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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12970329 No.12970329 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>12956358

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Kancolle Staff Twitter:

PSP Vita Game (2015 Spring): http://kancolle-vita.com/
Kancolle Kai (PSV) trailer released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tEvFFtSh0E
Dengeki Online article about the Kancolle Kai trailer: http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/964/964096/

- New February event
- New Submarine
- New Unryuu-class aircraft carrier
- TYPE-MOON x KanColle Event(TBA)

>> No.12970499

Can Kongou kill servants?

>> No.12970506

what about maruyu?

>> No.12970510

Can maruyu kill kongous?

>> No.12970525

Friendly reminder to self-moderate.
If you don't want to see bad posts, don't reply to them. Report rulebreakers and ignore the rest.

>New February event
Do we have the exact date? I'm still holding onto the regen cap.

>> No.12970534
File: 155 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Kantai Collection - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.59_[2015.01.28_16.42.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A continued barrage would be quite devastating, assuming she can actually hit the servant and assuming that the shells pack the same punch as the warship's.

>> No.12970539
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, Boku_no_vlc_[HorribleSubs] Kantai Collection - 04 [720p]_screenshot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not forget about this.

>> No.12970544

There is no set date, but the dev mentioned in the Twitter that the event will be on the first half of February, so somewhere between the 6th - 13th of Feb is the rough estimate (since the last few maintenance was on Friday)

>> No.12970557

I wonder just how much "punch" these kanmusu-version of the ships pack. Is that actually as powerful as a 16" shell, etc.

>> No.12970581
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Assume it's going start at 6th just to be safe.
I'll probably start hoarding resources on Feb 1st.

>> No.12970594

Aren't the Abyssals usually using more modern or sci-fi tech compare to the more conventional grounded semi-realistic weapons the kanmusu have?

>> No.12970624

The nip are expecting around 20k to 50k resources and 300-400 buckets needed to clear the event.
Depending on the situation, you might not even need to stockpile properly.

>> No.12970677
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I just wish the devs will put Eugen into LSC pool in the next maintenance.

>> No.12970709

Where should I farm Akashi? I know she drops is 2-5, 3-5 and 6-2. I do have the resources and buckets for it. So that's not an issue.

>> No.12970712

Not really. They look all alien, but most of the equipment are WW2 tech, like the 16" triple, Hellcats, etc.

>> No.12970718

Does she even drops off 2-5 or 3-5?
I have been doing 2-5/3-5 monthly since it was implemented. Literally gotten everything off it except for Akashi.
I will never get my 4th crane.

>> No.12970725

Is it worth it to keep duplicate Shimakaze/Yukikaze for lock events?

>> No.12970728

She does still drop at 2-5 but only if you haven't got her yet. So you can't use 2-5 to get your 4th crane. But 3-5 and 6-2 is still possible.

>> No.12970736

Not worth the grind, IMO. DDs need to be high level for them to really dodge much. Just use K2 DDs.

>> No.12970740

If you're done with every other DD and have space to spare, maybe.

>> No.12970743

They're not using lasers or missiles so no.

>> No.12970747

DD stats hardly matter. Yukikaze is the queen of DD due to her luck for cut-in setup. That is what separate her elite status from the normal DD. I guess FP+Torpedo stats is next most important stats and of course Akizuki for the AA cut-in.
They can be good as Yukikaze if you can feed them enough maruyu.

>> No.12970750
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>> No.12970774

Has anyone else had a problem with Kancolle playing BGM but not ship voices? I swear, the voice toggle is on and the volume adjustment bar is nonzero.

>> No.12970795

What's the best time to try for Musashi?

Timing-based RNG and all.

>> No.12970798

After the event. First clear, then farm, then splurge like a retard in LSC whatever is left

>> No.12970801

6:34 JST.

>> No.12970818

Don't forget we aleady have a thread up

>> No.12970825

This thread came first.

>> No.12970828

Meaning it was an early thread made too soon.

>> No.12970842

The thread was made after the old one got archived. Fuck off.

>> No.12970843

Last replies to the last thread were 5 hours ago. This thread was made 4 hours ago.

>> No.12970846

Just use the other thread to post about the manga, porn, music, anime and britbong. Use this for the game.

>> No.12970848

Crossies much?
Old thread wasn't properly purged.

>> No.12970861

>Waah, my thread is being ignored.
No, you fuck off.

>> No.12970867

Keep using a shitposter's thread then, crossie.

>> No.12970879

Both the abyss thread spam and 'harunyan' posts are made by shitposters.

>> No.12970884

>3 of them showup in the latest epi
>nameship doesn't appear
Being myoukou is suffering.

>> No.12970895
File: 1.50 MB, 700x393, 1417955987330.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, Hiryuu is never going to drop in 4-1, is she? Got about five Kagas and more than ten sour dragons, with the first dropped almost at K2, but no Hiryuu.
At least the boss node has a glorious track.

>> No.12970907

Keep the animeposting out of /jp/

>> No.12970916


>> No.12970941

Event is in a week.

>> No.12970943

No. What a kuso.

>> No.12970944

She's too OP.

>> No.12970947

Check if your cable is plugged properly. I'm recently experiencing it with headphones.

>> No.12970948

3-1 doesn't have branching requirements, does it? I've gone north 7 times in a row.

>> No.12970989
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>> No.12971025

Cleared 2-4 by the thinnest of margins. My poor resource pile is taking a good beating for it(Ran 3 BB/2CV/CVL and 4 ships went red) but at least that opens world 3.

>> No.12971030

Wait for event maps, got my Hiryuu from E3 Summer 2014.
And please refrain from posting unnecessary images or keep it related to kancolle.

Or make it droppable for the ones who didn't got her or something.
I'll grind the map like it's Yahagi.

>> No.12971035

Open 3-2, grind your love until you satisfied then stockpile for the incoming event.

>> No.12971044

How ready is ready? Should I try to have as many units over lvl20 or build up 1-2 elite fleets?

>> No.12971057

Having at least two fully Modded and adequately leveled Kais of every relevant type is a start. Also, 4-1AB > 3-2A, especially if you go DD+BB+2CA+CV+CVL, allowing you to raise several types at once.

>> No.12971058

What's your hq lvl?

>> No.12971060

Currently HQ 31.

>> No.12971066

oh for you maybe kai'ing them is enough since there's lvl scaling. Then max modernize them
But if you aren't satisfied, about lvl 35+ to your fav ships can do it.
Don't worry, you can clear E-1 with only regen resource.

>> No.12971110

Currently HQ 63. Should I move to grinding 4-1AB now instead of 3-2A forever?

>> No.12971114

3-2-A is the best if you're saving rsc.
4-3 for DD's, CL's because subs.
Whole 5-4 if you hate yourself.

>> No.12971120

I haven't unlocked 4-3 yet. What's a fast, cheesy way to clear 4-1 and 4-2 for it?

>> No.12971127

6 x girls that you love

>> No.12971128

If you ask me, yes. 4-1AB is twice as efficient for grinding, yet no more likely to drain your resources than 3-2A. 4-3 is slightly more dangerous in comparison.

>> No.12971183
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>New Unryuu-class
Amagi or Misato?

>> No.12971189

4-3 is irritating because you have to refresh all the time.

>> No.12971197

Git gud scrub

>> No.12971204

enjoy your ban

>> No.12971206 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12971238

Please, J is easy to deal with.

>> No.12971365

Amagi probably

>> No.12971646

> sour
That doesn't even sound the same.

>> No.12971654

You're most likely talking to American who is incapable of repeating what character says and only looks at letters.

>> No.12971744

Is it advisable to grind to Kai my CVs for 2-4 even if I can already guarantee AS?

>> No.12971755
File: 230 KB, 974x689, 9e02aeb9bb6000cdb73dac8f6cb08c30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's never a reason not to have your ships properly leveled, especially since ship locking will probably be a thing next event.

>> No.12971757

Do it. Even if you have AS, they have lower stats, so they will deal less damage and will take more damage.
There is no reason not to kai your sortie ships.

>> No.12971759

If they have fully modernized armor, don't Kai them and see if they can beat 2-4. Best case scenario you will succeed, they will absorb the hits and you will save up on repairs by simply remodelling them.
If they don't have maxed armor or have problems with 2-4 - remodel them. In general, you should always remodel your ships.

>> No.12971868

Someone posted a pretty good tool for helping you pick expeditions, it's bookmarked on my old PC but not on my laptop, does anyone have it?

>> No.12971878
File: 43 KB, 431x430, 1414433066962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you mean this one http://www.kancolle-calc.net/expedition.html ?

>> No.12971901

To whoever suggested 4-1AB, the RNG spoils good chances of ASW runs. The comps needed to reach it don't guarantee the ASW ships getting MVP unless their name is Hyuuga.

>> No.12971917


how do you farm a lot of BBs? i'm stuck at 2-4 because i only have 1 BB/CV and i keep getting rekt.

should the fleet be past level 20 or should i keep repeating 2-4's node A until i get more BBs?

even the ship construction hates me. i can't seem to get a BB at all...

>> No.12971931

spam 400/100/600/30, If you're lucky you can get the whole kongou class and unlock the fourth fleet.

