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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13685195 No.13685195 [Reply] [Original]

What's so special about visual novels? I mean wouldn't it be more convenient to print them out as books?

Also general visual novel thread

>> No.13685206

What a dumb question.

>> No.13685248
File: 58 KB, 245x400, Cave_of_Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A "Choose-Your-Own-Adventure" harem?

>> No.13685249

Please leave /jp/

>> No.13685257

I think you should kill yourself.

>> No.13685277

Oh come on, it was an honest question. I wasn't trolling.

>> No.13685279

Then your question was extremely stupid and you should go home and think about what was wrong with it.

>> No.13685283

I was just curious, man.

>> No.13685293

Sound, art, and a more broad or complex 'multiple choice' system than that allowed by print. Also I'm not sure why you could possibly think it would be more convenient to print them out as books.

>> No.13685296

Because it would remove voices, make branching a huge pain in the ass, and cost five hundred dollars to print each copy.

>> No.13685298

>Please think for me, I never learned how to do it myself!

I'm quoting your brain.

>> No.13685303

And for the record, I've never even read a VN, I just wandered over from the front page and thought about it for five fucking seconds.

>> No.13685358

They make me feel dokidoki when anime and manga have long not being able to provide me with any dokidoking

>> No.13685465

The appeal is able to bang girls.

Really thats it. VNs are a just a porn escapism medium were the usual shitty and bland protag (Wich is meant to be a reader surrogate) gets to fuck a girl so its reader dont think himself as a piece of failure.

Sadly the medium has potential but its nothing more than porn and waifu games. Thats why they are for horny teenagers.

>> No.13685605
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>Thats why they are for horny teenagers.

Sounds like a perfect fit you, dude.

>> No.13685617

Its a fit for the VN audience. Thats why they are relegated to pandering to Otakus or permavirgins.

When im horny i watch JAV.

>> No.13685630

>What's so special about visual novels? I mean wouldn't it be more convenient to print them out as books?
Books don't have music, and it's harder to immerge into one.
Compared to that, VN shows you the characters constantly, so it's easier to immerge.

>> No.13685640

>Otakus or permavirgins

If you're neither, what are you even doing here?

>> No.13685646

>feeding the troll
Come on, I raised you better than that.

>> No.13685648

This board has been on the decline for a long while, now it's full of crossies like that.

>> No.13685663

fucking kill yourself

>> No.13685666

I'm sorry, I've had a hard time telling the difference as of late.

>> No.13685672

If the post is written in a way that pisses you off, it's obviously intentional. And if it's intentionally pissing you off, then it's a troll.

>> No.13685673

See >>13685646

>> No.13685820

i dont know mom im trollein on 4chan XD

>> No.13685835

Dude, remember what moot said.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Just hide his post and get over it, or you're the one that'll get raped by the mod.

>> No.13685859

>or you're the one that'll get raped by the mod.
You're inviting a rule breaking complaint about the slow speed of the the moderation, but he and I are both too clever for that.

>> No.13685887

I remember when I read Kana Imouto, it was one of my first VNs and I could never forger it.

VNs actually make you feel like you are there living the life, unlike music and movies.

>> No.13685888

What kind of VN is it?

>> No.13685890

a very sad one.

>> No.13685893

Fuck that then.
I'll just keep looking for the Muv Luv ones.

>> No.13685903

Did I mention there is incest in there?

>> No.13685912

"Oh really?" Said Anon in a bored voice, trying to conceal his excitement while wondering if the incest was worth having his heart in pieces.

>> No.13685923

is the real love makes you feel good incest kind.

>> No.13685957
File: 21 KB, 1371x258, asdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading through umineko, currently on chapter 3, is the game going to be full of logical fallacies like this from now on?

>> No.13685958

chapter 3 is best chapter

>> No.13685972

Yes. The whole game is about trolling your opponent by saying that nobody saw the even, so that never happened, or that she can't prove shit.

Basically two internet trolls trying to talk about conspiracies.

>> No.13685986

Yeah, I get that, but up until this point they had mostly used sound logic.
That statement is like saying if sun shines then a plant grows therefore if the plant doesn't grow the sun doesn't shine.

