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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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13413719 No.13413719[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you bang a black chick /jp/?

>> No.13413724
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Only if they've white features.

>> No.13413743

Probably, I'm pretty desperate for sex.

>> No.13413756

Dark skin does not mean black.

>> No.13413775

I cute one like this, sure.

>> No.13413819

don't black people have fat lips, noses, and foreheads

>> No.13413824

an asian or north european brown woman, yes
but not any monkey faces like africans or hispanics, they're a huge turnoff

>> No.13414032

black anime chicks aren't like real black chicks

>> No.13414061

Black girls are fuckign disgusting, even black men prefer white woman, any race prefers any other before blacks

>> No.13414096

How many real black girls do you know anon?

>> No.13414103

I'd rather focus on something I actively care about, like shitposting on the internet.

>> No.13414112

i only know Whoopi Goldberg

>> No.13414151

> Asian men and black people—black women especially—were consistently rated lower than everyone else.

>> No.13414177

Anime characters do not have white features, only Asian ones.

>> No.13414182

That's not a black chick, that's a brown asian. Japs rarely ever draw female niggers, and when they do they're typically stylised to the point that they look like any other white/asian character but with darker skin and curly hair because it's practically impossible to make a character look attractive with black features. But I digress, no, I wouldn't bang anything resembling a black woman.

>> No.13414183

I tried to name all the black women I knew and ran out after Michelle Obama and Oprah

>> No.13414257

>That's not a japanese guy, that's a dark haired white. Japs rarely ever draw japanese, and when they do they're typically stylised to the point that they look like any other white person but with darker hair because and a japanese name it's practically impossible to make a male look attractive with japanese features.

>> No.13414263

You are right, but why the green?

>> No.13414275

0, we don't have many black people here. That doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about, though.

>> No.13414276

actually it's kind of hard to think of women who aren't white

the only japanese females i can think of who don't work in an otaku-related industry are nevada-tan and the sasebo slashers and that doesn't really count

>> No.13414278

does this fluid druid have a name? Can I at least get the artist name?

>> No.13414282


>> No.13414283


>> No.13414292

kimoi, go away with your booru cancer

>> No.13414301
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>i know what black girls are like
>ive never met one but i know what im talking about!

>> No.13414307

Works better for EOPs

>> No.13414308

I will fuck a lot of things, but a negro isn't one of them.

>> No.13414314

Sorry I was talking about the visual aesthetics, obviously. Black anime chicks don't have real black chicks' facial features.

>> No.13414322

Are we talking about black American woman?

>> No.13414357


Brown sugar =/= black

>> No.13414362

The most famous & attractive Jap/Chinese women look almost exactly the most famous & attractive black people in hollywood with lighter skin. Bonquisha from wal-mart (who you guys are visualizing when someone says *black women*) is just as homely as hoshiko the chunky 7-11 lady.

I've never seen a person irl with facial features comparable to either of the pictures here, light skinned or not. The only remotely realistic thing about any of their physical features are their tits and ass, and you can't tell me japs and white people have bigger tits and asses than black women on average

>> No.13414387

When an anime artist draws a 'black chick', he just draws his usual, fair skinned girl and colors her skin differently. Skin color aside they look identical. In real life black and white girls don't have the same facial features so comparing the two based on skin color alone is unrealistic.

>> No.13414390

Why not?

>> No.13414390,1 [INTERNAL] 

tfw if I was 2d, 4chan would argue I wasn't black

>> No.13414390,2 [INTERNAL] 

do you have a big dick?

>> No.13414390,3 [INTERNAL] 

No it's internet small. between 7 and 8.

I don't have huge muscles and aren't 6'5 like in my porn doujinshi either. Makes me jelly as hell.

>> No.13414390,4 [INTERNAL] 

*inches that is

>> No.13414390,5 [INTERNAL] 

i read that male porn stars are all short and only have slightly above average penis sizes but because theyre short and small their penises look bigger

>> No.13414390,6 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13414390,7 [INTERNAL] 

Guess dickspammer would fit right in

>> No.13414390,8 [INTERNAL] 

im not short?

>> No.13414390,9 [INTERNAL] 

this black loli is really attractive

>> No.13414390,10 [INTERNAL] 

a black lolis vagina is still nice and pink on the inside


>> No.13414390,11 [INTERNAL] 

Never really understood why girls tan now a days. White skin looks really cute.

