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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 861 KB, 864x1152, op0222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13090588 No.13090588 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>13072606

2015 Pastebin:

Shopping links:
http://en-nls.com (Japan)
http://hotpowers.jp (Japan)
http://japanshoppingservice.jp (Japan)
http://queencatadulttoys.com (CA)
http://toydemon.com (IL)
http://www.coolmalesextoy.com/ (CA)

Amazon.jp link in Pastebin

How long have you been a degenerate?
Take the lube poll:
Penis size poll:
How do you get down?

>> No.13090827

>tfw when japan original is kill

these are dark times indeed

it's barely even spring and it already feels like winter is coming

>> No.13090990

dat meiki plush doll

>> No.13091022

I miss Konata

>> No.13091049


Me too bro. We need more yuri doujins with her and Kagami that actually have decent art.

And then some sort of yuri simulation hole. I can dream.

>> No.13091069

squishy sisters

>> No.13091073
File: 50 KB, 707x533, gdzv1sA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I've done some research and have decided to go for the Magic Eyes Rina (after reading this review: http://pastebin.com/JEDZcq1w and looking around on the ToyDemon forums). Pic related is my order, which I'll be buying tomorrow. I didn't get any lube because the Rina comes with some, and I figure I'll be going for cheap Life brand lube after that runs out. I figure I can clean it in the shower (in lukewarm water, however if it's possible to safely wash it in hot water that'd be really great) with hand soap, as the guide suggests.

I'm just kind of nervous about this whole thing atm, I'm currently in a university hostel/residence although it doesn't seem like they do any snooping. Regardless, I'll ask NLS to remove the packaging as it may be a liability to dispose or keep around.

Anyways, what do y'all think of my choice of ona? Is the price point good? Is EMS reliable? Did I fuck up anywhere?

I feel a lot calmer after writing all that, ha.

>> No.13091136


Holy shit someone actually read my review.

Anyway, change your currency to JPY if you haven't placed the order already. You will save a heap of money.

>> No.13091153

I made that same order a few days except lube instead of a warmer
Didnt even think of asking them to removes the packaging. I have nowhere to hide it, but it seems like a waste to throw away the box.

Also, anybody know how long does it take them to acknowledge your custom request? I made the order a few days ago, but the status still shows up as red

>> No.13091160
File: 47 KB, 1430x388, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would save like $5 on this tiny theoretical order. Whoever found took the time to check this and share it with us is a good person. I had just assumed they used whatever the market exchange rate was.

>> No.13091174

>squishy sisters

I've thought about it but it's more of a 3 some than a yuri. The positioning doesn't really lead to feeling like you are in with the tribbing.

>> No.13091232
File: 56 KB, 690x555, Screenshot_13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy shit australian guy! Thanks for the tip and writing that review. Just changed it to JPY, looks like I'll save 6 bucks.

>> No.13091267

My sister found my onaholes today. She just kind of looked at them then walked away. I don't think she knew what they were.

>> No.13091272
File: 20 KB, 528x384, =(.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli holes hurt my dick but I use them anyway when I fap to loli.

>> No.13091292


Lolinco just about tore my dick off but it's been one of the most fun holes in my collection.

Lolis really are the best.

>> No.13091359

Is there a hole like the lolinco (pretty tight with nice texture) that won't split under my gaijin cock. I've really enjoyed it so far but it seems to be on its last legs. I might just replace it.

>> No.13091509

My Lovely Girl's Drool is way too thin. Is there a way I can make it thicker?

Also what vitamin e stuff do you guys put in your lube? Are they gel pills, powder, etc? I have no idea what I'm looking for.

>> No.13091528

oh anon, she knows

>> No.13091533

pls dude, I'm just sitting here waiting for mine to arrive

>> No.13091562

Fuck then kill her. It's the only way

>> No.13091661

How old?

>> No.13091665


Show her how you use an onahole by using her as one.

>killing your sister
>not impregnating her


Want me to tell you more about mine?

>> No.13091674

I just found out that the local sex toy store sells the Venus Real for S$149 (roughly US$120). With all the trouble I've gone through just to get a gauge on pricing for importing from the US or Japan I'm exasperated enough to want to just give in and pay the markup.

>> No.13091689
File: 84 KB, 425x640, dce32ce1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love loli holes but all my favorite ones that are shaped like loli bodies like twin tails keep getting ripped apart. I like large insertion and seeing their bodies enlarge but it gets ruined when their rupture after fapping. I feel like getting a libidoll so I can use other more durable loli onaholes on a full loli body.

>> No.13091735

well, I could use the info, everyone keep saying that its a bully on your dick but I don't really know what to think

>> No.13091796


It's very tight and is made of a relatively firm material so your dick has to work real hard to force it open and keep itself in there. If you let go of it it'll shoot of your dick at greater than 0.001% the speed of light.

The hymen ring is tiny and made of harder material still and it can literally choke your dick if you're too large. I can't imagine retrograde ejaculation being impossible with it.

None of this matters when I'm ploughing my seed into a tiny loli though. Shit is intense and immensely satisfying.

>> No.13091813

18 but retarded. She's into gmod and pewdiepie

>> No.13091815

>retrograde ejaculation
What does this mean?

>> No.13091819

/jp/ I'm looking at getting either a moe hole trinity
or a pero^3 to round out this order. Anybody tried them before? Also, the crimson ver half mature succubus caught my eye. I heard bad things about a previous version, but is the crimson any good?

reg and hard trinity


crimson half mature succubus

>> No.13091824

She definitely knows then. She just didn't want to be loud about it because it's awkward. Imagine walking by and seeing dildos in her room. Are you going to scream "OH MY GOD DILDOS WHAT THE FACK!"?

>> No.13091843

that's what I wanted to know, as I said everyone says that she is too tight and all that shit but no one ever teels if its enjoyable or not, you have provided me with very useful information anon, thanks a lot!

now I just have to repair my Roa to be able to wait until my lolinco arrives

>> No.13091916


When you try to ejaculate but for whatever reason the tube is jammed so the ejaculate goes the wrong way into the bladder/gets stuck in your tubes. I suppose that Lolinco's hymen ring might be enough to cause this to happen to some people.

>> No.13091947
File: 424 KB, 794x676, 1419448045922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>USPS misses delivery because I wasn't there
>impossible because I was there the entire day, plus I'm in an apartment complex where the rental office signs for packages
>go to post office today, office is closed except for PO boxes

Oh well, the shipping suffering is half the fun with NLS.

>> No.13092071

How did you even get that into the country? I'm scared if I ordered one they'd inspect the box and even without packaging they'd be out for blood.

>> No.13092079

Moe, definitely.

>> No.13092176


Customs dodging is fun. It's like Russian Roulette except instead of a bullet it's 20 to life.

>> No.13092187

If I got an onahole in a box with a questionably young character depicted on it and I live in Maryland, am I kill?

>> No.13092188
File: 199 KB, 682x953, BabbiesFirstHole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things like this seriously worries me when buying.
I'm doing DHL, asking to remove the package and even considering breaking up my order into multiple orders.

Real talk, are there any Canadians who can give me some sort of solace that they got their toys safely
or to confirm if they faced some issue?

>> No.13092209

I have gotten three holes, two of which had loli box art and they were both fine. I told nls to remove packaging on all of them.

>> No.13092215

No, you live in the land of the free. Stop being paranoid.

>> No.13092272

I ordered a Lolinco and they removed the box as requested. Also the package was not opened (at least this time) but I had used EMS, not DHL.

>> No.13092273
File: 102 KB, 606x601, 1424311773254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Maryland is pretty degenerate. Not as much as the Mecca for loli that is California but you should be okay.

>> No.13092309

Oh hey, I didn't even know the Trinity had a hard version. I never hear anyone talk about it, but the regular caught my eye too.

>> No.13092325

>Go to the post office
>On a Sunday
Anon... were you so excited you forgot?

>> No.13092326

Well I guess my next question is that if I ask to remove the packaging, worded right now as
>Please remove packaging artwork to avoid any issue with the government.
Please and thank you!
do you just get it in some generic white box, or do the toys just kinda chill out on the bottom of the box?

>> No.13092345

Any holes tighter than Roa hard or Lolinco? I got a puny chink dick, so Lolinco's hymen was never that tight at all to me.

>> No.13092361

I usually just put "Please remove packaging"

Normally I get it in a generic looking brown cardboard box, with everything wrapped up in its own little bag of bubble wrap. Some holes also come with their own bag, so they end up with extra sealing.

>> No.13092368
File: 183 KB, 780x1480, 1360304310833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I looked on google maps where the post office was, and the hours said OPEN, so I took the 30 minute walk there. Then realized I was an idiot. I needed the walk anyway.

>> No.13092378
File: 83 KB, 692x752, soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, getting the Trinity and a couple other things. That got expensive quick.

>> No.13092381

So I was warming my hole like I normally do by wrapping it in an electric blanket, forgot about it, and apparently left it in there a bit too long. It didn't quite melt, but it is defiantly "droopy". Also, it feels notably looser. Any way to fix this?

Alternatively, what's the best high-stim hole available?

Sticking your dick into a almost burning hole was somewhat of a neat experience, but I do not want to try it again.

