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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12112295 No.12112295[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In fact everything goes through the mind of Maribel.
For studying psychology, she went to a hospital, patients' lives is transcribed in those dreams where she says “going to Gensokyo”.

Fairies are little girls playing in the hallways and courtyard.

Cirno is a brave little girl who suffers from a kind of hypothermia. Letty is her mother, she did just come visit for the winter holidays and do not really like her daughter.

The Satori sisters are in intensive care, they do not see many other patients and their rooms are far from other girls. Komeiji have a cat that has often come sleep in patients before they died.

Yuyuko has had a very long coma, he awoke completely amnesiac. After months of intravenous, his appetite is just bigger than ever.

Patchouli is a patient who was admitted after a suicide attempt. Since she refuses to leave his room, she became a hikkikomori in the hospital. She speaks with the two sisters who are suffering from porphyria (one of which suffers from hyperactivity.)

Kanako is the new head of the department of pediatrics. it causes commotion because of her revolution idea about the functioning of its sector. She had her post in scheming against the former head, an old doctor who had a face like a frog.

Now and yours idea

>> No.12112354

Home Alone was a delusion in Kevin's mind and he was actually killed at the very start.

>> No.12112364


That's my theory for Super 8. Train crash killed 'em/put 'em all in the hospital, and the entire movie is just a coma dream playing out in the main kids head before he dies.

>> No.12113895

Totoro is the God of death

>> No.12113898

Somebody post the Sanae in a wheelchair one.

>> No.12113917

I'm interested in this.

>> No.12113919
File: 5 KB, 264x400, 1372522662870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda like your theory

>> No.12113948

The main character in Unbreakable actually drowned in the pool when he was a kid and has a delusion that he is immortal

>> No.12114461

Bump for this story.

>> No.12114467

Lying is wrong, anon

>> No.12114468


>> No.12114472

I wish more of this for another touhou character, not random movie. are we on /jp ?

>> No.12114473

Sorry, meant this


>> No.12114478

Eiki is the judge that had Maribel committed and Komachi's the bailiff. Yuuka's the asylum gardener. Yukari is the truly crazy inmate that's gone totally into her own mind and speaks in cryptic riddles.

>> No.12114480

Wait, so is she just dreaming or what? I can't quite get the context just from the picture. I have to infer too much.

>> No.12114485
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She's a crippled shut-in with dolls. Gensokyo is the fantasy she's invented to escape her shitty existence.

>> No.12114499
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Oh. Oh... >>12099493

>> No.12114505
File: 426 KB, 708x1000, gps bitch and not-yukari visit colorado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran is the dedicated doctor trying to un-crazy Yukari. The Watatsukis are two patients with delusions of grandeur. Remi and Guya are both girls with really bad chuuni. Nitori's a mechanical idiot savant. Flan is a girl who withdrew into herself after a tragic event but is beginning to renormalize. Shinmyoumaru is a patient with some kind of deformative affliction who nevertheless remains cheery and confident. Oh, and I should add that maybe, to account for the Maribel-Yukari connection, the truly crazy prisoner Maribel imagines to be Yukari is actually Maribel herself...spooooky.

>> No.12114507

Oh yeah, and Renko is Maribel/Yukari's therapist.

>> No.12114618

Reimu is the priest's daughter from a local religious establishment. Her beliefs are never specified, she might be agnostic, but she visits each and every patient with confidence and dedication to try and help people secure their already-tenuous tethers with the real world. Not every patient likes her for it, and her down-to-earth ways even lead to some friction with the institution employees, as well. Nonetheless, she's a fixture in the halls of the institution ever since her infrequent visits with the now-deceased Mima, her third-grade teacher who found out, much too late, that she had a brain tumor.

By the time of Mima's death, she was as pale as a ghost, always in a wheelchair with a blanket and pan over her legs because she was having trouble keeping her food down. Mima's death was unceremonious, she just kind of faded away, and with that, Reimu came to visit only to find that her old teacher wasn't there.

