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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 333 KB, 598x284, 1219247137515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1367212 No.1367212 [Reply] [Original]

Old yukkuri thread at imagelimit

Yu113.doc: http://www.mediafire.com/?eo0zmzyymyh

Translated compilation:
Part 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?phyksjwsygh
Part 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?rfk3ptrm06z

Discussion, translations, and images can go here.

>> No.1367219

Yukkuri go home. /jp/ is for Japan/General. Yukkuri belong in /v/.

>> No.1367232
File: 101 KB, 184x324, koakquiet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pray, what vidya game do Yukkuri show up in that they should be in /v/?

>> No.1367231


Take it easy.

>> No.1367237
File: 84 KB, 544x455, 1648055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukkuri nest images at

Need translating

needs editing

>> No.1367247

Saying touhou belongs in /v/ is one thing, but yukkuri? You're not even trying now.

>> No.1367253
File: 88 KB, 492x320, 1221284484647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woooooooow, you must not be from around here are you?

>> No.1367255
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>> No.1367285
File: 63 KB, 382x475, fuku0704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just "Yu" and "Kero", correct?

>> No.1367287
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>> No.1367290
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>> No.1367294
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>> No.1367367
File: 28 KB, 640x360, f_sd01m_04386dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This a GAR thread?

>> No.1367481

So we have the yukkuri moefags, the yukkuri gurofags, the yukkuri scientistfags and the yukkuri canonfags. Am I missing anyone?

>> No.1367486


The GARofags.

>> No.1367499


> yukkurionaniceboat.gif

>> No.1367650
File: 76 KB, 400x1122, 1222349982928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww, the little bastard can sew.

>> No.1367709

Was that comic where the Yukkumarisa had her hat stolen and had her family turn on her ever translated all the way?

>> No.1367723
File: 369 KB, 877x1240, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. still only the first 3 pages are translated. It's chinese and none of the translators have stepped up.


>> No.1367735
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>> No.1367743
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>> No.1367740

Can we start numbering these threads properly like good little 2channers?

>> No.1367752
File: 290 KB, 877x1240, 1220550305593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would we do that?

>> No.1367761
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>> No.1367769
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>> No.1367773
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>> No.1367782
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>> No.1367786
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>> No.1367825
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>> No.1367896
File: 38 KB, 500x375, 1219763441837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


New translated folder filled with yukkuri stuff. Update the links for the next thread please.

>> No.1368001

Translators... Summary Anons... I miss you.

>> No.1368030

Why? They just spew out more shit from japan. Fuck japan.

>> No.1368056
File: 268 KB, 1505x760, 1222160029186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's /jp/ so yeah.

Seconded ;_;
Come back, please.

>> No.1368087

Why are on you /jp/, exactly?

Image translations aren't that scarce, actually. We do need more summaries though. A shame that SA is the only one who ever did more than a handful.

(missing some SFX. Plus the 4th panel doesn't flow well)
1) "Neeeedle"

2) "Threeeead"

3) "Finished~"

4) "Reimu's ribbon also a wash rag!"
*After getting used to it, it returns to a ribbon

>> No.1368128

hatless marisa: yu yu - marisa want to eat easy too...
marisa: chew - chew - (SFX for eating/chewing) I'm happy!
marisa: easy
reimu: easy
reimu: delicious -
big reimu: children eat slowly
marisa: yu! marisa want to eat too!
marisa: yukkuri want to eat!
squeeze squeeze
chew - chew - I'm happy!

>> No.1368163

hatless marisa: yu yu - marisa want to eat easy too...
marisa: chew - chew - (SFX for eating/chewing) I'm happy!
marisa: easy
reimu: easy
reimu: delicious -
big reimu: children eat slowly
marisa: yu! marisa want to eat too!
marisa: yukkuri want to eat!
squeeze squeeze
chew - chew - I'm happy!
yu yu?
mo ... mie ... why
not at all ... easy ...
big reimu: die you non-easy! die!
marisa: momie yukkuri is great!
reimu1: one who is non-easy should die!
reimu2: die easy!
mo ... mie ... help ...

>> No.1368225

niisan what are you doing?
this is not easy!
niisan don't hinder us easy!
just leave easy!
box: Isn't this yukkuri your sister? Why are you killing her?
niisan is an idiot!

>> No.1368232

niisan what are you doing?
this is not easy!
niisan stop hindering us easy!
just leave easy!
box: Isn't this yukkuri your sister? Why are you killing her?
niisan is an idiot!
such stupid niisan!
This kind of weird yukkuri is not our sister!
Those who can't take it easy should die!
one who is non-easy should die!
bag: flour
box: ok, I patched you up, this way you won't die.
yu...sniff sniff...

>> No.1368256
File: 130 KB, 800x600, 1222271319316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1368289

Or, possibly, someone who can't take it easy

As I recall from the musings of the other translator, the Yuing and 'yukkuri' are in japanese, with everything else in chinese, making it somewhat difficult to mix the two together into english.

>> No.1368311

box: what are you going to do now?
box: Now that your family has abandoned you?
yu ...
marisa doesn't know either...
box: My house can't keep a yukkuri, so I'll have to return you later.
It's no good easy! Marisa will die!
Niisan help marisa find her hat!
Without her hat marisa can't take it easy!
She'll die!
box: But even so, I don't know where your hat is either!
yu ...
box: but ... if you want a hat then there is another way ...
box: look - there is a hat over there!
box: do you see it? are you fine with that hat?
take it easy!

>> No.1368318

my job is to translate; i'll let the editors figure out how to make it easy!

>> No.1368336
File: 222 KB, 877x1240, 1220550187822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well can you clarify on that though? Here's page 2; check the top left panel. It was translated as 'dude who can't take it easy', is that equivalent to what you're translating as 'non-easy'?

