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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 72 KB, 507x338, 82113289-mature-warehouse-staff-confused-gettyimages[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13319482 No.13319482 [Reply] [Original]

what do you guys see in Jap culture?
I'm a Japanese person myself, and I don't really get the fascination with my culture. Could someone explain please?

>> No.13319491

I don't see shit in jap culture myself, only in "OTAKU CULTURE" which leads to fascination in many things from fleshbag porn to guns.

>> No.13319494

how small is your dick

>> No.13319499

i suppose
also, why the term 'otaku', when in Japan, otaku is an insult?

>> No.13319506

Otaku has pejorative connotations because of who otaku are, not because the term was invented to be derogatory.

>> No.13319511

I'm aware of that...

>> No.13319515

Because just like the word "nerd" and "gun nut", we make use of said insult to create our own elitist group.

>> No.13319530

I don't believe you're Japanese and actually saying "Jap", OP

>> No.13319534

Japs are casual nowadays, only otaku are left.

We are more otaku than 70% of Japan.

>> No.13319546
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They make some pretty great bridges.

>> No.13319557

Oh and big ships I guess.

I always like japanese battleships.

>> No.13319560

I like to eat Japanese rice.

>> No.13319572

With semen on top?

>> No.13319573

I like eating weird foods and little Japanese boys.

>> No.13319579

I want a jap gf.

>> No.13319638
File: 363 KB, 1920x2502, hotanimebb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gosh anon why are you such a nerd.

>> No.13319640

That word gives me strength.

>> No.13319652

>I'm a Japanese person myself

Lies, Japanese people don't exist.

>> No.13319669

societal structure, unique culture and customs.

>> No.13319672

fuck off weeaboo.
Angry sage.

>> No.13319678

There's something about Japanese society that is inherently perfectionist. It's hard to describe, but they have a degree of self-scrutiny and conscientiousness that's reflected in their artistic output. There's an attention to detail that westerners lack. Even when I browse pixiv I can easily guess the nationality of the artists, just by looking at the preview images. The ones drawn by westerners look like shit.

>> No.13319722
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>The ones drawn by westerners look like shit

That's because the west has completely abandoned objective standards for drawing.

>> No.13319737
File: 405 KB, 1760x4854, 7f4970732d8facaa79139d32174bcb65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most bodacious cartoon babes

>> No.13319740
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No, most buxom 2hu babes!

>> No.13319745

/jp/ - japan/general

>> No.13319748


The good old days.

>> No.13319751
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isn't it sad that this is probably the closest thing to the real answer?

>> No.13319753


I want to cuddle with kuroneko.

>> No.13319755


Are you an actual Nip, born, raised and living in Japan or are you a fake ameri-jap?

>> No.13319762

I can guarantee you that OP isn't even asian.

>> No.13319765

SEAs like to pretend to be Japanese on the internet, you never know.

>> No.13319771


He's probably a hairy jungle asian.

>> No.13319773

Vietnamese not-OP here, I wouldn't do that!!!

Just an anecdote tho.

>> No.13319886

>I don't see shit in jap culture myself, only in "OTAKU CULTURE"
This. I don't think I like your average Japanese person either just as I don't like your average American.

And I'd never want to live in Japan. There's a reason so many people are using escapism to ... escape it. I'm sure it's actually much easier to be an otaku in the west as opposed to a neo-Confucian society.

I actually think there is no better place to be an otaku, hikiki or NEET than in the US (especially granting you have autismbux on the last two).

>> No.13319902

Because we're all a bunch of emotionally stunted losers and we DAI-SOOKEY it

>> No.13320003

2020, war, war finally returns to Asia.

China's economy finally bursts, their yuan is losing value and the people are starving. The Communist party, trying its best to protect its power over the chinese, directs all the hatred and problems of the chinese toward Japan, the so-called nemesis that tried to destroy China in the past. Japan immediately tries to fortify itself, knowing the US Army would take a while to respond to such a threat, especially with the potential nuclear exchange coming from China.

But lo and behold, from the seas come the "Otaku Battalion", volunteers from all the world going to help Japan war effort. Some cite their reason as protecting the Japanese people, some even say they want to "eroge"/porn game developers from Japan safe from harm. They brought all kinds of weapons approach, from fake katana to bolt action rifles like the Russian Mosin-nagant to modern sporting rifles such as AR15 or AR10. The japanese government at first wants to upheld the Sword & Firearm law, but seeing that more and more volunteers come and their own JSDF is lacking in warm bodies. From inside the country, the NEET, the shut-in and the netouyou finally leave their chamber, marching towards the JSDF recruitment station in order to "kill corean infiltrators and chinese dog-eaters". Despite the difference in physical and reason, all "otaku" try hard to protect Japan from the upcoming war and multiply the JSDF from a hundred thousand force to a million strong force.

>> No.13320078
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I only like the illustrated erotica and noisy underground music really.

>> No.13320156

Jap culture is rape culture
And I love it for it

>> No.13320191



Absolutely glorious.

>> No.13320196

Thank you!

>> No.13320204
File: 45 KB, 470x461, flandrebecamestalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want China and Russia destroy Japan.

>> No.13320215
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What's this from?

Nothing on google, nothing on iqdb, nothing on sadpanda, nothing in the archive

>> No.13320323


>> No.13320338


the train system, so efficient and punctual

>> No.13320380


>> No.13320382

It's the favorite otaku rice dish!!!

>> No.13320399


If anyone needs it

>> No.13320443

Prove that you're Japanese you cuck-fuck.

>> No.13320511

It is very cute. And like the anon said earlier, Nips give such attention to detail.

>> No.13320514

Well and I find my culture pretty boring too, but a bunch of people have a hard-boner for it.

>> No.13320635


Are you French? I run into francophiles once in a while. It's kind of weird.

>> No.13320642

That feel when no one in the world thinks your culture is great or even good or even likes you.

Implying we even have a culture.

Feels good man.

>> No.13320654

Kawaii culture > sexy culture.

>> No.13320658

the anime babes dude

>> No.13320659 [DELETED] 

>ancient/traditional Japanese culture
lol who cares
>anime/2D/otaku culture (modern Japanese culture)
This I like

>> No.13320684


What does it matter if their Asian or not? You're either Jap or you're not

>> No.13320686


I like both tbh

>> No.13320689



>> No.13320747

Do you like come to Japanese women too gaijin pig?

>> No.13320751
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Where to start.

A knack for innovation, a love for electronics, rarely half-assing their work (The ones that do, do not last long), not minding what goes on behind closed doors (so long as no one is harmed, or are too loud).