>> No.13686008

Because they're basically locked in that chess situation where nobody can move without losing the game. So the further you progress in the story, the more ridiculous the arguments will get.

Same with the story, the more you progress, the more magical it'll become.

Which is why I personally disliked Umineko.

>> No.13686042
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Small bombs.

>> No.13686122

Visual Novels are very good, because they still have you use your imagination as you read, but enhace it with music and pictures. I think it's a great medium, I hope someday it takes off.
I'm more of a fan of kinetic novels that are not so heavy on dialogue though, gamey ones with lots of choice and dialogue feel a bit less interesting.

>> No.13686126

People without feelings don't understand the real appeal of Umineko...

>> No.13686186

The medium has been dying since the 90's.

>> No.13686223

Music: Easily the most important part of the VN, aside from the scenario. Music helps to set the mood and can play with your emotions in ways that writing alone simply can't. Plus after you're done reading the VN, listening to the music can help you avoid post-novel depression.

Sound/BG Art: Less important than the music, but these can help to add flavor to a VN.

Voice: Can be a plus or a minus, depending on how the scenario was written. Voices can ruin pacing, especially where they have been added in a re-release of an unvoiced VN.

Event CGs: Useful if the character designs are important, otherwise not really needed.

Character Art: Only really needed in porn games and ADV-type VNs that rely heavily on art to show expressions and emotions. More serious VNs could get by just fine with a few event CGs.

Choices: Probably the weakest aspect of VNs. Choices that don't matter should not exist, and usually the only reason for choices that do matter is to give a self-insert character more timelines to exist in (and more girls to fug). Most of the time a separate novel told from a new perspective would be better than some stupid alternate timeline.

>> No.13686230

Will it be dying for another 80 years?

>> No.13686246

I don't understand the shitfit about the ending. We got a perfectly reasonable answer given the theme and all the foreshadowing, people are angry because it was a different kind they were expecting?

>> No.13686250
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>perfectly reasonable answer

>> No.13686254

What was wrong with it?

>> No.13686258
File: 247 KB, 355x336, 5951-silvio-berlusconi-facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What was wrong with it?

>> No.13686264

But what specifically?

>> No.13686266

theu hab automode so weeb fagots can mastabate while they read da gaem

>> No.13686271

>But what specifically?

>> No.13686276

Where did it go wrong?

>> No.13686293

Who doesn't like building a mastaba while playing a VN.

>no clear answer about what happened on the island
>Battler survived but doesn't feel like talking
>you're supposed to care about a character who feels like she's been retconned into the story and whose personal history is just "ablublu i have been bullied in school people are sooo mean"
>Battler never fight Kinzo
>Battler's parents problem is never brought up again

And ultimately :
>the game is advertised and sold as a murder mystery, but constantly hammers that you shouldn't look for the perfect solution because it takes the beauty of the mystery away
It's like announcing a romance story and then have it ending with the main character dying alone in his condo because girls aren't routes to be conquered. Tries too hard to be meta, ends up not being an entertaining reading.

>> No.13686297 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13686301

I shoulda knew that trying to have a civil discussion with a fanboy was a waste of time.

>> No.13686369

But your responses to him were extremely low quality to begin with, you can hardly complain about being called on your quotation abuse.

>> No.13686430

Because 2hu?

>> No.13686512
File: 25 KB, 354x367, unamused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As it was a stupid question I'm not going to tell you to kill yourself, rather answer your question.

The appeal of a visual novel, for me at least, is that you can make the story your own as sometimes depending on the novel you will be asked questions that will slightly affect the story. And obviously it's much more complex with animation, sound, ect.

>> No.13686519
File: 148 KB, 500x500, 1336621336624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books can't play music, voices and animate stuff

>> No.13687664

Is not written in red, is not necessarily true.

>> No.13687736 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.90 MB, 1497x1125, 1435121058882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I guess that's true. I'm just mad that Battler doesn't point that out.
On other note witch Eva is just as awesome as she was in the anime

>> No.13687829

Would be cool if you fucked off, OP.

>> No.13687939

My notebook can though.

>> No.13688286

How is that a fallacy? The contrapositive of a true statement is also true. You're thinking of the converse fallacy (A=>B implies B=>A).

