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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13912605 No.13912605 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>13889714

Current LoV Event: Summer Love! (Ending 8-19)

Upcoming Aigis Event: Mystic Sorcery (Delayed, unknown when starting, potentially next tuesday)

>Event Unit: Plat Mage Odette

Current Angelic Saga Event: Subdue the Warrior of Fire!

>Event Unit: Oniwaka


Lord of Valkyrie links:
>Game link:
>English wiki:
>Japanese wiki:
>/jp/ player list:
>Grind table by an anon:
>Required strength for explorations and their rewards:

Millennium War Aigis links:
>Game link
>Japanese ULMF thread:
>English ULMF thread:
>Japanese Wiki #1:
>Japanese Wiki #2:
>English Wiki
>XP chart
>Vid anon's channel:

Angelic Saga links:
>Game link:
>Japanese Wiki

Miscellaneous links:
>Staff Twitter:

>> No.13912614

Also, want to check, on Angelic Saga what are you guys at on log in for event? I wasn't able to get the first one till after reset. Are there any people that have 2 days worth on event now? Or is everyone at one?

>> No.13912643

Still on day 1.

>> No.13912660

where's the "next event" link for aigis?
only Qw cared?
i know it's not a must but it bugs me

>> No.13912716

>Finally a good pic of aigisfu

Bless your soul OP

>> No.13912726

Hmm, then maybe its ok, guess we'll see

Not sure what you mean, do you mean like guide? If so I did add one up there.

lol nw, it would have been Odette's banner, but well... yeah

>> No.13912915

So on the PeroPero Seduction event, it does seem that if you were the one to find the Mega Boss, you do get a point for it being defeated, regardless of contribution.
So I guess it's time to find 299 more in 7 days, 10 hours.

>> No.13912922

Yeah, last hits and finds. Up to 3 lol

>> No.13912933

Sadly it is hard to get last hits with whales swarming everywhere.

Speaking of payfags, in Angelic Saga, I just realized that that 10,000 points event gacha was not gacha points, but Nutaku points. Well fuck me.

>> No.13912954

lol yeah, I got luck and last hit a lvl 3 iirc, may have been 2. I've found 3 so far but one was a lvl 300 so yeah, no one wanted to do 150 million (after drink) lol.

Also for AS yeah, would have been waaay too good if was just gacha points.

>> No.13913073

I was looking on JP Angelic Saga and the current limited gatcha doesn't even have an event ticket option and seems to be for payfags only.

>> No.13913127
File: 127 KB, 788x463, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck Nutaku. They become shitter and shitty each update

>> No.13913146

What did you do to get that? Mine is in proper english.

>> No.13913178

Your Aigisfu is getting a new vanilla doujin.

>> No.13913188


>> No.13913259

G-g-give it to me!

>> No.13913280

The preview
Artist also put the toronoa link to buy it in the post.

Other C88 Doujins include: Mehlis, Thetis, a serious looking Cornelia doujin, Nanaly + Rita, and a non-H with Claire and Yurina on the cover that includes Bella bullying.

>> No.13914247

Oh fuck got a Ripple from the 50 arena wins ticket.

>> No.13914602
File: 575 KB, 640x1024, consider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dang, why can't we give the guys in Aigis flowers to level-up our relationships with them? I mean, I can see giving them gems being a bit suspect, but surely they can see that dudes giving other dude flowers doesn't compromise their masculinity?
It's just so much trickier to gather beer than flowers, and plying someone with alcohol to make them like me makes me feel like a date-rapist.

>> No.13914899

More importantly, source on that image?

>> No.13915143

>no event again
>meanwhile on dmm I can't decide which event to grind
this is pain

>> No.13915202
File: 426 KB, 615x435, Dammit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New announcement in Angelic Saga, see pic related.

Well played Nutaku... I had already used two of my limited gacha tickets...

>> No.13915209

Oh, and of course I got two generic R.

>> No.13915286
File: 565 KB, 1366x768, wtf free tickets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone else just suddenly get a bunch of free tickets in their angelic saga account?

>> No.13915304

Lol, I checked and I did, not as much as yours though and I rolled them all right away. Don't care much about my AS anyway.

>> No.13915348

>Guaranteed limited card on each roll

Wait, does that mean now, after most people already used the limited ticket, they implement a guaranteed limited for each roll? Seriously?

Or what do they mean by that? Would at least explain why the limited tickets are quite scarce throughout the event.

Got 39, not sure what to do with it now. So I'd be sad if I roll something good and then lose it again because I'm not allowed to keep it.

>> No.13915356

Same, It's their fault if that's a thing.

Got two SSR though.

>> No.13915368

I only got 19 and 1 SSR, at least it was Onyx who I've thought was pretty cute. Also got a second Yuzuki, aside from 2 other cards the rest were trash. Even if they take them away, at least I got to have her for a little while, ehehe.

>> No.13915371

>Only 12 mystery tickets

Kill me now

>> No.13915398

>0 ticket
My luck always suck anyway.

>> No.13915430

A "white knight" asked Nutaku about that issue (he had 28 tickets) and he got that answer:

"Enjoy your tickets ;)"

>> No.13915441

>got 9 ticket
>all is Rs.

>> No.13915536

Hello again XXX,

You probably accumulated them through playing since we did not give them away (not in that number anyway).
It's likely safe to use, and we assure you, we will not consider it "cheating" so don't worry about it.
The tickets you have shouldn't generate any issues so you can safely use them.

As far as we're concerned, you're not doing anything wrong.
We'd like to thank you for your sincerity and support and hope you have a great time with Angelic Saga.

The Angelic Saga Support Team

>> No.13915561
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>> No.13916017

>got 6 tickets
>Roll two useless crystals and some other HR trash

I'm so done with this game.

>> No.13916029

I got extra copies of shitty Rs I'm not even using.

>> No.13916384

I think I didnt get any tickets, are they sopposed to be on the gift box or something?

>> No.13916456

I got 0. Go figure.

>> No.13916514

Is war on magic beatable with just a 50cc50 100% calliope and cloris and the +5 unit points?

>> No.13916585

Do we want to take bets on when the Odette event will arrive? Next Tuesday? Later this week maybe? Or do you think it will take longer, like next next month?

>> No.13916612

It requires 3 witches with a attack of 334 or more and a total cost not exceeding 39 (or 34 with the +5 UP) to 2* it, there is no way to 1* it.

>> No.13916628

I would bet on not next tuesday but the following tuesday, to punish us for not spending enough money

>> No.13916631

>total cost not exceeding 39 (or 34 with the +5 UP)
Isn't that the other way around?
34 base costs, 39 with boost.

>> No.13916640

Yes, you're right there. I got mixed up.

>> No.13916790

What if you have Despara?

>> No.13916814

If you skill her up/level her enough you can get by with just two witches. Same thing if you have a good Belinda (13 cost, skill level 3+).

>> No.13916890

What if you have an awoken platinum witch at over 500 attack?

>> No.13916941

How high? I plan on maxing her up when I get enough black fairies. But teusday H literally giving me zero fucking black fairies the past 4 weeks.

>> No.13916949

Bloody hell

>> No.13917048

You should be able to 2 star it, but you still need a 10 or under cost Nenya. This was before the cost reduction so it should be easier now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z09O8lMlWRU

I did it with a 50CC60 Despara(Skill level 4) and a 50CC50 Nenya(10cost). I had the -1 cost reductions from being on JP so I'm not sure exactly what you need on EN.