>> No.12971936

What are you talking about? My flagship (DD/CL) can only lose its MVP to carrier in second node of 4-1 and it happens maybe 20% of the time.

>> No.12971948

The easiest spot to get BBs early on is unfortunately 3-2. If you can get a submarine 2-4 is painless, but otherwise just try to remodel and modernize everybody. It'll be easier if you can get air superiority and set your BB and CAs up for daytime double attacks too. The first node of 2-4 is a decent place to grind, with the best drop rates you're going to get right now.

>> No.12971969

Nope. World 4 is overflowing with BBs. You get access to 4-1 before 3-2 and the chance of dropping a Kongou is several times higher.

>> No.12971982

thanks anon

>> No.12971986

thanks anons. how hard is it to get a sub?

in the meantime i'll stockpile resources to burn on a BB

>> No.12971991

About 4%, I think?

>> No.12971992

It's hard if you're looking for it.

>> No.12971997

Got Fusou and Kirishima as drops and Kongou from Construction. Just got Hiei as a drop too so 1Kongou sister let.

>> No.12971999

Another Event.
And I still don't have a Bismarck.
This time I'll go Biikame's way.

>> No.12972007

1-5 drops subs and it's fairly easy

>> No.12972009

3rd fight in 1-5 can drop subs. I got 1 there definitely, I thought the red text drops in wiki were for high HQS , guess they mean rare drop rate.

>> No.12972015

Yeah, it's retarded that wikia nowhere states what red actually means. It mens Rank S is needed.

>> No.12972063

Don't worry. I had to sortie 45 times to complete that quest. Reached the boss twice.

>> No.12972163

Sore dragon.

>> No.12972615
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See this, what do?

>> No.12972617

S rank it.

>> No.12972638


>> No.12972654

Man the fuck up and fight them with your own battleships

>> No.12972655

BB it up because fuck tactics.

>> No.12972661

Play a real game of battleships.

>> No.12972670

I always send my leveling fleet. Some exp for cheap is always a win, even if the battle is not.

>> No.12972673

Battlestation Pacific or WoW?

>> No.12972682
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>> No.12972684
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Yeah, i don't want waste exp

>> No.12972688


>> No.12972691
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>> No.12972695

You can S rank easily with that setup.

>> No.12972696

Might as well, since she'll be going out of business soon.

>> No.12972703

Why is Kinugasa such a crit magnet. Every fucking time.

>> No.12972710

Because you don't love her enough

>> No.12972711

Because she's one of the worst CA.

>> No.12972714

It's hard to split when Kongou absorbs all of it.

>> No.12972733

>Liking monkey
Yeah, i found your problem

>> No.12972749
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If only all my problems could be like her.

>> No.12972753
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>> No.12972782

>Sent my 5-4 grinding fleet to 1-1

>> No.12972788

Fast fingers, eh?

>> No.12972791

>Not during an event
>Not when you have both support fleets out
>Not during a lock-out event
That's not so bad.

>> No.12972802

I hate those quest limits making me forget to switch to the ones I'm about to do, then ace it on first try and see it wasn't active. Fuck.

>> No.12972821

There's always a warning in lock-out maps, so that's a relief.

>> No.12972825
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>> No.12972827

And yet, there were those people who still managed to do so.

>> No.12972828


Probably. HQ, buckets??

>> No.12972839

95/ approx 400.

>> No.12972854

Last event I had 700 buckets and 65k/60k/140k/65k, ended up with 450 buckets 28k/23k/106k/54k (I didn't have good DDs for E2 so that ate up all my buckets and I did two Bismarck recipes mid-event, so take that into account)

>> No.12972868

soft cap regen is safe. trust me.

>> No.12972949

Anyone know if the BGM is uploaded somewhere?


Checked nyaa and hikari and nothing.

Is there where I can even ask this?

>> No.12972954


A soundtrack CD came out sometime last year, but hasn't been uploaded yet I think. Not sure if it even had some of the later event tracks on it, which is all I would be interested in.

>> No.12973017
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Am I ready to build Musashi?

>> No.12973022
File: 351 KB, 800x450, do it for Iona -now in glorius webm format.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're always ready

>> No.12973078

Vocal tracks 1 and 2 (instrumental versions are used in-game), and 1st OST (contains tracks up to Spring Event 2014) are definitely on nyaa. Note: some of the torrents are listed as AMV for some reason.

Also see this for album info:

>> No.12973101

Soundtrack is out, but it's 128CBR used with some fuckrandom encoder. So if you don't care about audio fidelity then >>12973078
The vocal discs are both available in lossless though.

>> No.12973114

Think I found it, It's listed under AMV 46mb.

Looks like no seeders though, oh well. Thanks anons.

>> No.12973171

There are some seeders, it just might take a while to connect. I didn't find any straight away, took a few minutes.

>> No.12973190

Found this while googling for the OST FLAC for those interested:

FLAC/MP3 links to a cloud storage. Click 下载>普通下载 (other option is some accelerated DL nonsense).

Can't say what the exact bitrates are since I'm still downloading.

>> No.12973194


>> No.12973200

New ship type?

>> No.12973208
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Yes. Isn't she pretty?

>> No.12973212

Clearly supposed to be a tie-in with World of Warships.

>> No.12973244

I have 2x Fast BB/BBV/2xCV/CVL
Will the set up be good enough to clear 2-4? Should I keep leveling them for their Kai's?

>> No.12973261

a piece of junk

>> No.12973267


>> No.12973283

Is there some weird undocumented branching for 2-4? In the past 20 tries I've gotten the north route once, the south route nineteen times, and the middle guaranteed boss route never.

>> No.12973289

How many days have you been playing?

>> No.12973298

Enough to know that the compass fairies are assholes, but I still wanted to check.

>> No.12973305
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>nothing but dupes and garbage lately
>tell myself only one BB attempt today so I can save for the event, clearing 2-4 will have to come later
>got beaver yesterday too

I'm so happy.

like, subscribe etc.

On a serious note, with the event coming up, how worried should I be about bauxite? I know planes will use it, but is it really that easy to go through a few thousand in a matter of days?

>> No.12973307

>20 tries

>> No.12973312

Don't bring a light carrier, you'll get redirected most of the time.

>> No.12973315

When I was first stuck on 2-4 I got wrecked several times at north route, got sent once to south, gave up, leveled 3 BBs and 2 CV to Kai and maxed them then cleared the map on first try, only repairing flagship to clear 3-1 right after that in two attempts. In the hindsight, I regret waiting so long.

>> No.12973330

Can confirm, kinda. I beat 2-4 with 3BBs, Akagi, Takao, and KTKM. No Kai's or BBV because I wasn't high level enough to do so.

>> No.12973333

I've begun leveling Hatsushimo because devs are dicks, I'd commit sudoku f the next DD Kai Ni isn't in my fleet.

>> No.12973337

Every plane you lose costs 5 bauxite. Depending on the map and how badly you need air superiority, you can lose hundreds per sortie. But the event will go on long enough that you'll have time to gather more if you need it. I don't think they've given any hints as to what kind of ships will be needed in this one, so just keep things balanced.

>> No.12973338

No light carriers, running 3xBB, 1xBBA, 2xCV.

>> No.12973344

Look at it this way. Kaga + Akagi Kai together have 180 planes. If you fight two battles vs carriers where you only get parity (let's say do to lack of good fighters), you are likely to lose third of them, that is 60, that is 300 bauxite. Something always gets critted at second carrier node due to Flagship Wo/Ru. You'll probably need 10-15 tries to beat the map. 3-5k bauxite gone. Now imagine farming for rare drops.
However it's often possible to avoid strong carrier nodes so the losses in bauxite aren't that devastating.

>> No.12973347


>> No.12973349

BBV. My bad.

>> No.12973354

>. Something always gets critted at second carrier node due to Flagship Wo/Ru.
I guess I don't follow what you mean in regards to critting and aircraft? Do you mean that AA cut-in defense thing?

>> No.12973362

He's saying Flag Wo or Ru always hits one of his ships to red.

>> No.12973366

Sorry. I meant that something gets critted and you have to return to base. And fight those carriers again. And again. And spend more resources including buckets. It's fun.

>> No.12973393

Ah, thanks.

>> No.12973415

Holy shit its the real deal, much better than that 112kbps nyaa rip, thanks for the find.

>> No.12973448

Holy shit, without even any real grinding, she mopped up.

It's over.

Now the real grind begins.

>> No.12973469

There's nothing stronger than fresh lv1 BBs. They're blessed by crit goddesses.

>> No.12973482

Today isn't maintenance day right?

>This time I'll go Biikame's way.
Just make sure you use 20 devmats.

>> No.12973487

Is it the 6th? No? Then no.

>> No.12973493

Even during Midway bauxite wasn't that much in comparison to other resources
You should be fine assuming your bauxite isn't in the 4 digits or lower range

>> No.12973503

Maybe we should update Iona? There are already two of them anyway, third one won't hurt.

>> No.12973542
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Depends on several factors.
If you are shit like me, pic related.

>> No.12973550

Since when does that matter?

>> No.12973552
File: 6 KB, 140x57, KanColle-150129-21192930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I prioritize buckets at this point or just continue building resources? Lvl 68 here.

>> No.12973557

Post your highest leveled ships.