I don't know how honorificals/whatever work in chinese, but the 'mister' is usually called Oniisan. Did they explicitly say the equivalent of 'Niisan'?

>> No.1368338

That's mean. Why would anyone draw that?

>> No.1368353
File: 141 KB, 640x480, 1218647802455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's stupid. Why would anyone say that?

>> No.1368367

no good! that is sister's hat, marisa wants to take it easy with her own hat!
box: oh? are you sure that is your sister's hat?
box: have you thought of, that is actually your hat that your sister stole?
box: Later I'll return you...
what did you...
box: you should think deeply about this.
blank space)
easy ...?
Did sister stole my hat...?
While marisa is unaware...
because sister didn't have a hat so...?

>> No.1368381

I haven't been traumatized like this since those Jinsuiseiseki's or whatever they are called.

>> No.1368401

Idea for interesting experiment:

Step 1: Get a family of yukkuri and feed them regularly, just as in the above comic.

Step 2: During the night, steal one of the yukkuri's accessories, attach enough explosives to destroy a yukkuri but not enough to harm anything around too much on to each of the other yukkuri's accessories, and lastly, insert a device in the hatless yukkuri that when depressed by a sudden force, say a yukkuri hitting another, causes the explosives on the attacking yukkuri to explode.

Step 3: Move them into a large, transparent pen that gives the illusion of free range, but keeps all of them from running off.

Step 4: Await until they wake. When the "un-yukkuri" is discovered, intervene as in above comic. However, do not remove it from the pen. Rather, tell the yukkuri their situation and options:

Give up their accessories and be safe or risk keeping them and explode if they attack the "un-yukkuri."

Step 5: They wouldn't ever give up their accessories, so they risk it. One of the smaller ones will attack the "un-yukkuri" and explode, just to prove the explosives effectiveness.

Step 6: Ensure that the "un-yukkuri" is well fed and treated well, with sugar treatments regularly. Give the others basic food and water. This will cause even greater distaste for the "un-yukkuri" in the eyes of the yukkuri. Also, pop in every now and then to remind them:

Accept it as part of your family and the explosives will not hurt you. Attack it and you die.

Step n: Record results.

Either they accept it as one of them, or they attack it and explode. This will determine how ingrained the 'no hat, no love' policy is their dna.

Also, which will break first? Yukkuri in peril of themselves or Unyukkuri in peril of the yukkrui?

>> No.1368404


>> No.1368420

>It was translated as 'dude who can't take it easy', is >that equivalent to what you're translating as 'non-easy'?
the most literal translation is "one who is non-yukkuri"
there is no correct way to combine the japanese word yukkuri and chinese together so there is always ambiguity in the meaning (noun? verb? adjective?)

>but the 'mister' is usually called Oniisan. Did they explicitly say the equivalent of 'Niisan'?
The literal translation is big brother.
The connotation of big brother/big sister/uncle is the same in both chinese and japanese (and most other east asian culture I presume).

>> No.1368472

yu! that is my hat!
yu! thief! give back my hat easy!
thought: this is marisa's hat! it's sister who stole it!
yu...this is marisa...
marisa's hat!
marisa: you stole this hat easy...
marisa: so marisa takes it back...
other marisa: liar! thief! the hat is marisa's!
one who is non-easy!
die easy!
yukkuri thief! die!
weird yukkuri die!
tear -

>> No.1368496

I meant literal translation into japanese. They refer to humans as 'Mister' or 'Miss', or if left in japanese, 'Onii-san' and 'Onee-chan'. Guys who bully yukkuri are refered to as 'Bullying oniisans'

>the most literal translation is "one who is non-yukkuri"
That would be 'someone who can't take it easy' then

Let me guess, as soon as someone mentioned a website with a man stretching his anus, you immediately looked at goatse, and then complained about it?

Fatal flaw: They could just treat the unyukkuri with disdain, and not actually attack it.

A better experiment would be;
secretly remove a yu's hat
as in >>1368232 , say "Isn't this your sister?"
When they say no, order them to stand still, remove another's hat and put it on the formerly hatless one. If they move to attack the new hatless one, you should be able to silence them by saying you'll stop feeding them.
Keep moving hats around until you can convince them that a hatless yukkuri is still a yukkuri. (or discover it's impossible)

also, the 'in their DNA' part isn't exactly right; to them seeing a hatless yukkuri (at least in this story; not always) is like looking at a living human without a head, only you don't have the resoning to realize that the situation can be fixed.

>> No.1368587

yu...! filling...
marisa's filling...
marisa: no you're the weird yukkuri! non-easy freak! die!
marisa: non-easy freak die easy! die!
yu! die!
die easy!
big reimu: who's over there? who is it easy?
big reimu: what happened?
big reimu: Is it my child?
reimu1: scary...
reimu2: reimu's scared...
reimu3: momie...
marisa: yu...
marisa: easy...
momie...it's marisa...
marisa: momie! it's scary! this morning's weird yukkuri suddenly attacked marisa! marisa is scared!
marisa: marisa almost got eaten by the weird yukkuri! marisa is scared! it's terrifying!
reimu: sister - easy...

>> No.1368590


I specifically made the experiment with that in mind. They could just treat it with disdain, letting the anger of seeing the unyukkuri bottle up until they couldn't take it anymore and attack. That would lead to them exploding.

I should have also added some way to make the unyukkuri feel special and higher then the others in the pen.

