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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 279 KB, 450x450, 10006415_196863433857074_1495923814_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12000844 No.12000844 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread >>11942283


Volks is producing official Dollho for Dollfie Dream.

>> No.12000849

Really? I don't know how to feel about that. It makes me feel uncomfortable for some reason. If that's even true.

>> No.12000853 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 562x918, dollfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

konnichiwa minna-sama!!! ^_^

i got my new dollfie today in the mail from ups-san!! he is quite kirei dont you think??

and dont think that because he's wearing a dress you can call him a girl! hes a real man!

>> No.12000853,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12000853,2 [INTERNAL] 

The doll looks like Janny LMAO!

>> No.12000885
File: 82 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n0023wj68j1qzdctco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12001042
File: 224 KB, 500x531, Bjd-ball-jointed-doll-dolls-21318353-500-531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what model this is?

Yeah it's from google images but it's the only BJD head I've ever had interest in.

>> No.12001050

dod tender shall iirc
its def dream of doll

>> No.12001073

Thanks so much.

>> No.12001081
File: 357 KB, 528x733, Shall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dang. This is by far the most aesthetically pleasing model I've seen.

Is this a popular manufacturer?

>> No.12001083

i own one of their dolls and if i could go back in time and slap myself before ordering i would

>> No.12001118

Why is that?

>> No.12001151

quality was shit
>came with air bubbles in visible places
>chipped on the knee
design was shit
>head way too small for body
>stiffest body ever
terrible service
>you cant use paypal, cc only
>send cc info via fax after 20 tries
>oh we dont accept cc, please use paypal

i shoulda not bothered after the first try with them.
and then i should have bitched when it came like that. but i gave up on it

>> No.12001160
File: 308 KB, 533x800, _MG_7550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Volks is producing official Dollho for Dollfie Dream.
Really? Source if true.

VC: semer preparte

>> No.12001182
File: 316 KB, 500x667, copy_PV38051608561_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah dang are you serious? You've probably saved me $535 dollars, so thanks for that. This one just looks so nice from the pics, but I guess that's to be expected. Which model did you get?

I plan to shop around, though. Are Dollfie and LUTS really the best? Are there any other companies that deal in DOD-esque designs?

I need to go to sleep because it's 6:00 here but I look forward to continuing this conversation tomorrow if you're around.

>> No.12001357
File: 131 KB, 549x827, 7947013588_e27a50d4fc_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also requesting source. I 100% doubt OP is true unless I see the official announcement from Volks. Volks is not the type of company that wants its fanbase sticking their penises in $1,000 items.

Libidoll, on the other hand, is an official company making fuckable dolls.

>> No.12001642 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 700x821, libidoll takaiiiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would love it if Volks made an official dollho, for each model, then you would know it fits perfect and everything.

I like that Libidoll is going for actual fuckable dolls to put officially put on market, but, I think they went full retard when they made the joints magnetic, such a horrible design choice...

Not to mention that Libidolls are really not that much cheaper than Volks at only about 100 to 200$ cheaper and even then it still isn't coming with the fuckable part.
You might as well spend an extra 100-200$ for a much better doll.
Oh and also, if you seen HOW they make the doll fuckable (there is youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akBkknQLT28)) it is really stupid. It is supposed to be "good" because you can use any onahole (that would fit) because it just uses a hollow chest piece, but then depending on the onahole you use, it will either not fit right or leave gaps between the chest piece hollow area and the onahole...

It is like they literally set out to make the worst design they could possibly think of in making Libidolls.

>> No.12001804
File: 179 KB, 865x1300, 1391632158010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting for a non loli-version. Tokyolibido has a prototype they posted a picture of, but they've made no further mention of it.

>> No.12001812 [DELETED] 
File: 1.59 MB, 1927x1280, infocus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Who would want a cow? Their current one is pretty ugly though.

>> No.12001846

This one got such a ridiculous amount of sex appeal. What the hell? I'm so attracted to her that it confuses me.

>> No.12001855

>Dollfie and LUTS really the best?

Depends on what you're looking for.

>> No.12001880

I don't understand, why make another thread when the old one is still up?

>> No.12001976

if you REALLY must get her, go 2nd hand. its safer and cheaper

once you stick to the hobby long enough, youll come to hate her design anyway. i loved those dolls for the first year or 2 in the hobby and now i cant stand them

after 300 posts, threads autosage, newfag

>> No.12001984

I really want H. Ducan, but I'd have to get a different body for sure.

I wish this tiny korean company I found a long time ago still made their old dolls, they had a head I really really like. But they've basically cleared out their store completely, and while I like the new heads they have, it's not the same as the old one I wanted.

>> No.12002506

That makes sense. I should really do more research before jumping in and spending money I don't have.

>if you REALLY must get her, go 2nd hand. its safer and cheaper
Thanks for the tip.
>once you stick to the hobby long enough, youll come to hate her design anyway.
I can see how it's sort of an "entry-level" design, because it was immediately appealing to me. I can already foresee growing out of her, though.
>i loved those dolls for the first year or 2 in the hobby and now i cant stand them
Care to explain the process?

Do you remember the name of the company?

>> No.12002509

Rereading this, I figure you must have been talking about DoD. My apologies.

>> No.12002571
File: 975 KB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the last stages of the destaining process! This is on my coworkers DD3 Body.

Just one more application before i'm done! The staining was concentrated on the feet. See picture.

>> No.12002869

second chance for Ilya and Youmu by the looks of things, April 5th, non-lottery this time

>> No.12005306 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 1158x868, s1ep01 madoka zettai ryouki 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

msg to the madoka doll guy:

you realize that since your madoka doll is wearing un-cute, prude, non-lewd draws, that you must now instead take an upskirt pic of her without the draws on, so she can show her delicious vulva to us all

i realize you might not want to do this, but you need to for the good of all mankind, it will save the earth, so you must

pls respond

>> No.12005384 [SPOILER] 
File: 207 KB, 1080x1620, 1396171930375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You're not going to post this on the internet, right?"

>> No.12005437 [SPOILER] 
File: 62 KB, 816x612, 1396175001205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are seriously determined, I'll give you that.

She's recovering from an incident involving my cat knocking her over and will be unavailable for lewd photography for the near future.

I did get Sayaka together and dressed the other day, being the HONTOU BAKA she is maybe she'd be more willing to show her underwear to a random stranger on the internet if I convinced her it was for JUSTICE.

Eh... since you're so persistant, I'll give you this pic I took of Madoka's box with my pussy in it.

>> No.12005535

This is why I hate roleplayers.


>> No.12005579

You're an inanimate object, faggot.

>> No.12005599
File: 381 KB, 1024x683, 11247271536_437bf99400_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go suck a dick dude. I'm not the one begging to see an inanimate objects' underwear.

You'll be hard pressed to find a doll owner who doesn't think of their dolls as something more than a lump of shaped plastic. This delusion, game of pretend, roleplay or whatever else you want to call it is half the fucking reason for wanting to or owning a minature human-shaped object.

If other people want to show off their girls' immodesty then more power to them and I'll be eagerly saving every image they upload. But it's not something I'm going to do myself.

I also don't have a good camera so doublefuck you.

>> No.12005604

You sound like the kind of retard who would stand outside a movie theater telling people "THEY'RE JUST ACTORS" like anybody doesn't already know this.

>> No.12005850 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 1600x1500, 1363134248983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hot! Arigatou, oniichan~


Epic 4th grade-tier pun bro!
Srsly, stop being a kid, man up and just take some lewds already, who cares about your shitty cam, stop making excuses!


