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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.12420472

Kiyoshimo kai 2 BB when?

>> No.12420488
File: 186 KB, 601x857, 45576134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more days. I'm coming for you Isokaze, I promise.

>> No.12420493

Is there something I'm missing or is my luck just that shitty? Have yet to be sent to the boss in 2-4 it's always west on the first node or east on the very last. It's been atleast 20 tries at this.

>> No.12420496

What are you talking about? They are going to extend the event by 20 days.

>> No.12420527

What is the correct equipment for support expedition ships?
4 main guns or 2 main guns and several radars?

I had seen some nips using the latter, but i doubt they were using it because of radar placebo.

>> No.12420528

You mean 3 more days right?

I wish.

>> No.12420536

Cleared E-2 after starting about a week or two ago. Don't have the resources for E-3 and beyond. Godspeed, fellow admirals.

>> No.12420538

with radar, or drum cans.

>> No.12420550

Assuming shelling support uses the day shelling damage formula, you'll want to hit the cap (taking into account head on formation if you wish) and then rest of the slots should be filled with radars.

If you think support shelling gets nerfed for whatever reason or uses a different formula/cap, feel free to stack all guns.

>> No.12420577

Asking as a fellow first-weeker, what fleet did you use for E1?

Also, what's your admiral level?

>> No.12420591
File: 54 KB, 267x81, 2 kills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me this isn't 2 kills and 500 more retries.

>> No.12420594

1 more kill, but, good luck with that...

>> No.12420598
File: 163 KB, 534x162, E-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a full kill.

>> No.12420599


>> No.12420605

Looks like it really is 2 though.

>> No.12420665

So what's the secret time of day I have to build my Taihou at, I just burnt all of my remaining fuel and bauxite from the event and still didn't get her.

>> No.12420684

How many tries have you made altogether? I've done 23 and still haven't gotten her.

>> No.12420686

Just 8 today but about 20 overall, most before Bismarck was released because since then I've done and failed about 25 for her.

>> No.12420709

Kongou is so obnoxious holy shit.

>> No.12420712


That's an odd way of spelling love.

>> No.12420714



>> No.12420717

It took me 77... at least I now have max boats

>> No.12420768


It's like you don't enjoy tea and scones.

>> No.12420775
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>> No.12420810

please don't bully grandma

>> No.12420811

I keep getting Error Cat when using KCV but the api link work just fine in normal flashplayer, anyone know what cause this?

I already tried clearing the cache, getting new API, and reinstalling flashplayer.

>> No.12420819

I just cleared E2 today too even thought i started on the first day.

I wasn't sure my resources after that were enough to do E3, so now i'm wasting all my resources farming E2 in hope that i can get Kiyoshimo before i run out of resources

Still nothing

>> No.12420821


>> No.12420826

Finally got Akitsu Maru from E4. No idea how I never got one earlier during my runs for Taihou and Yamato.

>> No.12420880
File: 371 KB, 1000x1500, Nyagamon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, fuck you dev.
Even two time i run out of buckets and resources for final kill, i will never given up
Even you bully my Nagato, my Nagato is always awesome.

>> No.12420882

Congrats anon

>> No.12420883


>> No.12420888

Can you post that in English?

>> No.12420895
File: 196 KB, 675x605, Taihou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. I tried 2 more times and got her.

>> No.12420899

Congrats. I have sub 1k ammo/bauxite now so I'll have to wait another couple days before trying again.

>> No.12420903

Node H really pisses me off. Every time she stops me dead in my tracks, which is pretty fucking often, I try to take some comfort in getting S rank on her so maybe I'll get one of those really good drops. Except, half the time she doesn't even drop anything. The best she's given me is a fucking blue background DD.

It's like she punches me in the stomach, reaches out for a hug, and then kicks me in the dick instead.

>> No.12420907

Thank you. It's only a matter of time before you defeat the RNG as well. Don't give up.

>> No.12420908
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>> No.12420915
File: 43 KB, 518x436, 1394679155815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i get the ship-less screen all the time
>mfw my hearing is so shit that sometimes i can't tell if they said their name or not
>mfw everytime i get a new ship i can't tell who the fuck i got unless i see a notable ship that i knew i didn't have in my ship list

>> No.12420917

Sort by new and then kill yourself out of jay for this post.

>> No.12420921

Could somebody post Iona crafting, I want it on hand for when I win.

>> No.12420924

You could do that? What?

Oh shit. I had no fucking idea. Thanks anon

>> No.12420925

Please do your best to be less dumb in the future.

We're all counting on you.

>> No.12420926

Now the second part.

>> No.12420929
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It's time

>> No.12420931
File: 581 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140827-12452908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I went line abreast at hime preboss node by mistake
>mfw pic related happens

>> No.12420932
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>> No.12420934

Congrats on your Yamato..

>> No.12420935

Stop coming here anytime.

>> No.12420937


Holy fuck. I wish I had that many resources.

>> No.12420949

Thank you .It's Sushi, haha .

>> No.12420960

She's the best hotel-class battleship, take care of her.

>> No.12420961

That settles it, I'm attempting tomorrow's Taihou crafts around this time of night.

>> No.12420965


>> No.12420967
File: 702 KB, 796x478, ss+(2014-08-27+at+12.04.16).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st try today.
It's happening guys.

>> No.12420969

No, you need to jump in right after or you'll miss the time based RNG magic.

>> No.12420970
File: 5 KB, 142x60, 2014-08-27 14-05-16.453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I won't make it. No Isokaze for me.

>> No.12420973

6/5/7/2 100

>> No.12420974

It's not like she's useful anyway.

>> No.12420976


I've spent nearly 50k fuel and still no signs of Kiyoshimo nor Amatsukaze, while Isokaze sits at level 55.

>> No.12420977

You can have my extra Amatsukaze. Give me Hayashimo.

>> No.12420979

Final kill?

>> No.12420981


But don't you want a loyal servant to give mana to every day?

>> No.12420995
File: 389 KB, 1100x933, laughing expedition sluts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder.

>> No.12420997

It's not about stats for me. I just want her in my fleet. She's also the reason why I'm doing the event in the first place.

Not even final kill, dude. That's why I'm worried. If they ever extend the event, which is highly unlikely, I'd be more than glad to farm resources back again.

>> No.12421001

E-2 final kill feels like my life right now.

>> No.12421004

If you have a cute loli yelling at you in your life, I'm jealous.

>> No.12421010

What's the recommended level for this event?

>> No.12421011

Start on the event already.

>> No.12421012

Lower than level 80.

>> No.12421015


>> No.12421018


>> No.12421020

There's not too much difference between over 50 and under 100, it's the new Wo's at >100 and >105 that bring the fun.

>> No.12421023

20 devs?

>> No.12421024

Level doesn't matter. You need ships especially ktkm and cvl.

>> No.12421026

Wo is nothing, two hime is true fun ride

>> No.12421027

Of course.

>> No.12421029

Well yeah, but low TTKs can roll that too and the new Wo adds 84 extra AS to your preboss Hime node.

>> No.12421040

I'm level 75 and i can't get past the second node in E1 Am I fucking up on something or I'm just trash?

>> No.12421044

Which route?

>> No.12421051


I've made it to past the second node but always a Ship (chitose mostly) got red and then I'd rather retreat since I don't want to risk ships

>> No.12421056

Try middle.

>> No.12421061

Even the subs are wrecking me now, what a game

>> No.12421084

What's /jp/s prefered recipe for radars?

>> No.12421085

Wait, what, yesterday I got double hime, now just one? what's the deal here?

>> No.12421089

But anon elementary kids can play all day without having to work,cook meals and take care of other people.
I didn't choose to be busy at this period.

>> No.12421093


>> No.12421105


>> No.12421106

For a large bulge as well just in case it'll be needed in the future

>> No.12421108

Are you below lvl 100?
There's a chance that you only get one hime if so.

>> No.12421112

Yeah but I thought it was permanent, not 1 sortie having double hime and the other one having a chance of not appearing

>> No.12421114

fatalpulse and kurogin3 both cleared E6 with their busy comiket schedule while you were busy fapping to Shimakaze and abyss girls porn

>> No.12421116

Do you even know how the game works?

Each battle, it picks from a pool of possible enemy compositions. When you're below 100 and on final kill, that pool includes the double hime composition, and the pre final kill ones.

>> No.12421119

Just doing their part to lower the clear % rate.

>> No.12421121

Yeah, because every boss in the game has a chance of getting double boss, right?

>> No.12421125

Now im wondering if Kujiran/
Kurikara play Kancolle too, I dont remember anything from them besides the Isuzu doujin

>> No.12421126

You want your ships to at least sink those cockblock DDs.

Yeah, the way she always aim for enemy DD first.

Which subs?
Anyway, prioritize in evading than sinking them. Put in line aboobs or that bottom right formation if you doing MI. They're fucking underwater tank and wreck your shit first before you wreck them.

>> No.12421134

Don't be an ass. He's just trying to explain how the game works.

His tone was a bit condescending, but at least he took the time to explain something to you.

>> No.12421136

S/he's busy making Tamamo doujin. I can't believe I saw that Isuzu doujin scanlated first in Russian. Fucking slavs. Still waiting for that new Isuzu doujin to be shipped .

>> No.12421142

Most artists that draw kancolle play it. abgrund is getting rekt though, I don't think she is going to make it.

>> No.12421147

88hp left on the 1 hime variation, myouko targeted the wrong one, please kill me

>> No.12421148

But I didn't even get to read doujins or fap yet,just got back the internet recently.
Also,who faps to Shimakaze? She's annoying as hell,I'd pick Tokitsukaze any day. For Abyss,call me when there is any involving Yorktown rape, I hate her E-6 node.
How on earth did she teleport there after being killed in Midway?

>> No.12421154

Eventhough she has her beloved Yamato?
I remember seeing Youjo_Purin/Nyuuhin cleared E-6 using Shimakaze cut-in

>> No.12421157


>> No.12421158

What's the best way to store your onaholes?
Just leave them in a plastic bag?

>> No.12421159

Shimakaze has great doujins, Tokitsukaze has no doujins.

>> No.12421161
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At the dock.

>> No.12421164
File: 149 KB, 499x700, 40803221_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How on earth did she teleport there after being killed in Midway?
The same way that there are two of this bitch in one node. At least airfields should be unique.

>> No.12421167

How do I make Haruna stop missing every single shot?

>> No.12421172

Give her a type 32 radar.

>> No.12421177

How do you guys power level CLs? I am using 4-3, but non-flag ships eventually get very fatigued and begin to eat crits. Do you guys rotate ships or use a different map?

I usually use 3-2-A for BB, CA and such but CL can't get MVP there. What did you guys do?

Also, ship in question is yasen ninja and Kiso, who I plan to bring to K2.

>> No.12421178

Love her more

>> No.12421182

PvP, though I just don't powerlevel many CL.

>> No.12421185

Use E-5-1 before the event ends.

Normally in 4-3, just rotate out the non-flag ships or wait out the fatigue.

CL in 3-2-A can only be placed in a leeching position.

>> No.12421194
File: 71 KB, 793x466, E5 all day everyday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12421199

I have around 17 buckets and have extremely limited resources. I can't afford to bucket every DD that goes red.

Should I not be using filler DDs from sparkling 1-1, and put leveled ships in my second fleet?

>> No.12421200

How the hell can you still kill subs at night battle?
Usually, my DDs/CLs all miss and get rekt in return by cut-ins

>> No.12421202

The magic of combined fleet, where have you been?

>> No.12421204

>You want your ships to at least sink those cockblock DDs.
So, all support ships sparkled and equipped with full main guns?

>> No.12421213
File: 835 KB, 2149x3035, 9702555871ed9b0a896f522c50a20e96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah,one can handle only a limited amount of seal noises.
Use another ship,I thought I'd give her another chance with Kai ni after her failures back in november but she can't hit Yorktown for shit.
Shigure must be disappointed clearing up her mess with cut in almost every sortie.

>> No.12421217

Silly anon, doujinshi don't make seal noises.

>> No.12421219
File: 242 KB, 800x1200, 5a5b27064b620af4292315f5aecfce99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I won't be able to clear E3 as well, the LOS requirement is ridiculous and even if my CVs are dedicated fighters and Saiun, I get some ships red'd. Also escort fleet can't aim or kill the boss nor can I switch Kiso out for KTKM.

>> No.12421221

You can try having leveled ships in your second fleet, bu they still can get hit to red.

Having another 3-4 ASW capable ships in your first fleet will also help.

>> No.12421222
File: 270 KB, 500x500, 1407100345889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried it twice in row, got nothing useful.
Thx bitch.

>> No.12421225

two days left until Kiyoshimo and Amatsukaze escapes from my clutches for at least the next four months.

Tanikaze? Whose that? Does it taste good?

>> No.12421226

I beat E4 and got Tokitsukaze which was my only goal. Is E5 pretty easy like E3 and 4 or should I not even bother at this point?

>> No.12421227



>> No.12421228

It's ez as long as you go south.

>> No.12421232

20/20/300/250 w Akashi

L.Bulges/Radar/Reppu/Type 0 Obs

>> No.12421234

1-5 power levels your HQ too right?

>> No.12421236

You can get Reppu with Akashi?

>> No.12421238

hq level affects drop rate.
106 here, got everything from the events without doing e7

>> No.12421239

Gauna please.

>> No.12421240
File: 28 KB, 410x350, NoKiyoshimoNoE6ClearClub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what true despair is like? I can't get the final kill on the E6 boss so I spent all my bauxite hunting Kiyoshimo. E3 drops are great.

>> No.12421244


>> No.12421245


>> No.12421246

This is what you get for being so wishy-washy.

>> No.12421256
File: 391 KB, 591x827, fa44229bb9d829207aec6f349a27f592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not someone who grabs my attention,all I ever ask for is a vanilla non futa Noshiro doujin but seems like Agano gets all the doujins. I wonder why people like the most unreliable sister in the class.
Barring yasen node its a lot easier for me,less compass trolling

>> No.12421260

I'll be spending my last days of the event doing 3 things.
1.Bauxite expeditions
3.Praying for a desire sensor malfunction.

>> No.12421273

You can't clear E6? What setup have you been using? What ships do you still have?

Give me a rundown of all BBs, CVs, CVLs, CLTs, CAs and CAVs you still have for E6.

>> No.12421276

You should had spent months doing 1.

>> No.12421278

Devs pls go.

>> No.12421282

Did you run on 0 fatigue or you wait for them to recover?

>> No.12421290

It's okay that you like old ladies anon, but don't assume everyone is that way.

>> No.12421304

Is it more important for a carrier to have high total capacity or the highest capacity possible in a single slot?

IE Hiyou/Jun'you vs Chitose/Chiyoda

I'm guessing it's the latter because of Fighter Power, right?

>> No.12421310

How aM I meant to do this 12 ship grinding on E-5? My fleet is getting raped.

>> No.12421311

Crap. Maybe that's why I got literally none of the new ship girls

>> No.12421313

The combination feature for fleet 1 and 2 won't work when I switched out Kiso for KTKM for flagship even though I never used her for AL. Anyone know why?

>> No.12421317

Zero, of course. There is not a single reason to wait for fatigue to regen.

>> No.12421321

Is Kiso Kai-2 yet?

>> No.12421324

Technically carriers like Chito/Chiyo are better, but practically it doesn't make a difference for most of the game.

>> No.12421326

She's 5 levels away

>> No.12421332

Think about the difference between Kiso Kai and KTKM Kai(2)

>> No.12421335

You manage to hit subs at night with severely fatigued ships?

>> No.12421343

1st fleet - 6 useless ships
2nd - 6 useless ships choke full of sonars
Bucket red only, sink subs at night, sortie at zero fatigue. And that's all.

>> No.12421346

Combined fleet magic.

>> No.12421362

Depends on the situation, really. If you want a lot of Saiuns for example, the latter is better, but if not then the former is better.

Also take into account how much damage they can tank.

>> No.12421365

Not really. Not autistic enough to do it 24/7. I just spam E5 every 1 hour and 30mins. Maybe 4 time where they all get to red face. Send heavily damaged ship to dock and the rest to akashi. send ex5, rest and repeat.

>> No.12421385 [DELETED] 

Mutsu 92
Kongou 99
Hiei 99
Kirishima 93
Haruna 84

Shoukaku 82
Unryuu 18

Chitose 62
Chiyoda 63
Houshou 31

Ooi 81
Kiso 86

Kinugasa 66
Myoukou 72
Hagurou 70
Aoba 29
Ashigara 60

Mikuma 35
Suzuya 64
Kumano 64

>> No.12421386

Chitose and Chiyoda seem to have pretty obscene stats compared to the other CLVs to the point where plane count doesn't even matter. (Not that their plane count isn't great as well.)

>> No.12421388

Are you talking shit about Kirarin~ nigga?

>> No.12421395

Stats aren't the only obscene thing about them.

>> No.12421397

So what setup did you use?

>> No.12421398

Mutsu 92
Kongou 99
Hiei 99
Kirishima 93
Haruna 84

Shoukaku 82
Unryuu 18

Chitose 62
Chiyoda 63
Houshou 31

Ooi 81
Kiso 86

Kinugasa 66
Myoukou 72
Haguro 70
Aoba 29
Ashigara 60

Mikuma 35
Suzuya 64
Kumano 64

>> No.12421404

Someone posted this as their final kill setup and I have been using it.

KTKM - Midget/Double quint
Kirishima Kai2 - 46/Proto 41/Type 0 recon/Type 0 recon
Kongou Kai2 - 46/46/Type 0 observer/Type 13
Mutsu - 46/46/Type 0 observer/Night plane
Chitose - Reppu kai/reppu/Suisui 601/Saiun
Chiyoda - Reppu/Reppu/Type 99 Ekusa/Saiun

Needless to say, I've been less lucky with it.

>> No.12421407
File: 78 KB, 834x750, ccd640e9d47d16dd8ff9d57f2eec3f31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh please, just give me Akitsumaru/Zuiho/Hayashimo already.

>> No.12421414

Genuinely angry, Shigure cuts in for 2 damage on Carrier Demon when she had 4 HP. I just can't deal

>> No.12421427

Are you saying they're lewd?

>> No.12421456

Haha, what?

>> No.12421460

They also come with some nice midget submarines.

And getting them to their kai ni form is a nice road trip. And they are fast ships unlike the Hiyou. In our slow-ship hating world an important factor on many maps.

>> No.12421464

B-but /jp/ told me that speed is a placebo.

>> No.12421466

Yes. Based on my experience, full sparkled expedition ships will not get a full miss. If you're using full sparkled non-boss expeditions, they will show up at all non-boss nodes. Heck, they even show up at submarine node which serves no purpose. When I was doing E-6, my torpedo bombers sank those DDs and the support badly damaged those Wo and Ru even I shoved them nothing but red guns and suisei12.

>> No.12421488


>> No.12421503

Fuck this, I sparkled my entire route support expedition fleet to 100 morale in PvP and they still failed to show up at one of the nodes. Forgot whether A or H though, should be A.

>> No.12421505

I remembered farming Spring E-1 for Hatsukaze.
Never got her till the last few minutes before the event ended. Seems like desire sensors malfunction on the last days of the event
Also happened in Fall 2013 while I was trying to get Zuikaku. Got her on the very last minutes

>> No.12421513

How do I make Haruna stop having sex with random men?

>> No.12421541

Sending her to have sex with random men.

Sending her to fight and watching how she misses every single shot.

>> No.12421545
File: 1.64 MB, 640x360, based.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finally free from this hell. Thank you based Ooi.

>> No.12421549

The age of CLTs resumed in a short video.
Grats, anon.

>> No.12421553

That KTKM sama clearing the road for Ooi to take all the glory.

>> No.12421555

Congrats anon. No ill will here.

>> No.12421556

> resumed
It was never over in the first place.

>> No.12421562

Don't lose hope. I found vol 1 in K-books so there's a good chance vol 2 will pop-up as well

>> No.12421563

Ooi so boss.

>> No.12421565

The LoS requirements are making it harder and harder for them to be useful in most new maps.

>> No.12421568

People just decided to use other ships since they are capped at lvl99 unless ring. The nerf and troll sub at 5-5 were made to keep them out. Without compass and sub troll they are still the best ships to sortie with.

>> No.12421573

>cut-in deals less damage than double attack
I must be seeing things.

>> No.12421576

Re seems to maim them easily in 5-5

>> No.12421580

How do you kill E3 preboss? and is Whale drop 100% there?

>> No.12421586
File: 327 KB, 500x706, 1406627606930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for ooichi's post-battle reward

>> No.12421592

Is that KTKM's?

>> No.12421595

Using bottom right fromation and sanshiki. Yes, according to wikiwiki.

>> No.12421602

What. I S-ranked that multiple times and no whale.

>> No.12421603
File: 373 KB, 1066x746, 45367235_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's ooichi's after a session of baby-CLT construction

>> No.12421605
File: 16 KB, 661x336, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing kancolle for a while now, but now my computer is acting really weird. I use a vpn to play because I can read moon, but now my computer wont load a lot of specific websites. 4chan, google, youtube, all pic related. This would happen sometimes while I was connected to the vpn, but now it's happening even though I'm not connected. I have to use a vpn to post right now because the website wont load on my regular internet.

Has this happened to any of you guys?

>> No.12421607

I'd like a source on that. I can't find it over at the wikiwiki discussion pages for the map

>> No.12421614

Forget what I just said, I think I misread what he said.

>> No.12421617

Are there hidden personality quirks on the ships or something?

I've also noticed that Kongou will ALWAYS attack the weakest enemy ship.

Haruna on the other hand goes for the flagship immediately and misses like 70% of her shots.

It makes me wonder if Hiei and Kirishima have quirks of their own.

>> No.12421619

Welcome to the botnet.

