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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 282 KB, 977x706, sister scheme 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12807806 No.12807806 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread

What are playing and stuff.

>> No.12807833

>and stuff

I like how the Nukige thread keeps getting lazier. Also more Sister Scheme, nice I think 3 comes out later today

>> No.12807995
File: 134 KB, 1024x768, maro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got around to playing the first Maro game. Fucking weird but gives me a boner nonetheless.

>> No.12808215

Mesu Kyoushi 4 soon.

>> No.12809523

Waiting for Nyotai Kyouran 3. The most /d/ game of the year.

Guaranteed to still have that annoying questionnaire thing as its opening section.

>> No.12810388

Another /d/ title out in the same month OH!!マイクロマン ~小さくなって女の子の色んなトコロに入っちゃお~

>> No.12812235

I like the girl and the premise

I ain't into clowns though

>> No.12813332

Just installed Love&Piss, pretty excite. Cute girls peeing is always good.

Is there a way to get past the bullshit auto-resizing of the window though? I don't necessarily mind playing in the small window but it's kinda blurry and it bugs me.

>> No.12813361

Is there any nukige that is like Gore Screaming Show or Extravaganza.I need more darker nukige.

>> No.12813618
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>> No.12814509

Dude sensei is the man.

>> No.12814586

屍メイドちゃんと鬼畜なご主人様. It's short, though.

>> No.12814926

Amakano is actually rather usable but I'm still waiting for those Mesu Kyoushis.

>> No.12815048

I need part 3 and 4 already. Come on Elf, step on it. Doc needs to give Sakimi the love.

>> No.12815273

'Playing' Rondo Duo now, this game is really awesome. Very interesting in tech / arts in scenes.

>> No.12815274

Mindead Blood
Yami no Koe series, more in the sense of corruption than tentacle rape

>> No.12816272

can anyone recommend one of those gj games with the big titted ladies? which one has the best animated cgs?

I have pretty much zero hype for this one. it feels like bishop has lost their touch or something. kyoiku shido through ura kyoshi were great, mesu kyoshi 3 was half good, and the last game was pretty lame. some of the scenes were great, but the characters were so boring. now the best looking character from mk4 is just a worse copy of the one from mk3.

>> No.12816323

Just watched the Jutaijima OVA. The animation is kinda decent, but it suffers the same problem with the Aku no Onna Kanbu OVAs in that the VN is better if you care about character moments and stuff.

>> No.12816381

It's a Bishop game, they've been making the same stuff since forever. The only difference between a good and a bad Bishop game is personal like/dislike for heroines and gimmicks, there's no touch to be lost. I love me some squirting ladies so MK4 is aready better than that stupid game with the womb knocking (Sansha Mendan) for example.

>> No.12816515
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What am I getting myself into?

>> No.12816520

>kyoiku shido through ura kyoshi were great, mesu kyoshi

How can you even tell the difference between any of these games? Nearly everything Bishop makes is the same worn-out school setting rape plot. It's not like this is the thread of high literary standards and deep criticism, but even if you're only beating off you normally realize at some point you're playing the same game over and over with stuff like this. I mean, look, they even recycle all their marketing materials with girls in torn clothes covered in semen and cowering in fear.


I'm starting think the only thing they change between games is the characters' hair color.

>> No.12816545


Something shit, from the sounds of it.

>> No.12816558

Should I assume all of them end in the standard lolmindbreak, ぎもじいいいい and イグウウウウ?

>> No.12816568

Try Hyakki Yakou if you want a simple GJ? RPG.

>> No.12816613

As far as I can remember from the four or five I've played.

>> No.12816614

Ehh, Bishop games are all about the quality of individual heroines and scenes, the school-rape setting being samey is kind of irrelevant. Most nukige don't provide the kind of non-/d/ lewdness in these games, oversaturation isn't much of a problem.

>> No.12816617

the older games seemed more depraved with ahegao and cum geysers and such. the girls looked more cockhungry in the cgs and better in general.

it's the disney kind of mindbreak where they usually end up impregnated and married to the protagonist

I heard the gameplay in that one wasn't very good. anyway that's a little more complicated than I was looking for. I just wanted to watch bouncing boobs.

>> No.12817719
File: 56 KB, 1024x576, OJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now the best looking character from mk4 is just a worse copy of the one from mk3.

Is it this one in particular?

>> No.12818003
File: 200 KB, 1040x614, nyan cafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had one job Skyfish, ONE FUCKING JOB

Maid outfit, ears, tail. Let's take all of them off before we have sex. Goddamn it. I scroll through nmearly a dozen sex scenes and they're all the same, the girls are completely naked. I stumbled on one scene, one fucking scene where the girl leaves her costume on for a blowjob then IMMEDIATELY TAKES IT OFF FOR SEX.

I imagine some drunken office meeting somewhere in Japan. "Hey guys, I got this great idea, we'll make a game with catgirls in it."
"I like catgirls."
"Yeah yeah yeah, everyone loves catgirls."
"I know, let's have them naked during sex"
"Oh great idea man!"
"Hey, wait isn't the appeal of catgirls the ears and tails? Shouldn't we just have them take their panties off for sex so we still see them?"
"What? Nah, nobody likes catgirls"
"Yeah, nobody likes catgirls, it's all just a joke."

If I ever met these guys I would demand an explanation. Fuckers.