The guy you replied to in this post is a different guy (and not me)


How new are you (to life even)? There are plenty of retards out there and don't even realize such simple things, and being on 4chan it is simply amazing that to me that you haven't learned this yet. Then again, if you are one of those retards, I guess you wouldn't notice such things

>> No.12007266
File: 410 KB, 900x600, Face_up___K_dollKill_USpVW_by_tr3is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tiny korean company was K-doll.
I really liked how sad/gloomy the kill-u-sp looked, I have a thing for pointy/long/narrow eyes and pouty faces. They've since switched ovver to new dolls and dont make any of the old ones anymore. I think i've heard their resin is too green/blue, so it takes a lot of blushing to make it match most bodies. Ah well.

>> No.12009720


fuck she's pretty
what model is that head sculpt?

>> No.12010473
File: 63 KB, 612x912, doki doki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess its like i cant stand the perfection maybe idk? theyre pretty but they make better sculptures than dolls

i think shes an 06

also i got somethin kawaii in the mail today

>> No.12010487

>I have a thing for pointy/long/narrow eyes and pouty faces.
This is what I'm into as well.

>theyre pretty but they make better sculptures than dolls
That makes sense. This would be something I'd keep in a glass case so I might still go for it.
I've also had my eye on these:
Most of the others I find unappealing for picky anatomical reasons.

Also nice pic. How tall is she?

>> No.12010567

i cant tell you about luts dolls i dont have any but i dont have a hate for them either if that says anything

shes 55 cm or so

>> No.12010685

Thanks. I need to look through the Volks catalog, but their site is still under maintenance.

I was looking at that DoD order and it says you can't choose the eye color. I'm going to buy used, but I assume eyes aren't something you can replace?

>> No.12010744
File: 87 KB, 446x1791, bjd_eyes_attaching_by_angell_studio-d35qdsm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyes are interchangable in almost all BJDs

>> No.12010801

Oh cool thanks.

>> No.12012080

What yahoo auction proxy services do you guys use for ordering dolls? It's mentioned in the dollfaq but it doesn't actually list any particular sources. I've come across Buyee, but there are some scary reviews about it on google, so I'm a bit skeptical. Any input would be appreciated.

>> No.12012372

ive heard fromjapan is best. never used it though

>> No.12012984

Honestly, if you're going to buy second hand the best service to use is an airline.
Take a Japanese holiday and enjoy the amazing prices of the dolls that don't appear online.

>> No.12013520

you dont need a proxy for mandarake, at least.

>> No.12013522
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1920, IMG_9420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I used Buyee myself, it was pretty nice since it had a proper interface for placing bids in real time, so it gave full control. However, the service places a cover reservation for even bids you don't win, which I had to sort out with my bank later on (takes 3 weeks to expire otherwise, funds on your account that you can't use). Might depend on the type of credit card you're using and it is possible to use paypal with buyee, too.

Overall a pretty positive experience, they offered fast EMS shipping and it took like a week for the package to arrive after winning the bid.

>> No.12014843 [DELETED] 
File: 442 KB, 1280x1024, happyautismdayjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Autism Day, /jp/!


Gomen nasai, but all I have is this shitty shitty webcam on my NEET laptop at the moment, but I plan on getting a nice digi-cam soon to take proper pics of my waifu... sumimasen Orz

>> No.12014846
File: 224 KB, 930x1339, 8710523648_42149c4aa9_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I find something intensely amusing about celebrating autism day on /jp/

>DD and a railgun daki

You seem like a pretty cool guy.

>> No.12014910

This is mildly arousing. I didn't know these internals were a thing.

>> No.12015080 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 930x523, 8945431149_0a9569da93_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are fake but i'll grant the mildly arousing bit.

the real ones are far less attractive, unfortunately.

>> No.12015081

Oh God. I want one of these.
USD$900 to come home to a little maid waving at me and telling me I have email?

>> No.12015352

that reminds me I have to clean my dakimakura soon... and my figures...
actually, I've neglected my collections considerably since I got my doll.

>> No.12015354

so... it's that from a danny choo article?

>> No.12015402
File: 419 KB, 1296x864, 1391615088770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually, I've neglected my collections considerably since I got my doll.

You're not the only one. I'm even guilty of ignoring my older dolls when a new one arrives. It's like how the new baby gets all the attention, until it's been around long enough to not be the newest novelty.

If they were capable of being jealous I'm pretty sure I'd be finding severed doll parts lying around the house... one day one of my dolls just disappears, vanishes into thin air without a trace.

I think it got stolen or I wonder if I ever actually owned it and wasn't just ingesting too much of that funny smoking tobacco or something and imagining things.

But then a few days later when I'm vacuuming the floor I find an arm under the couch. Thinking I must have dropped it from my parts container while working, I simply put it back with the other parts and move on.

I find a hand stuck down the shower drain a few months later... now I'm curious but I still don't think about it too much. I must have done that while sleepy one day. Surely.

Then more parts show up. An eye in the back of the freezer? When did I put that there?

What was that foot doing in the space under the sink? What a silly place for me to put that, ha ha!

Eventually I realise they are parts of the doll I had convinced myself I never had.

Now I really am scared. I don't want to believe it, my own doll became like this somehow.

Did I do it while intoxicated? Did someone break into my house? Why would they do that? Those are the things I think. I don't even want to consider the alternative.

And all along, the others just keep staring. Staring at me. Watching me every day. Watching me sleep.

I don't remember "her" face having a smile like that...

>> No.12016549

wait so can you fuck these things?

>> No.12016985


Every thread this gets asked.

Yes, you can.

>> No.12017054 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 463x464, 悠菜ちゃん01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls help /jp/. I need to get a decent digi-cam. I think I can figure out exactly what I will end up getting myself, but what I am looking for is recommendations on brands that are in general always good regardless of the model or price of the said brand name. Also brand names that tend to be reliable and not break after a year or two.

>> No.12017426 [DELETED] 

yeah, sorry.

>> No.12017460


>> No.12017499

I think below a certain price point most companies will have products that are not always so good. At the low-end they're really, really struggling against mobile phones so some of the companies have decided to focus on their more higher-end models.

>> No.12017813

Tell us your price range and we can suggest something.
Personally, I used a Nikon 7100 with a 50mm 1.8G lens.
The lens allows for sharp focus on the subject with that delicious blurriness of the foreground and background.

>> No.12017817


latest details were just the doll (no robot parts) $600 (released in May).
Robotic model $900 (late 2014)

>> No.12017824


Anything from a major manufacturer is good. The Nikon D3200 provides best image quality out of the entry-level DSLRs, the mirrorless Canon EOS M has a full DSLR sized sensor and usually goes for pretty cheap and the Sony RX100 provides great image quality for a pocket camera.

I'd recommend one of those as a starter camera. They're all very different - a full sized DSLR, a smaller mirrorless one but with exchangeable lenses, and a compact camera with good image quality and advanced settings, so try to find each one in a store, play around with them and see which stule suits you the best. Full sized DSLR's biggest advantage is fast focus speed, but with doll photography that's not important.

>> No.12018404

New IDOLM@STER dolls, Kanzaki Ranko and Shibuya Rin.

I want Ranko ;___;

>> No.12018406
File: 265 KB, 450x677, o0450067712897763865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, forgot picture.

>> No.12018409
File: 133 KB, 450x677, o0450067712897763863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite a bit sameface as Miki/Chihaya/Melty but cute anyways and she's my favorite im@s

>> No.12018411
File: 114 KB, 450x676, o0450067612897763862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin's okay cute too but not that interested in her.


>> No.12018930

gimme a sachiko
although I don't know how they would do a face for her

>> No.12019034 [DELETED] 


So pretty! >_<!

