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12011033 No.12011033[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nimue a best

Previous thread >>11963871

>> No.12011038

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>> No.12011047
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For the purpose of the Student Council bonuses, the enemy encounters from this event counts as a 'Faerie'.
I can confirm this as the level 58 Himiko I pulled out of gacha is dealing nearly 100k damage whenever her skill procs (+200% ATK), and she's only at around 12k atk on the card.

>> No.12011050

Where's her pants?

>> No.12011055

That's the best part

>> No.12011058

> Nimue figure sold out everywhere.
If only I had known earlier ;_;

>> No.12011062

Would you hotglue her

>> No.12011066

Vita version literally saved the console in Japan.

>> No.12011135

Arousal Gareth is up

>> No.12011165

Why am I not getting any messages about helping anyone? It's as if everyone is taking a break from hunting cards.

>> No.12011171

There's this Night pubbie on my friends list, he's already fighting off level 10 aroused...

>> No.12011265

Arousal Ganeida is up.

>> No.12011270

25min left, need friends to defeat it. Still at full hp.

>> No.12011272


>> No.12011282

You need to attack it first before you can get people to help you.

>> No.12011297
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>> No.12011315

For the first 15 minutes I thought everyone ran out of BC, but after when I land an attack everyone started attacking. Maybe this mean aside from initiating you need to attack faerie first to make friend available to help.

>> No.12011320

What does deck leader do?

>> No.12011326

It says so in the game, so yes.

>> No.12011325

Aroused Ganeida looks like she had a nosebleed

>> No.12011332

Arousal Ganeida is up.

>> No.12011329

SLOWPOKE, you're alive???

>> No.12011334

I need help with this. Have I been isolated or something?

>> No.12011336
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Thanks, this is really embarassing...

>> No.12011347

Got a Ganeida from LightMyFire's Arousal boss.

>> No.12011357

I just noticed it.

>> No.12011463

Two event areas? Where should I spend my time?

>> No.12011473


>> No.12011482

What does the non-school area offer?

>> No.12011518

Better xp curve if you know where to go and have the AP.

>> No.12011690

Moe, isn't she?

>> No.12011819

And just like that Leviathan card, I'll probably never get Gareth..

>> No.12011916

Funny story about gacha rates. I was working all day on a new reroll account for event.

Out of 10+ gacha tickets and faeries I NEVER got a single shitty SR or more...I actually got nothing but the highest amount of fourth stars I've seen so far.

>> No.12012066

kyoukaya here, I'll be vacationing in Osaka for a couple of days. Don't unfriend me ;_;

Any good place to eat in Osaka city?

>> No.12012289
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>> No.12012389

why are the signs in corean for the school map?

>> No.12012399

I would like to know that too.

>> No.12012497

Nothing really, aside from trolling people into attacking when you have a bunch of SRs hidden behind a weak leader.

>> No.12012582

So just curious, but is there any minimum damage people are expected to deal?

Generally I don't care all too much about normal Faeries as long as people don't constantly hit for only a few hundred damage, but for Aroused I make an effort to remove anybody who doesn't take off at least 10% HP.

>> No.12012589

Yes, there should be an effort for Aroused. Just poking is kind of douche, but it's fine if your friend still at early level. They will return the favor at the later times.

>> No.12012591

Sometimes I don't have enough BC to do any damage to others.

>> No.12012596

While I think it would be great that everyone would spend a good deal of their BC to take the arousal fairy down, every player has their own circumstances and might not be able to spend their BC as they'd like. No one expects when the arousal fairy to appear. When you're at a high enough level, you can send reinforcements to 30 people in your friends list and usually someone is able to take care of it.

Personally, I don't blame them if they only just poke it, I'm guilty of it as well. Someone just needs to deal a good amount of damage first before other people start putting more effort into it. If someone wants the kill, then they'll put the most effort into it as they have enough BC to do so.

>> No.12012668

I started playing this a couple days ago. But I have not fought any players yet. I am a lowly level 12 only.

>> No.12012733
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I don't care as long as their active. I'd rather have someone who brings out encounters every few hours and pokes than a friend who comes on every couple days to blast 100000 damage then disappear again.

>> No.12012773

What is the fastest method to level up card especially the SR+ ones?

I don't know how the methods exactly but does it come like this:

===Reverse Upgrading way:
-level a card for feed to 60, then upgrade it with the level 1 base card. After that the card will turn into max 70 level. You'll need LB to unlock the cap to 80, 90, 100, and 110.

For card to reach lvl 60 fast, do reverse upgrade continously from lvl 6, lvl 5 feed card below doesn't give +1 level yet for each upgrade.
lvl 1 as base card + lvl 5 as feed card = still lvl 5
lvl 1 as base card + lvl 6 as feed card = lvl 7 card
lvl 1 as base card + lvl 7 as feed card = lvl 8 card

===Reverse Limit Break to 80, 90, 100, 110
Get 4 same card, with one of them already reach 70, upgrade the lvl 1 card as the base, and the lvl 70 as the feed card. It should be go around 80+ level, then redone it with the other two and you'll reach 110.

Am I right or is there something wrong with my theory? I want to upgrade Gareth soon. Does monday effect from weekdays event affect upgrading cards too?

>> No.12012788

>Does monday effect from weekdays event affect upgrading cards too?
Yes, you get 2x more exp compared to days other than monday.

>> No.12012826
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>> No.12012897

I don't play these games because I don't have a phone and Bluestacks doesn't really work for me, but I wanted to say that it's nice how they're including the illustrator's name on a separate column.

>> No.12012944
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The way the game adds the bonus ATK against faeries makes them look a lot more powerful than they really are

>> No.12012949

How many gachas did that take?

>> No.12012956

I saved up all my gacha tickets as I wasn't all that impressed by the first gacha, and they were what I got out of about 26 gacha tickets

>> No.12012995

Damn, I spent half as many gacha tickets and got complete shit.

>> No.12012996

I spent around 20 and got on Rare which wasn't the event one.