>> No.12818013

How is Amakano actually? I want to play it but the 4gigs dl and storage is really discouraging for me. I really like the art style.

>> No.12818035 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.04 MB, 1040x614, 1419162359547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, I think I just lost an entire bucket of cum. Oh my god they sure teased for that one.

>> No.12818037

> I just wanted to watch bouncing boobs.
In that case, any of the Boins (eg. Ane to Boin, Hime to Boin,etc.) will do. Just remember Sano Toshihide is as bad as Tony Taka when recycling his material.

>> No.12818053

This is why you check the CG set before you start complaining.

>I just wanted to watch bouncing boobs.

Go play a game that emote then

>> No.12818146

>check the CG set before you start complaining.

Doesn't that ruin it for you? I don't like to be spoilered even in my nukiges

>> No.12818171

Not really because i don't look at the images themselves just the thumbnails, at the very least before i download a nukige i check the tags on sadpanda.

>> No.12818338

I am sick fuck so I played everything from Black Cyc,Cyclet and some screwed up black lillith nukige.Is there more brutal nukige where are grotesque monsters,bugs etc involved in H scenes?I need more of them.

>> No.12818366

Does anyone know good nukige with focus on breast play? Stuff like squeezing, grabbing hard, pinching nipples, but w/out extreme torture and with normal-sized breasts.

>> No.12818374

Out of curiosity, did any of them have actual rape scenes? As in, not >>12816558.

Also, you may want to check out >>12814586, in case you haven't. It's pretty brutal.

>> No.12818506
File: 78 KB, 1030x601, mk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually that was my second least favorite one. I meant the one with red hair.

what about that madonna one?

try kyonyuu fantasy

>> No.12818538
File: 111 KB, 419x220, OH GOD WHY eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her story felt so boring, and practically nothing noteworthy outside of her sex scenes other than her being a massive bitch. As much as her voice actress is good I prefer her doing younger characters like Hatsune from Sansha Mendan. While the nurse had a dumb reason for not busting the MC, I felt the way she tried to help MC even after he raped her was genuinely cute. An unbelievable altruist. Plus the little development of a plot item outside of the sex scenes was used quite well in making a very hot scene that had no sex involved what so ever. Pretty good teasing scenes too ontop of the artist who drew her having some really funny "oh my god" reaction faces made her fun.

>> No.12818564

the h scenes in mk3 were kind of a letdown in general for me. the "american school uniform" was kind of funny and I liked most of the gym teacher's scenes, but her va totally ruined it for me.

>> No.12818582

Speaking of VAs in Bishop games, the newbie who does Kaho in MK4 is so good, her scene in the trial was amazing. 2ch seems to be going crazy for her too, pretty sure she's going to get a lot of work from now on. Oh god someone upload this game already.

>> No.12818588
File: 488 KB, 1024x768, This isn't working.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her VA isn't even terrible. Her role as Lunatemis for example was solid. It's just that she was given a character who's script exists of nothing but, "h-hazukashii"

Without that character constantly spewing the line she was pretty solid. MC probably didn't even need to rape her, he had her heart by the strings before he did anyways.

>> No.12818609
File: 832 KB, 1038x2329, 3a04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame too. She's a very cute character with a great figure, complexion, and face. I'm sure a writer can make a character cute and shy without having them constantly say how embarrassed they are like she did. I blame that shit utterly on the writer for dropping the ball on her. It makes me wonder who's the writer for each girl's routes because I'm curious if the writer for some of the routes I've loved from Bishop over the years has been the same for each.

>> No.12818708


No. I will never forgive them for turning a great free site into a sekrit members only club. It's /a/ level shit for newfags who think they're special for knowing how to use google.

>> No.12819190

Why do you give a shit? It's not like it affects you in any way.

>> No.12819252

the only thing i hate about sadpanda is that the owners are a bunch of pony faggots.

>> No.12819291

the only thing i hate is how it's somehow become standard on 4chan to give people exhentai links instead of the name of the goddamn whatever it is

youtube links are annoying like this too but less so

>> No.12819526
File: 99 KB, 1360x768, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Silky's is kill, I'm reading 愛姉妹IV in memory of them. Fucking sad actually. It was one of the few studios which made quality nukige.

>> No.12820264

Anyone can recommend good Nukige with slutty heroine? Preferably close to MC like sister/childhood friend. Also..no milf

Thanks in advance.

>> No.12820588

I'm sorry about this sir but the only true slut I know of is the neighbor in Musuko no Tame ni


Real slutty characters are so rare it's sad.

>> No.12820602
File: 117 KB, 533x400, c753277sample4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't remember where this is from, but it's definitely relevent

>> No.12820635

Found a link for it

>> No.12820768

also wondering if there's any good games about having nasty sex with your girlfriend/sexfriend. it seems like every slut heroine game that gets made is ntr or swinging.

>> No.12820832

Check out things from Tinkerbell, some of their stuff have it. And maybe Monster Park 1/2 fit too

>> No.12820902

Why milf ;_;

I don't see what's wrong with that. I mean what is the proof she's a slut if he doesn't sleep with another men casually?

>> No.12821400

See this is the problem it's not NTR if you know she's a slut. You're just enjoying yourself with a girl who's a whore and that's fun too.

