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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 35 KB, 400x281, 5bb5f95e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1320158 No.1320158 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, I'm a 27-year-old Japanese man and still virgin.
Is this acceptable in your country?
I hear almost all of American people lose their virginity when they are mid-teen.
Is this true?

>> No.1320160
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>> No.1320164

You would fit right in with us.

>> No.1320166

In mainstream, yes.

Americans are idiots and are persuaded so easily.

>> No.1320167

You can cross over to Gensokyo in 3 more years.

>> No.1320174

Are you *sure* you're Japanese?

Type something in Japanese, properly.

>> No.1320180

all of you faggots fell for troll.

>> No.1320181

I lost my virginity when I was a mid-teen.

Being a virgin after 16 is pretty much unacceptable.

>> No.1320186

Being one after elementary school is pretty much unacceptable.

>> No.1320187
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>> No.1320189

Cool. I wish I had been born as a American.

>> No.1320192
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>> No.1320199

Yes, but American females are fat whores, so it doesn't worth it.

>> No.1320200

I think it's 18 for men and 16 for girls, but it varies a lot.

>> No.1320208

why you...

>> No.1320213


bawww bawww bawwwww

life ends after highschool.

>> No.1320216

It's higher for girls. A woman can be a virgin up until any age within reason and nobody will care.

>> No.1320218

So errrm
ronery thread?

>> No.1320219

You are a fucking retard.

>> No.1320221

Well within reason, let's say.... 21? If she's irreligious that is.

>> No.1320222

I lost mine when I was 9, and I'm european.

>> No.1320223

Why would they do that? Are they that retarded?
Or it's only women of your type?

>> No.1320226

What do you mean?

>> No.1320228

Only losers have sex!

>> No.1320229

troll harder.

>> No.1320230


>> No.1320231


>> No.1320232

Fakejap is fake. And stop making troll threads.

>> No.1320233

I honestly don't know why you think I'm trolling. It's true.

>> No.1320234

He means girls usually manage to have sex earlier (with older guys)

They get ronery too, but it's very easy for them to get some sex when they want to.

Tender loving though, on the other hand is probably pretty hard to get, as hard as us guys.

>> No.1320236

oh god

>> No.1320238

This NEVER fucking happens. No popular girl would ever fall for a shy ronery faggot. This is just what would happen in our fantasies.

>> No.1320240


Fuck you....tears are coming out of my eyes irl.

>> No.1320242


Why would Anonymous lie?
Anonymous never lies.

>> No.1320243

I think the desire for intimacy can be covered even if you aren't in a relationship. For example, female friends often ask their male friends for hugs. That's just a natural desire (intimacy), I think it's easier for women to obtain.

But when I say things like that, all the women on 4chan start attacking me, so I think I'll just say although there's disparity, there can be situations which are comparable on an individual level.

>> No.1320248
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there you old whore.

>> No.1320250

It really happens but they end up "falling in love" with someone else.

>> No.1320251

What did I say that was so bad? What's wrong with you people today?! I'm just saying it's more socially acceptable for a woman to be a virgin because there's a physical element to it.

>> No.1320252

>all the women on 4chan start attacking me

Then don't use the tripcode, athens!

>> No.1320256

OP here.
I'm virgin and unemployed and I have no money.
I have no hope in my future.
I think I should die but I can't.
I'm too cowardly to kill myself.

>> No.1320257

I think you misinterpreted me, I said it was more socially acceptable for a woman to be a virgin at that age.

>> No.1320259

woman, athens agreed, don't bother him about it

>> No.1320260

There's no need for suicide. You have internet access, that's good enough isn't it? Happiness is transient.

>> No.1320263

athens, your enigma never ceases to give me seizures

>> No.1320265
File: 60 KB, 600x409, 1221644560655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because athens trolls about everything.
And he's a NIGGER.

>> No.1320270

Thank you. You are a nice guy.
Do you enjoy your life?

>> No.1320272

he has no life lol

>> No.1320273

Everyone here is dead.

>> No.1320274


And yet your English is better than my Japanese.

>> No.1320280

Hm... what is an... ``athens?'' I don't follow this discussion, someone just brings up this word randomly without it being used anywhere in the page previously... what an odd place this is.

>> No.1320283

My life is ok. It's nice. I enjoy the little things in life.

lol you must be a woman.

dont be so cruel.

what do you mean?

