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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13755635 No.13755635 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you actually watch anime, or did you give up on it? I haven't watched a full series in years.

>> No.13755647

I haven't watched anime in about 5 years.

>> No.13755648
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I watch more now than I ever did. I download the first episode of everything that airs and judge if I should follow the show, give it one more episode, or drop it.

>> No.13755658

Honestly, I hardly ever watch anime. Most of it is absolute shit and not worth the time. That doesn't mean that I don't still have an interest in japan or japanese "culture" though.

>> No.13755662

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13755668


I like Star Blazers.

>> No.13755674

I haven't really watched anime in years.
I don't keep up with any currently airing shows either.

I prefer visual novels in general. Liked them even before I got into anime, now I still like them. Also doujin games and doujinshi.

>> No.13755680

What's good this season?
I really enjoyed ep 1 of Himouto

>> No.13755690
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I'm really interested in how Shimoneta and Charlotte will turn out. I only saw the first episode of Chaos Dragon, and it looks fun. I'm hoping the Gate anime is as good as the manga.

>> No.13755714

By now I prefer these silly /a/ threads than more fucking generals

>> No.13755783

You would, you fucking crossie.

>> No.13755794


This, pretty much.
Sometimes I decide to watch something out of the blue, just yesterday I downloaded and marathoned Amagami, but I guess that's cheating.
Another thing that bothers me somewhat is that nowaday's mecha is either CGI that looks like shit or undetailed or poor coreographed fights. Sad, but I guess it's just a sign of the times changing.

>> No.13755907
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I used to watch tons of anime, but over the years I've gotten really fucking tired of most everything and maybe watch like one or two shows a season at most. And even then I end up dropping them a lot of the time.

Every season is the same shit; practically everything that airs is some shitty cash-grab adaption of a manga or light novel. We only get like 1-2 original anime a season, and they're almost always garbage. I still try to find stuff to watch every season, but I usually don't. The only anime I'm watching right now are Teekyuu, Working!!!, and Non Non Biyori S2. I was also watching Ranpo Kitan, but the second episode was garbage so I probably won't bother watching anymore. But even watching three shows this season is more than average for me.

I've grown extremely tired of all the tropes that Japan shoves into everything. It's annoying.

I mostly just read western literature nowadays.

>> No.13755933

look at this faggot


>> No.13755943

I still watch some of the airing shows, but I barely enjoy it. I only genuinely enjoy 1 or 2 each season. Since I've been getting so much into untranslated VNs my motivation to watch anime is dropping more each month, though. I'll probably drop it completely soon.

>> No.13755947

Yeah, honestly anime is getting worse every season. They can't come up with any original plots anymore.

>> No.13755948

I download full series and play them while browsing the internet, is like having my tv on, I don't own a second monitor so I have to use half the screen for browsing and the other half for the video, even if I don't pay attention to the video sometimes, having some background sound is good.

>> No.13755952

I feel extremely sad, empty and alone whenever a series I like finishes. I'm currently 20/24 episodes of a series that aired in 2012, and I've been watching it for about 7 months.

>> No.13755957

I think they could, they just know it wouldn't pay.

>> No.13755965

this is a fairly common occurrence

for me this applies to video games, western films, anime, manga, or even scientific/academic books
i have transitioned from reading/watching whatever i could get my hands on to being very picky with what i spend my time on

i used to think the reason was me growing older and less motivated

it's just that as consumers the deeper we delve into a subject the further our preferences move away from the more mainstream aspects of it

whether the producers are no longer "original' and are "killing the industry" or not has little to do with our dwindling habits

>> No.13755974

That's a problem too. It's more about the money than actually making a good anime for once in their lives.

>> No.13755994

For some reason the Japanese tend to be very afraid of change and trying new things, more than any culture I know. I'm sure this is reflected in their entertainment industry.

>> No.13756002

anime is the only reason i'm still alive

>> No.13756047

i think you're just shoehorning this stereotype into the topic
same with other complaints regarding the anime industry being stagnant

i think it has little to do with the japanese philosophy in life, whatever it may be
because i see the same thing happen here in the west

out of the thousands of movies/tv series being produced every year, how many can you watch without rolling your eyes/falling asleep?

these csi 3.0, rome 4.0, disney high school musical 12.0, sex in the city 20.0
run-of-the-mill action flick #340023, horror movie #592045, chick flick #52064

aren't hollywood supposed to have access to the best talents/resources?
why are they still churning out such mediocre products?
afraid of changes?

>> No.13756058

>aren't hollywood supposed to have access to the best talents/resources?
>why are they still churning out such mediocre products?
>afraid of changes?
there's too much money on the line to do anything but play it safe and redo something they already know works basically

>> No.13756074

That's a good point, if we talk about big markets, but what about the independent scene? For example the indie scene in the west is constantly pushing for new ideas, no matter how ridiculous or shitty they may be, while in Japan the doujin scene hasn't changed much throughout the years. Of course I might be missing other independent scenes in Japan. The musical scene in Japan is creative as fuck.

>> No.13756075

we literally have a board for anime please take anime discussion there

>> No.13756151 [DELETED] 

Anime is literally otaku culture.

>> No.13756156


Everything is otaku culture.

>> No.13756177

How do I become otaku culture?

>> No.13756186

I watch currently airing stuff and occasionally shit from the 80s. I've seen about 300-350 series and am pretty burnt out. Last season was the first in a couple I watched anime that was airing and followed sidonia2 and Punchline and while I enjoyed both very much it sparked no desire in me to watch anything else.

>> No.13756197 [DELETED] 


I'm stoned generally every single day after work so I don't really get much out of watching anime, I can enjoy things a lot more but I can't enjoy my only hobby.

>> No.13756198

I rarely ever watch anime, and never watched that much to begin with.

There are far better (western, fuck manga) books out there that have far better writing. The only anime that was an island in the sea of shit that is anime was Psycho-Pass. Which was actually pretty good and actually thought-provoking.

>> No.13756201 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13756215
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>> No.13756235

I used to think all of you were anime watching weebs, what do you do then? Read Japanese literature?

>> No.13756249


I masturbate and shitpost.

>> No.13756266

I watch perhaps one show per season, usually the SoL with yuri subtext. It's just a way to relax and take it easy for half an hour.

>> No.13756319
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It's one of the main reasons why I continue to bother living.

>> No.13756348

lol holy shit this guy

>> No.13756356

I want to read Japanese literature but I don't know where to start. It probably doesn't help that I can't speak the language so I have to rely on translations.

>> No.13756449

>The only anime that was an island in the sea of shit that is anime was Psycho-Pass. Which was actually pretty good and actually thought-provoking.
lmao you can't be serious.

then again, a pseudointellectual who pats himself on the back for reading books (lol) certainly would like that dumbass garbage. did all those needless high-school reading list allusions make you feel smart? good job, I guess.

>> No.13756454

Not him but Psycho-pass is thought provoking compared to all the mindless shit that comes out every month. At least it makes you think about the meaning of authority. The execution was shit though.

>> No.13756467

>For example the indie scene in the west is constantly pushing for new ideas
It really isn't. Indie music and film has it's own stale set of conventions that are constantly being rehashed. Even worse is when mainstream dips in and then reinforces those conventions as "indie." Either way, "indie" carries its own negative stereotypes precisely because it can be just as creatively bankrupt as any major effort. It shouldn't be that way, but that's how it is.

>> No.13756476

>Psycho-pass is thought provoking compared to all the mindless shit that comes out every month
There's plenty of DEEP and DARK "thought provoking" garbage that comes out every season. You can tell just by looking at the damn promo arts. I would take the simple fluffy fun stuff over that pretentious nonsense any day. And just so you know, Ghost in the Shell: Arise just finished recently. Psycho-Pass was trying its hardest to be something like GitS and failed miserably as only supreme edgelord Urobuchi could. Ended up like some dumb Equilibrium shit (which Urobuchi is a big fan of, go figure).

>> No.13756488

Sounds like a whole lot of effort. Are you using anything that makes it easy or do you just manually click and download torrent files?

>> No.13756489

>I would take the simple fluffy fun stuff over that pretentious nonsense any day.
Well that's like your taste man

>> No.13756502

My taste is absolute.

But the point is that """""""""""thought provoking""""""""""""" anime is not at all uncommon, especially if you're going use some mediocre shit like Psycho-Pass as the bench. Even the title makes me roll my eyes with how edgy it's trying to be.

>> No.13756532

Honestly the only series I've watched in full in years are the whole gdgd fairies/straight title robot anime/tesagure. I actually have only been able to watch short ones like fireball and miss monochrome and the like for a while.