>> No.12013015

Still saving up these Gacha's for an irresistible lolicious lineup one day.

>> No.12013030

Only tried twice. Was lucky on the first try and got Himiko. I stopped after the second try.

>> No.12013067

Same. One day, our event will come.

>> No.12013084

What area number is best to explore for tokens?

>> No.12013086

It doesn't matter

>> No.12013088

If you're going for tokens go with 5, if you're going for faries go with 1.

>> No.12013101

So I've been rolling for over a day.

They don't seem to be joking when they say getting more friends increases the chance to summon a powerful knight. The problem is that for every competent and active pubbie there is about 100 inactive ones, they won't respond, ever, and their number keeps increasing, there are even some obvious level 4 zero friends reroll accounts everywhere.

Best I got was Peridot(she's shitty).

>> No.12013107

Are there no good magic guild cards?

>> No.12013109

Arousal Gareth up by RafRaven

>> No.12013128

Artorius has an arousal gareth up

>> No.12013228

I have an arousal gareth up myself, if you know what I mean.

>> No.12013244


>> No.12013249

What the fuck makes Fisher evolve exactly? Text says he can turn into a greater knight.

>> No.12013278

is there a reason to clear the normal levels?

>> No.12013283

Is it a wise move to feed Nimue
3 lv 1 5* leprechaun

or simply just limit break my leprechaun

>> No.12013288

No shit you should limit break your leprechaun. It's not hard to max level stuff to begin with if you just save every card you get to feed to your main knights during monday exp bonus.

>> No.12013306

how do you limit break shit? I don't get it. What do you do when you reach a card's maximum level

>> No.12013316


Just use the same card to upgrade a card and it'll gain +10 to its max level. They explained this fairly clearly.

>> No.12013327

Let's take for example you want to limit break 'Card A', you'll need to gain multiple copies of 'Card A'. Just how much multiple copies you need is dependent on the card. You could check by tapping 'Combine/Sell', searching for the card, and simply checking the 'Limit break - To go: 'n' times' part.

>> No.12013330

Add Tsukuyomi ASAP. Testing theory.

>> No.12013333

as >>12013327 said. You can also limit break your shit with cherry 3* too which can be gained through current event at school zone.

>> No.12013340

Uh... no. That's a Golden Cherry. 3* Cherries are just worth 10,000 vs 3,000 EXP (1* Cherry).

>> No.12013337

If these are proven to be right, I'll have to wait until I get 30/30 friends on my list then.

>> No.12013341

...shit. Then how the heck you supposed to get golden cherry? Through the MCs?

>> No.12013343

Not available yet, just like 7* cards.

>> No.12013344

Support - Lusca 3*, for fairies hunting. She deal 400% damage to faerie with her skill.

>> No.12013366

0 friends. I don't have all day.

>> No.12013370

Add my clone/spare accounts: Niku, Lizbeth

>> No.12013375

You will have to accept if you're not aware, that means logging to those individually.

>> No.12013380

Alright, it should took a minute or two to login into those accounts. My main account has reached remove friend cap today, so I can't help it.

>> No.12013446

Arousal on LightMyFire

>> No.12013514

Need more, have a lot prepared.

>> No.12013551

Fucking hate people who find Aroused Faeries, and then attack it several times for 200k+ damage.

>> No.12013566

You should start poking Aroused Faries then..

>> No.12013568

I think you mean envy, not hate

>> No.12013572

There's not really an opportunity when there's only one attacker who nuked it for 400k over 3 attacks.
Not really. Aside from freeing up your Faerie slot, there's not really a reason to not leave an AF up for at least 10 minutes so people can get an attack in.

>> No.12013581

My alt has better chance on getting event badges while my main gets the shittiest luck..

meanwhile, my alt sucks at getting SR cards, while my main gets better SR cards from Gatcha tickets.


>> No.12013590

This is exactly the contradicting to what >>12012582 have posted.

Not being tense but maybe we need to find equilibrium in this shit or no nosebleed, and megane-senpai/kouhai card equally or even more card for all of us, maybe we should put down the arousal fixed at xx:xx time. Just saying.

>> No.12013602

How so? There's a difference between hitting enough to actually contribute to a Faerie kill, and simply nuking an Aroused Faerie to death before others have a chance to participate.

I'm not saying people shouldn't hit a Faerie for 200K if it wouldn't die otherwise, but that is hardly necessary 5 minutes into finding one.

>> No.12013642

Well I am about to get full so accept friend req then I'll test the shitty rates. Frag rates are be but they're certainly fixed and random.

>> No.12013679

Aroused on keane

>> No.12013684
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My judgement is a bit clouded when I'm getting sleepy, my bad.

Looking forward to it.

>> No.12013706

Aroused Gareth on me

>> No.12013708

Ded, didn't even last a few more seconds

>> No.12013712

fast as fuck, I haven't clicked it yet.

>> No.12013751
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Anyone know what skill does pic related have? I'm just surprised that it says none.

>> No.12013757

None apparently. Other wikis/databases don't have anything listed either.

>> No.12013759

It doesn't have any skills, that card's only good as a fodder. And if it does have a skill, its probably something like a 50% more attack or below 10% HP +50% attack.

>> No.12013954

Feed to tor.

>> No.12014038


>> No.12014287

I want to bully Gareth

>> No.12014368
File: 542 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2014-04-02-23-12-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was OP of ages ago, ran out of tickets so new account ready too(you guys are slow). Add me later.

>> No.12014410

It's going to take a lot more than one guy to convince me. But my friend list is full anyway so it's not like it'll affect me if it is true.

>> No.12014414

I would still think that's bullshit. I have a full friends list and blew 20+ tickets on gacha and got nothing

>> No.12014416

So basically, all active 30 friends = better chances on getting SR+ cards?

>> No.12014450

Well I wasn't joking when I said I spent 1000+ tickets and never even got SR except Peridot before I began refilling again but this time adding people.

Only took one try with new plan and fresh SRs...this is also how I got Swim as I already was around 25 when you guys just started.

