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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 43 KB, 508x484, GOODS-00006256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12551718 No.12551718 [Reply] [Original]

what's up nerds?
looks like amiami is getting some new fumos, if you were looking for one

>> No.12551720
File: 40 KB, 468x451, GOODS-00006257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12551730

Soft, huggable, Tenshi Fumo.

>> No.12551982

so cute

>> No.12552096

That big "M" just had to ruin it, they just don't have any sense when it comes to aesthetics, I sware

>> No.12552125

It'ze me, Marisa!

>> No.12552564
File: 114 KB, 480x736, 229951-image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12552567

That would be ZUN's fault.

>> No.12552589

It makes perfect sense characterwise, but yeah, that shits ugly.

>> No.12552598

that's not even a real 2hu, get some good ones from the main 2hu series

>> No.12552606

You're not even a real 2hu!

>> No.12552615

SWR and UNL are canon, deal with it nerd.

>> No.12552655

Mokou fumofumo, new batch never.

>> No.12552690


Why are they all looking to the right?

>> No.12552697

Blame Marisa's aehestetic sense.

She also wore the silliest hat ever once (that tiny ass one from WaHH)

>> No.12552927

So it's only a Marisa and Sanae?
Any chance of the others getting put up for pre order?

>> No.12552942

yo doz peaches at fuckin' huge

>> No.12552948

It's cute as HELL.

>> No.12552952
File: 619 KB, 1022x503, 1411860872169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a collection of 14 fumos but my dad put them in a box in my closet because he thinks my 2 year old is going to end up like me if they're out and visible.

>> No.12552953

It's just Marisa and Sanae? Lame.

>> No.12552955

I would love one, but I cannot bear the idea of having to explain such an item to my family.

I am not what people would call delicate looking.

>> No.12552961

You have a child and you still live with your parents?

>> No.12552972

It's complicated. I meant to say my 2 year old brother.

>> No.12552977

Oh. That makes a world of difference.

>> No.12552981

Your brother is also your son? And your father still lets you live with him?

>> No.12552997

Anon, did you impregnate your mom?

>> No.12553057

Will they be restocking the old ones? If not, I'm not interested.
I'd rather buy an onahole, they don't look that good.

>> No.12553064

I want them all...but what would I even do with them?

>> No.12553067

Tenderly love them.

>> No.12553068

what peac-HOLY FUCK

i thought those were hands holding her upright

>> No.12553073


>> No.12553074

I still want one. She can stay with my other two Marisas.

>> No.12553120

i want to bully it

>> No.12555026
File: 94 KB, 700x800, 83d2c54daf071c5c21a47d22f7d6cfc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute? Or cuter?

>> No.12555041
File: 814 KB, 794x500, Oyasumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take her

>> No.12555043

I think that little white circle in their eyes is light reflection.

>> No.12555046
File: 209 KB, 500x857, 1365608357046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuddle with them every night! :3

>> No.12555049

>taking your fumos hat off for bedtime
Wow you are autistic man and I do that too.

>> No.12555055
File: 35 KB, 407x600, CGD2-06222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I really want Ran. I mean, look at those fluffy tails.
No chance of a rerelease?

>> No.12555058

Kankolle killed touhou so no rereleases ever. Be sure to preorder your boat slut fumos.

>> No.12555070

it's their fault for being cute

>> No.12555099

This is cuter. The blue pattern on the other one has too much detail.

>> No.12555107

I always though Marisa's M was pretty cute

>> No.12555111
File: 265 KB, 700x669, ヒメルダがファービー足で踏んでる画像ください.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any difference between these things and the furby hype back 15 years ago? in 5 years you're gonna regret buying it, like all useless otaku crap.

>> No.12555123
File: 54 KB, 404x315, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I like card games

>> No.12555131

Furby was mass marketed, just liek tamagotchi. They also took away a lot of creativity people, mainly kids, should have interacting with toys.

>> No.12555142

if there wasn't ZUNs terms of use, there would be 2hu fumo all over the place - just like furbies.