I like anime but I can't tolerate ones longer than 15 minutes anymore for some reason. I think it's because they've become so slow paced. When you think about it, a 12-14 ep series covers the timespan of about 3 movies. In that timespan, enough fucking nothing happens to warrant a sequel of another 12-14 eps whereas a trilogy of movies can cover most of a fucking series or the entire idea of a single book. Even if the series were mostly filler, it's be interesting, but it's just a bunch of nothing. 10-15 minute series get right to the point, so I enjoy them but they also put out a lot of stupid shit I don't like. I just need more explosions, guts, robots, and spaceships if I'm going to put in 24 minutes.

Also I really, really hate yurishit, don't care for harems that aren't set against the backgrounds of other plot, and dislike giant boobs.(but every loli show degenerates into yuri shit).

The kind of video games I like only exist within the doujin industry at best and the kind of anime I like basically never get made anymore. Stuff has definitely changed. Anime and manga are just too self referential nowadays. It's like every anime is an anime that's intended to be a farcical parody of anime.

>> No.13756546
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>gdgd fairies/straight title robot anime/tesagure
Damn, are those shows made for us anime dropouts?

>> No.13756555

Not him, but there's both software and websites that can automatically download shows for you.

>> No.13756593

They're just cute girl shows without the limitation of being based on cruddy 4koma and similar that cute girl shows tend to be based on.

>> No.13756612
File: 34 KB, 640x480, You're Under Arrest - 05 (DVD 480p) (Anime-Supreme) (NakamaSub).mkv_snapshot_06.14_[2015.05.01_21.46.31].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently watched the tv series of You're Under Arrest!

>> No.13756635

jack off to VNs

>> No.13756662
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I usually watch the first ep of everything and then drop ~80% of the season ending up following around following 3~5 shows.

I'm really liking this season so far:

Symphogear GX
Gakkou Gurashi
Non Non Biyori Repeat
Miss Monochrome s2
Wakaba Girl
Wooser s3

I'd saying Working!!! too but I'm not sure since the past season was really boring and stale.

>> No.13756686

>It's like every anime is an anime that's intended to be a farcical parody of anime.
That's really not a new thing. Most gag series have many self-referential/parody elements. Even this old 80s shoujo sci-fi series I'm reading has lots of meta/self-referential humor.

>> No.13756722

I watched all 30 anime I ever wanted to watch and now I just watch them over and over again, inbetween writing fanfiction that never leaves my hard drive, reading doujinshi and shitposting.

>> No.13756723

No, you don't understand, it's not just meta, it's being meta about meta or just using the meta as an excuse to not have an orig- innovative plot. It's like those anime that would just give a summary of the setup and jump into the story. It's not just "hey, we're not in an anime or anything" /nudge-wink. But like they take everything that would be parodies or self-referenced and make an anime using those ideas as the base. And then they act meta about that. They're making farces of parodies of deconstructions.

Take the Tesagure I mentioned. It's nothing but making fun of anime. Now imagine someone made a parody of Tesagure. Imagine it became common thing to make parodies of Tesagure. Now imagine someone made a meta show about those parodies. That's how far down some anime are.

>> No.13756724

I watch 10-15 shows a season usually except when it's a shitty one like the previous. Summer is glorious though.

>> No.13756762

Yeah, I still do. I've had a hard time keeping up to date with airing shows for a while, though.

>> No.13756791

My life is an anime

>> No.13756803

pls my gf

>> No.13756805

There was a period after dropping out of university when I got heavily sidetracked by seiyuu material (mostly web radios) and 3DPD comedy (owarai/variety), but in the last few months I've watched few series after entering alternative civilian service (ie. cheap labor at a hospital).

>> No.13756838

>using the meta as an excuse to not have an orig- innovative plot

If anything, I feel that this is getting less blatant than it was one, two, three decades ago. Or maybe I'm just getting better at weeding shit off before I watch it.

>> No.13756860

go back to /a/

>> No.13756890

I still keep up with currently airing things because they're a nice change of pace and they come out on a schedule so I can have something to look forward to.

>> No.13757010

That really doesn't sound that common, but the 2000s certainly brought this sort of hectic, hyperreferential comedy style into popularity. I'm thinking SZS (or anything Kumeta) or Nyaruko-san or the Monogatari series (anything NisioisiN). The short 5 minute anime comedies really tend to become grating in this regard. But I don't think it's a bad thing, really. I think otaku culture has become more haphazard and involuted as it progressed to this point. There's so much content that things have become very condensed. Being meta helps justify the fact that what they're making is generic and forgettable. I don't think self-awareness is enough to actually make this acceptable, but that line of thinking is why we see it more and more. Still, there's plenty of sincere series like SoL shows, shoujo romance, battle stuff, etc. I think it's only comedies that went all crazy like that.

>> No.13757060

>hectic, hyperreferential comedy
>Monogatari series


It's the exact opposite of all that.

>> No.13757358

I like animes where they just talk like Lucky Star and Joshiraku

>> No.13757365

yup yup I love them
I also still browse /a/ because who gives a shit what /jaypee/ thinks

>> No.13757366


They have a lot of references to shows like Gegege no Kitaro in the anime.

>> No.13757369

You must, else you wouldn't have posted.

>> No.13757373

>I also still browse /a/ because who gives a shit what /jaypee/ thinks
If you have to announce you don't care, you care.

>> No.13757410

I used to watch a shit-ton of anime. Later, I discovered Touhou, and now I watch 3-5 anime per season.

>> No.13757426

That's visual polish; Shaft being Shaft. It has nothing to do with the story, it's only there because otherwise it's hard to animate episodes over episodes of little more than static conversations. If that's all you've paid attention to, man, you've missed the entire fucking point.

>> No.13757427

I miss watching star driver and kaiba and penguindrum and akikan with /a/. Even madoka. Even if I watch anime, nothing makes me anticipate it like those shows did.

I wish they would make an akira anime already so I don't have to read the manga to get the full real story.

>> No.13757430

It's not just nostalgia. Anime is objectively shittier these days.

That's why /a/ crossies are so insufferable. They're literal retards who actually enjoy watching modern anime, so they can't be expected to contribute anything to our community.

>> No.13757438

No I haven't.

That was part of the fun and the gags.

Relatively speaking many of the gags were included in the original light novel, which are meant to be references as per intended.

>> No.13757440

This is objectively wrong. The "99% of everything is shit" rule has always applied to anime, even stuff back in the day, and the only reason you think it's shittier is because you can cherry pick the best of the best from decades of animation. And yes, you are probably blinded as fuck by nostalgia goggles despite your denial.

>> No.13757458

No trust me. I've consulted numerous industry insiders and they all agree. Anime is shit now. Capitalism and idiots like you killed it. Good job.

>> No.13757465

Why do you assume he's an idiot for telling you a different story of what occurred during the last decades of anime we had?

Maybe you're just autistic and you liked 90s anime more.

>> No.13757472

Well my dad is the president of Sunrise and he says anime is better than ever so fuck you

>> No.13757475

He's an idiot because I know more than he does, but he's talking to me like an equal.

>> No.13757479

Even if most anime was shit, most anime wasn't just little girls kissing each other for 26 eps. Stuff like sci fi and space and wacky adventures and harems that weren't just softcore porn barely exists anymore.

The type of anime has shifted so if you had for example slice of life as a whole in that 90% of anime that was shit, it's entirely possible for 100% of anime to be shit.

>> No.13757485


>> No.13757492

You have a problem with little girls kissing each other you homo?

>> No.13757521

Anime is objectively better these days.

That's why /a/ crossies are so insufferable. They're literal retards who try to push their shitty personal taste as a choice of the entire board, so they can't be expected to contribute anything to our community.

Yes you have.

>many of the gags were included in the original light novel

Which would make them literary polish. It still does not change the slow introspective conversation-driven story into "hectic hyperreferential comedy".

>you can cherry pick the best of the best from decades of animation

I find it easier to cherry-pick nowadays when everything animated is a mouse click away from a season chart. The problem with previous decades is that you're still in a large part restrained by other people's tastes (be it popularity in Japan or in western fandom). If you like what they like, yes, you'll think it used to be better. If you don't, well...

>> No.13761915

I still don't understand where jannie went.

Is this going to stay here forever?

>> No.13762017

Go back to /a/, faggot.

>> No.13762094

That's not how you solve the situation, silly.

>> No.13762110
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I stopped watched TV in 2006. Since then, I've only watched movies, and marathoned certain shows like Rocky's Modern Life and Red Dwarf. The last anime I watched was Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, back when I lived in New Hampshire. That was around 2009-2010, the same time I started learning Japanese.

At the same time, my youthful interests in Buddhism, Hinduism and science flowered into mature understandings that are beginning to provide me skillful means. My perception and discrimination have both improved, and film now seems like a dull, two dimensional reality without substance. Instead, I devote my time to figuring out how to use technology to turn my life into an anime.