>> No.12019973

So much for the after event and trying to pick up Illya that way. I'm basically fucked now unless I wanna pay twice of what shes worth now aren't I?

>> No.12019988
File: 1.63 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illya sure has cute panties!

>> No.12020605
File: 56 KB, 612x816, 20140325_222644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How very lewd!

Also, someone has to do it.
>apple products

>> No.12020757

Is volks trying to kill the dd line? Between melty, miki, youmu, and all the other im@s dolls, its like all they care about is recycling head molds.

>> No.12021725
File: 687 KB, 600x900, IMG_0231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't actually get around to taking a size comparison picture until today.

Also noticed that Volks does sometimes have a difference in vinyl color batches! Interesting!

However it might also be due to age as well.

Since Sakuya Izayoi was released a few years ago, compared to my relatively new DDS from this year.

However, I noticed that some of the newer, fresher DD heads were relatively "pinker" in tone, and had kind of a tacky surface.

I wonder if oxidation, age and sunlight have an affect on vinyl.

>> No.12021735 [DELETED] 


>> No.12021745
File: 552 KB, 600x899, IMG_0237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12021748

Look at the chemical structure and compare it to PVC, you should see why it's much less prone to oxidation.

>> No.12021919
File: 502 KB, 500x750, IMG_0268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the best pic.

Part of me kind of likes Sakuya a lot with the orange-ish hair color. (Only problem is that her eyebrows are purple...)

>> No.12021926
File: 2.33 MB, 3264x2448, 20130704_082603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a biochemist and I like that you brought some chem into the Dollie thread.

>> No.12022846
File: 427 KB, 450x675, IMG_0292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12023065

Skuya wasn't bad, but this definitely works better.

>> No.12024139 [DELETED] 
File: 934 KB, 1267x1901, IMG_0506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly, but still.
Backed at 1200°c.
Cracks to hide there and there.
May paint soon.

>> No.12024152
File: 934 KB, 1267x1901, IMG_0506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly but still.
Baked at 1200°c.
Cracks to hide there and there.
May paint soon.

>> No.12024289

Glad you're still around.
Well done.

>> No.12025040
File: 660 KB, 640x480, boobies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12025293 [DELETED] 

Did you not watch rosen maiden? They have to be perfect.

>> No.12025315

I remember you. Keep up the good work.

>> No.12025634 [DELETED] 



>> No.12026025
File: 433 KB, 1071x1600, 20140406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12026121
File: 217 KB, 1224x1632, 20140407_230301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gave me an idea on how to display my movie blurays when they arrive. Thanks.

I'll get a good camera one day.

>> No.12026398

She won't.

I still try to cope with how fast i learned.
Making one take so long, so tiresome.

>> No.12026651
File: 418 KB, 1071x1600, 20140405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome.

>> No.12026846
File: 180 KB, 1600x1200, 1396072190249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have experience with these? If it weren't for the face I'd be pretty interested, it's weird and grotesque in all the right ways.

>> No.12026851

She could probably do with more subtle sculpting in regards to the muscle definition, especially on her legs and torso but she looks really great anon!

>> No.12026866

She looks like she'd break so so easily, all those little parts

>> No.12028341

what's the point and what is it made out of?

>> No.12028528

I tried ;_;
I have to takes courses.

>> No.12030741

not vinyl
>The up graded strength by changing the material of the parts from color range to ABS resin.
Googled it on the site cause I wasn't sure myself.

I'd probably like her face if it wasn't for the mouth. I really like the body, reminds me of the terminator. I wonder if you could make eyes with red leds inside so they would actually glow.

>> No.12030889

>reminds me of the terminator
It reminds me of Motoko. It's a great idea in the sense of trying to emulate a more functional muscular system for future gynoid projects. The face is awful, no doubt about it.

>> No.12032439
File: 137 KB, 930x698, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of buying some cheap obitsu head to practice faceup, bad idea if I'm not planning to get a full, custom doll in the future? I always wanted to get into faceups, but I don't have the money to get another one. (I was thinking of buying a resin doll I could paint DD style too, so it's more expensive...)

>It reminds me of Motoko
Too. No clue why I didn't think about it first since terminators are all made of metal and shit...

>> No.12032441

>bad idea if I'm not planning to get a full, custom doll in the future?
near future*
One word and my post ended up making no sense at all.

>> No.12032445
File: 574 KB, 800x1067, o0800106712903904138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I don't think it was mentioned, but a new poll is open. This time DDS and MDD.

Who are you voting for?

>> No.12032541
File: 17 KB, 256x341, 14133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Al Azif and Etheldreda. If I could get either one....

I also like how the drop down menu asks how many dolls you own in 10's (1-10, 11-20, etc.). Like, damn, do most doll collectors own so many that they need to be measured in 10's?

>> No.12033752

My girl's new lingerie arrived yesterday.

Is it wrong that I'm nervous of undressing her and helping her into it?

>> No.12033796

Can't speak for others, but I own 21, Miku will be number 22.

>> No.12033853
File: 195 KB, 1024x678, DSC_1783_140215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miku will be LE DD number 12 for me.

>> No.12033987
File: 232 KB, 600x450, o0600045012890042870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a raise. Or less student loan debt. Whichever the universe is kind enough to bestow upon me.

>> No.12033994

Photos like these make me want to start this hobby. How much would you expect to pay for an 'entry level' BJD that looks similar to one of these?

>> No.12034038
File: 15 KB, 400x533, dd-aoi-2nd-ver-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dollfie Dream standard models (pre-assembled, pre-painted face, with basic wig and eyes) will cost you around 45,000-50,000 yen. But you need to buy them clothing/accessories as they ship naked.

Pic related.

We need to have one of those pastebin things like /a/'s buyfags and the onahole generals do that answers common doll-related questions such as "how much?" and "can I fuck it?"

>> No.12034055
File: 48 KB, 800x533, 20140224_728742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately DD's are the only doll with this style, besides SQ Lab which are more expensive.

Like >>12034038 pointed out, the DD standard models are a good starting point. They come painted, with a wig and eyes, and a little slip so they're not totally naked when they arrive.

You can also try finding dolls on Y!JA or Mandarake for a comparable price.

Another option for cost-conscious doll fans is to buy a doll in parts (body first, then a head, then wig, eyes and clothing later). This often ends up saving money but requires you to hunt around for the best deal. If you buy a blank head, it will be cheaper but you will need to commission a faceup.

Alternatively, entering the Volks lottery is the best way to get a LE doll at MSRP, which is usually a lot less than what you'll pay on the aftermarket.

>> No.12034254

jungle-scs is another viable option, similar to mandarake
although you have to keep in mind they charge a 5% handling fee (iirc)

>> No.12034323
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>Japan only

>> No.12034344

fuck japan

her face is perfect for for the GJbu Mori i'm thinking of assembling

>> No.12034346

Dollfaq: http://tinyurl.com/dollfaq
Old one with only links: http://pastebin.com/E8qRDhST
From /toy/: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_h0moMGWSvsfbylo2KVHlGqan3FCeCgel3bdyNxLG0M/pub

>> No.12034500

No. It's the right feel. If handling dolls wouldn't inspire you either modesty or arousal of some sort there'd be no fair reason to invest in this hobby.

>> No.12034503
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She has the same face as Miki, Melty, and Youmu.

>> No.12034673

source for "japan only"?

>> No.12034855
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Still doesn't answer the most common questions;

>can I fuck it
>how do I make it so I can fuck it
>where to find videos/images of people fucking them

>> No.12034864

You're a scumbag that can't even use Google.

