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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13784582 No.13784582[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'd like some quick advice, /jp/
I've enrolled in uni to study a Japanese language major (I want to have a career in video game/anime localisation) and I was hoping someone could suggest some important skills I will need which will help me choose my elective units.

Thanks in advance
Pic unrelated.

>> No.13784644

I always found that artstyle in those pics rather nice.

>> No.13784658
File: 290 KB, 307x270, 1422681042347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I want to have a career in video game/anime localisation."

>> No.13784674 [DELETED] 

>I want to have a career in video game/anime localisation
Stop right there. Horrible idea. You learn Japanese in your spare time as a hobby, but for a career.

Now fuck off to whatever board you came from.

>> No.13784681 [DELETED] 

but not* for a career.

>> No.13784682

That's exactly what I said. Your picture is pointing the wrong way though.

What's wrong with learning Japanese at uni?

>> No.13784690 [DELETED] 
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>I've enrolled in uni to study a Japanese language major (I want to have a career in video game/anime localisation)

Ahaha what a fuckin' loser!

>> No.13784691 [DELETED] 

Slow-ass pace. You can learn so much more in less time on your own, plus you won't have debt to pay off.

>> No.13784698

But then I won't have a diploma to show for it.

>> No.13784702
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>> No.13784706 [DELETED] 

It's fucking worthless. If you want certification, do the JLPT.

>> No.13784725 [DELETED] 
File: 263 KB, 659x473, maria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to have a career in video game/anime localisation

>> No.13784747

I'm glad you people agree with my aspiration so heartily.

>> No.13784752
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>> No.13784762

You're right, I needn't have stated something so obvious. I should wait for people with real criticism, right?

>> No.13784797 [DELETED] 

This IS the real criticism. Seriously, find something else. Once you learn Japanese, you'll find you no longer want to enable the retards who are too stupid to learn.

>> No.13784802
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>> No.13784819
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Good luck bro on following your dream!
Yeah, you can do it!

>> No.13784948
File: 10 KB, 400x420, 1391908361128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's wrong with learning Japanese at uni?

You have a virtually unlimited number of resources available to you for the price of a computer and an internet connection. Drill Anki and read Japanese books instead, then spend your tuition money on a real trip to Japan. It will be a much better investment.

>> No.13785034

itt: salty weebs that have no drive to achieve their dreams so they project their insecurities on OP.

Follow your dreams OP.

>> No.13785083


>> No.13785398

it's pointing right way

out of here

>> No.13785408
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>> No.13785436


Kill urself.

>> No.13785439

>I want to have a career in video game/anime localisation

This has got to be trolling.

And anyways, there is a total of zero skills you can learn at uni that will help you with that. You'd be better off reading 2chan all day.

>Once you learn Japanese, you'll find you no longer want to enable the retards who are too stupid to learn.

To be fair, many existing localization teams' works feel like they don't want to enable them either.

>Hey, don't jump off that cliff!
>You're just salty you have no drive to achieve your dreams. Gensokyo here I come!

>> No.13785488

Hold shift for focused movement.

>> No.13787330

>I want to have a career in video game/anime localisation

>> No.13793946

>and I was hoping someone could suggest some important skills I will need
Social skills. Yeah, I know, it sucks.

>> No.13793983

Ask you teacher to teach you the Kanji and Osaka dialects. Those are the ones used in video games.

>> No.13793995

OP, go back to your home board. I'm not like the others, but I'm stuck here. You must hear me out, leave /jp/ while you still can and do not look back...!
