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13934598 No.13934598 [Reply] [Original]

With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed.
Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate,
or persist in the doomed world you have created.

>> No.13934613

Looks like someone had a ketchup accident.

>> No.13934677
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marisa is kill?

>> No.13934679

Oh, it's Japanese gay meme. The original sentence is "嫌いじゃないけど好きじゃないよ" though.

>> No.13934717

Marisa lived a good life. I'm sure she's in a better place now! So! Don't worry, Marisa!

>> No.13934780

Poor ketchup.
What happened? I'm still trying to LoLK

>> No.13934856

It's a meme.

>> No.13934865

She can be friends with Yuyuko at least

>> No.13934868

Marisa's ending in LoLK is just her relaxing at home with the Lunar occult orb, then Yukari teleports in, looking for said orb.
So no, Marisa is not dead.

>> No.13934875

Yukari does it again!

>> No.13934876

How's her extra?

>> No.13934895

I must confess that I can't read Japanese, but she looks just as alive as always before and after the fight.

>> No.13934921

Now we wait until TH16 for people to spam mima and marisa's death conspiracy theories.

>> No.13935624

Console commands.

>> No.13935796

Would the Nerevarine make a good touhou?

>> No.13935893

He's even got a silly hat.

>> No.13937144

Wasn't the medicine Eiri gave them something that purified them temporarily? So technically they were dead during the event or something?

>> No.13937196

Pure ≠ dead.
Concept of life and death itself is impure.

>> No.13941021
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>> No.13941030
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So silly.

>> No.13941056
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Didn't Cirno almost kill her in one of the games?

>> No.13941062

So when are we going to see Yuyuko bullied until she brings Marissa back?

>> No.13941089
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it's no laughing matter

>> No.13941168

9 out of 10 ashlanders agree.

>> No.13945761

What's the Touhou equivalent of kicking down Vivecs door, caving his skull, stealing his soul and the Wraithguard, and marching up Red Mountain because fuck essential NPC?

>> No.13945806

GFW? No. That was Cirno's interpretation of what happened. That's how it is for the entire game. Meme fairy actually got her ass kicked by marisa.

>> No.13945908

UDK is not dead, maybe. I mean, they're probably just rumours.

>> No.13946367

Nope, and I guess that whole invasion left no mark on storyline.

>> No.13951163

The Hortator wandered through the Mourning Hold, wrestling with the lessons he had learned. They were slippery in his mind. He could not always keep the words straight and knew that this was a danger. He wandered to find Vivec, his lord and master, the glory of the image of Veloth, and found him of all places in the Temple of False Thinking. There, clockwork shears were taking off Vivec's hair. A beggar king had brought his loom and was making of the hair an incomplete map of adulthood and death.

Nerevar said, 'Why are you doing this, milord?'

Vivec said, 'To make room for the fire.'

And the Hortator could see that Vivec was out of sorts, though not because of the impending new power to come. The golden warrior-poet had been exercising his Water Face as well, learned from the dreughs before he was born.

Nerevar said, 'Is this to keep you from the fire?'

Vivec said, 'It is so that I may see with truth. It, and my place here at the altar of Padhome in the house of False Thinking, serve so that I may see beyond my own secrets. The Water Face cannot lie. It comes from the ocean, which is too busy to think, much less lie. Moving water resembles truth by its trembling.'

Nerevar said, 'I am afraid to become slipshod in my thinking.'

Vivec said, 'Reach heaven by violence then.'

So to quiet his mind the Hortator chose from the Fight Racks an axe. He named it and moved on to the first moon.

>> No.13951169

There, Nerevar was greeted by the Parliament of Craters, who knew him by title and resented his presence, for he was to be a ruling king of earth and this was the lunar realm. They shifted around him in a pattern of entrapment.

'The moon does not recognize crowns or scepters,' they said, 'nor the representatives of kingdoms below, lion or serpent or mathematician. We are the graves of those that have migrated and become ancient countries. We seek no Queens or thrones. Your appearance is decidedly solar, which is to say a library of stolen ideas. We are neither tear nor sorrow. Our revolution succeeded in the manner that is was written. You are the Hortator and unwelcome here.'

And so Nerevar carved at the grave ghosts until he was out of breath and their Parliament could make no new laws.

He said, 'I am not of the slaves that perish.'

Of the members of Parliament only a few survived the Hortator's attack.

A surviving Crater said, 'Appropriation is nothing new. Everything happens of itself. This motif is by no means unassociated with hero myths. You have not acted with the creative impulse; you fall below the weight of destiny. We are graves but not coffins. Know the difference. You have only dug more and supplied no ghosts to reside within. Central to your claim is the predominance of frail events. To be judged by the earth is to sit on a throne of wonder why. Damage us more and you will find naught but the absence of our dead.'

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

>> No.13951177
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Come To The House Of We

>> No.13951590
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It's pretty clear who won during the Extra, even in game.

>> No.13951632

You can avoid all bullets and beat the shit out the Marisa, but yet you're the beaten one.
Equal chances in spellcard duel my ass.

>> No.13953110

Cirno is tuckered out, Marisa is not.

>> No.13953721

Cirno still won that spellcard battle.

>> No.13955821

It was a Pyrrhic victory, at best.