>> No.12034876

So... I accidentally got cum in my dolls hair and on her face.

I didn't notice it right away so it's now dried.

I tried brushing out the wig but it keeps ripping out the hair. I also tried wiping off the cum that got on my Aoi's face and it looks like it ate through the make up?????

Any advice?? I'm panicking and I am really bad with customizing and anything crafty so I'm pretty much screwed.

>> No.12034921
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hahahahaha oh wow

Please tell me how that happened it sounds super interesting.

For the hair, I guess get a wet sponge and dab the dehydrated jizz until it becomes moist and then remove it. As for the face well you're plain outta luck if the paint has been removed your only option is to take it all off and get a new faceup done. Probably wanna omit the fact you hotglued her to whoever you get to do it.

>> No.12034990 [DELETED] 

Are there any guides on painting? What paints to use, what to do if you mess up, etc?

Also, is it possible to make your own wigs?

>> No.12035040

I personally use oil soluable paints, since they're a little more permanent than acrylic.

Thats the only useful advice that I can offer though..

>> No.12035045

thats literally the worst advice ive ever heard. oil paints will ruin and stain the doll.

youre disgusting. get it repainted and wash the wig

>> No.12035081

Are the A-Zone dolls cheap and nasty looking in person?
They're similar priced to DDs but I've never met anyone who has owned one.

>> No.12035116
File: 185 KB, 551x800, 20140210_bandai_azone_matome6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have 2 of them with one more in a box on its' way here and another on pre-order.

As for cheap and nasty, I'm going to say no. But there are some things to note.

The quality of the body and head is just fine, some models have painted-on eyes and some people don't like that but IMO the doll is representing a particular character and thus not designed to be changeable.

The clothing is where Azone let themselves down. It's not terrible, but for the money you spend you'd expect better.

As good as a Volks genuine? No. Absolutely terrible? Also no.

If you like the character an Azone represents enough to spend that kind of money on her, you'll probably enjoy it. If you're buying it because it's a doll, you might not.

>> No.12035280

>>I tried brushing out the wig but it keeps ripping out the hair.
Try soaking it in cold water first, don't brush it dry. Have wig shampoo or something?

>I have 2 of them
How is the poseability?

>> No.12035296
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Reasonably good I guess. I don't know what a Volks is like to compare, though.

I'd like to get a standard dollfie so I know what I'm missing out on. I've had my eyes on DD Yukino V2 for a while as a place to cross the border into Volksland but I keep spending my hard-earned dollars on other stuff... like Azone Homura and a Misaki Mei I found on ebay

>> No.12035405

There are a lot of other good companies (Iplehouse is another great one but their dolls might be too realistic-looking for your taste). For similar to DoD, maybe check out Angell-Studio and Asleep Eidolon

>> No.12035410

nah. it's somewhat similar but that's like saying Rise had the "same face" as Alna

>> No.12035433
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ROBO-Dolfies when!?

>> No.12035436

Danny Choo's one looks a lot like normal DDs.

>> No.12035447
File: 2.93 MB, 320x240, polka.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link? I heard his one can't walk or even move its legs.

>> No.12035453
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Eh, it's all over his site?
From what I get they're planning to make it move it's legs, but it won't be able to walk, yeah.

>> No.12035456

Nevermind I found it. It does look better but has nowhere near the articulation. Can't move her legs or wrists.

>> No.12035465
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>> No.12035568

ask the onahole thread, they're probably more qualified for that

>> No.12036628

They meant the pastebin, that people come here and ask these.

>> No.12036700

doesn't change the fact that it has as much relevance in a doll pastebin as hot glue has in a figurine pastebin

>> No.12038067

So is that a 'no' for a painting guide? Should I just take a DD head into a crafts store and see what they recommend (god help me)?

>> No.12038080

you don't want to use anything oil based. No acetone, either.

For cleaning, i've heard magic erasers work well.
Volks makes a line of acrylic paints (zoukeimura) which you can be assured that work.

>> No.12038363

dude... dollfiedreams dot com has a subforum with a painting guide. do some fucking research.

>> No.12038386


>> No.12038793
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>100% New
>Never removed from Box!!
>Genuine product!
>stock photo from original manufacturer's website including watermark
>Item location: Hong Kong

I know I know better than this but I don't know of any places to get 50cm Obitsu clothing that keep a good, wide selection of things for me to browse through. Anyone feel like helping? The guide only lists the places I already have, Volks, Parabox, HLJ and Amiami.

>> No.12039940

check out mimiwoo

she has an ebay account with flash deals, and a proper website with set prices.

>> No.12039943

Just keep in mind the stock there is pretty varied at any time, so it's good to keep an eye on it every month or so for changes.

>> No.12039971
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Oh god the standalone website looks like it was designed by a pre-pubescent girl. I'm not even sure if I trust giving it my paypal details. But thanks anyway, I'll hang on to it just in case something nice shows up.

I'm just trying to find a good quality complete set of a traditional seifuku top, skirt and tie with some knee-socks and school shoes for a 50cm obitsu body all in the same place so I don't get buttfucked by postage. Seems to be harder than I imagined it'd be. The shoes are by far the most difficult to find for a 50cm obitsu body. Or, I suck at searching. I've found everything else in various places.

>> No.12039974


Anyone know about an ebay store called jr_toys_house?

>Item location: Hong Kong, Hong Kong

I have alarm bells going off all around me, but they have a listing for exactly what I want. The price is fucking stupid though, I think? $63 of my countries' dollars for a little pair of shoes, although that does include shipping.

And I'm reasonably confident they are not a genuine Azone product as stated in the description. But they are exactly what I want...

>> No.12040006

Dunno, I've bought a lot of things there and never had any probleems. But I get what you mean. Try eluts maybe? Or some korean websites for the clothing.

>> No.12040103
File: 74 KB, 534x800, 229f2401af5f319be396162bd6659fe21349098836_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a huge fan of Azone, mainly because they cater more towards anime figure and character fans, as opposed to the dolly crowd

But that Misaki Mei shows that Azone has what it takes to be right up there with DD's. They just don't go that extra mile that often.

Congrats anon, she's a sweet doll.

>> No.12040330


It's a legit store, but they have absolutely ridiculous prices for everything and by buying from them you pretty much encourage their scalping.. I'd personally avoid.

>> No.12040984
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Yeah, looking forward to her getting here. I have watched Another, and it was alright but I certainly didn't like it enough to drop hundreds of dollars on merchandise. As such Misaki is the first doll I'm buying not because it's a representation of an anime character (which is the primary motivation behind the megukas - I'm a gigantic obnoxious Madoka fangirl), but rather because it's a good quality doll and can stand on those merits alone. Her eyes are a big plus point in this regard and a good portion of the decision to click buy now. I found one on mandarake where someone had swapped out her odd eyes for standard blue ones... heterochromia is amazing whether it be on a human, a cat, or a doll, why would you ruin the best part about her?!


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind but I might have to cave if I can't find these damned shoes available anywhere else.

>> No.12041065

Obitsu are cheaper but they're not as nice, your call OP

>> No.12041073

Can we start pasting these links at the start of these threads? The amount of newbie questions that get asked every thread is pretty high.

>> No.12041154

A doll f

>> No.12041242 [SPOILER] 
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I like it

>> No.12042797
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This thread needs more cute dolls.

>> No.12044718
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>> No.12045135

Probably a stupid question, but are there any good dolls of the joint-free kind similar to arte tokio but less 1:1 scale and less expensive?

I understand the issue of those models having a limited life on the wires and stuff, but I don't think I'd be posing them very often. (It would just be an extra expensive and unique figure in my figure collection)

>> No.12045206
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1/3 and 1/4 scale available.

