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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 56 KB, 493x424, Fuck_jlist_and_peter_payne02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13900090 No.13900090 [Reply] [Original]

God damn, this faggot totally has his fucking head up his fucking ass.

>> No.13900091
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>> No.13900097

Professional as always.

I think a lot of Americans know My Lai.

>> No.13900104
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>> No.13900111
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>> No.13900161

i dont see the problem with any of this. He's a pretty shitty business man but he's not saying anything wrong about what happened during ww2.

>> No.13900182

>muh pearl harbor
>muh nanking
>muh unit 731

>> No.13900190

Meh, every country does shitty things. Most of Japan seems to have moved on from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I don't see why we can't move on from "muh pearl harbor" and "muh death marches". J-list is still shit btw.

>> No.13900201 [DELETED] 


>> No.13900216
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>> No.13900222

yo without jlist 4chan would have no advertisers

>> No.13900223
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He's in full damage control now, it's fucking funny.


>> No.13900229
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>Not using ad block

>> No.13900233

what about that "save a nerd" fag

>> No.13900249

I run adblock and noscript but grant permanent exceptions to 4chan

>> No.13900252
File: 2.81 MB, 628x339, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since these threads came up, Peter Payne is in full damage control.

>Peter Payne Glad he was safe! Yes, it's not >discussed that much but clearly, the bombs >saved another few million from being killed in >another 1-2 years of war. My wife's father was >6 at the time, he might have been given a >bamboo spear and told to go fight.

>> No.13900256
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This is now a homu thread.

>> No.13900261
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>> No.13900262 [DELETED] 
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Why the fuck did you reply to me, gaylord?

>> No.13900265
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>> No.13900267
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Michael Hamilton I'm sorry your Nipponophile sensibilities are disturbed Peter. Perhaps the Japanese should have passed on the Rape of Nanking. Perhaps they shouldn't have forced Korean woman to be "comfort women for the modern Samurai. Most importantly they should have stayed in bed on December 7th. They reaped the whirlwind and I will take the dead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki over the estimated 1 million American casualties it would have cost in an invasion of the home islands.

Dude is getting ass-blasted

>> No.13900272
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Because you all my niggaz, niggaz

>> No.13900276
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>> No.13900278 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13900282
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Peter Payne Absolutely true. I believe Japan decided to become a bully state in the late 19th and early 20th century because they saw they lived in a world in which weaker countries became food for stronger empires. When Prussia disappeared as a country this was a huge national shock to them since Prussia and Japan had had good relations (the Japanese military was based on that of Prussia largely).

>> No.13900290
File: 21 KB, 337x322, homuhomu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Japan is the most pussified country in the whole fucking world, they don't even have an army because the Japanese people don't want it, can you believe it?

>> No.13900295


>> No.13900318


Would cure Boku No Pico.... so that's cool with me

>> No.13900324
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That's the owner of J-list trying to backpedal (note the name Peter Payne?) from his stupid ass comments.

>> No.13900326
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Peter Payne One thing (sorry but I'm in Japan now, have lived here most of my life), the Japanese don't consider Japanese Americans to be "Japanese" and don't identify with, say, the Japanese like George Takei who were interred in camps as their own. Just giving you some information.

>> No.13900329 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13900330
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Who cares

>> No.13900336

Man, Japan is a such a joke.
meme country, that is what it is.

>> No.13900351
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>> No.13900353
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>> No.13900357
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Peter Payne Christopher, you're not wrong. Sadly most Japanese don't know about Unit 731. It's actually in the history books, maybe 3-4 pages (which is far too few, though the 300-400 pages in Chinese/Korean textbooks errs the other direction IMO).

>> No.13900362
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Getting pretty bored of you already.

>> No.13900363 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13900364
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>> No.13900368
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Touch my pee-pee

>> No.13900370 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13900372

Why do you have so many pictures of this guy?

That so fucking creepy dude...

>> No.13900373
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Peter Payne My Japanese wife had an uncle who was stationed on the Battleship Ise, and I used to love going to his house on Jan 1 with my half-American kids to hear his war stories. I believe learning about the past is important, and realizing the depth of history (i.e. that there is more than just one viewpoint) is important too.
2 hrs

>> No.13900379 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13900385

> We will give our enemies fear by painting uguu warriors on our military vehicles.