Have you heard of graphene, and shape-changing materials? Basically, it works via volume changes; individual 'cells' of graphene - which will probably take the form of very small groups of graphene molecules, attached to one another by very long wires to take advantage the work-multiplying capacity of levers - will be heated, or allowed to cool. When heated, the graphene expands. When allowed to cool - and graphene cools very quickly - it contracts. In this way, a 'blob' of graphene could be make to assume any shape.

For example, that of a figurine. Imagine this, life-sized and moving. Not only that, but graphene can be used to make muscles which are 200 times stronger than biological muscle. So in the same package, you get kawaii and godhood. Mythology is the only place to find a map of this emerging reality.

I'm going to make this a reality, and than do everything in my power to upload myself and as many other people into such things.

>> No.13762121


>> No.13762122
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I gave up on anime because the last 3 seasons were awful, but since NNB2 is airing now, i might give anime a second chance.

>> No.13762125

>Waaah I hate Janny, he deletes my shitposts!
>Waaah I hate Janny he quit deleting shitposts!
Just leave already

>> No.13762181
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"If you want to get into anime, my best advice to you as a creator is to please have diverse interests in things besides animation. Look outward, first of all. Most anime makers are basically autistic. They have to try and reach out, and truly communicate with others. I would guess that the greatest thing anime has ever achieved is the fact that we're holding a dialogue right here and now."

>Most anime makers are basically autistic.


Is he right, /a/?

>> No.13762192

Funny how you're the only one being a little shit about it.

Is posting /a/shit acceptable to you?

>> No.13762292

Nobody's autistic, they just aren't talented enough. Nobody makes low quality uncompelling stuff on purpose. Except Anno himself, perhaps, and I wouldn't put a projection past him.


You are autistic, though. And possibly so am I for pointing this out.

>> No.13769111

I really wanna watch some like The Order is Rabbit and yuri kind of stuff, but I just keep forgetting about watching them.

Maybe I don't like watching because I feel commited to act of watching and not doing anything else.
That being said, I managed to watch Kantai S1 because I often have blackouts last month.

>> No.13769125

You can try exhuming the self-moderation that /jp/ used to like so much.

Note: self-moderation is a distributed effort, not one person loading up the super spam cannon.

>> No.13769131

mods please del

>> No.13769659
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I used to watch a lot of anime around 3-4 years ago but now I don't watch much at all.

I always try to watch the new animes of the season, but nearly all of them just feel so generic and bland.

Now I mostly just watch animes from the 80-90's and early 2000 whenever I find something interesting, I just really can't commit myself to watch new animes for some reason.

>> No.13769687 [DELETED] 


>> No.13769705

I do the same but stream it, some of legit through crunchyroll. Old stuff I use kiss anime.
Are you just super into noodles or some shit because anime is the centre of all weebery?
Mah nigga
Maybe cos they got bombed last time they tried a change?
I do that after watching anime, or before.
Another Teekyu fan
Like 90% of the posters on fuwanovel then
No but he has a terrific neckbeard.
Watch anime shorts then nig

>> No.13769715

You don't have to respond to every post in the thread, tripfag.

>> No.13769740 [DELETED] 

fucking shitposting retard

>> No.13769825

I can do whatever I like mate.
Go suck a Japanese man's dick.

>> No.13769837

You see this shit jannie?

This is what these threads attract.

Delete them.

>> No.13769844

Please just ignore him. He can't exist if you don't believe in him.

>> No.13769854

This thread is busy exposing how /jp/ is nothing more than /a/ refugees so I'll keep posting till it 404's. Don't like it go kill yourself.

>> No.13769855

This shitty thread will still exist.

>> No.13769865

>I don't like a thread so I'll keep bumping it
Do you hate yourself?

>> No.13769870

You yelling at the janitor isn't going to make him delete. If anything he'll leave it up out of spite.

>> No.13769873

I love this thread

>> No.13769874

It's more like I don't know where the fuck he went.

>> No.13769895

Being here, but hating anime, is like saying that you love plain Top Ramen but hate the actual ramen bowls that it's based off of. Basically you'd only say such a thing out of either complete idiocy/naivete, or just to be a contrarian dumbass pretending that they're not almost the same thing, only one is a highly-derived and even more shallow/processed form than the other. The only exception is if you're here for something that isn't derived from anime/manga such as tea or idol threads, and that's a small minority.

>> No.13769896

I finish two series a year. Then I'll usually start another two or three but then they are lost to the sands of time. So I don't really watch that much I guess.

>> No.13769903
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I sometimes watch. A little.

I always promise myself that I will watch more, and my hard drive is stuffed with things from my backlog but...I never really get to it.

But I didn't give up completely on watching anime, like some guys in this thread. Madoka 3rd movie was the best thing I have seen in my life, and Yuuki Yuuna was a gem in a sea of mediocre. It's precisely for the sake of such rare titles that I keep watching, and trying, and hoping to find something really good every now and again.

Other then that, touhou and shitposting.

>Chaos Dragon

that shit was so edgy I cringed

>> No.13769913

Almost everything every season is adaptions of novels, manga or eroge.

>> No.13769921

My sentiments exactly.
Even idol-culture has massive overlap to anime.
That said even if I stopped being a weeb I'd still like me some noodles, but not specially Japanese, just whatever I can get that looks good in Asian food markets.

>> No.13769948

Yes, but mostly older stuff. I'm watching Macross currently.

>> No.13769985

Nice bait. All topics here aren't "derived from anime/manga", even Touhou, the main reason this board was born, is an independent game made in a doujin community that has nothing to do with anime. Besides, anime is an industry that mostly feeds from other mediums; original (non-adaptation) shows are very rare. So no, it's completely fine if we don't like anime.

>> No.13770038

>A series featuring magical girls isn't derived from anime
>Sailor Moon and CCS were not utterly the biggest things in Japan right when Touhou was born

A lot of circles aren't exclusive to Touhou either and freely cross over into anime/other games etc. These people hopped onto Touhou to begin with as a bandwagon thing to begin with and that showed with Kancolle luring so many away. It's an ugly truth. Touhou is a strong side-hobby as part of the circle of manga/vn/ln/anime, but by itself its strongest point is actually the music once you take away the doujinshi, thus it's kind of hard for me to bridge it directly with other ancillary interests because doujin are nice, but not a be-all-end-all hobby.

>> No.13770148

same here, barely watch any anime any more, even though I used to be super into it

I switched from video games to anime, and now I'm back to video games, although I do watch a couple of anime each season

Even though I'm extremely picky about what I watch I still manage to be disappointment in the shows I pick, any anime that even has a mild focus on fighting will be utter shit because you know people are going to be constantly pulling shit out of their ass and the fights are basically illogical, style ends up taking so much more of a priority over logic that it completely destroys any immersion

also, kawaii uguu, all that gets pretty tiresome, and anime with a decent plot are... very rare, to say the least

I've also started to get into western TV a bit, as I expected it's almost completely garbage but there are a few gems like Farscape, that is the best show I've ever seen, and when I say show, I mean both live action and anime, it's fantastic, highly recommended to basically anyone

>> No.13770180

Yep, still like them.

>> No.13770325
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Honestly, no. I hardly watch anything anymore. So much output is based on LNs these days that won't ever all get translated and even if I learned moon they'll all be out of print anyway and won't get scanned.

I've been burned too much by Slayers & Tenchi Muyo back in the day.

>> No.13770344

I dunno, I love Slayers and would've loved Lost Universe S2, but that's the very reason why I keep seeking more anime/manga to enjoy, because the lack of really good anime can be heartbreaking sometimes.

It is not hard to find enjoyable things though.

>> No.13770346 [DELETED] 

>they'll all be out of print anyway
You can still order a copy of Slayers 1 online and that came out in 1989.

>> No.13770409

That one in particular isn't hectic so much, but it's highly referential, especially self-referential. People who know nothing about anime will miss a lot of the dialogue. I just included it off the top of my head when thinking of "meta" stuff because it's a very "meta" series.

>> No.13770443

>Stuff like sci fi and space and wacky adventures and harems that weren't just softcore porn barely exists anymore.
You shouldn't comment on recent anime if you don't know anything about recent anime. Stop nostalgiafagging.

>> No.13770582

"indie" -or "indeh" as we like to call it in /mu/- is just pop culture for tumblr tier hipsters and edgy teenagers. To claim that all non-popular/non-mainstream art -whether it be music or film- is stale and 'conventional' is just an outrageous statement. In fact, practically all independent music of the more niche and obscure genres are innovative and experimental as fuck, and some of the more cliche genres also contain quite a bit of experimentation and whatnot, you just have to look really.

