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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 157 KB, 584x763, asahi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12745355 No.12745355 [Reply] [Original]

Why does japan know my needs better than my own country? Look at this shit. They know how to take care of a guy.

>> No.12745360


I don't get it

>> No.12745364

But it's so obvious. Why drink conventional tiny beer cans when you can just have giant beer cans that hold like 8 standard drinks?

They're decades ahead of us

>> No.12745371

Too bad jap beer is shit.

And that's too much beer.

>> No.12745372


Dude are you serious?

Buy a fucking keg of beer and connect a garden hose to it then.

>> No.12745373
File: 136 KB, 600x803, 1399248423180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And that's too much beer.


>> No.12745375


That looks shooped

>> No.12745379
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I suspect it's not

>> No.12745384
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>> No.12745386
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Do you wanna look like this?
Go ahead.

>> No.12745392

Does zun have a gut like that? No? Then shut your onahole

>> No.12745412

His affinity is beer.

>> No.12745413

Explain modern post-2000 Japanese culture in less than 8 words.

>> No.12745416

Why are we still alive?

>> No.12745421

Same as 1990s but with worse anime

>> No.12745441

Are you ZUN?

Also Japanese beer taste like carbonated water

>> No.12745447

Drinking won't really give you a gut. You get the gut when you drink after a big meal (to absorb all that alcohol).

>> No.12745456

No I am not zun sadly.

>> No.12745515
File: 45 KB, 346x400, 1353178863968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, just get a tall boy or large bottle of malt beer
This is what Americans drink instead of giant beer cans.
It's also higher alcohol content
I still wouldn't get beyond tipsy with that much asahi

>> No.12745529

Well, have fun with your liver dysfunctions by drinking gallons with empty stomach

>> No.12745564

>It's also higher alcohol content
I still wouldn't get beyond tipsy with that much asahi

There are people (aside for middle/highschoolers) who drink in order to get drunk instead that for the flavor?

>> No.12745569

Who would drink asahi for the flavor?

>> No.12745577

All beer tastes the same after the first 2 or 3.

>> No.12745580
File: 15 KB, 258x200, hitachino_nest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one aside for middle/highschoolers thinks all beer tastes the same

>> No.12745585

I'm 39 and after the first few you just don't care. Prime the pump with good beer and after that it just doesn't matter.

>> No.12745598

My favorite beers are the one that tastes like metal. They're usually light and goes well with grilled food.

>> No.12745599
File: 332 KB, 500x704, 1335207457657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are funny man

You say you don't care about getting drunk and like the flavor instead, but then you don't seem to care about different flavors or kinds of beers

well whatever
perhaps your old man wisdom is lost on me

>> No.12745605

>You say you don't care about getting drunk and like the flavor instead

I said no such thing

>> No.12745612

I think what he meant was that you will be too drunk to care about flavor after the first few beers.

I wish I was enough of a light weight to get drunk off of a few beers. I would save so much more money on booze if I could.

>> No.12745613

That is kind of what I mean but I'm no lightweight. I go through 3-4 cartons of 5% a week despite being employed.

>> No.12745619

japanese drink fake beer, the third beer. it has relation to japanese alchol tax.
EU clame it as unfair.

>> No.12745621

As of now I like only top-fermented dark beer. I'm just getting into beers, any recomendations?

>> No.12745623

You probably can't get it but monteiths in new zealand do a dark chocolate and coffee flavored high strength beer. It comes in a carton labeled BLACK BEER

>> No.12745628


>> No.12745633
File: 948 KB, 1000x800, dd7e0d7815a55d775289cc04a3d46597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian imperial stouts (which are really british) or baltic porters. bberadvocate.com

>> No.12745634

well, the other person implied it

>> No.12745658
File: 74 KB, 300x265, .jpghaposyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genuine beer is hjghly taxed in Japan.
Happou-syu, 2nd class beer is lower taxed.
I want to drink european genuine beer.

>> No.12745664

What do you mean by genuine beer?

>> No.12745674

It has to do with the malt content


>> No.12745720
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>> No.12745722

It's not. Many places sell those Hoegaarden giant "glasses" of beer.