>> No.1320284

I've finished high school a few months ago. must of the girls already lost their virginity when they were 16-18.
So fuck you.

>> No.1320285

Happiness is the ability to enjoy taking a shit.

>> No.1320286

you must be one fucking stupid japanese person then, don't a lot of your countrymen go to SE asia for poon if they can't stand their epic virginity

>> No.1320291

what it means athens?! What it MEANS? It means I love you. I have watched your trolling mature into something so beautiful and sublime, sometimes a tear comes to my eye by just thinking about it... you.. us.

>> No.1320294

guys, just clearing things up, athens is a troll right?

'cause he reeks of elaborate troll tripfag

>> No.1320297


"athens" is a disliked trip-fag. How do you say "trip-fag" in nijura-speak?

>> No.1320300

I'm not good at English.
I can only write simple sentences.

And I'm a stutterer.
I'm afraid of speaking even in Japanese. ;_;

>> No.1320298

no dude, hes probably a combo, which makes him all the more better

>> No.1320302

stupid asshole deleted his post after 10 seconds

>> No.1320303


And I dropped from uni...

>> No.1320306


I love the /a/rchive

>> No.1320308

Oh ok. I'm not trolling in here. But I love you too.

>> No.1320312

best troll ever

>> No.1320314

speak to me in non nerd language fagot

>> No.1320315

fuck you're fast

>> No.1320316


Thank you for everything, Athens.

>> No.1320317


I don't want to( ゚ ヮ゚)

>> No.1320318

I tend to dedicate myself to one thread at a time, when it has potential

>> No.1320321

typical assburger behavior

>> No.1320324


I don't stutter, I can actually speak pretty well, but I don't talk to people, stay in my room, and am still a virgin as well, with the present intention of staying that way. Does that make me worse than you?

>> No.1320326

wtf is OP's pic?

>> No.1320327

wow, why don't you just pat yourself on the back then, you should feel proud of yourself

>> No.1320328


/jp/ and /a/ threads is automatically archived( ゚ ヮ゚)

>> No.1320329

Go to /b/!

>> No.1320333

my homeland has been ravaged years ago, i shallow never return to those smoldering ruins

>> No.1320335

shall instead of "shallow"
man i suck

>> No.1320336


But I thought you liked fighting the powah.

>> No.1320337

I'm 20 years old and a virgin, never had a girlfriend. About 90% of the students in my university degree are girls, so I guess there is still hope if I want some comnanionship, but up to now, I haven't found anyone I want to chase after.

>> No.1320343


>> No.1320346

>About 90% of the students in my university degree are girls


>> No.1320348
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I'm not lying!( ゚ ヮ゚)

>> No.1320349
File: 48 KB, 400x304, 1221645557359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone around here will die alone and we are already aware of this.

Stop making these fuckin' ronery threads.

>> No.1320352

i am not powerful enough too face them all alone, I'd atleast need another 40 years in my parents basement to pull off something that big

>> No.1320353


that should be png...nevermind...

>> No.1320355

I hate this thread

>> No.1320357

and again you're missing the point.
I should have this thread sent to the Harvard Medical Department as a case study in autism.

>> No.1320360

No, nursing. Shitty degree, decent job if you can put up with the body fluids.

>> No.1320362


>> No.1320365

And another potential ronery thread doomed by faggotry. in b4 404

>> No.1320369


You know you won't!!!!

Disgusting weaboo!!Know your place!!

>> No.1320370

ha ha nursing? i would rather be homeless

>> No.1320373

im not wapanese nigger. RAAAGGEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.1320375

1. Become a male nurse
2. Befriend an amputee loli
3. Write story on 4chan
4. ???

>> No.1320376

If you are still here OP, I don't think anyone gave you a straight answer (provided you aren't a troll).

In America, quite a few people lose their virginity earlier in their life, mainly in their late teenage years (16 - 18). This is the commonly accepted age to lose your virginity and if you go past this, a lot of people will think of you as weird and will probably make fun of you behind your back.

However, Christianity is the primary religion in America and it teaches to wait until marriage to have sex and there are actually people that do this. If someone decides to wait until marriage to have sex (due to religious reasons), people might think they're stupid or something but they won't get the negative reaction that other virgins get.

Hopefully this helps.