>> No.12421627
File: 117 KB, 1024x512, BwCZsTFCcAAVdUy.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12421629

>double attack
>not feeding her Maruyus

Ooi, Shimakaze and Yuudachi are all girls who improve a lot if you feed them lucky charms.

>> No.12421633


>> No.12421636

wtf, tokitsukaze just came out isn't it?

>> No.12421637

I really want to like Shimakaze but every single DD just feels like a downgraded CLT.

>> No.12421642

Calm Sea is written by the game staff.

It's basically the canon series.

>> No.12421646

What is Jintsuu's personality like? Seeing her game sprite. she looks like a meek and shy girl, but the manga and other media made her like brave and capable or even scary (according to Hatsukaze) girl?

>> No.12421647
File: 110 KB, 759x1075, BjGAAMqCYAAtPeF.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Calm Sea would focus on the original crew again.

>> No.12421649
File: 477 KB, 655x931, 44105532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12421667

Cold-blooded butcher.

>> No.12421686


>> No.12421707


>> No.12421712

Another girl for Fatalpulse to mindbreak?

>> No.12421713


>> No.12421715
File: 246 KB, 678x688, HyuugaWeird#unlimited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point I would take everything with Shiranui. The lack of Shiranui doujinshi is disturbing and suffering.

>> No.12421729
File: 706 KB, 384x512, krsm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me.

>> No.12421732

The artist has some good stuff.


>> No.12421746

Top 500 rank req palau: 926-991

>> No.12421750

Fucking hardcore.
I still remember the days where 500-600 is enough to get you to top500.

>> No.12421751

If you post the score of your 100th/500th I can approximate what your server score will be

>> No.12421755

Will the event end exactly at Friday? Or at the end of Friday? I want to give one last shot at E-6 after I come back to work 6:00 PM on Thursday. 10k fuel and 50 buckets will be all I can manage.

>> No.12421760

Would probably end on Friday at 11AM JST

>> No.12421761

Palau #1 in January had less score than Palau #100 in May

>> No.12421762

The pleasure of 5-4.

>> No.12421764

What should I do with a spare Yahagi?

>> No.12421782

Why do you have a Yahagi in the first place.

>> No.12421783

Rape her.

>> No.12421789
File: 350 KB, 489x377, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this some kind of bug? I can't resupply her and changing planes also does nothing to the slot.

>> No.12421797

Read wiki.

>> No.12421798

Not enough baux.

>> No.12421799

Just give up and join no Isokaze club anon.

>> No.12421804

Switch out for a fast BB?

>> No.12421805

I have over 2k bauxite that should be enough to repair/fill that one slot.

>> No.12421806

I don't give a shit about Isokaze. I got a Hayashimo and that's the only ship I cared for. I just need to complete the event for completion and glory's sake.

>> No.12421811

Are you playing from burgerland or Asia?
You have time until Friday morning if you are from Asia. If you are from burgerland, just give up and be ready to be called a faggot and kuso TTK for not defending your base from abyss rape.

>> No.12421812

Do you refresh PVP

>> No.12421815

Is Unryuu worth the blueprints? Or should I use them on Bismarck or Tone sisters

>> No.12421817

Not sure what you exactly mean, I already tried refreshing and clearing cache.

>> No.12421819

Worth for the planes. But I'll use them for the tone sisters first.

>> No.12421821

What if BB hime just wants to have a nice tea party with him and his fleet, and Ooyodo is a lying, no fun allowed scum?

>> No.12421849

Am I the only person who starts LSC before bed but doesn't look at the timers so I can find out who I got asa surprise when I wake up?

>> No.12421850

You are.

>> No.12421857

Well I don't like spoiling the surprise before they are even finished.

>> No.12421858

Still stuck at 0 for that slot, what the hell. I guess I could try a solo sortie on 1-1 to see if that helps.

>> No.12421867

Happened to me for my Isuzu too but I didn 't check for awhile and it's back to normal

>> No.12421881

Well getting her to do a resupply (by sorting) fixed it for anyone encountering this problem in the future.

>> No.12421888

Oh god the japs are amazing.

>> No.12421906
File: 224 KB, 810x487, e-7 end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Event's finally over. Stock up on bauxite they say.

>> No.12421910

?? days later and still no Kiyoshimo, what can I do to call her attention?

>> No.12421913

Why do you want shitty granny?

>> No.12421914

Where do you level up so fast, E-5?

>> No.12421917

I think you can figure this out.

>> No.12421918

E-5 and 5-4.

>> No.12421922

Why not?

>> No.12421933

Isokaze is not tagged though.

>> No.12421938
File: 575 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140827-21500627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you Ooi~

>> No.12421940

>not even double hime
Faggot you should be ashamed for not beating it sooner.

>> No.12421943
File: 599 KB, 801x481, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this feels so much like trying to catch legendaries in pokemon, except it takes 15 minutes to throw a fucking ball

>> No.12421944


>> No.12421947
File: 2.94 MB, 500x300, E6 clear.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i still dreaming?
I've finally cleared E6 after several close call in >>12418913 and >>12419408.

Everyone did their job superbly, especially Ooi which managed to kill the boss despite failing to do cut-in.
Even Nagato the crit-eater is finally able to convert the accumulated crit damage she eats throughout E6 into critical attack which she did to BB Hime.

Looks like i have to ring Ooi and process those ~55GB of E6 recording.

>> No.12421951

Do you still go to the boss after that?

>> No.12421957

What program did you use to capture?

>> No.12421959
File: 1.15 MB, 500x300, E6 clear drop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and E6 clear prize.

RNGoddess is being really nice today.

>> No.12421962

Open Broadcaster, post-processing with Avisynth.

>> No.12421965

I would call a victory if I ever get Tokitsukase
But I already gave up

>> No.12421966

More shameful if not able to finish it.
Thanks m8

>> No.12421967

What did you put on your Nagato? My battleships with 2x 46cm never dealt so much damage in day battle and it's not even a fucking green T. Not to mention double attack occurred with ~1/8 rate.
I'm mad, jealous and confused as fuck at the same time.

>> No.12421969

Such a perfect run.

>> No.12421976

Isn't equipping two 46cm decreases accuracy?

>> No.12421985

Not really

>> No.12421987

No proof.
Anyway you can use the prototype 41cm gun and sacrifice 4 FP.

>> No.12421997

So is Hiei's accuracy naturally shit?

>> No.12421998
File: 270 KB, 600x705, KanColle-140827-20150363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.
Even i'm surprised that Nagato managed to deal such damage, usually it's only ~30 damage.
It's like i was rolling with high numbers throughout the final battle.

Overloading decrease accuracy by ~6 percent if i remembered correctly.
But you have to account the fact that sparkled ships has significantly higher accuracy and thus should be able to nullify the accuracy penalty.

>> No.12422001

>3 Main on Haruna
Isn't that risky?

>> No.12422004
File: 152 KB, 700x979, Bt2-Pq7CIAEQ7Ey.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Haruna on a unsafe day is risky

>> No.12422006

Well fuck now that I'm level 40 I don't have enough equipment LOS for southern route. Do I play RNG roulette for minimal chance at middle route or should I just switch something low in to get north route.

>> No.12422009

What map are you referring to

>> No.12422013


>> No.12422018

I don't think you'll reach the boss if you can't even pass the south->preboss LOS test.

>> No.12422020

I don't know what risk you are talking about.
But worth it if that means Haruna will be able to do cut-in and kill BB Hime.

>> No.12422026


Seaplane Tender as flagship with all Type 0 Recon Planes, 4 Carriers and etc for 100% middle route.

>> No.12422034

When farming for E3 should I equip CVs with 1 blue plane each?

>> No.12422044

Doesn't Zuiun give more LOS than type 0?

>> No.12422055


as far as I know Seaplane Bombers LOS does not get added to the doubled bonus count, but having 0 planes left still adds an effect.

>> No.12422067

Well KCV does calculate a higher LOS number with zuiuns than type 0 recon using the equipment LOS formula. No idea if the formula is correct though.

>> No.12422071


its inferior to use Seaplane Bombers against all flagship type ships on E-3 anyway.

>> No.12422072

Seaplane bombers should give you the same LOS as the Yamato-spyplane. Unless some of the reward seaplane-bombers have different LOS.

>> No.12422073

Seaplane bomber LOS does count towards equipment LOS calculation.
Saiun, Type 0, and Zuiun fall under the same equipment role type (recon) in the Kancolle API.

>> No.12422085

It's three 46cms or two 46cms and one 41cm. 2 46cms is basically the limit.

>> No.12422089

More than recon, same as observation.

>> No.12422133

When Harusame gets shot she looses her shoes

>> No.12422136
File: 690 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140827-16574162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it might not seem like a big deal to everyone who beat their head against double hime a million times, but one anon said he'd praise me if I did it, even if it's just on easymodo.

>> No.12422140

Not him, but congratulations.

>> No.12422147
File: 245 KB, 492x700, 45476024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work man, enjoy the prize

>> No.12422162

Now for some post-event LSC.

>Akitsu Maru

4/6/6/2 is truly best Mutsu recipe.

>> No.12422173

You got Zunship with 2k bauxi?

>> No.12422189

4/6/6/3 is better anyway.

Gave me Bismarck and a second Yamato in 4 tries.

>> No.12422193

Yes. Is it that unusual?
I don't dare to doubt Iona.

>> No.12422196
File: 78 KB, 326x346, 1409134562724[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12422198

When does RNG predetermine the drops we're getting?

>> No.12422201

The moment you enter the node like it does with combat result, most likely.

>> No.12422203

I didn't think it was even possible with only 2k

We don't know

>> No.12422204

Sword and shield isn't the fastest attack style in SC.

>> No.12422215

Time to dust-out my SC5 copy.

Namco please make SC6 instead of that poor excuse of a mobile console game...

>> No.12422244
File: 69 KB, 620x448, 1409147233688[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's still waiting.

>> No.12422258

next month

>> No.12422260
File: 841 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140827-17562780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, didn't know these recipes could make Agano-class.

I was still missing that Noshiro, so thanks I guess.

>> No.12422261

When will we get Re in an event?

>> No.12422264

All LSC recipes can

>> No.12422266

Whats the point?
I dont have enough autism for top500 ranking and I dont need anymore blueprint.
I am sitting at +1blueprint with nothing to remodel, maybe if they make junyou kai2 required blueprints then maybe.

>> No.12422271

Any reciepe can give any ship, in fact. Remember that guy who got BB with all 30. The chance is just astronomically small.

>> No.12422275

That guy was probably making it up

>> No.12422277

Damn it devs. Just give us a hint already to which CVL will get a Kai Ni on Friday

>> No.12422279

Isn't it obvious?

>> No.12422280

>Remember that guy who got BB with all 30
Anon, we must talk about Santa Claus...

>> No.12422281

Are you doubting Shiba dog TTK?

>> No.12422287



>> No.12422288

I'm guessing Zuihou or Junyou. If it's Shouhou or Houshou, I'll be pretty pissed since I don't have them

>> No.12422296

Same for me, except I don't have Jun'you either.

>> No.12422302
File: 84 KB, 240x240, 170596f82ad940e83e48a4e7d6c22fc0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Konishi ship

>> No.12422305

Lolified Haruna the Second is okay, he isn't hated anymore. At least until he makes another lineup full of retarded chimpanzees.

>> No.12422307
File: 924 B, 210x29, Based bob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always bet on bob ships.

>> No.12422309

Sure but how many delays until the k2?

>> No.12422313

It could have been a bulk-order theoretically.
Seems unlikely to me though. Bob too strong anyway.

>> No.12422327

I'm in the middle of E-4 with like 2 kills left to go
Should I kai ni my Isuzu that just hit 50?

>> No.12422331

No reason not to, unless you're really fucking seriously resource deprived.

>> No.12422332

If you have modernization fodder

>> No.12422340

No, the tits ruin her.

>> No.12422344

E3 runs: 3 Kagas, 3 Imuyas, 3 Mutsus, 1 Nagato I don't need these.

>> No.12422358

New Teitoku here.
Damn I didn't realise this game was so harsh with RND.

>> No.12422368
File: 344 KB, 800x1130, 2fa4d9443d6fc91b2635b8e1392cbf6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't escape the snail anon,just got 2 Mutsus in a row from E-5 myself.
30 Bismark attempt previously with countless snails.
Wait until you reach 5-5 and meet this 5 daytime attack nightmare right after yasen happy hour in 5-3.

>> No.12422387
File: 274 KB, 1024x835, 45623566_p12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy has some questionable choices for AL fleet.

>> No.12422402


That was me. Congratulations. I'm still stuck on last kill, so spend a bucket as a sacrifice for my good luck, if you have any left.

>> No.12422403

Fuck Akagi.

>> No.12422415
File: 57 KB, 1167x508, Report1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on my last legs here on E-6. No matter which comp, setup or tactic I fucking throw at it, either the night nodes, that Yorktown bitch or fucking RNG ruins my run.

Any E6 advice? Or do I have to slog it out?

>> No.12422419
File: 52 KB, 260x105, KanColle-140827-18491250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck!

>> No.12422421
File: 280 KB, 1001x796, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck mate, just use big guns and make sure they sparkle.

>> No.12422422
File: 584 KB, 800x480, 1408764677661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just do what I did, 50% chance to get to boss and 30% chance to clear. Maybe. Don't forget kira.

>> No.12422431

If you have good CAs still, 1CLT2CAV1CV2CVL was the comp that got me the final kill and had pretty decent success rate at preboss (since only one Yorktown attack)

>> No.12422432

Down to less than 10 buckets, less than 300 fuel, with my whole fleet and both support fleets yet to be resupplied, and 3 injured BBs.

And still stuck on last kill. I'll try again tomorrow. This will probably be my last attempt.

>> No.12422436



>> No.12422441


Wait what this actually works? Air supremacy on CV Hime?

>> No.12422448

Fuck me for not having LSC ships.

I'm desperate enough to try this, even without decent CVLs left. Thanks.

I saved Mogami, Haguro and Tone for last, though they were as shitty as my Mutsu, Nagato and Kirishima when it came to evasion, even with sparkles.

>> No.12422457

unfortunately no, superiority only

still has extremely good chance (when combined with enroute support) to smash first node completely, doj subs, and take out all the non-Kaga trash on the third node. Plus you only give her one attack. Have had about 50% chance to get through Kaga this way.

Taihou: Reppuu Kai/Tomonaga/RSK/Saiun (now swapping for a type 2 scoutplane)
Shoukaku: Reppuu/RSK/Egusa/Saiun
Zuikaku: Reppuu/Reppuu/RSK/Saiun
Junyou: Reppuu/RSK/RSK/Saiun
Hiyou: Reppuu/Type62/Saiun/Saiun

>> No.12422468


I'd try it, but I only have Cranes and woefully underleveled Unryuu left as CVs.

>> No.12422471

I might advise against it then, Taihou is a big reason why it works as she can go to chuuha and still attack at full power. In fact on that final clear Kaga had chuuhad Taihou on the pre-boss but Taihou was still able to take the Ru to chuuha, which might have made the difference.

>> No.12422472
File: 115 KB, 944x494, meta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like Futaba finally decided to talk about the Wiki.

>Like a dolphinも吹いた

>> No.12422474
File: 574 KB, 600x650, Check only if you have them above level 50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was digging through my kancolle folder and found this. What a weird bingo.

>> No.12422477


Is that last dude actually praising English wiki? He says they are better laid out or something...

>> No.12422486

Fuck, this is actually hard. Only one I have above 50 is Nachi, and that's because I anticipate a remodel for her soon.

>> No.12422489

Your starter is not above 50?

>> No.12422492

Wait what, have you scrapped your starter or something?

>> No.12422495

Uh, Fusou, Yamashiro, Nachi, Tenryuu, Houshou, Shouhou, Mochizuki and Murakumo above level 50.

Rest of the destroyers are 40+.

>> No.12422500

I just don't use her much. Quickly found 6 destroyers I liked more and delegated her to expedition duty.

>> No.12422501
File: 559 KB, 600x650, d36fd9d6-c342-4556-a790-9113666c47e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expeditions level up girls scary fast.

>> No.12422509

But, my Hatsuharu is above 80 by doing nothing but expeditions.

>> No.12422511
File: 762 KB, 1427x995, shiiips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just clear world 1, after so many damn attempts from being diverted to maelstrom.

On different note I can't figure out the logbook. I have no idea how to use a .pac file in chrome or how to deal with the localhost proxy stuff properly.

>> No.12422516

I have 14 of those over level 50, 15 if you count the dupe that ate my starter.

>> No.12422521

Wow the only one above 50 from them for me is Aoba.

>> No.12422524

You don't have to, you know.

>> No.12422531

Ah I figured it out, I know I don't have to but I wanted to at least test it out and see if it was useful or not to me.

>> No.12422533

I'm in the same boat, what does it do anyway? KCV does logging too.

>> No.12422537

It's just a tool to make it easier to keep in check your game.
It doesn't really 'do' anything other than provide you information you'd normally have to click around for.

>> No.12422538

Lazy to check, so:

31 29 44 44 44
30 40 30 28 30
29 26 *** 33 56
71 54 80 38 25
30 68 80 30 43

*** is 123



>> No.12422542

Does it do a better job than KCV because I'm pretty content with the program, only thing that could be improved is displaying the ship names from the ship list in the game so it's quicker to filter modernization fodder.

>> No.12422563

Maybe Kitakami will cut-in the right Hime in the next 20 or so buckets.


>> No.12422566
File: 45 KB, 673x271, E6 loadout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking me?
That is my exact fleet outside of the tits sister.

>> No.12422576
File: 1.53 MB, 1459x745, 1408441162415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we had a very different item setup.
Nice to know that it works either way though

>> No.12422578

Are 2 subs (hacchan and 168) + ooi and KTKM enough to farm 2-3 for those dailies? If so what level should they be at.

>> No.12422581

That's not how you do dailies with subs

>> No.12422583


>> No.12422585

Does anyone have an E-3 farming fleet that S ranks the preboss node?

>> No.12422586

Level 1 is fine if they have midget subs.

>> No.12422616

I haven't really looked into the nodes, are there just ships that can't attack subs or what? Only having 2 subs that will miss or shoot the wrong stuff still sounds like a bad idea right?

>> No.12422621

All subs fleet else your CLT will get bombed without air cover.

>> No.12422624

Point is you use up a lot more resources by using CLTs. Subs are cheap, like, really cheap. With close to no repair time or cost if you don't remodel them. And two should easily be able to do dailies by themselves. If they're below level 10 equip midget sub.

>> No.12422628

Well I give it a try later then, I used my subs for expeditions to rack up xp in preparation and I also modernized them a bit so maybe they will do the job.

>> No.12422631

Yeah maxing out torpedo and armor is a good idea.

>> No.12422717

Well they are doing a better job than I thought so far but I wish I had more than 2 subs, no luck with construction either.

>> No.12422764

What's the chances of getting trolled by LOS with these setup?

>> No.12422769

Can anyone explain to me how to run KCV? I've downloaded the one off of https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer

Do I need to compile it myself?

>> No.12422770
File: 618 KB, 1634x980, summerE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This run looked like absolute crap from the outset.

Nagato chipped to orange at first and sub nodes. Zuikaku taking a hit on CV Hime, along with Haguro. Bismark-led support just chipped the boss and taken a DD out. Maya blapped to red in initial exchange. 4 out of 6 ships alive at transition to yasen.

But Kitakami saved the day. I'd marry her all over again if I could.

Thanks for sacrificing that bucket in my intention, looks like it worked.

>> No.12422771

I didn't get sent away due to LOS even once with >>12422576, the times I did was with a different setup.

>> No.12422774

What was your effective LOS?

>> No.12422775

You need to click the link at the top that says "releases" at the end.

Download the zip of the most recent binary, unzip it, move it to wherever you want to keep the program, then run the exe.

>> No.12422778

And HQ level. Shit.

>> No.12422788

Kind of late but whats the recommended composition for MI-2?
And what was that one comp that used Akitsumaru?

Going to run it and go for Tokitsukaze before the event ends.

>> No.12422789

Crit bonus from plane.

>> No.12422792

Oh, so it's only increased crit chance and not guaranteed crit chance? How high is the increment?

>> No.12422798


Poor Northern Hime.

>> No.12422802

Akitsumaru is just to force your fleet to B. I didn't go back after clearing it and went ACFJK every time. 4CV2BB in main fleet (fast fleet), 3 DD/CL/2CA in escort. Use Sanshiki.

>> No.12422803

How far did you make it?

>> No.12422806

Anyone keep up with pokehamu during this event?

>> No.12422807

What's your E-7? And I do know why I did E-6, so that doesn't really apply either.

>> No.12422808

I went to B when I tried adding her to my fleet but it sent me C after and I wanted to go BDHK

>> No.12422810

That makes me pretty happy. Congratulations.

>> No.12422813

Where is mine "I slaughtered over 4000 subs in one week" E8?

>> No.12422815

So when is the event ending?
Today or tomorrow?

>> No.12422816

E-7 is clearing ALL of the event (i.e. getting all the event exclusive drops as well as clearing all the maps).

>> No.12422817

Stuck at E6 last kill.

>> No.12422818


>> No.12422821


>> No.12422822

One more question, does the cookies method not work anymore? This is the only reason why I've downloaded kancolle since my company has yet to renew the subscription to the VPN we had and I can't connect right now. I keep on getting "This page is not available in your area." even after pressing the set coookies button.

>> No.12422823

That sounds reasonable, last time someone put it as farmed enough Akitsumaru to have 12 Daihatsu.

>> No.12422825

Good luck, TTK. I was there for about 6 days.
Almost went mad from all the sparkling.

>> No.12422828
File: 269 KB, 550x746, 45485555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats anon, welcome to the club.

>> No.12422829


Cleared E6 and got all the new ships out, burned all my remaining resources on LSC, got a bunch of maruyus, already fed them to Shimakaze.

Now I'm back to stockpiling while grinding exp on E5.