>> No.12973558

Buckets > resources
Passive regen and constant expedition would be more than enough for an easy event.

>> No.12973559

It's impossible to get Bisko with 1 devmat. For Musashi it's supposedely possible but extremely unlikely. For other ships, they simply increase chances.

>> No.12973563

Only try to break soft cap after gathering enough buckets.

>> No.12973566

I'm starting to believe the notion that Musashi and Bismarck requires at least 20 devmats.
Yamato&Taihou are fine w/ using only 1.

Buckets, nips are recommending 200-300 for a simple clear. 400 if they want to farm ships.

>> No.12973571
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>> No.12973575


>> No.12973577
File: 140 KB, 694x333, KanColle-150129-21255803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next highest are some BBVs and a handful of DDs at 30ish.

And Mutsuki-class at 35 from expeditions.

Guess I'll aim for that, thanks.

>> No.12973583

A snowman.

>> No.12973589

With that fleet, don't ever think you'd get pass E-3..

>> No.12973629
File: 209 KB, 686x744, E3 winners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure this composition would have x10 lead over second most popular fleet and rest of top10 would be various mixes of subs.

Anyway, you're in pretty much the same spot (HQ and main fleet) I was when last event started, but with twice as much buckets. I managed to get Prinz Eugen then.
I hope you have some decent CL. If not, Kuma and Nagara are the strongest right after Jintsuu and they kick ass since lv20, not some fucking late 60.
I hope you have CAs. They were more useful to me during Fall than Kongous. Combined fleet mechanic is a missfest meaning the main purpose of BBs is tanking hits, occasionally sinking a ship or two.
Get Kitakami Kai Ni.

Pic related grabbed final kill.

>> No.12973634
File: 87 KB, 687x339, fleet MVP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of them would even put a dent into BB hime.
Where is your cutin night battle monster?

>> No.12973640
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However pic related did most of the job.
While I'm at that - use AP shells on BBs.

Kirishima consistently hit her for ~200 with cut-in.

>> No.12973644
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>> No.12973659

Aren't you glad Bucky? Now you have one more feature people can remember you with.

>> No.12973664

We are talking about 1shot 1kill here.

>> No.12973669

>put a dent
>1shot 1kill here
We must be speaking different language.
You have 12 ships. There's no need to obsess over ohko.

>> No.12973670
File: 30 KB, 452x688, ss+(2015-01-29+at+09.45.03).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh...I'll work on it.

>> No.12973675 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 502 KB, 800x680, 1422586400918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12973682

Does that mean WoWS and Kancolle are actually becoming a thing or is this just a test of the waters?

WG did say they wanted to partner up with Arpeggio and Kancolle sometime in the future.

>> No.12973683

>There's no need to obsess over ohko.
Let me guess, you arent around for Ironbottom sound or summer E6?

>> No.12973689

Completed 2-4 today getting kongou and Shimakaze. Also got Naka so I can finally get my 3rd fleet from the same 2-4 run

To the anon who said Light carriers can redirect you it is false. I ended up going on the guaranteed boss fight route with Zuihou.

Also on another note this is going to by my first event since I started playing a few days ago. Are events just a new map to explore with rare ships?

>> No.12973694


Light Carriers affecting branching in 2-4 is a myth that is still being spread today apparently which is ridiculous

>> No.12973699

>grinding DDs on 1-5A
Do I really need to resupply each time? It just makes this take even longer.

>> No.12973701
File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, 1422501555122.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12973706

2-4 is pure random
Every branch is 50/50

>> No.12973710

Yeah, I started playing on Oct 29th. I doubt coming event will be harder than previous one, it's for animefags.

>Are events just a new map to explore with rare ships?
New maps with good chances of dropping rare ships. Also good (new) eq and guaranteed (good) new ships for completing maps.

>> No.12973714

Who'd win in a fight, your entire fleet or one Seawolf-class nuclear submarine?

>> No.12973715

Anon, please.

>> No.12973721

That's the shittiest divebomb run I've ever seen but that looks hella fun.

>> No.12973722

A seventh area will open up for a limited time. Each map will have clear rewards, along with a high chance of rare drops and maybe some new event exclusive drops. The bosses will also be like nothing you'll see outside the event. Every event is different in a lot of ways, so as a newcomer you should wait for older players to map it out and find the best strategies. Who knows how far you'll get, but the rewards are always available later. Along with ships there's sometimes new equipment or special items.

>> No.12973725

I'm ashamed. Couldn't think of anything nice and always put off the decision.

>> No.12973727

The game is to sell the anime, not the other way around.

It's not like they can even let in a lot of new players due to the lottery system.

>> No.12973733

>I doubt coming event will be harder than previous one, it's for animefags.
Remember that Ironbottom happened while the Arpeggio anime tie in was going on.

>> No.12973738

>I doubt coming event will be harder than previous one, it's for animefags.
It's always been for animefags after Fall 2013 event.

>> No.12973743

But people have been calling her ぶっき for the longest time.

>> No.12973745

Level scaling exists for a reason.

>> No.12973748

You're the shittiest divebomb

>> No.12973758

Surely Ironbottom was so hard only because TTKs back in the day were less skilled than they're now, right? Right?

You're making me worried guys. I want my cute U-Boot but am below soft cap.

>> No.12973774

>implying there's skill involved in this game to begin with

>> No.12973777
File: 483 KB, 800x600, 45638094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you have the two torpedo sluts or yukikaze back then, it was really a hard map to clear consistently. I am talking about E5, E4 is hard for another reason.

The event maps are always tilted toward SUPER KTKM-SAMA except for spring because they banned her.

>> No.12973779

Sacrificial DDs haven't been used since then, what do you think?

>> No.12973792

I mean, I know there is a remaining ammo modifier, but can I at least wait a few runs without it having a major impact?

>> No.12973793

LV doesn't matter though. Just max modernize and listen Wo and you will be fine.

>> No.12973796

>Unryuu-class, Amagi
>A training CL

Can the event rewards get any worse? Where's Prinz-tier?

>> No.12973799

Info is on Combat page. Decide for yourself.

>> No.12973802

You forgot Matsu DD with its retarded LM 12.7.

>> No.12973808

U-96 stats would easily put I401 to shame.
She is going to have yukikaze tier luck and evasion with the torpedo power to show for it.

>> No.12973810

Having more knowledge should results in more efficient and faster way to clear the event, but not necessarily easier.

>> No.12973816

Not like Shioi actually had the time to do anything to recieve good stats.

>> No.12973817

Garbage ships, ahoy! If the devs decided to make a non AL/MI-tier event, they should at least introduce something decent.

No matter what SS it is, her job is to cruise Orel and nothing more.

>> No.12973828

No thing hard about RNG game but the HP regen was annoying as fuck though. That shit forced you sit on front monitor all day.

>> No.12973834

>Ranked 666 in my server

>> No.12973843

"Easy" and "hard" measure degrees to which you can or can't do it, so reducing the amount of resources, time, and blood required is the definition of making it easier. However, his question was about an event with gauge regen and night battle everywhere, so today's admirals would still be driven to sudoku.

>> No.12973845

What are those locked 6th maps in each world?

>> No.12973847

Extra Operations.

>> No.12973855

There's no way yet to unlock those 1-6, 2-6 whatever right?

>> No.12973885


>> No.12973916

How do I get more dock slots? DMM bucks?

>> No.12973921

Get a job.

>> No.12973924

What job pays in dock slots?

>> No.12973932

Sucking dicks.

>> No.12973933

>500 Japanese Yen equals 4.2390 US Dollar
Go flip burger for an hour. You can get 10more ship slots.

>> No.12973934

JMSDF mechanic

>> No.12973937
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, [Cthuko] Shirobako - 05v2 [720p H264 AAC][80C9B09B].mkv_snapshot_09.47_[2014.11.13_00.07.49].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no humour allowed
stay edgy /jp/

>> No.12973944

Who are thou quoting though, chap?

>> No.12973950

this >>12973924 was clearly a joke

>> No.12973958

I don't know what you are talking about, you should quote properly things people said next time.

>> No.12973959

>sucking dicks
>flipping burger
>JMSDF mechanic
>no humour allowed
Fix your sarcasm detector

>> No.12973960

how much does an hour of flipping burger pay?

>> No.12973971


This is a two-way Street, I won't be rused that easily.

>> No.12973979

11.00 beavers, where I live. Not that anon, though.

In plain terms, take greentexting out of here. Not this anon either.

>> No.12973983

Depends on who you are. 5 bucks an hour to 100 a burger.

>> No.12973990

Yeah, that makes more sense. thanks anon.

>> No.12974014

>so today's admirals would still be driven to sudoku.
I don't think that would be the case.
Assuming they are ready to face the event, Fall 2013 shouldn't be as hard as it was back then.
Probably on par with Summer 2014 event.

Gauge regen shouldn't be a big issue as long as they had plentiful resources and devoted themselves to kantai kessen.

>> No.12974046

What can I do if my lead ship cant get mvp, even when all the others have no equips?

>> No.12974051

Scrap her.

>> No.12974052

Oh man that bass guitar on BB Hime's theme, I never realized how great it was.