>> No.13900389

Is this real?

I think they are to show submission, you know like when a dog lays downs on its back.

>> No.13900390
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Because he admitted to trying to troll on the other site and left his linked facebook open.

What kind of fucking idiot posts "I'm going to hahahah troll these 'mericans" from an open facebook account linked to your family, company and real name?

A dumbshit that owns J-list, that's who.

>> No.13900391 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13900399 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13900402
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>> No.13900409
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Hello, I am RALP the admin from Something Awful and what is this?

>> No.13900410

I don't get it.

>> No.13900412 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 892x978, 1407784330903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all are fam

>> No.13900417 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13900418

On one hand, he's absolutely right about Japan in WWII.

On the other, he unironically used the term "SJW" when he posted in the Japan Daily comments, which only childish gaymer gaters do.

But since OP is a faggot, I'll be buying even more shit from J-list.

>> No.13900420
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>> No.13900421


>> No.13900422
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>this thread

>> No.13900424
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>> No.13900426 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13900428
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That's a child rapist that used to work for J-list in the USA.

Also please order more from J-list, I love the "boxes of air" stories.

>> No.13900434

dude i dont care if he was a porygon or lolicon or whatever

just don't post ugly people onegai.

>> No.13900440
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>> No.13900442
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payback for Pearl harbour Muricans are still retarded tho, it was one of Nippons lesser crimes

>> No.13900443

that truck is giving you a pitiful look

with a reason thou tbh
if you ever had to kiss that ugly thing

>> No.13900444 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13900452 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13900470
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Let us FUCK!

>> No.13900472
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>> No.13900474
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>> No.13900476 [DELETED] 
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my mfw when

>> No.13900479
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He's after your booty!

>> No.13900481

>Posts: 69 / Images: 50 / Posters: 15

>> No.13900483

He follows everyone.

>> No.13900484
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>> No.13900488 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13900497

I'm sure you can figure out the rest.

>> No.13900507
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>> No.13900516 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13900526
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You have to admit, you'd take a picture too

>> No.13900532

does japan even has trucks?

>> No.13900541 [DELETED] 
File: 345 KB, 1600x918, 1407784801202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hat nigger

t. me

>> No.13900550

>japan committed war crimes
payback for pearl harbour!!!
>america committed war crimes
its not the same thing!!!!

amerikkans : why people tend not to take them seriously.

>> No.13900566 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13900573
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You just mad because you don't have a navy

>> No.13900590 [DELETED] 
File: 1.96 MB, 320x220, 1415928208210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck the police
comming straight from
the underground

>> No.13900606
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He's definitely a bit of a shit though I do remember when everyone was upset about the shiny days loli scene getting cut he all but said "guys we're just going to do a patch and release it on the DL calm down".

I don't know if it was just him hand waving or legitimate, but if it's true he's good in my book.

I honestly don't know why you fags are so interested in facebook drama, especially when the topic is the nuking of Japanese civilians to end WW2 which just doesn't have a completely clear-cut moral answer no matter how much you want it to have been some black and white thing.

>> No.13900660
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Peter Payne By which I mean to say, the realities of war are all barbaric compared to our modern sensibilities, and shouldn't be judged by us in those terms. It might surprise you to know that before South Korea decided to "brand" itself as the only victim in any war ever (hyperbole by me), they spent the 60s and 70s as the sex tourism capital of Asia, promoting itself as a destination for prostitution from all over the world, including Japan.

Because he is whitewashing shit and being a huge fag-lord.

Since these threads have gone up, he has been backpedaling like a motherfucker and that's even more funny.

>> No.13900664

Seen this one on /k/, who gives a shit.

>> No.13900674


Peter Payne And Japan had a whole bunch of new kamikaze ideas to try, like people walking underwater in pressurized suits and attaching bombs to ships, blowing themselves up in the process. Ironically, a Japanese company made a toy line of these (half baked) ideas, and we sold them on J-List a bunch of years ago.