Japan just thinks it's gotta be either NTR or pure angels.and it's not cheating if you're going in with eyes wide open. I just want to be comforted by an experienced nee-san, what's wrong with that? ;_;

>> No.12821431

>I just want to be comforted by an experienced nee-san, what's wrong with that? ;_;
Play games from Atelier Kaguya then? Their Honky-Tonk Pumpkin brand is mostly about non-virgin onee-sans.

>> No.12822856

There are lots of slut games where the sluts only have sex with the protagonist. Often the sluts are even virgins.

I think it's a case of the grass being greener on the other side, because as someone who isn't into that kind of stuff it seems most slut games are that way whereas swapping games are rare as fuck (this year was a good year for swapping because there were two swapping games released).

>> No.12823553
File: 198 KB, 515x720, nama_kokuti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noukano put up a teaser for their first imouto game in a while, and they brought back 蒼夜 who worked on their older titles like Usodere.

製品名 な妹き!
発売日 2015年春 発売予定
ジャンル 生意気な妹が恋人堕ちしちゃうAVG
価格 5,500円(税別)

>> No.12823798

> swapping games

That's one of my fetish too. It's so frustrating how rare it is. There are 2 this year? I can't think of any other than "big black cock &my sweet wife" .

>> No.12824056

which ones are you thinking of when you say there's a lot? I was excluding very short games so maybe that's why it seems like there aren't any.

>> No.12824083



>> No.12824105

I want to play a nukige where the girl says, "I have five boyfriends, you're number 6" or "I just got back from fucking 2 of the neighbors, wanna have a go?"

Because I've never played anything like it and I'm looking for something different and I think it would be interesting.

>> No.12824207

The other one I was thinking of was the ANIM game but now I'm realizing that actually might've been late last year. Didn't play it until this year.

I don't bother to remember names because they usually aren't of interest to me. But some that come to mind: Shojo Bitch Darake Tennis-bu (still can't get over "shojo bitch"), Ojisan Tomete, Enkou Girls Collection (enkoukousei so I guess technically they have sex with other people but it isn't shown or really referenced), and I think Orcsoft's Yariman games.

And yeah most niche nukige are short so you'll have to broaden your options.

Kanojo wa Dare to Demo Sex Suru? Haven't gotten around to trying it.

>> No.12824453


Sounds like hardcore netorare to me

>> No.12824582

So you want something that doesn't show the girl having sex with the other guys, she just talks about it?
Tall order. Mebae has a heroine who talks about the other guys she's fucking, but not as much as one would hope.

>> No.12830746

Anyone know a legit site to download old games? I'm trying to find とりかえっ娘しよッ! 彼氏彼女の秘密の関係 but only found anime-sharing link which is broken.

Or maybe anyone know good swinging game which involve student/college student? I'm just not turned on with housewife.

>> No.12830782

Oh I don't mind the protagonist watching a chick get boned as long as he's next in line.

Damn, what was that hentai came out last year with the succubus in it? She starts dating some guy and the two are having sex then his friends find out about it and tie him up then start going at it with his girlfriend when she breaks off from them to go fuck her boyfriend?

Kinda like that.

>> No.12830802

That was an adaption, you might as well play the source VN.

>> No.12830848

Wait, I know what H-anime he's talking about, but wasn't that actually a H-manga adaptation?

>> No.12830850

I remember it was a VN but maybe I remember wrong.

>> No.12830863

Yeah, I doubled checked it. It's an adaptation of Succubus Night by Doumou.

>> No.12830866

Thanks for the correction man.

>> No.12830871

Try looking through the slutty heroine tag while excluding tags like rape or netorare in vndb.

>> No.12831208

Maybe Son of a Bitch. It's not particularly good and despite the premise she doesn't really start slutting it up until later in the game (and I think only if you make the "right" choices) but it's about the closest I can think of. This is a relatively specific scenario that nukige makers don't seem to cater to.

I'm interested in this type of stuff too so hopefully other anons will have more suggestions. I scour the internet for slut/ntr/and related nukige but I always hold out hope that there'll be that hidden gem that hits the spot like those few really classic nukige.

Which actually reminds me, Konna Atashi demo, one of the all-time classics, is pretty much what you described. I name drop it here a lot though so there's a goood chance you've at least looked at it. But maybe it can also be considered "hardcore netorare."

>> No.12833105

is mesu kyoshi 4 uploaded yet?

>> No.12834881

DF links are still up on the first Google result (Anime-Sharing). Forum thinks my TinyURL link is spam :-(

>> No.12835044
File: 391 KB, 284x747, nozomi02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here know some game with characters that have visible thongs in both the event CGs and on the character sprites? Pic is from 元ヤンの奥さんは好きですか?~強気な人妻さんとエッチで勝負! セクシー妻もいるよ~ so any other game besides this and the one from orcsoft be be appreciated.

>> No.12835052

Guys, I wanna fap to some old elf ntr, but people were saying that doukyuu/kakyuu doesn't contain any of it. Is it worth it?

>> No.12835068

Its almost the end of 2014.

What is /jp/'s Nukige of the year?

>> No.12835075

Has some standard mindbreak too,based on the demo I saw.

>> No.12835148


>> No.12835160

Where do you download this stuff

>> No.12835167

Little Do S Bitch. It's definitely not for everyone, but it's my top title. Hard lolidom is just too good.

>> No.12835461
File: 208 KB, 1228x970, empress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12835467

Which one has the dick?

>> No.12835470

Who cares? They've released nothing but crap for years now.