>> No.1320377
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>I'm not wapanese
>Posting in 4chan


>> No.1320382

I am in awe of your autism

>> No.1320386

g g

>> No.1320388

OP here.
I sometimes work for a warehouse company as a part-time jobber.
I graduated from an average state-run university.
But I cannnot get a better job.
Because I have no career and no conficence in myself. I have social phobia.
What should I do?

>> No.1320397

Go read up on some self-help stuff and get rid of your social phobia first. Everything else will improve once you get past the phobia.

>> No.1320398


Stop trolling.

>> No.1320407


>> No.1320413

That might actually be good advice if he needs a job.

>> No.1320410

What is your degree?

>> No.1320418
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>> No.1320421

>That might actually be terrible advice if he needs a job.

you don't live in 'glorius murka' do you
I can't find work to save my life

>> No.1320420


Become a devoted follower of American tv shows, popular culture, games, and music, preferably in a niche subculture you can identify with and immerse yourself in online. Study English on your own and take up translation jobs from home for shitty money but at least it's a living.

>> No.1320426

wow, i derail a thread and then some asshole derails it back what gives?

>> No.1320434

Well I suppose it would depend on what kind of job he wants. He said he graduated from college and can't find a job where he is now, so perhaps his degree might be more helpful here? Then again maybe you're right.

>> No.1320437

Hey. Do you watch evening anime at the moment?

>> No.1320438

Thank you so much for answering my question perfectly.
I have read some self-help books but it didn't help me.
No, I'm not troling. I'm a miserable japanese guy.
I think my poor English make you understand I'm Japanese.
I'm afraid of tall people.

>> No.1320443

dude, at least read my post jesus >>1320286

>> No.1320444

He's probably more likely to find a job in Japan than in America, unless it's in some niche sector that needs Japanese ability. Japanese ability that doesn't stutter, that is.

>> No.1320446


>> No.1320448

How did you find 4chan /jp/?

>> No.1320449

Would it be trolling to translate OP post (poorly) and post it on 2ch?

>> No.1320450

You could try Hawaii.
I am 167cm, and can pass for tall there.
My aunt is 149cm.

>> No.1320453


>> No.1320458

If OP is not a troll he could do that himself.

>> No.1320460

beware the demon symbols

>> No.1320461

I am 167cm and I live in Hawaii and I'm shorter than almost everyone I know

>> No.1320467

Hawaii is basically Japan with American road-signs.

>> No.1320473

That's not true at all.

The roadsigns are in Japanese too.

>> No.1320475

Know shorter people.

>> No.1320478

It sounds a nice idea.
In America, getting job is easy?
No, i watch anime online like youtube, veoh, or youku.

Actually, Im not that desperate for losing my virginity.
I wat more confidence in myself.
and I don't think buying a woman help me become confident.
Furthermore, I have no money.

>> No.1320483

dude, going to thailand is cheap as fuck.

>> No.1320487

What do you think of Japanese girls? If they find out you are a virgin, are they hateful towards you?

>> No.1320495

I'm 168 cm. I win!! yay!
give me a break. Im not a troll.
Come on. 私は日本人ですよ。信じてくださいYO!

>> No.1320496


>Actually, Im not that desperate for losing my virginity. I wat more confidence in myself. and I don't think buying a woman help me become confident.

That's the right line of thinking. If you can become more confident good things will come in the end.

>In America, getting job is easy?

It depends on your location and what type of job you are trying to get. Some forms of employment are dying, some are growing. I don't know very much about jobs in economics, though, so I'm not sure if you would have an easy time getting a job here or not.

>> No.1320500

Don't you have a sister?

>> No.1320502

god typical assburger detected.
no fagot. No one hates you for being a virgin - thats merely incindental. They hate you for something more fundamental, the fact that you have turned your back on society thinking that you are better than them... no amount of egotism can save you.

but in all seriousness, no one hates you for being a virgin you shut in dumb fuck... but any women won't be attracted to you if you have no confidence and stay in your basement all day avoiding all kinds of social contact in fear of being rejected which just shows how egotistical and narcissistic you really are...

>> No.1320503

Don't start with this.

>> No.1320505


>> No.1320506

i like where this is going.

>> No.1320518

We seem to have gotten off on the wrong foot. I'm not narcissistic.

>> No.1320521

I don't have feet.