>> No.12045432
File: 23 KB, 600x398, ohitsujiaries-img600x398-1397213770iesxec43653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I ended up winning this DDH-03 White head. I don't have the money for a volks body right now, and so I figured I could just slap it on a white obitsu body. Through some research I've found that the volks white and obitsu white are completely different shades, and that volks normal + obitsu white match more than the two whites would. My autist is too strong to stand the color difference, unless someone can show me that it isn't that bad (searching for white skin hybrid pics is a nightmare). My question is, should I just buy an obitsu anyways so I can at least enjoy my purchase (I've already bought clothes etc) or should I keep it locked away in a cupboard for a year or two until I can afford a volks white body? Also are there any volks dolls other than mariko that come with the white skin body? Ideally I'd like to buy it as a whole rather than buying it piece by piece.

>> No.12046011
File: 437 KB, 1920x1277, 1393824739947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buy matching colours dudebro. Do some overtime to pay for your new Volks. If you're considering the colour difference now, you _will_ regret it later on when your autism kicks in.

You should trust advice on autism from /jp/ users. We are experts in that field.

>> No.12046019


A bit odd that they sell full dolls and bodies, but not any heads or clothing. Are these supposed to link up with another brand of heads or are you expected to start with a full model and maybe buy extra bodies if you feel like shrinking breasts or changing skin color?

>> No.12046120

Yeah, just buy it in parts. Do it slowly, but right. It's totally worth it.

>> No.12046884

Not OP, but I wonder if you could somehow combine torso and possibly hands of a DD with obitsu body and simply make her wear covering clothing.

>> No.12046888
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Adding a cute doll so I don't feel guilty about not bumping.

>> No.12046895
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>> No.12047050
File: 80 KB, 533x800, e6b305a27d659a4c38cde7ba101bd570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you buy an obitsu doll for the obitsu body, no matter what, you'll still have a floating head.

Won't that kick your autism into overdrive? I know I couldn't stand having a floating head around, just like I couldn't deal with having an extra body around.

Just save up money for the DD white skin body. Buy it in parts, it's really not that hard. Or, stalk Y!JA and Manda for cheaper options (but really, buying it in parts from Volks is your best bet).

With the money you spend on a 1/3 Obitsu body, you would've been more than halfway to the Volks body anyway.

>> No.12047258
File: 20 KB, 600x398, ohitsujiaries-img600x398-1397213780girema47460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my, I never even considered that as an option. That way I'd still have some volks parts and I can just sell off the obitsu body later to afford the rest. I'll see if its a viable option or not, thanks for the suggestion!

>> No.12047273
File: 147 KB, 400x599, o0400059912910534691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably need to ask someone who has both obitsu and DD bodies... I'm really not sure how doable is this.

But now that I think of it, this anon is right >>12047050
>With the money you spend on a 1/3 Obitsu body, you would've been more than halfway to the Volks body anyway.
Seems like it doesn't make sense to even bother.

>> No.12047293

Honestly, with the amount I've already spent on volks clothing I probably could have afforded a body by now. But hey, whats a body good for without clothes? Is it strange that I consider clothes the most important thing about bjd's?

>> No.12047335
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Anyone had dealings with this company or heard anything about them at all?

Body is a lot like DD Dynamite but strung and made of resin.

>> No.12047338

Interesting, what currency does the site charge in?

>> No.12048052

You want to take off the wig and wash it with a little soap. Get a magic eraser and wet it and wipe her face clean, the faceup is already ruined so it's ok if the rest of the face comes off. You should check a dolfie forum for someone who does face ups.
Wig tutorials:
Faceup tutorials:

>> No.12048160
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If this were anywhere else you'd be chastised for spoonfeeding but since this is /jp/ and we're all friendly here, I won't say anything further. Instead I'll post something everyone loves - lewd dolls

>> No.12048863

I'm usually against spoonfeeding but I have seen too many $500+ dolls ruined because someone who didn't do their fucking research thought it would be a good idea to use oil paint on their doll.

>> No.12048971
File: 611 KB, 1280x1920, 1394659425873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy ruins face
>sells whole thing cheap
>buy buy buy
>remove head
>great profit

>> No.12048982

>I have seen too many $500+ dolls ruined because someone who didn't do their fucking research thought it would be a good idea to use oil paint on their doll.
I just don't understand. I understand that it's not obvious that you shouldn't use oils, but it's such a common sense to google some guides/tutorials before you do something for the first time, especially if you have no experience with anything related like drawing.

>> No.12049146

Well fuck go and tell the world will you.

>> No.12049293

How long does it usually take for something to be restocked on the volks jp store? I'm waiting on a base body to be restocked.

>> No.12049436
File: 108 KB, 640x426, 13895092606_296601c257_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Answered in the /toy/ thread, but in case you check here more often: check the webstore every 1-2 weeks and e-mail the staff and ask.

>> No.12049468

Thanks, I got your reply and replied in the /toy/ thread!

>> No.12050883

Guy with the Aoi reporting in.

I tried removing some of the hardened semen from the hair by soaking her wig in hot water.

Unfortunately it seems like the hair is not the same anymore? The wig previously had a slight curve all over and looked roundish. The hair is now very very straight and doesnt look the same. I tried washing it again brushing it while using a blow drier and I can now see the fabric in some spots on the actual cap part of the wig.

I would like to try putting the hairs back into the wig as much as possible to try to salvage my Aoi's hair since buying a new wig is out of the question. (As I'm living off disability aka autismbux)

Are there any wig restoring tutorials if possible? And I want to know if using one of those hair curler tools that they sell at walmart would be good on restyling/recurving the wig.

Thanks ahead of time.

>> No.12050893

Don't use a real hair hair curler.
You'll burn the wig.
Heat a knife with a lighter for a few seconds, wipe it clean with a rag and pull it through the hair at an angle.

>> No.12050898

>Are there any wig restoring tutorials if possible? And I want to know if using one of those hair curler tools that they sell at walmart would be good on restyling/recurving the wig.

Fabric softer may help restore your wig a bit.

Do you know what kind of fibre the wig is made of?

>> No.12050946
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>on disability pension
>partakes in what is well known to be a ludicrously expensive hobby
>still doesn't respect his property enough not to blast it with semen

Credit has to be given to all the people helping you, for sure. Their dedication to their cause is admirable and you'd to best to heed their advice.

But do tell us how exactly you got yourself and poor Aoi-chan into this mess, I'm sure it's an enthralling tale.

>> No.12050947

>And I want to know if using one of those hair curler tools that they sell at walmart would be good on restyling/recurving the wig.
No, unless you know for sure it's heat resistant.

>> No.12050959


>> No.12051205
File: 1.22 MB, 918x804, 3dPrint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally build a 3D printer. I'm looking forward to adding some of my own dolls to my collection!

Unfortunately, I'm not very good at designing things.

>> No.12051244

Your doing gods work, anon.
Blow that fagget danny choo out of the water.

>> No.12051254

Is anyone going to Sakura-con this weekend with their dolls?

>> No.12051501
File: 650 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_9486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent a couple of hours outside with my girl, trying to find some flowers to do a photoshoot with. Wasn't able to find any within a walking distance of home and started running out of light in the evening so had to settle with a few snaps in a more urban environment.

>> No.12051503
File: 791 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_9492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno what it is with me and the 85mm but with this lens I always end up cropping pictures to 1:1 ratio for some reason. Too much instagram maybe..

>> No.12051504 [DELETED] 

I wonder if getting a doll would get me out of the house more.

>> No.12051536


I think they simple made the body because you can simple use third party heads and clothing.