>> No.13092408

Paranoid Canadian here again.
Alright, just paid for my lewds.
If I got any horror stories to share, I'll hand them out.
Otherwise, I'll report if I got everything okay.

>> No.13092544

Be sure to write us from prison, m'kay?

>> No.13092996


It'll be cheaper if you use daimaoh + vpost, that's what I did

>> No.13093198

Other Sinkies here, woah. We should get together and open up a sex shop business. The local prices are ridiculous.

>> No.13093363

Talk about bad luck. Picked SAL and it took 3 weeks yet it went through customs. Have to pay about 20$/€ for each package.

>> No.13093417

Not gonna lie, I almost pussed out and asked them to cancel the order.
I got the message back saying
>We do not take returns on orders where the original package has already been removed.
I guess I'm in for the long ride guys, wish me luck at customs.

>> No.13093503

Got my Rina this weekend. I didn't like the Lolinco but figured I should give loli holes another go before completely writing them off.

I'm glad I got this because it's great. It's tight, but also soft. Normally I like longer sessions but I've used Rina 4 times so far and never managed to last past 2-3 minutes. It's really hard to not go full speed with it because it feels so good.

If I like the Rina, but don't care for the Lolinco are there any other loli holes that I would like? I know Rina is known as the "easiest" of the loli holes, but now that I've felt how good they can be I don't want to miss out.

>> No.13093838

Your allahuakbar northern neighbor here. As compared to en-nls, its more than double the price here. But still, I paid it for convenience.

Sucks that we don't have Slut Announcer while u4ria has.

>> No.13093887

So I just got a dollho but it's oh-so-tedious putting it into my dollfie. And since the channel is so short, when I finish, it just gushes out the sides and makes clean up a pain. I mean I can use it without putting it into my dollfie but the stimulation is not that strong and it's intended to be more of a visual experience than a physical one with the dollfie involved.

Thinking of getting a lolinco for quick sessions. I like strong stimulation and tightness (dat loli tightness) so I hope this is the right choice. If there's anything more loli I'm all ears.

>> No.13093898

I just hope you have read all the reviews on Lolinco before making the decision.

>> No.13093903

Got my R20, 17 bordeaux, and Mouth of Truth.... what should I get next?

>> No.13093948
File: 45 KB, 655x470, nls_order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I order without packaging? I don't want any trouble with customs but that would mean someone touched the hole.

>> No.13093963

I decided can't be arsed trying to translate every single step of their godforsaken shipping options pages.
I'll just make the u4ria boss happy and have a good onahole ready for use immediately next payday ;_;

Hello fellow degenerate Sinkie.
It's a feasible idea actually, if the business is online-only.

>> No.13093964

That depends on where you live.

>> No.13094006

The total cost of a Venus real + proxy and shipping amounted to S$88.30 for me. There is no reason at all to buy from u4ria. Which website are you having trouble with?

>> No.13094019

$88.30 for shipping only or for hole and proxy and shipping as total

>> No.13094031

Daimaoh. The shipping and checkout confirmation pages are a nightmare.

>> No.13094051

Looking for something with high stimulation. My top 3 stim onaholes I currently have are MoT, Slut Announcer and Mi-Nyan.

Any rec?

>> No.13094078

So, are onaholes really that great?
Not sure if I should buy when my tenga eggs provide good stimulation but at a much lower cost.

>> No.13094099

anons with a Mouth of Truth: did it have a weird plasticy smell for a while and did it go away after washing it?

>> No.13094113

you'll have to actually buy one to find out

big difference in a decent hole compared to a tenga egg imo

the pastebin will have some nice ones recommended, my favorite is the mouth of truth

>> No.13094116

Tenga egg a shit. I tried one once, and it did not last one session before I accidently tore a hole through it. There's a huge variety of good to great onaholes under $30 that will last a long time.

>> No.13094169

I've gotten 3 holes in the past year (Mouth of Truth, Rina, and Puni Ana DX. I've always asked them to remove the box art as I don't want get into any unnecessary problems. I'm also in Toronto, Ontario, so you should be fine.

>> No.13094194

>accidentally tore a hole through it
I mean I prefer onas, but I've use eggs before & that's reaching...
Unless you have a 9+ cock & you were jerking at the speed of light I doubt you ripped it.

>> No.13094293

About lotions, is any water based one fine?
I'm ordering from NLS and it takes too much space so I'll take my chances on local sellers, would it hurt the hole? I found some cheap Tenga ones too, if anyone here using durex or something could share I'd really appreciate it.

>> No.13094305

Good goy, pay the mark up like the dumb fuck you are.

>> No.13094432

Something tomax.

>> No.13094463

try this one: http://en-nls.com/pict1-40139?c2=9999

I have it and it's my favorite hole so far. it's not overly tight (it's not loose either though) and its material is much softer than my VA Admission or my Ubu Virgin.

>> No.13094536

I did it guys. I put my order in for the Aichan white. I'm so excited.

>> No.13094570

Mom just walked in on me when i had my finger up my ass and my onahole warming up next to me. She just said "...sorry" then asked me when I'm going to see the allergy specialist about a weird reaction I had to peanuts last week.

Not really sure what to make of this.

>> No.13094599

Sounds like everything's alright, don't sweat it. She didn't freak out and she probably won't bring it up again. Please be relaxed.

>> No.13094602

Did she leave the room before talking, or did she actually stand there and talk to you about the peanut allergy thing, even while you still had your finger up your arse and onahole next to you?

>> No.13094696

Anyone have recs. to help make the Lolinco lose its odor? Thing smells really bad. Chemical odor and stuff.

>> No.13094726

That looks pretty good, I'll give it a try the next time I'm placing an order.

>> No.13094731

Put it in the freezer.

>> No.13094739

I have the "Priestess: Younger Sister" version, if that matters

>> No.13094745

meant to quote >>13094726

>> No.13094750

Apparently, yeah. Guess I can stop being so paranoid about having to explain why I'm cleaning something in the bathroom for ~5 minutes every night now.

She stood there and talked to me. I was partially under my covers & completely covered myself when she came in though, so I'm not sure if she saw my finger. I didn't have enough time to cover the big ol bottle of lube or my kunoichi, so they were out the whole time.

>> No.13094882

Do this if you want to destroy them.

>> No.13094921

Looking for something with high stimulation. My top 3 stim onaholes I currently have are MoT, Slut Announcer and Mi-Nyan.

Any rec?

>> No.13095040


>> No.13095071
File: 25 KB, 500x334, 1357128708481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hot Gimmick in my nls cart
>cheapest e-packet shipping
What's the point of having cheap prices, if they're going to jew up shipping...

>> No.13095089

Already got one but found it disappointing

>> No.13095091

>he still uses usd
>thinks jet fuel is cheap
simply ebin

>> No.13095098

Meanwhile I can get $1 shitty trinkets from Dealextreme with free shipping from China.

>> No.13095102

>he still uses usd
Well what else am I supposed to use..?
& EMS shipping would be cheap if they offered it. I'd take a slow boat over paying more.

>> No.13095146

enjoy your cancer
read the pastebin maybe?

>> No.13095218
File: 1.95 MB, 250x188, you are this mad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have to fight to get into my VA Grad every time
>can't stay hard long enough to get in without using intensive audiovisual stimulation during the process

Really though, the second i touch the entrance, my dick starts to go soft... as if it's scared of her or something

>> No.13095301
File: 12 KB, 302x302, Hitachi-Magic-Wand-Massager-Personal-Full-Body-Massager-HV-250R-Back-Body-Shoulder-Massager-AV-Vibrating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever tried using this on their dick? Does it work?

>> No.13095610

what's your experience with cockrings/phimosis bands, /ona/?
I'm uncut, and I'm wondering if its worth grabbing one from NLS to keep foreskin from pulling over and reducing stimulation, and I guess to help keep an erection.
I dont think I have a problem with either, but I cant be sure. Only thing holding me back on this is that it looks kinda painful. Any opinions?

>> No.13095645

Are you actually having problems with lack of stimulation and maintaining erection, or do you have zero experience with onaholes and are wondering if you need a cockring too?

>> No.13095687
File: 10 KB, 737x127, ss+(2015-02-23+at+05.33.44).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucked am I, /ona/? It's a Cocolo and Lolinco. I thought it would be safe but...

>> No.13095689

Not very, depending on who inspects your goods.

>> No.13095702

Only experience comes the little I've tried of fleshlights.
I have no issue keeping an erection or stimulation, no, just a bit worried that I wont be getting full-effect of the backstroke. Happened a bit with the fleshlights, where when I pull out the foreskin would wrap back over the tip, so I wouldnt get the full effect of the the texture while pulling out. I figure a cockring or something like this http://en-nls.com/pict1-14121?c2=35001012 would help alleviate my fairly petty concerns.

>> No.13095709

What does it mean by someone other than Customs?

>> No.13095717

definitely gonna ask to have packaging removed.

>> No.13095755

I think I'm going to bite the bullet and buy the Mouth of Truth, but the teeth and how realistic the mouth looks still kind of creeps me out. Will I get over it, or will I always feel like I'm being bitten?

