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13164227 No.13164227[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The longer I neet the heavier I get. I need a 300-350lb weight capacity desk chair, it doesn't have to be rolling. Since I'm neet I obviously need it to be cheap, $100 at the most. Everything I find is over $150. The chair I currently have is falling apart, I think it's rated at 250lbs and I'm not sure how much longer it'll hold up.

>> No.13164277
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This seems perfect for you. Everything in the more standard desk chair style I could find was over $100. http://www.amazon.com/HomCom-Folding-Chair-PACK-Molded/dp/B007TY9W7C/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1426037053&sr=8-7&keywords=heavy%20weight%20chair

>> No.13164281

>The longer I neet the heavier I get.
Lame excuse. I've been a NEET for 10years and I'm still not a fatass.

>> No.13164285

Oh my gosh thank you so much. I couldn't have asked for a better price.

Whatever loser.

>> No.13164286

Go to bed, Kilga.

>> No.13164401

No joke my chair just broke. Now I have to wait 6-10 days till the new chair gets here :/

>> No.13164414
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Chubby 2hu thread?

>> No.13164418

What was your starting weight, and how did you gain so much weight as NEET? Do you just eat all the time?

I've gained 20 lbs working an intern job years ago from overeating and then lost it all when I became a NEET by cutting out bad stuff and walking 2 hours a day.

>> No.13164426

I started 6' 2" 278lbs I'm up to 315. I haven't changed my eating habits at all I just never do any physical activity ever.

>> No.13164427

You're a gross, fat NEET and he's a trim, sexy NEET. Who's the loser again?

>> No.13164440

You gained 37 lbs in how long of a time period? Dude you sound really big.

>> No.13164454

like 3 years. People say I don't look fat at all and are always surprised by my weight.

>> No.13164457

I'm sure they're just being polite.

>> No.13164458

It's all pretty evenly distributed, I don't have a giant gut or man tits or anything.

>> No.13164463

phat NEET thread?

phat NEET thread

>> No.13164470

Equal fat is best fat.
Doesn't stop everyone from thinking you're the Hulk, have infinite stamina, and constantly eat shitty food.

>> No.13164471

What's the best way for a poor shut-in to lose weight?

>> No.13164479

Just do some exercise and push-ups from time to time? It's not like you don't have time for this.

Also try to avoid junk food, things like rice aren't that expensive.

>> No.13164482

jog in place/jumping jacks to get heart rate up, squats, push ups, crunches, pull ups if you want to invest in a bar for everything else.

>> No.13164526

Drink lots of water.
Cut out anything with trans-fats, heavy MSG, and artificial flavors/sweeteners.
Walk a fuck ton.

>> No.13164528

What's the best way for a poor shut-in to gain weight? I always wandered what it'd be like to be chubby if not fat.

>> No.13164530

I'd really like to know this too. I'm a bit of a skeleton, so I would like to gain some weight, maybe even become a chubster...

>> No.13164532

Let another /jp/sy pump your stomach full of cum.

>> No.13164536

I don't think cum makes you gain weight, anon.

>> No.13164538

How do you get by?

>> No.13164542

You just have to drink an absurd amount of it. Like, you wouldn't even believe

>> No.13164548

Please explain this scenario in detail how one would get fat from cum.

Why do you want to become a chubster exactly? Just to experience it?

>> No.13164551

Hey OP, what do you do?
Like, do you just wake up every single morning and go to your computer?
I've really always been curious about NEETs.

>> No.13164554

Autism bucks and also a good family lineage so I can't really end up in the streets. At least not until all of them die.

>> No.13164557

Good lineage and autism bucks do not go together.

>> No.13164558

I believe in learning through experience tbh

>> No.13164561

Pretty much. I play classical guitar. If I'm not doing that I'm watching movies, playing video games, shitposting on 4chan, masturbating.

>> No.13164567

Because weight gain is my fetish and I feel like I am discriminated against at times because I am so thin.

>> No.13164570

What if you can't get skinny again and keep getting fatter and fatter? Would you be okay with that? It can always be a life altering experience, dude.

>> No.13164577

It does as far as money and materials are concerned. Just because I have some of that doesn't mean that I'm an ---acceptable member of society---.

I once tried to find a job and it failed miserably.