Peter Payne does.

>> No.13900676

Don't like it, don't buy it bruda.

>> No.13900683

First Dovac now Payne.

Eroge celebs need to shut the fuck up and localize eroge instead of doing this shit.

>> No.13900714
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Peter Payne I happen to live in Gunma, near the big Subaru factory that used to be Nakajima Aircraft. There's a long road in Ota, a city nearby, that is long and straight because it used to be an aircraft runway. My wife's grandfather got out of military service by jumping off his roof and injuring his leg so he couldn't fight.

>> No.13900720
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>> No.13900730
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>> No.13900736



>> No.13900738
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>> No.13900750

>all this ancient history


Philippines and Indonesia have moved on and are now bff with Japan.

If the countries mentioned above can move on, why not China and Korea?
Korea and China seem to be more interested in getting muh reparations and trying hard to vividly relive the past to the point of over-exaggeration instead of just moving on...

>> No.13900763

You're quoting him there?

The comfort women thing is a bit bullshit. They received reparations for that didn't they? They just want something to shit on the Japanese for. Now it's the same thing all Asian countries (actually all countries) seem to do, spin them getting fucked over into the biggest deal ever, and spin them fucking over people into the smallest deal ever.

Look at fucking 9/11, that fat fuck Christie invoking during a debate because he's a 2 bit mobster.

If you're having fun with making Peter dance over this shit hey that's great. I'll admit saying that "well the country had a sex trade" is a pretty poor counter argument.

>> No.13900784
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>> No.13900785

>guy has a nuanced view on Japan and realizes every country has atrocities in its history

wow, what a monster

>> No.13900793
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Yeah, he is all over Jerry Doyle's facebook being gay

>> No.13900794

Shit thread. For shame, OP. You must be corean dog.

>> No.13900798

All because of males.

>> No.13900809



sjws please die

>> No.13900810
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>> No.13900825
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>> No.13900855
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>> No.13900871

Yeah he really can't let go. It was like that with the fucking Shiny Days thing, he just argued and argued and argued, when it's obviously people venting.

With this shit people just want to validate their way of thinking. If the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were 100% justified and necessary then you don't have to feel bad about it.

Honestly my only issue with j-list is that they both charge the import mark up other US sellers do, but they ship directly from Japan. It makes their prices really fucking outrageous.

I'd love for that to be real.

>> No.13900891

This may have been the only non-shit thread on /jp/-japanese generals

heh good goy

>> No.13900897
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Right now he is running around trying to put out fires on the page, couple people called him out on his shit, he got wrapped up tight, went full weebo and didn't think there was people that knew what the fuck j-list was on Jerry Doyle, a actor on Babylon 5 facebook page.

He doesn't want shit to get too far out of hand because the last thing he wants to explain is underaged looking anime pussy to New Channel 5

>> No.13900902 [DELETED] 
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me browsing the /jp/

>> No.13900904
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>> No.13900912

I hope moot stops getting ad money from j-list. This site isn't worth funding anyways.

>> No.13900913

The younger generations in China/Korea are quite fond of Japan. And I'm speaking from real life experience.

One has to understand that the so called tension between China/Korea and Japan is a product of their governments. Largely it's a diversion from the real issues, e.g, Chinese conflicts with other Asian countries in the south sea; and a tool to gain the votes of the 1% nationalists.

I find it funny that there are westerners who hinge on such trivial misinformation to defend their mind set online.

And while I'm not a fan of Payne and his questionable business capitalizing on dumb weebs, I agree with him on the passport and traveling post there.

I'll continue reading manga, hanging out with my chinese friends and having vacations in "shithole" countries
while /int/ /pol/ losers hang up flags in their basement to celebrate hiroshima.

>> No.13900923
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Why get a passport to visit a piss-pot country when you can visit a pisspot country in California and not even have to exchange your money.

>> No.13900930
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>> No.13901055
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>> No.13901101
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>> No.13901251
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>> No.13901267
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>> No.13901272
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>> No.13901285
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>> No.13901290
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>> No.13901292
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Best thread on 4chan

>> No.13901295
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Who is this slut.

