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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 48 KB, 600x508, 1419663651541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13097350 No.13097350 [Reply] [Original]

So I heard there was a Super Touhou Bros being made and then being abandoned. What's the whole story? Who's to blame?

Why is Raiko so cute?

>> No.13097382

The creator tried to crowdfund the project on IndieGoGo, got shut down by ZUN, threw a massive autistic hissy fit so entitled that it could singlehandedly fund Social Security, and has modified his project so that it's no longer a Touhou Project derivative work.

>> No.13097425

what do you mean, i know approximately 20 doujin games that are super mario clones with touhou characters

>> No.13097448

I address this endeavor in my videos. Please watch them in full before you pick sides.


I will say no more on this issue.

>> No.13097458
File: 434 KB, 1911x2801, 1ee86094b5d764382f7770c038190958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand voices. I'd rather read than listen.

Ha okay. Too bad, that sounded interesting.

Feel free to post Raiko or let the thread die.

>> No.13097503

>I will say no more on this issue.
You said the same thing last time. When are you going to fuck off for real?

>> No.13097522

I just think there needs to be an honest and open dialog on what took place. Western fans of Touhou need to understand ZUN's policies and why western fans cannot make Touhou fangames. It is an unfair policy and challenging it in any shape or form is met with blind accusations and fabrications from the rest of the fanbase. I have already said what I had to say and I'm not going to add more I'm just making sure everyone knows about this and doesn't get misled by overzealous fans who will protect their perfect idol ZUN fanatically.

>> No.13097539

>western fans cannot make Touhou fangames
What the fuck. /d/ made a porn VN with touhou characters and despite being shitty, it wasn't closed down.
You're fucking insane mate.

>> No.13097543

This is just a troll, you've outed yourself. Even Saijee doesn't believe that western fans can't make Touhou games, and he's much more passive-aggressive than outright saying dissenters idolize ZUN as perfect. Plus he makes a point of namefagging everywhere.

You get some points for "honest and open dialog", though.

>> No.13097553

>why western fans cannot make Touhou fangames
You can make all the Touhou fangames you want as long as you don't go complete fucking retard and try to crowdfund one after everybody you talk to (who isn't also retarded) unanimously agrees that it's a stupid idea.

>> No.13097556

Please watch the videos I have linked to. ZUN is very unreasonable and contradictory in his handling of fanworks and how his policy relates to them. Take Danmaku!! for example which is distributed on Steam even though this is a big no-no. Our project was shut down because western touhou fans at motk drew too much attention to it and got the japanese touhou fans involved in our project who instantly took a dislike to it and decided to shut it down. We did everything in our power to keep the project alive despite this because we are dedicated to bringing nothing but the best to touhou fans and it is our policy to keep doing what we feel is best no matter how much others may judge us for it. We had to stop because of legal issues because ZUN is not above bullying smaller doujin developers and his supporters turn a blind eye to his actions.

What I am saying is simple. Don't trust the word of ZUN's blind supporters and look into these issues yourselves. I have said my side of things but people have constantly attacked every last point I've made to try and find flaws (which nobody did despite their best efforts). I think you will find my videos to be a thorough, unbiased and complete explanation of the situation, so please watch them before replying.

I thank you for taking the time to read this.

>> No.13097564

>Take Danmaku!! for example which is distributed on Steam even though this is a big no-no.
Could it be that they're not using ZUN's intellectual property in any way? Wow!

>I think you will find my videos to be a thorough, unbiased and complete explanation of the situation, so please watch them before replying.
Nobody wants to spend an hour listening to you whine. Write an article or just shut the fuck up.

>> No.13097572

You're a troll. Because I doubt Saijee is that much of a crybaby stalking bitch that he monitors /jp/ to see any thread mentioning him.

>> No.13097575

Nobody wants to spend an hour reading something he wrote either.

>> No.13097576

To be fair... I wouldn't put something like this past him. I mean, given everything that took place before...

Still, I doubt that's him. His videos are still up though so it's not like he doesn't still have an axe to grind. Whatever. Personally I stopped caring long ago and think everyone else should too. FSS already completely destroyed their reputation, it can't get any more destroyed.

>> No.13097599

/jp/ you used to be good at not responding to blatant trolls

>> No.13097701

B-but what if it's really Saijee? Guy is a lunatic, I wouldn't put it past him to stalk /jp/, MotK, facebook, ect for every post mentioning him, compiling them, then editing them for his video to support his cause.

You could be next, /jp/ anonymous poster. He'll call you gay in a video and it'll hurt your feelings.

>> No.13097708
File: 16 KB, 634x577, whatisanarchive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never lie, why did you delete the thread 4chan

>> No.13097754

What? How dare you delete the thread, anon? Do you realize how bad this makes us look? Saijee would never lie to us, don't try to weasle your way out of this one!

>> No.13097782

Why is that picture black when I click on it?

>> No.13097935 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.13097988

>Who's to blame?
When the project started out, it was generally supported or ignored. Then when ZUN got word of it, he said it was "no good" and everyone that supported it or didn't care for it quickly turned to vocally hating on it. If it was made by a Japanese team, ZUN probably wouldn't have said a word and there wouldn't have been any debate over it.

I personally would have liked to see the project get released just to see what ZUN and his army of loyal supporters would have done about it. A big law suit between japs and westerners over a basement-made video game would have been hilarious.

>> No.13098002

>If it was made by a Japanese team, ZUN probably wouldn't have said a word and there wouldn't have been any debate over it.
Proof where?

>> No.13098029

Wouldn't it be nice if anyone could use Touhou in any way they wanted, but would have to pay like 10-15% Zun tax for every Touhou related item you sell?

Wouldn't that just be the best for all? I'm sure he would get lots of money too, Touhou would spread more, and again, generate even more money, and it still could be expanded by official works, and products.

Anyone would get the contract by simply applying for it, but if you literally would sell shit, or mess with your customers, it could be revoked.

Just a thought, isnt Touhou already as popular it is because of the freedom for fan material?

>> No.13098046

That would mean less low-quality rape porn.

I vote YES.

>> No.13098054

God, westerners are so fucking stupid.

>> No.13098057

Don't lump general westerners with these guys.

And please if only /jp/ can ignore them and not respond.

No need to give them more attention, leave them to their game and rot.

>> No.13098455
File: 87 KB, 900x1209, IMG_20150224_131138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget to beat your drum regularly

>> No.13099361
File: 428 KB, 550x660, _ (263).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These 3 should get together.

>> No.13099399
File: 292 KB, 1611x1151, 5b8ba6e595ee9553a32b35f5e99d6009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they all get spanked on a daily basis?

>> No.13099451

Huh... Didn't think about that one. But yeah, sure, sure! That totally works too!

>> No.13099550
File: 252 KB, 900x675, 2ca768aa77e8259abbc214569768f84e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, according to fantheories, Byakuren spanks Kyouko because she makes too much noise with her punk concerts, Mystia because she has a bad influence on Kyouko, and Raiko is a drum that loves being beaten.

>> No.13099595

Huh. I told you right off the bat that our God Emperor ZUN would not be pleased, and you did not listen. Making derivative works is fine, making business out of it is not. We warned you over and over.

>> No.13099633
File: 176 KB, 1260x868, soysaucefail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hah...... i love this picture. it puts this entire nonsense into perspective whenever someone (saijee?) brings it up again.....

>> No.13099714

Remove Saijee

>> No.13100063

Do you ever think that maybe it's YOUR fault that it was no good?

Again, you are probably just a troll anyways. But if you're actually him, keep digging, you almost reach China.

>> No.13101297

Please watch the videos. I explain everything in great detail and go over every step that led to this. I don't want to start sounding like a broken record so I won't repeat what's said there.

I and the rest of FSS did everything we could to make this into the best and most enjoyable game possible. And it would have been that way. If the japanese touhou fans and motk hadn't decided they wanted to see it shot down. Even then we did everything we could to make this game a reality but the damage was done and motk agressively attacked our game until everyone decided to side with them.

We're still working on the same game but with new content, as I'm sure you all know. It has received tremendous support from many people even without Touhou as a part of it. We still get deterrants from the Touhou fanculture (probably from motk) even now. If anyone is digging, it's motk at this point and their cronies.

I really want to encourage people to view the videos and get the real story behind this game's development. We've been attacked, degraded, insulted, and hounded down by everyone who couldn't just let this go and it has to stop. After all this isn't the first thread about our game on 4-chan. After we got banned, motk still continued to post threads about us. Just about any Touhou fancommunity is doing it. Even though this has nothing to do with Touhou anymore.

Again we're not the ones "digging". Everyone else is at this point. I'm just trying to do damage control. We're normal people just trying to make a game. I don't understand why everyone wants to see us as evil greedy indie developers. That's just wrong.

>> No.13101323

>I don't understand why everyone wants to see us as evil greedy indie developers. That's just wrong.

Because like a greedy indie dev, the game looked like shit and you were trying to make quick money off of it.

>> No.13101383

I will also add that the whole evil greedy indie developers is indeed true for westerners. It's just how you are, more focused on money than the actual game.
This also explains why Japan has successful events like the Comiket while every attempts to make a similar thing in the West has failed miserably.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming for liking your money, but just don't be fucking surprised when something like this happens.

>> No.13101510

Why is Shines Bright so fucking retarded?

>> No.13101525

That's a really nice picture of Raiko. She can beat my drum any day.

>> No.13101539

If you actually want a response you should write up your side, you fucking moron.

>> No.13101607

>If the japanese touhou fans and motk hadn't decided they wanted to see it shot down.

They tried to help you. You're the one who decided to rage quit and ruin everything by yourself.

>After we got banned, motk still continued to post threads about us.

Because you suddenly posted that video when everybody was about to forget the entire thing? You attacked first, which forced them to respond.

>> No.13101659

I blame the jews

>> No.13101766
File: 375 KB, 1214x781, Horikawa.Raiko.full.1579111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my drum


>> No.13101807

>I will also add that the whole evil greedy indie developers is indeed true for westerners. It's just how you are, more focused on money than the actual game.
>This also explains why Japan has successful events like the Comiket while every attempts to make a similar thing in the West has failed miserably.
Stop generalizing. I never sold a game I made.
I also never let anyone see my face given the kind of game I usually make.

>> No.13101826

Their greed.
Everything went spectacular (if you call that spectacular) before they had the brilliant idea of scam their secondaries since they looked like they would pay for whatever shit with touhou in it, aka they turned it into a kickstarter project.

Now ZUN of course gets mad, and so /jp/.
Drama llamas everywhere.
They decide to finally follow the rules again.

They closed the project now? I didn't know that.

>> No.13101830

They haven't closed it, they turned it into a weeaboo game without touhou.

Also they're keeping all the money or so I heard.

>> No.13101879

>they're keeping all the money
Given that ZUN supposedly hit IndieGogo with a copyright infringement complaint, no, they aren't.

>> No.13101881

>Also they're keeping all the money or so I heard
it would be helpful if some dissenters weren't terribly misinformed and didn't make the others look equally dumb

no they aren't

>> No.13102015

>it would be helpful if some dissenters weren't terribly misinformed and didn't make the others look equally dumb
I think the expression is "pot calling the kettle black".

>> No.13103124

Have you read the threads in question?

If I posted a video it was to do damage control. Please read my previous post and watch the videos before judging.

>> No.13103802

Judging from their FaceBook page, they're making it into something retro-2D.

That or they're just wasting their time on pointless crap. It's good to see the money they wanted for their game would have been well-invested after all!

>> No.13103808

Retro 2D? You mean with pixels, like Shovel Knight?

>> No.13103835
File: 88 KB, 470x243, fss_is_working_on_yet_more_bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13103839

That reminds me of Starbound. Coincidence?

>> No.13103879

Aside from being 2D, I don't see the resemblance TBH...

>> No.13103892

I knew from the start that crowdfunding would lead to nothing but bad things.
Has there been a single decent thing that came out of crowdfunding?
We got a failed fighter that no one gives a shit about anymore, another mediocre anime for /a/ to jerk off to, and fucking visual novel translations. Probably the only decent thing was that one porn game.