>> No.12555196

I'm starting to want one of these, they're so cute. And I'm not even really a touhou fan, I just occasionally look at touhou fan art.

>> No.12555203

Furbies are creepy cheap toys marketed to kids that got overhyped as super computers that listen to you actions for some reason.
Fumos are juct cute plushies. The fact furbies are plush like is literally the only similarity.

>> No.12555210

> :3
Kill yourself out of /jp/, kudasai.

>> No.12555213

I am a lion rawr >:3

>> No.12555217


>> No.12555225
File: 142 KB, 620x829, ayaplush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should get one. They're soft.

>> No.12555226

furbies are supposed to look cute, just like fumos. for me, these two things are both creepy on the same level. and on top of that, fumos are even cheaper, just look at that hair - it's a flat piece of cloth, no hands, no feet and these dumb expressions.

>> No.12555241

Manufacture a new one and take over the market.

>> No.12555275
File: 865 KB, 3264x1952, sekibanki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think?

>> No.12555284

Not bad.

>> No.12555285

What are they good for? Can I just put them on a bag to display my powerlevel?

>> No.12555309

you did this in 15 minutes?

>> No.12555312

They absorb cum.
No more your mom complaining about the cum stains all over your house.

>> No.12555316

Thankfully, my mum doesn't come to my place, so I don't need to cover them.

>> No.12555333


Fuck you

>> No.12555335

I've never seen any with removable clothing beyond the hat. If you make a set of base bodies, you could print money forever by making new clothing lines instead of entire plushes.

>> No.12555339

That's how most dolls representing people, specially girls are.
One day my aunt came to my house and said my fumos were pretty and reminded her of the old dolls from back then. Also that the 2hu's clothes are really similar to what they wore.

>> No.12555341

If I were you it's put a strap there so you can attack and detach the head as you please.

>> No.12555345

What's bothering you, friend?

>> No.12555352

Why don't they sell fumos anymore? I really want a Remilia one but they're sold out everywhere

>> No.12555357

It's easy: Kill the Tornis

>> No.12555368

Wait a minute vampirea don't sleep at night

>> No.12555377
File: 22 KB, 615x501, nov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for letting me know. November just got a lot more awesome.

>> No.12555394
File: 803 KB, 808x1077, aya_prefers_nokia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can hug them and take them with you!

>> No.12555437

shut up nerd

>> No.12555767

Holy shit, they're huge. I thought they're small and cute.

>> No.12555800


>> No.12555828
File: 65 KB, 816x595, whyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12555841
File: 100 KB, 840x652, out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these feels

>> No.12555847
File: 74 KB, 611x400, ehy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont even try, weebs.

>> No.12555852

I'm so sad I didn't buy one when they were like 50 percent off.

>> No.12555869

no Orin? NO SALE

>> No.12555924

How much stock do they order?

>> No.12555937

Whoever designs these should make one for Nitori, my Marisa needs a friend

>> No.12556107
File: 100 KB, 600x600, CGD2-03922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure that that's really what you want, anon-kun?

>> No.12556139

>Whoever designs these

>> No.12556160

Not him but I do.

>> No.12556259

Rodney is a fucking dweeb.

>> No.12556284

Just make the lip brown so it looks like a mustache. Or a shit. Like Rin.

>> No.12556365
File: 1.21 MB, 2500x1656, DSC_4292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh ugh... Do I really need more?

>> No.12556369

Damn man you're fat as fuck

>> No.12556371

I'm 180cm 67kg

>> No.12556384

No, you're quite thoroughly autistic.
Your check is in the mail.

>> No.12556386
File: 10 KB, 500x500, 1407594203240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12556401
File: 916 KB, 2592x1456, IMG_20140902_171821641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I bought her, I have nothing to eat. Now I know why.

>> No.12556411

Post Tewi in the bag again.

>> No.12556421

you need marisa, faget

>> No.12556424

Marisa a shit, though.

>> No.12556444

unless it's those giant ones, it isn't worth it

>> No.12556451
File: 35 KB, 248x274, 1409439850640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my remilia one. I just need mama ran and mokou and I can die in peace

>> No.12556473
File: 219 KB, 651x603, lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kasen fumo when.