>> No.12422832

KCV's cookie method works fine. If it's not working for you, then it's something on your end.

Try clearing your cache, then applying the cookie.

>> No.12422834

C or D is random from B. Use wikiwiki if you aren't already. I can't believe the event is almost over and the English wiki is STILL letting people just post their "this set up worked for me" on the event page.

>> No.12422837

Where's the E7 completed status?

>> No.12422839

You changed the site to Japanese at the top?

>> No.12422843

>C or D is random from B.
I wish the english wiki was more organized or at least ran by competent people, this is the kind of information that should be there.

>> No.12422844

Ran out of fuel and ammo so I'm trying to express farm both from 2-3. I hope to get at least 20k of each so I can try again.

Also buckets are down to single digits. Bleh.

>> No.12422845

Has he given up on E-6 or is he still trying?
I was hoping to watch him clutch it out like the last event.

>> No.12422847
File: 652 KB, 1500x844, Konachan.com - 180615 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-1, after 2 weeks of playing, feels bad.

>> No.12422850

Those options all are for completed, there is none for people that failed E-1

>> No.12422857


I'll have to count that again.
2x (7+9+9+10+10)
90 + root (86+42+56+48+83+80 - 45)
root 342 = ~ 18
90+18= 108
So 108 I think.

>> No.12422858

It doesn't give you any other information about where you go from node B, why wouldn't it be random?

>> No.12422859

I made a mistake, it has to be root 352, but the difference is neglible.

>> No.12422861


>> No.12422865

Stay strong. You still have at least 24 hours left.

>> No.12422873

> Stay strong
Despair, you mean. For despair fills one with grim resolve, and that's what he needs the most.

>> No.12422874

Just use this tool

>> No.12422885

Why would it say "fuck you devs"? I'm done and my reaction was simply an "okay, time for rank grind", and it should have been something along the lines of "I'm finally out of this hell".

>> No.12422886

30 hours left, but I'm not sure about my chances.

>> No.12422891

God, it's like night and day when I switch into the quest menu now: Ooyodo as secretary with her man-face vs the lovely quest-musume version.

I'm hoping the updated kai art brings her loveliness out again.

>> No.12422896

The creator probably didn't like the reward or something.
Or it's "Fuck you devs, I still managed to beat this shit map"

>> No.12422902

That explains it. "Fuck you devs" and "how far did you make it" gave me the impression that a person is still stuck on E7 or something.

>> No.12422905

I only went with the "event completion" at the top and didn't think much about the comments

>> No.12422907

I'm about 1/3rd away from clearing E-5, single digit buckets and low fuel. My fleet can't kill the boss for shit, only damage her. What's the best way to clear E-5, and should I use a support exp. or not considering my resources? (Bauxite, steel, and ammo levels are fine)

>> No.12422915

Don't worry, I hate last stands too, there's never time to practice them.

>> No.12422918

Damn I'm having so much trouble making my first battleship.

>> No.12422919
File: 417 KB, 799x470, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rely on lucky DD's

>> No.12422924

Place your heavy ships at the back and remember you can use BBs in your escort fleet.

>> No.12422926

I remember having to farm steel at 3-2 just to have enough for Spring, which I barely cleared. It's like spring all over again.

>> No.12422933

I'm already doing that and am placing my luckiest DDs just before the BBs. Should I load my carriers with all green or have one or two capable of attacking with Ryuusei/Suisei?

>> No.12422939
File: 155 KB, 416x350, I'm spent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 hours left, still no Kiyoshimo.

Only 2,6k bauxite left.

I just don't feel anything anymore. There is still a little hope in me though. I've actually planned to boast about more than 20 new girls I got in my fleet but she has soured that achievement.

The war is lost

>> No.12422956

Let's think logically. You have 6 slots to work with. 3 must be DDs and 1 must be CL, with 2 left for whatever you want.

Obviously you'll want CLT's, they can sink her quite reliably with just double attacks, and their opening torpedo salvo can sink some fodder too during day. K2 CA(V)s are decent choice as well. Takao, Atago and even K1 Tones/Myoukou will do the trick too. Of course you can try bringing battleships, but they will have less attack power then CAs/CLTs unless you bring Yamatos.

Ideal CL would be Jintsu K2, though Kuma/Nagara/Natori/Sendai K2 will shred her good too. I wonder what the devs were smoking when they made that K1 trio with such absurd stats compared to the rest.

As for DDs, any will be fine since their most important role is to destroy whatever survived day battle, and even Mutsukis can sink fodder in one double attack.

Positioning is also important. Something like this
is your best bet.

>> No.12422958

>CLTs for E5
You're better off saving them for E6.

>> No.12422960

Actually, only 2 DDs are required, I use 2 CAVs and a BB for E-4 farming.

>> No.12422961

Might be a bit late for that

>> No.12422963
File: 20 KB, 181x88, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel your pain, anon. I don't think i can do this anymore. I didn't even got any notable drops

All i wanted was Kiyoshimo god damnit, that and the Agano sisters, but those can be crafted so wathever.

>> No.12422967

Why is Kaga so OP?

>> No.12422970

If only event wasn't ending this Friday then maybe it would be a good idea to save them for E6. Personally in his situation I'll play safe 'couse sparkling takes way too much time and running out of time just when you destroyed the gauge is hearbreaking.
Shit, you're right. Just throw in some more CAs/CLTs then instead of the third DD.

>> No.12422971

I wouldn't know, I only use her for shelling support. 1cardiv can join the fun when they learn how to smile.

>> No.12422976
File: 798 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140827-22400388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My current resources

>> No.12422978

So, where's the best place to farm Hayashimo?

>> No.12422980

>That ammo and steel

>> No.12422983 [DELETED] 

That's it, my fuel supplies are dried out. I tried clearing E-6, but level 100 and RNG decided to make it impossible. Fuck it, I chipped the gauge, failed the boss kill countless times, but I won't even try gathering fuel for last desperate run, instead I'll give my Yuugumo Collection more love.
Where do I apply for No Isokaze Club membership?

>> No.12422984

I have a fully upgraded Chitose AV, but only one CLT and no CA(V)s. Should I use her?

>> No.12422986

Screw that. I'm going to subcheese 2-3 for fuel.

See if I can't get back to regen cap in a few hours.

>> No.12422988

How do you know the respective rarities of the ships?

>> No.12422990

all that ammo and steel and everything else so low

I'm sorry anon

>> No.12422992


look at the background of the card

>> No.12422993 [DELETED] 

Nice hijack, m8.

>> No.12422994

No. You need night battle specialists. If you don't have CA(V)s(how the fuck is that even possible) then just use battleships, that's the only option left for you.
Something like this.

>> No.12422996

What should my priorities be at 3-2? Getting all the 3rd and 4th fleet, getting subs, and then getting CVs other than Akagi? (I have all the CVLs already.)

I've been kinda just spinning my wheels because I'm not sure what to aim for. Should I even be trying to do any actual shipbuilding at this point or just trying to farm drops while saving for events/LCS?

>> No.12422997

Yeah, screw your decision. I'm in the same situation but I'm not giving up.

>> No.12422999
File: 511 KB, 800x945, 12121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I found the background thing on the wiki now.
I didn't realise I actually had higher than common ships, I am guessing getting gold background and above will be difficult.

>> No.12423000


kept running 2/5/38 throughout the whole event.

>> No.12423002
File: 309 KB, 734x756, Not AV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need someone with better night battle damage because CV hime has a high armor just like BB hime. CLTs, Jintsu kai ni, or CAs are good, Chitose AV is not one of them.2901.

>> No.12423005
File: 439 KB, 700x891, f3856d35917917a5a4967c04d02d48f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shibafu won't be giving any smiles.
I kinda miss the old Hiryuu sometimes.

>> No.12423006

Ignore the background, they don't really say how difficult it is to get a ship.

>> No.12423010

She was so cute.

>> No.12423012

Ah okay, thanks. I'll give it a shot.

>> No.12423021
File: 102 KB, 586x476, 1377373194118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War is hell!

>> No.12423023

How should I judge how difficult-to-get/rare a ship is then?

>> No.12423026

It's okay, the dragons are getting their smiles back on Friday. It was just a temporary thing, like the Kaga and Akagi lines, to set the super serious tone for the shit easy pushover MI maps.

>> No.12423032
File: 242 KB, 800x480, Yuugumo_warfare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love doesn't win wars, they said.

>> No.12423034

Damnit anon, i'm jealous. I want them.

>> No.12423035

You can't without experience. You also don't need to worry about it for now.
The silver Hatsukaze for example is harder to get than many gold or even rarer ships, since she only drops in the boss node of a map where the compass is random so it's hard to farm there.

>> No.12423036


background do work as reference oon how rare a ship is as a drop or as a craft.

though there are some excceptions like the yuugumos having grey backgroound.

You should better look at the drop rarity of every map but it's not like a rare drop is useful, some are prett useless.

>> No.12423039

Wait, Akigumo is one of the Kagerou class.

>> No.12423040

As the saying goes, "In war victory is just a one part planning but nine parts faith".

>> No.12423042

Still not an excuse for playing with torpedo bombers in the office.

>> No.12423046

Deep in her heart she's member of the Yuugumo family. She just happens to be assigned to the Kagerous.

>> No.12423067

The more you want it, the harder it'll be to get.

>> No.12423099
File: 326 KB, 640x480, 1398837621188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried frying the desire sensor with overwhelming desire?

>> No.12423106


Ok, I think I'll try myy last runs for Kiyoshimo with Yami wo Kirisaku as BGM.

>> No.12423120


>> No.12423129
File: 407 KB, 600x800, That was the best scene in the whole novel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this works better for very desperate times. Anyone that has read Umineko Chapter 2 will agree with me.


>> No.12423133

I did it once, back in the Christmas event. Several days of constant Iku grinding finally resulted in Iku drop. Didn't work for E-6, but I didn't really care about Saberkaze so I lacked enough desire, I guess. Anyway - yes, desire can overcome the desire sensor.

>> No.12423136

Who's going to be the new CVL kai 2?
All my CVLs that don't have kai 2 already are all pretty low level. I don't feel like leveling them all, but I might power level the most likely one to get kai 2 if there's compelling evidence.

>> No.12423144

Wait 2 days and see what happens.

>> No.12423145

There is nothing yet besides Jun'you doing stuff in AL historically and Bob-carriers being Bob-carriers.

>> No.12423146
File: 599 KB, 630x417, No-Nagato club.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I E-8?
Farm E-3 or LSC?

>> No.12423148

There's only one bob-carrier, though. While I love Shouhou, I doubt she'll get a remodel anytime soon.

>> No.12423150

I got 3 Nagatos while farming E-3.
Make sure your desire sensor is tuned to some other ship though.

>> No.12423152

We'll see soon, but Bob was on a roll.
Other Myoukous pretty much have the space already reserved in the library as well.

>> No.12423154

>play for 2 days already 50% of the girls in the game.

>> No.12423156

>Make sure your desire sensor is tuned to some other ship though.
Impossible, that's the only one I see in my head.

>> No.12423165

I just got Akagi from a quest. Should I trade her out with Hiryuu?

>> No.12423167

Then force yourself to fap furiously to doujin of some other ship. That should help throw desire sensor off somewhat.

>> No.12423168

How about keeping both?

>> No.12423169


That's what I had in mind. I just don't know which I should use. I've had Hiryuu for awhile now, but Akagi's stats look better.

>> No.12423170

Really, level all your carriers. But Akagi is better even though she consumes more.

>> No.12423173


>> No.12423175

Why don't you use both?

>> No.12423181


14 days farming E-3 for Kiyoshimo. Let's take a look at the drop table:

Makigumo (✓), Taigei (✓), Nagato (✓), Yahagi (✓), Hamakaze (✓), Tanikaze (✓), Shigure (✓), Shikinami (✓), Shiratsuyu (✓), Nagara (✓), Ooi (✓), Sendai (✓), Kitakami (✓), Tone (✓), Chikuma (✓), Akagi (✓), Kaga (✓), Souryuu (✓), Hiryuu (✓), Houshou (✓), I-168 (✓) (FUCK YOU DEVS FOR NOT GIVING HER A KAI NI), Haruna (✓), Mutsu (✓), Kirishima (✓), Yamashiro (✓), Fusou (✓), Ise (✓)

Kiyoshimo ( ).

My only comfort is thinking about the probability laws and how something becomes more possible the more the other options keep repeating.

>> No.12423185

probability laws don't work that way

>> No.12423189

>I just don't know which I should use
Both. You should level up every carrier you get. Treat Hiryuu and Souryuu as "lightweight" CVs - they consume less and evade better, but carry less planes. Use your carriers wisely.

>> No.12423190

That's called the Gambler's fallacy. Check your probability.

>> No.12423195

I was looking into the drop table myself after I used up all my 40k bauxite farming E-3 and noticed I had actually only gotten roughly half of them over and over.

I guess RNG just had a big pile of troll reserve. I wanted a Taigei and Kiyoshimo.

>> No.12423196

Anon, devs hate your submarines. They do everything they can to maintain their fuel-slave and damage-sponge status instead of reworking/balancing things.
Kai 2 never.

>> No.12423208


Yeah, that explains why I've gotten all this RNG trolling. Besides, I studied humaniti so math isn't my forte.

>> No.12423233

Do Torpedo Bombers not contribute to shelling damage?

>> No.12423241

They do.

>> No.12423243

Okay thanks, the wiki isn't very clear on the difference between the two other than the Torpedo having a sort of damage variation.

>> No.12423245

Who's the boss of the Abyssal fleet?

>> No.12423248

Just they are less effective and it's pretty clear actually.

>> No.12423254

Johnny Deep

>> No.12423255

Do you think these events will show up again in the future?

>> No.12423259

No, but the bosses will.

>> No.12423263

When they get to American ships and we see them from the other side.

>> No.12423266
File: 262 KB, 600x800, 1384640065952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this lovely lady?

>> No.12423269
File: 513 KB, 674x745, laughing CLt's Kai2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can come back anytime too, she's just a weakling.

>> No.12423273
File: 508 KB, 600x670, 1407564961145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where is her twin sister?

>> No.12423274

Is Yorktown going to keep following us, too? Is the final kill of the next event going to have a new boss at flag and then BB hime and Yorktown in the 2 and 3 slots?

>> No.12423283


No, it's going to be the new boss, 3 BB hime, Yorktown and Re.

>> No.12423290

It'll at least be a combined fleet battle, right? Right?

>> No.12423292

What about combined enemy fleet?
6 BB Hime / 6 Re

>> No.12423295


For them.

>> No.12423298

You need CL and DD for escort.

>> No.12423301

For the abyss, yes.

No, no, there should be CVs so they get double attacks during the day.

>> No.12423309

>You need CL and DD for escort.
You mean, late-model Ni-chang and new CL with at least 60 luck, cut-in setup and insane ASW? Remaining 3 slots and be filled with Ri-chang kai 3 late model (rev.).
Main fleet consists of 3x BB hime, Yorktown, Re and Midway Island hime.

Required LOS: 30 for TTK below 100, 130 for TTK level 100+.

>> No.12423354

No problem as long as you don't go in night battle.

>> No.12423589

Can some kind admiral below lvl 100 confirm Kiyoshimo as a drop on E-3?

>> No.12423612

How long did it take for one of the old event only ships to become a drop?

>> No.12423615

Next event so probably october/november

>> No.12423629
File: 198 KB, 500x634, 4011258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eight months and counting.

>> No.12423630

Yamato 08/01/2013~12/25/2013
Musashi 11/01/2013~07/04/2014
Shioi 12/25/2013~now, still non-craftable
Sakawa 04/23/2014~now, still non-craftable

>> No.12423637
File: 125 KB, 625x900, 44786507_big_p9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please complete your PVP now. I wouldn't want y'all to miss out on valuable experience.

>> No.12423642

At least the new event ships aren't OP like Yamato/Musashi are.

>> No.12423644

>Musashi 11/01/2013~07/04/2014
>Shioi 12/25/2013~now, still non-craftable
Does this mean there's a slim possibility of the devs surprising us with I-401 in LSC after the next maintenance?

If not, Shioi will be the longest event exclusive ship.

>> No.12423652

I probably going to fail the event if they decided to start it at October.
This event costs me around 140k fuel.

>> No.12423657

Not sure if that's enough time to grind my CAs/DDs/BBs. Still looking for a fast method that doesn't require switching out.

>> No.12423659

Yeah, well, I'm waiting for this fucking dickhead with Akashi + 5 ships to mix up his fleet. Pretty sure you don't have a 4th repair facility, Mr. Level 104.

>> No.12423691
File: 1.29 MB, 800x956, report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting resources and current resources.

Event completion: E-5 and 1/3 of E-6 bar before going into E-3 farming hellhole.

Notable drops for me: Agano, Harusame, 2 Urakazes (farming that gun), Naganami, Noshiro, Ooyodo, Tanikaze, Amatsukaze, Akigumo, Tokitsukaze, Hatsukaze, Mikuma, Unryuu, Yahagi, Nagato and Taigei.

I think I did well considering my starting resources. My greatest regret is Kiyoshimo and to a lesser extent Hayashimo. Isokaze meh.

Should have had more stuff.

>> No.12423703

I started with literally 2/3 your resources and finished all maps + event ships. Step it up kouhai you're not even level 100.

>> No.12423722


Some people are luckier than others it seems. Plus I had the wrong ships for E-6. KTKM-sama got locked on AL, Mutsuu on MI and I don't have hotels.

>> No.12423725

Started off with 15.75k all resources + 50 buckets and I'm on the final kill of E-5.

>> No.12423731

Speaking of PVP, how much stronger are high level ships compared to max-stats low level ships?

One of my opponents is a level 94 admiral with only 2 level 95 battleships in his fleet. All my ships are ~90.

I'm thinking I might be able to break them down if I just bring a CV for air control and some CLTs/BBs, or does their level make them borderline unkillable because of misses?

>> No.12423732
File: 217 KB, 799x477, current resources.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do people spend so much?
You are lvl99 doing ez mode man.

>> No.12423734

I actually leveled up a Tone from 1 to Kai2 once I got E-6 down to final kill to use a 1CLT 2CAV 3CV/L setup, I don't have hotels either. It's ok though, I'm sure Isokaze will forgive you many years from now when she's added to the 7-5 boss drop list.

>> No.12423752
File: 661 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140812-07313681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the actual road to E-5 took me only 40k fuel, 25k Anmo, 20k steel and 20k bauxite.

What really depleted my resources was E3 farming.

pic is my resources just afteer completing E-5.

As I mentioned, E-3 was a hellhole for me and my resources

>> No.12423783

Should have just E6 and save your bauxite

>> No.12423785

So I finished E-6 and I don't have to do E-7 because RNG was kind with drops. She gave me a good ol' dicking on runs though. Which do I pick?

>> No.12423786

Not him, but I spent 60k on chipping.

>> No.12423790

How do you level your ships so fast

>> No.12423792

what is E-7

>> No.12423797


Event farming.

>> No.12423806


Well, I did considered leveling a ship to fulfill thos conditions. But I like Kiyoshimo and Hayashimo more Isokaze so I left E-6.

>> No.12423816

chipping is a waste of resources. how often do you get to boss and do zero damage? I S rank it every time I reached boss

Look at the tag

>> No.12423830

The map that never was.

>> No.12423831

By chipping I mean lowering the gauge. I used the same fleet all the way through.
CLT 3BB 2CVL with no hotels
A shitton of retreats, and the boss fights weren't the best either. I think I got only 4 clean boss kills.

>> No.12423869

Would it be worth attempting to craft Type 3 Shells to try and beat E2? My fleet has only been able to get the boss to around orange or red health, yet I'm planning on spending the remainder of the event trying to get Amatsukaze.

>> No.12423873

Depends on the amount of resources you have left

>> No.12423887

Shit, I sent out long expeditions and turned off the game and then I noticed it's Thursday.

>> No.12423892

And it's all >>12423637's fault.

>> No.12423909

2 high level BBs are easy to beat. As long as we aren't talking about un-kai'd ships under level 20, The BBs aren't going to survive six of your ships shooting at them as long as you remember to equip them with weapons. If they do, then you are still almost guaranteed to get an S rank through the night battle.

>> No.12423924

Somehow my maxed Mutsu with 2 41cm cannons had trouble even scratching them, along with the rest of my fleet.

Luckily she and Kongou pulled through during the night battle.

>> No.12423925
File: 407 KB, 1021x612, kancolle041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game is trying its hardest to never give me Kiyoshimo and Amatsukaze

>> No.12423939

Did you start this event late, bagels?

>> No.12423940

>paper CVL is not even damaged

>> No.12423943

That's the RNG for you, but in general you should have no problems S rankings PVP matches as long as you outnumber the opponents ships. This holds true regardless of the ship types involved.

>> No.12423944

To all the TTKs still trying to clear whatever respective map they're on, good luck.

I finally found Kiyoshimo, which means this event is finished for me. Spent way more resources than I meant to, but I think I have an idea as to how to make it go better next time.

>> No.12423948


Isokaze currently at level 57, MI maps are going full asshole with Mutsus and Nagaras.

>> No.12423952

Just picked up the mini-BB, event is finally over. Time to see if I can scumbag 2-5 and 1-5 before month end, then rest up for the next event. Good luck to those of you still working for your ship daughters.

>> No.12423959

At least Mutsu is worth something thanks to AA modernization and scrap value. Nagaras however, are just insults from the desire sensor.

>> No.12423964

What's the best way to deal with opponents that have a lot of air support? IE 3CV/3BB? Do abandon the air and go for BB/CAs to break them down with pure armor and firepower?

A lot of the time they have Diamond formation too so air seems like a lost cause.

>> No.12423965

Suzuya pls. I've had enough of you.

>> No.12423968

Bring a sub only fleet. Free win.