>> No.1368620

>They refer to humans as 'Mister' or 'Miss', or if left in japanese, 'Onii-san' and 'Onee-chan'
there is no way to distinguish between oniisan and niisan in chinese, so pick whichever you like

>> No.1368672

I meant just treating it with disdain. It is something that cannot take it easy and therefore should be punished. But punishing it will prevent them from taking it easy. Any yukkuri is more concerned with itself than with another, so it will choose to take it easy. It will not accept the hatless, and your experiment does not force it to, but it will also not attack.

>> No.1368709


Then that will be the test results. I manually detonate the yukkuri, clean up, start over with a tweaked theory and begin again.

>> No.1368850

big reimu: marisa, take it easy obediantly
marisa: take it easy!
bubble3: easy -
easy !
take it easy!
box: The events that I started, tonight finished a chapter for now.
box: the next day, the yukkuri family returned to how is was, like nothing has happened.
children eat easy!
take it easy!
box: This family seems to not notice that one yukkuri marisa is missing, and that marisa also does not seems to exhibit any unusual behavior.

>> No.1369102
File: 176 KB, 640x480, yukkuridwellings copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1369236

>Don't worry, take it easy

>> No.1369272

have to revise it a little...
yukkuri torture never fails to brighten my day

big reimu: marisa, take it easy obediantly
marisa: take it easy!
bubble3: easy -
easy !
take it easy!
box: The events that I started, tonight finished a chapter for now.
box: the next day, the yukkuri family returned to how is was, like nothing has happened.
children eat easy!
take it easy!
box: This family seems to not notice that one yukkuri marisa is missing, and that marisa also does not seems to exhibit any unusual behavior.
eat easy! so happy!
eat easy!
box: At first I was not sure, was this marisa the one who was chased away? or the one whose hat was robbed...
tasty! tasty!
box: Later on, looking at the wound on her face and the evidence of my patching her up, it's confirmed,
box: that she successfully robbed the hat, and took over the other marisa's position.
so tasty!
chew - chew -
I'm so happy!
box: Now that it's confirmed, the next step is easy, since it's also hard for me to tell which one is which.
box: so...this yukkuri marisa is the one whose hat was robbed, and it looks like both her heart and body was greatly wounded...
box: how should I use her to start something...(literally start a fire)
box: Marisa, do you hate? Hate the yukkuri who robbed your hat?
box: Hate your mother and sisters who don't care about you? It's alright, take it easy.

>> No.1369307

Do you have a picture of Japan's map and yukkuri weather report from pixiv ? If you have this one please post it.

>> No.1369315
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>> No.1369341

Should I feel terrible for feeling bad for yukkuri mistreating?

>> No.1369471
File: 445 KB, 877x1240, page1 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1369472
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>> No.1369474
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>> No.1369483
File: 587 KB, 877x1240, page4 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1369486
File: 419 KB, 877x1240, page5 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1369490
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and I'm sleepy, so I'll finish it up tomorrow. Can i ask that you translate this one though? last page remaining of the story =X

>> No.1369604
File: 38 KB, 140x299, Algus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes you should.
These godless animals deserves to be killed.

>> No.1369728

What's up with the last panel?
"After getting used to it, it returns to a ribbon"
I don't know moonspeak, but is there any chance it actually says "After getting used, it's turned back into a ribbon."

>> No.1369760
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The whore is in heat.

>> No.1369765
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>> No.1369767
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>> No.1369770
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>> No.1370606
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>> No.1370910
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>> No.1370982
File: 69 KB, 394x1118, slowslow02_uljp00048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"I can take it easy!!!"

"I can't get out!!!"

>> No.1371156
File: 49 KB, 512x512, 1219269192584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1371176

I wonder how long it'll take until you finally get bored with this fad.

>> No.1371185

as long as people keep creating inventive ways to brutalize yukkuris, I don't see it stopping anytime soon.

>> No.1371186


Translator for Japanese, not Chinese here - I don't really know why we're calling them "Yukkuris" to begin with. They should be called "Easys". In Japanese there is no equivalent of capitalizing a letter to indicate it's a name, so it's not always clear if it's being used as such.

And part of the humor is phrases like "Easy who is not easy should drop dead easy!" and puns.

And the Chinese comics seem to add another layer to this by using the Japanese characters for "yukkuri".

Actually, that brings up another point - why even translate the "yukkuri" or "take it easy" at all? If the Chinese are willing to pull in foreign characters to represent the yukkuris, I think we can as well. I'm sure most of you can recognize the term by sight anyways.

>> No.1371205

>why even translate the "yukkuri" or "take it easy" at all?
Because we started doing that. Changing it now would be inconsistent.

> They should be called "Easys".
That just sounds bad. It's obvious that the name is 'yukkuri', and you typically do not translate names. Yes there are puns that get kind of messy, but I think "Yukkuri who can't take it easy" makes more sense in English then "Easy who isn't easy" or "Yukkuri who can't yukkuri shiteitte ne"

>> No.1371215

>That just sounds bad.

That is kind of the point, though. They are retarded, and say retarded things. And really, it should be "Slowly", not "easy".


This is how retarded they sound in Japanese.

>> No.1371228

>And really, it should be "Slowly", not "easy".
This was discussed a long time ago. Yukkuri can mean slowly or easy. They stuck with 'Easy'.

So why aren't you translating the kanji for 'Reimu' and 'Marisa'? 'Yukkuri' is a name and you don't translate names.

Plus, don't the japanese actually call them 'Yumarisa' and 'Yureimu', which we changed to yukkureimu and yukkurisa?

>> No.1371238

it's in japanese though; not my expertise
but I'm sure we have japanese translator around

>> No.1371249
File: 158 KB, 600x800, 1221131573882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you're around, can you think of any other stories you've seen that are in chinese and lack English translations? If you can describe it a bit I'm sure I can repost the whole thing.

Is this chinese? It has a translation, but it's pretty shitty.