>> No.13917242
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I'm afraid that's an edit - those aren't actual choices in the game, and it's not translated into English either.
It's from the Kimi no iru Machi Mobile game.
While it's made for phones and android, you can play it on a computer or a laptop using a plug-in for Chrome called MobaGe 2.13 crx.
It used to work on Chrome Canary or whatever, but now it only seems to work on Chromium, and on Chromium you don't get to hear the voices, unfortunately.

>> No.13917251

But that's under 500 attack.

>> No.13917279

> I just realized that that 10,000 points event gacha was not gacha points, but Nutaku points.

I wish they'd made that clear. "Points! It's all the same!" Ok, time to hit Normal Gacha 50 times.


So in effect, 2x 50cc50 100% -1 Calliope and some other witch. Right, good to know.

>> No.13917404

What auto mouse clickers do you guys use that actually work?

I can only find trash.

>> No.13917458


>> No.13917484


Confirming Sikuli works for Aigis. Annoying to set up though.

>> No.13917498

automouse click by murgee, though has a tril based on how often its opened, but you can just leave open and its fine.

>> No.13917652

Reminder for Nutaku players to save up 100 demon crystals per unit they want to awaken, and 200k/250k/300k gold for each gold/plat/black unit. And 30CC silver fodder.

>> No.13917753

Not too worried about it. With our current once a month update schedule we're probably looking at ~6months before awakening gets added.

>> No.13917989

I beat it with maxed out Belinda and Calliope without buying the unit points.
The third unit I deployed was 50CC45 Mehlis with max affection.
If Cloris has more atk than Belinda with her skill active, it may be possible if you buy the extension

>> No.13918146

I've gotten two of those limited time gatcha tickets now for Angelic Saga. Both were rares that I already had three of. My luck is astounding, adding top of the countless silver soldiers I keep rolling in Aigis.

>> No.13918283
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>That's Erika

>> No.13918295


I just got Hitwoman Natalie from the limited gacha. It's not guaranteed, at least for tickets. They probably mean "when you whale for 20, we'll give you an event card for free".

>> No.13918568

I thought it was quite obvious what they meant.

>> No.13918621

I have a quest about skill up/cost reduce

I CC'd my Daniela.

If I combine a level 1 unCC'd Daniela with my CC'd one, I'm guaranteed a COST DOWN by 1 point and a SKILL UP by 1 level.

Is that correct? Just want to be sure I don't have to combine two CC'd units or anything else I'm missing.

>> No.13918633

Yes, as long as the skill is the same, whether or not the unit is CCed or not doesn't matter.

>> No.13918636

Yes, if its the first time you will get a cr and su
after that chances go down

>> No.13918649

I'll be honest, even I made that mistake once.

>> No.13918673

>Just want to be sure I don't have to combine two CC'd units or anything else I'm missing.
You only need both CC'd if the skill changed on CC (for example Increase Attack III becoming Increase Attack IV)

>> No.13918898

Silver units don't have a skill change on CC, right? Only gold and up.

>> No.13918937

It entirely depends on the unit, but there's only one silver that changes.

>> No.13919016

which one?

>> No.13919030

Our dragon soldier friend, Gadras.

>> No.13919429

Today's DMM patch adds awakening for necromancers. Wish I had one.

>> No.13919634

lol They removed round 2, prob to fix.

>> No.13920161

What the fuck, it is literally cheaper to buy rolls 1 at a time than in bulk on AS.

>> No.13920169

Nevermind, it bugged out and was showing single rolls as 300.

Navigated around and it turned back into 500.

>> No.13920353

So on JP basically we're getting 60 SCs over the next 30 days because some people cheated. I'll take that.

>> No.13920378
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Also 10 crystals later I got a Despara. Was aiming for Minerva, but I'm glad it wasn't Berna. Another good witch couldn't hurt.

>> No.13920441

>August 14th~September 12th (30 Days) Log-in Present Includes +2 Sacred Crystals.
holy shit. I love those people that were overreacting, and those that were cheating.

waifus are a big deal man

>> No.13920466


>that feel when this is more crystals that you are able to gather from missions and various bonuses on nutaku during like 6 months

>> No.13920467

huh, did anyone else not get the magic crystals? I got the fairy but not the 120.

>> No.13920477

as far I i understood from reading the banner we should get crystals at 20/08.

>> No.13920487

Meanwhile Nutaku never gets anything. No content. Horrible "sorry here 1sc" bullshit. Nothing.

>> No.13920495

Ah. that makes a little sense with that being when we get Bashira.

A bit unusual being given one part of the two, but whatever.

>> No.13920528

on dmm i get like 40 in a regular month or so

>> No.13920533

Do new players in dmm get 60 SC too?

>> No.13920539

probably, come over and find out

>> No.13920547

Doing so right now, how do you redo your account here?

>> No.13920570

Crap, I was at the all ages version. At least this will motivate me to learn more Kanji per day.

>> No.13920602

Nothing wrong with the all ages version.

>> No.13920715

which freebie units are worth maxing out? I recently started on dmm and dunno who is worth the trouble. I am currently focusing on Bashira because I know she's good, and considering leveling Farune because she's a gacha black and carried me through some roadblocks. But I have doubts about the platinum sailor, and the dark priestess I just got from event.
Also, what does that new fairy from event do?

>> No.13920726

150k exp

>> No.13920841

All-ages and 18+ share data, you can freely switch between two with same account.

>> No.13920850

Ahahaaaaa, they now even ban for putzing with deployment points in combat. This is hilarious.

>> No.13920859

Its cool that they started threating cheating shit seriously.

>> No.13920877

I wish they'd start treating nutaku seriously

>> No.13920902

no matter how seriously they take nutaku, the longer you wait to switch to DMM, the more you'll regret not switching sooner

>> No.13920906
File: 497 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_ne1hslOqto1rk0bud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DMM devs face

>> No.13920912

Its not like you have to "switch". Nutaku has so few stuff going on that doing both is very easy.

>> No.13920924

and yet even with nothing going on, nutaku takes up more time because no autocomplete and no high cost missions

>> No.13920933

Just do dailies and specials only. There's not much point in levelling past 125 right now.

>> No.13920939

The extra sta every 20 really helps though.

>> No.13920952

Do new dmm users get that free Camilla?

>> No.13920970

No, I think it's just a gold Iris you get.

>> No.13920976

There are only 3 free plats: Bashira, Biera and Cypria.

>> No.13920998

Speaking of Biera, is she any good?

>> No.13920999

I see, Iris is good. I like it.
I heard that dmm was giving out a free Camilla some time ago but 3 free plats is plenty. Hope I roll a new black aigisfu soon.

>> No.13921005

So that new plat Berdinat doesn't even get range increase upon CC? Sure her skill sounds cool in theory, but its only 20 seconds, so I can't see any real usage for her.

>> No.13921016

Use her for when you want a little magical firepower but also to heal someone inbetween waves or something. She's like a miko that switches without having to use a skill, and then can do both roles with her skill.

>> No.13921019

I don't understand these sailor class units at all, both Biera and new Rinbel. Magic swordsmen and ninjas look like much better option.