>> No.12051540


Haha, dunno about that! Even though we do locally have a culture of everyone strictly minding their own business, it still always feels a little uncomfortable for me to play with a doll in a public place as an adult male..

Outdoors photoshoots with the dolls is maybe a once in a month thing, geocaching and bicycling are more of an everyday outdoors activity for me.

>> No.12051542


I don't think it is suitable for making doll put it is properly useful for making props for dolls.

>> No.12051546


Eyeglasses that suit a dollfie dream would be awesome. Probably would be pretty easy to model and manufacture with a 3d printer, but for some reason it's really had to find any online that don't look stupid.

Wonder what else.. prop jewelry, cameras and furniture maybe?

>> No.12051547

It can be helpful in making molds. It can't print resin, so the best it can do is print parts using an inferior plastic and then I can make a mold out of that using a sand-glue mixture. The printer itself has a <1mm resolution which is certainly pretty good for making doll parts. I actually already printed a replacement joint for one of my dolls.

>> No.12051620

>>Wonder what else.. prop jewelry, cameras and furniture maybe?
When I get a 3D printer I'm gonna make tiny replicas of everything. Cameras, headphones, consoles (I don't think there's a doll sized gameboy yet), phones, everything based on specific models and not that vague "doll sized phone" crap.

>> No.12051621


>> No.12051747

Might have to research more to see if I want the body and some other head and clothing over the options they have in package then.

>> No.12052207


No, it's really a stupid idea. DD bodies aren't more than $100 more than an obitsu body anyway. Just fucking save your money.

>> No.12053228
File: 99 KB, 675x900, 20140420_112403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feena wishes you a happy and relaxing Easter, /jp/

>> No.12054340
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I have two dolls, a book; and a poster stuck somewhere in the mail service because of Easter holidays. My countries' super-advanced, world-leading postal service stopped on Thursday and will not resume until Wednesday.

And if that wasn't the worst part I had to go interact with my family on Saturday. My step-mother has pediophobia and my father routinely questions my doll spending habits and budgetary considerations for things that don't fucking matter like "kids" and "the future"

I appreciate the effort, Feena, but this Easter is a sad one for me.

In order to make this post at least somewhat relevant, I shall upload an image of one of the most captivating dolls I've ever encountered. Horrifying, but captivating. I would love to be able to have her greet new visitors to my house. I'd soon not have to worry about unwanted visitors.

>> No.12054941

I might have had pediophobia as a child.

Although what I had was the fear of weird looking talking puppets on TV, like the Fraggles or Muppets. That might actually fall under some other phobia, and perhaps it actually has to remain with you your entire life to really be a phobia.

>> No.12054982
File: 1.20 MB, 797x570, Fairyland_Feeple60_Chloe_TanResin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for people with pediophobia but at the same time I cant stand when I show people my doll and they say how creepy she is. It's like saying someone's pet dog is ugly; just plain rude.

But how does everyone feel about people calling their dolls sexy or arousing?

>> No.12055201
File: 634 KB, 1600x1067, 1392468753537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Never happened to me to be honest.

There was one super interesting fellow who demanded I take and upload a photo of my doll's underwear and got upset when I refused, but that is the limit of it.

With that said there must be an audience for gravure doll photography and also enough people willing to put their girls on display or else pics like these wouldn't exist.

>> No.12055242

I feel so bad having had my dolls packed away for months now. Just don't have space to display them, not to mention my new place gets dusty really easily since the room opens directly to the outside.

>> No.12056828

Any idea what body that doll is using? Looks amazing.

>> No.12057277
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Not a clue. I saved it off of a prior doll thread.

>> No.12059554

Looks like your typical DDY body.

>> No.12059554,1 [INTERNAL] 

Damn what a deviant. I don't want someone like this moderating my children.

>> No.12064010
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>> No.12064556

10/10 would watch a slow, delicate indie style film about

>> No.12067972
File: 72 KB, 720x540, 7e3e03bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12069046

Buyee is was more expensive than From Japan and the latter is great. They have a checking service now too which is good.

>> No.12070838

Starting to get interested in dolls....

But where to start?

Are the Volks DD's really $200? That's pretty expensive... Where should I even start looking for a cheap one?

Are there other companies that make Volks DD?

>> No.12070851

I'm not a doll collector, but if you think $200 is a lot, you should probably not become a doll collector.

>> No.12070861

Where are you getting $200 from? The baseline models they have are around like $480.

>> No.12070973

if its too much link it in here so one of us can buy it

>> No.12071034

>Are there other companies that make Volks DD?
No because that would be copyright infringement

>> No.12071143

how would it be copyright infringement?

you can't copyright a volks dd its like trying to copyright a style of clothing and that doesnt really make sense...

>> No.12071311


>> No.12071381

So you are saying it's perfectly legal for me to open a restaurant called McDonalds, use their golden arc logo, and sell hamburgers called Big Mac?

I don't know what third world country you live in, but you can't impersonate and steal another companies product.

>> No.12071388

It's not another companie's product?

I mean Volks DD is a style of doll..... You can't copyright a style... I don't really understand what you guys are getting at saying a "style" is copyrighted.

It's like saying anime is copyrighted?

So would it be okay for example for Miyazaki to sue KyoAni/any other animation firm because they copied "anime" and "japanese styled animation". That's just plain stupid.

Or another example is for like Space Invaders, Tomohiro Nishikado to sue ZUN for Touhou because he copied the STG style............

It just doesn't make any sort of logical sense.

>> No.12071392


>> No.12071394

Volks DD is a specific brand, numbnuts. It's not a "style" or a "fashion". It's a specific product from a specific company.

>> No.12071407

here i am going to make a point since i did a little more research


Is an example where they make Volks DD. They even have in the product listeing

>" These are DD/OBITSU Head Parts which had been made by SQ-LAB."

So my point is. There are definitely other companies who make Volks DD...............

And it seems like they have been around for a while and haven't been shut down or sued which also further strengthens my argument.

>> No.12071409

There are a few other companies that make vinyl dolls with an internal skeleton.
There are a few companies that make resin copies of vinyl Dollfie Dreams.

Neither of these are Volks Dollfie Dreams

>> No.12071416

That still doesn't make sense...

>> No.12071437

DD and OBITSU are separate lines, these guys are just saying that their own stuff is compatible with those two

>> No.12071483

those arent volks, those arent DD. They fit on dd, they're made for dd AND OBITSU, but they're not dd.

"Boy, this firestone tire that fits on my nissan car, I bet that's a nissan tire"

>> No.12071520

Your entire post is irrelevant and refutes nothing in my post. Volks DD is not a style of a doll. Dollfie Dream (DD) is a product of Volks.

The style of a doll would be BJD. Also refer to >>12071394

>> No.12071532

going off of the quoted post. your examples would be:
"Are there any other companies that make KyoAni anime?"
"Are there any other companies that make McDonald's Big Mac?"
"Are there any other companies that make Ferarri cars?"

Nobody gives a shit that you were wrong and made a mistake/misconception. Continually arguing something that isn't true only makes you look ignorant. People here are just trying to help you become informed.

>> No.12071735
File: 88 KB, 930x620, a4a580e74a7162000bd7125359a2c72e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank fuck the purchasing procedure for most BJD dolls and their ancillaries is so convoluted and expensive that it keeps the tards out of the hobby and threads like this are as far as they ever go into it.

>> No.12072318
File: 50 KB, 500x374, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a bit of a problem with a DDdy III body that I purchased.

The legs won't hold themselves up and they don't feel really sturdy and tend to flop around instead of staying in place. I pulled one leg off the inspect it to check if it was damaged....

