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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12310712 No.12310712 [Reply] [Original]

Together, or not together.

These are the last traces of those dreamlike days.

>> No.12310719

These last traces are more like a fever dream.

>> No.12310725

Is this the NEET thread?

I'm in the capital T now and I fucking hate it already.

>> No.12310727

College student here. Kind of wish I could stay like this forever instead of having to worry about job prospects and the like to support myself after I graduate.

>> No.12310948
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>feel when failed out of college because you wanted to be a NEET and youre kicked out of the house and forced to live with extended family and get a job you hate then years later regret everything and wish you stayed in school

>> No.12310976

Like, intentionally failed out? I can't understand why, except for financial reasons.

Being a college student is the best. Go to class a couple hours a day, spend a couple hours a week on studying/the homework, and the rest is literally free time to do whatever the fuck you want. You don't have anybody bitching at you to find a job, unless you're attending school on loans.

I'm just sad it's almost over.

>> No.12310979

But university is so hard. I pretty sure I would have killed myself if I stayed.

>> No.12310984

There's always grad school. You can even get paid for that.

>> No.12310993

I'm actually in grad school right now. My school only actually pays PhD students though, so I'm not profiting. I was pushed into doing research as an undergraduate because my professors and adviser thought I had the potential to be a PhD and they wanted me to see what lab work was like beforehand. I hated the shit out of it.

I still have enough in scholarships that it only costs about $1500/yr though, which my parents are covering for me.

>> No.12310995

>Like, intentionally failed out?
I never did the work and showed up to class almost never. I wasn't even thinking about consequences.

I felt the same way until I was in my late 20's working for under $10/hr and living with my family.

>> No.12310999

>I never did the work and showed up to class almost never. I wasn't even thinking about consequences.
I feel like everybody who complains about the difficulty of University education is always like this, both online and in real life. It's not that much effort unless you're studying something you're just bad at and it's easy as shit as long as you do put in the effort..

>> No.12311014

>It's not that much effort
That depends entirely on the discipline. My senior year in Engineering Physics just about killed me.

>> No.12311016

That's true, I'm overgeneralizing based on my own experience. My apologies.

>> No.12311037

What is that even from?

>> No.12311044

my butt

>> No.12311079

LMAAAOOO XXXDDD ah I just don't care anymore....

>> No.12311089
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>> No.12311371

Same here. I'm getting a small wage doing master's. Not enough to live but enough to cover tuition and most of my expenses.

I'm NEETing it up to the hilt now before school starts. I have no obligations and a loving family that doesn't push me. I've discovered the joys of literature for the first time since middle school, and I van watch anime during the lazy evenings.

Ah, I'm glad I didn't kill myself~

>> No.12311410
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My mom tried to talk to me about sex recently. She thinks it's abnormal for a man my age (23) to have never had a girlfriend, and blames herself (I was homeschooled) She said she could help me find a good escort to gain more confidence and stuff. I locked my door and turned up the volume because I didn't want to listen to her, it was too embarrassing.

>> No.12311421 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12311471

I feel for you anon, you can email me anytime

>> No.12311491

My mom thinks I'm still a virgin. She also thinks I'm gay.

I'm sorry for you, friend. Sex isn't all it's hyped up for anyways.

>> No.12311513

Epic. You can email me anytime too.

>> No.12311531

I've found that playing the normalfag, even when you don't want to, is important if you live with others. Easiest way is to take just enough of an interest in something like sports or politics to discuss it with others.

>> No.12311537


My mom also thinks poorly of her 24 year old NEET virgin neckbeard son but I also get the strange feeling that she wants to have sex with me

>> No.12311544

that's not going to work on someone you've been living with for several decades.

>> No.12311551

>I locked my door and turned up the volume because I didn't want to listen to her
for the sake of my sides, pls dont tell me it was weeb music

>> No.12312662

I had to get a job and I'm working in retail now.
I wish someone would just kill me.