In a melancholy, Reimu wandered the halls of the institution, falling into her own dark world, until she ran into Rumia, or rather, Rumia ran into her. Rumia was a recently blinded girl who couldn't quite cope with the stick she was given to find her way around, so she just stretched her arms out and hoped for the best. Even though she clearly had no vision, the girl couldn't quite accept that she was handicapped and tried to run around aimlessly like any child does. Watch out for that tree, little Rumia..

That little encounter made Reimu interested in the other patients, and soon, she was visiting illustrious characters like the albino wishful young gardener with an attachment to her pillow, the caped Wriggle, and a little girl with recently amputated legs who had the absolute time of her life when Reimu carried her around in a bucket.

>> No.12114628

this thread is really interesting, keep going, dude

>> No.12114653

Poor blind Rumia.

>> No.12114660

I want to hit people with these opinions with heavy rocks. I will not feel sorry, and no jury will convict me, for I am just and true in my actions.

Even Shiki will praise me.

>> No.12114949

You think people believe in this?

>> No.12114980

/jp/ does not exist.
You're just in coma and now live in an eternal loop where you see your worst depts of your mind, /jp/ is a rapresentation of you.

>> No.12115045 [DELETED] 

holy f*ck

>> No.12115204

If you turn back fast enough, you can see the dream build up behind you to fit your field of vision.

>> No.12116641

Marisa was actually Mima's daughter, made a frequent visitor by that fact. One Halloween, she visited her mother in costume, and Mima's twisted mind had her thinking that Marisa had grown up and made something of herself by becoming a magician. Faced with the possibility of having her mother die happy, Marisa continued the facade and went on to show little tricks to her dying mother to entertain her.

What really got her mother going was the little trick where you spray through a lighter with an aerosol can, making a flamethrower-like effect. The institution didn't condone her doing this, so she visited the man next door, a grey-haired man with Asperger's who made it his duty to collect and pretty much just look at whatever odds and ends he could find. He had delusions that he could sell his collected junk, and Marisa wound up trading him a scrap of metal for a metal music box, which she loaded with a lighter and a small aerosol can. You can imagine what she made of that.

Donning an interesting outfit earned her attention among the patients, and she eventually got around to performing tricks for them, starting with Alice Margatroid, a girl with severe autism who was overcoming her disorder by using dolls and puppets as her proxy to connect with people, though initially, she couldn't speak. When people picked up her dolls and started playing with them, she used dolls she was holding to interact with dolls they were holding. However, she was entranced by Marisa herself, a girl dressed like a doll. Noticing this, her chaperon Shinki pointed one of Alice's dolls toward Marisa, and Alice approached. Shinki explained the situation to Marisa, who was a little annoyed since she had come to visit her dying mother. Nonetheless, Marisa led Alice and Shinki to Mima's room and spent time with them there. When it got to entertaining Mima, Alice was dazzled by the glitter, smoke, and laser show coming from the living doll Marisa..

>> No.12116668

Who is the man with Asperger's supposed to represent?

>> No.12116712
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>> No.12116730

Touhou was actually created by a Korean programmer named Jun-Suk Kim.
The game, which initially was titled as 토호 (translating to "eastern wonderland")
was stolen by a Japanese assistant to the original creator, who called himself "ZUN"
(note the resemblance to the original programmer's name) and leaked at Comiket before
the game could be released in Korea.

To silence Junsuk Kim, ZUN threatened to sue him for copyright infringements
(as Kim had little evidence that he had indeed created the game) and continued to use the
Korean programmer to create additional games for the series.

>> No.12116776

All of /jp/

>> No.12118178

Were the Amusement Makers a secret sect of programming prodigies bent on uploading their minds into a world full of magical girls? The PC-98 games would've been a front for them while they worked their way toward their final goal.

>> No.12118618
File: 136 KB, 580x562, 1395360441625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two were sweet, thanks anon.

>> No.12118800


More please.

>> No.12118842


Nice story, except everyone knows a Korean would never work with a Jap in the first place. Who are you, and what do you want?