>> No.13103893

Mostly comes from the characters' posture. As for the rest, well...
>dragon has a black line
>other characters aren't lined
>art is inconsistent
>no background

What is that picture supposed to prove? Is it just a doodle?

>> No.13103963

I'm not even a big fan of Touhou, but you sound like a complete nut., bro.

>> No.13104023

> What is that picture supposed to prove? Is it just a doodle?
Actually they've posted a few different pictures over the course of several days, so this has been a bit of a timesink for them. Whatever the purpose.

Nice work guys. It's great to see your priorities are all in order!

>> No.13104043

All of these assets are probably stolen, given FSS straight ripped Sims models for the Smash game.

>> No.13104044

What are the real priorities in making a game? Brainstorming? Concept arts? Deciding on what'll the gameplay be like?

>> No.13104151
File: 31 KB, 388x279, 1411087611963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a second there I thought you meant a 2hu version of Super Marios Bros and not the trainwreck that was 2hu smash

>> No.13104167

I'd say "doing work that actually contributes to the game", so, all of those, sure. You know, as opposed to "wasting a week working on 8-bit versions of your characters and creating mockups to post on your facebook page instead of doing any usable work or planning".

>> No.13104663

Fuck off to Pooshlmer, Saijee.

>> No.13105286

holy shit poosh still exists

>> No.13106072

Yeah, and it's being raided by FSS on a daily basis because there's a thread dedicated to him, so he spams it with gore and shit, and bumps all the other threads with "t".
You can visit, it's hilarious. There's a guy who keeps bumping the thread, and FSS keeps trying to hide it.

>> No.13106133

Because you're a nigger so naturally seeing that fat ass causes your enormous niggerdick to become erect and obscure your vision.

>> No.13106168

Thank you for the compliment, but my dick isn't that big.

>> No.13106294
File: 609 KB, 1415x2000, 38630562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we talk about the sexiest touhou instead of talking about that failure?

>> No.13107949

I take that as a no.
Well, I'll just wait another Raiko thread to dump everything I have.

>> No.13108321

Don't mix Raiko into this mess... She doesn't deserve this.

>> No.13108345

FSS is making a westernized version of Touhou. This is funny.

>> No.13108386

But I like Raiko. She doesn't look like a medieval Touhou, she's sexy without being lewd or slutty.

>> No.13110092
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>> No.13110906
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>> No.13110910

So Saijee is still shitposting on Pooshlmer, should I take a screen of his arguments so that everyone can see how good he's at debating and explaining himself?

>> No.13110917

Do it

But Raiko is the embodiment of lewdness.

>> No.13110929
File: 87 KB, 1317x342, Saijee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of his posts are erased (since he posts goatse), but he still has the same style : insulting everyone who isn't supporting him.

Please note that he admits that I'm the last person "listening" to him.
FSS confirmed for being so shit that even MotK's retarded drones dropped him, despite his claim in >>13101297 that his game "has received tremendous support from many people".

>> No.13110979

Ha, Saijee just answered. A gore picture + some russian nonsense.
So he's russian, huh? That explains everything.

You know a shitposter is desperate when he counts on gore to win the argument.

>> No.13111055

I'm pretty sure he's from Oklahoma.

>> No.13111235

I dunno what's worse, being american and google translating shit into russian to sound cool, or being russian. He's shit in both cases.

>> No.13111808

Just checked that post. It's not a work of google translate, it was made by a russian speaking person.
I don't know why would a random russian shitposter be involved in this, but we should all stay away from it. Just leave this thread to die.

>> No.13112008

>leave this thread to die
Why would you want a thread where Saijee constantly make an ass of himself and get kicked on a weekly basis to die?
Unless you are Saijee.

>> No.13112035

Because it's nothing but shitposting? You sound like a typical /v/ user too.

It was cute how some anons tried to derail this thread by posting Raiko, but at this moment the only thing is left is to hope this thread will be noticed by global mod.

>> No.13112038

>some anons tried to derail this thread by posting Raiko
Raiko was already mentioned in the OP, you damn newfag.
>doesn't even read the OP

>> No.13112060

ITT political turmoil in africa and the care of bonsai trees.

I don't see how Raiko relates to FailSoySauce...

>> No.13112077

>still fails to see the OP
You must be trolling, there's no way someone can be that retarded.

>> No.13113903
File: 225 KB, 932x1494, 1ee86094b5d764382f7770c0381890958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13114682

just make a new raiko thread it isn't that hard

>> No.13115252

We told you to get explicit permission from ZUN before going so far but you never listened. And you never got the permission!

>> No.13117135

It's not the real Saijee, anon. His writing style is different.

>> No.13117265

>What's the whole story?
American self-declared "doujin game developer" tries to make it big by selling his Touhou fangame in mainstream shops and on Steam, throws a tantrum when he finds out what doujin actually means, abandons development of the game while flaming his supporters and making shit up about ZUN. He's doxxed people, edited PMs sent to him and posted them in public, and vandalised Touhou-related articles on Wikipedia.

Whenever he does anything stupid or dickish he keeps insisting that he couldn't have been expected to know what would happen, even if it's something trivially obvious and/or literally hundreds of people were telling him what would happen.

Also one of his goals with the project was to establish a "Western Touhou canon" for everyone outside Japan to follow, where the characters' names are changed to sound more American, Reimu dresses like an American flag, Cirno is a busty teenager of above-average intelligence, and youkai are Western demons.

>> No.13117349

>the characters' names are changed to sound more American, Reimu dresses like an American flag, Cirno is a busty teenager of above-average intelligence, and youkai are Western demons
Being European, that idea pisses me off. Basically sounds like he wanted to turn Touhou into American Pie.

>> No.13117378

>vandalized Touhou-related articles on Wikipedia.
He did this for real? I didn't hear about this.

>Also one of his goals with the project was to establish a "Western Touhou canon"

I can't stop laughing. Damn, FSS was stupid.

>> No.13117391

>He did this for real? I didn't hear about this.

>> No.13117395


>> No.13117418

Haven't seen those wiki edits as well. I'm pretty sure they were not posted in any of previous threads. Which means only one thing - we are invaded by MotK faggots again.

>> No.13117471

No they were posted in the previous FSS thread. And to add on FSS are the criminals in this situation not MotK.

>> No.13117522

>"ZUN is also supported by Fumio Oyamada, who is his legal representative"
Ha? ZUN is senile and need a representative?

>> No.13117548

That doesn't mean MotK fags are accepted here.
Also we had one of MotK mods openly attention whoring and shitposting with emoticons in the previous thread.

>> No.13117554

It's the booze. ZUN loses control every once in a while and tries to have intercourse with nearby objects and crotch-level faces (the latter being how he met his wife). He needs someone to take decisions for him when alcohol gets too tempting.

>> No.13117592

>Also we had one of MotK mods openly attention whoring and shitposting with emoticons in the previous thread.
I remember the guy who claimed to be an MotK mod, but he just seemed like a random troll.

>> No.13118059

>Also one of his goals with the project was to establish a "Western Touhou canon" for everyone outside Japan to follow, where the characters' names are changed to sound more American, Reimu dresses like an American flag, Cirno is a busty teenager of above-average intelligence, and youkai are Western demons.
Let's ignore the fact that "western for everyone outside Japan" means "American", I'd like ask why the fuck he thought that was a good idea.
What was he expecting? Something like "woah, Saijee, you took Touhou's charm away and turned it into your average american TV show, you're so awesome! The main reason people had to like Touhou was removed, that's so cool!"

>> No.13118081

It's better to devolve the messy shit to people who aren't you, so as to insult yourself.

Definitely been posted before. And honestly nobody in /jp/ would know or care about any of this (very stupid) shit if it weren't for MotK anyway.

>> No.13118088

insulate yourself*

>> No.13118091

>so as to insult yourself

>> No.13118097

>honestly nobody in /jp/ would know or care about any of this (very stupid) shit if it weren't for MotK anyway
Yeah, right, /jp/ is totally under motk's orders.
You're deluded, Saijee. Completely batshit insane.

>> No.13118099
File: 44 KB, 900x900, 1380768246370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, kids!

You better get ready, because Melissa McKenzie is in the HOUSE and ready to steal your bling bling, dawgz!

I'm bringing a whole lotta GRRL power (and MAGICAL power!) to the highschool scene like no one's ever seen before!

So look out, boys! There's a new witch in town! Oops, did I say that out loud? Tee hee!


>> No.13118105

>Melissa McKenzie
This is just distasteful.

>> No.13118171

Saijee only liked Touhou because of Soku (which he still calls Unthinkable Natural Law) and because he thought it was a public domain work with no canon.

>> No.13118179

>This is just distasteful

>> No.13118185

You forgot the freckles.

>> No.13118219
File: 234 KB, 1024x2126, 1249442171016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13118221

And the hamburger. And the gun.

Calling bullshit on that, nobody can be that retarded.

>> No.13118230
File: 46 KB, 870x309, FSS_and_fandubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13118239
File: 120 KB, 900x900, here ya go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my version of Marisa, western style.

Imagine the voice saying that being cheeky as fuck.

>> No.13118248

>And the hamburger. And the gun.
No I mean Saijee actually draws Marisa with freckles. And non-midget height. Someone will post a pic.

>Calling bullshit on that, nobody can be that retarded.
I'm pretty sure he called Touhou a "modern-day mythology" or something.

>> No.13118252

>I'm pretty sure he called Touhou a "modern-day mythology" or something.
Well, it is.

>> No.13118255

Isn't he just licking her boots here?

>> No.13118353
File: 25 KB, 297x590, ffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet that the guy from fss took 5 days to create this picture, with him ripping of material from other sources and what not.

>> No.13118366

Wait, so his avatar is a bunch of balls?

>> No.13118374


>> No.13120229
File: 29 KB, 494x279, Image1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13120279

Are you talking about this MArisa instead of maRIsa bullshit again? Well, I expected nothing else from /jp/ whose only experience with translations are commie subs and AGTH translated VNs.

Furandoru Sucaretto

>> No.13120401

I'm dying of laughter. Could they go any lower?

>> No.13120404

What's the problem with Patreon?
I don't really know what it is. Another kickstarter?

>> No.13120486

"Artists set up a page on the Patreon website, where patrons can pledge to donate a given amount of money to an artist every time she or he creates a piece of art, optionally setting a monthly maximum. Alternatively a fixed monthly amount can be pledged. This is different from other crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, where artists obtain a single sum after a successful campaign and typically have to start over for every new piece."

So, basically, they gets paid for everything they do.

>> No.13120503

So basically, you go there, and if you fuck up, instead of giving 50$ once, you give them each time the guy posts a concept art?

Please tell me I misunderstand this.

>> No.13120533

I can't believe they're spending this much time on ""damage control"" (aka kicking themselves in the nuts). The proper thing to do would be to shut up and instead spend that time making something good.

Yes, I want to pay monthly for inane youtube videos.

From what I've seen most people go for the monthly route, and these people are well established in their field to begin with. So ideally you make legit good stuff consistently -> get fans -> set up one of these. If a lot of people like your shit 1-3$ a month adds up. I'm sure it could be abused, though, and it seems to be more suited for artists or musicians than game development.

>> No.13120540

Watch their game dissolve into a bunch of concept art and promotional crap, and never get released.

Just watch.

>> No.13120564

thought the exact same thing a few days ago

>> No.13120711

Can I also eat popcorn while watching?

>> No.13122691

>dissolve into a bunch of concept art and promotional crap
That requires effort, they shat out a few OCs to cover for the old Reimu/Sakuya they made within a few days. Just like most Deviantartists do, now draw my precious original character that I recolored from sanics.

>> No.13123501
File: 276 KB, 1010x960, 1425187706912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a series that's completely based on Japanese history and mythology
>make it Western

>> No.13123707

>I will also add that the whole evil greedy indie developers is indeed true for westerners.
News flash: the West isn't nearly as homogenous as Japan is. You can't make dumb lump statements about "Westerners" like you can with nips because "Westerners" could include anyone from 2nd generation Mexican immigrants to white guys in mansions.