>> No.13921023

They are... until awakening, when sailors become AoE.

>> No.13921109

Being able to change your block to 0 is more significant than you might think.

>> No.13921365

Additionally Rinbel's skill also increases her attack, unlike other sailors/most pegasus riders.
I was waiting for an event pegasus, but she might be better even is she's slower.

>> No.13921461

Is it just me or does every map in this event have 100% drop rate?

>> No.13921466

alright, just checked ulmf, apparently that's not a bug.
>+All Item/Unit Drop 100% First Time (100% Reanbell drops on God-tier Map)
>++Subsequent Trips Afterward Have Improved Drop Chances from the Past.
that's kinda...

weird? is this another part of the apology?

>> No.13922024

For Saga, people who used their premium tickets are missing their light droplets. I'm guessing the glitch was that those droplets turned into premium tickets, hence the random number everyone got.

>> No.13922071

Oh, you're right. It was worth it though, eheheh.

>> No.13922083

If only it was Ruby Drops, I have a shitload of those.

>> No.13922167

How the fuck does a glitch like that even happen?

>> No.13922194


Not sure if DMM or Nutaku fault.

>> No.13924015

Oh man, and I have her just in time to tear apart all these undead this event. 455 attack, 3 arrows per shot, 1.3x vs. undead, 1.9x with her skill, that's 3371 damage per attack if I'm looking at this right. Less because enemies have armor, but more because I have a prince.

>> No.13924145

In 30 days, the legend stamp card gives:
10 crysyals
100 crystal fragments
5 rainbow fairies
3 fairy queens
85 demon crystals
2 plat armors
270000 gold
4 millenium wine
7 diamonds.

31st day probably adds another 100k gold. Pretty good if you're a dirty whale.

>> No.13924600

What are crystal fragments?

>> No.13924628

It's the green crystals, you use 5 to roll a gacha with slightly higher odds of gold+ units than 2k gacha.

The main general source is subjugation missions.

>> No.13925161

Doing relatively well on PeroPero and Angelic Saga, but goddamn Millennium seems like it's a significant grind.

How high of a level do I have to be to have a chance of doing decently in events? For that matter, will missed events ever come back?

>> No.13925204

It is plenty of grinding. Better hope they bring auto-complete with the anti-cheat patch.

> For that matter, will missed events ever come back?
They do come back about once a year, in a slightly changed format - you farm maps for special Revival Crystal and then buy event units in the shop (it's pretty much a yellow Demon Crystal). The maps are available on weekends.

So you could get your Black Karma for an ass-ton of crystals for example. However skilluping and costreducing her becomes kind of a pipedream.

>> No.13925220

Once you are around 70+ or so with least half of your units cc you prob have a decent chance on most events. Once you start edging closing to 100 with most of your team cc with some lvls put in you are in solid shape.

>> No.13925664
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Is this girl strong?

>> No.13925670
File: 59 KB, 1000x600, 11845110_421741654676076_2206947866043704187_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know about Nutaku's new offering?

>> No.13925724

Think Clash of Clans, except instead of researching unit classes; you find and level up individual girls, and each girl comes attached with an army of a certain type of unit. Leveling up the girl will make the units stronger, and I believe increase the number of them you can have.

>> No.13925757

Nice debuff for boss

>> No.13925795

A debuff skill, huh? She seems pretty weak but her sprite and attack makes her look otherwise.

>> No.13925834

She has a passive -10% damage Aura within her range, which can be boosted to 20% with her Skill. Also enemies below 10% (20% with Skill) HP automatically get one-shotted. Honestly I think she's great against bosses, but against most regular enemies she's kind of pointless. She's great against Avengers though, since they only become dangerous when they're low on HP, and once they're low on HP Eva can one-shot them instantly.

>> No.13925886

She can also kill bosses like that? That sounds quite useful, maybe I'm not seeing something here.

>> No.13925892

Not just Eva, I believe she makes anyone's damage lethal vs. <10% hp enemies in her range.

>> No.13925914
File: 124 KB, 313x422, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is the highest attack card I've yet to see in battle.

>> No.13925945

I think the idea is that if you can take off 80-90% of a boss's HP, you can probably take off the last 10-20% just fine unless it's a time-issue (have to kill it ASAP before more enemies show up to overwhelm you, or it's a boss that you can't tank). And then, for regular enemies, taking off the last 10-20% HP off instantly is pretty much useless, since they would have died in another hit anyways.

>> No.13925948

Holy shit. It's six mana though. But still, that's some power.

>> No.13925973

The 6,7 cost cards still own her though

>> No.13925981

Yeah, I got rid of her fairly easily, thankfully.

>> No.13925991

Yeah she needs protection which the ai can't really plan for

>> No.13926031

That makes sense.

>> No.13926122

I'm not sure if this is card is good or bad.
12 mana cost means she's very much an endgame card so high mana cost for the skill isn't that bad and being able to attack for 3000 is nice.

On the other hand, she is a 2000 ATK card with 12 mana cost. By the time she can be played you'll have cards that can take her out rather easily. Common Rs like Sakura (9 cost) and Framboise (7 cost) can counter her before she has a chance to attack, even if they require Book of Awakening to do so.

Looking at her, she is a glass cannon and most of the time it's a better idea to play another Framboise or other 7 cost card than to use her skill, unless the opponent plays a very powerful character like Sylvie or Miyabi and you have control of the board. This means she is more situational than you'd expect and most of the time isn't really worth the 12 mana it costs to play her.

>> No.13926200

I'm thinking she's the type of card that keeps you ahead.

>> No.13926442

I think so too.

She can still be killed by a trap+another 12 cost card and even some cheaper ones, so she's not as scary as she may seem at first glance. The question is if you'd rather play her or couple of cheaper cards. Of course, those cheaper cards may not be an option as most people will have hand of 2 or so cards by the time she becomes relevant.

She seems to be most useful as a way to end the match quickly if you still have the lead in late game and your deck lacks other powerful late game cards which could let the opponent to take control. On the other hand, if you play that kind of deck, the game should be over by then anyway.

>> No.13926490

So, just started a DMM aigis account. Got past the tutorial and went right to the first event map. Got the unit on first try (100%?). I'm guessing this is the same type of event as Belinda?

Kinda nice, honestly. By the time I got to level 6, I already had 3 plats. One of them a witch from gacha.

>> No.13926600

100% first time. Also for this event every drop is 100% for the first time.

>> No.13926621

Yeah, especially when there are cards like that Saber clone that could easily retake board control.

>> No.13927884

Not that guy but I'm not sure over half your team be CCed and being 70+ really line up in terms of timeline. I'm 107 and I've still only got 9 CCed units total and they wouldn't all go on the same team in most cases.

>> No.13927968

I just used some guesses, however I was around that lvl maybe in 80s and had as many as you do more or less cced. It obviously can differ between luck/grinding/people but I was just meaning to do ok being around 70+ and with a decent amount of cc units is good. Once you are 99+ and have most of your units cc you are in a good place.

These are just my educated guesses based on what I experienced. Take with a grain of salt.

>> No.13928023

Fair enough. I suppose progress is fast enough up till 100ish that really the exact levels don't matter a whole lot.

>> No.13929142

Is that a DMM game?

>> No.13929167

Going to be on Nutaku.