Of course I am aware it sucks to be an office worker in Japan and job pressure is ridiculous. But everywhere has its flaws (and I have no intention of being a salaryman whether in the states or anywhere I go)

>> No.13320772

I want to go to Japan and find a cute tomboy girl called Ryuko and marry her.

>> No.13320886

Only if it looks like my AV porn / hentai

>> No.13320905

Only if it's mai waifu's semen

>> No.13320933

I wanna f*ck a jap girl and make hafu babbies!!!!!!!!!!!! Please wish me luck "kudasai"

>> No.13320936

And Japanese girls want foreigner boyfriend. It is amazing to me how easy it is for foreigner to get girl to have sex with. Maybe they also do not get serious relationship if they don't have money but Japanese girls really so much more likely to have sex and fooling around with Westerners it is driving us guys nuts.

>sleep with foreigner bad boy
>then get married to Japanese rich nice guy
Women in Japan are such fucking sluts.
I wish I had a nice traditional white woman from America instead...

>> No.13320948

That wage-slave normalfags in your society actually take pride in serving NEETs.

>> No.13320955

>traditional woman
>from amerika

>> No.13321014


I hate America so much.

I mean, we're the most powerful country in the world and everything but it sucks to actually live in America. It's #1 degeneracy hotspot of the world.

>> No.13321025

>'m a Japanese person myself
Sure thing dog eater.

>> No.13321031

I just want a cute gf

>> No.13321035


I want f

>> No.13321090

Fucking this. I've been to Japan for two weeks and I was shocked how slutty all the cute and innocent Japanese girls acted towards me. They literally begged for my dick.

I didn't give it to them of course, for I stayed true to my waifu.

>> No.13321301

>hating America
fuck off

>> No.13321388

Calm down spic.

>> No.13321597


>> No.13321646

No bully!

>> No.13321648

Is this what they call bridge otaku?

>> No.13321763

And we are aware of how disgusting we are.

>> No.13321773

I guess hating America isn't cool anymore.

>> No.13321794

It never was, claiming such was just a label to silence dissent. Claiming something "bandwagon" if you will.

>> No.13321804

Tell that to Bush era Americans.

>> No.13321925

I really hate western art. The common sort of styles you see online (Disney ripoff, Total Drama Island ripoff, Adventure Time ripoff, western superhero comic sorta styles, etc) are so boring. Monkey see, monkey do, right? Hell, they can't even copy "anime" styles without it looking off and western, or do realism without injecting their western cartoon style in and making everything look awkward. Sometimes you'll find artists that do a good job but usually it's all low quality and awful.

It isn't much better if you go towards traditional art and exhibitions, it's still trash. I remember going to some Ghost In the Shell-inspired exhibition at the Tate Modern and it was bad. You could tell the artist had no idea what he was doing.

But Japanese/eastern artists manage to always make their works look good. Sure, same-face is a common thing but it isn't much of an issue in my opinion. Forcing uniqueness can be really obvious. But even the junk you see on Pixiv is on a higher level than the junk you see on deviantArt/Tumblr. Even if the artist infuses their cartoon style in with their realism it usually doesn't look awkward. Even if the anatomy is off, or they're minimalistic or whatever else, the illustrations are always warm and inviting. And then it isn't hard to find artists who know what they're doing and generally do a good job at illustrating. ゆうこ
(ID: 187034)'s and げみ (ID: 396769)'s works instantly come to mind. They look so fantastic. One exhibition I would love to go to is ゆの's hallucinatic girls exhibit. The girls look really soft and the images in general are very visually pleasing.

Sorry for ranting on like this.

>> No.13322067

You do realize that anime is a Disney ripoff too, yes?

>> No.13322072

I thought it was Betty Boop knowing that she was one of the earliest cartoon sex symbols which anime emulated and improved on.

>> No.13322225

that's why we use it
like the way black people call them selves niggas

>> No.13322264

Yes, that's true.

I agree, it's a bit closer to that than Disney isn't it? I guess it depends on the artist though.

>> No.13323337

But American women are the least traditional.
In fact, they are worse than Japanese women.

>> No.13323928

Well Japanese men do seem to hold them in high regard.


Japanese women, on the other hand, are deluded as fuck.
>still believing the England myth

>> No.13324018
File: 139 KB, 842x1023, portrait-of-ginevra-aldrovandi-hercolani-1595(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When did we fall from grace?

>> No.13324020


>> No.13324048

Really? I think it's much better in western Europe where you get a lot of government money with little effort.

>> No.13324144

What the fuck this shit is about? The CC subtitles are off the hooks.

>> No.13324182

It's the Japanese equivalent of the American TV show "LOST".

>> No.13324384

When I was young, I noticed Japan designed all my electronics and favorite cars. Then I slowly grew into a larger faggot as times passed. They say going to Japan itself is supposed to be an eye-opener for dumb weebs but going there only reinforced my love of the country. Maybe it's because I didn't base my expectations on anime?

Have you ever been to America or any western country? One of my favorite things about the Japanese that you might take for granted is how efficient everyone is. No matter where I was in Japan, they always stood on one side of the escalator so people in a hurry can run up the other side. It took me a matter of minutes to get annoyed by people not doing this when I landed back in America. I hear it's different in larger cities, but I live in the country.

>> No.13324426

Dude I would love to live in the countryside in America.

I bet it's slow and cozy and everyone talk like cowboy!!!

>> No.13324480
File: 114 KB, 500x400, howdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Howdy, my name is Kenichi Smith.

I'm a 27 year old Japanese Toonaholic (Cartoon fan for you foreigners). I draw cartoons and comics on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior American games. (Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty)

I train with my 1911 every day, this superior weapon can shoot straight through steel because it kicks ass, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my gun license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak English fluently, both the Midwestern and the East Coast accents, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about American history and their Constitution, which I follow 100%

When I get my American visa, I am moving to New York to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Nickelodeon or a game designer!

I own several cowboy outfits, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to America, so I can fit in easier. I keep cool to my elders and seniors and speak English as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in America!

>> No.13324488


>> No.13324493

Howdy partner

>> No.13324512

Fine. How about you?

>> No.13325131

Nothing in particular.
It's appealing because it's somewhat exotic (less so these days, traditional Japanese culture has been dying for a better part of 70 years now) and not entirely awful and there's more exposure to it than to Chinese or Korean or Vietnamese culture.

I was reading a lot of Lafcadio Hearn when I was younger, so that may be the reason.