>> No.12423978

2 CVs loaded with greens will pretty much secure at least parity against anything. Well, with good planes anyway. Without good planes or against 4CV setups I tend to go 6BB loaded with air radar and AP shells. It's massively resource inefficient compared to subs but I don't care and I usually win because devs love BBs.

>> No.12423980

No subs, and my best greens are two Shiden Kai 2 and a bunch of Type 52s.

And really though, doesn't taking the win using 6 subs kinda defeat the point? I mean, you normally PVP just to level up your ships.

>> No.12423981
File: 1.00 MB, 1366x727, e6clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels good to be free.

>> No.12423991

Did you get a -shimo from your S Rank?

>> No.12423999

inb4 Hatsushimo

Captcha: scrape unedtr

>> No.12424000


I might farm E3 now since I don't have any of the rare DDs, but considering how the maps have been farting Hamakazes and Tanikazes, it's probably safe to say that the new DDs will be dime a dozen come the next event.

>> No.12424003

bring 3 BB and 2 CLT, set what you want to level as flagship

>> No.12424066
File: 5 KB, 155x45, ss (2014-08-28 at 01.05.15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily Yamato crafting attempt in 35 minutes, 3 TTKs got lucky on Taihou & Sushi around that time yesterday.

>> No.12424123

You make 4k Bauxite in a day?

>> No.12424127

I made about 3500 in the past 24 hours between expeditions and dailies.

>> No.12424132

That's impressive. I only tend to make 1-1.5k through my dailies and expeditions. I run 6 every 40m when not at work - are there any 2-4 hour expeditions that net decent bauxite?

>> No.12424134

You can make ~5k by ex6 alone, you know.

>> No.12424151
File: 97 KB, 442x355, ss (2014-08-28 at 01.41.29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m-maybe tomorrow

>> No.12424152

If you script, sparkle and use daihatsu on it.

>> No.12424155

> script
But I never scripted since it's easy modo.

>> No.12424172

It's easy modo to stay up 24 hours a day?
You get 144 per expedition with GS and 4 boats.
(5000/144)*40=1389 minutes a day

>> No.12424177

you are allowed to sleep and run different expeditions anon

>> No.12424178

>You can make ~5k by ex6 alone

>> No.12424183

Is it worth it to Kai AVs to get the 3rd slot for another daihatsu?

>> No.12424185
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 1396445594202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I changed my mind and farmed E-5 instead of E-4. Two fucking Yasen nodes broke my mind and retreated twice despite having equipped with flare and searchlight. I wish I could strangle devs through the monitor.

>> No.12424186

~5k can mean 4500-5500. So he's probably taking the minimum of 4500.

>> No.12424189
File: 17 KB, 160x78, whelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, after running E-3 endlessly for 16 days and expending hundreds of buckets, it's now or never to get Kiyoshimo. Here we go, girls.

Please like and subscribe.

>> No.12424190


>> No.12424192

> to stay up 24 hours a day?
19 hours. Then sleeping in 37m intervals, that's all. And honestly, it's not like you can spend this time for something better. It's the most efficient way.

>> No.12424201
File: 105 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140827-21590259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you want mine? It's my 4th one.

>> No.12424205

>19 hours
You might as well just script by that point.

>> No.12424212

>tfw want a Ryuuhou but only have one Taigei
Fuck E-3. Fuck 2-5. Fuck 5-2

>> No.12424214

I found one on my 5th try of E3 farming, thereby completing E7. Just thought you'll like to know.

>> No.12424215


>> No.12424221

I wish I knew how.

>> No.12424223
File: 46 KB, 465x412, InazumaDESTROY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at this point I'm not sure whether it's rage, apathy or desire that's making me throw everything I have left at it now, but either way giving me yours probably wouldn't quite do teh trick.

>> No.12424230

Why don't you just remodel her?

>> No.12424237

It's not too hard to learn how.

>> No.12424242

Then I lose my cuteass sub tender

>> No.12424280
File: 5 KB, 498x90, most expensive agano ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've set a record on the highest costs paid to get Agano.

I got frustrated with going to E1, so I went all-min LSC binge. It took me 50 tries to get her. There goes 80k+ fuel down the drain...

got a ton of Maruyu, enough to give 10 luck to KTKM. Heh.

>> No.12424291

Hayashimo is still elusive for me, and I'm down to 98k ammo. RNG have mercy on me.

>> No.12424308

How do I trick the desire sensor?

>> No.12424345

Which ship has the funnest doujinshi?

>> No.12424353


My favorite ship.

>> No.12424354

So Shimakaze?

>> No.12424359

wasn't there a better composition, just so you could go through the nightbattle node after C instead?

(I think it was like 1 CLT, 3 BB, 1 CVL, 1 CV? Or was it 2 BB 2 CV)

I forgot what it was but I only remember talk about 1 CVL. Can anyone who remembers clarify?

>> No.12424360

>funninest doujinshi

I thought Hyuuga and Mogami's dick was no/1 in hilarity.

>> No.12424367

you are very easily amused

>> No.12424390

>down to 98k ammo
That's a lot. Do LSC.

>> No.12424392

Night battle a shit.

>> No.12424400

How do I deal with fatigue?

Do I just wait 15 minutes between sorties or make several usable fleets?

>> No.12424403


>> No.12424404

Wait, it's a pain to change equipments all the time.

>> No.12424408

Sparkling doesn't really save enough time to be worth the resource expenditure.

>> No.12424417

I want Kongou class out of LSC.

>> No.12424424

I just want the last kill on E-6

>> No.12424426

Praise your CLTs more.

>> No.12424452

I want CVLs out of LSC

>> No.12424453

I want the last kill on E-4

>> No.12424466

Does flare works for both sides in pvp? the enemy had one, in the end, even my ooi did a cut-in

>> No.12424469
File: 624 KB, 795x479, E3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but that's not kiyoshimo..

>> No.12424470

But yorktown won't leave my CVL alone.

>> No.12424472

Close enough.

>> No.12424476


friggin asshole RNG, I've gotten 3 of her already.

>> No.12424478

It doesn't matter if they get hit to orange.

>> No.12424479

I really want to kill and set on fire who designed this event.

>> No.12424482


>> No.12424483

Ask your mom.

>> No.12424484
File: 227 KB, 593x349, ss+(2014-08-28+at+02.32.54).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me why I shouldn't do this.

>> No.12424487

I want Akashi to drop for me.

>> No.12424490

Just advanced in red.
Only 1/6 chance to get hit, I didn't even waste any Damekon when I advanced twice with them.

>> No.12424491

Switched to clt comp, now ooi's getting fucked on first node by the bb, twice,running out of resources/buckets too.
Give me another strategy pls

>> No.12424493

Why equip them with damecon? It's a waste of spot.

>> No.12424496
File: 174 KB, 602x850, 1398224828411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to drop down on Akashi.

>> No.12424501

Considering I spent less resources and time compare to most people, seems like a good move to me.

>> No.12424504

Stop being retarded.

>> No.12424507

CLT method is slightly more bucket consuming but it's high rewarding.
Go with big with 3BB 1CV 2CVL then. But then again you don't have the resources to so looks like it's going to be game over.

>> No.12424512

But the LOS?

>> No.12424516

Got my few first kills with triple artillery spotting with 1ca 2cav 1cv 2cvl, worked really well, gonna try again the 2/3 tries remaining.
Wish me luck

>> No.12424517

Yeah totally radars and recons aren't enough.

>> No.12424518
File: 77 KB, 403x590, 1407713966823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a known procrastinator but you E6 on last day people are pushing it

>> No.12424530

Yeah, if you go the 2CLT way and or if you want to use AP shells on the BBs. And it also limits their ability to remove trash in the air phase.

>> No.12424532


Where are the cool videos from this event?

>> No.12424537

Trash removal? Use support and opening torps for that.
>AP Shells
Who the fuck uses this in E-6? Are you retarded?

>> No.12424548

If they remove the DDs in aerial phase it lets support and torps focus on Wo an Ru.
>Who the fuck uses this in E-6? Are you retarded?
Maybe I am but it felt like my BB did more damage with them.

>> No.12424553

3 saiun is totally not enough. Are you a level200 teitoku that you need 6 fucking saiun for LoS requirement??

>> No.12424559
File: 414 KB, 800x480, notsureifworthit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally cleared e-6, but lost lvl 82 chitose with reppu-601, reppu, egusa suisei, and saiun. Is it worth it?

>> No.12424562

You stupid faggot

>> No.12424563

Can't do it guys
I can't get the final E-4 kill
Any tips?

>> No.12424564

Not speaking for everyone, but for some, it's not a choice.

I got stuck on my E-6 last kill for six days. Some other anon spent at least two weeks and some 300 sorties to clear E-6.

Bad RNG is just bad RNG. If they just started E-6, they have no one to blame, but if they started days or even weeks ago, I can empathize with them.

>> No.12424568
File: 211 KB, 805x945, laughing sluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>egusa suisei,
You just lost 2uncraftable equipments vs a DD that can be crafted later.
Let that sink in a bit.

>> No.12424569
File: 279 KB, 983x426, life lessons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, for a fatalpulse doujin this is actually really sweet.

>> No.12424571

I hope that isokaze was worth sinking a great ship with great equipments
Its not

>> No.12424575

Tell that to the feminazis, we are doomed

>> No.12424576

Stop being retarded, no damecon only frees two spots that could be used for saiun and opens a bigger slot for a Reppuu, a Ryuusei kai or another saiun (I used 4).

>> No.12424582

Clearly I am the retarded one sitting at 250k resources while you are losing your sanity and resources.

>> No.12424583

Kill you are self.

>> No.12424590

But I'm done too. LSC is the one that made me insane.

>> No.12424597

Boss support expedition, sanshiki on BBs and CA(V)s

>> No.12424599

Yes it was definitely worth it. Omedetou!

But you already know the true answer don't you?

>> No.12424604

Of course, who needs damecon when your CVLs have 999 armor against Hime? RKai is clearly effective to use.

>> No.12424609

Congratulations, you are now the stupidest person to have cleared E6. That's some kind of achievement!

>> No.12424614

Flagship So is raping my ass. I fucking hate this game, I want to quit forever.

>> No.12424615

I had 250k resources. I am now at around 90k, but I did get 6 Akitsumaru for it along with finishing everything to E7.

It's your call.

>> No.12424618

That doujin makes me think of how awesome an Admiral Rance shipgirls eroge would be.

>> No.12424620

Not my fault lightning zapped the lines and rekt my modem ,being in rural areas is suffering when ISP doesn't really give a shit.

>> No.12424622

Clearly devs love the wrong subs, she has 165 torpedo stat so it's only natural that she wrecks anyone she touches.

>> No.12424627

Totally kuso.

I don't think Isokaze will ever be craftable later. Droppable maybe.

>> No.12424630
File: 2.46 MB, 1880x1404, 38733222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12424631

Yes. Clearing E6 is worth more than anything you could have

>> No.12424635

Considering she crits even in abreast is just downright cruel. Either she and north yasen keeps stopping me from going to the E-5 boss.

>> No.12424638


>> No.12424643

Contain your autism, retard. Stop doing that all the time.

>> No.12424646


>> No.12424647


>> No.12424648


>> No.12424649


>> No.12424658


>> No.12424661


>> No.12424668
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, 1345937603690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12424670

Why would you need to farm boats when devs give out boats like candies if you just do some ranking.

>> No.12424674

Anyone got a good formula to craft sanshiki?

>> No.12424676


>> No.12424677

It's for ASW.


>> No.12424678

If Leppuu was successfully created by midway, how would the war go?

>> No.12424679

Thanks, now I feel a lot better about all the resources I spent clearing it.

>> No.12424681

Managed to craft one

>> No.12424684

Ranking gives you decent seaplanes with asw stats too. Excellent for sub killing and event scouting.

>> No.12424687

It wouldn't change a thing. Incompetent high command would continue to be incompetent.

>> No.12424692

Not always, it hasn't done so for 2 months now.

>> No.12424720

You are retarded, I started the event with <50k resources and cleared it weeks ago

>> No.12424753

What's the translation for 第一警戒航行序列 and the rest of the combined fleet formations?
Alert cruising formation #1?

>> No.12424759

Foremost vigilance navigation hierarchy.

>> No.12424767

Nothing. Production rate of the US would overtake Japan anyway and the US would've put more advanced fighters faster than Japan can recover their possible losses.

>> No.12424770
File: 108 KB, 800x485, shhhyouhearthatit&#039;syourwalletcrying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Yamato save me from suffering that is E-6.
Since I already married her, should I buy this as her reward?

>> No.12424772

The light armament version is cheaper.

>> No.12424787
File: 164 KB, 600x525, niceashtray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yamato just isn't her without her guns.
Also that waterbase looks really nice.

>> No.12424796
File: 63 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140828-06331519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the last possible run because I ran out of buckets.
Well, Im not that sad, I did everything right, love, los , planes, support, etc, still couldnt finish last kill, it kinda hurts.
At least Hamakaze and Unryuu will let me rest in their laps for all my hard work

>> No.12424800


>Production rate of the US would overtake Japan.


>more advanced fighters than Japan

Nope. Reppu and Ryuusei were on par with their american counterparts but there weren't enough to turn the tide of the war.

>> No.12424803

And where are your CLT?

>> No.12424804

You messed up when you didn't bring ktkm.

>> No.12424806

will this go up or down?

>> No.12424808


>> No.12424811

How tough is it to take on a pure sub team in PVP with a huge level disadvantage and nonexistent ASW gear?

Are they weak enough statistically that they can be defeated with level 20-40 DD/CLs?

>> No.12424814

I was talking about aircraft that was launched too late to serve in the war like the F7F, F8F, Skyraider, or hell even the P-80. Had Japan managed to launch their advanced fighters like the Reppuu, the production of these American aircraft would have been hastened to counter them.

>> No.12424818


you can bring down a lvl 99 sub with a lvl 1 destroyer if you use 2 type 3 sonars and depth charge.

>> No.12424820

You'll generally win easily just by having ships that can target subs and using line abreast, but you'll want ASW equipment if you want a guaranteed S rank.

>> No.12424821

I guess I'll try my luck at crafting some ASW gear beforehand.

>> No.12424823

Depends on if I-401 is here but it's pretty easy to win it if you bring a BB/BBV.

>> No.12424826

Oh god I would jizz myself with equippable end-of-war burger planes. Spoiled so much by War Thunder.

>> No.12424827


It's the neverending cycle of military competition. Who knows what could the japanese military engineers designed if they hadn't had to think aboout the bombs falling on their heads all the time.

>> No.12424832
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 969d1378557180889bf5020ed4c22e18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I like ktkm, myokou's pretty much the same thing but better, just less torpedo stats, got some nice oneshots on hime, but in the final form she targets the wrong one, cant do anything about that.
Unryuu did a really good job, sisnce a dont have the non shibafu carriers, cvl's are cvls, not matter how much you love them.
In the end, I got naganami, akigumo, chibi-kurumi and shoukaku,
As for duplicates, taigei, urakaze and shoukaku
I wish they dropped nagamon and minibb too, but oh well, im pretty happy with what I got

>> No.12424835


>> No.12424837

It wasn't really much about the bombs though. They had underground factories for that. It's the lack of resources that prevents them from achieving the same production rate that America has and Add to that the never ending squabbling of the Imperial Japanese Army and the Imperial Japanese Navy as to who gets the resources.
You also have to remember that those resources that America allocates to the Pacific Theater can even be considered "leftovers" from what they've been pumping towards the European theater so that is a very very long stretch for Japan to compete.

>> No.12424838

le poo

>> No.12424842

CLT opening torp phase is very helpful too.
It's not too late late! Spam exp 2, you only need one lucky run to finish it.

>> No.12424845
File: 104 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140828-03580204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My suffering is over. 50k fuel wasted, and I'm crying so hard right now.

>> No.12424850

It's just a shitty destroyer.

>> No.12424851

I know but my E-7 won't be completed without her.

>> No.12424852

Still better than your E-6 reward.

>> No.12424853

Why are there assholes with multiple level 50+ LSC at admiral level 40?

Did they just get their 4 fleets through crafting and then spam expeditions all day while twinking their levels with PVP?

>> No.12424854

E-4 or E-5? I'm in the same boat.

>> No.12424855

Why do you hate Saber.

>> No.12424856

It's not even about resources, EoJ never had enough manpower to chum out stuff. They had, like, only a tiny fraction of USA production capability.
> "leftovers" from what they've been pumping towards the European theater
Oh sure, supplies, half-trucks and bombers take that much resources, right? And that's after the fact that slavs crushed Wehrmacht pretty much on their own.

>> No.12424857

It's an exclusive so the aftermarket price will definitely go up. With the anime also next year, I wonder how high it will go.

>> No.12424858

Her voice doesn't fit her and she's not very cute.

>> No.12424860

Will they remove the classroom furniture or other furniture tomorrow? I haven't buy them.

>> No.12424861

E-5. It was 7 hours of hell.

>> No.12424862

>Her voice doesn't fit

says the guy who can't understand Japanese

>> No.12424864

You really should get the classroom furniture. At least an English textbook.

>> No.12424865

Even if you ignore the aesthetic aspects, Isokaze still has worse stats than the Yuugumos.

>> No.12424869

Roosevelt adopted the "Europe First" policy so most of the production focused on providing supplies there and you can add to that the Lend-Lease equipment sent to their allies. Heck, the Marines landed on Guadalcanal with Springfields when the Army were already using Garands.

>> No.12424870


7 hours

And you are crying? Cry when you get a mini-BB after 14 days of E-3 hell.

>> No.12424871


>> No.12424872

I can't read it but I can at least understand some lines.
And I've listened to enough anime voices to know it's no good.

>> No.12424879

No, I didn't mention my 3 day worth of farming her. 14 days? That's a load of bull to me.

>> No.12424882

I know the feeling, I've burned away the last two days farming that map. I might actually run out of fuel before I run out of time at this rate. I'm going to be approaching my 100th E-7 run soon.

>> No.12424883

They said they're removing the summer furniture, but not sure if that means just summer-themed furniture or the furniture that was added around summer time.

Personally I never take any chances and just buy everything that doesn't require fairies.

>> No.12424886

>my taste is shit

>> No.12424888

Properties of her voice don't suit the character, judging from her sprite. Are you going to tell me I can't understand Japanese too?

>> No.12424890

It's quite adorable, isn't it?

>> No.12424894

Muh trophy. At least people who cleared Spring E-5 didn't claim that Sakawa is superior to other Aganos.

>> No.12424896

just finished E-1

here we go

>> No.12424898

Because no one like sakawa.

>> No.12424899

My point was that those are not really "leftovers". USA pumped shitload of resources, times or even magnitudes more then EoJ ever had. Don't make it sound wishy-washy.

>> No.12424900

They know that Sakawa is indeed mediocre compared to her sisters, but at least some say she had a cute voice.

>> No.12424903

>They know that Sakawa is indeed mediocre compared to her sisters
So is Isokaze.

>> No.12424906
File: 591 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140828-19205792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god I am only HQ 96.

>> No.12424907

Has anyone got Yahagi in E-3? If so, how many tries?

>> No.12424908

>12th Kagerou-class destroyer, Isokaze. If it's about combat experience, I won't fall behind that Yukikaze. I've fought again and again, participated in decisive battles, and fought to the bitter end. Yamato, Musashi, Kongou, Taihou... their last moments have been etched into my eyes. This time... I will protect them.


>> No.12424910

2nd try for me, didn't need one anyway.

>> No.12424913

Her voice sounds totally find to me.

>> No.12424914

To be fair, a lot of the voices in this are pretty bad. There's a shitload of seiyuu reuse and obvious voice filters.

I kinda hope they'll take their mountains of NEETbucks and extend the voicecast/re-voice a lot of the ships.

>> No.12424916

I actually got Nagato on my revisit. Almost had it.

>> No.12424917

I never called it exactly "leftovers". I merely mentioned that it can be taken as "leftovers" depending on the PoV of the reader, since the US actually considered Germany more of a threat than Japan that they focused more on defeating Germany first before shifting their whole attention on Japan. Had they decided to finish off Japan first, they would've focused more on the production in beating Japan, while relegating the remaining to hold off Germany. But with the Europe first policy, it was the opposite. Oh well, that's my take on it.

>> No.12424919

Just a vocal samefag.

You can see a pattern in trying to push an opinion.

>> No.12424926

> There's a shitload of seiyuu reuse
I loved Kongous one man show though.

>> No.12424931

And? Isokaze is cute and sound like a protective Neesama giving sound advice.
It is perfectly fine if you can't get her. No need to justify your decision by saying how she is bad.

>> No.12424939

>Line Ahead all the time.
>sound advice.
No wonder she can't protect Kongou and Taihou from subs.

>> No.12424945

quick, a musashi recipe

>> No.12424953


>> No.12424956

I never said Isokaze is bad, I just said Sakawa is mediocre.

>> No.12424958


>> No.12424959


>> No.12424962

I don't mind when it's actually done reasonably well like with the Kongous, but then there are cases like Yuka Iguchi sounding exactly the same for every single ship, or Souryuu sounding like a goddamn robot because of how thick her voice filter is, which are just terrible to listen to.

I guess they kinda have to give several ships to every seiyuu though, since they only speak a handful of lines for each one.

>> No.12424969

>Souryuu sounding like a goddamn robot because of how thick her voice filter is

You're some high level retard.

>> No.12424972

>Yuka Iguchi sounding exactly the same for every single ship
Tenryuu and Tatsuta are miles apart from all the rest. The Nagaras are a little hard to tell apart, but that's it.

>> No.12424975

> Yuka Iguchi sounding exactly the same for every single ship
Now you're seriously pushing it. I'd agree if you picked, let's say, Megumi Nakajima. But Yuka Iguchi? Really?

>Souryuu sounding like a goddamn robot
What. You might want check your speakers/headphones.

>> No.12424979
File: 813 KB, 1000x1414, Kinugasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, now that the event is nearing its end, I've got lots of stuff to do.

