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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 308 KB, 805x1200, 5bc0ef92d4fae4494c684047f8606e71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13390112 No.13390112 [Reply] [Original]

Unudapted pastebin :
>Suika Fortress
>Touhou Crossing
All dead

>> No.13390353

>All dead
Sasuga /jp/sies

>> No.13390684

hink I'm past the midway hump on this project, biggest problems from the last one was control and performance so hopefully things are smoother now

Does the back look like trees? I showed someone and they said it looked like mars

>> No.13390694

This is the end
My only friend

You forgot your pic, silly.

>> No.13390743
File: 1.28 MB, 849x800, 9eea98bd266681ba9099d7e0da37c082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All our friends are dead.

>> No.13390751
File: 226 KB, 360x640, Screenshot_2015-04-27-14-05-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops this is it

>> No.13390787

Make the leaves on the right a little less squary.
Other than that, yes, they look like trees.

>> No.13391016
File: 867 KB, 500x281, 1430144621117.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought I would have to say it, but I actually had work and school. Anyways, here's the 0.2 version.
Fixed the Aki militia, Ichirin's attack sprite, and added Hijiri as a pretender.

>> No.13391090

You're a good man.
I can't wait to shove Hijiri's head up her own ass.

>> No.13391190

How is oni fort dead?

>> No.13391707

Thread was kill

>> No.13392159

DF anon you there?

>> No.13393665
File: 174 KB, 1680x1000, this_is_what_I_stare_at_every_day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so much dead as occupied with the mess that was valve's Modding fiasco. Suika Fortess is still alive, I promise!

I've also been experimenting with a reaction that allows fairies to transform certain kedama into more fairies, and have been met with partial success: it works, but these fairies won't gain skills, have no name unless they had one before they were transformed, and can't be drafted into the military unless you retire or unretire. Therefore, they're useful if you need a dozen extra haulers or have a nearly extinct civ and have no other way of getting more.

>> No.13395590

I read that as "ANAL RESISTANCE" for some reason. I really need a girlfriend.

>> No.13397035

>I really need a girlfriend.
Don't we all?

>> No.13397834


>> No.13397879

is this some kind of meme?

>> No.13397929

I've really been wanting to team up to with /jp/ devs to make a game

Read the pastebin looking for pitches but doesn't seem like that's what it's for, were there any popular collab ideas we had? I forgot any specifics if I knew them

>> No.13397992

Touhou Crossing

>> No.13399929


That reminds me of darker days, when DF modding was still new and people did deranged things with it.

Nevertheless, staring at a dozen notepads is bound to jumble your senses, and next thing you know the error log is screaming and world generation is twisted to the point that fairies have firearms too big for them to actually use and worship water gods because you accidentally misspelled "kappa" in the entity file.

>> No.13403467

I'm not going ot let that thread die.

>> No.13403514

No one is working

>> No.13403588

Is there anyone who would play an online Touhou Dominion (the deckbuilding card game) game if one existed

There is an existing set that's just a reflavor of the old one but I was thinking about original cards

>> No.13404242

Why don't you try duplicating the raw files

>> No.13405763


That's trippy stuff man, though unfortunately nowadays duplicated raws are more likely to simply make the world not be playable then they are to invoke trippy technicolor terrain that changes color and material on a whim.

Currently working on spriting stuff, like the Tengu.

>> No.13410971
File: 938 B, 96x31, SABUR-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had some meaningful content to place up here, but work is going slow, even though I ironically have all the time in the world right now. Have a robit: for only 16000 dorfbucks, it's yours on request from the kappa.

>> No.13416319
File: 47 KB, 1175x225, Knock_Knock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nurikabe are an incredibly tough youkai with a body made of a strong, stone-like material, and can easily shrug off a dumb assault, but possess a weak on a specific part of their lower body, which hitting will in most cases cause them to bleed out.

Actually striking this area is difficult, especially when the beast as retaliating, but a youkai experminator can banish them in order to remove their otherwise endless stamina, making it possible to tire them out and then attack.

>> No.13416874

I want to make a short 2D 2hu game
Give me ideas pls

>> No.13416903


>> No.13416982

Make it like pac man.

>> No.13420194

Make a small game where Marisa clones are descending from the sky and you, playing as Koakuma, must blast them out.

And if you lose, you have a nuclear mushroom in the background while the text says "Angered by Koakuma's failure to defend her library, Patchouli broke her contract with the demon, and sent her back to hell. Not as a demon, but as a lost soul. Deprived from her powers, Koakuma's soul fell prey to the low-ranked scum of hell, and her pathetic existence ended as her soul was devoured by a pathetic imp. How the mighty fell..."

>> No.13423819

What, the love handle?

>> No.13424651

How's the CKII mod going?

>> No.13424796
File: 96 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2015-05-03-14-30-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the Android export module for Game Maker and was experimenting with Touhou Crossing on Android (again).

>> No.13426583

This could be fun, a leisure game for when you are bored.
I always thought why there are so few of these among the uncountable pay2win and BEAT THE HIGH SCORE others.

>> No.13426793

If you make games too fun, people won't pay you

>> No.13426924


>Smart F2P players are able to beat P2W players through clever use of the game's mechanics
>Rather then add an additional tier to better balance things, devs just nerf the F2Pers.

That is why I hate phonegames.

>> No.13426988

Maybe I could convert Touhou Crossing into a phone game, without any pay-to-win or pay-to-play bullshit that plagues phone games.

>> No.13428227


I suppose, though you have to complete the game first. Don't overextend yourself.

>> No.13428254

I still need to find out where I want to take Touhou Crossing

>> No.13429212

>implying it's limited to phonegames
I take it you haven't played GTA online yet.

>> No.13429631
File: 2 KB, 130x32, Sigma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My lack of progress is eye-popping; in the mean time, have Sigma's completed sprite set.

>> No.13430098

If you're looking for ideas, check this one out : http://moriyashrine.weebly.com/usc--ultimate-sunflower-creation.html

>> No.13430798


DF anon here, this might be useful for my own pursuits as well.

>> No.13431175

How so?

>> No.13431326


Minecraft is partially based off of DF and takes ques from the old 2D era of DF as well as early Adventure Mode, which this game seems to resemble. Part of my inspiration for refurbishing SF and getting into Dorf in the first place was from multiple Minecraft Mods, including one Touhou mod that was never completed during the early years including a very incomplete version of Gensokyo, a fairy mod (the fairies' get their inability to stay in caves for long periods of time without getting dizzy from that mod), and a third mod that let you play as Cirno to a limited extent.