>> No.12974111

Newbie question:

Is it possible for your ship to sink at one battle phase? Like get high damage during opening air attack and shot down by either barrage or torpedo before entering Night battle.

>> No.12974113

If it's a destroyer: blowing something away in the night is usually enough, although uzuki is known to be able to do nothing at night with double attack setup (attack cap 34 represent)

If it's Akashi or Maruyu: load up your carriers with fighters, machine guns and turbines and do it like they did at cape engano

>> No.12974117

Read the fucking wiki.

>> No.12974122


Apply yourself.

>> No.12974132

Sweet, I can finally use a better lossy codec. Also any high quality version of the cover out yet? Back when I was looking for one the best I could find was something 300x200something and looked really grainy.

>> No.12974204

no, as long as you don't enter the node with your ship in red you'll be fine

>> No.12974290

dear nips
pls dont get too many points during the next resets

>> No.12974296

Did they fiddle with the percentages for aircraft lately? I've been getting 3 star planes about 33% of the time.

>> No.12974322

it's your luck, my friends has managed to get reppus after reppus once, then Musashi and Yamato too. RNG is strange sometimes.

>> No.12974323

do you live in japan?

>> No.12974327

do you live in japan or use vpn? I heard japs get better RNG than western players

>> No.12974350

>japs get better RNG than western players
This is bullshit right? Please tell me this bullshit.

>> No.12974354

He's bullshitting you, it's pretty obvious.

>> No.12974355
File: 2.65 MB, 2144x1948, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Bob so based?

>> No.12974356

its not, why else are japs so much better at this game

>> No.12974358

Because they're more autistic than us.

>> No.12974363

whoa. Not getting anything from IQDB/SN/Googs. Is that from his twitter or something?

>> No.12974366


>> No.12974371


>> No.12974379

>8640 yen
I'll just wait for scans.

>> No.12974381

No, you won't. You'll take it up the ass and cough up the money.

>> No.12974384

Much appreciated. I'm real tempted.

>> No.12974394
File: 3 KB, 83x66, Untitled (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you can only buy it from proxy service? No, thanks.

>> No.12974400

E-mail bob and tell him to send you one.

>> No.12974429

I want to e-mail bob and send him death threats for holding up Shouhou Kai2.

>> No.12974508

Who is your MVP in:
Spring 2014:
Summer 2014:
Fall 2014:

>> No.12974550

KTKM-sama all event, every event, unless the compass rules fucked me over for using her.

>> No.12974554


>> No.12974559

>Spring 2014:
>Summer 2014:
>Fall 2014:

>> No.12974573

One day doing dailies I got a Reppu from the first craft quest, Sōryū from the build quest, and a Ryuusei and 2 Ryuusei Kai from the second craft quest. Had to push my luck and try LSC, ended up with Maruyu.
Been getting Ryuusei Kai and Shinden Kai 2 fairly consistently, at least one a day. My carriers went from garbage to halfway decent, need to work on leveling though.

>> No.12974576

Did the japs ever confirm the effectiveness of echelon formation for subs?

>> No.12974577

2013 Fall: Yukikaze
2013 Arpeggio: Iona
2014 Spring: Taihou
SUPER KTKM-SAMA for the rest

>> No.12974582

VPN but I had some rotten luck especially with crafting. Every other attempt was a 15.2 secondary gun. Honestly seems like soon as I got Shimakaze my luck improved, got two of the better sonars in two days after getting her.

>> No.12974600

>2014 Spring: Taihou

We're playing different games here..

>> No.12974607

There are two kinds of admiral in the world, admirals whose Kaga get crit to red every other sortie and admirals whose Taihou get get crit to red every other sortie.

>> No.12974614
File: 282 KB, 700x773, E5 cost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taihou pulls her weight.
Fifth slot and I never even got sent back even once with her.

>> No.12974624
File: 189 KB, 853x520, E3-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taihou for her perfection, along with Kaga as Reppuu carriers.
Both are the strongest pair in the event.

>> No.12974636

Mutsu (honorable mention to Haruna)
Kitakami (honorable mention to Hibiki)
Kiso and I don't remember anyone else because this shit was too easy.

>> No.12974684

What's the best way to clear 50 transport kills for cheap?

>> No.12974685

Registration numbers are back to 5 figures

Anime brought in tons of new players huh

>> No.12974686

Spring 2014: Mutsu
Summer 2014: Atago (Along with Zuikaku)
Fall 2014: Yamato

Someday ktkm will deliver.

>> No.12974691

Spring: Don't remember, probably SuzuKuma
Summer: Taihou
Fall: Yukikaze

>> No.12974695
File: 71 KB, 800x480, KanColle-141116-01150889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, sure

>> No.12974698


>> No.12974703
File: 583 KB, 796x470, based SUPER KTKM SAMA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be sad to be you.
Grabbing screenshot after screenshot of SUPER KTKM-SAMA one shotting the boss became a pleasure of mine.

>> No.12974705

It's ok, I never liked her anyways and using different comps is more fun.

>> No.12974712
File: 156 KB, 842x504, E3-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My KTKM-sama is stronk.

>> No.12974718

>Not being able to cut-in
That's lame.

>> No.12974723

Nice quote.

>> No.12974725
File: 158 KB, 816x541, fall 2014 e3 finished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being able to cut-in
What do you mean? Do you doubt SUPER KTKM-SAMA?

>> No.12974734

I believe in KTKM-sama power.
Feel free to complain, you heretic.

>> No.12974736

KTKM smells bad.

>> No.12974742
File: 283 KB, 487x376, Screen Shot 2015-01-30 at 2.53.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone been feeding Maruyu to KitaOoi? I wish Ooi's max luck wasn't so low.

>> No.12974750

KTKM at 39. Just enough for her to perform.

>> No.12974771

Someone make a new thread.

>> No.12974781

If it's just going to be a general thread for game discussion, we should just ride it until it falls off the board. There are pages other than one.

>> No.12974789
File: 649 KB, 900x1125, poi1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using catalog
>caring about page

>> No.12974791

2hufags pls, you are being obvious

>> No.12974803

Make a new doujinshi thread
I have been wanting to talk about some cute story, porno and music but the big comiket thread is too 2hu focused.

>> No.12974810
File: 96 KB, 1023x652, AnongaraKaiNi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convince me, why?

>> No.12974815

Do it yourself.
A word of advice
manga belongs to /a/
porn belongs to /h/
music belongs to /mu/

I'll enjoy seeing your thread being deleted.

>> No.12974824

Sure. I'll make one.

>> No.12974826

godspeed bro

>> No.12974835


New thread

>> No.12974859

we thank you bro

>> No.12974899

Only? Nope. But lack of experience and of what nowadays is considered common preparation was a factor.

>> No.12974909

VPN user here, RNG is still crappy.

>> No.12974946
File: 2.94 MB, 500x300, E6 clear.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spring 2014: the last map isn't memorable.
Summer 2014: Ooi got the E6 boss kill. Managed to get S-rank despite Ooi and Haruna failed to cut-in.
Fall 2014: didn't participate.

>> No.12974948
File: 141 KB, 540x947, weapon storage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None vpn user but I basically play on nip time.
Maybe RNG is better during JST peak hours?
Need more AP bullet though.

>> No.12974962

Fall '13: Kongou, Kitakami
Spring '14: Musashi
Summer '14: Kitakami
Fall '14: Tone, Hatsuyuki

>> No.12974975

>Haruna tanking hits from BB hime

Did you give her some love after that?

>> No.12975213
File: 511 KB, 1600x957, f0034588_172919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing special, just a weeklong vacation for her and the fleets.
And a long bath for ~30 ships who was on the repair bath queue at the end of event.

>> No.12975251
File: 753 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150130-07571021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you.
Sincerely, an anon who got trolled by himes countless times.
Btw, besides using chrome, there's no way to play kancolle under linux, right? The proyectors are dead since they abandoned them in ver11.

>> No.12975259

I used to play it simply copypasting my API link into a new Firefox window.

Worked like a damn charm.

>> No.12975344

If you mean standalone application, KanColleTool is the only known alternative.

But what's wrong with using browser?

>> No.12975427

Is there any way to take screenshot of your office without the secretary ship?

>> No.12975430

Go to where you choose your furniture and click on the bottom right button.

>> No.12975466

thanks, man

>> No.12975547
File: 168 KB, 620x465, 1420503594348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a good composition for World 4-1?

>> No.12975554

Read the wiki composition

>> No.12975558

>2 or more DD: E -> F. Otherwise random.

Yeah, no. Will need a better example.

>> No.12975560

Air superiority = much better
So more carriers.

>> No.12975596


>> No.12975684

5DD1CAV 2-2.

>> No.12975689
File: 48 KB, 653x384, i don't know what the fuck i'm doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a good idea?

>> No.12975691

Why wouldn't it be?

>> No.12975704


unless 100 steel and ammo is a lot for you

>> No.12975710

she keeps getting rekt whenever i put her in my fleet

i assume this is the same for all DDs?

>> No.12975719

Is that KCT?

>> No.12975722

Isonami Kai 2 fucking when?

>> No.12975724


i'm sorry for being a filthy casual

>> No.12975727

Enjoy your ban.

>> No.12975730

I'm just wondering whether it's still maintained or not.