- Marrying Kinugasa.
- Crafting Hotel and Sushi.
- Leveling Nagamon, Tits CV, Myoukou, the new CVL Kai Ni, Mikuma, The Aganos, Amatsukaze and Ooyodo.
- Clearing 5-4 and 5-5.
- Hoarding for the next event.
- Crafting Maruyus.

So, which course of action would you recomend me?

>> No.12424980 [DELETED] 


it's finished*

my brain got disconnected for a moment there.

>> No.12424982

Play a better game.

>> No.12424983

Kill yourself.

>> No.12424984

>Marrying Kinugasa.
Top priority.
>Crafting Hotel and Sushi.
>Leveling Nagamon, Tits CV, Myoukou, the new CVL Kai Ni, Mikuma, The Aganos, Amatsukaze and Ooyodo.
High priority.
>Clearing 5-4
Just use subs
>Hoarding for the next event.
Low priority
>Crafting Maruyus.
Medium priority

>> No.12424987

>Clearing 5-4
>Just use subs

>> No.12424991

Where to get Tanikaze? I've been at E3 since forever and still no Tanikaze nor Kiyoshimo.

>> No.12424992

She's everywhere.

>> No.12424993

And you're either deaf or have garbage sound.

Tenryuu is indeed very good, but then Tatsuta, Tone, Chikuma, Isuzu, are all very similar. That may be an issue of Iguchi's voice simply being too distinctive, but if she has the range to do Tenryuu I'm not sure why it would be.

And don't get me wrong, I think she did a great job with Tatsuta, but that's only emphasizes how much the others lack uniqueness.

>> No.12424996

The sound of a robot.


>> No.12424997

There's only so many extremes you can do before it gets stupid. Tatsuta is still immediately distinguishable from the rest.

To my disappointment, none of them sound exactly like Index. And none of the Mutsukis sound exactly like Last Order. Though I guess it'd be actually bad if that happened.

>> No.12425000

Calling for Yuuzuki to sound like Last Order.

>> No.12425001

got mutsu
trieed 1 max all lsc since i have nothing else, got zyikaku, didnt have her before, I hope shes cute at least

>> No.12425004


Anon, you are asking too much for some voices that, when this game was released, nobody expected to be heard by so many people.

Let us hope they redo the voice clips for the Vita game but I doubt it.

>> No.12425008

Not buying anything is even cheaper

>> No.12425009

Can we please stop giving retards the attention they want?

>> No.12425015

> Tatsuta, Tone, Chikuma, Isuzu, are all very similar.

Can you please stop the shitposting?

>> No.12425016

Center route, ~60% chance to reach the boss, guaranteed A rank at boss. You just have to prey your subs kill transport.

>> No.12425019

Well, they all speak Japanese after all!

>> No.12425027

Why? 5-4 is piss easy anyway.

>> No.12425033

> Crafting Hotel and Sushi
> Crafting Maruyus.
> Leveling Nagamon, Tits CV, Myoukou, the new CVL Kai Ni,
> Marrying Kinugasa.
> Hoarding for the next event.
> Clearing 5-4
> Leveling Mikuma, The Aganos, Amatsukaze and Ooyodo.
> Clearing 5-5.
> Hoarding for the next event.

>> No.12425042

Hoarding twice is intentional, by the way.

>> No.12425043

That's all I'm saying I'm hoping for.

I'm not expecting a net game to have an all-star cast or anything, but the people pretending having 8+ ships voiced by individual seiyuu does not detriment the game in any way are delusional.

Can you please learn what range means?

>> No.12425047
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sameface exposed

>> No.12425049

More resource efficient.

>> No.12425056

>Can you please learn what range means?

Teach me.

How sound Tone and Chikuma the same?

>> No.12425057

You haven't seen "the only difference we have is hair style" Fubukis yet?

>> No.12425059

If they got different people to voice sister sets the game would lose a lot of its charm. Yeah, it's possible to overdo it, but they got more actresses after they got more money.

>> No.12425060

>Wasting 5-4 exp on subs.
>More resource efficient.
May as well as just use a decent fleet with 100% chance to boss node and 90% chance to S rank it.

>> No.12425063

No one cares about Fubukis.

>> No.12425069

teach me

>> No.12425070

Take your memearrows back to /a/.
Why do you care what other people do?

>> No.12425071

> 100% chance to boss node
There are very few things in this game that have 100% chance, and reaching the boss is not one of them

>> No.12425074

The drum route has 100% chance to get boss node, but getting there all the time or not is another thing.

>> No.12425075
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Aren't you guys forgetting someone?

>> No.12425078


I can see what you mean. I'm curious how the voice acting will work out in the anime, they'll probably have to work the script so that certain voices don't get overused in each scene.

>> No.12425079

Look at Hatsuyuki/ Miyuki, Ayanami/Shikinami, Shirayuki/Isonami
It's the same fucking thing.

>> No.12425081

No one gives a shit about what you do, people just talk about why should that anon use subs to clear 5-4 instead of using a proper fleet to make his life easier.

>> No.12425082

One Nao Show was pretty good, but 6th DesDiv was a little harder to tell apart.

>> No.12425095


Maruyu flagship cleared E-6

>> No.12425098

Funny how the shitposter start his nonsense after people called him out for his Isokaze rant.

The poor soul is butthurt.

>> No.12425099

Now I've seen everything.

>> No.12425112

I think it's a good thing I got Kiyoshimo while chipping the gauge. Going to the south route is hard, can't get air superiority and harder without support shelling.

>> No.12425120
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Maruyu stronk

>> No.12425134
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Not beating E6 can change a man!

>> No.12425155

That's a robot?

>> No.12425175
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>> No.12425178
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Where is Ikazuchi?

>> No.12425181

Hibiki is so cute!

That's hilariously accurate.

>> No.12425198
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>Huh? Midway? What's that? Is it tasty?

>> No.12425206
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And I thought my box will amount to something...At least I got the clock.

>> No.12425212
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>> No.12425240

Gz anonymous

>> No.12425292

What's the Akitsumaru south fleet compo for E4 again?

>> No.12425364

less than 13 hours left to do the last dance with double Princesses before Isokaze is lost forever. For at least a few months.

>> No.12425377

Don't worry, she'll be available in 2015.

>> No.12425385

im not worried since I already cleared E-6, although I am having fun watching others fail that stage on nico live right now.

>> No.12425389

She'll drop from Summer or Fall 2015 maps. Most likely.

>> No.12425397

9 months later.

Still no Shioi. Entire KanColle generations don't have the brown wonder.

>> No.12425400

Schadenfreude is so 19th century.

>> No.12425402

Devs hate submarines. They probably forgot her and prepared Sakawa for Christmas LSC. I-401 never.

>> No.12425404
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Someone really hates their E-6 reward

>> No.12425406
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I mean really hate

>> No.12425410

Powerleveling was too intense for her.

>> No.12425411

What the actual fuck

>> No.12425413

Why even bother with clearing E-6 then?

>> No.12425414


>> No.12425415

>Kuro Ageha
>Fleet 1
Some wikia scum?

>> No.12425417

oh sweet RNG, 3runs in e-3 to farm mini BB, compass spin into NW three times.

>> No.12425419

Probably attention.

>> No.12425426

For that prototype 41cm and medal.

>> No.12425430

But devs loves subs,Abyssal ones. At this rate we gonna get sub version of Re soon with shooting torpedoes in shelling phase using her torp stats.

>> No.12425442

>shooting torpedoes in shelling phase using her torp stats
That would be actually interesting if applied to every ship. Just imagine fodder DD or CL critting your ships to red on the first node, several times in a row.

Remove the torpedo phase, give us 50:50 chance for gun/torpedo attack.

>> No.12425448

Still nowhale club, lvl 104.
2-5? 5-2? E-3? E-3 and try to S preboss as well? I'm starting to lose hope here.

>> No.12425451

Still no whale and Nagamon club here
lvl 109

>> No.12425455

How does upgrading seaplane tenders work?
Can I upgrade them at level 10 then immediately after at lvl12 into their A form? If I missed their lvl10 upgrade do they immediately convert to their A form at lvl12?
If I upgraded them as seaplane tenders can I still upgrade them again to be light carriers at lvl15?
What's the point of upgrading when there is such a small difference in the level requirements?

This is confusing as fuck and the wiki doesn't make it clear.

>> No.12425461

Have you played pokemon before?

>> No.12425464

>lv 109
No Nagato?
Hahahahahahahaha. Should LSC more instead of doing rank.

>> No.12425466

Not really and too long ago to remember anyway.

>> No.12425467

Don't do E-3. I'm trying and I'm failing hard. No whale, no Yahagi, no Zuikaku. Duplicates only - 4x Ooi, 7x Imuya, 2x Kiyoshimo (actually the only good drop I got there), 4x Kaga, Hiryuu, Souryuu, Akagi and a whole legion of Nagaras.

>> No.12425470

Seriously, what's up with Nagara in E-3? I've got like 30 of her already.

>> No.12425475

On that note, what's a good farming setup for E-3? BB 2CAV 3CV main, CL 3DD 2CA escort with some 360 AS?

>> No.12425476

Not him, but why would I want a useless BB?

>> No.12425478

It's not only E-3. She followed me even on E-6.

>> No.12425481

I can't escape her even when I went back to 5-4.

>> No.12425483

>Kantai Collection
Collection. That's why.
Nagamon is kinda cute too.

>> No.12425485
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Don't bother placing BBs or you'll risk going through the northern route

>> No.12425487

Only with slow BB. Fast BB always goes south

>> No.12425490

>Fast BB always goes south
Not true. I'm using fast fleet with Kongous and sometimes the compass sends me NE.

>> No.12425491

> Fast BB always goes south
Nope. It's random.

>> No.12425492

Nope. I used the Kongous before and there's still a chance to go north

>> No.12425493

Other than for collection's sake, I mean. Your post seemed to imply that she actually had some use other than that.

>> No.12425494
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Probably need some sort of aerial/recon dominance for that to work and add the torpedo bulge for placebo resistance. After all you need to get in within several Km at most for torps to work.
Didn't Yamato ran away from a frigate once because she fears getting torpedoed?
Lv101 here,just gave up on E-6 today and getting bunch of Hamakaze and Urakaze instead at E-3.
Damnit RNG I don't need so many tittykazes,give me fat whales instead.
She's cute and get some special lines sometimes. Not sure why Sakura Ayane is not voicing much lines this year.

>> No.12425495


You need 3CV to make it work.

>> No.12425496

fast BB + 3CV was south for me 67 times out of 67

>> No.12425498

Do you keep dupes?
You need 4BB for support fire after locking out ships at AL and MI.
Unless of course you think BBV are more useful than Nagato, I dont see why you use them over her.

>> No.12425499

> she actually had some use
99 luck.

>> No.12425503

There's nothing wrong with Nagato. Sure, she consumes a bit more resources and is prone to "Fast fleet only" branching bullshit, but I prefer using her instead of Kongou. Assuming Kirishima and Haruna are temporarily unavailable (repairs, fatigue, etc).

>> No.12425507

They really need to expand equipment slots so as to make full use of the current equipments like 2-3 slots for weapon, 1-2 slots for radar/seaplane or whatever support equipment you can bring and the last slot for the armor or engine.

>> No.12425509

I have 2 sets of Kongous.

Cut-ins aren't so good on BBs, I've found.

>> No.12425512

Did Yamato ever fight a RN fleet?

>> No.12425523
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Kasumi a shit.

>> No.12425524

My last attemp just now got me Sendai, I dont recommended it for now.

>> No.12425531

lel roflmao

>> No.12425535

I got her from my 2nd E3 run. If you still have resources, why not continue E3?
But if you're already short on resources, stop for now. 2-5 won't go away.

>> No.12425536

Just imagine like you're giving evolution stone to Eeve, You will keep them as seaplane tenders as long as you don't kai them no matter how high their level.

>> No.12425539
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Anglo-Dutch fleet were already wiped out by the time she came out and their Strike Force commander was killed,part of it thanks to the notorious Haguro. There is a reason why Operation dukedom was launched to kill her.
Closest was Task force Z trying to fight Kongo but ruined by goya.

>> No.12425550

>Urakaze instead at E-3

I don't remember Urakaze dropping on E-3.

>> No.12425551 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 147x63, ;_;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll trade you my Yahagi and Nagamon drop from E-3 for a mini-BB.

>> No.12425552

trying to get to the boss of E-6 once to make a mad grab for one of the ships I don' t have right before the boss ends. I can't seem to make it with a 2 BB 1 CLT, 2CV, 1CVL format, is it just RNG thats constantly redzoning me or am I doing something wrong.

>> No.12425555

But, uhh... I already Kai'd Shitose. Then kai'd again and at lvl12 and she is still a seaplane tender.

>> No.12425557
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I'll trade you my Yahagi and Taigei drop from E-3 for a mini-BB.

Just 2 more runs and the dream will be over for me.

>> No.12425558

Anyone going for the night node has a deathwish.

>> No.12425559

>4 buckets

>> No.12425562

Chitose and Chiyoda have like 6 or 7 remodels. The first 3? or 4(look at the wiki can't remember) are seaplane tenders with the last variant giving her hyotekis which are amazing torpedos as they give pre round torpedoing for anyone who can equip them. After that their remodels turn them into light carriers, ending as the best light carriers in the game.

>> No.12425563

My bad,its E-5 since I've been alternating in hopes of Akashi.
Not sure if its worth the effort farming her gun,DD guns is not a game changer.

>> No.12425564
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This event was pretty nice to me. Got 17 new ships including the ones added this event.

>> No.12425565

i've not gone the south node once, the north node is still wrecking me. Actually all the nodes are wrecking me but still.

>> No.12425567

Already buckrupt. No mini-BB, no TNKZ. Cursed E3.

>> No.12425569

So it's a linear progression.
Thanks, that's what I was curious about.

>> No.12425570

Just 5 remodels apiece.

>> No.12425572


>Best Light carriers in the game

That's not Ryuujou and Jun'you Kai Ni (Because I know she will be better than ChitoChiyo).

>> No.12425573


someone thinks they can clear E-6 from full gauge in 11:30 hours.

>> No.12425583

Will going into night battle with combined fleet cause a further drop in plane-count? I notice bigger drops in AS when I go into night battle on preboss.

>> No.12425585

Why you want to do night battle before boss?

>> No.12425587

I mean E-3. It might be RNG though,

>> No.12425590

Farming Taigei.

>> No.12425593

So this event ends at 22:00 EST?

>> No.12425621

Second Nagato from E-3. 2 Nagatos and still no Mini-BB.

God damn it RNG... just.... god damn it.

>> No.12425623

I can feel you. You want me to hold you too?

>> No.12425628

I had countless sorties in E3 and I basically gave up. Went to E4 and collect Akitsumarus instead.

>> No.12425639

Yahagi pls deteoide

>> No.12425641

I'll give you my dupe if you give me a mini-BB or a ZKNT

>> No.12425642

If it makes you feel any better, Kiyoshimo has 2x drop rate (5.8%) on S-rank E6 boss.

>> No.12425644

Sure why not

>> No.12425651


With my current resources I have like, 2 or 3 sorties left so I'll stick to E-3 to the bitter end. I can get Akitsumarus on LSC, which I plan to try on full force once the event ends, but I can't get a mini-BB until, probably, the next event.

Now, changing topics. Thank god this was my first event I played seriously. Learnt so many good lessons for when the devs actually put a worthy ship as a reward for E-6, like Shinano or a foreign ship.


heh, I could only get a single S-rank when trying E-6.

>> No.12425656

>e-3 perfect s in boss.

>> No.12425659


Was she who were you looking for?

>> No.12425660

Better than got Sendai, or Tone or Nagara.

>> No.12425663
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Yeah, I think sleeping a night on this event gave me a better perspective on it and make peace with this event. Sure, I didn't end up beating E-6, but I know what I'll need next time. I didn't get Kiyoshimo or Hayashimo, but I missed Tanikaze last event and got her this time around--I can wait a few months. Plus I got Unryuu, Hatsukaze and Noshiro, all of which I was either missing or wanted. I got my first marriage candidate (Nagara) to 99, Kai II'd Five ships and crafted my first 46cms,

My ships, underlevelled as they were, did their best, I did my best, and even if we fell flat because I didn't pack enough buckets, I'm fine with that. I'm mad about the sheer amount of effort lost on E-3 without Kiyoshimo, but I can deal with it.

>> No.12425667

But once you already have a Tanikaze there's no point in getting more. I'd rather get Nagara even if it's just for the intro line.

>> No.12425668

I must have been really really lucky to get Hayashimo first E-5 attempt after completing event, and from an A rank boss clear too.

>> No.12425669

>I got my first marriage candidate (Nagara) to 99
Post picture of it.

>> No.12425670

No, I'm looking for agano sister or a mini BB. She dropped to me 3 times in a row. Oh fuck RNG.

>> No.12425673
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>> No.12425678

Subslaver detected

>> No.12425685
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I let them recover naturally from fatigue, and outside of this event I normally only use them to get the transport daily, so honestly they do less work than my 2-2 crew (every ship above them, plus one of the subs) that I use for the World 2 boss daily.

>> No.12425686


Not him but who doesn't has his subs at high levels? just from doing your dailies they get more continious experience than any other ship.

>> No.12425688
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>> No.12425690

Some people actually believe that using subs is bad and is a sign of being a 'scrub'.

>> No.12425692

Can someone post Iona?

>> No.12425694


So how far did everyone get?

>> No.12425697

MI + ship farming.

>> No.12425698

Completed the event, got all the new ships but I'm still looking for Taigei on E-3.

>> No.12425699


We had an earlier, better poll before>>12422803

>> No.12425702
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>> No.12425705

>jesus christ, why did I do that?
>fuck you, devs
I enjoyed E6 immensely and I am not mad at the devs though.

>> No.12425708
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My E-4 farming feels like it's a waste of resources.

>> No.12425713

Still stuck at last kill. I fucking either get crit to red at preboss or if I reach the boss I get rekt there before my girls can do any damage to the hime.

Right now I'm trying to stock up on resources and buckets for that final push.

>> No.12425714

50 tries. Not counting original 10 for clear.

>> No.12425715
File: 173 KB, 387x319, I&#039;m way too lazy to cut a new screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do dailies with subs when you can do it with other girls? It's not like those extra ~400 resources and odd bucket will bankrupt you.

>> No.12425718


It's a roulette so don't fret too much over that. I got Yahagi on my first farming run on E-3. I'd kill for a Kiyoshimo though.

>> No.12425719

Why do dailies with other girls when you can do it with subs? It's not like those extra ~400 resources and buckets won't accumulate over time.

>> No.12425721


Not him, but I do like subs but unfortunately it's hard to use them outside dailies and weeklies.

I used to subslave too, but I don't have the time now and I'm too attached to my subs to get rid of them.

>> No.12425724

My subs have started hitting 99 and I've been sending DDs to 2-1 and 2-2 for my dailies instead. It's okay.

>> No.12425725

Using girls you don't like feels like a chore, for one.

>> No.12425728

2-3 is great for sinking transport quests, because there's a 3/4 chance of sinking at least two transports, and a 1/4 chance of sinking all three necessary to clear the daily. It's a long map, though, so normal ships tend to accumulate damage.

2-2 is good for boss quests and clearing with surface ships, since it rewards bauxite, has a rather short path to the boss but has anti-sub nodes.

I tend to do 2-3 with a sub fleet to unlock the next daily and then clear the rest on 2-2.

>> No.12425729
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This TTK must be Jabba the hutt or something.

>> No.12425732

No whale club forever.

>> No.12425735
File: 181 KB, 1021x715, ships.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not him but who doesn't has his subs at high levels
It isn't about that, it is that all his highest level ships are subs. I guess since I started the game when there was only 2subs and doing 5-2 was a thing back I have other ships on my first page as well.
Besides I take it easy nowadays and I rather do daily at 2-2 since it is so much faster. I haven't touch dailies and weeklies in months until the event.

>> No.12425740

>it is that all his highest level ships are subs
What the hell m8, 6 out of my 10 top-levelled ships aren't subs, and the subs are on the bottom half.

>> No.12425742
File: 104 KB, 995x866, subs are love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12425745

Definitely a lady.

>> No.12425750

So do the top ranker do 2-3 24/7 to rack up TTK experience? Are all top100 like this?

>> No.12425753

>Kuro Ageha
Brunei? Yesterday I had someone with that name on my PVP list.

>> No.12425755

2-2 has that awful instant build node. No other node in the game makes you as depressed as that one. It is like being given poop.

>> No.12425758

Well at least I got Unryuu and Hayashimo

>> No.12425762

>better poll
>I'm happy with tits CV, no need to torture myself
I ended at E5 and not happy with tits CV at all.

>> No.12425766
File: 150 KB, 710x1073, BwIEotrCUAADCrI.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no more loli ocean hime ;_;7

>> No.12425774

Brunei. I know that guy, only by name though, just your average faggot. He used speedhack while streaming on the first event day. What pain me is that he's actually a pretty competent player.

>> No.12425777
File: 355 KB, 850x1200, kc25_006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12425791

Oh well, knew he wasn't Japanese. But this much of a faggot? Whoa.
What's that?

>> No.12425798

Wait, speedhack actually works in battle?
Fuck yes, less mindnumbing grinding.

>> No.12425806

Speedhack works. Thanks. :)

>> No.12425807

It speeds up your game, what else?
There're people using it. I don't know the details though. Never touched that.

>> No.12425813

Thank you, Derek.

>> No.12425829

Derek is there virus?

>> No.12425843
File: 14 KB, 450x94, e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two more kills right? Not one more?

>> No.12425864

I lost a goddamned Type 62 Fighter-Bomber somewhere. Fucking inventory system.

>> No.12425869

We still have 20 days. No need to rush guys.

