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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12365335 No.12365335 [Reply] [Original]

New C86 thread.

Music preview: http://www.doujinstyle.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=9980

What are you looking forward to?

>> No.12365400

Original music

>> No.12365402


dis gon be gud.

which means it won't get scanned.

>> No.12365419

Comiket? What am I looking forward to?

Uh... toehou of course you fuckin idiot

>> No.12365424

Can't wait to blast all that delicious new 2hu music while I drive around in my NEETmobile and make girls wet with my Official Touhou Secondary Seal of Jaypee hanging in the window

>> No.12365429

Remember to thank the uploaders

>> No.12365431

thanks uploaders.

>> No.12365458

You own a car? lol what a normie

>> No.12365474

Sabre anime is buying it.

>> No.12365482


>> No.12365491

The question is what am i not looking forward to?

It's funny because one day we wont be saying that.

>> No.12365492


I bought it with money from my education fund you fat nerd

I haven't had a job in years

>> No.12365506

>It's funny because one day we wont be saying that.
well yeah cause we're gonna be dead and all.

>> No.12365517

Speak for yourself

>> No.12365520

what's your plan, immortal boy?

>> No.12365526

Killing virgins to drink their blood and semen.

>> No.12365532

You can kill me but I'm not a virgin...

>> No.12365573

Nobody would drink your semen either way
On other matters, can someone recommend me Vocaloid albums to look forward from C86?

>> No.12365582


Does anything else matter?

>> No.12365606

PinnochioP's album should be pretty good. HSP has an event-only exclusive thing, but I don't think it's Vocaloid related.

>> No.12365633

A guy who buys doujins and scans them. among other things.

SXIndy27 on exhentai.

>> No.12365654

how do you know he's gonna buy that one?

>> No.12365684

Well shit. I thought it was on his list, but now I'm not seeing it.


>> No.12365730

Why are all my favorite 2hoe artists suddenly doing only can collection stuff?

>> No.12365754

Either because they like it or because they want a safe bet that people will actually give their work a chance. Why don't you ask them?

>> No.12365767

>Why don't you ask them?
That's a good idea. Now I only need to phrase a correct Japanese sentence.

>> No.12365997
File: 427 KB, 827x1168, 5d01fc6545ddead5d4b98bfc36def8c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a preview of this anywhere?

>> No.12366411

Not sure if this is the right place to ask but what would be some english (or really any language) variants of groups like Eine Kleine and Shoujo Byou? I really love their sound and was wondering if there was shit that sounded similar in other languages. I don't know how to describe it but I have a feeling music like that is strictly Japanese though. Even I'm not sure what makes them sound unique to me but something tells me I won't find it in other languages.

>> No.12366811

is Tutti Sound a western group?

>> No.12366850
File: 91 KB, 1024x1024, meetup spot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, sounds like there will be at least 4 or 5 people coming to the /jp/ meetup. I've suggested 15:30 ~ 16:00 by the Big Saw, Day 1, for starters. If people are interested in doing a Day 3 meetup too we can discuss then.

If you don't know the spot by the Big Saw, see the pic.

>> No.12367514

Welp, found one album i look forward this Comiket.


>> No.12367774

Where can I get information on what will be released?

>> No.12367828

melonbooks, toranoana, the link in the OP.

>> No.12367876

Checked the catalog, and it seems team nekokan won't be doing anything this year too.

Does anyone still have their music collection in good quality? I can't find it anywhere anymore and I'd rather not have to resort to ripping shitty mp3 from YT.

>> No.12368025

Which doujin grup wud u fug

>> No.12368889


>> No.12368985

Based on their music or based on how the members look?

>> No.12369517


>> No.12369523

C.H.S and only C.H.S.

>> No.12371426

Get hype.

>> No.12371783
File: 40 KB, 432x324, jp meetup with arc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more bump for good measure...

/jp/ meetup!

Tomorrow, 15:30-16:00 by the Big Saw.

>> No.12371871

Okay, I (the Anon using c86jpmeetup@gmail.com), had not noticed the other meetup thread by janny until recently because I was using /jp/ from my phone and didn't notice the sticky.


Just to make sure I don't miss anyone, I will be waiting by the Big Saw from 15:30 until 16:00.

I have no relation to the 4chan moderation staff, and if you'd rather not meet with them that's fine with me. But, personally I'm kind of interested in the >>12370248 meetup too, so I will probably head over there around 16:15.

Good luck tomorrow everyone!

>> No.12371892

Hardcore Syndrome 8, new Camellia album, new C.H.S album, new Aikapin album.

>> No.12372823

Kenkyuujo pls come back.

>> No.12372985

You all better look like this or I'm bouncing out of the meetup.

>> No.12373234

Is niconico having live stream again? I liked the ones of C85

>> No.12373309

are most booths closed by 4?

>> No.12374835


>> No.12374969

I want to go to a /jp/ meatup not a meetup.