>> No.13123718

>from 2nd generation Mexican immigrants to jews in mansions.

>> No.13123780

yee haw

>> No.13123882

>completely based on Japanese history and mythology

>> No.13123890

>name literally means "Eastern"
>almost everybody's either a youkai or some genderbent god or historical figure with a vampire and Alice thrown in

>> No.13123912

6/10 mildly angering

Stick more to the original character next time

>> No.13123916

>with a vampire and Alice thrown in
looks like you don't understand the meaning of the word "completely"

>> No.13124436

Wasn't aware Shikoku was English, or that rokuruokubis were spanish.

But you're wrong anyway, Saijee didn't want to make Touhou western, he wanted to make it american.

>> No.13126208

>But you're wrong anyway, Saijee didn't want to make Touhou western, he wanted to make it american.
He wanted to make it Western, he just thinks that everyone in the West is Oklahoman.

It might sound like I'm exaggerating, but when Saijee thought a Chinese group was allowed to do the same thing he was doing, he said it was because he was a foreigner and the Chinese group were "fellow Easterners".
Saijee legitimately thinks that China and Japan (and Vietnam, and both Koreas, and so on) are a single culture and that everyone there loves each other.

>> No.13126219

>that everyone there loves each other
Not exactly an expert, but I thought that Chinese and Japanese hated each others much as German and French hated each other before 14-18.

>> No.13126231

They still do. They're fighting over the Senkaku Islands now.

>> No.13126287

China and Japan hate each other so much that China once uprooted all its cherry trees just for being a Japanese symbol.

>> No.13126316

Those poor trees

>> No.13126319

Woah. That's actually quite impressive.

>> No.13126324

>He wanted to make it Western, he just thinks that everyone in the West is Oklahoman.
That's so egotistical of him that I seriously wonder if he isn't insane. At 5 years old, kid are already aware that there's world around them, and that they're not the center of it.
How old is he?

>> No.13126332

MURRICA years old.

>> No.13126336

I'm curious about that. Does that incident has a name or something that I can google?

That's the worst age.

>> No.13126352

Oh he's aware he's not the center of it...
That's why he wanted to be the bridge between Eastern and Western fans, claiming that his understanding of both cultures made him uniquely qualified for the position.

>> No.13126401

Crowdfunding and attention whoring is not a good job of connecting fans.

What he should have done was shut the fuck up about the project, don't rip shit, wait 1-2 years when he was close to finishing after working hard as shit, show gameplay and ask himself how could he tweak it a little bit more to make it better, release it free with the message to support ZUN and 2hu.,

Instead he went autistic as hell

>> No.13126490

>claiming that his understanding of both cultures made him uniquely qualified for the position
Bullshit. I'm calling bullshit. There's no way someone who believes Chinese and Japanese to be BFF could believe himself to have an "understanding of both cultures".
Nobody is that retarded.

>> No.13130519

>If you’re incompetent, you can’t know you’re incompetent. […] the skills you need to produce a right answer are exactly the skills you need to recognize what a right answer is.

>> No.13130586

Saijee is a dumb ass along with FSS, and a decent westerners will make a good, free 2hu game for everyone singlehandedly one day.

Then Saijee and FSS will get wrecked even worse if they're still around.

>> No.13130635

Doesn't even have to be free. ZUN was fine with Touhou Smash as long as it wasn't crowdfunded or sold through certain channels. Then Saijee said that ZUN's lawyer shut down the project, and started crying about how he'd do anything to be able to continue. Then ZUN's lawyer said he had no idea what Saijee was talking about, Touhou Smash is fine. Then Saijee said YOU'RE JUST TRYING TO TRICK ME.

No seriously. When ZUN gave him explicit permission to make Touhou Smash, Saijee said it was "a trick" and called ZUN racist.

>> No.13130810

Saijee really sounds like your usual tumblr social warrior.

>> No.13130813

>ZUN gave Saijee permission
Damn, Saijee is a little bitch. He doesn't give a fuck about Touhou all he cares about is making money off somebody else's idea.

And then I be he's going to sprout some bull shit saying all occidents do that because it's in their nature.

Fucking lil prick

>> No.13131011

>making money
Making money AND becoming famous. We're talking about the guy who wanted to create a Touhou for westerners.

>> No.13132509

> Unknown developer tries to steal someone's IP
> Nobody falls for it
> The internet is in an uproar
Why should I care about this issue, /jp/?

>> No.13132520

What really happened. Saijee contacted ZUN and got no response. Then he doxed ZUN's lawyer and tried to talk to him and got no response. Then ZUN's lawyer DMCA'd Saijee without warning. Lesson learned, ZUN is an elitist and doesn't care about what gaijins have to say.

>> No.13132534

What's wrong with making money and being famous. You guys live off either the goverment's tit or your mother's tit, so you don't understand the value of money. You also pirate everything and feel entitled to free content. If Saijee makes sacrifices creating a game for 2 years he deserves to be compensated.

>> No.13132547

Making a game from scratch, sure. But if you use someone else's IP, you're stealing the time and effort they put into making their IP successful.

Attaching a popular franchise to your project can make the amount of customers interested in your game skyrocket. Most people who were willing to shower FSS with money lost all interest when it stopped being about Touhou - which is the whole point here. People have a hare up their asses over FSS using ZUN's IP to make money, not with them making money.

>> No.13132554

It's using the characters but it still is a game from scratch when you think about it. If Team4Star asked for money for their work would you be against them getting paid? Sure they're using DBZ characters but what they created is a new thing. Also, ZUN says people can use his IP. Don't say people can use your IP then bitch when they get successful from it.

>> No.13132558

>ZUN says people can use his IP.
Under certain conditions, which were ignored.

>Don't say people can use your IP then bitch when they get successful from it.
Yeah, Saijee's just rolling in that dough.

>> No.13132576

What really happened. Saijee "contacted" ZUN and got no response. His brain translated this into "it means I'm good" and went on with a crowdfunding despite several people telling him he's not allowed to. Then ZUN found out and said he's not allowed to do it. Saijee tweeted at ZUN and changed his crowfunding page to an appeal to ZUN, after which ZUN's representative contacted him and told him he can make a game, but is not allowed to crowdfund it. Saijee somehow interpreted it as "but you can sell it on WiiU and Steam" at first, but then it got explained to him that no, he just can't sell in commercial channels period. Then Saijee went "okay, the funding campaign is over, but IndieGoGo forces me to keep the money", so ZUN saved him from the trouble by sending a DCMA.

Then Saijee realized he's just not going to make any easy money out of Touhou IP, threw a tantrum and ragequit.

>> No.13132611

It's easy for you to sit there and point fingers at Saijee but if you ever create a Touhou game good luck getting into contact with ZUN. I find ZUN's lack of communication to be disturbing. When Saijee talked to ZUN he showed ZUN the crowd funding campaign. He even linked ZUN to it. If you don't get an immediate message back telling you to stop then why would you assume you're doing something wrong. Also, believe it or not it's not uncommon for people to take silence as a signal of approval. ZUN has yet to say anything about the Chinese crowd funded Touhou game so Saijee thought ZUN was cool with it. The only thing in my opinion that Saijee did wrong was not listening to the advice of people who were telling him it was a bad idea. But other than that I don't think he was wrong. If ZUN wants to act like Apple and troll people with his IP then he needs to act more professional. ZUN's lawyer didn't say anything.

Imagine if one of your coworkers is about to delete everything from a shared folder and ask you, "I'm about to remove this folder does anybody mind?" and you just sit there staring at the screen like a mute retard. Can you blame him for taking an action when you the concerned party failed to communicate.

>> No.13132663

He never said people can use his IP for whatever.
He simply just won't care what content is produced just so long as it falls under the category of doujin, which had to be defined by him out of necessity once 2hu grew to that size.

Probably because language barriers are a thing. Just like how you misinterpreted how the Chinese crowdfunding thing has nothing to do with making an actual 2hu game, ZUN probably misinterpreted what exactly was being said. Crowdfunding isn't exactly something that's common for them.

Not only that, communication takes more effort than just linking something and just asking if it's okay. He should have approached ZUN with the assumption that he has no idea what crowd funding is and explain the whole thing to him, and make some sort of effort to get some help in getting a translation. Because to me, it seems like Saijee thinks communication is just making a video and linking everyone who has anything to say to you to the video instead of actually talking.

>> No.13132680

>good luck getting into contact with ZUN
I won't need to. I've read and understood his guidelines and I won't do what I'm not allowed to.

>Imagine if
You're really bad at this. When you make an analogy, the cases need to be similar in some way. Let me show you how it's done:

Imagine you sent an email to Steve Jobs saying you're going to use an Apple brand on some of your products. You get no response and decide to go on with it. Then three months later Apple lawyers find out about it. Guess what happens. (Tip: you'd wish you infringed ZUN's IP instead.)

>> No.13132689

>Imagine if one of your coworkers is about to delete everything from a shared folder and ask you, "I'm about to remove this folder does anybody mind?" and you just sit there staring at the screen like a mute retard. Can you blame him for taking an action when you the concerned party failed to communicate.
First, of all, in that case it would be extraordinarily dickish for that person to delete peoples' files without getting positive confirmation from everyone. It's even worse in saijee's case, where he only need confirmation from one specific person

>> No.13132806

I don't know why people are surprised. ZUN has a well-known hatred of gaijin. He won't even let us buy his games.

>> No.13133059
File: 403 KB, 640x975, 48842970_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I bought one from his very hand at comiket? What are you talking about? He said thanks and everything.

>> No.13133096

Talk for you Saijee.

>> No.13133101

So why did he attend to AWA 2013 in Atlanta then? Moreover he discussed with the others about a plan to sell Touhou games outside Japan.

What makes you think that he hate gaijins.

>> No.13133103

>totally not Saijee speaking here
>no sir
Why would you pretend to be someone else?

>> No.13133107

>if you ever create a Touhou game good luck getting into contact with ZUN
Even assuming that you would ever have to contact ZUN to go-ahead a project (which you don't, that's why the guidelines exist in the first place), there are examples of even small projects using the "commercial" contact point successfully. Or do you take this one incredibly biased case as "you'll never get a reply"?
>When Saijee talked to ZUN he showed ZUN the crowd funding campaign. He even linked ZUN to it.
You mean the campaign that he shouldn't have started without express approval to begin with?
>If you don't get an immediate message back telling you to stop then why would you assume you're doing something wrong
You don't get to flip the burden of proof; if you don't get an answer, you shouldn't be assuming that you're given permission, which is the point. You don't get to make up permission from the absence of telling you to stop.
>ZUN has yet to say anything about the Chinese crowd funded Touhou game so Saijee thought ZUN was cool with it
Which is an incredibly poor assumption to make given it's nobody else's business anyways. That got its own drama and was resolved fine because nobody decided to be a fucking idiot.

>> No.13133116

>That got its own drama and was resolved fine because nobody decided to be a fucking idiot
Chinese are more decent people than the Oklahoma faggot.

That says a lot about Saijee's, the average american kid, self-entitlement.

>> No.13133140

there's really nothing average about him

the waste of effort he managed to accomplish is just amazing really

>> No.13133155

>What really happened
According to FSS.
>Saijee contacted ZUN and got no response
If he contacted him in English, that's no surprise. Most people can't speak several language.
>Then he doxed ZUN's lawyer and tried to talk to him and got no response
Probably because the lawyer has to contact ZUN first?
>Then ZUN's lawyer DMCA'd Saijee without warning
You're saying that the lawyer sent a cease&desist after being doxxed by Saijee? Why would he do that? Oh wait...
>Lesson learned, ZUN is an elitist and doesn't care about what gaijins have to say
Because if you -oh sorry, I mean Saijee, who is totally not you- waited a bit or sent another mail, you wouldn't have embarassed yourself.
ZUN's guidelines are pretty clear, you -sorry, I mean he- ignored them and you got rekked.