>> No.12312673

>These are the last traces of those dreamlike days.


Is this a meme?

>> No.12315122
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holy shit /jp/ i am fucked

im in my room minding my own business just fapping to sakuya doujin when i hear my mom downstairs laughing with some other women. usually shes the only one here but i remembered she mentioned she was brining a friend of hers. well this friend has a 16 year old daughter and I think she came along for some reason because it sounds like a younger girl is down there with 2 other older women.

tasukete /jp/ onegai i need to go to the bathroom but i dont want them to hear me unless they did already. should i just end it all right now? i have nothing to piss in, should i just piss on the floor? omg i think they're coming upstairs

>> No.12315131

Just go out the window.

>> No.12315142
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I had to get a job and I start on Monday.

I've never had a job before.

I have to help customers over the phone. I can't even order food over the phone.

>> No.12315146

My parents, either one or both of them think I'm gay, which is weird because I've had both long-term relationships girlfriends come over to our house nearly everyday while we were dating as well as random hookups.

One day, I was between relationships and I had just gottten home from work and was dicking around on my laptop in my room. There's a knock at the door and before I can say "come in" my dad opens the door.

"Hey Anon"
"Hi, what's up?"
"..." he does that thing where the just sort of leans on one side of the door frame "...are you gay?"

I took a moment to process that question, and then my sarcasm just took over.
".................................a.....are you asking me this because of all the times that you've walked in on me sucking guys' dicks? Because then that would be a reasonable thing to ask"


"no, I am not gay. Now, could you tell me WHY you're asking me this? Like, what reasoning do you have to assume that I might be gay?"


I ask her, she denied ever having anything to do with this. I asked my dad again and he denied it, I asked both of them at the same time and then I just gave up and went back to my room and I just lock my door even when I'm not jerking off or whatever just in case some more bullshit like that is bound to happen.

>> No.12315150

How is your voice

>> No.12315155

unless yuo have an intercom system in your house and you were masturbating into it, I'd say that you're just being paranoid. They were probably laughing about a salad or justin bieber or something.

Invite the 16 year old up to your room and show her your anime collection. Maybe she's into that

>> No.12315160 [DELETED] 

The problem is that they're there, not that they might have heard him.

>> No.12315164

Talk in a robot/pre-recorded voice.

Then if a customer says something along the lines of "oh great, another stupid robot" you can be like "I. am. not. stupid! I. have. an IQ. of. (in a different voice) ONE HUNDRED AND 40!"

>> No.12315165

Parents know when their son is gay and you are definitely gay. It's a matter of time before you come out of the closet

>> No.12315166

>The problem is that they're there,

How is that a problem?

>> No.12315187

I think it's OK. I just get so nervous and never know what to say when I'm on the phone. I guess I'll get used to it.

Thanks, that made me laugh.

>> No.12315193 [DELETED] 

You're probably going to stutter a lot and embarrass yourself.

>> No.12315223
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You don't need to tell me that, I know.

Well, they said I'd be using emails at first to build up my confidence in dealing with customers.

>> No.12315231

You'll be fine. I can't order food over the phone either, I always have my mom or little sister do it for me. But I have to talk over the phone for my job, its not that bad because they give you premade scripts to just read off.

>> No.12315238

I stopped reading at relationships

>> No.12315240

its okay, you're just going to be talking to people about business, it shouldn't be very hard after just a little bit.

>> No.12315363

I just finished my last assignment for college. I started when I was 21 and I'm 30 now. Lel. Never had a job or a gf. Now I'm officially NEET. I have panic attacks when thinking of how much I should get a job and how many rejections I will face. It is going to be so embarrassing going into the career center. Then again, it wasn't my fault I didn't get a job because I applied to around 40 jobs and I could only score an interview for delivering pizzas from 9pm to 4am. I didn't even get that job, they hired someone else.