>> No.1320532

that's what you think....
let's take the assburger/narcissism litmus test

1. What is your IQ?
2. What is your favorite philosopher?
3. Do you not like your family?
4. Do you find your neighborhood boring?
5. Do you find that your neighborhood can't comprehend someone as sophisticated and cosmopolitan as you are?

>> No.1320534

People tend to mistake social anxiety, being a shut-in, etc. for narcissism. They think that you feel that you don't need human contact because you are better than they are. Also people that do this kind of come off as assholes when they actually do talk to people, so it reinforces that stereotype. That's what he was referring to.

>> No.1320537

>1. What is your IQ?


>2. What is your favorite philosopher?


>3. Do you not like your family?

They are ok.

>4. Do you find your neighborhood boring?

>> No.1320538

yeah, i know that "layman" stereotype but I wasn't referring to that. Social anxiety or whatever is actually linked to narcissism, by a certain definition.

>> No.1320540

1. how should I know
2. butt
3. they are okay
4. I live in the ghetto
5. well yeah I live in the ghetto

>> No.1320541

When I'm 20 and worked for a sushi restaurant, a high school girl made fun of me for being virgin.
And I have not connected any woman for these 4or5 years.
no i have no sisiter.

>> No.1320542


Haha. You're stupid.

>> No.1320543

Jesus christ this is a monumental fuckup of a thread.

As for narcissism, don't women find that attractive anyway? lol.

>> No.1320546

Oh, sorry then.

>> No.1320547

>a high school girl made fun of me for being virgin.

That's horrible. What did she say and how did she know?

>> No.1320550

just fuck a whore then become aids and die problem solved.

>> No.1320551

>When I'm 20 and worked for a sushi restaurant
When I was 20...

Dude, writing english is difficult.

>> No.1320559

Women find confidence attractive. There is a definite difference between confidence and narcissism. A confident person will seem secure with himself while a narcissist will come off as full of himself and a prick.

>> No.1320563



Confidence is just absorbing of responsibility anyway.

I know you are a woman.

>> No.1320564

"Hey, you have never had sex, right?"
and i kept silent.
I didnt say Im a virgin.
but she found it out.
she was a esper, i think.

>> No.1320566


Wrong! Correct answer is N/A. First off, lol you actually took one of those online IQ tests and believed it! And secondly, the concept of IQ as a one dimensional metric for something as vague and undefined as "intelligence" is both suffocating and ignorant.

Wrong. Answer is, who gives a fuck. Bonus wrong points for Ayn Rand. PS. you are an idiot anyway you shouldn't be reading philosophical works

>They are ok.
Bullshit I can tell you are lying. Bonus wrong points for the lie, and since you don't get along with your family that means you are a socially retarded fucktard who is superficial, stubborn, and insecure and his intellectual fallicities

>No it's good.
What a fucking lie.

>> No.1320571

No, I'm not a woman. I'm sorry that your ad hominem did not work.

If you cannot tell the difference between a shy, anxious person, a confident person, and a narcissist you are blind.

>> No.1320572
File: 14 KB, 610x403, 1221648653034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the concept of IQ as a one dimensional metric for something as vague and undefined as "intelligence" is both suffocating and ignorant.

Not the guy you're replying to, but fuck I've gotta reply to this. See pic.

>> No.1320574

During a rare father-son talk my father told me that "it will happen eventually". He also told me that my mother was his first. He was 33 when they met each other.

>> No.1320577

If someone asks you again in the future perhaps you should just lie about it?

>> No.1320583

those are some good statistics, why don't you extrapolate a little for me... oh thats right, that would be stupid

>> No.1320587

Confidence is an irrelevant, vague term to begin with. It's the same as the term 'healthy arrogance', didn't you read the link? People with confidence are ultimately more successful in bedding a greater number of partners, this doesn't say anything about success as far as long term relationships go though. 'Confidence' counts in situations like night clubs where everyone is looking for a thrill, a one night stand, something like that. Because it's one party being confident and the other being passive in order to bridge a gap as quickly as possible.

Being 'confident' doesn't necessarily mean you are a conversationalist or anything like that.

>> No.1320591

You should listen to your father then. He's correct and his story should serve as an example that it's never too late to lose your virginity.

>> No.1320594

Extrapolate? You claimed IQ was "vague and undefined" in regards to intelligence. It clearly correlates well with a large variety of social indicators. It also correlates well with average earnings.