>> No.1371257
File: 41 KB, 400x999, gy_uljp00184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1371259
File: 37 KB, 400x999, gy_uljp00185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1371269
File: 30 KB, 448x290, slowslow02_uljp00057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also a zip on the gy uploader. From the looks of it, it seems to be configuration settings for phun that were used to create the yukkuri movies on gy. I haven't checked it myself though.

>> No.1371313

>This was discussed a long time ago. Yukkuri can mean slowly or easy. They stuck with 'Easy'.
This only makes sense in the context of "Take it easy!", though. Nearly every other use of "yukkuri" would be better as "slowly".

>'Yukkuri' is a name and you don't translate names.
No, but you do translate titles, honorifics, styles and suffixes. Actually, sometimes they do, and sometimes they don't. "Mr. William Henry Gates III" would be ウィリアム・ヘンリー・ゲイツ三世
where "the third" is translated and "Mr" dropped, but "Rev. Martin Luther King Jr." is
where the "Junior" is left untranslated, and キング牧師
, or "Reverend King", style translated.

I think we can think of "Yukkuri" in "Yukuri Reimu" and "Yukkuri Alice" as a style or title.

>Plus, don't the japanese actually call them 'Yumarisa' and 'Yureimu', which we changed to yukkureimu and yukkurisa?
Yukkreimu and yukkurisa is common, but usually- it's the normal people of Gensokyo calling them that. The yukkuris themselves tend to use "Reimu" and "Marisa" in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person. There might be a few comics where they use "Yukkurisa/eimu" though.

>> No.1371338

No, because even they refer to themselves as yukkuris. See the story in which an Anon invaded a newly-built yukkuri house, and claimed that this is what yukkuris do, so they had it coming to them. The mother answered with "But we're yukkuris, you're a human!".

>> No.1371347

>Nearly every other use of "yukkuri" would be better as "slowly".
Run away easy!
Drop dead easy!

>The yukkuris themselves tend to use "Reimu" and "Marisa" in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person.
Just 'Reimu' and 'Marisa'? If so it's a non-issue because they aren't saying yukkuri at all.

>Yukkreimu and yukkurisa is common,
So then how would you propose handling that? Eareimu? EZReimu?

>No, but you do translate titles, honorifics, styles and suffixes.
In most fan translations, honorifics remain untranslated. Bear in mind that these translations are about as fan as they get. I doubt half the translators are very fluent in japanese.
Titles get translated, and I can't think if styles or suffixes do. Can't even think of an example of that in English.

I really think it should be left as we've been doing it, to maintain consistency. Leaving it all as 'yukkuri' wouldn't help anyone understand it better either; if you're familiar with yukkuri, you know that 'easy' comes from yukkuri. If not then you have to ask in the threads 'what the hell is all this yukkuri babble?'. Translating every yukkuri might help, but again, it would be inconsistent and I just think it sounds better as 'Yukkuri Reimu'

>> No.1371371


But are they calling themselves yukkuris, or calling themselves slowlys? You can't actually tell. Usually, collective nouns like "blacks" or "employees" have the term translated, not transliterated.

>Run away easy!
That's one of the more common ones, actually. Whenever you see them saying "Run away easy!" or "Quickly, run away easy!", they're actually saying "Run away slowly!" or "Quickly run away slowly!"
>Drop dead easy!
Is actually "Die slowly!"

>So then how would you propose handling that? Eareimu? EZReimu?
Slowmu and Slowrisa

>> No.1371378

here, I'm going to bed so I might come back in the next thread.

>> No.1371400

in b4 inevitable ``foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds'' tripe

>> No.1371408

>"Run away slowly!" or "Quickly run away slowly!"
Now tell me. Are they running away slowly? Are they QUICKLY running away slowly? You don't think 'easy' fits better in those examples? Easy and Slowly are both valid translations, don't try to argue against that.

Now, I'm probably going to start a really long winded argument, based entirely on stuff I've seen translated. I can't read japanese so don't give me japanese stuff as a counter example like some other guy did.

A yukkuri's goal in life is to 'yukkuri shiteitte ne'. This can be translated as 'take it easy' or 'take it slowly'. The currently accepted translation is 'take it easy'. what 'taking it easy/slowly' means is not clear. The best description I've seen is "it means a yukkuri is free and able to be a yukkuri", thus is able to hop, eat, play with others, be in the company of others taking it easy/slowly, get refreshed, etc. It is a yukkuri so it does everything in a yukkuri way; it eats yukkuri, it runs yukkuri, it tells others to yukkuri shiteitte ne, etc. The way it does these things is not slowly. They don't savor their food and eat it in small bites, they dig in. They don't make incredibly small hops, especially not when running away. They do things yukkuri, but this is not literally doing them slowly. Thus 'take it slowly', 'run away slowly', 'eat it slowly', etc, are misleading. They are NOT doing these actions in a physical slow manner. However, 'eat it easy', as in, 'eat food in a relaxed manner', DOES apply. This is why I say 'easy' is a better translation than 'slowly'. Slowly too literally describes something that they are not doing.

Hopefully that makes sense. I'm not great at explaining things.

>> No.1371481

taken from the 5th edition 広辞苑:
1 動作・運動が時間をかけて行われるさま。急がないさま。「ゆっくりと
2 時間・空間・気持ちなどに余裕があるさま。「五人はゆっくり座れる」

First definition is preferring to take one's time with moving and acting. Being unhurried. (your pick)

The second is having plenty of time and space, and to be able to feel comfortable. (my pick)

>> No.1371517

>Slowmu and Slowrisa
Go to bed and never come back. Those who can't take it easy should go away.

>> No.1371536


Thank very much !!