As for film, I am quite sure there's some out there, but since the making of a film is much harder, much more expensive and doesn't protect someone's anonymity/pseudonymity, which is very desirable in quite a lot of cases, does not encourage many people embark to on it.

Describing something as "indie" is worse than calling it "shit" these days. Indie is basically mainstream for edgy 'pseudo-intellectuals' (ayy), and that gives it a really bad name, which is why you should only use it as a pseudo-insult and not more.

>> No.13770595
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>we like to call it in /mu/

>> No.13770599

>tfw this thread is healthier than the /pol/ raided ones
Thanks for being so friendly and a obedient sister /a/.

You can fuck off after this thread though.

>> No.13770606

I'm sorry, I just came here for the old-Japan thread. Stayed for the highschool thread and looking for more shit.

>> No.13770616

Maybe you could take all those off topic threads with you back to /int/.

>> No.13770638

I'm new here is this a meme?

>> No.13770648

It's not a meme. Basically, old /jp/ used to be exclusively about Japanese media, and threads that were generally about Japan were usually told to fuck off.

Eventually the board was renamed Otaku Culture from Japan / General to make this completely clear, but in recent years that's stopped being the case and /jp/ is just a trash dump for vaguely Japanese-related shit that doesn't (or sometimes even that does) go elsewhere.

>> No.13770709

If /jp/ is supposed to be about Japanese media only, why is it not made clear it's merely about TV shows, movies, etc. as that is the only Japanese media I can think of other than anime/manga, games and music, which both have their respective boards.

Otherwise, if it's about Japanese culture and Japan in general, the only threads I see that fit such category is the beef thread, highschool thread and some of this thread (Quite sure there are some others as well but whatev). If you count the media I mentioned before then that's quite a fair amount of threads as well.

>> No.13770727
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>why is it not made clear
It's made pretty clear in the rules what's supposed to go on this board.

>> No.13770728

>only Japanese media I can think of other than anime/manga, games and music, which both have their respective boards.
/jp/ owns a certain subset of games and music. On the music side, there's doujin music, Vocaloid, denpa, and idol, music. For games, there's doujin games, untranslated Japanese games that tie into otaku culture. And of course there's visual novels (which are sometimes games). Originally, /jp/ was basically the "Touhou and VN board."

/jp/ wasn't originally about 3D media at all; live-action anything used to be extremely uncommon in /jp/. It was almost exclusively 2D media plus idols (who get a pass because wota are otaku).

All this "Japan / General" shit is stuff that slowly filtered in after most of the residents left or stopped caring.

>> No.13770740

somebody post >>1 again i don't have it anymore

>> No.13770742
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>> No.13770750

>hating long series
Why, anon? It's not like you and I have anything better to do, and if it's a good series then who gives two shits if it's 24min/50ep?

Honestly though, that is like asking for a formula for a certain type of mathematical equations and calling it a day. You might know how to solve some of the shit, but you sure as fuck are gonna forget it and will not be able to deal with harder ones of the same type, or proceed to higher level mathematics without full understanding of it.

If the artist intended it to be long, let it be. Y'know, all the fun is in the journey and not the end. If I'm watching a JAV, I would not want to go straight from dirty talk to someone climaxing on another's face.

>> No.13770768

There were very specific threads that were told to fuck off - "hai gais translate this for me", "I'm going to Tokyo how to fuck girls", "where do I buy pinku bento", etc. Meanwhile people were peacefully playing mahjong, talking about JET, watching Japanese webcams, and doing milion other things that had nothing to do with japanese media and everything with "shit we used to do on /a/ but moot won't let us anymore".

And then /a/ told moot to rename /jp/ "Otaku Culture" and the board went to shit.

And then we got moderation and the board stopped being /s4s/ and returned to its former scope.

>> No.13770776

Let's be honest anon, nobody reads that shit.

Why does /jp/ hate Japan/General shit anyway? The ones that I see aren't all that bad and I would certainly prefer it to some daily Babymetal thread or some shit.

>> No.13770784

If you have to ask, you're too new in this place to understand.

There were some good posts and then there were a billion troll posts made by shitposters and raiders like yourselves, some of them cleverly disguised unlike this thread.

It was a gateway to everything wrong with /jp/ back then. Just like this thread.

>> No.13770788

>where do I buy pinku bento
These were fan favorites by everyone. Mahjong yeah, it even got a place carved out for it in the rules. JET threads were shitfests though.

>shit we used to do on /a/ but moot won't let us anymore
Well that's the long and short of it. Really /jp/ doesn't truly go to shit until after AoC has an aneurysm and dies, the name change had fuck-all to do with it.

>Why does /jp/ hate Japan/General shit anyway?
It depends on the kind of general. People who hate all of them hate it because it's "against the culture," but then certain generals get hate for bringing in the wrong crowd.

Like the eternal RP shitfest that is monster girl threads.

>> No.13770795

>I mostly just read western literature nowadays.

Yeah, you'll eventually get tired of that too and post your grievances of it at /lit/

>> No.13770802

>Why does /jp/ hate Japan/General shit anyway?

Don't take the self-appointed board purity police as representatives of the /jp/. Nobody likes them, really.

They can only walk around calling people newfags because most of the original posters have long left, in part because of their shit.

>> No.13770806

>shitposters and raiders like yourself
But this is my first post, anon. I only came here for a couple of pictures and lurked a bit more.

As for this thread, I think the discussion it's evoked it pretty interesting and better than most of the shit my eyes fell on in the catalogue.

Eh, good points.

>> No.13770809

Why are there so many crossboarders lately?
Did someone link here somewhere?

>> No.13770813

itt Familiarity Breeds Contempt

I bet you were much happier when you just discovered anime through whatever show AS/Toonami cherrypicked. The problem with most of you faggots who got tired of it is because you binged through a lot like a kid in a candy shop. Maybe if you controlled yourselves, you wouldn't end up bored with the entire thing.

>> No.13770815

There's a link right at the top of the site. I think moot put it there, that bastard.

>> No.13770820

Hate to break it to ya, kid, but the majority of /jp/sies have always been crossies.

>> No.13770821

It's not a matter of liking. Like said, there were a bunch of good posts that I actually liked and advocated myself.

I don't think OP is very interesting at all to a wider audience, ontop of that it's a gateway to people who don't really come for the kind of topic we usually discuss in /jp/ and comes with their own kind...that kind of thing.

>> No.13770838

I do agree that the OP was not interesting at all, but anyone that even took a glimpse at the thread knows what it turned into and will either flee the thread or join the discussion. As for some of the other threads, some are good and some are bad. I really am not 'qualified' to discuss such thing but, that's my input for whatever it's worth.

>ontop of that it's a gateway to people who don't really come for the kind of topic we usually discuss in /jp/ and comes with their own kind...that kind of thing
This is true for every board, anon. Unless you're on /po/ or some shit, you will always get people from other boards onto yours, and you can't do much but live with it.

>> No.13770845


But sooner or later you will realize that practically all anime is just parody of others and that there's actually very little worth watching. You start to filter shit out, delve into more obscure manga and whatnot and expand your hobbies.

If you like something so much, you are just bound to become bored of the 'mainstream' of it and dig deeper into it. That just is the reality of it, anon.

>> No.13770848
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I'd be fine with the Japan threads if they didn't attract such horrible posters. Did we really need three Japanese School Life threads in a row?

>> No.13770864

It's an unfortunate something on the side. Maybe more than something on the side.

Nonetheless, the ideology wasn't flawed at all but it all just went to shit with faggots like that flooding it.

It would actually be really interesting to have a thread discussing Japanese school life and whatnot, but it you just can't seem to get a good one with such userbase.

>> No.13770867

Sorry, not everyone takes the "jaded veteran" route. Might come as a shocker to you, but there are those who started anime decades ago and still love it. Granted, they're not very vocal about it so it's hard to acknowledge their existence.

>> No.13770880

But those are mostly seasoned casuals or just plens, anon.

>> No.13770885

>It would actually be really interesting to have a thread discussing Japanese school life and whatnot, but it you just can't seem to get a good one with such userbase.
No shit. The vast majority of what anybody here knows about Japanese school life was learned from anime, manga, VNs or drama. And that fake, idealized school life is more relevant to /jp/ than the real one is anyway.

Maybe there'll be one guy who did an exchange in Japan when he was in high school, but really, that's an /int/ topic if there's ever been one.

>> No.13770892

It's casual to genuinely enjoy a hobby now? Man, I really hope this cynic critic fad shit dies out and we go back to thinking liking stuff is cool.