Not sure how much I can actually glean from it, but I've drawn a lot of inspiration from the catalogue of Touhou dungeon crawlers, RPGs, and other roguelikes when it comes to adding things like creatures and materials, though so far most of the newer additions have been fidgiting with youkai articles and figuring out how to make them work in DF.

>> No.13435040

Can't see a damn thing, but it looks like it's getting bloodier and bloodier.

>> No.13439797

Not much notable going on, eh?

>> No.13440528
File: 1022 KB, 570x882, 20150506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I can post a demo now

Windows download-

APK download-

Absolutely not happy with the patterns yet and I do want to make some different backgrounds, but just wanted to update

>> No.13440754


Quite goregeous looking if I say so myself. Unfortunately, I'm absolutely terrible when it comes to playing with arrow keys, but it looks great.

>> No.13440854

>Quite goregeous
Yeah, there's blood flying everywhere.

>> No.13445038

I've updated the mod and I added a lot of stuff, beside that... Meh I've been busy with other stuff so... I didn't add a portrait for everyone BUT I added a portrait for every playable character at least... You can find the mod on the ck2 workshop.

>> No.13445091
File: 63 KB, 1280x400, duel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuugenmagan is now fully functional from last version again and more dangerous to boot (attempting to touch the lighting part of it will literally melt you to death), and I've added the Trump King (as well as the rest of the card race) as well, though Tensoku is /still/ acting haywire: might make him a bit less flashy then I planned.

>> No.13445109

That's the one named "Kingdoms of Gensokyo", right?

>> No.13446526


>> No.13446712
File: 78 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2015-05-07-15-50-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some more minor work on Touhou Crossing Android. Trying to find a good control scheme. Right now, you can move by double tapping or single tapping near Renko. Also adjusted the camera to fill the screen without stretching.

I still need to find a way to record video on my phone/tablet.

>> No.13446933

The workshop. You mean the Steam workshop?

Renko's a cutie. I want to see more of her.

>> No.13447392
File: 79 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2015-05-07-18-33-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renko and Maribel are the player characters

>> No.13447842

Maribel a shit with sleeping gear as a hat.
Renko the real cutie.

>> No.13450356
File: 38 KB, 1280x400, Eye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have reached a dilemma, /jp/. Turning my attention back to the fairies, specifically their tech tree, I have expanded the crystal's ability to include generating "portals" to other locations such as Makai and the Outside World. What this basically means is buildings that semi-simulate wandering through those areas, generating both dangers and treasures in a semi-randomized faction.

In order to add the danger parts however (i.e., exploring Makai or Former Hell might unleash demons, exploring Yukari's Gap might attract the attention of Ran, or even more terrifying extra-dimensional soul-eating horrors), I would need to delve into DF-Hack scripting to allow monsters to spawn, and the hole process would likely be really, really time-consuming. Work has already slowed to a far slower pace then I would have liked, and I need to finish writing down my guides before I impale you all on the first demo, as well as finish all the civilized races.

Do I continue to not use DF-Hack and gimp the portal functionality (they'll still exist, and still be dangerous, but no surprise demon invasion for recklessly keeping one-too many Hell portals open in search of divine materials), or do I cave in and use it? Among other things, I'd also likely overhaul the fairies' unit creation system, with Spellbooks being created directly from magic squares instead of being transformed by Kedama, and factions having properly-programmed race-specific unit lists, with the extreme being actually scripted danmaku beyond the limited bullet barrages.

It's a pandora's box of work I'm not sure I'm qualified to do.

>> No.13450366

Holding off on the DF hack scripting until you finish more important stuff seems like the right idea.

>> No.13450841

Sound like icing on the cake type stuff, maybe focusing on all the groundwork is best

>> No.13451132

Looks really good so far. My only issues were with the lag and touch controls (exacerbated by patterns I guess). Any way to make the game lighter weight on android?

>> No.13451367

Thanks, File size is definitely on my to do list, the textures are too big and the models aren't as clean as they could be

Was the lag causing the control problems or was it something else about it? I tried to use bullet pooling this time around but I do still have to review everything for efficiency

>> No.13452377


In case anybody is interested, RPGMaker is on sale.

>> No.13452639

touhou crossing is very cute. i'd love to see it continue development

>> No.13457175

Kickstart it :^)

>> No.13457218

How long until one of the newhus we'll get in the next 24 hours stars in a fangame?

>> No.13457728

How long till the next "make a game in a week end" challenge?

>> No.13458284


>> No.13458600

What kind of fan game? Give me an idea and art

>> No.13459231

Seiran smashing stuff.

>> No.13460888
File: 577 KB, 1280x960, th15_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13460893

That sprite is so god damn bad.

>> No.13460960 [DELETED] 


>> No.13461027


The sprite is okay, actually. Now the portrait... by god that foot, and that face!

>> No.13461042
File: 44 KB, 384x448, Th13SC069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but just look at the old sprites, my guess they're unfinished versions. Afterall ZUN tends to change artworks and othe stuff for the final version.

I like the artwork though.

>> No.13461096

Enjoy it. Once it'll be translated, these characters will be less cute.
>metallic spider destroying everything in sight
>losing the game means Gensokyo is ruined 5ever.

>> No.13461211

>there will be no Yorihime
All interest dropped.

>> No.13466780

Pretty big error in the fairy raws (which are currently the most complex singular entity in the game right now) is taking /days/ to sort out. Meant to impliment another race, but that's been put on the backburner for now.

>> No.13466811

Fun fact mg mg has a TWITCHING CROTCH ANIMATION in her sprite

>> No.13466857

A gif would be nice.

>> No.13470467

So any new 2hu free sprites?

>> No.13471083

Kaoru drew some newhus.

>> No.13471097

Anybody excited for the new RPGmaker? I wonder if they'll make the program easier for people like us to get things done.

>> No.13471111

It's already easy enough to use. I used it back when I was like 12 with 2000 and could still easily make things.

>> No.13471525
File: 177 KB, 600x600, âhâîâ~ü[_ô┴ÄÛ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already done.

Damn, I wish I had the patience to make a VN with that.

>> No.13474483

So yeah, about the CKII mod on the Steam workshop.
I installed it, and it crashed my game.

>> No.13474511

I hope they will remove that stupid tileset limitation.

>> No.13477934

What tileset limitation?