>> No.12014576

Network error,vanyone else?

>> No.12014594

I thought it was just me.

>> No.12014865

Katagewa-san, I know you're strong and all but please give us pokers a chance at Aroused bosses, at least 5 minutes.
This applies to those who are strong enough to deal 200k+ damage as well.
Thanks ;_;

>> No.12014917



>> No.12015019
File: 39 KB, 150x150, 395786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay lad, ready to make some coin.

>> No.12015036

Actually, before I was going with a 'full deck' to deal that kind of damage, but now with the three Student Council cards I can easily deal up to 300k damage with those three alone (Level 68 Himiko has 47340 ATK against faeries; her skill proccing means she can deal up to 180k damage alone)

As for the speculation about SR+ stuff, it's hard to say. What I do know though is that I randomly keep getting Lancelots for some reason off arousals and even non-arousals at times.
I even had so many Lancelots that after max limit breaking him, I still had another four Lancelots sitting around.

>> No.12015094
File: 56 KB, 400x400, nimue-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want my rares, someone quick help Bread defeat the aroused faerie.

>> No.12015095

Nimue is slowly turning into my new fetish.

>> No.12015102

God damn, how much money have you dumped into Gachas?

>> No.12015105

I ran out of BC potions on Bread ;_;

Plus, my friendlist is full on Bread and its mostly randoms.. I gotta start cleaning them off.

>> No.12015107

I want my rares too. Fuck off guys, let me last hit.

>> No.12015108

You can have my rares. All I get is Snow White and Wilhelm anyway.

>> No.12015112

I've managed to get last hit on two Arousals before and end up with double Balans.

I have 6 of her at this point and I'm just waiting for Monday.

>> No.12015122
File: 343 KB, 640x896, suoer deformed nimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28/29 here, I want to accept /jp/ friend request. at 30/30 I'm doing gacha ticket to see if I can get Himiko seitokaichou or not.

You need to take it easy.

As if you could.

>> No.12015131

No, you guys need to let me get the last hit.

>> No.12015140

Aaaand another Snow White. Make it stop, please. ;_;

>> No.12015178

Full as FUCK. Pubbies accepting more often.

Worth it.

>> No.12015209

Soo, I just found a decent chat system in this shitty game.. or at least a simple way to talk..

>> No.12015233

The welcome message?

>> No.12015252

Like history?

>> No.12015259

Someone kill Lycene's hot and bothered Gareth please. I need me some more Snow Whites. (5min left)

>> No.12015264


>> No.12015301

Eh, if people cared about a chat system, there'd be better ways. The chat in the Google Doc for example. Or silly stuff like using twitter with a #/jpma/ tag or something.

Like messages should always be limited to cute comments and nothing else!

>> No.12015356

Not very effective since it doesn't alert you in any way

>> No.12015361

Yes it does.

Go to fucking options.

>> No.12015413

The 30 friends limit is hardly enough. Why can't I be friends with all the cute girls here?!

>> No.12015424

Oh shit, you're right! Lemme fix muh face

>> No.12015434

Any one dealt with notifications not working on Android? Not sure how to get them working for Aroused Faeries.

>> No.12015436
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Can we draw something together?
ProudAsian works for CC

>> No.12015437


And sorry, I suck deep balls when it comes to drawing.

>> No.12015441 [DELETED] 

Man, Shinon was on roll with two arousal at once. I would like to do that too, does delivering killing blow is only the way to initiate the arousal?

>> No.12015444


Arousal up on kyoukaya, give it at least 10 minutes guys

>> No.12015449
File: 830 KB, 858x1200, nimunimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, Shinon was on roll with initiating two arousal consecutively. I would like to do that too, I wonder if delivering killing blow is only the way to initiate the arousal.

>> No.12015453

Yeah, the only way to 'arouse' a woman is to deal the 'killing blow' to her womb. Well, at least until shes fucked silly and turns into a cock mongering whore.

>> No.12015494
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> That feeling when you're always 5 minutes late to fighting an aroused school girl.

>> No.12015554

Got myself to arouse my first boss enemy few hours ago. Then it didn't happen again. Maybe it's luck based?

>> No.12015567

what android emulator should I use?

>> No.12015574

It's definitely luck based. I'm guessing with the presence of cards that have bonus damage the will eventually be cards that increase the chance for an Arousal to appear.

Anyone who played the Asia version have anything to chip in regarding that?

Also, please respond?

>> No.12015586

I've tried Vbox and Bluestacks and it didn't work. Maybe there's someone here can do it, though.

Does the problem is something like >>12011315?

>> No.12015596

No. There are supposed to be notifications for your phone whenever an Arousal appears.

>> No.12015601

You mean like normal Faeries notification? If not, then I never getting special notification for Arousal too from the beginning.

>> No.12015629

Aroused Ganeida on me, you got 30 seconds

>> No.12015635


>> No.12015641

Battle requests, Fairy-related things, and energy-related stuffs (not sure about this one), all of these don't seem to have any kind of notification alerts, although any thing related to fairies is supposed to have one.
But that's just my case

>> No.12015650

Fairy notification is on the options, its also annoying since it keeps popping up from time to time.

>> No.12015705

Did it just work for you from the start? IOS or Android?

>> No.12015788

Arousal on Antoinette

>> No.12016029
File: 1.15 MB, 1133x1589, 38302026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already build max AP to 125 and planning to burst my AP pots. Should I go for it now or wait until my max AP turned to 200? Any suggestion guys? I plan to keep my max BC around 75-95 until I reach 200 max AP.

>> No.12016046

I kept my AP at 90 and poured everything else on BP which is currently at 122. Is this bad

>> No.12016072

Depends, more AP means faster leveling up and farming for gold/cards/etc/finishing collection events.

high BP just goes for killing faries..

a good build would be 90-100-120 BP and rest are AP.

>> No.12016074

Depends. Do you want any hope at getting a maxed out collection event (Sun Amulets, Badges, etc.) without spending massive amounts of money?