>> No.13095765

if anything, you can always go dentist on it and pluck the teeth out. I love the feeling though, so maybe it'll make you a believer too.

>> No.13095821

sure, you can buy an attachment to vibrate your head or one to stick up your butt too. that'll make you spew real fast.

>> No.13095860

If it's water based it won't hurt the hole, but many of us prefer the qualities of Japanese made hole lubes over you usual Western sex lubes. If nothing else, just toss in a few packets of Honey Drops; practically no space, practically no weight. I'd highly recommend at least one other lube to start unless you're really close to your weight limit; a bottle of Golden shouldn't weigh much either.

>> No.13095879

It works. I'm interested in something more hands free though, as holding the wand in just the right spot is kind of annoying. I should also check out some attachments, come to think.

>> No.13095891

I need a new purchase preferably something with good stimulation last few purchases were kinda disappointing.

Current collection
Slut Announcer
VA Admission
Vacuum Witch
Golden moeten
Horny Wife

Slut Announcer, Mi-Nyan and MoT are my favorite ona and lolinco and admission were disappointing if that helps giving an idea.

>> No.13095912

Why no Tomax yet? A Clone or Spiral Dots in soft or regular would do you good. Also, how do the vacuum witch and Horny Wife stack up compared to, say, Mi-Nyan?

>> No.13095920

Chinese government subsidies export costs.

>> No.13095928

Horny wife is meh, vacuum witch is pretty good and easy to clean and feels really durable but pretty steep price.
Afraid Tomax aren't stimulating enough some people say it feels like a cloud.

>> No.13095946

Mi-Nyan is also a great hole formita lowmprice, hard to go wrong.

>> No.13095961
File: 624 KB, 1440x2392, QuickMemo+_2015-02-23-20-49-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, just ordered an onahole and lube for the first time. The onahole is the seducing witch one but it was out of stock so my order is on back order. Any idea how long it will be until they restock?I bought dhl shipping too :^(

>> No.13095980

>some people say it feels like a cloud.
That's generally directed at the Venus Real (http://www.queencatadulttoys.com/venus-real-male-masturbator/)) and especially in the very soft texture. I'm talking about the Venus Clone (http://www.queencatadulttoys.com/venus-clone-male-masturbator/)) though the Cross might work well too, and Lilith Spiral Dots (http://www.queencatadulttoys.com/lilith-spiral-dots-masturbator/)) in soft or regular. Though I suppose if the Horny Wifey was mediocre I should withdraw the Dots.

The price on the vacuum witch is pretty high for a non-Tomax hole. I was looking at it, but if it's not mindblowing I'll probably just grab a Slut Announcer or Horny Wifey on my next order instead.

>> No.13096005

Don't worry, sex toys are legal to import.
Worst case scenario you'll just have to do what this other canadian anon did and give them the receipt. >>12474464

This is why I always use ems.

>> No.13096069

Does real pussy actually feel better than an onahole?

I don't feel like it can.

>> No.13096106

usually within a week.

>> No.13096112

better than a dead fish, but its hard to beat muscle, weight, bumping and grinding, smells and moans of a good real thing.

SOON though.

>> No.13096120

Thank you for the reply. I appreciate it.

>> No.13096127

>SOON though.*

*Except in Canada. Sorry guys, will trade healthcare for robot sex though.

>> No.13096154

I more meant purely from a "how it feels on the dick" way rather than the idea of sex as a whole.

Being a permavirgin I'm just curious.

>> No.13096179
File: 734 KB, 1200x1600, godblessmagiceyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13096234

Nope, onaholes win, especially in the convenience department.

>> No.13096235

>make order on Friday
>It just shipped today

Shouldnt have used e-packet to save money, this wait will kill my dick

>> No.13096257

Magic Eyes should do an h manga short of the girl with vibrators in her hair. It could be an advertisement; she could use a few holes on a guy as a courtesy test, and then offering herself to compare how they feel. And then she'd be adorably disappointed at the end when he said he preferred the holes.

>> No.13096258

Geez... I'm not sure if that's any better. It will be EMS in the future if this goes on.

>> No.13096262

Magic eyes' nascot is really cute.

>> No.13096271

all of the magic eyes girls are cute

>> No.13096275

Yeah but she is the cutest

>> No.13096278

I want this

>> No.13096331

I love the Lilith Uterus in soft so I went ahead and bought a Venus Real in soft.

How different is it and will I regret not going with the Clone?

>> No.13096363

Shit, thats unnervingly close to where I live.

>> No.13096429

Slut announcer has dots too and I like it alot.

>> No.13096447

Going to make an order soon and need some choice help.
How is Roa hard, harder compared to Tina/Toa soft (i have Tina same material as Toa i suppose).
On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 is Rina 3 is double 5 is triple harder)
About secret twin tales:
How deep is sana compared to Kana? they write at Sana "drives your dick out"
About twin tales 2:
Nina looks very deep, can i take her balls deep? (i can't take rina balls deep, never measured my penis) Mina looks very tight at the end of the hole, is this true?

>> No.13096601

The 88.30 is the total cost. Everything is included.

Use google chrome. It has an in-built webpage translator that helped me through with the ordering process. If you're really loathe to experiment for a lower price though, JSS does have an ordering + shipping service, though I'm not too sure about the cost. I've only ever needed to use the bulk shipping service myself. Worst case scenario, just kidnap a Jap and get him/her to help you translate. Remember, it's not illegal, it's part of post war reparations.

>> No.13096605

Lucky fucker. It's never in stock for me.

>> No.13096723
File: 15 KB, 587x513, whynotboth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in your exact situation except with a Lilith Uterus Hard

>> No.13096732
File: 11 KB, 676x291, ss+(2015-02-24+at+06.03.01).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw hasn't moved in a week

>> No.13096873
File: 19 KB, 655x461, ohshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think that's worse than this?

>> No.13096899

Sounds like someone's going to get a used hole.

>> No.13096908

yes because yours actually made it to your country

>> No.13096911
File: 8 KB, 267x181, 1416441398545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooooo! my lolinco!!!

I was supposed to be her first one

>> No.13096912

just trying out your hole ese

>> No.13096915

I guess it will arrive tomorrow, I cheked the post service of my country, it says that they came today and no one was here to sign for it

>> No.13096917
File: 50 KB, 720x398, IMG_20150224_155836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's hope it gets to my doorstep without any issues.

>> No.13096920

that does not go with the onda man

>> No.13096943

Purchased zinc, pygeum, sunflower lecithin, saw palmetto and stinging nettles.
I will become the cum king.
Also picked up some microfiber towels since I don't own any!

>> No.13097029

I have -
Mouth of Truth
And had a few of those Tenga Flipholes (trashed them though)

Im looking at expanding my harem to inclue a Cocolo and Roa. Im also looking at the Puni Hole DX Hard.

Any thoughts on those. If it matters I enjoyed the Mouth of Truth the most.

Also for all those Canadians here, I work CBSA, which is customs. I dont give a fuck whether you have packaging or not. We flag boxes randomly and I know a very few people who would take offence to the packaging, we have better things to do, like looking for actual contraband.

>> No.13097032

Even if someone takes offense, doesn't it take an actual policy for a problem to occur?

What are actual contraband that people import?

>> No.13097058

Alot of contraband we usually find comes from China. Usually its Liquid Hash in baggies stuffed inside electronics, between the main electronic board and case.

One time it was knives and brass knuckles wrapped and stuffed where the screws and nails would be for a display cabinet.

A coworker once found a finger in a jewel box. That led to all sorts of trouble...

>> No.13097352

Just ordered Rina and Nurse Uterus, I think I have lost what little purity I had left.
But on the other hand, there is no tax if it's under 75 euros and if customs open the contents, there is no law against it so I'm pretty happy about it. I can get away with most fucked up drawings and no one will give a shit, worst thing may happen is the guys at customs would laugh at how pathetic I am.

>> No.13097354

Will I have to sign for my dhl package?

>> No.13097356


>> No.13097362

They come to my door and if I am not there to sign it, they leave with it?

>> No.13097375

So, I'd like to pick your collective brains for a moment. Can any of you think of a hole that meets the following requirements: Intense sensation, tight fit for the average GAIJIN penis, decent suction, and easy to clean? Anything up to around $150 to $200 is fair game, but cheaper stuff is certainly welcome.

>> No.13097388

My Venus Clone and Real finally arrived after 3 weeks.

>> No.13097390

DHL will usually contact you beforehand to make sure you're available. If you aren't, I think they want you to leave a signed note with the package number at your door.

>> No.13097394

From the holes I own the Mi-Nyan, Slut Announcer and Rina all fit those descriptions.

>> No.13097407

Do you really need a tight fit with suction?

>> No.13097419

Thanks, I'll check those out.

Yes. I need a hole that can take me from 0 to splurt in record time.

>> No.13097426

>Yes. I need a hole that can take me from 0 to splurt in record time.
I understand that.
But how does the tight fit actually do anything while the suction already makes the material cling and pull?
Do you want to be pushed out at the same time? Wouldn't that negate the purpose of suction?

>> No.13097436

I guess the best way to describe what I'm thinking is, a very firm/tight sensation along the shaft and base of the dick, with a more slurpy sensation near the head. So I guess a tighter entrance with a softer interior?