>> No.13770909

If I watch an SoL anime I like, I go onto read the manga, the VN if there is one, collect all the CDs, memorize the character songs, pick up lots of fanart and the occasional doujinshi, and finally watch people shitpost on 2ch about it while feeling sad that I can't attend live events without breaking the bank.

But I still enjoy my hobbies so I guess I'm a casual shit eater.

>> No.13770929

All niche genres follow their own set of conventions (including self-proclaimed "experimental" music). Within these groups is still a majority which lacks creativity and emulates the originators of a particular style. What you see in mainstream music is essentially that "majority" borrowing from more interesting originators deeper in subcultures. The trend exists both within groups and between groups--basically boils down to "90% of everything is shit." If you dig, of course you'll find stuff. I just think it's erroneous to assume that all independent music is good and all mainstream music is bad.

Film is different because of all the stuff involved. Plenty of big budget films were very innovative and experimental for their time and this is still the case today. It matters more who's calling the shots than whether or not it's independent. A lot of times, a brilliant vision requires financial backing that independents simply can't manage. On the other hand, financial constraints can force independents to get creative.

At any rate, you should go back to /mu/. Ousting yourself as a crossboarder first thing is stupid.

>> No.13770931

Does listening to whatever on the radio make you some hardcore undergroundz muziknerd?

If you exercise something casually, that means that you enjoy it but did not bother to delve into it or explore it some more. That is what makes your average music fan different from some /noise/fag or whatnot.

That just makes you a huge fucking faggot, anon. If it's just your average shit then that also makes you a plebean.

Being a casual doesn't mean not enjoying whatever you're into, but rather seeking more and expanding your taste.

>> No.13770942

>That just makes you a huge fucking faggot, anon.
We can't all be edgy special snowflakes hunting new and obscure shit such as yourself.

>If it's just your average shit then that also makes you a plebean.
Christ, fuck off to /mu/ already. What the fuck do you even come to /jp/ for?

>rather seeking more and expanding your taste.
Yeah, next I'll start reading classical Japanese literature and doing Zen meditation. That's the natural extension of watching anime.

>> No.13770943

Last few seasons haven't been to great, but fall is looking amazing
>Hokuto no Ken
>Noragami 2
>One punch man
>Utawarerumono 2

Also I'm curious about Lance N' Masques and Subete ga F ni Naru

>> No.13770949

It's hard to find a show that doesn't insult my intelligence, as most are created for teenagers. I guess they are ok if you are an actual teenager, or have same level of maturity as one.
Also, fuck off to /a/

>> No.13770953

>or have same level of maturity as one.
If you were a mature adult you wouldn't be shitposting on 4chan with the rest of us.

>> No.13770957

You post on 4chan. You're not any better.

>> No.13770958

Start with yourself then?

>> No.13770969

That's retarded. Having decades dedicated into a particular hobby is a mark of actual otaku. Of course, a crossie that legimately thinks /v/-tier meme insults like "casual" or "plen" actually mean anything wouldn't know shit about that. That you conflate obscurity with quality or status is childish. Honestly, edgelords like you are just another flavor of casual.

>> No.13770971

Look who's talking...

>> No.13770977

What makes you think I haven't?

>> No.13770981

>I just think it's erroneous to assume that all independent music is good and all mainstream music is bad
I did not imply that, anon. I just implied that popular and mainstream music usually follow a cliche, something safe that sells, but there definitely always are exceptions. If I have to think of one, there are some of the more experimental Beetle records out there.

>All niche genres follow their own set of conventions (including self-proclaimed "experimental" music). Within these groups is still a majority which lacks creativity and emulates the originators of a particular style
The bigger the genre/'trend', the more shit there is and the more cliche there is. If you get into noise, it will sound very different and very contrarian at first, but when you get down to it some of it will sound really cliche (Not by any means bad. Example is most of Merzbow's works; as cliche as can be but still very good) and some really shit and you will single out the good stuff.

If you get into the more obscure subgenres, you will have too little works to say something is cliche (But that doesn't necessary mean that it's good or anything).

>Film is different because of all the stuff involved. Plenty of big budget films were very innovative and experimental for their time and this is still the case today. It matters more who's calling the shots than whether or not it's independent. A lot of times, a brilliant vision requires financial backing that independents simply can't manage. On the other hand, financial constraints can force independents to get creative
Most films are quite constrained in what they can portray and 'talk about'. Such constraints often times limit the 'creativity' of the content or it's 'innovation'.

Playing safe will eventually cause stuff to be cliche, and that has been true for every major thing thusfar. Mainstream, however, doesn't always mean 'cliche' or shit, and a great example would be Birdman.

>> No.13770982

Maybe i should've put a million quotes around "casual" to drive the point.

>> No.13770987

That you don't like other people being genuinely and naturally cynic like you're their mom.

>> No.13770990

Some people are natural and genuine assholes but nobody likes them either.

>> No.13770993

Well, that's good to know you're aware.

That's what /jp/ is all about, I'd believe, not just judging from this thread alone.

We're all different people here...aren't we?

>> No.13770996

If by "classical Japanese literature" you mean VNs and LNs, then yes, it is. He's right, there is a natural extension to everything and staying in one place is, frankly, unhealthy.

There's obviously nothing wrong with casuals in the literal sense, people who casually enjoy stuff. But out of ten people who just do that, there's always that one loud guy who outright denies there's anything of worth outside of his comfort bubble. You're now getting dangerously close to being that guy.

>> No.13771006

Wow, way to make it sound like VN's are the next evolution in otaku taste development. The only thing you can say about it in defense of your argument is that one medium is more obscure than the other. Otherwise, both contain the same amount of tropes and "cliches" as another. They overlap so much it's not even a question.

>> No.13771010

>I just implied that popular and mainstream music usually follow a cliche
And so does independent music. Cliches are the natural result of producing within generic conventions.

>The bigger the genre/'trend', the more shit there is and the more cliche there is.
This is likely because you're dealing with a larger pool. Not because one group is inherently more creative than the other necessarily. Radio pop doesn't really count because there's a clear motivation (money) to promote the most generic stuff.

>Such constraints often times limit the 'creativity' of the content or it's 'innovation'.
And on the other hand restrictions can force one to innovate. A good example is how childrens cartoons manage to go around TV censorship with their humor.

When it comes to film. Foreign works have had much more impact on filmmaking than "indie" films (in many cases, foreign works are independent, but not always).

>Mainstream, however, doesn't always mean 'cliche' or shit, and a great example would be Birdman.
That's what I'm trying to say. While the very surface will seem creatively bankrupt, this is only because that's profitable. Right beneath that there's already creativity about. I don't like it when people act like only INDIE stuff is worth anything.

>> No.13771016

I never said that I have only one hobby and don't know where you picked that up. I do read LNs. I literally said I read VNs just two posts up. I also listen to radio dramas and seiyuu web radio. It's all in the same orbit of crap, though. (Yeah, you can get better writing in VNs, but so what? You can get even better writing in regular literature. And I'm not saying this to piss on VNs, just wondering why you'd go out of your way to shit on anime because there's better writing elsewhere.)

>there's always that one loud guy who outright denies there's anything of worth outside of his comfort bubble.
There's stuff of worth everywhere. No doubt if I learned Russian and read Anna Karenina in the original it would be a valuable experience. I'm still not going to do it.

>> No.13771017

>We can't all be edgy special snowflakes hunting new and obscure shit such as yourself
But being a casual doesn't make you a faggot, anon. Obsessing over a show is what makes you one.

>Christ, fuck off to /mu/ already. What the fuck do you even come to /jp/ for?
Is this the equivalence of calling someone an autist on /sci/ or some shit?

>Yeah, next I'll start reading classical Japanese literature and doing Zen meditation. That's the natural extension of watching anime
Might as well try it, anon.

>Having decades dedicated into a particular hobby is a mark of actual otaku
ayy. It's like you wanna be called a faggot.

>that legimately thinks /v/-tier meme insults like "casual" or "plen" actually mean anything wouldn't know shit about that
it's a meme anon don't you think it's funny?! It just is a means of expression.

>That you conflate obscurity with quality or status is childish. Honestly, edgelords like you are just another flavor of casual
I never did. I just said that you can only like something so much before realizing that most of it is just a parody of something else and that it's all so cliche'd to the point of being shit. Honestly though anon, how many moe anime can you name that do not make you want to kill yourself?

Also, read: >>13770996

>> No.13771020
File: 54 KB, 720x480, Di Gi Charat - 08.avi_snapshot_01.22_[2015.07.02_07.05.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime watcher levels. A higher level means that the person can also enjoy things on the lower levels, etc.