Take your pop-psychology and move on. You're more.... /r9k/'s kind of poster than /jp/'s.

>> No.1320605


I lol'd. Seriously, you would make a great shrink. At least the sessions would be entertaining, I'd pay for it.

>> No.1320610

it is vague, ever heard of epistemology? and yes, it CORRELATES with some things, but declaring IQ as some universal or adequate measure of "intelligence" is ignorant. How the fuck can you define someone's intelligence as a number? Do you realize how many different things your brain does... all I'm saying is that its a bit fishy, like your moms cunt.

>> No.1320611

>>didn't you read the link
I don't read bullshit pop-psychology "articles".
Also, go back to Gaia.
Also, cocks.

>> No.1320614

Well, I'm just reading the link, now. I suppose I was going off of outdated evidence? I don't have much experience with women, but I have just always heard that they prefer confident males.

>The researchers said that at their most extreme, the traits would be highly unattractive, leading to men being shut off from society.

This is what I was referring to when I was talking about narcissism being disliked. I tend to associate the word narcissm with more the more extreme side of arrogance. I think we were just having semantic difficulties.

>> No.1320627

i see how desperately you crave conversation... some form of connectedness with his fellow man, some way out of his basement prison

haha but thanks though

>> No.1320629

>but declaring IQ as some universal or adequate measure of "intelligence" is ignorant.

Why? When it correlates so well with indicators pertaining to educational attainment and crime to average earnings, why exactly? Should we abandon this indicator simply because you say it's 'ignorant'? You are setting up a strawman, that being that IQ is somehow a 'perfect' indicator, it's not perfect. It's merely the best we have, if it were to be assessed objectively it would be 'decent'.

The article was merely referencing a study. Learn to read.

Hammer down what you mean by 'confidence' in the first place then. Nobody has really bothered to explain this term other than giving broad, wishy-washy definitions whenever I've asked.

>> No.1320630

Reading you sub-morons gibber gives me more despair and anxiety for my future than the thought of being a virgin for the rest of my life ever will.

>> No.1320636

        Shitty thread Wasshoi!!
     \\ Shitty thread Wasshoi! //
 +   + \\Shitty thread Wasshoi!/+
        ∬ ∬    ∬ ∬    ∬ ∬  +
   +     人      人      人     +
         (__)    (__)    (__)
  +    (__)   (__)   (__)     +
.   +   ( __ )  ( __ )  ( __ )  +
      ( ´∀`∩ (´∀`∩) ( ´∀`)
 +  (( (つ   ノ (つ  丿 (つ  つ ))  +
       ヽ  ( ノ  ( ヽノ   ) ) )
       (_)し'  し(_)  (_)_)

>> No.1320640

i agree with actually everything you said... but i think its only accurate for smaller variations in intelligence.

like comparing 160 to 220 or some shit is ridiculous, and so is even 140 to whatever else... It's probably applicable for 95-99% of the population, which is good enough.

>> No.1320645

>Hammer down what you mean by 'confidence' in the first place then. Nobody has really bothered to explain this term other than giving broad, wishy-washy definitions whenever I've asked.

I don't know how to define it exactly. I think the reason that no one can define it here is because they are similar to me - little experience with women, but have heard that they like confidence so they cite that a lot. Haha.

>> No.1320648

my work is done

>> No.1320665

I agree they like confidence. This is true. But what you've got to remember my good anonymous, is that it's still a load of bullshit in the way it's used in our present vernacular, that is, as a substitute for a 'healthy arrogance' as people say. I've given the example of asking a girl out to dinner before, that's basically what I'm getting at. There are times when I'd say there's nothing wrong with having that kind of confidence, but if this 'healthy arrogance' is consistently expected then it's not really a relationship of equals in any event because one is consistently proactive and the other is consistently passive.

Perhaps we should delineate between 'confidence' and 'arrogance', but it's not really much use as people would get them confused again.

>> No.1320669

how about you answer my post dickwad

>> No.1320690

What's to answer?


>like comparing 160 to 220 or some shit is ridiculous

Why? Basically all recorded geniuses had 180+

Past that point it becomes rather odd to argue 'who was the greatest genius?' But 160 can be compared to 220, there's a big difference there.

>> No.1320695

eh boring, i'll pass

>> No.1320696

kids, this is why being a name/trip-fag is a bad thing.