>> No.12745726

I agree. I like good tasting beer, mainly because I can drink enough that I DO still care about the flavor after the first few. I could save a lot of money if that wasn't the case.

>> No.12745880

pansy ass girl beer

>> No.12745888
File: 55 KB, 514x617, 1412904476626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is beer bad for you?

>> No.12745900

I sure hope not.

>> No.12745903
File: 138 KB, 894x894, le_cirno_de_mayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>la cerveza mas fina

>> No.12745906

perfectly fine in moderation
unfiltered beer actually has quite a bit of nutrients in them

>> No.12745914
File: 1.26 MB, 1536x2048, 8d68c6a2499a2036dd4b8d96d71964d0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer is good for you

>> No.12745937

Sanae is disgusting

>> No.12745941

Yeah because she's a massive slut.
Beer's pretty tasty though.

>> No.12745944

Beerko is the best girl ZUN has created.

>> No.12745952
File: 304 KB, 1378x1692, 347d06bd76e99581f2248b19108b97cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beer is disgusting
Fuck you people.

>> No.12745960

Who cares about some insignificant minuscule nutrients in unfiltered beer? Sounds like an excuse fatasses make to drink more beer because it's "healthier", like diet soda.

>> No.12746041
File: 645 KB, 1280x853, 63a5df3872f1cecfd152f7bf649e8139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sounds like an excuse fatasses make to drink more beer

Who needs an excuse?

>> No.12746067

I wish I had some beer, but it costs too much

>> No.12746078
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I hate the smell of bear but I like the concept of drunk lolis

>> No.12746082

Bears don't exactly smell nice, yeah

>> No.12746099

Raw or cooked bears?

>> No.12746101

I think wet bears smell the worst

>> No.12746113
File: 288 KB, 1257x1594, 1407941681563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smelly wet bear~

>> No.12746116

dry beer doesn't smell all that much

>> No.12746131
File: 80 KB, 720x576, 1174_720x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit pretty much gets me through the weekend.
I have no idea how else people deal with the crushing loneliness of never having a loli GF.

>> No.12746149
File: 18 KB, 81x123, hm_beer_girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please drink beer

>> No.12746156

Playable character when

>> No.12746158

Tannenzäpfle is really nice.
I know that feel. Prost!

>> No.12746175

Well apart from individual differences, generally not being fat let's you get drunk faster.

Good choice, the smaller bottles are a bit meh though. I prefer Franziskaner though. Thank god beer is so cheap here.

>> No.12746178
File: 23 KB, 600x337, makibeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's amazing how expensive a can of beer is in a supermarket or konbini. And then you have Nomihoudai places everywhere. where you can drink as much beer as you want for 500-1000 yen per hour.

Strong (western) booze on the other hand is cheaper in stores in Japan than here in Europe.

>> No.12746183

This is actually a good way to save cash. Buy a 24oz of something good like Lagunitas then buy a six pack of something shitty like pabst or bud. You're only 8 years older than me but your wisdom is leaps and bounds above mine.

>> No.12746194

sumpin' sumpin' is my favorite

>> No.12746211

without beer zun would be skinnier than a skellington

>> No.12746221

What are some good old patriotic beers my fellow Americans drink on Black Friday?

>> No.12746228

anything that has "light" in it's name and tastes like stale water

>> No.12746249

>doesn't like lite beer

are you even American

>> No.12746261

Prost, Kollege. But since our local christmas market opened a couple days ago, right now it's all about glühwein while walking around in the cold, looking at the cute young girls who came with their families.
I guess there isn't really a better way to kill time on weekends.

>> No.12746296

I cant wait for Touhou 15 when we finally get to fight the beer youkai!!

>> No.12746396
File: 213 KB, 850x1531, yome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that asahi feel


>> No.12746592

But our liquor and wine is top notch.
California wine beat the best European wines in a blind taste test.

Texas whiskey beat the best European whiskey in a blind taste test.

Tennessee and Kentucky are known for their bourbon

And our Applejacks and other apple based drinks are gaining popularity like apple cider

We invented cocktails

But when it comes to beer we fall flat

>> No.12746654
File: 172 KB, 540x720, japan_yam29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My local grocery store started importing this. It's a little pricey at $65 but it's quite good. They also import Nikka Coffee Grain Whiskey which I plan to buy next.