Level 6 : Leviathan, Milky holmes (2nd season), Joshiraku, KxS, puchimas, teekyu, Mayoi Neko Overrun, Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka, Inu to Hasami, Acchi Kocchi
Level 5 : LogH, Ai Mai Mi, Ichigo mashimaro, Aiura, Kiniro Mosaic, NNB, Mahoraba, Manabi Straight, Railgun, YuYuYu
Level 4 : Jinrui, Aria, YKK, Binzume Yousei, Marimite, CCS, Tsukuyomi Moonphase, Sailor Moon, A-Channel
Level 3 : K-ON, Evangelion, Hyouka, Outlaw Star, UC Gundam, Utena
Level 2 : Code geass, Dragon Ball, Baccano, Madoka magica, Psycho-pass, CotS, OnePiece, Hataraku Maou-Sama, Slayers
Level 1 : KLK, Naruto, Bleach, SAO, Attack on titan, Cowboy Bebop, Steins Gate, Chaika, Index
Level 0,5 - FLCL, Gintama, Gurren Lagann, JJBA, Kill la Kill, P&S, NGNL

>> No.13771029

>Might as well try it, anon.
Tried it. Didn't like it. Decided I'd give it a shot again three or four years down the line if I ever cared enough.

>ayy. It's like you wanna be called a faggot.
This is the otaku culture board. /jp/ runs an inverted value system where obsession about a thing is a sign of pride. It's dated as shit, but try reading this: http://www.cjas.org/~leng/otaku-e.htm

>It just is a means of expression
sum forms of xrpression r better than others :P

>how many moe anime can you name that do not make you want to kill yourself?
If I wanted to kill myself I'd do it.

>> No.13771030

I truly applaud the hard work you put into arguing that obscure does not mean more sophisticated.

Too bad neither me nor anyone else here claimed otherwise. But good job nevertheless.

>> No.13771035

>Is this the equivalence of calling someone an autist on /sci/ or some shit?
It was an honest question. Is all you do read 10/10 VNs in the original Japanese and ignore all the 'derivative' crap?

>> No.13771037

Why is everything garbage tier anime except two or three dead ones and why is JoJo at the bottom.

Where the fuck are tru80-90s anime like Slayers, Big O, HnK, Yuyu Hakusho and some of the more recent like HxH, hell, where the fuck is the referenced Di Gi Charat.


>> No.13771038

But one is dominated by big corporations and you simply cannot, as a single entity, create something in such medium whereas the other is open and thus allows for much greater innovation and flexibility.

>No doubt if I learned Russian and read Anna Karenina in the original it would be a valuable experience. I'm still not going to do it
But exploring other shit does not require you to learn another language, anon.

>> No.13771040

where'd you find this? I dont get it

>> No.13771046

come on dad, you're embarrassing me in front of my bitch

>> No.13771047

>But exploring other shit does not require you to learn another language, anon.
I have explored plenty of shit over the years. I found what I wanted and learned a new language to do it.

Why would you seriously respond to old-as-shit /a/ pasta?

>> No.13771048

What a stupid list. How is Sailor Moon so high when it's one of the first things a normal person thinks of when he/she hears the word "anime"?

>> No.13771049

>features anime seen in the last 3 years
There's your problem.

>> No.13771050

>You start to filter shit out, delve into more obscure manga and whatnot and expand your hobbies.
Whoops. Gotta expand into more "obscure" manga cause i don't wanna be "plen"!

>I just said that you can only like something so much before realizing that most of it is just a parody of something else and that it's all so cliche'd to the point of being shit.
Only it's not and you don't seem to understand how genres work. Just because you don't like particular genres doesn't make them shit and you "patrician." The logic behind that thinking is childishly egocentric, facilitated by idiotic status terms like "patrician" and "pleb." Meme or not, there are idiots that actually take that dumb shit seriously, you being one of them it seems.

>> No.13771051

>Why would you seriously respond to old-as-shit /a/ pasta?
/jp/ is dead

>> No.13771055
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it's too deep

>> No.13771057

>There's your problem.
I fucked up, but pasta should be something you recognize on sight anyway.

>> No.13771061

>independent music
That's a big word anon, use it carefully.

>This is likely because you're dealing with a larger pool
Did I imply anything else?

>Radio pop doesn't really count because there's a clear motivation (money) to promote the most generic stuff
And so is most commercial and a lot of 'indie' shit, actually. Most play safe to sell and whatnot.

>When it comes to film. Foreign works have had much more impact on filmmaking than "indie" films (in many cases, foreign works are independent, but not always)
>That's what I'm trying to say. While the very surface will seem creatively bankrupt, this is only because that's profitable. Right beneath that there's already creativity about. I don't like it when people act like only INDIE stuff is worth anything
Again, would you please stop using the word indie to describe shit. It just really is such an... I don't really know. But just, please don't use it to describe non-mainstream stuff as it's not very informative and just has a very bad reputation in general.

Nonetheless, I am not arguing whether mainstream stuff is shit or not. I am arguing that most of the mainstream is cliche'd and safe content, and that most innovative (Not necessary good) stuff is down the bottom.

>> No.13771063

Acchi Kocchi shouldn't be that high.
I remember it being popular about sugary couple watching it for the sake of saying "it's just like us!!!!!"

Also Milky Holmes season 1 was good too.

>> No.13771066

I don't know.

/jp/ is currently retarded enough, it's hard to tell the different levels of retardation going on at the moment .

>> No.13771076

The only thing I can't truly stand are LN/VN adaptations or anything that resembles that.
Oh boy another school love story where I spend the whole time trying to figure out for what reason every single girl shown falls partially in love with such bland MC, oh boy oh boy how interesting.

>> No.13771092

I never said that you only have one hobby either.

The argument was not about the number or breadth of hobbies. It was about how having one particular hobby makes you delve deeper and deeper into it and eventuall branch out, e.g. going from liking an anime to reading a VN it was based on, then reading other VNs. Or reading a porn doujinshi then reading other doujinshi... whatever rocks your boat. Liking anime and still not doing anything past watching anime is, frankly, really hard, given how multimedia franchising is a normal mode of operation in the industry. It's pretty much designed to make you branch out.

>> No.13771094

It's been like that for many years, 2010 at least.

>> No.13771101

>Liking anime and still not doing anything past watching anime is, frankly, really hard, given how multimedia franchising is a normal mode of operation in the industry. It's pretty much designed to make you branch out.
I don't even think you even read my first post before you started replying.

>> No.13771105

I'm unimpressed

>> No.13771114

>Tried it. Didn't like it. Decided I'd give it a shot again three or four years down the line if I ever cared enough.
Well, that sucks. Some of it is quite enjoyable.

>This is the otaku culture board. /jp/ runs an inverted value system where obsession about a thing is a sign of pride. It's dated as shit, but try reading this: http://www.cjas.org/~leng/otaku-e.htm
I hope this is a meme I don't know about

>sum forms of xrpression r better than others :P
Well you're on 4chan anon, you should expect such words to be thrown all around the place even if they aren't all that appropriate for the situation.

No. I add shit to my watch-/read-list depending on how much it evokes me to watch/read it, check it out, and if I like it I continue with it. I do that to everything regardless of popularity or whatnot.

>Gotta expand into more "obscure" manga cause i don't wanna be "plen"
Well don't you run out of 'mainstream' shit sooner or later? Where would you go then? Seriously, anon, why is that so hard to conclude?

>Just because you don't like particular genres doesn't make them shit and you "patrician." The logic behind that thinking is childishly egocentric, facilitated by idiotic status terms like "patrician" and "pleb."
When did I mention fucking genres? When did I talk about my taste being objectively the best?

What are you trying to achieve, anon? I merely stated that the more you like something, the more you are likely to be familiar with more obscure works that belong to that 'something'. Why are you so fucking analblasted by the fact that the only shit you know is whatever's most rumored in the class?

>> No.13771117

Are you the "familiarity breeds contempt" guy?

>> No.13771119

Those really are quite unpalatable.

VN adaptations are stupid because they don't give you the feeling of actually being the MC and going for the girl you want. Even worse when it's some censored to shit eroge adaptation. No point for its existence.

LN adaptations are hit and miss (mostly miss). Most of these LN authors already write like middle schoolers and then they go copy other LN authors for maximum mediocrity. I don't mind harem scenarios if the girls themselves are likeable. Unfortunately LN authors only seem to base their female characters on other shitty LN girls. What a tragedy.

>> No.13771126

>I hope this is a meme I don't know about
/jp/ - Otaku Culture

>Well you're on 4chan anon, you should expect such words to be thrown all around the place even if they aren't all that appropriate for the situation.
And you should expect to get shit for it. Which you did.

>Are you the "familiarity breeds contempt" guy?
No, I'm the guy with the character songs.

>> No.13771131

>/jp/ - Otaku Culture
Are you trying to tell me all of this isn't actually an act?