>> No.13325389

Good luck Kenichi Smith!

>> No.13325469

I cried, so romantic.

>> No.13325935

they don't respect "dabblers"

>> No.13326081

What is a dabbler?

>> No.13326124

I wish art was more valued and more encouraged in the west in general, I read that most Korean students have decent drawing from life abilities because they just practice at an early age in the school curriculum.

>> No.13326175

A bunch of things.

For one, how perfectionism and discipline are found all accross Japanese culture: from martial arts to Zen Buddhism to Ikebana and even just daily life at school or at work.

I also appreciate how (traditionally anyways) gender roles are very black & white and clear-cut, men are strong and women are kawaii.

I also appreciate the style of traditional architecture and there's something that is uniquely pleasant about Japanese music both modern and traditional, Japanese cuisine as well is unlike anything else in the world.

Oh, and of course anime and manga and video games and all that bullshit.

>> No.13326181

Jack of all trades, master of none. People who never really commit to one thing and prefer to do a bit of everything.

>> No.13326209

Dammit. I'm a dabbler then. I know much more than normal people about every single topic ever but I'm not specialized in anything.

Fucking society doesn't appreciate people like me. People like me should be presidents, directors or lead designers of video games, but I can't do that because I am poor and black.

You can bet your ass if Japan listened to me and made an anime directed by me it would be the biggest hit ever.

>> No.13326244

There's nothing inherently wrong with it, hell some people do just one thing in life and event hen they don't fully commit to it, or they don't do anything at all.

I think it's actually good to be a dabbler, you're not limiting yourself and you're constantly expanding your horizons.

>> No.13326287

I'd say the issue is that being a dabbler simply isn't appreciated or viable in the modern world.

Most fields have developed depth to the extent such that anyone who commits to just one thing will be out of your league if you are a dabbler.

>> No.13326297

what is wrong with that woman?
what is she acting like that?

>> No.13326320

In addition, communities have expanded in population and variety so much so that a jack of all trades simply isn't as useful.

Back in the days when the communities we lived in were small, there was a smaller and less varied talent pool, so someone who can fill in multiple roles was much appreciated.

>> No.13326345

You mean Tomoko? She's acting normally like all Japanese women who think they're entertaining.

>> No.13326374

>Have you ever been to America or any western country? One of my favorite things about the Japanese that you might take for granted is how efficient everyone is. No matter where I was in Japan, they always stood on one side of the escalator so people in a hurry can run up the other side. It took me a matter of minutes to get annoyed by people not doing this when I landed back in America. I hear it's different in larger cities, but I live in the country.

people do that in Britain too

>> No.13326774

Yes, but there are plenty of non-people in Britain, if you know what I mean (Allah Akbar).

>> No.13326994
File: 169 KB, 500x281, sam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, yeah, sure, come to America...the women will be all over you. They're really traditional and submissive. Trust me.

on a serious question note, are as many Japanese people obsessed with american culture as vice versa? I know Goichi Suda, etc. are, but love for Americans seems pretty spare, otherwise.

>> No.13327015

I swear I've seen that exact post written by a delusional white guy in america.

>> No.13327103

Japan exports more culture than other countries /thread

>> No.13327233
File: 121 KB, 600x357, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that it shows a lack of discipline. How do people looking for directors/lead designers etc know you won't just get bored and leave/cease to do your best as soon as you hit your arbitrary "more than normal people" benchmark like you do with everything else you dabble in?

The sooner you find something productive that you feel that you can pour an unlimited amount of time into and never get bored, and hone that skill, the more opportunities you'll find are presented to you. Dabbling should be a means, not an end.

Also in terms of creative positions, as someone who also isn't particularly well off and black. If you have the mental capacity to use this website you know full well that you have free access to practically any creative outlet you can think of. It all starts with u anon

>> No.13327263

Oh, and also people in Japan take their god damn dirt fucking shit-covered shoes off when they enter someone's home.

It's unreal to me that in the west we're like HAHA LOOK AT DEM FANCY JAPANESE TAKIN OFF THEYS SHOES HURRHURR AIN'T THAT EXOTIC while tracking shit all over our floors

>> No.13327426

>are as many Japanese people obsessed with american culture as vice versa?
No, not really.

>> No.13327694

I am fascinated by how Americans are fascinated by the Japanese taking off their shoes.

We've been doing it in Germany for years. It's just completely natural, common sense. Why the fuck would you dirty your house by walking around it in the same shoes that you've been using outside?

It's like the equivalent of Americans not wiping their asshole after taking a shit and just putting their pants on directly.

>> No.13327770


There are situations in which even Germans don't take their shoes off before walking around in houses. But that's mostly if you get visited by strangers.

>> No.13327812

>It's like the equivalent of Americans not wiping their asshole after taking a shit and just putting their pants on directly.
So, leaving muddy tracks with your shoes in your home is common practice, by that analogy?

I'm so confused

>> No.13327841

No, only in America. We take shoes off in Germany.

>> No.13327853

If you're having a heart attack or something, do the Jap paramedics stop to take their shoes off before running into the house to load you into the ambulance?

>> No.13327890


Just kidding, they leave waito piggu to die.

>> No.13327904

Do americans seriously wear shoes inside their homes?

>> No.13327914

Carpets no, wood floors yes.

>> No.13327927

Not only that, they get upset if you ask them to take them off. I want to say "bitch, this is my house, if you can't follow such a basic request then don't come in, just go home and go track shit on your own floor."

>> No.13327930

>they always stood on one side of the escalator so people in a hurry can run up the other side.
Every civilized country does this.

>> No.13327939
File: 58 KB, 640x426, craftsman-laundry-room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on the household on the pace of living of its inhabitants. It's most common in the suburbs; people in cities often have carpeted apartments and in rural areas some houses actually have mudrooms for the express purpose of taking off boots and storing outerwear and tools.

The German above is just generally being a retard, though.

>> No.13327951

I bet you're a Jude.

>> No.13327955

Uh...uh...please don't fight on /jp/...

>> No.13327960

/jp/ should take Germany's side over the Zionists. Japan for sure would again.

>> No.13327965

For sure, but /jp/ welcome amerifats too...

So please don't fight, "onegai"!!!

>> No.13329483

>the west

You mean America? Most Europeans take off their shoes. I'm willing to bet most of the world does.

>> No.13329985


It's a pain in the ass to take your shoes off right at the door. Every American takes his shoes off inside, just not right at the door. If you have muddy shoes then you can take them off on the little tile entrance, otherwise why would you even bother?