>if sun shines then a plant grows therefore if the plant doesn't grow the sun doesn't shine.
If the first part of that statement is correct, and the sun shining absolutely implied that plants grow, and a plant didn't grow, then the only conclusion would be that the sun couldn't have shown. The conclusion is ridiculous not because the logic is invalid, but because the premise is wrong. "If the sun shines then a plant grows" is a very strong statement.

>> No.13688290

Meant to reply to >>13685986

>> No.13688360

The logic of that statement is sound. It is called the contrapositive.

>> No.13688625

All faggots are mortal.
You are mortal.
Therefore you are a faggot.

>> No.13688637

Visual novels are something to treasure, it's basically modern books.

>> No.13688731

If you can't into logic, just spare us of your stupidity.
THat's not what the original pic said.
Using your retarded example, the original pic said "if the statement 'if you are a faggot, you are mortal' is true, the statement 'if you are not mortal, you are not a faggot' is also true". Your statement is completely different.
Stop embarrassing yourself. Did they stop teaching this in high school, or have you not reached that level of education yet?

>> No.13688736

p q p→q

¬p ¬q ¬p→¬q

Did I miss something?

>> No.13688740

Guards, this hysterical woman has lost her composure. Show her the way out before she disgraces herself any further.

>> No.13688757

Why is it that retards like you really like to call others retards? Just look up contraposition. Stop embarrassing yourself.
Yes, the other guy was either retarded or trolling but you're really in no position to call him out.

>> No.13688767

What are you saying? I know exactly what that is.
If A implies B then not B implies not A. Care to point out what part of that contradicts anything I said?

>> No.13688772

Shit, I'm sorry. Thought you didn't change the position.

>> No.13688819

>hurr what is a joke
>humour is for faggots
I'm quoting your brain.

>> No.13688830

You seriously watched the anime? Oh man.

>> No.13689099

It's just more badass sometimes


>> No.13689313

Too bad they have the writting of kid books.

>> No.13689317

Can't have everything.

Speaking of which, the VN that moved me the most was Narcissu.

>> No.13689335 [DELETED] 

Only a peasant could possibly think this.

>> No.13689349

euphonium made my hearth go doki doki a good few times, why you have such a shit taste?

>> No.13689368

I wish there was a good VN about PTSD. We already had the crippled with Katawa Shoujo, the veterans with Muv Luv, but still no story about a veteran suffering from PTSD and trying to live as a civilian.

>> No.13689379

And what do you think OP is?

>> No.13690966

Not true, gamebooks are almost exclusively in second person. Most VNs are in first person. Third person VNs exist but second person ones, if they exist, are very rare.

That's the biggest difference between gamebooks and VNs other than the medium.

What about Ace Attorney.

>logical fallacies


>> No.13690994

Even Clannad is more interesting than that idea.

>> No.13691755 [DELETED] 


>> No.13691796

Only a faggot would think VNs acan compare to books.

Now go back to fap to your "plot"

>> No.13691801

>What about Ace Attorney.

Great "harvey birdmand: ace atorney" take on courts. I believe only VNs on consoles try because on PC its always about banging a girl, even stories that arent about that have their routes tied to banging a girl.

>> No.13691825 [DELETED] 

Since most books are awful I think it would be quite easy for almost anything to compare to them.

>> No.13691837

>Since most books are awful

Many are yes but at least they are still above the level of your usual VN.

>> No.13691840

Are you talking shit about the Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Twilight?
Want me to throw you out the airlock or what?

>> No.13691848

He's right about that one though.

>> No.13691851 [DELETED] 

Here's a list of PC games that aren't about banging girls.


>> No.13691855

Are you talking shit about the only book that managed to calm my little sister and keep her out of my hair for months? Twilight is a blessing.

>> No.13691859

No, they are not.
Keep masturbating to Harry Potter shipping or fantazise about the Lord of the Rings like the delusional chuuni you are.

>> No.13691871 [DELETED] 

Should have calmed her with your DICK.

>> No.13691881

She's my sister you dogfucker.

>> No.13691892 [DELETED] 

Yeah, that's why I suggested you fuck her.

>> No.13691948

I hope you never get a sister.
I hope you never play Bioshock ever.