Remi x Mokou?

>> No.12556527

You don't have any nendo plushies.

>> No.12556532
File: 89 KB, 1024x768, moko-tan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Mouku you faker.

>> No.12556680

oh my god

>> No.12556693

Something seems off about this and it's a little expensive, but it's Remilia

>> No.12556763

That's a cute Myon you got there

>> No.12556947

Does a Futo fumo exist yet?

>> No.12556956

How do I clean fumos from the dust they collect?
Also what's a good 3rd party yahoo auction's site? I bought some fumos for a really cheap price (the Yakumos for 60$ and SakuRemi for 40$) but since I had to pay the site and spedition too the profit suffered.

>> No.12557045

>weebs paying more than 20usd for a fumo
>not buying from Gift shop
Quality thread.

>> No.12557052

Just use a vacuum, or shake it off with your hand? You shouldn't be afraid to touch them.

Might pull the trigger on that Marisa. Is the market still ridiculous, or can fumos be had without too much fuss?

>> No.12557055

One of those lint rollers might work to get the dust off. Or hell, some tape would probably work too.

>> No.12557179
File: 1.47 MB, 1325x2000, DSC_0522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more fumos

>> No.12557182
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x1920, DSC_7278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12557197
File: 2.15 MB, 3840x2400, Yuyuko_Plays_GTAV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12557200

I got a sealed cirno and suwako from ebay. They were the same price I would pay in total from amiami with shipping and import tax.

>> No.12557204
File: 216 KB, 998x751, bootleg_fumofumo_alice_youmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ebay is a great option for buying fake fumos.

>> No.12557206

>reiseins ear not angled midway
>no wan wan sakuya
>suwakos hat looks liek you put it out of your ass
>chen not with ran and yukari shama~
>empty white walls

>> No.12557217

>profit suffered
You are not supposed to slave trade fumos, mr goldebergensteinblat. Please leave the waifus alone.

>> No.12557224

Mine were double sealed with the round thingy attached to them and look exactly like 2real" ones.

>> No.12557247

I know it's cheaper, but I wouldn't take the risk personally even if it did save a few pounds.

>> No.12557252

Well I only use ebay as last resort nowadays; checking a lot of the user reviews and reading the item description very closely. The Cirno merchant was very nice, has a big otaku culture shop and even put in some origami and a cute post-it with the package. But when in doubt then I would pay more.

>> No.12557290
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, 5669f954380ec391d2bb223b6652d04c-d78vf3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I get one of these Sukusuku Touhou plushie?

>> No.12557316
File: 3.80 MB, 3008x2000, DSC_2340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night's stay

>> No.12557338

How much was it? Did you have enough room to lay out and sleep? Considering doing this in a couple months.

>> No.12557341

2cm taller than me, 15kg heavier


>> No.12557343

Oh, shit, it's right on the wall. That's kind of expensive, if I'm reading it correctly.

>> No.12557350

It was like 2400 yen for a 12 hour stay, free drinks and miso soup. Net cafes are actually my favorite places to sleep so far as long as people aren't snoring

>> No.12557352
File: 172 KB, 653x490, shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be kind.

>> No.12557370

Nice collection, dude!
The Orins are cool as fuck

>> No.12557393
File: 88 KB, 308x800, patchouly lesezeichen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't let patchy sit alone without any book, thank you.

>> No.12557398

What brand is that left orin and reisen? Awesome suika and wiggle.

>> No.12557405
File: 13 KB, 500x375, Guardian Beast Tyrannosaurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's something wrong with the Reimu I ordered.

>> No.12557408
File: 13 KB, 197x298, Marisa Kisame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Marisa only eats Oatmeal and fucks pigeons.

>> No.12557418

I like your Yukaris best, anon.

>> No.12557427
File: 232 KB, 988x1080, 1366481428962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those tight pants

>> No.12557432
File: 3.91 MB, 3008x2000, DSC_2498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apologies. Looks like Patchy has found an intriguing read

>> No.12557435

Now tuck her in.