>> No.1371619
File: 118 KB, 600x600, 古いの.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New story in a zip. This is the same artist but a different folder, so I don't think it's related.

>> No.1371622
File: 140 KB, 600x700, yukuri1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear god what happened to that thumbnail

>> No.1371624
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Right. Anyways, the real image is fine

>> No.1371627
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>> No.1371628
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>> No.1371630
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>> No.1371631
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>> No.1371632
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>> No.1371636
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>> No.1371639
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>> No.1371640
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>> No.1371643
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>> No.1371646
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>> No.1371647
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>> No.1371652
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>> No.1371656
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>> No.1371657
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>> No.1371660
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>> No.1371663
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>> No.1371664
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>> No.1371668
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>> No.1371672
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>> No.1371675
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>> No.1371676
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>> No.1371677
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>> No.1371678
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>> No.1371685

Fuck yeah, pimp!

>> No.1371736

Happy end? HAPPY end?! Wtf is this shit?

>> No.1371760


Compared to a lot of other Yukkuri stories, this is pretty goddamn happy end.

At least the Marisa ended up with a yukkuri that's intelligent (in terms of yukkuri) and won't have it's rape insticts kicking in sooner or later.

>> No.1371763

Marisa and Patchouli living together. Happy end! (for them).
Wish I knew where the hell she came from. Or the alice. Can't figure this one out just from the images

>> No.1371788

Yukkuris don't deserve a happy end! All of them should have died! Anon should have dynamited the nest when Marisa and Patchy went in!


>> No.1371792

Marisa got trapped by the rain, and was hiding under a tree. Then an Alice appeared and somehow helped her? They refreshed and Alice got pregnant.
Then they returned to Marisa's family, Marisa left to get food, and the family and Alice killed each other for little reason. Looks like a fun story. /r/ translation.

>> No.1371805


It's pretty obivious.
Marisa does the job of food-gathering and Reimu is baby-sitting their children.
One day rain caught Marisa far from their cave/nest/shelter/whatever and Alice who just happened to live near offered Marise to take shelter in her house. Marisa and Alice that night got refreshed, so Marisa took Alice to her home as second waifu (fuck yes polygamy). She is more then unwelcomed as we can see.
While Marisa is off to do food-gathering again, the tragedy begins. Marisa returns with her new waifu Patchy, whom she met while gathering.

Yep, I don't know moonspeak.

>> No.1371811

That would make everything too predictable. Plus comics/stories only involving yukkuri are fun too.
Stealing from Good Omens.

He rather liked yukkuri. It was a major failing in an anon.
Oh, he did his best to make their short lives miserable, because that was his job, but nothing he could think up was half as bad as the stuff they thought up themselves. They seemed to have a talent for it. It was built into the design, somehow. They were born into a world that was against them in a thousand little ways, and then devoted most of their energies to making it worse.

>> No.1371822

I think the ALICE being pregnant is what's throwing me off.
Alices are rapists and are on top. It's the bottom yukkuri that gets pregnant.

Although it does still make some sense.

>> No.1371851


Perhaps a docile Alice? One that's dormant in terms of raping nature?

>> No.1371873

So the agressor was actually the Marisa? Would make sense I guess.
Translations where?

>> No.1371899
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>> No.1371905
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>> No.1371909
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>> No.1371911
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>> No.1371922


I can't fucking wait for the conclusion to this

That little bitch Yukkureimu actually called herself a yukkuri god? I can't fucking wait to see her get totured and eaten. You just know that they won't escape for long


>> No.1371929

There was no aggresor. At least until Reimu started killing Alice's children.

>> No.1372651

How much of this is translated so far? I have the first four or five pages.

>> No.1372719

Agressor in the sexual sense, not the violent sense.

>> No.1372854
File: 199 KB, 720x807, 1222446460623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bearded anon returns. Chinese, right?

>> No.1372875
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Hmm, from the date modified (came from a zip), this is the first. By filename, second. No idea if it's significant, since I can't tell what the fuck is going on.

>> No.1372879
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>> No.1373145
File: 408 KB, 616x864, 1222473566308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're missing one page that comes before that

this page explains yukkureimu has already differentiated between those who are "sacrifices" and those that will be "survivors"

>> No.1373194

Would be the 8th page (and first left untranslated), and >>1371899 onwards is correct, right?

>> No.1373204


I'm not understanding Yukkureimu's logic with her test.

Just what is she doing to choose?

>> No.1373221

I'm assuming it's supposed to be a survival of the fittest thing; unnatural selection. I'm no good at following images so I'm not sure though. I can't even see that there's a test going on...

>> No.1373217

yukkureimu can't save everyone as explained earlier

she needs to leave some children for Yuyuko to eat

>> No.1373236


I understand that, but I not sure what she's doing to sort the saved from the doomed.


Thanks for trying anyways.

>> No.1373252

You mean how she's actually forcing the 'doomed' to be the ones eaten? She just doesn't save them and will let Yuyuko take over. From the image it seems she tells them, so when they object she just smacks them around.

>> No.1373261


No, I meant what she actually does to determine which get saved and which get fed to the black hole that is Yuyuko.

>> No.1373290

Unnatural selection. Decide which children are the best (likely based on stuff like size, intelligence, strength if that is not just based on size, etc). Save the best, give the runts to Yuyuko. Why would you sacrifice the cream of the crop?

>> No.1373421


What if Yuyuko get suspicious? She had Eirin genetically alter this yukkuri with the intentions that they would produce better offspring. If the best are being shipped off, and the good to average are left behind....

Also, this yukkuri is supposed to be giving off ko's like crazy, as per the alterations. If there are some leaving, wouldn't Yuyuko get suspicious about the snack size not being as big as it should be.

