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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 140 KB, 419x700, 1431957364792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13631840 No.13631840 [Reply] [Original]

General original content/drawthread for /jp/sies. You may use this thread to contribute your works or to share ideas related to possible projects. Anything OC is welcomed; including drawings, writings, music, and programming.

Previous thread: >>13451266

>> No.13631894

I wish I had something to contribute, maybe next thread.

>> No.13632021

I drew another horrible currybutt, wanna see it?

>> No.13632034

Sure why not.

>> No.13632067 [SPOILER] 
File: 56 KB, 582x916, 1433974500061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I just gave up with anime faces, there's no way I can do them with the tablet

>> No.13632093

Naice. But why can't you do anime eyes on a tablet?

>> No.13632104
File: 119 KB, 900x619, special massage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remi is digging her nails just hard enough to keep you in the border of pain and pleasure.

>> No.13632107

That's hot

>> No.13632153

She's mostly ugly because of some pretty visible asymmetries in her face.
You should work on this, unless you want to draw ugly people, of course.

>> No.13632226

It's really not that bad. It's just the eyes needing some attention.

>> No.13632251
File: 51 KB, 798x794, asdasdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't.

>> No.13632346


But weird hat, man.

>> No.13633157
File: 327 KB, 582x916, edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I edited your drawing a bit, what do you think?

>> No.13633183
File: 35 KB, 248x274, 13544070250433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13633911 [DELETED] 
File: 3.13 MB, 1382x2073, rockenberg building3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this
I took the photo myself but the vector is not mine

>> No.13634679
File: 53 KB, 798x686, qwqweqewq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nose bridge is the only thing I like in it.

>> No.13634736

where's this without the OP shit on it?

Ringo is alright so i'll need a clean version

>> No.13634802

Iunno man. Maybe it's in one of the draw threads. Perhaps even the last one.

>> No.13635076

It's in the artist's site.

>> No.13635232

I've listened to that one anon and I've been practicing anatomy, so here's a redraw of mine that I did.
nsfw lewd imgur link:


>> No.13635253

Just finished another Ragnarok arrange today


>> No.13635976

I like it.
Is there a link to the image?

>> No.13636166

I photoshopped it to make it wider

>> No.13636721
File: 141 KB, 638x479, crash3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't has much time lately to a more stuff, but here's a sort of demo of how the game runs and plays.

It's just a battle between two AIs. I'll try and get a character selection screen some time soon so you can control a character yourself.


>> No.13637562

>that camera
I think I got motion sickness.

>> No.13638344
File: 129 KB, 600x600, 20150501c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been awhile

>> No.13638791

I'm a source code otaku. I'm gonna need to see some source code.

>> No.13639178

I'm a closed source otaku.

>> No.13639184 [DELETED] 

Here's a song I just finished yesterday:

Made with OpenMPT

>> No.13639252

Interesting, the cheesy 80's sounding synths are quite nice, the cutting of the voice gets a bit annoying after a while though.

>> No.13639456

Just going to link the drawings from the other thread.

>> No.13639589

I think this would be more enjoyable if you didn't over-abuse voice samples. Can you post the tracker file so I can do it myself?

>> No.13639915

Cute links dude.

>> No.13640020 [DELETED] 


>> No.13641175

When are we going to get our shit together and work on a project of some kind?

>> No.13641219

Most probably never.

>> No.13641368

Go to the touhou fangame thread. Or just make your own project and beg people for the stuff you can't do.

>> No.13642583

just tell me what to do

>> No.13642592

I was on a VN project a long time ago. We had an artist, a programmer and a writer, but the writer bailed out.

>> No.13642880

you start something

i'm too scared

>> No.13642945

You're mom

>> No.13643379
File: 291 KB, 1254x1165, nyanteste2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't done much for myself lately...

Here, 55ch's tan drinking up some pinga.

>> No.13643546

it's trashy, I like it

>> No.13643561
File: 91 KB, 724x696, Capture8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VN project
>writer bails out
holy shit that's some A++ initiative right there

Also, how long doe inking/colouring normally take for you guys? Just started and it's easily taking up the better part of a day to do
Just finished this

>> No.13643567

definitely see an improvement, good work!

>> No.13643570

Isn't that exactly what happened with Huniepop?

>> No.13643572

that is an incredibly long time

>> No.13643582

relearn perspective

>> No.13643597
File: 159 KB, 614x691, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished this one today, does it still look like animu/mango?

>> No.13643619

because it's technically profficient in some areas it builds enough confidence that the places that are incorrect seem deliberate and the whole thing gives off an eerie feeling

>> No.13643622

It looks like its eyes are fucked. Also the chin looks misplaced. I think the shoulders may be unequal lengths too.

Besides that though, the hair looks nice and has defined parts. The way you shaded the drawing looks nice, though it looks like its' shaded for detail's sake rather than following light properly but I don't know much about that myself to really judge.

And yeah it's Jap style, what else would it be?

>> No.13643630

>>13643622 again

>>13643619 kind of expresses something I deleted from my post, but "it's drawn well enough that it should be better looking" is a good summary. or "It's good enough to be more harsh when judging it because you can do it, but you did it weirdly there"

>> No.13643639

yeah but I like it

>> No.13644239

never as good as bakashit (´L_ ` )

>> No.13645242
File: 123 KB, 600x800, Stella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a kinda dnb remix of a tune from trickster, though I'm probably the only one who ever played it

>> No.13645254

Drilling was fun for a while, but even the cuteness couldn't hold my attention away from Mabinogi for long. It's okay though, exploration is kind of like drilling and also there are drills.

I don't remember the music, so I can't comment much on the song. It's not bad though.

>> No.13648782

who is bakashit (´L_ ` )

>> No.13649046
File: 327 KB, 742x1200, 50794055_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to write more. I'm never going to compare to my favorite authors if I keep being so lazy.

I often wish I didn't have internet so I wouldn't be so distracted all the time. I want to devote my life to reading and writing, but it's hard when I'm constantly caught up in junk.

>> No.13649099

Do you look forward to something specific in these threads, or are you simply using it as dumping grounds for your contributions while mostly caring only about the replies commenting on said contributions?

Personally I used to anticipate Maggie's drawings here before he stopped coming back, but now it's the latter for me. I ignore other forms of original content other than artwork.

>> No.13649106

i only lurk for latenight

>> No.13649112

Internet is the new Opium.
If that makes you feel better, a lot of people wasted their lives before Internet by doing useless shit.

But yeah, there's the share of people who used their free time to become masters.

I like your thing, but the outline is all over the place. Is this 3D?

>> No.13649191
File: 1.35 MB, 2550x3501, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13649234


I think this is the first picture of Ringo that I have liked.