It seems like there are a bunch of hairline cracks all over the main "cup" like piece; not to mention that theres even a gaping crack on the hinge type part.

Question is, should I contact Volks International about this? I know their English isn't the greatest and my concerns might be lost in translation.

I'm not really sure about contacting their American branch since I heard that they aren't very knowledgeable with their dolls.

>> No.12072418

Volks = Name of the company (like Apple)
Dollfie Dram = Name of the product it sells (like iPhone)
"Are there other companies that make Volks DD?" = "Are there other companies that make Apple's iPhone"?
It's not a style, it's a specific product offered only by a specific company.
The term you might be looking for is "ball-jointed dolls", this is a type of doll. As far as I know there's no term for BJDs that look like anime characters.

Is english your native language?

>> No.12072500
File: 193 KB, 600x449, 20140123-ni-1-thumbnail2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was i thinking when i saved this

>These are DD/OBITSU Head Parts which had been made by SQ-LAB
It means they are optional parts (in this case heads) made for DD and Obitsu bodies.
Say, I have a company named "JP". I make accessories for smartphones. One of my products is a dock that somehow works with both iPhone and Xperia phones. I can say "This is an iPhone/Xperia dock which has been made by JP". It doesn't mean iPhone is a style of phones, it means my product (dock) is made to work with this phone. The style of phones is called smartphones (just like the style of dolls is called BJDs). I didn't say "this is a smartphone dock" because I designed it to work only with specific brands (iPhones anx Xperias).

>> No.12072524
File: 189 KB, 500x750, iri2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to tell if my pictures were already posted is suffering.

>keeps the tards out of the hobby
I don't think it does well enough. At least they seem to go for resin BJDs more, but I swear I've seen pics of a DD head painted on with sharpies at some point.

>> No.12073440
File: 40 KB, 492x816, 20140425_150755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to tell if my pictures were already posted is suffering.

Just let 4chams handle it. If it tells you to fuck off with your image then it's been posted already... if 4chams doesn't pick it up then LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR.

>I don't think it does well enough. At least they seem to go for resin BJDs more, but I swear I've seen pics of a DD head painted on with sharpies at some point.

Yeah, shit sucks, but if you make the process too difficult you start to impact on sales to people who are perhaps not fully computer literate or savvy with online purchasing but otherwise perfectly capable doll owners. It's a difficult line to draw and no matter how far up you draw it some tards will always somehow get past it.

I imagine this is the sort of problem enthusiast owners of top-end cars have when retards win the lottery and buy the rarest remaining example of the model and crash it...

Dodgy photo of my IKEAland Misaki Mei Azone is wholly unrelated.

>> No.12073468
File: 166 KB, 600x441, 20140123-06-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just let 4chams handle it.
I mean, in previous generals. I don't want to post something I already posted in the last one. But it's already gone, so I check the archives, then post, then wonder if I missed it and go check again.

>> No.12073554

You can calculate the MD5 hash for whatever you're looking for and search an archive for it (they take Base64).

>> No.12076494
File: 160 KB, 549x825, whatsgoingoninthisthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, I've gone and fucking done it.
Won a DD II white skin body w/ an official volks DDH-06 pre-painted head + animetic eyes for 25,500 yen. Pretty good, I think.
Now time to purchase everything else in preparation for it. It really does hit you once you actually win a base body that theres still
>wig cap
>body protection
>extra parts such as hands, bust sizes
still to go.

>> No.12076532 [DELETED] 

These dolls make me want to take up sewing. I'm sure it's really tough to make things at this scale though.

>> No.12077771

You got a great deal!
Don't bother putting your credit card back into your wallet. You'll just be pulling it back out again over and over and over

>> No.12078122

Thanks anon, its nice to have confirmation. The body was still new in the box, too. I think the price was due to it being a new seller with no previous evaluations. You're telling me! I have so many other orders to place. I also forgot about doll stands, they can be expensive. I know dollfies can stand on their own, but its still nice to have it displayed properly.

>> No.12080968
File: 77 KB, 450x675, ephe20140420d05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh shit son, should've listened up when everyone was reporting trouble with their DD III bodies cracking last year.

What you can do:
1. Buy reinforcement parts from CoolCat (though these are better before the cracking happens).

2. Contact Volks and see if they'll issue a replacement. They were issueing replacement parts back when this issue was discovered, but now that Volks USA is somewhat defunct, I'm not sure how easy it will be to get replacements through the international site.

If I were you, I'd buy the Cool Cat reinforcement parts and contact Volks USA and International at the same time.

>> No.12081608

This is a DDdy Body.

I'm scared of contacting Volks USA because someone said it was a money laundering scam and that's why they closed.

From the research that I have conducted it seems that Cool Cat doesn't make reinforcement parts for the DD thighs.

This could be avoided if Volks didn't cut corners and have Chinese factories make their dolls and doll parts.

I paid a lot of money for this doll and I'm disappointed that the build is like a slightly better Barbie doll that I could buy at Target. The only difference is that Barbies don't crack.

End rant.

>> No.12081669
File: 79 KB, 500x750, 19L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DD III, MDD III, and DDdyIII bodies all had this problem. The cool cat reinforcement parts for the shoulders can also be used on the hips and legs - they're just one-size-fits-all washers.

Source for the money laundering scam? I just heard that Volks Japan didn't want to have a US HQ, they wanted everything to go through their Japan HQ.

>> No.12081677

I originally found the post on tumblr while looking for a solution for my cracks.

I can't seem to find the post anymore since I did not think of saving it.

>> No.12081700

You're an idiot.

Volks makes all their doll products in Japan, also your doll thighs show no signs of cracking. Those are just seams from casting the plastic parts.

Volks USA was not a laundering front. They just decided to close their store because the store-front wasn't making as much revenue as the web-store. HENCE, why they are now focusing on web services.


>using Tumblr as a source of knowledge

>> No.12081737

How fucking braindead can you be if you think the VolksUSA site, a site linked to in numerous locations by volks.co.jp and referenced by other volks-affiliated websites and blogs (like their twitters, ameblo, etc) was "a money laundering scam" because of one idiot in the internet saying so? You dense fucker.

They closed because they weren't doing enough business to validate a display room/storefront. They still have a (slightly relocated) US office, which I believe is offering pickups even now, and their new website should be up within the week.

>> No.12081765

There are no cracks visible in this photo at all though? As for the "gaping crack" in the hinge, all I can see is a perfectly normal seam in the middle. Can you take a better pic? Maybe there's nothing wrong w your doll.
Volks' customer support staff has perfectly decent English skills. You can also contact the Volks USA support email which is running even while their website isn't and is composed of, well, Americans. I can tell you right now though, no damage is visible in that picture so they will want better proof/pics before the replace anything

>> No.12081825
File: 341 KB, 450x600, _MG_2137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I did you a favor and took a picture of BRAND NEW DDdyIII thighs. They are still in the package and they display the same exact thing that you mention on yours.

They are not damaged.

For the limpness I think it might be since the DDdy are a little curvier/thicker which leads some parts to be a little bit on the heavy side.

>> No.12082209
File: 488 KB, 567x756, 1395511732201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone know of a video or web page that shows BJDs being assembled? Are they hand-assembled or made on a production line, or a combination of both?

Every time I take a close look at my girls I'm amazed at how they go together. Shit is mad hax, yo.

Posting someone's doll from 2-3 threads ago.

>> No.12082295

There's no video but I know that a lot of BJD operations are very small.

Volks itself only has under 200 employees world wide and each doll is made and assembled and processed in Kyoto japan.