>> No.13164583

Weight gain is your fetish? So you honestly get off to the idea of progressively gaining weight, getter fatter, wider, heavier basically?

>> No.13164584

Do tell.
How long have you been on the bucks? Are you restricted from having any other income while on them?

>> No.13164596
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I have a weight gain fetish too but I like being skinny, I wouldn't mind fattening someone else up though if they wanted to gain and get big.

>> No.13164598

I never wanted to see that kaguya again.

>> No.13164599

>How long have you been on the bucks?
Over 10 years like I said.

>Are you restricted from having any other income while on them?
Yes. The fun part being that even trying to get back to university to get more degrees and increase your chances to find a job would cut the autism bucks. It's like they don't even want you to try.

>> No.13164605

Yes. It's something I've been into for almost all my life. It's more of a female weight gain thing, but I do enjoy doing water bloats and stuffing my belly to be taut and round. It'd be nice if I had some actually meat to play with. Not too much, but at least something.

My mom used to be skeleton thin like me but now she's bigger. She's not huge though, still under 200. And some other people I know tell me they used to be thin like me and now they're big and can't stop. This does concern me a bit, so I think I should just wait for time to pass. It'll happen eventually, I'm sure.

Trinityfate is disgusting, dude.

>> No.13164607

Well she's getting more popular with the weirder side of the internet so you'll see more fat NEET princess more and more often. Doesn't that sound grand?

>> No.13164611

I'm talking about self employment.
How can you be neetism when you already have multiple degrees? This story is getting more and more inconsistent.

>> No.13164612

How much do you get? Where do you live? What disorder are you diagnosed with?

>> No.13164614
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>> No.13164633

>Trinityfate is disgusting, dude.
That's the only weight gain/expansion image they've done that I like, no disagreements there.

>My mom used to be a skeleton thin like me but now she's bigger.
Women gain weight easier then me, thanks to genetics and the way mother nature designed them for childbirth and rearing. Its easier for them to gain and harder for them to lose weight as well since their bodies are more genetically inclined to retain weight.

Also stress can play a huge factor in destabilizing and upsetting your body's hormones and making your metabolism slower and weaker.

Gluttony/food stuffing is always nice but technically not "chubby".

>> No.13164639

How does bloating exactly work? Do you just overdrink stuff or are you talking about forcing yourself to do water enemas to fill your stomach?

>> No.13164649

>How can you be neetism when you already have multiple degrees?
Just because I had them doesn't mean that I got employed. I had to go to school because here it's obligatory and also because of the family lineage like I said. When I reached 18 I just kind of stopped.
At some point you try to find a job, you don't find one in 1 year, 2 years.. and before you know you reach the 10th, which makes you older, unexperienced and thus even more unemployable.

Europe, making around ~250$ per month if I had to convert it. It's more like try-to-find-a-job bucks than autism bucks though.

>> No.13164656

I haven't done water enemas, I just drink a ton of water. I love to shake my body and hear the water swish in my stomach. I end up having to stay in the bathroom for a very long time afterwards though. I try to do water bloats on lazy days where I'm okay with the consequences.

>> No.13164663

You should overstuff yourself with food so that your stomach becomes permanently larger, heavier, and fuller without having the disappointed feeling of seeing your bloated belly disappear once you have to piss.

>> No.13164670
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>> No.13164675

How do you live on that? Did you already own a house?

>> No.13164680

Look at how unhappy she is.
How can anyone find this pleasurable?
You are literally killing her, and not in the good guro way.

>> No.13164688

She just isn't used to the pleasures of being chubby yet. Satorin will love having her big belly rubbed, gropped, and worshipped with time and care, dude.

>> No.13164689

I occasionally do stuffings, but I feel like a total glutton for doing it and I don't have the money to keep doing it. Lately though I've been trying to eat more throughout the day and my belly feels full for most of the day. It's actually starting to get round. It feels so good...

>> No.13164697


I sort of feel a kind of guilt looking at pictures like that and threads like this when I myself am in very good shape.

>> No.13164701

But when skin gets stretches, do so the nerve endings. It is factually less pleasurable. It's bad enough that everyone hates her and she must live underground alone. It's too hard to even think about seriously. Your dick blinds you.

Fat Yuyuko, on the other hand...

>> No.13164709

Dude you can totally adveterise your gaining/bloating on sites like Youtube and set up a PayPal account for people to send you money to eat and gain more.