>> No.12835476

Hard to say.

Maybe Rondo2.
Daemon Busters? Was more of a moege with a lot of ero.

>> No.12835837

Hopefully all of them.

>> No.12835852

New Honky Tonk Pumpkin was initially kind of dissapointing because it wasn't a really an onee-san focused type title like nearly all of their previous ones, but considering how much my dick is aching I guess my concerns were unfounded.

>> No.12835870

Meidokissa is also in my to play list, glad to know it fulfills expectations even though it's about cousins instead.

>> No.12835909
File: 224 KB, 1366x768, 74960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mofuku Lolita

>> No.12836094

>stick person
it's that kind of stick

>> No.12836760

I read the same thing, but go back and look over the letters once more.

>> No.12837582

Reika no Yakata

>> No.12837663

憑夜ノ村 still not uploaded? Why are they doing this to me?

>> No.12838976

Great, all the good ones are in the mikocon VIP section, so we won't be seeing them till near the end of January.

>> No.12838978

Just buy the fucking games if you want them. Most companies do digital launches these days, there's no real excuse aside from being a pathetic leech.

>> No.12838982

Hmph. You should have minded your tongue while you had the chance... now you'll pay the price for besmirching this general with your foul language. *unsheathes nodachi and moves so fast it looks like I just teleported behind you* I cast thee into the abyss... *as I sheathe my blade you collapse in a geyser of blood*

>> No.12838987

You must be one of those guys who really wouldn't download a car.

>> No.12838989
File: 1007 KB, 273x429, 1408095703404.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, forgot my pic.

>> No.12838990

No, I just think whining about not getting something for free quickly is retarded. If you're pirating niche content, prepare to wait a bit. If they aren't worth your money, you obviously aren't that keen on playing them anyway.

>> No.12839013

your fat

>> No.12839165

>If they aren't worth your money, you obviously aren't that keen on playing them anyway.
And if you pay money on them and they suck, you get something called buyer's remorse.

>> No.12840718

>Reika no Yakata
where can i download this? where can i download nukige?

>> No.12841159

Is this a game about raping a loli?

>> No.12841317

Aishimai IV hit all the right spot for me. Manami is マジ天使

>> No.12841528

下さい don't 無作為 blurt out token 日本語の文句, you should know from how 本物の日本人 do this that it makes you look like a ど阿呆 to everyone who can 読む your レス.

>> No.12841572

音理 高i-level weeaboo達 缶 下stand 和t ɑːIM 言ing.

>> No.12841902

whining about people who put pirated material behind a paywall is perfectly legit. those guys deserve to be waterboarded.

>> No.12841933

They do it to get money to buy more shit. Without places like Mikocon, plenty of stuff just wouldn't ever get uploaded.

If you don't like it, start buying the stuff yourself and uploading it for free.

>> No.12842701
File: 841 KB, 2048x768, Booty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mesu Kyoushi 4 anyone?

>> No.12842757

Has anyone played the trial for えろまんが!Hもマンガもステップアップ♪ ? If so, how is it?

>> No.12843345

is it good?

>> No.12843373

Well first impressions from the segment of the introduction I played was good so far.

>> No.12845876

Does it have any connections to previous games or I can read it first?

>> No.12846014

No connections other than the fact that one of the characters is a younger sister of a previous one. It's not something to worry about though since what happened to her in MK1 or MK2 isn't mentioned. Well possibly besides the point that she ended up becoming a mother.

>> No.12846479

is the nuki in nukige the same as in iainuki?

>> No.12846485

You know, you could just type both words with IME and check kanji. Or use brain.

>> No.12849210

Does anyone know any games focusing or at least have a newhalf/shemale character?

>> No.12851669
File: 175 KB, 1167x544, 1405674393230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


does anyone here know what game is this from?

i got this from the other visual novel thread

>> No.12851731

It's some online card game Lilith produced.

>> No.12851786
File: 64 KB, 640x480, 1385230192639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lilith soft is it?

>> No.12851994

it's the taimanin asagi browser kusoge.

>> No.12852111
File: 1.57 MB, 1280x960, H069b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting an OVA next year.
The NTR factor isn't that great here (in the end you choose to fuck her or not), but the drawings are fucking hot.

>> No.12852130

What is /jp/'s list of kusoge?

>> No.12852261

1. you're favorite game

>> No.12852435


>> No.12852950

愛姉妹IV is the correct answer. Though 2014 was a rather weak year for nukige.

>> No.12856657

>ugly protagonist

Sorry, m8. It's shit for fat self-inserting losers.

>> No.12858158

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12859171

The tag section on the game's vndb page. That wasn't obvious?

>> No.12861484

姉恋模様 is hitting my weak points for massive damage with its incest and NTR. I like how the relationship between the lead and his onee-chan is developing; it's so good - for a nukige - that I'm not sure how much I'm looking forward to the route where she gets fucked by the arsehole gym teacher.

Ah, who am I kidding. My mind and body are ready.

>> No.12863619

What are some good crossdressing/trap nukige? I prefer gay scenes but I guess straight is okay too.

>> No.12864125

I'm tired /jp/.
Almost every game with femdom i look up is hardcore shit with whipping pegging pissing shocks...

Does anyone know a good nukige with soft femdom? What i like is the domination/submission itself, not all the SM tools and gear that usually come with it. Though i don't dislike bondage i guess.

