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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13763888 No.13763888 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13763896

translate it WEEBS

>> No.13763907

Satoru Iwata has died of cancer.

>> No.13763917

looks like he memed too much...

>> No.13763931

I heard about the fire at the Nintendo HQ and I'm quite saddened.

What about Miyamoto? Is he still well?

>> No.13763946

Nintendo goes full PC when?


>> No.13763952


>> No.13763971
File: 131 KB, 565x575, smug saten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13763977

I'm guessing it was seppuku after that E3.

>> No.13764013


>> No.13764018

It's most probably suicide
Literal seppuku

>> No.13764076

Mr. Nintendo.

>> No.13764107

bile duct tumor

>> No.13764124


"Huh? Iwata-san passed away? Wow..."

>> No.13764148

Another day
Another dead chink

>> No.13764183

RIP in peace ZUN

>> No.13764189

Maybe now they won't region lock their systems

>> No.13764193

I thought /jp/ was supposed to be the nice board? Why are you all being so horrible? Are you 12?

>> No.13764197

He was killed by the very same thing he had created; ironic.

>> No.13764198

Rest in bellies

>> No.13764199
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>> No.13764207
File: 148 KB, 500x500, marisagetout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off gook lover queer

>> No.13764208

The "being nice" meme was never funny in the first place.

>> No.13764216

Get out crossie

>> No.13764228


>> No.13764234

Hopefully Nintendo goes full 3rd party.

>> No.13764255

Literally who?

>I thought /jp/ was supposed to be the nice board?
Who told you this?

>> No.13764270

Dead chink working for Nintendo.

>> No.13764284
File: 119 KB, 616x654, Shipposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's saying that Iwata is like Touhou.


>> No.13764286

It's kind of funny.

>> No.13764297

You win this time boatsluts

>> No.13764300

cute snail girl

>> No.13764308

Fuck off to your containment thread kancolleshitter

>> No.13764321

Did you /v/ retards actually fell for the "no bully pls" meme?

>> No.13764417 [DELETED] 

Wow, I thought this was a joke. Fuck.

Nintendo did a better job raising me than my parents.

>> No.13764429

Kill yourself weeaboo

>> No.13764506

What would your favorite touhou say about this?


>> No.13764518 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 496x331, 1227110007695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's next.

>> No.13764521

Nothing because she's not an autistic manchild.

>> No.13764523 [DELETED] 

"im sad give me cocks 2 suck"


>> No.13764542

underrated post

>> No.13764543

"What the fuck is an Iwata?" - Pretty much all of them

>> No.13764561

So who was responsible for WiiU? Worst console.

>> No.13764579

Some dead gook

>> No.13764581 [DELETED] 

The /jp/ of today couldn't give two fucks about ZUN anymore. Who seriously still likes Touhou now anyway.

>> No.13764601


>> No.13764664 [DELETED] 
File: 309 KB, 1037x767, 1202871054474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how this guy feels.

>> No.13764708
File: 141 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some japanese "news" apps sent out a breaking news push. I wake up and first thing I see is EXTRA! Nintendo Prez Iwata Dead ;(

>> No.13764796

Fuck off

>> No.13764840

He worked on Earth Bound? Guess now he's heaven bound.

>> No.13765203

Been there. He's fine. You get used to it. You stop feeling. It's when you get out of it that your mind makes you feel it whether you want to or not. So now that you're finally in a better position you're feeling this one as if you are still there (since you couldn't fully feel it while there or you'd have gone insane). Takes years to go away sometimes. People who don't have minds that can do as I've described go insane.

>> No.13765235


>> No.13765258

President of nintendo for so many years

"That's sad."


>> No.13765321

I loved playing the games although not for score before but everything from SA onwards is just... "Eh" to me to the point I can't be bothered to play the newest games.

>> No.13765333

>Nintendo did a better job raising me than my parents.
I wish I didn't actually believe this.

>> No.13765355

>You get used to it.
Those three months of being a friendless summer NEET were tough, weren't they?

>> No.13765502

She only plays Dreamcast.

>> No.13765513

This is the final nail in the coffin for Nintendo isn't it?

>> No.13765532
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>> No.13765536

Of course, Youmu would never betray Yuyuko!

>> No.13765620


>> No.13765729

>I thought /jp/ was supposed to be the nice board?

You're approximately five years too late. The board is just /a/ with Touhous now.

>> No.13765743

Five years ago, 2010, /jp/ was basically old /a/. Even more elitist than nowadays.

>> No.13765766

/jp/ isn't really elitist now, on average.

>> No.13765791

Which is the point, we got soft.

>> No.13765810

Keep that shit on your containment board.
He deserved to die anyways, that guy and Miyamoto shat all over Nintendo and turned it into a failure of a company.

>> No.13765869

We got soft after we got retarded because after it didn't make sense to be elitist anymore.

>> No.13765875

I highly doubt manning the success stories that were the original Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS warrants his deserving to die. I guess I still have some empathy which is a clear no-no on /jp/

How would you have run the company then, hardboiled anon-kun?

>> No.13765878

/jp/'s "elitism" basically meant not acting like a retard (which I guess does make you elite on 4chan, the site that hosts /a/, /b/ and /v/). Mistaking elitism for acting like a shithead 24/7, however, is purely neo-/a/ shtick.

>> No.13765895

Get back to /v/ faggots

>> No.13765911


>> No.13765982
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I love the games, printworks and music, and him just as much.
I don't know what I would do if he died now. I hope his wife and son give him the resolution to live for another twenty years or so, at least.