>What's wrong with making money and being famous
By your own work, no problem. By leeching someone else's work, there's a problem.
>You guys live off either the goverment's tit or your mother's tit, so you don't understand the value of money
Ha, the classical childish attack. You're really pathetic, not-Saijee.
>You also pirate everything and feel entitled to free content
Can you prove anything? Or are you just inventing shit?
Don't bother answering, we both know you're making up ship.
>If Saijee makes sacrifices creating a game for 2 years he deserves to be compensated
2 years and still nothing but a couple of screenshots? Sacrifices my ass, you did absolutely nothing.

>> No.13133172

>It's easy for you to sit there and point fingers at Saijee
Because the idiot can't let things die. He needs to "damage control" because he can't stand the idea of someone being aware of his scam.
>if you ever create a Touhou game good luck getting into contact with ZUN
I once made a Touhou game, and I didn't even needed ZUN's authorization because I released it for free.
>I find ZUN's lack of communication to be disturbing
Oh noooo, some Anonymous that nobody care about and who is totally not Saijee thinks.
More at 11'.
>When Saijee talked to ZUN he showed ZUN the crowd funding campaign
Which explains why ZUN shut him down.
>If you don't get an immediate message back telling you to stop then why would you assume you're doing something wrong
Believe it or not, some people aren't good with languages. ZUN may have totally misinterpretated for all we know.
>it's not uncommon for people to take silence as a signal of approval
Among kids, sure. Adults have that stuff called "express approval", to make sure morons won't do crap and then say "b-b-but he hasn't said anything".
>ZUN has yet to say anything about the Chinese crowd funded Touhou game
Let me rephrase you : "I haven't heard anything so obviously nothing happened".
>so Saijee thought ZUN was cool with it
Why do you keep pretending you're not Saijee?
>The only thing in my opinion that Saijee did wrong was not listening to the advice of people who were telling him it was a bad idea
Then you're as bad as him, because you're ignoring the fact that : he doxxed ZUN's lawyer, he sent a mail to ZUN, check his mailbox the next day, saw nothing and assumed ZUN was okay, he scammed people with his kickstarting, he edited mails sent to him, he edited the Wikipedia page and even got a warning for that, he flooded Pooshlmer with gore, and I'm sure he's also to blame for global warming somehow.

>Imagine if
I can't imagine that. Unlike you, I'm not an asocial or a mute retard who's afraid of speaking in public.

>> No.13133184

Do we even have any proof that ZUN never answered Saijee? All we have is Saijee's word for it, and the guy has been editing private messages sent to him.
For all we know, ZUN may have told him to stop everything, only for Saijee to erase his mail and contact ZUN's lawyer in hopes he'll accept where ZUN disagreed.

>> No.13133322

>If he contacted him in English, that's no surprise
He contacted them in a short email with broken japanese. I can't remember the specifics but it sounded pretty informal, which is likely why it went unanswered.
>Probably because the lawyer has to contact ZUN first?
Actually he pulled the dox after the takedown, but it doesn't really matter.
>2 years and still nothing but a couple of screenshots?
They actually had a playable demo at Touhoucon and it looked pretty decent for a very early build. He also put up dev videos like every week or something, so it isn't as though he had nothing.

>ZUN may have told him to stop everything, only for Saijee to erase his mail and contact ZUN's lawyer in hopes he'll accept where ZUN disagreed.
You don't contact ZUN directly, generally. Doujin circles don't need to contact ZUN for shit as long as guidelines are followed, but in commercial circumstances, i.e. for businesses, you use an email form which is sent to Oyamada-san, and they deal with him. He isn't his lawyer.

His behaviour about emailing was stupid even once they established communication. He also wouldn't give anyone the exact contents of return emails without his own rewording, even in private (he cited various US laws which he didn't even understand). Essentially, Oyamada-san replied for a while until he figured it wasn't worth it anymore since FSS would continually misinterpret and misunderstand everything sent to them. He likely did not reply in the very end.

>> No.13133781

Saijee was a dumb ASS along with FSS bottom line, and should go their separate ways.

>> No.13134509

>I won't need to. I've read and understood his guidelines and I won't do what I'm not allowed to.
Wrong. None of us fully know what is okay with ZUN. For instance, if you had a company website that had a lot of advertisement on it and you put a MMORPG Touhou game on said website how would ZUN react to an ad funded Touhou game. Also, does ZUN even allow people to sell their games off of their personal website or would he argue it's not a traditional doujin distributional channel. If you claim to know the answers to these questions then you are a liar.

>Imagine you sent an email to Steve Jobs saying you're going to use an Apple brand on some of your products. You get no response and decide to go on with it. Then three months later Apple lawyers find out about it. Guess what happens. (Tip: you'd wish you infringed ZUN's IP instead.)
Bad analogy because Apple has never said we are allowed to use their IP in the first place. Protip: ZUN has stated we are allowed to use his IP but he failed to fully elaborate on his guidelines. Also, ZUN never explicitly stated that crowd funding or distribution channels like steam were forbidden hence the reason why everyone was surprised when that card game got shut down on kickstarter. We know now, but that ws AFTER the incident occurred. With that said it's safe to assume that future Touhou devs will learn the hard way of what is and isn't allowed. Touohou is too risky to mess with so I wouldn't recommend anybody creating a Touhou game. Crowd funding is a relatively new trend and ZUN's guidelines were made before it so I can forgive him for that. But what happens if a new funding trend happens, will the Touhou dev have to learn the hard way of why it's not allowed.

>> No.13134513

ZUN has shamed the name of FSS. FSS devs spent months developing it and they event took time off from college just to get it done. All those sacrifices and ZUN slapped them in the face. ZUN's IP gets free advertisement and FSS gets an egg in the face. ZUN doesn't care about gaijins. He's a typical Japanese isolationist. I wouldn't touch a Touhou game with a 10 foot pole. I want nothing to do with ZUN and his shady business practices.

>> No.13134538

Top lel, and people said that secondaries are harmless.

>> No.13134539

>I wouldn't touch a Touhou game with a 10 foot pole
You said that several times Saijee. Why are you still on /jp/?

>For instance
>If you claim to know the answers to these questions then you are a liar.
I like how you invent a situation out of your ass, then claim that since you don't know how ZUN would react, nobody can.

>> No.13134540

>I once made a Touhou game, and I didn't even needed ZUN's authorization because I released it for free.
First of all I don't beleive you. Secondly, you are a typical /jp/er who has low self-esteem so it wouldn't surprise me if you thought you weren't worthy of being compensated for your hard work. Again, that's assuming you even created a game and realize what hard work means. Creating a game isn't easy folks. It's years of work. This thought that you shouldn't be compensated for your work is childish. You guys aren't adults and don't know what it's like to live on your own so I don't blame you for seeing the world this way. Once you leave mommy's basement money is no longer optional, it is a matter of survival.

>> No.13134544

>so I can forgive him for th

>> No.13134557

>First of all I don't beleive you
Nice grammar.
>Secondly, you are a typical /jp/er who has low self-esteem so it wouldn't surprise me if you thought you weren't worthy of being compensated for your hard work
I like how Saijee's only defense is "you dont know what hard work means, only I do".
>Once you leave mommy's basement money is no longer optional, it is a matter of survival
That would be hilarious if it weren't so pathetic. You keep assuming that you're the only adult on /jp/ and that everyone else is either a moron or a manchild.
And after that, you're whining because you get shitted on. It never occurred to you that these two may be related? Why don't you do some introspection and wonder why you got banned from every forum you went?

>> No.13134561

Nobody cares what you have to say. Keep your incoherent responses to yourself please. The adults are trying to have a conversation. Thanks.

Give me an autistic response. Sigh. I'm not gonna read it but please write one.

>> No.13134569

Read faggot
The copyright of the Touhou series, including its characters, content, quotes, and music belong to my circle. That said, this series is supported by many doujin creators. (Thank you)

For the usual activities in doujin (uploading material on a homepage, selling them in a convention
or in a shop at your own expense), or doujin material (derivative comics, stories,
games, CGs, goods, cosplay), you do not need to notify me or request my permission. The
copyright of derivative works belong to the creators of said derivatives. If there is trouble
regarding the derivatives of my work, I cannot take responsibility.

To avoid trouble, please satisfy the following conditions.

1. Using game data other than screenshots is forbidden.
2. If you need data other than screenshots, please make them yourself.
3. Content that includes inflammatory material towards us or other copyright owners is forbidden.
4. If possible, please attribute us. (recommended)
5. If possible, please include our contact information in the colophon. (recommended)
6. Please do not mistake the names of the games or the characters.
7. Do not reproduce or reprint ending material, including the text.
8. For the commercial production of derivative material, or the mass circulation of derivative
material outside of doujin shops, you must seek my permission.
To publish on commercial magazines and books, you must notify me.
(You do not need to do so for magazines that describe doujin and derivatives.)
9. If you did not satisfy the above conditions but received my permission, please make clear that
you have received my permission.

However, if I see material that I decide to not fulfil the above conditions, I have the right to
stop its distribution.
mages or overlaying them with text are no problem."

>> No.13134576

Is dA leaking again?

>please make clear that you have received my permission
This is what Saijee was unable to read. Makes sense, he only read the beginning and was too lazy to read the rest.

>> No.13134578

>And after that, you're whining because you get shitted on.
*got shitted on

What is an ad hominem? Moron.

>> No.13134587

>ask about ad hominem because he's not sure if he's facing one
>relies on childish insults because he can't find any counter argument
And I'm still shitting on you, just like everyone else.

>> No.13134592

Saijee broke 8 of ZUN's guidelines, and didn't expect retribution what a lil bitch.

>> No.13134601

Hahahaha, oh my god, are you serious? like hahaha, whoa man.

>> No.13134614

The worst is that he's arrogant. He violates ZUN's rules, shits on everyone, and believes himself to be smarter and more hardworking than everyone else.

He's like a parody of the stereotypical american. Lazy, entitled, arrogant, likes to take everything he can get his greazy hands on and claims it as his own, and extremely arrogant with everyone he talks to.

>> No.13134626

>We are a legion.
>We hate you.
Lol, typical bully group-think response. I'm no longer reading short responses. If you don't have anything meaningful to contribute to this conversation I'm not going to listen to it. Hey genius, go find another thread to troll. I've lost too much brain cells from your comments.

>> No.13134628

I'll say it again. ZUN didn't outright say that touhou can be used for whatever anyone wants to use it for. He only expressed that he doesn't care what people do with it as long as it's doujin. If someone not officially authorized by ZUN makes a book using 2hu, it has to be a doujin book. Similarly, if someone makes a game using touhou characters, it has to be a doujin game.

It seems to be you have no idea what doujin actually is. Doujin is commonly translated as fan, but the Japanese term, 同人, is probably better translated as "similar people". Doujinshi, which is generally translated as fanbooks, doesn't mean that a fan of some series made the book, but that the book is meant for fans of the series, which is a huge distinction when it comes to distribution.

So to answer your question about putting and distributing goods on a website, you have to clarify exactly what type of audience the site is for. Are they familiar with Touhou like you are? Is it a site for people familiar with the doujin scene? Or is it a site whose has people who aren't the least bit interested in doujin works and are just interested in funding games.

>> No.13134641

Don't forget he got banned from Pooshlmer, which is a pretty chill board.

>you don't have anything meaningful to contribute to this conversation I'm not going to listen to it
Contributing to a discussion doesn't mean sucking your dick. Sorry to burst your bubble, but nobody like you. That's a fact.
What are you, a kid? Who the fuck says "bully" in an internet discussion? Well, except a retard, of course.

>> No.13134665

I'm not Saijee but I acknowledge the fact that Saijee has created a game. I do not see any projects from you so I can only assume you do not know how hard it is to make a game. You are a self-entitled brat who wants developers to create free stuff for you. How many videos games and anime have you pirated? You liberals and your altruism makes me laugh. Money is what makes the world spin. People should be compensated for their work. What point of that do you not understand. Let me ask you this, have you ever lived on your own? Have you ever coded a game? Let me guess, you haven't. If I had moderator status I would remove you from this conversation since you don't deserve to talk about this subject.