>> No.13691962 [DELETED] 

I already have a sister and Bioshock was a dumbed-down underwater version of System Shock 2.

>> No.13691970

System Shock 2?
Oh, right, you mean "get guns but never use them because putting points in repair is dumb : the game".

>> No.13691988

Please do not feed the troll, "kudasai".

>> No.13692007 [DELETED] 

Not the game's fault you refuse to put points into useful things. You don't need to use the guns in Bioshock either, since you just respawn for free when you die.

>> No.13692024

Nothing but strength is useful in System Shock 2.
Last time I played, I tried putting points in repair to keep using the same energy pistol, and after a while, it broke for real.

And I checked a guide on the internet, it basically said to put points in melee and ignore all other weapons.

>> No.13692030 [DELETED] 

That's a valid way to play it, but it just sounds like your bad at games.

>> No.13692032


>> No.13692038 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry, I meant to say 'yore'.

>> No.13692040




>> No.13692043


>> No.13692067

This is really a kuso thread.

It's not even on topic anymore.

>> No.13692074

Given how retarded the original topic was, that's an improvement.

And System Schock 2 sucks.

>> No.13692083 [DELETED] 

Next yore going to be telling me youse liked Infinite too.

>> No.13692092

Have I insulted you?! How dare you disrespect me like that.

Infinite was good. At least the first minutes were. After that it became "kill everyone in this room" and "writer does not know what he's writing anymore".

>> No.13692111

This is not an improvement.

It's just nonsense posting. Post for the sake of posting.

>> No.13692120 [DELETED] 

As opposed to the extremely on topic argument about contraposition.

>> No.13692123

I keep reading "contraception" for some reason.
Guess I'm not taking this as well as she expected.

>> No.13692132

That's more interesting to read than the current bullshit, and it's VN-related.

>> No.13692382

>That's more interesting to read than the current bullshit
Nice opinion, newfag.

>> No.13692827

He's right though. Most VNs revolve around banging girls and I can't take them seriously because of that.
I thoroughly enjoy non lewd VNs like Umineko or Clannad, though.

>> No.13692830 [DELETED] 

He isn't.

Sex scenes are barely in moege, it's mostly about romance.

And even there are a variety of games focusing on chuuni shit/plot.

And Clannad IS about romance the same way most moege are, and it's an eroge to boot.

>> No.13692853 [DELETED] 

God, you actually make me mad with that post.

You lambast VNs about getting girls but manage to take Clannad seriously.

Are you fucking serious? Have many visual novels have you played?

>> No.13692908

There's an EVN or two trying too hard to copy Muv Luv levels of drama/PTSD but fail horribly, Sunrider and Sierra Ops. Especially Sierra Ops, the devs think RTS would work on a VN. Dumb pieces of shit.

>> No.13692924

But there's no sex.
My Nagisa is a pure angel~

>> No.13692926 [DELETED] 

You should congratulate yourself, you make me legit mad by word alone.

>> No.13693231

Your original statement is untrue so the result of your contrapositive is also untrue.

It is not true that if the sun shines plants will always grow.

>> No.13693382

Thats funny. As i say VNs are worse because they have quotas to fill no matter if it helps the story or not, like porn content (And even if the situation calls for it the sex writting is terrible) or the story having to revolve around a girl even if she doesnt have anything to do with the story.

VNs are the most shallow reading medium and thus relegated to porn medium.

>> No.13693388

You should probably keep trying.
Come on, you can do it!

>> No.13693409


[√] Fun to Read
[√] Requires Imagination
[X] Sound
[X] Not very rewarding after finishing the book

>Visual Novel
[√] Fun to Read
[√] Voices included to some novels
[√] Sound included during scenes
[√] CGs implementation adding better reading experience
[√[ Imagination requires to get better experience
[√] Extra bonuses when you finish a storyline
[√] Your own storyline per readthough

>> No.13693416

>Not very rewarding after finishing the book

Nigga please.
I like VNs too but it looks like you have not read any good books.

>> No.13693433

All I get is knowledge after finishing a book and some good quotes along the way. I'm not saying that is a bad thing or anything but in visual novels, we get those and some unlockables and extra contents that the novel provided for their readers that made it more rewarding for those who finish a story or all the available storyline in a visual novel

no offence though...but it's just me I guess.