>> No.12864165

I had a small discussion about this previously. ( >>12822016 )
I've yet to try anon's recommendations ( >>12823494 ) but I will get to them when I have some free time.

>> No.12864168

Meant to quote you anon >>12864125 for this post: >>12864165

>> No.12864270

they assume you are using exlinks

>> No.12864271

No such thing.

>> No.12865100

How does it feel knowing the greatest nukige of all time will never be released?


>> No.12865158

This is the only have decent trap nukige maker I know of, but their stuff is pretty softcore.


>> No.12865268

*half decent

>> No.12871795 [DELETED] 

looks ugly as shit.

>> No.12873350

I've been nuking the gay away by working through Bible Black, Discipline, and now I'm on Starless. The guy behind it really has something for King Crimson

>> No.12873782

starless and discipline are gay though because you suck dick in them

>> No.12874160

What's the point of male pregnancy? Aren't they just girls?

>> No.12875012 [DELETED] 

It's because advertisers don't want to place ads or affiliate with sites that have loli on them, so they have to hide the loli galleries somewhere else. Don't get mad just because you were too retarded to figure out how to use it.

>> No.12877684

I play those bits with my eyes closed so it doesn't count.

>> No.12879886

I'm playing through 最終痴漢電車3 and it's been really enjoyable so far. Are 1 and 2 also this good? I don't really mind the art.

>> No.12880108
File: 58 KB, 570x210, 2014shimohanki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2014 Nukige- Ranking.

Do you agree? Disagree? What would you put in/take out?

第1位 愛姉妹IV 悔しくて気持ち良かったなんて言えない
第2位 超昂天使エスカレイヤー・リブート
第3位 巨乳ファンタジー2if
第4位 こいなか -小田舎で初恋×中出しセクシャルライフ-
第5位 ジンコウガクエン2 コンプリートパック
第6位 なないろリンカネーション
第7位 黒虹箱
第8位 フラテルニテ
第9位 狙われた女神天使エンゼルティアー ~守った人間達に裏切られて~
第10位 漫喫ハプニング


>> No.12880121

>第6位 なないろリンカネーション

What? Why is that title on a Nukige list?

>> No.12880127

I thought Silky's was dead.

>> No.12880257

it is.
Doesn't mean a game by them released earlier this year still can't be "loved" by users...

>> No.12880895

>第1位 愛姉妹IV 悔しくて気持ち良かったなんて言えない
>Do you agree

Yes. 愛姉妹IV is pretty dangerous, almost destroyed my poor chinpo.

>> No.12881057

第6位 なないろリンカネーション
Wait this was a nukige?

>> No.12881218

2 scenes in Starless (3 characters).
2 in Discipline (1 character).
A character in Lewdness.
A character in Gakuen Saimin Reido.

Slim pickings.

>> No.12881555

It wasn't. Hence >>12880121 responce

>> No.12884370
File: 982 KB, 1744x3088, sische3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there is such a list, see pic for a recent example.

>> No.12885855

>this sucks

You could at least explain.

>> No.12885968

So did Sister Scheme 3 come out yet and is it any good?

>> No.12886283

The Chinese guys have not made it available for the public. I have my own copy, though. And it's not good. Sische1 and sische2 are better than 3.

Some numbers first.
Sische1 HD: 16 BGM, 414 CGs, 28 scenes, 11 tasks, 3 endings, 1920x1080 resolution

Sische2 HD: 16 BGM, 1431 CGs, 53 scenes, 15 tasks, 3 endings, 1920x1080 resolution

Sische 3: 15 BGM, 769 CGs, 43 scenes, 8 tasks, 4 endings, 1280x720 resolution

It feels like it's a budget game with the price tag of a major release.
The game is also very restrictive when it comes to performing tasks. In 1 and 2, you have a clear deadline and you can use all available options. I always try to see all possible combinations (finish task on first day, delay and finish at the very last day, etc.). In 3, you can't do this. There's no clear deadline and if you take too long, you'll trigger events for the mother. See three Tamano events and you'll get a bad ending. Sische3 also gives you a false sense of choices. You get to unlock new options while training but you really can't use them.
The omake/extras menus in Sische3 is also a big step down from the previous games. You can't replay tasks like in the first two games. You can't view all character sprites.

>> No.12886323

Thats sounds disappointing.

>> No.12886346

Well, I only played SS2 because of Ino's art. Seems like there is no reason to play 3 at all.

>> No.12886769

Goddamn it, I've been looking forward to it for ages. The first game sounds like it's still the best with the best story. 2nd was still good but because the sister was doing it to herself (and the MC suspected such all along) it wasn't as fun as the original where they had no choice but to fuck. Having a crush on your brother and pretending to be blackmailed just isn't as fun.

How's the story? Is it somewhat redeemable? I was at least looking forward to the mother being an option this time.

>> No.12888401

I downloaded sister scheme 2 months ago because the cg had naked beach activity but I never played it because I heard people complaining about a fat girl. is it that bad?

>> No.12888445
File: 21 KB, 175x300, 6847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> is it that bad?

No. The fat girl is more chubby anyway. Not landwhale fat.

Pic is best girl though.

>> No.12888788
File: 27 KB, 747x317, great.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I was looking forward to playing this.

>> No.12888852

Most likely false positive.

>> No.12889186

Just tell me if any of the girls are slutty.