>And you should expect to get shit for it. Which you did
o im cryin

>> No.13771134

Ironic coming from someone in a board that endorses characters not unlike those from your hated LN's. Might as well just watch Live-Action if you want "realism" in your grills.

>> No.13771136

Why are people still responding to the /mu/ poster?

>> No.13771144

>Are you trying to tell me all of this isn't actually an act?
Some of it is an act. Some of it isn't. There are people here who genuinely enshrine dedication to pointless shit and rejection of society as positive around here.

>o im cryin
You went out of your way to justify yourself, that's kind of like crying.

Maybe it will be instructive to people watching.

Maybe I'm just shitposting.

>> No.13771162

So, the first reply you got was:

>Being a casual doesn't mean not enjoying whatever you're into, but rather seeking more and expanding your taste.

Uh, now that I look at it, it's pretty nonsensical at face value and I'm pretty sure there should be "not" at the beginning of the sentence. That's what I assumed when I joined the conversation, and if that assumption is true, every reply you got past that point is a reiteration of that single sentence.

>> No.13771163

I'm confused about whether you guys use 'crossie' as an autism-sorta insult or use it like /pol/ uses degeneracy.

>There are people here who genuinely enshrine dedication to pointless shit and rejection of society as positive around here
And I thought it was all just a meme.

>You went out of your way to justify yourself, that's kind of like crying.

>> No.13771165

>Well don't you run out of 'mainstream' shit sooner or later? Where would you go then? Seriously, anon, why is that so hard to conclude?
No because they keep making more stuff. What you call "mainstream" isn't even clear in this regard. Very few people here, if any, strictly consume "mainstream" works. I think that would even apply everywhere thanks to how easy it is to discover and consume media so your dichotomy between mainstream and obscure is a false one (just like your stupid "pleb" / "patrish" nonsense).

Beyond that, you're just stating a pointless truism; I gave you the benefit of the doubt by assuming that you don't just say dumb, pointless shit and were making some kind of implied point. I guess I was wrong.

>When did I mention fucking genres?
When you talked about moe to illustrate an example of cliched work. It's cliched for a reason and that's because it's adhering to that particular genre. It's really so typical for /mu/ faggots like you to not really understand anything and talk like you do and posture with all your adolescent contrarianism and then hide behind a thin veneer of memetic irony when met with any sort of criticism. I think what I can't stand the most is how proud you are of doing this. Kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.13771168

>old as shit /a/ pasta
>mentions anime which is only half year old

So, 6 months is old-as-shit now?

No idea. I think it's a bait

>> No.13771169

Did you watch Sega Hard Girls yet? It's basically more of the same sorta stuff.

>> No.13771173

My problem is simple: All anime isn't the crazy head explodey shit I saw in the 90s. If they put out some new Ninja Scrolls and Cyber City Odeos and shit like that with ludicrous violence, I'll be fine with modern anime. That Strait Jacket anime from a while ago was cool but anime is too pussy in general lately. Hellsing and Black Lagoon are good but aren't recent and still kind of toned down. They have to go all the way like they used to.

>> No.13771181

>I'm confused about whether you guys use 'crossie' as an autism-sorta insult or use it like /pol/ uses degeneracy.
It's an insult leveled at anyone who looks like he came from somewhere else, which evolved from /jp/'s general elitism.

It's also a fucking stupid term because you can point it at anyone for any reason and refuse to explain yourself, which allows you to instantly win the argument. It used to be that people would at least identify the offending board.

>And I thought it was all just a meme.
Welcome to the deculture.

The original is two years old, though that's still not old.

>> No.13771183

I watched half of it, but it's stuck in the backlog with Narihero currently. It's not really the same, just the same graphics.

>> No.13771205

Sorry will never happen. With anime getting more mainstream attention, gory and wild anime a la Genocyber would only hurt the industry.

The only recent anime that can come close to what you want is Psycho-Pass and Shiki to an extent. Other than that, the days of uncensored guts flying OVA's is over. Stop living in the past.

>> No.13771208

>What you call "mainstream" isn't even clear in this regard. Very few people here, if any, strictly consume "mainstream" works. I think that would even apply everywhere thanks to how easy it is to discover and consume media so your dichotomy between mainstream and obscure is a false one
Yet you used the word obscure throughout your 'criticism'.

>When you talked about moe to illustrate an example of cliched work. It's cliched for a reason and that's because it's adhering to that particular genre
When you can no longer watch anything belonging to that particular genre because of it then don't you think it's at least gone too far?

>It's really so typical for /mu/ faggots like you to not really understand anything and talk like you do and posture with all your adolescent contrarianism and then hide behind a thin veneer of memetic irony when met with any sort of criticism. I think what I can't stand the most is how proud you are of doing this. Kill yourself out of /jp/.
I'll take >>13771181's statement for granted and just roll this out as elitist autism.

>> No.13771228

>I'll take >>13771181 (You)'s statement for granted and just roll this out as elitist autism.
Calling something elitist and autistic and using that as grounds not to respond to it is even worse than "crossie" shit because at least those people aren't pretending to not be retarded.

The elitism existed for a reason. The only reason it's mostly gone away is because it was hijacked by retards.

>> No.13771236


/a/, please.

Not that he wasn't misusing the term too, but you're taking it to the next level.

>> No.13771250
File: 38 KB, 1440x368, untitled57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel being so wrong, anon?

>> No.13771252

>How does it feel being so wrong, anon?
I'm >>13771181. There was a (You) in that because I copied what was on my screen, you fucking toolbox.

>> No.13771254

The only truly good anime there is teekyu
>'>It's really so typical for /mu/ faggots like you to not really understand anything and talk like you do and posture with all your adolescent contrarianism and then hide behind a thin veneer of memetic irony when met with any sort of criticism. I think what I can't stand the most is how proud you are of doing this. Kill yourself out of /jp/.'
Projecting: The Post

>> No.13771255

Sasuga /mu/.

>> No.13771256

that's just misleading though, at least use (me)

or maybe just the dumbest form of laziness

>> No.13771260

And I'm assumed to know that?

That wasn't me talking, anon.

>> No.13771270

Well the other poster will have seen it now.
Shit happens.

>> No.13771281

I really am confused here about whom is whom

>> No.13771283

I was at the start and I'm little better off now.
I'm only shitposting ITT anyway.

>> No.13771284

One things for sure. You're all a bunch of faggots.

>> No.13771287

What he said.

>> No.13771291

Oh, well, whatever. This thread all went to shit anyway.

thx bb i luv u

>> No.13771301

>went to shit
>it wasn't already shit.


>> No.13771304

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13771309

I don't reconcile ever going to /a/, anon.

>> No.13771313

A fucking waste of skin nerd.
Holy shit, that's even worse.

>> No.13771314


>> No.13771326

Wrong word being used. Apologies m8. For some reason I thought it reckon was the abbreviated form of reconcile.

>> No.13771333

You should still reconcile with /a/ before it's too late and we kick your nerdy ass out.

>> No.13771338

o im sheverin

>> No.13771342

Watching more now because video games are terrible and I'm getting tired of western television.

>> No.13771352

>Stop living in the past.
No. The present is gay.

>> No.13771356
File: 38 KB, 425x319, menudo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The past was even gayer anon. You just weren't alive to live and regret it.

>> No.13771414

Yeah I was. Also that's not as gay as the present. You fags all want to crossdress and pretend to be yuri dickgirls and shit while wearing doll masks.

>> No.13771428

Whatever gramps, make sure not to soil your diaper because you got too angry at us whippersnappers.

>> No.13771432

>the bait has been taken, hard

Nah but seriously, Psycho-Pass was alright but that's pretty much it. I just wanted to see how much like /a/ /jp/ really is. Which the answer seems to conclusively be: quite a bit.

And besides, reading books is healthy. So go read.

>> No.13771443

>And besides, reading books is healthy. So go read.

Yeah, I'll just pick up whatever's on the "young adult" rack and be blessed with non trashy prose. Yep, reading them non picture books instantly makes my life better.

>> No.13771458
File: 30 KB, 460x321, 1425999543536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't stop now guys. Just 48 more posts and this thread will begin its slow journey into the trash where it belongs.

Here, I'll help you out. Oreimo is my favorite anime.

>> No.13771478

It's funny because LNs belong on /jp/.

>> No.13771486
File: 479 KB, 1000x1000, 16041021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light novels without an animated adaptation!

>> No.13771489

kuroko spammer's last and greatest gift to us, that rule was

>> No.13771513

Don't worry, I'll make a second one immediately.

I'll even make sure it'll have "#2" in the subject. It seems to be all the rage those days.

>> No.13771579

did he splooge his pants?