You are a spoiled consumer; me and Saijee are producers.

>> No.13134684

>I'm not Saijee
>I do not see any projects from you
Because I'm not constantly attention whoring and maybe because this IS NOT THE THREAD ABOUT FANGAMES?
>bla bla bla
More stereotypical "you are so entitled". You still don't know crap about me, and all your guesses are falling flat. Keep entertaining me by digging yourself deeper.
>me and Saijee are producers.
Why do you pretend to be someone else, Saijee?

>> No.13134694

Keep sucking on mommy's tits. Talk to me once you have a game on your resume. You could shut me up right now by linking me to your github and showing me the source code to your project. Your move manchild.

>> No.13134706

At this point, I don't believe that's Saijee and just some troll pretending to be him. At least I hope not, otherwise that would be just really sad. Regardless, I would be really satisfied to see a (User was banned for this post). This is the worst thread on The Jay.

>> No.13134716
File: 139 KB, 680x488, illusdruilhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Talk to me once you have a game on your resume
>implying I haven't already
>You could shut me up right now by linking me to your github and showing me the source code to your project
Not every has a github ;)
>Your move manchild
Yeah. Nah. I can see how you're going to act, Saijee.
What about YOUR game? You keep insulting everyone because you're so smart and hard working and you ask me to post my game here. What about you? Do you even have anything to show? Or was that just empty talk from a totally-no-Saijee crony? How about you link your game? That is, if you have any, of course.

I'm honestly not sure. He's as retarded as the real Saijee, with the same faulty logic.
Which means he's a very good troll. Or he's really Saijee.

>> No.13134720

You talk about making yet ask anon to show their game, but you don't show yours. By only that ZUN wouldn't ave mind Saijee making money on Touhou Smash so long as it wasn't sold on wide open places such as WiiU or Steam which are commercial places, he didn't change the source material and names of characters, and didn't crowdfund the Damn thing.

Saijee could have sold Touhou Smash on small Indie Channels or Doujin Channels, but he went fucking dumb ass. Also shut up Saijee

>> No.13134724

>I'm not Saijee
yeah right
>How many video games and anime have you pirated?
0. Literally the only thing I have ever torrented have been linux distributions. Stop making assumptions about me and everyone else here.
>people should be compensated for their work
Hate to burst your bubble, but there's no sort of moral equivalence in the world. If I moved out into a log cabin and proved mathematical theorems or duelled bears or something, I would be doing hard work, but there's no reason for me to be financially compensated for this because that's just not how the world works.
>Have you ever lived on your own?
Yes, stop making assumptions about me
>Have you ever coded a game
Yes actually, I've written an engine and several levels for a shmup, which I intend to release for free for like-minded people once I am done. Stop making assumptions about me.

>> No.13134737

you know, game devs are basically the manchildren of the programming industry

>> No.13134747

I used to pirate games. Then I got money, I learned how to buy stuff on DLSite, Amazon and Steam, and I definitely stopped pirating.

There are many others doujins artists that get paid for their work.
The difference between them and Saijee is that they're doing it because they like it. The fact that they sell is just to cover the rest. They barely make any money out of it.
Saijee just acted like a greedy son of a bitch, and tried to make money out of an unfinished game.

When explained (in this very thread) the difference between a doujin sell and a commercial sell, all he could reply was "let's not go semantic" and repeat that a doujinshi artist makes at least 800$ at every convention (which is false and has been explained).
The guy is a greedy, retarded asshole. He's just interested in Touhou because he believed it would make him rich and famous. Then it failed, he became bitter and started attacking everyone.

That guy deserves all the shit thrown at his face.

>> No.13134753

>Yeah. Nah. I can see how you're going to act, Saijee.
>What about you? Do you even have anything to show?
>anything to show.
Alright, it's clear to me that you have nothing. Hey genius, did you know that you're contradicting yourself. If you think I'm Saijee then why are you asking to see my game. Sorry but the onus is on you to prove to me that you're qualified to be in this conversation. Alright starting now I'm going to start ignoring half-baked/contradicting responses such as yours. I don't want to lose any more brain cells. Please proof read next time before submitting your response. Thanks.

>> No.13134778
File: 555 KB, 640x480, 2015-03-04-123342_640x480_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Saijee, post your hours

>> No.13134790

>Alright starting now I'm going to start ignoring half-baked/contradicting responses such as yours
It's only the second time you said that, Saijee.
Contradicting yourself much?

>"If you think I'm Saijee then why are you asking to see my game"
>doesn't post his game
I like how you admit you're Saijee.

>> No.13134797

>Yes actually, I've written an engine and several levels for a shmup, which I intend to release for free for like-minded people once I am done. Stop making assumptions about me.
What's the matter, too scared to associate your game with the hatred and vile you're spreading in this thread. Typical /jp/er hiding behind the safety of anonymity. I do believe you though. Shy and low self-esteem having people such as yourself usually don't feel they are worthy of being compensated so they release stuff for free all the time. As much as I enjoy insulting you in this internet conversation you really shouldn't belittle yourself so much. If you believe you are creating something of value and you've worked hard on it then there's no reason why you shouldn't be compensated for it.

>> No.13134800

>What's the matter, too scared to associate your game with the hatred and vile you're spreading in this thread
Yep, that's definitely a troll. Stop responding, everyone.

>> No.13134813
File: 29 KB, 1352x934, flanfly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i spent literally 5 HOURS on this picture, please pay me for it

>> No.13134826

>If you believe you are creating something of value
Dude stop being so entitled, no one cares what you believe. Your compensation comes from whether or not other people believe that what you do has value.

>> No.13134829

>I've written an engine and several levels for a shmup
Working hard to me means making sacrifices. If you have to suspend your education and miss hanging out with your friends to make progress on your game then I believe you should be compensated for it. If it is true that you created a shmup engine then you realize the hours it takes just to get sprites moving on the screen. I created a shmup back in 2008 and I remember doing nothing but working on it. So many times I turned down hanging out with friends. I would wake up and code until I fell asleep. I had fun coding it, but I always wondered how much fun I was giving up in exchange for creating a game.

>> No.13134843

>hours it takes just to get sprites moving on the screen
I was working in C, but it still only took me like half an hour to read the sdl documentation and get a box moving on the screen, and then maybe 10 minutes more to use a placeholder bitmap.
>hanging out with friends
get the fuck off my board normie scum. Not even memeing right now.

>> No.13134854
File: 182 KB, 628x652, 2018-01-18_00002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Saijee did all that
0/10 shit bait.

I spent SIX HOURS on that fanwork of Miko spanking Chen. I'm going to sue all the Anons who watch that board until I get 5$ from everyone.

>> No.13134855

>So many times I turned down hanging out with friends.
I haven't hung out with friends for several years now, pay me faglord

>> No.13134866

I never had any friends and I worked hard to make several games that I scrapped. I want my money.

>> No.13134872
File: 220 KB, 1024x683, bffaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent SEVEN HOURS downloading this picture from 2ch because my internet connection was flaky and slow at the time. PAAAAY MEEEEE

>> No.13134881
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, [FFF] Love Live! S2 - 04 [64982C91].mkv_snapshot_14.36_[2015.01.24_17.25.15].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13134887
File: 188 KB, 628x652, 2018-01-18_00002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked for a total of EIGTH HOURS to make that picture, and add the 4chan watermark.

Yes, that's a troll. You spotted it.

>> No.13134892
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x720, they see ur penis2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13134904

Oh yeah well I spent NINE HOURS composing this response so JUST FUCKING GIVE ME MY MONEY ALREADY

>> No.13134906

If you jumped right to putting bitmaps on the screen then that tells me that your engine lacks a proper design pattern. Is this baby's first game? Also, why are you reinventing the wheel with C and SDL. C++ and SFML is superior to C and SDL. I've lost interest in your game now.

>Your compensation comes from whether or not other people believe that what you do has value.
I couldn't agree more. The Touhou community showed that they were willing to pay for a Touhou Smash game. I guess from your point of view nobody has ever wanted to waste a dime on your lackluster projects so you assume that nobody should be compensated for their work. Jellyfish much?

>> No.13134920

>The Touhou community showed that they were willing to pay for a Touhou Smash game
Is that why Saijee is being shitted on by everyone and was forced to refund all the people he scammed?

>> No.13134927

The nerve of some people...

>> No.13134937

This is the wrong board for this discussion but C++ is a monstrosity of a language that needs to die. Also nowhere did I specify that this was the first thing I did, but regardless of whether it was or wasn't, your elitism about "design patterns" has no relevance to the topic at hand. Also, considering you're a fucking secondary at best, I assume you never had interest in my game, so whatever.
>I couldn't agree more blah blah
It's clear from what's happened that the community cares more about ZUN's wishes than the shitty game you may or may not have put out eventually

>> No.13134943

I can only see the future on 4chan because humans are predictable :^)

>> No.13134944

>It's clear from what's happened that the community cares more about ZUN's wishes than the shitty game you may or may not have put out eventually
This is why the Touhou community is the best around.

>> No.13134945

I am a normal. I never said I wasn't a normal. I haven't been active on this board (or 4chan for that matter) in years. Just 3 years ago I was telling normals to leave. Never thought I'd see the day where I would be proud to be normal. I'm not spreading normal faggotry on /jp/, I'm simply commenting on the topic of Touhou Smash. If this was a hikki thread then I would agree with you guys and tell myself to kindly fuck off.

Stay on topic please.

>> No.13134952

Cool blogging.
Where do I subscribe for more blogging?

>> No.13134953

Saijee just go you lost.

>> No.13134959

>I'm not spreading normal faggotry on /jp/
You're arguing that the fact that you had to give up normie activies like hanging out with friends means that you deserve compensation, which implies that there's any merit to normie activities at all, which is precisely spreading normal faggotry.

>> No.13134965

>Never thought I'd see the day where I would be proud to be normal.

>> No.13135105

> Apple has never said we are allowed to use their IP in the first place.
But they did. Cups and webkit are two well-known examples. Now, people usually understand that only cups is open-sourced, not the whole MacOS code, just like they understand that they can only do certain things with ZUN's IP and commercial use is not one of them, because most people aren't complete idiots.

>he failed to fully elaborate on his guidelines
No, Saijee, you just failed reading comprehension.

>everyone was surprised when that card game got shut down on kickstarter
Ha ha ha, no. The whole of /jp/ went "no way they can do that, someone tell ZUN". Then someone did tell ZUN, and you know the rest.

You know what's a matter of survival once you leave you mom's basement, Saijee? Reading legal documents and basic understanding of law.

>Sorry but the onus is on you to prove to me that you're qualified to be in this conversation.
And what will you do if he doesn't? Stop posting? Oh no, whatever will we do!

>> No.13135161

>This is the wrong board for this discussion but C++ is a monstrosity of a language that needs to die.
Bad taste, I use C++ but majorly code with C in it, while also assisting myself with some of the tools that C++ helps with.

It's understandably a bit too much in one language, but it's still pretty nice.

>> No.13135212

I hate you. All of you. Everyone that's Saijee.

>> No.13135233

Saijee, why are you having such a hard time understanding copyright law and doujin culture, and how the two work together? For large companies, you CANNOT get money involved with your game project without expecting to get C&D'd or possibly sued. It doesn't matter how much time and effort you put into it, if you're making money off of someone else's work you WILL get in trouble for it. So a Sonic or DBZ crowd funding project would get taken down, a subscription-based MMO game using either of these IPs would get taken down. A free Pokemon MMO had optional subscriptions and the team, despite their efforts, received a C&D. I think they brought it back completely for free though, I haven't looked into it recently. Mobile games using these IPs that have ads usually fall out of the radar, but getting C&D'd should always be expected.