If yes, then yes that's bad.

For BC, I haven't bothered pumping anymore than I need to field my strongest hitting deck, which means 3 SR/SR+. Anything else doesn't give enough HP or ATK on the second line to be worth it.

I assume this would be the most case for people who haven't spent money or gotten lucky.

>> No.12016096

The longer you wait, the more you'll get out of your investment. It's pretty simple.

No. AP recovers at a rate of 1 every 3 minutes. Unless you can't spare time to check your phone every 4hr 30m, then you're doing fine. High AP is only for people who rely on recovery potions, and that is not a normal way to play the game because it'll all be useless if your potion supply dries up.

>> No.12016272

Yeah, mine doesn't work either. I'm wondering if reinstalling will fix it.

>> No.12016346

Le better game reaction faec.

You NEED to wait for lamp or rainbow days. Otherwise you can't get to 30 soon.

>> No.12016445

Arousal on Artorius

>> No.12016791

Arousal for you all.

>> No.12016801

Looking for two friends, just punted two inactive pubs.

>> No.12016824

Is it possible to claim single rewards from boss faeries instead of using "claim all"?

>> No.12016853

Yes, though not sure why since there really isn't any noticeable difference, unless you're full up on cards?

>> No.12016878

Close to full. Trying to save as many cards for Monday before joining them. I try tapping the little claim circle on the boss, but it just goes into the page showing damage amounts.

>> No.12016884

Have you bothered to chuck cards into storage?

>> No.12016907

Yes but I don't have that figured out yet. I see no button to select cards to put in storage.

>> No.12016914

Go to combine/sell. Sell tab. Select a card and the store button underneath "Show 3*" will become available.

>> No.12017096

Anyone want me to use their referal code?

>> No.12017105



>> No.12017191

Katagewa doing almost 250k damage in a single attack...

tell me your secrets, senpai

>> No.12017209

Right here buddy. A lot of money put down into Gachas.

>> No.12017220

Jesus fuck, feels like the Student Council cards are OP as hell.. I could barely reach 150k damage with just my 3 main cards

>> No.12017235

Only for this month though, and only towards Faeries so you won't be slapping people in PvP.

>> No.12017495

Arousal on Cyclone and Yuumu. (Yuumu 5 min left)

>> No.12017501

Fuck. I have a dozen Arousals, amongst dozens of normal Faeries, just waiting to be claimed, but my god damned inventory and storage are both full.

Monday needs to come faster.

>> No.12017509

Use normal cards to level up the main cards you need, keep the junk rare cares as a fodder since it gives a bit more exp(I think)

>> No.12017516

I'll have to eventually, since I'm only about 5 kills away from maxing out. I do have enough gold that I can get bonus EXP from even N rank cards though on Monday.

>> No.12017527

Please help Cyclone beat the Arousal, it's 2 min left. My BC is depleted.

>> No.12017531


>> No.12017559

So basically to save up space you gotta sell 1* & 2* and save 3* & 4* for fusion fodder?
What I heard is that 4* are the best fodders.

>> No.12017568

Oh wait it's out now? I signed up for the beta, do I still get a thing?

>> No.12017686

I'm starting to hate this game...

>> No.12017700
File: 106 KB, 500x640, 31002520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me teach you a trick that works like a magic. Don't treat the game as something that you obligate to (like a strong desire having possession of SR+ cards, it come to this factor), rather than that you could treat it like a collection card game and take immersion to it with the game story. Since the game comes with pretty good music, variety of story, and professional VAs it should make you feel immersed more.

>> No.12017704

Nah its not that, I'm kinda annoyed how my alt has a better chance of getting the badges..

I'm an impatient person, and I'm close to getting that 8,500 badge(currently 6,329)

>> No.12017718


>> No.12017787

I don't have alts, but I'm also having trouble getting those school badges. Currently still at 3609 badges since event launch. RNG must hate me.. bad.

>> No.12017795

This is my third full 4.5 hour wait (77 AP) and all of those 3 runs, I never got a single badge.

I am tired, my sleeping pattern is broken, and I feel like shit.

>> No.12017888

Yeah, gotta admit waiting for those medals to show up is starting to take its toll on me.

>> No.12017918
File: 332 KB, 800x480, Screenshot_2014-04-04-15-35-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12018075

The Million Arthur team is aware that players are unable to view their Royal School Badges in the event zone. We are currently looking into the issue. During this period, please refrain from accessing the School Zone. Thank you.

>> No.12018092

What does that mean? The amount of badges are frozen and acquiring more means they're ignored??

>> No.12018096

>posting important news only on FB
Am I the only one who hates this trend?

>> No.12018138

Aroused by shinon

>> No.12018155

They do have a twitter, but it's slow as hell and no one really follows it except me.

>> No.12018171

And they're done:
"We're sorry about the in-game problems that occurred a few hours ago. A compensation package of 30,000 Gold, 3 AP Potions and 3 BC Potions have been credited to your Gift Box."

>> No.12018190

I'm following it too!
And that's what I meant, if they have a twitter account where they post their promo stuff, they might as well post important news there as well. It's not like that'd take much more extra work.

I think the best part about those compensations is when you weren't affected, but still get them.

>> No.12018271

After the fix they did, school badges seem to be dropping quite often for me

>> No.12018282

Man this combo stuff is confusing. It hard to know if my deck is making good combos or not...

>> No.12018288

Generally you shouldn't give a fuck about combos unless you have 6+ SRs. Without them, the additional lines will generally drag down your damage output even if it increases your survivability.

This is a decent list though. Don't browse the forums though, they're horrid.

>> No.12018291

Ah, I get it now, so this is how combo works...

Thanks anon

>> No.12018300

>This is a decent list though. Don't browse the forums though, they're horrid.
Coming from someone who plays dragon nest at sea, I gotta agree that the forums, in general, is horrendous.

>> No.12018303

Is there a way to stop cards from exploration and gacha to automatically combining?