>> No.13482868

Is there a fangame that's like well known for having good art and looking appealing in general? I've been playing touhou 6-8 and I love the gameplay but I'm just wondering if there are any visually awesome tributes

>> No.13483653

Concealed the Conclusion.
Genius of Sappheirros.
The Game I'm Going To Make Eventually™.

Depends what you're looking for.

>> No.13483821
File: 551 KB, 1920x1080, 2015-05-14_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13490932

How are all the games going?

>> No.13491412

I can't work on anything at the moment because my laptop died

>> No.13497050

That's a shame.

>> No.13497061
File: 100 KB, 400x400, 1405277895803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13499482

In an RPG how would combat, items, equipment work? Would Reimu and Marisa just have to get bows and hats for armor? What would their weapons be? Would they even have weapons?

>> No.13500880

i think in an RPG it would be best to have their normal attacks be standard danmaku, while their specials being spellcards.

Idk about equipment though

>> No.13501091

>how would equipment work?
I don't understand your question. You put it on, and it helps you. How is that different?
If you're worried about the stuff not matching the sprite (Reimu using a sword even through her sprite has a gohei), you can still have variations from the gohei, each having different stats.
Something like :
>basic weapon
>Reimu's gohei
>"Bought from Rinnosuke when Reimu became the Hakurei Maiden"

>cheap weapon
>Outside World gohei
>"A mass-produced gohei, designed for fashion rather than youkai extermination. Almost useless, but cheap"

>better weapon
>Hakurei Gohei
>"Treasure of the Hakurei Family, that sealing tool was designed by the Former Hakurei Maiden and even through its power faded to time, it's still powerful"

>ultimate weapon
>First Hakurei Gohei
>"The tool that saw the creation of Gensokyo. It has its own will, but hasn't taken a corporeal form yet for some reason. According to the legends, it can appears and disappears at will. If you can use it, it's because it allows you to use it."

Stuff like that, okay? They don't really need weapons, you can just give them tools.

I don't know if I'm clear or not.

>> No.13501140

and with Marisa it would be different forms of the mini-Hakkero, right? Then for armor it would be old shrine maiden clothes for Reimu and rags for Marisa.

>> No.13501303

Was more thinking of a different kind of broom for Marisa, given the Hakkero is a one-of-a-kind item. And for the clothes, you can start with "self-made witch dress" and end up with a dress made by Alice or Patchouli. Or even Mima.

Shit, that make me want to make my own RPG too. Too bad I'm shit at everything.

>> No.13501332

I have a lot of things planned out but I wasn't actually going to make this because I'm shit at nearly everything too. The Touhou RPG series will forever remain in my head.

>> No.13501345

What annoys me is that I'm having real Fun™ making the maps and the script, but I have no experience in balancing the game and I don't want to bother with it, so I end up doing a walking simulator which is boring and not fun.
All my games are just the same kind : sit and watch the game playing itself.

>> No.13501367

In my case I really can't do anything except maybe spriting if I tried hard enough.

>> No.13505893

I still can't figure out what to make

I come up with a small idea and don't feel like making it since it feels small and pointless
I come up with a larger one and it's guaranteed to be impossible to finish

I can't find a middle ground that keeps me interested while being possible to finish in a reasonable amount of time

>> No.13506042

I still can figure out what to make but don't have any motivation to start learning arts.

>> No.13506043

>I come up with a small idea and don't feel like making it since it feels small and pointless
Give me some of your small ideas

>> No.13506059
File: 58 KB, 1280x400, battle_against_an_outsider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Spending a lot of time reconfiguring my computer network as I took apart and rebuilt my main rig after some teething issues. Not much work has been done this week, other then a crude beginning of the humans that will eventually become the Factory faction.

On the plus side, I have my sprite workshop back, so I can new resume work on making 32x32 sprites for stonesence.

>> No.13513489

Dangerously close to falling off again.

>> No.13518229

We live life on the edge anon.

>> No.13518297

Sumireko fangame when?

>> No.13518599

Make one.

>> No.13519192

When I get the courage to actually make a game instead of just listing all my idea on a A2 paper.

>> No.13521167

No one is working on anything

>> No.13526451

I'm working on it.

>> No.13526479

Would /jp/ prefer a garbage game or no game at all? Just curious where people stand on this.

>> No.13526493

For the record, I'm imaging making something like Flandre's Quest, but I can imagine myself being a worse writer.

>> No.13526514

That depends on your definition of garbage.

The games we had haven't been particularly awesome but /jp/sies didn't mind.

>> No.13526920


>> No.13526930

Post a picture or I'm not downloading.

>> No.13526935

It's something that's been hanging around over in /d/ for a long time.

>> No.13526951

Permission denied

>> No.13526962

That's not really descriptive and lacks a picture.

>> No.13529104

I visited the Higurashi thread and it looks like it's fairly easy to mod, does anyone know what engine it's using?

>> No.13530543

ONScripter, I think.

>> No.13533721

PONscripter, actually. Not very noob friendly.

>> No.13535593

How would Resurrection Butterfly work in an RPG? I was thinking an invincible Yuyuko would constantly attack and the player would just have to pray to Kanako that they have enough HP to survive until time runs out.

>> No.13535619

Saigyou Ayakashi semi-wakes up and starts wrecking shit. Yuyuko is immobile and must be attacked to break her out of the resurrection trance before it murders your entire team.

Once you do so, the tree becomes a little girl and joins your party. I mean, even fucking Tenma was drawn as a girl, why not Saigyou Ayakashi? Maybe it even has good reasons for killing people that sleep under it, it's not like Yuyuko asked.

Besides, don't you want your final nap to be on the lap pillow of a cute girl that smells like cherries?

>> No.13536066

That could work. I wouldn't have the tree turn into a little girl though.

>> No.13536211

Reimu uses "Fantasy Nature" to counter it and become invincible too.

>> No.13536225

Because we haven't seen Tenma's character.

Also the tree killed everything in its range until it got sealed with Yuyuko's body.

>> No.13536304

I'm working on a Touhou visual novel project with Ren'py, what would you like to see and do you guys recommend any other engine?

>> No.13536312

Ren'Py is the only one I know. There's another VN engine on Steam, but it's not free.

>> No.13536336

>what would you like to see
I'd like to see anything done. Did you have any ideas?

>> No.13536354

She does? I don't think it would be any fun for Reimu to be invincible during the fight though. Maybe she could have infinite revives, but that isn't challenging at all.

