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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1254042 No.1254042 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/. I have a question about university in Japan. (it's very late here so I might have many grammar mistakes.) I was born and raised in Japan but I moved into America when I finished preschool/kindergarten. I went back to Japan during 4th grade for school but I had to come back to America again. I'm planning on moving back to Japan before University starts which is before April so I can make it upcoming year. I don't have any financial problem because my mother lives in Aichiken, Nagoya so I already have a house I can live at, car, etc. there. I have Japanese citizenship so I can go to University as a returning student but there's one thing I'm concerned with. I have a friend who lives in Japan who used to live in America. He was born in Japan but he came here during elementary school and he went back to Japan for University. He said he was able to apply to the University with only writing paragraphs of why he wanted to join and...... he was able to join. I lost contact with him after awhile and I can't ask question whether SAT test matters at all. My parent wants me to take the SAT test because it might make a difference when I apply for University in Japan. Does it really matter? Also, is there anything else I could do to increase my chance applying into University as a returning student?

I've done searching but I can't find any answer at all. Thanks for reading!

>> No.1254060

You write like moot.

>> No.1254084

Wow I actually read your whole tl;dr post and I have to say sorry, probably no one here will bother to read your post or have gone to university in Japan :(

>> No.1254090

I get the feeling I've read OP's post before.

>> No.1254101

I read it too. It flows nicely for a long post. Well done, OP.

I can't answer your question, however.

>> No.1254102

Wow, tl;dr.

>> No.1254118

>>(it's very late here so I might have many grammar mistakes
Do you live on Midway Atoll?

>> No.1254127

i dont know how a Japanese person, even being raised in America, couldn't know about the entrance exams you need to take to get into uni. They're pretty much what the whole Japanese high school system is based on. I wasnt sure if OP was trolling or just ignorant.
but yeah, im gonna go with troll

>> No.1254135

Thanks for reading. It's okay if you can't help, nothing I can do about it. There might be someone who's been through this but I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up too much.

This is actually my first post on /jp/. It took me serveral months to ask this question here.

>> No.1254157

5:28 AM in California that is "fairly late"

>> No.1254162

sorry captain /jp/ doesn't know shit about japan

>> No.1254164

I lived in America almost my whole life and I only got into Japanese University recently so my information is still limited.

I don't think there's any troll who'll want to just know the entrance exam for returning students in Japan. I can't prove it to you but you could just ignore my post if you think so.

No, sorry I don't live there.

>> No.1254193

Really think it depends on the school and what program you want to get into specifically. I know for the school I studied at (上智大学) there was the standard entrance exams that kick your ass, but if you were entering into the School of Comparative Culture (equivalent to Liberal Arts), you were only required to take the SAT. I think most of the major universities you would be interested in applying to should have some sort of website with more information on the tests and method of applying for international students. It may be easier for you to just go to an American uni though.

>> No.1254211

How well do you speak Japanese?

>> No.1254213

Oh sorry, forgot one other thing. My friends told me that it is much easier for those in smaller areas to get into universities in Tokyo and other far away places since they had to compete only with those from their own prefectures. For instance, my friend Shohei is from Nagano and was able to get into 上智 with a score on his entrance exam much lower than he would have had to have made in the Tokyo area. While Nagoya is a pretty large city and might invalidate this, and from the OP it seems you wish to live at home, you might want to take that into consideration and just go sit for the test and try your best at it. You also could probably take a year off and get a tutor or go to cram school in order to get in to the university you are thinking of.

>> No.1254215

im a suspicious person
but either way, heres what i know.

you have to pass entrance exams to get into japanese universities. if theres any subject you're not good at, for example people who didn't go to school in japan might not be good at japanese history or old japanese, i hear different universities have different subjects in the exams so you can consider that when choosing to help yourself out.
of course better universities need better exam results because everyone wants to get into them. im not sure if there are any universities you dont need to take an exam for.
i think thats all that matters if you went to school in japan, if you didn't i'm not sure, you might have to write a proposal of why you want to study, and anything to show you will be a good student might help.
if you can't pass the exams, technical schools are pretty much buy your way into kindof things, although their qualifications dont count for much, they're for people who can't enter uni.
and getting into uni is the hard thing in japan, once you're in you can bludge the whole 4 years.