Also, I really enjoy the wet, sometimes sloppy sound of high-suction holes.

>> No.13097486

>Also, I really enjoy the wet, sometimes sloppy sound of high-suction holes.
>Wasting the suction by leaving air in there
Such disappointment.

>> No.13097665

I seem to have saved myself over 10 bucks on NLS by switching to yen and bank conversion, will have to see when the bill comes in. If so, I probably could have dropped another hole on myself. Oh well, next time for sure.

>> No.13097813

I'm getting totally addiced to my Rina. I've used her 2-3 times every day since I got her. I already have a ton of other holes but none of them have had this impact.

Maybe I should order a second one, I'm afraid the heavy use will ruin the hole.

>> No.13097824
File: 2.43 MB, 854x480, 1405658371510.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw i got the last one

>> No.13097831

Ordered the Lilith Spiral Dots normal hope it won't disappoint.

>> No.13097994

Help an anon.
Got reaaaaally fucking horny a couple of days ago and fapped furiously for over an hour straight with my holes. FF the next day, I try to insert... holy shit my glans hurts like hell. Is it just irritated due to too much friction or could it be some kind of infection? Hope this wears off soon... I have the need... the need to seed!

>> No.13098074

Never fap 'furiously' for longer periods of time. Try to fap 'gently' for such sessions.
Which may be what you need to do right now.
But fear not. Gentle masturbation with sensitive parts is quite possibly the most enjoyable journey towards climax.

Chances are it's just irritated. Unless you've other symptoms; such as noticeable pain outside of masturbation, dry skin (more than usual, if you're cut, since that's probably already dry as hell), rashes, or flaking.

>> No.13098082
File: 409 KB, 613x895, 1358387323226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why an onahole?
I used to worry about finishing to quickly but now I can't finish inside a girl at all, it's beautiful. I can last forever thanks to my deathgrip.

>> No.13098085

I did that for the first time earlier today, actually. It is quite enjoyable. Well, the first time without anal stimulation, which I oddly could not climax from whatsoever.

With vibration alone, the climax, while it did take time, was intense. Jittery and shocking, leaving me collapsed and gasping for air. But not really euphoric.

Might cycle that sort of orgasm in every now and then to avoid numbing myself to euphoria from climaxing multiple times a day. Brain chemical tolerance and whatnot.
But I really do prefer glorious prostate-only orgasms the most. Pleasant, euphoric, and relaxing.

>> No.13098087

I can last forever or cum at will. Control is more important than resistance.
When using meatholes, climaxing in time with the hole after an extended session is quite a useful skill. Not that I would recommend using meatholes in the first place.

>> No.13098094

>I can last forever or cum at will.
Do tell.

>> No.13098101

Kegels, simple as is.
I've worked the entire area that kegels may refer to since my early teens due to having continence issues.
Holding back piss, pushing it out, pulling my balls back tight, tightening pushing and pulling the sphincter.

Push PC to increase intensity or prolong climax once reached.
Pull PC to force a climax, if on edge then contracting in sequence allows glorious ejaculation.
Relax everything to avoid climax. Yes, relaxing all of them is incredibly easy with practice. Not releasing, relaxing.

Push PC and then tighten them all at once to forcefully shoot out semen as far and fast as possible.

>> No.13098104

>if on edge then contracting in sequence allows glorious ejaculation
*in contrast to holding the pull, allowing a nice 'dry' (Leaks precum like FUCK) orgasm to continue from.

>> No.13098168

im still here! Where my ona-heros?

>> No.13098172

Actually, the concerns are legitimate. I myself, have gotten arrested last year for buying onaholes. Well, the initial arrest was justified. See, the order was a Puni DX regular and cocolo both with packages removed, but they found a extra DVD with some pornographic drawings inside (probably a mistake of nls).

I had no difficulty proving that the DVD wasn't mine since it was never in my order in the first place. Problem is, they wouldn't let me go and still insisted in taking me to court because the fuckwads were absolutely convinced that the toys themselves were child porn. It's been half a year now and I still haven't gotten my hips back nor heard anything from them. I don't even know if they intend to press charges anymore, though I'm not worried about that, as my lawyer and I both looked up canadian cp laws and nowhere does it state that toys like these are illegal. Still, it's a real pain in the ass to have to deal with this bs.

Funny story: before releasing me, they confiscated my passport because they actually believed they had a legit case against me and that I might flee to the States over this onahole shit. So while YOU may not be retarded, customs anon, doesn't necessarily mean your colleagues aren't either.

Not trying to scare anybody. Just a friendly warning that canadian customs are, in fact, pretty retarded. Be careful out there

>> No.13098215
File: 44 KB, 735x615, ss+(2015-02-24+at+11.04.16).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That scares me a lot, cause honestly I have no idea what customs is doing. Last time my hole got checked they barely looked at it (the covering plastic was torn so they could see the product but they weren't even removed from the box), but dhl's site is making me a bit nervous.

>> No.13098226

That's pretty fucked up, did you tell NLS about it so they don't include racy DVD's with people that request packaging removed?

>> No.13098235

That's some pretty shit luck. Did they search your computer?

>> No.13098257

Yeah I don't want to scare you anon, but that looks a lot like what I had that time. Unfortunately, I've only ordered once from nls so I have no idea how frequently these sort of things happen when they're stuck at clearance event. Just know that you haven't done anything wrong

I did send them a feedback, but I never got a response so I don't know if they took it seriously

Yeah, thankfully I don't save doujins and shit like that on my PC so I'm clean. The worst they could possibly find is some vanilla normalfag porn and cropped porn reaction images.

>> No.13098292

I bought my first onahole a while ago, I think it's defective. After fapping with it all I feel is emptiness inside and contemplate suicide.

>> No.13098342

What the FUCK is up in Canada? Are people seriously scared of ordering a fucking SEX TOY?
What are you afraid of again? Are sex toys illegal in Canada? Or is it just that people don't ask them to remove box art and then are scared?

So I'm the guy who was asking for help with my purchase after being tired with my gf, so I ordered the cheap one
( http://en-nls.com/pict1-41089?c2=12001212 )
and was asked to review it.

First of all, thanks for the help, and the review:
i came

How easily do you get addicted to ordering more of these? I'm scared...

>> No.13098421

i have rina 1 week now.
im this guy: >>13096447

>> No.13098458

Have R20, and love it, looking for something exactly like it but less stimulating.

Looking at Vacuum Witch and Tomax Uterus Soft, any suggestions towards either one?

I'm 7inches, and just love the perfect size of the R20

>> No.13098514

I have the Uterus in soft, nice hole, definitely the less stimulating of what I have, great for long sessions. Dont have an R20, they look like pretty different textures.

I feel like I want to try softer in my next Tomax

>> No.13098541

I wonder if I should contact DHL, or just keep an eye on it...

>> No.13098553

any Monster Hunter 4 related onaholes been released? I love these things.

>> No.13098645

yay! my lolinco finally arrived, along with some other stuff, fucking post services are pretty fucking retarded and a bunch of liars

>> No.13098665

That must've been one shitty hole.
The first time I used was a rush of unfelt pleasure and content.
Did you use a tenga?

>> No.13098684

It's Rina.
It wasn't the first time though, my first time was pretty disappointing, mostly because PE.

>> No.13098721

like, of the monsters?

>> No.13098972

You're defective

>> No.13098978
File: 93 KB, 400x300, 1_1372319755_m_bjC8w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought pic related, and even if it feels damn good and a material is kunoichi-lvl soft dual layer start to rip off after third gently use. I wonder if all cheap 1,5k yen onaho are that durable.

Now i'm freaking about using and damage my Rina despite being 5.7"

>> No.13098979

I got a defective Magic Eyes Rina from Toydemon today. How do I get a replacement/money back?

>> No.13098984

Contact their customer service, obviously.

How was it defective?

>> No.13098991

Sorry normie-kun, not everyone is as lucky as you.

>> No.13098998

Toydemon says all sales are final and google isnt' turning anything like an official site for Magic eyes as far as I know.

The tunnel is going to the left of the sleeve instead of the back. the side is like paper thin compared to the rest. This same thing happened when I bought two Roa's. One was defective in the same way while the other was fine so I didn't bother to get a return.

>> No.13099001

Normie? If anything having post fap depression is the most normie thing out there.

>> No.13099013

well, there's this


I thinkg is the closest thing you can get

>> No.13099021

I had a My Trousseau but it became deformed by my heater. Don't use the USB warmer with yours.

Otherwise, it's a good value hole.

>> No.13099032
File: 797 KB, 3000x1000, dead-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still try to email them but I doubt you'll get a return. Magic eyes isn't going to refund your money.

All the more reason not to use Jewdemon. enls sent me a replacement with free DHL shipping when my Tsurupeta was deformed, functionally it worked fine.

>> No.13099095

Life-like severed limb

>> No.13099149
File: 29 KB, 362x298, 1408915547401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long have you been a degenerate?
Newshitters. Newshitters everywhere.

>> No.13099200

She is my first and she's great, but I don't get to use her often because cleaning in a dorm is a pain.