>> No.12315451


Try it out for us


Trust me this will help knowing that there will be pressure from us /jp/ whom will judge you on this.

>> No.12315811

When you kill yourself /jp/, can you please write in your suicide note to tell your family to put something like "tru/jp/sie to the end" in your newspaper obituary?

I'd like to attend your funeral!

>> No.12315822

I like this idea it seems fitting to meet a /jp/sie in a funeral

>> No.12315829 [DELETED] 
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I don't want a funeral. It will be really embarrassing when only a few people show up.

>> No.12316927

I didn't have these feels till I finished KS a few days ago. Its good to know I'm not the only one that hates where I'm at right now.

Its weird cause since I finished KS I have been skipping my job and wanting to dump my girlfriend of 5 years. Its not that "the anime" did it.

Its honestly because I haven't had feels in 2 years. Its all be just so dead. Last time I remember actually enjoying stuff was in high school.

Almost 10 years out now.

>> No.12316929


>> No.12316942

Why would I bother, I'm dead then so why would I give a shit about the things that happen at my funeral

>> No.12316943
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I'm 25 and i'm still a virgin. I live at home and i've never had a job.

The Jay is all i have left. Please save me i'm so lonely.

>> No.12316950

I wish I could say the same, but /jp/ means nothing to me anymore because of how it has become.

>> No.12316954


What has it become?

>> No.12316960

It's not the same anymore, I don't look up to anonymous anymore and strive to protect my home, /jp/, with them.

It feels like I lost a family

>> No.12316966

God, I hate this place.

>> No.12316969



Perhaps it is you whom has changed?

>> No.12316975

No, pretty sure all the people who made this place so great either moved on or killed themself.

>> No.12316990

22 NEET, finally moving on with my life after 3 years of painful NEETery by going to school again.

Feels pretty good for once. I'll miss the naps at noon though, won't be getting any more of those.

>> No.12317008
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24 NEET here, been this way for 2 years now. afternoon naps are pretty cool but after a while you just want something to do. my sleeping routine is extremely messed up now because i have no schedule of things to get up or stay awake for

>> No.12317034
File: 541 KB, 400x446, me_in_the_future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like shit

>> No.12317301

Then its your turn to make this place great.

>> No.12317351

Post email

>> No.12317373

I made some rl friends. Friendship in the real world sucks.

>> No.12317409

It's too late anon.

>> No.12317416

Then stop complaining if you aren't trying to counter all of the shit. You were and always will be a leech.

>> No.12317433

Suck my cock dude, by complaining I am making /jp/ a better place.

>> No.12320555

Rabbit Rabbit.

>> No.12322582



>> No.12322592

Shut the fuck up

>> No.12322595

Wait sorry dude, I meant ot tell that other guy to shut the fuck up you seem like a pretty cool dude.

>> No.12324568

No matter how many months or years pass /jp/ will continue to drop the endless spiral of quality. Watching /jp/ change over the years wasn't a pleasant experience, but even at the end of 2013 I still have seen some value in it. People that could enjoy themselves without resorting to spamming you mad, which 2hu would u fuk, bawson, taiko rolls, waifu roulettes, Sanae is a slut, Aya is a slut/whore, Good night sweet prince archive threads, "it's funny cause Arc is black", "eye" Cirno threads, blogging threads, pissing and shitting on the floor threads, flanfly threads, homosexual threads, KoG, doubles spam, Saten spam, Kuroko spam, anime screencap spam, Chie spam, Japanese Bird cooking spaghetti spam, hoopdog threads, not to mention meta threads/posts like this one. Every single day people force some inane shit with no one to stop them. Moderation is scarce and you only see it once per day or not at all. The entirety of /jp/'s former user base is now gone, replaced by teenagers who think it's cool to behave like an incoherent buffoon. Truly, the board is in an abhorrent state and I'm baffled why it still exists. Perhaps it's to match the ever dropping quality represented by 4chan as a whole over the years.