Yuyuko knows Youmu is lying about how the yukkuri are getting out. (Youmu is saying she ate them, if I remember correctly.) So I'm guessing that Yuyuko is just playing along like the troll she is and will break the even more epic troll yukkureimu just when she thinks she's won.

>> No.1373467

>Yuyuko knows Youmu is lying about how the yukkuri are getting out.
That isn't part of the yukkuri's plan. The plan is to fool yuyuko, using youmu as the scapegoat.

>What if Yuyuko get suspicious? She had Eirin genetically alter this yukkuri with the intentions that they would produce better offspring. If the best are being shipped off, and the good to average are left behind....
If you're going to sneak into your master's food and eat some of it, wouldn't you eat the best? You're going to get in shit anyways, so why get in shit for eating the worst of the lot?
Alternatively, she could be using criteria that yuyuko wouldn't care about. Like how well they say 'Take it easy!'. Yuyuko wouldn't notice if the worse take it easy'ers were the only ones left.

>> No.1373469

Does anyone have rars of Japanese comics?

>> No.1373492

here's an old compilation

>> No.1373507

That's the whole fucking point

She already was suspicious the last time we had updates

Also Yukkureimu have no selection process. The ones that live gets to eat, the others don't. She even says to the ones that have been decided to be left behind that they're just food, Yuyuko's food, not her daughters

And yes Yuyuko knows but just doesn't care from the looks things as long as she still has things to eat. Looking at the last page however, it looks like she's ready to act now since the mother yukkureimu has escaped

>> No.1373557

You have no idea what unnnatural selection is, do you?

If a physical larger child is more likely to survive in the wild, then it will be more likely to produce offspring. That's natural selection. Unnatural selections would be killing off/neutering the weaker ones so they can't reproduce. In this situation, some HAVE to die, so why would you just randomly select them, when you could pick the ones most likely to survive in the wild?

>> No.1373563


>Now tell me. Are they running away slowly? Are they QUICKLY running away slowly? You don't think 'easy' fits better in those examples? Easy and Slowly are both valid translations, don't try to argue against that.

wat. The whole joke is them saying something contradictory in "Quickly run away slowly". If you used "easy", it would have to be "Run away easy hard". Besides, "run away easy" isn't even a phrase that's used in English, how can you run easy or run hard?

>what 'taking it easy/slowly' means is not clear. The best description I've seen is "it means a yukkuri is free and able to be a yukkuri"
No, it's an imperative to the reader to take it easy, go slowly, etc. Remember that yukkuri didn't start out as a meme about living disemodied heads, it was supposed to be a picture of regular Reimu and Marisa telling someone to take it easy.

>> No.1373572



>> No.1373594

>"Quickly run away slowly"
Is it as contradictory in japanese as it is in english?
'run away easy' isn't a phrase in english, but is it a phrase in japanese? Don't they just add 'yukkuri' to EVERYTHING, whether or not it makes sense, much like ~desu?

>No, it's an imperative to the reader to take it easy, go slowly, etc.
That would be telling someone to take it easy, not them taking it easy. What exactly is 'I can't take it easy like this", then?

>> No.1373597

I'm facepalming so hard right now

Why? BECAUSE THE COMIC DOESN'T SAY ANYTHING about how she selects them.

Why do you bother making up pointless theories and get angry when people don't agree?

>> No.1373605

Because >>1373204 didn't understand why there was a test at all.
I'm just saying why there is a test, and possible criteria that are used as examples.

>> No.1373613

In the running away page, the Mother Reimu literally says that she's more cunning than people, that she's the strongest yukkuri, and therefore she must be a yukkuri god

You just KNOW her arrogance will be punished, viciously

>> No.1373615

Because internet

>> No.1373620


>> No.1373628


But there isn't a test to begin with. She has already chosen and that was it. We don't know if she made any differentiation or not. The page in >>1373145 isn't a test, the mother has long decided. Which is why Youmu confronts her and ask how she can be so cruel to her own children. To which she just replies it's all Yuyuko's fault anyway and she had to resort to her last trick - which is crying - to convince Youmu

>> No.1373634


They're all too busy guarding shit.


Actually, I didn't understand what the test criteria was and how the criteria was evaluated. I understood that a test would be a novel approach to sorting the koyukkuri into the two groups, but I wasn't sure what the test would have in it.

>> No.1373638

If she is not choosing at random, there is a test.

>> No.1373656


-We don't know if there was any sort test or not. It's simply not in the comics at all

-The children all look the same anyway. There is nothing to suggest that the "chosen" ones are more fit

Shitty useless theories by retards, for retards

>> No.1373681

I do not mean sometihng necessarily involving the other's participation at all. Something such as the size of the yukkuri to determine who lives and who dies counts as a test.

Since you can obvious understand what is going on, what is the mother saying to her children and youmu, then?

>> No.1373712

Nothing about how she chose them


>> No.1373720

So the answer to the original question is "nothing", then?

>> No.1373730

We'll never be able to understand their biology, it's just magic. However, I am interested in those little villages that are showing up. Do they have any form of economy? Maybe a religion or a political hierarchy?

>> No.1373740

If the original question was "how is she choosing them"

Then no, "nothing" would technically be the wrong answer. The correct answer is we don't fucking know.

She may have chosen by rolling a dice, who cares. It's not discussed in the comics whatsoever.

>> No.1373753
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>> No.1373779

That was from gy 187. It was just deleted and replaced with http://www4.uploader.jp/dl/gy/gy_uljp00192.zip.html . Presumably it's a fix. There's also a JPEG version at http://www4.uploader.jp/dl/gy/gy_uljp00190.zip.html . Download one of those, they probably both work fine. I'm not reposting the whole thing myself.