>> No.13649364

that's one scary stare
you need to put less detail in the shadow parts of her hair, it'll make it less noisy and look better
i come here for other people. if i get replies it's usually disappointing
i'm going to make a wild bet that they didn't draw that

>> No.13649630

I lurk hoping that one of these days I'll come out with a decent /jp/able drawing, but the chances get thinner with time because the more I document myself on art, the more there seems to be stuff to go deep in, and if I have to draw something I try to put in practice what I'm reading of, since a day sadly have only 24 hours

>> No.13649674
File: 18 KB, 640x480, parkinglotbehind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I deicded to add in fillers! Since before you'd sometimes end up with really tall blocks that weren't quite tall enough to subdivide into two blocks, so I'd have to stretch the yards to be like twice as tall as they should be which looked silly. Anyway, here's what I did for urban areas. I added in parking lots!

>> No.13649724
File: 15 KB, 640x480, parkinglotinfront.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a frontal parking lot. I actually had to put in a lot of effort to have block-fillers in front of houses despite it being something that should've been utterly trivial to implement.

The problem was that a bunch of stuff with yard placement was actually broken, but it was broken/off in so many ways that all the brokenness offset each other and cancelled out, leaving it with things that are in the right place, but only in the situation it was in before. When I tried changing things all hell broke loose though... but after hours or debugging I managed to fix all the brokenness and now everything is right.

>> No.13649772
File: 37 KB, 640x480, nighttime park filler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a park filler, which I used for the residential neighborhoods.

I'm not entirely sure how I want to handle time still.

Right now it just slowly passes, but there's not really a concept of a day in terms of the user. NPCs do follow a schedule (kinda, half-implemented) where they'll go to certain places during certain times, but the player's just always free to wander around.

Should I have the game only allow you to play, say, during the afternoon? But then you can't creep around at night... or during recess/lunch....

Should I make the player have a "job" which just follows a schedule and sucks up, say, 8-4 Mon-Fri, or noon-8pm Tue-Sat or whatever, and if you get within 10 minutes of those times it just hits a cutscene (just a black screen probably) and increases your player's money by X?

I guess that could just be optional, since once you get your cp empire growing you won't need a dayjob so you'll have your entire day to kidnap lolis.

Although there's still sleep... I guess I could just have an awakeness meter and if it goes below like 50% you'll move slow/suffer penalties, and if it gets to 0% you'll just pass out and sleep forcefully?

>> No.13649777

I like thoughtful details like this.

>> No.13649801

These parking lots make me wonder about adult NPCs.
Will there be adults around? They will all shun the MC and never dialogue with him, or something, to avoid losing focus?

>> No.13649839
File: 2.18 MB, 620x453, shot at.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The cops will mostly just be there to alert the police if they see him kidnapping children. At least for now. I don't plan on allowing the player to talk to them, or if it is it'll be an incredibly simple dialogue graph.

There's already cops around as you can see form this gif.


Thanks! Any other suggestions?

>> No.13649853
File: 1.03 MB, 1912x2364, kitty cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for not owning a scaner
I drew this one for my niece, she is an angel and really likes ''the kitty cat from the game that uncle plays''

>> No.13649858

Thats pretty adorable dude. Your picture seems like it would be from a horror movie about a child's drawing though

>> No.13649876
File: 630 KB, 1365x1806, Magik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what I'm doing with this

>> No.13649892

Hmm... I don't know. Are there schools in the game already? I bet that's the first thing you thought of, though.

>> No.13649906
File: 263 KB, 1677x1258, kitty cat 150%.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really draw often but I drew it in a colourfull way because she is just a little girl that likes happy and colourfull things, you could say she even drew something for me, so there you go, adding an extra to make up for my poor quality

>> No.13649918
File: 5 KB, 512x320, school.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, there are schools. They just sit there and lolis will walk towards them if it's during school hours. Then they just stand at the entrance until it's time to leave.

>> No.13649920

Yeah, I know about the cops, but will there be adult civilians?

How sweet! The biggest problem I see are the tails done all randomly and siamese.
Next time, draw together. You make the head, she adds the ears/hat, things like that.

Yeah, she's pretty off-balance. I really like the legs, but I'm afraid the extended one must be reposed.

>> No.13649929

that extra was drawn by her, now something cute to balance with the nightmare inducing one, also imagine that heart as a damaku

>> No.13649964


Oops. I meant to type
>The adults will mostly just be there to alert the police if they see him kidnapping children. At least for now.
instead of
>The cops will mostly just be there to alert the police if they see him kidnapping children. At least for now.

My mistake, sorry. So yes there will be adults. I was talking about adults in that post, not cops.

>> No.13649980

I have a feeling that, in the future, the beta for this game will come out and a week later some niwaka asshole will write a sensationalist article for VICE Motherboard about it.

I can even see the title right now, "4chan Just Made a Minecraft For Raping Children."

I'm scared. This board will probably not last the normalfag typhoon.

>> No.13650003
File: 5 KB, 280x160, nekomimi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sure they wouldn't come to /jp/. I just post progress here mostly. The only permanent place I have is /agdg/ on haetchan, but I post more on here and on /vg/'s Amateur Game Dev Generals >>>/vg/106406915 than on there.

And because it's not based on any real-life events I'm sure it won't attract the media attention that V-Tech Rampage, Super Columbine Massacre RPG, or The Slaying of Sandy Hook Elementary got. Plus the dev of V-Tech rampage sent his game to kotaku to try and get attention, whereas I just want to release this anonymously for the benefit of lolicons interested in playing it, rather than for attention from the media.

What does /jp/ think of neko lolis? If I add in head/hair accessories I'll add in cat ears too I guess.

>> No.13650020

I'm sorry, I'm just a pessimist. There's a lot of Tipper Gores on the internet who want to enforce right-wing and left-wing political correctness. Raping children, even when it's just pixels on a screen, offends right-wingers who want to stamp out degeneracy and left-wingers who think that games about rape will cause people to rape.

This will be my last post. Remember that both sides of the political spectrum, SJWs and anti-SJWs want us in prison or worse.

>> No.13650024
File: 474 KB, 600x674, why this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cat girls are to be pet and hugged, please don't don't do it

>> No.13650035

If anyone who browsed 4chan actually cared about they'd have jumped on any of the rape or training games discussed daily by /hgg/ years ago.

>> No.13650041

In the end I still think anon should publish his game, even if there is a threat of social mob we should not let a hypothetical threat scare us into complacency. Plus I kind of want to see the inevitable mod where there is a glorious picture-in-picture demonstration of the rape when dialogue is initiated

I'm sorry but nekomimi are like elves, they are made for raping.