>> No.12425874

1.Find out the total hp on Japanese wiki,
2.Save the pic to windows paint,
3.Upscale for the accuracy,
4.Let the program count pixels for you by selecting the left over hp bar and the whole gauge area,
5.Do the elementary level math yourself.

>> No.12425875

No serious, how long until it ends

>> No.12425877


There's like 8 hours left.

>> No.12425881


>> No.12425882

How come everyday we still have 20 days left.

>> No.12425888

Fuck completely forgot it was Friday Japan time.

>> No.12425892
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>> No.12425894

Yeah, it's already Friday here. Maybe you should set a second clock

>> No.12425896

I'm trying to find a section on the wiki about Secretary Ships, what exactly are they? I tried searching on the sites search and nothing useful came up.

>> No.12425900
File: 105 KB, 375x827, clip+(2014-08-21+at+10.51.29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HQ level 36
>spam 1-5
>still no subs
RNG pls

>> No.12425901

Because Midway is still months away.

>> No.12425906

>HQ level 36
>spamming 1-5
You've been duped.

>> No.12425912

I do have it but I just forgot. I'm lucky I finished it yesterday then because I intended on doing the showdown tomorrow.

>> No.12425913
File: 110 KB, 600x924, BwInIDfCcAAhP3m.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12425915

The flagship of your first fleet

>> No.12425914

I have about 6 just by daily crafting.

>> No.12425917

I got subs and I'm HQ level 9 now but was lower.
The destroyer formulae keeps giving me subs.

I think I'm going to try and make shimakaze

>> No.12425918

Fellow club member.

>> No.12425921

It's 12 out of 146 pixels. Should be one more kill. Thank you.

>> No.12425925


Damn lucker.

>> No.12425936

1-5 increases your HQ level like hell, especially at the lower levels. Which means no level scaling for you in the next event.

Have fun.

>> No.12425942

What makes you think that we are not in a time loop?
Every morning we saw the same secretary telling us to sink 3 transport and it keeps on looping at the same period.
Some maps have level scaling drop,not sure about 1-5 though.
Avoid gaining too much TTK level,you don't want to meet stuff like Super Wo yet.

>> No.12425947

>What makes you think that we are not in a time loop?
Because the resources I spent didn't come back.

>> No.12425953
File: 328 KB, 803x482, put destroyer formulae get heavy crusier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Teitoku here, not that guy but is getting a high HQ level inadvisable?

>> No.12425956

Yes, everything goes hard mode at higher TTK levels.

>> No.12425961


E-6's Double Hime that was dropped on lvl100+ Teitokus brought much suffering. And that's just one example

Keeping it low seems like a good idea if you plan to play for a long time.

>> No.12425968

Well, there is no reason to push your HQ level.

>> No.12425971

Stop paranoia. Just don't subslave or farm cheap spots like 1-5.
And you don't get to HQ100 that easily.

>> No.12425974

Well, Akashi only drops for TTK level 105+, and it's the highest level scaling so far.
Who knows which bullshit the devs will pull next.

>> No.12425979

They come back as daily quest reward

>> No.12425980

I have no idea what is considered high HQ level. I am only level 9 at the moment and hearing the that high TTK levels were bad made me a little hesitant to keep playing the in same vein, I've only been playing for 2 days now.

>> No.12425982

You are bound to get a high HQ level eventually if you play long enough.

The key piece of advice new TTK should be following isn't to do things to keep yourself from increasing levels, but to be smart about not spamming EO maps or 2-3 sub-slaving that increase your admiral exp rapidly without an equivalent increase in your ships' levels.

>> No.12425984


Just don't spam 1-5 and you'll be fine.

>> No.12425985

Thanks devs for giving me 2 BB hime but no 4th repair facility

>> No.12425988

Usually its something like 40/60/80/100.
Don't worry its not that easy reaching 100 without farming EO and at 100 its exponential exp requirement.

>> No.12425994

The ones from 100-104 have it worst though.
They got the harder level scaling in some maps, but without the only benefit (Akashi drop) for high level TTK.

>> No.12425998
File: 1.95 MB, 1078x1440, e-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in time, thanks to Chikuma,
E-6 cost: about 98k/50k/83k/5k, 200 buckets
Total cost: 133k/70k/100k/23k, ~500 buckets
Same fleet for all tries to save buckets.

No more buckets left for new Yuugumos,
time to rest for 3 months.

>> No.12425999

That's exactly what I was talking about.
Lvl 103 and not amused

>> No.12426001
File: 247 KB, 1000x1000, Yuudachi Kai 2 Peek 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I should just quit?

>> No.12426003

Great job TTK.

>> No.12426004

Thanks for the advice, on an unrelated note is there any way to reduce the chances of being heavily damaged?
I am doing world 2 and I can take all but the but the flagship quickly but the flagship often always critically damages one of my ships so I have to go back to the bay to repair again and again.

>> No.12426006

High is lv 100+. You don't get there in two month or something.

>> No.12426011

My HQ is at level 39 and I kept farming the shit out of 1-5ABCD to level up my ships. I have a dozen carriers but my only battleships are the the Fusou BBVs and I'm stuck at 2-3, because I didn't even try to attempt going for 2-4 due to the advice for BBs in the wiki. I only have 1 sub which I lucked out in construction.
Am I fucked? Aren't you supposed to be getting stronger by leveling up?

>> No.12426012

I am actually trying to reach level 105+, so at least in the next event I can get the best drop from those maps.
But knowing those faggot devs, they will just push the scale from 105+ to 110+ or 115 and laugh at us again.

>> No.12426014



>> No.12426015

I beat 2-3 and 2-4 with a single sub.
Just cheese it with your sub, unless its a Maruyu, then craft another.

>> No.12426020

Shut up, you're not fucked in any way and won't be.

>> No.12426021

Yep, you just get 3 hime and no, well, additional Seirans or something.

>> No.12426022

You don't have to worry for several months.
Afterwards with farming for the ships you want and grinding your ships you are welcome to join the Lv100+ suffering club.
Don't you want to meet your twin 400HP stalker who can trash Yamatos and 120 planes Wo?

>> No.12426023


Modernize to max armor. Helps more than you'd think.


Subcheese 2-4.

>> No.12426028 [DELETED] 

Nah, this game sucks. I will just go back playing 2hu :^)

>> No.12426033

I've been holding off modernization until I remodel, I suppose I can modernize a little its not like I can modernize again.

>> No.12426035

Git gud, I cleared 2-3 and 2-4 without a single BB or sub.

>> No.12426036

There are a number of things you can do to reduce the likelihood of any part of your fleet being heavily damaged. If you want an exhaustive list, you would be best served by reading the wiki's section on combat mechanics.

In general, to see an improvement in your fleet's performance, you should remodel, modernize, and level your ships in that order of priority.

Remodeling will increase the base and max stats of a ship which should drastically improve their performance.

Modernization will increase certain stats that contribute to your ship's damage output and defense to some degree.

Leveling will improve your ship's evasion rate and accuracy although you will have to increase a ship's levels significantly to see any substantial difference.

There are additional nuances such as fleet composition, formation, equipment, etc., but again, you would be best served to read the wiki to familiarize yourself with how each can contribute to your success in battle.

>> No.12426039

RNG please. I just want Yahagi to end my misery.

>> No.12426040

Oh, and that was before the times of artillery spotting, so you actually got a big advantage there.

>> No.12426041 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12426044


Tossing 10-15 points of armor on your most vulnerable ships might be a good idea. Don't minmax too much.

>> No.12426051

I needed 90 runs to get her, not sure if worth it.

>> No.12426053
File: 586 KB, 1535x907, Hiyou pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have one final attempt to clear E-2 using pvp to make all my ships sparkling before I finally give up and go back to trying to beat 2-4.

Should I keep trying to use Line Abreast pre-boss node for maximum evasion?
Nearly ever run I've done with it Hiyou ends up getting hit at least once into the orange range before she even reaches the boss.

>> No.12426055

Grats. Almost ridiculous how E-6 has consumes the most amount of resources, eh?

Generally a fun event all around though, hope they can flesh out the combined fleet system a bit further by next time.

>> No.12426057

No. Line Ahead like a man. And Diamond on the preboss.

>> No.12426058

Line ahead all the way is what me and my Isokaze say.

>> No.12426060

>orange range
I hope you know that it's fine to advance with moderately damaged (i.e. orange range) ships.

Red is the color you should be retreating on.

>> No.12426063
File: 204 KB, 720x405, 1381459920353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally get Sanshiki

At least I can finally leave E-2.

>> No.12426067

That is if you can beat it.

>> No.12426069
File: 468 KB, 1800x1415, 1399733798500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh, I completly missed the news that they announced a kai ni for a light carrier. And Ooyooda will get a new sprite.

>> No.12426073

Oh I got a kawaii light aircraft carrier. Ryuujou, the wiki is a little off about what node you can get the ships, got her on 1st node of 2-1.

>> No.12426074

New meme?

>> No.12426075

How do you guys farm E-5 subs? Red fatigue and bucket orange/red or just sit out some recovery for better evasion?

>> No.12426078

My brain can't handle so many Os.

>> No.12426079

Nice blog.

>> No.12426081

Yeah, but at that health she's pretty much useless at the boss node aside from being another target.

I guess I'll try diamond preboss for my next attempt, and if that doesn't work I'll just throw all my buckets away and go full line ahead regardless of sparkling.

>> No.12426085

>useless at the boss node aside from being another target.
That's normal for carriers. I was happy whenever the hime aimed at them in E-6.

>> No.12426088

In world 2 carriers are still useful for damage

>> No.12426092
File: 393 KB, 485x367, un.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that one or two kill to clear the map?
I can't tell

>> No.12426094
File: 374 KB, 1000x1000, Yamato Peek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should you be focusing on leveling on a small amount of ships or should you level every one?

>> No.12426095

3 more.

>> No.12426097

This is something you can figure out for yourself, you know.

>> No.12426101

waifus only

>> No.12426102

Every ship deserves love.
Except Oboro. She's so fucking ugly.

>> No.12426103
File: 98 KB, 1024x966, LSC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the new guy enjoy his CVL before the LSC cursing starts.
Small amount of each type due to compass requirement.

>> No.12426104

Everyone, especially the ones you like.

>> No.12426108

What happened with Ooyodo, anyway? She's had multiple official artworks in addition to her quest girl sprite, and they all look great, but for whatever reason the one we got ended up looking like a dude.

>> No.12426110

Love doesn't win wars.

>> No.12426123

Devs either being stupid and picking shitty art and only now deciding to change it or some sort of delay in her kai art in the first place.

Either way, I've got a good feeling on the new art since Ooyodo has looked pretty cute in all her other illustrations.

>> No.12426130

But it has.
Maruyu flagship clearing E-6. Starter DDs clearing E-6.

That's love, man.

>> No.12426137

I would never have cleared MI if I didn't sit down a week ago and decide to get way more ships than I thought I'd ever need up to a decent level. But E6 would have gone a lot smoother if the specific ships I used for that were at least 80+. Essentially, you need both, but I recognize you and know you're a scrub who started a few weeks ago, so you should just focus on having enough variety to meet compass requirements in normal sorties.

>> No.12426140

What about the rest of the fleet?

>> No.12426142
File: 186 KB, 850x1133, sample-fa7535672bc6bfa02826bf29bf3fe184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been trying to set up a document with 10 ships from each class whom I will focus on.
I don't know if its a good idea tho.

>> No.12426150

You're the ugly one anon.

>> No.12426155

Level up Kai2 first.
Then the ones with the best stat.

Personally, I scrap all the useless ships just because I'm too cheap to spend money for more slots.

>> No.12426159

You mean script and barely make it for the dailies and weeklies, right?

Randomly level ships at 3-2 and 4-3 for the shiny new k2's too

>> No.12426161

Terrible idea. Not only will you not get those girls but you also forgot about love.

>> No.12426162

2 Kongous, Kitakami, Ooi, 2 CVs, 2CVLs, 3 DDs, 2 CA, 2CV and all subs are a must

>> No.12426170

any pokehamu stream online now?

>> No.12426176
File: 325 KB, 750x750, c59198c2126627cd12a51b3a27394934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like soild advice ty.

I only add the ships I have.

>> No.12426181
File: 3 KB, 354x64, why are you avatarfagging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12426190

No last minute E-6 stream?

>> No.12426191

At least he's nice enough to use a name for filters.

>> No.12426193

What about just last day streamers?
Pls post links.

>> No.12426200


>> No.12426202

Molesty, how far did you clear to?

>> No.12426203


>> No.12426210

What do you mean? I don't script and don't care about weeklies either anymore.
PvP is enough for Kai2s too.

>> No.12426218

The event or sortie?
Event AL1
Sortie 3-1

>> No.12426225

The event, of course.
So you cleared E-1? Not bad for just starting.

>> No.12426238

To all the other KanDex autists, do you make sure to get all the damaged sprites in your KanDex as well?

>> No.12426239
File: 106 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140828-12503438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trading extra Kiyoshimo for Yahagi. Seriously though, should I keep her?

>> No.12426243
File: 12 KB, 167x47, Screenshot 2014-08-28 20.52.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this? I have combined fleet, more than enough space, no docked or wrongly "tagged" ship.

>> No.12426244

Eh, I could probably beat E-2 but no reason to waste resources now.

>> No.12426245

I recently started with that

>> No.12426246

RADAR is RADAR, yeah?

>> No.12426247

I don't even bother to click the library.

>> No.12426249

I would if it had a separate entry.

>> No.12426252

> What is this?
It's written right there. Are you blind?

>> No.12426256

Got enough already.

>> No.12426264

I suppose there's no reason to keep her, then. Let the poor ship go back to being a normal girl.

>> No.12426272

You're really funny. I mean that I've never seen this kind of warning before.

>> No.12426278

If you're not blind why won't you read what's written there?

>> No.12426283

Upgrade Kiyoshimo with Kiyoshimo. It's a potent voodoo spell for future crits.

>> No.12426286

Not everyone can read moon, you arrogant dick.

>> No.12426293

I can read it. I mean that I never got this shit with chuuha. Fucking prick.

>> No.12426294

Then what are you doing here? Please entertain this arrogant dick with your excuse.

>> No.12426298

/jp/ is written in English, is it not?
Go back to 2ch then if you cannot fathom that some people here can't read Japanese.

>> No.12426301

Nor can him. This is a typical low level troll. Don't feed it.

>> No.12426303 [DELETED] 


Are you retarded? You're missing one thing that can prevent you to sortie.

>> No.12426308
File: 11 KB, 123x106, 1409006104488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like going to /a/, asking a very stupid question about anime and then going "not everyone watches anime, you arrogant pricks" in response to the kircheis and char replies you're inevitably going to get.

>> No.12426310

That's a different guy, idiot. And read this

>> No.12426331

It's not even about reading Japanese, you inability to recognize something you see every day is hilarious.

>> No.12426336

I remember posting about this shit last week and guess no one paid attention. I clearly said that "you can't sortie with the combined fleet if your flagship is medium damaged".

>> No.12426347

Flagships of both fleets must be better then 小破。 That's important.

>> No.12426353

Yeah that too.

>> No.12426361

Failed to kill the E6 boss again. Myoukou taiha'd and so couldn't attack at night.

Help me ;_;

>> No.12426369

Good luck. How many days have you been trying to get the final kill?

>> No.12426378

Event only ship?
It won't come back anytime soon but the resources will. It's too late anyway.

>> No.12426387

HQ facility might come in handy in later combined fleet maps too.

>> No.12426389

Can't remember but it's at least a few days.

And of course Myoukou taihas at the second node... I'll have to resparkle my entire fleet now.

Complaining on /jp/ doesn't work. Praying to the RNG doesn't work either. I don't think I can complete this event...

>> No.12426390

at HQ level 10 will I get any rare drops in the events? or will I not get any event drops

>> No.12426398


>> No.12426403

Bro, the event will be over in less than seven hours now, better luck next time.

>> No.12426407

Good drops for you level but it's too late anyway.

Is it me or do we have a lot of new players suddenly?

>> No.12426412
File: 120 KB, 600x600, 7213eb564b97130006d42eb59573cc9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We still have 20 days.

>> No.12426414

Is this Re in disguise?

>> No.12426421

It's no use, I only have 10k fuel and ammo remaining, and only like 30 buckets. After sparkling I may have even less.

My chances don't look too good.

>> No.12426435
File: 301 KB, 1288x1821, 1408624023948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who will get the kai ni?

Hiyou class or Zuihou?

>> No.12426437

This is sad to watch.

>> No.12426440

You mean Shouhou.

>> No.12426441

That guy who said "always bet on bob" earlier in this thread made a pretty valid point.

>> No.12426448
File: 79 KB, 660x1000, Hyahaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Come on anon. It is obvious knowing who went to AL.

>> No.12426449

Shouhou or Jun'you, anyone else would be a real surprise

>> No.12426450

Hopefully not Shouhou since I have all the others 60+ (except the old lady)

>> No.12426453

Try 75+ like RJ Kai

>> No.12426454

It's 100% guaranteed to be Junyou. You can screencap this post, and if it's anyone else, I'll finish the bottle.

>> No.12426458

I really hope it's any ship but Junnyou. There's just nothing they can do to make her desirable, not with that design.

>> No.12426459

Still better to go from 60+ to there than to start from 0.

>> No.12426460

Goddamn, I want a shimakaze.

>> No.12426462

Go home, anon. You're drunk.

>> No.12426464
File: 381 KB, 1041x629, Kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how this guy got a shimakaze to holde the screen of the game.

>> No.12426465

I bet it's Houshou or Zuihou, they were at Midway

>> No.12426467
File: 996 KB, 878x2411, 91f0d37c8a540e348309cf942ff13b31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it's Houshou, but that will never fucking happen.

Yep, she's pretty awful.

>> No.12426468
File: 293 KB, 1310x927, houshou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houshou surprise kai ni!

You will see the post-Midway trauma!

>> No.12426473

It doesn't really mean anything.

>> No.12426475
File: 63 KB, 620x465, Final sortie — APPROVED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I don't think I can complete this event
What is the strongest weapon of the game? The god-killers, torpedo cruisers? No! The 2nd remodel CA(V)? No! The Hotels? The starter? The Maruyuu? Not at all! Love and love alone stands above them all! Even if the percentage is close to zero, heart filled with love will make anything possible! There is still 6 hours left.

>> No.12426478

>I hope it's Houshou, but that will never fucking happen.
This, a million times this.

>> No.12426483

Shibafu would just take away her gentle smile.

>> No.12426504

Soooo, about that extension.

>> No.12426506

20 days more

>> No.12426512
File: 464 KB, 1019x599, takeru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her recon plane did capture Hiryuu's last moments after all,taking away her smile is only logical.
As the war progress they start losing their smile followed by PTSD blank look. A fair exchange for power and equipment.

>> No.12426517

>【横須賀鎮守府サーバ所属の提督の皆さんへ】 接続が一部不安定な症状が発生していましたが、【01:20】現在全DBともほぼ安定した状態に復旧しつつあります。ご迷惑をおかけしました。アクセスの集中は続いているため、予断を許さない状況ではありますが、現在全サーバ稼働中です。
I think some chinks tried, but it didn't work.

>> No.12426536

What if Chitose will get the first kai san?

>> No.12426546

Kai 3? And what's her special ability? +60% resistance to alcohol poisoning?

>> No.12426550


Remember kids don't say you're an admiral if you want to register for the Comiket.

>> No.12426629

Can't having only 3 planes in her smallest slow be really problematic?

Hangar distribution aside, ChitoChiyo still have much higher ship stats too.

At best I'd call her a sidegrade rather than an upgrade.

>> No.12426637

>Can't having only 3 planes in her smallest slot* be really problematic?
Perfect slot for Saiun or item like RADAR or Aircraft Maint. Personnel.

>> No.12426648

So much time spent waiting resources for repairs and waiting for resources to refuel, I am new but is this normal?

>> No.12426653
File: 198 KB, 1101x1074, 45648673_big_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you fulfill her wish and remodel?

>> No.12426655

Do something else in the meanwhile.

>> No.12426657

It gets better when you get more fleets

>> No.12426658

When you put it that way I kind of want to Kai 2 my Ryuujou.

Her voice is so nasally though.

>> No.12426661
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>> No.12426662

It's browser game after all.

>> No.12426670

even if it costs 3 blueprints and 12000 ammo / 20000 steel

>> No.12426671

Why would I not make Purest Love DD happy?

>> No.12426672

And has worse stats than Fuso?

>> No.12426676


>> No.12426680

Ask pixiv about being the purest

>> No.12426681


>> No.12426682

Impossible. Musashi is her role model after all.

>> No.12426714


>> No.12426720
File: 42 KB, 350x423, tipper_8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She only weights as much as a single 46cm,gonna need a lot of growing up first.

>> No.12426730

So I have some maruyu at hand. What should I use her for? Even more luck on KTKM sama or should I start adding more luck to Ooi? They're both around lvl125.

>> No.12426736


>> No.12426738


>> No.12426747


>> No.12426751

Your wife/starter/starter-wife/first wife/most important wife.

>> No.12426757


>> No.12426761

Max KTKM-sama first.

>> No.12426765

I'm experiencing a lag spike in Hitokappu.

>> No.12426772

Do you guys play any other browser based games like kancolle or is your first?
Cinderella Girls Idom@s was my first, days straight for months getting rare aidorus.

>> No.12426775


>> No.12426784


>> No.12426785

Do you always use them together? Do you feel like you need more consistent single cut-ins, or want more double cut-ins?

Kitakami will give you the former, Ooi will give you the latter. (While also increasing the likelihood of at least a single cut-in to a lesser degree.)

I don't know if Luck has linear scaling or a diminishing return mechanic or anything though.

>> No.12426786

I play LLSIF too, but that's not really a "browser" based game.

What about those new ones? Shirohime and the other castle musume game? Anyone try those?