Can't find it in setting, maybe I missed it during tutorial

>> No.12018305

Kinda wish I can change my main character..

Somehow I thought the magic faction Arthur is female

>> No.12018306

Don't worry. Plenty of people did.

>> No.12018313

It looks like a girl, it sounds like a girl and talks like a girl. Merely saying it's a boy doesn't mean anything unless they make a card with her having a dick

>> No.12018311

Strange, how am I supposed to get an exact copy of a card then? I need for limit breaking...

>> No.12018314

Cards from faeries are not combined automatically. Kill those faeries

>> No.12018316

Or just put the card in storage.

>> No.12018318

That too

>> No.12018329

As soon as I fix my mistake of putting too much points on AP, I'll start murdering them

Damn, I didn't even realize we have storage. Cool

Yeah you're right, I'll just pretend he's a girl

>> No.12018336

Out of curiosity, just how much AP did you pump in?

>> No.12018344

Right now I have 75 AP, BC 60

Initially it was more like 75 AP, 30 BC. But then after reading the second document on google docs, I realized how dumb that was.

Well, at least I'm still low level, so that's good I guess

>> No.12018352

People say around 100 BP and the rest AP is okay since people on your friends' list will help you kill faeries so no reason to get a lot of BP. More AP means more encounters and cards.

>> No.12018357

not that anon, currently reaching 160 BC. After that i'll pour it on AP.

oh, aroused on frelia

>> No.12018371

I'll keep that in mind, thanks

I should probably add /jp/ on my list as well

>> No.12018376

Wow, this is kinda ridiculous. Not that I dislike Lancelot, it's just awkward getting him 5 times in a row from Aroused bosses. Did they fuck with the drops?

>> No.12018377

So has anyone had experience with this Black Screen issue? I've tried installing multiple times, currently running CleanROM-8.1-CE on my Galaxy S3 and each time I try to run MA my phone just sits on a black screen.

>> No.12018383

I've experienced it crashing after a few seconds on a black screen. I have to reinstall everything which was scary because I forgot my password for a good 7 hours

>> No.12018388

I got two so far, one from the last boss. I've also gotten 5+ Wilhelm and another 5+ Snow White though, so either drops aren't working correctly or each boss set drops specific cards more often.

>> No.12018394

I've only run into black screens after trying to make a fourth account in the span of an hour.

Went away after I let the app sit closed for a few hours.

>> No.12018408

>All the good cards are not from your faction
So much suffering.

>> No.12018422

Coming from VC, I'm not too impressed with MA. There is far too much downtime, double if not a monday. I also don't like how they reward last hitting instead of acing. Hopefully they spice up the battle mechanics or add a separate duel meter in the future.

>> No.12018465

I heard the superior version of MA is on the PSV. I, too, hope that what makes the PSV version better will make it to the mobile version.

>> No.12018491
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 1387465163118s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>superior version of MA is on the PSV
What makes it better compared to the mobile version?

>> No.12018498

Some anon said that the PSV version had more features. Lemme look it up.

>> No.12018499

I just need one more Gareth and I can max her.
RNG God pls.

>> No.12018516

And I just got my fifth Gareth. Thank you RNG God.

>> No.12018517

look at dem arts.

>> No.12018521

what a RNGesus, how did you do that man. I just got 1 Gareth from the first day of the month.

>> No.12018588

you one lucky bastard

>> No.12018652

You haven't seen his 6* and 7* art, have you?

>> No.12018663

Looks like a girl/trap to me.

>> No.12018667

iirc, one of his pics had a bulge

>> No.12018691

All I can find just points out, it's a trap.


>> No.12018699

A delicious trap!

>> No.12018704

Oh wait, I think I found it. Barely there though.

>> No.12018714

Is it just me or Aroused Ganeida really holding a porn book?

>> No.12018722


>> No.12018757

2 free friendo spots on me


>> No.12018879

Is there any evolution card that is worth using like the android card in VC?

>> No.12018890


>> No.12018990

Anybody else get like 10 friend requests a day? My friend list as always full why do they keep sending me requests?

>> No.12019044

Cuz they think you're cute.

Same here, though I only get like 2-3

>> No.12019098

Fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.12019105

Is she not wearing any panties?? Can I see her pussy???

>> No.12019210


>> No.12019413

>BG-kata Mahou Shounen Arthur
Looks like this issue is solved then.

>> No.12019572

It's not porn, its BL.

>> No.12019941

Huh. Apparently normal Faeries can drop their cards too.

>> No.12020034

At a lower rate, that's why some people think poking is rude.

>> No.12020048

I don't see what's so bad about that. I usually blow all my CP after two battles, so if I see any other faeries surviving I'm not going to waste an opportunity at free cards. Though I'd understand if it was a guy with full CP using a low cost knight to poke everything.

>> No.12020165
File: 31 KB, 492x473, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From their Facebook page

>> No.12020183

Isn't that more prominent at that MA fansite thing. I usually just poke if I can't reach 46 bc to use my 3 card deck. But if I do have 46 bc, I use it immediately on faeries, or their aroused version if they're still up.

>> No.12020279

Arousal from Suzanne. (It was Lycene's that I triggered it from, lol)

Only had 2 bc left to poke and send it with though...

>> No.12020291

Oh, dead already

>> No.12020321


>> No.12020335

To anyone who has played any previous versions, what do guilds provide in this game?

>> No.12020490

knight system

1.) The first guy who discovers the boss can attack without consuming any BC.

Knight system when? This game is currently slow as fuck.

>> No.12020496


>> No.12020504

Is anyone here playing the SEA version on a Galaxy S? Every time I get past the first tutorial and get told to go to the town, the game crashes my entire phone (audio from the OP audio still plays in the background until the phone forcibly reboots). Happened on 2 different Galaxy S phones, and an Exhibit 4G. I tried all 3 characters with the same result.
Meanwhile, the JP version works with no issues.

It doesn't help that it seems like the company is almost completely ignoring the technical help forum.