>> No.13330024

Do people not take their shoes off in their home? Homes around here in America have a little entry way after the front door before you go into the house where you can put your shoes and coat in the closet. Also welcome mats are a thing.

I've never seen Americans make a big deal of Japs taking their shoes off but one can hardly go thorough any Jap thing that involves Americans without Japs obsessing over it "This is Japan so you take your shoes off inside." "Americans don't take off their shoes? EEEEH!?" and crazy shit like people sleeping in their bed with shoes on that I see in Japanese media(and in modeling images)

The only weird thing about it is that they do it at schools but as far as I've seen no where else. Why do it at school but not the office? Why don't teachers do it?

>> No.13330038

>Why don't teachers do it?
They do. And you wear a special set of slippers in the bathroom and special gym shoes in the gym.

>> No.13330043

My gf is legit Japanese, I met her while she was an exchange student in America, and she does identify as オタク, so it's not really an insult anymore there among nerds themselves at least.

>> No.13330065

I'll be out of the Marines soon, will die for this cause gladly.

>> No.13330072

Thank you, marine-san!!!

>> No.13330075

Where I live in the North East it's not common. But come to think of it, I almost never go inside other people's houses besides family.

>> No.13330077

I'm Venezuelan and everyone I know considers it savage to wear shoes indoors.

>> No.13330082

Just let Japan be nuked again so refugee ero artists can come to America and draw uncensored ero.

>special gym shoes in the gym
What's so special about them? Although I say this having gone to a school that had a uniform and so having to switch to sneakers in the gym.

>> No.13330086

I mean you don't enter the gym in your regular school slippers. You have to switch to gym shoes for use only in the gym.

>> No.13330088

No, only the uniqueness of modern Japan culture can create such nice ero.

>> No.13330649

I wish I had as much fantasy as you do anon. Would sure be nice to have a Japanese imaginary girlfriend.

>> No.13330655

>But come to think of it, I almost never go inside other people's houses besides family.
That is not exactly something surprising or unexpected.

>> No.13330919

i dont know why i like Japan so mutch. I think its an mental escape from a boring life in the country side... a typical case of Escapeism i guess.

>> No.13331547

Pretty much this.
I like exotic places myself.
Escapism. Off into a new world.

Japan just happens to be all over the web, so its convenient. I'd like to visit other countires in south east asia just as much though.

>> No.13331612

Lies. Almost every person I've had over wears their shoes inside and don't take them off until I tell them to stop getting dirty shit all over my floor.

>> No.13331659

Amerika is piggu.

>> No.13331804

It's pretty common everywhere with polite company, really.

>> No.13332365

Sounds like you know some rude people muddy-floor-kun. I only ever leave my shoes on if the person who invited me over does.

>> No.13332874

Because, OP; shit like this is allowed


>> No.13332890

I live in Canada and most people never bother to take off their shoes, especially my family, they're just walk right from outside and walk up to the upstairs washroom where our bath & shower is and drag thier shit/dirt-covered heels all over the washroom floor.

It's especially bad during winter where they'll drag ice-cold slosh water all over and that shit soaks through my socks.

>> No.13332898

Holy fucking shit

my penis

>> No.13332920

Shame that the girl who does the handjobbing looks like a man.

>> No.13332921

I live in Canada too and nobody makes it past the landing before removing their footwear.

>> No.13332922

There's more than one.

>> No.13333170

Do you not have a doormat for this to happen?

>> No.13333360

I'm Canadian too, and in the vast majority of houses I've gone to, I take off my shoes at the front just inside the door, unless the host specifically says not to bother. I know I personally wouldn't want people tracking dirt or water in the house.

>> No.13333406

Oh sure I do, but like I said my family is... something else... they'll walk around in the lovely springtime mix of dirt, melted snow, thawed dogshit and walk right past the doormat and walk right upstairs with their boots on to use the washroom - seemingly intentionally avoiding the downstairs washroom.

I A-L-W-A-Y-S take off my shoes/boots even if it's to quickly get a plastic bag or something from upstairs.

It's funny too because every few they'll be like "OH JEEZ LOUISE WHY IS THE FLOOR SO DIRTY" like somehow it was a ghost that dragged its boots all over the house.

>> No.13333443

bukkake rice

>> No.13333504

I live in the hick Midwest, and the general norms are as follows:

1. Unless the family is very well-to-do, the garage serves as the antechamber. If the owner wants you to take off your shoes, you do so here. Also, large festivities are usually centered in the garage/dining room/living room, which are usually interconnected.

2. If there is no adjoining garage, you either leave the shoes at the door or wear them permanently. This area is either

3. If there is good carpet, only slippers and socks should be worn. If the house has good carpet everywhere, leave the shoes in the garage/opening. If the carpet is mediocre, it depends on the owner. Some houses have a linoleum partition surrounding the front door where shoes are generally discarded, but not always.

4. Linoleum, or any surface which is easily mopped/sweeped is fair game for shoes/sandals.

5. Time matters. If the stay is very short, there is no need to take off one's shoes. If the stay becomes longer, one may take them off arbitrarily at any point.

6. If you are entering the house on a matter of work, there is no need to take off one's shoes if they are relatively clean.

7. Most people have either two to four pairs of commonly-worn shoes. If they white-collar, one is a clean pair for work. At home, there is a pair for relatively clean, universal shoes for school, casual outings, and home, usually tennis shoes. For dirtier work, most people have a pair of boots, steel-toed or otherwise, which remain in the garage or near the door.

8. Sweeping is usually done when there are visible, raised balls of dust on the floor, unless you are classier than that.

9. Poorer folks usually just wear one of shoes, and wear them throughout the house/trailer indiscriminately.

>> No.13333550

I honestly don't get this.

I live in Newfoundland. Shoes are ALWAYS taken off in the porch when entering someone's home. Wearing my dirty-ass sneakers inside someone's kitchen would be about as insulting as picking my nose at the dinner table while they serve me dinner.

>> No.13335439

That woman is retarded.

>> No.13335580


I doubted myself for a long time, but now my faith is reaffirmed that Japan is the greatest country that has ever existed.

>> No.13335686


Do they sleep with their shoes on too?

>> No.13335688

Graphic and animated pornography

>> No.13335836

Why does Kenichi Smith sound so much cooler than Ken-sama?

>> No.13335838

Because he knows that jingle jangle.

>> No.13335932 [DELETED] 

I enjoyed the commenting style. Now that I think about it, it kinda reminds me of NicoNico scrolling commentary.

>> No.13335973

She is doing pretty well for a Japanese woman her age.