Now, Touhou isn't from a large company like those. It's a doujin game sold using traditional doujin methods. But as it's ZUN/TSA's original creation, they can also sell it using non-traditional methods. ZUN allows fans of the series to create doujin works of this series using very, very loose guidelines so they can share their ideas with like minded people. It makes sense that if you want to make something using non-traditional methods (traditional being creating the project without funding, being sold at doujin events/place where people who don't know the series wouldn't attend, so no commercial platforms) you would contact the IP holder in a professional manner and ask for permission. Not receiving a response absolutely does NOT translate to "you can continue with your plans". You'll be making money off of someone else's IP or doing something which is usually not allowed. You need written, unedited permission before continuing. If you don't but continue you should expect your project to be stopped or possibly get sued by the IP holder.

If you make an original game you're free to do what you want with it as it's your own creation.

>> No.13135267

>>13135233 here
I hit the character limit but I don't have much else to add. I just wanted to say that I'm not completely familiar with IP/copyright-related laws, I helped create an existing IP fangame a few years ago so I only know a little bit from that so I apologize if I got anything wrong. But basically for things like this, you need to use common sense and using your brain in general. If you want your fanmade project to be the success you want it to be you need to be cautious and ready to stop development completely and immediately if you step out of line, no matter how much time you put into it. You must remember that if it isn't your original creation so you can't do as you please.

>> No.13135274

Hahaha oh wow.

>> No.13135281

That's a cool story man, why don't you write it on your blog or in your shitty tumblr?

>> No.13135289


>> No.13135300

Saijee never cared about Touhou or was deeply involved in it. He just wanted money easy

Touhou was already well known, not full publicity, but still there.
The world and characters already done, so for him to sell it he needed to do some tweeking/renaming.
He saw all this derivative work that went against most of canon , and thought ZUN made Touhou in the public domain so he could do whatever, even if he got ZUN's blessings.

>> No.13137248

ZUN needs to embrace his fanbase outside of Japan and allow Western distribution or development of Touhou derivative products. He could lead the wayby releasing his own games on Steam/English Dlsite or allow existing Japanese doujin producers to release their games in English. You can find Touhou doujin products in mainstream sites such as the Japanese Amazon/Dlsite, and I don't see the reason why Western/worldwide fans need to be excluded from supporting or producing what they like.

And if he's worried about not making money, he could consider offering a license to indie/doujin developers, video makers, and comic/manga artist for use of its charcacters, and in return he gets his 20-30% cut on the final sale of each unit sold. That way it will ensure both the creator, content developers and Western/Japanese fans/developers are happy.

>> No.13137370

You do understand that there's no rule against westerners from making their Touhou derivative products, right? Why are there so many idiots who think otherwise? Do none of them have more than half a brain? He just doesn't want you releasing projects on a commercial platform because it's his IP, people who aren't the project devs would be profiting off it and it would be exposed to people who aren't familiar with doujin culture. Also, I'm fairly sure he said at AWA that he's working on official English releases of his games. It's outrageous to think that all existing doujin circles would release their games in English though. That's way easier said than done.

What made you bring up ZUN not seeing the money anyway? He doesn't see he money from pre-existing doujin products so it should be obvious from this that he isn't in it for the money. Doujin circles seem to be doing fine without a license so far so something like that would be unnecessary. If devs, no matter where they're from, need their hand held to create their products, they probably shouldn't be making them in the first place.

>> No.13137389

>and it would be exposed to people who aren't familiar with doujin culture
I love it how you ZUN apologist blindly ape that without actually criticizing it. If you like an obscure hobby what exactly is wrong with spreading it to new people? That isolationist mindset just seems very elitist to me. Do you not have a brain of your own or do you blindly agree with everything ZUN does without thinking about it.

Captcha: monkey

>> No.13137405

Look dude it doesn't matter what you think or what he thinks, its ZUN's IP and those are his wishes. The whole reason everyone is against FSS on this is because they are showing a huge lack of respect to him.

>> No.13137410

Dear ZUN apologist, how do you reconcile with ZUN's stance on Steam. We can all agree that crowd funding is bad for various reasons but what is wrong with Steam? To make this even more questionable is that ZUN is now allowing Sony distribution channels. It's so arbitrary and void of reason. ZUN is micromanaging his IP and it's annoying. It's like he wants all the money for himself but wants free advertisement from devs who use his IP.

I already know you'll dodge these concerns I raised. ZUN apologist are a textbook definition of sheeple.

>> No.13137424

I knew you would dodge the question. I'll ask again. What is inherently wrong with spreading a hobby to new people. Just the other day my coworker was showing me an obscure card/board game he likes. I fail to understand what is wrong with spreading the word. Please answer you ZUN apologist.

>> No.13137441


I'm not going to even argue about how much of a dumb ass you are about ZUN letting Touhou fan games get sold on the doujin area of Sony so I'm just going to do this.

>ZUN is micromanaging his IP
>His IP

ZUN's property, his rules commie, or liberal, socialist bitch. If you don't like make your own game series. This is what got ZUN to make Touhou in the first place (as he wasn't satisfied with most shoot'em ups at the time).

ZUN doesn't have a problem about westerners developing Touhou derivative works so long as they are in the guidelines like everybody else.


>> No.13137446

What money is ZUN receiving from doujin products? Is he getting money from these select few doujin games that are being made available on PS4?

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what he does and doesn't allow. It's his IP. He can do whatever he wants to and doesn't need to give a reason to. If you don't like this you can create your own original game and allow the fans to follow your set rules for the franchise when it comes to doujin works.

>> No.13137455

Do you have bad reading comprehension or something. I'm not asking about ZUN. I'm asking about what YOU think about ZUN's stance on steam and doujin only audiences. You ZUN apologist are not able to think for yourself I realize this. Try again. If you won't answer then buzz off. I'll just ask another ZUN apologist.

>> No.13137456

Why you guys continue to do this is beyond me.

You guys don't need to prove anything, you give this faggot more replies and more attention for nothing, nothing at all.

Stop wasting your time on this thread and let it die.

>> No.13137460

There is nothing with wanting to spread the product to other people. As it's been said many, many times before there is nothing from stopping you from creating your own Touhou derivative products. You just need to follow the guidelines and not do as you please because it isn't your goddamn intellectual property. Maybe ZUN will make an exception if you ask if you can release it on a commercial platform, you just need to get his permission first. Which is mentioned in his guidelines.

>> No.13137473

His stance on commercial platforms and doujin,-only audiences is fine. It's his IP so there's not much you can discuss about it. If you have a problem with it then that's just too bad. Are you going to complain that Gamefreak/Nintendo won't allow you to publish your fanmade Pokemon game on commercial platforms next?

>> No.13137476

>Do you have bad reading comprehension.
Do you have horrible comprehension skills in general?

You want my opinion? Okay.

Personally I don't give a fuck what ZUN does with his property because it's his fucking property, and he can do whatever he wants with it.

And second of all why would my opinion about ZUN's stance on things such as Steam, and doujin only audiences matter?

>> No.13137478

And yet, many Japanese Touhou doujin games are released on Japanese mainstream websites. You can find Touhou doujin products on mainstream sites such as Amazon JP and that's a huge mainstream website. There are plenty of other commercial Japanese platforms where you can find dozens of Touhou doujin games/products and yet, not a single Western/foreign outlet. Why? If he did not want to spread it to "people who aren't familiar with doujin culture" why has it been released in many Japanese commericial platforms that would expose many non-doujin Japanese to doujin culture? ZUN's logic is unsound and seems catered to the "golden land, golden race" in his ideology.

Pretty much. ZUN policies towards foreign fans are downright terrible and while I am thankful for his creations, and for his fans' deriatives, I do wish they were legal ways means of supporting ZUN and the Touhou franchise, but thanks to his policies towards the foreigners, the only way I can buy any Touhou products are to import them straight from Japan, which the costs are prohibitively expensive, when you consider shipping, rarity and amongst other factors. People who love Touhou but live in 2nd/3rd world countries have it far worse.

All I am asking is for ZUN to open up to non-Japanese fans, to stuff up his nationalistic pride and to for once, consider all of his fans equal and allow legal distribution of both official and doujin Touhou games. I don't care who starts first, I just want to see a legal platform for the series I love already.

>> No.13137481

Can you guys not read or something. I'm simply asking what do YOU think about ZUN's stance on steam and doujin only audiences. Do you agree or disagree with ZUN on this and if so, why. I personally think ZUN is wrong on these issues and I've lost respect for him.

>> No.13137496


>Japanese Touhou doujin games are released on Japanese mainstream websites.
>There are plenty of other commercial Japanese platforms where you can find dozens of Touhou doujin games/products
[citation needed]

> ZUN policies towards foreign fans are downright terrible
>But thanks to his policies towards the foreigners,
What policies. Have you read the guidelines?

>I do wish they were legal ways means of supporting ZUN and the Touhou franchise.
1) Touhou isn't a franchise.
2) Go to comiket and buy Touhou from ZUN directly, thank him, and throw in a tip if you really want to help him.

>Consider all of his fans equal and allow legal distribution of both official and doujin Touhou games
>ZUN to open up to non-Japanese fans
ZUN already fucking does this. What the fuck are you talking about?

>To stuff up his nationalistic pride and to for once.
[Citation needed] ZUN doesn't give a fuck about nationalistic pride, and is simply going by his day to day life with his wife, friends, and child like every other citizen of the world. What are you talking about?

>> No.13137502

All of these "it's his IP he can do whatever he wants" responses tell me that you guys do not like ZUN's stance on those issues but you're such fanboys that you refuse to go into detail on why you disagree. I guess by asking this I'm trying to get you apologist to admit to ZUN's shortcomings. He's not a saint and has a lot of flaws just like the rest of us. I want you guys to quit worshiping him. ZUN is a savvy businessman. He wants to use his fans to refine his IP but wants to limit their compensation.

>> No.13137513

See >>13137473 and >>13137476.

Whether you like or dislike how ZUN has things working right doesn't matter. It's his IP, how he uses it is up to him and there's nothing you can do about it. You can create your own IP and make your own doujin guidelines if you don't like this. He's looking into officially release his games in the west anyway so just wait and see if anything changes. Source: AWA 2013.

>> No.13137520

>You can find Touhou doujin products on mainstream sites such as Amazon JP and that's a huge mainstream website.
By resellers, yes.

>Touhou products are to import them straight from Japan, which the costs are prohibitively expensive, when you consider shipping, rarity and amongst other factors.
Twenty bucks on J-Box, a little more if you do it yourself. This might be a prohibitive cost if you were underaged or unemployed but then there's no point in talking about buying software in the first place.

>> No.13137530

Nice try but until ZUN releases one of his own games on a Western/foreign/non-Japanese platform, I am not convinced he has "opened up" to non-Japanese fans already. How hard could it be to localize one of his games? They don't have much text, and certainly are accessible to translate, I don't see what's holding him back to license/localize his games or release them on digital platforms already. Oh wait, he's too good for the foreign market and for the sake of preserving this "Japan-only doujin space" we can not allow foreign distribution or commercial sell of anything Touhou related. Those filthy gajins shouldn't be allowed to touch our precious pure Japanese doujin franchise.

>> No.13137531

We're saying he can do what he likes with his IP mostly because we have an at least very basic idea of how copyright law works. There is nothing you can do to change how this law works. How can you interpret this as "ZUN worshipers"?

>> No.13137534

Want to know the truth. I never cared about ZUN's IP. ZUN's art is bad, his writing is bad, his music is average and his gameplay is "okay". It's the fan generated content that made us interested and kept us coming back for more. You can say secondary all you want but Touhou without fan generated content is just an unmemorable shmup. Nobody would be talking about Touhou if not for the fan contributions. It's just sad to know that ZUN is a shady businessman who has limited the profits of his fans. Touhou characters were built and refined by the community. With any given character ZUN is only responsible for at most 5% of the character's depth. He owes it to the community to change his greedy policies.

>> No.13137543

>on a Western/foreign/non-Japanese platform
It's called "PC" and it's available worldwide.

>or release them on digital platforms already.
He doesn't want to.

>we can not allow foreign distribution or commercial sell of anything Touhou related.
You can buy them through Western specialty websites. Nobody is stopping people from importing the games and selling them in the United States, even though commercial channels.