>> No.13650042


Oh wow hes back with all his circus of cunts.
>lol normalfag storm lol vice articles
you're the ones bringing what is going to be not a storm but a persistent breeze that causes grave pneumonia after months of exposition on yourselves, with something that is a macabre parody of innocent erotica.

you guys are the anthitesis of what you think you are.

>> No.13650050

Who the HECK are you quoting?

>> No.13650051
File: 211 KB, 700x1119, why this faggotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes anon, it isn't right to produce a game that promotes rape done on loli characters, and it should be fucking killed before it breeds, if anything this is /b/ worthy shit or even worse, I will hopefully he will get banned, we just need to work together on this one

>> No.13650055

You guys know it's going to be even worse when lolidev gets checked and his actual pic collection of little girls is found on his PC?

>> No.13650056
File: 28 KB, 640x480, paulina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's okay, we probably belong in prison, or dead.

Anyway, back on topic, with regard to time skipping/time progression you have to also think about loli breeding.

Breeding takes up a long period of time. 9 months for an ideal pregnancy, then you have to wait like 12 years for the loli to reach breedable age. At least if I want to follow realism. Then all your other lolis will be really old. Maybe some kind of time-progression chamber you can send only the lolis you want into?

Should I just keep it how it is, and allow a "skip x years/months" button if players want to use it, and have them accept that it will age their other lolis (and possibly the player) as well. If so, should the player be immortal/unaging? Or should he die of old age? Should the player be able to continue the game as one of the player's sons? (If I allow birthing of shotas as well as lolis - right now everyone is a loli even if they have XY chromosomes).


What about for breeding? And I was thinking of just cat ear headbands / cat tail buttplugs/decorations, not real genetic cat girls. I don't want to have to code in inter-species breeding somehow... then people will want all kinds of monster lolis, which will just expand the scope way too much. Plus muh realism and stuff.

And yes before anyone points out I know about gendered surnames in Polish as well now, I just don't want to take a new screenshot.


Man, I just want to make a game about raping and kidnapping little girls. It's everyone else that keeps bringing up other shit.

>> No.13650057

Um, no. Rape is the glue that bonds all /jp/ers together.

>> No.13650063
File: 53 KB, 434x426, rotate out of jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your fucking asshole will get raped by 9 dicks, with another 100 to follow, so shut the fuck up about your idiotic idea, from top to the bottom or at least get the fuck out of my comfy and yukkuri /jp/

>> No.13650066

The entire point of "yukkuri," as in, "taking it easy," is that you ignore shit you don't like and let people enjoy shit that they do like.

>> No.13650072

Chen is not for raping!

>> No.13650075

I don't want silly excuses like time chambers!
Skipping is a good idea. It will probably make some people regret their decision, for letting their former favorites be ruined in exchange for a bland loli they thought would be great.

But such is life, decisions affect things. This is what a simulator is about.

Stop posting non-original content in here.

>> No.13650077

>Maybe some kind of time-progression chamber you can send only the lolis you want into?
Sounds breddy gud. If there's a money system in the game, being able to purchase the time-progression chamber would be equivalent to beating the game I guess. The loli rape version of unlocking noclip.

>And I was thinking of just cat ear headbands / cat tail buttplugs/decorations,
that sounds about as far as people would care, it's not like rendering monster girls in faux 8-bit graphics would be satisfactory anyway.

>> No.13650084

Heart warming dude

>> No.13650098
File: 869 KB, 900x1260, yukkuri yakumo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also what the fuck is with that spoiler dude?

>> No.13651592
File: 29 KB, 1200x800, Shia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haruka amami from idolmaster drwn in this pose or like this video, it could be awesome

>> No.13651595


like ths video i mean, sorry

>> No.13651602


Eh, I always pictured Ringo a bit on the chubby side, but she still looks nice.

>> No.13652032
File: 147 KB, 823x960, orange world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Answer this please?

>> No.13652088
File: 70 KB, 508x688, kate3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am still around though. I just lurk.

>> No.13652099

Good to hear you are still alive.
>I just lurk.
I will still continue look forward to seeing whatever sketches and doodles you might dump, be it full of fetishes or not.

>> No.13652116

midget fetish is the worst fetish.

>> No.13652131

how do you make your lines so smooth?

>> No.13652210

Well glad to see you're still alive.
probably the other supposedly dead drawfags still lurk silently as well

>> No.13652566
File: 89 KB, 800x600, wimg_00286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, my daughter also drew a couple 2hus back in the day.

You mean you can enter schools and they will just be there, standing? Put a cop at the entrance and forbid the character from entering, so it becomes just an observation site.

Will lolis socialize around in the streets, or just go home? Form groups? There could be stuff like playgrounds or something.

>> No.13653404
File: 34 KB, 640x480, walk to park on schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh. In Polish apparently it's *ska for girls and *ski for guys.

And in the picture her name is Paulina Wisnewski, and the other time I posted that image some Polish anons complained, but then one said that he had a *ska name despite being a guy, since his mom emigrated from Poland and he got his mom's name.


Right now the schools have no interior so the lolis just go to the entrance and stand there. Same with parks if it's after school but not time to head home yet.

So basically it goes:
schooltime ? go to school
after school ? go to park (pic related - yes I know the entrance is 1 tile off)

Later on I'll make the lolis go home when it's dinnertime and stuff. And obviously when they're at the park I'll make them play very simple games with each other instead of just stand at the park entrance like they do now...

How old exactly are you/your daughter and does your wife know that you like little girls? Or were you just interested in the project but aren't a lolicon?

>> No.13653562

That's not a kid drawing, stop lying

>> No.13654101

That city's one hell of a melting pot for it to have qt 3.14 lolis of all nationalities...

>> No.13655713
File: 48 KB, 150x150, 1430587000835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a project I did for school a while back


it's pretty flawed, but I didn't spend a boat load of time on it

also the html5 player may have fucked it a bit

>> No.13655760

Crashed my browser but then I don't update it anymore.

>> No.13655797

html5 man

>> No.13655857

It said something like "Web Audio API is not supported."

>> No.13655893
File: 18 KB, 400x317, NJHdc8R[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just upload it


>> No.13656017

Who in their right mind would use WASD as a control scheme for a PC STG? It's arrow keys for movement, ZXC for input.

>> No.13656037

ZXS is the stupidest fucking control scheme as it effectively fucks over half the world's keyboards

>> No.13656082

But it works for Japanese and Americans, the only ones in places that matter.

>> No.13656125

>Relevant after 2001
Jokes aside, it's still horrible from a design standpoint. The japanese have a good reason to use it — they don't plan on conquering foreign markets.
But the english-speaking market is much smaller for such things, and no sane dev would cut it in half by using an arbitrary control scheme like that.