>It's actually starting to get round.
>It feels so good.
See? I told you, you're already getting into it.

>> No.13164716

>How do you live on that?
You'd be surprised how fast you can adapt when you just want to survive.

At first I tried to live with a bunch of people I sort of knew in social low places but my family wouldn't accept it so they just put me in one of their free local -until you can live on your own-.

I actually had a good struggle for 4~5 years until I make them accept the fact that I would live my own way even if it's not socially acceptable.

>> No.13164718
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All 2hus should be chubby.

>> No.13164749

How did you get into the whole bloating/weight gain scene? If its not really /jp/ or board related you can tell me on moe.

>> No.13164763

i'm 193cm and 204kg...i've gained 80kg in the last 6 years that i've been out of high school


>> No.13164768
File: 396 KB, 486x922, 528f941009274476c752083b1e1de0a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy the irony in seeing someone like Aya get fat.

>> No.13164778

It probably started when I started looking at videos and pictures of both men and women stuffing and gaining weight on YouTube and pictures on flickr/deviantart when I was 11-13 years old. I've always had a fascination with stomachs since I was 5 though. I started doing water bloats when I was 14. Now I'm eating a bit more than I have in the past. I used to have a solid set of abs when I was actively practicing Taekwondo, but now they are starting to disappear and my stomach is rounding out.

I should probably start taking pictures or doing videos of myself, but I'm not sure. I'm still not even 100 lbs yet and whenever I'm stuffed with food or bloated with water, it doesn't look like a significant difference on me. It does look and feel different from my POV.

>> No.13164816

I would love to see that. I always thought bloat is something you feel, not something you visibly see.

>> No.13164820

How do you stay active without leaving the house, /jp/?
I do 100 squats,push ups and situps every day.

Please watch your weight, you can't take it easy with the symptoms of obesity!

>> No.13164824

>100 squats,push ups and situps every day.
You don't have to lie to us you know?

>> No.13164829

Once you've gotten fat, there's no point caring anymore. Even if you lose weight, you'll still look terrible because of all the loose skin, and getting surgery to remove all that can be fatal.

>> No.13164834

Why would I lie on an anonymous imageboard?
You can easily reach those numbers in a couple weeks with about 30 minutes of your day

>> No.13164838

Simple answer, do not eat as much. Reduce your caloric intake. Doing some exercise indoors also helps (Push ups, sit ups, dips, etc).

>> No.13164846

That doesn't fix my broken chair lol

>> No.13164871

It might be easier for a third party to identify the difference between your normal empty belly and a full one riddled and stuffed with food or liquid, dude.

>> No.13164881

That's only really applicable to women, not men. If you actively try to lose weight and become more active, then your body will adjust to it.

>> No.13164902

Stretched skin doesn't unstretch. The numbers are lower for women, but for the 400lb guy above, he's already lost.

>> No.13164909

Wait, he weighs 400 lbs? How tall is he? Its really more fun to see someone skinny get fat then someone fat to get fatter.

>> No.13164910

Stretched skin looks fine if you bulk up muscles and tan

>> No.13164915
File: 629 KB, 800x960, 36363796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you should gain.

When I started my NEET life I was 5'9 and 170 lbs, now 7 years later I weigh 210 lbs and I'm really happy with it. Having a big belly and thick thighs is fun.

>> No.13164923

204kg * 2.2 for lbs.

Yeah, if you don't want surgery you'll have to get swole. If it were me, I'd rather be lean.

>> No.13164938

I'm 185cm and just 60kg. You can literally see the bone. You niggas calling yourself skeletons don't know shit.

>> No.13164939

What's the point of being a total live-in shut-in and being skinny? You aren't really interacting with people going to school, perusing an education, or having a career. Why care if your skinny, chubby, or fat?

>> No.13164947

Maybe because, I dunno, being fat fucking kills you?

>> No.13164948

because feeling fat feels like shit. It's sluggish, everything makes you feel hot, you sweat, and you smell like my garbage can.

>> No.13164954

Being obese kills you, being overweight does not. There's a big difference being 40 lbs overweight vs being 200 lbs overweight.

Just to be clear I'm not advocating getting fat to the point of weighing over 400 lbs, that's insane.