>> No.12426797

It's my first, but I'm very young so this is okay.

>> No.12426808

Shirocolle isn't out yet, and the only thing I heard about Shirohime Quest wasn't too positive.

>> No.12426818
File: 579 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140828-23403930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guess what? 3rd Nagato on E-3. 3 already and no Kiyoshimo.

>> No.12426821

I did but then I got bored.

>> No.12426834

how much until mantainance?

>> No.12426836

So now that the event is over what are going to do now?
Look for a certain ship, grind more kai2s, create a harem, hoard resources or retire?

>> No.12426837

Luckily I've only been playing a week so I have no troubles with that question.

>> No.12426839


>> No.12426841
File: 755 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140825-21460747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you.

>> No.12426846

Hoard until next event.

>> No.12426847

I do this since January

>> No.12426848

Scrap all your girls?

>> No.12426849

I started with crafting away my remaining resources,
70 tries so far, 1 Type32 and a Type33 radar, 2 Ryuusei Kai, 1 Suisei12A, 3 medium bulge.
Okay I guess, I only want some 46cm.

>> No.12426858

Welp. Time to quit this game. Hyped up about this event only to be given shit rewards

>> No.12426861

No, just sudoku. His girls will wait for him in the afterlife. He'll spend all eternity without his fleet if he scraps them.

>> No.12426862

Can you really leave your girls alone like that, anon?

>> No.12426863

Good, now fuck off.

>> No.12426866

Cry more.

>> No.12426875

See you later.

>> No.12426882
File: 444 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140824-22414484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm quitting because I never get Shimakaze using the formula

>> No.12426884

Especially Isokaze.

>> No.12426887

I'm still trying

>> No.12426889

What do you want her for?

>> No.12426891

I picked up 2 back to back in 3-4. The secret is I was looking for Hiryuu.

>> No.12426894

That's what I used to think before I got her.

>> No.12426902
File: 362 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140828-15095573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12426904
File: 797 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140827-14335413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I can show my friends and get them interested in playing the game

no one wants to play a game where characters look like this. They want characters like Shimakaze.

>> No.12426908

I hate Akebono

>> No.12426911

You guys have some shit tastes.

>> No.12426915
File: 247 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140828-15101150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she got better

i am really hemorrhaging these repair kits though

>> No.12426917

I gave up on E-6 over a week ago and switched to E-3 farming since I wanted Kiyoshimo more than Isokaze. And she still hasn't dropped, just countless Nagaras, Imuyas, Akagis, Mutsus, and BBVs. Even got a Nagato and Yahagi that I don't need.

I should have just quit after E-5, Unryuu was the last decent thing I got from the event (also got my first whale from final kill of E-3 after never getting her from 2-5). And the best one wasn't even related to the event; while I was still on E-4 my Souryuu reached Kai-2 and I did LSC for modernization fodder BBs, wound up with Musashi instead.

>> No.12426920
File: 116 KB, 1002x1131, kuso ttk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12426925

Introduce them to the Myouko-class CAs.

They're common as fuck while still being lovely.

>> No.12426926

i am desperately trying to finish E-2 at this very moment

i am the kusoest of all teitokus

>> No.12426928
File: 51 KB, 218x300, 191_Card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12426929

Got no luck finding Yahagi here for the past 12 hours. Lucky you.

>> No.12426930

You mean she didn't have the damecon?

>> No.12426933

Best Bob kai2.

>> No.12426936

Are your friends lolicons?

>> No.12426938

nah, she did have it, so she lives to call me shit another day

the real issue is that i didn't start the event until yesterday

>> No.12426941

i liked looking at Shimakaze pics but she never made want to get into the game. The Agano class did and the Shiratsuyu class made me want to stay

>> No.12426944
File: 50 KB, 218x300, haguro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haguro's great.

Full personality change when you conquer her.

I really hope Ashigara gets a Kai 2 eventually.

>> No.12426954

Me too. I even devoted KTKM to the task of killing off the boss but half of my attempts end at the pre-boss node and the few that don't never deal more than 300 damage to her.
I think we have ~4 hours left?

>> No.12426955

Not that I agree with your opinion about the art, but can't you just show them the wiki or something? Even fanart or videos might do it.

>> No.12426960

Feels good not to have to farm any maps because most all the ships I lacked appeared when I was clearing it.
The ghost n°1 ship doesn't count

>> No.12426964

are you supposed to use sanshiki on E-2 hime?

>> No.12426970

What's the fastest way to clear E1?


>> No.12426972

You're not clearing this.

>> No.12426973

Yes is that a problem

their eyes would glaze over if I just linked them to the FAQ

>> No.12426975

I so am glad I take the time to sparkle everyone just so Ru can crit them to red regardless.

>> No.12426976

What, you don't have backup KTKMs?

>> No.12426983

I meant the page where the ship images are arranged by ship class.

>> No.12426986

will anything terrible to me happen if i try to use slow ships in E-3

>> No.12426987


>> No.12426991
File: 796 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140829-00310644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, its over for me. Last drop was Haruna. Let my love for Kiyoshimo give me strength to get a fleet that will destroy the next event if she's on the drop pool.

Time to start hoarding for LSC.

>> No.12426992

we'll try it and I'll tell you the results

>> No.12426995

I got my Yahagi eventually just by doing minimum LSC once a day. Who knows when Kiyoshimo will be available again.

Meanwhile, Tittykaze has now replaced Nagara as my Naka-chan of E-3. And to think I never got her from zillions of 5-4 runs, it took 2-5 for me to get her finally (and still long after my first Urakaze).

>> No.12427004

Glad to see I'm not the only one,its either tittykaze or tone for me.
Damnit RNG,5 Tone in a row is not funny.

>> No.12427005

This event made me grow attached to Jun'you, si i want her to get it

>> No.12427007

fleet A: kaga 90, akagi 90, zuikaku 70, fusou 98, junyou 95, kirishima 93
fleet B: kako 93, haguro 67, kumano 54, sendai 70, naka 89, hibiki 90

is it conceivable that i can finish E-3 in three hours with seventy two buckets

>> No.12427010
File: 594 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140828-18393967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have hope still.

>> No.12427014


of course. Also, change your 2 BBs on the first fleet for 2 CA(V)s. If 14 days of E-3 farming has thought me is that CAs are just as effective as BBs.

>> No.12427019
File: 357 KB, 1123x675, last kongou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my last missing Kongou, didn't get a single duplicate in the process.

Am I now done with 3-2? Should I grind them all up or is that more BBs than I reasonably need? I already have a Mutsu as well.

>> No.12427025

How about you see for yourself if that's enough for you or not. Others will drop eventually anyway so just clear more maps.

>> No.12427026

You said it

>> No.12427043

Fair enough, at the very least I'll want to collect their cards anyway.

I'm still getting used to how the game's progression kinda changes direction after clearing 2-4, it suddenly stops being about taking the biggest ships possible to beeline through maps and starts being about gathering resources and refining your fleet.

>> No.12427045

Newfriend here.
Is Kancolle basically ogame with qt girls?

>> No.12427046
File: 3 KB, 314x100, post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wasn't that guy though.

>> No.12427047

thanks for the advice, i have LCs who can cover for them in fleet two

ah, now that i take a good look at tokitsukaze, i actually want her

that's just not happening though

>> No.12427051


Read the OP.

>> No.12427052

Not even a single good drop for me, well, maybe Hyuuga, but wathever, this is depressing. All i get are Inazumas and Takaos. Is it for being only HQ level 50 or just plain bad luck?

>> No.12427053

Yes, but fighting against other players is completely optional and noone can wreck your base.

It's also not pay-to-win.

>> No.12427055

One more carrier combat node.

>> No.12427064

Nice, thank you.

>> No.12427067

Are you even getting S rank at boss nodes.

>> No.12427069

Your loss

>> No.12427073


>> No.12427079

i'm sure she'll become an event drop within a year

>> No.12427086

Didn't they state that Isokaze is intended to be a future event drop, and that her inclusion in E6 is just so you can have her early?

>> No.12427090


Some more tips. 3rd formation on non-boss nodes, 4rth formation on boss node.

if you use CAVs on the main fleet, place recon planes on then, not Zuiuns, otherwise, you risk that they are shot down and you are left with less LOS than neccesary.

Carriers should have 2 fighters, one attack plane on the biggest slot and 1 Saiun each. each CA(V) must have 2 recons. That should be enough LOS.

Finally, the second fleet LOS doesn't count so feel free to power up then as much as you like with torpedoes and Sanshikis. Don't forget to put a recon plane on your CAs or they won't get artillery spotting

>> No.12427105

Can Houshou not attack subs or is that some kind of mystical shit in the MI maps where first fleet CVLs can't attack sub nodes

>> No.12427110

They can't attack subs if they're on the first fleet

>> No.12427120

If you don't save Isokaze now she's going to be sent to the Abyssal Rape Palace with Sakawa.

>> No.12427127

I'll have you know Sakawa is safe and sound in my fleet. She even participated in MI.

>> No.12427141

she does the raping, right

>> No.12427143

Yeah, they can.

>> No.12427154

Time to enjoy my last combined fleet sortie.

>> No.12427156
File: 576 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140828-16174330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

onto midway

>> No.12427165

Did you fill her with helicopters and blue planes? They need at least one normal plane to attack subs.

>> No.12427168

There's less than 3 hours remaining.
Best of luck.

>> No.12427172

A bit late.

>> No.12427173

You mean 20 days.

>> No.12427178

Midway is years away

>> No.12427183

I failed to save Sakawa and Isokaze, I think I will resign as an Admiral.

>> No.12427188

You should keep playing. It makes the percentage of admirals that cleared these events completely that much smaller, so I can feel even better about being in that elite group.

>> No.12427189

i would pay fifty dollars to have all four fleets sparkled up to max right now

i am not what you would call a good time manager

>> No.12427195

Okay I give up on hunting Yahagi. RNG is now sending me to NW, and my resources are at their negative line. Maybe I should really just get her at LSC minimum. At least I got all the event-only ships.

>> No.12427212

We don't need to add more kuso TTK in the game.

>> No.12427224

That's good enough. I already gave up on hunting mini-BB and ZKNT last night because of fuel and bucket problems.

>> No.12427238
File: 170 KB, 740x444, ChurchOfBigGuys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't give up fellow admirals!

>> No.12427241

Anyone on niconico still struggling to get the final kill?

>> No.12427245


>> No.12427247

Midway was years away.

>> No.12427257
File: 229 KB, 520x480, 1408515719595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12427261


>> No.12427263

This guy http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv191388090

>> No.12427266
File: 74 KB, 247x140, FAILED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't give up fellow admirals!
Too late. I'm spending everything I have left on leveling Mutsukis so I can finally meet expedition 35/36 level requirements.

>> No.12427270

Fuso guy is still trying.

>> No.12427271


>> No.12427279


Random ships from LSC guy is still trying but its community members only, I dont know if I can timeshift my way in with my premium account. I actually dont even know how it works

>> No.12427280

I'm more interested in YocC's stream but I can't even get in.

>> No.12427282

Poor guy.

>> No.12427289


>> No.12427297


Is Junyou, right?

>> No.12427298
File: 21 KB, 515x369, ss (2014-08-29 at 08.56.25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a pretty good event.. Too bad I have literally nothing to do besides LSC between events now.

>> No.12427300


I was hoping at one point it would be Houshou with her getting a fourth slot but it looks like it will be Junyou

>> No.12427303

Got one from subs farming today and locked her expecting that.

>> No.12427309

oh god, Fukou Senkan Guy is losing his mind.

>> No.12427311

It's impossible.

>> No.12427315


and Junyou as today's Pvp exercise flagship just made me a Suisei Type 12A. It's definitely Junyou getting kai ni.

>> No.12427326

>bringing your starter to E-6
He's asking for it.

>> No.12427327

I'm glad I went with Junyou when I needed to grind up a second CVL for AL.

>> No.12427329

I think someone posted a picture of Miyuki stomping E-6 earlier.

>> No.12427331

You forgot to mention where the other 5 ships carried her there.

>> No.12427332

Maybe, but it's still asking for it.

>> No.12427334

They were just there to cheer her along, she did all the heavy lifting.

>> No.12427338
File: 53 KB, 456x363, junyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What level is your Junyou? Here's hoping 70 is enough.

>> No.12427339

How big do you think Jun'you's tits are going to get?

>> No.12427341
File: 669 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140829-09070376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it really belong to me now?
I'll leave club presidency to someone else now.

>> No.12427342

Level 71.

>> No.12427344


75 should be fine, just like how it was for Ryuujou.

>> No.12427346

Level 82

>> No.12427347

59, would be higher if she weren't locked to AL.

>> No.12427349


this guy is having trouble clearing E-6 with his married ships

>> No.12427350
File: 50 KB, 422x294, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I win?

>> No.12427354

I wish I got into this sooner, coming into this towards the end of an event and missing lots of shit in past sucks.

How often are events?

>> No.12427357
File: 320 KB, 489x375, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Betting it's 75

>> No.12427358

every quarter

>> No.12427360

We still have 20 days anon, you can clear it.

>> No.12427368
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x1400, 69689d10868dd4a1b9a1d9a25461395f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want a lethal weapons enhancement on her, at least chitochiyo lvl.
Hiyou needs more back armor too, i cant get enough of that

>> No.12427374

level 95

>> No.12427378
File: 333 KB, 600x550, 1398061050536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bully pls.

>> No.12427379


>> No.12427380

I swear it's like this game intentionally makes your ships target the worst possible opponents.

My BBs always shoot the fucking 6 HP destroyer and then the rest of my fleet attacks the BB flagship they can't even scratch.

I just know that my BBs do it because they're whoring for MVP.

>> No.12427382


The only CVLs I've ever specifically leveled beyond their highest remodel level are Zuihou and Ryuuhou and even they're only 69 and 68.

Useless ships only good for their cuteness and compass rigging.

>> No.12427387

And it's grandma Kongou who frequently does this

>> No.12427390

Fuck, ANOTHER taiha from not the hime, but from the CV there. Let me get to the boss node already.

Why oh why is it so hard to get to the boss node ;_;

I probably only have enough buckets and/or resources for maybe 1 or 2 more attempts...

>> No.12427397


As promised

>> No.12427400

You're probably doing something wrong but it's too late now.

>> No.12427403

Yeah, I know.

I can only hope complaining on /jp/ will work.

>> No.12427410


Tenryuu guy going at it again.

and im constantly getting hit to red on the first node on E-2. Looks like its the end for this map.

>> No.12427411

How long till the maintenance? 2hours and 30 mins?

>> No.12427412

You had 3 weeks.

>> No.12427420

Don't bring a BB, if you're going north.

>> No.12427421


My Isokaze is at level 58, I keep trying E-2 for Amatsukaze and Kiyoshimo.

>> No.12427422

i was very busy doing nothing for twenty days

not all of us can sit around playing kancolle like you

>> No.12427424

My fleet doesn't have a BB.

>> No.12427425

Looking at the streamers I realized that some people do strange things.

>> No.12427426

PVP for Kai2 and medal hoarding
I dont even need to hoard, I am sitting close to resource cap right now.

>> No.12427430

Results of event completion poll: http://strawpoll.me/2441276/r

If you haven't submitted your result do so now: http://strawpoll.me/2441276/

>> No.12427431

Well, shit. Sacrifice more ships to RNGodess then.

>> No.12427432

Travian is my first browser game.

>> No.12427433

It takes only a few runs per day, surely you could afford that.

>> No.12427435

Does that mean I have to risk ships sinking? I hope not.

>> No.12427441



>> No.12427442

And if I want to update?

>> No.12427445


>> No.12427448

if only i had consulted they wiki it would have said "planes go on aircraft carriers"

truly my ignorance was overwhelming

>> No.12427449

Level 41. She participated in AL and was 32 before it.

>> No.12427451

No, you belong in their comment section.

>> No.12427452

Low, I have to lvl a junyou from scratch again due to lack of ship slot.
Oh well, seems like it is going to PvP for the next 3months.

>> No.12427453

they're capable of using capitalization and punctuation

i don't want to hang out in a place like that

>> No.12427456 [DELETED] 


Higher is she wasn't locked for AI.

>> No.12427457

Best Yamato plane recipe/secretary?

>> No.12427459


Higher if she wasn't locked to AI.

>> No.12427460


Aviation Submarine 20/10/10/20

>> No.12427461

All 300, Yamato.

Live grand.

>> No.12427463

Scrapped. Worst CVL.

>> No.12427465

On what is likely to be my second last run. I get this feeling that I'll fail again.

>> No.12427467
File: 332 KB, 484x377, Hyahaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My Hyahaa performed magnificently on AL but I still need to get a few levels more.


I pity your lack of drunkness in life

>> No.12427479

Still stuck at final kill E-4..
Wish me luck

>> No.12427488
File: 4 KB, 375x237, was gedding gaud bard of ur blan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more hour, admiral. Believe in the Big Guy.

>> No.12427489

3 more runs for last kill E6. PLEASE!

Good luck.

>> No.12427493
File: 624 KB, 1000x1400, 1398830778822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it safe to say Midway event was the CAs' time to shine? Carriers ended up being Reppuu/Saiun mules and battleships were just there to clean up the trash for hyper KTKM-sama or Tone class Kai2s. Not to mention Sanshiki-equipped CAs were crucial to clearing E-2 and E-4.

>> No.12427497

a million times this

>> No.12427499
File: 354 KB, 1537x915, Haruna is daijoubu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your advice guys. I went full line ahead like as suggested instead of line abreast.

For a moment things were looking bad and the boss had more than half health left. Then Haruna double crit her for more than 200 each.

>> No.12427500

CAs are shit.
I wish they had told us so I would have leveled them instead leveling my stupid CVs to 80.

>> No.12427504
File: 435 KB, 653x958, AkitsuMaruE-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was many ship's surprising time to shine - CLs, CA(V)s, BBVs, CVLs, Akitsu Maru all got their moment of glory

More than the usual BB+CV and the DD gimmick map at any rate.

>> No.12427505

They have been good ever since spring event.

>> No.12427510
File: 118 KB, 479x600, 6e9b2c947c1bc4de2afd0cab727f278a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will it be Maruyu's turn?

>> No.12427511
File: 104 KB, 800x744, 1409054009768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Midway event was the CAs' time to shine
She is the real MVP

>> No.12427518
File: 739 KB, 1027x612, kancolle047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with this im at 3 digits bauxite now, cannot afford another run anymore. Goodbye forever Amatsukaze because at this luck's rate it wont even matter if they keep adding her to future event drops.

>> No.12427522

It's better if you tried E5 for Amatsukaze. I think it's easier to reach boss node at E5, I also got her and Hayashimo in less than 10 S-rank boss kills.

>> No.12427523
File: 849 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140829-03002202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god.
Thank you Musashi. Thank you Ooi. And the rest of the team, Yamato, Nagato, Zuihou, Chiyoda.
You ended my suffering and brought me endless joy.
Can't believe I made it in time. ;_;

>> No.12427524


I stopped at E-5 because of maximum trolling of night nodes despite me bringing Goya.

>> No.12427528

Would you scrap your flagship for a super yamato?

>> No.12427529

Congrats anon, just in time.

>> No.12427537
File: 342 KB, 600x850, 4264919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would be much better ingame than E-6

>> No.12427543

I'm so burnt out after this event. What should I do to relieve my stress?

>> No.12427544

It's always KTKM's time to shine though.

>> No.12427548

Read Kantai doujinshi?

>> No.12427550
File: 617 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140828-21175047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it all.

>> No.12427551

What's Goya for? I didn't use any SS for E5 so i don't know. Every time i hit node A i just pray that nobody gets damaged too much, go home, wait for morale regen then try to get southeast route again.

>> No.12427552
File: 765 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140828-18182742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last kill's gonna be a bitch though

>> No.12427553

I gave it my all and couldn't beat E-6.

Fuck you devs. Fuck you for double hime BB.

>> No.12427556


>> No.12427557


the destroyers and light cruisers on the night battle nodes that like throwing lucky punches with their normal attacks.

>> No.12427559

No. KTKM-sama always target wrong hime for me

>> No.12427563

Does Yorktown take blowjobs as payment for letting me pass?

>> No.12427567

Listen, if you don't make it in time, make sure you save the API link before maintenance, then whatever you do, don't reset your cache, back it up even, if you have to.

If previous events are any indicator, you'll still be able to sortie to the event, though, I'd do it quickly, before they catch on.

>> No.12427572

I haven't sortie mine since arpeggio since she is 99

>> No.12427583
File: 558 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140828-21284457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will accept my defeat like a man when the time comes.

>> No.12427590

thanks to all the nico livestreams constantly playing Savior of song I've nearly memorized the lyrics.

>> No.12427602


could this be the run?

>> No.12427607

Isokaze was a shit reward for the bullshit that was E-6. I can understand the dude completely.

>> No.12427610

Suddenly my PvP list are full of MI fleets. People really haven't cleared MI?

>> No.12427616

it's not over until you have all the drops

>> No.12427618


>> No.12427619


>> No.12427620


Yamashiro cut-in the flagship, and Musashi cut-in the second one. That was so close.

>> No.12427622

Game owatta for Fusou guy

>> No.12427623

Fucking chocotits, I would rape them until they turn white

>> No.12427625

He deserved it. Using cut-in in that situation is just plain retarded.

>> No.12427628


he's delibaretly doing it for legendary status.

>> No.12427629
File: 728 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140829-10395995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this one more kill? I'm hoping so.

>> No.12427632

As silly as it sounds, it's a self-imposed challenge.

>> No.12427633

You got 10 minutes. Go.

>> No.12427637

I've been watching him try it for 10 fucking days. I will feel so sad if he doesn't make it.

>> No.12427642

CAs have become more and more powerful since the spring event thanks to Artillery spotting. A CAV equipped with the wrench girls becomes almost as good as a BB.

>> No.12427643

Same, but he should have given up days ago.