>> No.12889204

>I heard people complaining about a fat girl.

That was probably me. It's just annoying that the game forces her on you before everyone else, as her character design really isn't for everyone.

>> No.12889205

How is the sex, is it raunchy? Are the girls completely submissive or do they also take charge (especially the mother)?

>> No.12889214

I think I got that on the copy I got year or two ago. My solution is just to have a windows computer I keep disconnected from the net for all my seedy porn game rips and the accompanying botnet software.

>> No.12890022

Heh, I do the same thing except with Virtual Box

>> No.12892293

Fatbitch is actually my favorite of the girls.

>> No.12893010

I hate to sound like a newfag (but I am to this board, so meh.), but what nukige (nukiges?) are considered to be the best?

>> No.12893043

That's like asking what kind of food tastes the best. We're talking about sexual preferences here.

>> No.12893063

Depends on your fetish and your personal opinion, there is rarely a standout case that works for everybody. I personally think えれくと! is one of those standout cases so try that

>> No.12893122


I know, I know. I was just thinking that there would be some sort of nukige that's generally recognized as good.


I'll try and find it, thanks.

>> No.12893202


Again, I apologize for being newfaggy, but where can I find this? I've looked around I can't seem to find either the game itself or the fan translation, assuming there is one.

If I seem stiff or something it's because I recognize that I really should just lurk for a while, but from what I've seen no one tends to ask this sort of stuff, so I'm trying not to act like an idiot.

>> No.12893259
File: 192 KB, 854x514, top_image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm honestly not surprised you couldn't find it considering the title's name:

There's no Translation for it

>> No.12893277


welp, I should've expected that given that I'm in /jp/.

I suppose I could learn how to read katakana or kanji and whatever the fuck it is, I've been meaning to try to learn another language anyway.

Thanks for the link though.

>> No.12893436

The 美少女万華鏡 games are something most people seem to enjoy. It's mostly vanilla stuff, but they have really solid art and voice acting.

>> No.12893449

does anyone have a h code for 美佐子37歳 童貞大学生x普通の主婦 ?

>> No.12893516

>See three Tamano events and you'll get a bad ending.

Oh god, that is total bullshit.

>> No.12893690

S先生のこと has one for a protagonist.

It's heavily loli/shota/feminization focused though, so I'm not sure if it's what you're looking for.

>> No.12893765

As someone who loves traps/shota/futa/ss, that is possibly the very worst nukige I've ever read, and a terrible suggestion.

>> No.12893792

What do you think of Tokyo Shota Street?

>> No.12896521
File: 1.21 MB, 1440x900, 31C4AE4B 2015-01-10 05-23-30-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do nukige even exist where the mayonnaise or ejaculation sfx are well done or pleasant? Why don't games offer to turn those off?

The ones in Sische2 are the worst I've heard yet.

>> No.12896525

Toradora and MadoMagi Portable

>> No.12896544


>> No.12897551

Wait, you DON'T have 30 gallons of jizz to pump into a woman's fertile womb? I think you may need to see a doctor.

>> No.12898064
File: 94 KB, 436x713, 1322414734973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even see Sische 3 as a proper Sische because the generic artstyle.

For me, the Sische series was always about Ino's god tier art just as much as it was about the setting, and if you remove that it just loses half of what made it appealing.

>> No.12899717

Mesu Kyoushi 4's are pretty damn good. Sounds all wet, and splattery.

>> No.12901697

Been away for several weeks, does 牝教師4 live up to the Bishop name or was it another piece of shit?

>> No.12902743

Does the scene select in Sische3 even work properly? Half the scenes and their variants don't appear on the selection screen at all, unless they're hidden behind 10 minutes of ctrl+correct choices after selecting slice of life scenes.

>> No.12903362

Starting Sister Scheme 3. I hope it's not the flop of the century, I really love okaa-sans

>> No.12903423

Seeing the reactions of the thread so far it might be a huge flop, which is sad because I loved the first two games.

>> No.12905084

Oh hey, you can touch their boobs!

>> No.12905429
File: 302 KB, 1296x758, sister scheme 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get on with the blackmailing please?

I think I've been reading for 3 hours .....

I don't want to agree with /jp/ that this isn't a good game. I don't!

>> No.12907220

It's pretty nice. The roster is actually a lot quite good, better sound effects, the choice between hardcore/softcore BGM for the sex is nice as well. Also the ejaculation choice is removed since the title is impregnation focused to begin with so the majority of the scenes end in internals so instead they gave they took a twist with the ejaculation choice and changed it to squirting orgasm or incontinence for the girls.

>> No.12909033

Whelp, my computer has completely crashed. Hopefully it's not an expensive fix but in the meantime all I have is my laptop with nothing on it. Hell, the closest thing to a nukige on it right now is Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka.

What is the first essential fap game you would put on your alt machine? Right now I'm getting Sister Scheme 3 because I was in the middle of it.

>> No.12911555

Erectlip's new school game, the one with the Gyaryu, is up on Nyaa

>> No.12911572

催眠術2 is the first thing I always install.

>> No.12911591 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.43 MB, 1296x758, 1421269992065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

? I finished that quite a while ago already. Going through Gyakuten Majo Saiban instead.

>> No.12911789
File: 74 KB, 682x438, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, my mistake.

Actually, could I ask for some help? The torrent I got it off didn't compress it an iso, and just has this.