>> No.13536411

I am willing to spend money for a engine, just not for artists or the like. Well I would be willing to pay for the latter, but I don't have enough to say sufficiently compensate them.

I was thinking a variety of short stories over a span of say Spring, to make a smaller based project rather then a larger entity that may or may not get finished or not.

>> No.13536432

It seems like model that should work well on phones/android, but ultimately it doesn't matter too much what it's run on, does it?

You've been given tons of ideas, man.

>> No.13536436

I don't think that one is actually better than Ren'Py, which has ever feature common to VNs and can be extendable to do more. I think it's just a case of someone wanting money.

>> No.13536485

I'm playing it on my phone right now. Looks good, only complaint is that most android Touhou like games have a small black box at the bottom that you can put your thumb in to control the character so you don't have to cover up any of the game

>> No.13536580

Anyone know where I can make a website for free? I'm trying to avoid tumblr, weebly, blogspot but want something more permanent just in case this become a serious project.

>> No.13536622

Haven't tried it to be honest. I'm a greedy cheapskate.

>> No.13536761


>> No.13536891

I'm just lazy

>> No.13536895

So are we all. You made something, so that's pretty good already. It's super cute though so of course we want more.

>> No.13536922

I need to really like an idea to go through with it. But I am thinking of working on it again.

>> No.13536925

The format didn't really feel customizable unless I knew html.

>> No.13536926

do you have a dl link for the most recent verison?

>> No.13536928

I thought it just tempted people to die under it, kind of like Yuyuko's ability.

Except it had no discretion and had that effect on everyone within its range, since trees aren't exactly known for their moral character or capacity for self-restraint.

>> No.13536943

>not knowing html
nigga what

>> No.13537011

>So are we all.
I'm not lazy, I just didn't find motivating 2hu sprites yet.

>> No.13537055

Yes, I'm stupid. Never learned.

>> No.13537237

So learn now. It'll take about fifteen minutes.

>> No.13538246

I'm just saying. Reimu could become invincible too so it wouldn't make sense without some sort of reason Reimu couldn't just counter with it. She certainly wouldn't stand there and take damage and hope to outlast it.

>> No.13538369

>She certainly wouldn't stand there and take damage and hope to outlast it.
That's true.

>> No.13539457

Alright Thread.

I'm stuck on what to do on Elona,

Since I'm making as many Elona Touhou NPCs as I can,

Satori, Orin,Okuu.

Should they be hostile,friendly or neutral? Should they be rare npcs? What level and how strong should they be?

Also, anyone know a good source for 2hu Sprites?

>> No.13539542



I'm not sure. Maybe Neutral.

Okuu and Satori should be rare. I'm not sure what level they should be. Okuu and Satori should be very strong and Orin should be relatively weak.

>> No.13539618

Remember that friendly npcs tend to follow the player and sometimes help them fight strong npcs.

I was think of Orin being hostile since she's a Kasha. But she hasn't really shown signs of outright attacking anyone and does have high friendship according to Hieda.
But I think friendly will be it.

Alright how about the next batch.

Marisa, Cirno,Yuugi

I was thinking of Yuugi of being neutral until provoked tier, in
which she won't mind you until you hit her, accidentally or not.

Cirno should probably be hostile
and Marisa would definitely be friendly helper tier.

Yukari,Suika,Komachi and Yuuka?

>> No.13540113

I feel like Yukari would be neutral unless provocted as well. I think Suika could be friendly. Komachi could be friendly too. Yuuka's definitely hostile.

>> No.13540368

Alright, next up is the entire cast of PoDD and LLS.

I was going to leave them as PC/companion only but I felt like they could at least do something.
Rika stays PC only since I can't actually do anything with her.

>> No.13540472

Honestly, you could probably pass the entire Touhou cast as neutral. Most of the time it's just misunderstandings.

Friendly's would probaby be Suika though. She's most likely to help you out for incentive out of the rest.

>> No.13541859

>open up source code for 2hu crossing
>forgot what everything did
>so many files and lines of code
>try to do something
>it breaks
>give up and close it

This is why I always start over

>> No.13541876

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13541878

I thought you gave up on that because it felt like a "walking simulator"?

>> No.13541888

I wanted to do more with it, but I hate coming back to old code

>> No.13541901

>but I hate coming back to old code
Then don't do it. Working on something you hate isn't productive at all.
You could try starting over, but thinking a bit more that time about what you actually want to do.

Also try to work wit modules, or in your case use scripts as modules/components/whatever. From my perspective I noticed that it's easier to come back later if you just have to link/add modules rather than opening the existing whole code and try to guess how it works again.

But then again that's just my opinion.

>> No.13541973

>You could try starting over, but thinking a bit more that time about what you actually want to do.
That's a good idea. Try to go in with a more focused plan. And I could always take bits from what I've already done.

>> No.13542065

I'm probably getting ahead of myself when I ask this, but how do you guys approach working with music? Preferably, I'd want a original sound track remixed off Touhou themes. But I know what a ridiculous request that is to ask.

>> No.13542401

Just use whatever music you can find

>> No.13542410

Original as in your own completely or from already made remixes?
If already made it's just easy as to asking for permission to use it.
own completely would either require you to have the skills for it or to ask a circle or a group that already remixes songs.

>> No.13542420

I don't know any characters in those games beside the more popular ones (Yumemi, Chiyuri, Yuuka, Elly, Mima).

>> No.13542495
File: 526 KB, 816x638, Found Rumia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah well, I think I figured out a way to use some of them.

Elly and Kurumi will be slave shop only. So you "employ" them like Yuuka did.

Kana will be a hostile ghost that actually can't be harmed nor does she do harm. She's just there to spook you and vanish.

Ellen is a friendly npc that does uncontrollable magic all over early dungeons, maybe even picking a fight with other 2hus by accident.

No idea what to do for Kotohime though.

>> No.13543334

>Also, anyone know a good source for 2hu Sprites?
Check the OP. I remember putting several links in the pastebin before it was a pastebin, maybe you can use them.

They're scaled for RPGMaker, however.

>> No.13543456
File: 271 KB, 811x633, Satori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah thanks.
I needed that Sigma sprite.

So far I tested out the npcs in various environments.

Encountered Satori who cleared out a entire dungeon and almost killed me in the crossfire.

Also came across a drunk Kurumi in a random encounter.
She kinda set herself on fire trying to shoot a frog with a fireball.