>> No.12427644

still no hayashimo ;_;

>> No.12427648

oh god Aircraft Carrier Princess is going full out dere for Fusou Guy.

>> No.12427649

I hate them, had to use my overleveled CLT to beat them

>> No.12427651
File: 594 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140828-21464188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enemy fleet has a "who to fuck up sensor".
CVL have damecon, BBs are BBs. Flag has flag protection.

Of course Yorkie goes for Kaga.

>> No.12427652

>Double Line

>> No.12427653
File: 846 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140829-10484345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going for it

>> No.12427658

I almost had a heart attack, holy shit.

>> No.12427659

Fusou did 338 damage to Battleship Princess. 338 fucking damage. Too bad it was the second one.

>> No.12427660


>> No.12427661


>> No.12427662

kusou cut in the wrong ship.
confirmed for worse than mutsuki and maruyu.

>> No.12427663


>> No.12427664

Musashi is just no good.

>> No.12427665

Still getting wagahai in the search for Kiyoshimo.
Damnit I don't need more tone

>> No.12427667
File: 570 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140829-10510059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get fucked, E3!

>> No.12427668

No, she cut in the right one. She cleared the way and no one capitalized on it.

>> No.12427669

>BB on escort fleet
Congratz anyway.

>> No.12427670

Yamashiro got hit to red on the first node by Ta

>> No.12427671

Ta-chan said no.

>> No.12427673


>> No.12427674


>> No.12427675

Ryuujou hit to red. It's over. Poor guy

>> No.12427676

Time for one more maybe. Still ridiculous he didn't get it when Kusou sunk the second hime.

>> No.12427678

Learn from his mistake. 3red gun is shit

>> No.12427680

It was THE TRY. My heart is broken.

>> No.12427682

Ta needs to be equiped with some kind of flashlight equivalent so everyone can terget her during day combat, such bullshit

>> No.12427683


>> No.12427685

Takezou took 72 damage to orange health.

>> No.12427686

Ta's upset with her treatment in VG17

>> No.12427687
File: 1.11 MB, 1366x768, Screenshot 2014-08-29 09.53.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E7 clear.

What a tease, coming out at the very last minute.

>> No.12427688

my money is on yamashit going to red at Yorktown

>> No.12427690

Musashi you had one job

>> No.12427691

submarines sent Musashi to red.

>> No.12427692

Poor guy

>> No.12427693
File: 189 KB, 800x596, drrrdrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time.

>> No.12427697

I want your money now, retard.

>> No.12427699

I use 3 red gun for Hyuuga and Ise though since their fp sucks. But of course there's the lower accuracy and hoping that they cut-in at night.

>> No.12427700

It was just not meant to happen.

>> No.12427701
File: 460 KB, 680x1056, 45497896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just more proof to stay true to the church of kirakira. Isokaze does not reward the unfaithful.

>> No.12427702

Those subs were out for blood

>> No.12427703
File: 36 KB, 182x214, CryingUshio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12427704

Are you an idiot? He sparkled all the way through. There was no time for the last tries.

>> No.12427705

I hope KCV updater finished E6.

>> No.12427707
File: 309 KB, 798x473, Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried, apparently RNG decide Isokaze wasn't meant for me.

>> No.12427708


>> No.12427709

If you think about it, that was better than reaching the boss and beating her only to get error cat and six hours later find out you got trolled.

>> No.12427712

Why would anyone try to do final E6 kill with only 3 ships that can night battle makes no sense to me.

>> No.12427713

What's with Musashi jobbing all over the place today?

>> No.12427718

Couldn't clear E-4
RNG wasn't on my side today..

>> No.12427719
File: 578 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140828-22003733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hope is the strongest weapon.
1100 JST.

>> No.12427720

Got lucky and I had only 1 hime, but ktkm didnt even cut in at night, and tghere was some leftover too, looks like it was mean to be not completed by me,

>> No.12427721

Just run 2BB2CLT2CVL, and you'll easily get the final kill.

>> No.12427723
File: 230 KB, 861x481, kancolle048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fusou guy has gone mad.

>> No.12427725

Are you new?

>> No.12427728

That's some incredible timing.

>> No.12427729


you might be, he's just venting stress. He does this every stream.

>> No.12427730

Fuck, I failed ;_;

>> No.12427731
File: 589 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140828-19095693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they haven't kicked me out yet

i need one more

plz shut server late

>> No.12427732

He always does that after a particularly bad series of runs. He's joking.

>> No.12427733

He might be, you mean. I said it exactly because it's not the first time he did it.

>> No.12427734

The cat strikes

>> No.12427736

Failed what?

>> No.12427737

gg everyone, shows over.

>> No.12427738

>reaching the boss and beating her only to get error cat and six hours later find out you got trolled.
It would be more preferable than not beating E6 at all.

>> No.12427740

Its time, at least we are getting the superior Ooyodo kai upgrade, right guys?

>> No.12427741


>> No.12427743
File: 78 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140828-19104239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12427744

That's what you get, dirty corean.

>> No.12427745

I don't know, I would feel way more frustrated, like something was stolen from me rather than never having it at all.

>> No.12427747
File: 731 KB, 800x480, KanColle-140828-22030092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last thing E-3 gave me was Yahagi and thousands of Hamakaze. Cat appeared when i was entering night battle to kill hime for the last time and try once again for Kiyoshimo...

>> No.12427749

He wasn't doing it for the rewards.

>> No.12427750

Now that the event is over, did you all get what you wanted?

>> No.12427751

Sorry, man. Isokaze will show up as a drop eventually.

>> No.12427752

Oh, its you, Im the Mint guy, tried the solution you syggested, worked like a charm, but I didnt have time to waste and try playing the game there, I just tested the logbook, thank you again

>> No.12427754

Can't wait to wipe that ugly smirk off her face.

>> No.12427755
File: 551 KB, 650x918, KisoSpiralKing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the moments that drive men to madness

Have hope, admiral. If you entered night battle when the cat appeared, Kiyoshimo may be waiting for you when you return.

>> No.12427756

i'm gonna hax the game

i'm going to get my last E-3 kill

>> No.12427757


>> No.12427758

Oh yeah. But only after losing a mountain in resources.

>> No.12427759

Oh well, if it's only as a personal challenge then yeah.

>> No.12427761

Yup. Got all the shiny new event ships and filled out everything I was missing in the Kantaidex except for Noshiro because fuck farming E-2.

>> No.12427763

I cleared E3 to get that plane maintenance, although I was hoping for Uzuki and Amatsukaze. Well now I can grind CAs like mad.

>> No.12427766

Still missing Yahagi and a second Taigei. Don't have Hatsukaze but don't really care with all these DDs.

>> No.12427767

Everything except a cute whale, I will get her in a few days at 2-5 anyway, right?

>> No.12427768

Despite the failure at E6, getting Ooyodo and Unryuu was my objective, so yeah.

>> No.12427769

Where's that bingo sheet?
I'm ready to parade around my E-7 victory.

>> No.12427770

Completed the Kantaidex and didn't have to do E7, it was a pretty good event.

>> No.12427771

I got every event ship and a couple of Maruyus + zunships. But still no whale in sight.

>> No.12427772

No,damn lightning cockblock.
No Whales,Kiyoshimo and Hayashimo either,just a bunch of Tones and tittykaze.

>> No.12427774

Mostly. I can always LSC Akitsumaru and Maruyu.

>> No.12427776

Good music choice by that nip. It really is a Kiss & Cry now.

>> No.12427777

what did Fuso guy just say about gaijin TTKs?

>> No.12427779

Got everything except Kiyoshimo, who I kinda wanted but didn't bother trying for because of the rumors that it's impossible to get her if you're under 105.

I'm satisfied.

>> No.12427780

He said you can't spell her name.

>> No.12427781


Let that rage sunk in so it can become the stencght you'll need for the next evnt.

>> No.12427783

[X] Isokaze
[X] Whale
[ ] Kiyoshimo
[ ] Akitsu Maru
[XX] Hayashimo

>> No.12427782

Just don't reset your cache and use API.

>> No.12427784

Pretty much. Already beat the game till they add more ships into the LSC.

>> No.12427785

That's quite a silly rumor. I'm a 101 TTK and still got DDBB.

>> No.12427786
File: 710 KB, 798x479, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm out of the no Taihou club

>> No.12427787

The cat appeared after i clicked the Night Battle button.
I guess there is no hope.

>> No.12427788

I started playing exactly one week ago and didn't get a single thing from the event.

>> No.12427789

I went in planning to use everything I had to clear all the maps, and that's exactly what I did.

>> No.12427791

Spent 5 days trying to get Amatsukaze and Akitsumaru from E4 spamming and didn't get either. Besides those two I got mostly everything.

>> No.12427793

Yeah, right after Sakawa.
When will Sakawa drop anyway?

>> No.12427794

Yes, I got everything that I wanted. Is the process getting them fun though? I would say no.
Speaking of which, how will you guys rate this event?

>> No.12427796
File: 36 KB, 450x412, ss (2014-08-28 at 07.19.13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Isokaze

Musashi hit's the boss for 240~ and then 4 during her yasen DA to leave the boss alive at 4HP ;_;

>> No.12427797


>> No.12427798

That happened also in that Arpeggio event right?
Didn't people get banned abusing that API?

>> No.12427799

All event rewards, Hatsukaze, Maikaze, a second whale to keep as a sub tender, and Urakaze. Couldn't have asked for better luck.

>> No.12427800
File: 65 KB, 550x778, summer end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12427802

I really just wanted my first whale, is that too much to ask for?

>> No.12427804
File: 512 KB, 2000x1422, 1408033927061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't finish E-6, get my whale, or Hayashimo. But I got Unryu(u), Tanikaze, Noshiro, Hatsukaze, Zuikaku...and Kiyoshimo was waiting at the end of my last sortie, when I thought all was lost. I'm satisfied.

I'll need a weekend to recover from that emotional rollercoaster, but that's fine. Time to head back home.

>> No.12427805

come back

i have to kill you just one more time

>> No.12427806
File: 31 KB, 205x88, resources end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>impossible to get her if you're under 105
What a waste.

>> No.12427807

you won't deceive me

kill it with fire

>> No.12427808


Yes, I wanted another Akashi but now I have a whale, a red whale and a green whale.

>> No.12427810
File: 11 KB, 358x245, ss (2014-08-29 at 09.38.55).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Isokaze. Still no Mikuma and Maikaze.

>> No.12427811

fall2013 > summer > arpeggio (fun event but too easy and LSC suffering) > spring (too easy and terrible reward)

>> No.12427812

2-5 is still there for you anon, that's where I got my first.
Not true, I got mine on E-3 and I'm level 100.

>> No.12427813

Mostly, I didn't farm for any ship. Got all new ships except Kiyoshimo but I don't care about her anyway, and an extra Amatsukaze. Didn't get any extra zunship, maruyu, akashi or whale though.

>> No.12427815


A total letdown.

- No Shinano
- Only one of the Unryuus, when we expected all 3.
- CVs as Reppu and Saiun mules.
- CLTs and CAs being the real stars of a carrier event from AL to E6.
- Retarded level scaling again.

Did I forget something?

>> No.12427816

Next year.
That's still within the realm of eventually.

>> No.12427817


>> No.12427818

Did anyone try if one extra akashi item lets you repair ship #6?

>> No.12427819

Oh, forgot to add 3 Mikuma in there.

>> No.12427820

Cleared to E5 (did 387 dmg to E6)
Got both the event drops, plus a few new ships: Akitsu Maru, Mutsu, Yahagi, Tanikaze, Yuugumo, and two more Taigei to have all her models.

Hoped for a Maikaze, but got good drops so not going to complain.

>> No.12427822

I miss her already.

>> No.12427823


>> No.12427824

Great music, nice Abyss boss. MI was fun with the two fleet formation.

Ship lock out is fucking bullshit though.


>> No.12427825

No, still missing:
- 2nd Akashi (sadly, T-lvl 102)
- Yahagi
- Yamato, Taihou, Bismarck

You're welcome. Sorry i can't help you sooner.

>> No.12427826

6 slots isn't enough anymore to show off all my trophy girls.

>> No.12427827
File: 90 KB, 798x478, rip bob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bob didn't make it.

>> No.12427829

Even if it's technically possible, the chances might be so low that it's a waste to try. Event drop ships tend to get added to other maps soon enough anyway, only Isokaze will take a while before she's available.

>> No.12427830

Rage at what? The sky? Shocker?
I was hoping for some rain and instead got lightning zapping the internet and frying the modem,leaving me with only several days to do the event.

>> No.12427831

So what is the standard procedure once an event ends? Just wait an hour for maintenance and business as usual?

Do we need to refresh our APIs or is that still just a monthly thing?

>> No.12427832
File: 977 KB, 500x281, 1396135830405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I suspected this all along.


The fuck, how difficult it is to just make a lit with drops and level assigned to then?

>> No.12427834



no one expected it we were all just expecting 2 event worlds not a 3rd that blocked us off from the fleets we used in the first 2 requiring effectively a 4th fleet.

>> No.12427838

Shut up, idiot. I have her and I'm level 98.

>> No.12427840

Am I the only one who liked ship locking? I thought it was cool planning rosters for so many girls, it felt like the whole base was working together.

>> No.12427841

Maintenance usually lasts for a few hours, and it's suggested that you clear your cache and grab a new API.

>> No.12427842


Bullshit, got her in 15 runs. TTK 99.

>> No.12427843

shit. RIP bob.

>> No.12427844
File: 75 KB, 503x700, 1392836706494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did you guys drink? >>12361122

>> No.12427850

Wow, even bob keeps his in-game name blocked from screenshots.

>> No.12427853

All i wanted was Harusame, Kiyoshimo, Ooyodo and Isokaze. Only got Harusame and Ooyodo

>> No.12427858

So, when will the KanColle sorter stop being dead and unupdated?

>> No.12427861

Too many DDs. Not just the added event DDs, but all these rare Kagerous that I wasn't expecting. I had 95 locked ships towards the end and I don't have any LSC ships yet.

>> No.12427865

To all the new TTK who failed to clear what they wanted to clear: use that bitter feeling to carry you through the months of grinding and stockpiling between now and the next event.

I failed to clear the Spring event as a new TTK and vowed to have my revenge with this event. I worked my ass off on stockpiling and leveling every damn ship in my fleet. This event was still a struggle for me, but I cleared it and the feelings of satisfaction have been incomparable to anything else.

>> No.12427867


>> No.12427870

It's a great idea. People are only mad because the way they hid it until the last minute and made E6 separate fucked them over like an error cat enema.

>> No.12427873

No. I hope they do something like this again.

>> No.12427874

What about new TTKs that only wanted Tokitsukaze and stopped after E4?

I don't have that feeling to carry me to the next event.

>> No.12427877

No Kiyoshimo club report in.

>> No.12427880

Then I guess you just stick to your mediocre pace.
If you're content playing the game that way, good for you.

>> No.12427882
File: 3.41 MB, 2341x5000, summer14sinkings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's that time again.

There were fewer sinking reports than expected. We need more hulls for the hull throne.

>> No.12427884

Where's the "I didn't get any new ships" club

>> No.12427887

She'll be back in a few months.

>> No.12427889

Lv101 reporting in,some much Tones,huzzah.
5 fucking Tone and Chikuma in a row is some sick joke.

>> No.12427892

It's an interesting mechanic, but a part of the fun in an event is the experimentation as you explore something brand new. Ship locking forces you to wait a week for everyone else to map out the event or you'll potentially fuck yourself. It would have been cool with just AL and MI, but EX made things overly complicated. Add in the curveball of combined fleets and you had to set aside 24 ships before you could even start. We had a day's warning on that for an event 8 months in the making.

They should bring it back on an extra operation or something where you don't have to worry about permanently losing a reward. Also, make duplicate ships lock out too. Keeping fleets of Kitakamis and Kagas isn't fun.

>> No.12427897

I am level 101 and also got a ton of Tones but no Kiyoshimos. What a horrible coincidence.

>> No.12427899

Hamakaze seemed to love dropping, but no Kiyoshimos.

>> No.12427900

You don't need high level ships for AL and MI. You have ship slots for 100ships, just use the mediocre level ship for AL and MI.

>> No.12427901


Hail comrade.

>> No.12427903

Mostly, got every new ship added for the event, but still no Hatsukaze/Taigei from farming. Wish i could trade Kiyoshimos, as i was swimming at them before I decided to throw my luck at the LSC.

and Yamato/Bismarck/Yahagi still evaded me.

>> No.12427904

What happened to that guy who decided to sink all his ships? Why did he do it?

>> No.12427905

I thought it was fantastic. I was able to use pretty much every girl on my first three pages.

>> No.12427906

It's not a bad idea, I kinda like it.
I wonder if the devs going to put another of those mechanism in the next event or not.
Like, what if, we are the one doing the defending, and the abyss is the one attacking. We are given the map and the nodes. Then, we just need to defend while the abyss are attacking in waves, with the RNG of course, so that the damn abyss know the pain of RNG. Or something like that.

>> No.12427908

>Never got to clear E-2

Now what do I do?

>> No.12427909

It'll make my day if the devs mislead everyone into raising duplicates with an extra operation that allows them, and then put in an unannounced block on duplicates when the next event hits.

>> No.12427911


Go back to /a/.

>> No.12427912

I liked it a lot, I used way more ships than in spring event, I hope the combined fleet mechanic stick around too in an EO map or something. E-6 was a little bothersome since I sent my best CAs to E-2, but I leveled a Tone up from 1 to 70 in a few days to clear it so I can't really complain.

>> No.12427913

cry a lot

>> No.12427915

I never found out. The most I heard was speculation.

>> No.12427916

Chake id eajy until the next event. The girls you missed will be added to the game in time.

>> No.12427919

So many fucking idiots. The ones on himeuta are especially bad.

>> No.12427920

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12427923

Well, it would be kind of a letdown if nobody sank anywhere.

>> No.12427929

I know that feel bro

>> No.12427931

What pisses me off the most about himeuta and wiki idiots are the ones who blame the game for sinking their ships.

If we didn't know about how sinking works, I could give them some leeway, but the whole "don't advance with red" mechanic is so well understood and known that they really have no one but themselves to blame.

>> No.12427933
File: 57 KB, 560x700, 92e85f84e4ee7138ee0724396ed41fcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to think of a reward for her sinking Carrier Demon for the last time. What should I give her?

>> No.12427934

Someone I know kept insisting he sank his Makigumo on medium damage. He also sank his Amatsukaze, but then got another one.

>> No.12427935

Why is the Nishimura guy there?

>> No.12427936 [DELETED] 

I'm sure half of it is rationalization, and they actually went forwards knowing the risks. Even in >>12427882 there's an admiral who admits he deliberately sank them.

>> No.12427937

The D

>> No.12427939

A good hard dicking.

>> No.12427940

Recall that there was a HP display bug in the game client that devs had to patch.

>> No.12427942 [DELETED] 

Because the event brutalized the shit out of him.

It's the table of Abyss victories, not the table of embarrassing retards (even if most of the victories are over embarrassing retards.)

>> No.12427945

There weren't enough sinkings so I padded it with other memorable stuff at the last minute.

The faggots at the wiki need a better interface. It's too painful to wade through that quagmire to find good material. I love the himeuta guys for making dedicated threads for their retardation.

>> No.12427950

That's true, but what I'm referring to is nothing specific to this event but rather just general bitching on those sites.

>> No.12427954

This event was really nice to me. I cleared E6 within 4 "last kill" tries with Kiso, and I had Kiyoshimo and Hayashimo while clearing E3 to E5. Several of them. Then I got Tanikaze and with that my kantai collection is complete (she was all that was missing in Spring event)

>> No.12427960

I completed the Kantaidex. I've reached nirvana.

>> No.12427961

I was only TTK 46 when the event started, not enough resources to ever hope to clear E6. I had to spend a couple of weeks leveling 2 new fleets to clear E3/4. I think I did pretty well overall.

>> No.12427969


I hate how some of them say "I've accidentally misclicked!". They would have to know beforehand their ships were red, but still managed to click forward 3+ times and click a formation.

>> No.12427970

It was a really good idea which I hope to see more frequently in the future

>> No.12427973

some people don't crash out of the game after they make the wrong choice

>> No.12427976

I wish they would unlock our ships if we complete E6 though. I wanted to try E6 with girls I sent to AL and MI even though I beat it, just to see how effective.

>> No.12427977
File: 333 KB, 600x970, 679d3d8ff794d8a23b6d748ff4bb129d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aug 11

My birthday will be known as the day that Busyet sank his fleet

>> No.12427979

I can't say much because I almost sunk my Poi and Shimakaze while E-5 grinding. Thank god the torpedoes missed them.

>> No.12427981

Man, Yahagi is gross. Hard to believe she warrants the cherry blossom card.

>> No.12427982

Who's busyet anyway? Someone from here, or moonland, or some other community?

>> No.12427983
File: 106 KB, 1020x1447, abf6d69d006279a249cae15fd3794b72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, Yahagi is love.

>> No.12427987 [DELETED] 

I almost used my Ooyodo as modernization material because I forgot to heartlock her and was racing to beat the clock. The only thing that stopped me when I had the "Hold the fuck on, I've been spamming nothing but 1-1, so why is this modernization offering +AA" realization?

>> No.12427988

Has anyone done one of those "how much did you clear this event" strawpolls yet?

>> No.12427993
File: 281 KB, 794x918, 7c003a5bf2de55afbdb23206b7358794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, I'll go look up a Inazuma doujin later on

>> No.12427992

I almost used my Ooyodo as modernization material because I forgot to heartlock her and was racing to beat the clock. The only thing that stopped me was when I had the "Hold the fuck on, I've been spamming nothing but 1-1, so why is this modernization offering +AA" realization.

>> No.12427994
File: 126 KB, 1520x906, t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you didn't disassemble her by accident.