>> No.12020559

By the time MA SEA was launched they're already planning on MA2 for Japan. We are THAT slow.

>> No.12020609

New here, my AP and BC is now both at 70. Should I prefer one over another?

I'm thinking that increasing AP might help to get me more school badges for that SR card... But BC seems to be important for leveling up as well... Opinion?

>> No.12020612

My badges are around 3k right now, forgot to mention

>> No.12020614

Why even bother with badges unless you want pots and gacha. SRs from it are subpar to faeries.

>> No.12020627

Well I'm still new, so I reckon I should get a lot of SR asap. Not sure what's the drop rate from fairies

>> No.12020651

8 Merlins. Come Monday they'll all go into Gareth.

>> No.12020680

It's always such a letdown when you do gacha or claim your arousal rewards, expecting a cute girl ... and then end up with a useless, old geezer.

>> No.12020691

Anyone managed to get merlin to his horny--I mean, aroused form?

>> No.12020697

why the hell would I waste my time arousing an old fool?

>> No.12020703

Was kind of hoping for someone to be into to that stuff.

>> No.12020733

More than that I wished that all the cards are gurls only just like VC.

The dev should know whom they pander to

>> No.12020758

And traps. Gawain is pretty cool though

>> No.12020768

If you even want boys and hermaphrodites you shouldn't even be playing the game based on a book where Morgause literally rapes everyone.

That's the game next door not this shit.

>> No.12020771
File: 100 KB, 480x457, 42685663_480mw_p12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.12020879

Well if LaCroix and Archein see this, I've got friend requests from you two, but you're full. If you'll both punt off a pub I'll add you when the day changes.

>> No.12020925

Anyone getting Ganeida from random fairies? I've had like 2 today

>> No.12020926

Baiting battles with bisclarvet is fun

>> No.12020939

Keep up the good work, I'm too lazy to look for faeries on my own.

>> No.12020940

Arousal on yaranaika

>> No.12020958
File: 711 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2014-03-25-05-22-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got Morgause, how the hell is her skill supposed to work?

Wonder how useful as second and third team this card is too, because Elga and Psyalty outclass all of them.

>> No.12020987

Almost 12 midnight here, I can boot off a pubbie after that.

>> No.12020989

At 12 noon to 6 pm.She has a chance to increase her attack by 100%. Game time is set at GMT +8. Shitty skill IMO.

>> No.12021026
File: 598 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2014-04-05-15-51-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not her, Morgause as in clone of the shitty slut witch.

Pic related.

And yeah, the tengu girl is better than gambler but fuck techno's that aren't those two too, a lot of bad cards and Sorcery has few good ones that never drop.

>> No.12021071

That card isn't worth it to level up, just use it as a fodder when Monday comes.

>> No.12021080

How do you know? Maybe she's better than standard 4 stars at cap?

>> No.12021095

Here. Her stats are shit.


>> No.12021119

My bad. I was looking at the card when reading your comment.

According to the jp wiki Morgause at max lvl(36) with an atk of 4880, the skill does 9k-10k dmg.
At break limit cap(lvl70) with an atk of 8200, the skill does 16k damage.
So her skill does like around +90%-100% damage.

>> No.12021144

God dammit, I was going to post that link, but I was too busy cooking my midnight snack.

>> No.12021146

I swear we should turn this into a drinking game. Take a shot for every 4 star you find that's shit.

Take absinthe if you miraculously find 4 or better that are decent out of faeries and gacha.

>> No.12021196

Huh, my bad. This is a more complete page. Subpar.


>> No.12021275


>> No.12022178

Aroused on keane

>> No.12022612

Tsukuyomi has Awakened Ganeida.

>> No.12022632

Dead on arrival. 3 people attacked it total, that's kind of mean but everyone else must be sleeping.

>> No.12022650

10 minute left on another one

>> No.12022683

So I've got another Hybrid Nimue and I'm wondering if it's worth it to reverse level it.

>> No.12022685

Being weak is suffering. Not to mention feel bad for not actually helping friends with fairies

>> No.12022692

SR and SR+ are going to be some of your strongest hitters for now, so if you have the copies to reverse her you probably should.

Her Skill isn't the greatest though.

>> No.12022694

Argh these aruosal fairies are crazy.

>> No.12022711

And by reverse I meant limit break, dur.

>> No.12022816

Soo, on that Level 6 Aroused Ganeida... I didn't get anything out of it..

what the fuck.

>> No.12022829
File: 338 KB, 640x898, 291m-nimue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arousal on HellMuT, shiroaku

You still have pubbies in your slot? I've removed an inactive /jp/ member.

>> No.12022833

13 more hours until I withdraw a week's worth of Faerie kills.

And knowing my luck I'll still end up with zero Gareths.

>> No.12022838

Actually added Kalika already, sorry. I'll add you tomorrow if the spot is still open.

>> No.12022836

You didn't get any cards out of it? Even though you did attack/initiate the Aroused Ganeida?

>> No.12022847

I did 50k+ damage, I refreshed my game, restarted my tablet, I didn't get any card...

I sorted the cards to the last aquired, and all I got was normals which was from yesterday.

>> No.12022849

Try to close then restart the application and look at your cards in Acquired order. Always happens to me when there's a network problem

>> No.12022867

Thread has reached post 300 limit, not bumping anymore. Might need new thread soon.

>> No.12022868

Restarted the game again, finally got the cards.

third Ganeida and Orion

>> No.12022870

/jp/ threads don't die that fast, the last thread managed to hit 500+ before getting pruned.

>> No.12022877

I'm surprised threads last this long here.

>> No.12022894

At least you're trying, and not being completely worthless like people who purposely switch to a 2-cost deck to leech off Arousals and everything else, right?

>> No.12022925


>> No.12022926

another Aroused Ganeida up

>> No.12022988

I don't have HellMuT added to my friend list unfortunately.

With that said feel free to add me anyone. I like to hunt faeries.

>> No.12023144

Added you, but your friend list is full, sadly

>> No.12023164

Oh wow that was fast, thanks!