>> No.13656132

But seriously, who the fuck ever uses . and / for anything? How is that better than ZXC? WASD is bad too, not only because they're out of alignment and WASD class controls are good for for mouse games only, but because ESDF is more comfortable if you're going to hit shift at the same time. Maybe even SERG.

>> No.13656151

ISO-crippled Shift keys fuck over half the world's keyboards just by existing.

>> No.13656259

Honestly, the only solution is highly customizable controlls. Whatever option someone picks is gonna end up fucking someone over.
I personally use wasd for movement and h+u+i+space for commands, and I fully admit to that being asinine. But it works for me, and I can rarely use it due to smaller devs not thinking customizable controlls are important.

>> No.13656302

At least that's a grace of the download version: The player will let you rebind keys.

The diamonds' shots colliding with each other is really strange. Seems like something that would happen in Exception.

>> No.13656503

Who says my daughter is a kid? :^)

>> No.13656597
File: 108 KB, 1368x3196, preview_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have advice on modeling hair? So far I have been making polygon shapes that come out and then I plan to snap the final verts back to the original point (the white lines in the middle image)

Is this how people usually do it? I still have difficulties making 3D people.

>> No.13656602
File: 278 KB, 1455x2391, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This was the image I meant to use.

>> No.13656636

Try asking >>>/3/

>> No.13656764
File: 45 KB, 370x559, acs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13656770


Wow you improved a lot since I last remember.

>> No.13656779

do you have a tumblr/pixiv?

>> No.13657068

Why is it even a problem? Just let the user remap

>> No.13657204

It plays like flying on ice.

>> No.13657213

Well, I made I was kind of going for a Darius Gaiden sort of control scheme.

I also chose WASD so you could use shift as a slowdown(which I may have forgotten to mention), and I felt this is the most comfortable option (for me at least).

but yes, remap-able controls would be nice, and I believe you can change them in the startup screen

Yeah, The shots from the diamonds still have ridgedbodys.
I thought It was pretty funny to watch them bounce off of each other and the environment, so I left it

>> No.13657229

what the fuck is my sentence structure
**Well, I was going for a sort of Darius Gaiden control scheme

Yeah, I went a tad overboard on the gliding aspect

>> No.13657383
File: 359 KB, 1470x1080, tetram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beep beep

>> No.13657750
File: 44 KB, 800x600, wimg_00116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very cool. The shadow blew it, though, Those aliased edges are fucking disgusting.

My daughter was 7 or 8 by then, I teach her how to draw since, I don't know... 3?
If you notice the Marisa drawing, there's a "realistically shaded" hand she attempt to do.

She's 11 nowadays, I'm about to buy her a tablet and teach some digital painting.

I'd never take action on real little girls, specially my daughter. My wife doesn't know, but she doesn't don't know either. I mean, she's familiar with the world of weebs, so doujins and the loli/kawaii culture are kinda part of the package.

This one is about one year older, for comparison.

Don't like the hovering, I'd make the ship horizontally smaller and vertically faster.

>> No.13657862


>> No.13657988

Favorited and followed, thanks dude.

>> No.13658058

Anyway, cool stuff.

>> No.13659820
File: 449 KB, 830x720, 1391923102759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/3/ are a bunch of Zbrush elitists, you won't get much from them. Here are the only decent threads related to similar development:

Having extended polygons as bangs is one way to do it.

>> No.13659852

Get off /jp mum!

>> No.13659909


Oh I see. and yeah I never made a thread there because they all seem to be real into 3D high poly stuff. I didn't think to just make an alpha layer like that image but I eventually got something that should work considering what I intend. I've been trying to keep them around 3K-5K like PS2 era stuff for the sake of not going too far in terms of low poly. I think when there aren't enough polygons it makes moving the character hard and prone to deforming.

>> No.13660279
File: 82 KB, 673x800, 0856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13660537


>> No.13660677

Good render but the hand is hella wrongly done (and the overall anatomy actually, the arm isn't any better).

>> No.13660711
File: 165 KB, 925x806, 736b604318e14253cd33ccfce09e5794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ehhhh whatever

>> No.13660770


>> No.13661157

Fran plz.

>> No.13661163

Cute as fug

>> No.13661197
File: 738 KB, 964x566, to the top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda seems like I'm the only music bro in here
Anyway have some trance/dnb


>> No.13661201


>> No.13661240

Not asymmetries, but inconsistencies. Whilst her lips and nose indicate an upturned face, her glasses and eyes seem to look straight at the viewer instead, among other things.

Also I don't like those eyes, the level of abstraction feels like a mismatch with your other features, but that's just a personal opinion.

>> No.13661566
File: 113 KB, 600x812, cherry orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not alone, this one is calm but I make a lot of electronic tracks as well

I don't post often on soundcloud and I don't want to jew for youtube hits unless someone asks

>> No.13661601

Cool man, followed and subbed and stuff, I have been using my youtube channel more lately,
I actually prefer it over jewcloud, they don't really offer anything youtube doesn't and only what, 200minutes of upload time before you either have to go pro or make a new account.
You could argue that the music is higher quality because wav>mp3 but that's about it

>> No.13661613 [SPOILER] 
File: 329 KB, 1000x1000, 1434574163890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your style is great and all of it sounds professional melody wise, but the drums could use a bit of compression and individual volume adjustment on the toms part, very enjoyable listen non the less, what software do you work on?

>> No.13661621
File: 108 KB, 900x725, whistle baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could make some collab together depending on you, I've been slacking lately and got a project that would need ideas to be done, as they say, you need another pair of ears to make music sound decent.

>> No.13661637

Thanks, I use fl studio & adobe audition.
The drums vst is ez drummer which isn't really suited to the style of music I was making, I doubled up the kick and snare with vengeance but not the toms or hats, I might be better off replacing each piece of the kit next time

I'm interested in anything really but I've never done a collab before, minus one remix I did for a friend

>> No.13661647 [DELETED] 

If you have a youtube I will PM you

>> No.13661665
File: 89 KB, 600x600, hello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check your youtube notifications

>> No.13662145

"L-looking for Baal?"

>> No.13662933

I can;t log into my soundcloud any more, but I updated one of my old songs to be mainstream


>> No.13663245
File: 173 KB, 550x790, sketch_home_caryatid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13664390 [DELETED] 

Why don't you both fuck off away with this ugly shit?

>> No.13664395

Circlejerk as ever in this thread. Oh hold up, let me go ask for that other artists pixiv cuz he the only one worthy of my reply.

>> No.13664396


Can I get yo pixiv man?

>> No.13664412

Dude, I really don't want to be insulting, but you need to rework that intro one way or another.
I couldn't really go much past it as it literally made me biologically sick.
I didn't know music can do that to someone.

