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12736368 No.12736368[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I start being NEET for a while? I'm in USA and age 18, I am really not looking forward to the long hard work life, I would be much happier living without work with just internet and a bedroom. Please help me.

>> No.12736383
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>> No.12736397

I don't even want food or games like he has. I just want to not be stressed out and work. If I only had to work a few hours a day for just the essentials I'd be fine. I've tried jobs before and I don't like them, people take advantage and I end up being the hardest worker.

>> No.12736399

kill yourself

>> No.12736403

Sounds like you want a portal to Gensokyo.

>> No.12736408

That's a strange question. You start being a NEET by not starting to do anything else.

>> No.12736428

Please help... I'd even work but a 9/5 is too demanding and stressful, I think 20 hours a week would be fine for now but really I don't want anything.

Are any of you NEET and would help me?

>> No.12736452

People like you need to be cleansed from the gene pool. I can understand why you would want to live that lifestyle but if you're not contributing back to society then you're just a leech. And I'm not one of those guys that thinks everyone should work hard for the sake of working hard.

Just ask yourself this, if everyone in the world lived the way you wanted to live there wouldn't be anything worth living for. In other words, you're living a life that you yourself do not want others to live by.

I'm glad beta males such as youself exist, more bitches to go around for the rest of us. I won't be here to read your response so don't bother. I don't care what beta males think.

>> No.12736466

Leech off you parents. If you're cute be a camwhore.

>> No.12736468

and this guy comes along to make the OP seem less bad. remove yourself, all of you

>> No.12736473

Ugh... I lost my virginity at 14 and had a godly childhood. Fuck off, if NEET is an option I'd rather do that than work to death just to maintain livelihood. "Beta" or not, waging for a living won't get you bitches.

>> No.12736487

I need to clarify that I don't want to be NEET forever. The camwhore idea is basically like starting a business. I want to be NEET = I want time off work, school, EVERYTHING to save up money and start a business. I'd be happy being self reliant but the point of this thread is to become NEET so I don't have to work 8 hours a day scraping by being miserable.

>> No.12736496

Not possible.
How are you going to save up money to start a business if you're not making money?

>> No.12736501

I was hoping a NEET would share with me that. I have money saved up and can start a little business from home but idk how to survive without a 9/5 job.

>> No.12736509
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By becoming a NEET you make yourself unemployable. You spent years doing jack, and the best job you could ever land will be taken by a immigrant speaking broken english who is actually more skilled and intelligent than you.

You will be trapped, and there won't be much to escape your situation. Do not become a NEET if you are not ready to deal with extreme poverty and your impending suicide.

>> No.12736510

Btw yes I'm living with my parents but only because I turned 18 recently, I won't be able to leech off them.

>> No.12736515


and when you think it won't get anymore retarded this faggot opens his mouth. literal autism

>I'm glad beta males such as youself exist, more bitches to go around for the rest of us

go back to r/men and choke on a dick top kek

>> No.12736519
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You are fucked. Get a job. Contrary to what idiots tell you here, welfare is only to help you survive, not live any kind of comfortable lifestyle.

Or do you intend to live off el cheapo cup-o-noodles for years to come? You won't be able to afford anything more. I am telling you this because I was in your situation and it was not pretty. Don't do this to yourself.

>> No.12736523

Females like independence. When you're living off your parent's tit or the government's tit you look like a new born baby to the majority of females. Enjoy your right or left hand because if you continue that lifestyle that's all you'll ever get. I believe someone on /a/ called it
"accepting an incestuous mental copulation."

I know I'm sounding like a normalfag but let's be honest. If you knew someone who did nothing but leech you would despise them. We all know someone who's like that. They are the worse type of people on this planet.

>> No.12736525

Commit a crime that will take you to jail.

Otherwise work.

>> No.12736529


If being NEET is a negative thing, I didn't know. I thought NEETs were financially independent, that's all I really want. Suicide is better than making barely enough money to survive working stressful jobs.

Isn't there any way I can take time off to plan and achieve the lifestyle I want, not working a 9/5, instead running my own business or at least surviving with very little work until I have the money to start a business?

>> No.12736535

>Commit a crime that will take you to jail.

Have you ever seen a /jp/er in person. Have you ever seen how thin their arms are. That's a terrible idea. In prison he'd be working just as hard but on all fours.

