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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 93 KB, 446x180, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12201348 No.12201348[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Source of facts : http://antiwesterncosplayers.tumblr.com/post/87429097658


The picture you see is from one of Japanese ads made in 2010 sponsored by the Nagasaki local government. There are many other Japanese ads like that long before 2010 and after 2010 including in 2014 like what you can see blow.

This is how our Anime/Asian characters nose are going to turn like if we Asians made our Anime/Asian characters nose based on those racist westerners big long nose.

The Anime girl you see is Chie Satonaka, on the left shows the one based on us Asians while on the right shows how our Anime/Asian characters nose are going to turn like if based on those racist westerners big long nose which definitely not look cute at all. Not just big long nose, Japanese also believes westerners have small deep set eyes, square face, square jaw and big wide body form that are all the opposite of our Anime/Asian characters big almond shaped eyes, round face, sharp jaw and smallish body form.

>> No.12201360

>Asians made all Anime

Stop trying to include yourself into the category, Malay shitskin.

>> No.12201362

I don't speak as a malaysian, Indonesian, pinoy or whatever Asian country you westerners accuse me from. I speak as an Asian so I don't take any credits to my country.

You are just jealous you are not Asian.

>> No.12201363

I understand what they're saying.

Asians have a nightmare-fuel side profile. Their flat face is enough to make babies cry and children bully each other.

Sure, they look normal when you're talking to them, but then they turn their head... brrrrrrrrrrrrrr. It's like the person you were talking to was actually a road sign.

Disgusting flat face is the stuff of nightmares.

>> No.12201380
File: 19 KB, 1152x648, FLAT FACE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Asians are like this pic related.

Nightmare fuel.

>> No.12201387

Keep being jealous of us Asians.

>> No.12201395

Nice tumblr page dude!

>> No.12201402

The truth are always nice, only to those who would like to accept it.

>> No.12201403
File: 57 KB, 434x426, 1396679236165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Source of facts : http://antiwesterncosplayers.tumblr.com/post/87429097658

>> No.12201411

Why not point out which is nonsense from the tumblr page?

Are you going to say the picture which said to be from Japanese ads there are fake? You just can't accept the truth.

>> No.12201412

Being ruled by a borderline totalitarian government sounds very appealing. Not to mention your shitty genes and disgusting society/culture.

>> No.12201414

as an asian i say you're and idiot. Why do you even compare it to human? they're not even human

>> No.12201415

We Asians are :
- Smarter, for example only us Asians who could make Anime because Anime requires a very high imagination.
- Have the best appearance because we Asians are cute and cuteness is the highest form of beauty.
- The most peaceful because we Asians have the lowest numbers of crimes in the world. Including pedophile crimes, for example on 2011 in our Asian country such as Indonesia there are only around 1500 pedophile crimes while on the same year in western country such as america there are over 2000000 pedophile crimes.
- Less smelly because we Asians produce less sweat.
- Less hairy.
- Have high metabolism, one of the useful use of our high metabolism is that we Asians have the lowest numbers of fat peoples.
- Etc awesome.

You westerners are :
- Dumb, Anime is one of the many things you westerners could not make up to this day.
- Ugly, no wonder most of you westerners who Cosplay are prefer to imitate our Anime/Asian characters and not your ugly cartoon/western characters. We Asians also believe you westerners are ugly which is why almost all of us Asians who Cosplay are prefer to imitate our own Anime/Asian characters.
- The most uncivilized because you westerners committed the highest numbers of crimes in the world. You westerners also the only one who ever use nuke on peoples where you westerners nukes Japanese which massacres over 500000 innocent Japanese, no wonder most Japanese hates you westerners.
- Smelly, that is why deodorant sells the most in your western countries.
- Hairy, many of your western females even have hairs on their back.
- FAT, most fat peoples in the world are you westerners including becoming as the fat fail version of almost all of our Anime/Asian characters.
- Etc awful.

>> No.12201419

Meh. China can have Japan.

Fuck em.

>> No.12201421


How does this make you feel?

>> No.12201422

I thought you have already been banned!?

Anjing lu

>> No.12201427

It's funny when you think asians are the only one with a high metabolism.

If a mix white/japenese was born in Japan and lived there all her life she would be skinny as well.

What you create is about what you are influenced by.

More kids are influenced by anime/anime media in Japan just like more kids are into western cartoons in the west.

You never seem to talk about people from India they are asian too, right? hahaha

And i'm sure the girls in India aren't hairy and smelly.

yah right.

>> No.12201429

Governments are known to lie to make themselves look better. Sorry Cho Mein you aren't smart or cute and have high number of crime.

>> No.12201430

What is that video about? I don't check it.

>> No.12201439

- wtf are you a weebs?
- dude cute and beauty are different wtf
- but have you heard about the latest one from this 3rd world country called Indonesia? the pedophile crimes that involve allmost whole school? also a lot of asian people can't stand pressure nor they have a lot of courage to easily say something so a lot of them may not be found out since the child are too scared.
- nope, learn your science again
- nope, learn again
- nope, learn again
- you clearly not a smart asian lol

being asian sucks dude, why do you even like it