>> No.12557437

White Canvas. Pretty much impossible to find these days.

>> No.12557442

If kancolle killed touhou why don't I see kancolle on the PS4? Checkmate, boats!

>> No.12557444

Kancolle gets a Vita game

>> No.12557450 [DELETED] 

No kancolle figmas. Touhou wins again.

>> No.12557463
File: 3.18 MB, 4128x2322, 20141005_165802_Richtone(HDR).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have these for now.
I want a Satori fumo!

>> No.12557468

What are those little plastic chips?

>> No.12557473

3DS games, I'm too lazy to store them in the apposite boxes.

>> No.12557729

This one is way cuter.

>> No.12557798

These are cute and all but can I buy smaller plushies somewhere? The smallest I found were about 17 cm, which seems a bit too large. I don't need them for hugging or anything.

>> No.12557818

I find Marisa, Reimu and Sanae's nendos better than their fumo counterparts.

>> No.12557837
File: 518 KB, 760x1200, MIMA!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always make your own.

>> No.12557862

Got a tutorial?

>> No.12557863

Maybe get one of the keychains instead? Gift also made a lot of them with the same design as teh fumos.

>> No.12557910

Doesn't that just mean it's easier to get away with?

>> No.12558257

Yeah, he just has to smash their heads with his club.

>> No.12558279

I'd love to see a 6 feet tall hairy dangerous biker looking type of guy taking interest in cute plushies and stuff. That'd be really cool

>> No.12558389 [DELETED] 

yeah, $$$
Q[I've wondered about this awhile, want a Marisa and an Ika Musume]:
if you visit Akihabara in Tokyo [and actually FIND one of these, somewhaat cheaper] approx. how much import duties do you hafta pay to bring a stuffed touhou into the US?

>> No.12558405

That Aya fumo is so cute

>> No.12558446
File: 634 KB, 800x800, FumoFumo Kanako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have this? It looks amazing.

>> No.12558456

It's fan-made

Doesn't help it being the best looking fumo, though.

>> No.12558462


How big is the backpack? You know, in litres?

I'm planning on backpacking soon and I'm thinking whether 55L is enough provided I resupply every two days

>> No.12558466

Oh, that sucks

>> No.12558534

Depends on your country.

>> No.12558550

man thats one beutifully made fumo

her eyes are lovely

>> No.12558591

High quality materials and 3D her makes a difference but the creater still managed to keep the cute fumo factor.

>> No.12558700
File: 74 KB, 568x426, reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/, this is Reimu.

Reimu, this is /jp/.

>> No.12558710

I was going to buy that but put it off until someone else did.

>> No.12558724

I wish the guy would take commisions, but I can understand how he'd rather keep his creations than selling them

>> No.12558910
File: 80 KB, 720x960, lunchtime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12558911

55 liters if i remember right, which has been more than enough. Worry more about the weight, because I promise it will get really annoying to drag around when changing cities

>> No.12558913

Oh god that looks terrifying.

>> No.12559596


>> No.12559706

Why is it impossible to find an Aya plush

>> No.12560758
File: 82 KB, 550x600, elly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you /jp/, I am going to try finding some quality materials and make some 2hus.

>> No.12560806

Did you make that Elly?

I'd probably pay someone on here to make one if it was good enough, since there are a lot of 2hus that will never get a fumo.

>> No.12560828

Yes. I made it a couple years ago, then gave up because I didn't know where to get supplies.

>> No.12561047

Can someone do a sheep NEET one

>> No.12561327 [DELETED] 


>> No.12561412 [DELETED] 


>> No.12561568

hi jp i only have 1 fumo and shes a chen but her butt is shaped weird do they all have weird butts or does chen have a strange rare disease

>> No.12561580
File: 6 KB, 160x160, 1410335068817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no really, chillax dude!
you are going to make us worried about you...

>> No.12561836

You don't know what DS games look like?

>> No.12561997

I think your Chen has a disease

>> No.12563161

No. I've only seen a DS in person once, and I've never played one.

