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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12092420 No.12092420 [Reply] [Original]

" Anyone who drinks this forbidden elixir will cease to age, never become ill, and will never be able to die. One will be as frail and vulnerable as before, but every injury shall cease; critical injuries will be healed in a matter of days. Complete destruction results in complete restoration."
So, let's go get this shit.

>> No.12092431
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The sun explodes into a supernova.
you get sucked into a black hole.
the universe sputters out into a dead frozen abyss.

Only if i can learn some planar magic to escape all that shit. then yes okay.

>> No.12092463

nah, I want to know what happens when you die

>> No.12092464

Eventually you will live to the point where the sun becomes too big and you will go through an endless cycle of melting and reviving.

That sounds pretty painful.

>> No.12092472

Your atoms would be plasma before your nerves even had a chance to register pain.

Just go chill out in Hakugyokuro for a while. Or wait, I think there was some thing where immortals like Kaguya couldn't even visit if they wanted to.

>> No.12092488

Eirin was in Hakugyokuru.

>> No.12092515

That why you gotta use your time on Earth finding a way to traverse galaxies. It will be hard work but it will be worth the investment when you can spend your eternity exploring the cosmos.

>> No.12092746

If you become as frail and vulnerable as before, doesn't that mean that mean that your average /jp/ will be stuck with their current physique or at least be easily hurt?

>> No.12092812

I think it just keeps you in a constant state of alive, so if you gain or lose weigh it'll stick around.

>> No.12092869

>Or wait, I think there was some thing where immortals like Kaguya couldn't even visit if they wanted to.
This was the result of people taking one slightly misleading translation ("humans that can't die can't know the netherworld"), having someone mention it as "they can't enter the Netherworld" as in they can't get there by dying, and then further misinterpreting that as literally being unable to enter. Or, people decided that if you traveled to the Netherworld then you'd "know" it and so they can't, which is even more stupid.

It was never a phrase to be taken so literally, it's just saying that humans that can't die won't be able to acknowledge the beauty of the Netherworld. Similar to if you said "if you haven't been to Italy, you won't know pasta" or whatever. It isn't even a statement of fact, it's a Buddhist quote. Whether or not the living actually perceive this Netherworld differently than the dead is up in the air.

It's such a pervasive error that many people have tried to counter-argue by taking this mistake into account as true and making up other bullshit excuses as to why Eirin could be in the Netherworld. It's that bad.

>> No.12092873 [DELETED] 

It is what I've come to expect from the Western fanbase. I would be disappointed with anything less.

>> No.12092877

This is a particularly special instance, though. It doesn't have a whole lot to do with the translation than it does people taking it literally and wildly out of context.

>> No.12092882

When was Eirin in the netherworld, anyway ?

>> No.12092884

I wasn't the guy who mentioned it, but she was at Hakugyokurou in the Ghost Team's Good Ending. It's also the ending that establishes that Eirin drank the Hourai Elixir.

>> No.12092931

How do I set up a RAID6 array of Mokous?

>> No.12092933

Actually I really like this sort of shit, it shows that the sort of thing ZUN considers youkai ("tall tales and dumb beliefs that stick around and propagate themselves for no real reason") is going strong even today.

There was this one misinterpretation of a Mizuki Shigeru interview, where he said that the invention of the lightbulb erased the fear of darkness and weakened the belief in the supernatural, which somehow transformed into the idea that youkai (and tsukumogami in particular) feared electricity and could not come near sources of it. Now you can find that being put forward as a genuine folkloric fact all over the internet, and in a way, it really is, it's just that that piece of baseless bullshit spread around in the 21st century instead of the 15th.

Who knows, maybe two decades down the line we'll have a reigning belief that immortals can't interact with ghosts, all because of some silly nonsense that stemmed from a misinterpreted line in a game about pretty girls shooting each other.

>> No.12093044

>critical injuries will be healed in a matter of days
>matter of days

This is not what people explained to me.
They said Mokou will be healed instantly even if Flandre crush her with her ability, but it seems it's not exactly true.

Elixir immortality is not as hax as many people say, I guess.

>> No.12093081

If Flandre crushed Mokou, that'd be more than just a critical injury.
>"Complete destruction results in complete restoration."

>> No.12093108

People interpret Mokou exploding and reforming during her fight a bit too literally.

The dialogue would show she never dies, but that'd require reading it.

>> No.12093162

I'm not him but thanks.

>> No.12097084

>People interpret Mokou exploding and reforming during her fight a bit too literally.

I can't believe people actually cite this as a reason. These people also have to believe Marisa dies when she explodes in stage 4.

>> No.12097120

Are the fighting games Canon because they all explode.

>> No.12097126

That was poetic as fuck.

>> No.12097626

I remember reading about how the effects of the Hourai Elixir changes depending on how much you drink.

1 sip, you stop aging.
2 sips, you never become ill
3 sips, you become immortal.

I don't want to lose the option of killing myself if things go awry.

>> No.12097709

It's actually way more poetic than what I wrote up there. Like I said, it's a Buddhist quote. It has to do with the samsara, where beings born into that cycle are just born and born and born again, never knowing the truth of what's before they're born. Beings that die and die and die likewise can never know what lies after death, as they just reincarnate eternally. Mokou changed it just slightly to be relevant, as she's a human that's freed herself from samsara as she will never again be born or die. Mokou can't taste the Netherworld, but Yuyuko and Youmu are stuck there only to eventually reincarnate. It's incredibly elaborate trashtalk.

>> No.12097847
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Stick them in a tomb and launch it into deep space. That's how you really torture an immortal for eternity. Even the classic death loop can wear off after a while but a space coffin that's heavily armored? Not a chance unless it's on a course directly towards a star or black hole and so many millions of years would pass that they'll be effectively brain-dead by then.

>> No.12097868

A fate worse than death, really...

>> No.12097910

In my opinion it needs more of their arriving at the other end of the voyage as some kind of crazy crypto-fascist hippy tentacle monsters.

>> No.12097924
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I'm more partial to the encased in something at the bottom of the sea deal, personally. Don't know why.

>> No.12097944
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>> No.12097949

It's probably more terrifying. My god.
Mother 4: Porkey is picked up and now deformed as a million year old schizophrenic tentacle man.

>> No.12101497
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>> No.12101572

But she does die. There is a clone factory there.

>> No.12102120

That image is exactly what I thought when JAXA launched the Kaguya into orbit years ago. That baby is still chugging along sending data back. Gotta love pixiv.


>> No.12102125

Until the heat death of the universe, that is.

>> No.12102136

We still don't know for sure heat death will happen though, since we haven't proven true or false the theory that states the universe infinitely expands and increases its max value of entropy at a higher rate than it gains entropy due to expansion.

>> No.12102146

So what are the alternatives? Big crunch or big rip? Neither seem very pleasant, although the former might result in another big bang so maybe that would be the best.

>> No.12102155


Well, you've got 5 billion years.. surely you could come up with something.

>> No.12102158

If string theory and eternal inflation hold true then if you found a way to traverse these multiverses into the parent universe you could travel eternally.

>> No.12102186

I wonder how long it'll take to stop thinking.

>> No.12102192

I don't understand. Being immortal doesn't mean enlightenment. Samsara is the cycle of life and death, and to be freed entirely from it I suspect you have to be freed from life as well as death.