>It's just sad to know that ZUN is a shady businessman who has limited the profits of his fans.
Yes, he's the youkai of unrealized greed. Every dollar not made by a fan finds its way into his own pocket.

>He owes it to the community to change his greedy policies.
He doesn't owe you shit.

>> No.13137546

Please explain how ZUN has limited the profits of his fans.
>With any given character ZUN is only responsible for at most 5% of the character's depth.
Don't talk about things you don't know about and try to make it sound like!e they're true.

>> No.13137551 [DELETED] 

>for the sake of preserving this "Japan-only doujin space
You can sell your fanwork at American conventions if you want.

>Please explain how ZUN has limited the profits of his fans.
He's forbidden them from selling through commercial channels. This much at least should be obvious.

>> No.13137555

Sorry, ignore this. Fucking tablet not working as usual.

>> No.13137557

> Touhou characters were built and refined by the community.
>With any given character ZUN is only responsible for at most 5% of the character's depth.
>He owes it to the community to change his greedy policies.

You know ZUN doesn't care about Touhou's popularity? He will keep making Touhou games even if nobody plays them anymore. Your post is nothing more than a shitpost.

Your counter-comment is sad because you cannot back-up anything I said.

You guys have are a disappointment.

>> No.13137558

And again, I'm simply asking what you guys think about ZUN's policies. If you were ZUN would you have those same policies in place? I know you're an apologist but could you try thinking for yourself for one minute. I know what ZUN thinks. What do Y...O...U think. If I was ZUN I would allow steam. I would also allow games to be sold on non-traditional doujin distribution channels. These two minor things is all I'd change.

>> No.13137559

>for the sake of preserving this "Japan-only doujin space
You can sell your fanwork at American conventions if you want.

>Please explain how ZUN has limited the profits of his fans.
He's forbidden them from selling through commercial channels. This much at least should be obvious.

>> No.13137564

It keeps out AAA developers and ignorant trash. I approve of his policies.

>> No.13137565

Keep posting guys! You're almost at the auto-sage limit.

>> No.13137566

Hey hey guess what? ZUN doesn't care.

Even if Touhou popularity is drop or all of his fans are gone, he can continue making his own games to his liking no matter what.

He owns nothing to the community you moron. You should be thankful that he came to AWA 2013.

Q&A from AWA 2013 :
>Q: You said in an interview that you would continue making Touhou games even if their popularity were to drop. Do you still hold true to this statement?

>ZUN: Honestly, I can’t make anything except Touhou. As long as I’m still moving and I’m fine with it, I’ll continue making Touhou games.

>> No.13137568

can you guys please sage your posts, i don't want to see this thread on the front page of /jp/ anymore, thanks

>> No.13137571

thank god. and don't post another thread when this one dies kudasai

>> No.13137578

Your question has already been answered you idiot. Here:

Please show me a single instance where a company allowed their IP to be sold on a commercial platform in the form of an unofficial, fanmade game.

>> No.13137584

>Please explain how ZUN has limited the profits of his fans.
Not allowing steam. Forcing people to only be able to sell their games on traditional doujin channels which are very hard for westerners to utilize.

>Don't talk about things you don't know about and try to make it sound like!e they're true.
Some characters in Touhou literally only spoke 2 sentences. Before PMiSS came out there was literally no definition for most of the characters. Certain characters like Chen hardly said anything yet fans fully scoped her out through their own creativity. Some characters never spoke a word in the game and were scoped by the community.

>> No.13137591

I approve of his guidelines. I can't say what I would do in his position because that's a very far hypothetical, but I dont think there's anything wrong with the way he's got it set up now. Also, I don't use steam because I'm philosophically opposed to DRM, so if I were to say anything about my policies in his place I would probably disallow using steam as a distribution channel

>> No.13137594

shut the fuck up about steam already

>> No.13137595

>Some characters never spoke a word in the game and were scoped by the community.
He built Gensokyo. If his contribution is so unimportant go build your own damn Touhou with original characters. Japanese mythology is public domain. Go hog wild.

>> No.13137598

that nansei doujin spirit feel

>> No.13137601

saijee do you even play the games

>> No.13137611

>Not allowing steam. Forcing people to only be able to sell their games on traditional doujin channels which are very hard for westerners to utilize.
There are plenty indie channels that westerners can use. What are you talking about.

>Some characters in Touhou literally only spoke 2 sentences. Before PMiSS came out there was literally no definition for most of the characters.

The game manual/in-game conversations with other characters gave the characters life already. So what the fuck are you talking about?

Fans making made up fan works doesn't expand on shit, and doesn't make the character have exactly that personality in the first place. ZUN doesn't own the community shit, and the community doesn't own shit on Touhou. You self-entitled bitch.

>> No.13137613



>> No.13137616
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>> No.13137617

i think i'm being bullied

>> No.13137624

You won't have to suffer for too much longer, the thread's going to hit the bump limit soon and I'll try my best to help it get there faster.

>> No.13137628

maybe that was my master plan all along ;)

>> No.13137629

I will help then. The old /jp/ way.

>> No.13137632

“Shanghai, come help me clean up. Marisa is coming over soon!”
Master is very excited today. Her good friend Marisa-san is coming to visit today. They haven’t seen each other since Master got married.
“Shanghai, clean up those beer cans!” Master calls from the kitchen.
I obediently bag up the cans of Suweiser. Master’s husband is quite a slob.
“Master, wouldn’t it be nice if Anonymous-san would clean up after himself every once in a while?”
“Shanghai, don’t talk about my husband like that. It’s a wife’s duty to keep a house clean, you know?” she says, while wiping the grime off the coffee table.
“Marisa said she has an important announcement to make. I wonder if she finally found a nice guy to marry, like me?” Master mused.
A knock on the door caught Master off-guard.
“Oh, she’s early! Shit, the cleaning isn’t finished!” Master says, while throwing some dirty socks behind the couch.
“Go answer it while I freshen up,” she says, running to the bathroom.
I knew that she was going to put on some makeup to hide her bruises. I flew over to the door and struggled just to turn the knob. Houses really aren’t made for dolls. When I finally pull it open, I see a sight for sore eyes. Marisa Kirisame-san, radiant in a summer dress, stood on the porch.

>> No.13137633

i wish the new admin would bring back visible sage

>> No.13137636

how did grime collect on the coffee table if she was fulfilling her wife's duty of keeping the house clean every day

>> No.13137638

“Hello, Shanghai. Can I come in?” she says with a beaming smile.
“Of course! Please, have a seat. Master will be out in a second.”
Marisa hangs her witch hat on the coat rack, and then sits with her hands in her lap as I begin to pour some tea. It’s really cheap tea, so I make sure to put out lots of honey and sugar. She deliberately leans forward so she won’t get her hair dirty on the greasy back of the couch.
“Marisa! Long time no see!”
Master finally emerges from the bathroom in a clean dress. I didn’t think she even had any clean clothes anymore…
The two girls hug each other like sisters. Master does her best to hide a look of pain when Marisa squeezes her. I know she complained of a bruised rib the other day…
“So what’s your big announcement, Marisa? I’ve been waiting all day to hear it! Oh, but we’ll have to be quick. My husband will get upset if he comes home and sees your broomstick in the driveway again.”
Marisa-san said nothing, but simply raised her hand. On her finger was a modest, but beautiful ring.
“Oh my gosh, you really are getting married! I’m so happy for you? So, who’s the lucky guy?”
“Ah, about that…” said Marisa, looking away.
“I’m getting married to Reimu.”

>> No.13137639
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>I said sage your post.
You said to. Doesn't mean I have to.

Anyways ending notes of the thread:

FSS are a bunch of faggots who ruined their own reputation, and will disband in the next few months most likely with a video blaming ZUN for "ruining" Touhou Smash.
ZUN can do whatever he wants with his own IP, and doesn't have to answer to the community because he doesn't own them shit, and they don't own Touhou.
Saijee is a huge idiot who can't read basic guidelines, or follow rules.
ZUN doesn't make a profit off of derivative works.

>> No.13137644

Master was speechless, her mouth agape.
“Sweetie, by now I thought you would’ve grown out of your silly girl-crushes,” she finally blurts out. Surprisingly, Marisa-san doesn’t look offended.
“But we love each other, Alice,” Marisa-san says with a warm smile.
“We’re going to live in the shrine together. We’ve already discussed adopting a child-”
“Oh? And how do you think you’ll pay for all the expenses? You’re a two-bit magician who plays kid’s shows and she’s a miko with no weekly paycheck. Do you think her donations will put your child through college? Sweetheart, let me find you a nice guy, like my husband.”
“Like that husband who beats you?” Marisa-san said, while wiping the makeup off Master’s face, revealing the bruises underneath. Master smacked Marisa-san’s hand away roughly.
“I told you, I tripped on my dress! And I’m pregnant now, so he wouldn’t hit me!” Master says, lifting her dress to show Marisa-san her stomach with its steadily growing bump.
“Honey, I had no idea… Well, if he ever hits you again, I want you to call me, OK?”
By now, Master was visibly upset.
“Where do you get off accusing Anonymous of such horrible things?! He’s a great man, he just gets angry sometimes. His job is very stressful.”

>> No.13137645

what does it mean for a rib to be bruised

>> No.13137649

“Alice, I’m worried that one day he’ll be more than angry. I know what he did at the Scarlet Devil Mansion. He’s capable of killing, you know…”
“What the hell are you talking about? He promised me he’d never go back there after I caught him fooling around with the gate guard.”
“You know those books he got you as a wedding present? He stole them from Patch’s library, may she rest in peace. I was there when the mansion burned down. After Anon stole the books, he let Flandre out of her room. He pricked his finger and shoved it in her mouth and said his blood was delicious candy. Being a vampire, she wanted more and flew into a furor. He said that she can get more candy from Sakuya. Flandre found Sakuya and began ripping her to shreds. She barely had time to yell for help before Flandre decapitated her and began to drink her blood. Meiling heard Sakuya’s screams, but because of all the abuse she suffered at Sakuya’s hands, she took off into the woods instead of saving her boss. No one has heard from Meiling since. By the time Remilia was roused from her slumber, Flandre had already made it into the library and had impaled a straw into Patchouli’s half-dead body and was drinking her dry. Remilia confronted her sister, and after a fierce battle that wrecked the mansion and set it on fire, Flandre was finally killed. Remilia, vowing to never return to Gensokyo, gathered up Sakuya’s head and flew off into the night. I confronted Anonymous about why he set this chain of events into motion. He said, ‘I did it for the lulz’. Don’t you see, Alice? He’ll hurt you without even blinking!”

>> No.13137653

Master’s face was bright red at this point. She’d heard enough, even if it was all true.
“You’re lying! How would you know all this, anyway? There’s a restraining order against you from going near the mansion ever since you assaulted Patchouli when she didn’t have a book that you wanted to steal!”
“I… I snuck back in to steal some more books. I didn’t want to report Anonymous to the police, since I knew he would be unstable if he thought he would be caught, and I was worried about you. I thought you would come to your senses about him and leave him by now…”
A cracking sound split the tension in the room like a peal of thunder. Master’s anger had finally reached its boiling point, and she slapped her best friend. Marisa-san, stunned at this outburst, gingerly felt the large red mark on her cheek.
“How dare you come into my house and insult my husband like this? Get the fuck out, right now!” “Alice, please! You’re a victim, we can get you help-“ Marisa-san tried to plead with Master. Her golden eyes were full of worry.
Master would have none of it. She yanked Marisa-san up by her arm and shoved her towards the door.
“Shanghai, get the door!” Master ordered curtly. Not wanting to disobey, I swung the door open. Master pushed Marisa-san out. She landed roughly on the porch. Master grabbed Marisa-san’s hat and threw it in her face.
“Don’t forget your hat, you dyke! Don’t come around back here ever again!”
Master slammed the door. From the window, I watched Marisa-san board her broom and ride off, after one last glance back at the house. I think I saw tears running down her face. Turning back to Master, I saw her slumped against the door, head in her hands.