>> No.13099207

My kunoichi, mi-nyan, girl in the box and pepe smooth arrived. Took near 4 weeks, started to get scared package was lost. But in first world country, packages really don't get lost, thank God.

>> No.13099209


What does pull push even mean?

>> No.13099264

>I can last forever or cum at will.
Just like in my japanese animes.

Why do these treads attract the worst shit?


>> No.13099268
File: 37 KB, 749x428, Sigmario Marios brother edgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13099275

It's likst Chuck Norris, but not funny.

>> No.13099282

it's more about angsty teens self-inserting as their overpowered OC.
the whole "can cum at will" thing reminded me.
>chuck norris funny.

>> No.13099292

Well, at first it was funny.

>> No.13099310


Shit like this makes me glad for once to live in Freedomland. Ordered a loli onahole and figured I didn't need to ask to remove packaging because I didn't see anything explicitly lewd aside from product depiction. Yet when it arrived I flipped the box over and found a naked loli covered in cum. Whoops.

>> No.13099338

Just got my Clone and Real from JSS/Daimaoh. Really nice packaging with newspaper and bubble plastic, took about 2-3 weeks.

Going to try my Clone tonight.

>> No.13099412

I assume pushing means like when you push to make pee faster, and pulling would be to hold it back.

Pulling is an involuntary action during sex (the contractions), although you can relax them. Never tried pushing before.

>> No.13099456

Yeah, that. I know the one to pull is the pubococcygeus, or 'PC' muscle. But I cannot remember or find which one contracts when pushing.

Also, with control and practice it's no longer involuntary. Which helps since I can edge for a couple hours and only really deal with the heavy physical frustration rather than avoiding climax.
But again, it was for continence issues. Which I am glad to not deal with anymore. Sexual use is a side effect for me.

>> No.13099566

I am making an nls order to restock on lubes and try out Onatsuyu, and I have decided to include one onahole in order to not waste out on shipping. I have the Mi Nyan and the Innocent CQ, and I used to have the VA Grad but threw it away cause it broke and I didnt really like it.

I am trying to decide between getting the R20, the slut announcer, and the Kunoichi in soft. Which should I get?

>> No.13099677
File: 15 KB, 684x417, ss+(2015-02-25+at+08.54.39).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont remember epacket ever taking this long

>> No.13099687

Isn't e-packet supposed to be 10-14 days? I think the only service that ships in under 3 days is DHL

>> No.13099997

Just wondering how did they contact you? Was it over a phone call or did they get the police involved.

>> No.13100018

Depends what type of sensation you want. The slut announcer is a lot of fun, as is the kunoichi. I haven't tried R20.

I prefer slut announcer to kunoichi because the womb is pretty great and the tits are fun to play with. Kunoichi feels fantastic over long sessions but I really hate how floppy and jelly-like the hole is. It's less enjoyable to hold, for me at least.

>> No.13100056

I'm kind of curious myself, in case this is the kind of situation I'm in...

>> No.13100070

I have recently discovered how fun it is to pin my Mi Nyan down with some pillows and use it hands free, which hole would be a good pick for that?

>> No.13100127

Just tried Clone for the first time.

I think I used too much lube. Had to work for about 20-30 minutes until I felt I had to stop in order to edge and not cum. After an hour I came and it felt like I had saved up for a month, holy fuck.

>> No.13100175

I haven't tried kunoichi pinned between pillows, I don't imagine it would work but I can't say for sure. Maybe I'll have to test that.

I've used the slut announcer like that and it was pretty good but I prefer my mi-nyan or meiki monster wakefulness for that. I like using the slut announcer with my hand more.

>> No.13100178

Excellent choices. How's the pepe smooth?

Sounds like you used the right amount of lube to me

>> No.13100255

Sounds like the police was involved since they searched his computer... that's definitely not a good sign.

>> No.13100258

All the holes work great like that. I've done exclusively hands-free for the last few months with just pillow sandwiching.

>> No.13100412

I've pillow tricked everything I got, even the Mouth of Truth. Whenever I have the time, I always pin them to a pillow, love hands-free.

>> No.13100495

dang it im also from mx and just ordered using EMS

>> No.13100555

worry not compadre, my order arrived today, it seems that fucking mexpost takes a while to update their shitty webpage

>> No.13100594

skip to the halfway point https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9e5GoVciKZA

>> No.13100647
File: 119 KB, 400x300, 1_1414135856_m_DevJ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody try a Virgin Fairy? It looks nice but the guide says A-One stuff is subpar.


>> No.13100685

I'm not skipping any of that gloriousness

Seems nice, but too much work for me.

>> No.13100712

You don't need nearly as much effort as he's put into it. Roll up a blanket, fold it in half twice, tie it. Takes less than a minute and it feels much better than using pillows.

>> No.13100718

I only need something to prevent it moving forward while thrusting. Is tying it for tightness helpful?

>> No.13100745

Not sure if anyone has already done this, but I just messaged japan_original asking about selling more on ebay. I'll let be sure to post if I get a reply.

>> No.13100804

So I've been interested in getting an onahole for a while now, but I never got one because I thought they'd be too expensive.
However I'm a massive lolicon, and very much into Etna. Does anyone know if there's an Etna parody onahole around? If so, I'd definitely want to buy that.

>> No.13100811

why does box art matter at all?
just get a good loli hole and pretend its her.

>> No.13100834

What is the best position to fug your Cocolo? I'm planning a wild night tonight.

>> No.13100909


I kind of want to get one but I barely use my puni dx as is, and the cocolo is probably even harder and more annoying to clean and use.

I did get a nice new 2560x1600 tablet though, so maybe I should try using it in the bed instead of at my desk or with a food try in front of the tv. Positioning is a real bitch.

>> No.13100918

I was told to come here by a girl I know. My penis is 9" and "fat" according to her, she wants to watch me jerk off with one but I don't know a good pick since most seem a little on the small side


>> No.13100924

youre not welcome here

>> No.13100927

Lolinco would be perfect for you.

>> No.13100937

Oh dear.

I will look into it, thank you.

>> No.13100974

Don't listen to them. Lolinco is a fucking death sentence to you. I'm long and pretty wide around too and it's already tight as fuck for me. I don't know what hole would fit your gross nigger dick. Look for holes that are really stretchy because that's your best bet. I don't think they make holes 9".

>> No.13100979

I'm white dude, but thanks

>> No.13100983

Try the r20

>> No.13100991

>I'm white
Irrelevant. You have a gross nigger dick.

>> No.13101014

Don't ever mention a significant other when asking for recommendations, or really at all when in these threads. Doing so will come across as personal blogging, and you will be ignored and asked to kill yourself out of /jp/. Was it really so hard to say, "hey im new to these threads. 9 inches. recommendations?"
What you said was completely unnecessary and added no information that we could've used to help you. You were simply begging for attention.
Now please kill yourself.

>> No.13101035

Seems like there's always someone with 9 inches looking for recommendations.

>> No.13101060

hey im new to these threads. 9 inches. recommendations?

>> No.13101070

Lolinco would be perfect for you.

>> No.13101095

get out of here with your gross nigger dick

>> No.13101116

A nice Tomax hole. Dunno, a Venus Clone in whatever hardness.

>> No.13101129

>not making her use it on you
What a fuckin PLEB.

>> No.13101137

So I tried out my onahole for the first time. Holy shit it's no joke when I've seen some people say they go like 2-3 pumps before they're done. I sat down and got a good h-manga lined up and I didn't even get past the inside cover page. I don't know if it's because I hadn't fapped in the last few days but it was literally overwhelming. I guess I'll try again tomorrow and see if I'm not so sensitive but I was hoping to enjoy it for a little longer. Still a great investment though.

>> No.13101166

Try it again today. Do it, faggot.

>> No.13101243

Fuck off

>> No.13101307

Tell that girl she's a massive faggot and cancer.

>> No.13101339

I have a hole by A-One and it's my favorite between those I own. A-One don't always make shitty products, but I can't tell for this one in particular though.

>> No.13101357

What are your other holes?

>> No.13101555

Anyone else having problems browsing lewd stuff on amazon JP? http://www.amazon.co.jp/b/ref=dp_brlad_entry?ie=UTF8&node=2132584051

>> No.13101751

In my case, it started as a phone call from customs. Once I got there, that's when the police got involved and decided to arrest. In retrospect, it might have been a trap to lure me there, to catch me "red handed" but it's not like I was ever planning to deny the onaholes were mine. The thing they don't seem to understand is these things aren't even illegal, according to canadian laws.

>> No.13101841
File: 908 KB, 500x281, 1419378209806.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do people generally only get into trouble for buying the loli stuff, or does customs still cause problems with the regular anime merchandise? I swear I've seen instances where they just arrest you based on seeing anime merchandise regardless of lewd

I don't care much for loli myself, but I feel bad for you guys getting into trouble

>> No.13101857

Had lots of holes/anime going through customs, no problems here.

>> No.13101863

>What are your other holes?
/jp/ - full of normal people.

>> No.13101916

R20 or slut announcer

>> No.13101991
File: 372 KB, 1125x1500, 91ZTmdBO7IL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the general opinion of NPG, specifically pic related?