>> No.12023865

ded thread ;_;

Monday in a couple of hours again, what card ya lvling, /jp/?

>> No.12023893

Ganeida, and maybe Leprechaun is I still have the money and fodders to do it.

>> No.12023900

Tors, Ganeida, Gareth (If I get any copies of her), Hector, any other SR/SR+ I might draw.

Also, Arousal up.

>> No.12023990

Himiko, Leprechaun,Ganeida, Hybrid Nimue and maybe Gareth, Mordred and Lancelot. I'm not sure if I'll have enough money or fodders since I have a complete set to limit break Ganeida.

Anyone going to use their Red Cherries?

>> No.12024000

Is it really hard to get SR from faeries? What's the drop rate?

>> No.12024013

Anyone got space in the friend list?

Most of my friends are just randoms and dead people.

IGN: Salt

>> No.12024019

Arousal on Redo.

>> No.12024096

Arousal on Sig

>> No.12024249


>> No.12024250


>> No.12024346

Fuck this shit. Claimed about 200 cards, not a single Gareth.

>> No.12024374

From this event so far, I've already had 7 Lancelelots and 7 Ganeida. I've only gotten one Gareth.

>> No.12024375

I'm okay with lancelot being that much, but 7 Ganeida? you lucky prick.

>> No.12024386

The only thing of note from those 200 was 1 Ganeida and 3 Lancelots.

Fuck those people who've already maxed out Gareth.

>> No.12024392

How low? Less than 1%?

>> No.12024394

Ganeida isn't even that good, Gareth is...

>> No.12024441

I think i got lucky and got 2 Gareth, Limit break yes?

>> No.12024448

Might as well, we still got a week to go so there's a chance to get more.

>> No.12024457

i feel dumb for not getting tor last badge event,
i want my trap ;_;

>> No.12024463

I am the opposite of you. 7 Gareth and only one Ganeida.
Nimue's low hp is starting to bother me now.

>> No.12024467

No gareth or ganeida here

rip in peace

>> No.12024473

Arousal on Sig. Goodnight GMT +8

>> No.12024478

less than 100%

>> No.12024488


>> No.12024507

Finally a SR magic guild card.

>> No.12024508

Don't see it, guess you accepted too late.

>> No.12024549

Maxed my Leprechaun and Ganeida. And yes, what anon >>12019572 said was true, when aroused she does read BL.
Dunno if I should level Lancelot or not since he's not techsmith. But that anti-faerie skill though.

Oh, and I used this thing to help me level:

>> No.12024553

Is that a calculator?

>> No.12024556


>> No.12024557

Damn right it is

>> No.12024560

Awakened Gareth on Tsukuyomi, just lv1.

>> No.12024597

FUCKING THANKS. Morgan is mine!

>> No.12024648

Finally, Been trying to find one. Though, I can't into Japanese..

>> No.12024666


>> No.12024698

Suzanne Arousal

>> No.12024726

Anybody got the maximum stats of Ganeida(with 4 limit breaks ofc)?

>> No.12024731


>> No.12024733

Thank you Zouse!

>> No.12024862

>people who do less than 10k to a faerie
scum of the earth

>> No.12024867

This card's stats for just a 5 star...

>> No.12024869 [DELETED] 

Forgot pic.

>> No.12024874

that's me

>> No.12024876
File: 729 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2014-04-06-21-54-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.12024884

That's me too.
Cost:Stats ratio, she isn't all that great.

>> No.12024897

And me. Specially when I only have >20 BP from fighting fairies and there's more of them that i didn't hit.

>> No.12024898

Well apparently someone got tired of me tagging for under 10k. Anybody want to add?

>> No.12024901

I can't help that I always get arousals with less than 10 BP left.

>> No.12024903

is there a way to favorite cards? I accidentally fed my biscalvet ;_;

>> No.12024905

Nope. Live with your fuck up.

>> No.12024910


>> No.12024911
File: 139 KB, 850x850, 1281248782231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serves you right

>> No.12024923

Cool. Still got the daily 2 removals if anyone sends.

>> No.12024952
File: 175 KB, 960x544, 2014-04-07-072529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't let you lock cards yet on the English version? There's supposed to be a keylock on the card when you go into the combine/sell screens.

>> No.12024958

Isn't that the PSV game.

>> No.12024965

Yes, but both the Japanese version have that.

>> No.12025109

That is one really nasty foot, if even that.

>> No.12025242

>Ganeida's Disturbing Daydream proc'd at first turn when my team is at full HP
For fuck sake

>> No.12025250

Say whatever you want to say. I frequently poking because many /jp/ member deal a ton of damage, but when there's a /jp/ member deal less damage to arousal and have little *friend* I drain the shit out of my BC point to help them and use BC pot when available.

Maintain equilibrium, the balance.

>> No.12025253

Fuckers need to maintain the god damned balance of drop rates for Gareth.

>> No.12025264

Healers should be bottom of the first row... First row should be pure damagers

>> No.12025272

Eh, Ganeida's Skill shouldn't even proc at full HP, and he probably runs a one line team.

>> No.12025380

It works surprisingly accurate with google translate, but yeah it can't translate the buttons.

>> No.12025396

Not that anon but I run a single line team, too, with Ganeida and boy that shit with her proc on full health is really annoying.

>Eh, Ganeida's Skill shouldn't even proc at full HP
She does. It's just that maybe if you're health's not 10% something she won't heal with 100% card health.

>> No.12025426

It puzzles me how some of you (shiroaku) can kill fairies the moment they appear. I've skipped the battle animations and by the time I get back to the screen after just activating it it's already at 0 hp.

>> No.12025441
File: 359 KB, 800x480, Screenshot_2014-04-07-11-42-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanted to see if i could solo an aroused by myself with my alts, turns out my alts alone could solo them with super up on one, my main didn't even get to hit it.

Guess I should start using smaller teams else no one will get to hit my fairies heh.

>> No.12025461

What are your teams?