>> No.12119234

Sakuya was transferred to the institution as one of the caretakers, and she was assigned to attend to the orphaned Remilia and Flandre. The two sisters have the aforementioned afflictions as different ways of dealing with the loss of their parents, and they're often apart because Flandre's fragile state doesn't mesh well with Remilia's drive to exhibit her childish power.

After an incident where Remilia stashed silverware and started playing with it, Sakuya would occasionally be seen confiscating forks and butter knives from Remi's room. The patients who saw didn't quite know what to make of that, but Hong Meiling, a young girl with a pituitary disorder, took a particular interest in how Sakuya was taking weapons away from the little monster in that room. Meiling then began her imaginary martial arts training to become "the crouching dragon" so she might one day be as strong as Sakuya.

Patchouli, after having been admitted as a suicide risk, refused to take solace from people she believed didn't understand. She became a shut-in and referred to other people as her demons, calling her attendant "Little Demon" because of the woman's stature. Koakuma wound up writing notes to Patchouli, eventually writing down the stories of other patients and leaving them by Patchy's bed side, just to show her that someone understands. One of the first stories, the plight of the Scarlet sisters, is what triggered Patchouli's approach to Koakuma. Patchy met the sisters, and she was charmed by the dejected little Flandre. As Patchouli underwent treatment, she made frequent visits to Flan, culminating in Patchy reading books as bedtime stories for the younger Scarlet. She was a major factor in Flandre opening up, though the nature of the stories made Flan into a little oddball. "One little soldier boy left all alone. He couldn't dodge bullets, ..."

>> No.12119242

These are probably the most boring theories around.

There's just so many terrible 'IT WAS ALL IN THEIR HEAD' theories that if you see one, you've most likely seen them all.

>> No.12119295
File: 1.75 MB, 2560x1920, marisa_being_a_fatty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't go so far as to call them theories; they're ideas. I'm just using that one idea as a foundation, just like how most of everything Touhou is built on the fairly flexible foundation of Touhou canon.

>> No.12119314

>Getting glazed sugar on the Fumo

I am slightly anxious now.

>> No.12119498

Someone write one for Chen, or for the Taoists.

>> No.12119527

Please write about Seija or Parsee, good Anon

>> No.12119584

Chen is a housecat. Ran is a crazy cat lady. But it goes deeper than that. Ran herself is actually a cat, and Yukari is a crazy old cat lady who can't tell the difference between a cat and a fox.

>> No.12119590 [DELETED] 

what about this
all the touhous are actually a bunch of male twinks who pretend to be girls. that's why they are all flat chested despite being a million years old or whatever.

>> No.12119594

Gensokyo does exist, you idiots
Everything exists, do you even multiverse fagits?

>> No.12119596


>> No.12119633
File: 197 KB, 858x1131, MJs_Touhou_fangirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which means that our silly stories also exist!

>> No.12119662

There's a universe where your alternate self lives a happy life with everything the you of this universe has ever wished for. There's a universe where you made friends, was popular, and lived a wonderful childhood. There's a universe where you were never born.

>> No.12121099


It's more playing with the idea than claiming theory.

>> No.12121549

Then I guess Reimu is the psychopath who ends up bringing a semi automatic rifle to the hospital and shooting up the children, correct?

>> No.12121565

Go away.

>> No.12121582

both sound awesome

>> No.12121639

Well duh. There are people who haven't figured this out yet?

>> No.12121696

No she just asks for money first.

>> No.12121735
File: 86 KB, 501x501, 081123_rumia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In a melancholy, Reimu wandered the halls of the institution, falling into her own dark world, until she ran into Rumia, or rather, Rumia ran into her. Rumia was a recently blinded girl who couldn't quite cope with the stick she was given to find her way around, so she just stretched her arms out and hoped for the best. Even though she clearly had no vision, the girl couldn't quite accept that she was handicapped and tried to run around aimlessly like any child does. Watch out for that tree, little Rumia..

>> No.12121742


>> No.12121749
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>> No.12121756

Watch out for that tree!

>> No.12121773
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>> No.12121778
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>> No.12121822

I want to cuddle Rumia.

>> No.12123614

pls no die

>> No.12123624

The OP wouldn't let it.