>> No.12736541

What do you think NEET stands for? If they're not in employment, how do you think they get their money?
How will you ever run a business if this is the mindset you have?

>> No.12736543

I got news for you, genius, females work just as much as males now so working on a wage won't get you bitches. You had 1 shot to get pussy as a child/teen and Ienjoy your simple life before growing up. So don't come to me with this gay beta/alpha shit, after the childhood it's all about working and retiring which is sad. If you don't have good looks or money, you won't have sex or fun.

Sorry if I came off as a leech. I just think working long hours for little money like most Americans is no way to live happily.

>> No.12736547

kill urself

>> No.12736548
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By "stressful jobs" you mean working in places like McDonalds? Then yes, you won't be able to do earn a living. You need an education or the smarts to learn a craft on your own.

The closest thing to what you describe is doing IT freelance jobs, but you will be competing with Hindu quasi-slaves codemonkeys who are willing to work for less than $4 an hours and half a peanut.

Have you no skills? Any interests? The only way to survive work is to do something you enjoy.

>> No.12736557

Only plebs and mentally ill people have "stressful jobs to survive".

If you're confident and skilled, find a well paid and fun job and be embarassed that you even made a thread like this one.

If not, then make it easier for everyone and emdure the hard life or kill yourself.

>> No.12736561

They give you ~30 minutes of busy work in most prisons. But it's shit like 40 people doing laundry when it's a 3 man job or just plain waiting for "work" to appear. Best job is the food server because you can steal food. And the "weak" homosexuals are usually placed separate, along with the pedos etc.

Also OP is a faggot.

>> No.12736570

I've had one job in my life, when I was 16 I worked at Burger King... Maybe I'm basing work life off of that one experience. I don't know what other jobs are like, but fast food was very stressful and I went home with blisters every day.

Other jobs aren't that stressful? I'm learning a lot from this, thank you.

>> No.12736571

Only weak and mentally ill people give a shit about "everyone else". Society can suck my dick while I leech off of it while being happy, and there's nothing you can do about it, faggot.

>> No.12736579

There's only 4 ways to live a NEET lifestyle:
1) Leech
2) Generate enough money that you can live off of for the rest of your life.
3) Be born into a rich family.
4) Win the lottery.

I'm choosing the 2nd option. I use all of my free time programming and studying physics so that I may one day create a product be it an app, game, or website that allows me to retire early.

The truth about someone like moot is that he's gotten past the hard part of maintaining a product and now is sitting on a golden goose. He could live off the 4chan pass thing for the rest of his life or he could sell 4chan for millions and retire early. Anyone with an IQ above 70 can make a product if they put enough work into it.

>> No.12736580

>I thought NEETs were financially independent

Why do you think everyone hates NEETs and calls them leech of the society? Even NEETs don't want any more NEETs because they'd get less money.

>> No.12736581


Keep thinking your life is a success, maybe it'll postpone your suicide long enough

>> No.12736586
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Work at something that doesn't require you to burn yourself. I used to work for a smootie business making shakes, cleaning and stuff. Had a great time being brown with a white supremacist coworker who somehow warmed up to me. He was a good guy.

The only problem we had were niggers. Always.

Another easy, comfy job is being a security guard on night shifts. You only have to do your rounds and call the cops if you see any danger. As i recall, some guy here on /jp/ is one.

>> No.12736590

Success is only inside your head anyway, there is nothing worth in life more than happiness, and being a NEET is how I reached it. If you're happy by fooling yourself your life is an actual success rather than a pathetic slave of society, go on.

>> No.12736592

Well then we think alike anon. What you want to do is no different than starting a business and living off the time invested into that.

All I'm saying is if the 5th option was: Save up money to start a business - That would be my choice. moot didn't slave away at mcdonalds for $7/hour, he invested his time into something that will help him achieve financial freedom.

>> No.12736593

Uh im pretty sure /jp/ is a 20+ board,.. its in the rules and everything...

>> No.12736596

Anon I want you to know SSI is intended for people who plan on getting some sort of job in the future. They will start cutting you short in your 30s and then eventually you'll be one of those bums on the street. I know from personal experience.

>> No.12736598

Please stop shitposting.

>> No.12736600

I think this is the closest CWC has ever been to covering up his autism.