>> No.12975736

Even if you can't into moon you can just remember the faces or names man.

>> No.12975765

last update was 2014, seems to work

i'm still crutched at the "quests" part. i was planning to memorize but then i saw this.

there's always the incentive to go full vanilla, but my browser is horrible with handling flash

>> No.12975768

Then use KCV.

>> No.12975770

Hello, this is only my second day playing (HQ8).

Should I be doing expeditions so early in the game with my second fleet or using it for Sortie? I read things about people talking about HQ level bloat, and just want to avoid any mistakes. I've been kinda trolled by the compass on 1-3, but I've gotten some okay CL pulls I think.

Also, I understand there is an event starting on the 6th? I dunno if I should be feeling like I'm in crunch time or not, but I'm thinking maybe it's worth me running two Sortie fleets then sending people into Expedition 5 to prepare for it?

>> No.12975778

>I read things about people talking about HQ level bloat
That's why I'm always telling those retards to stop.
Just don't do daily quest for bosses of World 2 and end 1-5 sorties before boss node and you'll be perfectly fine.

>or using it for Sortie
How exactly are you planning to do this? You can only take part in one sortie at one time.

>> No.12975780

It's wasteful to use the 2nd fleet (and so on) to sortie.
Send them to do expedition.

>> No.12975781

Never use your second (and third/fourth) fleet for sorties. It doesn't make any sense, especially at your level where resources management is key.

Events always have a very easy part for newcomers. Just keep taking it easy and do whatever you can. Hoarding now as a newcomer is pretty bad since you will have very crappy ships to tackle the event.

>> No.12975782

Expeditions. The only fleet you should sortie with is fleet 1, resource gain from expeditions is too significant to let it go to waste. You can just swap the ships in fleet 1 around when they get low on morale if you want to sortie a different group of ships.

HQ level bloat is just talk from new people who are too scared of level scaling in events and think they won't be able to clear an event with harder enemies. Just level your ships well and don't worry about it.

>> No.12975788

the only moment exp bloat is a threat is when you are close to the maximum difficulty tier (lvl80 or 100 depending of the events), which means you are very far from this kind of predicament.

Just don't do the idiots and keep running expeditions while doing sorties for map progression and exps.

>> No.12975795


Alright! Thanks a lot!! I didn't know much about how shifting ships and morale worked, so I'll just keep sending second fleet into Ex5 to keep the fuel flowing.

>> No.12975815

>HQ level bloat
No such thing. The people that is scared of HQ level bloat will never finish the kantai collection.
If you are hardcore enough to finish all your dailies, you can actually LSC everyday once.
I farmed all the farmable ships and only went after Yamato and Bismarck. When I beat the game, I was at LV105.

>> No.12975907

Any good way to get steel besides expeditions?
most of the things I've found either require subs or they're in later worlds (I'm up to 2-4)

>> No.12975919

It's impossible to lack steel once you unlock TE. Craft less BBs.

>> No.12975934

Quest rewards, don't let BBs and CVs take dame( it's RNG anyway), don't used steel for craft.

>> No.12975944

where can i farm sendai-class?

i still can't get the third fleet unlocked because bad luck RNG

>> No.12975963

Everywhere. Keep trying. They aren't rare or anything but when you have a pool of 50 possible drops getting the one you specifically want isn't so easy.

>> No.12975975

oh... i guess i'll just find a nice area to level my fleet to a 20

wish me luck

>> No.12975985

For future reference: https://myfleet.moe/entire/sta/from_ship#query=川内&ship=54

>> No.12976064

>Just don't do daily quest for bosses of World 2 and end 1-5 sorties before boss node
Can you elaborate?

Ending it before the boss node would decrease the exp, which is good yes?

>> No.12976096

Defeating boss node gives you a significant amount of admiral exp.

>> No.12976099

Thanks for the link anon.

The website also has other stuff that are useful. Might want to include the link in the next OP.


>> No.12976104

Yes, which is why ending the sortie early should be favorable?

>> No.12976114

There's a shitty daily quest called Bd7. You get more than 1k HQ exp for each such sortie and exp for ships isn't great. Boss nodes will usually damage your ships to some extent. Also, RNG is a bitch and you will often need like 15 attempts to clear that quest, wasting a lot of time and resources you could have spent much more efficiently at 3-2/4-1/4-3.

>> No.12976119
File: 27 KB, 800x480, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally reach world 5 after 1 month as an admiral and this happens while the reward screen is loading after the boss. Is this some new way of increasing difficulty by weakening your connection to the server?

>> No.12976122

Stop forcing that shit map. The only reason to go there is to clear weekly without subs.

>> No.12976125

You probably has a shitty connection.
I haven't encountered a server-induced error cat since mid-2014.

>> No.12976166

It's available earlier, much safer and you can use more than 1DD in your fleet.

>> No.12976227

And it's a shitty place to grind stuff. That's why the only reason to go there is to do weekly without subs.

>> No.12976368
File: 709 KB, 800x720, 1421327709232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bucket is actually for peeing

>> No.12976402

6 days, 14 hours.
Everyone, keep ready that F5 for Crazynip's stream.
Let's cheer that bastard into clearing the event in less than 3 hrs.

>> No.12976436

Waiting for the hype and disappointment about the new event ships and DMM server fuck up during the event time

>> No.12976440

That's Shiropro, anon. Kon!

>> No.12976451

who's this crazynip guy

>> No.12976470

Instead of cheering you should clear it yourself. It took me ~6 hours to clear it myself. I loved the return of sane gauges in fall, while MI was piss easy to the point where I killed E-5 boss half the time during day battle, having to kill boss 8-10 times wasn't fun at all.

>> No.12976486

I'd rather wait for others to gather info, I don't have enough resources/high leveled ships to test everything myself.

>> No.12976501
File: 111 KB, 500x500, 6a847183-e74e-4874-8c3d-8d2295759feb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you need resources? This fall event barely took 10k to clear.

>> No.12976521

Because even if they stated "medium", it doesn't say if it will be as easy as Fall 2014.
For all we know, it might be a little easier than summer.

Devs' description for difficulty is too vague, and it never hurts to have more resources. At least you can go binge LSC after the event if it is easy peasy.

>> No.12976557

I spent roughly 50/40/50/30k on the whole summer even clear, I stopped believing in stockpiling after that too. Ignoring natural regen is simply a waste.

>> No.12976561

Everyone can't be as lucky as you were.
I spend 120k in summer because E6 was a utter bitch.

>> No.12976574

How did you spend so much baux?

>> No.12976581

It's not about luck, it's about not using hotels when chipping. 15-20k is the reasonable amount of resources spent there, not 80+k.
Sortieing 4 carriers choke full of reppus does things to your bauxite stockpile.

>> No.12976594

That was using Kongou. I don't have hotels. The CV Hime sent me home so many times I stopped counting.

>> No.12976614

So, I just started a week or two ago, sitting at HQ 26, and trying to prepare for my first event.

From what I have been reading, diversity is key, but how much should I focus on diversity vs levels?

Currently I am trying to get my two CVs kai'd, most of my BB/BBV's are Kai'd, and I have 6 DDs that are kai'd as well.

Next up I was planning on doing the same for my CA's, but is there anything else I should focus on?

>> No.12976631

It really depends if there is a ship lockout similar to summer and fall or not.
Try to have at least 3 ships of each type to a remotely good level (in your case, lvl 30 should be nice but kai is fine).

Grind CA, CL and CV. At least 2 good CL (at your level, don't rush kai ni. Tama and Nagara are pretty good already), Akagi and Kaga.

>> No.12976644

It's better to have one decent fleet than two shit fleets. But you should easily manage two decent fleets with all the time left. You need Kai'd and max'd ships (modernization except for AA).
Remember that event is two weeks long. You don't have to beat it on first day. In your case it might be better to start at the end of first week, spending all the time before on getting your ships ready.
If you have Kitakami, grind her to Kai Ni, it takes one day. She's the only one who needs Kai Ni, other ships should be fine with just Kai.

I think you wanted to say Kuma and Nagara. Kuma is the best.

>> No.12976655

I brain froze. yeah, I meant Kuma.

>> No.12976657

At the bare minimum you will need, assuming Fall-like event:
12 DD
3 CL
4 CA
4 BB
2 CV
All remodeled and maxed, obviously.

>> No.12976659
File: 18 KB, 198x599, muh fleet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it takes one day
Really? I assume 1-5-A as flagship and go till I can't go no more?

My highest level is yamashiro at 32, so it seems like hitting 50 would be crazy in just 1 day.

I also have Kiso that matters in grinding in one day.

>> No.12976675

Level 8 here, I just started playing two days ago. I don't have any hope for participating in the event do I?

>> No.12976677

Fall only required 7 DDs. 5 for E1/E2 and 2 for E3.

Yes. Give her three lv1 DDs so you can use Line Abreast. Use them for modernization after they run out of ammo/fuel. That's precisely what I was doing after E3 kicked my ass. With Kitakami who had three slots map became possible to beat.
Oh, you already have Yukikaze, she should help.
Obviously Kai CVs. If you have a lot of bauxite, it might be a good idea to craft some planes for dailies.
Maya/Choukai would be nice as they have highest firepower from all CA. However Tone/Chikuma/Atago/Takao are just behind and have the highest yasen damage thanks to torpedoes. It's good to have CA because they have better accuracy than BBs and combined fleet which devs love is a huge missfest.