>> No.13336001

I don't get what's happening

>> No.13336012
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The samurai

>> No.13336059

It is Japanese deito show where women line up to compete for gaijin dick.

All women have boyfriend but they want to cheat on them anyway (and the boyfriend know).

In this episode, white pig have conscience so he doesn't pick any of final girl after producer-san tells him that all girls have boyfriend (he is not told before).

Both girls go back to old boyfriends and ask if they take them back. Both says yes.

>> No.13336072

Because he is. I'd play some halo and throw back a couple brewskis with him.

>> No.13336162

nah. makes ur feet hurt.

>> No.13336197
File: 2.06 MB, 2904x1944, dsc_2390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm being too serious in saying this, but I just want to see the country side of Japan. They have more ancient history to them than here, so I wouldn't mind visiting old buildings and various sites. I do not hear many people talk about this so I just keep it to myself, but I would be happy to see the traditional buildings and the traditional clothes and rituals that are done. I don't know if I would want to wear any of it or participate in it, but I would just mind myself and watch from the side.

But Japan is so far away, and I would have to take a week or so off of work, plan where to go and what to do, hope I don't get terribly lost and know what to do/not do when in Japan. I do have a friend of mine who lives just outside of Kyoto. She recommended it as being a place where you can get a mix of modern, and traditional Japan. And not too surprisingly, she does not have much respect for Americans since many come and either talk too loud or are completely oblivious to customs and stuff of the assort.

>> No.13336266

>but I just want to see the country side of Japan.
Gaijin are not welcome there. You'll get the same treatment that black people get in Russia outside of Moscou.

>> No.13337032

Why Japanese men love Russian but Japanese women don't? Misandry+racism.

>> No.13337477

>Gaijin are not welcome there.
Completely untrue.

>> No.13337595

Did you even read the thread? He's talking about hickbilly Japan.

>> No.13337684

I live in hillbilly Japan. Everyone's as sweet as can be.

>> No.13337693

How many shotguns do people own?

>> No.13337710

I know quite a few hunters who go after wild boars and deer in town.

>> No.13337718

Thank you!!!

>> No.13337796

Are there any girls like Yutaka-chan from RJ138052?

>> No.13337841

>Yutaka-chan from RJ138052

>> No.13337858


Yutaka-chan is a small girl from a village in the Japanese countryside. She is a tomboy and due to her appearance (short hair, flat loli chest, wearing t-shirts and shorts) she is often confused for a boy. However, when she goes to her aunt's place (or something) for the summer, she gets quite the growth spur. She is still the same old pure, innocent & naive tomboy, but her body... well, don't let me spoil it all for you.

>> No.13337949

>But everywhere has its flaws
It's kind of funny how people quickly forget that with this kind of "why do you like XYZ?" questions. Obviously I'm going to have more issues with a society/culture I live in every day.

>> No.13338263

I nutted to this game so many times.

>> No.13338356
File: 283 KB, 659x800, 42064399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot the most important part, that she's still in grade school.
Me too. Can't wait for the sequel.

>> No.13338398

Is it pedophilia if you're attracted to her?

>> No.13338428

Naw, it's all about body type. Of course men are attracted to dumb chicks because they're easy to fool and fuck. Everyone would hop on Jennifer garner in 13 going on 30. No one really has a problem that your average 18 year old cum slut having the shit fucked out of her on camera for money has less sense than a 12 year old.

>> No.13338738


>> No.13341230

>not because the term was invented to be derogatory.
It's like calling someone "mr house"

because they don't leave their fucking house

>> No.13342055

I play Go! Go! Nippon! My First Trip to Japan a lot and I love it. The game is really realistic and just like Japan so I expect reality to be just like the game.

>> No.13342085
File: 151 KB, 328x280, c5cbbc0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute anime girls.

>> No.13342514

If I join the military can I get a big breast jap wife?

>> No.13342531

There aren't many big breast jap wife.

>> No.13342635

Literally baiting for compliments by asking others why you're so great is one reason that makes me hate faggots like you, OP.

An embarrassment to the entire country.

>> No.13343040

>more ancient history to them than here

smh people living in countries that haven't been around for thousands of years

>> No.13343044
File: 89 KB, 620x388, americas-guy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want us back?

>> No.13343049

only New England

>> No.13343144
File: 362 KB, 497x732, ea8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people living in countries that haven't been around for thousands of years

>> No.13343183

I'm into little girls and Japan is very propredo

>> No.13343263

>A knack for innovation
That's why the majority of enterprises in Japan still use facsimile machines and HTML 2.0 webpages, right?

>> No.13343276

Yeah, they're innovative but it's all for show. "Hey, check out what we CAN do!" while refusing to change the tech they have and use day to day.

My workplace finally upgraded their OS's from XP last year... to Vista.

>> No.13343279

So you're saying that Ameriburgers are savages?

>> No.13343300

Focusing on web design for innovation is like focusing on sign painting for innovation. A company getting a new sign on its door every month only tells me they have a designer on staff with nothing better to do.

What about the products those enterprises actually make? Do they actually do anything innovative?

>> No.13343303

fax machines are cool dude, back the fuck off

>> No.13343317

1990s tech apologists, come on. There's no excuse to be stubbornly stuck to something old, when newer implementations are more cost and time effective.

>> No.13343332

Yes? You keep shooting poor black people all the time in example.

>> No.13343347

>You keep shooting poor black people all the time

W-well, you should tell blacks to stop committing crime!!

>> No.13343392

>when newer implementations are more cost and time effective
I dunno, I've never found an infinite-scrolling slideshow more useful than a page with links. And given that the infinite-scrolling slideshow used three different frameworks measuring dozens of man-years of effort and the page of links took maybe four hours to set up from start to finish, I kind of doubt that applies.

>> No.13343416

but theyre cool

>> No.13343467

The occupation led to some pretty cool advances in operations and management.

>> No.13343580

You know it's true!

>> No.13344060

Japanese don't shoot blacks all the time so I'm all for it.

>> No.13344194

There is also something incredibly erotic about being black in Japan and spreading your semen in a relatively homogeneous country like Japan. Whiteys do it all the time, sure, but their products are not as noticeable.

When a black man spreads his seed, it leaves a visible mark on the Japanese world that will never "wash" away.

>> No.13344211
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>> No.13344220
File: 312 KB, 800x735, 1388806566615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you guys see in Jap culture?
The US and Japan are the only countries that produce high quality modern entertainment in large amounts.