>> No.13929192

I got that, I mean is it a game coming from DMM or from some other source?

>> No.13929205


Notably, she has functional Def. It's plausible to play a mind game at 14 mana: "did I face down two 7 drops or was it THIS with Emily?"

>> No.13929232

NVM the question, found it http://www.dmm.co.jp/netgame_s/girls-union/

>> No.13929245

I wonder if that game's good. They don't have it in the dmm thread.

>> No.13929263

dmm games aren't good as a general rule

>> No.13929369

I am struggling with the first 5stamina map on the event, can't even clear it. Physical attacks appear ineffective against the ghosts(?), but my witches are pretty weak and mages take time to deploy. But the biggest problem is that they have ranged attackers and I don't have enough places to deploy healers and enough attackers

>> No.13929422 [DELETED] 

Use [spioler] warrior priest [/spoiler]

>> No.13929429

Use warrior priest

>> No.13929470

Its very easy, you need only 4 CCed silvers to do it.
I've did it like that:
CCed Katie at the bottom.
CCed Pares to the right of Katie
CCed healer to the right of Pares
Prince above healer
Retreat Katie when she's about to die, replace with CCed heavy.
Engage healer's skill when needed.

>> No.13929474

it's pretty easy to get a mage out actually


>> No.13929516

I guess I need to CC another healer
I only have CCed Cloris, Barbastroff, Iris and Bashira so far. Gonna work on Katie and Alissa now, hope I can get it done before event ends
Are there many maps after that one?

>> No.13929529

One healer is enough for this mission.

>> No.13929531

You only need 1 CCed healer for that map. Push out Katie, Then weait for her skill, push out a mage on the right and a witch on the left, then a healer immediately when you get enough points. If that doesn't work, chances are your characters aren't at least CC30 or max affection.

>> No.13929535

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yV0zHBjtoSM 3* with 1 healer and 1 mage.

>> No.13929544

2 more maps after that one. There's a pretty big jump in difficulty between the one you're on, the one after that, and again to the last one.

>> No.13929602

Heard rollbacks are happening on AS from the droplet -> ticket bug, anyone hit yet?

>> No.13929784

Not me, I hope they miss me if they're doing it. I actually stopped playing AS and just saw an anon say there was a bug so I checked, found tickets, used them and got an Onyx. I'll stop playing AS again if they take her away.

>> No.13929786

>I wonder if that game's good.
Eh, it's Clash of Clans with girls and rapeing thereof.

>> No.13929935

Where did you hear that?

I only heard that "someone's friend" got rolled back when they just found out about the bug, but nothing about people getting rolled back after the fix was applied.

>> No.13929944

That's from ULMF right?

>> No.13929945


>> No.13929950

I kinda thought he was lying so they wouldn't get jelly or mad at him.

>> No.13930055

I really hope not. I had initially used tickets, but then also reported the incident and left the cards untouched so that they can remove them if they want, since abusing and not reporting a bug, even if it's the company's fault, can sometimes get you banned.

I have yet to receive a reply to my ticket, so if they now suddenly decide to roll me back after days and I lose all of my progress, and can't even get the 12 day limited ticket anymore, I'd be mad as hell. If they want to do that, they should've done so immediately.

I don't like how they keep completely silent about what they plan to do about it and what the players should do, so now we're stuck in that limbo where everything could happen, ranging from "cool, free stuff" to "we'll completely screw everyone's accounts".

>> No.13930082

New accounts also getting dem free SC over at dmm, good time to switch over.

>> No.13930114

Yeah, at this point, it's going to cause more problems if they roll back or outright ban those people now.

We probably won't get any info until Nutaku's community manager gets back from vacation either.

>> No.13930178

Is the community manager the one who would also make the decision on what to do with the accounts, or just the one responsible for interacting with the community? If it's the latter, I don't really see why in a "state of emergency" (the closest thing a game like this can have to one anyway), noone else should be able to make a quick announcement with some rough info on what to expect and how to behave if we don't want to further complicate the issue.

Stuff like whether they will issue rollbacks or even bans, whether we should avoid any further Gacha for now to make the illegitimate cards easier to track, whether people who used them should send in a ticket, etc.

Even something like a quick "We apologize for the recent ticket issue, we will try to resolve it as smoothly as possible." Followed by a simple "Don't panic" in big friendly letters would be enough. I'm kind of unsettled by how there's not even a single little notice on the website or statement on twitter even acknowledging the bug's existence.

>> No.13930286

The latter, if I'm not mistaken. But yeah, who knows, really.

>> No.13930866
File: 313 KB, 923x625, magetougou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is pretty strong right? Is she stronger than Aneria?

>> No.13930939

>dat bodystocking
now I feel like wasting some SC

>> No.13931118

>roll all my 20 Crystals on DMM
>3 silvers
>last roll with black background
>holy shit
>another Deine
>fucking Aigis with her sadist
What to do with another copy. She's only black I have.

>> No.13931134

if you do feed her off, wait for an exp boosting event so that you can get like 30k exp or something from it

>> No.13931136

whoops, meant for

>> No.13931149

Double Deine powah.

>> No.13931152

Is it good idea if I use both? I also have that female gold HA.

>> No.13931167

After Awakening, she can hit for 2400 x 3 Magic Damage per attack. So yea, pretty damn strong. And why would you compare a Magic Damage unit to a Physical Damage unit? At least ask for comparison to a unit that deals the same type of damage.

>> No.13931208

I had been rerolling accounts and have gotten tired of waiting for a black (way way below average, I probably used about 250 crystals by the time I got Agnes) but I was pretty lucky with plats and actually got most of those I thought looked very cute and actually got the 2 I thought looked the best imo but they were on separate accounts. So yeah, that's why I wanted to compare them, went with Agnes because skellingtons are cool.

>> No.13931480
File: 89 KB, 573x354, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my team looking for the Mystic Sorcery event?

Who should I CC next for best results in it?

As a new player I'm really glad for this huge downtime between events so I can prepare.

>> No.13931490

CC another healer, definitely. Heavy armor would be good, too.

>> No.13931623

Lol, I am dumb. Grinded a map 5 times already in dmm aigis before remembering there was such a thing as auto complete.

>> No.13931652

You'll need another healer, but also don't worry about leveling witches and mages, they'll be useless on the hard map.

>> No.13932083

>As a new player I'm really glad for this huge downtime between events so I can prepare.

Give it another couple weeks and you'll be singing another tune. It doesn't take long to get to the point where continuing to level your units is simply overkill.

>> No.13932101

Ain't that the truth? I joined during the Maribel event and was angry that I couldn't get her, so I was glad for the break between that and the Karma event (which let me get a perfect Karma), but now I'm just pissed off with delays.

Probably going to jump to DMM since I'm somewhat decent at Japanese.

>> No.13932117

>As a new player I'm really glad for this huge downtime between events so I can prepare.
That's a rather fallacious mindset. With events you'd be able to at least do the lower maps and get something, even if just silvers and bare minimum of the event unit. And as >>13932083 says.

>> No.13932139 [DELETED] 

am i good for the Sorcery event?

>> No.13932154

I think you need to level your units up some more Anon-kun.

>> No.13932156
File: 212 KB, 570x387, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i good for the Sorcery event?