>> No.1373780


Post = Saged, reported, hidden, and ignored. Enjoy your b& linuxfag.

>> No.1373781


We know...

>> No.1373842

>Is it as contradictory in japanese as it is in english?
Yes, that's why Japanese writers put it in.
>'run away easy' isn't a phrase in english, but is it a phrase in japanese?
No. And really, "Run away easy" would be "Kantan ni nigete ne". "Kantan" is the Japanese word for "Easy" as in "Easy/hard". "Yukkuri nigete ne" is "Run away slowly".

Like I said, "Take it easy" works as a translation for "Yukkuri shite itte ne", but for most other instances of "yukkuri", "easy" isn't really a good translation. We don't use "easy" in the sense of "laid back, relaxing" most of the time.

>What exactly is 'I can't take it easy like this", then?
"Kore ja yukkuri deki nai yo" - "Can't be slow like this"
Japanese phrases usually don't have a pronoun, so it could refer to the speaker or others. But the phrase "Yukkuri shite itte ne"/"Take it easy" implies commanding someone else.

>> No.1373866
File: 36 KB, 640x400, 1222482098361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1373913


How about a compromise.

We recognize that easy and slowly can be used in the situation.

However, take it easy is a term that's used in the Western culture for anyone that wants something to have a more relaxed approach to something else.

We continue to translate it into "take it easy" and use easy, but also allow slowly when it grammatically and logically fits what the yukkuri is trying to say.

This will probably fly with you two like a wingless bird, but hey. It's worth a shot.

>> No.1373918

It's not greedy...it doesn't speak...It's just lazy, and likes to guard things.


>> No.1373948


>> No.1373952

I'm translating it the way I want to...
which is to prefer translations that is as close to the source text as possible over what flows better

munch x 4
so happy!
yu ~
so satified!
mother: take it easy
reimu1: yu...sniff sniff...
reimu1: reimu wants to eat sweet things too...
yu ... x 2

>> No.1373953


>> No.1373956


mother: can't take it easy with just that?
mother: yu ~
mother: food does act like food!
reimu1: yu!
reimu1: sister!
reimu1: help ~
useless ~
reimu2: yu ~
mother: Since she can't be given to yuyuko to eat, you can eat her.
eat easy!
reimu1: die easy!

>> No.1373962


Awesome, thanks!

>> No.1373979

yes, yukkuri take baths. Sometimes. Yes I know they dissolve in water.

We're not talking about difficult/easy.
>We don't use "easy" in the sense of "laid back, relaxing" most of the time.
That's irrelevant, because 'easy' CAN mean that, even if it doesn't mean that frequently.

Also, are you saying that the (western, at least) accepted statement "a yukkuri's goal in life is to take it easy[/slowly]" is not true?

>> No.1374017

Here's proof that Yukkuris' are evil and deserve to suffer!


reimu: If yuyuko becomes suspicious of the fake...
reimu: say that the yukkuri is too noisy, so you sewed up her mouth.
marisa: easy?
marisa: yu...?
youmu: can you really take it easy like this?
youmu: Sacrificing other yukkuri to let you take it easy, can you really take it easy? abandoning your companions...

>> No.1374023

Wrong. A human would do the same.

You just don't want to admit it.

>> No.1374029

Yukkuri dissolve in water, but not immediately, which is the point. A couple of minutes is probably fine.

>> No.1374042


Depends on the size and age.

Young ones are screwed if they are in water that's more then their height deep. But they can be in very shallow water for a bit and enjoy

An adult would have anywhere between 5-10 minutes in water before they couldn't take it easy, if I were to estimate.

>> No.1374054

Since we're bringing up the water issue again, I'm going to repeat an earlier request.

Could someone tell us what happens when a manju is left in water, or out in the rain, or in any other situation that yukkuri have either died from or harmlessly bathed in?

>> No.1374086

I'm hoping for a good ending...
that means the Yukkuris should die horribly after getting her comeuppance.

yukkuri big success!
yu ~
yu ~
box: yukkuri reimu (changed) successfully escaped with her children
mommy ~ are we going to a place where we can take it even easier?
Correct! It's a place where we can take it easy with everyone!
Mommy is amazing! Fooled that stupid human!
Humans are so stupid!

>> No.1374082

humans...at least nearly all of us...have something called morals

>> No.1374094


It's dough. Put it in water and it'll absorb the water and get soggy. If it gets soggy, the membrane of the dough will start to loosen and dissolve. If the water is pouring constantly on the yukkuri (like a sink with the tap on), it'll dissolve faster because the water is hitting the membrane harder and disrupting the cellular structure of the dough more then it would if it was just sitting in unmoving water.

It's kind of like wetting a paper bag. When water hits it, the structure is weakened and ripped apart easily.

They can have fillings in them without breaking apart from the inside because the fillings are either dry (Remirya's meat) or solid and light enough to not be absorbed by the dough disrupt the cellular structure of the dough. (That's how pastries keep their shape.)

They can be in water for a little while no problem because they are magic, and because the water wouldn't absorb enough water to weaken the dough.

>> No.1374138

>They can be in water for a little while no problem because they are magic
Magic doesn't seem to offer them any protection against water beyond their regeneration.

And I meant more like a time thing. Like if you leave a manju in stagnant water for 10 minutes, will anything happen to it from that? If it retains it's shape, what will happen if you grab it with your hand? How long would it take for one to completely fall apart in stagnant water?

>> No.1374165


Magic's an asshole.

It depends, is it in enough water to engulf it entirely? After 10 minutes of that, it would be very squishy and easily crushed by anything putting pressure on it other then you holding it. There might be some tears in the dough as well. Would it dissolve completely? Probably not. But it would be on it's way.