A lot of people in here are really bitter. I don't blame them, but they'll just end up alone again if they continue like this.

>> No.13766044

thread was created during american peak hours

>> No.13766181

Making a console with up to date specs and 3rd party supporters, for starters. Oh, and without adding any kind of stupid gimmicks. There, Nintendo is saved.

>> No.13766197

Sticking to the "core gamer" market while trying to compete with Microsoft and Sony on their grounds wouldn't have done them much good, especially with the financial disaster that was the Gamecube.

You may not like it, but it's shift towards casual and gimmicky gaming got them out of the red.

>> No.13766213

>A lot of people in here are really bitter. I don't blame them, but they'll just end up alone again if they continue like this.
I'm quoting you, what do you mean "again"? I have never been not being alone.

>> No.13766224


>> No.13766239
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I liked that man, despite the latest trainwreck he was a fun man.

If anything this may be the opened gate to Nintendo's dark success. Iwata was a bastion opposing to going mobile (specially using the actual IPs) and other shit investors begged for years.

>> No.13766437

>made money
>financial disaster

>> No.13766513
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Well, I've come here to talk about the things I love. But being an unkind person usually means people stop taking about you.
I was making assumptions based on personal experience.

>> No.13766517
File: 1.79 MB, 1500x1400, 2f4c281bfa4a21b4acc51d79c70e50d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*talking to you
Sorry, I'm a bit of a mess today.

>> No.13766747

How is this /jp/ related?

>> No.13766752

ZUN said it, so it must be /jp/.

>> No.13766756

ZUN isn't the boss of /jp/ you fuck!

>> No.13766758


>> No.13767527

Yeah like the Gamecube right? Oh wait it got curbstomped.
Pfthah nope, what saved them was the GBA.

>> No.13767535

he is the boss of this gym.

>> No.13767635

>financial disaster
It was Nintendo's best console. The real problems started with the Wii, there was no real advancement fom the Gamecube to the Wii besides the Wiimote. That was a failure.
The Gamecube's only fault was that it was up against Sony's PS2. It was just exactly what happened to the Dreamcast, a good console overshadowed by a more popular one.

>> No.13767673

This board stopped being current /a/ with touhous years ago. Now it's /s4s/ with idols, jav and touhous.

>> No.13769102

shit im late


>> No.13769193 [DELETED] 

More like /vg/ + /c/

>> No.13769436


>> No.13770544

No one here gives a shit about your dead gook. Fuck off.

>> No.13772208

>Nintendo's best console
Now, I like the GameCube, but that's a ridiculous exaggeration. Did you forget that Nintendo made the NES (the console that single-handedly brought video games back from the dead) and the SNES (considered by many the greatest console of all time)?

The GameCube was a nice system that competed admirably against the juggernaut that was the PS2, but a dearth of third party support prevented it from being a truly great console.

>> No.13772653

The best thing about the GameCube was the controller. The GameCube itself was subpar.

>> No.13772874

I think he was talking about someone you like passing away.

>> No.13772939

I don't really like nintendo stuff post n64 but you gotta admit that he was a really likeable person

>> No.13772999

He deserved to die because of questionable decisions?

You are a retard and an edgy sheltered teen.

>> No.13773018

will you cry when zun dies of liver failure

>> No.13773023

>being this homosexual
Wow, your anus is still sore, SJW mangina.
toppest of kek lmoa

>> No.13773074


>> No.13773097


>> No.13773192
File: 80 KB, 625x536, downfall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He deserved to die anyways, that guy and Miyamoto shat all over Nintendo and turned it into a failure of a company.
Do you deserve to die for shitting all over this board and turning it into a failure?

>> No.13773203

Lmao look at this little bitch trying to pretend that he's an old-fag

ive been playing unreal turnament since 1991 you fedore-wearing landwhale

>> No.13773247

They tried that with n64 and gamecube but 3rd parties just hate nintendo too much because they get to see sonys gapping asshole every day.

>> No.13773792

>They tried that with n64

>a console with up to date specs
>3rd party supporters

It was using cartridges, how was that anywhere near up to date?
Not to mention Nintendo thought it had a monopoly and it can dictate any conditions they want to the 3rd party.
There's a reason everyone just said fuck you to Nintendo and moved to Sony's console, which continues to this day.

I'll agree with gamecube though, too bad it was already a little too late for that.
So instead they decided to pander to the masses, normies and housewives alike with the Wii.
A huge success to be sure, but all these people got tired of Nintendo's toys, and so the Wii U was a colossal failure as a result.
Now Nintendo is only left with manchildren who can't let go of their chilhoods and still want ot play Mario and Pokemon in their 30's.

And this guy was is *was largely reponsible for that.

>> No.13773795

I don't give a shit, fuck off to /v/ with your dead gook.

>> No.13773804

Honestly, I don't either.

>> No.13773817

This stupid fucking meme needs to stop.

>> No.13773819

I'm mixed. Maybe Nintendo will head off in a better direction now.

But on the other hand, I'm terrified it will go super corporate like PS and XBOX run by professional CEOs and executives chasing short term profit margins to get bonuses instead of cultivating a brand and actually producing games.

It's kind of neat to have someone who was actually a programmer and creator to head the company.

>> No.13773826


>> No.13773887

What's the link for?

>> No.13773904

Fuck off faggot

>> No.13782331

So? Is this it?

Anyone has anything left to say, or are we done?

>> No.13782343 [DELETED] 

He'd dead, Jim.

>> No.13782364

Another day, another dead chink.