>> No.12375221
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>> No.12375267

the sample was pretty meh

>> No.12375289

Okay, so the plan is that we will meet again same time, around 15:30~16:00, on Day 3, by the Big Saw.

If you have some question just email

>> No.12375301

spreadsheet where?

>> No.12375944

Remember don't thank the uploaders.

>> No.12376108


>> No.12376169


>> No.12376179

Remember to thank your uploaders.

>> No.12376189

that's allowed now?

>> No.12376199

Fantasy Kaleidoscope Episode 4 when?

>> No.12376947

It's never been: allowed.

>> No.12377447

it better be about SA.

>> No.12377450

Has the one about IN being released yet?

>> No.12377464

is earporn really earporn?

>> No.12377471


>> No.12377518

Download it mother fucker.

>> No.12377626

I don't want to get v&

>> No.12377659

Totally worth it.

>> No.12377677

Why is she licking the mic
This is disgusting

>> No.12377679

So the first 200dls were free or something, why has no one uploaded it to Mega yet?

t-t-thanks uploaders?

>> No.12378804

barely anything so far.

>> No.12378857

xi-on is doing orchestra this time? That's kinda cool.

>> No.12378881

Does Kancolle have good music or something? I noticed that it's had its own category for a couple of Comikets, but I was never really interested in it so didn't download anything from that. Or is it doujinshi only?

>> No.12378897

look up the ost and see for yourself, it's only a few songs.

>> No.12378964

Today, I picked up Alstroemeria's Flashlight, EastNewSound's Infect Paranoia, and Tokyo Active NEETs' 6th Touhou Jazz album - forgetting that I don't have a CD drive on the laptop I'm using while in Japan. Welp.

Also for some reason Flashlight has an orange "TRIGGER WARNING" band on the edge of the CD case. Anyone have any idea what's up with that?

>> No.12378990

Probably to sound cool

>> No.12379028

fai switched over to try out classical instrumental arranges back in C83, this event's album is his 5th non-rock album

he even released an EDM album at C84, so nothing new here

>> No.12379293

It has koko making lewd noises like her pussy is being pounded with her cute voice.

>> No.12379390


Nice, waiting for all of those, but mostly for NEETs.

>> No.12379443

No it's not because it sounds fucking terrible.
I mean, orchestra can sound awesome when you're really good at it like Morrigan or even Tutti Sound, but xi-on's album sounds artificial as fuck.

>> No.12379452

So who got laid on the 15th?

>> No.12379612

I'm always looking forward to them, they mostly make high quality stuff, though few albums topped doskanolosci z tancerek.

>> No.12379668

>doskonalosci z tancerek

I swear they google-translated that. Album was pretty cool, though.

>> No.12380227

Are there groups that give away their own albums online? IIRC there were some.

>> No.12380311

I'm not sure about give away, but there are groups that sell their music on sites like DLsite and Melonbooks.

>> No.12380317

no DL link though.

>> No.12380342
File: 9 KB, 256x256, morrigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orchestra can sound awesome when you're really good at it like Morrigan
cause when he does orchestra (since there's times where he doesn't like his ArNoSurge albums) he has real people doing the music, he even does live concerts, he's rich as fug.

speaking of which someone needs to get his C86 album asap.

>> No.12380422

There's a couple circles selling stuff for 1 euro on bandcamp (check the spreadsheet or DS), but I don't think there's any that outright give it away. I remember one circle doing so in C85, but that was it.

>> No.12380575

And Utsu-P's album as well, don't forget that.

>> No.12380804

Newest Alstroemeria is up.

>> No.12380981

It is, but it looks like it's v1. Not terrible, but still.

>> No.12381142


bandcamp limits the number of free downloads an artist can give away per month and will automatically bring the price to 1 dollar (or equivalent) after the limit is reached. It can't be helped.

So if you aren't going to keep it, just don't download it? Maybe someone else would want it.

>> No.12381227

Wow, really? And I thought bandcamp was cool. At least they're DRM-free so we can still reupload those files elsewhere. Although, Tou-Hop 2 gave away 200 free downloads and exactly zero of these were reposted to Mega, so maybe I shouldn't be so hopeful.

>> No.12381303


Well, have you considered giving moon-tone 1 dollar or whatever it is? Is it really that much to you? You can stream the whole album right there and decide if it is or not.

>> No.12381322

Waiting for

[electro planet] EPM 2 -electro planet music 2-

>> No.12381328

Check the spreadsheet, FLAC mirror up.

>> No.12382396

>Well, have you considered giving moon-tone 1 dollar or whatever it is?
Hi moon-tone! I liked your album!

>> No.12382405

Quit yer yappin and fork it over.

>> No.12382814

oy vey!

>> No.12383337


I'm not moon-tone, dawg.

>> No.12383631

Please upload Infect Paranoia.

>> No.12383804

sent ;)

>> No.12384064
File: 208 KB, 354x534, 1385419576020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... Would anybody be nice enough to upload Tou-Hop 2 in mp3?