>> No.12025509

Arousal on RafRaen

>> No.12025554
File: 1.90 MB, 721x1439, teams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic Guild, Techno Smith and Sword Castle respectively.

replacing the Support - Rosalia on magic guild with a level 50 Student - Ganeida as soon as I level and get 3 more BC.

>> No.12025570

Sorry for not having the BC to at least use a good deck.

>> No.12025574

Any limit breaks or are they just aroused?

>> No.12025578

I only have 3 SRs and right now they do less damaged than my already leveled R and R+s

>> No.12025591

unfortunately most are just aroused, with a few with limit breaks, like leprechaun, tor, lancelot and the rares in the techno smith team.

Hoping I can get another Gareth for limit breaking

>> No.12025629

That's too bad.

The way I level my teams is based on what I can max limit break, so I have Gareth and a few rare cards

>> No.12025709

Once you initiated an attack other players can already see the fairies, it's just that your battle animation isn't over yet.

>> No.12025809

Is anyone else on CM11 nightlies? Is your notifications working? Mine doesn't seem to show faeries or likes.

>> No.12025812

Base card, lv1 Sorceress - Morgan 5*
Feed card, lv54 Sorceress - Morgan 5* (1 LB)

Got a question here. Sorceress - Morgan card has default lvl cap of 44, the feed card is limit breaked one time. If the base card fed the feed card, does the base card upgraded to lv 64? Or it will be capped at lv 54 ignoring the 1 limit break that feed card has?

I don't know what CM11 nightlies means but my notification is working fine like usual, yours might be a bug. Have you tried restarting the game?

>> No.12025816
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1080, 1396858024319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the great benefits of having a high BC deck.

I hope they raise the level cap soon though.

>> No.12025817

It'll carry over the limit break, so it counts as 2 (lv64 cap)

CyanogenMod 11 Nightly ROMs

>> No.12025820

When you feed it that way (level 54 'maxed' card to a level 1 card), you could see it as 'Card limit breaks first at level 1 (to max level 64), then apply exp gained from the feed card'.
Chances are that card will hit 64 straight away due to Monday's effect.

>> No.12025821

It would actually hit lv66 if not for the lv64 cap.

>> No.12025902
File: 756 KB, 2734x738, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still trying to figure out how exactly I should set up a 6 card team. Healers don't really seem to work for me, and if they do their healing doesn't do much.

For my 3 card, high cost/performance team I'm quite happy with the the pictured setup. 50-100k damage at the cost of 45 BC.

>> No.12025910

I have 5 blue cherry cards. Should I limit break them and then feed them to an SR card?

>> No.12025919

Arousal on Sig.

>> No.12025920

Weekly maintenance notice

"Game maintenance tonight from 0000HRS (midnight, GMT+8) to 0900HRS (GMT+8)"


>> No.12025921

it ded nao

>> No.12025923


>> No.12025938

how do you get hybrid nimue

>> No.12025944

Random loot

>> No.12025949
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2014-04-07-18-05-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gareth and Leprechaun been limit broke,130k-190k damage, should i stick with what i have?

>> No.12025960

Get rid of that third line. Waste of BC since the cards aren't leveled/limit broke yet.

>> No.12025995

I just realised that Gareth can be sold for 96k gold, more than Lancelot is worth (he's 70k).
Given the amount of Gareths I've been getting, it looks like I have a source of gold for reverse upgrading.

>> No.12026001
File: 852 KB, 1280x720, 1396868263637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'll show off my deck too seeing how everyone else seems to be doing it.

Jealous of your BC and Swim by the way.

>> No.12026003

how does everyone have so many of the bosses

>> No.12026006

I could make my deck more efficient if I dropped in male characters, but I kept it to a female only deck to make use of Princess Combo Crown.

While Leviathan's skill isn't anything spectacular, the only reason she's there is because I managed to get a shiny version of her before the event ended, and so she's there.

>> No.12026022

A package containing a Leprachaun, a gacha ticket and 2 AP and BC pots each were given out just now as a 'thank you package'.

>> No.12026023


aw yiss, another Leprechaun...

>> No.12026028

It's like they have unlimited love for Leprechaun

>> No.12026031

How I wish I played this game much earlier, so I can get more of these SR cards.

Maybe when MA2 is launched, I'll jump in immediately

>> No.12026033
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1080, 2014-04-07 11.29.30-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only they would give us more nimue

>> No.12026037

it took them a year from announcing the localization to launching the game

how long will it take for them to get MA2 over?

>> No.12026039


>> No.12026048

Nah, fuck the localization. Just jump in like any good /jp/ people would do

>> No.12026110


Looks like a Romance of the Three Kingdoms setting.

Since it's called Million Lore I honestly think that there will be more than jst that.

>> No.12026118

What does "ATK increase with a higher number of attacks" mean? Is it based on the amount of times you attack a target or the sum total of your deck's ATK?

>> No.12026407

Week this fucking sucks. Wake up to a nine hour maintenance.

>> No.12026429

If you guys want I can post the game I was planning to post after this, since server is dead.

Reply 5 times if you're interested. /vg/ doesn't care about it either.

>> No.12026509

what a mystery!

>> No.12026539

Its maintenance time already?

>> No.12026550

Yep, scheduled to end in another 7 hours or so

>> No.12026610

Welp, woke up at 1 am for nothing then...

>> No.12026623

Going to make another thread soon right after it dies.

>> No.12026629

It'll still be awhile, even at page 9.

>> No.12026631

Relax, it'll take 3+ hours.

>> No.12026643

Its 2 am and I feel like I have brain problems

>> No.12026700


Is MA the only reason you fucked your sleep schedule?

>> No.12026707

Not really..

>> No.12026819

Do it do it!

>> No.12026836

Why not, let's hear it

>> No.12026845


>> No.12027001

its up!

>> No.12027005

Only 120 AP wasted instead of 180.

>> No.12027045

arousal on yaranaika

>> No.12027049

Tapped that.

>> No.12027060

Suzanne has one now too