>> No.13102090

Is USPS tracking not working for anyone else? Neither of my tracking pages have updated in awhile

>> No.13102222

That's not NPG, fucktard.

>> No.13102227

Just got RIDE JAPAN's Virgin Loop yesterday.

It's fucking terrible. I feel cheated by the positive reviews it's gotten. My main complaint is that the canal is far too tight, to the degree that the pressure will pretty much squeeze the blood out of your dick and force you to lose the firmness of your erection if you try to force it in. Furthermore, once you've actually managed to fully penetrate the thing (with great exertion), the stimulation then turns out to be extremely monotonous. Not at all recommended unless you happen to like almost painfully tight holes.

>> No.13102255

No bully

>> No.13102261

The other hole I got was the Half-Mature Succubus Kai Fuwatoro Super Soft. I really liked the original, and to this day, it is probably my favorite. Unfortunately, its supreme softness came at the expense of its durability.

The Kai version seems to be made of a slightly firmer material and is actually a bit smaller than the original despite weighing about the same. The structure of the inner canal has been changed, and the entrance appears to have been reinforced to prevent a repeat of the tearing problems that plagued the original.

After trying it, I can confirm that the durability has improved (the original tore almost right away in spite of all my prevention efforts, whereas this one is still intact after some rough stroking). Unfortunately, the sensation provided seems slightly worse than its predecessor's.

As an aside, I should mention that the bundled lube has been changed, much to my chagrin. The original came with a small nondescript chrome-coloured packet of lube (no label or anything) which turned out to be some of the best I've ever used. The Kai version ships with a small bottle of boring also unlabeled lube which feels like a thinner version of Onatsuyu.

Verdict: Not bad, but the original is better.

>> No.13102415

Still need some advice.

>> No.13102432

How to sew a body doll with ona slot?

>> No.13102451

Is it international shipping? The tracking usually stops updating once the package leaves the US.

>> No.13102466
File: 143 KB, 672x434, 1423803265783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long time Fleshlight user here.
Read the pastbin in it's entirety / lurking for a while now and I really want to buy my first Onahole.

I am looking for one that can give a super intense session or one that can provide a long edging session.

Any recommendations or some favorite holes you've come across that really gave you a great experience?

>> No.13102471

Nope. One is from NLS and one is from QueenCat. They both stopped updating at around the same time.
Hopefully they just forgot to update the tracking and it'll be delivered in a couple days.

>> No.13102486

Faggot, start slow. Fleshlight a shit.

>> No.13102550


>> No.13102576
File: 802 KB, 500x545, 1405057813699.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to try sounding.

Where to start?

>> No.13102596

I've gotten worse things through customs inspections than just onaholes, even if there are loli's on the box. I guess it depends a lot on who inspects it though. My understanding is they don't care shit unless it's 'provably' loli. But I guess someone not thinking quite right might think an onahole that fits in your hands with vague human characteristics on it fit's that bill. Anyways I'll keep up to date as to what happens with this customs mess.

>> No.13102779
File: 72 KB, 600x800, KYKS-001-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more hipster glasses. Too bad the video isn't that great.

>> No.13102816

Contact their CS and send them photos, I had a defective meiki sarah I bought from them once, they sent me a replacement after I filed a support ticket and sent them pics, they then had me cut the defective hole in half and provide them with proof of doing so on reciept.

This happened about 3 years ago though, FYI

>> No.13102950

how's Fuwapuni?

>> No.13102993

I too started out on the overpriced and shitty fleshlight, and as long as you have an average sized (6" or so) penis like I do I think you'll be happy with what I'm about to suggest. IMO the only people who should be buying fleshlights are the guys who are 7" plus who cant fit in anything actually good.

Anyway onto the suggestions:
Wet Meiki -SHIN- AKA Monster Wet Real on the US stores http://en-nls.com/pict1-33448?c2=12001126
Awesome onahole with medium-high stimulation that is also soft enough for decently long edging sessions if you take it slow. In my experience also very durable, mine is over a year old, was used almost daily and it only just recently started developing a significant amount of tearing around the opening.
If you want more stimulation you can get the hard version which is also good but I'd recommend against it, IMO its too firm.

EXE EXTRIP Haruna Hana
Softer than the Monster Wet real but has a similar amount of windyness to its internal texture, great for longer edging sessions due to its slightly lower level of stimulation. Durability is also high, I'm on my second one, the first lasted a year of approx weekly use.

Venus Real Soft
My current favorite for long edging sessions, which I received about a week ago.
The soft version of this hole is the only version I own and it is the SOFTEST hole I have, its softer than my Meikis (Sarah and ZXY) and has just enough texture to let you go on for ages and the softness is amazing.
I'd probably go with the normal version if I were you since you are coming from a Fleshlight, or a soft Venus clone since it has more texture. The soft might be too low stim for you at first, definitely avoid the very soft as a first purchase, I can imagine how it could be 'too soft' with how soft my one already is.

PS Meiki Plush = The most amazing thing ever

>> No.13103014

Wow, Thank you very much for this info!

I look forward to my purchases and a brighter more diverse masturbation future.

>> No.13103127
File: 359 KB, 1440x2392, QuickMemo+_2015-02-25-14-39-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything's blue. When will it ship?

>> No.13103139

I hear the R20 is roomy enough for big dicks.

>> No.13103161

You'll see a shipping address in the previous page suddenly appear and a few hours later, they'll e-mail you.

>> No.13103181

Don't forget about timezones, it's currently 5am in Japan. Your order should be getting shipped soon after their business opens on thursday.

>> No.13103209

>I was told to come here by a girl I know.
First of all, get out.

Secondly, what the fuck kind of a girl would tell you to come here? Why is SHE here?

>> No.13103268

he thought it'd be a good excuse to be a newfag here and lazily ask without fucking looking in the pastebin first

>> No.13103279

so after trying out roa(too tight) and MoT(the teeth kill my dick) i'm thinking of getting another one
narrowed it down to:
-seventeen bordeaux
-slut announcer

which one is least shit/overpriced?

>> No.13103300

You sure it's the right hobby for you?

>> No.13103320

i mean, arent the JAV ones overpriced?

>> No.13103328

I figured I should give the Lolinco another go and I'm actually starting to enjoy it. Guess you really do need to break her in.

It's hard to use for longer periods though, Feels like the tightness slowly makes me lose my erection due to a lack of bloodflow.

>> No.13103342

Does anybody know how much Virgin Age Admission fits?

>> No.13103355

Sorry, i don't know what you mean by JAV. Had a long day.

>> No.13103361

japanese adult videos

>> No.13103371

Rip the teeth out of the MoT and then get a tomax hole or any of the 4 you listed. Just don't get the seventeen unless you have a prolapse fetish.

I wouldn't get one unless you are under 6" girth. Length doesn't matter. But god damn, that hole makes my death grip feel soft.

>> No.13103375

>Relax everything to avoid climax.
I thought it was the opposite way around. Or did you only "pull" as it were if you're about to cum?

>> No.13103404

So looking for something with high stimulation and intense.

Current collection
Slut Announcer
Vaacum Witch
Golden Moeten

Top 3 are my favorite.

Currently considering the Lilith Spiral Dot or Wave. Any other holes you guys would recommend?

I'm probably gonna make my order tomorrow or Friday so any recommendations would def help!

>> No.13103405

im over 7" and my rina endures it like a big girl.
still need advice. I want to order at Friday.
I Also wantet to gift my friend an onahole. Thinking about seventeen bordeaux. hes under 7" (aksed his girlfriend) Also consider r20 for him if r20 is flipable. I Dont think he wants to spent that much time, cleaning his shit.

>> No.13103414

Not who you replied too, but I can confirm relaxing my PC muscles while masturbating does indeed allow me to last as long as I want. It takes focus and effort not to, but its very worth it.

>> No.13103418

I didn't feel Admission at all besides the tightness didn't really feel much stimulation.

Slut Announcer is pretty good has a nice stimulation and is one of my favorite ona. Julia+ is probably most overpriced, but I can't really comment since I don't have one.

>> No.13103481

Well dry orgasming by clenching at the right time has only worked for me once, maybe I'll give this a shot, then.

>> No.13103512

1. Purchase sounding toys
3. Report back to us

>> No.13103533

Oops, wrong thread.

>> No.13103589

I wouldn't get roa if you already have rina and have you seen the tunnel length of the twin tales holes? You're gonna break the poor girls.

My advice would be to get the girl in the box since you obviously like loli holes. It has decent durability and it can take your length. It's also one of my favorites.
The twin tales series will fall apart pretty quickly, and even quicker if you're trying to go balls deep.

The bordeaux isn't the best option, especially if he's going to compare it to a meathole. If your friend just wants to try out an onahole then just get him a boku ona 2. It'll give him a good idea of what it's like and they're dirt cheap.
You can flip the r20, but if you go with that you need to make sure you tell him to squeeze out the air in the chamber when he uses it.


>> No.13103695

>under 6" girth
Well would 6" girth be considered okay but pushing it? And why wouldn't length matter? Are you sure it can fit enough?

>> No.13103709

>im over 7" and my rina endures it like a big girl.
You sure about that? I'm exactly 7" and Rina couldn't endure shit.