>> No.12976684

You can add 5 missing to CA/CLT/CAV group.

>> No.12976731

Is it me or there's a lot of new players?

>> No.12976733

It's just a dream, anime doesn't exist.

>> No.12976750

I'll give it a go then.
Should I give her min-subs or ASW gear?

Also, i assuming trying to level up any new ships would risk losing mvp, hence ruining the grind? (would be nice to level more than one ship at once I think)


>> No.12976752

They came from Himeuta or Wikia.

>> No.12976764

During grind, just asw. Yeah, you can give her 3 normal DDs if you want, she'll attack first anyway thanks to having higher range.

>> No.12976770

It's just you. There are always a lot of new players.

>> No.12976786

Awesome, thanks for clearing all that up Anon(s). I was hoping for my favorite slav to be my first kai ni, but I can't say no to high performance ships.

Time to grind.

>> No.12976925

The final kill on E-6 take alone 100k from me. Yeah, it not about luck, it's skill. Funny story for you

>> No.12977087

Is hq scaling linear or teir based, I don't want to grind too much before the upcoming event if it will hurt me more than help.

>> No.12977090


>> No.12977096

HQ75 master race

This event is going to be a breeze.

>> No.12977101

97 here, I hope to avoid Wo Kais.

>> No.12977112

It's not fun like this.

>> No.12977128

This. I can't brag about my Isokaze because I had only 1 BB hime. I seriously considered grinding 3 remaining levels to get the second one to show up, still regret I haven't done that.

>> No.12977314

The event bosses are still extremely hard even if you don't have HQ100+, your ships will be underleveled/not fully remodelled unless you grind the fuck out of PVP.

>> No.12977416

The events are actually harder the lower level you are.

Fuck trying to deal with preboss CV Hime with a level 40 Akagi and Souryuu and no Reppuu.

>> No.12977432

The fact that you even thought of beating the event with a fleet like that is hilarious. Oh boy, can't I wait for all these new TTKs to moan about not getting Amagi.

>> No.12977441

Yeah, Tsu + final form of DD Hime were hard to beat for my not-a-single-elite-ship-or-TypeB-gun-or-CLT-torpedo DD fleet. And I had to use two CLs because of LoS, meaning one more battle resulting in more crits on the way.
BB Hime in E3 was also very hard when I didn't have a single Kai Ni.

>> No.12977443

Should I grind Musashi to 60 but leave Yamato at 1 or get them both to around 45?

>> No.12977445

It's not like I expected to win, but I already had Eugen and didn't feel like grinding for Ooyodo/Akashi (which turned out to be a huge fucking mistake)

>> No.12977449

Are you retarded?

>> No.12977453

Is something up with the dmm website? It has problems loading properly and I always get errorcat even though I haven't been playing but before I stopped it was fine.
Cache cleared and everything but the website still has problems.

>> No.12977455

It's just you.

>> No.12977774

I was just wondering, has any of the kanmusus added after the game started gotten kai ni other than the Germans' zweis? It seems like devs are continually avoiding to give them to new/rare drops.

>> No.12977778

二月上旬の開催を目指して、現在「艦これ」冬イベント:期間限定海域【迎撃!トラック泊地強襲】の実装準備を進めています。全ての準備が整えば、 【2/6(金曜日)】実施予定のメンテナンス完了を以て、「艦これ」冬イベを開始させて頂く予定です。同開催期間は約二週間を予定しています!


>> No.12977804

grind both to 99 and marry them then grind them to 150 to get them pregnant

>> No.12977816

>In total the attack sank three Japanese light cruisers (Agano, Katori, and Naka)
We're getting a CL Hime.

>> No.12977839

Will I get loli hotel DDGs after 9 months if I do this?

>> No.12977855


>> No.12977928
File: 264 KB, 530x432, uboot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Submarine RO-36, 1,115 tons, damaged
> Submarine RO-42, 1,115 tons, undamaged
U-Boot for sure.

>> No.12977966

Hi! HQ gave us new info.
Next battle field is Hailstone.
Date is Feb 6th. This event will only 2 weeks.

Akizuki is the most important, I think.

>> No.12977982

You're late >>12977778

>> No.12978095

Should I be feeling a huge difficulty spike going from 1-3 to 2-1? I'm at HQ11 and my girls are getting their shit ruined right now right and left, having to wait an hour to repair everyone up is starting to make me feel like I'm doing something wrong.

My fleet is slim on replacements right now. I've just recetly crafted 1 BB (Hyuuga at level 9) doing daily and found 1 CVL (Shouhou at level 4) in 2-1, which promptly chewed me up. I run 1CL (Naka, level 16) 1 CLT (KTKM-Kai, level 13) and then have 6 DDs I've been floating in and out when damaged (Ayanami, Yuudachi, Hibiki, Shigure, Hatsushimo, Fubuki around level 10-15). I have a few other CLs to pick from, but have not found any other class of ships yet, and was hoping to just farm Node A in 2-1, but each run ends up needing to repair 4/5 people.

I feel like I just scrapped by through 1-4 and now paying it double in World 2.

>> No.12978100

Just read the wiki and take it easy.

>> No.12978112

>My HQ is around XX please spoonfeed me
Where the fuck did these people come from?

>> No.12978117


>> No.12978123

The passing rate at CV Hime node increased significantly if you sparkle the fleet.

Air cover, modernization, remodel.

Ignore/hide their post if you didn't like them.

>> No.12978125
File: 14 KB, 479x55, KanColle-150130-23095732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grats TTK, it'd be a shame if something happened to her.

>> No.12978126
File: 1.32 MB, 983x1200, 1406996769047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese pulled most of their ships out of Truk before the attack, so the event will probably focus on small ships. Those of you predicting KTKM-sama MVP will be unsurprised.

US forces included a shit ton of fleet carriers plus several light carriers, along with a bunch of battleships and submarines. As expected after Akizuki, directors, and Fubuki's kai 2, defense against aircraft should be paramount.

>A force of U.S. surface ships and submarines guarded possible exit routes from the island's anchorage to attack any Japanese ships that tried to escape from the airstrikes.
This could mean an anti-sub map with a surface ship boss.

Ships sunk: CL Agano, Katori, Naka. DD Oite, Fumizuki, Maikaze, Tachikaze.

Other ships present at the time of the attack were destroyers Akikaze, Harusame, Matsukaze, Nowaki, Susuki, Shigure, repair ship Akashi, seaplane tender Akitsushima, submarines I-10, RO-36, RO-42, and some miscellaneous ships.

The US lost 25 aircraft, mainly to anti-air guns, and CV Intrepid (night time attack by a torpedo plane) and BB Iowa (by a bomber) were damaged. Prepare yourselves for a BB Hime final boss, a new CV hime, and the return of Yorktown. Although Yorktown (CV-5) was lost at Midway, they named a new carrier (CV-10) after her, and this Yorktown participated in the battle.

The wild card is that they may choose an alternate history route where the combined fleet wasn't away. This could involve a two-lockout setup where you have small ships defending from inside the base and your big combined fleet coming from outside to counterattack.

>> No.12978132

How the fuck is asking a simple question of an early rise in difficulty spoonfeeding when the only thing mentioned by mostly anyone is "expect a wall at 2-4"?

>> No.12978138

First You have to level up.
May be HQ will make a line.They'll check about admiral level. If you are under 40. It is easy.
If you are under 99, it'll be hard. If you are upper than 100, welcome to HELL.

So,don't worry. First you have to do level up and save the material.
If you finish 2-4 , You'll be intermediate.
Good luck

>> No.12978139

Wow, you're mad. You're better off asking the /a/ Kancolle thread.

>> No.12978141

/a/ will tell him to come here.

>> No.12978144

In that time he ought to have cleared it by himself.

>> No.12978146

>How the fuck is asking a simple question
You said it yourself, don't ask stupid questions. There's a wiki for a reason.

>> No.12978149

2-4 3-2 3-4 4-4 5-3 6-1
There are very hard wall for us.

>> No.12978155 [DELETED] 

My dick is a very hard wall 4 ur mum

>> No.12978179

...and equipment.
Better fighters, accuracy and LoS-enhancing equipments really help if you're just inch away from satisfying the node requirements.

I'll be fucked if the event requires AA Cut-in and the fire-director.
I have none of those.

>> No.12978185

Get Bucky to kai 2 and she'll give you a nice Type 94 AA FD.

>> No.12978203

It's pretty normal. Use the first three nodes of 1-5 to grind your DDs/CLs up a bit, it's all submarines.

>> No.12978211
File: 389 KB, 1100x933, laughing expedition sluts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many things you can do to lessen the luck effect
1) Damecon
2) KiraKira
3) Good fleet composition
4) Max level max modernized girls

It is only hard when you try to gimp yourself and impose an artificial difficulty on your own fleet. For me I ended up with net -100bucket, -10k fuel, -40k steel, same amount of ammo and bauxite after I got Isokaze compare to when the event started.

>> No.12978223

(5)Pray to Compass
A lot of admiral were cried by compass , in front of the Boss.