Britain makes a few decent TV shows but there's like five episodes a season, they only have a handful of seasons, and there's huge gaps of time in between the seasons. Every other country is complete fucking garbage when it comes to producing entertainment.

>> No.13344225

>Britain makes a few decent TV shows

I think what you meant to say was: Britain makes a few victorian period costume drama shows

>> No.13344230

>When a black man spreads his seed, it leaves a visible mark on the Japanese world that will never "wash" away.
A negro/asian mutt is going to be completely ostracized and will almost definitely only reproduce with a foreigner, and then together they will create even less Japanese children and their children probably won't even live in Japan.

It's a disease that isolates itself and then leaves the country.

>> No.13344235

It's almost like you have the misguided impression that black men care about the fate of their children.

>> No.13344238

I just like your cartoon girls bro

>> No.13344258

That's fine, but it just doesn't leave "a mark that will never wash away" because the mark it creates will literally fly away from the country within a generation or two. Only asian/white mutts are capable of permanently muddying asian blood because their offspring is passable enough that they won't be especially ostracized in Japan for being half white and so they will be able to reproduce within the country with a native and spread their mutt blood.

It's like a deadly and aggressive virus with a lot of terrible and extremely visible symptoms vs a deadly virus that doesn't have a lot of visible symptoms. The second will spread far more and cause far more damage because the first is so obvious that if you see someone with blood pouring out of their eyes then you don't get anywhere near them and people in hazmat suits lock them away within 5 minutes. Black/asian offspring sticks out so much that they will be relentlessly bullied and ostracized and probably will only be able to feel welcomed within foreign circles, so they're actually less of a threat in the long term.

>> No.13344282

Eurasian master race will prevail.

>> No.13344289

It's different.

I mean while I love my guns, cars, titties and burgers, it gets rather monotonous. Japan's culture is enough of a change from all that, that it piques my curiosity.

>> No.13344300

People don't care about Japan, just your entertainment industry.

>> No.13344302
File: 424 KB, 800x760, 1390339369893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean while I love my guns, cars, titties and burgers
Don't forget the drugs. America is the only first world country that prescribes amphetamines to five year olds.


>> No.13344310

Good point, I do enjoy my drugs.

>> No.13344347

Because Japan is exotic while having the main advantage of being on Earth.

>> No.13344364


This. In the West the mainstream culture is like "yeah, there are basement dwellers, they do weird things, they don't have relationships, they exist I guess". There's no real subculture about it, no markets targeting basement dwellers, we're all overlooked. In otaku culture we find fraternity and celebrate the way we live.

>> No.13344378

i thought that was /tg/

>> No.13344412

Do Japanese people fix their glasses just like anime characters?

>> No.13344468

>SEAs like to pretend to be Japanese on the internet, you never know.
I have to agree with this. I have no exact knowledge why would some people here act like it's as if they're japanese (well to be fair some people around the world do this too, not strictly only in SEA), but if i could guesstimate the most probable answer is because those people here feel that they're more related to the japanese and therefore they think that they're more entitled than the others since they share something in common like the school system, asian culture, foods, consumer products, etc.

Japan is also the biggest investor for some ASEAN countries like Thailand or Indonesia.

You could connect the rest of the dots by yourself.

>> No.13344483

I don't care about Japanese culture.

I just like their silly cartoons and drawn porn.

>> No.13344518

We both know you're lying.

>> No.13344605

>I wish I had a nice traditional white woman from America instead...
Well you're shit out of luck
All I can say is at least you don't want an Australian woman.

>> No.13345108
File: 104 KB, 600x900, 1427298034121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that was true.

>> No.13346088

Do Japanese like rough rural Canadians?
What's the job like for doing labor such as forestry and power company linesman? Very demanding? Here, we're all half-hicks just working.

>> No.13346156

Sorry /jp/ black people are up next! You can't make a miss japan! Better hurry up before the Olympics come, after that it's game over!!!!

>> No.13346222


>> No.13346718

Don't worry, everyone thinks you're hicks.

>> No.13347534

I do not!

>> No.13348180
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>> No.13348262

Western artists have no discipline. They generally don't put in the hours necessary to hone their skills and develop a decent style. In general, they only draw as a hobby, and maybe once a month if at all. Japanese artists are usually perfectionists, so they will keep practicing until they are at a level to show others their own work, especially if they are professional.

>> No.13349302

I like Japanese culture since it's the only first world country that somehow managed to resist the Cultural Marxism pressure.

If they had freedom of speech just like America does then I'd probably move there. (Fun fact: America is the only country in the world that has freedom of speech.)

>> No.13349329

Still can't say the word "nigga" in the hood. :^)

>> No.13349344

You can, just remember to bring a gun with you.

>> No.13349350

I own a gun and I have an open carry permit so I can say what I want.

>> No.13349408


Japan is actually divided into two entertainment cultures. One is the light side, and one is the dark side. We are mostly fascinated with the dark side.

>> No.13349600

Hows the treatment for a cool a
ss nigga in japan

>> No.13349640

Damn, I didn't know there were blacks who are into straight shota too.

>> No.13350114

we're everywhere

>> No.13350257

Rich traditional culture a little bit based on Chinese meems. The reason I like Japanese culture is because of certain cultural ideaologies and practices like Shinto Buddhism.(Washing of hands, Samurai Practices, Maiko Girl)

>> No.13350405


>> No.13350928

OP, is it true that Japan reacts to fat girls like this?


I really don't want to go there if they're gonna make fun of me ;~;

>> No.13351339

So don't be fat, faggot.

Speaking as a self-hating fattie.

>> No.13351440

Every day I have dreams about living in Japan. They are actually and objectively superior to our culture in every way.

>> No.13351534

I'd say it's the fascination of the unknown.
I'm an Eurofag and I don't think that it'd be vastly different if I'd go to the US. Not wanting to piss the muricans here off, but their basic culture is European and no matter how they evolved their own culture and shits, it still is not that different.
Japan on the other hand is just... foreign. I'd get one hell of a culture clash if I'd visit it .

>> No.13351556

You cannot possibly be as fat as her. The portion of her on camera is fatter than me and I'm a 250+lb lardass.

>> No.13351557

Never say never, anon.

>> No.13351761

She's just slightly above the average weight in America.

>> No.13352693

Is german the favourite country for japan?

>> No.13353115

Nope. It is the third most country popular with women (below Italy and England). But not very popular with men. England is significantly more popular overall, followed by America.