>> No.13164957

>what's the point of not being miserable, weak, tired, and dying early
There is a line, and you have crossed it. We're talking about mega fatties. Bears need not apply. I don't know how high bears get, though.

>> No.13164968

I would that alice and patchy

>> No.13164972

>overweight, fat, obese
No one knows what these words mean anymore. You'll die just as early if you eat garbage anyway, regardless of weight.
I'd say if you're mid 200lbs and aren't packing serious muscle, it's time to slim down.

>> No.13164985

Being overweight is not even remotely the same as being morbidly obese. You CAN gain weight and get fat from overeating, regardless of the food your shoving in your maw being healthy or not. Weight gain comes from putting too much strain on your metabolism and not being able to burn it off with energy.

Of course being overweight from eating healthy is not going to be a health risk say compared to constantly eating fast food from McDonalds, Burger King, cheap chinese takeout, and so on.

>> No.13164993
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>> No.13164997

You're arguing between being a fatass slob and a disgusting fatass slob

Why not stop being a pathetic fatass and become a healthy weight that you can be proud of? None of this "At least I"m not morbidly obese" shit

>> No.13165000

I'm not fat though, I'm just curious how you think being overweight equates to being morbidly obese.

>> No.13165010

She's getting babies.

Koa as well if she wants them.

And Alice.

Honestly, 90% of the 2hu's who were at that size would get impregnated with me taking responsibility.

>> No.13165015

You're talking to someone who thinks you can get fat by eating healthy.

>> No.13165018

Like I said earlier, I think if all the 2hus were canonically chubby, it'd be awesome. Chubbiness on women makes them look extra soft and curvy, and thus more impregnable.

If you constantly overeat, you will get fat if you have a slow or normal metabolism in addition to being inactive physically or living a severely sedentary life style.

>> No.13165023

My sister gained a lot of weight from stress and she eats healthy and works 14 hour shifts 6 days a week and is constantly on her feet.

Try again nerd.

>> No.13165024
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I heard that people who are slightly overweight live the longest on average.

>> No.13165032
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>> No.13165033

REAL health food. Raw and organic fruits, nuts, vegetables, and grains; no meat, eggs, dairy, or anything else. You can eat whatever you want, whenever and as much as you want, and you literally will not gain weight. You don't even need to be active (but that is worse than being fat alone.) You will lose weight until you reach an equilibrium. This is absolutely infathomable for 95% of people.

>> No.13165036
File: 31 KB, 376x579, c311c0d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that it is your responsibility as a NEET to get fit. You have all this free time, take care of your body and your health.

>> No.13165040

I think I've found my purpose in Gensyoko, getting chubby 2hus unstuck.

Probably the only way they would notice me (other than being the only blond haired/blue eyed guyed in that place....although that probably matters little when folks have purple hair and red eyes.)

>> No.13165043

>mexican restaurants and train stations
What's the actual source?

>> No.13165046

You need meat for its proteins, which are highly important for brain stimulation and provides the amino acids to keep your body running steadily and healthy, especially for your immune system.

Yes, my sister eats lots of fruits, and vegetables, doesn't have rice, no fast food, sodas, or alcohol at all. But your claim about this not being an issue for 95% of people is bullshit hyperbole probably based off personal anecdotal experiences and does not corroborate with reality.

>> No.13165055

>You need meat
Stopped right there. I've already posted too much on this. Let's get back to the autism bucks before the jan shuts it down.

>> No.13165056

Pix of ur sis 2hubro

>> No.13165059
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It will be a very tight situation to get them unstuck from.

>> No.13165060


>> No.13165063

Or just talk about chubby 2hus.

>> No.13165065

I never figured out why he draws this so much. This or stacking. Is it related to the tension inflationists get off on?

>> No.13165066


>> No.13165070

He's into weight gain and chubby/bbw Touhous. I guess he just like situations where their larger bodies are confined.

>> No.13165074

That one's easy, Alice needs to move back.

Looks like she tried to force herself through.

My job done, I now need to follow them to the pool.

Both to eye them and hope one of them walks me home.

For obvious reasons,

One of which is me not getting eaten by a youkai

>> No.13165085

Fun fact:The fatter you are, the more calories you need. Therefore, gaining large amounts of weight means you're becoming more gluttinous the longer you NEET.