>> No.12746671

When it comes to mainstream, patriotic beers we fall flat. However, American craft brews are king, they just need to overcome the hipster prejudice.

>> No.12746719

Muh microbrews

>> No.12746722

craft beer =/= micro brew

>> No.12746724

Implying they're not

>> No.12746732

micro can be anything made in small batches

craft beer is more of a marketing term

>> No.12746755

European beer is best. Stella, Heineken, New Castle... there's a reason we are the best in the world.

>> No.12746758

>European beer is best. Stella, Heineken, New Castle... there's a reason we are the best in the world.
10/10 bait m8

>> No.12746983

40oz aren't hard to find in the west.

>> No.12746983,1 [INTERNAL] 

Modern /jp/ right here, gaia tier trash.

>> No.12747038
File: 195 KB, 480x640, 6268551451_6a4e365449_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once had a 1L can of this. Man, that was bad.

Heineken is widespread internationally, including in Japan, but an above-average beer at best.

>> No.12747746

I have pretty high alcohol tolerance but I don't want to drink so much that it triggers my gout.

What I do is I drink while laying down, 20 oz and I'm already pretty drunk. Very cheap as well!

>> No.12747810

This, has OP ever drank beer before?
You can get a 40z for 2 dollars at any gas station
Just buy some cobras, it all tastes exactly the same who cares.

>> No.12747861

>it all tastes exactly the same who cares
Not true, you don't seem to have drunk a wide range of beer. There is a big difference between bad and good beer.

>> No.12747861,1 [INTERNAL] 

>it all tastes exactly the same who cares.

lol maybe your Appalachian Pale Ales or your malt liquor, but there's a big difference even between a Paulaner and a Hefeweizen

>> No.12747883

Back in my hometown I could always tell an area was dangerous based on how many faxe cans littered the ground.

Stuff tasted like gasoline. When you buy this you declare to the cashier that you officially Do Not Give A Shit

>> No.12747883,1 [INTERNAL] 

Are you old enough to drink now?

>> No.12747883,2 [INTERNAL] 

the only thing that tastes the same is our endless self-deceptuion

>> No.12747883,3 [INTERNAL] 

I've been for almost three years, friend.

and I drink because I like the taste, not to get inebriated.

>> No.12747883,4 [INTERNAL] 

Hope you like those empty calories as well fatboy.

>> No.12747883,5 [INTERNAL] 

That's awful.

>> No.12747883,6 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12747883,7 [INTERNAL] 

I hope you don't drink soda

>> No.12747883,8 [INTERNAL] 

i dont even get why people like that shit

its fucking disgusting i hate sweet shit and it fucking wrecks your teeth

just dont get norms man

>> No.12747883,9 [INTERNAL] 

I've been drinking tea with steamed milk and sugar all day. Delicious!

>> No.12747883,10 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.12747883,11 [INTERNAL] 

Tennessee whiskey is not the same thing as bourbon.

>> No.12747883,12 [INTERNAL] 

It's not?

>> No.12749299

that won the whiskey of the year award

>> No.12749586

I really really like Asahi Black, but it's impossible to find here outside of restaurants. Because of this I go to eat ramen every other week.

>> No.12749623

Nah Steel Reserve all the way. The only appropriate 40. Colt is complete trash.

>> No.12749628

You gotta watch your carb intake bro

>> No.12749663

Kill yourselves weeaboos.

>> No.12749799

But it's Asahi. Why would you want to drink a lot of that?

I tried a couple Japanese beers that made their way here, the only one I liked was Sapporo.

>> No.12749857

>$65 whiskey
Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.12749878

My doctor says that if I don't stop drinking I'm going to die before I'm 40.

>> No.12749883

That's good. I'm aiming for 35 though.

>> No.12754616


It's a steal at $65. Spot prices have shot through the roof in the last few months though because of the increase in popularity. I still enjoy my Glenlivet and Macallen though.

>> No.12754801

I'm a fan of the various Leinenkugel's I've tried, among other American beers, you just have to not buy shit like bud light or fucking coors.