>> No.13664413

they both seem to have the basics down
and beauty as subject of art has been done so many times, homeliness can be refreshing

and >>13663245 is reminiscent of some fauvism painter whose name i fogot

>> No.13664423

actually, i think it resembles more some style used in church stained windows

>> No.13664583 [DELETED] 

Oh please, they are both fucking atrocious, I don't even know which one suck more.
are you afraid that they'll go away and stop posting crap if someone tells them the truth?
or its some kind of hypocrisy to feel better with yourself letting them post shitty art? get the fuck off my board normies

>> No.13664611

i like both of their art. at least they're contributing while you're just shitposting

>> No.13664690

>or its some kind of hypocrisy to feel better with yourself
>get the fuck off my board normies
Get a hold of this guy
You're trying too hard, you need to work on being more subtle in the future and then you should be able to piss off more people.

>> No.13664698 [DELETED] 

As much as I hate some of the really ugly shit people post here, I can't speak out against it because the last time I did I got banned. I literally can only kiss ass or hide the posts and ignore it, and the latter is what I've been doing so far.

>> No.13664855

Great job there. Eyespots on the caterpillar girl's hair are especially cute.

There's a chapter in Franken Fran where the titular character turns a girl into a caterpillar monster to help her recover from a near-fatal injury.

Long story short, she matures into a bug woman, eats her boyfriend and joins Fran's entourage.

>> No.13664896


>> No.13664906
File: 1.02 MB, 400x386, ReimuSip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, they might be ugly but first fucking thing you're doing wrong is responding in any way to it, while instead you could just take it easy, laugh and carry on posting your own OC, without simply moaning like a faggot.

>> No.13664922

Don't call me a faggot.

>> No.13664948 [DELETED] 

Don't act like one.

>> No.13664952

Don't tell me what to do.

>> No.13664975 [SPOILER] 
File: 47 KB, 377x378, 1434647010741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then for fuck sakes, stop acting like one again by being unable to read with understanding.
''Like a faggot'' doesn't specify that you are a faggot, but that you're acting like one. Unless you moan all the time, then again, stop shitposting.

>> No.13664982

Don't reply to my post twice.

>> No.13665069
File: 60 KB, 229x173, 1433061193053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go and eat a bag of dicks faggot

>> No.13665074

Don't shitpost.

>> No.13665101
File: 4 KB, 303x39, a header.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spoiler, so people besides you don't have to read this
they need your self-moderation over there, the more autism, the more respect, you'll fit right BACK in, pic related
leave and stop stirring up unnecessary shitposting in the OC thread where it's least needed

>> No.13665102

You're the one who keeps shitposting.

>> No.13665336
File: 1.09 MB, 1500x1390, wow such wolfe ver2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems so obvious

>> No.13666718

There are pads, but the overall soundscape still doesn't sound that full. You're missing a lot on the high shelf, and the middle frequencies are way higher than everything else. Some more pump on the beats would do it good, maybe you can achieve that by making the volume drop very fast after a beat, inserting some silence. I dunno.

Mixing is... strange. Widen up those strings/keys/whatever.
The singing is pretty cool (not my cup of tea, but really well sung) and the music has a nice structure. The violin competes TOO MUCH with the voice, specially during the rap. Maybe by widening it you can already solve it, but if push comes to shove, you can always pan them a bit.


This is incredibly loud, but I like it. I may be biased by the fact that I owned a Gameboy, but yeah, this sounds pretty dark. You don't seem to be making much effort on melodic/structural decisions, but the work has a solid soundscape, keep exploring it! Would love to see a melodic piece with this atmosphere.

I have always criticized melting-chan without a single ban/delete, and he's actually trying to improve. If you want to criticize the ugly shit you see here, try doing so while offering good solutions. I bet you won't be hammered.

I wish I had something to post as well, but I have only been doing commissions lately.

>> No.13666945

>I have only been doing commissions lately
meaning you get paid fr your shitty drawings?
of the people that posts here, no one could accomplish that without tracing or taking requests from mentally impaired and bling people

>> No.13667189

>taking requests from mentally impaired and bling people
The vast majority of people commissioning things are that. Any of your shitty drawings could make money. People who don't draw and aren't companies don't have a high bar.

>> No.13668330

getting comissions is more about being popular than being good

>> No.13669331
File: 149 KB, 1278x982, tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a tree in Maya.
It's my first 3D model.

>> No.13669408

Snowman with a silly hat

>> No.13669426

Is that supposed to be a dildo?

>> No.13669673

so you like it steady but thick?

>> No.13669793
File: 651 KB, 1035x756, ccccccccccccc.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also made something that doesn't make any sense.
Maybe it's a magical book?

>> No.13669888

How much do you charge for commission and post example please
I need someone to draw a 2hu for an album cover

>> No.13670031
File: 994 KB, 2000x2000, heaventeatime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My anime girls are not very cute, and I don't think we should treat this thread as a marketplace.

But hey, why don't you post your stuff here? I might give it a try if I like the project. We can take it easy and discuss the details as the OC thread goes on, if you're not in a hurry. Here is something recent from me.

Even though I think my art is way better than a lot of what I see being commissioned, people don't actually pay me for it, because I don't pander enough to any demographic (which is key to sell).
The commissions I'm taking are all ordered to my work partner, with me being like an art assistant in the process, doubling efficiency. I do all the behind the curtains stuff, like conceptual sketches, thumbs, colorization/layer organization, some mail-sending and the likes.

>> No.13670055

more like a book selected by a 1990's user interface cursor

>> No.13670082

Do you do it full time?

>> No.13670109
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, marisellen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Pretty fun, if you ask me. We started a month ago, and soon we'll have our start-up investment covered (I won't give you the numbers) and be able to lower the workload so we can get some personal projects done.

Also here's another piece by me, previously posted on the OCTs. Let's see what album anon says.

>> No.13670201

Finally got another batch of tracks done


>> No.13670614

That ring looks like something out of a Saturn/Playstation/N64 era game.

>> No.13670631
File: 79 KB, 434x800, 0857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13670645
File: 444 KB, 490x480, 1414961702972.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13671366

This looks less like a Dildo, but much cooler. Good job

>> No.13671569

>my art is better than a lot
the ones you posted are yours? I seriously hope you're fucking joking friendo, because if you think that those are remotely past an halfassed doodle you'll make laughing stock of yourself
christ how much far from reality do you live?

>> No.13671776
File: 206 KB, 1080x720, squid_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's scary using saturated colours, so I tried to challenge myself. But I think I went a little overboard.

>> No.13673697
File: 204 KB, 1080x720, SPLATATATATATATA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you think /ic/ has taught you everything about working with art, but I'm making money with my subpar skills nevertheless. I have a huge way to go, but I stand on the ground that my stuff is not as bad as a lot of things that actually get commissioned. You are the one probably not tuned with how art communities are ran nowadays. If you are more skilled than I and still can't get any work, you should experiment new approaches.