>> No.13932247

yes, but mages and witches should probably be replaced for it

>> No.13932266

replaced with what? blockers? duelists? i don't really like to spoil myself looking into the event maps so.. general ideas on what to focus on?

>> No.13932310

Whatever you want, that party should be strong enough to do it regardless.

>> No.13932387

oh i see, thx, then i'll just wait for the actual event to begin and add or remove as needed

>> No.13932545

newfag to this loli game

Do I bother with the Summer Love event? Do I do the newb quests?

>> No.13932554


oh and why the fuck doesn't Alice evolve twice

>> No.13932567

>loli game
Not on nutaku!

>> No.13932570


Summer Love is about to end in a few days. The next event is already lined up. I'd say rush through the story.

Critical question: do you have an item lotto weapon yet?


Because C. Don't worry, in some future event, she'll be back in a superior form which you can evolve to ++ form. Take this event for instance, where 9-tails and Seiryu return in superior form.

>> No.13932590


Ok how do I get 9-tails? I don't think I hav ea lotto weapon, i got 3 regular lottery rolls and got a valk

>> No.13932619

Use your login proofs to buy gold lottery tickets and use them on item lottery until you get a weapon. It helps A LOT in the start of the game - any valks you get, you need to level up, but a weapon is right here right now for you.

>> No.13932622


In this and the next event (so up to 8 Sept) the event-exclusive megaboss IronClad appears. Get some comrades (post your ID here so /jp/ and harem-battle.club can help out) to spawn them for you. Since you want her you'd be aiming to pump up some force once it takes about 2 hours to level up.

Also, the need for a lotto weapon becomes pretty high since you want her before the event ends. Do you intend to reroll or cash out? Otherwise, it'd be force-expensive to meet the minimum damage threshold to qualify for megaboss assist rewards. IronClad is 75k (10%).

Finally, if you do decide to cash at some point, strongly consider investing in storage boxes.

>> No.13932633

>Finally, if you do decide to cash at some point, strongly consider investing in storage boxes.
Register five dummy accounts as your referrals, that'll get you one 50-slot box. It's VERY helpful.

>> No.13932701
File: 185 KB, 947x633, ss+(2015-08-15+at+06.12.46).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck finally! After weeks of 90% of runs being a single gold fairy.

>> No.13932732

dude why the fuck has this cookie-clicker waiting game shit gotten so popular

you'll retards

>> No.13932779

LoV? No idea. The porn probably has something to do with it.

>> No.13932941

I've heard that gets you banninated.

Congrats on your multicolored lesbian fairy.

>> No.13932973

I'm only after black fairies. Need a bunch so I can sack them + an assload of exp armours to get a black to max level post-CC.

>> No.13933006

>I've heard that gets you banninated.
Nope. I had a fucking alt farm (spawning megabosses and all) and no problems whatsoever until I quit. Checking now, everything is still there.

Hah, I even still have 20 comrades up. Mostly of the same quitters....

>> No.13933044

What, you don't want to max skill the black too?

>> No.13933050

It's Despara

Would spamming rainbows on her be the best thing for that?

Oh also with awakening, there's no resets on it right? Like CCing can give you a new skill and reset the skill.

>> No.13933067

Despara is worth using rainbows on, though ideally you'd use a Gadoras for the first skill up. Her skill goes from 1.4x to 1.9x, a huge boost.

You actually want to max skill things even more once skill awakening comes out. Awakening by itself never changes their skill, but with skill awakening, you have the option to change their skill (not for free of course) to a more powerful one if they're awoken and max skilled.

>> No.13933117

I don't have a Gadoras sadly. Is the only way to get them is from the event? I missed out.

>> No.13933160

If you're on jp the 55/7 map drops them.

>> No.13933194

just remembered you were the one that did the daily, which was in english and on friday which used to be fairy. I'm kinda tired.

Outside of Anya, the next chance you'll get is Anna's event. Which should actually be fairly soon...ish.

>> No.13933199

That's cool. I'll hold out 'till then. I've never used rainbows before. Would it be best to use one of those silver soldiers then keep rainbowing to max level?

>> No.13933376

The closer you get to max skill level, the more of a good idea it is to just use rainbows.

>> No.13933478
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Holy shit! Yes! i think I have a chance at killing it! Kuremisago, if you're around, I'm sending you a request as well.

>> No.13933928

And of course, it's a failure. Probably the only chance I'll have is with a level 1 or 2 Dark Airu...

>> No.13934042

I finally 4M Camus. Don't ask how long I've been farming that expedition for. With Pham, the loli boobjob was painfully obvious. It's hard to tell with Camus, looks very natural (just as with Aries).

>> No.13934051

I swear, I've had more succes with loot on the easy version of fairy hunting then I've ever had on the hard version.

>> No.13934070

Likewise. It's usually just one gold fairy on hard. Maybe a platnium every once in a while. Blacks and Rainbows in a bluemoon.
But the second you go down a tier it's feels like it's raining the rainbow.

>> No.13934080

Sorry, but what was the name of the mouse recorder some were using for 2k summons in aigis? I got almost 6mil gold to burn through.

>> No.13934087


>> No.13934163

I need some help, I keep getting redirected to dmm's ur a filthy gaijin page even though I have locale as japan and japanese clock, I dont want to miss those crystals.

>> No.13934181


>> No.13934245

Thanks anon, let thy blacks come to you.

>> No.13934379
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>> No.13934444
File: 963 KB, 954x647, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been getting this error on DMM for quite some time now, I though it would go away eventually, anyone know what it means?

>> No.13934467
File: 220 KB, 448x455, 1436318304336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barrack is full

>> No.13934474

j-just kill me.

>> No.13934851

Hey jaypee I decided to fuck around with Luv Bingo for an hour and every time I load the game I immediately get a fatal error crash, how can I fix this; there is nothing that I can find that discusses any of the 3d piggu disgusting games on nutaku in any depth given a few quick google searches I have done. FYI Luv Slot works.

>> No.13934906

Is Return to Ruins really the best way to get unit experience? (except for the monday event)

It looks like I'm going to have to do it 100 times over to break through the wall that is Castle Retake.

>> No.13934978

the fastest way to get experience is switching to DMM

>> No.13934986

I remember grinding Gatehouse Battle a little bit before being able to 1* Castle Retake, just try to get lucky with Cypria.

>> No.13934988


I'll take my chances on being a semi-original gangsta when nutaku aigis finally comes into its own, if ever.

>> No.13935000


Even then, I'm wondering if there's even a point in trying it just to 1-star it.


Going by this chart, Return to Ruins is the best for unit xp, right? Even if you beat Castle Retake and go on to other missions.

Maybe I have it all wrong, I don't know.

>> No.13935001
File: 88 KB, 718x403, 11845110_421741654676076_2206947866043704187_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, nutaku's talking about yet another game?

Anyone know this one?

>> No.13935032

It's another generic card game.

>> No.13935035

Return to ruins isn't a good long term farming option as it gives far less gold than you need to feed it's fodder. It also gives a good deal less exp which is semi important until you get the savior title.

Long term Dragon hunting is the most popular farming pick. Flame Dragon and Immortal beast are also fine picks. Though it's worth noting dragon hunting can be run with 2 units and gives the best gold, though the unit exp is not so great if you're swimming in gold. It's worth noting people only really wind up swimming in gold on nutaku if they are lazy as hell.