>> No.12978229

6) Complain on /jp/

The ultimate RNG boost.

>> No.12978312
File: 385 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150130-00001701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your move.

>> No.12978317



>> No.12978321

That's not a checkmate, you just flipped the board.

>> No.12978323

May Be Ise has Zuiun.

>> No.12978325
File: 12 KB, 138x62, res.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

event is months away right

>> No.12978338

Your event is gone.
What's happen?
You have to do 長距離 ASAP

>> No.12978341
File: 7 KB, 140x66, KanColle-141226-16323394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a resource dick waving.

>> No.12978346

rank grind happened

>> No.12978347

Tell me, was it worth it?

>> No.12978350
File: 6 KB, 140x59, KanColle-150131-00185704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if I'd come to my senses earlier and stopped spamming +4x carrier recipe every day for Zuikaku even though she'll probably drop from the event I'd actually have a decent stockpile wwwww

>> No.12978352

Did you make it to top 5?

>> No.12978355
File: 7 KB, 152x67, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, man. Going for top 20 or top 100? This is mine after aiming for 450~460 range.

Worth it, every time.

>> No.12978356

if i get a reppuu 601 then yes

>> No.12978358

0 bucket
Hahahahaha, game over
I guess it is still possible to stockpile 200buckets by spamming ex2 and 4 over the week.

>> No.12978376

>everyone keeps saying buckets are love, buckets are life
>been saving every one since I started playing
>finally hit 100 today
I hope you fags are right about this.

>> No.12978384

We can use Magic Card, can't we?
5 Backet is 300Yen.

>> No.12978387

Why would you waste your money on buckets?

>> No.12978393

You're retarded.

>> No.12978404

Bucket will always be the limiting factor and not resources.

>> No.12978410

Don't take it seriously.
We have to save buckets with daily work.
And If we didn't do it we can choose the other solution . Buy bucket.

>> No.12978414

>5 Backet is 300Yen.
What a rip off.

>> No.12978421
File: 2.38 MB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Kantai Collection - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.11_[2015.01.30_09.16.04].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0 buckets
Hoping the last stage rewards will be nothing but an ordinary DD, screws, and a furniture fairy, are you?

>> No.12978431

it's gonna be an easy event anyway r-right

>> No.12978436

It's easier if you don't do it.

>> No.12978437
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, 1421892373018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the edgelords, some of them get off by spouting MUH WIKI every thread even though the wiki doesn't help much, what you want are 攻略blogs by nips who extensively detail their exploits.
The only 'relevant' discussion in threads nowadays amount to resourcefagging and event trophy/lsc displays anyway, I never got why some people are so stuck up.

>> No.12978451

You forgot something else.
The game is also much more enjoyable if you try to do thing yourself with experimentation and try discover new things yourself. 2-4 is really the first hard map that you will face and 3-2 is the first map where you will find fleet composition compass fixing.
Even a elementary kid can get himself to 2-4 by just blindly clicking.

>> No.12978458

This HQ is very kind than other Japanese games.
And HQ are selling solution for who didn't have enough time person. Lot of people didn't buy it ,but on the event people compare time and money. Some people want to finish until E6, but they didn't have enough bucket. At that time HQ gave us solution. You can buy bucket with your money.
If you have a lot of time to get bucket or material, it is good for you.

HQ gave us attention when we do 大型建造.
The other Japanese game never gave us attention like that one.

>> No.12978463

Please learn English before you try to communicate on this board.

>> No.12978470

Told hard.

>> No.12978471

Yea, I asked the question if Level 8 was too low to attempt any event. I realize it more than likely is, and it's probably an incredibly ignorant question, but where else am I to find the answer? Is the wiki going to tell me "If you're below ** and hope to participate in an event, fuck off."? No, so what am I to do? Same goes for relevant gameplay tactics that the wiki isn't going to outline. I'm not asking for handouts, I'm not a fucking simpleton. But I'd like the opportunity to learn from people who have knowledge at what I'm trying to better myself with.

Nobody has ever learned everything about something solely by themselves. Even if you saw it in a passing discussion and learned from it, you still had help. There's no need to be so stuck up.

>> No.12978481
File: 567 KB, 1528x1200, get out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futaba is that way DMM shill.

Play the game 24/7 until get your 4th fleet.
Stockpiling for event is stupid when you are a turbonoob.

>> No.12978489

I think you're assassinating into Japanese culture a little too fast there buddy. You're missing some English.

But besides that, it seems like a regular cash shop thing to me. It's nothing special or deserving of praise for having buckets for those with more money than time for events. Also, 5 virtual buckets for 3 dollars. That's a little too much. I know they try to make it a little much to keep the p2w down and make the game somewhat hard but 5 buckets should be 30 yen not 300.

>> No.12978492


>> No.12978513

>Play the game 24/7 until get your 4th fleet.
>Stockpiling for event is stupid when you are a turbonoob.
You see? This is all I needed to be told. Now I can see how shit I am with in the greater scope of things and will work to improve.

>> No.12978521

Don't take it too seriously. They only treat you like shit because that's how they were treated when they were new as well.

>> No.12978523

Historically what kind of air superiority numbers have been needed in the previous events, I have 3 reppuus and 2 shiden kais right now

>> No.12978525

Against CV Hime? You're fucked.

>> No.12978533

Type 99 is enough. The anime says so.

>> No.12978534

600-700 for air superiority.

>> No.12978535

Holyshit. Sasebo 500th place jumped by like 150 points in a 24-hour span. Cleared 3-5 yet my rank actually dropped.

You could educate yourself by looking at the list of maps in previous events.

>> No.12978540
File: 531 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150131-15221497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, she really wanted to be praised for getting MvP with Trash planes

>> No.12978541

Where can I subscribe?

>> No.12978544

That was against Anchorage Hime without air defense, anon.

>> No.12978545

400 when you have 2 carriers, much more than that when you have multiple carriers involved.

>> No.12978546

You can subscribe to RJ here


>> No.12978547

Minimum is at least 6reppu/kai/601 so you can fully deck out 2carrier

>> No.12978548

They captured Wake Island too easily. Just off-screen.

>> No.12978549

Oh that part. I thought that was bullshit.

>> No.12978550

Will I ever get Musashi?

>> No.12978555
File: 8 KB, 145x70, muhbuckets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone feel that we weren't given a proper notice of the upcoming event like the fall event?

On an unrelated note, has anyone married Yukikaze? I've never seen her married.

>> No.12978556


>> No.12978557

The anime had so much asspull and inconsistent writing, I just wish it didn't exist.

>> No.12978561

Devs warned month in advance, same deal as fall.

>> No.12978563

we weren't given a proper notice of the upcoming event like the fall event?
The event will be piss easy to compensate newer admirals.
>Yukikaze? I've never seen her married.
Not here, that's for sure.

>> No.12978571

Who knows what kind of brilliant level scaling ideals those lazy ass Devs have for veteran players?
Maybe double BB hime again with CV hime escort in boss node.

>> No.12978576
File: 56 KB, 1207x176, as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There hasn't been a map that's even required over 500 for superiority. If you meant supremacy then yea I guess.

AS numbers didn't even get that high even in MI(there were a few exceptions like the last CV hime battle). If they bring back combined fleet you can usually power through without superiority anyway.

>> No.12978582

>There hasn't been a map that's even required over 500 for superiority.
Yes there were since you've been loosing 40 AS per node. Are you stupid?

>> No.12978589

>Maybe double BB hime again with CV hime escort in boss node.
Anything is doable with Combined Fleet, but if you can't use it, you'll have to rely on pure luck, heavy hitters like Hotels and Taihou, and effective boss support to beat it.

>> No.12978591

> loosing
> Are you stupid?

>> No.12978600


>> No.12978601

Even with the double air battles in MI you definitely needed more, but still no where close to 600-700.

>> No.12978616

450 for boss, 120 AS lost on the way. Do the rest of the math yourself.

>> No.12978617

>double air battles
Man I miss those shit. Remember the arrow nodes?

>> No.12978622

Bauxite drain aside, MI was really fun.

>> No.12978623

Yeah, and devs removed them since those made everything too easy. It was the first event where I cleared 3 maps retreating due to red only twice.

>> No.12978626

411 is actually the highest you needed in MI and even if you always lost 40 per in the double air nodes(2 at most on the way) you're still not pushing 600-700.

>> No.12978630

Your fantasies are amusing. I hope you would not get crushed by reality.

>> No.12978632

Sorry, I'm "loosing" myself trying to figure out if you're trolling or just stupid.

>> No.12978633

They should make a nostalgia event. Gauge regeneration and Arpeggio lasers come back, ships sink at orange, one map is just 5 night battle nodes in a row with flagship CAs, newtype DDs and Henderson boss, and arrow nodes come back in another map with hellcats and CV hime. That map has a single surface combat node, which is the E5 BB hime node from Spring.

There's no compass requirements, each node branch is 50/50.

>> No.12978640

Sucks to be you, for sure.