Look at them go.

>> No.1320698

Well, thanks for elaborating. I agree with you.

>> No.1320708

Are you still here OP?

>> No.1320714


No... Life starts after high school, HS was a giant pile of shit where I had few friends and no one shared my interests.

College is a place where I am comparatively popular and have many people to talk to about animu and mango and touhou and DDR, etc...

>> No.1320720

yeah I'm here.
I'm eating 50yen ramen for my dinner.
Being poor is miserable... ;_;

>> No.1320727


but at least it's cheap!

>> No.1320730

>for my dinner.

Wow, I always forget about timezones. It's 7:30 in the morning where I live.

How did you come across /jp/ anyway?

>> No.1320731

50yen? Where do you get this and why is it so cheap?

>> No.1320736


I would say "go back to /a/", but I don't feel like being a fag, so instead I'll make a post about what I thought but didn't post.

>> No.1320738

>I'm eating 50yen ramen for my dinner.
I'm eating 50¥ ramen for my dinner.

ok I think this proves I'm japanese, not a troll.
Because only Japanese keyboard can write yen mark. ¥¥¥¥

>> No.1320741

...It's a pack of ramen. At most, they are $0.25 here, and that's expensive for ramen.

>> No.1320744


No, actually it's your naivety for thinking that none of us here on /jp/ have our IMEs installed. ¥  ¥  ¥  ¥


>> No.1320746

No, not quite. ¥

>> No.1320748

My american computer can copy and paste your yen symbol >:D


>> No.1320758

Yeah cheap and not-bad-taste.
It's 20:36 here.
4chan is popular as a English imageboard here.
Reading 4chan is fun.
I bought it at a nearby supermarket.
It is a ramen of private brand, so it's cheap.

>> No.1320759

To be honest with you, many people on 4chan /jp/ and /a/ have had sex with their sisters, how do you feel about that?

>> No.1320778

Interesting. Are any of the other English *chan websites used in Japan? We have a ton of them.

>> No.1320787


ill type with japanese in english


>> No.1320799

Hmm I don't belive that.
Can you become erect with your sister?
No. 4chan is the only well-known english imageboard here.

>> No.1320802


What's your favourite boards on 4chan?

>> No.1320807

I wish I was still a virgin so I can relate.

>> No.1320809

Normally one has to become erect prior to engaging in sexual intercourse.

>> No.1320813

I wish I had a siste to have sex with.

>> No.1320820

>Can you become erect with your sister?

Yes, plenty of people on 4chan's /a/ and /jp/ boards (well about 3 people in total) have engaged in full sex with their sisters. One was a student from Sweden.

To be honest I find the idea of an imouto quite nice.

>> No.1320824

You lost me.

>> No.1320825

>No. 4chan is the only well-known english imageboard here

Who knows about 4chan in Japan? Mainly Futaba users? What do they think?

>> No.1320826

Average age of losing virginity is like 17 or 18

I'm below average.

>> No.1320830

>Me and the girl I like are faggots who can't be honest about our feelings. We deserved everything we got.

>> No.1320837

alright, enough happy end stories, time for some serious internet DRAMA, bitches.

roughly 3 years ago, while in the youths of my college years, a classmate of mine introduced me to a foreign mmorpg.
thereafter, i met a very cheerful/respectful girl after finding the english community for the game.
back then, i was pretty much a spineless, introverted, socially-withdrawn, full-blown wapanese otaku (games, anime, j-pop.. etc.) i couldnt stare at any girl in my class for more than 2 seconds in the eye. i couldnt even bring myself to say the word 'shit' or 'fuck' irl.
i instantly fell in love with this capable, independant, nice, intelligent, and game-loving girl. we spent much time chatting in her mirc chatroom with a bunch of other english players of the same community. after about a year of gaming with her (and other friends i made while playing that foreign mmorpg) our interest for each other grew rather steadily. though i never asked her for a real life picture of her, because i wanted to believe that i loved her personality from my heart, and not for her looks.