>> No.13901303

So why do these frogs have ears?

>> No.13901310
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Maybe you can read chingchong

>> No.13901318
File: 267 KB, 3560x2237, 1429422143209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those aren't frogs.

>> No.13901327


are most of you guys from san diego is so, otaku meet up?

>> No.13901330
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>> No.13901331
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>> No.13901334
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>> No.13901338
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>> No.13901342

Where the FUCK are the mods?
I swear I'll become a janitor and WRECK these shitposting motherfuckers

>> No.13901347
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>> No.13901348
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>> No.13901354

dont forget jjokbari shits KILLED EMPEROR GOJONG AND EMPRESS MIN and all need to DIE IN FIRE kekeke ^_________________^

>> No.13901387
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You go girl.

>> No.13901413

This thread is just weebs defending the nips and the Amerifats praising america.
Australia truly won WW2

>> No.13901466

Stay mad, kid. This place is changing and you're gonna be left behind like the garbage you are.

>> No.13901539 [DELETED] 
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smell dis

>> No.13901780
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give me some peace lord
give me some rest

>> No.13902009

AMERICANS Justifying dropping nuclear bombs on civilians, killing thousands of children and not even instantly.

It would be like dropping loads of soldiers and shooting up innocent people in order to make sure the Japanese government surrendered.
They knew full well the effect the bomb would have on living things and I find it disgusting how Americans go "IT WAS JUSTIFIED FOR PEACE! AMERICAN IS JUSTICE"

It should have never been used, it burnt alive little children, it left hundreds and hundreds with burning skin and having to have seen their parents or family partially melted, how is it justice.
It is so dry to just judge something from so far away without seeing how horrifying it was.

It is a device that is too much, using two of them was an incredible evil.

>> No.13902070
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1 brave american soldier hero's life is worth more than a thousand cavegook barbarian civilian lives. You chingchongs got a good deal so deal with it. NEVER forget the atrocity that was pearl harbor. Literally worse than the holocaust.

>> No.13902182

Is there really any need to try this hard?

>> No.13902275

>not loving your own country the united states of the usa

Just make like peter payne and go get buried in japan, traitor.

>> No.13902856

I was beginning to have some faith in JAST USA but then I saw this thread.

>> No.13902901

If anything, this thread gave me more faith in JAST USA and less faith in...well, USA.

>> No.13904011
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>> No.13904262
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There was no nipdongs that were civilians.

>> No.13904354

holy shit i haven't cringed this hard in a decade

>> No.13904385
File: 1.67 MB, 300x224, Burn+baby+burn+flamethrower+footage+from+the+pacific+during+ww2_554b57_5194148.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the nips did in WW2 was far worse than barbarism, it was straight up nightmare fuel (performing vivisections on captured Allied bomber pilots etc).

fuck this guy and fuck anyone that tries to playdown their crimes

>> No.13904417 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13904421
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When Okinawa fell, commanders handed out grenades to civilians, two of them. One to throw, the other to blow themselves up with.

Over 25% of the civilian population of the Island died.

>> No.13904441

>believing western propaganda

>> No.13904472

>still contaminated places
For example?

>> No.13904495

I don't know why people are so hard up to turn this into "The use of nukes was a moral imperative handed down by the next best thing to God the United States." is it just more trolling or do you really believe that?

Sure they did some awful shit, but we didn't even nuke Germany(probably because of the american financial investment in factories and the such), so obviously it didn't have a lot to do with some punishment for war crimes. We just wanted an unconditional surrender, we probably could have gotten something without the nukes.

I don't know if it would have been for the best, but the whole "we would have lost so many more men" is kind of hinged on the expectation that we'd still be fighting for an unconditional surrender. I think it's pretty obvious whatever timeline we went down it's somewhere between not the best and bad, so reviewing historical decisions isn't necessarily horrible. If our current world is the direct result of all the right decisions, then we're really fucked.

I think Payne is being a choad but it seems like everyone is just doing the same thing he's doing except from the opposite view point just to troll him. Just curious if you guys follow him this closely or if someone just actually follows Jerry Doyle and just lucked upon this.

This is definitely fucked up, fuck them for that.