>> No.12563181


>> No.12563385

Why is Aya so hard to source? :(

>> No.12563421

Sanae is a good girl.

>> No.12564540

yes its somewhat triangular. her butt is like an egg
at the pointy end of the egg her tails come out
is it terminal

>> No.12564551

My Chen has the same butt.

>> No.12564564

does this mean its normal or that we both have chens with ass tumors?

im not even sure if mines a bootleg fumo because i was cheap with it but it looks identical to the other ones ive seen

>> No.12564588

Where are then Chenbutt photos?

>> No.12564601
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 1412011475148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought mine from an auction, but it had the seal and all, it looks identical to AmiAmi's fumos.

>> No.12564649
File: 478 KB, 376x602, d-dont look baka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit quality but basically her ass is pointy

>> No.12564677

Full diapers.

>> No.12565121

I'm not him but if I had to guess a relative of his had a child that they couldn't take care of so now his parents take care of the new child as if it's their own

>> No.12565126

aya is the first super nendo fumo touhou

The hardest to source

>> No.12565130


please don't you fucking retard

>> No.12565136


mother fucker

>> No.12565157

amazon has them for like 20 bucks

>> No.12565724

How do I into fumos? I want to buy one but all I ever see are the Reimu and Marisa ones.

>> No.12566198

I think both of your Chens have terminal ass tumors

>> No.12566237

Where else can you even find Fumos nowadays? Amazon is usually overpriced as hell and risky, and Ebay is even riskier.

I've got a Remi and a Reisen, but I'd really like to get more.

>> No.12566738
File: 1.16 MB, 1325x2000, DSC_0520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12568010

Marisa and Sanae are up for preorder on Amiami. These two will be my first Fumos; I can't wait.

>> No.12568075
File: 2.41 MB, 4128x2322, tmp_16331-20141008_2141081688340818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12568089
File: 2.07 MB, 4128x2322, tmp_16331-20141008_2146131352846833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess she's a bootleg? She's pretty droopy. I like her though

>> No.12568092

looks legit

>> No.12568097

nah it's legit
it's so they can sit up without support

>> No.12568125

That's nice to hear.

>> No.12568361

Did you ever sell these or send this out to anyone?

I'm asking because my late sister had a sekibanki eerily similar to this in her room when we went to clean it out

>> No.12568425

Please don't say scary things, anonymous. He did send some out to people.

>> No.12568535

the plot thickens
now I want to know more

>> No.12568702

No, he didn't. In fact, he doesn't even remember making them, or taking these pictures. They just showed up one day.

One of them seems to vanish from his house every other month or so, always returning in a few days, always warm. He doesn't think much of it. His mind gets hazy whenever he tries to.

Lately it has started making demands.

>> No.12569340

I looked all over denden town for fumos and couldn't fine anything, maybe I will have better luck in Tokyo

>> No.12569716

That's a really cute Kaguya you have there

>> No.12571747

Please don't try to mess with Sekibaki-Anon's head, he is a cool dude.

>> No.12572407

She died from being in the wrong place at the wrong time, not because she was murdered by a spooky-banki.

I was only curious

>> No.12572507

I sold/gave awat like 7 plushes I made, maybe she bought one of them

>> No.12572571

My condoleances to you sister man, but I was just really curious if it might have been the same sekibanki. Would have been kind of cool I guess.

>> No.12573038
File: 2.80 MB, 2448x3264, 2014-09-26 17.12.06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one suika is cool, but two suikas is even better

>> No.12574176

Does anyone know of a good plush maker to commission for a fumo style plush?

>> No.12574852
File: 2 KB, 181x30, btn_PreOrdersClosed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12574959
File: 52 KB, 249x238, fast nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no rerelease
>mary sue, shittiest marisa design and slut

good so I can save money

>> No.12574970

>liking tewi
good so i can ignore your opinions

>> No.12574979
File: 549 KB, 975x1400, SaBND 04_strange_and_bright_ch04_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you know what a Mary Sue is.