>> No.13543570
File: 393 KB, 811x633, Geistvsvampire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I ran into this mess of a fight.

>> No.13546744

I just had the weirdest dream: DF had a fully modeled 3D interface, including third person adventure mode with a fairy at the helm (which I then recognized was sort of off considering that I know for a fact I disabled their flying to make them function in fortress mode)...which reminded me that it's been three days since I've actually worked on the game. Yikes.

Error log is screeching at me like a harpy, but the game corrects most of the faulty coding accepting in a couple quirks like the Suikas lacking mouthes (fixed, thankfully) and the fire and ice fairies not actually being immune to fire and ice like intended after repeated painful testings in the arena proved such: that I have not been able to fix.

>> No.13546842
File: 583 KB, 800x900, Marisa excite!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had a new idea for a game, time to get back to work!

>> No.13547154

Good luck! What's your idea?

>> No.13547193

>mfw I want to write a mystery Touhou novel
>mfw waifufags will tear me up if I make their waifu the culprit
>mfw I know I can't surprise the reader because everyone knows exactly what a touhou can do and what a touhou can't do
>mfw I know people will call me a secondary and shit on me if I reinterpret the girl so that they actually use their powers
Another project that I'll never finish.

>> No.13547261
File: 979 KB, 900x1200, 1421640513982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I'm thinking of a simplified MAD TV remake with touhou characters.
You'll play as the program director for the fairies's TV station.

>> No.13547293
File: 124 KB, 600x600, 1429498289201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Use Rika. Her strengths and weaknesses are sort of vague (Is she just a normal human? How does she survive the Youkai if she is? How did she build those tanks?) and her fanbase is small enough that it wouldn't cause a sperg fest.

>> No.13547314

>mfw I wanted to add a scene where Patchouli animate a few gargoyles just to use that awesome Dark Souls song I got my hands on
Also Koakuma woulda been the real villain.

Like Chroma Squad?

>> No.13547330

Use Yorihime.
She's the perfect detective (doesn't care much for earthlings, so don't really play favourite, and cannot be defeated in a direct fight), and she's a bit antagonistic, which will give you an excuse to have the touhou not telling everything they know.
Not to mention that since she's unfamiliar with Gensokyo, it'll give you an excuse to do some exposition.

>> No.13547403
File: 6 KB, 236x177, ayy lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like Chroma Squad?
No, it's more like a management simulation. You'll need to hire talk show hosts (such as Aya and Hatate), find popular guests and buy movies.
Broadcast cute movies to the children during the day, and sexy shows late at night for the horny sinsacks.

>> No.13547424

Remember to keep it simple! Ganbatte!

Now get to work instead of telling us more ideas. You're less inclined to do things when you tell people about your idea. Because then you get the satisfaction of having done it without doing anything. This is why I try to only post updates rather than talk about my game.

>> No.13547456

There's an audience for everyone, Anon. If there are people who willingly lap up Tsundere Alice there will be people who don't give a crap about 100% historical power accuracy.

>> No.13547596

This problem is easily solved by putting a disclaimer stating if any of the following applies.

1. This is a derative work of Touhou projects.
2. This contains XXX (yuri, injury, etc) And may portray falsely portray characters.
3. If any of this offends you please, hesitate from reading.

>> No.13548660

That's actually a very good.

I'm a tripfag, and this is my favourite suggestion in this thread.

>> No.13553452

Do what ZUN does, and just make a game that you would play.

>> No.13553477

Not letting you die.

>> No.13553754

This one seems okay and free.


>> No.13555936

I was thinking that instead of getting money normally (through defeated monsters dropping it) Reimu and Marisa could get their money through donations from the shrine. So, whenever they defeat something someone will donate money to the shrine. Would going back and forth to pick up money be too much trouble for the player though?

>> No.13556183

You could just have them courier'd along by some NPC with a cute message about donations

>> No.13556281

That'd work. It could even be Suika or Shin for the later games.

>> No.13556291

Consider this: Robbing enemies would be more in line with canon.

>> No.13556613

True, but stealing could also be an exclusive skill for Marisa in battle.

>> No.13557193

Daily reminded to back up your files. My laptop died out yesterday along with all my progress. No need to worry, I'm just an anon with a unannounced project.

>> No.13557228

What the fuck man, these threads are cursed.

>> No.13557237

Time to use source control with an online repository friend

>> No.13557391

Given how canon goes, it'd say mugging is the canon ability.

>> No.13559815
File: 186 KB, 512x384, 1725dfa0a07843a10d03acd59d1f3024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am stuck with this as well. ;_;

The mod I am making can accommodate a large amount of factions, meaning that there can be as many factions as the number of Touhou + Seihou games.

The problem is that it wouldn't seem right having "Border of Life" playing while Chireiden units are being maneuvered, making it necessary for each faction to have its own music.
This is further complicated when considering there are little to no music for "factions" like Muenzuka (Higan Retour & Fate of 60 Years)

Just to clarify >>13542410 and >>13542401 are the only solutions? (Self-remixed, ready made with permission to use, and "just anything else")

>> No.13561390

Earthbound 0 did this

>> No.13562010

Which character is strongest in double dealing character?

>> No.13562108

I'd imagine Raiko. Maybe Shin, but she's just a little inchling.

>> No.13562227

Well what is this mod for?
And yeah, I mean what else can you do?

>> No.13563014

I meant which playable character.

>> No.13563657

Oh, then that's debatable. I'd say Reimu but she has lost to Marisa several times before. She lost against them once in EoSD, but I'm not sure how Sakuya compares to the both of them.

>> No.13564966
File: 945 KB, 1516x2696, verk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I can say is that it's for a strategy game. The current development stage is pathetic and not worth mentioning the game. Progress is at a standstill.

If I couldn't get my hand on some remixes or couldn't teach myself how to remix the game MIDIs, then I would have to go with classical music.

Pic related is shitty concept art drawn almost 3 years ago. I feel like this mod would never be finished, or it would be finished when the (already dying) base game has become a relic.

fuck modelling anime-styled hair ;_;

>> No.13566155

Im kind of wary of losing the screen space, what about tilt controls? I haven't tried it yet but I was thinking about it this morning

>> No.13567489

The more I play games, the more I think I'll never be able to make a good one.

>> No.13567686

Only way to change that is to try, right?
have you got a project in mind?

>> No.13567837

I wanted to make a murder mystery for a long time, but hey, I just started Katawa Shoujo, and it completely broke the little motivation I had.
And also my heart. I am dead inside.
And jealous.

