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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12848133 No.12848133 [Reply] [Original]

Thank fuck this guy got btfo. His IaMP and SWR art used to be so good, what happened?

>> No.12848185

Thank fuck this guy got btfo

>> No.12848284

>who are you quoting

>> No.12848289

Some parts about HM art I liked, others I disliked. No one is better than Harukawa though, I am almost as excited for her art as I am about the game as a whole.

>> No.12848294
File: 244 KB, 509x510, yucurri1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really feel bad for him

>> No.12848308

Alphes died and was replaced by his evil clone Olphes. No one knows what Alphes looks like so no one noticed it until it was too late.

No one ever giving a fuck about art quality might also be a problem. No matter how shitty something looks, it will be put in the game/manga/book/whatever.

>> No.12848316

>No one is better than Harukawa though
Jun'ya Oota
Every other official manga artists

>> No.12848325


Damn is that some of Alphes's old art?
I've never seen that one before but he did a good job of making the gap hag more likable.

>> No.12848341

It's a badly drawn fan imitation of SWR's Yukari.

>> No.12848358


Ah got it, it looked like something out of SWR. I think its alright, better than the recycled portraits from IaMP

>> No.12848377
File: 70 KB, 600x556, 1330719355813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he did a good job of making the gap hag more likable.

>> No.12848387

Why does /jp/ not like Alphes?
I think its a very nice style.

>> No.12848394

Alphe's art is literally super generic anime with super gimmicky shading posing for "artstyle"

>> No.12848409


I like him a lot honestly. The SWR portraits were a pretty big step forwards, and I liked most of the HM art save for everyone having those nasty eyelashes.

>> No.12848410

>super generic
Except the only other person who does that is Tokiame.

>> No.12848426
File: 286 KB, 1920x1280, 1369310686167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I liked most of the HM art save for everyone having those nasty eyelashes.
and those fucking bodies

>> No.12848431

>His IaMP and SWR art used to be so good

SWR was already into complete nonsense shadowing territory

>> No.12848433

Alphes is the only artist working on official stuff who actually got worse over time. Even the shittiest artists like Aki Eda or Matsukura didn't get worse. Of course they were shit to begin with but still.

>> No.12848452

I like Eki Eda work

>> No.12848465

Some people also like eating shit so no one is surprised.

>> No.12848467

>they were shit to begin with
Harukawa shiller pls go

>> No.12848488
File: 238 KB, 1105x1600, 072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such beautiful art. Makes the scenery in Oyasumi Punpun look like an unfinished sketch. Truly this is the finest art.

>> No.12848561


>> No.12848563


I don't understand what is supposed to be wrong with those bodies. Are the proportions of?

Is my sense of reality really that warped?

>> No.12848581
File: 152 KB, 397x512, Th075youmu01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the IaMP art was by far his best.

>> No.12848593
File: 441 KB, 768x768, meilingiamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He made sid the sloth a touhou

>> No.12848594

I personally think the eyelashes was the best part... But each to their own. What I liked the least was how inexpressive everyone was, overall. Miko and Nitori felt like the only ones who had some variety to expressing their emotions.

>> No.12848602

I also don't see anything blatantly wrong apart from some long legs on Reimu and Marisa (and some weird leg positioning on the latter). Koishi's body for example looks fine to me. Those body lines aren't 100% realistic but I don't think they're supposed to be.

>> No.12848608

Yet another reminder that alphes did not do the art for hm.

>> No.12848611

Alright. Who did the art?

>> No.12848630

My favourite part of HM Alphes related stuff was Danbooru approving of /jp/'s improved Futo.

>> No.12848659

it's simple, primitive and some cut ins like Alice cannot get any more generic than that
the "shading = darker base" makes the color palette dreadfully boring and makes everybody look like a corpse

SWR/Soku is where it's at. HM could be good if he didn't decide to experiment on the body proportions as well. fuck, even PoFV beats the shit out of IaMP any day of the week

>> No.12848847

The lack of wrists is what bothers me.

>> No.12855434
File: 473 KB, 320x225, koishi loves you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koishi's body is more than fine for me

>> No.12859154


Alphes hasn't drawn wrists since SWR, just look a lot of the ending pictures.