Good luck!

I would say you didn't go overboard enough. Here, have some tasty saturation and a bit more of contrast.

Cute drawing by the way, I just miss some sharp corners, some bits of the linework look oversmoothened.

Maybe decreasing your minimum brush size can help.

>> No.13674682

Wait is this unlike the other boards and no requests?
If so then can I post an idea?

A reenactment of either cruel Imperial Japan or evil Britain and Europe colonizing poor defenseless Taiwan or Africa but shown in the light of /a/mgg colonizing and dominating /jp/ whether they like it or not.
I'm not from here but I want them to go to /d/

>> No.13674893

/jp/ frowns on requests. Just look at /a/, where it's all porn requests or 'draw my waifu'(and how little actual creation is done there).

>> No.13675491
File: 117 KB, 620x453, inventory.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I started work on an inventory/menu.

I guess I should get some images for the items.

I'm not sure how I should handle item duplicates.

Originally I was going to have every item be its own thing so I could have things like item wear and such, but I guess I should allow stacking?

Or at least on items that don't have wear/limited uses.

Although I can't really think of much here that I could do that wouldn't be either single-use or infinite use out of the items there.

Actually maybe I should just remove the idea of wear/uses/other uniqueness entirely?

What do you think, /jp/?

>> No.13676526

Wow, thank you so much for the feedback, anon! Didn't check the thread for a while, duly noted. I'll try and keep the brush size larger!

>> No.13676629

Stack and make stuff like ropes or bandages single-use.
Stuff like bottles can change stacks:
>9 Empty Bottle / 1 Water bottle
>8 Empty Bottle / 2 Water bottle

Also try to develop an inventory for the lolis, so they can store items given to them and then give them back when needed.

The brush size is fine, it's just the minimum pressure size, make it go from 0 to 100% instead of the current config of about 30-100% or 50-100%.

>> No.13677096 [DELETED] 

>I made fifty bucks with my shitty art, now I can lecture people online!
you're on the thin line between ridicolous and tragic
also fuck off back to /v/
also good job giving advice when you're less than an amateur yourself.

>> No.13677274

What's the version number up to now?

>> No.13679400
File: 167 KB, 500x800, sketch_tourism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13679483
File: 120 KB, 640x480, genocide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't increment it. I just arbitrarily put 0.1 for that one demo I released. I guess the next time I make one it'll be 0.2 or 0.1.1 or something until i feel the game is done then it's 1.0


I'll give the lolis an inventory next week.

>> No.13679518


>> No.13679547

Is that how you blanda upp?

>> No.13679706

Okay I think I'll actually work on things related to hunger/thirst/bladders/tiredness/etc because someone linked a formula for calculating a child's expected bladder size based on the age of the child ( https://www.brennerchildrens.org/Pediatric-Urology/HPT/How-Much-Should-a-Bladder-Hold.htm ) since we were wondering how many full 4yo bladders of loli pee someone could drink.

So I guess I'll try and aim for:
-lolis having hunger/thirst that actually go down/up depending on time/food/water
-the need for lolis to pee (if no toilet they'll wet themselves when their bladder is full I guess)

I guess for the lolis peeing I could simply create a yellow oval on the ground around them, but that might look weird since it could go through walls and such. Then I thought about creating it as a set of points that expands outward so that two pools could join and such, and would stop at walls. Maybe I should research fluid spreading or something first, or I could just have it try and move all points outward along their initial velocity and stop when they hit a wall, and if any points can't move (because walll) then move the other points to compensate to keep the pool's volume correct.

Any other ways I can use a semi-accurate loli bladder volume in ml? It might sound weird in text like "Little Annie can't hold it any longer and lets out 127ml of pee onto her sheets while looking embarrassed.".

You guys seem like loli pee aficionados so maybe you could give me some input.

>> No.13679749

Tibia had three stages of fluids spilled on the ground: full-pool, medium and vanishing. That's more simple, I think, but if you develop the hydraulics for collision and conjoining, that'd be pretty cool.

Are you sure we should be informed the exact volume of pee? Shouldn't we just know there has been pee and see the stains or be warned about the smell?

Also shouldn't the times be rethought because of the game not being scaled 1:1 to real life? Maybe one piss a day would be enough trouble for the player to take care of.

If you absolutely need to know, try looking at some diaper advertisements, they probably give you estimates about absorption and that's probably accompanied by the average volume for a baby/toddler.

Then drink lots of water, hold up for about 12 hours and measure your own pee to know how much is too much.

>> No.13679765

>Also shouldn't the times be rethought because of the game not being scaled 1:1 to real life? Maybe one piss a day would be enough trouble for the player to take care of.

Well ideally you'd be a good kidnapper and you'd provide your lolis with a toilet.

>Are you sure we should be informed the exact volume of pee? Shouldn't we just know there has been pee and see the stains or be warned about the smell?

Well the volume would affect how big the pools are. Plus I kind of have a thing for stats like that so maybe I could find a menu screen to put it like "Bladder: 56 / 243 ml" instead of just as a percent.

>> No.13680350

Why not just have the cell become dirtier over time if its not clean and pee is one of the contributors? You don't have to get into piss and scat, just describe the smells and fill it full of dirty looking objects as it becomes more of a cesspit. the amount of urine at a time just contributes its value into some overall dirtiness value. Like 10 ml = 1 point or something.

>> No.13680388


Because I want to be able to see a loli wet her panties when she can't hold it in anymore, and because the dynamic puddles sounds fun to code.

>> No.13680433

You can barely see those sprites, let alone see them do anything.

>> No.13684563

We should stop making oc threads.

>> No.13684701

You should stop posting in them.

>> No.13684726

simply get the fuck out

>> No.13686188
File: 38 KB, 600x800, New canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew something

>> No.13686212


I like it

>> No.13686366
File: 43 KB, 981x887, chen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you like it

>> No.13686459

2 edgy 4 me

>> No.13688157
File: 40 KB, 795x819, bladder code.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/, did I do well?

>> No.13688177

Which IDE is that, Lightbox or whatever it was called?

I cant comment on your code because I'm terrible at programming, sorry.

>> No.13688186
File: 9 KB, 779x149, bladderCapacity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't forget bladder capacity...

I think by the end of the night (2 hours?) I'll hopefully have lolis peeing themselves I guess.


It's Visual Studio 2012's dark theme.

>> No.13688589
File: 1.34 MB, 620x453, pantywetting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I said I'd do it...

>> No.13688597

That's a lot of piss. They're gonna flood the room at that rate.

>> No.13688604


I think it's a bug. They seem to pee forever, when they should stop once their bladder empties...