>> No.12384176

That's like watching anime in .mp4

>> No.12384183

That's like watching 3D movies in .mp5

>> No.12384418

>wanting eyecancer

>> No.12384490
File: 194 KB, 618x645, Clipboard-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new Konbuni

>> No.12384506
File: 80 KB, 800x695, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Comiket and no Syrufit ;_;

>> No.12384797

Where is muh Eastnewsound

>> No.12385100

Buy me a CD drive and then we'll talk.

>> No.12385269

I miss him so much... I seriously hope he comes back someday. u_u

>> No.12385442


>> No.12386050
File: 90 KB, 960x540, 1560416_673985176029769_4615211967673517895_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smells like neckbeard here.

>> No.12386146
File: 2.95 MB, 4608x3456, DSCN4955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my spoils of war from day 3 here.

>> No.12386182

So much delicious loli.

Protip: Avoid unsightly tan-lines by wearing socks with your sandals.

>> No.12386211

>sandals and socks
/fa/ go away

>> No.12386215

ha ha time to fap

>> No.12387710

all that ohigetan

>> No.12387841

untraditionally slow doujinshi uploads.

>> No.12387891
File: 39 KB, 343x281, 1374859080402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wearing sandals
You ain't no nigga of mine

>> No.12390292


>> No.12390328
File: 249 KB, 850x601, c86info.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think the chances of this being uploaded are?

>> No.12392938

Rose Camellia Fatamorgana when?

I want to slap some bitches.

>> No.12393119

How do I interpret the licking? What exactly is she licking?

>> No.12393138
File: 480 KB, 600x840, 44989486_big_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope for this ("とても理不尽な反省会") to be uploaded. This seems like the only doujinshi with spanking.

>> No.12394936

damn I need EastNewSound Infect Paranoia Link!

>> No.12395059

It doesnt seem like fellatio.
I think its just licking the ear. Or something. I dont understand either.

>> No.12398954
File: 463 KB, 1600x1200, 43235218_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw don't live in Japan
>Tfw can't mail order because United States and customs
>Tfw can't order all of the things you want that you know will never be scanned and uploaded
>Tfw asked the authors if they would consider a DL sale weeks ago with no reply

>> No.12398967

Ahh, I wish I could have gone to Comiket.... An artist I really like went there and he's selling some albums I really want. Someone on Tumblr managed to get them off him, but I'm too nervous and don't know enough Japanese to ask him for even a download if I paid him ;_; I don't want to spend all my money on a middleman service either, his site only ships to Japan.

Being all the way across the Pacific sucks!

>> No.12399108


It's available for digital purchase, anon

>> No.12399114

other one

>> No.12399744
File: 1.58 MB, 3000x2250, comiket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comiket haul.

Was the woman at Blazer One's table Amaduyu? Trying to work out if she's actually a woman or actually a dude.

>> No.12399812

Looks enviable. That is a shitton of doujinshi, I wonder how you found the time to round all that up.

>> No.12399878

Went in with a map and circle list, after subscribing to the online Comic Market Catalogue (https://webcatalog.circle.ms). Also went to Tokyo Big Sight the day before the convention to wander around the corridors while it was empty and get used to the layout. Hit up every circle I had planned, and had extra time to walk around and pick up random stuff that was good.

That also doesn't include the haul of C86 stuff I got the day after in Akihabara, after waiting in line for an hour to get into Toranoana before the horde of other otaku there.

I have a tendency to plan things out in excrutiating detail. This time it seemed to work well.

>> No.12399971

Kancolle doujins go in the trash pls.

>> No.12399981

With a big event full of people I imagine that meticulous planning will net good results.

Also I want that Koishi Satellites book more than I want air.

>> No.12400009

still no fucking pazolite

>> No.12400019

Why fight it? Most decent artists are making kancolle doujinshi. Might as well enjoy them.

The music scene is still mostly touhou and some decent non-derivative albums.

>> No.12400046

>It's been half a year since the previous Foreground Eclipse album.

>> No.12401793

You mean most decent artists are still doing touhou and only the bandwagon money artists have "switched" to shitcolle.

>> No.12401801

>ke-ta did a Subterranean Animism book

>> No.12401969

Does he have any vocaloid stuff?

>> No.12401986
File: 75 KB, 222x224, 41222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are all the vocaloid uploads?

>> No.12401990

Replaced by Kancolle.

>> No.12402005

No decent artists ever did Touhou.

>> No.12402020


>> No.12402033

It's the truth. You just need more exposure to high quality masturbation material.

>> No.12402040

Imizu alone, who does nearly nothing but touhou, is better than most artists out there.

>> No.12402074

Cool, but who are you quoting?

>> No.12402201

Does anyone have this?

>> No.12405949

Thank you.

>> No.12405975

Can someone please upload Infect Paranoia album? Thanks.

>> No.12405975,1 [INTERNAL] 

Do you think he's white?