>> No.12736607

I don't mean to insult you but have you tried studying? If you can live a fine life as a security guard, does this mean you can live a better life if you study something short term with less competition? I mean, I have some time, why settle for another job that requires zero training to do.

I was even thinking of joining military and getting out with a free college scholarship, becoming a cop & making upper middle class salary, but hurting people is not my thing in life...

>> No.12736611
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He is a very good motivator, serving as an example of how not to lead your life.

He is beyond any sort of redemption.

>> No.12736614

Where do you think you are?

>> No.12736621
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He is 18, so he obviously does not have an education, and does not seem willing to have one.

I did get an education and am currently supporting myself (and my expensive hobbies) working for an IT company. I enjoy my job.

Army is only good if you do everything in your power to get a desk job, or be a non-combatant like medic or machine/tech guy.

>> No.12736622
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So, he's like a real life Tomoko? Somebody who you can always look down on no matter what.

>> No.12736623

>Save up money to start a business
That's basically option #2. The truth is, if I do manage to create a product or business, chances are I would enjoy working on it for the rest of my life. ZUN loves Touhou and would be bothered if he wasn't working on it.

>moot didn't slave away at mcdonalds for $7/hour, he invested his time into something that will help him achieve financial freedom.
Let's be honest about moot. He grabbed an open source software from Futaba chan, relied on his e-friends to translate and run said software, and used his mom's credit card to pay for web host. His job would have been much easier if 1) his user-base didn't consist of hackers, pedophiles and dicks and 2) if he actually knew how to program a proper website. Moot is not an innovator like the guys who created youtube or 2ch. moot is just a person who was at the right place at the right time. His refusal to major in computer science shows his ignorance. If he ran 4chan properly it would have been the 2ch of the west, instead, reddit has taken that title. Moot's success is a one of a kind thing and shouldn't be referenced without asterisk (*).

>> No.12736628

Maybe he does.

>> No.12736631

I've tried getting a job, they all want references, previous experience and even a resume. I asked other boards and they all said I'm fucked because I should've been working part time jobs at 16 and I'm too old to work.

>> No.12736640

I imagine working as IT guy for the military would be pretty chill. You can pretty much ignore any laws that apply to normal people, steal a lot of secret stuff from everywhere, and can still brag to strangers "I'M WITH THE ARMY NERD, BETTER BACK OFF OR I'LL LAY YOU DOWN!".

Of course only if you have no reservations about turning into a piece of shit person.

>> No.12736642

Make stuff up.

>> No.12736649

What >>12736642 said. You think anyone is going to check up on any references you submit? Just make it sound slightly realistic, like having done a boring office job in some backwater company with ten employees.

>> No.12736652

Work for a relative a few months. Or a friend of said relative doing anything. ANY kind of work. You have already worked for a McDonalds. Use that.

>> No.12736654

It's me, I am willing to get educated and work. I was just basing my negative view on work off working in BK for $7.50/hour + huge workload.

IT sounds awesome, I enjoy computers too but my dream is to start my own business so a 4-6 year degree is not attractive... 6 months - 1 year, even up to 2 years for an associates degree is more realistic for me.

I agree completely on that last part, but moot was at least smart enough to seize that opportunity. I think the only path to living a good life in the west is
1) Study for many years and land a 100k/year job
2) Start a business. But the business doesn't have to be "innovative", the most successful people I know personally run a small gas station and a mechanic shop.

>> No.12736660

I got hired with no high school diploma or work experience. Protip: a resume does not (only) mean previous work experience. By the time I did my first job interview I had 19 open source software projects on my website. My interviewer only had one question for me and that was when could I start. If work experience is such a big issue you can consider visiting craigslist and doing freelance work.

>> No.12736661

I've been a NEET for like 6 months ever since I finished high school but thing is, my grades were all quite high so if I want to I can get in a uni or college easily. I don't exactly feel like a failure ever since I reach 18 but I just have no idea what I want to do. I'm bad at mathematical sciences, it's too hard to get in worthy areas of biological sciences, and I'm not as interested in social sciences as I am in humanities. But almost every degree in the latter feels like a waste of time, unless I do it as a secondary minor.

>> No.12736683

Well, good news is thanks to this rather productive thread I have a much stronger working spirit.