>> No.13567858

No need to use surprise boxes there bro.

Want not, waste not.

>> No.13567888

But I love 'em boxes.

>> No.13567890

Love em and keep em, don't waste them for no raisin.

>> No.13567902

But I don't like raisin, and sharing is caring.

>> No.13567912

You are not sharing anon, you are keeping them in boxes so I have to open to see them,

>> No.13567952

Everyone worries about their game not being good enough, but that should never stop you from trying.

Take it from ZUN, with a page worth of interpretive words conveyed a legacy (Dialogue + Ending). His art form was mocked but also highly respected and unique.

Some games best music is silence itself. And you don't need to have game play to be immersed in the story. (Kinetic novels)

Work hard on that game you dream of, /ip/.

>> No.13568165

I can't.
I lack the skill to put what I have in my head on the screen.

>> No.13568411

But I suck at spriting and all of the games I want to make require good sprites.
And a really good game engine.

>> No.13568639

>And a really good game engine.
That one's easy to find, given you know what you're looking for.

>> No.13568642

>And a really good game engine.
A game engine won't magically make a game for you

>> No.13568665

does anyone here have Multimedia Fusion 2? if so, is it easy/even possible to make bullet patterns in it? Say, if I wanted to make my own danmaku game?

>> No.13568796

Not him but you haven't answered his concern about sprites.

>> No.13568848

In OP.
Various sprites.
Check 'em.

>> No.13569002

Those are mostly overhead view though.

>> No.13569013

I just checked out of curiosity.
Literally all the sprites are for VN or RPGMaker games dude.

>> No.13569032

What are you trying to make?

You can get creative with them

>> No.13569040

>You can get creative with them
Now I'd be curious to hear an example about being creative with 3-frames walking animations.
I'm not saying they are bad, some of them are really cute, but outside of a RPG you can't do anything much with them.

>> No.13569052

3 frames is enough for a walk animation. You don't need HM/ULiL level of animation.

>> No.13569059

Stay focused anon, I'm just telling that you can't do anything besides a walking simulator with that.

>> No.13570146

Is anyone here a sprite artist?

>> No.13570311


>> No.13570315

I remember seeing a nice one in the /jp/ OC thread, but a new OC thread hasn't been made yet.

>> No.13570330


Suika Fortress anon did some is a good spriter, but it's been days since he's last been on.

>> No.13570333

Yuyuko was a stage 1 boss, so who knows. Letty could have been really strong too. It really just depends on who the character is but at the same time it's a fan game so who cares.

>> No.13570338


>did some is a good spriter

Damn, this must be a sign I've been awake for too long again. I've spent more time on 4chan then I have actually trying to make my game.

>> No.13570408

I'm not sure if it's appropriate to request a mod (I don't know how to do it myself), but looking over a few Prison Architect updates I see they added a library. I think a Touhou PA mod would be pretty cool. Make the warden Remilia Scarlet, the guards would be maid fairies, the whole place would be SDM who knows you guys probably have better ideas than I do

TL;DR Prison Architect Touhou mod would be cool

>> No.13570935

Wouldn't it have to be changed into some sort of fairy maid simulator?

>> No.13571115
File: 72 KB, 210x192, Hobgoblin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Be fairy maid
>This faggot complains to you about being overworked and underpayed

>> No.13571607

>I've spent more time on 4chan then I have actually trying to make my game
Someone give that guy a Nobel.

>> No.13574477

I was actually playing Prison Architect today, and it got me thinking about what you said. Though I don't think a prison would work well for SDM Architect. Don't know what the goals would be though.

>> No.13574566

but the fairy maids don't do anything and don't really care

>> No.13574974

I was thinking a little more about this, and it could be called Gensokyo Inn. You have an inn in Gensokyo, and have to build it up to attract the different youkai. Make rooms that appeal to certain 2hus and make fun things for them to do to keep them interested, like a hot spring.

>> No.13575054

How many people here know how to use game maker?

>> No.13575060


>> No.13575163

The anon who was working on Touhou Crossing does. Not sure if anyone else does.

>> No.13575188

I do because I'm the Touhou Crossing anon

>> No.13575229

I don't suppose you would know anything about making platformers in game maker.

>> No.13575236

Can someone post a good RPGMaker face set with Marisa? I looked in the pastebin but that site just vomited Japanese at me and when I checked the domain it gave multiple warnings for viruses.

Sprites would be good too. The current one I'm using isn't the best.

>> No.13575283

I actually don't have much experience with platformers. I've tried a few here and there, but never was satisfied with it. Basic square geometry is easy, but anything more complex, like angled geometry, I'm still unsure of.

You can get a very, very basic platformer running in like an hour.

>> No.13575297

I wonder if using Ren'py to make a Etrian Odyssey clone is a good idea.

>> No.13575327

Do you know of any place I could learn about messing with angled geometry?
I'm going to need to mess with it at some point if I want to make my game.

>> No.13575336


>> No.13575343


>> No.13576180

I'm a bit curious.
Would a 2hu mount and blade mod work out?

>> No.13576367

>Etrian Odyssey
Shouldn't be that hard whatever you're using, but you'll probably need a good amount of graphics and a solid monster encyclopedia for that.

Whatever suits your boat. As long as it has 2hu /jp/ will probably be ok with that.

>> No.13576716


Starring the two Lunarian gate guards?

>> No.13576724

Obviously the Lunar capital would have the easiest time being integrated.

But the best I can think of for the other factions is just different variants of fairies and old hell having oni.

>> No.13576838


Taking DF Anon's ideas, I've come up with some factions:

The Tengu: Wolf Tengu acting as strong yet agile ground forces, with crow tengu being even faster, though frail. The former is great if you wanted to play some sort of light swordsman, while the latter would be excelent ranger material. Gimmick of crow tengu would be the ability to hover, however one would impliment such a thing. Mount would be horses.

Great Fairy Alliance: Composed of the Three Fairies of Light, Lily White, and led by Cirno with Dai as another important leader. Includes all fairy variants (though faction specific fairies appear to a lesser degree) including leprechauns (as males) and maybe hob goblins as a minority, with kedama acting as beasts of war. Mount is sukusukus. The main skill of most fairies would be their ability to hover in the air for varying amounts of time based on equipment. Probably a hard mode of the Tengu in many respects.