Which is odd. I thought NEETs were supposed to be poor, and you obviously never moved around much.

>> No.13165096

I meant the picture. That's what I got when I googled estacion.

>> No.13165097

What if none of them want to make way for the others? What do you do then?

>> No.13165100


>> No.13165103

Being a NEET keeps me skinny.

>> No.13165104


Grease them up so they can slide out.

If not that then I have another plan.

Acutally it should be



But yea, I would need someone to take me home so I didn't get eaten.

>> No.13165107

How can you be obese and NEET?
The daily calorie intake needed to reach such a weight would cost quite a bit of money.

>> No.13165109
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Oh, sorry. It's Mrs. Estacion.

>> No.13165121

A lot of NEETs here are probably spoiled by their parents, get some form of allowance or paid to do house work and errands I'm guessing in liu of not being in school or working to provide for themselves.

I spend most of my money on smokes that I make doing stuff like picking up food when my mom doesn't feel like cooking since she often works late into nights and comes home too tired to cook, also getting groceries, mowing the lawn, that sort of stuff.

>> No.13165130

I've always been chub, but back when I was a NEET and later got a retail job with a decent amount of walking, lifting, etc, I was pretty bearmode.

Not so much these days, but I want to be more /fit/ soon.

>> No.13165133

>make enough money to pay for lawn work

>> No.13165135

Goddamn people.

This is why I can never go fully NEET. I mostly stay inside and don't interact with anyone else but I still like to walk around outside for an hour or so every day. How the fuck do you people just sit at the computer all day? I'm way too ADHD for that shit.

>> No.13165147

>Firefox can't find the server at kyutenkai.web.fc2.com
Do you still have the game? She's too lewd to pass up.

>> No.13165148
File: 599 KB, 908x1302, aaf89687c6a01e1e81d8c3c35c24d1a2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat fetish is disgusting but healthy girls can be hot as fuck and I don't even know why.

>> No.13165150

Maybe they're too fat to fly?

>> No.13165154


There's no rule that says that you can't be a NEET and exercise.

>> No.13165158

>How the fuck do you people just sit at the computer all day?
Actually I can't do that either. I have to take a walk or even open my windows to let the sun in sometimes or I feel like I'd get crazy.

>> No.13165159

Yeah but when you think of NEET, you think of a hiki who just stays inside all day.

>> No.13165161

That works too.

Whatever, would be nice to have company.

Even if I had to stop every couple minutes so they could catch their breath.

>> No.13165165

I feel the same way. Even back in school I would do things like get a tissue and pretend to blow my nose just to get up and walk around. I can't sit down for hours on end no matter what.

>> No.13165167

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13165168

I haven't been outside in two months and would consider myself kinda fit.

>> No.13165174

Found a depositfiles link

>> No.13165176

I'm trying to slim down but my biggest issue is really an obsession with drinking soda and being sedentary too much. So I've started drinking more water and using a gadget to estimate roughly how many calories I burn with cardio so all I do now is walk enough to burn about 700 calories a day while lowering my intake.

>> No.13165191

Well, that'd save you from being eaten.

Girls who are rendered weak and slothful by their fat and gluttony is my fetish. Especially if they were athletic at one time

>> No.13165196

Yep, I'd dream of the day when Meiling calls me up to the SDM because Sakuya, Remilia, and Patchy are all stuck.

>> No.13165199
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Fat in the right places has always been acceptable for girls.

>> No.13165200

So basically you have a weight gain and corruption fetish.

>> No.13165208

Not gonna lie, I have one as well.

Mostly because I would love to spoil and take care of them.

Assuming a non shit personality ofcourse.

>> No.13165209

Pretty much.

If you know of anything that can feed my boner, it'd be appreciated.

>> No.13165214

That's not healthy, that's chubby in addition to be a big-tittied shortstack.

I didn't realize there were so many /jp/sies that had weight gain fetishes.

>If you know of anything that can feed my boner, it'd be appreciated.
From time to time I spend hours on Pixiv looking at the gluttony, weight gain, bbw, chubby, and belly inflation tags.

What are you looking for in particular?

>> No.13165226

>That's not healthy, that's chubby in addition to be a big-tittied shortstack.

She's nowhere near as a fat as half the images in this thread. What do you consider "healthy"? I'll concede the second part given that she's an oppai loli according to the artist.