>> No.12578975

Why no Wriggle fumo
Why no Nazrin fumo

>> No.12579007
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There are cuddly Nazs at least. Just not fumos.

>> No.12579168
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Every couple months I switch around how they're arranged.

I got a box full of various things so I'm currently struggling to find where to put them all.

Plus I have to put some non-display items in storage, those six boxes you see for instance.

>> No.12579214

Search in town or web for a house craft suply depot or maybe something like ikea.

>> No.12579219

Those asses are normal for fumos. I strongly assume that they are to give them more standalone ability because the giant heads can easily throw off the balance.

>> No.12579226

Fuck, I was to hesistant...maybe for the betetr to actually save soem money for once.

>> No.12579235

That Spongebob must be happy

>> No.12579237

Amiami is still taking pre-orders... I just ordered a Marisa. Hopefully I will get her

>Order Number: XXXXXXXX
>Touhou Plushie Series 23 "Marisa Kirisame" MofuMofu Marisa. (Part.2)(Preorder)
>Unit price 3,240 JPY x 1 unit(s) = 3,240 JPY

Don't give up hope, anon!

>> No.12579316

do you guys remove the tags

>> No.12579337

I got 3 of them years ago and I took the tags off because I slept with them. I got Ran a while ago and I kept the tag on her because now they all just sit on a shelf. I did keep the tags, though.

>> No.12579358

When I bought my Ran I had planned to keep the tag on but it somehow got removed when I brought her on a trip. What's worse is my mom threw away the bag that had the tag in it because the bag was broken. I was very upset at the time but now I've come to terms with her being tagless and prefer it this way. In the future, I will remove the tag, but keep it.

>> No.12579368
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>do you guys remove the tags

God no.

>> No.12579405

Yeah, I'm not that autistic yet.
I want to admire my Fumo but at the same time look at it like a part of my house, if I keep her in the plastic bag with the tag it wouldn't feel mine anymore. Same goes for the figures.

>> No.12579414
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420 with remi and oryzae

>> No.12579417

What is smoking tea like?

>> No.12579421

A popular thing to do in the SDM.
Doesn't really get you high though.
it's actually only tobacco in there ;_;

>> No.12579425

get some real weed, nerd

>> No.12579431

I thought it was tea because of the Camellia sinensis bag

>> No.12579434

I kinda quit for now. It would hinder my studies.
Also Remi dislike the smell.

Nah, bag's empty unfortunately. If you love tea it's an awesome tea shop though (if you live in Montreal). You can order online though i think.

>> No.12579447
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Smoking is bad for your health, Anon-kun.

Please consider quitting!

>> No.12579458

I try to make up for it with tea and cake, like a true little girl.

Unrelated, but i'd really like a Patchou and a Sakuya to go with Remilia. They're out of stock everywhere, can't find them at cons either. You guys have any tips ?
Or do any of you happen to sell some?

>> No.12579532

This. I keep the tags after I remove them, though.

>> No.12579573
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Um, what is the harm of leaving the tag on?

>> No.12579583

papercuts in your sleep

>> No.12579631

They don't look pretty to me.
I guess you leave them to "not drop the value", but I don't care about marketing or collector value, I have a different kind of value in mind. I do keep the tags though.

>> No.12579636
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Where can I buy this?
Is the only way to wait for amiami to restock?

>> No.12579639

Their tag is a symbol of their imprisonment please remove it so they know you will never leave.

>> No.12579658

yahoo auctions probably

>> No.12579941

Marisa is a big girl.

>> No.12580588
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>> No.12580907

Woah, I'd rather have a small and cute fumo

>> No.12581166

I guess I'll take the girl then.

>> No.12583121
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>> No.12583459

where the HELL do you guys get the money for these?

>> No.12583464

Work hard.

>> No.12583480

University grants

>> No.12583532

I have a job

>> No.12583534
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to be totally honest, my family is wealthy (my grandfather started a company which is now a major firm). When I inherit the full amount I'm due, I'm going to buy a house in Kyoto and live there.