You're trying to talk to an image.

>> No.13904501

Everything he's saying is 100% correct.

I wish Americans weren't allowed to post on /jp/.

>> No.13904515

I was hoping some lonely faggot would know. I don't really believe that there are contaminated places.

>> No.13904518
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Tell me what happened when the US tried to take islands with a "civilian" population.

>> No.13904523
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>> No.13904560
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Yes getting unconditional surrender without nukes would have been difficult, I said as much in my post. Why does the use of nukes against Japan have to be the sole undisputable wartime decision? Are you unable to turn it off after spending hours going after Payne-kun? Upset that the thread isn't just more facebook screenshots and random cringe images?

I doubt it. If anything it would have been from that Tsunami right?

>> No.13904562


>> No.13904574

What's with these shitty /pol/ treads lately?

>> No.13904592

The gamergate thing fizzled out. Cops are sometimes getting arrested when they shoot black kids. But hey it was the anniversary of Hiroshima and the TPP is happening, so whatever let's go for jp, is the logic I guess.

>> No.13904608 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13904617 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13904628 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13904634

>Yes getting unconditional surrender without nukes would have been difficult, I said as much in my post.
It was difficult even after the bombs. Japan did not surrender unconditionally in WW2, they still kept their Emperor.

>> No.13904637 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13904645

Do Amerilards actually still believe nuking 2 already half destroyed cities contributed in any way to the surrender of Japan? Get with the times, Japan only surrendered to avoid the fucking commies, the nukes had absolutely no impact on the surrender of Japan.

>> No.13904665 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13904691


Even Eisenhower believed that the dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary to get an unconditional surrender the japanese were already defeated when the bomb was dropped they were just looking for someway to honorably lose the war which since they got to keep the emperor could've been done much sooner

>> No.13904697 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13904747

The Japanese already surrendered on the condition of keeping Manchuria, the US didn't give two fucks about the Emperor but made a deal with Stalin over Manchuria if they stayed out of the main islands and Korea. Needless to say Stalin didn't give to fucks about the US and Japan either, and occupied Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia and when they entered mainland China the US dropped the bombs. Hirohito wasn't even informed the nukes had literally erased two cities from the map when he accepted the unconditional surrender.

>> No.13904761 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13904861

I want to protect John.

>> No.13904894 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13904935
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>> No.13904944 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13904967

Thanks. I have pretty poor knowledge about WW2 in general but the whole "bombs or massive American casualties" seemed like crap to me.

>> No.13904972 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13904991

Unconditional means we go in there and hang them all. They had drawn up plans for defense of the homeland with the full intention to use them.

>Hirohito wasn't even informed the nukes had literally erased two cities from the map when he accepted the unconditional surrender.
The primary decision was made by the Supreme Council on the Direction of the War. The Emperor only stepped in to break what was essentially a tie.

/jp/ is an awful source to learn about anything.

>> No.13904996 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13905004

>/jp/ is an awful source to learn about anything.
Doesn't mean it can't happen. Despite all the try hardness and the one guy commencing an image dump I think this thread was not totally garbage

>> No.13905010

One day you'll learn that all threads are totally garbage.

>> No.13905035
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That azn booty is nice

>> No.13905217 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13905353
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It's awesome being white

>> No.13905365 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13905427
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I gotta take a shit

>> No.13906011
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>> No.13906348
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>> No.13908831

>/jp/-japanese generals
this isn't what /jp/ is about, for some reason, after the tohoku earthquake sticky that attracted people from every other board, the mod was replaced and everyone just started making whatever threads they wanted, most noticeably fumo threads which weren't allowed before now have permanent general.

prior to that any time anybody asked anything about Japan itself like this they would just get redirected to /int/ or /lang/ if it was language-related.

>> No.13908979
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>> No.13910867

every country committed war crimes in WW2.

and who cares about some cunt on facebook.

back to /pol/ with you

>> No.13912561
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>some cunt
>owns jlist
>some cunt hates americans
>some cunt"s inncome is based off importing shit to the US
>is american, hates you

>> No.13920215

Yeah you've shown us we'll all stop patronizing that site immediately.