>> No.13103717

By not clenching your muscles, you won't dry orgasm, but you are able to postpone orgasm for along time and get riiiiiight on the edge of one, where it feels almost as good. Obviously you have to slow or stop stimulation as well in order to not cum, but keeping those muscles relaxed helps alot.

>> No.13103984

Length doesn't matter because like most onaholes, it stretches. It seems like it's almost impossible to tear as well since people have left things like shampoo bottles inside of it overnight in an attempt to make it looser.
You could fit inside of it, but only if you can maintain a diamond hard erection. And even then it's almost painful for me to use.

What other holes do you have? I doubt you'll like this unless you thought your previous ones lacked stimulation, tightness and firmness.

>> No.13104099

How does one know if they are relaxing them right? I hear its the same as trying to pee harder, but when I do that I just feel my stomach clench a lot and I am sure thats not right.

>> No.13104114

Bumpy sisters - Miko imouto (the A-One one)
Virgin age: Admission
Ubu virgin
Mouth of truth

the first one is my favorite, it's more soft and it feels better to me

>> No.13104131

I'm certain I will because although I do really enjoy stuff like Venus Real in soft, I also really liked Lolinco.

>> No.13104141

Also, that's not something I can really bank on. My Lolinco and Rina have tears in them. If VAA is only like 5 inches then I don't think I can get it.

>> No.13104191

Yeah I see it on QC as 5.25" from front to back, which basically means 5". I won't get it for now, but maybe when I have a lot of excess money.

>> No.13104204

It will break your dick before you start to tear it. I'm 7.5 inches long 5.5 girth and I can push it all the way down to my base, but it gives me a ridiculous amount of resistance. If I let go it will shoot off my dick like a rocket.

The problem I see is you might not be able to squeeze into it. But it gets looser over time.

The tunnel length is actually 11cm or 4.3 inches.

>> No.13104216

Sounds about as good. I found that even after the dry orgasm I was still almost too sensitive so going again after didn't feel right, maybe this'll be a better alternative.

>> No.13104221

>. I'm 7.5 inches long 5.5 girth
How long and often have you used it for? Is it still not torn?

>> No.13104222 [DELETED] 

No, that's contracting a different muscle, which may work as well but it's a different idea. Pushing to edge longer also increases intensity and likeliness of autonomous PC contractions when you let go.
Relaxing them all, in contrast, is equivalent to holding them limp.

Supposedly a lot of people cannot do it. But try with your arms first.
Stand up, let them fall to the side, and swing your body slightly without controlling them at all. Don't move them in any direction, and swing only with your hips. They should flow behind the swing like a dumby or rag doll.
No matter how much you want to grip them and move them manually or to feel in control, keep them relaxed.
Now apply that to kegels while edging as well.
Meaning no matter how hard you want to contract them to climax, just let it be. Don't let yourself do it autonomously.

It's awesome to do this while fantasizing about a mentor telling you you're not allowed to.

>> No.13104252

I've only got about 20 uses in since I don't really like it. But like I said, there was one anon who left a bottle inside of it to stretch it out and it didn't tear.
I'm sure there's some people who have written comparisons between it and the lolinco, so you might wanna dig through the archive before you make a decision.

>> No.13104266

You don't really HAVE to slow down once you've practiced enough. It is considerably frustrating not to, similar to mild torture. But some people like that sort of thing.

No, that's contracting a different muscle, which may work as well but it's a different idea. Pushing to edge longer also increases intensity and likeliness of autonomous PC contractions when you let go.
Relaxing them all, in contrast, is equivalent to holding them limp.

Supposedly a lot of people cannot do it. But try with your arms first.
Stand up, let them fall to the side, and swing your body slightly without controlling them at all. Don't move them in any direction, and swing only with your hips. They should flow behind the swing like a dumby or rag doll.
No matter how much you want to grip them and move them manually or to feel in control, keep them relaxed.
Now apply that to kegels while edging as well.
Meaning no matter how hard you want to contract them to climax, just let it be. Don't let yourself do it autonomously.

It's awesome to do this while fantasizing about a mentor telling you you're not allowed to.

Also, here's another trick. Using that muscle that tightens the stomach to push urine out.
Inhale into your abdomen, so to speak. Pushing that out and whatnot.
Then exhale not with your normal lung muscles, but rather by pushing that muscle instead.
Slowly to relax or quickly to build up energy.
People have used that breathing alone to orgasm hands free. Proven on an MRI.

>> No.13104270

Ah, then in that case I already do it. Its actually a lot easier than it sounded.

>> No.13104274

>there was one anon who left a bottle inside of it to stretch it out
Yeah but if it was one of those sample bottles then who cares? Also, if you've used it twenty times and it's fine, then I guess I'll be fine.

I read that someone who owns both said it's as tight as Lolinco, but without the stupid wavy tunnel design, which works in my favor. I have Lolinco and like it, but that wavy tunnel leading to the top of the hole ruined it for me. I'll probably get VAA next order.

>> No.13104299

Personally for me, I do have to stop stimulation at some point or I -will- come. Perhaps I'm just not as practiced yet...

>> No.13104303

Well, some muscles just work on reaction no matter how hard you try. Like getting knocked on the knees. It depends on the person.

>> No.13104450
File: 12 KB, 739x156, ss+(2015-02-25+at+05.45.17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They added a monday event retroactively. What's going on. ;_;

>> No.13104576
File: 74 KB, 500x500, 61Uf6sjzdpL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone used/heard anything about this? I know Ai-chan is supposed to have the best oppai but I'm looking for something more loli.


>> No.13104620
File: 183 KB, 644x1349, 71utB62JJ6L._SL1349_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this one for $18
Did i made the right choice?
(this is the 2nd time i buy one)

>> No.13104621

DHL handles customs differently, so it's anybody's guess at this point.

>> No.13104627

looks cheap

>> No.13104823

Most anime advertised onaholes are pretty men like SAO, My little sister and other hyped or popular anime.

>> No.13104827

So looking for something with high stimulation and intense.

Current collection
Slut Announcer
Vaacum Witch
Golden Moeten

Top 3 are my favorite.

Currently considering the Lilith Spiral Dot or Wave. Any other holes you guys would recommend?

I'm probably gonna make my order tomorrow or Friday so any recommendations would def help!

>> No.13104835


>> No.13104869

So i mqessed up and stained my lilith soft.

I went to give it a rinse and didn't know my hand had some tomato juice residue on it and stained my hole. Not damaged and still functions as normal.

Anyway to get rid of the stain that wont harm the hole? Or am i basically just gonna have to live with it.

>> No.13104939

What does /ona/ think of Julia+ ?

>> No.13104974

Is there anything more of a cock strangler than VAA?

>> No.13104984


>> No.13105080

Is it really overpriced compared to performance/quality? Its 900 yen more than the Slut announcer.

>> No.13105155

They feel good but are really oily, is what I've heard.

Maybe try some peroxide. If that doesn't work Onaclean might do the trick.

>> No.13105166
File: 10 KB, 661x369, Screenshot (166).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why does epacket say 10-14 days?

Will it just sit in customs for 10 days now

>> No.13105178

>Will it just sit in customs for 10 days now
It might, I've had one do that before. Still, 10-14 days is just an estimate though, if things go your way it could be faster.

>> No.13105182

It's not overpriced compared to other dual layer onaholes in that weight class.

I think an anon said this was if I remember correctly.

>> No.13105189

That's what mine is doing. >>13099677

>> No.13105210

>If a small person buys loose Masturbator, only thing insufficient and sadness will remain in the heart.
Damn NLS, that's fucking deep.

>> No.13105243

>3inches long
>9 dollars
You sure?

>> No.13105253

I never said it was good. All I remember is an anon saying how it was tighter than the VA and too small to use.

>> No.13105264

As much as I love the MoT I only use it sometimes because cleaning/drying is such a pain in the ass.

>> No.13105428
File: 99 KB, 260x254, vanilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


MoT is piss easy to clean. Especially since the mouth is huge you can really get your hands in there. Try cleaning and drying Cocolo you noob.

>> No.13105443

I keep reading lolicolno as loli- cornholio

>> No.13105502
File: 120 KB, 800x800, 1424174113849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love onaholes, they feel so good. Especially Cocolo while lying down.

Kind of hard to hold my phone and move the entire hole at the same time.

>> No.13105528

How long does Surface shipping usually take to USA?

>> No.13105541

As in, shipping via a ship?

>> No.13105554

Yeah, not really in a hurry but 3 months seems like quite a while. It's half the price though.

>> No.13105582

Does your order weigh a ton? Or are you really just trying to save money that badly?

I cant imagine the price difference being worth a 1-3 month wait

>> No.13105590

I'm not going to be able to use it for a month anyway because of reasons, figure I'd save the money. I don't want to end up waiting a month after that is all. If it arrives around the end of march that'd be perfect. And yeah it's a hip so I'm saving 50 bucks.

>> No.13105602

There's a pretty huge backup at West coast ports right now, if you're closer to west than east there's a pretty good chance that even if it does take ONLY a month you'd still wait longer than that for them to unload the damn thing. Food for thought.