>> No.13165232

I'm going by her stomach, which is wide and a bit pudgy on top of the horizontal navel which is usually a sign someone is a bit heavier then they should be.

My limits are >>13164993 but they are pretty much the boundaries and furthest extent I'll go, though certainly past "healthy".

>> No.13165240

>Feed an anemic waifu with your delicious cooking
>She grows plump
>She tries to resist, but cannot
>Every morning, you prepare her a big, delicious breakfast, in which she devours plate after plate, guiltily asking for more with shame in her eyes every time
>Finally, she can't take any more, and just leans back, groaning and rubbing her taught, overfed stomach
>You help her stand and carry her over to the couch to lie down, as she lets out small, cute burps and hiccups
>Placing a gentle hand on her belly, you lean down and whisper in her ear:I hope you saved room for lunch.

>> No.13165249 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting, fattie?

>> No.13165253
File: 949 KB, 1681x2875, 1e0f318d41c1327c6d3166634fbddeaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going by her stomach, which is wide and a bit pudgy on top of the horizontal navel which is usually a sign someone is a bit heavier then they should be.

I see. She's pretty much the limit for me, as I'm not specifically a fat fetishist or anything similar.

>> No.13165258

Sure is a lot of who are you quoting in here


Oh for the love of fuck don't you dare do that monstergirlfag-tier greentext bullshit

>> No.13165259

The best.

I'd gladly do that for the SDM or any of the other groups.

It would be wonderful.

Sakuya would probably get mad dinner one day and say I'm not needed, even if I had to get her and meiling unstuck one day.

That awkward silence after I joke about her having to just wait a couple decades and she can take my duties over.

>> No.13165274

Basically, what you said. What is the "gluttony" tag on pixiv? I don't speak moon.

As an aside, you'd be surprised. There's a decent chunk on /v/ who come out of the woodwork every now and then.

>> No.13165292
File: 793 KB, 1133x1600, 6046ba0bf14e1f315ffb3ea72922374a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13165306

Whatcha gonna do about it, nerd?

>Wiping your brow, you take a breath to admire your latest masterpiece of a desert,
>Your waifu's appetite is on overdrive tonight, it seems.
>Your moment's reprise is brought to a halt by her calls from the living room. She is, after all, still hungry.
>With a smile, you place it on the coffee table, and turn to get to work on the next course
>After a few minutes, you hear her calling for help
>Upon returning, you find that she has, in fact, glutted herself too much to be able to lean past her bulging belly, or hoist her encumbering bulk off the couch.
>With a gentle smile, you take a seat next to her, and feed it to her as fast as she ravenously gorges on it.
>Together, you fall asleep on the couch, listening to her mumble in her sleep, burp, hiccup, and the soft gurgling of her overtaxed digestion.

>> No.13165311

Adorable and boner inducing.

>> No.13165365

Get the greasemonkey add-on and pixiv script and it will do some of the tag work for you.

>> No.13165425

Would you a fat Tenshi?

>> No.13165447

It would take a while but if I could find a way to break that spoiled nature of hers then yes.

It would take a lot of work but I think I could do it.

Mostly by withholding my snacks, dinners, and personal time if she misbehaves more than normal.

>> No.13165451

God, it's spreading.

>> No.13165452

and now /jp/ post a pic of your belly

>> No.13165469
File: 41 KB, 306x390, i actually did get this pic from a jp thread once.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13165477


>> No.13165480

This is one of the few times I wish we were back to having stricter moderation.

>> No.13165484

I contributed more content than you did.

>> No.13165489

I really wish you hadn't.

>> No.13165490
File: 773 KB, 1760x1200, 1423516889415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fatNEETs in full force
We run this shit

>> No.13165511

phat NEET here

I still don't like fat girls.

>> No.13165565

I'd a portly Suika, although my liver may not make it.

>> No.13165601

182, 55 here.
Skeletonlife is miserable, but there's no way out without runing your health further

>> No.13165613

I wouldn't call it miserable, I was just noting that some people's standards for "skeleton" were pretty silly.
Unless you're counting the fact that getting to be really skeletal more often than not means being so tight on money you really barely eat and thus get to that weight as miserable, in which case I agree.

>> No.13165655

>she gets bigger as it goes on
Why here? Why now? Fuck you, penis-san!