>> No.12978642

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.12978646

> 戦績表示で確認できる ランキングは称号とともに1日に2回(3時と15時)更新されます。
> Rank standing updates at 3 and 15 o'clock
> 集計時間は、2時と14時
> the points tally is actually done at 2 and 14 o'clock
Oh shit. I've been playing since mid-2013 and I never noticed this.
I guess I did make it into top 500 after all. Finished 3-5 5 minutes to 15 o'clock, and I was shocked to see that my ranking actually dropped, but if the tally was made at 14 o'clock, then it all makes sense.

>> No.12978666

i hope 57 points ahead of 100 is enough by the end of the month
jip japs pls stop grinding so much

>> No.12978667


>> No.12978738

I'm pretty sure that despite when rankings are tallied and when the ranking page is updated, the real point count used for ranking is whatever you have at midnight JST when the month ends.

>> No.12978763

> the real point count used for ranking is whatever you have at midnight JST when the month ends.
I' aware that the last hours matter as well. It's just that my ranking dropped despite having done 3-5 during the last 12-hour period, so I was madly curious.

> 月末は月末日の22時で締め切られる (※推定 翌月引き継ぎ戦果が22時開始のため)
BTW, according to wikiwiki, the final ranking is decided on the EXP/ranking points at 22 o'clock, not midnight, apparently.

>> No.12978767


>> No.12978770

>still using a ded thread
just move over already

>> No.12978771

What are you quoting, you piece of shit?

>> No.12978776

Jesus christ, the state of that thread. Thought I was on /a/ for a moment.

>> No.12978785

I wonder if Touyama had to sing and harmonize 3-4 different tracks or if they went the sensible route and just autotuned the same one and pasted them together.

>> No.12978787

Is this a dank meme, or are you really uptight over the usage of a fucking character?

>> No.12978791


Just don't reply. He's doing the same old tricks over and over again.

>> No.12978792 [DELETED] 

but /a/ is a better board than /jp/ so fuck off

>> No.12978799

>go into /a/ thread
>I'm having fun
>go into /jp/
this isn't what moot wants

>> No.12978810

Someone enlighten me how 5-4 is a better place for DD/CL leveling than 4-3.

>> No.12978816

In progress along with Hatsushimo Kai2.
Too bad i don't have Akizuki.

>I asked the question if Level 8 was too low to attempt any event.
Gauge the difficulty by comparing the difficulty stars.
Watching past E1 run will gives you a better understanding of what key equipment you should need and what ships you should prepare.

>> No.12978819

More efficient exp for the whole fleet, fat fuel node if you do full runs, sub tanking if not, but DD/CL will (almost) never mvp. If all you care about is the DD/CL, then 4-3 is probably better, but otherwise 5-4 or 5-4-a are preferable.

>> No.12978838
File: 17 KB, 145x64, KanColle-150131-09371212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making Akitsumaru 38 slave wasn't the worst idea after all.

>> No.12978869

Thanks anon.
Will grinding 5-4(full runs) become bucket heavy? I'm trying to conserve them for the event.

>> No.12978896

5-1-D is easily the best place to grind ASW capable ships en masse. If you need to level more then 1 DD at the same time it's pretty much the only place.

>> No.12978906

>On an unrelated note, has anyone married Yukikaze? I've never seen her married.

Buin here, I've seen a good number of married beavers.

>> No.12979070

Married lvl 150 Taigei and shioi needed to clear E1. E1 Enemy boss fleet is 5 Re flagship kai.
Also new shop item "kitsune revive crystals" will be implemented, Kon!

Legit info from drunken dev.

>> No.12979174 [DELETED] 

Error cat after 5-1 battle, refreshed, got this, even after restarting. What do?

>> No.12979179
File: 58 KB, 929x633, screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Error cat after 5-1 battle, refreshed, got this, even after restarting. What do? Sukumo here.

>> No.12979180

Clear cache and pray

>> No.12979322

Filthy chink hackers should just leave Sukumo alone.
Why they always target it?

>> No.12979375

Praying helped, game started running ~hour ago.

>> No.12979383
File: 731 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150131-10021503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


3rd sub is here

>> No.12979409

liked commented subscribed etc

>> No.12979442

Favourite lesbian indeed.

>> No.12979525

I used to think her IPPAI DECCHI was irritating as fuck but its slowly grown on me after seeing her perform cut in after cut in.
Iku's still my favourite sub though, best lewd.

>> No.12979695

Damn, it's already been a year since I started playing and since the APIcalypse.

>> No.12979734

Surprisingly, all the subs have grown on me.

Even Maruyu.

>> No.12979736

How can you hate IPPAI DECCHI? It's cute.

>> No.12979934

just got her as my first sub just then thankyou based rng

>> No.12979994

>Even Maruyu.
>Not "especially Maruyu"

>> No.12980265

Well, Maruyu can't do that growing, twenty level tops.

>> No.12980457
File: 106 KB, 800x480, kancolle74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One of three ships I knew before I started playing KanColle, previous two were real pain to get as well but this one... holy shit, I'm surely around 200 attempts of 1-5 by now, plus ~50 of 2-5 and few more at Hoppou. I gave up several times. And tried yet again. But finally, it has ended. Now the only girls who interest me are in LSC.

HQ 98. On last run of Jan monthly. I did it.

>> No.12980463

Grats. Subscribed.

>> No.12980504

Good job friend

>> No.12980518

Did you really need to post it in both /a/ and /jp/?

>> No.12980532

Yes, because I'm too happy for one board to contain these emotions. Don't worry, Ive calmed down and perhaps my only outburst of joy left will come with Yamato.

Thanks. She's so great.

>> No.12980537

Why? Yamato is shit.

>> No.12980582
File: 731 KB, 679x1000, iku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top lewd anon, godspeed.

>> No.12980677
File: 432 KB, 1500x1000, fe26cadca8c5b4d4cf0f132fc581787a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to scold your Iku sometimes or she'll have her way with you

>> No.12981243

So how many of you did get a +10 type 1 shell?

>> No.12981306

God, I jsut can't wait for batch equipment crafting. You get 1 more input and you can add how many "crafts" of that recipe you want to do.

>> No.12981343
File: 267 KB, 543x756, KanColle 133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on the new sub? A sister for Shioi-chan?

>> No.12981351

More like a sister for Maruyu.

>> No.12981356

She won't be a 伊-sub, so no.

>> No.12981361

You guys think Hayashimo be back next event? I just got Naganami and only need her to complete my gumo collection (for now anyway. There's what, twenty Yuugumo DDs?)

>> No.12981420

Yes. It wouldn't make sense otherwise.

>> No.12981859

It's a U-boat.

>> No.12981880

Any U-Boats actually make it to Japan?

>> No.12981911

U-862 was transferred to Japan and became I-502.

>> No.12981966


More like this one, since U-862 is a I-submarine.

>> No.12982048
File: 142 KB, 799x482, Strongest sub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Maruyu is on good mood today

>> No.12982160

Lost my first kanmusu today...and it was Maruyu. Was leveling on 3-2 and forgot to switch her out with another sub. Felt so bad that I spammed LSC in hope of a replacement even with the upcoming event.

>> No.12982266

How are you doing in your monthly quests? Cleared 3-5 awhile ago and will do 2-5 quest later.

>> No.12982270

Saving them for progress toward weekly boss kill after reset.

>> No.12982271

Cleared 2-5, 1-5 and 1-4 yesterday.

>> No.12982646

Feels really good to clear my monthly backlog. Fuck 5-5, I'm not going to spend 6 hours of my life just to get medal.

>> No.12982747

Why are you doing it that early?
I am waiting for the weekly to reset so that I can do 3-5 for weekly world3 quest.

>> No.12982758

Wow, you're exceptionally retarded

>> No.12982792

I did my weekly 3-5 quest along with 3-5 monthly.

>> No.12982835

Yes I know, both on account if losing her and wasting so many resources to try and get another. Did burn through a lot of instant constructions though, never use them really. I got paid back too for my stupidity, all my other ships got taihai'd except for Hiei.

>> No.12982988

English Nicovideo comments make me want to vomit.

>> No.12983041

>wasting so many resources to try and get another.
Why would you do that?

Besides, you probably didn't focus getting her on LSC anyway since maruyu is relatively a common drop in her cheap recipe.

>> No.12983132

I was using her cheap recipe...just kept getting Kongous and Yamashiros. And another Ise. No Hyuuga yet but I must have got Ise a dozen times.
I was more pissed at myself at first but I have all the other subs except I-401 so I have options. Just liked she was so cheap and fast to repair but I only have a few more ships I want to level before the event.

>> No.12983406

They are always embarrassing

>> No.12983414

Fist time doing 3-5: How am I supposed to survive at the closing torpedo salvo, exactly?

>> No.12983422

Pick a god and pray.

>> No.12983442
File: 58 KB, 709x960, papa stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot, do you need to reset api for monthlies to show up?

>> No.12983480

Pray that your ships sink/medium damage the elite CLTs during shelling.

>> No.12983481
File: 541 KB, 800x480, A Thousand Forms of Mind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By using girls you like obviously. It's not that difficult.

>> No.12983498
File: 388 KB, 800x480, KanColle-150201-05242489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he's beating 5-5 with this fleet, then that's as impressive as beating it through the drum route.

>> No.12983635
File: 164 KB, 480x480, Line Ahead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Line ahead. Always go line ahead.