Also, temperature of both water and air would have an effect on the manju.

>> No.1374191
File: 151 KB, 600x503, 1217352498949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, how long could a small manju last in playing like this?

Could you give a manju a bath? I'll post an image of that happening next.

And a summary involving them falling apart. Would they fall apart that easily?

A family of Yukkureimus appears in Anon's porch on a hot midsummer day. The kids find a bucket, and ask what it's for. Anon says that you can put water in it and cool yourself. The kids want to do it. But, don't you swell up and dissolve in water? "Stupid mister!!! Of course we don't!!!" Anon decides to see how things will progress. He puts them all in the bucket and fills it with water. The mother starts spitting water on the kids to cool them down, all the while staring victoriously at Anon because it thought it was right. After 10 minutes, it's still mumbling about what an idiot mister is, but its kids aren't taking it too easy. It tries to take one out, but it comes apart. They all scream. It tries to take a few more out, but they dissolve too. It screams that Anon did something to the water, and this wouldn't happen normally. Anon then suggests that they take a bath in the river. They agree, but upon entering the river, both the mother and the remaining kids start inflating. They finally realize the truth, and plead for help from the smart mister who knew that this would happen to them. It's too late, though, so he leaves them and goes home to eat dinner with his Yuchouli. It states that such idiots only wisen up if they are killed.

>> No.1374202
File: 361 KB, 700x4016, Wild1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, for temperature of the non-bath water, assume room temperature for the stagnant water, and cold for pouring water (rain)

>> No.1374214
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>> No.1374233


It depends on the author/illustrator.

Some make 'em swell instantly, others just let them be fine for 10 minutes or so, others are just outta left field with it.

That picture, one of my favourites, shows the ko's perfectly fine in the shallow water. They'll be fine, and they can get out easily if they feel in danger. Of course, they'd be goners if they fell asleep for a few hours in the tin. They'd still be alive, but they wouldn't be taking it easy and probably rip in two if they tried to jump out.

>> No.1374245

Also, we're probably at auto-sage.

>> No.1374252
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I'm asking about manju though, to get a real world analogy to yukkuri melting in the rain/water bucket.

I know it depends on the author, and that annoys me. I'm the guy constantly bitching about how goddamn inconsistent yukkuri stories are, where you get stuff like yukkuri bathing/playing in the water, AND yukkuri melting in the rain/after soaking for 10 minutes. Then there's the issue I mentioned in the other thread; if yukkuri can be killed by the rain, which is by no means a rare event, how are they possibly still alive?
Yes yes suspension of belief and whatnot. I'm fine with magical heads bouncing around. I'm not fine with them having so many special exceptions.

Anyways. autosage and near image limit. Starting a new thread.

>> No.1374272


>> No.1374275


I guessed that it was you. The way you worded the questions, I think.

The small manju would be soggy on the bottom and would be weak on that point. The water may absorb it's way up higher, but the bottom of the manju would be the weakest point.

Maybe a tear, perhaps some leakage.

>> No.1374951

>We're not talking about difficult/easy.
That's the problem, most people will assume it is. Like in the Tenkoma comic where moku makes the yukkuris climb a dresser to get manju, why would they be saying "easy" when they're having such a hard time? They mean they're going slowly.

>That's irrelevant, because 'easy' CAN mean that, even if it doesn't mean that frequently.
Again, the problem is that most statements where 'yukkuri' is used, the natural thing is 'slowly'.
"Eat slowly, children" vs "Eat easy, children"
"Die slowly" vs "Drop dead easy"
"Melting slowly" vs "Melting easy"
"Go away slowly!" vs "Go away easy!"
Of course, they also sometimes say things that don't make sense in either language, which clouds the issue somewhat.

>what happens when a manju is left in water
Manju has the consistency of sponge cake or bread. Chinese-style manju has a more solid consistency, like pancake. I'm not going to try, but I think it'll swell up and slowly break apart. It's a bit different from the "melting" thing we see, I guess.

I have to go, but I'll translate >>1371630 quickly.
M: "Yu!! Thank you! Alice!"

M: "Marisa wants to get refreshed!"
A: "Eh!?"

A: "It's my first time..."
M: "Yu! I got it!"

"I'm gonna cum-!!"


The rest should be apparent from the images

>> No.1375040

>Again, the problem is that most statements where 'yukkuri' is used, the natural thing is 'slowly'.

>"Eat slowly, children" vs "Eat easy, children"
Do they eat slowly? In >>1371481 I posted something that seems to have gone unread, but again, anyway:


The freely available 大辞泉 at dic.yahoo.co.jp says this:
1 動作が遅いさま。「―(と)腰を上げる」「―(と)話す」

2 時間的にゆとりがあるさま。「今から行けば電車に―間に合う」「一度―お

3 気持ちにゆとりのあるさま。「風呂に入って―する」

I think that *most* of the time, it's the second two definitions being used, not slow.

The 大辞林 at the same link brings these:

[1] 急がないさま。
・ ―(と)立ち上がる
・ ―した口調
[2] 十分ゆとりのあるさま。楽に。
・ どうぞ、ご―して下さい
・ ―間に合う
[3] ゆとりがあって気持ちのよいさま。
・ わが家で―(と)寝る

>"Die slowly" vs "Drop dead easy"
>"Melting slowly" vs "Melting easy"
In these cases, I feel you are right.

>"Go away slowly!" vs "Go away easy!"
Here, easy might not make sense, but it sure sounds better. And slowly wouldn't make sense either.

>> No.1375917

Oh do we?

So if you were in the position where you have to choose one of the two:
1) Your whole family dies.
2) Some random person dies.
Which one would you choose?