>> No.13935037

That assumes that you get all the drops and judging by how flame dragon is more popular when it comes to grinding unit xp I don't think that return to ruins is superior. Also, those units are low level so even if you get lucky and get a lot of drops for your charisma, you'll be losing out on gold with means you'd be force to discard some units anyway. Just listen to senpai and 1* Castle Retake then grind Dragon Hunting with most of the Nutaku population.

>> No.13935067

Not that guy but I think the reason people run flame dragon over return to ruins for unit exp isn't actually because it gives more unit exp.It's more that flame dragon doesn't suck complete balls for everything else and the unit exp gap really isn't very large.

>> No.13935076

English FAQ: http://pastebin.com/hm92HU91
JP wiki: http://seesaawiki.jp/yukeyukeosawari/
It's supposedly decent but very much P2W.

>> No.13935119

I was trying to say that flame dragon was the superior map overall, taking other factor is account, not that it actually give more unit exp. Guess I was trying to keep it short and just get to the point that getting past Castle Retake early is more time efficient.

>> No.13935170

Sometimes I suspect that Nutaku's business model is actually moving whales from old new game to new new game.

>> No.13935212

Anybody know of any maps that need or have use for more than 2 archers? Asking to see if I'm fine to use a Soma with affection on her to CC something. I have a pirate and a vampire hunter in terms of other physical ranged attackers though they obviously fill a different roll.

Ahh that's fair enough then anon I misunderstood. We are of course agreed on getting past castle retake being a good idea.

>> No.13935213

Pay to win out the wazzo, 3 groups of two or three units with increasing bonuses to the event ever event.

Game play is you have 6 girls on the field with ATB like bars. you have 3 in the front and 3 in the back. only front can attack, you swap with the back to keep up a combo of continuous attacks for higher damage modifiers on attacks and attack skills.

>> No.13935258

>playing DMM for the first time
>gets Misha
>better atack and skill than Elaine
>a loli
>Affection gives her more attack
Fuck Nutaku. I would prefer getting a Misha as the start unit than a Kerry. Doesnt help that Kerry costs even 3 more.

>> No.13935266

oh, not to mention the loli witch is also better.

>> No.13935280

The gameplay itself is okay and give you good chances to get high rarity girls for free, but Events are hilariously P2W since a lot of the rewards are leaderboard-based, and whales can just pay for more energy, pay for AFK-items, and pay for Gacha Girls that give them tons of bonus points.

>> No.13935281

Honestly, I'm not even sure you can call Misha a loli. She may be short but she has some decent sized tits.

>> No.13935306

that being said, why does Nutaku do this to us? they said, flat + tall = fine, short + tits = fine, short + flat = boobjob and then fine
so if she's boobs then it would be fine right? ;_;

>> No.13935308

We're not at the point where Nenya was added yet anyway. Still sucks we don't have Claire or Bella though and Liana not getting -2CR is a shitty replacement for Iris.

There's barely any completely flat characters. Even Iris has some tits and someone on ulmf said she was around 12.

>> No.13935337

> Even Iris
Iris is mature and with big tits, and is available on nutaku.

>> No.13935339

The only reason to play Nutaku is you can't read Japanese. I'm glad I jumped ship before I got too deep with the EN version.

>> No.13935345

Even flat + short was fine for LoV's Pure Girl Marin.

That said, I don't even know if bringing in the edited units is even a priority for them.

One post on ULMF by NutakuDev says:
>I've submitted (again) a request that they increase event frequency, add the auto-complete feature, consider adding unique ENG-characters, implement promotional codes similar to PeroPero, and a raft of other suggestions. But we can't do it for them.

Black Iris, not Gold Iris.

>> No.13935349
File: 71 KB, 542x630, 017_card_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was talking about Black Iris. She's much too cute for the EN version.

>> No.13935357

Its not like we will get anything for a few weeks while they sort out the cheating like last time.

>> No.13935363

Cheating is already sorted out on dmm, and it took them 3 days for everything from banning to implementing checks and auto-bans for all known hacks.

>> No.13935379

I was adding in the delay for getting things to us too.

>> No.13935435

Sh look like loli mom

>> No.13935471

welp I finally jumped ship to DMM
here's hoping for some good summons from aigis-sama

is there a way to delete my DMM profile and start over?

>> No.13935478

Go to your profile then find the most lower right link.

>> No.13935563

yep, that worked.
what's a good number of SCs to collect and then roll before wiping and starting over?

>> No.13935615

I always redid mine after 10 and its easier this period since you get 2 SC with the log in bonus.

>> No.13935643

I also do 10. So far I have an account with Dina (Black) + Sabine (Plat) as well as an account with Saria (Plat but basically Black) + Charles (Plat). Really hoping to get a Minerva/Cornelia though.

>> No.13935687

That's lucky. I got Agnes and I'm very satisfied with her, totally waifu-ing her up. Sadly the other roll that came with her is Mortimer. Now I'm saving up crystal hoping to just drop them all at once some time hoping to get those better stamp cards. I don't actually know how they work though, maybe someone can elaborate.

>> No.13935878

First time through was both silver, silver and gold this time, I'm holding out for at least a platinum

>> No.13935942
File: 1.05 MB, 560x2487, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my loadout from several weeks back, so sadly those rolls while good, aren't up to par. I'm really just rolling alts because I'm assblasted that I somehow still don't have any premium Blacks on my main account.

>> No.13935976

How many weeks are we talking about here? I think that's quite a lot you have there, is this how big the gap between Nutaku and DMM is?

>> No.13936037

All this recycling of the DMM account is such a pain. Not to mention that DMM is the clingiest website ever. "Are you sure you want to leave? Really? Absolutely? What about this?" Pls, DMM, I'll come right back.

>> No.13936043

Man, I'm starting to see how whales work now. Started new job, and besides savings, I have nothing to spend my spare income on besides 30+ dollar meals and alcohol.

>> No.13936046

Pssh, you haven't even awoken the blacks you do have, what do you need more for?

>> No.13936085

So guys, I have two boxes under my DMM Aigis character's names with an X through it. What is this?

>> No.13936115
File: 976 KB, 960x640, the-hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be clearer, here's the picture. I have coincidentally restarted my account twice now. Is this some sort of three strike rule?

>> No.13936134

That's your name ya dingus.

The thing on top is your title, the boxes are your character's name.

>> No.13936137

I don't think there's any strike three rule, I redid mine at least 30 times.

>> No.13936143

Next time use latin or japanese when naming your char.

>> No.13936146

Of course. Now why is my name showing up like that? It was working before.
I used whatever they suggested for me.

>> No.13936153

I'll keep the name with pride, anyhow. Thanks, anons.

I rolled this girl by the way. Keeper?

>> No.13936165

Isn't that miss auto win button?

>> No.13936177

What kind of retarded logic is this guy using?

>> No.13936184

Well, she certainly seems to like raining fireballs when I activate her skill, so I guess? I guess I'll be keeping this one.

>> No.13936208

So can I play DMM Aigis on Android?

>> No.13936258


>> No.13936270

She also reduces all skill cooldowns while she's deployed. She really shines with skill awakening though, since that makes her range cover most of the map.

>> No.13936308

Well shit. My luck in DMM seems to be outshining mine in Nutaku (though, Deine is still a good character.)