>> No.12755729 [DELETED] 

If you're on a caloric restriction diet, the light lagers are the best way to go. Coors Light is both economical and you'll lose weight with it as well as training yourself to drink less because it has 4.2% ABV rather than 5% like the other conventional BMC's. Go ahead and challenge my opinion, beer snob.

>> No.12755758 [DELETED] 

That looks good but I can't stomach hard liquor. It's like drinking paint thinner and I just vomit even though I do the breathe-in, shot, breath-out technique. I guess it's from all the meds and from the 3 or 4 months of taking otc painkillers every day for a toothache that probably fucked my liver over. Either that or I'm just a pussy, lol. But beer has better taste anyway so whatevs.

>> No.12756410

Drink something aside from your mainstream stuff.

There are plenty of amazing Jap craft beers. Look around a bit.

>> No.12757909

Postwar westaboo Japan plus 50 years

>> No.12757919

Liquor in general is cheaper in all asian countries, while beer is expensive as fuck.

>> No.12757934

>Heineken is widespread internationally, including in Japan, but an above-average beer at best.
Heineken tastes like glue.
I couldn't drink it after someone pointed it out to me.

>> No.12758020 [DELETED] 

I disagree, except with the plus 50 years part.

H is good for the skunky hops if that's your thing. Can only get that on imported though.

>> No.12758087

>I disagree, except with the plus 50 years part.
Traditional Japanese culture died with the end of World War 2, The Setting Sun is a wonderful work on just that.
Nothing much has changed since then.

>> No.12758117 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 821x615, 1409644109677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, but I think you may have misinterpreted "westaboo" for something else.

>> No.12758877

I never said anything about losing weight or being economical, those light beers just taste like horse piss. So if you're poor, have shit taste, and are trying to lose weight, then drink Coors Light.

>> No.12758892
File: 360 KB, 700x495, 1415668749869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan is becoming more westernized than they would like to admit
And I think as time goes on, the process starts to go faster

>> No.12758917
File: 146 KB, 640x480, Image207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop wasting your perica on beer, Kaiji

>> No.12759455

How do you know what horse puss taste like?

>> No.12759503

You know back when water would literally kill you and you can barely scrounge up a loaf of bread and a turnip to eat then yea you would fucking care

>> No.12759524


People used to only drink beer. Though it was actually mead and a little less alcohol I guess. If you dared to drink just water you'd die a diarrhea death.

>> No.12759800

I prefer cheap Japanese beer here to say Heineken or Stella. Kirin is really nice on draft, asahi and Sapporo are good too.

It's weird because when I was back home and drank imported kirin/asahi it tasted terrible.

>> No.12760376
File: 59 KB, 355x600, GoldLabelBarleyWine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are lethal.

>> No.12760387

>I think you may have misinterpreted "westaboo" for something else.
How so?
Japan is adapting western culture more and more.
The existence of Anime is a wonderful example of just that happening.

>> No.12760481
File: 14 KB, 636x358, oeaifdh786fkn6qaibwv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does japan know my needs better than my own country? Look at this shit. They know how to take care of a guy.

>> No.12761970

That's an original retort.

>> No.12762069

Beer was originally brewed to keep field workers on their feet with having to take a meal break. Most of the earliest brews were closer to alcoholic soup.

>> No.12762667

I loved Wilco Tango Foxtrot but it is no longer sold in my area.

>> No.12767629

it r go good with pizza

>> No.12767708

who beer here?

>> No.12767881
File: 130 KB, 1000x563, mashirocute1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer tastes quite nice and refreshing (even the crappy ones like PBR), but when I REALLY wanna get my /jp/ on and get wasted, I drink rum or very cheap vodka.

How can you guys afford 65 dollar bottles of whisky? Holy fuck. I feel bad if I spend more than 16 dollars for a bottle of liquor. Most I've ever paid is like 25 for some Crown Royal.

>> No.12768054

I'm a light weight so even one or two beers makes me feel a little tipsy and happy. Asahi is nice and one I drink regularly but not really one of my favourites, I tend to prefer European stuff, mainly British.
>How can you guys afford 65 dollar bottles of whisky?
I could never spend that much on it either, I'm way too stingy and quite often with whisky the cheap ones are still pretty nice.