>> No.13353288
File: 2.01 MB, 1936x1288, 49252912_org.v1380157502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute cars and cute anime girls

>> No.13353323


>> No.13353360

Don't missunderstand me,you are right to some extend but some /tg/ people are literally "normal" (proper social life / gf / whatever). I know a few people who actually play dnd and they sure as hell arent basement dwellers,get what I mean?

>> No.13353381

See >>13323928

>> No.13354476

Is it true what this white pig says about Japan catering to pedos?


>> No.13356374

Mostly the women.

Japan is the only country in the world where a 6/10 white guy can get a 8-9/10 Japanese semen demon girlfriend.

Basically, it's like ugly Asian guys in America getting white pussy that's way above their level thanks to yellow fever.

>> No.13357123

Take this Japanese bullshit back to >>>/int/

>> No.13357126

Hey, thanks for the bump, tomod8!

>> No.13357144

No problem, Japanese friend. :-)

*tips his Westerner hat towards you with respect*

>> No.13357603

I m italian, could i marry a japanese idol?

>> No.13358668


>> No.13358681

> Francesco Calliano
Holy shit, he's living the dream!

>> No.13358715
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>> No.13358716

Considering Miss Universe for Japan is half-black that's objectively false. Sorry neckbeard.

>> No.13358718

Asian genes are dominant over white ones.

>> No.13358723

>implying Japanese girls what smelly otaku gaijin
I really wish howaito piggu gaijin would stop spreading this myth. Is this how one copes with virginity? The false delusions that you'd have a harem in Japan? They don't want you anymore than the girls in your country do.

>> No.13358728


Most of the news is complaining that Japan doesn't like her.

Calm down, normalfriend.

>> No.13358731

>my two week anecdote of misinterpreting politeness as romantic interest totally means Japanese women want smelly gaijins!

>> No.13358740

i thought otaku meant house? uchi/uti also means house?

>> No.13358748

That's called journalism. Drum up a "controversy" for clicks. She wouldn't have got it if Japanese people didn't like her. For every person that doesn't there's hordes who love her.

>> No.13358751

How about you go back to tumblr instead?

You must be really fucking deluded if you actually don't think that it's true.

There are tens of thousands of girls, good looking ones too in Japan who will date you simply because you are a gaijin (preferably white, but there are literally girls who dream about going to America because they want to date a real 100% ghetto nigga).

If you actually bothered to listen to people who live in Japan instead of clinging to your desperate weaboo dreams, you'd know it's true. It's not only coming from some lying little shit YouTube celebrity wannabes but actual old people who have no reason to make this up (and they advise you against those types of people because they are only interested in you because you're a foreigner).

Once again - the Japanese girls desiring ugly gaijin semen is the same as white girls in America having yellow fever. Except Japanese girls care even less about your looks and all you need is to be a foreigner, have basic social skills and if fat be just normal World fat, not American fat.

>> No.13358756

Kill yourself, 黒人 lover. They don't like her, they never will.

>> No.13358761
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>> No.13358767

Holy shit dude, you're fucking desperate, I can't even breathe.

>"t-there's no way that my precious Japanese Geisha waifus would be as shallow as Western women!!"

Just fuck off you Beta mangina, nobody cares about you. You will never turn /jp/ into Tumblr.

>> No.13358769
File: 8 KB, 245x194, hyukhyukhyuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese girls like smelly gaijin like me
>I may be a virgin, but I could just move to Japan I'd have a harem
>Believe it!

>> No.13358775
File: 135 KB, 542x697, isaidfuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying if you're not pol you're tumblr
Sasuga pol. Can't even logic. No wonder everyone routinely shits on you for being cancer.

>> No.13358778

I said normal people, you clearly aren't normal mentally and from picture related we can see that you're also not very good looking.

Filtered MD5, you pathetic Tumblr Mangina turd.

>> No.13358779

This shit about her being attacked/not popular is only in the Western media. They just took some random posts from twitter and ran with it.

>> No.13358785

They objectively do. She wouldn't have got it if Japanese people didn't like her. For every person that doesn't there's hordes who love her. There's also a popular Japanese singer with the same mix as her. Stay salty.

>> No.13358789

True, but don't let the facts get in the way of the angry shitposter. If you discourage him too much he really will fuck back off to /pol/.

>> No.13358791

*huffs and puffs*


LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>wipes fat off xir's keyboard

*has a heart attack*



>> No.13358797

It's a picture of your typical howaito piggu gaijin who thinks he'd be sexually successfully success if only he could move to Japan.

>> No.13358806

Except it isn't. It is a picture of you. Just because you are so fucking ugly and have 0 self-esteem doesn't mean that normal unattractive people don't benefit from the Japanese gaijin fever.

>> No.13358821 [DELETED] 
File: 298 KB, 479x720, 1421688391291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to my 95% English speaking gaijin forum any otaku pig can have a harem if only they could move to Japan
>That explains why I'm a virgin. Women in my country SUCK! Lol!
>Himiko-sensei is waiting for me
>Japan, ikimasu!!

>> No.13358829

How this thread reach the bump limit, without being pruned?

/jp/ isn't Japan.

>> No.13358837
File: 101 KB, 802x1024, Remember_december_7th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one here gives a fuck about japs.

I will never forgive them for Pearl Harbor,Wake Island,Guam and Bataan. Two bombs was not enough completely unironically.

>> No.13358844

See, that's where you're wrong, you pathetic strawmanning retard.

I mean, how much do you have to delude yourself to keep on going?

Do you think that yellow fever in America is a myth too?

It has absolutely nothing to do with "english speaking forums". You can go to any channel with some old ugly fuck who's been farting in Japan for 10-20 years and they can tell you that this is a normal fact of life in Japan.

How hard it is to grasp for your autistic projecting fedora tipping feminist-ally brain? I never said that the Jap sluts like *you*. Nobody in the world will ever like you in particular. What they like is foreigner. They don't give a shit about your personality or your ability to respectfully nod towards them or your degree in Womyn's Studies. You are a foreigner - that's all they need to know.

>> No.13358850

S-stop oppressing me!!!

>> No.13358861

>They objectively do.
Prove it, fagmaster. Normal Japanese people never elected her as their representative.

Fuck off, crossie.

>> No.13358864

How does it feel to be the ultimate Delusional weaboo on the Delusional weaboo board?

>> No.13358870
File: 328 KB, 470x720, 34534t34t34t34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It has absolutely nothing to do with "english speaking forums". You can go to any channel with some old ugly fuck who's been farting in Japan for 10-20 years and they can tell you that this is a normal fact of life in Japan.
You've mentioned this 20 times. Let me guess. You watched Ryan Boundless, an old sexually unsuccessive pedophile, and actually believe that you'd lose your virginity if you could just go to Japan? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.