>> No.13936332

Oh, but that's not all, she also boosts everyone's max HP just by being in your party.

>> No.13936344

And here when I first saw her thought "she looks like she might be good." It makes me hope that one day they'll give her to Nutaku, oppai or not.

>> No.13936358

So after reading your post, I logged back into dmm and rolled an Olive from the 12 free sc I received and now I have alot more motivation to play JP. How do I get the other 50 sc?

>> No.13936359

One more question, as a new DMM player. What do those other crystals do? The shards.
My second roll (I remember him being mentioned a few times, but can't remember if bad or good things.)

>> No.13936380

They're used for base+ summons, which are like 2k summons but with way better odds.

>> No.13936386

Conrad is sort of like a meme summon I suppose, heh.

>> No.13936388

you get 2 a day. so just wait 25 days.

>> No.13936417
File: 784 KB, 960x640, Conflicted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you all very much. Here's my third roll...he's a guy, right? Despite the pink bar?

>> No.13936422

He's totally usable as a duelist, especially against things like liches, though.

>> No.13936424


>> No.13936426

Well, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. The Japanese sure like giving demons and angels both appendages. I assume I shouldn't even try to get very far in the current event?

>> No.13936428

What's the best way to look up the jap characters for aigis?

>> No.13936438

Current event is very easy compared to previous, and you have 100% rate for first kill, so clear as much missions as you could for silvers/plats. On other side, event unit herself is kinda lame, so no point in grinding past first clear.

>> No.13936448

Oh cool. In that case, I'm already done. Might poke at it later.

Did they say when Nutaku was getting their event now?

>> No.13936471

I didn't say he was useless, just stating how ULMF and Facebook kinda see him, heh.

>> No.13936492

Man that desert mission is tough
I deploy a 50CC20 Katie and she gets killed before I manage to get a healer in
And even Bashira isn't killing them fast enough if I try the ranged approach instead
Guess I'll keep grinding dragon hunting for now

>> No.13936496

You can get to Oasis with level 65 prince, just follow tactics on wiki.

>> No.13936501

Not that guy but do you not have to clear Immortal beast to get to the desert missions? I'm fairly sure that isn't possible with a 65 prince outside of some very specific and lucky teams.

>> No.13936510

No, desert storyline opens after castle retake.

>> No.13936522

Ahh, that makes sense then. Thanks for clearing that up anon. Hopefully we get it over here soonish.

>> No.13936559

Like that's going to happen.
Nutaku Aigis is the red-headed stepson. Pretty sure people spend a lot more on leaderboard games than TD waifus.

>> No.13936567

Which one? They should all be pretty easy for someone with a few CC ranged units until after Oasis.

>> No.13936580

First desert mission get two archers out. One CC'd the other can just be a bronze. You kinda need quantity over quality.(Though if you use a silver archer like I did, they needed to be 50CC44)

>> No.13936603

Aigis keeps being #1 DMM game for a long time, and by rate they churn out events, fanbooks, LNs and so on they get quite nice revenue.

>> No.13936608

the very first one, yes. I see on wiki that they use two Danielas 50 and 2x-something leveled to clear it, but in terms of archers, I only leveled the freebie Bashira and am very lacking in the archer department otherwise. And she costs 15 after CC so I can't deploy her fast enough
I guess I'll level Soma or something. I also have that silver japanese-looking like archer with big boobs from the current event, is she good?

>> No.13936619

You don't need two silver archers there, just 1 50CC45 Soma was enough for me.

>> No.13936624

DMM, sure, I'm talking about Nutaku and their lack of love for Aigis.

>> No.13936632

I'm responding to this passage:
>Pretty sure people spend a lot more on leaderboard games than TD waifus
As it implies that TD waifus are inherently less attractive for whales, while its obviously not true.
Btw, second most popular DMM game, FKG, doesn't have any kind of pvp or leaderboards either, just pure waifu raising.

>> No.13936634

jap market and us market seem to be different then
but I could be wrong

>> No.13936645

>just pure waifu raising
The only good thing about that game. Reminds me that I haven't logged in for a while now, wonder if my girl expired in the gift box

>> No.13936686

Like I said, one silver(atleast) archer. The other can just be a bronze. As long as your main archer can dish out 350-360 damage. you're good.

>> No.13936770

So, I just got kicked out of DMM aigis and it is now telling me to go to nutaku...

How do we get around this?

>> No.13936806

Change the website language back to moonrunes.

>> No.13936808

Are you playing the All Ages version?

>> No.13936856

And no

Was weird, though.

>> No.13937006


Doing the boobjob means finding (and paying) someone to edit the images. LoV devs have no problem doing this. Aigis devs seem too tied up to do such basic work.


If you mean the units, I'm sure some wiki has pictures. If you mean the language itself, use Microsoft IME keyboard's "Pad" to draw the kanji into jisho.org.

Ask for elaboration if required.

>> No.13937055
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Not as high as mine.

>> No.13937069

I think he meant when she was also using her skill.

>> No.13937120
File: 507 KB, 923x673, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well my crap luck persists. That aside, anyone else like the music that comes with Dark Airu? It sounds like something you'd here from one of those future-esque games and is really catch.

>> No.13937123

Meant to put catchy.

>> No.13937283

What is the way to figure out how much you spent on storage and how much more crystals you need to max it on aigis?

I got 134 spaces and I'm level 146.

>> No.13937299

Its around 250 space I think.

>> No.13937353

Its 35 times you can buy a upgrade of 4 spaces, so 140 extra, what the standard amount of storage is, I don't know.

>> No.13938229

Anyone know if we at least get to sex this 'believer of fire' at the end of her event?

>> No.13938230

AS: I find it sad to see decks that have maxed out SR 8~12 drops... and nothing in the 5~6 range. Doesn't matter what fucked up waifu comes out on turn 6, two 1200+ 6 drops already on the board can take it out (with buffs if need be). Of course there are a couple exceptions, but they're few and far between (at present at least).

>> No.13938253

Just goes to show that even if you're a whale doing all you can to buy the rarest units, you won't always win.

EDIT: Captcha switched over to vehicles and what not now. I've seen boats, surfboards, the legendary trucks, and now... tricycles. Seriously.

>> No.13938341


Aye, the current event is giving away lots of heavy duty EXP fodder. For non-whales, there are some very accessible (N and R) 5~6 drops to be investing EXP into. Whales who get tempted into levelling up the splashy finishers first have no foundation to stand on. 2 turns of not having board control after the earlygame means you die.

>> No.13938442
File: 529 KB, 977x645, CE is a hell of a drug and Im selling them for gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that everything is banned, I'm going to post a little bit of hilarity that I got up to with it.

Look closely at the unit number.

>> No.13938466

Looks like usual drop loop hack, nothing to brag about.

>> No.13938473

Hilarity in it is for the people who did not know just how bad the cheating got.

>> No.13938511

Lol, managed to 1* Castle Retake on my first try without any CC'ed units thanks to constantly dropping skellingtons to distract the lich. So should I do Dragon Hunting first or try these Desert Maps?

>> No.13938537

Oasis is better grinding map than Dragon Hunting, so see if you can clear it.