Running the .exe doesn't seem to work, nor does running it as an admin. No process comes up in task manager either.

>> No.12912123
File: 32 KB, 620x418, 2015-01-14_18-45-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, works for me.

>> No.12914534 [DELETED] 

can you spoil me how many endings in gyakuten majo saiban?

*secretly wishing for a vanilla end*

>> No.12914541

can you spoil me the endings of gyakuten majo saiban?

*secretly wish for vanilla ending*

>> No.12916049

I tried setting it to run as admin and use Aero (Win 7), but it's not working properly. Though, the aero change does work, but only for a split second. I've had no trouble with their other games before, but I downloaded those as .isos and manually installed them.

>> No.12916133 [SPOILER] 
File: 144 KB, 800x600, 1421377360489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skyfish went to shit when they started using that guy who's not ngmyu.

>> No.12916182

It's linear/kinetic novel like most of Erectlip's games

Dunno, might be a corrupt download or decompression or something. I never have trouble with DL editions.

>> No.12916547

Eh, I lost faith in them when the blood related imouto was winnable in Primary Magical Trouble Scramble but REFUSED TO HAVE SEX WITH HER BROTHER so her only ero scenes are a masturbation scene and a blowjob.

FUCK. They even promise to marry in the end and she still refuses to let him fuck her because "OH NO WE'RE RELATED"

Fuck you Skyfish!

>> No.12916553

>That entire situation

Who was doing drugs during the production?

>> No.12916744

some SJW faggot was hired to write the story probably.

>> No.12917070

I still might prefer that to the usual "we're blood related siblings but that has zero impact on our relationship and everyone is a-ok with us dating and fucking" shit that defeats the entire point of incest.

>> No.12917088

yeah that's like 露出 sex in the midst of a huge crowd of people to whom you might as well not exist

>> No.12917142

I like my incest with everyone freaking out and it having consequences, but what's the point of it if the girl is going to refuse all sex?

>> No.12917200

Eh, even in Loverable where your friends help organize your wedding with your sister or Zettai Junshu 2 where you get ordered by the government to make your younger sister pregnant or you'll both go to jail there's still a social taboo associated with incest that even if the players in the novel are ignoring still exists in reality and adds excitement to the story.

So there's always a sense that 'we're doing something wrong' even if we're ok with it and that feeling is what I love so much about incest.

>> No.12918864
File: 115 KB, 800x600, 17262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What, your blood-related mother is pregnant with your child!? How on Earth could you... well, I guess that would have happened one way or another with all the wild sex you two have been having! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

>> No.12918984

I hate it when that happens. Just make it non-blood related if you play incest down like that.

>> No.12920085
File: 180 KB, 810x629, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12922765

Is there anything with good sharing/swapping scenes? I feel that a lot of nukige with group scenes tend to be rape/feel non-consensual.

I'm looking for something like the couple cafe scenes in xxな彼女の作り方2, or the first secret club scene in it (unfortunately the second secret club scene falls into what I mentioned above).

>> No.12923320

This question gets asked surprisingly often (I didn't realize so many people share my fetish) so I will try to make a mostly definitive list.

First thing's first, Torikaekko Shiyo is easily my favorite swapping game. Tadakano and Gakuen NTR are a couple other school-based games with swapping routes, which are decent but not as good. Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro is a swapping game but it's boring as fuck. Sister Maiden is more of a group sex game than a swapping game, but it might fit what you're looking for.

Then there are some wife-swap games of varying degrees of quality. Tsuma Koukan, Hitozuma Swapping Seikatsu, Hitozuma Koukan Nikki, Kabe no Mukou no Tsuma no Koe, Big Black Cock & Big Black Butt & My Sweet Wife, Hitozuma Swapping Game.

Of these Swapping Seikatsu is probably my favorite. Koukan Nikki is pretty good but I really dislike the art, which is too bad since it has some great scenes like the guy you're swapping with taking your daughter's virginity.

Lastly there are a few games that involve swapping sisters (Kanjuku Sakuranbou) or daughters (JK Koukan, Koukan Jouken). Kanjuku Sakuranbou is actually pretty hilarious and a lot of fun since the guys are kimo-ota.

That's about all of them I think. There are a few others that are tagged as swapping on egs that I haven't played (like a couple from Otokonoko Club) but sometimes those tags might mean only one or two scenes anyways.

You might also be interested in consensual gangbang eroge, though those are about as rare as swapping eroge.

>> No.12923573

>consensual gangbang
Not the previous guy, but any recommendation for this? I've searched vndb for these kind of nukige but came out kinda short.
I have 快楽学園性活 ~理緒先生のカゲキな教育~ , some Studio Kame games, that CodePink teacher game. Other games that kinda fills this niche games that focuses on hypnosis like some of the Liquid games but that's not really consensual.

>> No.12924721

God, I hate games without background moans or at least the option to let the voiced dialogues play on. I need my chinese cartoon girl moans in the background while I fap.

>> No.12925502

So do you all actually read through these shitty porn games or just fap to the pictures and sound?

>> No.12925506

Sometimes I read up to the first couple sex scenes to get an idea of the background, but then I just fap to the pictures and sound after that.

>> No.12925520

Friendly reminder to not take the bait.

>> No.12925592

I read about 25-75%, depending on how interesting/hot the setting is.

>> No.12925646

Opinions on Maou no Kuse ni Namaiki da! trilogy?