>> No.12082707
File: 346 KB, 900x600, rainbow_bridge_by_kiwira-d2lstk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't Danny Choo make a video about production of volks dolls? He did it with some anime and figure manufacturers, so why not volks?
I know he posts about making his own doll line, but it's not really the same. I wonder if he ever wanted to but they simply didn't agree.

>> No.12082796
File: 274 KB, 1080x1616, 13626480994_d7e15d0dbe_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one last Youmu in the volks store. she's in my cart. this is hard.... I don't really want her, but I saw this photo and I was struck by her.

>> No.12083474
File: 654 KB, 800x1188, o0800118812916308856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>encouraging choo to post anything.

How dare you.

>> No.12083647

I would encourage him to post a suicide note

>> No.12083696
File: 475 KB, 768x1024, 4774527a57d404624fb071bce55c52113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Volks super secret about their factory and stores? I heard they pretty much ban photography in any store except the designated area in the HQ store.

>> No.12083715

That's true.
Even though the staff in store are the most passionate about the hobby people on Earth they don't even get told where or how the dolls are made.

>> No.12083788

After Mirai is released, I hope.

>> No.12086306
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>> No.12088402
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>> No.12089323

So.... I managed to buy a DDS reimu for only $275. No stains.

I'm absolutely over the moon to receive such a great deal.

>> No.12089800

that sounds risky.
good luck.

>> No.12089862

Why does it sound risky?

It's not a full set.

>> No.12089944
File: 196 KB, 1065x1600, haruka_tenniswear4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy Azone Homura
>muh hype
>get her home
>time to get dressed
>open packets
>delicious tights
>yes yes yes I'm going to enjoy this
>no panties
>check my clothes collection
>no panties in stock

Why would Azone do this? Homura just isn't Homura without panties-under-tights. She's not going on display until there are panties under those tights.


What's not included/broken/missing/hot glued in the sale to make it that price? Even a base body can cost more than that...

Where did you buy it from?
>pic possibly related

>> No.12090538

I'm buying my first doll soon, however I'm having trouble making a big decision. Should I get a doll of my waifu? or get a doll that I can customize to be my own original girl?

>> No.12090565


>> No.12090604

Why isn't your wife original

>> No.12090636
File: 846 KB, 1704x2272, IMG_0331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the most fun creating customised, original characters. Even ones I've got to 'be' canon characters have ended up as other things.

>> No.12091394

I certainly hope that shitty attempt at English in that image was intentional.
Cute doll though dude.

>> No.12091699
File: 1.70 MB, 1280x1920, IMG_9589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this thread still bump? Small picspam from today if it does.

>> No.12091701
File: 1.57 MB, 1280x1920, IMG_9612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like it does. Some pink flowers from my backyard, wonder if they're actual nippon import sakura or something else?

>> No.12091703
File: 2.75 MB, 1920x1920, IMG_9652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a slightly different atmosphere at a different location.

>> No.12091706
File: 3.03 MB, 1920x1920, IMG_9662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12091937

You have a very cute doll anon, and nice photography! I can only hope mine will look as good when she arrives.

>> No.12092113


Can you tell me what camera setup you use?

>> No.12092279

Canon Powershot its an under $200 setup.

Good for beginners.

>> No.12092622


I use a Canon 5D Mark II. Those pictures were shot in natural light without any modifiers with a 24-70 f/4 IS lens, and I also use a 70-200 f/2.8 IS and 85 f/1.2 a lot.

>> No.12093296
File: 590 KB, 930x2131, 7cc58feb90b3f4be1a5745bd2611dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is your waifu? We don't even know if she exists in doll form.

>> No.12094420
File: 317 KB, 683x1024, 4921741995_99030b986b_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If he has an anime waifu then I'd say he's probably looking at an Azone 50 or Pure Neemo, or one of the Volks limited editions. Which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the overall quality of the "adaptation" of the character... and the price.


If you buy a doll of your waifu there is nothing stopping you from customising her later. Say for example you're buying an Azone 50 of your waifu, all the body parts are Obitsu so any Obitsu 50 parts are interchangeable. The only really unique part about waifu dolls tends to be the wigs and the heads, everything else is selected as the closest available from the existing parts bin.

Azone make their own line of clothing for their bodies and there is a wealth of stuff available online in various places. My Kaname Madoka is currently rocking a sailor's uniform, epic ZR leggings and loafers I bought from AmiAmi-chan last week.

But yes, do tell us who your waifu is and what adaptation of her you are looking at.

>> No.12095976
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>> No.12097359
File: 2.57 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So glad. Her body is in excellent condition and still smells like new.

I can't believe I snagged such a great deal on her, considering that she's an LE! She even came with a free wig (that i dont really like un fortunately)

But still for $275 not bad.

>> No.12097597
File: 94 KB, 1280x853, lkjkljkjlkkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>blue board
>posts lewd

At least spoiler that shit dude!

...For a full body with a pre-painted face I think you did alright there. Just gotta find her clothes now. What are you planning?

I assume the previous owner bought the doll for the clothing, stripped her of it either to keep or sell separately, and sold the body?

In order to repent for my above shitposting, I shall continue post a terrible picture of my Mei sitting on a bean bag. I found an old Kodak Easyshare camera in my computer table, put some batteries in it and took some photos. The internal calender defaulted to 2004, but hey it's better than my phone's camera and 100% free.

Please rest assured Mei is much cuter in person and my camera skills do not do her justice at all.

>> No.12098040

The bit about store photography is to preserve the special-ness of visiting in person, it's sort of the same reason there's an exclusive mini film you can only see at the Ghibli museum.

the factory thing is more logic-based, Volks is pretty worried about recasts of their resin dolls, and those first emerged back in the early days of the hobby so they've been like that for a while

>> No.12098406

Not even lewd. You are probably the type of person that finds twig.jpg lewd.

>> No.12099323

Congrats, man.

I wish I lived on my own ;_;

>> No.12099431

What is stopping you?

>> No.12099476

It's a hassle.

>> No.12099694

Would it be possible to make a silicone mold of a DD head and cast it in resin? Hypothetically.

>> No.12099938

You should probably experiment!

You could probably sell them if you're successful to offset the cost of the experiment and make the money back.

>> No.12100458

I don't see why not.

>> No.12100464

>From May 12th, we will start accepting the votes
for the 3rd round of the Best Selection!
Seems to me like we already had all the types of dolls... is it gonna be just clothes?
I'm not sure about SDs, but all the subtypes of DDs already had their polls for sure.

>> No.12100475
File: 163 KB, 600x901, sq19-bjd-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SQ Labs makes DD-style dolls in resin. Pic related.

>> No.12101012


My fucking god, $275 for Reimu? She's one of my absolute favorite DDs and I missed that deal? Was it YJA or what?

>> No.12101395
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found her for sale on y!j of course. She only had a day left on her and no one was bidding so I thought "why the hell not"

>> No.12103522
File: 279 KB, 930x1654, d46922f732a1f81b021dcedfc36b4ed4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12106539
File: 226 KB, 800x1209, o0800120912931299729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead thread, post dolls.

>> No.12106628

it's a little scary how alive she looks.

>> No.12106819
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, 09L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this as my desktop at work. I've had a few coworkers do a double take and go "wait....is that a doll?"

>> No.12107700
File: 396 KB, 768x1024, 13060552404_2a5c4a1d15_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, I got banned for posting yellow on a blue board.


So what are you planning on dressing her in? Or do you intend on parading her around naked for all us /jp/sies to perv at?

>> No.12107711

Is that the netorare queen

>> No.12107722

>I had this as my desktop at work.
You're either very confident or you work in a cool place.