>> No.1254245

I see, thanks for taking your time replying! I have a book that contains 1400 pages called "違いがズバリわかる大学" 2004 edition which shows all the websites of the university in Japan. I'll start typing in all the website and look more carefully.

I can talk fluently since I always talk to my parent and sister in Japanese and I used to go to Saturday school in America called "Rainbow Gakuen." We studied everything in Japanese (just like school in Japan) so I guess I'm not too bad.

>> No.1254278

Thanks for replying! These are much better response than I thought I would get. *taking notes*

>> No.1254504

as a guy having a similar circumstance as yours, i looked into it a japanese university stuff a little before but it really depends on the school from what i heard.
the private college are apparently easier to get into if you were returning student than ken, national or kokuritu universities but most require sat or act now a days along with an essay.

this is just my advise but you should only go to japanese university unless you're planning to spend rest of your life in japan. if you're planning to come back to US to do your grauate and masters, it will be a hell to catch up since many japanese universities let students slack off and let them just graduate automatically once you get in. also, if you want to work in japan, you should also consider about going to university here since japanese business takes highly of japanese fluent in japanese and english that graduated from american university. but there are many private japanese university that takes in a lot of students coming back from abroad that has a really good connection with the business's that can help you get a job for you as a bilingual worker.

if i could manage it, i'm planning on going to university here than go back to japan to work as a government fed bureaucrat.
but don't mind much about my advices, just take it as a friendly random suggestion from a fellow japanese that loves his own country.

>> No.1254547

truth. speaking english helps japanese people a lot for finding a good job in japan and im sure having an american degree would help you out a lot too.
my friends father is in a non-english related job and he can't get promoted anymore unless he ups his english exam score.
but study where you want to be and enjoy your time at uni, just being able to speak english fluently should help you out a lot.

>> No.1255266

Does it matter what anime I watch to enroll into certain Japanese universities?

>> No.1256113

Thanks for the tip. I think you're very accurate because you're saying something similar to what my grandparent said and both of them went to university in Japan. They said it's hard to get in the University but once you join it, it's actually very easy to graduate.

I just wanted to know about the SAT score before I waste my time studying it for over eight hours per day and $60 to take the SAT only to find out that I didn't need to do it. If you found the information about needing the SAT and the essay from the Internet, would it be ok if I get the link to it?

I can answer this for you. No and please troll somewhere else.

>> No.1256135

so are moon colleges full of the same fratbros as american ones?

>> No.1256153

I'm not sure what "moon college" and "fratbros" is. Sorry.

>> No.1256885
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just come to the university I got into, you just show up and say you wanna enter, and they say sure.

Which University are you entering, it would be helpful if you knew which one you want to get in, then you could look up what the requirements are using the google, because all of them have at least one different requirement, and you can also weed out the schools that are easiest to get in like I did. The tests and everything are so easy, sometimes I feel like I fucked up and entered a retard school.

>> No.1256922
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>> No.1257075

My parents are recommending me "Aichi University of Education." http://www.aichi-edu.ac.jp/

Since I live in Aichi-ken, it's the closet University from my house.

I just found this site so it's time to look through it.

>> No.1257081

I laughed.

>> No.1258292

Don't bother with the SAT. It was developed by and for American universities, primarily on the east coast. It still has a significant cultural bias. It would NOT be worth your time for your situation.

Graduate school tests in the U.S. are a different matter, but you won't need to deal with that now.

>> No.1259544

I dunno lol

>> No.1262339

I see. Instead of wasting my time with SAT, I guess I'll start improving my Japanese language instead. Thanks for the help!

>> No.1262370

I know that universities in East Asia have special programs for citizens who are returning to study. It makes it really easy for them to get in. However, most of them don't return from overseas, so there's lots of space. It's supposed improve the university's international reputation and diversity by having citizens with international experience join them.

>> No.1262451

Hey, OP here. The program is called Kikokushijo. Many University has kikokushijo but for some reason, it doesn't specify what's exactly needed to enter the University. All I know is it's easier for me to enter than the normal people. Thanks for the information, it's nice to know there's lot's of space.