>> No.13773856

/v/ didn't have a touhou thread for a couple days ago I had to come here :^) i like this board, it's comfy. It's too bad I can't use /cgl/ even though I love and wear j-fashion, that board is so shitty. Tons of random unrelated shit. I just want to be cute, cosplaying is weird and worshipping burando is sad

>> No.13773929

I watch very few things past 2012.
But I still like to knock out an anime a or so a month.

>> No.13774080

/jp/ was created as a containment board to keep touhou from overrunning /a/. This is not hidden information.

>> No.13774087

congratulations on turning 14. now watch babylon 5, firefly and literally anything you can find on a "top 10 sci fi" list.

>> No.13774095

/lit/ is a giant circlejerk of western lit though. I've seen a few "anime is boring" posts every now and again on /a/ but I've never seen anyone talk about how they don't read because books are boring on /lit/.

>> No.13774880

You have to look at /lit/, or really any "elite" literature place with a grain of salt. Same with /a/ really, I suppose, though I could be wrong as I don't go there.

Really someone is going to have a strong opinion on why your choice of book is good, and someone else will say it's shit. Take neither opinion as anything more than a light suggestion and you'll do fine.

Finding books is better left to personal research over advice. That's not to say advice is always bad.

>> No.13774886

stop that!
I was actually watching that shit when I was 14

>> No.13774891

western literature sucks

it's like few gems in an ocean of shit. and don't even try reading the "classics", they are all shit

except Alice in Wonderland, perhaps

>> No.13774902

yeah, touhou kind of weans you off of it, after you've exhausted dan and youtube, you're just left with ...meh

>> No.13774908

Anon, I think he meant that books could be a form of education and meditation. Reading helps improve your capabilities in a given language. If it's non-fiction, you'll learn something new. Not to mention it's mentally stimulating.

What's not to love about a good book?

>> No.13774952

I would recommend:
Oedipus Rex
Illiad and the Odyssey
King Lear
Heart of Darkness
Slaughterhouse 5

>> No.13775077


I mostly read doujin and fap. I still enjoy Jap Video Games, but that's about it. Barely watch anime anymore.

>> No.13775166

You should go back to school.

>> No.13775196

What kind of school, because there's many, nerd.

>> No.13775494

I will

dropped out of uni thrice

this year is my 4th attempt

read illiad, oddysey and heart of darkness back in high and middle school

and they all sucked balls

how can people read this shit and not fall asleep? or call this a "masterpiece"?
it's shit. all shit.

people read greeks because they feel they ought to
all these platos, and homers, and Thucydideses are worth nothing, and it's a mistake to take their ideas seriously in this day and age

>> No.13775620

I haven't watched much anime nowadays, but I read doujinshii/H manga, JRPG and eroge.

So I become a full blown /jp/sie.

>> No.13775827

So the issue is that the books are boring? Are you sure that you just don't have the expectation of similar to someone who only watches action films?

That is to say, you have the attention span of a goldfish who enjoys constant back-to-back things happening. Would be fitting if you avidly watch anime, since from my experience that's the only appeal in that they generally get to the point.

>> No.13775850

Nietzsche and Bernkastel told me that boredom is the worst poison that can kill even gods.
And I listen when they speak.

Action movies have no less inherent value then these "classics" you speak about. But sure are more entertaining-and require less effort, too.
In this life, I have effort enough. Why would I put effort in my free time, into something that is both boring, unhelpful and doesn't offer me any sort of gratification what-so-ever?

>> No.13775859

wow dank dude deep edgy hashtag420 atheism

>> No.13775873

You forgot to give him his fedora.

>> No.13775896


Your butt is bleeding because you know that I'm right
Literature that you have invested significant portion of your life into, doesn't make you any more valuable as a person then your average animu

You're not smarter, you're not deeper, you're not wiser then any other weeb. Mishima or Murakami didn't write anything better then your average VN/LN writer, it's just that they used longer words and pretentious premises

>> No.13775933

I never said anything against your demotivate statements, which I, in fact, condone. I just felt like you were truly a fucking depressing fag.

You can't really say all literature is boring just because it's boring to you.

>> No.13775951

Please just calm down and just enjoy what you enjoy.

>> No.13775954

one's an edgy retard and another thinks immature stupid people(like all of the japanese) is something worth writing about

>> No.13778984

Of course. Your conclusion completely ignores books dedicated for computer certifications such as CISCO, MIPS, A+, Networking, Database, Microsoft, etc.

FE and PE books for their respective tests that lead up to getting your Engineering license. So you know, you can have actual engineers.

And all the history books the record the past and present, then and now.

>> No.13779525

I love it when idiots who don't understand philosophy start screaming it from the rooftops in utter desperation.
It's always neech, too.
Fucking neech, man.

>> No.13783017

His fedora is too big for him to handle.

>> No.13783506

Mishima is not edgy.

I'll agree he's more shallow than the prominent western authors thrown around on 4chan but you can't dismiss his works as nothing more than edgy.

>> No.13791975

What current animes still show panty shots that aren't autistic comedy shit like teekyu or full on softcore porn?

>> No.13791992

>ichigo mashimaro not on level 7

>> No.13792004

There's 50 years of anime to look through.
Far over that if you loosen the terms of what anime is.

There's plenty of good or interesting shows to watch.
You just got to look.

>> No.13793497

We already went over this anon.

It's shit, ignore it.

>> No.13793536

Baki the grappler and currently watching hokuto no ken. I'm almost asking random strangers to fight me to death for the sake of justice in the street at that point.

>> No.13793551

I can't watch as much as I want.

>> No.13793554

Fuck off /a/...

>> No.13793567

They'll leave soon.

>> No.13793591
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, [Leopard-Raws] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Vivid - 06 RAW (MBS 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_06.41_[2015.05.10_12.59.52].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't think of anything this season but last season there was Vivid and Yamada-kun.

>> No.13793666

Neither of them fight for justice though

>> No.13793712
File: 185 KB, 800x629, 1426623129437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fighting the evil of those troubled times to protect the light the children will bring to that desperate world isn't justice now ?

>> No.13793857

Wha? Baki just fights because he wants his daddy's love and Kenshiro fights because he's butthurt about his girlfriend/whatever other friends that die.

>> No.13793868
File: 468 KB, 800x615, 1432994440027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Kenshiro fights because he's butthurt about his girlfriend/whatever other friends that die.

Have you considered watching more than the first 5 episodes you gigantic nigger ?

>> No.13793930
File: 204 KB, 600x673, 1413231357443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really keep up with what's on during seasons, I kinda just what whatever catches my eye even if it's like years old. Same with manga and games.
But then this kind of means I miss out on the fun when it's airing like "omg whats gunna happen next?!?!?!" and stuff.
I just don't really like the pressure of watching whatevers airing too, like I HAVE to watch it when it comes out or else I'm behind from everyone.

I treat media very weird.

>> No.13793955

This. I'm still watching anime, or more like re-watching anime I liked.

Losing some time with reboots and live actions too.

>> No.13793977

There are a lot of us who do that too. Yes, you miss the social part about sharing it with people but whatever. I must admit it's fun so sometimes I feel like watching one or two on-the-air animi , however I usually fall behind. I only had success with this when I browsed /a/ regularly for a while, but the kids there are kind of insufferable.

>> No.13794742


This pretty much, except for the fact that there are actually few rather than 1 or 2 original shows per season but they are completely ignored because they don't have that popularity draw factor that adaptations do and as a result, it cascades into not getting subs for it or only subs for some episodes. I would imagine that if you knew Japanese that it would be much easier probably since you only need to find the raw or watch a livestream of it.

And even when all the factors align for success, it isn't bound to be very good anyways, which for me has happened every season since 2011. There are very few adaptations I want to watch in the first place since I value source material a lot and I would only watch manga adaptations anyways. Unfortunately, my tastes don't have many manga that are successful enough to get an adaptation. VN adaptations are pretty miss IMO and LNs are horrible in general so same with their adaptations.

>> No.13794883

I did. After the first stuff, he starts being butthurt about his "brothers" not being dead.

>> No.13794941

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>> No.13794955

I'm like this but this is also the reason I don't watch it much. A lot of anime isn't made to be marathoned. I keep up with stuff a lot better if I watch it every week instead of seeing it sitting there like a wall of eps I have to grind through.

>> No.13794969
File: 632 KB, 764x1080, knife throwers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It didn't take long for me to get sick of anime after getting into it (lasted just over a year). I haven't seen any in several months, exception being one or two episodes of fist of the north star, plus the touhou doujin anime with two episodes.

I pretty much just like touhou right now and I'm not really sure why I'm here other than that. I'm going to join the air force and try to get on one of the bases in japan.

>> No.13796495

Cute post dude.