>> No.13105618

I did consider that. I thought by the time it does get here they would have the backlog cleared out. There was a few computer parts that I ordered that got delayed because of the strike but it got here pretty quick afterwards. Could be those were just in higher demand however.

>> No.13105649
File: 202 KB, 1380x1228, The Fatal Consequences of Masturbation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In less than a month I've come to own 6 holes.

Slut Announcer
And Cocolo
I guess you could say 7 if you include her asshole. I think I'm set for a while before I dig deeper in the hole. How many holes do you guys own?

>> No.13105696

Ugh, I placed an order with nls over 24 hours ago and picked DHL, but despite it being cleared to ship from the start, it still hasn't been sent out. Anyone have similar problems?

>> No.13105710

I hit a holiday last Tuesday and was delayed, I think. Dunno what their excuse is for you, though.

>> No.13105937
File: 254 KB, 1500x1500, 81VJANS7f1L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's coming.

>> No.13105952


>> No.13106030

holy fuck

please tell us how this is. if it's as good as it looks from all the pictures, I will definitely have a new goal.

>> No.13106057
File: 324 KB, 1500x1500, 91ozYoMc0ZL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant it's coming as in it's currently in pre-release.
11,734 price tag on JP Amazon and will arrive in stock on March 6th.
Might pick it up, depends on what my paycheck looks like.
Only thing I dislike is the single hole, why no anal ;_;

>> No.13106061

Wow, it has ribs AND hips. That's some fucking attention to detail.

>> No.13106068

oh whoops, didn't even notice. well, hopefully even if you don't somebody will! no anal is a bit of a disappointment, but i personally would prefer to have a nice big pair of tits to grab anyway.

>> No.13106080

Someone needs to review this. It looks great and I am tempted to get it despite that I have nowhere to hide something of that size.

>> No.13106084

I just started my new job Monday so I'll see how my money works out. I get paid on the 6th as well.

>> No.13106137

Use pure Vitamin E oil and mix it with your lube. You can probably find some at a pharmacy or order it online.

>> No.13106201

Can't wait for that realistic feel expression of an internal structure of a moe body!

>> No.13106417


aw fuck

>> No.13106555

>Just another ona session
>Take my ona for a shower
>Forget ona and leave it in the shower
>Realize I forgot my ona in the shower
>Mother's cooking
>No one saw it

Fuck, /ona/ that was a close call, it was also the Slut Announcer laying in the barroom so if anyone saw it they'd know its something like a sex toy.

>> No.13106653

I did something like that once. I cleaned my hole in the shower and then I left it in a cupboard under the bathroom sink while I went to work...I had an anxiety attack half way through the day when I remembered I left it there. Luckily, either nobody saw it or they just didn't care because when I came home nobody mentioned anything or acted weird about it...Now I keep better track of my holes, I don't want that to happen again!

>> No.13106729

>Fuck my onahole every day
>Cut dick dries up and it gets sore with some skin flaking around the shaft and head
>Worry it might be a yeast infection
>It clears up after a few days of abstaining though

I've started to moisturise my cock and water my lube down but god dammit this is annoying

>> No.13106762

Who are you quoting? Is this thread crossie central now?

>> No.13106895
File: 59 KB, 500x333, idol_kasumi_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eww. But that made me look at an apparently new(?) tomax hole: http://daimaoh.co.jp/item4576.html

Looks kinda like a budget venus real.

>> No.13106953

Is this Magic Eyes? Link?

>> No.13107005

Yes it is.


>> No.13107151

>Implying I have a hiding place for it.

I'm just spoiled with the easier onaholes to clean.

>> No.13107195
File: 287 KB, 1076x1275, Screenshot_2015-02-26-17-25-19~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /ona/ any of these holes good on my wish list or others you'd recommend?

Current collection:
A-One - Nekokko Mi-Nyan
Magic Eyes - Mouth of Truth
Magic Eyes - Rina
Magic Eyes - Roa
Magic Eyes - Lolinco
Tomax - Lilith Spiral Dot
Toysheart - Slut Announcer
Toysheart - VA: Admission
Toysheart - Horny Wife
Toysheart - Vaacum Witch

>> No.13107270

oh fuck i need this

>> No.13107304
File: 332 KB, 800x600, 132354149547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is "optimal' amount of lube?
I always use not enought and feel uncomfortable pushing through the rubber or use too much and all I can feel is slippery feeling without texture. Only once I get it ideal.

Any tips how you guys do it? Pour a little inside onaho or on tip of your penis? Lube's ubujiru.

>> No.13107335

What is optimal probably depends on the person and the hole they are using. I start with a small drop inside the hole, then put a larger drop on the entrance of the hole and rub my penis on it to get it lubed up. I then add more if I feel there's too much friction or if it dries up a bit. If I have too much lube, I take my penis out and wipe it off with a towel. I've been using my holes for a while now, so I can usually get the amount of lube right at the beginning.

>> No.13107339
File: 143 KB, 1000x700, 1333048293550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what happens when girls are sent to Mexico.

>> No.13107349
File: 408 KB, 1440x2392, QuickMemo+_2015-02-26-12-32-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I off the hook? Home free?

>> No.13107410
File: 34 KB, 201x160, ed5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought Rina for 23 dollars with prime shipping. Kind of worried my sister will think it's her tanning lotion.

>> No.13107423

Tell her to be careful because your ordered something. That's all

>> No.13107429
File: 38 KB, 590x393, Black-Man-smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may be off the hook. But poor lolinco is not.

>> No.13107443

Whats your favorite out of those?

>> No.13107444

Have anyone tried this(http://www.instructables.com/id/Personal-Lubricant/)) lube with onaholes? Don't know if it will damage my hole.

>> No.13107461

Elaborate, I thought this meant my package wasn't tampered with anyway

>> No.13107534

Don't get so worried, a used onahole is still a good investment. To disinfect the product make sure to use your tongue.

>> No.13107597

the meiki wet shin is amazing and should probably be your next purchase, as it has an awesome texture, is still fairly soft, is dual layer and is durable as can be for a dual layer hole.

The chou shuu U and the Julia + are both good, however they suck on the durability front.
My julia tore at the opening after 2 uses, my meikis CSU/Sarah/ZXY all tore within the first 5 uses, but felt amazing while they lasted, IMO these aren't worth the money due to shitty durability.

And before anyone goes there, the durability issues I had do not stem from penis size, I'm more or less smack dab in the middle of average when it comes to that, 6" long 4.75" circ.

>> No.13107624

I have left lube packets in my short pockets and the onahole cleaner on the bathroom sink.
Both have been found by my brother, who I live with. For the former he just thinks I like assplay and am probably a closet homo, whatever. The latter was easier, just said it was detergent, no weird looks there.

>> No.13107655

Thanks for your answer but that didn't answered my questions. I don'tcare if i can't take them ballsdeep. I don't even do rina balls deep and i don't need to, to get an orgasm. asl long as im half way in, i'm fine. But thanks for your recommendation.
why do you abuse rina?

>> No.13107694

Holy SHIT dude! I hope it doesn't get sold out too early, I need to save money for my fumos.

That skeletal body is really neat though. Onaholes are evolving.

>> No.13107705

I've seen this on NLS for a while but only recently looked at it in detail


This sounds incredible, has anyone tried it? Is it just a gimmick?

>> No.13107728

Why haven't I ever though of using a hole in the shower before? Have you ever used it in a hot tub?
How does it feel?

>> No.13107737

i wanted to use my hole in the shower soon, too.
justwaiting for my parents to go a night out so i can take my time.

>> No.13107757

Seems like it'd be more comfy to just use it hands free in a bed rather than standing up.

>> No.13107804

I usually squeeze a drop of lube on the entrance

From my experience, f it "dries up a bit", adding more lube doesn't make it a better experience. You're better off adding some water.

>> No.13107879
File: 739 KB, 590x2450, 1_1424841652_m_tp2zu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newest arrival on NLS. Its probably a shitty air doll. But its presented really well.

>> No.13107953

New thread:

>> No.13107953,1 [INTERNAL] 

lmao what a fag

>> No.13107953,2 [INTERNAL] 

this is gods punishment

>> No.13107953,3 [INTERNAL] 

Does William's father know how to irony or he has no idea

>> No.13107953,4 [INTERNAL] 


Anybody try one of these before?

>> No.13107953,5 [INTERNAL] 

I have a sex in a can (fleshlight for small fags) and it's still too big for me. I only used it a few times after buying, stimulation was intense, but that just means I cum instantly, and the clean up and drying sucks. Don't think I'd bother with anymore ona holes for that reason alone, but I do wish I got a tiny lolihole from Japan instead of the American crap I got. Back when I bought my shit (was many years ago) I didn't even know where to buy a lolihole online.

>> No.13107953,6 [INTERNAL] 

uh there are links in the opening post of this thread...

>> No.13107953,7 [INTERNAL] 

I have one. I can cum pretty fast from direct stimulation on my cock head, but it's not that pleasurable really. I would only use it if I want to explode in like three seconds with no work.

>> No.13107953,8 [INTERNAL] 

I know now, I've been reading a lot. I really want to try a lolihole out lol