I wonder if I'm not removing enough urine from the bladder somehow. The code looks like it should work, and when I step through it seems to remove it...

Maybe I just put too much urine in their bladders!

>> No.13688632
File: 1.24 MB, 620x453, more peeing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hmm. Apparently they don't pee forever, I just thought they did.

As you can see, the 5yo girl has a smaller bladder so she pees less, and her flow-rate is also lower.

>> No.13688670


Did you program all of this from scratch or are you using an engine or what?

>> No.13688677

It's clearly those pillars from EoSD stage 3

>> No.13688681
File: 2.90 MB, 620x453, pig slaughter2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm using SFML for rendering sprites (and keyboard input + windowing, but I wrote wrappers around the input and stuff anyway).

The rest is written from scratch. (ie entity management, collision detection, physics, level handling, etc)

>> No.13689415

quick i need a 2hu ramadhan themed idea to draw

>> No.13689422
File: 176 KB, 480x640, 120214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, nice catch.
I drew them once upon a time because I couldn't ass myself into a proper background..

>> No.13689457

Use Ichirin for it as usual.

>> No.13689484
File: 103 KB, 395x415, こわい.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I thought for my latet try-at-nothing, I would read up on proper unicode support...

>> No.13689617

Damn, I'm caught!

>> No.13689833
File: 1.47 MB, 1600x1200, KOMATITS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe influenced by j2a.

>> No.13693093

this thread was doomed from the start

>> No.13694286

deader than dead.

>> No.13694337
File: 32 KB, 640x480, pee fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made loli pee depend on the urobilin content of the urine!

And also fixed up the sizes, so now it's actually accurate in volume/size since i wasn't converting from cm to pixels and some other shit before.

>> No.13694354

I haven't seen many games as autistically complex as this game.

>> No.13694357

that's a horrible 'if' jungle

>> No.13694394


>> No.13694431

Will I get bullied for posting about GameMaker?

>> No.13694501

Only one way to find out.


>> No.13694520
File: 23 KB, 407x370, temp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13694677

So, trying to draw a fucking pineapple I got frustrated, pushed a little bit the tablet pen and the tip got smushed
it started reading the movements wonky, so I opened the goddamn fucking pen
and it basically dismantled in my hand
fuck digital shit bitch jesus christ fuck god bitch whore shit fuck in the ass of fucking baby jesus fucking pig sucking dicks in a nigger brothel with aids

>> No.13694718

Oh shit! Is it repairable?

>> No.13694730
File: 274 KB, 861x565, beatricebattlercomic panel1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to make a dumb little comic with Beatrice and Battler but I'm not gonna finish it because I have other things I should be doing.

>> No.13694774
File: 71 KB, 488x750, act.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13694845

Finally! Good art. Nice.

>> No.13695022


Are you the same Anon who posted about me not using a switch on both 8c's /adgd/ and AGDG? You do realize that you can't put a switch over a range without listing every value, right? (and good luck for the float one).

You could, alternatively keep some kind of structure like a range lookup table or something, but that's going to use extra storage just to avoid a couple ifs. That could be a better idea for if you had lots of data potentially to clean up the logic, but would you honestly do that in this situation?

>> No.13695041

>good art

>> No.13695546

Holy shit, dude! Now their diet will influence their pee color? I love you!

This dialogue gets me reversing my thoughts by each sentence. I like the drawing, but the contrast between her smooth hair and wonky, square dress lineart is bothersome.

Serves you well. The only thing I hate more than dogs barking nonstop is immature people yelling at or hitting objects.

Oh boy, feels like we're in the 00s.

Really nice, anon. I can't nitpick a single thing to help. Oh, maybe the letters not following the torso's volume. Liquify might come in handy.

>> No.13695951

Please do not sexualize little Sasami-chan

>> No.13696051
File: 329 KB, 918x832, 383eb7dc905d95e2cf7901491f7abf2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you seriously just trace over miwool's momiji? He posts here, you know.

>> No.13696052

You are literally the Dwarf Fortress of loli sims.
I fucking love you.

>> No.13696116


Well right now all that changes it is how much water she drinks. More dehydrated = higher ratio of urobilin : water in the urine.
I have no way in the game yet of making your lolis drink water though, so they'll just always be dehydrated and have dark yellow pee. Maybe by the end of the week I'll have some ways to feed your lolis food/drink.

Should I work on food/drink tonight? Or adult NPCs that patrol the city to report crimes to police?


I love you too, /jp/! Let's cuddle!

>> No.13696181

The patrol would be more benefical game-wise, I think you could prioritize it, even though the pee-handling sounds more fun.

>> No.13696240

Her head looks a little bit too large but that's a great drawing. Really like it.

>> No.13696255

Are most of you dudes using Wacom tablets or iPad like devices to draw on?

>> No.13696310
File: 654 KB, 822x604, d7646fed0667db050f3c9274b6dc18b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wip of a patchy im drawing for a friend

>> No.13696412

Oh the flu.

iPads are not meant for any serious drawing. Stick with the "graphic tablet".

>> No.13696458
File: 2.80 MB, 620x453, adults wandering.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I just started working on the adult stuff. I also made it so that cops (and adults now that they're there) only report crimes when they're within earshot or they can see the crime taking place. The only issue is that it just checks solid geometry, so something like a park bench or small fence would count as them not being able to see it... Maybe I can't piggy-back off the collision detection. Or I could query for all objects in a line between the NPC and the crime position and then make entities implement a method that checks whether they stop vision, or give them a height method or something...

There! Adults that wander the town! I guess I should give them different clothes colours too so they don't all wear the player's clothes.

>> No.13696462


>> No.13696537

Insert "coverage level" to objects. Ground has 0. A bench has just a little, while a tree has some and a wall has a lot/maximum. Those are used to check detection.

Going by height would not be that good because a lamp post, for example, is tall but slim.

>> No.13696605


Well, a lamp post also only covers a very small area for its collision mask....

Although I do see the point for things like bushes/trees/fences with holes which might allow some coverage but not all.

How would the coverage work? Would you sum/multiply the coverages of all entities that intersect the line? Would there be a threshold? Would the threshold be based on distance?

>> No.13696888

Yeah the others should just stop posting their garbage

>> No.13698976
File: 86 KB, 507x385, 2015-06-26 Yuno442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13699332

Cute. You should draw for the /a/ drawthreads.

>> No.13700242

Anyone made an Iron Man suit powered by the minihakkero worn by Rinnosuke yet?

If not then it seriously needs to be done

>> No.13700491

Keep up the good work, dude.

This game is looking awesome.

>> No.13702889
File: 395 KB, 800x1067, sketch summer..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13702947

holy crap you have great pen control, really adorable.
My sketches are a lot messier.