I checked the HCG set and it has extemely great scenes with a slime girl, so that's nice, but is it worth reading?

>> No.12925674
File: 312 KB, 1280x720, メイシャオ・シー・カオリャンチュウ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ero is good and it's comedy is good for a Nukige. The characters have little to no development so what you see/read is what you get and the story is really basic in all 3 games. As long as you like the artstyle I'd recommend you go for it and see if you enjoy it

Also posting best girl

>> No.12925803

I'm disappointed in the change in artstyle for Sister Scheme 3. The character designs in 2 made my weenie do backflips

>> No.12925807

Same. I just read enough to get the gist of the character relationships and to make informed choices.

>> No.12925820

Has there been news of activity from Complet's?

It's been awhile since Motto! Yagai Gakushuu came out and they haven't said anything about their next release and I'm jonesing. I need more ss in my life.

>> No.12927578 [DELETED] 

Important rules being enacted by me. Make sure you understand the new rules around these parts..

>> No.12928066

Thanks a lot anon, will certainly check some of this stuff out. I've got a couple of those downloaded already, will need to properly check them out. There is a massive lack of games like this.

Consensual gangbang is good, too. Just downloaded the マネジ games, hope they turn out to be good.

>> No.12932638
File: 264 KB, 1296x759, onee-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if it sucks, I don't care if it's the worst Sister Scheme ever, I don't care if Ino had nothing to do with it.

This scene was GLORIOUS

>> No.12933149

Has someone a save game for きんこむぎ?

>> No.12937118

Fucking Monster Park 2, full save file doesn't properly work and scene mode lacks music. Now I have to figure out how to apply the fan disc and patches to make it work with the full save.

>> No.12940408

Might give きみはね~彼女と彼女の恋する一ヶ月 a buy since MtU is doing the art.

>> No.12942479

Sagaoz has 2 different save files for Monster Park 2 main game, have you tried both?

Also the Scarlet scenario in the fandisc is the best thing in the whole series.

>> No.12944117


Harakano has an English patch? Is it finished? Says April of last year but I don't remember hearing anything.

>> No.12946214

are there any games where you just fugg your gf or sex friend or something with no ntr or rape? but with more hardcore sex scenes with good variety?

>> No.12946223

forgot to mention that doujin series with sailor jupiter are an example of what I mean

>> No.12946882

Hi newfag. Welcome and shit.

>no NTR or rape
>doujin series with sailor jupiter
No fucking clue.

I would start with a couple filters on VNDB, add in bondage, take out rape you get a nice list

This looks neat, never played it
God, I wish my computer wasn't dead. What was that one with the tutor who goes to tutor a bunch of girls and they all beg him to continue the bondage play the last teacher introduced them to? Shit.

How loli will you go? https://vndb.org/v16001
It's Sakuranbo Shougakkou which means that she doesn't look 10, she IS 10

>> No.12947493

I don't think vndb is that useful bcause there aren't enough ratings really to tell if a game is well made or not so you end up having to sift through tons of low quality 3 hour games.

>> No.12947549

>I don't think vndb is that useful bcause there aren't enough ratings really to tell if a game is well made or not
So instead you ask for recommendations from the like 2 or 3 people likely to respond to your post?

If you take other people's opinions as reliable indicators of quality just look at egs. Though there still probably won't be that many votes for nukige.

>you end up having to sift through tons of low quality 3 hour games.
Welcome to nukige.

>> No.12947566
File: 57 KB, 630x354, Itadaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that hentai anon! Its Itadaki! Seieki♥

>> No.12948118

Yes, turns out the problem is the save file on sagaoz is for MP2 + Fan Disc, but Trois recently released a "final update" which overhauled the recollection mode and made it much better. This is the version I would like to use but the save is incompatible with it annoyingly enough.

>> No.12948506

yes I trust the opinions of random fags on /jp/ more than random fags on vndb. plus people here can say why they thought a game was good or explain what it's about better than just looking at content tags.

>> No.12948627

>OH!!マイクロマン ~小さくなって女の子の色んなトコロに入っちゃお~


>> No.12949293

>All the shit you don't give a fuck about gets shared
>That one single game you're waiting for does not
It's like they know and are doing it on purpose

>> No.12949327

Anon they do it on purpose to encourage people supporting their site.

>> No.12949357
File: 204 KB, 1024x768, oyakoai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never marry your pregnant daughter.

Fuck this gay Earth.

>> No.12949784

How's Eromanga guys? Th

>> No.12949792

Another poor anon who died mid post.

>> No.12949809
File: 49 KB, 825x596, epic_face_remilia_scarlet_by_mayuvocaloid3-d62de71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP in pieces

>> No.12950290
File: 1.29 MB, 1024x717, 2015-01-25 05_31_05-墜落人生 ~清楚お嬢様のヤクキメタコ部屋売春ライフ~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pin-point makes some really crazy stuff.

>> No.12950428

Is that directed at players? Someone should report them for abusing their staff, obviously this is hidden cry for help.

>> No.12952824 [DELETED] 
File: 1.40 MB, 1359x768, 240blazeit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is that directed at players?

Yeah, it is. It's some kind of ending skirt where they thank the reader and ask for continued support.

>> No.12952856
File: 1.40 MB, 1360x768, 240blazeit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's some kind of ending skirt where they thank the reader and ask for continued support.