The Oni: Critically low populations: Your average siege might consist of only a few dozen oni, but that's all you need: inhuman strength and durability, oni are practically impossible to kill without practically skinning them alive causing them to bleed out; their muscles are as hard as iron, after all. Playing an oni warrior would be EZ mode, as with some thinking you could likely near-solo sieges against lesser races. Low initial leadership would be a drawback though, which when combined with the alreadly low oni populations makes defense something closer to controlling a hero in a MoBA, slaughtering all the mooks before the settlement falls, with less emphasis on the character's well being themselves.

The Human Village: Samurai, all day, every day. Probably suboptimal in just about any role they can take by either the wolf tengu or the oni: maybe give them better potential for spellcards? I'm quite fuzzy on how well magic beyond simple danmaku could be implimented in the game. Yet, likely the easiest of all factions to impliment.

>> No.13576847

Well, as far as working on this goes.
Mount and blade modding is pretty easy after the first game, for at least putting in custom factions, generals and all.
The only issue is really just finding the models for this and putting it in. Including the models for danmaku.

>> No.13576849



The Lunarians: Ever wanted a harem? Lunarian soldiers themselves are mostly on par with the humans of the human village, perhaps a bit more agile, with your average pikeman more or less matching his earthen counterpart. What sets them apart is their acess to implausable specialty weapons like say, a pike that's twice as long as should be physically possible to wield , or a crossbow that shoots lasers. Alongside the relativley sparce lunarians would of course be the moon rabbits, which have a fast ground speed and maneuverability at the cost of being not much tougher then a fairy (but unlike fairies, they'd still have enough strength to at least wear a mail coat for adequate protection).

The Scarlet Devil Mansion: Vampires aside, the SDM also employs fairies (specifically fairy maids) which preform the same harassment roles as they do in their actual faction, but on top of that also have access to hobgoblins: if you though playing a fairy was tough, you ain't seen nothing yet. Small, whimpy, weak, and ugly, hobs are likely the weakest sentient race in the game, but if you want a real challange, look no further. It's not all bad: you outnumber even the GFA and have a good leadership potential, allowing a SDM player to flood the battlefield with cannon-fodder hobs who will drown the enemy in a sea of green.

>> No.13576871



The Buddhists: Why fight like a barbarian when you can convince other barbarians to fight for you? Buddists focus less on combat as they do the more mundane aspects of mount and blade, but also have acess to otherwise restricted youkai races like Kitsune and Tanuki on top of every other race (though the chances of fairies being in their ranks are actually lower then all the other factions). Great if you like variety.

The Taoists: Promoting balance and harmony...what, are you implying that raising the dead and seeking immortality is not balanced and harmonoious!? Most of the other factions will give you the cold shoulder (ESPECIALLY the Buddhists), but they likely won't mind after you raise them. Delves in the magical arts.

>> No.13576889


I think we have one modeler, but said modler is working on that Sanae project.

>> No.13576902


What about the Kappa? Or the Hakurei Shrine? Or the Moriya Shrine, as well as Former Hell for the matter.

>> No.13576920

I heard that mmd models might be able to work with mount and blade if you rig them properly.

But the sound of that alone kinda sounds ugly and full of problems.
like getting permission

>> No.13576936

Especially given how the mmd community is like.
Drama whores

>> No.13576939

Epic spoiler meme, man.

>> No.13576948

It's kinda sad really,
I remember them bitching about those smash mods.

>> No.13577766

Yeah, really sad.

>> No.13578386

Is there any better engine? I thought of using Ren'py because I wouldn't require to make a dialog system from scratch and would just need to make the battle system.

>> No.13578485
File: 152 KB, 1024x581, 1407010961142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking of that idea for Bannerlord once it comes out, seeing how easily moddable they promised it would be.

Picture from a Pooshlmer thread, not mine

>> No.13578842

How do you get the sprite animation to move at a speed that is not the games fps?

>> No.13578941

>Mandarin Chinese

>> No.13579686

Depends what you want to focus on.
You might want to take RPG Maker and jury rig a VN system in it if you want deep combat.

>> No.13579831

image_speed = n / room_speed;

Where n is the frames per second you want. I have characters in 2hu crossing run at 5 / room_speed;

>> No.13580622

Ah well I'm glad you posted that.
This project could probably be easily done now.
Hell, I think I can setup the factions on my freetime.

But models are the only issue.

I'm not buying bannerlord though

>> No.13580645


Hardest part would be finding male models for generic characters, or even generic models at all for the non-fairies, such as the oni. It would be quite weird if every oni looked like Yuugi or Suika, when they're supposed to be rather exceptional individuals.

>> No.13580658

Well it depends on if we want to piss off the MMD community.
They have plenty of generic models to take.

>> No.13580674

And I might add, we don't really need custom models for the humans do we?
Just make them look a bit more eastern.

>> No.13582790 [SPOILER] 
File: 223 KB, 1024x702, 1433161652462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I "know" how to model, I just never have the time anymore.

What's wrong with Bannerlord? Might be easier to make proper danmaku there than the ranged weapons of Warband (Bow, Crossbow, Pistol).

>> No.13582797

Oh, you're that guy.

And there's nothing really wrong with it.
I just think at this point I might as well just pirate it.

>> No.13584232

someone post a 2d fairy sprite

>> No.13584640
File: 703 KB, 1028x6497, Workshop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll top you off with my whole workshop: apologizes for the mess.


Back from a few days of fixing up an ancient computer from 92: including replacing the monitor as the CRT was killing my eyes. Suika Fortress work has grinded to a halt as I hit the writting portion of it which I had at one point and since then lost. Also started some work on another side project in the mean time; maybe reinigrate some sprites that come from it into SF and vice-versa.

>> No.13584644
File: 8 KB, 270x270, Portraits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also did this thing with some New Super Marisa Land sprites. Chaun was all scratchwork.

>> No.13584716

Thanks. Not the style I want in my game but they will be very good placeholders.

>> No.13584946

What kind of style and game are you aiming for?

>> No.13585079

someone has a VX koishi sprite that doesn't look like shit, don't make me create one.

>> No.13585213
File: 51 KB, 1501x816, checklist status 2015 06 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar to the castlevania metroidvanias. Specifically I am going to be trying to make it similar to Aria of Sorrow. I've got a while to go before it is even close to resembling that though.

>> No.13585263

Are you the platformer anon from earlier?

>> No.13585313

If you mean in this thread, probably.

>> No.13585516
File: 104 KB, 240x160, 2015-06-01-1646-44.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13585531

>all those sprites!
What? How? Who? Where?