>> No.13703328
File: 578 KB, 760x1067, sketch knight..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I usually try to be neater than that but have been very sketchy lately.

>> No.13703400

Do you have a pixiv or place where you regularly post your stuff?

>> No.13703414

No! He's ours.

>> No.13703565
File: 271 KB, 1141x1009, WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I just started posting regularly kind of recently actually. Pixiv id=14260069

I post sketches on twitter if you want that. They mostly end up on a tumblr sketchblog too.

>> No.13703569

Oh, it was just k.

>> No.13703579

Hi Sada or whoever.

>> No.13703581


>> No.13703721

>Pixiv id=14260069
Thanks so much! I'll follow you when I get around to logging into pixiv.

>> No.13703787

I want to cum on ringo's cupped hands and hace her slurp my semen

>> No.13704259

What's your twitter

>> No.13705482
File: 502 KB, 1000x1333, ask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13705599

Are shitty cell pictures okay? I'm trying to find the will to draw or at least improve.

>> No.13706015

Yes, I believe drawing Touhous as inmates is a pretty original concept.

>> No.13706071

dragon ball is not /jp/ related

>> No.13706674

The ride never ends, so the music project is still ongoing and waiting for submissions!

As a reminder, you can ask permission for the dropbox or send me your work directly through mail here: jpmusicproject1@gmail.com.

>> No.13706932

Check you mail, pal. I've sent you something a while ago, reply it so I can know you've seen it.

>> No.13708383

I finally found you! Followed you btw.

>> No.13708463
File: 327 KB, 1515x854, dullahan princess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dullahan princess is executing you're waifu.

>> No.13709225
File: 3.76 MB, 2640x1650, Eltreum (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on this drawing of the Eltreum from Gunbuster, a 70km long capital ship. Not exactly sure how good the lighting is so far. I know the lighting from both the Sun and reflection off the earth will influence that greatly but I never colored anything metallic before this.

>> No.13709619
File: 267 KB, 896x1200, 78897897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give me ideas.

I need to redraw this whole thing because she looks too stiff, and she's leaning.

>> No.13709635

never as good as bkst 少

>> No.13709984

We're lucky that all the old shitty drawfags left.
hidamari and nekoarc were painful to watch

>> No.13710013

fuck you i love nekoarc

>> No.13710610

>Man, I just want to make a game about raping and kidnapping little girls. It's everyone else that keeps bringing up other shit.

How much individual distinctiveness are the girls planned to have? Is it planned for the player to be able to do other things with them too?

>> No.13711188

You know, I'm pretty sure that's how God created Earth. He just wanted a nice garden place and then he kept adding this and that and before he knew it he ended up with a goddamn planet with all them pink monkeys on it.

>> No.13711504

This is a song I wrote recently. It's intentionally designed to be repetitive.

And here's a very unfinished thing that I started making today. I'll hopefully finish it tomorrow.

>> No.13712000

Yeah, he should have just killed all the pink ones.

>> No.13712598
File: 2.54 MB, 620x453, weighted npc pathing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay! Added in weights to the tiles for the grid-based pathfinding so now not only is all the pathfinding done asynchronously in another thread so there's no sudden FPS drops when a path has to be calculated (even if 200 NPCs do it at once), but now NPCs actually don't be completely retarded with their paths since I set the sidewalk/path weights low and the road ones high.

Here's the result with 256 adult NPCs patrolling the town.

>> No.13712694

Now you just got to make them move only after the path has been decided, so they don't twitch up and down.

Add in some random rest time after a given number of steps, make them stop and face each other as if they were speaking, I guess that'd make it believable enough.

Maybe they could also have an affinity level with a given number of lolis, as if they were relatives or just acquaintances. So out of the 50 lolis in town, Citizen #47 is the father of 1 (maximum affinity) and will probably walk in paths related to her.

Whenever a loli is kidnapped, this number is set to 0 so he won't magically track you.

Just throwing some ideas out, I like how lively the town looks now.

>> No.13712979

Checked. Thanks.

>> No.13712981

I like them. The first one is likably upbeat. The second one is... groovy? Gets a bit wonky near the end, though, so I see what you mean.

>> No.13713810 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 640x480, hula skirts circle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now you just got to make them move only after the path has been decided, so they don't twitch up and down.

but that's what they currently do?

Add in some random rest time after a given number of steps, make them stop and face each other as if they were speaking, I guess that'd make it believable enough.

I guess I could do that.

Maybe they could also have an affinity level with a given number of lolis, as if they were relatives or just acquaintances. So out of the 50 lolis in town, Citizen #47 is the father of 1 (maximum affinity) and will probably walk in paths related to her.

Well right now I'm just making them wander randomly. I guess I could make them patrol certain blocks that their daughter is in though, and keep the non-fathers to patrol randomly.

>Just throwing some ideas out, I like how lively the town looks now.

Thanks! Now if only the lolis did something besides stand still.... (I do have them have AI that makes them walk toward parks after school... but then they just stand there once they reach it. I do plan on making them play games in the park and stuff, but I haven't had time to implement it yet)

>> No.13713827
File: 3.31 MB, 632x431, multiculturalism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now you just got to make them move only after the path has been decided, so they don't twitch up and down.

but that's what they currently do?

>Add in some random rest time after a given number of steps, make them stop and face each other as if they were speaking, I guess that'd make it believable enough.

I guess I could do that.

>Maybe they could also have an affinity level with a given number of lolis, as if they were relatives or just acquaintances. So out of the 50 lolis in town, Citizen #47 is the father of 1 (maximum affinity) and will probably walk in paths related to her.

Well right now I'm just making them wander randomly. I guess I could make them patrol certain blocks that their daughter is in though, and keep the non-fathers to patrol randomly.

>Just throwing some ideas out, I like how lively the town looks now.

Thanks! Now if only the lolis did something besides stand still.... (I do have them have AI that makes them walk toward parks after school... but then they just stand there once they reach it. I do plan on making them play games in the park and stuff, but I haven't had time to implement it yet)

>> No.13714735

Should I wait for a new thread? Or is it okay to post a picture here?

>> No.13714755

thread will die in a few hours, new one probably won't be made for a few weeks. your choice.

>> No.13714797

You might wait a long time for a new thread

>> No.13714984
File: 2.95 MB, 620x453, females.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these look enough like women?

>> No.13715311

The thread will probably last until tomorrow unless there's a lot of sudden spam.

>> No.13715519
File: 36 KB, 960x540, 222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I might as well post this. It's Sakuya and an OC.

>> No.13715642
File: 301 KB, 1920x1200, utsucrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needed somewhere to put mspaint edit, sorry.

>> No.13715718

That's just Gilgamesh dude.

>> No.13715798
File: 741 KB, 542x734, 063015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