>> No.12768361
File: 48 KB, 404x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VB mate

>> No.12768366

This is what I do. Though gin might be cheaper than vodka.
I'd pay tons for some pure, legit sake though.

>> No.12768375
File: 236 KB, 630x840, 1314044642472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can you guys afford 65 dollar bottles of whisky?
The government pays me money every month.

VB is South African and XXX is japanese. Australian beer is quite low-quality compared to the UK, Canada, or USA.

>> No.12768385

Yeah I know, it's shit but its what everyone else here drinks, Sapporo is my fave

>> No.12769669


I feel bad for playing more than 16 bucks, myself, just because that's what big bottles of Fireball cost here. Only exception I make is for Kahlua, and that's just because I used it for White Russians so it lasts me a month or so, compared to a whiskey or vodka which is gone in a flash.

>> No.12769880
File: 212 KB, 640x516, Moonshine3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you forget about Moonshine?

>> No.12769881
File: 616 KB, 850x1400, 1401907475114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You usually don't drink expensive whiskey to get drunk. A bottle usually lasts for a month for me.
If I want to get completely fucked, I'll buy a 24 pack of 10% ciders and a bottle of cheap vodka.

>> No.12769906
File: 103 KB, 637x900, Rochefort_8_trappist_beer_900.jpg.jpg?1391076990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12769907


The funniest thing about alcohol, you can be fine with cheap vodka that tastes like dishwater, but if a beer tastes even a little shitty it's unbearable.

>> No.12769987

I don't think even oni's could handle that stuff

>> No.12770026
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>drinking the fermented Jew
>any year

>> No.12770032

You mean the fermented egyptian.

>> No.12770074
File: 1.49 MB, 2317x3248, jupiler-pils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a good pils it beats special beers on a daily basis.

>> No.12770120

Cheap as fuck for the brand and type. Absolutely delicious too. The best whisky I've ever had was the Yamazaki 18 year old. That was 200e a bottle. The entry level Yamazaki's are fantastic if you like single malts.

>> No.12770125

Too bad Asahi is awful.

>> No.12770146


Yebisu tastes great if I remember correctly though.

>> No.12770337

One of the worst kinds of people in this world are beer elitists.

>> No.12770352
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>> No.12770380

I'd fuck that stinky sweaty bear

>> No.12771261
File: 43 KB, 720x480, whiskey1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Japanese malt whisky has been ranked as the best in the world, beating out Scottish brands, which didn't make it into the top five.


Wow, Scotland are you even trying?

>> No.12771363
File: 681 KB, 605x881, asssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't find these in vancouver

>> No.12771477
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>holding pizza by the cheese

>> No.12771520

Never tried moonshine. What does it taste like?

>> No.12771606

Damn straight!

>> No.12771748


The artist probably never ever ate one. Or nips are beyond retarded.

>> No.12771802

It's not as bad as you might think. Commercial moonshine (sic) is pretty smooth and doesn't taste that much different from corn-based vodka.

>> No.12771846
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beer makes me feel bloated

>> No.12772090
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Do you support your local cheap as shit beer, /jp/?

>> No.12772144

8 is best
6 too weak
10 too much alcohol, doesn't taste as good

>> No.12772203
File: 87 KB, 332x500, asahi kuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>12746396 here

Drank some ビール after work this weekend as usual

Something sad I noticed: after a couple of "good" beers (Brewdog mostly), when I switched to Asahi as my last drink of the night (first time trying this Black version) it was really noticeably poor. I'm not a beer snob, they annoy me a lot ("omg muh mouthfeel muh citrus notes" ww), and god knows I love shitty beer anyway, but the dip in quality was so obvious, it was like suddenly switching from a 5 star lobster banquet to a supermarket ready meal.

Of course I still drank it all but I am probably finished with Asahi now until my next big gyamburu.

>> No.12772227

> after a couple of "good" beers (Brewdog mostly), when I switched to Asahi as my last drink of the night (first time trying this Black version) it was really noticeably poor

well no shit, sherlock.

You need to drink the asahi first, and after you've had a couple, switch to the good stuff.