Thanks guys. I am going to sell all my stupid shit on ebay and save money, then ask my parents for guidance in finding a job/carreer until I can start my own business.

>> No.12736687

>How do I start being NEET for a while?

In America, that's called "being black."

>> No.12736692

Godspeed, friend.

>> No.12736694

PS. I think It's more about being optimistic.

In my first few posts I came off as a leech because I sound pessimistic about work. Optimism will open doors for you.

>> No.12736700

Another thing I'll add to this is that my office is very close to my boss' office so I can hear the interviews he conducts. So far he has turned down at least 3 college graduates because they didn't have enough real world experience. You can only imagine how good that made me feel knowing that my resume is so good that I'm in a position that people with degrees can't obtain.

Resumes and portfolios don't come out of thin air though, you generally do have to be working hard to get a noticeable portfolio. Use your free NEET time to work on projects you care about. Eventually it'll work out for you. A life lesson I learned is that if you do any hobby long enough eventually something will come out of it. I actually got into a relationship with a 3D girl from years of browsing /a/ and /jp/ for crying out loud. If that's possible then anything is possible.

>> No.12736715

Don't start.
It's not always easy to live.

At least live on your own, not at your parents if you intend to, you'll sleep better.

>> No.12736757

Being full NEET is not good for the heart. You need a bit of stress in your life to make it interesting.

If you can, do not work and study at the same time. Work and save up money, then dedicate yourself to your studies living off your savings.
What if you start studying at 23 or 25?, fuck haters.

Take it easy: work easy, rest hard.

Spend wisely.

Do not try to live up to the expectations of others.

Put some toilet paper inside the WC before taking a dump so the water doesn't splash your ass.

Raspberry girl tummies.

>> No.12736778

I'm going to college next year and I'll be 24. I've worked shitty jobs for the past two years. Before getting those jobs I was a NEET since 14.

The NEET life WILL get boring. And when you finally get out of it, you will feel like you wasted a crap ton of time.

>> No.12736785

Sup OP, I can give you the answer.

You have a few choices, either you work 9/5 for a few month while living off your parents as much as possible at the same time, save al ot of money, and then you can NEET it up, and since you actually worked at some point, you have experience for your CV, meaning you can return to work.

Option two is a part time job, work a few days a week, with not a lot of hours, and go from there, naturally you will have to end up living with your parents.

You can just tell your parents you need some time to just stay back, relax, and hope they understand, then you leech the shit out of them at every opportunity, you should be able to NEET it up for at least 4-5 months doing this without your parents expecting much.
No matter how you do it, while you have time over, you want to spend a bit of time programming, there's a lot of indie corners around the web that will pay you €50 or more for 3 hours of work if you get good, and you can buy figurines and other dumb shit with this money, or save up for when your parents abandon you.

I myself have pretty sweet parents, I'm going to be studying for 1 and a half more year, and then I'll be a NEET for about 9 months, and they'll be alright with it.

Alternatively, if you want to give away the small amount of pride you seem to have left, you can become a dick sucker somewhere and leech of them in exchange for sexual favours.

There's usually a thread on /adv/ about how you NEET it up, you should look for it.

>> No.12736786
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>> No.12736803

I get NEETbux. All I have to do is apply for jobs and report my progress every month.

It's not enough for me to live alone, but hopefully I'll get more money soon.

>> No.12736804

Since we're brainstorming here

What about saving up just enough money to buy a small piece of land somewhere, then plant a garden and build a house out of wood or in a tree?

It's not everyone's cup of tea but the only expenses would be $50 for internet if you want, everything else like food and freedom is there.

>> No.12736805
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>Put some toilet paper inside the WC before taking a dump so the water doesn't splash your ass.

This is the most important piece of advise in this thread, it is actually life changing.

Pro tip: If you happen to release a huge piece of shit that destroys the paper shield, quickly place another before releasing the next shit bomb, or you may end up with pissy, shitty splash back despite your effort to prevent it in the beginning.

>> No.12736807

Sorry but you still have to pay yearly to the government for land you own.

also land is pretty expensive unless useless land.

>> No.12736810

Or just lower the water pressure anon. Or take the cold splash to the sphincter like a man.

>> No.12736821

-Moving out of country to somewhere where rent is much cheaper
-Living in a trailer home
-Living in a van with one of those wireless hotspots for internet