>> No.12583538

I hope they won't give you shit.

>> No.12587712

Leaving the tag on is you not committing to your fumo of choice.

>> No.12587760

Nice collection anon, wish I had Patchy.

>> No.12587857

I hope you die.

>> No.12589895

Does anyone here even own a deka fumo? or am i the only one?

>> No.12589959
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I've been looking everywhere
All I want is deka Marisa

Where did you buy it?
Sometimes I auctions for them on ebay for 1000$+ and that's ridiculous compared to the 29800 yen it costs on amiami

>> No.12591224

I bought a Youmu some months ago off eBay. didn't really know about fumos at the time and her head kind of droops so I guess she's a bootleg. still like her though

>> No.12591245

Does she come with myon?

>> No.12591466

and her swords, yeah.

>> No.12591761

How can I tell whats the real thing? Can you guys post doll tags or hang tags. What else should I look out for

>> No.12592187

That guy could easily sell those for $150-$200 each.

Ad that's a lowball estimate.

>> No.12594820
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>> No.12595166

It's impossible to buy them without going bankrupt

>> No.12595244


Make your own

Then once you get good enough at it, make some for all of /jp/

>> No.12596057

Nope, I was just on Gift's site the other day. Those are the only two.

>> No.12596824

I got terrible fingers with nerve damage
I just want to know where it's possible to buy one

I have lots of money

>> No.12596917
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Bought it off amiami when they go on sale, you what mate.

Shipping cost me near more than the damn fumo itself, but whatever.

Either you want something or you don't.

>> No.12596935

Guess I'll just have to wait for them to restock

>> No.12598314

I want it. I need it!

>> No.12599398

Government job

>> No.12599686

fuck you, i'm not a nerd you dork.

>> No.12601938

We have the gift of Autism

>> No.12603528

How do I get autismbux

>> No.12603585

Yes you are.

>> No.12604820

i wish that fumos were more affordable

>> No.12604880
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Knock-offs are just as good as the real thing!

>> No.12604899

Oh god

>> No.12605145

£20 isn't affordable?

>> No.12605488

Do fumos have ears?

>> No.12605554

Doesn't matter anon. As long as your fumo is not horrible misshaped and you love it, everything is alright.

>> No.12605561

Even when taking overpriced shipping and maybe taxes into the bill, it will not go over 60€ for me.

>> No.12605574

Yes they have but are covered most of teh time by the hair.

>> No.12606258

Hey dude, where'd you get that?

>> No.12607412

Any recommendations for custom fumo makers and their rates?

>> No.12608139
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I hope Koishi comes back in stock soon.
You can just slip the tags right back on, taking them off is no biggie.

>> No.12608275

Marisa's little M thing is so cute

>> No.12615030
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My fumos got visited by an unexpected guest. I have no idea how he got in.

>> No.12615037
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He also took down Patche.

>> No.12615237


>> No.12615250

Well thank god Suwako has her hat for protection

>> No.12615253
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fuck it.
I'll learn sewing and make my own fumos.
A-alice, here I come

>> No.12615289

That's good, anon. Post pictures if you make something.

>> No.12615311

dear god man, clean your fumos
how could you???

>> No.12615323

How do you go about cleaning them anyways? I'd imagine soap and water won't be viable.

>> No.12615333

Buy a blonde one and make a frankenfumo.

>> No.12615405

Spit works wonders, surprisingly.

>> No.12615430

lint roller

>> No.12615572
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Hayyy boyss~~ *grabs butt*

>> No.12615767

I won an auction for one but the seller cancelled my bid after I paid money to buy it now.

He relisted the item without a buy it now price.

>> No.12618682

Use the money to hire someone to kill him and bring the fumo to you.

>> No.12619314
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Soda with Satoris

>> No.12621752

Do amiami actually get new ones in stock?
I feel like they've been out of stock in years and they're only tauting us

>> No.12623216

Outside of the preowned section (where they probably sell out in minutes), they do only if Gift schedules a rerelease. Which sadly looks unlikely.

>> No.12624537

don't poison them