>> No.13414390,12 [INTERNAL] 

its not that they tan its that theyre outside enough to get a tan naturally

>> No.13414390,13 [INTERNAL] 

I want to fuck a nigger, any tips?

>> No.13414390,14 [INTERNAL] 

I hope by black lolis you're talking about brown lolis because niglets are fucking disgusting

>> No.13414390,15 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13414390,16 [INTERNAL] 

You want to fuck niglets? Are you literally fucking serious?

>> No.13414390,17 [INTERNAL] 

dude brown and black are literally the same thing

>> No.13414390,18 [INTERNAL] 

I think you might be an idiot

>> No.13414390,19 [INTERNAL] 

im starting to think the same about you

>> No.13414390,20 [INTERNAL] 

What's brown? Mexican and BR? Indian? Viet and the like?

>> No.13414390,21 [INTERNAL] 

Tanned lolis like Shauna from Poketto Monsters.

>> No.13414390,22 [INTERNAL] 

It's not a tan if they're permanently brown.

>> No.13414390,23 [INTERNAL] 

How do you know they're permanently brown? It's not like it takes place over years

>> No.13414390,24 [INTERNAL] 

Is Shauna's cinematic model different from Serena's? Shauna's legs seem a lot more slim and she seems more knock kneed than Shauna.

Serena and Haruka seem to use the same model though, which is odd because everyone keeps calling Haruka a kid but her cinematic model shows that her hips are pretty wide and her breasts are noticeable...

>> No.13414390,25 [INTERNAL] 

also is shauna a lesbian
i think they kept the dialogue from her the same regardless of gender and if you were a guy it would seem like she has a crush on you but to play a girl it just seems kind of weird

also after you beat the game she literally just stands outside of your house forever...

>> No.13414390,26 [INTERNAL] 

Why would they be more tan than you when you're outside all the time?

>> No.13414390,27 [INTERNAL] 

Nah, that's not true, someone the other day was pointing out they said something different here if you're male


>> No.13414390,28 [INTERNAL] 

did they only change like two lines? i thought some of the stuff she said to the girl player was kind of weird but then again maybe shauna's heart is as vast as the ocean and she loves everybody

that means she would love me too right

>> No.13414390,29 [INTERNAL] 

You're unloveable

>> No.13414390,30 [INTERNAL] 


It looks like it is just that line that changed. Still implies she likes boys more.

>> No.13414390,31 [INTERNAL] 

Anime characters do not have Asian features you fucking retarded weeb. They are drawn to look white because Asian mongoloid monkeys wish they were white.

>> No.13414390,32 [INTERNAL] 

Keep dreaming.

>> No.13414390,33 [INTERNAL] 

I hate when retards try to compare cartoons to white people. Cartoons are made up of shape design. 80% of the moe blob shit devoid of any creativity since Disney's heyday but you look at any shounen manga it's all design (i.e one piece, bleach).

Arguably the only white character based on Caucasoid skull would be the protagonist, like Ichigo. Everyone else is designed differently to be distinct. Asian cartoon characters don't even look human.

>> No.13414390,34 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13414390,35 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13414390,36 [INTERNAL] 

I'm watching this guys videos and it's just full of nonsensical bullshit. Anime is Disney style that the Japanese borrowed and watered down and nothing more. The different eye colors and hair is to distinct who is who in animation. For example in sailor moon all the classmates have brown or black hair (as in asia that is typical) but Usagi has golden hair while her friends blue, purple, and lighter brown.

Seriously this nigger made 3 or 4 videos on something that doesn't need much explaining.

>> No.13414390,37 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.13414390,38 [INTERNAL] 


Contacts and dyed hair? What a retard.

>> No.13414390,39 [INTERNAL] 

didnt this guy manipulate his retarded gf or something

>> No.13414390,40 [INTERNAL] 

proof that anime is for norms

>> No.13414390,42 [INTERNAL] 

i'm pretty sure there are a couple of pretty boys on the dub. why don't you guys make a bunch of stupid videos like that and have preteens fund your neet life style?

>> No.13414390,43 [INTERNAL] 


This kid has made a video for every lesson he's ever learned in his life.
