
File: 51 KB, 229x331, 1204669279901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all diseased.

>> No.142075

No, not at all.
But saying that some people on /b/ and /a/ actually fucked their siblings and then saying "if you read the thread you'd know they were serious" as justification... It's just kind of gay.

>> No.142080


What I don't get, is how brothers can say they dont want to fuck their sisters, then they can say things like:

>little jealous

About them getting boyfriends, surely this implies sexual attraction of a sort?

>> No.142089

Maybe they're jealous of their sister getting a life?

>> No.142091


Well the guy on /a/ mentioned (swincest-kun) seemed pretty genuine. He gave regular updates and hadn't actually seen his sister in a while until people on /a/ encouraged him to ring her.

>> No.142106


That's the way of the world I'm afraid.

At least you'll never have to squeeze a kid out of your loins.

>> No.142102

the jealousy comes from the fact that she and I act so much alike, and she has more luck getting a boyfriend than I do a girlfriend.

Women have it easier.

>> No.142114


But neither will she, really.

By the time she really wants a kid, we'll have the ability to take material from the parents, combine it, and modify it to get rid of key undesirable traits and grow them in a tube.

>> No.142120
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>> No.142124

It's not that hard to turn your sister into your sex slave, but you have to "train" her before she hits puberty. If you don't, she might fall in love with other boys.

-Be incredibly nice to her, buy her things that she knows are worth alot
-Lot's of physical contact-although not necessarily sexual, this will allow her to grow more accustomed to your touch
-If she makes any points about liking or disliking something, be sure to make it obvious that you agree with her

I didn't exactly plan this out but this is the kind of thing I did early on. I just really had a passion for my little sister but after a certain circumstance we've been fucking each other practically every day. Even though it feels so good, I've been considering killing myself since she actually loves me while I just use her for pleasure, especially since I'll be going off to college soon. She's practically dependent on me for everything, and its more than love; its an obsession. She has my name written all over her notebooks and papers and from what I can tell she has absolutely no friends. You can try this, but in the end you'll regret it.

>> No.142139

Enjoy your Kaede.

>> No.142142


Also, I design mansions and then live in them!

>> No.142147

are you handsome and can fight good?

>> No.142158

You're horrible.

Swincest-kun actually loved his sister. ;_;

>> No.142162

Well I sort of loved her when I was an immature kid like her, but then things changed when I got a girlfriend of my own

>> No.142179

People with girlfriends aren't welcome here.

>> No.142230

>but after a certain circumstance we've been fucking each other practically every day.

What circumstance was that?

>> No.142281

Well, there are plenty of isolated island cultures that would be inherently incestuous and they seem to get along without too serious genetic defects/disease, but I don't know if Moai, Jarawa, Sentinelese, or other isolated peoples are really the perfect model of health.

Then there are the guys on Pitcairn Island, that have been fucking their kids and sisters for several hundred years, but they had the advantage of a diverse Polynesian/European gene pool.

>> No.142299


But wow, if that was true, that's one hell of a fantasy. Having your imouto be your sex slave.... Making her do ANYTHING to please you.

>> No.142297

>An older yandere sister guiding you through the ropes of sexual maturity

Oh sweet god. If only...

>> No.142455

Here is my story..

For some strange reason I have been very attracted to my sister since she was maybe three years

old. This is very odd since I am usually never attracted to anything below 11-12(ie onset of


Anyway, I did some sexual stuff to her when she was about 4-5 years (nothing serious, mostly

rubbing up against her when we played hide and seek etc) I was maybe 13-14 at this time, I also for

some stupid reason gave her a kiss at one occasion.

Later I decided that this shit had to stop and managed to contol myself for some 7 years, our

>> No.142471


Fuck her you stupid faggot.

How old is she anyway?

>> No.142470

Why the fuck did you double space your post?

>> No.142496

ITT: more incest pasta. /jp/ sucks.

>> No.142519

Either you are very screwed up or you are in the infancy of something that has the possibilitiy of blooming into something wonderful. Do the right thing, and do shit the proper way. Love is love, and borders be damned. We humans are humans precisely because we cannot always control our emotions. A good friend of mine used to say "there is nothing lovelier than an open heart, because those who have open hearts know no fear and feel tears aren't shameful".

When, or if whichever you prefer, this 'bears fruit' you will be a happy man.

If you're trolling go fuck yourself.

>> No.142576

Wait and see than.. I will avoid anything sexual and continue giving her attention(Unless she dresses up in one of her goth-loliesque dresses and high tights when we are home alone)

>> No.142598



>> No.142604


>> No.142634


too young... just wait a couple of years. I doubt she even knows what sex is.

>> No.142661

Anonymous, that is not like you.

>> No.142663


>> No.142679


She probably looks up to you, don't ruin it. Wait a bit.

>> No.142712