>> No.13938551

Desert maps make all non-desert/non-eastern maps look like shit. You know how Bronze units are worth more XP than Irons? Some Desert maps drop 4 Bronzes + 2 Irons instead of the usual 4 Irons + 2 Bronzes. On top of that, it's a special trainer type of Bronze too that gives bonus XP regardless of Class.

>> No.13938574

I see, so which desert map should I aim for? I looked at himeuta and Oasis is map #3 so should I aim for that?

>> No.13938591

> instead of the usual 4 Irons + 2 Bronzes
Kingdom ark drops 1 bronze, man.

>> No.13938605

Oasis has 4 bronze drops with 2 of them being hashims and very nice prince exp (better than any kingdom map), so its good grinding map before you can get further, and complexity rises very fast so I doubt you could get past Oasis any time soon anyway.

>> No.13938617

Oh I see, AS lures the lite whales by offering 10 premium spins for 1k gold... and this deal is renewed each event. Somewhat more reasonable rate I suppose: $1 for 1 R or greater card.

>> No.13938645

Okay, will try to reach it. Thanks!

>> No.13938684

Another free 5 SC upon reaching lvl 40, don't think Nutaku has that though I can't remember for sure. I feel like I could really reach 100 SC next month and go for a deluxe stamp card.

>> No.13938690

Well fuck, that's even more shit than I remembered.

>> No.13938800

As new player, he will run out of gold before fodders anyway

>> No.13938921
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Keepers or no?

>> No.13939006

Some eastern ones drop 5 bronzes.

>> No.13939238

Plat Dragon Loli is a bit expensive, but she's a huge improvement over Echidna. The Gold Priest Armor is great too, even if low-rarity.

>Captcha: choose pictures of pancakes
>Two pictures of okonomiyaki

>> No.13939260

Angelic Saga needs more control cards.

>> No.13939266

Guess I'll use this account then. Too lazy to try for a black.

>> No.13939352

Anyone want to trade a Cornelia or Minerva for Dina+Sabine or Saria+Bashira+Charles?

>> No.13939361

Got Vincent and Lilia on DMM - reroll?

>> No.13939396

Lilia can tank immortal beast and everything before it, but she really is nothing special

>> No.13939526

Is it even possible to lose against Angelic Saga's AI?

>> No.13939549

Of course.

You're probably just being facetious, but it's entirely possible that you could get a bad starting hand, while the AI gets a good lead on you, and you can't recover or counterattack in time. Or the person whose AI you fought happens to have fully-leveled and/or broken cards like Flora or Miyabi, and the AI drew them before you could prepare for it.

>> No.13939558

I once fought someone with a ton of anti-wood cards, and since I was running Tactician deck, got facerolled.

>> No.13939561

The Arena uses AI right? It happened to me just once. Felt like total bullshit since the AI was using the right card and it's elemental skills to fuck up my FACE DOWN DEFENSE MODE cards. How the fuck it knew that one face down card was dark, and the other fire, I don't know.

>> No.13939581

I think they're just programmed to use skills whenever they have the mana for it, just like a player would do, since you can't do anything else with it at that point anyway. Even if you have a face down card they could kill with their skill, they don't seem to deliberately keep the mana. It's just that if they happen to have leftover mana, they will use it on the skill.

>> No.13939582

I've lost couple of times due to bad draw, but that happend with all card games.

>> No.13939628

Should've manaweaved.

>> No.13939873

Even then, I have other cards down, what are the chance they'd hit the right card with their skill?

>> No.13940077

1/n where n is the number of cards on your field.

>> No.13940103

It's the game itself you are playing against. How could it NOT know what your facedown cards are?

>> No.13940127


Easiest way to lose against the AI is to fuck up on the UI and accidentally skip 2 turns in one game. After that, not having a proper mana curve in your deck so you have nothing to play during the critical turn 3.

> bad starting hand

Greatly mitigated by being conscious of a mana curve when deck building. I've never had a game in 100+ arenas where I didn't have something to play on turn 3. If it means discarding Sylvie (12 drop) to keep my 5 drop for turn 3, so be it. You'll have seen 20% of your deck by turn 3. I've consistently gotten a body out on that turn.

I have had a couple games where the AI's earlygame units actually put pressure on my turn 3 play which a human could have capitalised on. I have had games where a human could have played some mind games to stall me enough to steal board control. But the AI can't do such things. Playing a 1000+ fatty every turn starting turn 3 is enough to win.

>> No.13940940

Having something to throw out every turn doesn't stop someone from bodying you with a Sakura, two Sylvies, a Kira, and god knows what else.

>> No.13940997


Against Arena AI, the game should be over by the time Sylvie can deploy.

>> No.13941024

I was completely defensive but still guarded all game, even when the first Sylvie showed up.

But I couldn't draw anything to deal with Sakura, and by the time I drew my own hard-hitters (my own Sylvie, Miyabi, etc.), I was already way outnumbered.

It happens. AI is dumb, but there are times when they win even when you think you can stall long enough.

>> No.13941057

Just shows how really simplistic this game is.

>> No.13941082

The mana system is too rudimentary, sure. Anyone with a wide enough lead can snowball, barring that the losing side doesn't have maxed-out broken cards to turn a game around or something.

Doesn't change the fact that an AI with a better starting hand/deck than yours can keep trucking.

>> No.13941380

>Anyone with a wide enough lead can snowball
That could easily be fixed if they added more control cards.

>> No.13942189

Well, I haven't gotten anything as good yet, so I might give it one more night of rerolling and start working seriously with Lilia.

>tfw no plat dragon loli

>> No.13942317

Just had the dumbest loss in the AS Arena. It was maybe turn 5 or 6 when the AI drops a girl with 2000+ atk. I had just crashed my Sakura into a Jill that killed her because I forgot that girl gets a bonus against light so I only had Yuzuki on the field. Thinking it was the perfect opportunity to finally use banish, I drop it then end my turn. Sadly for me, I had another lapse in judgement and Yuzuki reduced the 2000+ girl's attack to less than 2000 so banish was useless. I could have just used a Shinobi Summons and maybe drop a Nadeko with it but I wanted to be fancy.

>> No.13942324
File: 44 KB, 227x110, aigis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the plat worth keeping or just keep on rolling?

>> No.13942433
File: 121 KB, 960x143, dis-translation-sfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deine's breasts seem to confuse the Prince.
Translators seemed to give up for this dialogue box.. Are there other examples of this in the english version?

>> No.13942501

She's focused on buffing other units, so she's not that good by herself, she's like a soldier samurai hybrid with a team wide attack buff skill.

>> No.13942594

Nutaku Aigis died?

>> No.13942621


>> No.13942719

Are rangers any good - and why don't they Awaken?

The trap is clear how to use, but it says there's a strengthening trap, what's it do?

>> No.13942741

They're good.
Because tons of classes don't have Awakenings yet.
The stronger Trap replaces the shittier one after you CC her.

>> No.13942879

In a away I almost regretted CCing Fuuka over Fuuri. Simply because Fuuka doesn't have awakening and Fuuri shoots twice without using her skill.

But I still like Fuuka.

>> No.13942920

Three times actually.

>> No.13943017

That's only for awakening right? and Fuuri's a silver, so she doesn't get one.

>> No.13943020

Nope, it's for CC.

>> No.13943103

Welp, I was gonna focus on getting Iris awakened but now.....

>> No.13943348

new thread