>> No.12772278

>You mean the fermented egyptian.

you mean the fermented mesopotamian

>> No.12772352
File: 33 KB, 457x296, 2_BEER.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If they drank 40 degree celsius bitter beer with metal straws to filtrate it because there were huge globs of bitter shit in it you can drink cheap asahi and not be a faggot.

>> No.12772383

When I was in japan, the japs always said I should drink kirin. They also recommended something they called highball, which was ginger ale with beer, or wodka or whiskey. They seem to call everything mixed with ginger ale highball.

>> No.12772397

I liked the highball stuff. They usually come in a bunch of flavors and I feel like less of a bitch drinking it in Japan because everyone drinks them there.

>> No.12772401

I think normal Kirin is better than normal Asahi, but Asahi Black is better than anything Kirin.

>> No.12772697

Well beer is kinda expensive in japan. No idea how to cheaply get yourself drunk there.

>> No.12773065


go back to /fit/

>> No.12774539

Get your booze from a big supermarket, it's cheaper there.

>> No.12774868

500ml of standard beer (not happoshu) is about 260 yen right now. Still not cheap.

6 500ml PBRs in the US is like 5 bucks.

>> No.12775040

That is very very cheap compared to Kangarooland.
I highly envy you.

>> No.12775114

A 500ml can of pisswater is € 0.50 here and usually even less if you get a lot of them.

>> No.12775145

Just be thankful it's not VB or light beer or goon

>> No.12775154

Yona yona is amazing for the price, and you can find it in just about any Lawsons or Circle K. Hitachino White ale became my holy grail back in the states, but luckily it's gained a lot of street cred with craft brewers so you can sometimes find it in certain international craft beer bar chains.

>> No.12775166

probably you never drank awesome jap beer

>> No.12775659

The only bad beer is no beer.

>> No.12775949


Some bad pils made of piss in belgium here cost 2€50 for an entire pack of 24x25cl. Yes it is less than running water. It is called karlpils I think. And let's not speak about carapils it is even worse.

>> No.12776855
File: 148 KB, 1000x1485, zwitschennetzprost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like 5,0. Best cheapobeer.

>> No.12779028

>California wine beat the best European wines in a blind taste test.
Sure is a incredibly bold and wide statement. also incredibly false.
California has excellent wines, but to blindly generalize a subjective thing as taste. no...

Most people still think France makes the best wines but those days are long gone.

>> No.12779072

I drank it once and it tasted like shit. There are different versions though right? Maybe I'll try them out sometimes.

>> No.12779723

I drink the 5,0 Pils and Export a lot, and can't really complain. Sure there might be better beers out there, but it has an excellent value for this price.

>> No.12780422
File: 128 KB, 302x1000, Frankfurter_Pilsator_Pilsener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gave up on quality beer except for augustiner

>> No.12780430

5.0 is godlike for it's price. Non-Germans will never know how good it actually is.

>> No.12780501

I drink German beer mostly but my favorite beer is Pilsner Urquell.

I like Pilsners and Lagers. Hefe not so much but I'm not a big fan of dark stuff. IPAs are the devil.

>> No.12780837


The last time I went to a bar in Germany they had no choice and some banana pils. Couldn't resist drinking one just to make fun of a redguard in our group.

>> No.12780921

>beer in cans


>> No.12780958

That looks dank, I'll have to pick up a bottle sometime over the holidays and drink it with somebody else I know who likes whisky to have something different for a change.

>> No.12784402 [SPOILER] 
File: 23 KB, 550x400, 1418257127966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For relaxing times, make it Suntory time!

>> No.12785040

The American microbrew college-age beer connoisseurs are so adorable, they show up in every topic borderline related to alcohols. No doubt they're from the same vocal plague that is /pol/.

Is /int/ with #bantz and your mom jokes not enough for you?

>> No.12786358

haha, I actually watched that movie yesterday and thought "hey, isn't this the whiskey from the /jp/ thread?"

>> No.12786759
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, [Cthuko] Shirobako - 06 [720p H264 AAC][A273C3D3].mkv_snapshot_00.56_[2014.11.22_02.45.45].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than beer in plastic bottles.

>> No.12792530

Suntory Magnum Dry from a can tastes like metal filings. Would not reccommend.