>> No.13137654

idk the description gets strangely vivid when marisa is recounting this story of the sdm, not sure if it fits the overall tone of the piece

>> No.13137658

“I… I’m better off without her, anyway. I’m fine as long as I have Anon…”
Master trailed off as she noticed the black and white doll on the shelf. It was a perfect likeness of Marisa-san, and making it was a real labor of love. I remember how proud Master was when she completed it. She planned to give it to Marisa-san as a wedding gift. Picking up the doll, Master began to sob.
“Oh god… What have I done…”
She fell to the floor as she clutched the doll to her chest. Master began weeping loudly, tears streaming down her cheeks. All I could so was stroke her hair until she cried herself to sleep. I snuggled up next to her neck and fell asleep, too.
The sound of the door slamming woke me up. Oh no, Anonymous-san was home from work, and Master hadn’t cooked dinner yet.

“Honey, I’m home,” he said with a belch. He must’ve stopped at the smoked eel stand for a few bottles of sake before he came home… again.
“Where the fuck is dinner? Bitch, what the fuck are you doing?” he said, noticing Master sprawled out on the floor. She was just beginning to wake up when Anonymous-san snatched the doll from her hands.

>> No.13137662

“You’re still playing with dolls? How pathetic,” he said, before throwing the black and white doll to the floor and grinding it to dust under his work boots.
“No! Why did you do that? That was my favorite doll!” Master protested. That was a bad idea.
“For the lulz. Now I’ll teach you what happens when you don’t make dinner on time!”
Anonymous-san delivered a fierce backhand to Master’s face. Her nose exploded in a cloud of blood. She was on her back now, whimpering. Anonymous-san began stomping down on Master’s stomach, hard. She screamed in pain, digging her nails into the carpet in agony. I was powerless to do anything. I knew that if I tried to attack Anonymous-san, he’ll just blame Alice and make her suffer even more. I covered my ears until the commotion died down. Anonymous-san retreated to his bedroom. I looked over towards Master, who was coughing up fierce amounts of blood. I was worried for her life, until she rolled over on her side and passed out. It was all I could do to wipe up the blood around her mouth. Her breathing was ragged and irregular. I resolved to stay up all night if I had to, to protect my Master.
Sunlight streaming in through the blinds woke me up. Oh no, I fell asleep! Is Master alright? I can’t see her anywhere.
“Oh, Shanghai, you’re awake. Anon felt so bad about what he did that he must’ve gotten a new doll for me! I don’t know why it was covered in blood, but that’s alright. It’s the perfect size, too. I’ll start knitting some clothes for it right away! I’m so excited!”
Master walked in from the kitchen and placed the doll next to me. It was made of some weird pink material, like rubber.
Oh, God…
I may just be a doll, but even I know that this was no wooden likeness.

Alice had a miscarriage during the night.

>> No.13137665

Guys, what if we just let Saijee win?
I mean, thinking about this strategically, what would we be losing?
Even in the worst case scenario, and he somehow convinces the entire western world to stop producing 2hu content, the only thing we'd lose would probably be a bunch of MLP crossovers or deviantart fetish porn. I mean, even the doujin circles based in the west have Asian members.

>> No.13137667

I'll be rooting for you anon.

Unrelated but the captcha just asked me to select the sushi images and it had a sandwich wrap image in there that looked a bit like those vegetarian sushi things you see. Very sneaky. My eyesight might not be as good as it used to be but you won't trick me this time Google.

>> No.13137668


>> No.13137674

thank you for your hard work anon

>> No.13137675

It's good to reread old pasta anyway.

>> No.13137679

Hi Saijee.

>> No.13137685

Guys, stop calling me Saijee, I already said I'm not him.

>> No.13137723

>the only thing we'd lose would probably be a bunch of MLP crossovers
It's funny because Saijee is one of them.

>> No.13137744

>>13137578 here
I'm still waiting for an example.

>> No.13137756

This entire incident only served to discourage people from making their IP a part of doujin culture, instead they will choose to fully commercialize their IP to avoid bullshit like this. And that would mean even more restriction on the community. ZUN is a nice guy, it's a shame that his good will is shit on by people like FSS.

>> No.13137963

>Proud "secondary"
Hi Saijee.

>> No.13137977

I like how everything is simple with Saijee.
You don't like him being a greedy bastard?
You're obviously a fucking communist who wants people to work for free.
You disagree with him because you think he misunderstood ZUN's guidelines?
You're an "apologist blindly ape".
You say he's full of bullshit because you made a game and released it for free?
Your game is shit and so are you, a True Game Maker™ would never release anything for free.

>> No.13137983
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>> No.13138091

>Touhou isn't a franchise.
Umm, yes it is. A more franchise-y franchise than those controlled by giant media conglomerates that can just oversee everything themselves.

>underaged or unemployed
Assuming he's actually Saijee, yes, he is.

Technically, there is something he can do. Vote Pirate Party into office.

Though I doubt even Pirate Party program allows this kind of for-profit ripoffs.

Forget all those other stupid things you've said - characters and setting are also IP. In fact that's what this whole thread is about, not ZUN's own drawings or music.

>He doesn't want to.
He wants to and already did.

This entire incident only proved that not only your IP is safe as a doujin release, you also have a goodwill among fans who will proactively support you against copyright infringement.

>a True Game Maker™ would never release anything for free.
But somehow he thought ZUN is letting people use his IP for free. Why are you trying to rip off such a useless game, Saijee?

>> No.13138408
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>You can say secondary all you want but Touhou without fan generated content is just an unmemorable shmup. Nobody would be talking about Touhou if not for the fan contributions.
>Touhou characters were built and refined by the community. With any given character ZUN is only responsible for at most 5% of the character's depth.
Most of what the fandom produces is irrelevant forced meme shit that can't follow ZUNs basic established "5% only" canon, what's that say about them? It's either porn (Well at least that's good for a fap as is intended), "le epick maymays", has many variations between potato moeblobs and maximum edge grimdark, or the shitty author self-inserts or donut steels using Touhous to try to get popular. The worst of the mentioned which follow the common formula of "BOY I SURE DO LIKE SEEING SOME OF MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS GET FUCKING MURDERED OR BRUTALLY BEATEN WHILE ACTING RETARDED AND OUT OF CHARACTER, IT'S ALMOST LIKE IT'S A DIFFERENT CHARACTER DRESSED LIKE A TOUHOU." Yet people will still applaud that garbage because it's well drawn.

TL;DR: A lot of the fanmade crap is glorified fanfiction with good art, if it was western or badly drawn nobody would give their works a second glance.

As for Saijees nonsense with touhou smash, I was expecting them to throw more random MLP shit in there, so I'm actually pretty happy this shit didn't happen. Last thing we need is more retards trying to shit on ZUNs lore with their 'ideas' that don't go with anything Touhou at all save for the character designs.

>> No.13138469

So. Autosage post limit reached. Time to start a new thread!

>> No.13138497

Nope. Even if you really must continue this shit, wait until this one is archived.

>> No.13138590

>But somehow he thought ZUN is letting people use his IP for free. Why are you trying to rip off such a useless game, Saijee?
B-because he wanted to create a touhou canon for westerners! He wasn't trying to rip anyone and replace the Japanese culture in Touhou by his shitty oklahoman culture, no sir, just trying to "be the bridge between eastern and western fans".

>> No.13138775
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But that's WRONG, you autismal retard. Western fans not only get to make Touhou fangames but they get to have ZUN to make music for them. Check Uwabami Breakers if you don't believe me.

All it's needed for that is that the western fans refrain from being greedy and or autistic failures, something FSS just can't get.

>Also one of his goals with the project was to establish a "Western Touhou canon" for everyone outside Japan to follow

Holy crap, any source on this? This would make FSS retardation and USI levels reach new heights.

Now, now. It's not as if grorious nippon artists hadn't used freckled Marisa before. (Picture related)

Patreon hasn't being nicknamed hipster welfare for nothing.

Are you aware that you don't need to ask ZUN's explicit permission to make a Touhou fangame, as long as you distribute it for free (or charging only for the packaging) on doujinshi channels? Because this is how it works.

>> No.13138794

Uwabani Breakers was western? I must try it out.

Also, does Saijee have his Encyclopedia Dramatica page yet?

>> No.13138807

>MMORPG Touhou game
Just stop.

1/10, not even rustled.

This bullshit deserves to be answered at length:

Touhou doesn't belong to you. ZUN and ZUN associates are the only ones who get to live of touhou money.

If you decide to make a touhou fangame, it's already a given that you won't do it for the money. Ideally you should do it out of love for the project (see what "amateur" means) but realistically, a lot of people, including Japanese, do it for the FAME.

That's it, you're an unknown nobody: if you can make a touhou fanwork (game, comic, whatever) on your own time and distribute it on the correct channels and in the correct way (charging only for the packaging / distribution / etc) then you immediately can cash in a large fandom's interest. If your fan work is good and becomes popular, people will start paying attention on what you'll do next.

THEN, once you have a proven product and have people's attention, you can announce you'll be working on an original project next and realistically hope that people will want to support it, giving you profits.

FSS sin was thinking that they were immediately entitled to skip to the "fame and money" stage, by using somebody else's IP, without showing their completed work as a true fan work before.

>> No.13138822

So Saijee is just your average entitled american.

>> No.13138906

Shut up, Saijee.

Shut up, Saijee.

Bitch, if you want to go all Capitalist on us, then you must go all the way. Start by reading this article:


ZUN created something of value, through years of his hard work, done on his leisure time. The Touhou brand today makes a non insignificant number of people immediately interested and willing to spend time or money on it, and therefore has commercial value.

If you want to use ZUN's IP to make people care about your game, then you must pay ZUN for all the hours he sunk making Touhou popular in the first place. ZUN is a producer, you know.

Now, ZUN graciously allows other people to use his IP to make fan-works, within his guidelines. Anything outside them fall into the general Capitalism case: He's the owner of a IP and must agree and be compensated when other people want to use it.

Did Saijee understood that? No. Did Saijee shown any interest on learning that? No. Saijee is not a producer. He's a dumb thief.

>> No.13139103

And then Saijee is going to cry on his facebook and tumblr that a fake was pretending to be him in this thread and his hugbox will believe him.

>> No.13139553

>All I am asking is for ZUN to open up to non-Japanese fans, to stuff up his nationalistic pride and to for once, consider all of his fans equal and allow legal distribution of both official and doujin Touhou games. I don't care who starts first, I just want to see a legal platform for the series I love already.
ZUN lets non-Japanese fans download the games for free. So do many doujin circles.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExD9mnAsqjk (about 30 seconds in)

>> No.13140760 [DELETED] 

ZUN apologist have gotten so desperate that they're willing to spam the thread to silence any opposition. That's the type of behavior you'd expect from members of a cult. "Oh no, he's bringing up inconvenient truths about our dear leader! We have to stop him!"

I'm reporting every post that is blatant spam. Enjoy your ban. ZUN is a shady businessman. He doesn't want hard working fans to be compensated for their work.


>> No.13140824

Saijee got butthurt you guys...

>> No.13141120

I'll be back you disrespectful troll.

>> No.13142056

>ZUN apologist
Is this supposed to mean anything, you scammer? Get out and never come back.

>> No.13142293

>Is this supposed to mean anything
A ZUN apologist is someone who blindly agrees with everything ZUN says and does. They're such brainless sheep that they don't even want to hear opposition. They're willing to sagebomb and spam the thread in order to stifle anybody who criticizes ZUN. ZUN is a shady businessman and his policies are anti-western. ZUN wants fans to improve his badly scoped IP but doesn't want them to maximize profits. If you talk to a ZUN apologist they'll admit that they don't know why Steam is not allowed. They'll admit that they don't know why ZUN wants fan content to be sold in doujin only distribution channels. But they defend these shady policies because they're fanboys/apologist. They'll just say "it's his IP he can do whatever he wants." And they're right about that. But. All I'm asking is for you to speak out about stuff that you know is wrong. ZUN hates gaijins.

>> No.13142471

dont you fucking dare

>> No.13142516

seconding this motion. We've been talking in very small circles for the entire duration of this thread

>> No.13142566