>> No.13585533

nice progress

>> No.13585560

Off to a good start, but you might want to double the screen size to make it easier to see. Just a note for future videos.

Are you using Game Maker?

>> No.13585569

Yes. Isn't there a way to have game maker upscale the games video output? I'd like to keep the native resolution at the GBA's at least for the moment so I don't need to resize a bunch of sprites.

>> No.13585579
File: 2.86 MB, 719x478, chengine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im thinking of doing some kind of 2hu star fox thing for my first project using my shitty 3d javascript game engine

>> No.13585606

This spritesheet gave me so many ideas. Can I use it?

Is that a MMD model?

>> No.13585609

Learn to use views. They are one of the most important things to use. Modify the view port variables in the room editor, and it'll upscale your screen. Game Maker uses the size of your first room OR the size of your first visible view in your first room for the game window's size. Alternatively, you also can resize the window in code, but that's more involved.

You may also need to go to Global Game Settings -> Windows -> Graphics -> Uncheck Interpolate colors between pixels; if you're working with pixel art.

For Touhou Crossing, I had the view at 320x240 but the viewport at 640x480.

>> No.13585616

I've already been using views, but I didn't know about upscaling it. Thanks.

>> No.13585624

I might have said more than I needed to then. Wasn't sure where you're at skill-wise.

>> No.13585635 [DELETED] 

yeah it's a MMD model. i put in pmd and vmd support.

>> No.13585637

My skill isn't very much. I read 'The Game Maker's Apprentice' a couple years ago in high school and use search engines for things I don't know.

>> No.13585639

yeah it's a MMD model. i put in pmd and vmd support.

>> No.13585642

Always have the F1 documentation open. Game Maker has really good documentation.

Are you using code or drag 'n' drop?

>> No.13585656

A mix of the two. I plan on going through everything and turning as many drag and drop events to code as I can at the end of making the AoS 'engine' before I start building levels and putting in actual enemies (and replacing placeholders with touhou sprites/music).

>> No.13585662
File: 7 KB, 435x65, Red_Striped_Medium_Double_Plus_Oni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice start. Huh, should I crank out more frames? Is the danmaku sufficient? I also added a bunch of objects on the right side of the screen including power ups.


I'm a spriter!


Yes. Of course! I was afraid half of these would never see the light of day outside of this thread.

>> No.13585690
File: 15 KB, 673x160, fairymach1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And a bunch of robots and machines; some even Touhou related!

>> No.13585697

>I was afraid half of these would never see the light of day outside of this thread.
No way. Your tanky stuff gave me a good idea of what to try since I wanted to try some networking recently.
Not going to make any promises so I'll just bump the thread whenever I have at least some very basic thing to show.

>> No.13585706

>Huh, should I crank out more frames?
If you want, but keep in mind that I am using those as placeholders at the moment. I might want to make a different game with your sprites later though.
And your style is simple enough that I was able to make Sunny a short flight cycles easily.
Though I can't seem to find a proper death/explosion sprite.
>Is the danmaku sufficient?
Maybe? Everything is spread out enough that I have to look for bullets.
>I also added a bunch of objects on the right side of the screen including power ups.
I see.

>> No.13585743
File: 47 KB, 640x461, 1432410813907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how this thread and the OC one gain a lot of posts in a short period at its beginning and its end.

Is that VIVIT?

Are you the one who made the walking Evangelion "game"?
This isn't bad, would look better with a flying animation and a faster speed.

>> No.13585828
File: 15 KB, 225x365, fairymach2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always forget the limit is set to 300. A shame I didn't get much done this thread gamewise.


Indeed. I modeled her in Dwarf Fortress as an experiment to see how to make robots work: I made a sprite for stonesense so she'd show up beyond an ASCII symbol.

>> No.13585982
File: 2.86 MB, 563x388, chengine2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you the one who made the walking Evangelion "game"?
yeah. it's all test environments still though. i finally came back to this after i got bored with adding guitar to crap in the oc thread.

>> No.13586351
File: 7 KB, 96x128, $Koishi9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey spriters, first time working with sprites how I make my koishi less angry.

>> No.13586475

Not a spriter, but remember when you're working with pixel art, a single pixel can make a massive difference. Try adjusting the eyes very slightly and see how it changes it.

>> No.13586916
File: 61 KB, 1366x768, 2015-06-01_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dominions anon here.
I'm pretty much done with the mod and I'll release it by this weekend. Working full time during the summer kinda has its downsides, so sorry bout the wait

>> No.13586925
File: 491 B, 43x12, eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's all in the brow. Using typical anime conventions, the amount of brow that a given eye takes up as well as its angle can be used to indicate emotion, alongside the pupil. Here, Sunny Milk's normal expression has a mostly level brow with some curl to the left and right for the left and right eye respectivley, with a greater curl used to emphasize surprise (alongside shrunken pupils), a slant to indicate anger, ect.


Quite the nugget of wisdom: at 32x32 scale, a single pixel CAN make a large difference in how an eye expresses itself, which I shall show on the following post.

>> No.13586927
File: 4 KB, 96x128, Koshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A single pixel, and the eyes are squared off to a neutral expression.

At least, I think. Look any better?

>> No.13586957

Sounds a little weird, but try making the irises slightly lighter.

>> No.13587029
File: 7 KB, 96x128, Koshigon_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this noticable?

>> No.13587069

Just slightly more. You can tell if you put them side by side, but not at default res

>> No.13587086
File: 7 KB, 96x128, Koshigon-Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hope this does it.

>> No.13587212

It's nice to see the /jp/ fangame thread alive again

>> No.13587469

It just needed one artist.

>> No.13588661
File: 4 KB, 375x120, Sunnymilk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a complete version of Sunny's sprite: note that her feet (as well as the feet on the rest of the fairy sprites) have their toes pointed downward when in flight. Explosion is meant to be a composite similar to older PC-98 games with the sparkle as a particle effect.

>> No.13588828

More like it just needed someone to start doing something

>> No.13589554

Laziness just caused me to have an easy solution to a bug.
Thanks GML.

>> No.13590934

We are on page 10.

>> No.13591013
File: 26 KB, 150x108, 1428054206843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I promise I will contribute in the next thread!

>> No.13591222

wow thanks for fixing my koishi

>> No.13591678

No you won't

>> No.13591787


>> No.13591928


>> No.13593004

Hi im mister sage I like to sage threads that suck