>> No.1320838

it was some time shortly afterwards that i finally brought enough courage to say the words "I love you." over msn.
i should of known something was wrong when she casually replied, "you know, a lot of people said that to me before. but they've never meant anything to me... but you... I love you too."
i should of known something was wrong, cause i got a weird feeling at the time when she said that. but nooooooooo, being the naive virgin dumbass i was, I thought i was the happiest man alive, being loved in return from a girl i respected and desired.
and then i felt like i just got married or some glorious shit for like a week or 2. then weird things started happening.
i would message/pm her at times, and she wouldnt respond. or not talking to me as much, giving excuses like "oh, i'm busy griding in so-and-so game, or i've got tons of homework." almost like she was avoiding me, the weirdest part is that, she never said anything that remotely suggested that she was actually in love with me. no fake hugs, no fake kisses, nothing.
all i'm left with was the feeling of pure, cold, emptiness.
i told myself, "dont worry, just give her some personal breathing space, she's probably really into her game grinding right now, or busy with school work, or both. just give her some time, she's a good girl."

>> No.1320839

a, jp, and v.
No. Having sex with their sisiter is wrong.

>> No.1320840

this continued.. for days.. weeks.. months.
fuck, i even memorized the maintenance days for when the game server she was playing on was going on, so i know she was avaliable to chat with for those measlely 1.5 hours.
i was a desperate and blinded kid, with no experience, and my mind was literally deteriorating while i waited.. waited.. waited for that single moment when she would talk back to me.

at some point. i finally snapped. I was getting delirious. "She's a smart and talented girl, why the hell would she love a loser like you?" "she's going out with other guys, you know it, you just dont want to believe it." "She only enjoys you for your quirky personality, she wants to keep you as a clown, entertaining her forever. she never actually loved you." I finally left her, leaving her a rather bitter message about her heartlessness. she, of course, being the sensitive loving being she made herself out to be, banning me from her contact in all shapes and form.
i was free again.

..until half a year later. i grew some confidence. and decided that what i did wasnt a very polite way to end a relationship. as a friend, or lover or otherwise. and re-entered her chatroom and try to just assume a normal friendship again, since obviously being her lover didnt work out so well.
we made amends, and became casual friends again. and things were lively again. this continued for another half a year.
until finally, a particular night came.

>> No.1320842

>believe that i loved her personality from my heart, and not for her looks.

That's a wonderful attitude.

>> No.1320843

she pm'ed me a message:
"Hey. you've always wanted to meet me, and i've always refused them right?" (she insisted we never meet before, because she didnt like meeting people over the internet or some shit.)
me: "yeah, what about it?"
her: "well, wanna meet? i think i'm finally ready."
me: "are you serious?"
her: "(time)(date)(location) i'll be wearing a black jacket."

when i finally got to the place we were supposed to meet at.
i finally found out why she had been acting the way she did.
i finally found out why she always refused phone calls, or webcams, or meeting in real life.
was it the long black hair? no.
was it the chubby figure? no.
was it the ugly face? no.
i could of forgiven all that. at one point, i honestly was ready to accept her no matter what she looked like.

>> No.1320845

it turns out, that he was feeling sorry for some desperate loser like me, and pretended to be a girl that liked me to get my hopes up or some idealistic shit like that. but he didnt actually think i was seriously falling in love with her, enough to fall into depressions because of 'her'.
in retrospect, i was very glad that he finally told me the truth.
i imagined he trusted me enough that i didnt go ballistic over the matter when we finally met and beat the shit out of him or something.

but when i first met him and found out, i talked to him like it didnt bother me and that i kinda knew that it wasnt real to begin with. but in my head the entire time, my brains felt like they were frying and melting, thinking: "THIS IS A FUCKING JOKE RIGHT, ONE OF THOSE JOKES WHERE THE REAL GIRL HIDES SOMEWHERE AND ASKES HER MALE FRIEND TO PULL A PRANK ON ME, RIGHT!?!?"
i felt like puking as i left the meet afterwards.
i kept handing out money on hobos i met on the way back home too, to try to get my mind off of the whole ordeal. I dropped all my coin change in one bum's cup, it was so heavy that he nearly dropped his cup.
i gave another trash digger a 5 dollar bill. and he was like "HOLY SHIT!"
went to sleep that night in fetal position hoping i'd wake up to the real world.

all in all, i think i came out of that experience with a lot more than had i not.
I'm a lot more mature, open minded, and confident now.
and i hope my (tragic) story gave some of you some insights or laughs. i know i certainly look back at it and laugh at the desperate mistakes of my own youth.

>> No.1320847

>No. Having sex with their sisiter is wrong.