Newsflash: the men of every country say this about the women of other countries. It's not the women in your country being "no good". It's not the women in other countries secretly waiting for you all along. It's just you. You're the reason you're a virgin.

This has absolutely nothing to do with feminism and trying to randomly shit on that just reaffirms how much of a neckbeard with a delusional complex you are.

>Himiko-sensei is waiting for me to help me manage my harem that I'll get after I finally move to Japan and lose my virginity
>Japan, ikimasu!!

>> No.13358876


>> No.13358879
File: 1.14 MB, 2736x2109, OkinawaMarinesDeadJapanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless the US we pacified these savages.

>> No.13358888

Meant for our neckbeard at >>13358844

>> No.13358895

>he namedrops his favorite Japaense YouTuber celebrity
>whom he watches for some reason despite calling him a pedophile

>Newsflash: the men of every country say this about the women of other countries
Again, deluded autistic sperglord. This has nothing to do about countries. It is about R A C E.

>This has absolutely nothing to do with feminism
Yes it does. You clearly identify as a feminist and you keep arguing against the concept of reverse yellow fever. Because it triggers your Womyn's Studies degree.

Also, filtered another MD5. Get some fresh stuff Beta male.

>> No.13358913

Also it goes even beyond just having sex.

In China, in example, whites can get a job in high profile companies JUST FOR BEING WHITE because the unscrupulous Ching Chong gives exactly 0 shit about your SocJus mentality and if having a white person standing in your shop to attract customers (and doing literally nothing else than just being there) increases your sales, they will hire whites for the job no problem.

Literally this entire thread you've been doing nothing but projecting your own virginity and insecurity and strawmanning. All this because you're frustrated that your Womyn's Studies degree is worth even less than a degree in English.

>> No.13358917
File: 3.91 MB, 3152x2932, Firebombing_of_Tokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time answer for Pearl Harbor, Tojo.

>> No.13358931

*puffs and huffs*






*throws xir's computer out the window in rage*

>> No.13358939
File: 218 KB, 1302x1047, MP9lG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These japs are cowards, They hide in Caves, In trees, under rocks.
If we have to burn every cave,Bomb every tree, turn over every rock.
We will kill every last one of them,And PUSH THEM BACK TO TOKIO!'

>> No.13358944
File: 104 KB, 480x720, 1420754302657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he namedrops his
Mad because I figured out your "source"? You're as pathetic as you come across if it's really true.
>Again, deluded autistic sperglord. This has nothing to do about countries. It is about R A C E.
Newsflash: the men of every country say this about the women of other countries. The same ugly gaijin nerds like you who deluded themselves into thinking they wouldn't be sexually unsuccessful, ugly, unwanted, neckbeards from /pol/ are the same neckbeards who would ferociously get triggered by this image.
>Yes it does. You clearly identify as a feminist and you keep arguing against the concept of reverse yellow fever. Because it triggers your Womyn's Studies degree.
What does the delusionals of neckbeard gaijin pigs thinking they wouldn't be losers if they could move to Japan have to do with feminism?

You float well in salt baths, but I'm afraid it's beginning to make you retarded. Try to be more logical.

>> No.13358963

>Mad because I figured out your "source"?
No you didn't. I watch someone else. The guy you're subscribed to keep bitching and crying about how he will never be accepted as a Japanese person over and over again. It explains why you think that Japs hate Westerners.

>Newsflash: the men of every country say this about the women of other countries.
Again, deluded autistic sperglord. This has nothing to do about countries. It is about R A C E.

>What does the delusionals of neckbeard gaijin pigs thinking they wouldn't be losers if they could move to Japan have to do with feminism?
I can't exactly comprehend what you're trying to say with this, since your mentality is clearly deteriorating as your Tumblr rage increases, but the point is that you are literally completely without arguments and just repeating the same shit over and over again because the truth of the world (that RACE MATTERS) conflicts with what you were taught in your precious Gender Studies.

Also if you want me to keep reading your shitposts, post them here >>13358948.

I'm not gonna waste my time blowing the fuck out of some magina Beta cuck without an audience to watch that.

>> No.13358964

A Uniqlo in China hired foreign models to stand outside. No one is going to hire pig otaku to stand around. Going to Japan is not going to get a neckbeard like you laid.

>> No.13358980

Here >>13358978

>> No.13358992
File: 36 KB, 696x700, ledssdsds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No you didn't. I watch someone else.
Denying that your pathetic "source" got exposed? I'm still laughing. I guess a neckbeard with nothing to lose will believe anything, eh?

>Again, deluded autistic sperglord. This has nothing to do about countries. It is about R A C E.
Newsflash: the men of every country say this about the women of other countries. The same ugly gaijin nerds like you who deluded themselves into thinking they wouldn't be sexually unsuccessful, ugly, unwanted, neckbeards from /pol/ are the same neckbeards who ferociously get triggered by Japanese girls liking black guys.

>I can't exactly comprehend what you're trying to say with this
"la la la I can't hearrrrr you"
Mmmm. Neckbeard tears. Do you always retreat back to your mental echo chamber when you get blown the fuck out by facts?
>clearly deteriorating as your Tumblr rage increase
Implying if you're not pol you're tumblr. Sasuga pol. Can't even logic. No wonder everyone routinely shits on you for being cancer.
>I'm not gonna waste my time blowing the fuck
Yes, you did get blown the fuck out. That's why you're retreating now. Take your bronze medal like the pathetic neckbeard you are and walk it off.

>> No.13358997

Didn't read, wrong thread. Pussy.

>> No.13359032

So you don't have any proof about her "being liked by the Japanese people". Well done, crossie. Well done.

>> No.13359069



>> No.13359278

She wouldn't have got it if Japanese people didn't like her. For every person that doesn't there's hordes who love her. There's also a popular Japanese singer with the same mix as her. Stay salty crossy.

>> No.13359632

I am from Japanese and I can confirm that Japanese girl look at foreigner the same way white girl look at black big dick. We also think about the girl same think.

>> No.13360885


>> No.13362810

Everything you said also applies to China
Take off your weeb goggles

>> No.13363741

Chinese pop isn't as fun to listen to and they have no good anime/manga.

Also, a lot of places in China are just shitholes.

>> No.13363788

Modern Chinese pop culture is pretty shit because communism and total lack of originality.

Classical Chinese culture is where it's at though.

>> No.13363799

This man is a true hero.