>> No.13693463

The only book that has made me feel intrigued was Brave New World. I haven't read anything since then since most of them are pretty lame.

>> No.13693493

Most books are lame but humanity has been pumping out a gazillion of books since 3000 BC, so the number of mindblowingly amazing books is humongous even if the % is small in proportion. You can spend a lifetime reading great stuff and never finish.
Don't read best sellers and other shit they put on the front shelves of malls.
As much as I like VNs, the complexity an quality you find within the book world completely obliterates them. You just have to know what to read, and have a certain level of reading skills, intelligence and maturity to understand good books.

>> No.13693503

>combining a troll with a general; a double troll
>when there are already several vn generals; a triple troll
>over 100 replies
Someone post the fish.

>> No.13693513

Woah, I have to be mature to have fun in a subtype of artistic medium. Not sure if you are even trying anymore

>> No.13693552 [DELETED] 

Hu U Qot

>> No.13693745
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>> No.13697608

Don't know Sierra Ops, but I tried Sunrider because it was free. Was too cliché for me.

I keep hearing about Muv Luv, I'll really have to look for a torrent or something.
Peer pressure is awful.

VNs aren't rewarding either.
Through it's mostly >muh opinion

>> No.13700892
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>> No.13700969

I can't devote my attention to such a bland thing without interaction
if I'm going to sit for hours with something then I need it to be rich and engaging like literature
or interactive like a video game
visual novels are neither

>> No.13700976 [DELETED] 


>> No.13701371


>> No.13701382

That was stupid.

>> No.13701392

this doesn't even make sense

>> No.13701445

What doesn't make sense? I just inserted a set of values into the statements for which their truth value differs. I skipped the invertion due to ¬, did that confuse you?

An implication is true if both values are true, or if the antecedent is false, therefore:

>> No.13701478

meme game

>> No.13701532

It's more along the lines of:
if property A is satisfied then property B must be satisfied
if property B is not satisfied then property A must not have been satisfied else, given the prior statement, B would been.

>> No.13701546

All faggots are mortals.
All straight people are mortal else they're faggot?

No, I misunderstood that.

>> No.13701555

You really did. Perhaps it is better to think of properties as events

if event A occurs, event B occurs as a consequence

If event B has not occurred then event A must not have either, or else it would have triggered event B

>> No.13701562

The actual implication of your statement was no immortals are faggots

>> No.13701563

You piss me off. I'm going to slap you.
I'm not going to slap you, ergo you haven't pissed me off yet.

Yeah, I got it.
I still want to punch you.

>> No.13701571

and may not necessarily ever.
just to be completely correct.

>> No.13701575


>> No.13701960

christ what is this

>> No.13702235

"Having too much spare time" + "being spe math", I guess.

>> No.13702258

I saw stuff like that once at the top floor of the liberal arts building
they said it was philosophy but I don't think that counts as philosophy

>> No.13702266

I saw a picture of a guy sucking his own dick called "art". You can trust what people say these days.

>> No.13702287

I meant "can't".

>> No.13702344

What's so special about visual novels is that best girl always wins. Well, unless best girl is a secondary character without a route.

>> No.13702470

Sacchin was shit.

>> No.13702496

How the hell would it be more convenient to print out hundreds of pages worth of paper than having it downloaded?

>> No.13702510

Doesn't take up precious space, can be brought almost anywhere while your computer can't, and people won't try to steal it.

>> No.13702520

Books don't take up space?

>> No.13702534

Try shoving a book in a hard drive disk.
Go on.
I'll wait.

>> No.13702558


The book is bigger than the HDD so I can't? I don't understand what you're trying to prove there.

>> No.13702577

I take it you never had problem with memory.
Because the word I wanted to use was memory. Not space.
Because you know. You have limited memory on a computer.
And a book doesn't require a computer to be read.

>> No.13702600


There is enough space on your average computer to contain thousands of books. As for portability tablets/phones can be used to read books these days, although you of course can't use store as many as a desktop. Books are much more convenient for traveling when digitized.

>> No.13702618
File: 181 KB, 1010x1071, Gjy6Ttq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Books are much more convenient for traveling when digitized