>> No.1320855



You poor guy.

>> No.1320856

Assuming this isn't copypasta... Damn. That sucks.

Sage for nothing to say.

>> No.1320858

He was a loser that fell in love with someone over the internet. He deserved to get raped, not have a nice friendly man.

>> No.1320859


You should watch Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

It will make you feel motivated.

>> No.1320862

>a, jp, and v.

Do you think /v/irgins and /v/ are stupid? Personally I don't like /v/ much anymore. Though they can still make me laugh sometimes.

>> No.1320868

Is it an embarassment for Japanese if their sisters call them 'onii-chan'? Is it only something little kids would say?

>> No.1320870

This is the most popular social bookmark in japan.
You can see the article about 4chan at the top of the site which get 448 diggs.
Getting 448 diggs for a day means Japanese people are interested in 4chan, I think.

>> No.1320878

Haha, I wish I could read that article. Looks interesting..

>> No.1320879

haha you sure are a funny fagturd. Accusing anons for being narcisstic, bashing social akward anons for nothing, and then playing the intellectual sophisticated card, and even questioning accepted terms like iQ. STFU, we all know who the fuck is ruled by narcissism.

Everybody in here knows that faggots like you are the cancer of interweb, and that's why we're in here, so please GTFO.

>> No.1320881

To us, the '/b/' board is an embarassment to be honest with you. Because we don't really like the people on there who are very new 'members' to the site.

So this is why we older 4chan users stick to /a/, /jp/ and so on.

>> No.1320894

I stopped watching it up to episode 5 or 6.
It was boring.
I like watching lucky-star again and again.
Lucky-star is very relaxing anime. I recommend it.
/v/ is as funny as /a/.
Calling her brother Onii-chan is natural, I think.

>> No.1320903

>I like watching lucky-star again and again.

>> No.1320910

There's nothing wrong with Lucky Star, fag.

>> No.1320916

If you watch it up to episode 8 it's very good after that.

>Lucky-star is very relaxing anime.

I agree. I like Lucky Star too, it feels so relaxing.

Do you like Azumanga Daioh? How about Kaiji or Mahjong Legend Akagi?

>> No.1320949

Yeah I like azumanga.
I even have the DVD box of it. lol.
I bought it from amazon USA for about 6000 yen including shipment fee.
If I bought it in Japan, it would cost over 30,000 yen!!
Man, why you can buy anime far more cheaper in US than in Japan??
It's disgustingly unfair!

I read manga-kaiji and I liked it.
I have never watched anime-kaiji though.

>> No.1320961

>Man, why you can buy anime far more cheaper in US than in Japan??

We can? I never knew it was that much cheaper. 30,000 yen is a lot! That is $150 I think, wow...

At the moment the popular anime in the West is Code Geass. Though /a/ argues about it a lot, one half of the board likes it, the other half hates it.

By the way, do you ever go to Comiket or such events?

>> No.1320971

>over 30,000 yen

Wow, that's really expensive. I honestly have no clue why it's cheaper here. That's really weird, though. You'd think it would be the other way around!

>> No.1320975


More like $280 lol.

>> No.1320983

Perhaps the prices in the US are so low because most anime fans download it illegally instead of buying it. Or maybe Japan is the same way? I wouldn't know.

>> No.1321002

>By the way, do you ever go to Comiket or such events?

No, I don't like crowded place.
And I'm not enough hardcore to go such a place.
I only watch popular anime like haruhi, luckystar, and ouran host club lol.

>> No.1321068
File: 173 KB, 640x1920, fukken-wimmenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, I don't like crowded place.

Ah, same with me. I don't like conventions either.

How about 'Welcome to the NHK', have you seen it? It's quite nice. Personally I like manga and anime where I can relate to the main character.

For example, in Kaiji, I liked Kaiji because his story was quite endearing to me. As I also was a NEET for some time and felt the same way.

>> No.1321213

Blame the google translation, not me:

To summarize briefly, and the contents of articles like this
is now moot, 20-year-old college student. ・Animated cartoon geek
At the time, opened 15 years old, as a geek friends Street 4 chan launched
The current 8.5 million visits a day, PV / contain 330 million unique users monthly
Total number of posts out of 100 million 45 million * 1
Net fourth on a huge billboard of 1 *



>> No.1321396

>ouran host club
Haruhi is mai husbandu. ;_;
